I/,t.... - Al Mashriq


I/,t.... - Al Mashriq
June 1958
ON 90,000 BPD
phlllt'l of \1'01''' perlllilllll/: /(I lilt' IlIrh,"e Ihop fllcilili<'1 III Tllrllif were cOlllplel{'d al Ihe {'lid of
Ihlll IIII1"ill<: Ihil ilelll of lilt' C"p"CIfI' illcrcl/lt' pro<:r{//II 100C, cOlllplele. Sh""11 IIhol'e ill/II exICI'/(" \'It'\I of lilt' IlIraif III/chillI' . hop hllildlllU where lIIi"d/{///I'OIlI \lor" ill pro<:r<'\\ \1'1/1 cOlllpleled
Oil \f/ll' 25. (PlW/(I hI' NUlI').
umerou\ dc\clopmenh In thc managcmcnt 01'ganlLatlon \truclurc of thc compan~ wcre announccd hcre June
( by Pre\ldent John Noblc. rffccllvc Junc 9_ the follo\\lng appOllllmenh wcrc madc' Mr D.
1 . PlIlc~ncy wa\ appomted Managcr of Opcratlon\; Mr. C. H.
Popc bccamc Managcr of Opcr,l(lIlg Scr\fcc\: and Mr.
. r.
O1',on wa\ namcd Chief [nginccr. '-orrncd a\ a ncw dcpanmcnt. Opcrallllg Scrvlcc\ incorporatc\ lravcl and Air Tran\port. Communlly Scrvlce\ and
Purcha\c and Traffic. 1 he ncw
depanmcnt heach will rcport 10
Operatlon\ Vice Prc\idcnt W L
[a\tern Division with head4uarter\ in Saudi Arabia. Later
he wa\ promoted to Assistant
Manager of Operations_ Beirut.
Mr. Pinckney was previously as\OCialed with the Standard Oil
Company of California. the
Bahrain Petroleum Company_
and Aramco.
very closely related. In recognition of this factor. re-organization has been effected to bring
these two units much closer together. Consequently. Mr. Olson
has been appointed Chief Engineer; Mr. R. R. Burnett.
Ass·t. Chief Engineer-Pipeline:
and Mr. 1. D. Hoffman. Ass·t.
Chief Engineer-Communications.
With Tapline since 19-16. Mr.
A. E. Olson ha served as Chief
Field Engineer and Manager of
Construction of the capacily increase program. Prior to joining
Tapline. Mr. Olson was affiliated with SOCAL. He is a 19-12
C. H. Pope
D. T. Pillc""e)'
Wllh Taplllle \lnce 19-17. Mr.
Pinc~ncy ba\ a -lO-year carccr III
tbc oil indu\lry. During construction of Taplllle. be functioned a\ Superrntcndent of thc
hom San Diego_ California.
Mr. Pope joincd Tapline in
19-17 as project engineer. He was
made supervisor of Communications in 1950 and was later promOled to Superllltendenl-Communications. In June 1956. Mr.
Pope was appointed Assistant to
the Executive Vice President.
With introduction of Ihe ne\
gas-driven turbine pumping units
into the Tapline system. the
problems of Engineering and
Communications have become
A. E. 0/1011
graduate 111 Civil engineering
from Oregon State College. He
had the highest academic average
ever allained
\Chool. One of his notable con(COllI ill lied Oil page 3)
Thc end of May \\ltnessed the
completion of \hop facilltle\ at
1 uraiL Ihu\ windlllg up the
1 he
25.000 and 15.000 BPD program\ reached 96.1 (, completion. Both program\ com billed
arc eSllmated to be 9R.9 r , completc.
On thc 90.000 BPD program_
additional wor~ for thc au'"liary
pumplllg unlls ended at Jalamid
on May 9. 1 he central \hop
facllllle\ were lIl,pected and
Judged complele by lhe Acceptance Commillec on May 25 at
which datc they were turncd
over to Operalion\.
A\ the 90_000 BPD program
neared complellon. all alienI Ion
and manpower wa\ diverted durIng May 10 the 25.000 and
15.000 BPD program\. The
boosler pump installations at
Qai\umah. Rafha and Badanah
were also finalized. Final instrument lie-in to the main board at
Badanah \hould bc completed
during June. Pumphou\e addit ions al the same three locations
wcre 92.5 c; complete.
Detailed description\ of progrc" on mdi\idual item\. as rcported by Tapline Engineering.
nrc gIVen 111 thc follow ing summarics:
APU',: All minor additional
wor~ at Jalamid wa\ concluded
and the con,lructlon crew pulled
out on May 9.
CO'"ll11licl/lioll: Thc fabl'lcalion of the cable rack for the
VH F radiO tower at Jalamid wa\
finished durrng the past month.
Installation was looe, complelcd durrng the flrt wee~ of May.
T"II""ge: All work on lhe
IRO.OOO barrel lan~\ has becn
Tllrllif Shop BllildillU
Ilem\ of wor~ pertaining to the
luralf shop building were conc1udcd on May 25. thu\ mak IIlg
this Itcm 100c, complete.
BOOller Plllllp.l: 1 he rcmall1IIlg wor~ on the boo\tcr pump
at Badanah was fll1l\hed durrng
May with the c\ception of flllal
lIl,trument tic-in \cheduled to
lakc placc durrng thc first part
(nJl/lillllt'd Oil pll<:e
On the 15th ot
a t\ o-and-a-Ilall hour
field da~ teatured tile c10smg
',UCI es of the Ratha \mllate
Parents 01 the sllldenh and
1 aplllle emplo~~es and chlldrcn
1\ ere 111 \I ted I" school prlnclp21
\bdul "£Ii ,~ghdall to allend
lh: ,ucces,ful and entertaining
c 'remon\ .
1\ 01 the ,- apllne
,enlor -taff ,><:hool studenh \\ere
also lilere \\ ilh thell teacher-,
~1e"dal'les R. Ragsdale and S.A.
L -en .'rll,al. lhe group wa,
wekomed h\ lacult~ memhers
and ho\\n to their ,eals h~ ,tu
en 109 a, u,hcr.." Prizes
we'e I .tllhuted at the end ot
tile 1':'oO'r,.m to oUlstandmg ,tudents "nd Ileld da~ \\ inners h)
the \mir 01 Ral ha.
I'rior to their arn,al al the
',I11'rat: Sclloo\. the senior ,taft
swdents \. ere taken on a "ght·
s!"lIlg lour of Rafha town. 1 he~
\\:re .,1'0 ,ho\\n ,ome f the
camel trou:;!l'; lhat span mmt 01
lile are.l around the ,t.ltlon
l. 1/. I/tIIl/("I<'I1
Faces and Places In The News
(colllilllt"d frolll page /)
trlbutlons to Tapline's operations resulted from hIS Original
,tudies In the theor of comblne.d pipe ,tresses. Out of this he
fathered the 'constant safety
of operation
\\hich \Va'; adopted by rapllne
111 late 1956.
unt Manager 01 the Public Relations Department. Mr. AI A,'ad
joined the company In 19~7. Before employment with Tapllne.
he was Mideast (excluding Cairo) circulation and promotion
r1anager of 1I1-MII"hlllr. the AI abic
edition of the Readers'
Digest. Mr. AI A\'ad was also
engaged In public relations work
for lhe
.S. Office of War Inlormatlon. forerunner of the
.S. Information Agencv.
Iraill,d h,
R U 811/1/"11
\\ hlle there art: man~ who
can -Iaml longer se/\ ice m the
omran~ than -\kla hm Ha san.
there arc lew \\ ho can pomt to
great"r endea\or for self-Impro\ement
Born m eala. audl Arabia.
-\kla jomed Tapline In Januar)
1956 as a hou,ebo~-janltor at
Turalf pump tallon \\ here he i
1I11 emplo~ cd Pllor to that
date. Akla had made marked
achle\ement with hi
tudle at
the. -ata chool where he learn·
ed to read and \Hile Arablcha'lng reached the 6th grade.
HI Intere t in the 011 bu ine
wa incited b~ hi elder brother.
a er. who al 0 work for TapIme at Turail
tallon in the
1 ran portallon dl\l. Ion of Cen-
Resp. Director:
M. K Saab
W. R. Heaps
Staff Reporter
F. C. Naiia
Varian Bezdikian
Dora Saber
Rose Sawdah
John Franjieh
New York
Virginia Reading
M. Jaauni
Abbas H. Hamadeh
Dr. G. M. Stephan
S. M. Siddiqu e
1r R R. Burnelt. Senior I nglnecr \.1echanlcal.
[ leclnca\.
took o,er a, Assl,tant Chief [ngllleer Plpellnc. as ot June
I rom Ilutch:n,on. Kansas.
M r Burnell hold, a Masters tlegree In mechanical engineering
from the l nl,er"ty of Callforn,a. B:rkciey. lie came \11th
1 apllne In August 19~9
tral I aCllitle,
In \larch -56. aller tllree
months of se/\ Ice. kla wa, promoted to 1001 Room Operator.
He worked In lhat capacll) for
one ~ear gaining ,uch operallonal e,perience thaI he "a, again
promoted to the flo'ition of Machme Tool Orerator-Trainee.
At pre,ent. Akla IS being
trained b~ Multiple Machine
Tool Operator Muhammad Raftk on the u e of a Cmcmnati
mlllmg machine. With an eager·
ne" to learn and a de\lIe to ad'ance himself job-\l1 e. Ak la ha
al\o enrolled. ,in e last March.
m \1r. J. F. Chaplin' bl\\eekly
cour e al the machine \hop for
compan~ emplo)ee\ a\\igned to
Central Mechanlca\. In these
\e\\lon\. the tramees are taught
\Imple mathematic and arithmet'c related to thell \\ork m the
Studenl·employee\ also
learn to read blueprint.. "Akla:'
,late \1achme Shop Foreman
Chaplm. "1\ one of the most
congenial and energetic boys in
my cla'I :.
Akla. aged t\lenty. does not
mlS\ Arab Development School
c1as\es either. He IS already studying in Book IV.
An mtent reader of novels.
Akla reports no other hobby. He
wIII 'loon become member of the
family group-\lnce he IS now
To hIS co-",orkers at Turaif.
perse,erance and Akla bin Hassan are synonymous-long may
if remain so!
Page 3
011 Ihl' 1'\'l'lIill~ of JIIIII' 9. 101111' 75 1'1111'10.1'1'1',' ~alhl'lt'd 11/ TlIl'llif"
Dillillg Hall /(} 1I1/t'lld a dillll/'l' party giVl'lI for Ihl' It'll/III of \It'lln.
C. C. Rlllh //Ild R. J. Qlli(''' II-J/O .I('or"d Ih" ("'\t'll 't'l'l'ril) raIl' for
Ihl' 1II001/h of I\lay III Ihl' ,Ialioll', IlIfl'ly ('0111<'11. /11 fi/( ,. 110 Oil
II/I'-joh IIIjllnt'l \\'/'1',' rt'portt'd hy eilher 11'//1111. OCCIlPI'IIl~ Ihl' II'a',
of hOllor al Ih .. h:'IIJ of hoth lahll'l arl' Ih,· 111'0 Il'al/l ca/llai,ll.
A('III1~ Cl'lIe '(iI SIIr-ailleld""1 C. F. Hl'id, alld SlIIlioll SlIpaill11'11)"111 R. K. C lI:r//1I \\'1'/1' a{1O plt"l'lIl. IPholo hI' ,\a,r).
Op.raror-Traill'·" A"la '1/11 Ha"all rhfni, "'~\I' hC'."!?
\llIht/llllllt/d Rafi" 011 Ih,' lilt' of a (lIIcllllla/l IIId{lIIg
ll1rtll(' C,'lIlra{ \lachill' hop. H" aI/,"/II dallc, al Ihl'
D, I't {Oplll' 111 _, h"o{ alld joh lraillill~ "olin. nllldll('/"d al Ihl' II/tl,hill, ,hop ,,, \Ir J F. Chapli,1. IPholo h,' .\/111}
A ('harlll hrac"I,,1 ,";Ih II 1"11 Y.. llr "1IIh1"1II \\'/11 pn II'lIll'd ill carll'
JIIIII' 10 II'lIior \lalla!?I'IIIt'11/ Sl'er.. lary Plllltillt' 1I0tio \\ho cOlllplell'd
/('11 y"an of .It'n'i/, lall April. '.1ill 1I0do "lI/llferr('(1 h,,1t frolll
Aralllet) Dhahrall III ,\ov"lIIhl'/ '5-1 Sh .. It·c.., ....d ha /II"ard frolll
Taptillt' Pr<'litll'1I1 Johll \ohlt'. (Pho/(} hI' \lIIr}.
S. AI AI'ati
1 he appollltment of Mr. \I1ahmoud Saab a, ecretary of the
ommillee was
also announced. effective June
16. Previou\ly. Mr. Saab served
a, Assistant to the Chairman of
lhe aforementioned commillee in
the caracity of Community Af·
fall\ SpecialiSt. Hold'ng an M.A.
degree in poll tlca I sc ence from
A B. Mr. aab jomed Tapline
II' August 19~7. He IS nOlI ser'ing IllS third term as Presidenl
of the Tapllne Lebanese Employees
s oclat:on In Beirut.
The difference between stepping stones and stumbling
blocks is the use you make of them.
- Anonymous
Average BPD received at Sidon
Ships loaded
Average BPD loaded on ships
Average bbls per ship
Average BPD delivered to sh ips
and Medreco
} ear 1958
With the turbine driven auxiliary pumpmg units placed In operation between May 8th and May 23rd. the average thruput of the
pipelme In May went ahead by more than 100.000 barrels over what
It had been the month before. The use of the turbmes was discontinued on May 23rd due to high Slocks at Sidon and low IIfltng
forecasts. Up to that date. however, thruput of the pipeline had
averaged 423,000 BPD. The APU unit\ Will not be operated regularly dunng the month of June.
Meanwhile. all other Tapline operatlon\ remained normal durIng the past month.
J. f). 1/ offill all
Mr. J. D. Hoffman. of WinOna. M mne Ola. was appOinted
A slSlant Chief [nglneer-CommunlcatlOn\. A BEE. 1950 graciuate from the
niver, ily of
Minnesota. MinneapoliS. Minn ..
Mr. Hoffman Joined Tapllne in
October 1950 a\ Commul1lcalions Engineer. lie was formerly
Su perin tenden t-Commun icatlons.
It is expected that the combining of the two technical functions of the Engineering and
Communications units into a
single department will permit
better coordination of the many
complex problems in the daily
operation and maintenance of
pipeline facilities.
Effective June 16. Mr. Salih
AI AS'ad was appointed Assist-
S. Chlllllil'h
nation11 Bank for Reconstruction and Development. better
~ nown as the World Bank. In
1952. he attended the Roundtable of the International Instllute of Administrative Sciences
held In Knockc. Belgium. June
6·9 of that year.
First hired a\ a personnel speCialist In _ugu,t 19~7. Mr. J. W.
Breidl. of Zahle. Lebanon. i
now Administrative Assistant to
Manager Industrial
Effective April ht. Mr. Breidi
lIas placed on special assignment
to the Government Relations
Effective May 1st. Mr. Suheil
Chamieh, was appointed Assistant Chief Accountant: From
Baalbeck. Lebanon, Mr. ehamieh holds an M .B.A. degree in
economics and business administration from AUB. He was
first employed as an accountant
in April 1947. During a year's
leave of absence. starting January 1950. Mr. Chamieh attended
a training program at the Inter-
J. W. 8rl'idi
Dep1rtmel1t where he will fill
the position of Adviser, Middle
East Affairs. In this capacity. he
will report to the Vice President.
Government Relations.
Thirty-five children were In attendance at lhe
1 apllne Senior Staff [Iementar~
Schools In audl Arabia during
the academiC ycar 1957-58. The
;;choo1 cemus shows. ho\\e,er.
that about \eventy·five children
will answer the call to classes in
lhe Aulumn of 1960. Three enlarged and re-designed school
buildings are lhus planned for
Turaif. Badanah. and Rafha.
Construction of lhese buildlng\
h slated to start this summer.
Twelve children were in atte.ndance at Rafha during thl\
. cholastlc year. \\ Ilh Mesdame\
S A. White and R. Rag 'dale as
daughters of Tura/f Tap"ner
had Mesdames H. E. Cross and
F. W.
ew as their teachers.
The twelve youn~sters at Badanah tudied under the supervision of Mesdames L. C. Dartez.
Jr .. and H. HargrOle. The smallest school \\as for Denny Despain. of Qalsumah. With Mrs. R.
H Massey as his school-marm.
All of the schools use uniform
\tandard text hooks and supplies
a, found in convenlional elementary schools in the .S. Improved materials for use in geography. ~cience. mathematics, arts
and crafts. mUSIc and reading
have recently been introduced
and will be placed at the disposal of student at the time of
re umptlon of classes at the end
ot the summer holiday in Oct'Jber.
K. E. Parr
... /
Zinc Anode
If IOU nUl a natten for lour flashlIght. and It \lear out. }OU
Ju,t th;o\l It ;\la} and' hu} ;nothcr one tor .1 IC\l pla,ter,. But.
If ~ou bu~ a 160 million dollar plpelme. and It \lear, out \I ell
IOU can ,ee It', a lillie more npen,"e <'0. \lhal IOU do I tn to
iioure out \la" '0 It \lon't \lear out mcludmg \1,1\ to prelent the
thmg that ma~e flashlight hattene, ljUI! \lor~mg: cmro"on.
A, a malleI' of fact. \la}, hale neen flgurcd out. and onc of the
mo t IIIgenlou, I'> a ,},tem called 'cathodlc rrotcdlon: It', len
Important to I apline necau e all nelo\l·ground ,tructure, arc uh
Jcct to Cl,rro Ion. an electro·chemlcal a tlon m \lhl<:h metal nl'>t
or rot a,"a} b} combmatlon \I Ith SOil dlemlcal In the pre,ence 01
Thl'> samc chcmlcal action I'> the ha,I'> 01 the common dn cell
or dry nattcr}. Imc. \lhlch I'> the ame metal a, used lor g.lIvanll
IIIg the ,urface of a pipe I'> u'>ed for a contalller (fIg. I) \ carbon
rod I'> Ll'>ed a, the c~nler electrodc 1 he 'pace het\lecn I filled \11th
an clectrol~te. I.e a current·conductlng maten.lI.
\Vhen a '\lrc or lamp I'> connccted nct\leen the IInc and thc
carhon. an electrical CIrCUit I'> made .Ind chemical action cau,,,
current to f1o\l Irom the Llnc mto the chemlcah. through the chem
101, to the carbon. and through the \lIre 01' lamp bac~ to the IInc.
1 he f1o\l of electnc current from the Line to the chemlcah carrlCS
particle, of Llnc \I Ith It. or a, I commonl} ald. the IInc corrode :
and \lhen It IS practlcall} corroded a\lal. little or no currcnt I'>
generated and thc dr~ cell or natter~ u,uall~ I'> thro\ln a\lal.
The electrode from \lhlch current 11011'> mto thc cllemlcal solu·
tlon I'> ~no\ln a, thc anode and \1111 hc dc tnncd hI the current
f1o\l. 1 he other eleclrodc I called the cathodc
llIitahll' ~rolllld allode hed COIIl/llim: of eilher 'crap pipe or
~raphil'. ir hllried 1/1 Ihl' lOil (jor"ftrolllld) aholll 600 f ....1 from Ihe
II/"ill 11/11'. A ft<'lIaator. hOlllt'd 1/1 Ih .. UC P ,tallOII ,lho\\11 lI/ lefl.
ir lI",d /<) IlIppll "'euri, cllrrelll-\\l/h Ih.. pOlilive lerllll/lal COli·
IIecl<'d 10 II" strolllld h"d alld Ihe IIe/{ali>'e 10 Ihe pipelill" (lho ....11
III 1111.' hal J..strolllld,. 7 h.. flo .... of Cllrr..111 Ollto Ihe lill.. J.. ....pl Ih,'
~"h"lIi< n/l ,,'olI~ Ihe lill" illoperalive.
La,t }car. Mr. Maasr} \la, delegated n~ 1 apline to attend the
13th nnual onfercnce of the atlonal "oclatlon 01 orro·
"on rnglnecr, held at t. Lou 1'>. MI"ouri. March II 15. 1957.
A mcmner of the N.A.C.E. group. Mr. Maa,r} pre,ented
to the onlerence participant'> a paper entitled .. ~~trol 01
[,ternal orro'>lon on the 1 ram· rahlan PIpe Lme. In the
follo\l mg artlele. he e,plam, to Pen,cope readcr, the ,},tem
of cathodiC prot~'Ctlon and the Tapline program III that Ileld
\ H\
Page 5
pipe to thc 'draln POllll' on II'. way back to the negative termmal
of thc gcncrator. Thu,. a complete Circuit I'> workmg and thc
graphltc (or thc ,crap pipe) gel'> the corro."on m,tead 01 the pipe.
What ha, h<1ppcned to the electrical charge, that u,ed to move
mto and out 01 the pipe a, the rc'>ult of chemical action of the
1 he an'\lcr I'> that they can ,till move m. but they can't
move out cxcept at the dram pomt becau,e they arc con,tantly
hemg pu,hcd had by thc ,tronger current trom the generator.
Ongmalh from\lc}. Lc·
hanon. calhodlc protection
anal},t I'ahd '1 \laa n "
a former A l .B. ,tudent
and a 1950 graduate of the
lnller It~ of 1c,a, \11th a
B. c. degrce III ('hemlcal
[nglneerlng. He JOllied the
compan} III Januar} 1951
and pre,cntl} holt!'> the po·
"tlon of llead ('01'1'0'>1 on
I"pli,1< h,,, /I" lin ·follr 1I1/tI/I"IIdl'd '''llwdic "'OII'UWII 11",iolll \/Ich
d\ tht Ollt ,ho\\1l aho\'t
III SOlidi Arllhill "hen
thc'n' ;",'/ ,,",e},
11IOI,(lIl"t III Iht' \oil-hllt \lill t'll()lI~h to nll/H' ('orrc"ioll
lilt ,ta·
lio/ll "" 50 /0 -0 lIIilt'l "p"rt. III lord,," . . Iri" m,d L..J,,,"o". 'hcy
"re ""0111 15 III'" I apart.
Let', nO\l ,ee hO\l thl'> ,ort of nu me
appllc to plpcllnc
In their ca e. the earth around the pipe conlammg I"alcr. chem·
Ical and O'ygen
erIe, a th c1ectrol~t. 1 he plr~ Ihcll enes
a, anode. cathode and conductor. 1 he action of the .\011 cheml<:ai'>.
III comblllation \I Ith the pipe metal. mOi'>ture and 0 }gen. ch Uf'
natural galvanic ccll, and little ClrCUI! of eleclnCll} \lcnd lhelr
\la} Into and out of tllc plpC 1 hc pomt 01 entr~ I'> e<.julYalent to a
ballery cathodc. thc POlllt of departure 1'>. In clkct. thc ,lnode.
And. jU,t like In thc batter}. the current doC'> no harm at the ca·
thode. but. every time an clcctncal charge leave, thc anode. It
carne, an Infllllte'lmal bit 01 mctal \11th It. depo"tlng I! on the
out."dc a, Iron OXide or ru,t. Wllh tllnc. you have hole, III the
pipe· jU,t as If you had Iron·eatmg lcrmlle,. !\t lea,t. that'" \lhat
happen, If you don't have cathodiC protection.
CorroSion engllleer, have ,ucceedcd III getting ,omethlllg ,cpaI"
ate from the pipe to take the lole of the unhapp~ anode. '1 hc pipe.
In other \lord,. become, a trouble·free cathodc"
How I'> that donc? - An 'anode hcd' of graphlle (or ,crap
Iron) I'> bUried about 600 to 1.000 feet from the plpelme (fig. 2).
Between thl'> bed and the plpelme. a generator (or rectifier) I'> III
,tailed. po\\ered by a dle,el engme and connected to hoth the pipe·
Ime and the anode bed by wires. The current move, to the anode
bed. then goe, through the ground to the plpellnc. then along the
, ,
, '
Of thc 75-1 mile, of hne between Qai,umah and Sidon. about
379 milc, arc underground: slightly more than 133 mile, In Saudi
Arabia and thc cntirc 2-15 mile, from Turaif to Sidon 1 erminal.
(' lIhod ic protect ion i, a ppl ied to a II bu rled and su bmerged metall ic
,tructure, of I apllne. 1 hI'> Includes. a'>ide from the underground
,cctlon, of the mam Ime. five ,ubmarlne berth, at the terminal and
the ,ubmerged ,teel ,urface, of the company'" tugboat,.
, ,
0 RAltf POI NT
, ,
. .
r ,
Actually. the cathodic protection program for the '1 apline 'y"
tem W<1' 'tarted a, ,oon a, the pipe wa, laid In the ground. Cathodic
protcctlon unit, \lere In,talled m each of the four pump ,tat Ion,.
Qaryataln and thc <;,don Icrmmal. The,e unit, u'c rectifier, and
ground bcd,.
Magnc."um anodc, \lcrc a1'>o u,ed to ,upprc, galvaniC cell,
on thc mtcrmcdlate ,cctlom of the mam line In Saudi Arabia.
('athodlc protection achlcvcd from the,e ,y,tem, \la, '>oon found
to be very Ilin Itcd. In fact. thc con'>lant Increa,e In current re<.julre·
ment due to progrc"lVc ,ettlmg of bacUill around the pipe and
detcrloratlon 01 the plpC cO<1tlng. ,oon ncce"ltated the e,tabll,hment
of cathodIC protection ,tat lon, at ,horter mterval, along thc hne.
Smce pO\lcr I'> not availablc along the line. rcctllrer, could not
be u,ed to ,uppl} thc ncce"ar} current. D,e,el·drlven generator,
\lcrc lound to bc lhc mmt economical ,ource of current for the
Llthod,C protcctlon of thc mam line.
'1 hc Ilr,t unattended cathodiC protection ,tat Ion wa, completed
m January 1952 at Km Ion. in Syria. Each of the unattcnded ,ta·
tlon, ha, t\lO gencratlng unlh. Each unit. In lurn. con,i,h of a
(1.5 1,\1 Dornhoff generator coupled directly to a 12.5 hp Deutz
d,c,el englnc. "01' bc,t rc,ult,. the,e unih are operated alternately
\I Ith periodiC malntcnancc and overhaul program,. Reliable record·
Ing ammcter, arc ,Iatcd for m,tallatlon at the,e ,tatI01l'> to record
the opcratlon time of the unlh.
With t\lcnty·four unattended cathodiC protcctlon ,tatlon, con·
stantly on duty. pu,hmg back that current whIch the ,oil chemicals
crcatc. the potcntlal of 99.3', of the bUried portion of the main
Ime meeh. today. the gencrall} accepted protection criterion. The
potential 01 the remammg 0.7 e , will be ral'>ed after the,e ,ectiom
are reconditioned. 1 he recondItioning of the pipe at tho,e local lon,
I ,cheduled for completIon m 1958
Furthcrmore. t\lenty·'" rect,f,er, arc nO\l m operation m the
pump ,tat lon, and Sidon terminal 10 protect ,tatlon plpmg. ra\l
\later tank,. bottom of crude 011 tank, In Sidon. and all the ,ub·
marine berth,. Qal'>umah and Rafha hale four rectifier, each. Ba·
danah and Turall. five each. Qaryatam. one. and idon. ,even. Two
rectifier 'y,tem,. Will be mstalled th" year. each in Jalamid and
\laigllah to ,upplement the protection on the mam Ime. Addi·
tlonal anode, are al,o ,Iated for installation thi, year to ,upplement
the protection on fe\l of the still not fully protected section, of
plpmg m the mdu,trlal area of the pump ,tat Ion,.
Uling ~elll'r(l/or alld grolll/d hed. Cllrrelll f'ol\'l froll' grouml hed
Oil!" Ihe pipe/ill". II il drailled off Ihe line 10 Ihe generalor. The
poinl of conneclion helll'eell Ihe pipelinl' and Ihe \\'ire Ihal go'" 10
Ih,' gell,'rator il called Ihe 'drain poinl.'
Badanah SUp<'finlendenl D. P. Harhin record I Ihe op<'falion lillie
of Ihe 11\'0 !?ener(l/or unill al a UCP .llalion Ileal' Badanah al Sla·
lion !\fechallit L. B. !\ftlllllre lookl 011. Each UCP I/(/Iioll hOUH'1'
a 6.5 k 1\' Domhoff !?elll'ralor (/ore~roulld) coupll'd direclly 10 a
12.5 hp DeuI: diewl engine.
Ma!?'ll'lill/n and allll/linili//l allOdl'1 are a/IO inl/alled on all Itl!?hoall
and huo)'1 al Ihe Sidon lIIarine lerl/li/lal. Sholl'lI here (/O\\'N lefl)
il (//, alullliniulII anode placed on one of Ihe IIIghoall. Si, Hlch
anodl' I produce ('1I01lfth currenl 10 prOleCI Ihe \/IhlllNged I/eel Iur·
face of a IIIsthOal.
(Pho/OI h.l' VillI)
Page 7
(1.·11 ....,/.
11.,;"/,·".,,,..·. .,11.1
.11... /'.",;,.'/
~'I (tit.,il (~·'t·'r.' //,t' .:-I.,l,,,',,i,I7:.,li,.·,, (.. ..;..:
~-/"'I'" (-.. "fr,'/ (''I•.. /t;,,'/ ~/"'J"" (-.·"/t,'/
/Jt"'IU,' \ .\uh,·", ,./ (-"lI/t,'/
1I./"It'(··n" '/
I/,t.... •.., h"", "I I/' .. ( I./t./~/"
..f 1/'., /J,.t;., ,'I""
( -'·lIfr.'/
,,;11 t..
( 't'"'l/h·tl
it' 11'( ,i }';, Im',,/I~/
"I}' / l' ~I t' j,'.1
"'..II ,'"
1/'., .1" I~f
I/, ..
(PholoS hI' .\'((,\( I
The Receiving IIlId l.I.\IIillg
erew of Tllrll/!'I Central
S toreholl
IIIcllldl'l (fore!?rolllld) Y. Sallllllell. Stock1I1l1/l" 8. E. Slider. Slore
SlIpervisor.. Stockmen A .
lIa'lIlOlIlI alld A. M. Nlljih.
Lelld Storekeeper H. WII)'ymi. Slocklllllll S. A. A~i·.
IIlId Lelld S lorekee per I.
SWlllie/. Thefe are ",ore
Ihall ./0.000 ilellll ill Ilock
11/ Ihe Celllral StorehollH's
IIlId • ./.7 lIlillioll Inlrth of
Adlllilllllral;'·, A Ilillalll 10 GellNal SlIperilllelldelll. cOllfe" \\'ilh
5pcualill AlhNI Saliho. A 1957 A £.,8 ~radlla/('. \11'. Saliha joilleel
10 111011 Ih I O!?O
Ireholllt'l lire \IIhdivided ill/O fOllr \('( litl/II
Wilh a Ilaff of 3,\ eompanl' "lIlplo\'t"'1 I IIrll/!' I C"1111'01
Offin (ar~o Hanelllllg R"(l'II'illl: alld ""/111~ 1I11e1 (II Icll) ""n'o\(' Pro~ralll. \11'111'1. Adel Oil
jllilll A heloll Chehlh 8 " SlIela IIl1d \llIlIrin' \ iIIr ", ,,'\peeti,'ely. ill dwrge of Ihell' dil'iliolll.
If~O 1I1111e1111l~ Sectioll \\'hieh 1I1t'I a Loralll
Fin' hlllldred /rill I of UIf!?O "" hlllldleel lIlollthl\' hI lit,
all/It'. 11/1 Allllill-H· <'It..", lrllllt' IIl1d 1\\'0 7 1Il'1Il01t1f lork I I I
Lefl to ri~hl. Stocklllell A. Khalif. T. Rmlll'd, T. Hlllllaieli allel \1. \{lI\ho·oll.
alld Lead StorekeepI''' A. \llIhlill olld F. Alalaab are Ihollll 11/ lI'ork ill 1111
I?el'l'i"illg IIlId 1\.\lIill~ divilioll of Ihe Celllrol StorehOIlH'1 al Tllraif I/illioll. All
avera!?e of \Ollie 500 receipll alld illllel lire IIlllde daily ill Ihil operatioll of
Celltral focililiel.
(onslrllctlOlI Coordinawr F. W. e\\' il in charge of all TaplinI' conllflletion in
pror:resr. He adminiHe" a nllmb", of SOlidi Arah conlraclO" ....ho have .\Ollll'
:!()() to i{)() "mployee\ on Iheir payroll I
depending on the amOllnl of work in
pror:'" So Aho"e, he il leen dilCUllln!? a contract ,,1th I\lam Halhem. Typill
GClleral I'iell' of Ihe C elllral
£leclriclIl Shop III Til rail
W orkillg Oil I/Oek COli 11'01 cordI "'hichlhllll balallct'l of a/l il('1I11 Ihal are ill .\lock aI Ihe Tllraif
Celllral Sloreholllt'.1 are (riRIII, foregrolllld 10 hackgrolllldl Slorehollll' Clak I K. A. Klwlld. K. Fajt'f,
Y. Saadeh, alld A. allif. 01111'1'1 (righl to lefl) a,,' G. Alldllh. Sellior Storl'ilOllle Clak .. R. J. Qlllck.
Coordinator of SIOfl'\" A.
oujailll, Office SlIpNvi\Or .. \/. G. 80ttger, Tllraif Storekeeper .. M. alf.
COllltfilction alld 'vI alerial S peciali 1/ .. S. (II \(Jr. l-eael SwrChOlllt'IIWII .. alld S. A. S. 8ahorooll, POIIillg and Filing Clak,
IlIlaior \'i"" of Ih" (elllnd \It'd",";cal Shop al IlIr(//f.
The \lacll/llc Sho/, off;I<' al Illr/llf COlllpr;\('1 (/on'flf{/lIl1d 10 for
lefll J. I. (ha/,IIII, \tachillc Shop 1'0n'lIIall" H. L. Krapp, \le,halIint! SlIpell'ill/r: 8 Anoll Khal,'r: E. Q. Callella, Pipelille Repair.
lIIall: alld J Ie. II II !!h/'l. Pipel'll' lIailllellalle<' I,Jrt'III<III.
IT/'OI J. F:.. Ellah, (n Ill' rl "'lIfa, lI'ilh Head Elt'(
Irtuall J. G .. pallj"ard Iri!!hll alld D Kieillohhilll.., l. (, Alld R,'
In)l ra1l01l \/t {hal/I(.
Page 'I
A I a \l'eel..l)' lilfel.\ III/'elillfl for Ihe II/(','III/Ilical ,n'lI 'II IlIntif Ila
lioll. 1/'(1111 caplllill J. F. Chaplill (riflhll Ollllillel IlIfell' fac/l alld aidl
10 (/efl 10 riflhll H. Soley. H. Allali. R. HallJade. II. GIII/:i. H.
Ali. \1. Ohaliel... S. GhlllhawlII, B. Ahlllad. H, Ahdallllh. A. A.
SlIlllIlI. K. II(//Ii. A. AlIlIlI.
Olllllailli. \1. <'i-Kallir. r. Sh(//lInlll.
\1, Rafil... A. Halllid, S. IlIrhal. A, B. Hallall 011£1 G. HIlIIIIlI.
\ 1lilliI'I<
OpualOl ,I, Hallllli
Iit'fl I 1\tIl''I", Ira;
11('( \1 Ohali, I.. 0
PI ral'
l"lhe 1I\(,d for
and horn,,!
WorJ..ill ,. I'< 'f'<' 1'1,.. /.1' Oil ,1/1 elect,.,c drill Ih, repa/l' of a flld IIIcler
lalllpha\( "lid Ih, eI"III"II' of (//1 elcctric h"l..ay 0\'('/1 an' Ilefl (()
rtl~hr) EI",'rt";all'.S }o"'"f. A, Ahdallah, K eI,Salch, alld I, Sa·ad.
Ullder Ihe 11I1,,'n'ilioll of Gelleral /-orelll<lII-Celllral \Iailllellall('('
C. G. Rlllh, 1111' Celltral \1ailllellalle<' ('/e\l' 01 Tllraif 1/(111£11<'1 all
SlllIfrlll!! '''11 I..ell Oil a filII Ila!!e 11'1"",1 for II/(' gIll IlIrhille aI''' (Iefl
10 l'I!!hll II. J Sol< y, AII/IIIlIII lIachille Shop /-Ort'lIlall: I? /-/(//llade.
/.cad 11111111'1< 11/11 hilI' 0/,<'1'0101'" alld /-/. B. Ali, 1/"01' a/lll Belich
1I",I","ic I rall/{'('
R, III1lJIII': ,t., If/{ 1II0W,. a ' II" C"lIlral EI,'{"lrical Shop are (Iefl to
rNhl) \1 Ald"lIah L TarraJ alld A. Dahilll.
which i\
'Statiol/ Alaill/enlU1Cl"
halldle. The cr"lI' IIl1dertal..el Illch {/\,Iigll 111<'11 II {/\ 1111' illltallalioll of
flrolllld hedl, reclifit'r,. 1111£1 d1'lert coolen.. Ihe wadillfl of Ihe
A PU'I .. Ihe pailllill': of 111111.. I. elC, A I'ailahle for Ihe ph olOgraph 01
Ihe h,milllrt' Repair Shop \l'ere (Iefl 10 riflhl) IIr, R,llh .. A, Hableh.
AlII. FOn'IIIIl1I,COllllruclioll" V. N, A:ar, COlllltl/Clioll Ellflilleer:
\I. A. Ollrrah. AliI. [-orelll(//I-Collllruclioll" \t. B. Saolld alld A.
A. HIIII"'id. I-'lImi,Ule Repairlllell.
Part of II" C"lIlnt! \1ecllll/lical ShOl'l at TIIraif il Ihe fllel IlIjcetlOlI
RoolII \I!Iere fllel 1'111111' IlIhrtcalOrl J~ ood\lard !!on'",o,.. fllel
110:-/"1 SlIlIlInllld fllel 1'"1111''- \1(//1:l'! fllel n'':lIlalOn alld flit'!
1101' I"II/n'l an repaired. Alliglled 10 Ihil wetiOlI or,' Iri!!hl 10 Icfll
G. Halllla. Lnld rill'! IlIleuioll \1('(h(//lic .. alld fuel IlIjaliOlI \Ic
chaflln A, AliII/(, f Shllllliall 1I11d J /),1111/1/11/.
Spel'llll elallel for \fccllll/I/nt!
ShOl'l elllployeel lie/(' IlIIrted lall
March hI' \-Illchil'" Shop fon'·
Ill/III J. f, Chaplill (riflhl). He
il 1/10\111 e ,plailllllii root pilch
1I11d lIIajor dialll<'l,'r,l 10 (/ef' 10
rilihl) A. B. /fallilll, A. A. Sill 11111 ,
S. GhlllhaY(//1 alld M, Ohaliel...
The IllIdellll are 11IIIghl lilllple
1II111he1ll1l1;n r<'illlive 10 Iheir \l'orl..
ill Ihe lIIechalliclll Ihop\. They
alII/ lea", 10 read hllleprilll\.
Floor alld Belldl \f«(hilli'l B",lhir Ahlllad (righll illlml<ll Mach III<'
Tool Op,.,lIIor 7((1/I,,'e Sale III Ghlllhayllll 1111 III<' operalioll of a
Sydney lalhe III cd for Cllllill!! 111/" 1I11d Ihreadl,
Head Wt'!der H. A lIali (/on'flfOlllldl ,llIpefl'i"'1 Ihe W<'idillfl hop
III Tllraif. A lIililled 10 Ihal dil'i,lioll of Celllral Facililiel an' Weldcn
(/efl (() ri!!hl) S. B. Olllar, E. Anoll·Haidar, alld B. Andallah.
Page II
and the parking areas re·located.
Rafha ,tation is now very proud
of It- ·ne\'.'·lc')k"
by Rose Sawdah
by R. A. Stupay
Thr~~ n~wcom~r, r~c~ntl~ 31"
m Tur.llf \II' la\man ~t.
.llloum. nur,~. Jomcd 1 ur.lIt',
ho,pll31 'tall 3' of \la~ '. '.11'
alloum gr.lduat~d from th~
'ho I of "ur,mg at th~ I\.~n·
ncd~ \1~monal Ho,pnal. lnpoll.
L~l-anon. m I'~l-ruar~ 'S,'
hometown " I\.atroun .. ~na H~
I' hoth a \\ Inuning and pmg
pong enthLhla t
Dillll<lll/lill-! 11/ ll1ll1i!,,1 lIuulian' 1'1I1111'ill~ 11/11/ fill 1/"I'"It'1I1 10 II <IIlvah 11<II1l'd 1111 \1111' I",h rill
Illlh lInti '-,Il U'CH' \ f)('1l I ill n'/no\'j,,!.! IlIlt" (1111 Hll.'~wan lind "' pr('p"U1ls.: tIlt d('!ic'll'. ,c",Of\' \."\1t'I"
fllr IIIl <JOO 1.111 /rip 011 \Ia" I\, IIIl 1111/111 lill" /11I1I~1'\ 11'''1'1' hrol.lll lew,,' \, \I Ih,' IlIlhilll' IIl/1 \"1
dllllil 1111 Il.ldl Ihlll IlIad..d Oil IIIl ilia II i\'C , Ilirhill" Iwilu (ahm·,'). 011 I", 21,1 0/ \111." Ih .. IIIrhllll
lind UlIJlrol \'(lIn \\l rc. ,Ho\'cd out. III apprO.llllla(t'!v 1\\'(,1\'(' del\'\, fir. d;\lIl,,,,,lt-d lU11I llrn\'cJ ill Ji an
I'ah. 7/1l 11/11/ II/ Ih.. lillie I Imalillll i, ,11I1..d /111 Ihil'1II01/ 10 7"rai/ for ,III o\'C'lhali l II \nlllh ..11 h,' 1.'1'1
III lurillf ('1111 I' 1IIIIioil
nlldl' 10 h, 1/'(1//11"111 I II h, 1'1 \'C I ""<'I/.. d.
run. \1
Rahman. \wad
-\ \ cd. .. K 'IOII\UI. -\ Harl-1.
.. nd \1 <;uhalhanl
Gn a p.lgrllllagc to \1L"CC3 IJ
\1 r. J. \lua·lnIJ.
Turalf al", w~kome,
Farhat who wa, emplo~~d \1a\
24th a, Lathc Op~r3tor for th~
Central \1~challlcal hop, \ nh
1\ month
ot trammg at the
'E ok Tc 'hnlque de Commerce.'
m B~lrUl. \11' I'arhat prevlou,l~
worl,ed m the Lel-ane e capital
a, a ma 'hm"!. He " memher ot
the l-achelor' group and pla~,
foothall. l-a kd·l-all. and pmg·
by Dr. G. M. Stephan
Chleoll1e and
daughter and \11',. [
and ehtltlrcn have departed on
,tate,>lde vacation,; Me,dames
H. J. Walde. K. L Hopen and
children are on their way to
aJllam and Mrs.
I Parker are stlil vacatlonmg 111
playground for lhe termll1al
}oung tel', was recenll) con·
tructed near the RIg.
In carl) \lay. followmg a pot·
Iud sUJlper. a general meetll1g
ot the Lahranl Country Club
memher,hlp \Va held. Certall1
I ule and by·law, of the Club
were amended dunng the ,e·
SIt"il.lt Ahdllllllh J)lIn,'i,h (1('/1) /01'111'" / or"'~11 \lill/II<'I 0/ Qlllllr.
\'i,l1cd 1111'111/ dllnll~ lit" /lIIIIIIh 0/ \111.\' .'11"'/1 IIhOl'" \\illt III< "1111
/1<111 \'/11//1' /11',' (/"/1//1 righll SlIp",illll'lId"1I1 H K (IIrrllll, {)"I'"11
TIIl'lIi/ Alllir HII,"i Ylilli/ alld Hclallolll Rel'l'I'\C'IIII1II1" H A
SlIIp./\· (Plw//I hy H. E. CrOlf).
by Virginia Reading
[he heav~ exodu, of vacation·
er m \iay mcluded the R. H
Putnam,. A R Anger. A C De
Raad. D \iu a"el. Hussein Ab·
dullah. Ibert "a ,'f. K AKa·
1\11'" Lucll1da HIck was trans·
ferred from Aramco on June I.
to replace Joan Cunnll1gham as
M I' P P
ibley's secretary. Lu·
clndol had been with Aramco
,lI1ce January 15, 1951 and was
with the ExecutIVe Management
Staff before transferring to TapIlI1e
Welcome to Mr. Arthur Vo·
gel. ne"e,t member of the
York Engll1eerll1g staff. Art. a
reSIdent of Little
Cooper VllIon.
ew York City.
~y AR~f:~ad.h
In May. Mr
Mrs J
1 err) lefl u, for the l .S. "here
the\ \\111 'Jlend their vacation.
1 he fare\Vell p.lrtle, gIVen 111
tl,elr honor IndIcated how mueh
lhe~ \ III he m",ed around here,
On the olher hand we were all
glad to wclcomc thc '>tallon SUo
pCrlntendLnl and Mr" II. C
\)01\1' holck Irnm leave
thc )0) wa, demon,traled 111 the
man) welcome JlMtie, glVcn to
hOllor the oCL.l,ion
In the s<lme month. Beverly
I homas. daughter of M I' and
~1r, R. 1\
I homa,. 01 the I.u·
reka '>chool al I ureLt. Illmol'.
a'rlved here on a ,ummel' vacation \ 1\11
Another summer vacatilln VI·
\ItOI' " Gordon Rag,dale. ,on of
Mr. and Mr, Richard Rag,dale.
01 the Kemper M tillar) • ehool.
Boonvtllc. MISSOUri. lie IS a
cadet sergeant first class, Gordon receIVed honors m the I I 4th
annual commencement program
held at Kemrcr. Ma) 21-25. He
also receIved a Kemper \Croll a,
leader 01 the hest squad 111
leader,hlp. drill and exerc"e of
command In the Kemper corps.
He was leader 01 the f,r,t ,quad.
sL"Lond platoon. Co, D .. which
was awarded the Greager 1 ro-
11'1/" II COIIIIIIOII illlen'll ill g{//'dellill~ alld lalld,capillg, a !i"0IlP 0/
1"11 elllploye"l at Ha/"a "OIpital alld Mn. J. Molal. recelllly hallded
(()~el"er /() IIl1derllll.e all a/ler·"ollr projecl 0/ hell/I/i/yill/{ I"e
~rolilldl lI"rolilldill~ I"e "OIpital. Wil" Dr. Molal. aClillg 01 c"ie/
,:"rdell,'r. I"e ~rollP illc/lldel II/alldillg. Ie/I/() rig"I) JOI' BOlilol. Dr.
11111 \'fn \1111111.. alld ElIlile Saade". Sealed arl' (/1'/1 10 righ,)
GI'III~I' \llIrad, Llmil Barhollche. /11. B. Mlihallllllad alld A. B.
Sale". vol a\'ailahfto /01' Ihe pholo~raph lI'en' SlIlllIil Sa'ad. Khoder
Kh ilil alld .'I B. Hadi. (Phmo hy A. H. Hallladehi.
IlIfI'illl' /l'C/'lIlly /1)01. dl'!il'l'I'\' 0/ 111'0 Catl'rpillar DW·20 lracton
\I-;Ih Icra{Jl'n. 7"1' Imclon 11'1'11' {JllrChOll'd /rolll Ihl' V.S. alld 1"1'
I/TII{J.'n /10111 Ihl' V.J<. 1"1' /inl 11'01'1. per/orllll'd hy Ihl'll' ullill
11',11 IIII' /l"lIol'al 0/ a{JprlJ\illlatl'!y 5.500 cllhic yardl 0/ h!Ol\' \<Jlld
/rO/II TUfai/ 1/IIlioll. "I hI' IlIIill lI'el'l' Ihl'lI af.liglll'd /() 1IIl' road rl'pair
Ip/l'lId IIhich il pl'l'll'lIlly fl'-lIIr/acillg Ihe pipelilll' road hl'llI'l'l'lI
Badallllh IIl1d Tllrlll/. 7 Ill' addilioll 0/ Ihell' IIl1ill 10 Ihl' II'/l'ad hrillgl
ill /ll'el 10 II 101111 0/ /0111' D W -20 Call lI'ilh Icrapl'n.
Dl'pl'lIdl//g Oil !<'1I~lh 0/ halil. a DW-20 lI'ill ilIOn' up /I) 1,000
('lIhic ,'al'lll 0/ lIIa/aial durillg all I'ighl·day pl'riod. A lid. ill order
/() load Ihe Ilrllpa, 111'11 Call'rpillar D-8 Iracton. pushillg ill tallde1ll,
al'l' IIII'd. Thl' DW 20 (l'iclul'I'd abo"el COl/I, 31.000 alld Ihelcrapl'r.
New York
The third newcomer to Jom
1 urair communlt} i Mr. 0
1udaweh. He \\111 work m the
tatlon'" Dmmg Hall a, a kIt·
chen helper
1 he welcome mat I, al,o out
for \11' J.
. '·ood}. recently
a Igned to TuralL
and IVa, prevlou,ly employed hy
the We,linghou,e I lectl'lc Corporation III L e,ter. Penn,ylvania.
OIlCI' IIgllill, Tllrlli/ Ilalioll',l' dillillg hall Will lite ICl'lIe 0/ II galll
hllllqll(, I giv(,11 III hOllor 0/ Ihl' Aillir 0/ Tllrai/, MIIIII/lllillad ihll
Hazza'. MallY cOlllpallY alld Aillirall' o//icillll werl' pll'I/'1I1 at
Iltl' galhl'rillg Oil May I/Iit. Showil ahove (ill 1111' hllc/..grolilld, 11'/1
TO rigltl) are 'Ali La/i. Tllrai/ CUltOIl/\ Dirl'ctor. KIII/ll'd AkltraH.
S" perilllelldeill R. K. Cllrrall, A mir H azza', Dr. M . Khoury alld
Sgt. Hal.ha N ada. /11 Ihe foregrollild are (Ie/I row) K. E. Parr,
Hallall Sahl'r. R, A. Stllpay, 'Ali Twayyall alld Mlihamlllad Sultall,
AI righI, lire IIl1l11i YUHif, R. J. Qllicl. alld MIIHal'hll '/lla.
DUring the ,ame penod. uhell Saad and l'a\HI Saghlyah
departed 10 the Lehanon on vacalion: the II. C. Hansens to
Denmark on a vi,it to their parenl\; Messr,.•. B. lIadl. M. B.
Mukhltf. M. B. MUlallek. K. B.
aleh. T. B. Aleek. M. B. Ibrahim. O. B. Mutlek and M. B.
Sulelman 011 leave, In Arabia;
Messrs. I. B. Bilal. H. B. Ahmad,
A. M. B. Muhammad. M. B.
M Isfer and M. B. K hala f on pilgrimage to Mecca.
By the end of May. all LB.C.
rcrsonnel had pulled out of the
stahon after completing the installation and leslll1g of the o.
(, engine.
Side-walks comJlleted
Thl' Tllrai/ Sa/I'ly Pri~I' COlllllli11el' awarded. all May 26. three
hallpoilll {JI'III /01' .Ia/I'ly IIIggl'JliOfIl Ihal lI'ould hl'!p rl'dllcl' accidelll ha~ardl III Ihl' IllIIioll. Sa/I'ly lIIel'lillg chairlllall R. A. Sllipay
(l1'/I) pn'\I'lIIl'd Ihl' pri~1'1 10 Ahdllllah B. Mo"a1ll1llIld. 0/ Ihe 0111011101;"1' 1'1' {Jllir '''01', /If ill Pallll'la PUllla1ll alld Su pl'rill Il'lIdell I R. K.
Currrlll. ,\1ill PIIIIIIIIII 11'(11 111l' /inl falllily depelldelll /I) rl'cl'il'l' a
la/I'IY all'lIrd.
1 here IS an all' of quiet about
the Public Relations office due
te the departure of Mr. E. Cur·
tiS to Dhahran on a \Ix·month
husine" a'\Ignment. to be fol·
lowed by ,tate,ide vacation. Mr .
and Mrs. Curti, left Beirut the
16th of June.
President John Noble and Mr.
W. R. Chandler returned June
19 from a bu,ines, trip to Dhahran. During their absence. Mr.
W. E. Locher was In charge of
the Beirut office.
Mr. L. P. Sudrahlll. corro,lon
con<ultant and Mr. M. A. Hyde.
Westmghouse engmeenng consultan!. made an mspectlon of
company facilities during the
month of May. Mr. Hyde vI,lted
our installations and stated that
Tapline IS ploneenng the deve·
lopment of p::ckaged remote·
control pumping mstallation· .
Recently. Dr. F. J, Zuko,ki
was appointed Regional Director
of the International College of
Surgeon,. In that capaclt~. he
attended the Congre, held ,n
Bru\\els from Ma~ 14 to 18.
and p3.rticipated m the ,clentlflc
<o;essions as a member of a dis·
cussion panel.
Mr. P. P. Nlbley. Manager of
Opera lions. New York Office.
completed an exten,ive field
trip In May which included
visits to Bahrain. KuwaIt. Saudi
Arabia. Iraq. Iran and Lebanon.
ibley reported that Tap·
line operation, compared very
favorably With those he visited.
Summer ab,entees who have
emplaned for Europe and the
U.S, include VI 1',. C. H. Pope
and children:
Mr. S. E. M.
Hood. whose famIly has heen in
the States s1l1ce April; Mr. and
Mrs. G. H. Gossens and family;
Mrs. D. T. Pmckney: Mr. and
Mr. J. F, Mahan and family:
as well as the parent and wife
0: Mr. O. K. Bigelow.
M,ss H uda Ladk i IS with us
again after a vacation 111 Dhah·
Ian and Riyadh. Saudi Arabia.
Mr. D. T. Pinckney has returned to the fold follow1l1g a
hort vacation With Mrs. Pinckney in Brussels and Copenhagen.
Mr. Pinckney recently completed thirty years of service with
Tapline. parent and affiliated
Mr. P. S, Rattle is back at his
desk after a June business trip
to The Hague.
Vacationing in the Lebanon
are Me srs. J. H. Bustani and
Ed Ferzly of P&T.
Oil pa~e
by M. Jaouni
Qal humah \\clel)med 10 June
nCI comer 10 the ,tallon Dr.
R [
ahhagha. 01 Lehanon.
\\'10 g .ldl. ItlJ lhl' ) oar fn)1l1
th~ -\l'1e IC.ln L 1111 er'll) 01 BelrUI " pia) -read 109 and act 109
tan. Dr '>ahhagha " marned.
\\hile at \L B. he \\a, on acll\e
memher 01 lhe \tedl -al 'tudenh
:-'0: el)
page II)
am .... aram arn\ed 10 mid-June
tor a"l£nment al the ha,e ho,pltal Her ,econd ,ummer \\ Ith
1 aplIne, \II'
a)e£h ha, heen
lehlred for a three-month penod.
) na
home. ,he I memher of the
B. .W. facult) 10 Belnl!.
'lr. Karam hail, from A~~ar_
Lehanon. He \la, prcvlou,l) affiilated \\ Ilh lhe Kenned) \Iemonal
\1emher of lhe hachelor group.
'lr. Karam enjo), lenn". plngp;Jng and \ ol1e) ha 11.
Badanah al,o \le\comed 'Ir.
-\))ad hlO \)ed on tran,fer to
th~ ha,e ho,pllal from
'11' Rima (,hanma. on ,ummer
\aCal,On fol1o\\ 109 the lermlllalion 01 cia, ~ at the Bnll hHlan] ralOlOg Col1~gc 10 BelrUl. 'Ir. 1·:\ bin "hmad. on
return from Iea\e 10 e1-Ha a
R f\tl1>1>tI '1It1
DUring '1;1\. Ie \\eleamed the
return of \ a at oner H C \ an
PUllen. \\
Bader and
luham mad -\\ . and 'I u,tapha Ah )e~_ on lran,fcr from Turalf.
In the -.;Ime I' nod. \Ie ,r .
'Iuhammad Omar. aleh "hdul
AZlz_ -\hdul1ah Khalaf. 'Iajld
alem. ".1uhammad Haheeh. 'Iu'ta 1m Jaounl
::lI1d Ben Dal Ie departed on \acalion. 'Ir Da\le,
10 II'>It the Bru"el \\orld' faIr.
He \1111 aho f1) to cotland helore gOlOg to CalIfornia \I here
he II1tend to golf and f"h hI'
Iea\e a\la)
Our he t \I I he go to \1 r ,I.
Chehade \lho recentl) anpounced hi engagement 10 \11
-\ 'I Hea\ II1gham. of
Dnon. England \1 r Chehade i
nO\l I or~ II1g a RelIef Office
Super> I or here
by Dora Saber
Our hat are li pped to the
ne\lcomer 10 l3adanah lallon.
ur e \1alilda Sa)egh and 1'1-
o,f,. 1. Ka,am
urpn l dll1ner parlie.. \lere
gl\en h)
upenntendent and
\1r, D P Harh·n and 'Ie .. 1".
h~ar and \hdou HIlane to hid \\e\come to -\hdullah ·1"lanl. \lho \\a on a \lee~'
hu lOe" I I Il to the tallon
'lUI 109 June 2nd
I3n) hapI') return.. \I ere
\\I\hed to \Ir,. Ho\\ard Jen ..en.
\lho celehrated her hlrthda)
June 12 at a mO.t enjo)ahle part) ho ted h) ".ir. and Mr.. L. E.
The W. R. Plc~ell'> departed
for Ital} on \aCallon. \lhile. vacalloner,
II hln Yousuf and
Abdul Rahman Ahdallah left for
d-Ha .. a.
\ia~lI1g the 'haJJ' thIS lear
from Badanah arc emplo)ee
'>alem SaId. ".1aalooq All. \oIuhammad Hlmn.
II Ibrahim.
'>aad Muhammad. Abdel Hadl
Ka, em. und Ielman hln You ,uf.
Badanah \I Itne, ed lhe depar·
lure of man) friend, and colleague dunng lhe month of
\1a) Among Ihe more forlunate
one, Ilere Mr. and \oil's. H. Hargro\e \lho lefl the field \01 a)
22nd. on ,tate Ide vacallon. The
couple plan, 10 dnve from
Yor~ to CalIfornia where they
are lated to ..pend most of their
lime \I Ith theIr fourteen-year-old
·.on. Gerald. \\ho IS a freshman at
the Ca,tro Valley High School.
Ca,tro Valley. Calif. Pnor to
their departure. the Hargroves
\lere enlertall1ed
at dll1nerpartie, given for them by the
W. R. McConnell... E. W.
Eckert'> and the A. Ghanma,.
While Abdul-Razak Mahayn
i, off to ,pend hIS vacation 111
Damao,cu,. Marzook FaY'>a1 i,
gellll1g ready to leave the ,tat Ion
to l'1a~e lh' 'HaJJ: ·\hdd Kanm
'>aleh_ on the olher hand. re"gncd hl\ joh a, an Orderl) at the
Ba,e Ho,p:tal to JOIO the MIII·
tan chool of audl "rahla.
·\fter allendlng the annual
".1 Idea'll
) mpo'lum.
held at the Amencan L nl\er"t)
of B:lrut. \Ia) <)·11. 'LlOe repre,eniatl\e, Dr.
ILar lur~
and 1\11" Jud\ Dunn too~ time
off 10 ·,pend their lacallon, in
!lelrul and Athen,. re.. pectl\el).
Bolh lacalloner... a .. \I ell a, Mr,.
Tur~ and daughter,. are alread)
I-ad, at lhe ,tallon.
llchel Khour). lurall
'>lallon Ph,'lclan. \\a, hrought
I the Ba,,, Ho'pltal .. a a pal,ent 1.llil acule appendlclli' "n
a ppende 'IOm) I a
thu.. per·
forme 1 on Dr Khour). 'Ial
22nd hI Badanah', urgeon. Dr
'Iarcd Pnnce
I he opera lion
\lenl '0 '1"1oothl) that Dr
I, hourI fle\\ hac~ 10 ] lIrall In
larl) J-unc \\here he \\a, ,cheduled to ,pend h! conlale,cence.
\ 1111 the gradual n'L In lem·
pe"ature. 'porting aClIIIlle, ha\e
be,n re'lncted marnl) to tennl ...
an.l hndge. although a fe\l golt
enthu'>la ..h conllnue 10 pia) lhelr
fa\-onte hrand 01 ,port 1 he
ce, Bndge Group ha,
had an ,111' of 'hu'>lne, a ... u ua!'
,hout It. '1 he group " holding
regu la r bndge ,e"lon.. every
Monday at 7 p.rn at the ...tallon\ theater.
On \01 a) 271h. t\\O II'>Itor,
partIcIpated In a hndge game
The) \lere M 1" '1adm Khour)
of Turalf and Emile Saadeh. 01
Beirut. Dr. . Ghanma and ugu,[
,h~ar \I hipped all north
'outh pla}er \I Ith 40 pornh.
\lhlle ".11'. and ".11'" W R. McConnell teamed 10 ,core 1
pOll1h and \\ 111 ea,t \I e t honor
\ e can tn~e a Ie" cheerful
note In ending our June commentM) due to the departure of
Dr. R. T. Huha)ter. after D
month, of ,er\-lce. Before leavII1g the ,tat Ion. Dr. Huhayter
\la, entertained at numerou
dinner and tea partIe, gl\en for
hIm hy Dr. and M 1'... A. Ghanmao Dr. and Mr,. N. Turk. Dr.
Edmond Sefn. and MeS'>rs. A.
A,hkar. K. '>alameh and L. Shaheen.
The highlight of the,e gathering.... however. wa, a farewell
bridge party ho..ted by MI~' Judy Dunn. lop honor, went to
Dr. M. Prmce and Hanna I-addoul who ,cored 55 1'01111'>. Dr.
E. Sefri and your reporter '>Cored 51 point'>. A booby prize
"ent to Mr. E. M. McGowan
and \01 r,. J. L Eckert 'for their
P"lft' 1)
01 June alter rn,tallallon of Ihe
mall1 control hoard exten'>lon.
Pl/lllP"OI/\(' A dcl"lIm , B) the
end of ".1a). the Badanah pumphou,e addilion "a, e't1mated
,2', completed.
Al Rafha. all "or~ "a, con.:Iuded on Ma) 26 and the hUlldmg turned o\-er to Operation,.
By the end of May. all \lor~
o,~ the Qal\umah pumphou ..e addition Iii" completed "Ith lhe
l'xcepllon 01 Ill1al electncal tieIII to the conlrol hoard exten'>lon
'cheduled to occur dunng the
fll"l-halt 01 JUl1e.
\\latef. daughter 01
\1 r, \ B "aad
Rita. daughler of '.11' and \Ir'.
B.I "Im J um,I' on of Ir and
'.11' . '.1 \1 Kh.thhaL
I dgar on 01 '.1 I' .Ind \11". /
alda\\ I
Kamal. ,on 0 '11' .•rnd 'II" ...
I I-.. hOUri
1 hana·. daughter of "11'. •Ind
II II 't amanl
S. Duhhall 01 Badanah.
K. '-ajer of luralf.
M H Ghamldl of Badanah.
'1. H Ghamldl 01 Rafha
-\ '.1 Kutall 01 -I urad.
'> ,I. ".10~ta..eh of Qar)atall1
\.1 S Qahtanl 01 Rafha.
\1 " Ra,hrdl of Qal,umah.
II II "alhl 01 Rafha.
Mr. Mohammad Ahmad Yamam. General Clerk. of the Dama ..cu, office pa"ed away from
a ,udden IIlne" on June 11th.
Mr. Yamanl wa, a"ocmted with
1 apline for the pa ...t nme year,.
havll1g jOll1ed the company 111
June. 1949. He I.. ,urvived hy
the "Idow and ,even children to
"hom 1 aplrne per..onnel extend
their deere,t ,ympathy.