The College - Stationers` Crown Woods Academy


The College - Stationers` Crown Woods Academy
The College
April 2012
Crown Woods College
Edition: 3
Our community, your success
We have now been in the College for a year and although the novelty is beginning to wear off I am still struck by the beauty and functionality of the design. The
intention was not only to create a school that facilitated an improvement in the quality of education and therefore skills and qualifications but that the environment
should enhance the quality of life of those who learn, teach and work here in whatever capacity. It is most certainly doing that; we expect a significant increase in exam
results this summer and it is quite clear from the response by staff and pupils that the quality of life here has improved immeasurably. The community certainly
appreciate the new College because they have chosen Crown Woods as their first preference secondary school in great numbers. Not only are we full for September
2012 but we have a long waiting list. The GCSE results in the summer will show the impact that the new College has made but we can already see the
benefits with a significant improvement in behaviour and reduction in exclusions and an improvement in attendance. This all bodes well for the future
and I am looking forward to working with pupils, parents, carers and teachers alike so that the whole community can be very proud of the service we
provide for this part of London.
Yours sincerely
M. J. Murphy
Crown Woods College Pupils Are Announced Runners Up In
National Awards In The Presence Of HRH Prince Charles
A group of year 11 pupils have been recognised for their hard work on The Prince’s Trust xl Programme. This is a well earned reward for over a years' hard work. The
journey began in January 2011 when Crown Woods College xl group were investigating knife crime and its causes. The group found out that that peer pressure was often a
reason for young people being involved in anti-social behaviour and they decided they wanted to do something about it; the group thought to take the message to younger children and share their findings about the
dangers of being involved with the wrong crowd and where this may lead.
The group wrote a play, song and poem. They took extra drama classes, made badges and information
leaflets and called the project 'Children Want Change'. After months of set and prop building, costume
designing and practice the group were ready to go on the road. In all, the group have performed the play
to hundreds of children, young people and adults to high acclaim. The play was last performed at Greenwich’s Anti-Bullying Week.
The Prince’s Trust were so impressed that they nominated the group for the regional award for Community
Impact. On a cold November night they attended Arsenal’s Emirates stadium where Konnie Huq presented
them with their Regional Champions award. At this point the
Prince’s Trust nominated them
for the national awards meaning that the group were in the top three across the UK.
The high profile, star-studded red carpet event took place on Wednesday 14th March at the Odeon,
Leicester Square. On a day when the group met HRH Prince Charles, Tom Hardy, Adam Deacon,
Gok Wan, Emeli Sandé, and Emma Bunton, they were to be crowned runners up by the actress Joanna Lumley. They duly took to the stage at the invite of hosts Ant and Dec to receive their trophy.
Although slightly disappointed, the group were gracious in accepting that the winner of the category
was a worthy one. The group were treated to an after show reception where they mixed with the
stars (in particular with Adam Deacon). They were each given a Burberry coat by way of congratulations.
Fame has spread quickly and the group have been featured on the Alan Titchmarsh show, in the News Shopper and the Evening Standard as well as a Radio London interview. There is also a video on the Prince’s Trust website.
What makes this even more special is that the pupils involved in this success are from very varied backgrounds and
several have behaviour and learning difficulties. The work that the pupils have produced on this will go towards their
final Prince’s Trust qualification, as they have completed the community action module.
The message is that it only takes inspiration and motivation in a young person’s life and they will shine.
Well done to Ashley Cox, Brendan Gilhooley, Abi Grover, John Henley-Smith, Nazim Huseyin, Tamara Lewis,
Aqib Mahmood, Chelsie Martin, Olivia Shepherd, Shannon Simcox, Donald Struga.
Article by: xl advisors Paula Harrington, Ben Wright & Neil Harrington.
Thank you to The Evening Standard, News Shopper and the Princes Trust for allowing us to publish the featured photographs.
Crown Woods College
A Humanities College
145 Bexley Road, Eltham SE9 2PT
Phone: 0208 850 7678 Fax: 0208 294 1921
April 2012
Page 2
‘Teachers open doors, you the student must walk through’
Arden News
New York 2012 Trip
After a long flight, we touched down in Newark, to unexpectedly sunny weather, considering
we had all packed for arctic conditions. We then transferred to our hotel in Manhattan and
after quickly unpacking we walked to Times Square. It was quite an extraordinary sight as
we took in the surrounding lights and energy. The next couple of days passed too quickly as
we visited several of New Yorks attractions including the Rockefeller Centre, 9/11 memorial,
Ice skating in Central Park and the Empire State Building, We also had free time to ourselves
to look around shops and take in the sights. We have all made some great friends and amazing memories that we will cherish for a long time to come and would seriously recommend
everyone to visit New York.
Artice by: Richelle Bird, Alice Kolendo and Alanah Sees
Arden Students
Learning from the Masters
On Wednesday 8th February 2012, Year 12 and Year 13 students from Arden
College visited Coca-Cola Enterprises newly launched Educational Centre
at Sidcup to learn how Coca-Cola bottles are designed. This trip helped the Year
13 students to gain experience and techniques on how to develop and design
new bottled water for the London 2012 Olympics as part of their Business
BTEC National level 3 coursework project. During the workshop at Coca-Cola
training centre, students were shown how products are developed, designed and
branded to meet the needs of different target markets. They were also shown
different bottles created and designed by Coca-Cola and the concept behind
those designs.
At the end of the workshop students were given a chance to draw the design of
their new bottle, write up the features on a large piece of paper and then present
it to everyone in the room.
This activity encouraged the students to develop presentation skills and also enhanced their team-working skills. They also learnt how to conceptualise,
label and size a product, design new bottles using bottle blowing techniques and how to come up with different brands and flavours that will
meet the needs of their target markets. The workshop provided an excellent link to their unit 10 Coursework content.
Ultimately all students enjoyed the trip and also found the opportunity to learn outside the classroom environment very rewarding.
Thank You Arden for funding this trip!!
Mr. U. Ibanga
On 26th January, our Year 12 BTEC class went to the Teach First Offices in London Bridge as part of our Unit 5 coursework. We started the day with a welcome presentation from the Regional Director. Afterwards, we had the opportunity to
ask lots of questions about the charity and the work that they do. Next we were shown around the office by an ex-student
of Crown Woods School who is now a Manager at the charity. At 11:30 we were picked up by our mentors who we spent the rest of the day with. They told us about
their jobs and got us doing lots of different office tasks like using the photocopier, scanner and fax machine and filing documents.
Here is what some of the students and workers at the office said about the day:
“It was very valuable for us to spend a bit of time with some of the young people that we hope our work benefits. I was very impressed by them, by their polite and
thoughtful questions and by their enthusiasm and interest. They were excellent ambassadors for their school”
Head of External Relations
“Our whole class enjoyed their experience including myself. My mentor gave me great advice and taught me a lot of new things like how to act in an interview. Now
when I go for an interview I will have more confidence because I know what sort of questions to ask”
Zac Fry
“I learnt a lot about how the office is run because I thought no-one would be talking to each other and just thought it would be tense, but as I could see everyone gets
along and is kind to each other. This makes me more comfortable to work in an office like Teach First”
Meme Truong
“This has been the best school trip I have been on and I hope to have this experience again. I have taken a lot back to school, for example how to use some office
equipment that I haven’t used before and most of all it has motivated me to get the Distinction that I am hoping to achieve”
Ashley Fry
“This school trip has helped me achieve my unit 5 and given me experience about what it’s like to work in an office. I liked getting to know information about my
mentor, what they studied at school and how they got to where they are now”
Lennon Diza
Mr. M. Hartnett
Head of Arden
Page 3
Symphony Centre
‘Inclusions is at the heart of our community’
Year 10 Princes Trust xl group go Crown Woods pupils celebrate festivals
on residential
from around the world
Symphony Centre
On a cold and damp friday in February Mr. Wright, Ms. Emmett, Ms. Carrett and In the EAL department we have been celebrating lots of different festivals from
around the world. Thank you to all the pupils that put so much hard work and
myself headed off to Ashford for
effort into this project.
the annual xl residential. On arrival
we were surprised to find that the
Chinese New Year – 23rd January
ground was still covered in snow.
Year of the Dragon - We celebrated Chinese New
The pupils who had planned the
Year by making dragons; including a huge head of a
whole residential themselves took
part in a number of activities including the Leap of Faith, Team ChalPancake Day – 21st February
lenge, Wall Climbing, Archery and
This day is also know as Mardi Gras
3D Swing. Pupils challenged staff to
in some countries. To celebrate the
Aero Ball and Football, staff winpupils made pancakes, for a few of
ning on both occasions. A good time
them this was their first experience
was had by all and the pupils who
of making pancakes. Colourful and
praticipated have now completed a whole module of their Princes Trust award.
decorative Mardi Gras masks were
Article by: Mr. N. Harrington
also made.
Climbing at the Reach - Charlton
Ten Symphony pupils had the chance to learn climbing skills at the Reach climbing
centre, Charlton. Everyone climbed, learnt rope techniques and had a great deal of
fun! Each pupil progressed every week and gained in confidence and aptitude.
We are looking forward to going again!
Article by: Ms. E. Worrall T/ic VISR
St David’s Day – 1st March
This day celebrates the Patron Saint of Wales. To mark this
day we drew daffodils, wrote poems and even made our own
little saints!
Holi Festival – 8th March
An Indian festival, originally believed to be a special rite
performed by married women for the
happiness and wellbeing of their families.
Today Holi is celebrated in the streets,
colours fill the atmosphere as people
throw ‘abeer’ and ‘gulal’(powdered
paint), covering family and friends in
traditional bright colours. The festival
marks the end of winter and rejoices in the bloom of spring. As
we did not want to make a mess in our lovely new classroom,
we drew life size images of ourselves and coloured them in instead. Not quite as
much fun as throwing paint over each other!
Article by: Ms. J. Chapman
Cross College
Crown Woods College Enrichment Programme
The Crown Wood College Enrichment Programme continues to flourish, with pupils enjoying a varied and interesting variety of activities.
Below is a small sample of the Enrichment Programme on offer: The 2012 Centre also offers a full programme full details can be found at
French Exchange - Building Links
Recently twenty-two French high school pupils visited Crown Woods College on
the first leg of the brand new French Exchange with the Collège Henri Bergson in
•Monday - Yr 7-10 - Drama Whole School Production - Crown/Symphony - 3pm
•Monday - Year 11 - Maths Enrichment - Ashdown AS001 - 2.50pm
Monday - Choir (Lunch-time) - Music Department - 12.40pm - 1.10pm
•Monday - Yr 10 - Art Enrichment - WM206/204 - 2.50pm
•Monday - Yr 11 - Construction - WM002 - 2.50pm
•Monday - Yr 7-9 - Technology Enrichment - WM203 - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Studio Time - Music Department - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Year 11 - Maths Enrichment - Ashdown AS001 - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Yr 7-10 - Drama Whole School Production - Crown/Symphony - 3pm
•Tuesday - Yr 9 - Art Studio Extension Work (only 15 places) - WM204 - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Yr 11 - Construction Enrichment - WM002 - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Yr11 - Graphics Enrichment - WM101 - 2.50pm
•Tuesday - Yr11 - Food Technology Enrichment - WM104 - 2.50pm
•Wednesday Yr 7-9 - Construction Enrichment - WM103 - 2.50pm
•Wednesday - Funk Band (Lunch-time) - Music Department - 12.40pm - 1.10pm
•Wednesday - Yr 7-10 - Drama Whole School Production - Crown/Symphony - 3pm
•Thursday - Yr 10-11 - Drama GCSE Coursework catch- up - William Morris - 3pm
•Thursday - Yr 11 - Construction Enrichment - WM002 - Before School
•Thursday - Guitar Group (Lunch-time) - Music Department - 12.40pm - 1.10pm
•Thursday - Orchestra - Music Department - 2.50pm
•Thursday - Year 7 - Literacy Club - Ashdown AS004 - 2.50pm
•Friday Year 9 - Collaborative portrait/landscape project - WM201 - 2.50pm
•Friday - Yr 11 - Art Extension/Catchup - WM204/205 2.50pm
•Friday - Yr 11 - Construction Enrichment - WM002 - Before School
•Friday - Yr 11 - Product Design Enrichment - WM203 - 2.50pm
•Friday - Yr 11 - Graphic Design Enrichment - WM101 - 2.50pm
•Friday - Yr 11 - Food Technology Enrichment - WM104 - 2.50pm
•Friday - Studio Time - Music Department - 2.50pm
Our guests all stayed with their Crown Woods College hosts across years 8, 9 and
10, experiencing a week in the life of a London high school pupil. As well as experiencing school life with a day in lessons, shadowing their exchange partners on
Wednesday, the Parisian group visited London’s main tourist attractions with day
trips all over the city. However, the most important aspect was learning what it is to
be part of a London family immersed in foreign culture for a week.
Soon Crown Woods College pupils will travel to France. As friendships were
already formed on the first leg, it will not be a complete step into the unknown for
our pupils. However, on top of the fun programme we have in place, Crown Woods
pupils will be exposed to a whole new culture, living as French pupils for the week,
hopefully returning having picked up plenty of new French vocabulary as well as
having broadened their minds!
Article by: Mr. N. Bentley
April 2012
Ashdown School
Page 4
‘Inspire to aspire’
Dear Parents, Carers and members of our extended community,
I feel privileged to introduce myself as the new Head of Ashdown School. We are a comprehensive school with an inspirational ethos. Strong discipline and thoughtful
values create a warm, happy and calm atmosphere in which young people grow and develop into extraordinary members of society. Academic excellence for everyone
is one of our core values. As a small school, we provide an individually tailored education in a friendly, family environment. We provide a rich education that celebrates
academic endeavour and success, social responsibility, and find inspiration in beauty. Ashdown is a fun, comfortable place to learn and to work. In April 2011 we moved
into a multimillion-pound new building. The design, facilities and vibrant Ashdown red reflect the friendly approach and the ability of our staff to listen to our students.
Our environment symbolises our progressive approach to learning and achievement. We work in a place of beauty where a peaceful and calm atmosphere fosters learning and reflection. The focus of our transformational journey are our children. Ashdown was over-subscribed for September 2011 and is so again for this September. Our
local community believes in the transformation that is occurring; many of our staff live in south London and we’re proud to be part of this community. You’re welcome to
be part of this transformational approach; we look forward to working with and listening to you. Ashdown School’s future is bright. Our children are extraordiVictim
nary. Warm regards, Kester Bantin Head of Ashdown School
World Book Day
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body” (Steele). As our minds were in need of a jog, Ashdown decided to celebrate World Book Day by asking every
pupil in year 7, 8 and 9 to "Drop Everything And Read". At 12:40pm an announcement was made, which marked the start of thirty
blissful minutes of reading. Many other activities were held during the day, including a book mark and fancy dress competition.
For those
of you who are still wondering, Ms Brown was the poor gal Eliza, from Shaw's Pygmalion, and Ms Dowd was Hermione Granger, Harry's
bossy accomplice. Ms Efford was of course Wally, although she was slightly easier to spot than usual!
Ashdown School
Inspired by the selflessness of Timothy Winters, 7CBN decided
to fundraise for Barnardo's, a charity aimed at helping young
children living in poverty. Feeling creative, 7CBN began the mindmapping process and although many fancy dress options were
discussed, we decided to have a cake sale (the teachers are known
to be very greedy!).
Everybody got involved, including people's nans
and neighbours. Popular choices included the
delicious banana cakes (well done
Rhiannon) and many scrumptuous
cup cakes. Unfortunately, my own butterfly cakes did
not go down as well!
The event was a complete success, not least because pupils returned to their lessons feeling poorly
sick! 7CBN raised over £90 for charity, which
will go towards helping those less fortunate than
What a worthwhile event - very well done 7CBN!
Year 11 GCSE Heroes
Year 11 pupils in Ashdown have been working exceptionally hard
to secure their GCSE results. At present, we have a number of
pupils who have gained qualifications in a number of subjects. We
call these pupils our 'Heroes'.
Just a small selection of amazing
books Crown Woods College Libray
has available
Science Week
Thank you to all those involved; the day was a lovely opportunity to celebrate the wonders of reading and to get lost in our imagination.
The only question left is 'what will you read next?'
Ashdown Charity Stars!
Cake Sale
This year's National Science Week theme was Our World in Motion. Ashdown celebrated
this topic with a series of fun assemblies and a
school-wide outbreak of the IphoneITIS virus.
Thanks to Tennesse, Siobhan, Caitlin, Meliz,
Dawud and Abdul in Year 10 who made up the
medical team, treating the infected pupils and monitoring the spread of
the infection over the week. Over the course of 5 days, from one infected person, over 70% of Ashdown school was infected, Victim
with only half of those infected surviving the virus. This
gave pupils and teachers alike the opportunity to observe
the possible effects of a severe viral outbreak first-hand. Although there may
have been some black-market infection deals brokered by pupils eager to catch the virus,
possibly because of the chocolate-based treatment, participation was fantastic throughout the
school and the project was a great success.
A Day in the Life
From a moth-eaten antique to a glorious haven. From Crown Woods School to Ashdown School,
Crown Woods College. Our education has improved in a myriad ways. We’ve jumped to new levels,
where most students want to achieve their goals and know how to do so. Moving from Cs to Bs in a
few weeks; it might be a challenge, but it’s one we enjoy.
Our new environment sends out a positive view to everyone, everyday. School life is more beautiful.
Commanding but fair, our teachers give us incrementally more than they need to, and they still smile
at us. This makes our days seem brighter. Ashdown School makes communication between teachers
and student more effective; they talk to us like adults. The view is amazing, and no, it’s not a hotel but
if it was we know we would stay here.
Students and staff are great; we get on and reach our full potential. We could say more but we don’t
want to seem be big-headed. You can ask anyone, Crown Woods College is better than ever. We also
think that now that we have our new environment everyone can finally get along and do the work, appreciating the special gift we have been given. Gemma Paterson and Nam Ly
The following pupils have received our gold awards which means they have secured 3 or more GCSEs at a C grade or above:
Doyin Ayandosu, Callum Oliver, Biranchi Neupane, Sirat Shinwarie and Joe Butler.
The following pupils have received our silver awards which means they have secured 2 GCSEs at a C grade or above:
Lily Truong, Grace Percival, Matthew Birmingham, Charlie Doherty, Mildred Ehiabor, Ashim Gauchan, Storm Jude, Ibukun Bolarinwa,
Sobrah Chambalori and Daniel Zelnis.
The following pupils have received our bronze awards which means they have secured 1 GCSE at a grade c or above:
Adenis Ruci, Jessica Perry, Sohil Hassani, Paul Gnadou, Richard Taylor, Diana Costa, Vanessa Putman, Connor Murray, Samantha McCarlieFoy,
Houssam Cheik, Olivia Armstrong, Jamal Okubule, Amanda Henriksson, John Henley-Smith, Funmi Popoola, Perry Melluish, Jessica Mullen,
Nam Ly, Sophie Page, Tamara Lewis, Gemma Paterson, Daniel McCaughan, Sam Eckhardt, Alex Summers, Kristine Pauvilane, Chloe Smith
and Brendon Gilhooley.
We are very proud of all of our Year 11s and can't wait to celebrate their successes in August.
April 2012
Page 5
Delamere School
‘Making aspirations a reality’
Exciting News this Term
Delamere News
Delamere School
Year 10 Delamere Debaters: Joe Spark, our Citizenhsip teacher, has set up our first ever
Debating Society! We have four of our Year 10 pupils entering competitions which we are
delighted about.
Year 7 Delamere Radio Club: Six of our Year 7 pupils are working on our first ever
Delamere Radio! They are in two groups and are in the process of
researching a school based issue; from this they then have to write a script
around the topic and then create a podcast that can be broadcast to tutor
teams later this term.
JSLA: We are looking forward to the Delamere Dance Production that is
taking place next month. A number of our pupils are Sports Leaders and
have been working with primary schools in preparation for this event. We
do hope lots of pupils and parents will come and support this fantastic evening.
Speakers4school programme: This is a national programme that we have signed up to
which offers free guest speakers to schools. We are excited to hear from them soon to
know which speakers will be inspiring our pupils next term.
Year 9 Spanish Film Appreciation: Our Year 9 Spanish linguists enjoyed a showing of
the film ‘Pan’s Labryinth’ which complemented the work they have been doing around the
Spanish Civil War.
Year 9 French Film Appreciation: Our Year 9 French
linguists enjoyed the showing of the film ‘La Haine’
which deals with issues of social breakdown and youth
alienation in suburbs that led to riots in both Paris and
Year 7 Free The Children Day: We ran this workshop
based day in November for all our year 7 pupils to
enrich their SRS curriculum and widen their knowledge,
understanding and empathy for issues concerning what
happens to children around the world including child soldiers and child employment.
Delamere Impossible Quizzes: We have written three ‘Impossible Quizzes’ for our pupils
this year. These are completely optional and the pupils love them! Pupils submit their
entries and the winners are chosen by Ms Lymer. The prize last time was a voucher for
Nandos Restaurant. Our aim is to encourage pupils to think outside of the classroom and
build on their interest in finding out more about the world for themselves. We would like
to congratulate Zach Beadle our most recent winner.
Year 7 National Short Story Competition: 75 of our Year 7 pupils were shortlisted to
have their short stories published in a book that will be displayed in the British Library.
Competition organisers wrote to all 75 pupils and their parents/carers.
Delamere Science Week
Morning activity Included: Mr Baker fire breathing, Smoke Bubbles!, Elephant Toothpaste, Thermit Reaction
and Smoke Bombs.
Assemblies Included: Van de Graaf, Dry Ice making ice cream, Freezing flowers and Changing
colour experiment.
Nobel prizes: Throughout the week science teachers were watching very carefully the pupils (and
teachers!) who they thought were participating the
most in Science Week. The pupils with the most
Nobel prizes will be chosen (along with a friend of
their choice) to go kayaking down the Thames.
Lessons: Making the tallest and strongest polystyrene
tower! Judged by the ultimate hairdryer! (Nobel prizes
available) Turning 2p coins to silver and then to gold!
Helium Balloons - pupils to design a tag with a science fact
on it to attach to their helium balloon. An email address was
provided for the finders of the balloon to email (the furthest
away balloon to receive a Nobel Prize!)
Science Ambassadors: 7NSI: Jade Robinson & Jamie
Sparrow 7SDS:Mollie Brown & Feyisola Kolapo
8RGD: Jack Osborn & Jordan Wan 9D1:Taero Sabina Siris 9D2: Harry Smith & John Okai
Delamere Achievements
Year 11 results so far: We are delighted that many of our Year 11 pupils have already
secured excellent GCSE results despite not completing their studies until this summer:
English: Sixty of our pupils have achieved A*-C in their November iGCSE English
Language GCSE: 10 A*/A grade; 28 B grade; 22 C grade. These grades were
achieved following a seven week intensive programme of compulsory after school
classes that followed a completely new exam board and content; iGCSE is very skills
based and is taken by a number of independent/grammar schools.
Maths: Sixty two of our pupils have already achieved an A*-C in their GCSE Maths:
14 A*/A; 18 B grade; 30 C grade.
Citizenship: Eighty five of our pupils have already achieved an A*-C in their GCSE
Citizenship: 30A*/A; 35 B grade; 20 C grade.
Adult Literacy Level 2: (equivalent to 0.5 C grade GCSE)
Seventy five of our pupils have already achieved a pass in this qualification.
Adult Numeracy Level 2: (equivalent to 0.5 C grade GCSE)
Eighty of our pupils have already achieved a pass in this qualification.
BTEC Level 2 Diversity and Equality: (equivalent to B grade GCSE)
All ten pupils who studied this accreditation have passed this qualification.
Some of our achievements in KS3
Year 7
English - 89.8% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 8.9% are Level 6+
Maths - 100% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 53.9% are Level 6+
Science - 100% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 24.7%% are Level 6+
Year 8
English - 95.1% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 53.6% are Level 6+ / 0% are Level 7+
Maths - 100% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 78.0% are Level 6+ / 23.1% are Level 7+
Science - 100% of our pupils are Level 5+ / 93.9% are Level 6+ / 30.4% are Level 7+
Year 9
English - 93.3% of our pupils are Level 6+
Maths - 98.8% of our pupils are Level 6+ (53.2% are Level 7+)
Science - 97.7% of our pupils are Level 6+ (41.1% are Level 7+)
KS3 Outstanding Achievement
Year 7
English – Level 6C: Jacob Million, Lola Hunter, Anthony Hunt, Ellie Stringer,
Zainab Yusuf, Koyinsola Fashola, Vincent Hamond and Daisy Mayhew.
Maths – Level 6A: Michael Nguyen and Feyisola Kolapo.
Science – Level 6A: Michael Nguyen
Year 8
English – Level 7C: Miles Hines, Charlotte Bellhouse, Piers Reed and Jordan Wan
Maths – Level 7A: Richard Cheung, Ashley Bradley, Babashola Shotayo and
Michelle Carrillo-Bejarano
Science – Level 7B: Melisa Topcu, Michelle Carrillo-Bejarano, Yulia Tskhay and
Jordan Wan.
Year 9
Chloe Wing, Harry Smith, Sarah Welsh and Aaron Mayne should all be congratulated for
their outstanding academic achievement in English. Top levels in Maths go to Uzorma
Owete, Demi Raymore and John Okai, all at Level 8. Additionally, congratulations to
Rhiannon Frazer and Jamie Diep for their superb Science achievement.
! !
Science Visits:
Two amabssadors came to the school to make presentations to Year 10
about their careers (a cancer genetisist and a computer programmer
for visual effects in films such as Harry Potter). Skype conferences
with 2 scientists from around the world (one working for Renault
formula 1 and one working for an e-commerce company)
Enrichments: Planets - baking biscuits to the scale of the solar
system then decorating them, and Rat dissection - Pupils were able to
dissect the lungs, heart, kidneys and eye!
A whole-school project: Teachers wore a lab coat with the name of
their favourite scientist on for the week. The 'Science Impossible Quiz'! Winners will also receive nobel prizes.
Ms. A. Croft
Head of
Delamere School
April 2012
Page 6
Sherwood School
‘A world of possibilities’
Sherwood News
Dear Parents / Guardians,
I am very pleased to finally write to all of you after taking the post of Head of Sherwood School in January 2012. Firstly, let me say, I feel proud and privileged to be
Head of Sherwood School and I am looking forward to an extremely bright future, working with all staff, pupils and local community, for the benefit of Sherwood
and the College as a whole.
My aims are for every pupil at Sherwood to have an outstanding educational experience and in doing so achieve the qualifications needed for every individual to
make their next steps. I have very high expectations and so will ensure and continually drive a curriculum, learning environment as well as enrichment opportunities
and experiences that stretch, challenge, engage and motivate all at Sherwood school.
My first impressions of Sherwood School have been positive, but I am clear that continued improvements are needed for the school to fulfil it’s very obvious
potential. Working with parents, the school has already made positive gains in improving attendance and punctuality to school. Our two other main drivers have
been establishing positive conduct in and around school as well as driving whole school academic achievement. Sherwood is currently establishing numerous
rewards systems to reinforce positive conduct and effort as we seek to create a school where success is continually celebrated.
Sherwood staff are working hard planning stimulating lessons that will inspire and challenge all learners. Numerous enrichment opportunities are offered by staff on
a weekly basis to offer support or boosters to a pupil's academic attainment. Many more opportunities are planned for the remainder of the academic year, with the
aim of all Sherwood pupils making rapid progress across the curriculum. Please encourage your son / daughter to attend all enrichments and complete homework to
the best of their ability.
I look forward to working with you to provide the very best educational experiences for all Sherwood pupils.
KS3 News
Sherwood School
Sherwood Excursion
To further enrich Sherwood pupils we are planning a range of departmental and cross-curricular
excursions over the coming Summer term. A particular highlight
is the Year 7 and Year 8 day excursion to
‘Tree Jumpers’ in Kent. This is an excellent
provider of high adrenaline outdoor activities
including a high ropes course, rock climbing, abseiling, kayaking etc. A letter detailing
arrangements and costs will be issued to the
different year levels in the near future. This
will be a fantastic day of fun, teamwork and learning life skills.
Mr. B. Griffen
Head of Sherwood School
Year 9 Pathways
We are committed to ensuring that Sherwood pupils strive for and
achieve their potential. To support our pupils
Sherwood School
‘A world of possibilities’
in this process Year 9 pupils and parents
attended a pathways evening on Tuesday 28
Sherwood School
February. At this key whole College event
pupils were able to learn about their choices
Option Choices
for Key Stage 4 and beyond, find out about
the courses, and discuss their suitability with
teachers. This excellently attended evening
was followed up with Pathways Day on
Tuesday 6th March where all Sherwood
Year 9 pupils completed a formal interview with a parent and a Senior member of
Sherwood staff. This personalised process
enabled pupils to get individual advice on their selections and to make
We know that learning is an on-going process and that pupils achievement can at times falter.
the most informed choices. Pupils and parents greatly appreciated
Through the regular assessment of pupils performance and the analysis of individual attainment this comprehensive process and share our confidence about the future
data we can identify and create targeted interventions to support learning. Sherwood staff
achievements of the year group.
are working hard to enrich the learning of pupils through a range of intervention programs.
In collaboration with Learning Support Year 7 pupils
with weak reading levels have been withdrawn to complete an intensive reading program. The English department are
running weekly enrichment lessons for a group of Year 8s on Mondays and Year 7s on Wednesday who have not made the
desired progress so far this year. Maths are running two programs simultaneously on both Mondays and Wednesdays for
level 5 pupils that we believe are capable of finishing Year 9 on a level 6. Year 9 and Year 8 Science enrichments will be
commencing before the Easter holidays and a Humanities high achievers enrichment will commence in the Summer term. Through our small school knowledge of
our pupils and use of pupils data we are confident that we can support our Sherwood pupils in reaching their potential.
Targeting Success
CWS Key Stage 4 Choice
Page 1
KS4 News
Sherwood Year 11 pupils have continued to make good progress this term and we are extremely excited about their excellent achievements. The vast majority of the year
group have secured at least 1 grade A*-C already and are very close to completing their other courses.
Some recent examples of success:
8 pupils have already secured 3 A*-C grades at GCSE: Aimee, Tom, Hayley, Sebnem, Sobijan, Zikria, Karan and Madeline!
6 pupils have been part of the winning XL team and recently had the chance to meet Prince Charles and Ant and Dec: Well done Nazim, Aqib,
Chelsie, Olivia, Shannon and Donald!
Madeline - A in English iGCSE, Zikira - A* Dutch GCSE, Nathan - A Chinese GCSE, Linda, Madeline and Alex: A in Science modules
Tom, Zikria, Sobijan, George, Joe, Aimee, Kevin, Madeline B grades in English, Maths and/or Science.
Year 11 Maths:
At the start of March year 11 had the opportunity to take their maths GCSE early. The whole cohort worked extremely hard with over 60 pupils spending a great
deal of their weekend revising at school. We were extremely impressed and proud of their hard work, commitment and enthusiasm and we look to receiving their results.
Year 10 Early Entry Maths
10FMK will shortly be starting an intensive programme of revision for their maths GCSE. This class are taking the exciting opportunity to sit their GCSE exam early, at the end of
Year 10 and we are looking forward to seeing all their successes.
Study Group
A study group has been created for year 10 pupils to consolidate their work in their core subjects. The group uses the ICT room to develop their independent study skills in a weekly
enrichment. Attendance and commitment from the pupils has been excellent.
Year 10 Residential
In June all of Year 10 will be going on a residential weekend trip to a very exciting activity centre in Kent. The trip will give the year group a chance to undertake a series of physical
and mental challenges and will be a fanastic chance to form strong relationships before the rigours of year 11! We are sure the weekend will involve a huge amount of fun for everyone and we are really looking forward to it!
April 2012
Page 7
William Morris
‘Innovate and create’
Ms. L. Dhupat
Head of William Morris
William Morris News
Design Technology
Year 9 Design and Technology pupils have been learning about creative career pathways this term. Pupils were visited by designers and looked at
career options when choosing Design and Technology at GCSE. The sculptor John Robinson spoke to pupils about
his current work and his time working with artist David Mach, to create a series of
sculptures built out of coat hangers. Silver King, the gorilla pictured, was displayed in
the Power of Making exhibition at the V&A last year which our pupils attended.
Fashion designer Nicky Rowan visited Year 9 and Year 12 pupils, to share her wealth
of experience in the design industry, and presented pupils with her impressive professional portfolio of fashion and textile designs.
Delamare pupils have been working with Ms Maocha, Ms Lands and Ms Gondhia on a
cross curricular project to create 'planets' for the solar system. Pupils made cookies in the
shape of the planets and decorated them for Science Week.
KS3 Years 7 - 9 Technology club is held each Monday after school, so please come along to
the William Morris School, Room 203.
William Morris
Art captivates Year 9 Pupils with
Special Effects!
In February William Morris held a careers day for Year 9 (KS3) pupils and amongst the visitors to the Art Department was a special effects technician.
The pupils were captivated by the presentation of explosions, crashes and pop videos, and had
hands-on experience with various props that had been specially made for film and T.V.
They even got to see a special shatter glass bottle smashed over the technician’s head.
Year 12 and 13 students began their preparation for their art exams
with a day of gallery visits in London. The students very patiently
walked through the pouring rain from the Mall to the Tate Modern
and collected valuable information to begin planning their own ideas.
Article by: Ms. J. Zagloba
Music & Drama News
The Drama Department has continued to be a hive of activity with auditions, rehearsals, performances,
trips and workshops.
Auditions and rehearsals have taken place and are underway for the whole college production of Hairspray.
We had over 300 pupils audition and competition was high. This year’s production promises to be bigger and better than ever!
On the evening of the 8th March, our Year 12 students performed their Duologues and Monologues as part of their Unit 2 AS exam. Thank you to all the parents, carers,
staff and pupils who supported.
Theatre trips have continued for Years 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 pupils, with more to follow for Years 7 and 9. These trips are a valuable part in allowing
pupils to feel inspired and excited by the world of theatre.
Workshops: During the week of the 6th February the William Morris Team held a Year 9, careers week, inviting external professional practitioners
who work within the Arts to lead workshops for our Year 9 pupils in order to inspire and provide them with relevant information on how the Arts
subjects can be used in their future careers. The drama department invited Amaka Okafor, a professional Theatre, TV and Radio actress, to come in
and run a workshop and field a Question and Answer session on the realities of acting and how else drama can be used. In January, we also invited
Frantic Assembly Theatre Company to come and work with our Year 12 pupils in teaching them about how to communicate meaning through dance and movement.
Crown Woods College Gospel Choir perform in New York
The performing Arts department have had a great term. The Music Department took 17 pupils to New York to take part in two performances, one at Ground Zero and one at
St. John the Divine. We had a fantastic time and will never forget it! The Performance Art Department have also started
rehearsals for Hairspray the Musical. We have a cast of over 50 pupils and we are really looking forward to performing it
on the 2nd and 3rd July 2012.
April 2012
Page 8
2012 Centre
2012 Notice Board
Life in the 2012 Centre continues at a hectic pace! The success of the Basketball Academy increases every week, with both boys and girls teams being formed and
fixtures with surrounding schools & colleges developing. We started this term with the exciting news that Crown Woods College pupils will be participating in the
Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games. Auditions were held in the second week of term and it has been a very frustrating time waiting for the results to be
published. Thanks to all pupils who were a credit to the College in the way they conducted themselves throughout the audition process. We have all been very
patient in awaiting the results, which I have been informed will be with us before the Easter break – fingers crossed everyone! On Saturday 21st April, I will be
taking 10 lucky pupils to the Olympic Handball Arena to participate in various activities. Another exciting opportunity for Crown Wood College pupils – look
out for photo’s next time! Friday 23rd March was Sports Relief Day. Most pupils in Yrs 7 - 9 had the chance to run the Sports Relief Mile around our brand new
Astro-turf area and the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area). Let’s try and raise as much as possible for this wonderful charity. Thank you for support your children
in this venture. Total sums raised will be published in the next issue. 2012 Staff will also be co-ordinating the very successful Jack Petchey ‘Speak Out’ debating
workshops before the end of term in preparation for the Regional Final to be held in Corelli College next term. Each year our young people have had this fantastic
opportunity to learn how to speak publicly – not an easy thing to do – even for adults! Last year’s final was held here in our brand new College and our pupils performed brilliantly. One pupil, Temi Adelukan went on to host the New Eltham Cluster Literacy Festival, who knows where this years finalists will end up?!
On Friday 9th March, I accompanied 10 young women from Yrs 10, 11 & 12 to the Women of the World Conference at the Southbank Centre. It was a truly an
inspiring day, the girls met some very successful women leaders from various areas including business, film, sport and the arts. The girls participated in numerous
workshops and watched some empowering performances. I hope more girls have the opportunity to attend this event next year. Now we have some of the wonderful
outdoor facilities available to us, staff and pupils are making the most of them! We have launched the 2012 Football Academy on Tuesday evenings with coaches
from Millwall Football Club. We will also be running an Easter Soccer School – look out for details in this newsletter. Our Collective Learning Programme continues to offer opportunities not only to Crown Wood College pupils and their families but also to those from surrounding schools/colleges, please see full details in
this newsletter. We are looking forward to lighter evenings spent using up as much
excess energy as possible in the Summer term! Even CWC staff are motivated to
join the staff Zumba sessions – a very popular way to end a busy day working here!
Collective Learning Programme:
Some classes still have places, please contact Julie Taylor 0n 0208 850 7678 email: [email protected]
Enrolment for all classes is on Tuesday 24th April 6.30pm on the first floor of Arden School
Ms. J. Taylor
Director of Sport
and Community
Excel Beginners & Improvers
Excel Beginners & Improvers
Discover the many uses of Microsoft Excel and start to use
Discover the
of Microsoft
Excel and start to use
it with more confidence.
If you
a little
it withtomore
If you have a little more
experience, come along
your skills.
along to improve your skills.
Date: 24th April – 3rd
July 2012come
(10 Weeks)
24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 6.30pm
– 8.30pm
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: Arden School
2012 Centre
Venue: Arden School
Pilates is an invigorating form of exercise for your mindPilates
and body that
can improve your strength,Pilates
overall mobility.
is an
form ofYou’ll
for your mind and body that
a strong core, develop longer,
leaner muscles
and improve
can improve
your strength,
overall mobility. You’ll achieve
sense of weee-being. Pilates
is a safe
thatand improve your overall
a strong
will enable you to look – sense
and feel
your very best.
all, because
of –weee-being.
is aofsafe
and effective exercise method that
it gives you such a wonderful
will enable you to look – and feel – your very best. Best of all, because
Pilates for the rest of your life!
it gives you such a wonderful sense of well-being, you’ll want to do
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Pilates for the rest of your life!
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Venue: 2012 Centre – Studio
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue: 2012 Centre – Studio
Saturday Cooking Club
Our popular course returns! Sign up now to avoid disapSaturday
Cooking Club
pointment. A maximum of 10 children
with parent/carer.
returns! Sign up now to avoid disap£1 contribution
of ingredients.
Date: 28th April – 26th
May (5 weeks)
& 9th June
A maximum
of 10–children
with parent/carer.
June 2012
towards cost of ingredients.
– 12.30pm
April – 26th May (5 weeks) & 9th June – 23rd
Venue: William Morris Building
June 2012 (3 Weeks)
Time: 10am – 12.30pm
Venue: William Morris Building
Pre-natal Yoga
Practising yoga during pregnancy is a safe and gentle way of
keeping the body strong and supple as your body adapts to your
Pre-natal Yoga
growing baby. By modifying classic yoga poses and moving in a
is a safe and gentle way of
flowing, rhythmic way, youPractising
will connect
baby in a very
keeping and
the body
and supple
as your body adapts to your
special way and learn breathing
will be invaluable during labour.
- £60.
see poses and moving in a
flowing, rhythmic
you will connect with your baby in a very
for further
Date: 24th April
– 3rdway
Weeks) and relaxation techniques which
be invaluable
during labour. 10 week course - £60. Please see
– 8.30pm
for further details.
Venue: 2012 Centre
– Studio
Adult Drama
Adult Drama
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 7.15pm – 8.30pm
Venue: 2012 Centre – Studio
Learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 is to produce a slide show
on the computer using pictures and words in an eye catching
way. PowerPoint is used to tell a story, show a method
in how to
do something, used as an aid in helping children to read as they
Learn to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 is to produce a slide show
can easily move the slide show with a click of the mouse. An
on the computer using pictures and words in an eye catching
impressive slide show can be produced of that special holiday or
is used
to tell
a story, show
a method in how to
occasion. PowerPoint is way.
now PowerPoint
a requirement
of many
as Processor.
an aid in helping children to read as they
excess of beingdoable
to use the
show with a click of the mouse. An
Date: 24th April
– 3rd
show can be produced of that special holiday or
6.30pm slide
– 8.30pm
School is now a requirement of many employers in
excess of being able to use the Word Processor.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Adult Drama Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Weekly adult drama classes for anyone
Arden School
developing their creativity, increasing their confidence,
getting experience of performing and meeting
like-minded people.
Adult Drama
Date: 24th April –
3rd July
(10 Weeks)
classes for anyone interested in
6.30pm – 8.30pm
their creativity, increasing their confidence,
Venue: Arden
experience of performing and meeting
like-minded people.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
2012 Dance Academy
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Mondays 4pm – 6pm StreetVenue:
Dance Arden School
Wednesdays 3pm – 3.50pm Street Dance (CWC pupils only)
3.50pm – 4.20pm Cheer Dance – children aged 11 – 19 yrs
4.20pm – 5.20pm Show Dance children aged 5 – 11 yrs
Venue: 2012 Centre –2012
StudioDance Academy
All enquiries for Dance: [email protected]
Mondays 4pm – 6pm Street Dance
Wednesdays 3pm – 3.50pm Street Dance (CWC pupils only)
4.20pm Cheer
– children aged 11 – 19 yrs
TERM WEEK 4.20pm
4th – 8th
June 2012.
– 5.20pm
Show Dance children aged 5 – 11 yrs
Classes for CWC pupils only: Pupils
and– Studio
Venue: 2012 Centre
correct CWC
PE uniform.
All enquiries
for Dance: [email protected]
TERM WEEK 4th – 8th June 2012.
for CWC pupils
Pupils must wear full and
CWC PE uniform.
WEEK : 4th - 8th March 2012
WEEK : 4th - 8th March 2012
Fixture Results
Greenwich Schools Indoor Athletics Competition
February 2012
Collective Learning
Collective Learning
Year 7 Girls came 3rd
Year 7 Boys came 4th
Year 8 Boys came 3rd
Summer 2012
Summer 2012
For more information or to book a place
Netball Tournment Results
For more information or to book a place
Julie Taylor
Director of Sport & Community
Julie Taylor
Year 9: 3rd in the Greenwich Schools Netball Tournament
5th in the Greenwich Schools Netball Tournament
0208 850Director
7678 of Sport & Community
Year 8:
[email protected]
0208 850 7678
145 Bexley Road,
Eltham SE9 2PT
[email protected]
145 Bexley Road, Eltham SE9 2PT
Football Academy
Football Results
Year 7 played St Thomas Lost 8-1
Year 9 played St Thomas Moore beat 7-0
Year 10 played St Thomas Moore drew 2-2Year 11 played St Thomas Moore drew 1-1
3pm – 4pm Yrs 7 – 9 (CWC pupils
only) Academy
4pm – 5pm Yrs 10 & 11 (CWC pupils only)
5pm – 6pm children aged
11 yrs
3pm 9– –4pm
Yrs 7 – 9 (CWC pupils only)
6pm – 7pm children 4pm
5pm Yrs 10 & 11 (CWC pupils only)
7.30pm – 9pm Senior team training
5pm – 6pm children aged 9 – 11 yrs
Venue:2012 Centre Astro
6pm – 7pm children aged 12 – 15
For further details please contact Bill Walton: 07786998817
Intra Competition Results
to Delamere School who won both Intra Competitions
7.30pm – 9pm Senior team training
this week. A huge thanks to all staff that helped promote these and to
Venue:2012 Centre Astro
For further
details please contact Bill Walton:
pupils who participated.
A great opportunity to have fun and promote a healthy
lifestyle whilst learning about the sport.
Tuesdays: Basketball Academy
A great
have fun and promote a healthy
3pm – 4pm Yrs
7 – 9opportunity
(CWC pupilstoonly)
about the sport.
4pm – 5pm Yrs 10 & 11
(CWC whilst
pupils learning
6pm – 8pm - children over the age Tuesdays:
of 11
3pm – 4pm Yrs 7 – 9 (CWC pupils only)
1pm – 3pm – children
the age
of 11
– 5pm
Yrs 10
& 11 (CWC pupils only)
Badminton Competition:
Delamere (won the shield)
Henry Hudson (quarter-finalist)
Cameron Harris (semi-finalist)
6pm – 8pm - children over the age of 11
Deveney (quarter-finalist)
Beginners ICT
Sutton (semi-finalist)
Don’t be afraid! Come and join others who are as nervous as
you. You’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll be logging on with
Jacob Million (winner) Won the shield for Delamere School
confidence. A very friendly and supportive way to start surfing.
Beginners ICT
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Don’t be afraid! Come and join others who are as nervous as
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
you. You’ll be amazed how quickly you’ll be logging on with
Venue: Arden School
confidence. A very friendly and supportive way to start surfing.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Beginners Photoshop
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Join the exciting adventure that is
Arden School
No experience necessary.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Beginners Photoshop
Join the
exciting adventure that is Photoshop!
Venue: Arden
Ali Kansoy
Rezwan Basit
Mathew Brundritt
Simba Nyakupinda
No experience necessary.
Roy Shilstone (finalist)
24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Abraham Archer
As seen on ITV1. Pop, Gospel and Motown singing for
Arden School
everyone! No audition required and Venue:
no requirement
read music.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Adam Mulholland
Rock Choir
Time: 8pm – 9.30pm
As seen on ITV1. Pop, Gospel and Motown singing for Rachael Crowhurst (quarter-finalist)
Venue: The Restaurant
everyone! No audition required and no requirement to
Edward Coleman
read music.
24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Lokesh Dudalal
Do you struggle managing your music and
8pm on
– 9.30pm
Dance Competition Delamere (won the shield):
smartphone/camera phone?
Venue: The Restaurant
Drop into our informal sessions for quick advice
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Multimedia Drop-in
Do you
managing your music and photos on your
smartphone/camera phone?
Drop into our informal sessions for quick advice
African Drumming
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Go ‘Bonkerz’ in this popular class! Djembe
drums –are
Time: 6.30pm
provided. No experience necessary. Venue:
must School
accompanied by an adult.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
African Drumming
Venue: 2012 Centre – Room 2004
Mini Kharel
Tassia Longmore
Lucrece Wasolua
2012 Enrichment this term
View full programme at
Go ‘Bonkerz’ in this popular class! Djembe drums are
provided. No experience necessary. Children must be
accompanied by an adult.
Date: 24th April – 3rd July 2012 (10 Weeks)
Time: 6.30pm – 8.30pm
Venue: 2012 Centre – Room 2004