News july 2015 copy - The East Manchester Academy


News july 2015 copy - The East Manchester Academy
The East
0161 230 8039
July 2015
[email protected]
60 Grey Mare Lane
East manchester
M11 3DS
Mr G Hutchence
Winning Go4Set TEMA TEAM
Well done to the pupils and staff involved in the recent Go4Set success in competiton
with 17 other schools. This was an outstanding result for the group. Our Go4Set Team
won the ‘Innovation Award’ for their project, encouraged by the support and guidance
of Ms Storr, Mr Foulkes and Mr Hepburn.
Each TEMA Team pupil member graduated as an Industrial Cadet which opens up
future career work experience doors for them. Such is our confidence, TEMA has
entered them for the British Science Association Silver level Crest Award which will
take their project on to the Big Bang Fair 2016 in Birmingham.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Laing O’Rourke Sponsors Ceire O’Rourke Mentoring Success
A small group of Year 11 girls have had the real privilege to be mentored by Ceire O’Rourke
throughout the academic year. This has been gratefully received by the girls and had
significant impact. Ceire has supported the girls with College applications, links to Industry
and preparing their Curricula Vitae. She has provided a source of inspiration to the girls,
emotionally and academically, as well as practical advice and guidance throughout the year.
TEMA and the Year 11 girls would like to warmly thank Ceire for her work.
The girls were delighted to be invited to a celebratory meal in the City Centre after their final
GCSE examinations and thoroughly enjoyed her generous hospitality.
Thank you Ceire.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Performing Arts
Once Upon A Smile Charity Ball Once Upon A Smile is a Children's Bereavement Charity providing financial assistance, respite breaks & children's bereavement support. TEMA was honoured to be invited to perform at their Charity Ball at The Hilton Hotel Pupils performed a selecTon of songs from MaTlda The Musical in front of an audience of CoronaTon Street, Emmerdale and Hollyoaks stars. They received rapturous applause and amazing feedback regarding both their performance and behaviour . The pupils were outstanding TEMA Ambassadors. Above right :our pupils performing for the Once Upon A Smile Charity Ball May 2015.
Drumming Examina3on Success Well done to Suen -­‐ Grade 3, Ayo -­‐ Grade 2, Abiola -­‐ Grade 2 and Chris -­‐ Grade 1 for their success in the RockSchool Drum Exams. All four pupils passed with a Merit. This is a credit to their work and commitment. They are already eagerly seIng off onto their next grade adventure. A special thanks to their drum tutor Mr Jones, who has worked with them since September, supporTng them every step of the way.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Young Writers CongratulaTons to the 27 pupils who had their work selected for publicaTon in Young Writers short story anthology ‘Grim Tales’. TEMA will be key contributors to this presTgious publicaTon. Young Writers is the largest publisher of childrens’ original creaTve wriTng in the UK. Recently, our pupils had the opportunity to enter their Grim Tales compeTTon. This is a popular compeTTon, which tests the ability to produce an imaginaTve short story, which shocks and surprises the reader – but using a maximum of 100 words. Work from all over the country was submi`ed for consideraTon and 27 of our pupils were successful in having their stories selected for publicaTon in the anthology, which will be published in September. Each of the successful young authors has received a bookmark and cerTficate of merit and will now have the opportunity to see their work in print. Copies of the book will be sent to prominent libraries across the country, including The BriTsh Library in London. English teacher Dean Wilkes was delighted with our pupils’ success, saying, “ The response to this compeTTon was fantasTc. Pupils displayed great imaginaTon and creaTve uses of language, to produce some truly brilliant work. I was parTcularly impressed with the way in which some of the stories took a well-­‐known fairy tale and added a shocking twist to the tale. It looks like we might have some future best-­‐selling authors in the Academy.” Well done to: Beyonce, Brendan, Abdullah, Elias, Roshay, Andrew, Louis, Louie, Nicole, Tori-­‐Louise, David, Patrycja, Leah, Christopher, Paige, Abigail, Elisha, Subhaan, Jessica, Natalia, Luis, Amy, Joshua, Seaneen, Nicole, Tori-­‐Louise, David, Patrycja and Leah “Be the change you want to see in the world”
UK Mathema3cs Trust Junior Challenge
UK Mathema3cs Trust Junior Challenge In Term 4, some of our brightest Year 8 MathemaTcians took part in the UK MathemaTcs Trust Junior Challenge. This comprised a sTmulaTng series of problem-­‐solving quesTons requiring clear logic and much ingenuity. When the marks were tallied, 17 of our pupils achieved either Silver or Bronze CerTficates, which meant they scored in the top 40% of all parTcipants naTonally. The highest mark was achieved by Travis. CongratulaTons to all CerTficate winners! Well done to: Sharon, Anthony, Suleiman, David, Maisie, Kiran, Josh, Ben, Faith, Sallyanne, Alex, Jason, Teejay, Connor, Tiffany, Benjy and Travis.
What are the set of values where: x-­‐3 is greater than 4x -­‐ 4 ?
Carbon Footprint
The TEMA Student Council were great Eco Warriors at Manchester’s Carbon AcTve Literacy event held at the Arndale Centre. Pupils worked with Primary Schools from around Manchester help raise the profile of Carbon Footprints. Pupils took part in a range of acTviTes and liaised with the public to inform them of the importance of lowering their Carbon Footprint. Our New Website: This July we will be launching our brand new website which will showcase the Academy’s best features and bring you up to date news and events happening at the Academy.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Year 11 ‘Prom’
Year 11 Prom TEMA celebrated its first ever ‘Prom’ on Friday 19th June 2015 with an Oscar-­‐themed party. Pupils pulled up outside the Ashton Village Hotel in Bentleys, Mercedes, Limos and even a Rolls was spo`ed. Year 11 pupils walked down the red carpet in their beauTful gowns and tuxedos ready for their professional photographs. Staff looked on so proudly. They started the night with a ‘mocktail’ and then the voTng for awards began. The winners were:
Funniest pupil: Jack Gaffney
Most likely to be a teacher: Ali Bari
Most likely to be famous: Lauren Williams All round nicest girl: Mia Whitely All round nicest boy: Lewis Po`er Most likely to rule the world: Galicia Diomi Best dressed: Lucy Fortun Adam Farrand picked up an Oscar for the first person ever to go through the Yellow Door back in September 2010. There were two special awards given to Lewis Po`er and Megan Halliday for 100% a`endance since Year 7 and throughout their primary school. The winners collected their Oscar style trophies and cerTficates from Mr Hutchence and Dr Richford with lots of friends and staff looking on proudly. Aner their three-­‐course meal, pupils danced the night away in between geIng funny photos with their friends in the photo booth.It was an amazing and emoTonal night with both pupils and staff having a wonderful Tme. “Be the change you want to see in the world”
Year 11 ‘Prom’
The Class of 2015 have really set the standard for next year. We will really miss them and hope that they get the GCSE Grades they fully deserve.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
TEMATASTIC! Welcome to our new pupils 2015
Our New Pupils 2015 -­‐ 2020 As we wait to induct our New Intake our current pupils have told us their views about TEMA Benjy Year 8: I like this school because the teachers make the lessons fun. In Spanish I do games to help me learn more. Also, the aner-­‐school acTviTes I have got involved with are revision classes, cricket, Minecran Club, squash and badminton. I think our school has great faciliTes. Emmekai Year 9: I really enjoy this school because the lessons are really fun and exciTng. I like doing PE on Friday when we do cricket. I love doing Maths with Miss Carley especially the two way tables. I enjoy building things in Minecran for Flexible Friday. Amy Year 7: TEMA is a good, helpful school because every teacher is kind. I have had lots of help in English. When I have spare Tme I go to our TEMA Ladies Football Club. It helps me improve my goalkeeping skills. I really enjoyed the recent football trip to Skegness because I spent Tme with my friends. I enjoyed the football matches because there was lots of challenge and compeTTon. Lewis Year 10: I really enjoy TEMA because I feel that I have progressed in all of my subjects. I get along really well with the teachers. I have gone to many extra-­‐curricular clubs. I go to squash on Wednesdays aner school and also on Flexible Friday. Sehar Year 9: This school is amazing because of all the chances we receive to do things i.e. trips to Barcelona, Paris and camping. Also, the teachers are very supporTve, helping is with whatever they can. Kyro Year 11: Over the five year period of a`ending TEMA I have enjoyed myself so very much. I have made good friends and achieved a lot of my goals with help from great teachers. TEMA is where I discovered my love for music and I will be going on to do a Music course at Salford City College. I am now volunteering as a RecepTonist at TEMA. “Be the change you want to see in the world”
Girls Rounders Large number of girls have competed for team places leading to great success. TEMA competed in the three Manchester Finals over the last 3 weeks. The compeTTons were very tough but teamwork and communicaTon skills were key to their success. Girls Football Building on the team ethos and success of the annual Skegness CompeTton the KS3 Girls’ Football Team recently competed in the Manchester Finals. The girls have performed brilliantly across the year-­‐ finishing 4th in the league of 28 teams across Manchester. TEMA is extremely impressed with their commitment, effort and performance levels! Well Done Girls
Year 7 Netball Visit from Sara Bayman Year 7 pupils were treated to a visit from local sporTng hero Sara Bayman, Captain of Manchester Thunder Netball Team and England Vice-­‐Captain. Sara is currently training hard for the Netball World Cup before travelling to Australia to compete against the best teams in the world in August 2015. Sara led a coaching session where the girls from TEMA were challenged to show off their Netball skills and teamwork. “Be the change you want to see in the world”
Tag Rugby Aner weeks of solid preparaTon the Tag Rugby team went to Broughton Park to the Manchester finals. The girls confidently beat St Ma`hews in the first game with a number of tries from Charlo`e and great defending from Amy Jo. Loreto were next and although they put up a strong defensive line TEMA’s pace of Raheemot and Cece was too tough to handle and we took another 3 points. The final game was against Wright Robinson. Captain Tiffany gave a strong team talk and with the girls fired up Wright Robinson girls were len stranded. The TEMA girls put in an outstanding team performance and easily won the Manchester Finals.
Team spirit rules the day, as well as individual talent.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Taekwondo Gold Medal Well done to Taekwondo Athlete, Lauren Williams, who won Senior Gold at the 2015 Dutch Open. One of our intrepid girls at the local Climbing Centre
England Ladies Footballers inspire our TEMA pupils. Our girls were delighted to meet the stars and get top Tps about training skills and what it takes to be a footballing legend. The girls enjoyed asking the stars about the life they lead. The visit was part of the NaTonal promoTon of Ladies Football. Toni Duggan and Karen Bardsley were simply inspiraTonal. The photo shoot and ball signing made for a memorable experience.
“Be the change you want to see in the world”
Latest News Visually Impaired Achievement Award Joel a`ended a Visual Impairment sports event at SportsCity. Mr Moroney (Teaching Assistant) was overwhelmed by the posiTve comments and feedback from other schools and agencies. Joel parTcipated in all events and was an excellent Ambassador for TEMA. Wheelchair Football Success Liam recently parTcipated in the North West Cup CompeTTon with Oldham and won the tournament without conceding a goal. Liam has a fantasTc aItude and is a very skilled player. He now trains with the Manchester City Wheelchair football team Well done Liam, a fantasTc achievement.
Well done to the Year 10 boys who are now the Manchester Premier League Winners 2014-­‐15 An impressive season from the Year 10 Boys Football team was completed with a 4-­‐1 victory over Trinity High School in the final of the Manchester Premier League. TEMA had much of the play for long spells and the the team should be proud of the way they represented TEMA. Goals from Abdullah (2), Venancio and Chinedu ensured the victory. OPEN EVENING
Monday 28th September 2015
5.30pm - 7.30pm
An outstanding team performance.with all the squad making significant contribuTons. Midfielder Jacobi earned the ‘Man of the Match’ award. Y10 Football Manager : Mr White OFSTED 2012-13
If you are interested in your child joining the Academy then please contact us directly:
Dr. J. Richford
0161 230 8039
[email protected]
“Be the change you want to see in the world”