June 16th, 2013 - Saint Bernard Parish
June 16th, 2013 - Saint Bernard Parish
ST. BERNARD PARISH SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday Sunday 5:00 pm. 9:00 am 11:00 am (Children’s Liturgy) Wednesday Thursday 9:15 am. 6:00 pm. Eucharistic Adoration 7:00 pm. Mass 9:15 am. (every other week with St. Bernard School) WEEKDAY MASSES Friday CONFESSIONS Thursday: 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Weekend Masses by request SACRAMENTS Reconciliation Before mass or anytime, upon request. Baptism The last Sunday of each month at 10:00 am. Contact the parish office for more information or to register your child. Marriage Please provide a minimum of 6-months’ notice, prior to the anticipated date of marriage. Ministry of the sick Contact your pastor to arrange for a visit at the hospital or at home. PARISH OFFICE Office Hours Tuesday to Friday 9:00 – 1:00 Office Secretary & Bulletin Coordinator Phyllis Allen [email protected] 613-738-1943 PARISH MINISTRY COORDINATORS Pastoral Council Kathleen Newport-MacIsaac [email protected] Financial Council Chair Jeff Corman 613-526-1812 Cemetery Administrators Jackie and David Gorman 613-737-3940 Knights of Columbus Franco Pagani [email protected] 613-324-1423 Catholic Women’s League Joan Gray [email protected] 613-523-5810 PARISH SCHOOLS St. Bernard School: 613-521-5894 St. Marguerite D’Youville School: 613-737-1141 St. Thomas More School: 613-739-7131 St. Francis Xavier High School: 613.822.7900 We are wheelchair accessible PASTOR: Rev. Lukose Kochupurackal DEACON: Rev. Jeff Nelson 1720 St. Bernard Street, Gloucester, ON K1T 1K8 Office Phone: 613-738-1943 † Fax Number: 613-739-1713 † Email: [email protected] Visit our Website: www.saintbernardparish.com ELEVENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME MASS INTENTIONS Tuesday 9:15 am June 18th Year end Mass for St. Bernard School Wednesday 9:15 am June 19th For our Parish Community Thursday 12:30 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm June 20th Year end Mass for St. Marguerite d’Youville School Eucharistic Adoration For our Parish Community Friday 9:15 am June 21st For our Parish Community Saturday 5:00 pm June 22nd † Emil Laurin by the Larocque Family † Shirley Kennelly by Jim & Lila McNamara Sunday 9:00 am 11:00 am June 23rd † Mr. V.S. Swakeen by Mr. & Mrs. Ignetius & Family † Violet Kamar by Rafael Kamar Remember in your prayers all who are in need of our prayers that God’s healing and comforting presence may be with them, especially: Mary Dawn Johnston, Paul Dennie, Lori Schaefer, Tami Thompson, Margaret Rule, Mary Lynne Egan, Cheryl Weldon, Helen Weldon, June LaBonte, Joyce Bullen and Sharron Quinlan. Pastor’s Message One who loves more is forgiven more. Through today’s Gospel scene - the dinner at Simon the Pharisee , Jesus clarifies the values hovering in the air of that room. A woman comes and anoints Jesus’ feet, weeping and drying them with her hair. She scandalizes everyone in the room except Jesus. He confronts Simon, his host, and the righteous guests with the parable of a creditor who forgives a large and a small debt. “Who is more grateful”? “The one forgiven the large debt.” Then Jesus compares their lack of courtesy to him with the woman’s outpouring of welcome. All of us are forgiven based upon the greater effort we take to love God. The narrative gives the impression that Simon and his dinner guests missed the most important part of forgiveness. How my self-righteous attitude and judgment can become an obstacle in seeking the mercy of God? It is so easy to apply higher standards of life to those around us than we do to ourselves. But understanding the weaknesses of others comes from the awareness of our own. Then God judges us mercifully, too. God Bless Fr. Lukose, CMF PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, June 26th, 7:00 pm CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE (CWL) NEXT CWL EXECUTIVE MEETING is Thursday, August 29th, 7:00 pm THE NEXT BAPTISMAL PREPARATION will be held on Thursday June 27th and baptism will be held on Sunday, June 30th. Parents, we encourage you to attend Mass on Sunday and meet Fr. Lukose prior to registering your child for baptism. Please call our parish office, at 613-738-1943, for more information or to register for the next Baptismal Preparation. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE NEWLY BAPTIZED June 9th – Thomas John Slaunwhite, son of Michael Slaunwhite & Francoise Mister. YOUR OFFERINGS: Regular Collection for June 8/9 $2,007.15 Cash counters for Sunday June 23rd Tom Conklin & Janet Perry KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS K of C Assembly, Tuesday, July 2nd, 7:00 pm K of C Council, Monday, July 8th, 7:00 pm LIGHTHOUSE EMERGENCY FOOD CENTRE: We are looking for Board members and volunteers. Email [email protected]. Summer Fundraiser – We are planning our summer fundraiser on National BBQ day, July 13, 2013. It will be held at Vincent Massey Park in Section 1. There will be lots to do, food to eat and enjoy our auction. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Children’s Liturgy – June 23rd (Mr. Conklin); June 30th (Mrs. Burns). Blessings and prayers for our children’s liturgy team as they prepare to share the Word of God with our children! June 16th, 2013 REMEMBRANCE: In March 2013 a group with a common goal met and formed a committee. Our mandate at that time was to study the feasibility of creating a Remembrance for past, present and future Parishioners. The location for the Memorial will be in the foyer of the Church. We have three possible designs in mind and in the next few weeks we will have drawings to put up for all Parishioners to view. At that time we will ask for your opinions and suggestions. Our goal is to have the project completed by Christmas. SHEPHERDS OF GOOD HOPE NEEDS VOLUNTEERS: Shepherds of Good Hope is a Catholic-founded organization dedicated to the serving of the poor in Ottawa. Volunteers are needed to help as cooks, laundry attendants, servers and recreational assistants. There are weekday, weekend, and evening opportunities. Volunteers must be 18 years of age, and are asked to commit to one shift (4 hrs) per week in one program for 6 months. Info: (613-789-8210 x228) ([email protected]) Personal Support Worker in Residence – John Paul II Residence for Retired Clergy The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Ottawa requires an energetic, motivated and caring Personal Support Worker who is prepared to be resident in our John Paul II Residence for Clergy. The Residence is home to up to fifteen retired priests who, although independent, have decided to live in this community setting. The Archdiocese offers a competitive salary package, which includes a self-contained two-bedroom apartment within the John Paul II Residence. As an option, the PSW will be able to take his/her meals from the residence kitchen as part of a global compensation package. What is the CATECHESIS OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD? To all those interested in the spiritual and religious life of children, you are invited to attend an evening workshop, Wednesday June 19, 7:00 pm, at St. George's Catholic Church. We will provide an overview, present hands-on materials and methods. Current CGS Catechists are encouraged to attend for updating, networking and planning purposes. Contact Lilia Garcia: 613-745-4883 [email protected]; Ruth Ann McClure: 613-724-2403 [email protected]; or Dale Balkovec: 613-2241892 [email protected] ENVELOPE BOX #91 – Would whoever has this box please contact the office with your name & address. HELP NEEDED – Our church needs some volunteer help for our water pumping/plumbing system. Call the office if you can help. PARKING LOT REPAVING PROJECT Today we are launching the fund-raising to repave the parking lot. Pledge forms and special envelopes are available in the pews and at the back of the Church. Those interested are invited to send their resume, including three references who are not family members, to Colette Legault, Human Resources Officer, by email: [email protected], or by fax: 613-738-0412. A Father Means. . . SAINT ELIZABETH CONVENT in Minsk (Belarus) supports a large psychiatric hospital; runs a rehabilitation centre and a shelter for the homeless. As they strive to establish new contacts, promote workshops and support charitable projects they plan to visit Canada this summer with a display of handcrafts and religious items made in the Convent with love and prayer. Representatives from the Convent will be at the Parish on June 26th to offer their goods to parishioners. Those who wish to support them could do so by purchasing some of their works. Most of the prices vary between $1 & $20. A Father means so many things . . . An understanding heart, A source of strength and of support Right from the very start. A constant readiness to help In a kind and thoughtful way. With encouragement and forgiveness No matter what comes your way. A special generosity and always affection, too A Father means so many things When he’s a man like you . . . Riverside South Dental Centre Ohanian Dentistry Professional Corporation 665 Earl Armstrong Rd, Unit 1 Ottawa, ON K1V 2G2 (613) 822-1188 Family and Cosmetic Dentistry At a time of need or when planning ahead call: KELLY FUNERAL HOME GRACE MONUMENTS GRACE Monuments, Bronze & Granite • Markers & Vases Competitive Pricing • Family Owned & Operated Walkley Chapel 1255 Walkley Road 106 Reis Road (Carp Rd. & Reis Rd.), Carp, ON K0A 1L0 [email protected] 613-731-1255 Tel: 613-836-5000 • Fax: 613-836-5125 South Indian Restaurant Ottawa's Best Butter Chicken and Thali w w w. k e l l y f h . c a 853 St. Laurent Blvd. Corner of Mc Arthur Avenue ,Ottawa Tel # 613 742 4444 Visit us @ www.coconutlagoon.ca R E S TAU R A N T 2446 Bank Street @ Hunt Club Open for Breakfast Daily Come and taste our unique Weekday Lunch Buffet and Weekend Brunch Buffet KS Knights of Columbus Council 13433 St. Bernard RESTAURANT ∙ BAR ∙ CAFÉ The Knights of Columbus (K of C), for Catholic men, welcomes new members anytime. For more information contact Richard Darbyshire by email at [email protected] or visit the KofC link on the parish website www.saintbernardparish.com ON THE KEYS 1029 DAZE ROAD OTTAWA, ON K1V 2G3 (located across from South Keys Cineplex) PROPERTY & CONSTRUCTION INTERIOR & EXTERIOR RENOVATIONS NEW CONSTRUCTION REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE (613) 715-1772 t: 613-521-0498 www.ksrestaurant.ca Celebrating over 35 years in business Landscaping/Snow Removal • 613-821-6005 Saint Bernard Cemetery Gifts and souvenirs for all religious occasions 3701 Albion Road (at D'Aoust) Ottawa, ON 613-738-1943 www.saintbernardparish.com 1260 Old Innes Rd., Unit 602, Ottawa (Near Innes Rd. and St. Laurent Blvd.) 613-745-1537 P.A. ACCOUNTAX SPECIALISTS The Catholic Women's League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. Computerized Bookkeeping & Accounting, Personal & Business Tax Return We invite all Catholic women to journey with us in a sisterhood of faith, fun and fulfillment. Come join us! Your small yearly fee is an opportunity to get involved with the largest national organization of Catholic Women in Canada who can offer personal development and networking. 2905 Shadow Hill Cres., Gloucester, Ontario K1T 3Y9 Tel: (613) 521-0260 Fax: (613) 521-9099 E-mail: [email protected] YOU can help support the bulletin by patronizing our advertisers. For advertising info. call 613-738-1943 Paul Abbas B.Adm. DESIGN AND PRINTING BY ADITEK design•printing•signs 613.739.9124
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