GENERAL AGREEMENT ON RESTRICTED IDB/3/Add.l* 28 June 1988 TARIFFS AND TRADE Special Distribution Integrated Data Base SEMINAR/WORKSHOP OF 6-10 JUNE 1988 Addendum This^atlaendum contains a^lirst of participants, which should be annexed to lOBt^ * English only/Anglais seulement/Ingles solamente. 88-0966 IDB/3/Add.l Page 2 ANNEX/ANNEXE LIST OF PARTICIPANTS/LISTE DES PARTICIPANTS ARGENTINA Mr. M. GERSCHENFELD Secrétaire (Affaires économiques et commerciales). Mission permanente - Genève AUSTRALIA M s . Jan TREVITHICK Director, Personal Computer Liaison Section Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Canberra AUSTRIA Dr. Hans G. KOURIMSKY Bundeswirtschaftskammer Abteilung fllr Handelspolitik und Aussenhandel, Vienna Mr. Johannes POTOCNIK ' Ministre (Affaires économiques) - Mission permanente - Genève BANGLADESH Mr. Shawkat Ali FERDOUSI Senior Assistant Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Dacca BRAZIL Mr. José Antonio SCHÔNTAG Divisao de Processamento de Dados Secretaria da Receita Federal, Rio de Janeiro CANADA Mr. Hugh RODDICK Chief Systems and Data, Dissemination Section International Trade Division, Ottawa Mr. Douglas SHAW Tariffs Division, Department of Finance, Ottawa M r . John DONAGHY Counsellor, Permanent Mission - Geneva M r . MARCIL Permanent Mission - Geneva COLOMBIA M r s . Dorotea LASERNA Permanent Mission - Geneva CZECHOSLOVAKIA Mr. Otakar KRATKY Head of Section, Central Customs Administration, Prague Q • •' IDB/3/Add.l Page 3 EC Mr. F. NIZERY Conseiller, Délégation permanente - Genève Mr. H. FANNES Assistant principal Direction Générale de l'Union Douanière et de la Fiscalité Indirecte Bruxelles Mr. J.C. FARGET Premier Secrétaire (Affaires statistiques), Délégation permanente - Genève Mr. G. BICKNELL Premier Secrétaire, Délégation permanente - Genève Mr. J.C. LACAILLE Analyste-Programmeur, D é l é g a t i o n permanente - Genève (**""" FINLAND Mr. Pertti JALAVA Customs Secretary - Helsinki Mr. Ossi TUUSVUORI Second Secretary, Permanent Mission - Geneva FRANCE Mrs. Christine PORTELLI Mr. Pierre NICORA Attaché, Délégation Permanente - Genève GERMANY HJ Mr. Dirk WEICKE Assistant Head of Division, Economies Ministry, Bonn Mr. Hubertus SOQUAT Attaché (Commercial Affairs), Permanent Mission, Geneva GHANA Mr. W. K. LARBI C o u n s e l l o r (Commercial A f f a i r s ) , Permanent Mission - Geneva HUNGARY Mr. Gyorgy KELEMEN Institut for Economie and Market Research and Informatics, Budapest Mr. Sândor SIMON First Secretary, Permanent Mission - Geneva INDIA Mr. K. G. MANCHANDA Officer on Special Duty (GATT), Ministry of Commerce, New Delhi IDB/3/Add.l Page 4 INDONESIA Mr. YUWONO Central Bureau of Statistics, Jakarta Mr. MUCHTAR Department of Trade, Jakarta Mr. B.R. MANIK Permanent Mission - Geneva Mr. Gofar BAIN Permanent Mission - Geneva ISRAEL Mr. Ilan NAVE First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission - Geneva JAPAN Mr. Hiroaki ISHIKAWA Informatic System Division - Foreign Affairs Ministry, Tokyo Mr. Shigemitsu, TSUKUI Finance Ministry, Customs and Tariff Bureau, Tokyo Mr. Etsuji UNO First Secretary, Permanent Mission - Geneva Mr. Hiroshi YAMAMOTO Permanent Mission - Geneva KOREA. REPUBLIC OF Mr. CHOI, CHAN-ZOO Manager, Korea Foreign Trade Association, Seoul Mr. DONG-NAM PARK Assistant Manager - Korea Trade Promotion Corp. (KOTRA), Seoul Mr. HWANG MIN-HA Overseas Market Research Dpt. - Korea Trade Promotion Corp. (KOTRA), Seoul Mr. AHN, UNG-RIN Mr. CHO, MOO-YEOL MALAYSIA Mr. Ahmad Bin BAKER Senior Assistant Analyst, Ministry of Trade and Industry, Kuala Lumpur Mr. Mohamed ZAIN First Secretary (Economic Affairs), Permanent Mission - Geneva MEXICO Dr. Antonio MARTIN DEL CAMPO D i r e c t o r General de E s t a d i s t i c a S e c t o r i a l e Informatica S e c r e t a r i a de Comercio y Fomento I n d u s t r i a l , Mexico Mr. J o s é POBLANO C o u n s e l l o r , Permanent Mission - Geneva IDB/3/Add.l Page 5 NETHERLANDS Mrs • Irene ABBINK Ministère des Affaires Economiques, Gravenhage NEW ZEALAND Mr. A. MORT Director Systems Division, Customs Department, Wellington Mr. A. MACEY Counsellor (Economic Affairs)» Permanent Mission - Geneva NORWAY Mr. Oystein LANDSKAUG Executive Customs Direction, Oslo PERU Mr. J. RODRIGUEZ Jefe de la Oficina de Informatics del Institute de comercio exterior, Lima PHILIPPINES Mr. Rodolfo MADAMBA Chief of Establishment Surveys Department, National Statistics Office, Manila POLAND Mr. Tomasz LISOWSKI Expert at Foreign Trade Data Centre, Warsaw Mrs. Malgorzata STANSKA Expert at Foreign Trade Data Centre, Warsaw Mr. Witold JOZWIAK Permanent Mission - Geneva ROMANIA Mr. G.S. BAILA Ministry of Commerce, Bucarest Mr. Aurel ION Permanent Mission - Geneva SINGAPORE Mr. Jerry LIEW Yuen Kuan Trade Officer (System analyst/Programmer} Computer Information iyiitist Division, Trade Development Board, Singapore Ms. YONG Slew Mia First Secretary, Permanent Mitsios - Gearre SPAIN Mr. J.M. GONZALEZ MORENO Consejero Técnico, Jefs de Area Informatisa Subdirecciôn General de înform&tica Comerei&i Secretaria de Estado de Comercio, Madrid IDB/3/Add.l Page 6 SWEDEN Mr. Haakan EMSGAARD National Board of Trade, Stockholm Mr. Lars NORBAECK Statistics, Stockholm Mr. Arne RODIN Counsellor, Permanent Mission - Geneva SWITZERLAND Mr. A. KARRER Office fédéral des affaires économiques extérieures Département fédéral de l'économie publique, Berne Mr. J.F. FASSORA Direction générale des douanes - Département fédéral des finances, Berne Mr. H. SCHMID Direction générale des douanes - Département fédéral des finances, Berne TANZANIA Mr. M.J. KISIRI Counsellor (Trade), Permanent Mission - Geneva THAILAND Mr. SUPHAT, Thongchem Director of Trade Statistics Centre, Ministry of Commerce, Bangkok Mrs. BUNYAPRAPHASARA, Chutima Second Secretary, Permanent Mission - Geneva Mrs. A. TANTRAPORN Commercial Counsellor, Deputy Permanent Representative to GATT Permanent Mission - Geneva TUNISIA Mr. Amor BEN ROMDANE Direction Générale des Douanes, Tunis Mr. Moncef BAATI Secrétaire des Affaires Etrangères, Mission Permanente - Geneva TURKEY Mr. Ali Ulvi BAYCAN Under Secretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade Economic Research and Assessment Department Computer Expert, Ankara Mrs. Beyhan TURKOGLU Under Secretariat of Treasury and Foreign Trade Import Department Adviser, Ankara IDB/3/Add.l Page 7 UNITED .KINGDOM Mr, Clifford STEVENSON Economist, Department of Trade and Industry, London UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Mr. Richard KRISTOBEK Deputy Director, Office of Computer Services Office of the U.S. Trade Representative, Washington Ms. Pat AUGUSTINE Chief, Applications Development Division International Trade Commission, Washington Mr. Hong-Phong PHO Computer Analyst, U.S. Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, Office of Industrial Trads, Washington Mr. Terry O'BRIEN International Economist, U.S. International Trade Commission, Washington Mr. Rodney PASCHAL U.S. Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Services, Washington URUGUAY Mr. Roberto MUSSO Analista=Programador, Direcciôn General de Comercio Exterior, Montevideo Mr. José Pedro BUDA Ministre conseiller économique et commercial, Mission permanente - Genève YUGOSLAVIA Mrs. Mirjana RANKQVIC Federal Statistical Office, Belgrade Mr. Miroslav LAZ.AREVIC Federal Customs Administration, Belgrade