q modem 2200/24
q modem 2200/24
o Q MODEM 2200/24 Ecor:lomical 2400 bps on dial-up or dedicated lines. o D D Standard Features Dial-up Nelworks - Designed for long distance dial-up (DDD) service at 2400 bps. Dlal-up Back up - The same modem can operate over dedicated circuits ar be switched to dial-up if dedicated service degrades ar fails. O O O Modem 2200/24 is a state-of-the-art, four-phase data set designed to operate on either dedicated or dial-up phone lines. Although it is priced competitively with other commonly used 2400 bps data modems, it is not just another licensed copy, but incorporates proven ICC design techniques. It delivers the highest leveis of reliability available. Dial-up Capacily Exlends Syslem Capabillly Wilh ils abilily lo operale over dial-up telephone lines, Modem 2200 / 24 provides new opportunities lo increase syslem flexibilily, reliability and Ihroughput, while reduc'ing operaling cosls. For lhe firsl time, dependable 2400 bps dala can be transmilted over random dialed lelephone lines wilhin several seconds after the dialed number has been answered and switched to dala service. Regular EDP operaling personnel handle lhe complele connection. O .J O O I 'í1 D O Syslems wilh Dedicaled Lines Benefit Irom Dial-up Capabilily Modem 2200/24 also provides increased Ihroughpul and reliability lo dala communicalion systems operaling on dedicaled, leased circuils. When lhe leased line, degrades or breaks down, Modem 2200/24 provides a readily available backup never before available. Previously, in order to have dial-up backup ai ali, users were required to operate at lower speed during the emergency period, while paying full price for the second slandby data se!. With Modem 2200 / 24, a single data set provides 2400 bps at ali times on either the leased circuits or over dial-up lines. Typical Applications lor Modem 2200/24 include: 1) Dial-up 2400 bps service 2) Dedicated 2400 bps servjce 3) Dedicated, with back-up at a full 2400 bps over dial-up lines. 4) Point-to-point, full ar half-duplex service. 5) Multi-station polled networks 6) Multi-line polled systems 7) Where errar rate must be improved 8) Expansion of existing 2400 bps networks which O D jJ O O use other manufacturers' tour-phase modems 9) Worldwide communications circuits t t Compalible - With existing computer interfaces (ElA Standard RS 232B ar C). Compalible - End-to-end compatible with Weslern ElecIric 201 B. Compatible - With either of lhe two CCITT recommendalions Compatible - For use wilh Dala Access Arrangemenls (manual and for aulomalic lerminals). The Telco supplied Data Access Arrangement for Aulomalic Terminais can be adapled for use wilh non-aulomalic Dala Terminal Equipmenl Ihrough lhe use of a special ICC adapter. Reliable Performance - Insured by experienced ccnservalive design coupled wilh 100% burn-in including maximum lemperalure cycling and vibralion Ireatmen!. · No Rouline Mainlenance - On-Cal/ service available nationwide. Quick Syslem Trouble Isolation - Built-in telephone line and digilal buss-back swilches quickly isolale problems to line, modem ar data processing equipmen!. Compacl - Occupies only 3V, inches of rack space. ' No Adjuslmenls - Slrap selection during inslal/ation 'defines desired line leveis and operalional mOde. No further adjuslmenl required. Low-error Rale - Due to ICC's exclusive modulaliondemodulalion technique. Fasl Synchronization - AI ali times. Band Conlrolled Oulpul - Specially shaped line signal ulilizing best portion of average telephone line, yet compatible with other 2400 bps data set designs. Noise Rejeclion - Filters minimize effecls of noise, rejecting ali noise not in the spectrum of interest, Wlde Range AGC - Automatic Gain Contrai has ±10 db dynamic range. fnslrumenl Grade Power Transformer - Provides high degree of isolation trom naise on power line. Fast "'Clear to Send" Response - Cuts "turn-around " time . Dibit Clock - Outpul provided for certa in terminal equipmen!. Solid Stale Throughoul - Inlegrated circuits and silicon devices insure highest attainable reliability in extreme environments. Allraclive Packaging - Suitable for use in exposed location5. No V_ri_ble Componenls - No "tweaking" of contrais required at lime of installation. 1200 bps - Available by strap seleclion lo those who are moving up in bil rate ar who want a single type modem to serve both needs. Highly Flexible - A standard modem for variety of applications. . Design Techniques Irom Modem 4400 Provide Unique Advanlages In order lo build-in lhe unusual performance characlerislics 01 Modem 2200/24, ICC relied heavily on lhe lechniques developed 101' Modem 4400, lhe ICC dala sei which delivers up lO 4800 bps over uncondilioned dedicaled circuils. One lealure borrowed ,rom Modem 4400, lhe abilily lo sei slraps ai inslallalion which a'lIows a single unil lo serve a wide variely 01 syslem applicalions, is an improvemenl on lhe original lechnique. One slrap oplion even perm ils lhe seleclion 01 1200 bps ralheI' Ihan 2400 bps 10 1' users who have bolh speeds in Iheir syslem , OI' are in lhe process 01 converting lrom 1200 bps lO 2400 bps. Despile lhe unusual advanlages 01 Modem 2200/24, il is end-Io-end compalible wilh olheI' lour-phase dala seis such as WE201 B. The useI' whose syslem is operaling wilh Ihis Iype 01 dala sei can add lhe benelils 01 Modem 2200 / 24 wilhoul disrupling his presenl syslem. Economical Operation Modem 2200/24 ofters conlinuing economy when operaling as an indivi dual unil OI' as pari 01 a lolal communicalion syslem. On dedicaled line syslems, Modem 2200/24 el iminales nol only lhe cosi 01 a separale slandby modem 101' backup, bul also lhe cosi 01 line condilioning requ ired by olheI' 2400 bps dala seis. In any syslem, il ofters lhe advanlage 01 an economical price combined wilh lhe opporlunily lo eilher purchase OI' lease. It ofters conlinuing savings in compuler and lerm inal lime resulting Irom subslanlial increases in Ihroughpu!. Developmenl 01 Modem 2200 Modem 2200 is a nalural lollow-on lo lhe widely used ICC Modem 4400. Allhough Modem 2200 does nol ofter ali 01 lhe bene,ils 01 Modem 4400, il borrows heavily Irom lhe Modem 4400 design , performing betler Ihan previously developed lour-phase 2400 bps dala seis. Il has lhe unique abilily lo "Ialk" lo bolh lour-phase modu lalio n schemes specilically noled in lhe CCITT recommendalion 101' 2400 bps. For lhe useI' who is nol able lo benefit· Irom lhe narrow band lealures 01 lhe Modem 4400/24 PB, Modem 2200/24 ofters lhe highesl reliabilily and besl error perlormance available loday. Description Modem 2200 is a synchronous dala sei which operales ai a lixed serial dala rale 01 2400 bils-per-second (OI' 1200 bps when desired) ulilizing difterenlial lour-phase modulalion and coherenl deleclion. The modem operales over mosl lelephone lacililies including dial-up as well as ' 8 3002 (uncond ilioned, C1, C2 OI' C4). The device inc bolh a modulalor and a demodulalor along wilh lhe ~lr cuilry necessary lo operale under conlrol 01 inlerface signals. The only oplional lealure Ihal requires separale ordering is lhe Aulo Answer Fealure 40B. Because 01 lhe evolulionary nalure 01 lelephone company ofterings, inlormalion regarding lhe use 01 lhe modem wilh Aulomalic Iype Dala Access Arrangemenls is provided in a separale dala shee!. Ali olher oplions relaled lo lhe operalion 01 Modem 2200/24, including lhe abilily lo operale wilh manual Dala Access Arrangemenls, are built-in as easily seleclable slandard lealures. Regeneralive repealer capabililies have been incorporaled. Regeneralion has been difticull or impossible wilh olheI' widely used lour-phase 2400 bps dala seis. The modem conlains ils own regulaled power supply. Thoroughly lield proven designs, conlrolled produclion procedu'es and sophislicaled manulaclurinQ lechniques are combined lo insure a reliable produc!. Rigorous preshipmenl 100% burn-in and lesling procedures assure immediale dependable operalion ai lhe inslallalion sile. Simplilied packaging lechn iques and lesl ,ealures are employed in conjunclion wilh complele eliminal ion 01 variable co mponenls (such as polenliomelers and vari able capacilors) lO permil inslallalion and operalional mode changes wilhoul need ,or oulside specialisls. Ali modem circuitry is constructed on printed wiring circuil ~s. Silicon devices and inlegraled circuils insure op( 'm 01 lhe equipmenl over lhe limils 01 O lo +55 degree5 ~en ligrade ambienl lemperalure, and relalive humid ily up lo 95 percen!. Transislors are melai cased and hermelically sealed. Highesl inslrumenlalion quality slandards make il ideal lor use in bolh commercial and mil ilary dala communication. Alternale vOice/ dala service over leased lelephone lines may be achieved by lhe use 01 a Model 12 Voice Adapler. The voice adapler does nol inlerlace wilh lhe lelephone line, bul connecls direclly wilh lhe modem Ihrough a conneetor on the rear. Operational Characteristics DATA RATE Slandard .. ......... 2400 bils per second - synchronous Slrap Oplion .. . ..... 1200 bils per second - synchronous OPERATING MODES Full Duplex, simplex or half duplex. MODULATION In lhe mOdulalor, se rial dala is encoded Iwo bils ai a lime lo produce a lour-phase line signal , (Iwo-phase lor 1200 bps). Fil l ering Occurs prior lo enlering lhe lelephone line. In lhe demodulalor, lhe received sig nal is lillered and lhe phase shifted signal is delecled and decoded. The decoded digilal dala is serially shilled oul 01 lhe demodulalor by lhe dala derived inlernal clock. PRIMARY POWER AC inpul eilher 105-125 or 210-250 Vac, 45-65 Hz, single pha. e, approx. 30 watts. Powe r conneclor cable wilh 3 pin U.S. Iype plug lor primary power conneclion supplied wilh modem . L1NE REQUIREMENTS Modem 2200 will operale over dial-up (00 0 ) circuils. Modem 2200 will also operale over Type 3002 (uncondilioned) voice channels, larift FCC260 (previously called Schedule 4). More highly condilioned lines, such as Grades C1 , C2 and C4 (schedule 4A , 4B and 4C) may also be used, bul are nol required. EQUALIZE R A lixed, slalislical eq ual izer is provided in lhe sl andard uni!. This lixed equalizer complemenls amp lilude and envelope dislorlions 01 lhe average uncond ilioned vo ice Irequency channel. Due lo lhe exlreme lolerance 01 lhe modem to line va riations, it will out-perform other modems wilh lhe slalislical equalizer in lhe circuil even lal or C4 lines. The provi sion is made, however, 1 i8 bypassing 01 lhe slalislical equalizer under spec i al circumstances. OPERATING ENVIRONM ENT Ambienl Temperalure O' lo + 55 ' C Relalive Hum idily (max) 95% Altilude (max) .. . ........... 10,000 ,eel Accessorles Model 12 Voice Adapter - provides for alternate voice/ data on leased circuits and ave r dial-up lines after connectlon hae been made w ith the Data Access Arrangements. ,",ate: Not for use with Automatic type Data Access Arrangement units. Model 21B Line Adapter - provides quick and convenient """......'·~'; ~ etho of switching from dedicated service to dial-up 'liervlce. Can be used in either full-duplex ar half-duplex operation. Use of this item enables a s ingle data set to be used over either dedicated leased lines ar dial-up circuitry. Note: Not for use with Automatic type Data Access Arrangement units. r CONTROLS Technical Summary TRANSMITIER Power on-off Switch .. Delivers AC to power supply. DATA INPUT Format ........... . .. Serial Binary Data Power on Light .. . .... Indicates power is on Amplitude ..... , ..... EIA/CC ITI, :!:3V to :!:25V, ( + ) = Data Carrier Detector " O", ar space; (-) = "1" ar mark Alarm Light ........ llIuminates when carrier is below Input Lines .......... Single wire, ground return prescribed levei. Input Load . . .. . .. .... 5600 ohms, nominal Telephone Line BussOUTPUT TO UNE back Switch ....... Connects Modem transmit output to recei ve input, thru a 16 db pad, Output Signal ........ Differentially phase shifted 1800 and loops telephone li ne together Hz carrier, 4 phase (2 phase for at modem terminais. 1200) Digital Buss-back ar Output Levei ... . .... Adjustable, +6 dbm to -14 dbm in Regenerator Switch . Connects digital signals from re2 db steps (O dbm to -20 dbm for ceiver to transmitter. Data terminal 2 wi re) . eq uipment signals are bussed Output Impedance .... 600 ohms, balanced together. CLOCK 115 volt/230 volt Waveform ... . . ...... Squarewave, negative-going edges primary power coincide wi th the center of the source selector .... Selected at installation. data bits. Positive-going edges coincide with change of input data. STRAP OPTIONS Freq uency ... • . ..... For Externa i Use, 2400 Hz :!: .01 %, Send 'Level Output .. , .+6dbm lo -14dbm in 2 db steps 50% :!: 1 % duty cycle. From Ex(Odbm lo -20dbm for 2 w ire). ternai Source, 2400 Hz :!: .01 %, Receive Levei Inpul ... Nominal input levei seleclable from 50% :!: 5% duty cycle. -16 to -52dbm in 6 db sleps. DyAmplitude namic range of AGC enable modem For externai use .... :!: 6 vo lts from approximately 330 to operale with signal input ranging ohm source :!:10 db from selected levei. From externai Send Carrier Conlrol .. Puts send carrier under Request source .......... EIA/CCITIStandard, :!:3Vto :!:25V, To Send control, w hen used ar inlo 5600 ohms, nominal permits permanent carrier Rec eive Carrier RECEIVER Contrai . . .. . . .. . . . Receive Carrier is conlrolled by DATA OUTPUT RTS in 2 wi re operalion. Format .............. Serial Binary Data . Modulation Contrai ... Selects either CCITT recommenAmpl itude ........... = 6 V EIA / CCITT Standard +6V dalion for 2400 bps. " O". ar space; -6V " 1", Dr mark Trans mil Clock ....... Internai ar Extern ai. Output line ....... . .. Single wire ground return Requesl lo Send ..... Used ar nol used. Output Impedance . . . . Approx. 330 oh ms Clear lO Send Delays .. Oms-for special use 8.5ms-normal use INPUT FROM UNE 25ms-regenerative rep eate r use Input Impedance .... . 600 ohms, balanced 150ms-half-duplex use Input Levei ........ . . Nominal input levei selectable from Mark Ho ld Data Clamp . Holds dala aI mark under Data -16 lo -52 dbm in 6 db steps. DyCarrier Detector co ntrai whe n namic range of AGC enabl es used. modem to operate with signal inp ut Receive ranging :!:10 db from selected levei. Clock Clamp . . . .. .. Holds clock aI positive ar negative, Levei Detection ...... Normal operatio n of OCO is 10 db as selected, under Data Carrier Debelow nominal input signai. Straps tector conlrol , when used. permit selection of -30 dbm for New Sync Fealure . ... Causes fasl (8.5ms) synchroni zaCCITI applications. tion as resuft of " New Sync" f rom CLOCK Dala Terminal Equipment. Waveform .... .. .. ... Squarewave, negative-going edges _ _~ • Automatic Sync coincide ' with the center Df data Festu re ........... For normal use , causes fast bits. Positive-going edges coincide (8.5ms) synchronization . with change of output data. De2400/1 200 bps Selecl . Permits selection of bit rate. rived trom received 5;gna1. Frequency . . . . . . . . . Equal to the data bit rate and SlZE ANO WEIGHT IN CABINET IN RACK synchronized wi th the transmltter Helght .............. 3-9/16 inches 3V2 inches clock. Width .......... 16'/4 inches 19 inches 15'/. inches Depth ....... ... .... 15'/s inches Amplitude For externai use .. .. ± 6 vo lts trom approx. 330 oh m Weight, net . . . . . . . . .. 16 pounds 19 pounds source. Weight, shipped ..... 25 pounds 28 pounds = I = 1 Input / Output Connections AEOUEST TO SENO ClEAA TO SENO TRANSMITTER CONTROl SIGNALS (Not.1) ., ., i !~ -", ~ , I I I -", ConneclOt PI • I I : a.5 '": I 1 tNOTE 2) ,'~ I : I ~ r 3 2ms -----tvvvvY~ 5 .' BEOIN SIONAl UNE OATA CARRIER +IV OETECTOR -tN RECEIVEO OATA ::.~ SIOW.l INTERRUPTION SlOW.l INTEI1.RUPTION lES' THAN la ms ,..,..., I GREAT1::R lO TliAN ~ I I m, J ,"0".-i~'-1 ~ ~ rulf ... 1I ~ L.f1..nJUtf * L......v--J 7~ *. * MAAK MAR" HOLD HOLD rI RECEIVED UNE S,GNAL < "m. (NOTE · 1 ENO TRANSMIT , FAOM "A" ~~ I'O"" 1 SA Transmltted Data '" 9S Recelved Dala '" CA Aequnl la Seod Thl. Ilad conta i"s lhe ~ ~ orlgl nall in lh e te rmtnal _ ItC!.·~'o~ and are lo be lre n. mltled III _. . moc.m lo a d lst l nl Ilallol'l lo the modem. TII II Ind cool8fnllhe slgnall Ihal are gene raled by lha dala modem ' n (W• ,oon,a lo IIonal1 Irom a dlllanl I t l - l 1I0n. An oulpul Irom lhe mod.m . A" "00" condllloo on Ih I1 leld Indlcaiu Ihll lhe dalI lermlnll eaulomenl I1 rndy lO Ir.osmll dll • . An Inp ul 10 lhe modem. '" CS Cln r lO Send '" CC Oala Sei Ready '" ,,,. AS Slgoe! Ground NEW SYNC +llc>+~. - --- ------n ~Ic>-m. "" ~ I 1 8 CF I !.'m. ~ HOLD Ir--- r-l Ir'Olmll dala Irom lhe d.l. term ln,' I e au lpmenl la a dl8l.nl lerm ln. 1. An I OUIPul Irom lhe modem. A" "on" condllioo on Ihls leld Ind i. catn thal lhe powet to lho d. la _ modem Is 00. Ihal lhe maCem II nOI In lhO "Inlarlaco Bunback" 10.11 modo. a nd Iha l lhe mOdem Is reedy lo proces. dala. An oulpullrom lhe modem. Thls le.d eslablllhas lhe common ground flIflrence oollnllal lor lU c!tcultl excepl prollCUve ground. _ J J Aecelved llne Slg na! Thll Ilad providas .n Ind lcallo n Iha l (Oala Carrler) Deliciar dala carrier slgnala Irom Ihl remO!1 slallon ara beln; race lved. "n OUlpul Ito m lhe moclm. 11 12 Nlw Sync " '" OS Tta nsmlttld SI;n.l Etemeol Tlml"g Tranlmit Olbll Clock TMI lead ls provlct.d 10t UH .1 , .... N Cl lvln; 5181100, fo, mu lll·p.r1y ooe,.1I0n. Ia lhe CU. lomer mav elfe ct a more r.pld Ira nlltlon In .ynchroniuIlon belween In....g••. An InPUI 10 lhe modem. S I;nals on Ihis Ci tCr,t11 uaed 10 provide lhe data term in.1 eoul pme nf WlIh sl;na! eiemlnl IImlng Inrorm aUon '-oulpul Itom lhe macem. Nol wlth OA. .re !~~als~:: .:a~:IJi;b~·'lh:n c~ "'./ l /"' lar lynch ro nl1atlon ai lhe d!bl,,11 10 deslred. modem. IIr . ~~I~:O~~~tCt~~d~~~~ ~~d~~II~e~eda~~dt'~ 13 li I O.'ctipllo n Dala Mocem Tesllng +6 VOItI Oala Modem Tesllng -6 Volts 9 " ~ MARK .,NVAlID M 103 /6 BEGIN TAANSMIT • v v FROM "B" n RECElVEO DATA , . RECETVER CONTROl SIGNALS (WIIh N_ Sync:) DATA CARRIER OETECTOR '0' Th l. lead II an Ill cl tical trame and a-c powe t gtOU I -- ll ---I~ !.~~ \ ~ -T~~ *INVALIO (FROM TERMINAL EOU IP~ENT AT RECéIVlNG SITE) La .d Protecllve Grouod Oul;· nlllon RECEIVER CONTROl SIGNALS (Normlll) RECEPnON SIGNAl RS232 Oul;nlllon , I l iNE SIGNAl CC ITTV-2 ~ An oulput lrom ." 00 Recelver Slgoal Elemenl Tlming 103/2 CO Oala Terminei Audy See Nole Alng rndlCllor See Nole Ina J' Slgnall on thls citcull ara used to provlde lha d.la latminar equlpm.nl wllh li;nal alemen l IIm! n; Inlorml' lIo n. An oulpul Itom lhe mod.m. " 19 20 22 23 " '" C, " '" OA 25 TransmUter Slgnal Elemenl Tlmlng OUI 01 Setvlce •• J Slllnllls on Ihls clrcull are used la pro_ vide lhe transmitllng modem '11'111'1 11gnal elemenl Ilmlng InrormaUon. An Inpul la lhe modem . NOI used wllh Da. Se. NOIII _ 1 Conneclor described above males wilh custo mor provided ClnCh Of Cannon 08-191504-432 plus a 08-51226-1 hood (Cinch only), or equlvalent. connector 10 lhe EOP BQu ipmenl. VF li ne connections are made 10 a lerminal slrip with 1 & 2 Transmil. 3 & 4 Receive. Th ree wire po wer -..1 cord lurnished with modem . Ali connections are made In rBar 01 chassis. 1 (Note 1) A typical mode of operallon Is shown. Olher modes exlsl by use o f strap opllons. °Requl red by certai n OTE bul nol dellned by ElA or CC ITT. During any perlod where elear lO Send 15 negatlve , slmu llaneous wlth a Une signal, marks are transmitled . Nole : Plns 20. 22 and 25 used when modem is used In Aulomatlc Answe appl lcallons. See separate data shee!. (Note 3) Oecoding delay approximatery 1 ms. (typlcal.) For clarlty, oUlput filler of transmitter and InpuI filter 01 receiver have been considered part oi line deiay and are not shown. Such delay Is approximately 1.5 ms . In each IlIte r. (Note 4) If the time belween lhe end of transmil Irom A and lhe beginnlng of , J (Note 2) Iransmit Irom 8 exceeds 10 ms .. " New Sync" in put is nOI reQu ired. The app llcation of "New Sync", however, will nol alter norma l modem operation. When "New Sync" !eature is used . the eQu ipment inle rlaclng with the mode m ai lhe receive r end mUSI provlde "New Sync" pulse to indlcate the nexl message may be in a differenl bit phase condition. This is accomplished by indicating Ihat end 01 message Is app roaching ellher in the data formal ar by rfgid liming considaratlons. ':New Sync" may be inpu lted as a posltive pulse having minimum duratl on of 2 ms . aI any lime alter th e data terminai eQ uipment has receive d the las! reQu lred dala bit !rom the transm itter A, p ro"iding thal when " New $ync" returns negativa there Is no Ilne signal presen!. International Communications Corporation 7620 N.W. 36th Avenue Miami . Florida 33147 Telephone: 305 + 836-4550 305 + 691-1 220 -" J J