Socia lStudies T - Naples Daily News
Socia lStudies T - Naples Daily News
M SocialStudies T The beautiful 90-foot Marco Island Princess was the perfect location to host the Marco Island Chamber of Commerce’s April After Five. Members and guests enjoyed a variety of cheese and danish, before heading up to the complimentary hors d’oeuvres buffet, prepared by Chef Bob Aylwin. The weather was perfect and the waters were still for local business owners and staff to get together, share ideas, eat, drink and be merry. Ed Crane Donna Wadsworth, left, Donna Reily, Trish Brauninger and Betsy Wohltam Roe Tamagni, left, Kim McIntosh and Stephanie Zwade Pat and Roy Birchland MARCO | 34 M SocialStudies Nearly 200 people turned out in March to celebrate the inaugural Arts Afire festival with an evening of music and the presentation of the first-ever Flame Awards. The nine-day Arts Afire festival began as a project of the city of Marco Island’s Arts Advisory Committee. Organized by chairperson Howard Blankman and six other members, the event was intended to show the diversity of art available on the Island, from painting to sculpture to music and theater to culinary skills. Rose Peterson, left, greets Helen Ann Federspeil Jonathan King and Carol King Doug Anderson and Glen Johnson Kora Johnson and Dan Stoller Lavonne Johnson, left, Bedford and Dr. Faye Biles By John M. Wissocki MARCO | 35 M SocialStudies B Bistro Soleil, at the Old Marco Inn, hosted a fundraiser benefitting the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in March. Owner Lisa Meurgue, and her husband Denis, welcomed more than 100 ladies who came out to support the cause. Joyce McFarland, co-owner of Marco Island Clothing Co., provided all the clothing, plus shoes and accessories, from her apparel store. Even though Meurgue said they were going meatless for Lent, she did put her best food forward, catering her own fashion show. After champagne and hors d’oeuvres of homemade smoked salmon, baked Brie and bruschetta, the guests enjoyed spinach and Parmesan quiche with a salad of field greens, and a crispy apple tart tatin for dessert. Geraldine Daniel Joyce McFarland, left, Patrick Nolan and Lisa Meurgue Sue Holwinski Mary Ann Pierson, left, Maria La Palermo, Wanda McCasland, Geraldine Daniel, Tommie Rowland, Sue Holwinski, Jean King and Joanne Blau ByLance Shearer MARCO | 36 M SocialStudies As theatrical performances go, “Bubba & Belle’s Hillbilly Wedding” owed more to Larry the Cable Guy than Laurence Olivier – in fact, members of the bridal party kept urging each other to “Git ’R Done.” The festivities, held at the San Marco parish hall on Marco Island in April, drew on broad stereotypes of country bumpkins, with both the bride and the maid of honor sporting “a bun in the oven,” the bride using her garter for a beer holster, and the groom in his best overalls. The event was a fundraiser for the Wishing Well Foundation. Lou Tenant (Ralph Bayer) and maid of honor Carrie Oakey (Tracy Gudgel) Bubba Gum (Dale Rod) and Belle E. Flop (Donna Melton) Dick and Claire Boulanger Ricky Gilson and Jonnie Gove Bill and Lori Du Bell Chris Hadec, Dale Rod, and DJ Steve By Lance Shearer MARCO | 37 M SocialStudies A Art enthusiasts were invited to be detectives and solve the mystery of “Who’s The Artist” during the Last Wednesday Art Walk at the Esplanade in March. Clue cards with hints were given to all interested parties. Waterfront Gallery was thrilled to announce the addition of two new artists, Rick Granneman and Tim Davis. They recently joined the gallery and were present to show of their artwork to the many art enthusiasts throughout the evening. Karen Swanker, left, and Claire Keery Jim Allen and Tara O’Neill Rick Granneman, left, and Tim Davis Artists Tara O’Neill, left, Rick Granneman and Betty Newman By John M. Wissocki MARCO | 38 Maggie DeMarco, left, Tom Gallagher and Tony Dallmann-Jones M SocialStudies The students and artists of the 2010/2011 Stone Sculpting Program at the Art League, Marco Island’s Center for the Arts, held their seventh annual Stone Sculpture Exhibit, on April 15. The McFarland Atrium Gallery was filled with unique, one-of-a-kind sculptures. The exhibit was curated by program instructors Joe Cooper and Frank de la Roche. Glen Johnson Keith Dameron, left, wife Barbara, and Jeanne Rice Bethian and Scott Zoldan Carol Roberts, left, Karen Carson, Craig Carson and Steve Roberts Linda Henell, left, Midge Winger and Jerry Leeman By John M. Wissocki MARCO | 39 M SocialStudies T The Esplanade hosted the third annual Mutts & Martinis Yappy Hour in March, raising money to support Bedtime Bundles. The courtyard outside CJ’s on the Bay was thronged by a mass of costumed revelers, sipping, socializing, and parading in their finery. And that was just the dogs. Dale Rod and Donna Melton Samantha Gardner and Gloria Gardner Arlene Harris with her Cairn terrier, Elvis. Dogs and their owners crowded the Esplanade for the Mutts & Martinis Yappy Hour to benefit the Bedtime Bundles charity. By Lance Shearer MARCO | 40 M SocialStudies The Marco Eagle Sanctuary Foundation held an inaugural Nest Fest in May at the Art League, Marco Island’s Center for the Arts. More than 100 people spread their wings to learn more about why eagles are an essential part of the fragile ecosystem of Marco Island. Most importantly the evening focused on protecting land known as Tract K, where a pair of eagles are nesting. Attendees enjoyed wine and hors d’oeuvres. Nicole DeBusman Linda Turner and Linda Boston Carl Way The crowd packs the Art League, Marco Island’s Center for the Arts for Nest Fest. By Lance Shearer MARCO | 41 M SocialStudies N Now in its 13th year, Soapfest’s signature evening, A Night of Stars was held in May, where celebrities mingled with Marco Islanders and others who turned out for the weekend festivities. After the main event at Bistro Soleil where a gourmet dinner was served and attendees had the chance to have their photo taken with their favorite soap character, Soapfest moved down Bald Eagle Drive to Martini’s Upstairs lounge, for the Celebrity Bartender Bash. Disco music pumped from the sound system as the stars competed to sell the most drinks. Kristen Alderson and Walt Willey Organizer Pat Berry Pat Berry with Austin Peck, of “One Life to Live” Soapfest presented A Night of Stars at Bistro Soleil, where daytime drama actors mingled with their fans for charity.Soapfest has raised many thousands of dollars for children’s charities, and the fundraising pace quickened Troy Porter and Bill Irvine By Lance Shearer MARCO | 42 M SocialStudies With “One Life to Live” killed, and “All My Children” about to become orphans, Soapfest, the annual celebration of daytime dramas on Marco Island, had a poignant quality. All but one of the 15 or so stars who came for the event have seen their shows cancelled, and the fans were mad about losing their television “families.” But everyone had a great time, rubbing elbows at the Celebrity Bartender Bash, spending big in the charity auction Saturday night, and Cruisin’, Boozin’, and Schmoozin’ aboard the Marco Island Princess Sunday afternoon. Emily Boyer and Carolyn Nelson Shenaz Treasury Colleen Burns Bon voyage! Soapfest took to the water, with a “Cruisin’, Boozin’ & Schmoozin’” excursion aboard the Marco Island Princess for soap stars and fans. By Lance Shearer MARCO | 43
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