Regulatory toxicology of alternative fumigants
Regulatory toxicology of alternative fumigants
Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 Regulatory toxicology of alternative fumigants J. M. Desmarchehe? V. S. Hantos'', Y. L. Ren and Abstract extensive Carbonyl sulfide (COS), ethyl formate (HCCh~Hs, carbon disulfide (C~) the protection At present Glossary of terms fumigants for are potential alternative of stored grams. EF) and use of C~ m the future. EF Amencan ACGIH: used as a 1S and m a region of Australia. are relevant Two toxicological issues that to the registration safety to workers potentially of these fumigants of potential health effects exposed workers but there literature and DRG: Deutsche EF: IDLH: Ethyl formate Immediately Dangerous to Life or Health level durmg viscose exposed to C~ effects, exposures an extensive of workers chronically have shown neurotoxicological and ocular manufacture. and increased mortality from cardiovascular However, to C~ Workers rayon LC50: Lethal concentration MAK: Maximum many of the studies lack accurate level data and this has complicated disease study, funugation Values in the Maximum Residue Level NIOSH: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (USA) National NOHSC: trials were conducted with COS, EF or C~ on wheat to determme for 50% of test animals Concentration MRL: of safe occupational exposure levels In the present (Federal Workplace C~ exposure the settmg Forschungsgemeinschaft Republic of Germany) of COS and EF m by companson, 1S, on the occupational Governmental Carbonyl sulfide Carbon disulfide the presence of residues m the commodity. There have been few studies of C~: COS: are the exposed to the fumigants, Conference Industrial Hygienists fumigant of dried fruit, and C~ as a gram fumigant in Chma Occupational Heath and Safety Commission (Australia) the fate of OSHSA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration PEL: ppm: Permissible s110had been aerated for less than 2 h. The level of COS in REL: fumigated STEL: Recommended Exposure Limit Short- Term Exposure Limit TLV: Threshold Limit Value TWA: Time Weighted Average Wheat was treated With COS (24 g/t) , fumigant residues. EF (90 g/t) or C~ (42 g/t) farm silos. On outloadmg in sealed, COS-treated levels that were higher than untreated wheat fell rapidly wheat had residue wheat, durmg The concentrations however the transport conditionmg to reach levels indistinguishable wheat and from untreated of EF in wheat had decayed to natural levels after a withholding period of 4 weeks. present in untreated (USA) 50 tonne-capacity wheat at concentrations and EF between O. 1 - 3 mg/kg, Exposure Level parts- per-million COS is of 0.05 mg/kg and both substances occur naturally at higher levels in other foods. Wheat treated With < 10 C~ had residues wheat, after 24 h aeration Introduction of the higher than the natural level of C~ ( < substantially 0.005-0.02 mg/kg mg/kg) m untreated wheat. The presence New and safer fumigants of ever-present COS and EF residues at background levels after fumigation of wheat favours persistence Ahmenuiriu« occupational their of C~ registration residues maximum health as and residue and safety fumigants. absence limit, of a m considerations, are being sought because of the of resistance developing The environment. Isolated cases of resistance to phosphine have developed, to for example, and methyl bromide is being phased out because of its depletion may hmit of stratospheric fumigants carbonyl sulfide (COS), carbon disulfide (C~) 1 RMIT-Umverslty, TOXicology Key Centre, GPO Box CSIRO Entomology, GPO Box 1700, ozone. ethyl formate (EF) The and have been proposed as alternatives to methyl bromide and phosphine for the fumigation of grain. 2476v, COS has not been used previously as a gram fumigant and Melbourne Victona 3001, Australia 2 to existing fumigants and adverse effects of others on health and the Codex addition prospect Canberra, ACf has had limited 2601, Austraha solvent, 356 industrial use a flavouring m foodstuffs, EF is widely used as a fragrance ingredient and Proceedings of the 7th Internatwnal as a fumigant of dried fruits and tobacco. C~ are m the manufacture ingredient Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 The main uses of of VIScose rayon Governmental and as an many organisations in the synthesis of, and as a solvent for numerous pharmaceutical, agricultural, Registration of the alternative chemicals will be required widespread fumigants prior alternative in as agricultural to their use m the case of ~. for workers is mterestmg chenucals are present naturally m wheat, concentrations (Desmarchelier quantities mglkg in wheat. fumigants IS given in Table 1. Most occupational are based on an 8 h per d, 5 d per wk which IS known as the time weighted duration Table 1. Occupational to the alternative Regulatory Agency 100 10[skin]a is present n.a 100 lO[skin] TLV (ACGIH) n.a. 100 lO[skin] PEL (OSHA) n..a. 100 4b[skin] REL (NIOSH) n.a. 100 Il skm] STEL (NIOSH) n.a. n.a. 10 IDHL (NIOSH) n.a 1,500 500 Germany MAK (DGF) in trace U.S.A. fumigants. and pressure whereas EF and are n.a a Flammability not assigned [skm] notation substantIal gram funugation however, lower and upper flammable substances b given the their flammability risk. signifres non-enforceable route may lead to Transitional hrmt due to a US court decision. TLV values are on a TWA The that this exposure absorptIon PEL of 20 ppm currently some methods of their use in may reduce for n.a. Australia TLV (NOHSC) COS at and C~ are liquids that have high vapour pressures therefore readily volatilised. optimal conditions, ppm) C~ albeit at different of the alternative are flammable (in EF Occupational health and safety of alternative fumigants COS, EF and C~ standards COS ThIS paper discusses these Issues in the COS IS a gas at room temperature exposure fumigants in different countries. as all three up to 3 mglkg, while C~ context of possible registration many exposure and Ren, unpublished data). EF may be present in concentrations levels up to 0.05 are in different average (TWA). use or more who may be exposed The matter of fumigant residues there which produce exposure standards exposure standards and the presence of residues in fumigated wheat. fumigants, (ACGIH) and adopted by However, Two issues that are critical to this process are the occupational health and safety considerations countries. countries and a list of the vanous exposure standards for the mining and rubber chemicals. Currently there is some use of C~ as a grain fumigant China and one region of Australia. Industrial Hygienists other apphes baSIS See Glossary for explanatIon of acronyms (explosive) hrruts (LFLIUFL) Source of values ACGIH (1993) for COS in air are 12 and 28.5 % (v /v ) (Sax and LeWIS, 1986) and are well above the concentration control of insects. Pure EF has LFLIUFL required for An exposure standard has not been assigned for COS. ThIS of 2.8 and 16% may be due to the lirruted use of COS in industry or the lack but the proposed formulation of EF for gram fumigation is a of sufficient information on which to base a standard. 4% aqueous of 10 ppm has been recommended solution substantially reduces of EF. The dilute the flammability solution risk. of EF C~ has LFLI sheet for COS which is also the exposure UFL of 1.3 and 50% and as it apphed as a neat liquid for grain fumigation it poses a flammability risk. hydrogen sulfide (EOC, 1996). Exposure standards formation of hydrogen is converted to hydrogen A TL V in the material safety data standard for It has been shown that COS in rats, sulfide and It is the sulfide that IS considered to be the tOXICaction of COS (Chengelis and Neal, 1980). The health of workers exposed to chemicals durmg work hours may be protected air concentrations. of a substance by regulatory standards The occupational Table I, and higher than methyl bromide and phosphine that discomfort to most workers effects of the substance. which are (NOHSC, breathmg 1995). based on new information widely recognised for EF (TL V 100 The exposure standard is a concentration m the air withm a worker's as parts-per-million standards ppm) are much higher than those of the other fumigants in zone, have TLVs of 5 and 0.3 ppm, respectively exposure to which should not cause adverse health effects or may be altered exposure governing The standard about the health Exposure standards produced by the limit values (TLV® Amencan Conference standards SImilar m different are expressed for C~ countries vary (10 ppm), bodies in the US, the National Institute (ppm) on a volume baSIS, and the most are the threshold (ACGIH, 1993). depending on the regulatory body that has set them. While the TLV level IS Exposure Safety and Health (NIOSH) Health Admmistration ) standard of 357 for C~ and Occupational (OSHA), following two regulatory for Occupational Safety and have reduced the exposure review of the epidemiological Proceedings of the 7th International literature of CSz-related effects in workers. the Permissible Exposure Level (PEL) Worktng Conference on Stored-product Protectwn - Volume 1 OSHA reduced personahty to 4 ppm (12 mg/ including excitability, disturbances confusion, anger, insomnia, pSYChOSISand suicide m") with a STEL of 12 ppm (36 mg/ m") but this level IS These symptoms are expenenced currently above those of the present occupational exposure standards. unenforceable Issue is decided, pending a court decision. the transitional Until that Chronic exposure PEL defaults to the original value of 20 ppm, 30 ppm ceihng and a 100 ppm (30 rrun) industry, (Wood, during to CSz in workers 1981). exposures well in the VISCose rayon as detailed below, has led to effects on the eye and maximum peak. NIOSH reduced the Recommended Exposure to the Limit (REL) to 1 ppm by attaching a lO-fold safety factor to cardiovascular and reproductive effects. Other effects of CSz the lowest concentration thought to increase risk of coronary exposure observed m exposed workers include hearing loss, heart disease 1977). (NIOSH, The PEls estabhshed OSHA are the only exposure standards enforceable the U. S. by irregulanties by law in miscarriages some Continuous exposure membranes to COS gas will generally cause in addition to headache, Exposure to concentrations may lead to respiratory (EOC, 1996). at 15 - Irritation 50 There have been few documented 1968). a bunker toxic cases of a worker and Neal, 1979; Fmmsh system, muscle sulfide m of neuropathy coordination may be observed. eye protection (Roe and Salaman, Adverse effects of of the exposure very high concentrations poisonmg, Acute exposure penods may 1983). (WHO, 1979). to findings monitoring rapid coma formation of time may result in permanent include CSz at or tingling, m the up to 10 years symptoms headache, loss risk of coronary of of sleep libido and - 30 ppm). to coronary Although were the main nsk factors current TLV. disease decreased had when inadequate was et al. , CSz concentration to ascertam m coronary exposure to below 10 ppm. heart workers the disease heart measures A recent have found little risk compared with (Drexler et al. , 1996). of the effect of CSz exposure have shown significant levels of endocrine from coronary occupational endpoints such as decreased 358 exposure studies on which these The rate of mortahty Some studies reproduction on the CSz heart disease, has made it difficult unexposed workers central nervous system which are manifested by mood and close to age and risk of coronary heart disease at levels near the difference short advanced to the overall risk (Beauchamp based which disease has been heart exposed to CSz concentrations study of low level CSz-exposed and death. effects et al., m definite The reported fatigue, lowered the air concentration into leads to to 500 - 1000 ppm CSz for relatively (10 were increased Inhalation of of CSz ( > 3000 ppm) were present Many of the epidemiological m Rady et aI., categorised different to resulted such as numbness damage general shown to contribute 1976; ZImmerman et be to in workers exposed to CSz at levels generally predisposing acute, subacute and chronic by the duration and concentration hyperacute CSz 1955; from Vanhoorne 20 years) elevated diastolic blood pressure skin and EF was not carcinogenic 1981), nor was it mutagenic (NTIS, al. , 1976). hyperacute, however, system m workers the TLV The proposed should be worn as it IS good practice minimise exposure to chemicals. animal studies 1978), 1983, to CSz ceased nervous reported is unlikely to cause significant skin irri tation or sensitisa tion (Anon, exposed or pam and loss of sensation An increased and loss of formulation of grain fumigant EF IS an aqueous solution (4% w /w) and this mixture and higher than the TLV (Beauchamp et ai, 1983). The LC50 of EF in rats was 8000 ppm after a 4 h exposure (Anon, 1978). been the studies showed in workers The symptoms disturbances, depression of the central fatigue, workers up to 70 ppm have Parkinsonism headache, rayon of effects weakness central 1968). nausea, possible not Additional studies of However, ca . indications 1980). EF is an Irritant to nose, throat and lungs at levels >300 nervous damage exposures Chronic 1981) and the approximate ppm. At higher concentrations, and Dutch et al., concentrations in humans is 600 ppm for a 30 nun lethal concentration the has in eye structure 1983). (Beauchamp after exposure exposure (Lefaux, and gases m changes et al., countries concentrations. et aI., workers, spectra extremities, rats is 444 ppm (Tansy m different Hydrogen sulfide is highly toxic and may be fatal at high The 60 mm LC50 for hydrogen in 1996) . m rats to carbon dIOXIde and CChengelis agent increase and lower levels of CSz for at least one year, showed early signs hydrogen sulphide with the latter compound proposed to be the and to exposure to CSz in relatively high doses (32 to of ophthalmological to COS (Thiess et al. , was attributed COS IS metabohsed systems, cycle With other has resulted Japanese, to 50% of and Lewis, entering effects function (Beauchamp in 35 mm was 1200 ppm (Sax to COS but the death menstrual exposure Long-term coma and unconsciousness (LC50) of human exposures the these 128 ppm), dizziness and nausea. the test population 1986). ppm to mucous In mice, the lethal concentration of nervous addressed (WHO, 1979; Beauchamp et al. , 1983). of COS between 200 - 300 ppm arrest, of and penpheral although there have been conflicting reports of concomitant Adverse health effects of a1temativefumigants concentrations central hormones on male effects on reproductive spermatogenesis, and reduced lower serum libido, whereas Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 other studies found no differences in semen quality compared with unexposed controls (Schrag and DIxon, 1985). In a recent study, libido and potency were significantly reduced in workers occupationally exposed to CSzat levels above the TLV, m companson with age-matched unexposed controls, but the quality of the semen and the number of children of the workers were not significantly different between the two groups (Vanhoorne et at. , 1994). It is not known how similar the exposure scenarios for workers in rayon manufacture are to potential exposures of workers during grain fumigation or how a different exposure pattern may affect the risk of adverse effects with Its use. There is a high risk of permanent damage to the nervous system in gram fumigators using CSz without adequate skin protection or suitable respirators. That is, unprotected grain fumigators may be exposed to higher concentrations of CSz than workers in rayon manufacture as they are more likely to be handling liquid CSz concentrate. Most exposure standards for CSz include a [skin] notation which signals that dermal exposure can have an Important contribution to overall exposure. Skin absorption of CSz can also result m irritation or blistering and splashes m the eye can cause immediate severe Irritation. unpublished data) . Therefore the development of a biomonitoring method for occupational COS exposure will have to address background exposure from natural sources. Alternative Fumigants Trialmonitoring Exposure, Residues and Efficacy Field-scale experiments of COS, EF and CSz fumigation of wheat were conducted by CSIRODIvision of Entomology 0. Desmarchelier, Chief Investigator) for the purpose of obtaining efficacy and residue data that would support future registration of the fumigants and monitonng worker exposure. Chemicals COS was obtained from BOC, Australia, EF was a gift of ICI Australasia and CSzwas purchased from Ajax Chemicals, Australia. The purity of COS was determined to be 95% prior to purification by passage of the gas through copper sulfate solution to remove hydrogen sulfide contamination. Fumigation protocols Biomonitoring of occupational fumigant exposure It IS possible to measure the absorbed dose of CSz in an exposed worker, in addition to ambient air concentrations by measuring the presence of CSzmetabolites m the urine. The metabolite 2-thiothiawlidine-4-carboxylic acid (TTCA) accounts for approximately 3% of the absorbed human dose of CSz, and is used to monitor occupational exposures to CSz (Van Doorn et at., 1981). In many studies, the level of TTCA in unne has been correlated to the magnitude of exposure to CSzby ambient monitoring during the workshift (e. g. Meulin et at. , 1990, Drexler et at. , 1994). The concept of biomonitoring for EF exposure has not been reported. In the case of EF, biomonitoring may not be feasible as EF is rapidly hydrolysed once it enters the body to form ethanol and formate. Ethanol monitoring would be subject to interference from other exposure sources and the measurement of formate as a product of EF m blood or urme of exposed workers IS complicated by the presence of endogenously produced formate. The mean concentration of formate in human serum is 13 mg/L in serum, and formate is excreted at the rate of 0.5 mg/h in unne (d'Alessandro et at. , 1994). The implementation of biological monitoring of COS exposure will require an understanding of the metabolic fate of the fumigant in man, and the identification and ready detection of a suitable product in saliva or urine. COS is a naturally occurring substance both in the atmosphere and in some foods, particularly vegetables of the Brassica genus ( broccoli, cabbage etc) (DesmarchelIer and Ren, 359 Welded-steel cylindrical farm silos of 50 tonne capacity, fitted with aeration ducts were sealed With silicone and tested for air-tightness. Australian Standard White wheat (36 t) of unspecified moisture content was loaded into the silo and purified COS (400 L) was added to the headspace above the wheat. The final application rate of COSwas 24.4 g/t wheat and the fumigation proceeded for 7 d. The silo was aerated for up to 2 h until the mtra-silo concentration reached the TLV (10 ppm) and then the wheat was outloaded. In a separate experiment, aqueous EF, 4% (w/w), was dripped onto wheat (40 t) as it was loaded into the silo. The final concentration of EF in wheat was 90 g/t and the fumigated wheat was withheld for 4 wk prior to outloading. In a further trial, CSzwas added as a neat liquid (1.2 L) via an external funnel and tube to hessian sacking placed on the surface of the wheat (36 t) in a sealed silo. The total rate of CSz application was 41.6 g/t. The fumigation proceeded for 6 d, the silo was aerated for 24 h until the intra-silo concentration reached the TLV (10 ppm) and then the wheat was outloaded Intra-silo concentrations of COS and CSz were measured by sampling of gas via nylon lines that were inserted mto the silo at multiple positions in the wheat mass and analysis of the gas by gas chromatography. The appropriate respirator and skin protection were used during the handling of fumigant concentrates and mixtures. Monitoring exposure tofumigants Multiple measurements were taken of COS, EF and CSz Proceedmqe of the 7th International concentrations Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 in the air around the silos under fumigation. when sealed storage is used. A radius of 3 m around each farm silo and a height of 1.5 to 1.9 m from the ground was determined for potential exposure of workers to fumigants. of air in the workspace 20 measurements drawing air into Tedlar'" measured concentrated Around 10 - (GC). EF and C~ The analytical (0.01 % of the respective fumigant concentrations originating dnp, a wheat held in 'dirty' bags, at the bottom of the 'dirty' the bin containing conditioned and skm protection. bins into Tedlar" (see Analysis of Wheat and Milled Products the sampling stages). workers in the mill. These Sampling for a descnption SIteS were of ~ bins containing ( 1) of outloaded wheat from the silo as it was loaded into bags route into the these were commercial grade approximate e. g. methanol method were (Daft 1988) Band are given in Figure mid-stream samples and Ren, unpublished using dechned after levels than 2 h before aeration to natural levels COS-fumigated the official analytical were similar for untreated into analysis (Sharp et COS, EF and concentrations during This demonstrates ~ remain can an be carried out it is wheat at and in the nulled the concentrations and EF-fumigated of EF wheat that had age and storage and Ren, unpublished data). the hmit (MRL) of 10 mg/kg, data ). air 360 level of C~ wheat The transportation, standards of the wheat. were below the Australian untreated the fumigation and in fumigated C~ residues than the natural that fumigation With well Within the exposure and Wheat fumigated with C~ had residues of 6.4 mg/kg on 0.01 % of the respective TLV for COS, EF or ~ outloading depending on the wheat variety, conditions (Desmarchelier area defined by a radius of 3 m from the silo at a height of phase of the trials. during B). The natural level of EF in wheat ranges between 0.1 3 mg/kg of fumigants in the workspace, did not exceed wheat been withheld for 4 wk, during all sampling stages (Figure 1 Workspace exposure monitoring current The levels of wheat had the same level of COS outloading after 24 h aeration m, C, time will result in COS At the stage of conditioning as the untreated wheat. In wheat fumigated with EF, Results and Discussion 1.5 - 1.9 data). in the fumigated that extendmg falling fractions, sampling and EF was extracted for less outloading. for EF determmation, methanol using a method for multi-residue al. , 1988). The air concentrations 1 (A, . anticipated (10 g) were taken. or milled fractions analysed 1984, milled fractions, aerated thereby initiating the analytical process as soon as possible. COS and ~ to the transport and processing (Figure lA). Fumigated wheat was (60 g) or milled fractions solvents from the silos, after transport and in the of COS rapidly of grain) at the mill were added to wheat and untreated higher than the natural levels in wheat but the concentration (18 h moistening flour, pollard finished flour, pollard, germ and bran. Extraction in fumigated COS in COS-fumigated wheat on outloading was substantially container At all sampling stages, TL V of 10 ppm. at the surface of the conditioned flour mill and within the mill, after conditioning (Desmarchelier (4) of wheat after it was conditioned of wheat of ~ COS is naturally present in wheat at levels of 0.05 mg/kg container (5) of milled fractions, the air wheat but the value (0.62 below the current of fumigant respectively) (3) at the flour mill, during transfer of the cleaned wheat treatment of the wheat, The levels of COS, EF and C~ in untreated and fumigated Sampling of wheat for fumigant analysis was carried out: to the 'clean' Also, during the application C~-fumigated wheat on outloading from the receival the wheat Sampling and analysis of wheat and milledprodncts forfumigant levels holding 'dirty' to be to wheat was 0.15 ppm. to Levels (2) at the flour null, exposure were highest at the bottom of 'dirty' The air concentration of accessible was equipment is not used. ppm) was substantially and air ppm) significant exposure above the TL V is At the flour mill during processing bins and at the surface of wheat the the was minimal as he was wearing an appropnate concentrations of ~-fumigated during workspace of 4% EF solution however, likely where protective Air samples were drawn from the surface fumigated wheat. of the container as the the TL V (100 during refilhng of C~ to the grain, from C~- circumstance where applied respirator At the flour mill, some sampling of air was carried out to determine trial of EF exceeded experimenter TLVs). One fumigant concentration methods used were capable of detecting as low as 10 ppb EF and 1 ppb for COS and ~ fumigants. alternative were sampled by bags and COS, by gas chromatography Elevated exposure to fumigants may occur when handling to be the workspace highest residues (Figure 1 C). residue they were substantially higher « (Desmarcheher C~ residues conditioning of milled Although the maximum 0.005 - 0.02 and Ren, persisted and milling fractions mg/kg) in unpublished throughout the stages the found with in the germ Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 A 0.25 0.2 Carbonyl 0.15 sulfide (mg/kg) 0.1 0.05 o i'o.. h~"" &c¥ ~ft; o~ 'f)~ tt- ~ e ~ ..... <:> .II' ;..O~.#' ~ ~~ ~ J:~~ cf -~~ ~~ ~~ ~ orq<$>~ !b~ C> Fumigated Untreated ~J>/ ~~'b Sampling stage <fS B 0.75 Ethyl formate (mglkg) 0.5 0.25 Fumigated Untreated c Fumigated Untreated Fig.l. Levels of furrugant (and mterfenng substances) m wheat furrugated With (A) natural levels m untreated wheat 361 ms (B) EF or (C) ~ compared With Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored-product Protection - Volume 1 Efficacy of fumigations Conclusion The applied levels of fumigant were efficacious in killing Triboltum castaneum (adults and larvae), Rhyzopertha dominica (mixed age cultures), Sitophilus oryzae (nuxed age cultures) that were placed in traps in the silos prior to COS and CSz fumigation, or after loading of EF~treated wheat All insect stages were killed by the fumigation regimes except in the EF fumigation where two adult S. oryzae (0.26% of total S. oryzae) survived fumigation. After incubation of the surviving adults for a further 28 d at 30'C, 31 progeny were produced. Where sufficient aeration or withholding periods are used, fumigation of wheat with COS and EF can result in levels of these fumigants present that are indistinguishable from the natural levels. The optimal aeration times and withholding periods for other grains fumigated with the alternative fumigants are currently being investigated. The moisture content of grain may also affect the persistence of EF residues. In this field trial, a 4 wk withholding period was proposed for EF-fumigated wheat based on the slower decay of EF in cool, dry grain. The natural levels of COS and EF in commodities will need to be carefully identified to ensure the levels are not exceeded after fumigation and appropriate withholding periods. The registration process may be simplified for fumigants whose residue levels in the fumigated commodity is indistinguishable from the natural level as there is less requirement for long term feeding studies to assess the toxicity of persistent residues. The benefits and disadvantages of potential alternatives to methyl bromide and phosphine for grain fumigation have been discussed by various researchers (e. g. Bond 1984; Banks 1996). Among the perceived drawbacks of CSz as a grain fumigant were its high flammability and the loss of Codex Alimentarius • guidelme ' tolerance (full maximum residue limit at Codex was never attained for CSz). To obtain a Codex MRL for CSz full toxicological assessment of the chemical, including long-term feeding studies in rodents, would be required to ensure that CSz residues in commodities were safe to consume, in addition to proof of efficacy of CSz In field trials. Presently, the lack of mammalian toxicological data on which to base an application for international registration, and the cost of toxicology studies, will limit the future use of CSz as a grain fumigant The safety to workers potentially exposed to CSzwill need to be carefully considered in the light of the extensive knowledge of adverse effects from occupational exposure to CSz. The revised 1989 PEL exposure standard for CSzin the U. S. (4 ppm) is lower than the current TLV (10 ppm) and signals the trend to reduce occupational exposures. Industries where workers are exposed to CSz will need to consider whether they can comply with the lower exposure standard when they are introduced. On the basis of occupational health, the presence of residues at natural levels and efficacy it is worth pursumg registration for COSand EF as grain fumigants, but for CSz, persistent residues and occupational health and safety considerations may limit extensive use of CSzIn the future. 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