Timisoara - Best Engineer
Timisoara - Best Engineer
BESTEngineer International Training & Career Convention nd for Engineers • 2 Edition Timisoara - Romania 26 - 27 October 2012 Timisoara Hotel 04 04 Introduction Dear Friends, Sponsors, Exhibitors, Conference Partner and ALL BESTEngineer Participants! AVANZ Fair & Events Team welcomes all of you to the first edition of BESTEngineer HR Convention BEST Engineer has over 30 exhibitors and conference partner from more then 10 countries. It represents successful industry sectors as IT, automotive, mechanic, construction, etc. Our goal is to provide a platform for discussion, new and creative HR ideas as well as open the doors for career opportunities to engineers. BESTEngineer focus on the Romanian job market for engineers and is not a ‘Brain Drain Expo’ as some critics mentioned in the beginning. We are proud to offer over 500 vacant engineer jobs presented by our exhibitors and partners. Romania has a long and strongly recognized engineer history. Romanian engineers are well trained and demanded in the domestic and international job and expert market. . BESTEngineer also offers training and post university opportunities and via our partner we advise engineers in their next career steps. It is our pleasure to host this new event in the AVANZ F&E portfolio in Crowne Plaza Hotel and we thank Mr. Franz Rattenstätter for the cooperation. We wish you a successful BESTEngineer HR Convention! Team 02 . Conference Topics presents 14 Forum Discussions & Presentations by TOP executives and engineer experts. Topic A: International situation in ‘Engineer demand’, offer versus demand (Case studies/ experience report: TOP professionals abroad and in Romania/ on the job report/ new engineers in training) (Industry and job Cluster for engineers in Romania) (How to build your engineer career? !) Topic B: Offers and requirement for BEST Engineer (Remuneration/ benefits/ opportunities) (Future engineer job position and professional Topic C: Demand and development in training and post education (5 most important Success Factors for engineers) (Tomorrows engineers training requirements) 03 Alcatel-Lucent Romania Address 9 Gheorghe Lazar Street Timisoara Phone +40 256 303 100 Contact Person Ciurariu Loredana Contact Person +40 749 274 147 E-mail [email protected] Website www.alcatel-lucent.com Alcatel-Lucent is the first truly global communications solutions provider, with the most complete end-to-end portfolio of solutions and services in the industry. Alcatel-Lucent is the most important IT&C “turn-key” solutions provider in Romania, with a complex activity consisting in research & development, design, installing, maintenance and consulting. Please visit this site regularly for new employment opportunities. 04 ACI Worldwide Address 116 Timisoara Phone +40 256 Contact Person I Phone Contact Person +40 7 E-mail Website Atos is an international information technology services company with annual re 06 Atos IT Solutions and Services Address 116 A Mures Street Timisoara Phone +40 256 256 091 Contact Person Ionela Coprean Phone Contact Person +40 758 023 218 E-mail [email protected] Website ro. atos.net Atos is an international information technology services company with annual revenues of EUR 8.7 billion and 74,000 employees in 42 countries. Serving a global client base, Atos delivers hi-tech transactional services, consulting and technology services, systems integration and managed services. Atos is focused on business technology that powers progress and helps organizations to create their firm of the future. Atos has entered the Romanian IT market in July 2011, following the takeover of Siemens IT Solutions and Services by Atos Origin, the French-based IT services company. Currently, Atos Romania operates in Bucharest, Timişoara and Braşov and employs over 400 people. Come and join our Business Technologist team in Romania and achieve your personal bests. 07 AUTOLIV ROMANIA Address 10 Coriolan Brediceanu, City Business Center, D Building, 6'th floor, 300011, Timisoara Phone +40 256 408 900 Contact Person Natalia Vutan-Ronkov Contact Person +40 731 996 267 E-mail [email protected] Website www.autoliv.com Autoliv is the worldwide leader in automotive safety. We help all the leading automobile manufacturers to deliver safety products to their customers. Autoliv Romania was set up in 1997 in Brasov and it is increasing ever since with new business lines in Brasov, Lugoj, Timisoara, Prejmer and Sfantu Gheorghe. Today it reached over 4 000 employee in Romania and it is still growing fast. 08 Cooper Industries Romania Address 9 Timisoara Phone +40 256 Contact Person V Phone Contact Person +40 7 E-mail office@ Website www.co Since 13 years we are active in the field of investment & HR consulting for the R 09 Company Solutions Address 9 Republicii Blv., 1st floor Timisoara Phone +40 256 200 679 Contact Person Valentin Bicu Phone Contact Person +40 724 234 990 E-mail [email protected] Website www.companysolutions.ro Since 13 years we are active in the field of investment & HR consulting for the Romanian market. We move our main headquarters since 2003 to Timisoara. Due to this favorable position, we can implement our activity in all of the Romanian territory, especially in the Western region; on the other hand, we lie within the easy reach of our mostly German and French speaking clients, through the close distance to the border and the well developed infrastructure. Our priority is to ensure a professional, responsible approach in our task performance that leads to a successful future development of our client. We hold personal conversations, offer individual support and care for long-term relationships with our clients. 10 Continental Automotive Romania Address 1 Siemens Street, 300704 Timisoara Phone +40 256 253 001 Contact Person Aleksandra Talpoş Phone Contact Person +40 256 252 322 E-mail [email protected] Website www.romania.careers-continental.com With sales of €30.5 billion in 2011, Continental is among the leading automotive suppliers worldwide. As a supplier of brake systems, systems and components for powertrains and chassis, instrumentation, infotainment solutions, vehicle electronics, tires and technical elastomers, Continental contributes to enhanced driving safety and global climate protection. Continental is also an expert partner in networked automobile communication. Continental currently has approximately 164,000 employees in 46 countries. 11 13 DPR Draxlmaier Procese de Productie Romania Address 9A Calea Buziaşului, 300714 Timişoara, Timiş Phone +40 356 407 141 Contact Person Ana Maria Tihoi Phone Contact Person +40 356 407 296 E-mail [email protected] Website www.draexlmaier.com Dräxlmaier Group, founded in 1958, headquartered in Germany, provides the leading manufacturers of automotive wiring systems modern, luxurious interiors and electrical and electronic components. Dräxlmaier has over 44,000 employees in more than 50 factories in 20 countries. This private company is a leading systems provider in the premium segment of the auto industry and covers the full service provider whole process, from initial idea to delivery systems and innovative products. Dräxlmaier Group started its activity in Romania in 1993 and now has over 12,000 employees in 5 production areas wich are also centers of development: Timisoara, Satu Mare, Pitesti, Hunedoara and Brasov. 12 Hella Romania Address 3 Hella Street, 307200 Ghiroda, Timisoara Phone +40 372 227 100 Contact Person Daliana Daniloni Phone Contact Person +40 372 227 370 E-mail [email protected] Website www.hella.com The HELLA Group develops and manufactures lighting and electronic components and systems for the automotive industry and also has one of the largest trade organizations for automotive parts, accessories, diagnosis and services throughout Europe. Complete vehicle modules, air-conditioning systems and vehicle electrical systems are produced in joint venture companies. With more than 4,800 people working in research and development, Hella is one of the most important innovation drivers on the market. 13 FLEXTRONICS ROMANIA Address Timisoara Phone +40 256 303 500 E-mail [email protected] Website www.flextronics.com Flextronics is a leading Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS) provider focused on delivering complete design, engineering and manufacturing services to aerospace and defence, automotive, computing, consumer, industrial, infrastructure, medical, clean tech and mobile OEMs. Flextronics helps customers design, build, ship and service electronics products through a network of facilities in 30 countries on four continents. This global presence provides design and engineering solutions that are combined with core electronics manufacturing and logistics services, and are vertically integrated with components technologies, to optimize customer operations by lowering costs and reducing time to market. Join a long-term employment in a strong team with very good future career opportunities in our factory located in Timisoara! 14 Grupul Renault Romania Adresa NorthGate Business Center 2, Blvd. Pipera - Tunari nr. 2/III, 077190 Voluntari, Ilfov, Romania Persoana de contact Ruxandra Petre E-mail Pentru angajare: [email protected] Pentru programe dedicate studentilor/masteranzilor: [email protected] Website www.renault-technologie-roumanie.com www.daciagroup.com România, cu cei peste 17.500 de angajaţi, este a doua ţară a Grupului Renault în ceea ce priveşte efectivele şi singura, cu excepţia Franţei, care posedă toate competenţele unui constructor auto.A face parte din Grupul Renault astăzi, înseamnă a beneficia de întreaga paletă de meserii existente în industria automobilului şi de cinci locaţii în care se desfaşoară activitatea: Piteşti, Mioveni, Oarja, Bucureşti şi Titu.Grupul Renault reuneşte Platforma Dacia de la Mioveni, Centrul Logistic RIR ILN, Centrul de Inginerie Renault Technologie Roumanie (care include Centrul de Încercări de la Titu si Centrul de design Renault Design Central Europe), Direcţia Comercială Renault Commercial Roumanie (tri-marcă Dacia-Renault-Nissan) şi Matriţe Dacia Piteşti.La sfârşitul anului trecut, Grupul, prin activitatea sa, a generat o pondere de 2,7% din PIB-ul României.Grupul Renault este una dintre companiile cu cea mai mare dinamică a dezvoltării în ultimii ani pe plan naţional, o companie responsabilă, preocupată permanent atât de viitorul angajaţilor săi, cât şi de viitorul clienţilor săi. 16 Honeywell Life Safety Romania Address Salcamilor Street , no 2bis, 305500 Lugoj-Timis Phone +40 256 350 000 Contact Person Adriana Florea Phone Contact Person +40 733 101 543 E-mail [email protected] Website www.honeywell.ro Honeywell International (www.honeywell.com) is a Fortune 100 diversified technology and manufacturing leader, serving customers worldwide with aerospace products and services; control technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; turbochargers; and specialty materials. Honeywell products touch the lives of most people everyday, whether you're flying on a plane, driving a car, heating or cooling a home, furnishing an apartment, taking medication for an illness or playing a sport. Founded in Lugoj in 1993, 650 employees, Honeywell Life Safety Romania, is part of Honeywell Automation and Control Solutions (ACS) and activates in manufacturing and development of life safety electronic systems. 18 HUF Romania Address I Street, No. 5, Nord-West Industrial Area, Arad 1 Council of Europe Market, 6th floor, Timisoara Phone +40 257 220 110 Contact Person Manuela Bunta Phone Contact Person +40 257 220 178 / +40 726 685 464 E-mail [email protected] Website www.huf-group.com Huf Hülsbeck & Fürst is one of the leading manufacturers of mechanical and electronic locking systems: lock sets, steering locks, remote control systems and zonal body ECUs for the automotive industry. Founded in 1908 in Velbert, the company first supplied lock sets to Mercedes Benz (now Daimler AG) in 1920. Today, Huf has 6,400 employees located in 16 countries worldwide. Huf was the first company to develop components for the new car access and immobilization systems "Passive Entry" and "Keyless Go". In Romania, Huf started in October 2006 with a Production Plant located in Arad, in Zona Industriala NordVest. The R&D Centre in Timisoara has started the activity in April 2011, and it is located in Piata Consiliul Europei, No. 1, Floor 6. Overall, Huf Romania has almost 270 employees. 20 IPSO Address 174D Bucharest-Tîrgovişte Road, Mogoşoaia, Ilfov 140 Calea Lugojului Street, Ghiroda, Timiş Phone +40 212 072 014/17 Contact Person Alina Neamţu Phone Contact Person +40 212 072 013 E-mail [email protected] Website www.ipso.ro IPSO company is present in Romania since 1991 and is a member of the family group Monnoyeur in France. Since 1996, IPSO agriculture became the only one authorized importer of machinery and equipment JOHN DEERE, world number 1 in the field with a full range of tractors, combine harvesters, balers and other equipment in the same category. Along the way, he took over the distribution of other brands such as Kuhn, European leader in the field of machinery driven by tractor and Manitou, a leader in manufacturing telescopic loaders. Later IPSO AGRICULTURE added new names to the range of suppliers to offer complete solutions to any farmer, such as Strom, Marathon, Perard, Pichon, Bugnot, etc.. AGRICULTURE IPSO role is to provide integrated solutions to farmers in Romania, parts, service and training field operators. 21 LASTING System Address 2 Miron Costin Street Timisoara Phone +40 256 201 279 Contact Person Maria Ardeleanu Phone Contact Person +40 729 024 914 E-mail [email protected] Website www.lasting.ro ; www.lastingsoftware.com Founded in 1995, LASTING System is today the biggest Romanian IT company with its head office outside Bucharest. The experience gained on the IT market was extended in such a manner that today, LASTING represents a group of companies with three major business directions: distribution, software development and IT solutions (in Timisoara and Bucharest). Among LASTING business partners we proudly name: Barracuda Networks, BlueCoat, Dascom-Tally, Dataram, Dell, DLINK, EIZO, Enterasys, Fujitsu, Iomega, Matrox, MemorySolutions, Mustek, Microsoft, NEC, NetApp, Optoma, Polycom, Rimage, SAP, Silver Peak, TakeMS, TandbergData, Targus. LASTING strongly believes in human quality - a real evolutionary force - and in long lasting partnerships, built on trust and respect. Our goal is to offer quality and performance through our products and services 22 Leoni Wiring Systems Arad Address West Industrial Area, I Street, No. 11 Arad Phone +40 257 205 266 Contact Person Mihaela Rotar Phone Contact Person +40 735 353 329 E-mail [email protected] Website www.leoni.com Leoni Wiring Systems Arad is a part of Leoni Group, a multinational company with headquarters in Nuremberg, Germany, with a staff of 53.000 worldwide (31 countries) manufacturing wires and optical fibers, cables and wiring systems for automotive, home appliance, communication, mechanical engineering industries and components. In Romania Leoni Group opened its first unit in 1999, located in Arad and is supplying to: Audi, JLR, Bentley, DAF, MAN, Fendt, Claas, Cummins, Volvo, Perkins, BMW, MTU, Daimler and General Motors, with the support of its 3.600 employees. Also, there are two other Leoni units located in Bistrita and Pitesti. Leoni Wiring Systems Arad is a full service provider, from design to electronic components systems and integrated wiring systems. Leoni’s market position is: no. 1 in Europe and no. 4 worldwide. 23 LIFERAY Hungary Address Petneházy u. 50-52 Budapest 1139 Phone +3 617 864 575 Contact Person Szemán Enikő Phone Contact Person +40 735 353 329 E-mail [email protected] Website www.liferay.com Liferay, Inc. is a leading provider of enterprise open source portal and collaboration of software products. The Liferay Portal was created in 2000 and Liferay, Inc. was established in 2004 due to the growing demand for the portal. It boasts a rich open source heritage that offers organizations a level of innovation and flexibility unrivaled in the industry. Liferay is unique in its offer of Enterprise Edition subscriptions, which provides access to emergency fixes, software updates, 24/7 support SLAs, and subscription-only features. It also offers professional services and training to ensure successful deployments for its customers. 24 Movidius Address 2/A Paris Street, room P01(Central Park Building) Timisoara Phone +40 356 170 271 Contact Person Mihaela Ghiţă E-mail [email protected] Website www.movidius.com Movidius is an award-winning fabless semiconductor company, backed by a strong international consortium of venture capital companies. Movidius develops one of the first mobile multimedia solutions on multicore processors. We are seeking talented and self-motivated engineers with a good knowledge of embedded programming languages to drive the implementation of various multimedia applications on Movidius mobile processor. Movidius is headquartered in Dublin and has significant SW design-centres in Timisoara. Movidius offers excellent opportunities for those seeking to make an impact and contribute to a world-class international team bringing highly innovative products to market. 25 MAHLE Componente de Motor Address Calea Aradului, DN 69, Km 6.6 Timisoara Phone +40 256 256 630 Contact Person Diana Ciobotea E-mail [email protected] Website www.jobs.mahle.com/romania MAHLE. From the optimizationof existing technologies to the development of new technologies - as the leading globalmanufacturer of components and systems for the internal combustion engine and its peripherals,our company and its roughly 45,000 employees at more than 100 production plants offer our well-known costumer exciting future-oriented solutions. 26 Microsoft Romania Address 10 Coriolan Brediceanu, City Business Centre B (Landmark: 700Market) 300011 Timisoara Phone +40 256 202 034 Website www.microsoft.ro/cariere At Microsoft Global Technical Support Centre (GTSC), the sentence: "That's not our problem" doesn't exist in our lexicon. With more than 4,000 employees, we deliver world-class assistance around the clock to businesses, partners and developers in 24 languages.The Global Technical Support Centre (GTSC) located in Timisoara, provides high technical service and 3rd and 4th level support for Microsoft's European Enterprise and Development customers. The center is part of Microsoft Global Support Operations and is an extension of the Bucharest. Since the Global Technical Support Centre (GTSC) is a continuous learning environment, we'll make a significant investment in your technical and professional development, yet much of your growth will be self-directed. Moreover, you will be actively involved with mentoring, training and collaborating with other Engineers to make our team fast, stronger and smarter at handling critical issues for Microsoft customers. 28 PLEXUS SERVICES RO Address Oradea, 36 Land Book Bors, Cadastral numbers 5,6 & 91, Bors 417078 Bihor Phone +40 259 400 500 Contact Person Adriana Manole Phone Contact Person +40 259 400 534 E-mail [email protected] Website www.plexus.com We are a highly complex electronics company in full expansion! Plexus is unique within the Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS) industry with more than 25 years experience in turning customer's concepts into world-class products through our unique set of valueadded product realization solutions. These solutions include mechanical, electronic and software design, printed circuit board development, prototyping services, new product introduction, material procurement and supply chain management, printed circuit board and higher level assembly, test development, in-circuit and functional testing, final system box build, fulfillment, service, and repair. This range of capability provides for the seamless transition of products from one service offering to another, reducing time to market and total cost. Plexus supports a variety of market sectors including Wireline/Networking, Wireless Infrastructure, Medical, Industrial/Commercial, Defense/Security/Aerospace. 30 SIGNAL IDUNA Asigurari de Viata Address 60 Calea Floreasca, 6(a part of it), 7 and 8 floor, District 1 Bucharest Phone +40 317 307 100 E-mail [email protected] ; [email protected] Website www.signal-iduna.ro With more than 100 years of expertise in comprehensive health care solutions, SIGNAL IDUNA is currently one of the top German and European health insurance companies. SIGNAL IDUNA began its operations in Romania in June 2008, having as a main line of business private health insurance. SIGNAL IDUNA's Romanian operations are focused in delivering health care solutions to companies and individuals. Our corporate solutions for employees target core issues of our customers: productivity, retaining key employees, winning the fight for talent, reducing personnel costs. We offer tailor made solutions ranging from mandatory occupational health schemes to comprehensive health care coverage. 32 Sipa Engineering Romania Address Mangalia Street 59- 61,Building C, Timisoara, Timis Phone +40 256 434 200 Contact Person Alina Margarit Phone Contact Person +40 726 713 890 E-mail [email protected] Website www.sipa.it Member of Zoppas Industries Group, with over 20 years of experience in bottle manufacturing and filling technologies, SIPA has developed a unique, diversified and competitive range of bottle manufacturing platforms such us: linear and rotary blow molders, injection machines, integrated machines, complete filling lines, tooling for non-SIPA platforms. The permanent objective of the company is to offer 3600 degree solutions from pellet to pallet, by transferring its competence and expertise to its customers and offering innovative and competitive solutions to specific customer's needs taking into consideration factors such as bottle cost, energy savings and flexibility demand. Sipa Engineering Romania started its activity in Romania in 2005, with design and production for bottle manufacturing application and became today one of the most important Service Centers in Europe for its worldwide clients. 34 Smartree Romania Address Baneasa Business&Techology Park, Buchrest-Ploiesti Highway, no.42-44, Building A, Wing A2, 4th floor, District 1, Bucharest Phone +40 213 019 096 Contact Person Cirjan Elena Alexandra Phone Contact Person +40 730 131 380 E-mail [email protected] Website www.smartree.com Smartree Romania is a company specializing in outsourcing employees, personnel administration, recruitment and temporary employment, with more than 12 years experience. Our solutions are integrated administrative human resources customized for each client and specific industries. 35 Stein & Partner Management Consulting Address 10 Aleea Alexandru, 011823 Bucharest Phone +40 212 234 430 ; +40 212 232 259 Contact Person Dr. Michael Schröder E-mail [email protected] Website www.steinandpartner.com Stein & Partner Management Consulting was founded in 1994, targeting the achievement of excellence in the field of executive search and human resources consulting. STEIN & PARTNER has developed a special tool designed for the successful assignment of middle management positions. For this, we have created a special logo, which has meanwhile achieved a high recognition on the local market. This special search process is made through the media daughter-company “MANAGEMENT SELECT”. For more details, please visit our website: http://www.steinandpartner.com/steincareeropenpos.php !!! 36 Teamnet International Address 8 Virgil Madgearu Street, semi-basement, Timisoara Splaiul Independentei Street, Bucharest Phone +40 213 116 631/632 E-mail [email protected] Website www.teamnet.ro Since its founding in 2001 until now, TeamNet is one of the most important companies on the market integrators of informatical systems in Romania.TeamNet is a company specializing in developing and implementing software applications based on the latest technologies to meet customer needs. Quality is the common denominator that defines people, technologies, solutions and services offered by the company.With headquarters in Bucharest, Iasi, Timisoara, Ploiesti and international locations in Brussels and Chisinau, TeamNet meets customers needs on worldwide level, regardless of their location. TeamNet has partner locations also in Belgrade and Ankara. 37 Yazaki Component Technology Address Industrial West Area, III Street, no. 4-4A, 3140491 Arad Contact Person Doinita Helgiu Phone Contact Person +40 723 118 524 E-mail [email protected] Website www.yazaki-europe.com An independent automotive component maker founded in Japan in 1941, Yazaki is a global leader in the research, development and delivery of vehicle power and data solutions for automotive applications. Present in more than 40 countries,Yazaki is one of the world's largest privatelyowned automotive suppliers. Yazaki Component Technology, part of Yazaki Corporation, represents a world leader in developing and manufacturing of electrical and electronic components for the greatest car makers in the world. We are present in Timisoara with an R&D center, part of the European R&D organization with the focus on development of new instrument clusters and body coltrollers, and in Arad with a production plant. 38 Zoppas Industries Romania Address 24 Cenadului Road Sannicolau Mare, Timis Phone +40 253 303 800 Contact Person Simona Burlacu Phone Contact Person +40 726 713 891 E-mail [email protected] Website www.zoppas.com Zoppas Industries Romania is part of Zoppas Industries Group - the world leader in the production of heating elements and electrical systems. The group developed and maintained on top of the global market due to its policy focus on innovation, flexible technology and maintenance. The permanent objective of the group is to consolidate its advantage in different sectors of activity, by continuously improving quality management policies, know-how techniques, and the ability to apply them in production. Zoppas Industries Romania started its activity in Sannicolaul Mare in 1997, the number of employees growing since then from 7 to over 2800 and the daily production reaching over 180.000 pieces.The desire for technological excellence leads us always towards selection, recruitment and retention of the best resources on the labor market. 39 ASOCIAŢIAINGINERILORCONSTRUCTORI PROIECTANŢISTRUCTURI MEMBRUCOLECTIV AL UNIUNII ASOCIATIILORINGINERILORCONSTRUCTORI DINROMANIA(U.A.I.C.R) MEMBRUCOLECTIV AL ASOCIATIEI GENERALEAINGINERILORDINROMANIA(A.G.I.R) MEMBRU AL ASOCIAŢIEI DE STANDARDIZARE DINROMÂNIA(A.S.R.O.) RomanianAssociationof Structural DesignEngineers C.U.I.-12043404; Şos. Panduri nr.94 (incinta Aedificia Carpati), corp B, et.1, camera 19, Sect.5, Bucuresti, cod 050663 Tel./Fax:+40 (021) 412.02.04 Mobil: 0788.35.96.96 E-mail: [email protected] ; [email protected] A.I.C.P.S. este o organizatie profesionalã, neguvernamentalã, nonprofit si independentã. Asociatia are statut de persoanã juridicã românã si a fost fondatã în anul 1990. A.I.C.P.S. are ca obiective: • Apãrarea si promovarea intereselor profesiunii; • Cresterea continuã a nivelului profesional si deontologic a membrilor sãi; • Organizarea de manifestaþii stiintifice, tȃrguri, expoziṭii, simpozioane, in colaborare cu alte organizaṭii similare; • Organizarea unor conferinte nationale anuale; • Organizarea cursuri in colaborare cu UTCB precum si alte universitati si societati de software constructii; • Editarea unei REVISTE A.I.C.P.S. trimestrial cu continut tehnico-stiintific, în care se înregistreazã istoria si progresele stiintei ingineresti în domeniu; • Facilitarea integrãrii în comunitatea stiintificã internationalã în domeniu; • Promovarea legilor, normelor si normativelor de profil la nivel national si international ; • Promovarea tehnologiilor moderne compatibile cu progresul stiintific; • Definirea si functionarea sistemului de autorizarea pe trepte de competenṭe profesionale conform Regulamentului A.I.C.P.S; • Asigurãri profesionale cu pret redus (prin Groupama); • Achizitionare de standarde (Eurocoduri) la pret redus pentru membrii sãi prin ASRO. • A.I.C.P.S. asigurã posibilitatea de exprimare a opiniilor, studiilor si contributiilor la stiinta de inginerie a structurilor, precum si de protectia profesionalã a membrilor sãi. Tel: 0356 461131 www.facebook.com/Workfinder