June and July 2015 of Monroe Street United Methodist Church
June and July 2015 of Monroe Street United Methodist Church
The Voice of Monroe Street United Methodist Church a Beacon and a Bridge for our community June and July 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk. . . Holding You With Love in Prayer I have been on a beautiful journey the last two years. It has been a gift to serve as the Assistant to the Superintendent to learn about the church and ministry in another way. When I was asked to serve as the interim pastor at Monroe Street, I was happy to do so, but concerned about being stretched too thin. I was stretched, to be sure, but I am very grateful to the church family at Monroe Street for allowing me the chance to serve in ministry with you. The other thing that has been going on these past two years is that I have been a part of the Renovaré Institute for Christian Spiritual Formation, a rigorous blend of academic and practical soul training that has been a part of the Holy Spirit’s work of reordering my life more and more after Christ. I am ever so far from being Christ-like, and yet the journey has opened me to new possibilities I never imagined. The first week in June I will be on the final retreat for the Renovaré Institute. I ask for your prayers as the transformational work that has gone on in these last two years (both in the District office and through Renovaré) has significantly reshaped who I am in ministry. My time at Monroe Street has been an extraordinary gift that I would not have anticipated, but for which I am forever grateful. As part of my studies, early in March I was reading a chapter in Richard Foster's book on Prayer about relinquishment, giving over our full lives into God's hands and trusting in the movement of the Spirit. In that chapter, he gives an exercise of praying Philippians 2, one of the earliest Christian hymns. As I was praying that hymn, my eyes fell on the verses preceding it: "Don't do anything for selfish purposes but with humility think of others as better than yourselves. Instead of each person watching out for their own good, watch out for what is better for others." This attitude is at the heart of the kind of other-centered love I have been preaching about, in which, in the words of Dallas Willard, one actively "wills the being of another." As I prayed these prayers, it became clear to me that there is another leader who will be better than I in leading this church. His name is Larry Clark. And the best way I can love you is to prepare you well to receive his leadership. Pastor Larry is a one-of-a-kind leader in our district. He has long experience in urban ministry that includes churches in Toledo, Columbus, and Cincinnati. Some of you know him from his work with Toledo Area Ministries. He has a heart for urban ministry like few others I know, and the skills to order the life of the church in a way that brings abundant life not only within the walls of the church, but outside them as well. Moreover, he has turn-around experience in churches, working through great stress at Sylvania when he arrived and righting the ship so it is now stable and thriving. That will be part of his leadership gift to Monroe Street as well. What impresses me most about Larry is his incisive vision. Not long after I arrived in the district he put a sociological study on my desk that traced United Methodist membership, 1 attendance, and giving in urban churches in West Ohio over the course of 40 years. Then I watched him put that same study in the Bishop’s hands and ask respectfully but forcefully when the West Ohio Conference was going to get serious about urban ministry. This is the kind of advocate you are getting, one with the vision and leadership to make Monroe Street a thriving example of urban ministry transformed for the 21st century. As for me, I simply want to thank you for the privilege of serving alongside you in ministry during this season of transition both for the church and for me. I remember vividly my first Sunday with you in Lent as we celebrated the baptismal remembrance. As each of you came to the font, I said to you, "Remember who you are, and who you are called to be." Those words, repeated over and over, etched their way into my heart, so that by the end, when I reached into the waters that had been stirred up by your hands and saw my reflection there, I heard God saying the same to me. "Remember who you are, and who you are called to be." I am called to be a pastor, and you helped remind me of that. Thank you for your grace in receiving me as your shepherd, and for reminding me of my truest and deepest call. We are forever held by the love of Christ as one body. I shall be praying for you and willing your well-being with gratitude in my heart all the rest of my days. Grace & Peace, Tom CHURCH & COMMUNITY FAREWELL TO PASTOR TOM… Pastor Tom’s last Sunday with us will be June 14. We will thank him during the brunch that the Stay With Us committee will be serving immediately after the worship service. The main dish will be provided and those with last names starting with A-J can bring fruit or a salad and K-Z can bring bread or pastries. …AND WELCOME TO PASTOR LARRY June 28 will be Pastor Larry Clark’s first Sunday with us. A reception to welcome him will be held in Reeder Hall immediately following the worship service. Please remember to wear your name tag each Sunday as Pastor Larry gets to know us. SUMMER SCHEDULE STARTS JUNE 7 Worship service at 9:30 a.m. No Sunday School classes during the summer months 2 MAY LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING SPRC is working on revising job descriptions and realigning the staff, being careful to not have a negative budget impact. The budget is tight, and Leadership Team and Finance are working on how to get through it, including with all of our prayers. Our 2015 budget now totals $519,356, with a $45,000 deficit. It was noted that the district is contributing $10,000 toward Pastor Larry’s salary for 6 months of urban strategizing in 2015 and the same in 2016. There is the potential for rental income from the parsonage, with an accompanying reduction in utility costs. We have received $40,000 from the Foundation, with $30,000 left of the annual allocation. The Stewardship program for 2015 was discussed following George Cooper’s meeting with the committee. Ideas included feedback from Let’s Talk: serious commitment to planning for the future, and the importance of addressing the deficit. The committee is preparing follow-up for the congregation. There is the possibility that the nursery will not be staffed in summer. The Trustees are negotiating the rental of the parsonage to a UMC minister at Epworth for 2 years. A major and immediate need is rebuilding the outside front steps of the sanctuary. The annual Scrip distributions just made included $2700 for Trustees’ use. Plans for the summer include Let’s Talk house gatherings after Larry Clark’s arrival. The district is offering a Starting Well workshop for churches getting new pastors, and several members of SPRC and Leadership Team will attend. The MSUMC Safe Sanctuaries policy and procedures need to be revised per conference and insurance standards, and a committee is currently working on this. The next Leadership Team meeting will be on July 18. MATCHING FUNDS FOR YOUR EXTRA-MILE GIVING Recently you received a letter about our current 2015 budget deficit, and the generosity of the Lackland family bequest of $126,000, given for church operating expenses. Leadership Team decided to use this gift as a source of matching funds over time to invest in our people, our facility, and our ministry. As part of laying the groundwork for our future, we are asking the congregation for additional giving in 2015 to eliminate the deficit. Since each gift will be matched dollar-fordollar with funds from the Lackland gift, $22,500 of extra-mile giving will double to the $45,000 that is needed. Spread across our congregation, this goal can be met with additional gifts of approximately 7 percent. We’re poised to move forward with our new pastor, and eliminating this financial concern will get us off to a good start. We remember with gratitude the generous extra-mile giving that enabled us to meet the 2014 budget with all of the expenses of that hard winter, and are grateful that because of the Lackland bequest we need to ask for a smaller amount this year. Your extra-mile giving can be made with a one-time contribution or with a series of donations through December. To ensure that your extra offering in excess of your regular pledge/giving is matched and therefore doubled, please follow these directions: • For gifts that are entirely an extra-mile gift, above your 2015 pledge/giving: Put the cash or check in an envelope, and mark it with your name and LACKLAND MATCH. • For extra-mile gifts that are included with regular 2015 pledge/giving: Put the cash or check in an envelope, and mark it with your name and the amount that is your regular offering and the amount that is for the LACKLAND MATCH. (Example: An offering of $115 could be marked $100 regular pledge and $15 LACKLAND MATCH.) All of your gifts to Monroe Street – your prayers, your presence, your gifts, and your service – are always gratefully and prayerfully appreciated. 3 STAFF CHANGES ANNOUNCED Over the past several months, the Staff Parish Relations Committee has evaluated staff positions. We have spent time reviewing the current positions and thinking through the best ways our church can move forward. With the number of building renters becoming much smaller, the position of Church Administrator has ended effective May 31, with the responsibilities distributed between the Trustees, the Pastor, and the Administrative Assistant. With the need for more office assistance, the Administrative Assistant position will be increased from ten hours a week to twenty beginning June 15. These changes will help the church enhance focus and improve service to our members and Pastor. We thank Joe Zielinski for his faithful service as Church Administrator, and are pleased our Administrative Assistant, Lanette Cornwell, will now be working in the office four days a week. We appreciate all that our dedicated staff does for our church. Wilma DiManna, SPRC Chair A NEW BABY! Carol Dusdieker and Thaddeus Archer welcomed Chloe Elizabeth Archer into the family on May 14. Chloe weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces. Our sincerest congratulations! THANKS I would like to thank everyone for the lovely tribute during services on April 26. I have enjoyed my years at Monroe Street and will treasure all the good times, good work, and wonderful memories. You will still see me around for a few weeks as our home in Tennessee isn’t ready just yet. Our new address will be: Buzz and Mary Ziegler, 32 Bluff View Terrace, Fairfield Glade, TN 38558. We hope to keep in touch! Mary Ziegler OUR SYMPATHIES The funeral service of devoted member, Louise Luppens, was held on Saturday, May 30 at 11 a.m. in our sanctuary. The Rev. Grayson Atha presided at the service. Louise and her husband Max married in 1945 at Upton Avenue United Brethren Church, and became members of MSUMC during Rev. Lackland’s ministry. The family, including children Jim, Gary, Ann, and Sharon, all became very involved in church activities. Louise served as President of the UMW, advisor with the Nonpareils, and Boy Scout den mother, and served on the Administrative Board, Trustees, and Pastor Parish. She was also a long-time trustee of the MSUMC Foundation. Louise, with the guidance of Rev. Ralph Shunk, organized the Altar Guild. Following Max’s sudden death in 1964, Louise managed her responsibilities for the children and her mother while completing her B.Ed. at the University of Toledo. She completed her career as office manager for 20 years at Trinity Episcopal Church. Health problems since 2004 led to a move to Hilliard, Ohio, but did not end her faithful membership at MSUMC. Another longtime member, Clara Wretschko, died on April 23. A memorial service will be held at Ansburg West on Friday, June 12 at 2:00 p.m., preceeded by visitation at 1:00 p.m. 4 PERSONAL NEEDS Thank you to all who provided last month's donations that were very helpful in stocking toothbrushes and toothpaste for needy families. This month I invite you to donate shampoo in 16-22 oz. bottles. We do not want conditioner, but rather plain shampoo only. Kids as well as adult shampoo is needed. Place donations in the bin marked PERSONAL NEEDS near the church office. LUNCH BUNCHERS The Lunch Bunchers will be meeting on Saturday, June 13 at 11:30 a.m. at the American City Diner. The diner is located at 6060 Renaissance Place, which is off HollandSylvania between Harroun Road and Sylvania Ave. All ladies of the church and any guests are always welcome. Please notify Kathy Moore or Betty Nicolen by Thursday, June 11 if you are planning to attend. 190th ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Save the date! On Sunday, August 2 we’ll be celebrating our heritage with the Chapel Choir reuniting to lead us in song for our worship service. The Chapel Choir was a large group of high school students who loved to sing under the direction of Mary Anderson, organist and Director of Music. We plan to have an all day celebration and you are invited to participate. This special event is in conjunction with DeVilbiss High School’s 50 year class reunion. Many of the Chapel Choir members were graduates of DeVilbiss. Following the service, we will have a brunch for all of our guests, followed by a tour of the sanctuary. If you know any former members who should be invited, please let Mae Jo Ritchie know. We want to fill our church on that day of celebration and we hope you will mark your calendars and plan to join us. PARENTS! GRANDPARENTS! OTHER ADULTS! TPS is happy to partner with the University of Toledo to offer a great opportunity for adults in the greater Toledo area. You can work toward an Associate degree at UT with these family-friendly benefits: • Classes are offered at reduced cost (approximately 78% of on-campus costs). • Classes are held in TPS's Jones Leadership Academy. Convenient with no parking hassles. • Classes follow the TPS schedule: daily schedule is between 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. so you can get your children to school and be home before they are, and you have breaks when your children do -- including snow days! In addition to furthering your own education, you will be a role model to TPS students who see you going to college – this contributes to the college-going culture TPS works to create Now is the time to apply to start classes in August and to get financial aid in place. For more information, you may: • Call Dr. Lynne Hamer at 419-283-8288 or email [email protected] • Visit the UT@TPS webpage at http://www.tps.org/school/adult-education/ut-tps and download the brochure. 5 HEALTHY RECIPE - SIMPLE BRAISED GREENS This recipe is a tasty and easy way to introduce fresh greens to your diet. 1 tablespoon olive oil 4 ounces mixed greens (kale, collard, mustard, swiss chard or greens of your choice) – about ¾ cups chopped and well packed 1 clove garlic, minced ½ teaspoon sea salt ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add greens, stirring to coat with oil. Stir until greens are barely wilted. Add garlic, salt and pepper flakes. Continue stirring until greens are tender. Serve. For even more flavor, sauté some chopped onion and the garlic in a little more oil before cooking the greens as outlined above. Enjoy! FROM THE LIBRARY On Tuesday, May 5, MSUMC received delivery of a new QURAN donated by the Council on American-Islamic Relations with special thanks to the State of Quatar. I quote the senders: "We hope you will receive this in the spirit of interfaith cooperation and understanding in which it was intended and make it part of your reference library." This new volume will be placed in the church library for reference use. LAY READERS June June June June 7 14 21 28 Phyllis Charles Jim Vail Neal Troy Marcia Frederick July July July July ALTAR FLOWERS June 7 June 14 June 21 June 28 July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 5 12 19 26 Bill Coger Wendy Jackson Jeri Mellgren Marilyn DuFour Given by Chuck and Sue Thayer in celebration of their 49th wedding anniversary Given by Dick and Karen Vollmer in celebration of their daughter Emily’s birthday Given by Kathy Moore in honor of Skip and Connie Ward Given by Clark Collins in honor of Lynda’s birthday Given by Marion and Ellen Steiner in memory of Beth Steiner Given by Maryruth Mabbitt in memory of Ray Mabbit Given by John and Jocelyn Blaufuss in honor of Laura’s graduation Open 6 WONDER, LOVE, AND PRAISE THANK YOU CHOIRS! Many thanks to the members of the Monroe Street Choirs! Wesleyan Chorus, Angels’ Wings, and Intergenerational Choir members have freely given of their time and talents to lead the music of worship. And thank you, also to the congregational choir—those in the pews who lift their hearts and voices in song. Soli Deo Gloria! OUTDOOR SERVICE Remember to plan to attend our annual outdoor service on August 9 at Ottawa Park beginning at 9:30 a.m. Special music is planned during our worship time, and there will be a picnic potluck following the service. Come and enjoy our outdoor service and fellowship. Serve With Us 2015 OFFERING OF LETTERS EN ROUTE TO WASHINGTON The 2015 Offering of Letters was dedicated on Sunday, April 12. In all, 21 letters were sent to 3 Senators (Brown, Portman and Stabenow) and 3 Representatives (Kaptur, Latta and Walberg) to request strengthening of the national child-nutrition programs when the law governing them comes up for reauthorization this year. These programs include school lunch and breakfast programs, summer feeding programs, after-school and child-care feeding programs, and The Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). Bread for the World wants Congress to continue the strong investments in national childnutrition programs, to improve children’s access to feeding programs and to avoid paying for these programs by cuts to other vital safety net programs. Thanks to all who contributed to this important effort. It is not too late to make your voice heard. Additional letters are always welcome. COMMUNION OFFERINGS The first Sunday communion offerings for July, August and September will help support the personal needs ministry. The personal needs ministry provides important care products for low-income families and individuals in our community. PEACE WITH JUSTICE On June 14 we will celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday, which enables The United Methodist Church to have a voice in advocating for peace and justice through a broad spectrum of global programs. 7 LEARN WITH US LECTIONARY READINGS June 7, 2015 Second Sunday after Pentecost 1 Samuel 8:4-20 (11:14-15), Psalm 138, 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1, Mark 3:20-35 June 14, 2015 Third Sunday After Pentecost 1 Samuel 15:34-16:13, Psalm 20 or Psalm 92, 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 (11-13), 14-17, Mark 4:26-34 June 21, 2015 Fourth Sunday After Pentecost 1 Samuel 17:(1a , 4-11, 19-23), 32-49, Psalm 9:9-20, 2 Corinthians 6:1-13, Mark 4:35-41 June 28, 2015 Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43 July 1, 2012 Fifth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27, Psalm 130, 2 Corinthians 8:7-15, Mark 5:21-43 July 5, 2015 Sixth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10, Psalm 48, 2 Corinthians 12:2-10, Mark 6:1-13 July 12, 2015 Seventh Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19, Psalm 24, Ephesians 1:3-14, Mark 6:14-29 July 19, 2015 Eighth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 7:1-14a, Psalm 89:20-37, Ephesians 2:11-22, Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 July 26, 2015 Ninth Sunday After Pentecost 2 Samuel 11:1-15, Psalm 14, Ephesians 3:14-21, John 6:1-21 YOUNG VOICES OF GREATER TOLEDO It is not too early to invite a child you know to participate in the 2015-2016 season of Young Voices of Greater Toledo. Interested children age 8 through 8th grade and their parents are invited to come to the Voices Testing and Parent Information sessions that will be held on Saturday, September 5 at 11:00 a.m. and Tuesday, September 8 at 6:00 p.m. Both sessions will be held at the church, in Reeder Hall. Young Voices of Greater Toledo is a community children’s chorus, part of the music initiative to the community from Monroe Street Church. The group presents two concerts each season, and sings and plays choirchimes at community events. They also sing in a worship service at Monroe Street twice during the choir season. Rehearsals include music instruction from music education specialists, a snack, and FUN! Choristers meet children from around the city, making new friendships. Encourage a child you know to give us a try this coming school year. For more information contact Denise Mathias, 419-473-1167, ext. 230, or email [email protected]. 8 STAY WITH US BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED Matilda Pettit, mother of Lynda Collins, celebrated her 99th birthday on May 9, making her one of our oldest members -- or maybe our oldest one! JOIN US NEEDED: DEDICATED PERSON OR PERSONS It is so important to have other dedicated people to help on the Join Us Team. The Evangelism Callers are doing a great job of following up with our visitors but when visitors come again we need others to contact them. If our church is to grow this is a VITAL MINISTRY. If you feel a call to help on this team please let Sue Thayer or Pat Schmieg know. HOLLY GLEN EXTENDED CARE INITIATIVE This month's Holly Glen report features the Pet Visitation program as seen through the eyes of a favorite cat, Austin. Austin makes his home with Betty Nicolen, and tells his story like this: "I know it's time for my semi-monthly visit with the great people at HHG when Betty brings the special box up from the basement. The box is my safe sanctuary while I'm on the residents' beds. It's just the right size for my security while I'm getting acquainted -- you know, checking out this human to see if they meet my specifications for becoming a friend and whether they will fully appreciate a special cat like me. Also, the box keeps me from leaving behind cat hair souvenirs. "On a recent visit I was warmly greeted by approximately 19 residents who showered me with welcome attention and affection, and saying: "Austin, you haven't visited in such a long time!" Kim, the Activity Director at HHG, told me when she posts 'cat visits' on the activity calendar, a real spark of enthusiasm is ignited at HHG. I can believe that. One lady who must have petted me for 10 minutes solid (I'm not complaining), confided that I fill in for her cat back home that she misses so much. I'm glad to help. "It seemed I'd not be getting any attention in one room where the two residents were curled up asleep. Then a voice from somewhere excitedly announced: "The cat's here!" It was as if someone had rung the dinner bell! The room came alive and I then received the admiration and petting I so deserve. There's just something about a gorgeous tiger-striped feline like me that makes it pretty hard to resist stroking and caressing and listening for the contented purring. "I would encourage other cats, and even dogs, to ask their humans if they might join in this enjoyable activity for the residents of HHG." 9 PLAY WITH US TAKE ME OUT TO THE BALL GAME! The Play with Us Team is planning an outing to the Mud Hens vs. Norfolk Tides baseball game on Sunday, June 21 at 6:00 p.m. There is a sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in Circle Drive. Tickets are $11 and reservations are due no later than June 7. Invite your family, friends, and neighbors to this fun-filled evening! MONROE STREET NEIGHBORHOOD CENTER Greetings from the Monroe Street Neighborhood Center. There is a buzz of excitement going around the Center as we continue to initiate new health activity programming. We have added a second Soft Zumba class on Wednesdays at 11:00 a.m. We recently added a Tai Chi class held on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Our aim in the Tai Chi class is to improve balance over the course of six weeks for those 55 and over. Please come and try out a class free of charge. June 7 starts the beginning of Adventure Camp. Cost for camp is $300 for the entire 9 weeks. Breakfast, lunch, and more fun than you can handle is what we are serving up. Camp hours are 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. We are pleased to announce that we were recently awarded a grant from The Toledo Community Foundation to assist with adding more protein to our food bags. This grant is entitled "Food for the Soul.” We are excited to be able to provide more to those in need beginning June 1. We continue to be thankful for the support we receive from The Monroe Street United Methodist Church. Yours in service, Clara L. Petty, Executive Director HAVE INFORMATION TO SHARE? Sunday bulletin: Weekly email: Prayer Chain: The Voice: These are the people Lanette Cornwell Lanette Cornwell Pat Schmieg Barbara Coleman to contact: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] The deadline for the August 2015 issue of The Voice is noon on Sunday, July 19 Please submit your article(s) to Barbara Coleman at [email protected] 10 Month&Ending&&April&30,&2015 Total&Contributions MONROE STREET FINANCIAL REPORT Current&Month Monthly&Budget Year&to&Date Annual&Budget $(((((((((((((27,333.00 $(((((((((((((28,803.00 $((((((((((114,758.00 $((((((((((361,432.00 Total&Foundation&Subsidy Lackland&Bequest Total&Other&Income $(((((((((((((((5,000.00 $(((((((((((((((5,833.00 $(((((((((((((40,000.00 $(((((((((((((70,000.00 $(((((((((((((19,110.00 $((((((((((((((((((((80.00 $((((((((((((((((((108.00 $((((((((((((((((((585.00 $(((((((((((((((1,200.00 Total&Rental&Income $(((((((((((((((2,265.00 $(((((((((((((((2,553.00 $(((((((((((((((7,460.00 $(((((((((((((37,790.00 Total&MSNC&Reimbursement $((((((((((((((((((300.00 $((((((((((((((((((321.00 $(((((((((((((((1,200.00 $(((((((((((((((3,850.00 Total&Income $&&&&&&&&&&&&34,978.00 $&&&&&&&&&&&&37,618.00 $&&&&&&&&&&183,113.00 $&&&&&&&&&&474,272.00 Total&Salary&&&Fringes $(((((((((((((12,565.00 $(((((((((((((12,503.00 $(((((((((((((64,607.00 $((((((((((230,722.00 Total&Misc.&Employee&Exp. $(((((((((((((((((((((((((/ Total&Church&Utilities $(((((((((((((((7,908.00 $(((((((((((((((5,438.00 $(((((((((((((28,924.00 $(((((((((((((65,266.00 Total&Tax&and&Insurance $(((((((((((((((((((((((((/ Total&Church&Maintenance $(((((((((((((((3,265.00 $(((((((((((((((6,167.00 $(((((((((((((23,277.00 $(((((((((((((74,000.00 Total&SP&Parsonage&Exp $((((((((((((((((((274.00 $((((((((((((((((((295.00 $(((((((((((((((4,541.00 $(((((((((((((((7,500.00 Total&Office&Expense $((((((((((((((((((769.00 $(((((((((((((((1,108.00 $(((((((((((((((3,477.00 $(((((((((((((13,300.00 Total&Promotion&Exp $((((((((((((((((((126.00 $((((((((((((((((((150.00 $((((((((((((((((((486.00 $(((((((((((((((1,800.00 Total&Program&Team&Exp $(((((((((((((((1,247.00 $(((((((((((((((1,093.00 $(((((((((((((((3,354.00 $(((((((((((((12,950.00 Total&Music&Dept&Exp $(((((((((((((((1,145.00 $((((((((((((((((((791.00 $(((((((((((((((2,448.00 $(((((((((((((((9,500.00 Total&Monroe&St.&Neighborhood&Ctr. $(((((((((((((((2,500.00 $(((((((((((((((2,500.00 $(((((((((((((10,000.00 $(((((((((((((30,000.00 Total&Conference&Apportionments $(((((((((((((((2,608.00 $(((((((((((((((2,612.00 $(((((((((((((10,431.00 $(((((((((((((31,324.00 Total&District&Apportionments $((((((((((((((((((599.00 $((((((((((((((((((599.00 $(((((((((((((((2,395.00 $(((((((((((((((8,184.00 Total&Miscellaneous&Exp $(((((((((((((((2,026.00 $((((((((((((((((((367.00 $(((((((((((((((3,626.00 $(((((((((((((((4,400.00 Total&Operating&Exp. $&&&&&&&&&&&&35,032.00 $&&&&&&&&&&&&33,715.00 $&&&&&&&&&&165,696.00 $&&&&&&&&&&519,356.00 $((((((((((((((((((((92.00 $(((((((((((((((((((((((((/ $(((((((((((((((1,100.00 $(((((((((((((((8,130.00 $(((((((((((((29,310.00 Net&Gain&or&(Loss) $&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&(54.00) $&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&3,903.00 $&&&&&&&&&&&&17,417.00 $&&&&&&&&&&&(45,084.00) The&expenses&for&the&month&were&very&close&to&the&income.&&The&second&revision&of&the&budget&has&been&released.&&We&are& still&about&$45,000&short,&which&is&equal&to&our&original&2015&budget.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Jerry&Charles,&Treasurer 11 June 2015 Sunday' 9:00$a.m.$Sunday$School$ 10:30$a.m.$Worship$Service$ 12:30$Kingdom$Harvest$Church$ 12:30$Redeemed$by$the$Blood$ of$Christ$Church$ Monday' 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 11:00$a.m.$Soft$Zumba$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ Tuesday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 9:30$a.m.$Tai$Chi$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ 3:00$p.m.$Open$Gym$ 6:00$p.m.$Kingdom$Harvest$ Bible$Study$ Wednesday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 11:00$a.m.$Soft$Zumba$ 9:30$a.m.$Beacon$and$Bridge$ Bible$Study$ 11:30$a.m.$Bridge$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ June 2015 $ MSUMC%Program%Teams% ! Sunday! Monday! % ! $ $ 1% ! 7% 8!:30!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! 9:30!Summer! Worship!Schedule! Begins! Communion! offering! ANNUAL! CONFERENCE!AT! LAKESIDE! ANNUAL! CONFERENCE! AT!LAKESIDE! 5:00!p.m.! Trustees! Father’s!Day! 8!:30!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! 6:00!p.m.!Mud!Hens! Game! 28% Pastor!Larry’s!first! Sunday! Reception!for! Pastor!Larry! 1:30!p.m.!Worship! Service!at!Holly! Glen! Interfaith!Blood! Drive! 2% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 10:30!a.m.!TUSA! Board! 5:00!p.m.!Finance! Committee! ANNUAL! CONFERENCE!AT! LAKESIDE— Office!Closed! ANNUAL! CONFERENCE!AT! LAKESIDE! 16% 17% 6:30!p.m.!Agape! Ministers! ! 23% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! ! 29% 5:00!p.m.!Jobs! with!Justice!! 30% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting! 4% 7:00!!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! 6:00!p.m.! Mountain! Mentors!Board! 10% 22% Friday! 3% ! 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting! ! ! Thursday! 9% 15% 21% Wednesday! 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! ! 8% 14% Potluck!Brunch! after!worship! Pastor!Tom’s!last! Sunday! Tuesday! ! Saturday! 5% ! 11% ! 7!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! ! 6% ! 12% 18% 24% Thursday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 9:30$Tai$Chi$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ 3:00$p.m.$Open$Gym$ Friday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ Saturday' 7:00$p.m.$AA$ 13% 9:30!a.m..! Maumee!Bay! Teen!Club! 19% ! 25% 20% ! 26% 27% ! 6:00!p.m.!MSNC! Board! ! Interfaith!Blood! Drive! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 12 July 2015 Sunday' 9:00$a.m.$Sunday$School$ 10:30$a.m.$Worship$Service$ 12:30$Kingdom$Harvest$Church$ 12:30$Redeemed$by$the$Blood$ of$Christ$Church$ Monday' 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 11:00$a.m.$Soft$Zumba$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ Tuesday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 9:30$a.m.$Tai$Chi$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ 3:00$p.m.$Open$Gym$ 6:00$p.m.$Kingdom$Harvest$ Bible$Study$ Wednesday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 11:00$a.m.$Soft$Zumba$ 9:30$a.m.$Beacon$and$Bridge$ Bible$Study$ 11:30$a.m.$Bridge$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ July 2015 Thursday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ 9:30$Tai$Chi$ 10:00$a.m.$Computer$Lab$ 4:30$p.m.$Positive$Force$Dance$ 3:00$p.m.$Open$Gym$ Friday$ 7:00$a.m.$Hubbard$Day$Care$ Saturday' 7:00$p.m.$AA$ $ $ MSUMC%Program%Teams% $ ! Sunday! Monday! % ! Tuesday! % ! 5% 8!:30!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! Communion! offering! ! ! 5:00!p.m.!SPRC! 19% ! 8% 6:30!p.m.!Agape! Ministers! ! ! 13 18% ! 24% ! 30% ! ! 17% 23% 29% 11% ! ! 7:00!p.m.!MSNC! Board! 28% 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! ! ! 7!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! ! 4% ! 10% 16% 22% ! 3% 9% 15% Saturday! ! ! 21% 27% 2% 7:00!a.m.!Men’s! Breakfast! 6:00!p.m.! Mountain! Mentors!Board! ! 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! ! Friday! 1% 14% 20% 26% 1:30!p.m.!Worship! Service!at!Holly! Glen! 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! ! 9:00!a.m.!Staff! Meeting!! 5:00!p.m.!Finance! Committee! ! ! Thursday! ! ! 7% 13% 6:45!p.m.! Program! Teams! ! VOICE!Deadline! 8!:30!a.m.! Intercessory!Prayer! ! % ! 6% 12% Wednesday! 25% ! 31% ! % ! Church&Staff& Tom$Rand,$Interim$Pastor$ Lanette$Cornwell,$Administrative$Assistant$ Denise$Mathias,$Director$of$Music$ Tessie$Studer,$Building$Superintendent$ Richard$Larkins,$Dwight$Petty,$Custodians$ $ Church&Office:& Mondays$through$Thursdays$ 9:00$a.m.$to$2:00$p.m.$ Phone:$$ 419J473J1167$ Fax:$$ 419J474J5467$ Church$website:$www.monroestumc.com$ Services& SUNDAYS:$ $ $ Summer$Worship$ $ 9:30$a.m.$ $ Prayer&Groups& Intercessory$Prayer$Service$ 1st$and$3rd$Sundays$of$the$month$at$8:30$a.m.$ $ Men’s$Prayer$Breakfast$ 1st$and$3rd$Thursdays$of$the$month$at$7:00$a.m.$ Uncle$John’s$Pancake$House,$3131$Secor$Road $ $ Mission&and&Vision&Statements& Making'disciples'of'Jesus'Christ'for'the'transformation'of'the'world' Celebrating'the'love'of'Christ'by'serving'as'His'heart'and'hands' ' Monroe'Street'United'Methodist'Church’s'vision'is'to'minister'to'a'great'diversity'of'people,'accepting'and' celebrating' their' lifestyles' and' circumstances.' ' Our' church' will' be' both' a' beacon' and' a' bridge' for' those' desiring' a' connection' with' God' and' for' those' who' make' service' to' others' a' priority.' ' We' will' compassionately'meet'people’s'needs,'both'within'and'outside'of'our'congregation,'with'focused'programs,' increased'partnering,'and'open'communication.' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Check%here%and%return%this%page%if%you%no%longer% wish%to%be%on%The%Voice%mailing%list.% % MONROE%STREET%UNITED%METHODIST%CHURCH% 3613%Monroe%Street% Toledo%OH%43606O4117% % ADDRESS&SERVICE&REQUESTED& DATED&MATERIAL& % % % % % % % % programs,&increased&partnering,&and&open&communication.% NON%PROFIT%ORGAN.% U.S.%POSTAGE% PAID% TOLEDO,%OHIO% PERMIT%NO.%52% 14 $$