
Southern Tier of NY
Tim Lewis
Vice President
Michelle Bowen
[email protected]
Dick Mider
[email protected]
Pam Menotti
[email protected]
Test Secretary
Dan Kremers
[email protected]
Web Master
Michael Hubenthal
[email protected]
Newsletter Editor
Jen Patterson
[email protected]
Aug 8: Family
picnic at the
August 16: Training Day
Sep 13: Training Day
Sept 19-20:
July 2015
Presidents Message,
Another training day has come and gone. New members have been showing up at
each one. Remember it will take a few training days to not feel overwhelmed. Stick
with it and ask questions.
Duck searches seem to be the main focus. It is a process that takes time. Do not get
discouraged. The more you accomplish this year, the easier your completion will be
next year. We still have a good month and a half of training left. Forced Fetch is a
major part of this. Larry Lawton has been training his own personal dog along with
helping many others. Thank you!!
Dan Kremers arranged another seminar hosted by Gradyn Nash once again. I was
not able to attend but hear it was another success. Thank you to each of you.
Larry has made arrangements to have the training fields cut again this year. If the
weather cooperates, they will be mowed before the August scheduled training day.
Birds are not easily acquired this year. Anyone who is able to bring extra birds to
training, it would be greatly appreciated.
The Invitational in Ohio this year has been up in the air. It is official, it will be held
with some minor changes. Tom Snyder will be participating this year, GOOD LUCK!!
Tom Brougham is having surgery to repair some nerve damage. The club wishes you
a successful and quick recovery.
Tom and Sheila Snyder are once again hosting the family picnic. It is on August 8th
beginning at 9am. He sent an email to everyone with directions and details. Please
contact him if you plan on attending with the number of people going with you so
there is an accurate count for food. Please bring a chair and a dish to pass. Tom will
be providing Homer pigeons, ducks, and possibly a few Chucker. Please bring your
own birds if possible. The fields are mowed and the ponds are ready. It is a wonderful
time and we hope to see everyone there.
For anyone who has not heard. Scott Phelps dog, Lazer has gone missing. Anyone
who uses Face Book please look up Scott’s page and pass along the flyer to all your
friends. If possible please print it and show it to everyone you can, such as the Mailman, Meter reader, Sanitation workers, Phone techs, UPS, Fed ex delivery personnel, your Veterinarian and anyone else you can think of. If you attend any AKC or
NAVHDA events pass along the info to everyone you see. As we all know our dogs
are part of our families. Please help Scott and his family in this time of need. Lets not
stop looking until Scott is reunited with Lazer. Our thoughts are with you Scott.
Tim Lewis
As always, thank you to the members who sent me pictures for this issue (Rob, Dan
and Diane). The files can be viewed and downloaded from Dropbox.
(Thanks to Pam and Rob for the recap!)
One comment: it was HOT. Team Menotti went out early when in the 70’s, then braced with
team Lewis later on in the high 80’s. The entire training field will be mowed soon when the necessary
permits are obtained. The person mowing will be able to keep the hay this year.
Alert! Alert! Alert! Cajun sighting at training day: Great to see Frank Verrett again. He was
helpful with obedience training at the water site.
Congratulations to Joe, Dawn, Judy and Larry and their shorthairs for success at the Shorthair
Water Test. Also congratulations to Diane, Cheri and Pam for success at the Susque-Nango Kennel
Club AKC obedience and rally show.
Many new puppies: Griffons, Wirehairs and Shorthairs all of which worked with pigeons and
dead bird drags. The beginning of obedience training was stressed to the new handlers.
Thoughts with Scott Phelps and wishes for smooth rehab for Tom Brougham.
Fun seeing Judy Ziegler and her lovely short hair. Judy Benjamen arrived with a Wirehair
puppy from Idaho.
Despite many last minute changes our training seminar with AKC field trial judge, Dr. Bill Orlando, of Massena,
New York, was well attended. As I previously mentioned, Dr. Orlando donated his time to our club. As many will
recall, professional trainer, Styles Bridges, from Lightning Flash Kennels, was scheduled to attend. Mr. Bridges
unfortunately was forced to miss our seminar for the second year in a row due to the passing of his friend, and bird
dog legend, Dr. Flanigan, of Grouse Ridge Kennels.
As always, the Nash camp was absolutely beautiful. We were able to use tree lines, and edges of fields, as well as
the road through the woods to work quail. Speaking of quail, there were ample quail, provided by Jamie Welsh,
who traveled all the way to Port Matilda, PA to pick them up the day before. Thank you to both the Nash family
and to Jamie for their help!
We had a good mix of dogs present at the seminar and all of them received individualized work. I am going to
struggle to remember them all. Dr. Orlando brought two of his FC/AFC shorthairs, along with a dog who was just
a 7 week old puppy last year at the seminar. Mike Hubenthal showed up with his new puppy, Lincoln, a wirehaired
pointing griffon. I worked with this dog just last month and his development in one short month was very impressive. Look out for him in our Fall test.
Speaking of puppies in the fall test, Gradyn, unveiled his new prospect, a 7 month old female shorthair. Fast and
Fancy would be a good description of the little pup. Gradyn’s older dog, Piper, got into the action too, pointing
frogs for my son, Payton, in the pond. Payton and Piper never had a “meeting of the minds” on the proper role for
a bird dog in a BB gun frog hunt! Seems Payton thought the dog should be limited to retrieving duties while Piper
felt her place was in front of the gun, and consequently, scaring frogs left and right.
Jamie Welsh had two of his shorthair crew in tow. Some will recall that Hammerin’ Hank was a dog given to Jamie and Gracie Welsh by a professional trainer as the dog was gun shy. After this weekend I would declare that
dog cured. Fantastic job by Jamie and Gracie working through a problem when many people would have turned
away. Hank is a flashy mover. Jamie also unleashed his Uodibar puppy. For those who don’t know Uodibar dogs
are known for running All Age horseback trials, and usually winning. This puppy’s grandsire, and granddam, are
both National Field Champions! We worked this dog on some liberated quail, in the woods on Sunday morning.
Beautiful points! With Jamie and Gradyn talking about grouse hunting this fall and winter I think I may just leave
my dogs at home and sit back and watch the magic!
Dr. Orlando began the seminar with a few thoughts on things he has learned in the world of field trialing. One of
the comments Dr. Orlando made was to let your dog do your talking for you. Bill mentioned that many times he
will run into somebody at a field trial who brags constantly about their dogs, only to have the dog get himself picked
up and disqualified. Then there is the usual litany of excuses as to why it had happened. Bill mentioned that these
individuals often find themselves as “outcasts” fairly quickly. Dave Strack appeared to have taken Bill’s comments
to heart. As Dr. Orlando was preparing to work with our dogs he asked each of us where our dogs were in terms
of training. Dave mentioned that he had a 3 year old female griffon that really hadn’t had any training at all and
wasn’t really “fired up” about birds. When it came time for Bill to work with Dave and his dogs Dave brought out
Natasha (of the famous duo Boris and Natasha). I am not sure what was going through Bill’s mind when he saw
all of that hair at the end of the leash. I do know what he was thinking afterwards because he told me that evening
“That was a nice dog!”. Bill had planted one bird for Natasha in a small clump of asparagus. Before working the
dog on the planted pigeon however Bill wanted to fire Natasha up by tossing a few birds for her. On the first toss
Natasha chased the bird right past the asparagus, only to slam into a really intense point! Unfortunately, Boris was
not able to locate either the moose or the squirrel.
We gained a member for our chapter at the seminar in Nathyn Knipe. Some may remember Nathyn from his NA test
three years ago and his vizsla, Bella. Nathyn now has 2 vizslas however only Bella attended the seminar. Nathyn’s
other dog is a fire breathing puppy who recently took a placement in the Vizsla Club of America National field trial!
Nathyn brought with him a Higgins Releaser. This equipment was used during the seminar and even I had to admit
that, in certain situations, this releaser is a useful training tool. For those who had never seen one, the Higgins Releaser can hold either two pigeons or four quail. Upon pushing a button on a hand held transmitter, the top of the
releaser opens silently. The birds are not startled however and do not fly immediately. This holds true for pigeons
as well as quail. The birds remain until they are pressured by either the dog or the handler. A real benefit in this
releaser is that you can simulate a covey rise. The releaser also does not have any cloth material and as such, does
not hold scent like a typical launcher. Thank you Nathyn for introducing all of us to the Releaser.
Also in attendance was Dave Kremers, with Sir Oliver, the English Setter. Bill had been offered a year’s worth of
house cleaning, by my mother, to somehow lose this dog however he failed to do so. As can be seen in the photographs, Oliver was styling it up at the seminar!
Dawn Watkins attended the event with her young shorthair, Milllie, as well. Millie had a few nice points on some
quail. Dawn is working towards steadiness with Millie.
Tom Snyder brought Smokey to the training day. Tom is preparing for the NAVHDA Invitational with Smokey.
Tom mentioned that Smokey was doing really well in her training and his real concern was backing. Dr. Orlando
and Larry Lawton set up some backing drills first using Gradyn’s dog, Piper, and then Bill’s FC/AFC Heidi as the
pointing dog. This was a drill which created extreme pressure on the pointing dog and both of those dogs handled it
beautifully. If I recall correctly Smokey blew her first chance at a back but did it perfectly the second.
Smokey’s experience however showed the difference between Dr. Orlando’s training style and that which we typically have done in NAVHDA. After Smokey successfully completed the drill Tom got back into line to run it again.
Bill, however, told Tom that he was done. Dr. Orlando freely admits that his training philosophies have been developed through his work with Styles Bridges. One of Styles’ theories is that if your dog does something perfectly,
then he is done with that exercise for that session. Bill mentioned that the way he became friends with Styles was
that he first contacted him with assistance to help train Bill’s dogs. Styles invited Bill to stop by his farm, a drive of
forty minutes. Bill’s dog handled the drill perfectly and Styles told Bill he could go home, as he was done! “But I
just got here. I want to work my dog!” Rather than drive home, Bill stayed and worked other clients dogs. Having
trained with Bill in Massena, I can attest that the dogs are given vast amounts of roading, followed by short bird
Diane Krause had two shorthairs with her as well as her camera. The majority of the pictures enclosed were taken by
Diane. Thank you Diane! Both of Diane’s dogs did excellent in the backing drill. My Ozzy dog required three trips
through the backing drill before he figured it out. Mojo laughed at him when we got home! Ozzy demonstrated
some excellent steadiness on a few shot birds. I don’t think a dog has ever been as steady........ wait, what did Bill
say about bragging on your dog!
I hope everybody enjoyed the day. I certainly did and I know that Dr.
Orlando did as well. This event was a bit of a two way street as well.
I think everybody was able to get something accomplished. Bill left
Jamie with some advice, using the Nash’s unique property, to prepare
for cover dog, or “grouse” field trials. If New York State reduces the
bag limit from 4 grouse per day to 2 or 3 in the coming years you can
blame Jamie and Gradyn!
Tim Lewis & Melody Rottman (two of the Southern Tier NAVHDA Chapter Members) judged
the GSP Club of the Finger Lakes Water Test on 6-27-15. In spite of the rain it was a excellent
Chapter Club Members Qualified as listed below:
Larry Lawton earned a RDX (Retreving Dog Excellent Title) on Nell
Dawn Watkins earned a NRD (Novice Retreiving Dog Title) and RD (Retreiving Dog Title) on
Joe Mastriano earned a RD (Retreiving Dog Title) on Gretta
Judy Zeigler earned a NRD (Novice Retreving Dog Title) on Oakley, RD (Retreiving Dog
Title) on Briar, and RDX (Retreiving Dog Excellent Title) on Ditto
Congrats to all!!!
Southern Tier NY NAVHDA
Calendar of Events 2015
Other Events for NY and PA
Hunt Tests:
GSP Club of Western NY
Hudson Valley Brittany Club
Sleepy Hollow GSP Club
Hudson Valley GSP Club
Westminster Kennel Club
Oakridge Pointing Dog Club Vizsla Club NY
Eastern GSP Club
GSP Club of the Finger Lakes
Darien, NY
Greenwich, NY
Dover Plains, NY
Schenevus, NY
Millbrook, NY
Harrisville, PA
Weatherly, PA
Weatherly, PA
Montour Falls, NY
Field Trails:
Oak Ridge Pointing Dog Club Harrisville, PA
Mason-Dixon GSP
Rossville, PA
9/12 (double)
March 29: Training Day (Larry’s)
April 19: Training Day
May 16: Spring Test
June 21: Training Day
July 11: Seminar at Nash’s
July 19: Training Day
August 8: Tentative date for family picnic
August 16: Training Day
Sept 13: Training Day
Sept 10-13: Invitational
Bloomingdale, Ohio
Sept 19-20: Fall Test
*All training days start at 9:00am
unless otherwise noted.
Tests start at 7:00am at Greene
Rod and Gun Club.
Southern Tier of New York NAVHDA Chapter
We were certified as Southern Tier of New York Chapter of the North American Versatile Hunting Dog
Association (NAVHDA) on January 18, 1985. NAVHDA is a nonprofit corporation whose purpose is
to foster, promote and improve the versatile hunting dog breeds in North America; to conserve game
by using well trained, reliable dogs before and after the shot; and to aid in the prevention of curelty to
animals by discouraging nonselective and uncontrolled breeding which produces unwanted and uncared
for dogs. Many members have contributed to the success of this chapter and we thank them for their efforts. At the Southern Tier Chapter we strive to help members become confident, capable trainers with
the goal of developing excellent versatile hunting dogs. We also emphasize fun, camaraderie and value
the lasting friendships made along the way.
NAHVDA Sponsors
Above are several organizations that sponsor NAVHDA.
We encourage you to support them whenever possible.