vol 4 tom`s river, nj, .march 0, 18-54 no. 19.
vol 4 tom`s river, nj, .march 0, 18-54 no. 19.
Edwakp 0. T aylor, E d ito r u n d jP ro p rid o H I SCELLAN Y. i n t r e p i d ¡Jtl.NO IN A MV XN«'K TOM’S RIVER, N. J., .MARCH 0, 18-54 VOL 4 t h e truth is taught through emblem«. moth e r The diligence from Parti to Chalona ■topped one evening, juet after dark, Kinve miles beyond the little tow n 'of Rouvrap, to set an English lady and her child at a lonely roadside Auberge. Mrs. Martin expected lo find a carriage ready to con vey her to Choreu de Senart, a distance o f some leagues, whither she was repair ing on a v is it; but was told that it had not arrived. The landlady, a tall, coarse looking woman, who showed her Into a vast hall that served at pnce as a sitting room and kitchen observed that the roads were so muddy and difficult at night there was little chance o f her friend arriving before morning. “ You had better there, fore aaid ahc, make up your mind lo sleep here. We have a good room to offer you, and you will be much more comfortable between a pair o f clean warm aheels, than knocking about in our rough country, especially as your dear child ¡seems to be sicklcy. . Mrs. Martin, though much fatigued hy her journey hesitated. A good night’ s rest was certainly a tempting prospect but she felt so confident that her friends would not neglect her,llml after a moment she replied : •• thank you madame, t will will alt up for an hour or two, It la not Inte and the carriage may conic alter all.—Should It not, 1 shall be glad of your room which you may prepare for me at any rate. at (lie idea ol pie.'iug lim night in (he house. When, therefore, the red haired man, after a polite bow , went up «lairs, she tat her friends hod irrlved,the; ihow her toh erb i to that a taki vst,” sold the land! 'P i the lady's trunk upstairs.” In a few minutes, Mrs. Martin found herself alone In a spacious room, with a large fire burning on (he hearth. Her first care, after putting the child to bed was to examine the door. It closed only by a latch. There was no bolt inside.— Bbe looked around lor something to barri cade It with, and perceived a heavy chest ofdrsw ers. Fear gave strength. She hall lifted half pushed It against the door. Not content with this, she seized a table to In crease the strength of her defence. The leg was broken, and when she touched it, it fell with a crash to the floor. A long echo went sounding through the house, and she fel*. her heart sink within her But the echo died away and no one came . so she piled the fragments o f the table upon the chest o f drawers, Tolerably satisfied In this direction, she proceeded to examine tho walls. They were all papered and alter examination, seemed to contain no secret door. N ellie i'ic k w o v d . «ring ehadnw on the wall. In reality there Mollie 1‘ ickw ood was a little joyous, was no danger (hat he would compromise he success o f his sanguinary enterprise, laughing thing, who thought It would be as the shrieks of s victim put on Its guard a very lunny and desirable stale of things, NO. 19. Discontent. A Dutch Blacksmith. H ow universal It Is. W e never knew i !olooel F - — ■ , a very irritable and the man w ho would say, I am vonten' |impatient man, had occasion on ce while ted.” G o where vou w Ih v e you ever stood, hour suer nour will hear the “ Are you the s m it h r he asked ot ■ with your fishing rod in hand, waiting i **0, how queer it wou v o ic e d com ] stout black bearded, sm oking dirty old with the ferocious patience of an angler claimed to have pa and m %com e visiting sound of murmuring, or for a nibble 1 If you have, you have some me, and yel have not the sllghleat control plaint. T he other day we stood b y a ! nian, who cam e out o f the «hop to look at cooper, w ho was playing a merry tune the horse's deficient shoe. faint idea o f Ihe state of mind in which over my actions. u Supposing I spill coflcc on the table with an adze around a cask. “ Y e s « ,! be der achimdt,' replied MeinMrs. Martin— with far other Interests at “ Ah I" sighed he. 11 mine fs a hard Inf, liper, steadying his long pipe with his left stake—passed the time, until an old clock cloth, what will It be to ma then 1 why forever trotting around like a dog driving hand, while he lifted one o f Ihe horse’s onjthe chimney-piece told an hour ot mid- Just none o t her business.” 04 euuiae the first step toward a ccom away at a hoop.” feel with his rlitbt. night. Another source o f anxiety now " Y o u wish him to have de bran new " H elgh o!" sighed a blacksmith, in one presented itself— the fire had nearly burn plishing the above desirable state o f things was lo (all In love. u flhe hot days, a s he wiped aw ay the shoes I" ed out. Her dizzy eyes could scarcely S o one warm Sabbath day, as Moliie drops o f perspiration from his brow , as • “ No sir," said the Colonel, In bis short seethe floor,as she bent with tearful at tentlon over the head of tho bed—the terri sat In her lather's high backed pew, look his hot iron glow ed on his anvil, H this Is way, “ set the shoes on his forefAct—thnt'l ble noose hanging like the sw ord of Da ing forth from a perfect maze of restless, life with a vengeance— melting and try all." " Set the' shoes on his forefeet—yah, 1 mocles, above the gloom y aperture- curls, she did It. ing one’s self over the fire,” Y**v she did it, and John Higgs, a well “ What, ( thought she If he delay his de “ O h ,th a t! were «carpenter," ejacula. oondrrstan. I will have him In vun hour parture until the light has completely died to d o young man, was the object ol her at- ted a shoemaker, a » he bent over his lap- shoed." T he Colonel went away, and return away 1 Will It not then be impossible for fections. He was gratified by (he Inces stone, " Here I am, day' after day, work me to adjust the scarf—to do the deed— sant staring o f Mollle's round, boring eyes ing my soul away in making aulcs for ing at the appointed time, found the old Dutchman still at work on the horse. H e to kill the this aosatsin—to save myself and offered himself In just three weeks others." and my child! 0 , G od l deliver him into from that day and was immediately ac “ I am sick o f this out door w ork," e x waa very wroth when he saw Ihe state o f my hands !” cepted. claims the carpenter, "b o ilin g and sw el affairs but he went aw ay again will» tne A emulous movement below ihe drag Old Mr. Pickwood rubbed hi» bald pair tering under tho sun, or exposed to the promise In “ von half hour longer, the ging of hands and knees along Ihe floor in a bewildered manner when he heard o f Inclemency o f Ihe weather. If t was only shoes would be sal.” —a heavy suppressed breathing—announ it, and declared his daughter was alto» a tailor I” Alter dinner, In no very mild humor, he , ced that Ihe supreme moment was at getlr too young, vow ing it should not be* " This Is too bad,” perpetually cries the made his appearance again at the shop, Mrs. Martin now sank down Into a hand. Her white awns were bared to the But Mollie knew how to bring him round. tailor, “ to be compelled lo sit perched and asked what was to pay 5 chair to think on her position. As was shoulders, her hair fell wildly around her So she went and perched her little fat “ Four «hillings," was the reply. up here, plying Ihe needle all Ihe while, natural after taking all these pcrcautions face, like the mane ot a lioness about to form in her attic chamber, and cried till “ Four shillings ! it Is an Imposilton." would that 1 waa a printer.” (lie Idea suggested Itself that it might be leap upon its prey ; Ihe distended orbits her nose was as red and shining as a “ Here I have to stand picking up let. exclaimed tho fiery Colonel. " 1 never superfluous, and she smiled al the Idea ol o f her eyes glared dow n upon the spot cherry. ters, day after da y," criea out Ihe primer, paid over a shilling lor setting a shoe in what her friends would say when she re where tho question ol tile o r death was Plates o f substantial food ascended the ns he looks upon the merchant, “ his is a my fife.” t ”! lated to Ihem the terror’s of the night- soon to be decided. creaking stairs, but Mollie stoutly refused happy lot." “ VVerry veil,” nodded Melnheer. “ Vun The hostess who seemed anxious her Her child was sleeping tranquilly, its rosy Time seemed Immeasurably lengthened lo satisfy tho| cravings of nature, till her “ Last day ol grace— the banks w on’t shilling for the one ahoe—t set the tour The out, every second assumed the proportions father was brought to the point by the guest should not remain in the great room, cheeks hall buried in the pillow. discount—customers w on’t pay—what shoes— dat Is four shillings— n ich ta!” suggested that a fire might be made fire had blazed up into a bright flame or an hour. But at last just as all lines persevering Mollie. "N ick ! the old Nick |" roared the ex* shall I do I" grumbles the merchant, “ I a b o v e ; but Mrs Martin found herself so while the unsnuffed candle burned dimly. and forms began lo float before her sight " M a," said she, one day, as she sat at would rather be a truck-horse, a dog, cited traveler. “ W h o told you to set comfortable where she was— a blazing The room was full of pale, trembling through an indistinct medium o f blending more than tw o shoes J". work, upon a patch-work quilt, designed anything." pile of faggots was on the hearth— that snadows, but she was not superstitious light and dark ness, a black mass interpos by Mrs. P. for the bridal bed, “ ma, didn't “ By d oon d er!” said the s m ith ," yea “ Happy fellows," groans the lawyer, as Something positive could alone raise she declined at first to move. Her daugh ed between her eyes am! the floor.—Sus you soy that Aunt Sallie was married at tell me yourself.” he scratches his bead over seme dry re. ter, about five years o f age, was soon in alarm. She listened attentively, but could pense being over the time for action had fifteen, and Aunt Lofty at sixteen! O, 1 cord, “ Happy fellows. I had rather ham " 1! It’s a base lalshood—a rank, black a slumber on her Inp ; and she herself hear nothing but the howling of the wind arrived, everything seemed to pass with have run that horrible needle clear through mer stone than cudgel m y brain on this lie—a” — over the roof, and Ihe pattering o f the found that while her ears were anxiously magical rapidity. The robber thrust his my finger. 1 hate quilling, I do. W on ’t “ Ming C o lt ! Y ou say yet the shoes tedious, vexatious question.” rain against the window panes. As her head carefully forward. listening to the roll o f carriage wheel Mrs. Martin sew another stich, it i never get a hus on de four foot.” And through aft the ramifications ot s o her eyes occasionally closed and slumber excitement diminished, Ihe fatigue—ilia) bent down. There was a halfachoked band.” “ S o I did—the tw o shoes on the four ciety , all are complaining of their condb feet." began to make Its insidious approaches, had been forgotten—began again to make c ry —the sound of a knife falling to the And she threw herself indisrnanllv into In order to prevent hersclt giving way, itself felt, and she resolved to undress and floor—a convulsive sluggle. P u ff! pull! ! a rocking chair, and gazed poutingly at q a iin g ” ? ^ “ falllt W" h ° 1C,r parllcu,ar " Colt in IJimmei 1 ish der maun crazy? she endeavored to direct her attention to go to bed. pull I ! ! the quilt, T w o shoes on four feet. Yon bat op three “ If I were only this, or that, or theotbthe objects around her. T he apartment Mrs. Martin heard nothing—saw noth., Her heart leaped into her throat. For Next morning she was called,, bright er, 1 should be content;" ts tne universal head as m ooteh!" was vast, and lighted more by the glare a moment she seemed perfectly paralyzed. ing bit the sca rf passing between bet two v o u eicrsa iT -i-ru oi: exctattnea ino and early, to g o to work again. Linen for cry, "anything but what I am,” so the of tjje fire than by (lie dirty candle stuck She had undressed and put out the can naked feet. She had half thrown herself Colonel, who stuttered when much c x c l. sheets and pillow cases strewed the apart world wags, so it has wagged, and so it into a filthy tin candle stick, that stood on dle, when she accidently dropped her back, and holding her scarf with both tcJ. " I said the fore shoes on thesetw o ment, and our Mollie again grew fidgety will wag. one of the long tables. T w o or three huge watch. Stooping to pick it up her eyes hands, pulled with a desperate energy for feet, you blundering Dutchman.” as she gazed. beams strete.hed across half way up the involuntarily glanced towards the bed. A her ¡¡lo. The conflict had begun and one “ Set four shoes on these tw o feet | Has. L ook B efore Y o u K ick . “ Dear," said she, « what a horrid fuss «(alls leaving a space filled with flitting great mass o f red hair, a hand, and a or the other must perish. The robber A minister of one b f our orthodox ha,” laughed the smith scornfully and to get ready to be married. I'd rather be shadows above. From these depended gleaming knife was revealed hy the light was a powerful man and made furious » Hundret thousand blilzen t an old maid, than to make all this stack churches, while on w ay to preach a funer angrily. a ruaty gun or two, a sword, several bags of the fire. After the first moment o f the efforts to get loose; not a sound escaped a l sermon In the country, called to sec you tam Y a n k e e !” of things.” hanks o f onions, cooking ulensils, &c. lerrlble alarm, her presence of mind re his lips —not a sound from hers.—The “ Y o u w -w-wooden headed old DutchHowever, Mollie sewed briskly, until one o f his members, an old w idow lady, There were very few signs that the house turned. She felt that she had o f herself dreadful tragedy was now enacted in si» man.” about eleven o ’c lo c k ; then she got up and who lived near the road he was traveling, was much visited though a pile o f old cut off all means o f escape by the door, Icnce. “ ¡You yankee g o o s e ! m on k ee! y o u stretched herself, and looked out o f the The old lady had just been making sau wine bottles lay In one corner. The land and was entirely left lo hfirscif. Without vun tam jacltas—fool |” ?„nv - ................. j ♦ * » * * » window. A few moments after she could sages, and she felt proud of them—they lady sat at some distance from the fire uttering a cry, but trembling in every The Colonel replied, stutlelng worse “ Well, mother Guerord," cried a young have been seen racing through the fields were so plump round and sweet of course place with her two sons who laid their limb, the poor woman got into the bed man leaping out of a cnrrir.ge that stopped at a (earful speed, her little dog Rover ca she insisted on her minister taking some than ever t the smith struck Ms fist and heads together and talked In whispers. by the side other child. An idea—a plan before the d cor o f the Auberge the next pering madly at her heels. of the links home to his family. He objec jabbering dutch, his knowledge of engllsh Mrs. Marlin began to feel uneasy. The had suggested itself. being exhausted ; and thus they had it It had flashed morning, " what news have you got for "S h e returned in lime for dinner, and ted on account of not having his portman idea entered her head she had fallen into through her brain like lightning. It was mo ! Has my mother arrived 1” teau along. This objection was soon back and forth until a mutual understanafter eating a bountilul supply, again sea the resort or robbers and the words the only chance left. “ Is it your m other!” esked the land, ted herself heroically at her sewing. overruled, and the old lady, after wrap- ding was had through an acquaintance, “ C’ tat elle,” ( is it she ) which was all ladv, who seemed quite good humored ping them up in a piece o f rag, carefully who explained the matter, “ Mollie,” said Mrs. Pickw ood, “ I guesj The bed wae so disposed that Ihe rob thal she heard ofthe whispered conversa The Colonel paid the charge, laughed after her night’s rest. “ There’s a lady you won’ t race that way through the iota placed a bundle in either pocket o f the tion contribujed to her alarm. The door ber could get from beneath it by a narpreacher’s great coat Thus equipped he at the m istake; while Melnheer smoked row apeture al the head without making j UP slail s waiting for some friends, but she alter you are Mrs. H iggs.” leading to to the road wae left ajar, and started (or the funeral. fiercely, cursing copiously the language, does not speak French easily and seemed "A n d I guess 1 shall,” retorted Mollie While attending to the solemn cere which made four feet tw o feet, o r tw o feet for a moment she felt an inclinalion to a noise ; and It was probable that would Unwilling lo talk. . W e could scarcely ” Ain’ t 1 going to be married for the sake monies o f the grave, some hungry dogs start up and escape on foot. But she was choose, from prudence, this means o four feet, any way but Ihe right way™» persuade her lo go to bed.” o f having my ow n w a y ! I shall race, scented the sausages, and were not long iar Irom any other habitation, aud if the exit. There was no curtain In the way, doonder and dlitzen I” in tracking them to the pockets of the “ Show me ihe room 1 ” cried the young chase, romp, and nobody shall say boo | people ot the house entertained any evil so Mrs. Martin, willi terrible decision and good man’s overcoat. Or course this wae mat), running into the house. noiseless energy made a running noose to me after I’ m married,” When Gen. Lee was a prisoner at At* designs her attemp would precipitate the a great annoyance, and he was several They soon arrived before the door. And Mollie closed tier small red mouth limes under Ihe necesily ol kicking these bany, lie dined with an Irishman. Before catastrophe. S o she reoolved on patience, with her silk scarf and held it poised over “ Mother.! m olherl” cried he, but he with a loud snap, end stuck her, needle whelps away. The obsequies at the grave but listened attentively for the approach Ihe aperture hy which her enemy was (o entering upon the wine the general re being completed, the minister and his c o n received no answer. make his appearance. She had resolved o( her friends. All she heard was (lie with the air of a general, into the pile o f gregation repaired to the church, where marked to his host, that, alter drinking, he “ The door is only latched, for we- have cotton cloth looming mountain-like before whistling of the wind, and liie dashing of to stangle him in defence o f her own life the funeral discourse was to be preached. was very apt to abuse Irishmen for which no lobbers in this.part o f the country,” her. ¿he rain, which hud began to fall just after and that of her child. After the sermon was finished the minister he hoped the host would excuse him in said the landlady. liier arrival. Early in the aiternood, John Higgs was halted to make some remarks to his con advance. The position was an awfol o n e ; and “ By my soul, General, I will do that,’** r About two hours passed in ibis uncom probably had she been able to direct her But a formidable obstacle opposed their announced, and Mollie blushed crimson gregation, when a brother, who desired to have an appointment given out, ascend- said his host, “ if you will excu se a iri, fortable way. At length the door was attention to the surrounding objects she entrance. They berame alarmed, especi as her intended husband drew a chair to ed the stairs o f Ihe pulpit and gave the thrown open, and a man entered. She might have given way to her fears, and ally when they heard the shrieks of the her side and sat dow n to watch heraw k- ministers coat a hitchjto get his attention fling fault which I have myself. It is this . ward attempts at sewing. , Needles were The divine, thinking it a dog Having d e whenever I hear a man abusing opld Ire 'breathed more freely; for this new comer attempted to raise the house by her little girl, and burst open the door might frustrate the evil designs of her screams. The fire on the hearth, unat Ih e first object that presented itseli broken and fingers mangled, as he gazed signs upon his pocket, raised his foot, land, I have a sad fault ol Bracking his gave a sudden kick, and sent the g o o d sconce with m y shellalah.” hostes if she entertained any. He was a tended, had fallen around, and now gave was the face of the robber violently up on, brother sprawling dow n the steps ! ” Seems to me you ain’ t much used to The General was pivil during the whola turned from beneath the bed, and with red haired, jovial faced looking man, who only a dull sullen light, with only an oc “ Y ou wiil excuse bretliern said he, and sew ing,” t said he, as he • thought o f the without looking at the work he had done, evening. inspired her with confidence by the frank casional bright gleam. Every object In. protruding tongue and eyeballs; the next ness and ease of his manners. A woodsman from the interior of A r the vast apartment glowed with a restless was the form o f Mrs. Martin, in the posi old clothes packed away to be mended by for 1 could not avoid it— I have sausengers in my pocket and a tarnation dog has been kaneae, who had never been on board o f She Was still his future bride. « And now I think of it, “ A fine night for ¡walking cried he, motion. Now nnd then a mouse advanced tion in which we left her. trying to grab them ever since t came a steamboat, had occasion to go to Saint shaking himself like a dog who has scram steallhily along the floor, but startled by pulling with Doth hands at the scarf, and wasn’ t that you I saw tearing down the here.” Louis a short time ago. From the bank hied out of n pond. “ What have yon to some noise under the bed, went scour glaring wildly towards the head of the road this morning with R o v e r ! ” “ It was,” answered Mollie, “ and I’d ■give me ! ‘Salute Madame.* I am wet (o ing back in terror to his hole. The child bed. I lie child had thrown itj arms The following was an Incident in the o fth e river lie hailed Ihe Harry o f the the sin. Hope I disturb nobody. Give breathed steadily in its unconscious re around tier neck, and was crying, but she fike to know what you have to say about labors ol a benevolent gentleman by the, W est with— name o f Stuber. Asking lor the s c h o o l tne a bottle o f wine.’* The terror of that “ Captain, what is the (are from here, pose ; the mothyr endeavored also to imi paid no attention. ” Simply (hat after you are Mrs. John in one o fth e rural dirtricts.he. was c o n to St. L o u is !” The hostess, in a surly, sleepy tone, told tate slumber; but Iheman under the bed dreadlhl night had driven tier mad. H iggs, you will be constrained to give ducted to a miserable hovel, where there " What part of the boat do yon wish lo up these tricks.” were a number o f children crow ded her eldest son to servd the gentleman; uneasy in his position could not help ocT h c following, which we find under the together without occupation, and s6 noisy g o on ! ” asked the steamboat C aptain-» casionaily making a slight noise. and then addressing Mrs. Martin, said: Mollie’s oheeks grew red as carnation that he could scarcely ask for tire school head of ” A Com prom ise,” appears to us “ cabin or d e c k !" Mrs. Martin was occupied with only to illustrate pretty well the relative posi- pinks, and she bid her naiU fiercely as she master. “ You »6« your friends will not come, , "H a n g your cabin,” said the h oosier; listened. “ There he Is,” said a boy, pointing lo aid you are keeping us up to no purpose. two ideas. First, she reflected on the Iions of the South and North. One cold “ I live in a cabin at hom e—give me the a withered old man who lay In Ihe corner. extraordinary delusion by which she was “ Remember,” said Higgs, solemnly You had better go lo bed.’’ night Q,oashee awoke from his sleep, and ” Are you the school m aslor! ” inquired best you ’ ve g o t ! ” led to see enemies in the people of the addressed his bedfellow “ tbgt my mother is to live with us, and Stuber, J will wait a little longer.” was the house and and a friend in the red haired ” Hallo, Sambo ! ! want haf the (rubber she expects you to do you r duty.” The vulgar mind fancies that judge* “ Y es sir,” « p ly I Which eliclfed a kind of shrug ol man ¡a n d secondly it struck her that as ing,” Mollie’s eyes sparkled as she arose, “ And what do you teach the children!” ment is implied chiefly tn Ihe capacity to contempt. H o j Guashee ! Y ou got more nor haf “ Nothing, sir.” he would fear no d is t a n c e from a wofrom her seat and gathering with her short cenSUre ; and yet there is no jtigement so already.” The red haired man finished his bottle “ Nothing I How is that 1" mfin, he might push aw ay the chairs that cxqusile as that which knows property ” Hump | Don link dis nigger fool to arms the „large bnndles o f cotton cloth of-winc, and then said : "B eca u se,” replied the old man, willi were in his w ay regardless of the noise “ S h jw me a room, g00[1 womaa_ i axfm -whiU he got.already, e h ! I want around tier, grid dashed them full into her characteristic simplicity, “ 1 know noth how to approve-. and thus avoid the snare (bat was iaid for tudder haf, too, lover’ s astonished face, and with the air ing myself.” 61)8,1 s,eeP here tonight.” "J a m es now 1 will hear your lessons,** him. Once she though* that while her at. of u queen sailed from the room. Next “ Why, then, were you instituted teach “ Denjj quit dis lied,” said the school master to a little urchin M re Marlin thought as he pronounced er ! " tention was strongly directed to one spot No yon don t .quit, brudder, you sarbe morning she sent him the following note. > «« words, he cast a protecting look to“ W hy, sir, I had been taking care ol who was not in the habit ot studying his he Had made his exit and was leaning io keep my back warm, so you jus lay .. ¡“ Y o V nay kceP your own house, and the Waldbach pigs for a number ofyeart,1 bTmk. ar s h«r, and she felt less repugnance I'd stay home with mother." over herj'but she was deceived by a Hiak- quiet,—you nigger, and when I got too old for that, they sent “ Guesth not, thir; papa (have little boys M opue 'P icrwood. mo here to tqku care o f the children. shoukj be theen and nqf: heard.” From (bn {kale U n til». OCEAN EM liLlüiî. The M onua«if rropqsltleu. l i l i ItKtMtf, NARI II U, IH.H, RI» 0, Hr wires is, a«4 wire* o f!, And Icafra the «latter atIJl is doubt Wkethrr thsasekr which mads the track Was string South, ttr turning trees. IDI |ulj|i#hetj for ih« UwmI «.| ih< IV »n' Living for »h« È*rm» KtOf. U T P o n il i « —I » O cr«« C u i«!; FISO. In •«7 olhcr iwrl c.f New Jtrtct 13 n u li* >»«r. jtìK N r . Volmkv B. Pai mi a, Ih* American Nf Wipapor A«est, U duly lutbotixrd lo retri* ; fubocripiMma Iad avvoltiamomi* fui tho Octbn Kmblim »"'1 tlM taoncy ikrrrliH, io thè eliK-s ut New Volli, Hoatoa aad Phiutlelpliia. to jm r B R T ta tttt. Tho Oc a » Emblem ¡a publiahnl al Tnm’i muoir acal ut Ocoao, «ad cin wa a od filiale ia ih« cooaly, "7 *i* inaimi' Ml It I climi I fi. IAI US O f M iE N T S . Tfcr fiilhiwict pcnona arc duly aulhotiacil lo ari a* M i r a li fot ihe Otiti a Emblem t T , J. K. W allace, Bmnrli’a Milla. Kdhtin J. Salie « , E hi , Sam rcai.' B. N.V annots. KukLRT £at ELLE. Tho Monopoly* The monopoly extrnilon bill, which passed ihe Senate last week, was referred In fhe House to a committee ol five, who have reported It materially altered. The original bill as passed by the8eriste.com pelled the monopoly to build cerialn rail roads; to pay at least one hundred and fifty thousand dollarr, yearly, Into the State treasury ; to make certain slate offi cers dead heads. For this consideration, the Commodore was to be allowed lo car ry New Jersey in his pocket for thirty years. The present bill, as amended, re lieves t: e monopoly from buildlnp the pro posed roads (Including the Freehold e x tension, the road that the Commodore confidentially told the Colonel should be built;) does not compell them to pay the one hundred and filly thousand dollars to Ihe stale yearly (do they have to pay anything !) and extends their charter to 1809. In payment for this leglslallor, the members o f the Legislature will he rode on the railroad free. There you have the bIII, which is to re lieve Ihe state, presented In plain lan guage. Is Is not an insult to a free peo ple to undertake to smuggle through such an unjust measure, and call it a com pro m ise! If Ihe Commodore had marched Into the State House, and commanded his va«sals to force through a perpetuul char ter for his darling monopoly, it would have looked more manly than this secret log roofing—there would have been bold nesa, If not honesty In such a course. T he State pays is officers wages suffi cient to enable them to step up to the captain’s office and pay their passage like men—oerrae, tree ncirirs are now 'presen ted to every state officer, who will accept them. But tf onr members are too poor to pay their passage the people would rath er carry their representative« to Trenton on their backs, than have them pension ers of this soulless corporation. The charter lor a railroad from Raritan Bay to Delaware Bay, has been passed by the Legislature. This road will run through this village, and will accom m o date the people better than a road to Free hold. W e understand that the stock wil be taken immediately. The above doggeral is a fair representa tion b f Ihe worntlngs and Iwlsllngs ol the j UKininopoJy Lords. Il«vin induced a pliant Senate lo pais an «ct to perpetual« their Ito wet for twenty yeare beyond Ihe period |prescribed In Ihclr charter,—prefaced by I a preamble grnundlese and degrading lo j the Stale making the cheeks of every true Jersey mu n lo tingle with shame—they j have now become «allsfled that there Isjton j much Integrity in ihe Heuse o f Assembly to countenance Ihclr shameless proposli hlon. The Inmost senl Iment o f tho whole |comuiullty is aroused. The Indignation I o( fne people has conic, and ts com ing up, [ from evety township ami counly in the |Stale In unmlstakenblc tones ol condem nation. Men who hitherto stood by the companies, giving strength and color to their rxhavagant pretensions, are now firm In resisting this attempt lo letter anew, the state. Finding this the Lords graciously propose to withdraw their bill and Introduce a new one containing a new proposition! Preparatory to this, their retainers are called Irom every section o f the stale to Ian it up. What thla new pro position Is, exactly, we have not been able to aiccrtafn, nor do we much care to know. W e shall aec it when It com es j hut wc warn the member« o f the Legists, lure and the people of the «late against accepting any proposition which the com panies may offer. Why are they la anxious for legislation I I, Ihe r appetite,insalible ? Why not rest content with 'heir present prirteje« T Their mntert claims now are, that without their content Ihe Ltgidatnrt can anthoritr no railroad between Ihe Delaware River and bay and the Raritan riser and bay I What do they want more j This much you may be certain o f ; they not aik lo abridgo their own privileget. Their paat hiatory'congrms this. Judge them by their acts not by their profeeiiont. They seek an advantage In any and every proposition which they will make It may not be apparent to the uninitiated; but It will, nevertheless, be there. W ords may be used to obscure their their design —to gild selfishness with generosity. The cat will be found under the meal. Our advice Is, let them alone— leave them to their idols. If they can make good and maintain their pretensions, let them do It; but lorge no new chains to fetter the legislation ol New Jersey. K rep us, at least, as free as w e now are, to maintain the 8ovcrieighty and independence o f Ihe state. In the U. 8. Senate, a bill has been in troduced, making a conditional gratit o f the right o f wav mH — -> acres ot the public lands to Hiram O. Alden and Jas. Eddy, for the construction w a telegraph oft w o wires.lrom some point cn the Mississippi or Missouri river to San Francisco—the com pany to have regular working stations at intervals of every one hundred miles along the entire route the land warrants for the two mil lion acres ol land not to be issued till (lie telegraph Is completed, and then In con sideration of eight thousand words per month on the line, without any charge to the government, forever. Charges other wise, not to exceed ten dollars for ten words Irom end to end o f the fine— addi tional words to be seventy-five cents each. The passengers by the barque S. J A. O. Zabiiskie, Esq., in his remarks at lh.e Anil-Monopoly meeting at Jersey City Roberts, bound to New Y ork from Mar seilles, which was wrecked during the on Tuesday evening, said : recent gala on Absecum beach, were most “ He held the charter of the Companies marvellously rescued. The passengers as null and void, not because Ihe Stale were Messr Richardson, Long and Rood, could amend an impolitic contract, for and they express their hearllelt approba that the Stale was wisely prohibited from tion to the officers and crew for their doing by the Constitution of the United heroic conduct in delivering them from States, but because the original grant was tne horrors ol shipwreck. T o tho cool null, as the Legislature had no right to ness intrepidity and nautical skill o f Capt make It, and transcended their power in John C. Dutchy. they mainly aacrlbe their so doing." miraculous escape, lor when the sea made There is the whole doctrine In a nut a complete breach over the ill fated-vessel shell from one of the best lawyers In the and had well nigh cut off all hope, his self, Stale, a man o f incoruptible honesty, and command incited every one to efforts one who is prepared to establish what he never surpassed in a like sftua'ion. asserts. There is the doctrine which we have constantly advocated, and upon H are you ever observed how soon a which we are perfectly willing to place man assumes the starchiness ofbis dickey this whole question. when “ the people ” elevate him n little! Let us go into the United States Court The lower the office, as a general thing and we will establish that doctrine, and the more insolent you will find the o ccu the Monopoly know It. That is th e re a pant. Seme o f our local pet bank institu son why they are so determined In tl.eir lion cashiers put on more airs than the opposition to any measure by which the Governors o f the State, while we have matter may be legally determined. The seen the boss o f a tw o horse monopoly time will come, and that too within a short railroad line, more difficult to com e at than period, when they will be forced to this the Judge of a Supreme Court. President step by the uprising o f the people. Pierce is far more accessible than the Secretaries; while the Secretaries are ( K r Vve have the pleasure to announce much more accessible than the Clerks the rapid increase of our readers in Atlan The most insolent man we ever found at tic county. ______________ he “ White House” was a footman. The _ g y W e are informed that an effort fact is, the more buckwheat a man’ s head will be made next winter to ohlaln a char contains, where brains ought to be, the ter for a railroad Irom Union City, through more he runs away with the idea that N ew Egypt to Camden. being •* sassy ” and keeping his hair Take law0 A number of the Democratic pa slicked up is being dignified. pers In Ihe slate oppose the monopoly ex ers forex ample. Did you ever notice the mailer. tension. The Mount Holly Herald (dpmooratii') is out against me proposition« o f the monopoy. It sa ys: " T h e people o f this county are opposed now and for ever to any further extension o! the char ter o f the M onopoly.” ________ An Anti-Monopoly paper is soon to be started at Key Port. For th o 1 EmbtsmS N tlrn cr o f M ind. | Ther i l s a yel. great deal to be make public The relBlIonthip o f the girl to the j . j . . * “ -j A'-*.,-..- (««!), Dr. Oore o f Philadelphia Picfi i, Mental ami Physical Science ha* just eon j Biont of her f wo hrothnrs as to (hein,ihefi* eluded a course o f Irctures on Phrenology |perir nal appearance and their where and Education, held in (lie Dover Chapel •bout* on the night o f Ihe murder a* also to ■ regularly organised class o f forty the (act that the youngest boy left the members. Three lectures were first de cellar door open on that night should be livered on the laws or health &.c., grails allowed due weight. One o f the brother* pievloua to lo Ihe organization o f the o f Ihe girl mentioned by the youngest class, and ten alterward*. A« an able brother has large blark whiskers is as tall Speaker and a man of ediicutlon be hosfew ns Fyler, and lias curly hsir. lew eqali to be met with every day In On Wednesday, the following gentle New Jersey.. He evidently understands men were upon examination admitted a* human nature,andean delineate the true counsellor*: character o f an Individual at the first Mahlon Hutchinson, Darker, Ciummere, interview Irum personal appearance, far Willinm 8. Whitehead, Robert Allen, Jr. better than many good men believe it pas and Frederick U. Ogden, sible for man to do, Having large m arAttorneys.— Aaron P. Whitehead, Jona ve/ousneoe. he may bo considered rattier than Longstrert, and Abraham Voothcea. visionary by s o m e ; he professes lo believe Hon. Joieph F, Randolph. Hun. William that persons have negative o r positive Daylon, and Hon. Marlin R yerion were poles In their heads, and that they are (in appointed the board ol examiners for the obedience to a fixed natural law) accord year 1804. Ingly attracted to, or repelled Irom, each other. Now If he were as condescending The organization o f Ihe Son's o f T em to answer questions relative to the science perance was commenced in Sept. 29 according to promise (o those o f his class, 1842, by sixteen persons. The order Is who happen to have poles In antagonism now com posed alter a lapse o f 12 years, of to his own ; as he is to those who are one National Division, having jurisdiction fortunate enough to have attractive poles over the United S'ules, British America; to those o f his own, all might learn a con England Scotland and Ireland—the last siderable oi him, and he might draw around ihreenatned have but one Grand Division. him many warm hearted friends, and all There are in this territory forty-four might be mutually benefited. But how Grand Divisions, und 0.010 Subordinate ever the Doctor Is free to to lecture, and Divisions, having 321,000 contributing engage In conversation which ia ol a re member«. By these there was paid dur fined and moral character, and never dull ing the paat year to sick members the sum or monotonous, but generally new Inter ol (141,200 92—leaving a balance in the esting and Instructive. W e received him treasusury of $193,667 12. on trial and Judge him according to what T he M exican Mine F raud. we can observe in him, and not according The Jury In the case ol Dr. Ueorge A. to what we hear of him, Bnd fry to treat him with respect due to a stranger, and Gardiner, have just come into Court with trust him only no fur us prudence will a verdict of “ Guilty.” Judge Crawford addressed Ihe prisoner, warrant; Nine ofhla lectures was exclu Baying the case was such as to admit oi slvely on phrenology, In which lie used doubt whatever, ol fraud having been com no repetition larther than was necessary mitted. Ills remarks were quite caustic, to combine the classes of faculties—dehn and upon concluding them he proceeded ing the brain as a reservoir o f separate to pronounce the sentence which was, organs through which the mind can only “ Ten years hard labor in the Penitenti a c t A noble study It certainly Is, nam ely ary ! that o f the mind. That principle which Is The accused was taken into custody destined to survive the wreck ot mortality, by the U. 8. Marshal. and ( If properly trained) to behold eter It is Understood that a bill of exceptions nally and with unlimited capacity the im has been filed. mortal glories w e can n ow ** know but There are rumors here o f a desperate in part,” and see but as through a glass fight between several Senators after the darkly," because it is confined in earthly adjournment here last evening, growing tenements whose capacities are variously out of the excitement attending the Ne limited each faculty of which having two braska bill. appropriate organs, the same as ihe facul From The State liasclte. ties o f seeing, hearing and smelling. In the public examination o f the heads o f invlduals his delineation of their respec tive characters according to the truth, ns observed in their deportment by those nmnnmt ««hnm (hew nro -well I '- « « ’ " is truth positive not only of the truth of truth o f phrenological science, but; also of the ability and skill o f the professor. His last lecture here was on the subject o f Education which he divided into three general heads; viz mental, physical and moral, it was a highly refined discourse, and with us a desideratum, and peculiar ly adapted to to the present, state o f socie ty In general, at the close o f which the subscriber offered the following, Resolved.—That in view o f the spirit in which Dr. Gore has commenced a course of lectures under such unausplcious cir cumstances in a pecuniary point o f view, and has prosecuted it to the end to our entire satisfaction, w e tender to him our grateful acknowlegements, which resolu tion was unanimously adopted. On motion o f S. R. Bunnell Esq., a vole was passed unanimously that the secre tary should send a sketch o f these proceed, iflgs to the Ocean Emblem for publication, and as Ihe Doctor proposes to locate at T om ’ s River or somewhere in this county as a new-school physician it was thought o be not much amiss, if you Mr. Editor, and your readers will pardon me for pro tracting it to so great a length ; and should the Doctor conclude to share with us our sea breezes ■' togetner w ith .ou r sands and pines, and diversity oi minds, and our flics and musqultoes and other hetero geneous elements, w e with you ana them would hali him with welcome. A ndrew L. Mc C all, ) President. S. W . Potter , ( Secretary, Potter’ s Creek, Feb. 1854. From the Syracuse Republican- The Onondaga Murder. The servant girl, Mary Cummings now under arrest has confessed that she knew Alfred Fyler murdered his wife ; that a that a criminal intercourse had existed between him and her for some time past; and she knew previously that he was go ing to kill his wile, but did not know when. That some months ago he attempted to poison his wile by infusing poison Into the coffee, but finding that he could not pomon his wife without affecting nil the lamily he threw the coffee away, and she, Mary Cummlng.-, washed out the coffee potShe is supposed to be enciente. She says that on the night o f the murder she saw him kill his wife, and afterwards he and she at ranged things and made prepara tions (o conform with the Idea attempted to be conveyed by the testimony of a rob The Baltimore Patriot, describes the bery. experiment soon to be made on the CHesa Notwithstanding the awful poslion In peke and Ohio Canal to propel the boa is which the prisoner, Fyler is placed, at by steam instead o f horse power. It is p esent, circumstances may y et relieve ihought by those having the matter In hlrr.—Popular opinion is against him, but charge that it will succeed, There is to t should it be curbed until further invesbe a regular fine o f steam boats, and gation. Fyler declares he is innocenf,, company is organized. and is very cairn and composed. j S ev en ty -E igh th L egislature. House.—The charter o f the Delaware and Raritan Bay Railroad came up on its (•■•wl | su o o tig ^ c . Mr. Ripley wanted his W est Jersey friends to understand his position on this bill. He should vote against it. He believed it was a t at in a bag. Mr. Townsend advocated the roa.d as desired by tha people ol the counties along the route, Mr. Ripley had not told all about it— There was a cord about us and he was opposed to adding any new strands to it. How did we know but (his was a scheme of theMonopoly. The charter might be sold to the Joint Companies. Mr. Townsend thought the gentleman did not know what he was talking about. The road was desired in good faith by the inhabitants of the counties. Mr. Havens also defended the applica tion. Mr. Franklin said the Air-line road was defeated because it was supposed to inter, fere with the exclusive privileges ol the Monopoly. ( MODEL REPRESENTAT1V« ) Mr. Howell inquired if the Joint Com panies had given their consent to this road.—If not he should vote against it. Mr. Townsend said he had not asked them. Mr. Howell said then he should vote against the bill. The bill was then passed. The special committee to whom was rererred the supplement to the Camden ana Am boy Railroad Company reported through Mr, F. S. Mills a substitute therefor, which was ordered to a second readin g . Adj. March 3. S enate.—T he bill for the relief o f school districts was passed. It may be poseltffe that some lute man.tgeri ol the monopoly do really tine, cine that some now enactment will aettle Ihe question, but they must bo >cry Abort lighted Indeed to look A the matter In IM* light. T he anil-monopoly men ot Ihe stale cate nothing about (he measure on as far the honor o f New Jersey la c o n cerned. They will rombat these joint companies until their exclusive privilege« have been decided Illegal, and the »over«. Ignlty o f the Stele restored to II. fl* board, or laro bank « " ¿ j * * * * ’ likes tkind, . . . „tinder , » « - nany o mdenominaiLmb*ft. i n a t i o n Ck l lor t)ln viittr at nt ntoe-p.n, ever, oorr for playing other number of pins, or t o T c b e ^ L ^ / or fo. p slot .hooting, either for monel"*’ without money, within three mile. main building of "R utger'« C otL S h l? New Jersey, shafi be and are h„ ' 7 J l l'> red lo he offences Bgal,M,t 7 h i , 7 f ^ « llie owner, tenant, keeper, or «ten dei*^ sueli room or place, shall (,« Mr, Wwt “f and proceeded aga.usi b y i n d i c t ^ ^ l S upon conviction shall be fined In . ** not exceeding tw o hundred dollar "¡*l Imprisonment for a period n„ t p ’ . I six month*, or both at the dlecMl ** 7 ?r gkfle- That terrible malady, Ihe h ydro phobia, prevail* lo an alarming extent on shore in Atlantic county. Several person* have died within a few daye, and number ol others are dangerously sick. d i r W e understand that one o f o t r young captains quietly led to the alter, on Sunday evening, a blushing bride. Par-« t leu la r a when we receive that cake. It Is currently reported that the editors lake effect ¡me Approved Fi ouar iff, 1854 of the New York Herald, Tim es, Tribune and Philadelphia Ledger, together with a A S i p« t.tiiiNT lo the act «nun*« . . score of others, wifi be called up before (he ment to llieact entitled, “ An Aciw P" >‘ Senate soon, to give Information In regard ting executions, and regulating l l w w l ol personal estate, by virtue thereof«? to their publication o f the secret doings o f proved April sixteen, eighteen hundred Ilia Senate. und torty-sir, approved Merck foe* teenth, eighteen hundred and fifty-one [!!/“ Judge Edmonds is now engaged 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and OaL lecturing at the West on Spiritualism. He eiat A trembly o f the State a f Ncu> 1er,*, has delivered three lecture« at St. Louia- That every sheriff or other officer, katif.' and has appontments for nearly a month nn execution or civil process «gainst ia> defendant having a lamily, is hereby ,1 ahead. thorized and empowered to perforai Iks same duties which any judge of the court In The Supreme Court last week, the ol common pleas would be requtreéto per. cose o f Stewart vs. Rreckles, from the form umier the second section ol iheict Ocean Circuit, Ihe verdict was set aside, to which this is a supplement. 2. And be It enacted, That this act shall judgement lor defendant. take effect Immediately. Approved February 16, 1854. TW O WEEKS l o n g e r , w o t ip r . M R. CLARKE Dagucrrneaa Arti.-t will conliuue lu lake Pici utes for iwo weeks longer commencing on Monday February 27th, will positively leave Tom’s River on Monday March. 13lh. Those wishing Pictures will oblige Ihe Subscriber by catting previous to that dale. Any objectionable Pictures taken hereby me, wifi be retaken at the cost o f « new plule. Any person dislrous o f learning the art, and purehssing an nppnrstus will find this a chance rarely lo be met with. Mr. C. is now prepared lo take Pictures all day. A urw assortment o f fitney eesei just received from IVeW'York. Cell end see. ARTHUR B. CLARKE. Tom ’s River, March 9th, 1854. tf.. A S upplement lo the act enlltleh »g« Act ceding jnrl«dle|lnA rn the ll*«.* Siatea over lands to he occupied ti alies ofiight houses and keepers dwdl. and Inga within the state." I. B e it inacteu by the Sennte and General Assembly ot the State of Net Jersey, The jurisdiction Is hereby ceded to the United States over so much land as a n y be neces-nry tor the construction ol a light house on Absecom beach, nub. jeet to all the requirements, regulations and provisions ol Ihe act ceding jurlsdlrlion to the United States over lands to be oceuplded ns sites ol light houses and kee pers dwellings wilhin Ihe stale, approved March tenth, eighteen hundred and fitlythree. Approved February 10, 1854. [B Y A U T H O R IT Y .] LAW S OF NEW JERSEY A n act lo provide tor the publication Of the Public Laws ot this state. 1. Dr. IT ENACTED by the Senate and Gen eral Ansembty o f the State o j tfew Jcrtey, That it shall be the duty o f the governor o( this state to designate tw o newspapers, printed at each county town In this state. (If there are so many printed in such town) acdording to his discretion, in which tn puuiiau annually, within thirty days alter Ihe passage o f the same, all public laws enacted at each session o f the legislature except such as relate to objects entirely lo cal In their character; and it shall be the duty of the secretary o f state to furnish correct copies for this purpose. 2. And be it enacted, That upon n certi ficate Irom the auditor of public accounts of this stale, ot the proper performance ol the services required in the first section ol this act, and of the appointment thereto by the governor, the treasurer be authori zed and directed to pay to the publisher or publishers of each newspaper, sodesig nated, the sum o f fifty dollars, provided that a receipt be given in lull ol all de mands for such service. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take effect Immediately. Approved February 16, 1854. Joint R erolution authorizing Delaware and Raritan Canal and Camden and Am boy Railroad and transportation Companies to endorse Ihe bonds ol cer tain railroad companies. W hereas it has been found by expon rue to be difficult to raise the amount A fonds required for the construction of railroads by p,e ordinary method of mortgage upon the road; and whereas in order lo In do.. e„p||„|¡a,„ lo tm««h the means, and to seek such Investtw«» It is advisable and necessary to render all ihe bonds Issued by said companies so entirely good that perlect confidence can be placed In their undoubted securi ty ; therefore, 1. Be it resolved by the Senate and General Assembly ol the State of New Jersey. That the Delaware Hnd Raritan Ca nal and Camden and Am boy Railroad and transport, ton Companies l e and they aie hereby authorized lo endorse the bondi that may be issued by (he West Jersey Railroad Company, and also the bonds of any other company, for the construction ol any rnllroad, In this slate of which the said, Hie Delaware and Raritan Canal and Amboy Railroad Companies may hold at the time One halfof the capital stock, pro. vided that Ihe state o f N ew Jersey shall not be compelled to take said bonds or the works nt the expiration o f the charter of the joint companies. A supplement to the act entitled « A Sup Approved February 2, 1854. plement to the act enlltldd an act rela tive to commissioners for taking the a c knowledgement and proof o f deeds,” Joint R esolution relative to the officers approved April fifteenth, eighteen hun soldiers o f the war of eighteen hundred and twelve. dred and forty-six; approved March the t. B e it resolned by Ihe Senile and tenth, eighteen hundred and fifty three. 1. B e it enacted by the Senate and General Assembly ol the siateolNew JerGeneral Assembly o f the stale of New Jer sey, that the Senators o f this state in the sey, That the Secretary of Legation ol Senate ol the Uuited States be instructed, the United States, for the time being, ai and that the representatives of this state any foreign court or government, shall In Congress, be requested to use their best have the same powers as are given by efforts to procure Ihe passage of a law the act to which this is a supplement, to granting to the officers and soldiers wiio the ambassador, public minister, charge were in the service o f the United State» id aifai'i», or oilier representatives ol the in Hie war ol eighteen hundred and Inin the same privileges and grants o f land as United States. 2. And be it enacted, that this act shall have been granted to the soldiers ol fhe more recent wars o f the United States. take effect immediately. Approved February 10, 1354. 2. And be ii resolved ibat the Govcim»' be requested to forward a copy til tlte® SuecLtMENT fo the act preventing swine resolutions to each o f our Senators running at large in the village ol New Representatives In Congress. Egypt in the county ol Ocean. 1. B e rr enacted hy the senate and gen eral assembly of the state of New Jersey, Joint R esolution authorizing the Del» That any pound erected by the poundware and Raritan Canal and Camden keeper of the township o f l'lumsted, shall and A m boy Railroad and transporta be taken and deemed a legal public pound. tion Companies to subscribe to the OP' Approved January 31, 1854. ital stock of the West Jersey Ji-ailroau Supplement to the charter o f Jersey Joint R esolution authorizing “ the Dela City was passed. ware and Raritan Canal and Camden Am boy Railro.d and transportation A resolution was adopted to adjourn to Companies” to purchase an additional Monday afternoon. number ol shares ol the capital stock ol H ouse.— A number o f petitions were ot the Flemington Railroad and trans presented against the extension o f the mo portation Company. W hereas, the Flemington Railroad and nopoly. • transportation Company now own The monopoly extension was made the about eight hundred shares o f the capi order of the day for Thursday. ta! stock ol said company, and have The prohibitory liquor bill was again laniadegreat effort to sell the remaining ken up, and after some proposed amend if sharrsi f said slock tir have fa led so to do, and whereas, Ihe speedy comple ments ordered a third reading and was tion of said railroad would be highly ad made the order of the day for next W e d . vantageous to a large hgiiculturafdistrict nesday. — therefore I: B e it resolved by the Senate and The supplement to the tax bill as amended in the Senate was takers up on its fi General Assembly of the slate ol New Jersey, I hat the Delaware and Raritan nal passage and passed. Canal and Camden and Am boy Railroad Genera! Gas company law was passed. and transportation Companies be and lbey aie hereby authorized to purchase ___________________ Adj. any addition number of shares o f the Cap 0i r Mr. Bissef, democrat, in speaking ital slock of , the said The Flemington in Congress, said that New Jersey was Railroad and transporlatqtion .Company, not exceeding efoht hundred; provided a fixture o f the Camden ¿.A m b oy com pa that the stale o f New Jersey shall not he n y - He believed her entire sovereignty compelled to take said stock or works at s kept by the railroad company or the the expiration of the charter o f (he joint companit s. directors thereof. Approved February 2 , 1854, Com pany. * IYheras, the construction o f the WeslW’ sey Railroad Irom the city of CaBiden> through the counties of Camden, QJ011’ caster, Saiem, Cumberland and Oaf* May to Cape island, with branches w Sjfoni and Bridgeton, would be g®“ * ly advantageous to the large and imp®* taut agricultural and menulactHtiiW1»' teiest of West Jetsey, and is urgently desired by the people pi,that section « the state, who have been liesetoibree • tirely destitute o f railroad facilities'' and whereas, alter the most diligent e • forts for the past year, a siuwfo amount o f the capital stock has not WP subscribed for the construction ol t,n road— therefore ^ L Be it resolved by the Senate andu _ eral Assembly oflhe State of New derscy. That the D< ¡aware and ffa r tan Canals Camden and Am boy Railroad and Jra”?' pollution Companies, be and hereby authorized to subscribe lor end;, take* 7 poition ot the capital stock pi t; s w t,j Jersey Railroad Com pany not to oxc in amount eight hundred thousand u tars; pi oviiied. that !|ie state of Newt sey shall not be compelled to taka stock o r wot Its at the expiration oi H charter o f said jo in t Cottipanies.f Approved February 2, 1804- The bwnMfltf •«* »«M «ffinlie «Irue¡ « n 01 i " » 14 •*? •* '•Mffi* ./W - * n,ci)t in the Capilitl Square at Klrnmund li now completed. H rta*» lo the height forty feet, and on It» (op I» lo be i f f c ed e »pltndid bronae equestrian »latote f Waahlngton, |lwenty Ifeet high, which trill make Ilia whole height of the monu merit »Inly feet from the ground. The nionument la now ready for Ihe reception of (he «talute». o f which tw o , Patrick Hen ry and Thomas Jefferson, each thirteen feet high, have been cast In bromee St Munich, under the direction o f M r. Craword. and a third, a magnificent rqueairlnn group of Washington, twenty feel high, li now In Ihe act o f being m od eled at Home by lite name accomplished icupl'.or-erilst. 'X T R A O IiRDlNAtlY ATTRACTION si the id Large*! ami Chr«pul CARPET rrwlebiaisd H U I/ M ANDERSON'S, N». 99 Howsry, Nsw York, lui|.oiier o f En|liih and French Carpets. Buyers will find the Urgen »lock o f Low Pttee sail Medium lo ibo most tlaboraln Aubu»ion, Mn*«ie, M nlallbn, and Velvet Carpets ever offered to ike woikt. T e» SrACtóvi Sai.** woomi. Above giound, no demp Basement* or Vaults under the sidewalk to endanger the health ol Lady puichaseis, each Rales Room is devoted exclusively to one description o f Carpel«. The Wholesale and Retail Departments o f Ibis es tablishment have been enlarged and an addition of two extenaive Sales Room., robbing a wonder ful mod goigeoas display. . Salea R oom No. I. Floor Oil Cloths. A o Eoorroons Stoek of John Hare * So» a celebrated English oil clolhq alto, American (loor oil cloths o f magnificent tatrn finish, Fresco, marble, Italian, and Remit Paintings, from 2s. 6d., 3s, 4s,,, 6s,, 6s., to 9s. per yard, from 3 feet to 24 feet wide and 90 long. •NAM. Causa -O c e a n Orphian.s R ule to liter Court, Ô nfié term OpUtlllll ...« .v -lll of ... January .-.--W ",y ■ >— • »........ gm m tm n -" » riUiJLTlOLD AND J R A H , ROAD. IMIOriTft. S T R A W G O O D S , D A T S . C A P S l!!HU R D U ,A S . P A R A S O teS, C A R P E T n h a rt . ch eap tor CASH or OHN It. IRONS A4mlni«tralpr of Ju»«ph ,! Holcomb dte’d having presented to this L'igft a ,..! . J. a JT.i : court fit the personal •«late, and (Iso o f the debts ami eiedits Of Sold decedent, by which It appear* that Ihe petson*l e«l»te o f raid decedent is in*j lit elent to pay hi* debt* > «oil the »»Id administrator having set forth lo the C oon thro Ihe trod de. cedent died seised o f real estate in the county of Dcetn, and prayed the si-1 ol Ihe Court In the premise*i It Is therefore ordered, that »11 per sons interested in the lands, tenement*, heredi laments and re»l estate of the rani deeedent, appear before the Court at T om ’* River,in (lid county, on the fir*t Tuesday o f May, ne»l, to »how cause, if any they hove, why so much of Ihe real estate ol said decedent should not be ■old as will be sufficient to pay his debts, Ac. By the Conti, THOM AS C. HARRISON, Clerk. Rule to Bur Creditor» —Ocean Orphan a Court ol the term ot January 1854. O u. s. J H R J N U K M K N T OF CONOVER A W H I T E 'S U. S. M a i l S t a g e « £ 0 sË S u o v a l UrtJito N nnd «Her the I6lh o f Decen.Hrr, the eur* F lb# merchant« o f Oceftn nnd Mnninonth will leave Freehold Himioii fur New York Count mm will i-u11 nnJtxninme oui «lock, wt> will f lira turner them ihr row t I'ntirB «»li«* aad Phihulelpttia as follow« s At 8 3» a . M.* and U r . m llefum inf, hare faction, na to price nnd quality ol nood*. W illiam« and €uHi*tit(HAM( No. IH4 Fulton New York from Pier No. J,North Hirer, ai 1 a . m.* and 2 v. m . Street, New York. I.enve Phi)»delpHin Hy Ferry ftom the foot id Jan. 16. -#m. Walnut Street, at 7 a . 4* and 2 e. N. The above line« will «top upon Signal, at T. W . & A. MARSH~ lha foltuwlng Sutlona *—*Battle grnnnd. M»na* Upau, Knehthtown, Traeie’« and HulFman's. Whole«« le Grocer*, Provision, Wine Mid Llunor Fart lo and from Jameabnrg, (being p Denier«* No. I&3 Well Street, between each way,) 2*> eta. fiaiclay and Robinson Eta., New York. ** lo and from New York, each way, 5» et«. T iieodoee W. Mar« h, A oerrua M arsh « ** Philadelphia, ** $t M ITT* Newburgh Pale and Amber A te , by the PasHengqra retarnina froni New York, will be hogshead and barrel. aarelul tu obtain Tickets on board the John Jan. 12, 1651 ly. Potter, at the Captain*« office, otherwi*e they will be charged extra. IS ilA E L M IN O R & CO. Freehold» Dec. 15» 1853. tf h 'lo 'lta ii Venters in RUGS, Medicine«, Paint«* Oil*» G!at«vrare, m a i t T s t a g e T Patent Medicine*, A c., 214 Futurn street» New York. December 29, 1833. I f. I feb. 2, 1 8 «. 2m m W IN T E R DURO From FtPfhoM lo N*w York via, tteypxnl. HIE hub ciinns wni e*<t of Stagr’ i daily, to T lino with ihf stunner John Hurt strsinar Key Port, at the vtlln|f i of Key Port, as follows : F iesr L t " s — Which eoaarets whh its. steam, cr key port, leaves 1>. Conover* MolrJ at Freehold every uioioiug (Sunday, t ie r pier.) St « o'clock A. M., reaching the suamcr at 8 o’cinch A. M. hi Key pur l, aod relertHOg a* her arrival from New York. Sklind L ia r — Which connect* with the •limner John Hart, Pares »»me place at 1$ o'clock* noun, every day rxcrpi Saturday am| Sunday, reaching the «icaruer «1 K* li*orf» «1 8 o'clock I*. M ., and returning on her «n ival from New York. I'Mfcngar« Irom Ocean coot |r reerhfn* Free. holt] at 12 o'clock noon» can p rated by this line* without d«|ny diiect to New York. The sobueribers reepeotinlly «ttlicU from Ocean county « «hare vt her {»atronaee. F are —T hiottgb Irotn F m hold by titkei* In 50 eenfi, otM-r* will |dea«e «all for Freehold tick* oQtd the boat«. D. C. CONOVJ5B* W M . W H ITE, • Pioprietnre. Freehold, Dec. 8, 1853—tf. j!5 f TTPON the the application o f Jf*se Gowdrich t^/and Ezekiel Lewi*, Exeeutor’* o f Jonathan l.ewia dec’J, to liroit and appoint a certain time f t j r Those olfleera who aerved In Ihe within which lha creditors of the sold estate ol Two hnndred nnd fifty fng fin Carpets, M exican campaign now residing In New nice» ff English and American Ingrain Carpet- said deceased, shall bring fa their debts, claim* York, are about to lay bi." *e Congress ¡»K* alt new style, manufactured expressly for and demands against the same, or else be haired from nnv action respecting tbe same, against D. & L . ANGEVINE. Ihe propriety o f granllng them double rn - IhU itablishmcnt. Ihe said .Executor*. EALF.US in Utnneste, Ohio, Michigan and iiom while in that service. They slate NEW ARRANGEMENT. Sales Room No. 3. It is theretbre ordered by tbe Court that tbe Southern F loor, No. 21S Washington St., Thrt tP ly Carpets. English Scotch and ’’ HE *oh«cribers will,' on and alter Tuesday that they did not receive In rallona more said Executor* give notice lo the creditor* near Barclay, Ni w York. American Imperial Three Ply Carpetiug of our Dec. 20lh, 1833. run a line of Singes bethan one half the"cost o f living while In own importation ¡ gorgeous, splendid new style of the *»id deceased, each and every of them DAKISL AROKVINELtVI ASUIIVIKE. iween Freehold and Manahawkin, N. J., daily ; 10 bring in their debts, claim* and demand* Dec. 22, 1833. Iy* E M PORIU M O F C H E A P Mexico. of pattern. and tri-weekly lo Tuekerlon i passing through against Ihe said es ate, within twelve mouth* Sales Room No. 4 G O O D S * GROCERI ES, Blue Ball, Bergen Iron Works, Tom's River, D R Y Irom this time by letting up a copy o f this orL . & V . K I R B Y 4k Co. Low Price Ingrain Carpets Thtec hundid dar in five o f tha most public placet in the Putter’s Creek, Crdnr Creek, Forked River. T h e Post Master has established a new F o r W holesale nnd It. trill T r o d « . pieces o f Medium quality ingrain Carpels beau, County lor the ipaee of two month«, and also Wholcaatc Dealers in Imported and American Waretown and Baruegat. T AU MACK & CO. art eouslantly receiving office at Phlllpsburg, In N ew Jersey, op . lifol Urge and smalt paterna, manufactured for Dry Goods. Also— Fluor amt Table Oil T o leave Manahawkin daily, at rbree o’clock J i from suelto» and by package, llrtir Fall by advertising the same in one of ihe new* poaitc Easton, Pa., and Abraham Lomu- the City trade, incredible low prices of 2s fid, 3t, papers published in this state lor Ih" like (pane Cloths, Bools, Shoes, Ac., and agents lor in tbe morning, and arrive nl Freehold in time and WiNTrta Stock o r Day Goods, which, Henry Essex ii Co.'s American Needles, 23 lo take Ihe ears for New York and Philadel son. Esq., Is appointed the postmaster, 4s, 6s, per yard. of lime. And if any creditor »hall neglect to notwithstanding the large advance in price» o f Sales Room) No 5. and 25 Dey-St., between Broadway A Greenphia, same day. exhibit hi* or her debts claims or demands who will put his office into operation im domestic |»ud other Dry Goods, they eofofotte tb Rugs and D-uggalt, English Drugeels 4 within tbe said period of twelve months, after wicb-St., N e w Y o rk . Reluming, leaves Ihe Hotel ol N. S, Roe, Jr. sell at old prices. Their .«tuck, in variety and mediately. yards wide, 3600 yards of low prieeil Droggets pnblie notice be given as sloresaid, *och creditor Every article purchased ol ns will be war Freehold, daily, on Hie arrival o f the cars rrnm extent, is not surpassed by any more in this I to 3 yarda wide at 3s fid to 6s per yard, also ranted to be the same as represented. If found ■ OCT The g^irm on Saturday night did an immense assortment o f Mosaic Landscape, shall bt forever barred of his or her action there, deficient in quantity or quality, Ihe loss will be New York, and arrives at Mnnnhnwkin same village. They are now prepared lo offer their evening. fur against Ihe said Executor». good* by yje case, piece, or *t retail, at price« considers6lednniage to canal, railroad and Axininsier, and Tufted ffearth Rug; also tOOO promptly adjusted. Runs through to Tuckertoii, Tuesdays, Thurs deljiag ciA By the Court, m^elitiog. The attention of the trade in Ocean cnnnty days and Saturdays; and leaves the Hotel nl other property in the vicinity ol Easton. 'lulled Rugs nt 16s lo 24s each. THOMAS C. HARRISON, Clerk Our stock is unusually taree, and bought un, Solo* Room No. 6. is respectfully called to oar long established re Lloyd Turkerion, Mondays, Wednesdays nnd feb. 2, 1854, 2m It was also very severe In some parts o f «ler the most favorable circumstances; nnd we, Stair and Hall Carpsts. 50,000 yards of putation, our facilities tor filling orders, end Fridays, at 1 o ’clock in the morning. theiefore, feel nsturi d, by an exanimaUun, that the South, both in the Interior and along striped and figured Hull adJ Stair Carpets at R ulo to Bar Creditors.— Occnn Or phnn’ the quality and cheapness o f our goods. F A K E : we can satisfy the most fastiduou* ami doubting Dec, 29, 1833. ly. Court of the Term of January 1854. the coast. Some vessels were slightly 2s, 2s 6d, 3s, 3s 6d, 4s, 5s, fis and 7s. “ « lo in ’s River, $100 ol our determination not tube undersold. In our Salea Room No. 7. “ PON the application ol Samuel C , Dunham, " ’* Barm-gat, 1.87 .damaged and other$ detained. SALE ROOM Medallion Carpels, with borders j Mosaic and u_ :and John Giberson, Administrator o f Julin C LO C K S, W A T C H E S , dt J E W E L R Y " “ “ Mtrnnhawkin, 2.00 will be fuiimj a large and complete assort ment Axminislcr o f one entire piece, can be fitted to Gibcrson dcc’d to limit uud appoint u certain « « 1 ueker too, 2 25 The subscriber begs leave to inform the of French, German, Engjigh ami time within which the creditors o f the estate any sized room Irotn $350 to $1000. H O W E AND BROWN, Intermediate places in proportion. people of Ocean county, that he has loca Cassimeres* Slil^llarstilles, Valencia and Cot, Royal Velvet, Tapestry and Brussels, from the of said deceased, shall bring in their debts, ted hansel f at Tom’s Rivnr, where he hss open ID” All errands punctually attenrlrd to. IuroniKHs II Dk a l u s In Fokkiok II Domestic ton Vf«ting*y DM.ainc*, Ca»htnerei», Ginghnmk* celebrated Factories o f John Crossly and Sons, claims and demands againsl tbe some,'or else be ed, under the office of the Ocean Emblem, a HENRY COOPEH, H A R D W A R E , H'lnnefs, Tabic Lint a, Sheetings* Counterpain«, barred from nc ion respecting the same, or else and Messrs Henderson A Co., and others, Eng JESSE COWDIUCK, C lock, W atch and J cwkluv STonr, nt which Dnmnsks,Tabic Covers, and a lar^s assortment Shi Creenwich Street, third house strove Vesey land, nil ol our own imporlnllon, some o f which nsainstlhc said Administrator. N. S. RUE, Jr., ol Kid, Bilk, Lisle Thread nnd Cotton Glove*, It is therefore ordered by tbe Court that the place he will be happy to wail upon nil wh« NEW YOliK. sre exclusively nur own styles and taunol be Dec. 19, 1853—-If, Proprietors, Kibbons, Gentlemen*» Etinishin? Good* o f all said Administrator give notice tu (lie creditors may favor him wilh a call. A covstos Howe, E dward S. B rown. found at any other establishment. He has on hand a well-sclented stock of IE/* The above Line will run lo connect kind«; together wun a general asaortment o f of the said deceased, each and every of them Sales Room No. 8. mui’li. S. 1804. Gm. with the Stenrner John Potter, whioh leaves Jewelry, purchased for cash, which he will dis Embroidery and Needle Work Goods. Oup Auhusson Carnets, They elieit the warmest tokbrinein their debts, claims and demands pose of at n very small advance. Pier No. 1 North lliver, N, Y., at 7 o ’alook in stock o f Domestic Goods are unsurpassed.— coinmenntions o f every beholder, excel in beuulv against the snid estate, within twelve months I . 0 WILSON 4 CO. the morning. REPAIRING in all its braohrs rione with Bleached Sheetings and Shirtina* 3-4 to 11-4 nnd durability, are sold nt moderare prices, nnd from this time, by setting np a copy o f this order neatness nnd despatch. Clocks nnd Watches wide | Brown bher'ing* 4 J to |0,4 widoj Bed Wholesale Dealers in foreign Domestic Dry introduced in tire market nt this establishment. im five of the most public places in this County warranted for one year. Ticks, Shirtings, summer StuH's, Printed Cali, Goods, No. 12 CourUundt, aad It D ey Streets lor the spare of two months, and also by adver PETER DURYEE, Sales Room No. 9, \ FRANCIS W EIGEL. cues from Tour cents to one shilling per yard, tising the some in one of the newspnpFrs puli, New York. WIlOl.t&Al.K IdF.ALK.It IN together with a Jarae supply o f Carpets, Drugget, Tom’s River, Dee. £9, 1853. ly Velvet, Tnpestry, Brussels ti.ree ply and liihed In this slate, tor the like space of time. IHE merchants] o f Ocesn and Monmouth A R DW ARE, Nulls and Cutlery, Screws Rujgs, Floor Oil Cloth and Malting twilled Venilinn Stair Carpeting remarkably And if any creditor shall neglect to exhibit h is Counties are respectfully tasked to cull and cheap. and IIullow Ware, corner of Greenwich QrocoricH ol all kinds, Paint»* Oils and Drugs, or her debts claims or demands within the said R O B E R S O N , V A N V A I.K EN III) R G & C o. tee nur asaertinent o f Foreign and Domestic Dry and Vesey Streets, near Washington Market. a general as«ortment o f Crockery, Flour und period of twelve months, after public notice be Sales Room No. 10. Manufacturers, Commission Merchants and New York, deads, comprising English nnd American prints, Feed, Furniture, Patent Maaicines, Hardware given as aforesaid, such creditor shall betorever mouslin de taines, rich merino uud silk plaids, Dealers m Always on hand a full assortment of Builders* and Hollowware, Smoked and Pickled Meats j Patent Tap,shy h ero in Carpels.— Gold, inuuslin de baize, nlnpncn, canton oloth, bomba Plain White, Bull'and Scroll Window Shades, at barred ol his or her nclion therefor against the and Cabinet Makers* Hardware, Farming Uten TfOREIGN and Domestic Straw Goods, Hats, also W indow Sashes, Glass, Lumber, Lime. said Administrators, sine, inninoes, clc., elc. 6s., ) 2s,, 20s., 40s. to $10 per pair ; Table and elc. etc., No. 24 Cuurtlnndt St., New York. sils, Housekeeping Article*, Mechanics’ Tool«, &c., always on hand. By the Court, Having » buyer permnnenlly located in Europe Piano covers, Silver and Brass Stair Rods, Par. elc. etc., all o f which will be sold at the lowest We invite the attention o f Purchasers to our We do not deem it acoeesary to enumerate THOMAS C. HARRISON, Clerk, whose entire nttention will be given to ihe se- lor Door Mats, Colt Matt lag ; also, 4s 3d, 5s 6d. stock of Goods, consisting o f Men uml Youth’« Cash prices. the different |umj oi article^/or ?a!e by us any feb 2, 1834. 2m lection of Goods for our sales, we shall be in the White and Check Canton Matting, Ac., Ac. Merchant« and others aro invited to call and further, as ail wi^hinn to purchase will call and straw, fur, silk nnd wool Hats, Men nnd Hoy’ s receipt of new and desirable allies of plush, cloth, velvet and fancy Caps, Artificial examine my slock. examine lor themselves. H ii.A M ANDEKiaGN, R u le to p a , C .e d ito rs-—Ocean Orphan’« HuWrr«, Kibhons, and every article pertaining D R E SS GOODS lU “ Particular attention paid to order«. J. A UM A C K os, CG. feb 2 1854; 99 B owkrt . Court ol tire Term of January, 18,34. Dec. 15, 1853. ly. In Millinery Goods. Also Umbrellas, Parasols, by each steamer. T om ’s River, Nov. 3, 1853. tf, a iU PON the application o f Gilbert Malabury. Carpel Bags, .kc. Our slock o f White Goods, 'Hoisery, Shawls Arlurinijtralor o f Win. G. Al.lsburr, rlec’o, Every effort will be put forth on our part to and notions, will be found complete. L A W & BEARDSLEY, IP H E Timber on the lands belonging to the lo limit anil appoint a certain time vvilhin which Alsou large variety ol Black amt Colored 1_ following person’., situated in township oi ihe creditors of the estate ol said deceased shall merit n liberal share of patronage. Particular 189 Washington St., between Dey und Fulton, The N ew Y o rk “ ilka, Satins, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Tailors Brick, County of Occnn, State of New Jersey ; bring in their debts, claims arid demands against attention paid to orders, wiiolksale dealehs rjv all kinds or G O L D PEN JW A N tfFA C Tim iiY G CO, Consignee’s will please notice whether packrhnininas generally. will be sold by the subscriber,on Friday March the same or rise he barred from any action res. ages appear us originally put up. We iluve always en hand nil leading styles o f 10, I8G4, at the house o f Richard S. Burr in ROOMS, Wood, Willow anil Cedar Ware, ALESROOM, I83 Greenwich ‘Street, be petting the same, againsl Ihe snid Administrator, W. H. Rounasoiv, tween Courtland and Dey St. and oppoiits Brushes, Rope, Cordage, Twine, Matches, the said lownship, between the hours o f l anil DOM ESTIC GOODS, II is therefore ordered by the Court that Hie &c Ac. F. L. V an Falkknbukg, the Pacific Hotel, New York. 5 o ’clock, for the unpaid tnxns of 1853. uch ns Blenched and Brown Drills, Tiks, Ac. sail Administrator give notice to the creditors J no. L. ICeNNrN. Manufacturers of Jute. Cror nnd Skeleton Manufacturers of Gold Pens, and Gold nnd ,T.,xcs. Cost. of snid deceased, each and every one of them lo Sole agents for the sale o f Hoyles Patent December 29, J853. ly. Mats, aud Cior Cloth, irom j io 1J yards wide. Silver Pen and Pencil Cases, wholesale und Es’ t o í Andrew Bell, 96 cts. *1,06. bring in their debts, claims anil demands ngninst (Van s down Sowing Cotton. retail. Purchasers are assured that, wilh the facili Uraziln, Grover, 32 « •• J.06. the snid estate, wirhin twelve months from this L. 0. W ilson FRANCIS & LOUTREL, Gold Pens and Pencil Cases repaired. ties and experience we have had in business, Hnnce Herbert 3 20 •• *‘ 1,06. lirne, by seltlne up a copy o f this order in five S G. W. G ashrrik. All goods sold nt this establishment are wayANUFACTURING Stationers, Importers being established lor ten years, wc are enabled Axic Ditley !)B " « l,OB. li the most public places in this Connly for the S. VV. WATTfctt, and Dealers In Foreign nnd Domestic Sta to fix our prices as low as any other house in rnnied as represented, and told lower than ever John Potan.’, $ 1 ,1 2 « «1 0 3 space of trvo months, and also by advertising February 2.3, 1854 .-ly . Ihe city, whose articles are equal in style and offered by ihe tiade. Busin» ss done on the on* tionary nnd Paper, No. 7 7 M aiden Lane, lire same in one of the newspapers in this stale, New York. ADAM JONES, Co n stele . beauty. price and no deviation system» for the like space o f time, And if any creditor feb. 9, 1854 4w. EW P A P E R HANGINGS, & IN T E R IO R Jan. 12, 1854. Jy. UEVVKY G. LAW. a . 11EARD6LEY. Country Merchants are invited to examine shall neglect to exhibit hig or her debts claims D E C O R A TIO N S, A c ., A c ., A c ., New York, Dec, 15, 1853-ly, our very large assortment ol Stationery goods, or demands within the said period of twelve )R A r r A HARDENBERGH, mnnufaclur Notice i* hereby given that by virtue of war months, after public nolice be giver) ns nforsaid, consistinipin part o f every variety of envelopes, O T I S 0. C O R B E T T , ers and importers, No. 360 Broadway, New rant issued by William G. Clayton, Fa.)., to such creditor shall be forever barred oi his or writing, note and fancy paper, pass, memoran VAffDEW ATER & HO IT , .Wholesale Dealer in Bools nn4 Shoes, No. 37 ok, have added to their Wholesale business, n make the taxes Inid on unimproved lands, ’,n.| her action therefor against the said Adminis dum, and day books, journals, ledgers, deed anil W H O L E S A L E D E A L E R S IN Dey .«licet, Nerv York. I mortgage buoks for Clerks ot counties, gold and était department, nnd are constantly receiving on lands tennnlcd by persons not the lawful trator. C h in a, CJlass and E arth en W a re, 11 the new varities o f steel pens, newspaper files, ink stands, portable Tire di alers of Ocean ceumv »ill find it tQ proprietors who are unable to pay their taxes By the Court, their advantage to cvrll and examine Iris S iijk , writing desks, paper nmclre, work boxes and No. 178 Washington street, New York. n i l P a p s r A n d d e c o r a t i o n s , in the township ol Jackson, county o f Ocean THOMAS C. HARRISON, Clerk. portfolios, portc monies, pearl and shell card ich they will find unsurpassed al ittll cnslr TT7 E have always on ham/ the largest, cheap nm the most eminent manufacturers o f Europe, the subscriber one o f the constables o f Ihe sniii feb 2. J854. 2m. price», cases, chess men, backgammon boards, watch VV cst and most desirable ussorlmeut of meh with the best styles o f American produc counly, will on the 18th day o f March next at January 12, 1854. 3m. stands, Ac. China, Glass and Earthen Ware lo be found in tions they will he pleased tu exhibit to any nnd the house o f Amrum Vanliisp, at Gassville, be R ule to Dar C reditors.— Ocean Orphan’s ^ Also manufacturers or Blue. Black, Red and the city, uii which will be soJd at tj;e all who may call upon them, either with « view tween the hours o f 12 and 5 o’clock of snid'dny Court, o f the Term of January, 1854. Carmine I nks, for which was awarded a Silver L IM E K I L N of purchasing or to the perfection this branch o f sell the timber, wood, herbage nnd other venda L o w e s t C ash P rices. PON Ihe application ot John R. Irons, Ail. Medal a f Ihe late Fair of the American Institute. manufacture has obtained. Private Residences ble property found on the premises taxed to ihe rP H E subscriber hns ro commenced burning Goods will be packed with such care as wij] mrnistrator ;0f Joseph Holcomb dec’ ll to Proprietors of Francis’ celebrated Manifold Hotels, Houses Public .Buildings, Glmrches undernamed persons, to n.nko the taxes and the limit nnd appoint n certain time within which Writers, Copying and Notarial Presses, Croton insure their safety in transportation over the X L ime qt Jjis K iJji iu this village. He has Banking Hous-s, Stores and Offices in any part cost) annexed to their respective names. on hand a large supply of Lima for land, also a roughest roads. the creditors of the estate o f the said deceased, Ink, Ac. of Hie country appropriately papered or decorasuperior article for mnwn-Work, which will be shall bring in their debts, claims ana demands The merchants of Ocean county are invited There is nn extensive Bindery attached to our ted in Fresco marble or wood, in n superior Samuel Mf Andersoa 801,1 0n reasonable terms. W. M ’KEAN Esteta 40c 96 , against the same, or else be barred from any establishment. Any kind of Binding executed to call and examine our stock. manner by the best workmen in the trade, at John B. Applegate Tom’ s River, July 7, 18f)3^tf. ' * do. 43c 96 New York, Dec. 15, 1853-1 y. action respecting the same ngninat the said Ad. nt the shortest notice. reasonable prices and the work warranted.. Samuel Croxcn do. L$I 60 mmistrator, 96 Vnrious sizes and styles ol Diaries pub. Thomas ^lenderfoa feb. 23-Gin. do. 1 20 96c It is therefore ordered by the Court, that the lislrcd annually. PHELPS & K IN G M AN , OTICE.— All persons indebted to the Es John Meirs do. 130 96 said administrator give notice to the creditor, Dec. 29, 1853. ly. W h o le sa le C abin et W arehouse, tate o f John Meirs, dec’d, late oi the town AçJL A House wanted suitable for a small Joh Bills do. 40 96 it the snid deceased, each and every of them ship o f Plnmsted, county o f Ocean, on bond, Aos. 118 -5' 120 Chatham Street, New York, John If. Brewer M U lam,|y- A Pply at this Office. ■ 2 20 96 to bring In their debts, clnims and demands Rule to Show Cause— Ocean Orphan's note, or book account, or otherwise, are re Joseph Hyres 120 /4A I.T . the attention o f denlcrs lo iheir stock - , ___ ___ feb 23. 1854. t f 96 ngainst the snid estate within twelve months from Court of the T e rm of January 1851 quested to make payment; nnd those having Thomas Hancock 2 00 96 thrs lime, by selling on ncopy o f lliisoidci in flve NA MURL IT. HOR.YER ' AdminL.ialo. ot demands 'will present lher» Coi tAunn,i,»iiou and y «'• C«W»rt Ware, Which ¡/made up in Dm 0* nvindtjekauu P . .4. S P E E lt, 3 00 96 'T*'*” “ *»•»»«, ami win be sum cheap fur cash or “ tlle '" ost Pub)’«: P '» « s in the county, for u,e David i r iaiitum dec’d having presented settlement. Chprles .iemison LUCltETIA S. MEIRS, approved pnpar, 1 60 06 0OUNSEt.Lt R A T GAW , ami Master n„d JuréesS., &c Jas, ¡Ï. Lawi -pace or two months, nnrl also by ndvcrlisin.. to this Court, duly attested, just und true account D ec. 22, ]853. tf, Executrix. ence 600 Exuuuner in Chancery* 96 Merchnnis and ethers desiring Furniture he same in one ol the newspapers published iu of the personal estate, and also ol ¡he debt and Enoch Lemming i 60 96 would do well ro call and egcaiine our s|oak, the Stare fur the hire space o f time. And if nnv credit ofsaid decedent, by which it appears that Feb. 9, Í854, T 0 M ’* N. J, Charles Mathers 1 20 96 NOTICE. which cannot be excelled in vnrteiy, abundance, c e,l„„rshall neglect to exhibit bis ur he j eb”s the pcrsounl estate o f said decedent is insuliicent Charles Mathers * 80 The Co pnrternersliip Ireretolore ex isting be or cheapness. 96 efarrn or demand within ihe said period of twelve’ to pay his rlebls and the said administrator hav. Andrew Nelson Heirs of 80 tween J. Hand H. E. Gulick, is this day dis 96 Goods carefully packed, nnd promptly for, months’ after public notice be Liven, as T f « R Cour°i o f t L CTVci t ''rS, ' 7 0<:<1,,n ° rPflan ’s James Stephens ing set forth to the Court that the said de cesolved by mutual consent. All accounts due warded to all parts ol the country 1 2« 96 I l prtv ,h 6 ? erm 01 January 1854. Richard M. Stout rlenlilird seized of real estate iu the connly ol the firm will be pfiid to H. E. Galich, who ui' j l bn Sfi PON the application of John L. Allen Fx Edwin A, Shreeves Ocean, nnd prayed tire aid' o f the Court in the 120 Chatham U ocutor o f tViUiam Allen ilec’d to mit » „ I l 60 scllle np the business ; and we tuke ibis metl o I S tr e i R " DeWb" i t!i“ NoS" ,i 8 96 Samuel W. Torrey premises : ii is therefore ordered, that all per- to inform our triends that all accounts remain ppornt a certain time within which H, ‘ dt 40 00 96 New York, Dec. 1¡r, 1853-fy. He ere Joseph Thompson uns interested in the lands, tenements, heredi 3 20 ing unsettled nftcr the 1st day o f January 1851 ¡.. u .’ S f i g c ■“ S f t S C S U 96 S etr c f debts, dehtrl claims ete 0f Said aSeJ’ 8,la" »ring *# R ebecji Wright taments nne real estate of said decedent, appear will he placed in the hands o f (a magistrate for and? T demands 1 on 96 before the Court nt Tom ’s River, in said countylame, or else be Inrred T” s l Ine Robert Woodward M oBRID E, ROBISON & H O OVER collection. Sp 96 Peter H. WicolK, Buie to Show C ause.-O cean Ornhan’ s on the first luesdtiy of May, next, to show he same against (he »aidExecute." res|,eclinS SO No. 12 C cu rtla iid t rtreet, New Y 'ork. ' 96 JOHN H. GULICK, Appollar Meir3 cause, rl any-they have, why so much of the H IS therefore ordered by the court .■ 80 96 HORATIO E, GULICK. M ^ C T U H E R B & DEALERS in Straw Henry Layton tea estate ol said decedent should not be sold as 40 96 Dated Manahawkin, Nov. 4, 1853. . ^ c o t o f i g i v g m r t i e e V ^ creditors of the "" IV I Goods, Hais, Caps and Furs, Umbrellas will bo sufficient to pay their debts, & c. ANTRUM V a d deceased, end, and every one one o. o f them, to f.murer m°ro 'Vi' l'" 'erj' &<-'■ We manuFeb. 16, 1854,-4 w. By the Court. Constable., fnclare moil ol our goons, nno are enabled to A dm inistrator’s Sale o f R ea l Estate. he s»w dstai/w fti,iha.w S|an'1 llC",’lmU «a in st THOMAS C. HAURISOA’. Clerk. Oiler a grenrer variety, al cheaper raleu The subscriber, adminisirqlor of .forms B feb 2. 1634. 2m SH E R IF F ’S SALE. iva aro now getting up our TIankins, dec’d, will offer nt Public Sale, on By virtne o fa writ o f/i fa to me direetod W R IN G STOCK, Rule t'l Limit Creditor» — Ocean Oprlian’s the 11th day o f March, 1854, on the premises, Vinci, will embrace a foil and eumplefo ps.prtthe Farm lately belonging to snid dec’ d, situated C ourt ol l erm t>l January 1854 C n ü m v °o rn tlle Co" rî,"rC om r"0" Pleas « f the- •he said decedents died .7™ ‘ r ÏL*l° 0U.rt.,l*?t County g f Ocean, will be expused nt Public on the rend leading from New Egypt to Goshen, menl ol goods in lire «hove line, Ajso Palm the county ,,f Oce-n nrtl .,Z a , / estate in JOHN R. IKONS Administrator o f Joseph about I mile from the former place, containing Leaf, Leghorn ami other Straw Hals o f every ¡"V creditor shal, ^ to r Jr ivr " V W e ,,'! e5 ,l» y Ih e t w e n t y .n in t h d lv Urt fo th is r 'T ,? , de<!eaSCil’ hllving maJe »PPfica. about 60 acres. Also, one Wood Lol, conlnin- grade, to which wa cordially- mid res peer fully of March next, between the hours of nvclve ¡a the p rem isesr i’t ^ Ph E efo l’ ett,ld0l> ’ 0u to this Couit, under oath that the real and perf " Pers°es interested Z [n n ^ l^ ' T »CK m j , f , jpng5 ing — acres, near Collier’s Mills, and adjoin ng invite lire attention o f ^^•IvemLTh« Tf,“ " 1'5 w !!a n ,!le Sai;J P^ioJ ntnfh !VJ W’Cl9i I G’ « afternoon ol said'day" fieriditaments and rcnl nilro. r f ’ te,,™ f ’,ls» r < n ‘ bt°f 6a“ 1 d,iCtdent is ins«'ficient to at tbe housa of J e s .. Cowdriek Cowdr iek in thé town' Jc.^se • Cl; urlll‘ " ‘U street, upytirtfo K^irArr ay Ins debts, according to the b-.st of the lands of Eb.-hx Cook, in Ihe township o f Plurn- and1C National Hole!. den^ appear b c t o r a ^ X r ^ 1« ^ sted, counly o f Ocean. •»the county o f Ocean; n saul county on the «. . -r , 1,8 niver: knowledge ot the snid Administrator, and- thereNew York, Dec. 22, 1853. |y. «cutor. h ° ,0" lherefor »Shiost the said Sale to tube place between t|ie hours o f 12 ■ p .r 0 aid o f the Court in the premises nexr, to show’ enZeJif a a y V r e v t r and 5 o ’clock p . m - Conditions at sole. f e /'* « Court, •much o f the real estâtfo ' 7, f ’ tvh>' so Tire Court do therefore order end direct the RICHARD H. CONOVER, nm bo hn sold «nia ........■ -e “f_»aid decedent should W H O LESALE GRO CERY A N B not by Jost’ph^CasíJrJaJfov.'foJro will he sufficient to pay their r : AJt" lnls rafor to give notice to the errdi J.m. 10, 1854, Administrator. COMMISSION H O U SE . debts, hs . i l * T “ e o f “ id deceased to exhibit to c " ft “ M n 'he clerksoffice at Freehold* er' the sard Administrator under oath or affirmnBy the Cf»urt, T 1 wm' iV' ÜÍ<;(0rI l Ma iav' rs> t||e ” n'l'Tsigned iron.his her or their accounts, claims nnd deE X E C U T O R S SALE. J would respectfully rr.form his Imada and THOMAS C. HARRISON, Clerkmar,ds against , a,d estate, within six months O f R eal Estate. Die public, thru he has removed hfs Grocery feb. 2, 1854. 2m Negr, twenty eight 40-1CJÜ acres, from this time by setting np „ enpy 0f ,j)is D1[j or or less ¡ being the The siibseriber Executor o f Alice JeftVey he’ will Í N<1' W f shill6ton street, whr re same tract or land whiuh ihe »p a i;no f i o , r rir ^ T ’ 8,uleiroi-> hr. Will keep n loll tied genera) nssorlmml of iRDrl o/*iIf Char II Irn.lnn r , vndM . . . uZ NOTICE. snidCmjgr purchased les T fi"Mires lhe nr0Sl publlc |1,a<!f'9 in ,he countS « f c ’d, will sell at Public Vendue at Ihe house donara reward forjd* apfoebJn'ssion. ^wi" G R O C É It I E S. lha Jnmi«on by deed dated April 7 fs.-,i „,,i Lewi’sPd l onV nf eb,eJ 10 Es‘ “ '^ of Johnathan Hsinu lhe e f rW 0T n" ’8i nndal’ ‘> bv „dver. of Jesse Cowdrieh nt the village of 'Porn’s oept enre will be taken in lire SttL-dion o f p 1' lllt' *ame>for lb 0 like period, in the Ocean Kiver on Saturday the 25tli day ol’ March 1851, recorded ¡n Book ff o f Deeds m »e q? : “ ? J. ESTLE. Emblem a super circulating in said counly. between the hours of 12 A. M. nnd 5 o ’clock Ocean Unurrly Clerk’s Office at Tom’s River m S e t V a t e t Wl11 SlWUyS " e itjllla‘ lowest By ihe Court» W AN TED 1 . M. ol said day, the firllowing described real a i . ” ™ ............ .. feeized as the properly or Thomas Cosier „'„d Consignments of Produce o f nil kinds so lid THOMAS C. HARRISO.V, Clerk estale, being all that tract or parcel o f salt “ p1|y|en‘ Person to tnko chgrg 'om’s1,Z ; Ía,a„Í í9^ e,í'.1 i " S S e C° ^ « nken in execution nt Ihe srritof Charles H 4 p Clock ami iJ * • . ck.,,‘* ^cwis af Potter’ s feb * j I8o4. 2m lueatJow silnqted in the Township o f Dover ted, lo the sale of whieh, fe.a.mat and prompt uhiia itchooi at Waretówh. Apply , Pleget.nnd lobe sold by ' anil thosie havino -n 1 1 tl em lor sctUcmerît, “ c -aim*» vyill present on the south side of Turu’s Kiver,and joining fttipniinn will he yiven. Jacob JiirdsalL r EDWARD VV. IVINS. s. S. WYCK0FF & C~a. lo ali who may lavor me wilh their patrnnuqjrncgst bay mid known as Good Lurk Poinl January 28 185î Amos Falkenburff, •Sheriff. J'^isc Cowdri.-k, \\ ; HOLESALB GROCERS, No. 102 Ve-ev Meadows, containing about 244 acres m be raoi T ""a 0 myseít lo «se my utmost endeavors feb. 9, I 85q 4w * SamuG Birdsall’ Ezekiel I<evvi5. sold in lots or altogether, a? may suit pur to please and merit their favors ptbru W Fst, J85L N-w Y «?k7et* ° PPOSile VVasl,:nSton Market, chaser«. T rustees. . The pabonage iff the Trade in Orean count. JS respectfully solicited. ° county ¿»S amuel S. VVvcKorr, Georbe Cl irk Conditions made known on day of sale bv feb, 4. If Si. (¡i Dec; to, 1853. ly, -LAkK. PIT1* Particular attention paid io orders', D Salea Room No. 2. B 1 T H I U B S M U N s S S iP ip V H reb 2 3 ..8 5 4 .,s A. LEB GIW New York, Dec. 22. ^ LUCK£Y- Dry lo u d . Tom's Hiver Railroad! Effect* o f 1,usury. T h e r s in « num erous dlsndvanlapps h r. '•"ssarlly sltendlng Ifir fording el neuI calUr, exclusively On til y food . ( '»Ilio fi'tl lin e, alter a Unto, 1» runaunin nil that given them. T h e y boo 1mho inrlilluu*, urn) L u x u riou s habits wl II not, o l cou rse Look out for the Locomotive ! engen der crim e s ol t u ib u lfn cc 01 violence; I will not b e co m e the parent ol the rougher I Any person remitting /Ac Vullukti /Ac Me JbiU teing Book, wilt hurt it un i /# any pari o f the United Stale», • pottage, T H E 1.1PE A7tl> IP B B C I1E S OF 1IKNUY CLAY! a ,:r.d M e t v ia j ,- but, not the Irss, they m ay dem oralise n man to his I e a rl’s core price oj by matt, free o f • POKTIMBMiT DUFOT. 'H E undersigned begs leave to cell the si_ tendon o f his friends nnd thr public, le ble assortment o f Guns, Pistols, Rifles, 1 Wuetenholms,’ unit other makes A Bowie, Camp, Sportsmens* and Pocket Knives. A lio, Sports, mens’ Implements and lion Materials, consist ing in part oi French, American and English Percussion Caps, from all the celebrated ma ker* ; Baldwin’s and Ely’s Patent Gun Wad ding j Shut Pooehes end Bells, Powder Plssks, Pocket Companion«, Dram Bottles, Bullet Moulds, Gun Turntcrews, Gun Worms, Guo Nipples nnd Nipple Wreaches, Rifle Wipers, Dog Cells, Dog Couplings, F'sh Hooks nnd Lines, besides an endless variety of Sportsmens' Articles. Is constantly reeelviug from Manufacturers, n Dill isioiimcnt o f Single and Double-barrel Guns | also, Pistols, Rifles, sod Rifle and Shot Guns. A full (apply ol patent breech.loading Rifles, Shot Guns and Pistols, * Coil’ s* Patent, and 1Dexinger V celebrated Pistols, as well as ell other kinds, with the latest improvements. Sole agent for 1 Klein’s' Patent Primers and Cartridges, tor patent needle gun. Pistol nnd Gna Cases, leather and mahogany, alt o f which will be ottered at very low prices. Guns, Rifles and Pintols made te order, at fair prices, nnd ws-ranted A L F R E D WOODHAM, (Formerly with E 1 Robbins,) No. 160 Fulton St., one door We*t o f Broadway, Opposite 1Saint Paul’s' Church. N. B.—Particular attention given to the fill ing o f orders. New Y oix, June 9, 1853. If. 1 PEROXID* u f ; A n Invwtnafeh, 1 Surpassing in Us Indelin, MINERAL P a T T -T ’ 8' •»* »tienila» 1 this Fallii, »he rublo ih... e Hb» that It is e chemical u . o , „ lfcV ' f o * * « kl« ol Iron, j , i, re, * » " . 2 .ù î 'l ITU A PORTRAIT, and a view of the \ V Blrlh*|»lato of Mr. ¿Iny#— in o».e hand T h e y hove nn enervating nnd enfeebling O N E /‘ N I C E C A S H 8 IN )H E . I fora* large Belavo volume o f 1300 pages, hesu connrquently lot» hmtllhy ami thrifty In influence— It hardens and softens a petFIRE OR WEATHER piì()T¡ ARE .ubw.iber. having entered Inin C o-1 bfirdf bound In cloth, gill. Pritr, only >3 ( or and fo. these pnrpoets 1 rm vluinn, than when loti partly od m oU l sou at the sumo tin e. parlneffMp, under lite linn o f IKONS k bound in two volumes, cloth, gilt, $3 50. all Other M .ee.el F w n J T J Ï Î * * ' [ The work here presented in Intended to trace o r nucruleni food . T h ey soften bint, ns they render him ALLEN, lor the Irunasetiou uf the Mercantile proportion it Contains • ^*®»sf li clearly the career of Mr. Clay from hi* entrance T h e p ro c e ss which experien ce lio.a tie unable to en d u ie privations or c o p e with business at Tilin'* River, N. J., where they on the tinge o f public tile down to the period o f have erected s cominudiunn Store House and P fin o X I D E OF IMr»», n n natralrd t o be (lie moat •Judicious unit d llficu llles; T h ey harden him as they no lined it up in • style not surpassed in the coun his death—mainly by the light of his osro lofty, rendering II h.rd, , „ 00| ltl«N , le t the wood «u h , ¡ econ om ica l, and nt II10 sam e lime, the custom Idm to live In a state ol callous try, have just opened a complete ss.orlmenl of persuasive, nnd impassioned eloquence. Mr. Cley’s parliamentary rflorin, clear, dirret and thernhy p o .e e ,¡„g it ^ W h q apathy with respect to the necessities Gund) of every description, con.l.lirg of heal adapted to prom ote tiie severnl o h vigorous, embody nil the illustration (bat is D R Y GOODS, nerdlul to their lull understanding— the great jt’ Cls co n lent |du led by the feeder U (he fol tupl d ish y ** ol his fellow or,»lures, and ns Il il siso to be recommended ta, GROCERIES, importance, variety and indestructible intereel pur poses i tod experience asdoL ÏL'S ï they turn his la te like flint, against any lo w in g — HARDW ARE, of the topics he generally discussed— the char ly establish the fact ||,„ J A trough, o r other (tillable vessel o Appeal w hich m ay disturb his repose o r CROCK ER Y, acter nnd ability of the orator, tile direct and rough or »rnooth LOOKING GLASSES, rxact bearing o( Ills arguments on the contro Plaster Par,, sufficient capacity, la lo be provided, am i oflend his lalidm isnest, which m ay cause FURNITURE, versies and interests o f the limes—alt combine tered walls— upon lia Or i'ínr" r a I Into which a sufficiency o f eul siruw , him trouble o r dem and o f him cflorl or C E D AR AND W IL L O W WARE, j i . tfc. to render his speeches umong the most valuable T h e y make a sickly S ybarite neiA b o the most complete nsoorttnesl uf o r stalks le t o be put, to furnish nil the labor. contributions of Patriotism nnd Genius to the rqvAL. It COfttaiM /hr mrsJ UffTÄ. 1I0{ lias BOOTS AND SHOES enlighttnment and elevalioa o f the American ■lit h *r res ilutlon not g e n tle ; without vigor animats whli a single meal. F o r ev ery »I Pa ’quire* ever ottered to the citizens of Ocean county, people. »out tenderness. 1 ihree anim als to be led, ad d iour quarts resell i which they will tell nt remurk.hly low price* Il is » ■h An- Cash, or merchandize equivalent lo it only. m eal with just enough w ater lo rnolsfr No. 102 Chestnut Sheet, Philadelphia. " « o n t or Red c? I has hn ud F ollow th© C ro w d U p T o w n » tried .nd found We respectfully cell the attention o f the pub* BJ- Good nclive men* who wish to engage in It. and let it stand lor teverul hours, or II ^ w h e r s u t a s a e ,^ ™ “ 1 lie to our establishment, with a full assurance thfe sale ol the above work, will be allowed a M O N E Y ." Y O U li practicable, till incipient lermentailnn Ims R od G ran ite lu R o «6h P ¿ of every endeavor lo please. Our experience discount sufficiently laige lo enable them lo bemn to tttong In U, ind . . ” °**j in the general mercantile business o f the cuun. make a first-rate business of it. com m en ced , an d a slight acidity Is per try civet 0* confidence td assert, that we .hell withstand the counter aetfon of 1 « ” V For tbrlher particulars, address ccpttble. In this state feed it to y o u r anl have used it rpetk highly of U, ' J be able to offer inducements to purchasers nev> JAMES L. GIIION, Publisher, mats, and you will find that not a particle er before uiren in this village. The subscribers have alio « w . i . No. 102 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. It I* our intention to nsk but ONE PRICE w ill be refuse I by them and they w lllcor, Booth, under date of March 3Qib isao * V . 1 Sept. 15, 1853. It. heaays— ,w o i>l,«kgkJ for oar goods, thus givlnr the close buyer no C H O L E R A M O R B U S A D I A R R llt E A tlnue In belter condition than when fed Freehold Y eung Ladies' Geminare. n tvnntnge over die less scrupulous, assuring nil •• From the analysis, It n «vident Ert-SCT0AI.LV CORED nr e x c uslvely o n any other feed. If dcslrn ’ PIUS well-established Institution continues made from it will be ofthe DlOf! risrakL -, cln«sc* that we are no respecters of persone, mo»t durati)# in successful operation. The Principal, ter, not et all liable lo any sHcaim, believing one person's money to be as good ns B u su es'C a m p h ora ted E xtract o f G in g er. 1 We, the process o f preparing the food m ay another’s. S E V E R A L thousand bottles were used last by introducing new arrangements, being as. posurc, or even by heat. *■*->» b e further system atized by having sever Please give us n call before purchasing else 0 summer,during the prevalence o fth e Chol aisled hy excellent Teachers, is enabled to Hespecttbllv m *_ el trough* for m ixin g the Ingredients.— where, ns goods will be shown freely, knowing era, nnd were the means of saving an immense present inducement! to Pare nil andGaardiani,in „ JAMES’O BOfiTu ESSF8. IVINS A COWPRRTHWATT that people ate not npt 'o buy without an ex* number from the ravages ol that terrible scourge. behalf of this School, equal to those o f any other T h is will enable the feeder to prepare Professor o f Chrmlstry in the Bid» have this oay removed their «tore lo W. animation. JOHN J . IRONS, If applied In the early stage o f the diseese, no first-class School. The lines o f Public Convey Pennsylvania nnd Franklin Institute r r 1* food In ad v a n ce o f his wants and con se McKean’s store-honse one need ever fear ol having the Cholera: One ance make it convenient to all parts of New CHARLES ALLEN. Samples o f this paint, mixed or ein»»*.,, quently to have a feed alw a ys ready 01 Tom’ s River, May 12, 1* 53. dose o f this invaluable medicine wilt cheek Di Jersey. For the sale o f be furnished grati» to all who #!sh.. » « ‘• « uNi ii.i l art hern in » very lew minutes. It in, without the hour Ilia w anted. A straw -cutter of Dry Gooda, T he Session consists o f T w o Quarters of trial any exception, the best remedy for Summer Eleven Week» each. The Bummer Session B L O W TO U K W H I S T L E ! Hardware, For sale by the proprietors, the latest and most im proved pattern, Complaint which has ever been made. It ¡s commences on the lit Wednesday in May. The Crockery, N. HARPE&4C© should he found on every farm. It v III prepared from a prescription o f the late Iron $ Steel, W inter Session commences on the 2d Wednesday No. 31 Commerce st., St coud Btnn ui;i» I April 14, 1853— ly. worJ,«Ui.| enable the husbandman to w ork up to ve Bootc 4* Shoe», in November. DOCTOR JAMES T. CLARKE. Terms per Quarter, in Advance. Cedar Ware, As the season is rapidly approaching when r y g ood advantage, a large amount 01 BERtJEN IRON « 0 ^ " Looking Glasses, Board, Tuition in all English and Classical Diarrhoea prevails to a great extent,it ¡ «the material that w ou ld oth erw ise possess no OC E A I» BO U N TY, j|pj, ’ duty uf every one to posntns themselves o f i his Studies, and daily instruction in Vont! Music W A N T E D TO K N O W ? R E A D Y MADE C L O THING (including also lights, fuel and washing,) $45. actual value except for manure. Dy cut W. BHICX’S Executors contisi. |. s i r|’ l!E Gentlemen and Ladies of Tom’s River invaluable and justly celebrated Remedy. The Lessons in Music ' (Plano er Organ), with use ol . nul'acture Cast-Iron Pipe*, o f nil Sim ‘ I ling corn stalks, tops and butts fine, m ix and the surrounding neighborhood may Cholera Is now raging violently in the Went, Instrument, $12. French, $3. Drawing, and our Chief Magistrate, the President of the every description o f Hydraulic and GsiWi find at the old *tand o f Gao. C ocnki.ius, ing them with a quantity ol roots or up Books, United Stales, has just fallen a victim to its fa. $1.50. Use of Books, 50 cents. Casting», Tank Plates, Retorts, fcc., kt. A N E W S T O C K OF pies cut into sm all pieces, an d scatfeting tal effect, It should compel all persous to pro Stationery and Sheet Music at book.store pricea. Plain, Ornamental, Solid and Holloa (, 1 LADIES' D R E SS GOODS, For further particulars, address O f E v ery Description, vide thrmselves with this remedy. No one lnmns, for Stores, Churches and PaWieB^l e v e r them a v e r y small quantity o f meal such as Barege de Ltineu, Lawns, Shalln, Mou. A . RICHARDSON, Principali should be without it. The premonitory, or o f any kind, together with a little salt, n AT U N P R E C E D E N T E D L O W RATES seline de Laines, Ginghams, Calico, itc, ice., Freehold, Monmouth County, N.J. Castings o f all kinds constantly ns w l well selected and of choice patterns. The qual first symptoms o f Cholera, are diarrhrrn, a March 16, 1852. 3m and made to order, on Ihe non ,n v ery palatable an d m itrlclous foo l will be ( £ r F o r C A S ff, or its equivalent O N L T * ity nnd stylen cannot be surpassed by any in lease of fullness in the abdomen, nauaea, lan (t is our intention to Make our Establishment guor, and a sensation o f chilliness and weak secured, and o n e on which most animals BENJAMIN SNYDER,A,w, this or any or any other place— the prices very decidedly the ness ; when this remedy is taken in time, it is Bergen Iron Worki. low. Also a good assortment o f will winter as well as upon Iho best hay. sufficient to rid the system of this most desti ucJ. W. PHARO, )„ C O M P O U N D S Y R U P OF G E N T L E M E N ’S W E A R . Pum pkins and squashes, as well as- roots tive disease. A major il j ofthe cases of Chole R. CAMPBELL, J*-1« « » » . I Cnll and see for yourselves it will begrnti. and apples, are o l ten prepared and mixed And we iherefore earnestly invite the public to Tying to show our goods, nnd a pleasure to sell ra occur between two and four o’clock in Hie 25, Centre Street, New Y*) morning! this is a time frequently difficult to rpH IS is a Purely Vegetable Compound, acienMarch 24, 1862,[ | GEO. CORNELIUS. with refuse fodder In this w a y . Lint— as coll and examine our stock, and be satisfied of them. procure the aid ofa physician! it is at this lime [_ tilically prepared from the best Hoots and 1 om’s River, May 26, 1853. tf. w e believe, the true w ay o f preparing feed 'he truth o f what we soy. W e art well aware attended with so much danger, that the bene Heiba of the Materia Medica, and has gained IMPORTANT NOTICE I ficial effects of this preparation me manitesled. an unrivalled reputatiun for the following ef tor farm stock o f all kinds is not yet p rac- I l,la' manT l,ersons on c0" 'm« " ':in2 buiincss " d O cea n Bank, With regard to the treatment of Cholera, it fects, vis, vert'se, nnd hold out inducements which they Used in the country. W e believe the time B ergen Iron Works, may be observed that, as a general rule, the never intend to perform. All we aak Is nn ex Regulating and Strengthening Ihe Liver and January 1st, 1853. , will com e when (leant may b e used, so disease does not attack so suddenly as to pre Digestive Organa, and Cteaming the Stom JI^ A S not removed, as reported by I amination o f our stock ; our prices will seak L L the circulating notes outstanding of this elude the possibility o f medical assistance. A that after paying the Interest o ! th e cost ach and Bowela, patent enameled neier fading Bank must be presented lo the Stale Ttea- relaxed state ol the bowels for a longer or shoit. for ihemsolvee. We flatter ourselves öfter mao f the fixtures a n d fuel, a sav in g o l nearly ny years’ experience in trade, that our selec surer for payment within two years from the er period, gives notice o f its approach in all and thus curing all Billious Disenses, Liver DAGUERREOTYPES date, or the funds deposited for the redemption cases ; therefore, when any disorder o f this kind Complaints, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costive are taken only hy the original A. J. Peak, or quite o n e fourth ol all the liny m ay he tions will be superior Samv IHi Broadway. Ail those who want e on of such not« s will be _ivM up to this Institutioe exists, common prudence will s»jge.-; the ne ness, piles, Headache». F«*v*v stade, a>. J then IHe farm er m a y h a v e the TO A NY O T H E E IN T U E M A P ICE T at the expiration of said tiuie. du.<. Nausea, Los» of Appetite, k c ., and causing nnd perlect iilcenes», nnd especially V»*« i cessity of resorting to thin remedy. I f this bt thv food tb noorish and support every part, wish to send them to the old country, w* (Signed) BENJ. SNYDER, Prcs’ t surplus ov e r and a b o v e wlmt he has now , nn-J as wc shall be constantly in receipt of done in season, the disease may generally be P U R IF Y IN G TH F . B L O O D , jan ]3 — 2y distance, should get none other, for then| Goods from New York nnd Philadelphia, it will arrested in a few minutes. to sell. W h o a m o n g our enterprising farand thus curing all Humors, Cuinneous Erup turea will never change in any climate, and be for the interest o f all classes to give us their i-Sbi'AKXU ONLY BY tions, »Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald fr "'y beautiful. P r ic e o n ly $1. m ers, will co m m e n ce trie e x p e r im e n t! C. A . A L L E N & L. V A N C L E A F J . it. S. BARNES, patronage. Children taken by a new a»4 Wstsniane Head, Canker, Pimples on the face, Blotches, OULD respectfully inforin the Ladies o f Trenton, N. J. T homas W. I vins. Ulcers, Tumor«, Mercurial Disease, O n cers, process. Light dresses should be a'uM.4. Tom’s River and the public in general, WtxRti to K bep T hings.— Crusts and George W. Cowferthwait Portraits o f sick and deceased persons &c., Regulating the Secretory Organs, and by that they have received from the City the Smn B D Q E H IL L G R A M M A R BC bits ol bread sh ould be kept in an iron OL, Tom'» River, Nov. IC, 1852. dec. 10-ly mer Fashions, nnd a splendid assortment of enabling them to perform their proper function?, nt private dwellings, as handsome as wl P R I N C E T O N , N. J. health, by a new process. Daguerreci] pot close ly -co v e re d in a dry c o o l p lace.— preventing and euriug many painful and dan M illinery Goods o f every variety aril style, at the store lately occupied by C. Egbert, in T3HIS Institution will be opened under th« gerous diseases, Strengthening and quieting the copied or taken over. Pupils taught th« K eep fresh lard and suet In tin vessels.— Nervona system, thus allaying Nervous Irrita with nil the latest improvements, at a redid Freehold. 1 supervision ol the Trustees ofth e College K eep salt pork fat In glazed earthen ves 14 ANN S T R E E T , near the MUSEUM, tion, and curing all Diseased of the Nerves, us price, and warranted never to have any di Thankful for past favors, they solicit a con o f New Jersey, November 5th, 1851. ty in taking tho best o f Daguerreotypes. M anufactuter and Im porter o f sels. K eep y e a st In w o o d or eat then Hysteria, Neuralgia, Cramps, tinuance of the same. T he course o f instruction is designed to af Cold nnd Plated Loekelsof every drscriptiss It is unrivalled in the cure o f all N- B. Hats Cleaned and Prissed nt the ford a thorough preparation for College, w are. twenty per cent, cheaper than Jewelkrt F E M A L E C O M P L A IN T S , shortest nnlice. S oft w ater Is indlspensible to the wnsli- g|A Tar ms—$225 per annum, payable half- 83 Weakness, General D»bilily, Irregularity, charges. No connection with any other French Boois, $4. city made. Fine Freehold, July 21, 1853. tf. yearly in advance. French Dress Bools, 4 50 to $5, (usually er w om an ; rain, or river w ater, is the Obstructions, Swelling ofthe feet, limbs, joints, ir. the eity. Morning tight the best. ID " Don’t Ibrget Ihe Number, 156 Brosdq, Session to commence on the first Wednesday &c-, caused by weakness; also, Lung and bost. 11 you have Rood water, d o not 1 •’ allt* t l , ) Congress Bouts 3 60 to $4 ; I-rench B A S T I N D I A D R Y G O O D S . . East side, fifth door above Liberty St, __u ___,_K t .___ | Water Proof Boots from 4 50 lo $G. All Goods ol November, and the first Wednesday of May, Throat Complaints, as colds, coughs, asthma, u se soda ; it g iv e s a yellow ish tinge to are warranted to give satisfaction. liepairing, Over Beebe’s Hat Stole, R. FOUNTAIN, hnvins removed from liis and continue twenty-one weeks each. consumption, Vc., also, dropsy. Established 1840. New Yortformer location (Niblo’ n Garden) lo No. the clothes. If y o u bu y aoap, it ia most Stc., done in the store. Mr. Cameron having accepted an appoint June 30, 1853-ly. 653 Broadway, would invite the attention ment of Hnving made use of the Compound Syrup of as Tutor in the college, withdraws from econ om ica l to u se hard soap lor w ashing *•Quick Sale* and Small Profit,,” i, my motto. ladies and gentlemen to his India Chinese and hi3 position as Principal of the school— but re Yellow Dock Root, prepared by C. Mojrsi: & H. B. JONES, 14 Ann clothes. SO M E RV ILLE F IR E -P R O O F PAIN French Goods, as displayed at hi* present tains his connection with it as instruction in Co., either ourselves, or in our families, and Street, New York. stand. For articles combining novelty with Greek. March 17, 1853.— ly T o wash c o lo re d dresses, turn the In HIS valuable article having been thorough finding it to be a very salutary and effectual T . W . C A TT E L L, Principal. durability, and economy with beauty, Mr. F. H. C. Cnmeron, Greek. W. C. Cattell, Math. pieparation, we do most cheerluliy recommend tested by analysis, and approved of ner side out, a n d wash them In c o ld w a feels satisfied that the many goods he has of C. W. Hodge, Latin. ' practical Painters, who have used it, i4B9 it to lire public ns a very valuable medicine. L. Westcott, Assist. ter, la which a little boiled soap is well Oriental manufacture scarce need recommen roli E . Bourne, Esq., Cashier Nntronal Bank, ofl'erej to the public as a paint having grot Princeton. N. J* August IS, 1851. EALF.R in Provisions, Fish, B otter, dation, while his assortment of fashionable m ixed ; rinse them well in clean c o ld wa The Trustees o f the College of New Jersey, Providence, R. I. j A. W. Spencer, Esq., Cash body, and strong adhesiv«» q lalitics- and panic* _ Cheese, Lnrd, Sails No. 191 Greenwich st., goods commends ilst-lf lo all followers o f ihe having purchased the Edgehili property in this ier Lime Rock Bank, do. do. d o .; llev .W m . ularly adapted to painting Roofs, Bridges, Cii ter and the last time with a little salt In (old number, 184,) between Fulton nnd Vesey latest mode. place, appointed the undersigned a committee Phillips, Rev. J. B. Richmond, C. 8. Jones, House«, Vessels, &c., and in fact, nil bniklii/t the water, and dry them in the shade.— streets, Netv York N. D.—Just received a number o f Canton to lease the said property to some competent editor Providence Gen .Advl.. \Vm. Field, M. exposed to fire or water, as it is of an imperii, Consinnily on hand, Mess Pork nnd Beef-, Cumplior Trunks. T h e y should b e washed an d dried with person, for the establishment ot a preparatory W. G. M., Cyrus Fisher, M. E. H. P., James ous as well as an incombustible nature. It dries also Smoked Hams, Slioaldera, Beef, Tongues, New York, May 19, 1853— ly.* school under the supervision o f the Board. The Hutchinson, G. S. Dea, V . J. Entes, Doct. Bcnj. quick, and in a few weeks forms a coat similar as m uch expedition as possible. Salmon, Mackerel, Ac. undersigned have entered into an arrangement Colby, nnd one hundred others o f the most to a perfect slate, and will not fade from ‘•xpo March 3, 1853__ ly. Isinglass Is a m ost delicate starch for sure to the weather. For a¡1 kinds of Ira. for this purpose, with the Kev. Thomas H. respectable families o f Providence. W H OLESALE. This certifies that I have for a number of work, it will be found invaluable,* a* it entirely m uslins. W h e n boiling co m m o n siarch, Book and Stationary House in N ew Y ork, Cattell, an alumnus, and for som« time a tutor years been acquainted with Ihe composition and prevents corrosion. C O R N IN E G Y P T . , in the college, who, in connection with Mr. \V. put in a little tine salt it will prevent ils rp H E subscriber bos constantly on hand at Ihe \ THE CASH PLAN ! Extensive Sales C. Cameron, also an a ’ umnns of the college, mode of manufaclure o f Morse’s Compound Persons desirous o f a cheap and dmable paio/ and No Losses make it prhfitable at very slick in g . X NEW EGYPT Mills, Flour, Corn, Feed proposes to open the school for the reception o f Syrup of Yellow Dock Root. I have also been will do well by giving it a trial. M ildew stains are very difficult to r e nnd Bi-an, which he will sell on tho most rea Low P rices. July 14, 1853-tf. acquainted with its modus operandi in disease, pupils early in November next. MASON BROTHERS, 23 P ar r How, opposite sonable terms, J. H. MORGAN. From their long acquaintance with the gen and can say that in all respects it is admirably m ove from linen, the most effectual wny the A stor House, NEW YORK. Oiler one o tlemen above named, the ccnunrtlee feel war rnicuinled to remedy thal elass of Diseases for New Egypt March 31, 1853. T.nrKS for Chnrehfr, Building», Ridirne is to rub soap o n the spots, then chalk, and IsJC most tAtciiblvc Blocks and cuuipleie »»soil ranted in commending them to public confi which it was desi, ,ed. It is especially valua. Stations, Ac.— The undersigned munts in the country of BOOKS and STATION dence and patronage. bleach the garm en t in the hot sun. WANTED. bie in Indigestion and all its attendant symp succeeded in counteracting, eflectually, Ibtlu toms, it excites to healthy action Ihe Liver, ll ae nee of the changes of temper«!«?*?^ James Carnahan!] N Agent to sell the WOODWORTH Plain ERY, For Cash Only . Ink and iron mould m ay he taken out, The amount of goods in our line purchased by removes Torpor, and inactivity of this organ, ihe pendulum, and introducing a net? ttgui«’ ing Machine, in the Counties o f Ocean, J ames S. G re en . b y wetting the spots In milk, then c o v e r cnualry merchants is usually quite small com and stimulates healthy action In ail Ihe system. tor, by which great accuracy o f time is pw® Charles Hodge. Monmouth, Burlington and Atlantic, nnd other them with co m m o n salt. It should be conniifs in New Jeraey, on shares that will pay pared with th*ir dry goods, hardware, and other As a Depurator or purifier of the blood, it has ced, also the retaining power (which keep»» John Maclean. clock going while being wound), are prfF" no superior. DAVID HOLMES, M. D. d on e before the garm en ts have been one thousand dollars per year. Address W , C* bills; and this very circumstances absolutely compels jobbers in the book business, who sel Providence, R. [., Jan. 4, 1853. to furnish Clocks superior to any ma* » » Patent Galvanized Iron. w ashed. A nother w a y to take ou t ink is Kneeland, 62 Cortland street New York. on time, to get larger profits in order to make April 7, ISoJ.-tl. Prepared hy C. MORSE &- CO., 446 Broad United States. Ample opportunity *w * * up for the losses and extra expenses necessarily m W E L V E YEARS’ EXPERIENCE in the t o ulp it Into m elted tallow . F or line d e l ^ way, New York, end sold bv Druggists and forded lo test their performance, and involved in a credit business o f small amounts I I U H D ’ S G O LD EN GLOSS use of Galvanized Iron in the praclical others throughout this and other countries. proving satisfactory when complfl^» ,. icate m uslins, this the best w ay. t is also easy for the merchant to make arrange purposes o f life, shows it be proof against rust, rejected. Astronomical Clocks m aat • ”* F o r the Hair. April 28, 1853— ly* F or fruit o r wine stains, m ix tw o tenwhether exposed lo water or atmospheric influ ranted equal to any imported. . a MONG the many preparations for the ments to buy his book bill for cash ; though sp oonfuls o f w ater and o n e of spirits o f ences. Glass (illuminated) Dials of the ibC*l growth of the Hair, this Golden Gloss might not he so convenient for him to purchas ACTORY and Steamboat Bells are rept his larger bills in this way. ROOFING o f this imperishable material is salt, let the stained part lie in this for tw o takes the lead. Three reasons will be given constantly on hand, nnd chimes oi any fill description furnished. These considerations have led us to adopt in in extensive use, requiring no point. SH E RR Y 4- RYAN, m inutes then rinse in cold water. Or wet why it is so universally used and preferred“to our business, from this date. January, 1854, aqj nnmbei and tone, cast to order. W IR E FENCING, which is cheaper than fill others. 1st, Because it has proved the most T he subsribers ai e agents for Mr. G. Hoi Sug Harbor, L. /., Nov. 19 1853-tf. the stain with hartshorn. effectual in baldness. 2d, Because it imparts following principles, viz : Smabl Profits Un any Other kind, nnd much more durable. brook, who is proprietor of the oldest establisnNails, Bolts, Hinges, Telegraph Wire, Sheath T o"clean a carpet, sh ake and beat it a beautiful dark gloss and delightful perfume fo varying P rices a n d T erms A lways Cash. Being ourselves the sole publishers o fa num ing for Vessels, Lightning Rods, Corrugated ment in Ihe country, and whose Bells lmve for the Hair. 3d, Because the Ladies, with fine w ell, lay it upon the floor a n d lack it firm forty years maintained a reputation second to discrimination, which they all’'/possess, have ber o f the leading and most extensively seiling Iron Houses, entire and complete, lor Garden none, having teceived the first premiums wher Is published every Thursday,«* ly ; then with a clean flannel wash il o v e r adopted it. Many other reasons could be g ven Sehool Books ia the country, as well as works Lodges qr Workshops. ever they have been exhibited, never having T O M ’ S RIVER, OCEAN COUNTY.3' ' Pamphlets, describing the article, Certificates, with on e quart o f bu llock's gall, m ixed why it is a great favorite, but those who want in other departments, our facilities are unsur been surpassed by any competitor at the various passed. & c., will be forwarded to nny part o f the U. S. w ith three quarts o f soft c o ld water, and more have only to give it a trial. Price 25 cts. Call upon us, or send an ojder, and judge for upon applientien, by the Manufacturers and Fairs in New Yord, Boston, and elsewhere. TE RM S. , !6) in large bottles. For sale by Druggists and M r. H. also manufaclurea Churh Organs and yourselves, ii the saving you can make by buy Importer, under License of the Patentee. r u b It o f f with a clean flannel o r house Storekeepers everywhere. * St MCTIY IN APVAKCE, Town Clucks o f superior quality, orderfcfor nii When the publisher forwards he PJ . ing o f us for cash is worth while MARSHALL LEFFIIETS, cloth. Any particularly dirty sp ot should Large discount to Merchants. of which may be addressed in Our location is very central, and easily found. his owe. e-dpensc, $2 00 a year, will b 10 Broadway, New York. W . C. HURD, Proprietor, b e rubbed with pure gall. L ’ HAS. ST A R R , J r . & Co. Staud on the Astor House steps, and look straight which must be pa id stbictxv in AI>V Mny 5, 1853—fim. 304 Broadway, New York. 117 Fulton fit.. N. Y , Advertisements not exceeding ope t ^ orward across the cornur o f the Park, and you Dec. 1, 1853. ly. November 19, 1853.— 2-ly „ A t the depot, a fe w days ago, said tl.e ahnot avoid seeing our signs. Remember, the length, will be published **,reeWi!c ¿{»lit T H E M EXICAN MUSTANG LINIM ENT ame is. f .dollar, and continued at twenty-«' G roton M ercu ry, w e noticed a fellow se a W M . B U R G E R 8c C O . WOOD'S MASON BROTHERS. IS NO L O N G E R AN E X P E R I M E N T »veek, , * in Oil ted o “ ar the d o o r o f on e o l Ihe ladies’ Y T 7H 0L E S A L E DRUGGISTS, No. 34 Court O R N A M E N T A L IRON W O R K S , Yearly adverlising nnd nnper, * ■ feb 2. 1854 tf has become a fixed fact. OVER FOUR land street, New York, lmporfers of apartynents w ith a few pounds o f hair R id g e R o a d , P h ilad elp h ia, J O B P R I N T I N G — N U c II A _ MILLIONS OF BOTTLES HAVE BEEN Genuine Drugs, Chemicals, &c. su rrounding h is mouth, A little b o y p a s P H IL E M O N D. H A IG H T , SOLD within the last l»vo years, and universal 7R C N STATUARY, Lions, Greyhounds, Netv- CARDS, Mnnuiacturers o f the Premium Friction satisfaction has followed is use, because it al- L foundland Dogs, Fountains o f beautiful CHECKS, sin g Ihe room with his parents, o n seein g Matches, superior to any made. Refiners of PROVISION SALESMAN BOOKS, »vays peiforms what it promises. It is g u a r a n designs and vaiioua sizes, Iron Stairs, spiral Saltpetre, Croton Brand, hnving three times the object, exclaim ed — ITH MANNERS & MARTIN, Wh n t ie d to cure Piles, Rheumatism, or Sores and and straight, on improved plans: also Irou labels, ^ taken the Premium at the American Institute. sale Grocers, Provision and Commissior Ulcers of any kind. It is also warranted to cure Railings and Verandas, comprising upwards of •• Oh ! mother, mother, just see that Agents for the Williamstown Glass Works. Merchants, No. 267 Washington Street, (nea Ring Bone,Splint,or Sweeney on Hornes. Thou 200 dosigns. W illiam Burger , man with a cat in his mouth.” POSTERS, the corner o f Warren St.,) New York. BILL-HEADS. cmc0LAB8^ Designs and specifications will be sent lo any sands of certificates in proof o f these cures could Gko. R. H endrickson, Mr. H. will be happy to see his old friends be given, but are deemed unnneceeestry where part ofthe Union, bv addressing A lady, a regular shopper, who had in. April 21, *53. tf. John C. H all . and ne»v customers at the above place, when it is guarantied. Only use it strictly according ROBERT WOOD, Philadelphia. duced an unfortunate clerk to tumble his buying Pork, Beef, Hams, Slrofilders, Fish, to directions, and use il thorougiidv , nnd »on _____M ,;| A . C . c LEAN , June 2, 1853—If. OTICF, i* hereby given thnt.n writ of at Butter, &c. whole stock o f stockings, objected that will not be disappointed in ils effects. Who tachment has been issued out of the cir New York, February 23, 18S4.-tf. I \ JttUWCi «MU p W, J would suffer with piles or rheumatism, when N O T 1C E . none were tong enough. cuit Mart o f Ocean county, at the suit of Aifreil Toms R|ver,j|.ï they can be cured for from 25 cents lo one dolWhereas my tvife Ann has left my bed and “ I want the very longest hose that are Collins, against the estate o f John Bonnet, an G. B . S M I T H , Aguusl 28, 150.8 lar 1 It is pul up in 25 cent, 50 cent, nnd $1 board without just cause or provocation ftom absconding debtor, for five hundred dollars, and made.” ^ jy ffO L E S A L E dealer ¡„ , and Importe bottles, nnd sold by all dealers in Drugs and me, 1 hereby notify nil persons that I will not returned at January Term, A- D. 1854. ••T h en m adam ,” said the polite y o u n g T )L A N K DEEDS, M orlgsg*. Wines, Liquors and Segars, No. Mrdicines. A. G. BRAGG Sc. Co., W . 1MLAY JAMES, pay any debts of her contracting a x n n d n itS K llh lH P Itfl» » E o n . xKuf. ] ) PExecutions, Subpœuas, West Street, (near Duane,) New York m an, “ y o u had better apply to the next Noi 304 Broadway, N. Y. F. J, SeET-a, Alt’ y. Clerk. JOHN f i VANNOTE. Sherilf’s Sales, ite. ite., lor saie a Dec. 15, 1853. ly. Feb. 3. 1853__ tl. January 12, 1854. 2m Dated Dec. 20, 1853. tf en g in e house. i JAMES L. ORION, Publisher, M J tM m sSD —S T OY E S ,~ MORSE’ S VfeUo-7/ Do/,’c Root. People's Store, terms j A . J . Beals A W II. B. JONES, T French Boots & Shoes. M T Abner Osborn, m 0 C A A F THE OCEAN EMBLEM r« YV W N