Annual report 09


Annual report 09
Y WC A H a l i fa x
A n n u a l
R e p o r t 2 0 0 9
1233 Barrington Street
Halifax NS B3J 1Y2
Phone: 902.423.6162
Fax: 902.423.7761
Y WC A H a l i fa x
A n n u a l
R e p o r t 2 0 0 9
Wom e n w i t ho u t b or de rs
Making a difference,
changing the world
The mission of the YWCA is to build our community by engaging and supporting women of all
ages to participate fully in life, both as individuals and as valued members of their communities.
To advance its’ mission, the YWCA:
focuses on providing programs and services for women and young women at critical turning
points in their lives
is a strong voice for equality, a strong voice for women.
The Halifax YWCA believes in the power of women to achieve, and a world where women are
equal participants and designers of their community, country and world.
C e l e b r at i n g a
phenomenal year
of Service to
wo m e n , yo u n g
wo m e n a n d fa m i l i e s
Y WC A H a l i fa x
A n n u a l
R e p o r t 2 0 0 9
Prepared by Grant Thornton
A Turning Point for women
A Turning Point for women
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes
Over 50 brave “soles” gathered at Scotia
Square Mall for the 2nd Annual event, raising
funds for the YWCA’s turning point
programs...and a few eyebrows.
Y WC A H a l i fa x
A n n u a l g e n e r a l
J u n e 1 0 , 2 0 1 0
m e e t i n g
Approval of Agenda
Approval of Minutes from the 2008 AGM
Keep a roof
2009 Year in Review
Over their heads
President’s Report
Mary Anne Campbell
In its inaugural year our radiothon raised
over $40,000 for our supportive housing
programs, “one shingle at a time.” Special
thanks to Presenting Sponsor Scotiabank and
the 21 branches who raised funds, as well as
our radio partner 96.5 Kool FM.
Executive Director’s Report
Tanis Crosby
Presentation of 2009 Audited Statements
Appointment of 2010 Auditor
Over the Garden Gate
Nominating Committee
Election of New Board Members & Officers
For an amazing 17 years Haligonians have been visiting private
gardens in June to support the YWCA’s turning point
programs. In 2009 this exceptional volunteer-led event
contributed over $6,000 to our annual campaign goal. The
garden tour is a truly beautiful way to enjoy an early summer
Sunday afternoon. Participants always leave feeling inspired
and in awe of the beautiful gardens they have experienced.
Appointment of 2010-2011 Nominating Committee
Recognition of Retiring Board Members
Closing Remarks
Reception and Guest Speaker to Follow in the school age Room
A Turning Point for women
Y WC A H a l i fa x
A n n u a l
R e p o r t 2 0 0 9
Alleviating & Preventing
Shuvai Mandigo, Girl Child Network
Our WISH program (Women in Supported Housing) helps women
leave the shelter system and secure their own apartment. We
help homeless women face their addiction and mental health
needs so they can rebuild their lives, and regain their
independence. In 2009 we provided 8760 bed-nights and service
days at WISH, helping women take a step towards a life free of
drugs, abuse and oppression. We also provided 3832 service days
at HERizons—supported living for single mothers who are attending
post-secondary education.
Economic Advancement for
women and Families
In June we introduced the Employability and Life Skills
Department at YWCA Halifax, formed by our belief that
financial literacy is a key life skill. This department housed
five innovative programs – LAUNCH: employability & life
skills for priority youth; FLNP: financial literacy for
newcomers; LEAP: pre-employability & life skills for
newcomer women, and My Child’s Future: to help Canadians
save for their child's post-secondary education and access
the benefits available in RESP's. This department served
approximately 350 women and families in 2009.
In 2009 the YWCA provided over 13,000 service days to
families in our childcare centre. We believe in quality,
universal, accessible developmental early learning and our
centre is fully accessible to subsidized families.
Shuvai Mandigo from the Girl Child Network in Zimbabwe
will speak about challenges facing girls in Zimbabwe, her
experience volunteering with the YWCA Halifax and how
the project connects the experiences of African women to
youth in Canada.
Girls Changing the World
Pilot Project
The YWCA Halifax’s Fly-W! (Finding Leadership in Young
Women) program is for young women aged 12-15. Its ‘Girls
Changing the World’ (GCTW) Pilot project is currently being
implemented in Gorsebrook Junior High, Graham Creighton Junior
High, and Highland Park Junior High, and is funded by the Status of
Women Canada, the Counselling Foundation of Canada, and the Halifax Youth Foundation.
GCTW is a leadership and peer education program that uses best practices from the Girl Child
Network of Zimbabwe.
Designed to increase resiliency and engagement of female youth, primarily with young African
Nova Scotian women, the principal objectives are to link the experiences of young sub-Saharan
African women to young women in Canada and encourage youth-led change. Workshops explore
topics such as HIV/AIDS, sexual health and sexuality, healthy relationships and violence.
Participants identify how they want to ‘change their world’, themselves, their communities and the
world. Participants express their ideas and their trained peer leaders (and Coordinator) facilitate
their initiatives. In February 2010, 18 girls from the GCTW program were trained as Peer Leaders.
All of the food for our reception tonight has been prepared by
participants from our LEAP program. Introduced in January Through
"Pre-employability Training and Life Skills Development", the LEAP
program supports the empowerment of 15 immigrant women facing multiple barriers to settlement.
Empowering Young Women
In 2009 we worked with over 200 young women, from
across HRM to build leadership skills, self-esteem and
peer-to-peer networks and mentoring. Programs
included Spryfield Youth Drug Prevention Action
Project, Finding Leadership in Young Women (FLY-W),
Power of Being a Girl and PowerCamp 2009.
The program objectives include ensuring the women secure safe and affordable housing, as well as
effective communication styles and financial literacy, which ultimately supports their economic
advancement through becoming employable in Canadian labor market.
In 2010 LEAP has already served women from the following countries: Iran, China, Sudan, Eritrea,
Uzbekistan, Romania, Sri Lanka, Turkey, Congo, Palestine and Tunisia. Of the five women who
prepared food for tonight, three are from Iran, one is from Sri Lanka and one is from Sudan.