R/V Yokosuka – Shinkai 6500 YK06
R/V Yokosuka – Shinkai 6500 YK06
R/V Yokosuka – Shinkai 6500 YK06-11 Cruise in Palau Trench “PalaDiCe” Expedition August 14 – 25, 2006 CRUISE REPORT CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Participants on board 2-1. Scientist 2-2. Crew 3. Proposal 4. Dive Reports 4-1. Dive#969: A complete cross sectional overview of a huge sunken paleo coral reef at the Palau Trench forearc (Kantaro Fujioka) 4-2. Dive#970: Abundance, biodiversity and feeding ecology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera at abyssal depth: reference site for limestone fauna (Hiroshi Kitazato) 4-3. Dive#971: A complete cross sectional overview of a huge sunken paleo coral reef at the Palau Trench forearc -2- (Hideki Wada) 4-4. Dive#972: Abundance, biodiversity and feeding ecology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera at abyssal depth: reference site for limestone fauna -2(Kazumasa Oguri) 4-5. Dive logs 4-6. List of event sites (in the separated folder “4-6_EventSites”) 4-7. Maps of each dive (in the separated folder “4-7_MapsofEachDive”) 5. Methods, Results, and future studies for individual study 5-1. Water samples 5-2. In situ experiments Appendix 1. List of Samples (an original file exist in the folder) 1-1. Water 1-2. Sediments 1-3. Rocks 2. List of Videotapes 3. Photographs of payload at each dive (original pictures exist in the “Appendix_3_” folder) 4. Topography and Track chart (original files exist in the “Appendix_4_”folder) 5. CTDO data (pdf files in the “Appendix_CTDO_data) 1. Introduction Calcium Carbonate Compensation Depth (CCCD) is a depth where calcium contents of bottom sediment is zero below the depth. boundary for calcareous benthic organisms. The depth should be a critical Because, any of calcium carbonate tests do not remain in the sediment below the depth. Organisms that are precipitating skeletal carbonates either exo- or endo-bodies can survive below the CCCD by secreting calcium carbonate against dissolution. Of course, the skeletons dissolve instantaneously after death. These environments should be a stressful for the skeletal organisms. Limestone are cropped out in the depth of 6500 m at landward slope of the Palau Trench (Fujioka and Kitazato, 1994). Muddy sediment covered on limestone is rich in calcium carbonate, in particular to tests of planktonic foraminifera, even though the depth is 2000m below the CCD. Several species of calcareous benthic foraminifera also dwell in the sediment (Kitazato and Fujioka, 1996). Our purpose to have a dive cruise is to elucidate why limestone cropped out at 6500m deep and what kind of benthic organisms live in sediment on limestone. Multidisciplinary researches among geology, geochemistry and biology have been carried out during the cruise YK06-11. This dive cruise is partly supported by the Grant-in-Aid from Japan Society of the Promotion of Science, Fundamental Research A to H.K. Cruise Coordinator for the cruise YK06-11 Hiroshi Kitazato (Institute for Research on Earth Evolution, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, Japan) 2. Participants on board 2-1. Scientists 北里 洋 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 地球内部変動研究センター 地球古環境変動プログラム PD Hiroshi KITAZATO (Program Director) Research Program for Paleoenvironment Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 藤岡 換太郎 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 地球内部変動研究センター プレート挙動解析プログラム 特任研究員 Kantaro FUJIOKA (Senior Scientist) Research Program for Plate Dynamics Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 和田 秀樹 静岡大学 理学部 教授 Hideki WADA (Professor) Institute of Geosciences Faculty of Science Shizuoka University 小栗 一将 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 地球内部変動研究センター 地球古環境変動プログラム 研究員 Kazumasa OGURI (Researcher) Research Program for Paleoenvironment Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 野牧 秀隆 独立行政法人海洋研究開発機構 地球内部変動研究センター 地球古環境変動プログラム PD 研究員 Hidetaka NOMAKI (Post-Doctoral Researcher) Research Program for Paleoenvironment Institute for Research on Earth Evolution (IFREE) Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC) 岩崎 藍子 東京大学大学院新領域創生科学研究科 修士課程 1 年 Aiko IWASAKI (Master course student) Institute of Environmental Studies Graduate School of Frontier Science The University of Tokyo 岡田 聡 日本海洋事業株式会社 海洋科学部 Satoshi OKADA Nippon Marine Enterprises ,Ltd 2-2. Crew members No 職 名 Position 氏 名 1 船 長 Captain 齋藤 房夫 SAITO FUSAO 2 一航士 Chief Off 青木 高文 AOKI TAKAFUMI 3 二航士 2nd Off 前田 勇雄 MAEDA ISAO 4 三航士 3rd Off 高尾 TAKAO JUN 5 機関長 Chief Eng 梶西喜代徳 KAJINISHI KIYONORI 6 一機士 1st Eng 梶原 正博 KAJIHARA MASAHIRO 7 二機士 2nd Eng 平塚 義信 HIRATSUKA YOSHINOBU 8 三機士 3rd Eng 橋本 豊 HASHIMOTO YUTAKA 9 電子長 Chief Electronics Operator WATASE SATOSHI 10 二電士 2nd Electronics Operator 北村 勝利 KITAMURA KATSUTOSHI 11 甲板長 Boat Swain 中村 NAKAMURA KINGO 12 甲板手 Able Seaman 13 甲板手 Able Seaman 角口 国治 KADOGUCHI KUNIHARU 14 甲板手 Able Seaman 山本 修一 YAMAMOTO SHUICHI 15 甲板手 Able Seaman 大端 正則 OHATA MASANORI 16 甲板手 Able Seaman 吉野 勇希 YOSHINO YUKI 17 甲板員 Sailor 高橋 英樹 TAKAHASHI HIDEKI 18 操機長 No.1 Oiler 八幡 喜好 YAHATA KIYOSHI 19 操機手 Oiler MIURA KOZO 20 操機手 Oiler 大石 洋之 OISHI HIROYUKI 21 機関員 Assistant Oiler 田中 佐幸 TANAKA SAKOH 22 機関員 Assistant Oiler 田中 将貴 TANAKA MASAKI 23 司厨長 Chief Steward 宮内 武志 MIYAUCHI TAKESHI 24 司厨手 Steward 田中 信介 TANAKA SHINSUKE 25 司厨手 Steward 高津 忠幸 TAKATSU TADAYUKI 26 司厨員 Porter 阿部 崇裕 ABE TAKAHIRO 27 司厨員 Porter 潜技長 Operetion Maneger 渡瀬 淳 諭 金吾 Family 八頭後 浩三 YATOGO 三浦 浩三 富宇加 誠之 TOMIUKA Given KOZO SATOSHI 28 29 今井 義司 IMAI YOSHIJI 30 一等潜技士 Assistant Operation Maneger 櫻井 利明 SAKURAI TOSHIAKI 31 一等潜技士 1st Submersible staff 佐々木義高 SASAKI YOSHITAKA 32 一等潜技士 1st Submersible staff 牧 哲司 MAKI TETSUJI 33 一等潜技士 1st Submersible staff 川間 格 KAWAMA ITARU 34 一等潜技士 1st Submersible staff 大野 芳生 ONO YOSHINARI 35 二等潜技士 2nd Submersible staff 小椋 徹也 KOMUKU TETSUYA 36 二等潜技士 2nd Submersible staff 松本 恵太 MATSUMOTO KEITA 37 三等潜技士 3rd Submersible staff 植木 博文 UEKI HIROFUMI 38 三等潜技士 3rd Submersible staff 齋藤 文誉 SAITO FUMITAKA 39 三等潜技士 3rd Submersible staff 大西 琢磨 ONISHI TAKUMA 3. Proposal Scientific background and objectives of the dive cruise Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) is soluble in seawater. However, the solubility changes in relation to specific environmental conditions, such as carbonate saturation levels, hydraulic pressures and temperatures of ambient seawater. In the western Equatorial Pacific, dissolution threshold for calcium carbonate situates in between 4100 and 4500m. We call the limit as CCD (Calcium carbonate Compensation Depth). Theoretically, calcium carbonate contents in sediment are zero percent below the CCD. The CCD depths change in proportion to the balance between supply of calcium carbonate and dissolution rates. than those of the Pacific. For instance, CCD of the Atlantic is 1000m deeper Because both carbonate contents in deep-sea water and surface calcium carbonate production by planktic organisms are much higher at the Atlantic Ocean than the Pacific. Calcareous planktic organisms have appeared on the sea during the middle of the Mesozoic Era. Because calcareous components in marine snow particles were increased drastically at the middle Mesozoic, CCD became deep in comparison to the earlier Mesozoic. Calcareous benthic foraminifers have become a major group among deep-sea benthic communities since then. For examining this scenario, we need to check calcareous benthic faunas at modern analogous environmental settings. Fortunately, we found large limestone blocks in the landward slope with 6500m deep at the Palau Trench during Shinkai 6500 dives #190 and #293 (Figure 1. Fujioka and Kitazato, 1994; Kitazato and Fujioka, 1996). The limestone blocks are distributed in 2000m deeper than average CCD at the western equatorial Pacific. covers thinly on the limestone blocks. Deep-sea sediment Calcareous benthic foraminifera (single-celled organisms) richly furnish in the sediments together with common soft-shelled and agglutinated benthic foraminifera. in the world. This should be the deepest calcareous benthic fauna It also should be modern analogue of the mid-Mesozoic marine revolution as stated above. We have two research targets for the limestone blocks at the Palau trench during Shinkai 6500 dives. 1. Origin of limestone blocks: depth? Why and how do these limestone blocks exist at the When and where do limestone form? How do these limestones transport and settle at the depth? What kinds of relation do exist between tectonic evolution of the Palau arc-trench systems and limestone blocks? For solving these series of questions, we try to collect limestone block samples from the outcrops in the Palau Trench. We plan to investigate geological, geochemical and paleontological analyses for limestone blocks. During the night time, we plan to carry out underwater topographic survey at slope areas between trench and Palau islands. We expect that large escarpments may exist at shallower slope areas. Limestone blocks may fall down from these escarpments with debris flow. 2. Deepest calcareous foraminiferal fauna in the world: What kinds of foraminiferal species do occupy the fauna in the sediments that cover on limestone blocks? Where are calcareous benthic organisms originate from? For investigating to solve these questions, we plan to collect push core samples, dredge samples from the sediments that are covered on limestone blocks. research with push core samples. We plan to conduct taxonomic Using taxonomic data, we try to elucidate faunal composition of sediment dwelling organisms. We try to extract DNA from deep-sea benthic foraminifera for discussing about the origin of limestone fauna. During the dives, we also plan to collect water samples for measuring calcium concentration at different heights from the sea floor. These data should be useful for calculating dissolution flux of calcite from limestone blocks to the bottom water. In addition to series of dives for limestone blocks, we plan to dive at similar depths of outer slope of the Palau Trench on the Caroline Plate for comparing faunal composition of foraminifera between sediments on limestone blocks and those from pelagic sediments. In total, four dives will be planned, two dives at limestone block area and two dives at outer seaward slope of the Palau Trench. 4. Dive reports 4-1. Dive#969 Aug. 21 ‘06 A complete cross sectional overview of a huge sunken paleo coral reef at the Palau Trench forearc Kantaro Fujioka (JAMSTEC/IFREE) 4-1-1. Objectives of the dive In the Palau Trench landward slope at water depth of 6500 m, a large limestone block was found by Shinkai 6500 dive #190 by Fujioka, 1993 and several dives (#292, 293, 343, 344, 345) were followed successfully (Fujioka et al., 1993, Fujioka et al., 1995;1996). Results were two major things; A huge limestone block may be transported from the land, Palau Island Arc and the landward lower slope consists of serpentinites like Mariana forearc. Origin and mechanism of the transportation of huge limestone are still unknown and characterization of serpentinites was not succeeded. Therefore in this cruise we plan to elucidate the former problem with special emphasis to bio-geochemical aspect. The main objectives of this dive are; (1) To make a topographic and geological cross sectional overview of the Palau limestone block from east to west parallel to the dive track of # 344 dive, 1996, (2) To take water samples just on the surface of the limestone block, 0.5m, 1m, 5m and 10m above the limestone and seawater contact with temperature measurement, (3) To sample limestones, and other rocks such as ultramafic and sedimentary rocks from various depths for reconstruction and make clear the history of forearc formation in relation to the lower crust and upper mantle structure, (4) To sample sediments by MBARI and push corers at various depths for the microbiological and chemical analyses. (5) To deploy the special type of MBARI corer for In-situ cultivation of benthic foraminifers. 4-1-2. Dive site Palau Trench forearc slope at the same position of event 2 site as dive #293, 6º 20.055’, 133º 57.103’E. Landing at 6500 m and move to 300° direction as shallow as possible to observe, measure and sample various kind of rocks, sediments and water existed. 4-1-3. Strategy of dive #969 To best meet the objectives of the dive, the following dive strategy is proposed at various stops: (1) First, to land the site near the Black Band of the limestone blocks which lies about 6500m water depth to recognize the exact position. (2) If we find the suitable site, take water sample just on the limetone body, 0.5m, 1m, 5m and 10m above the body by means both of Pump sampler and Niskin-type water sampler. Landing on the limestone body to take Niskin-type water sample first and 3 pump samples, next, 3 pump samples at 0.5 m above the bottom, and Niskin and 2 pump samples at 1 m above the bottom, then to take the Niskin-type water samples at 5 m, and 10 m above the bottom with temperature measurement. (3) Then we move to thinly covered sediment surface of the limestone body to take push core sample in order to check the sediment thickness then take 9 MBARI core samples and deploy 2 special MBARI core for the in situ cultivation and fixation of foraminifers. Finally we deploy a marker on this site for the recovery of the cultivation system 2 days later during dive #971 by H.Wada. After taking all the cores we try to take surface sediments by “Chiritori” sampler. (4) We move to the Black Band site after accomplishment three missions above to take push core sample exactly from BB and limestones and other rocks if we encounter. (5) We move toward shallower part to take samples and observe the distribution of limestone body. (6) Continuous video records (three videos, one fixed, one movable, one inside hull 8 mm) and still camera photographs of the Palau forearc will be taken in order to help elucidate the geological cross sectional map. 4-1-4. Pay loads: (1) Niskin-type water sampler x 4, (2) Gamo-type pump sampler x 8 bottles with temperature probe, (3) 9 MBARI type corers in addition to two special equipment for in-situ cultivation system and special corer with two syringe for in-situ fixation, (4) 3 Push corers, (5) Scoop (Chiritori sampler) for taking pebbles, (6) 8 mm Video camera (inside pressure hull). 4-1-5. Co-workers of onboard and shore based studies related with this dive: Topography: H.Kitazato, and S. Okada Geology: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K. Oguri and H.Nomaki (JAMSTEC) Water sample: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri and H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Sediments: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri and H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Age of basalts if any: O. Ishizuka (AIST) Petrology of volcanic rocks, metamorphic rocks and meta-basalts: H.Ueta (Hirosaki Univ) Geophysics: T.Fujiwara (JAMSTEC) Biology: H. Kitazato (JAMSTEC) 4-2. Dive#970 Aug. 22 ‘06 Abundance, biodiversity and feeding ecology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera at abyssal depth: reference site for limestone fauna Hiroshi Kitazato (JAMSTEC/IFREE4) 4-2-1. Objectives of the dive On abyssal plain, abundant foraminiferal fauna are recorded from the east central Pacific Ocean (Gooday et al., 2003; Nozawa et al., in press). Fauna are mainly composed of both soft-shelled and agglutinated groups, and scarce in calcareous benthic foraminifea. Because, abyssal depth situates below the CCD (Calcite Compensation Depth) where any of calcite does not remain in the sediment. However, we found very rich calcareous benthic foraminiferal fauna from the Palau Trench landward slope at water depth of 6500 m where a large limestone blocks were exposed (Fujioka et al., 1994; Fujioka et al., 1996; Kitazato and Fujioka, 1996). Even though the depth situates in 2000m deep below the CCD, it is amazing that tests of calcareous foraminifera are preserved quite well. are preserved in detail. below the CCD? Even the thin spines of planktonic foraminifera What kind of mechanism do work to remain calcareous fauna What kind of calcareous benthic species do dwell in the site? From where do calcareous benthic species originate? 4-2-2. Dive site Palau Trench seaside slope at 6º 20.055’, 134º 04.00’E. Landing at 6500 m and move to 150° direction as shallow as possible to observe, measure and sample various kind of rocks, sediments and water existed. 4-2-3. Strategy of dive #970 To perform the objectives of the dive, the following dive strategy is proposed at various stops: (1) First, submersible land on sediment bottom about 6500m water depth. (2) If we find the suitable site, take water sample just above sediment surface, 0.5m, 1m, 5m and 10m above the SWI by use of both Gamo-type Pump sampler and Niskin-type water sampler. First of all, we try to collect 3 pump + 1 Niskin water samples just above SWI. Three pump samples from 50cm high, two pump samples + one Niskin bottle samples from 1m high, one Niskin bottle sample from 5 m high and one Niskin from 10 m high. (3) Then we move to location where sediment surface are well preserved in natural condition. We shall take nine MBARI cores from the locality. feeding device. Set one in situ Stick in situ fixation device and recover. We deploy a marker on this site for recovering feeding device during dive #972 by K. Oguri. After taking all the cores we try to take surface sediments by “Chiritori” sampler. (4) We climb up to shallower depth as far as the dive is being time-out.. 4-2-4. Pay loads: (1) Niskin-type water sampler x 6, (2) Gamo-type pump sampler x 8 bottles with temperature probe, (3) 9 MBARI type corers (4) one in-situ feeding device and one in situ fixation device, (5) 3 6K-type Push corers, (5) Scoop (Chiritori sampler) for taking sediment. 4-2-5. Co-workers of onboard and shore based studies related with this dive: Topography: K. Fujioka, and S. Okada Geology: K. Fujioka (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K. Oguri and H.Nomaki (JAMSTEC) Water sample: K. Fujioka (JAMSTEC), H. Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri, H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Pore water geochemistry: H. Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri and H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Biology: H. Nomaki, M. Tsuchiya, T. Toyofuku and A. Iwasaki (JAMSTEC) 4-3. Dive#971 Aug. 23 ‘06 A complete cross sectional overview of a huge sunken paleo coral reef at the Palau Trench forearc 2 Hideki Wada (Shizuoka University) 4-3-1. Objectives of the dive In the Palau Trench landward slope at water depth of 6500 m, a large limestone block was found by Shinkai 6500 dive #190 by Fujioka, 1993 and several dives (#292, 293, 343, 344, 345) were followed successfully (Fujioka et al., 1993, Fujioka et al., 1995;1996). Results were two major things; A huge limestone block may be transported from the land, Palau Island Arc and the landward lower slope consists of serpentinites like Mariana forearc. Origin and mechanism of the transportation of huge limestone are still unknown and characterization of serpentinites was not succeeded. Therefore in this cruise we plan to elucidate the former problem with special emphasis to bio-geochemical aspect. The main objectives of this dive are; (1) To elucidate the effect of the flux of dissolved carbonate of the Palau submarine limestone at the depth of 6500m to the ambient seawater around the limestone, Following the dive #, to recovery of the culture experiments left keeping the in situ on the limestone sediments. (2) Using Gamou type water sampling apparatus, to take water samples just on the crack condensate water or surface of the limestone block, 0, 0.5m, 1m, above the limestone and seawater contact with temperature measurement, Niskin water sampler also use to collect normal the Pacific deep sea water for carbon14C dating and 13C isotopic measurements. (3) To collect sample limestones, and other rocks such as ultramafic and sedimentary rocks from various depths for reconstruction and make clear the history of forearc formation in relation to the lower crust and upper mantle structure, (4) To sample sediments by MBARI and push corers at various depths for the microbiological and chemical analyses. (5) To deploy the special type of MBARI corer for In-situ cultivation of benthic foraminifers. 4-3-2. Dive site Palau Trench forearc slope at the same position of two days before of this dive #969, 6º 22.’, º ’E. Landing at 6430 m and move to 60° direction as deep as 6460m depth, measure and water samples sediment samples and various kind of rocks, sediments and water existed. 4-3-3. Strategy of dive #971 To best meet the objectives of the dive, the following dive strategy is proposed at various stops: (0) Before our landing, about 70~100m above the landing point, first water sample using the Niskin water sampler will be collected. After landing, (1) First, to recover the testing in-situ cultivation system corer keeping left two days since #969 dive. (2) Alcohol fixing sample recover at the testing core keeping locality. (3) Surface floculent layer sediment collection. (4) Subside to 6460m, to rediscovery of the Black Band in the limestone blocks which lies about 6425(in previous depth scale with 20m uncertainty. (5) If we find the suitable fracture site on the top of the limestone, trying to take water sample just on the limestone body, 0m, 0.5m, 1m, above the body by means of Gamou type pump sample system and Niskin-type sampler. (6) Then we move to thinly covered sediment surface of the limestone body to take push core sample in order to check the sediment thickness then take 9 MBARI core samples and recover the special MBARI core for the in situ cultivation and fixation of foraminifers the cultivation system 2 days later. After taking all the cores we try to take surface sediments by “Chiritori” sampler. 4-3-4. Pay loads: (1) Niskin-type water sampler x 4, (2) Gamo-type pump sampler x 8 bottles with temperature probe, (3) 9 MBARI type corers in addition to one special equipment for special corer with two syringe for in-situ fixation, (4) 3 Push corers, (5) Scoop (Chiritori sampler) for taking pebbles, (6) 8 mm Video camera (inside pressure hull). 4-3-5. Co-workers of onboard and shore based studies related with this dive: Topograph: H.Kitazato, and S. Okada Geology: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K. Oguri and H.Nomaki (JAMSTEC) Water sample: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri and H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Sediments: H.Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H.Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K.Oguri and H.Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A.Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Age of basalts if any: O. Ishizuka (AIST) Biology: H. Kitazato (JAMSTEC) 4-4. Dive#972 Aug. 24 ‘06 Abundance, biodiversity and feeding ecology of deep-sea benthic foraminifera at abyssal depth: reference site for limestone fauna 2 Kazumasa Oguri (JAMSTEC/IFREE4) 4-4-1. Objectives of the dive Calcareous benthic foramineferal fauna were found at 6500m depth from Palau trench (Fujioka et al., 1994; Fujioka et al., 1996; Kitazato and Fujioka, 1996), even though the depth situates in 2000m deep below calcite compensation depth (CCD) in typical Pacific Ocean. One hypothetical reason to maintain such fauna would be caused in diffusion of high concentration calcium ions from a carbonate rock below sediments (Kitazato and Fujioka, 1996). To measure the calcarious faunal activity, in-situ incubation device were deployed between dive #969 and #971. On the other hand, eastern part (seaside slope) of the Palau trench bottom covers with carbonate-free sediments due to undersaturation of calcium ions. The objective of this dive is to recover in-situ cultivation system set at dive #970 for measuring non-calcarious faunal activity. The main objectives of this dive are; (1) Recovery of the in-situ incubation device deploying from the dive #970. (2) Collecting nine cores using with MBARI type push core samplers. The sampling will be carried out to the identical place for the incubation experiment. 4-4-2. Dive site Palau Trench seaside slope at 6º 20.055’, 134º 04.00’E. Landing at 6500 m and move to 150° direction as shallow as possible to observe, measure and sample various kind of rocks and sediments. 4-4-3. Strategy of dive #972 To perform the objectives of the dive, the following dive strategy are proposed at various stops: (5) Go to the location where in-situ cultivation system corer is deploying. (6) First, recover the testing in-situ cultivation system corer keeping left two days since #971 dive. (7) Move slightly in order to collect undisturbed sediment samples. (8) If necessary, surface sediments are collected using with a “Chiritori” sampler. (9) Climb up to shallower depth as far as the dive is being time-out. 4-4-4. Pay loads: (1) Nine MBARI type corers in addition to one special equipment for special corer with two syringe for in-situ fixation, (2) Three Push corers, (3) Scoop (“Chiritori” sampler) for taking pebbles, (4) 8 mm Video camera (inside pressure hull). 4-4-5. Co-workers of onboard and shore based studies related with this dive: Topography: K. Fujioka, and S. Okada Geology: H. Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H. Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K. Fujioka, H. Nomaki (JAMSTEC) and A. Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Sediments: H. Kitazato (JAMSTEC), H. Wada (Shizuoka Univ), K. Fujioka and H. Nomaki, (JAMSTEC), and A. Iwasaki (Univ of Tokyo) Biology: H. Kitazato and H. Nomaki (JAMSTEC) Age of rocks if any: 4-5. Dive Logs Site: Palau Trench Scientist: Kantaro Fujioka(JAMSTEC) Dive Log of 6K Dive #969 Time (JST) Dep. (m) Alt. (m) Head (Deg) 11:38 6420 60 6457 9 81 Cliff- White carbonate trench wall covered with grayish sediment 6461 1 46 Sea cucumber trail 11:48 11:51 Landed X=10,Y=240, carbonage bottom, current dir 100N, velocity 5, visibility 8m 6461 11:52 11:57 6458 3 12:05 6434 6 12:13 6428 50m up, run along with the trench wall 327 Changed direction 328 Start Water sampling using with Niskin bottles 10m? 12:18 Description Toriggered Niskin(Green) , didn't close ahead valve 12:20 6432 5 329 Closed Niskin (Yellow: 5m above sediment surface) 12:28 6433 0 36 Closed Niskin (Blue: sediment surface) Failed Niskin bottoel sampling (Green, ¥Red: did not close) 12:29 Start water sampling using "Gamo shiki" pump sampler Pump seems working 12:30 12:44 6438 2 35 Pump seems working 12:47 6438 2 35 Pump seems working 12:55 6438 2 35 6355 7 3 13:10 6355 7 146 Pump sampling completed Wall covered with grayish sediment (carbonacious sediment?) Back to previous point, there is no carbonate rocks 13:17 6403 6 355 climbe up the carbonate wall again 13:28 6341 11(?unreliable) 43 6341 10(?) 57 13:37 6339 11 330 Sea cucumber? Purple landed on the sediment. Check the sediment thickness using a push core Dropped the push core, try again. (X=120, Y=380) Only thin sediments exist here, so try to find a suitable station clime up the carbonate wall 13:42 6349 2 335 6350 0 355 6349 0 43 13:06 13:30 13:35 13:36 13:44 13:52 Red shrimp, pellet of sea cucamber, polychaetes landed on the sediment. Check the sediment thickness using a push core MBARI corer Black finished (X=260, Y=320) 13:55 IFREE-MBARI corer Red-Yellow failed (tube off) 14:03 MBARI corer White finished (15-20cm?) 14:05 MBARI corer Red finished (10cm?) 14:07 IFREE-MBARI corer Blue-Yellow finisfed (15cm) 2006/08/21 Remarks 14:10 IFREE-MBARI corer Yellow finished (15cm, top 5cm=normal sed, below 5cm, carbonate? Same for the other cores) IFREE-MBARI corer Red-White finisfed (15cm) 14:11 IFREE-MBARI corer Red finished (15cm) 14:15 IFREE-MBARI corer Blue-White finished 14:20 Settled the I-K type in situ feeding core 14:27 Took off the triggers from the in situ feeding core 14:32 In situ EtOH fixation core failed (tube off) 14:40 14:53 Settled SHINKAI Marker (#47), Homer transponder 14:09 6335 10 332 Take off from the bottom Site: Palau Trench seaside Scientist: Hiroshi Kitazato(JAMSTEC) Dive Log of 6K Dive #970 Time (JST) Dep. (m) Alt. (m) Head (Deg) 6469 2 190 6469 2 6469 1 200 Completion of Niskin sampling: 1 bottle (1 mab, Blue) 11:44 6470 1 189 Niskin sampling failed: 1 bottle (0 mab, Green) 11:48 6470 3 113 Basement rock: Basalt? 11:51 6470 2 58 Landed: Temp 1.7C, Current dir 240C, velosity 3. 11:52 6470 2 52 Start water sampling by using 6470 2 52 Finish water sampling at 0 mab and start water sampling at 0.5 mab 6470 2 52 Finish water sampling at 0.5 mab and start water sampling at 1mab Description 2006/08/22 Remarks Completion of Niskin sampling: 2 bottles (10 mab, 5 mab) 11:38 11:39 Seabottom: muddy sediment 11:40 Sandstone "Gamo shiki" sampler 12:08 12:19 12:26 6470 3 30 Water sampling with "Gamo Shiki" completed. 12:32 6470 3 31 Try rock sampling 12:36 6470 2 34 1 pc of basalt rock from outcrop 12:39 6469 1 71 Run toward degree 100 12:48 6458 1 101 12:50 6459 1 41 6459 1 6 13:04 6442 2 100 Landed: test for push core sampling This place is not suitable for core sampling due to thin sediment. Big breccia (X=20, Y=-670) 13:06 6428 2 100 Bottom is covered by basalt rocks 13:07 6424 2 99 Any big rocks exist here 13:11 6405 2 100 Big basalt rocks 13:15 6389 2 100 White hard substrate 13:24 6366 3 26 6366 3 34 13:32 Landed on the mud sediments. Check the sediment thickness. (X=-40, Y=-290), sea cucamber and poluchaete were observed. IFREE-MBARI Blue finished (15cm, top 5-10cm=mud, below 5cm=white) IFREE-MBARI Blue-Yellow finished (15cm) 13:36 IFREE-MBARI Yellow (cooler corer) finished (15cm) 13:39 IFREE-MBARI Red finished (20cm) 13:43 IFREE-MBARI Red-Yellow finished (15cm) 13:45 MBARI Red finished (10-15cm) 13:49 MBARI White finished (10-15cm) 12:55 13:29 6365 3 34 Sandstone Sandstone (X=-70, Y=-460) Move forward few meters (?) 13:52 Sandstone MBARI Black finished (15cm, not so white) 14:03 IFREE-MBARI Red-White finished (5cm brown and 15cm white) Settled in situ feeding core 14:05 Took off the triggers from the in situ feeding core 14:09 In situ EtOH fixation failed (Head Off, again) 14:21 Settled Marker (#48) and Homer (#78) 13:58 14:29 14:36 14:39 6364 2 31 Basalt sampling (X=-40, Y=-270) Finish the basalt sampling 6361 2 46 Take off from the bottom Site: Palau Trench Scientist: Hideki Wada(Shizuoka University) Dive Log of 6K Dive #971 Time (JST) Dep. (m) Alt. (m) Head (Deg) 11:51 6350 3 29 Ripple mark 6352 2 339 Landed: botom mud, 6m sight, Current dir/strength none, ctd 7.2C, 0.4C 11:54 before 11:54 100 Description Niskin Blue completed 11:58 6342 6 322 Move to homer (in situ feeding core station) 12:08 6349 3 312 Found the homer and marker (X=340, Y=260) 12:16 6350 2 237 Recovered the in situ feeding core 12:20 6350 2 257 Recovered the homer and marker 6350 2 268 IFREE-MBARI Red finished (20cm, but the surface may be contaminated by calcareous ooze disturbed at the previous dive) 12:26 12:35 IFREE-MBARI Red -Yellow finished (20cm) 12:37 IFREE-MBARI Green finished 12:39 IFREE-MBARI Blue finished 12:40 Feeding corer finished 12:43 MBARI White finished (may not the surface sediment) 12:51 6349 1 212 Move to another position due to the visiblity 13:01 6345 1 329 13:16 6326 1 X=360, Y=210 Corering had been completed (7 cores in the previous position) Move to position X=350, Y=520 13:24 6354 1 99 Coil-like trail (feeding trail or fecal trace by worm?) 13:27 6363 2 101 X=380, Y=370 13:36 6392 4 92 Go down to water depth of 6460m 13:45 6441 2 92 X=350, Y=610 13:49 6469 1 77 6467 7 325 6450 3 330 6415 1 293 X=350, Y=660 Changed heading, X=350, Y=710, climbe up the limestone wall X=410, Y=680, Niskin Red completed X=460, Y=610, start the water sampling with Gamo-type sampler Now taking the sixth water sample (6th out of eight) 6415 2 256 13:08 13:58 14:01 14:20 14:41 14:52 Gamo-type water sampling cmpleted Niskin yellow finished, but the Niskin green failed again… 14:54 Take off from the bottom 2006/08/23 Remarks Site: Palau Trench Scientist: Kazumasa Oguri(JAMSTEC) Dive Log of 6K Dive #972 Time (JST) Dep. (m) Alt. (m) Head (Deg) 11:40 6345 7 2 6350 4 356 Niskin Red finished Landed on the bottom. Visiblity = 6m, temperature unknown, sediment = rock, weak current (X=-100, Y=-180) Niskin Blue had been finished before landing 11:43 3 Description Remarks 11:48 6349 5 290 Move to the homer 12:00 6365 3 47 Settled in front of the in situ feeding core 12:05 6365 3 54 Recover the in situ feeding core and the homer 12:26 6360 3 124 X=-100,Y=-230, strat the sediment corering 12:30 6360 3 50 IFREE-MBARI Green finished (could not see the core length) 12:36 6358 2 100 Find a new suitable station with course 100 12:40 6350 1 85 Sandstone (X=-130,Y= -150) 12:41 6349 3 59 Landing. Start the sediment corering. (X=-130, Y=-140) 12:42 IFREE-MBARI Red-Yellow prepared 12:45 a white, long animal (15cm?) was observed 12:46 IFREE-MBARI Red-Yellow finished 12:48 IFREE-MBARI Blue-Yellow finished 12:53 MBARI White finished MBARI Red finished 12:56 13:00 6349 3 54 Find a new suitable station with course 100 13:02 6349 1 54 Landing. Start the sediment corering. (X=-130, Y=-130) 13:06 In situ EtOH fixation (IM Blue) finished 13:08 IFREE-MBARI Red finished 13:10 MBARI Black finished 13:15 6345 3 49 IFREE-MBARI White-Red finished 13:20 6340 4 50 Move to shallower station (course 70) 13:26 6330 46 Landing. Take a rock sample (mudstone???) (X=-90, Y=-50) 13:36 6327 1 79 Landing. Fail to take a rock sample. 13:46 6327 3 96 Xenophyophora sampling (X=-70, Y=-50) (X=-80, Y=-50) Surface sediment sampling finished 14:00 2006/08/24 14:12 6300 2 111 Course 100 (X=-80, Y=130) 14:29 6256 4 101 Many sandstones. (X=-180, Y=480) 14:35 6222 2 102 Large sandstones (X=-230, Y=660) 14:40 6200 2 102 Take off from the bottom (X=-260, Y=780) 5. Methods, Results, and future studies for individual study 5-1. Water sampling and analysis on board 5-1-1. Multi-sampling system For the purpose of collecting water samples at accurate depths above sea bottom, a multi-sampling system driven by a deep-sea pump developed by H. Sakai and T. Gamo (Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo) was used (Sakai et al., 1990; Ishibashi et al., 1994; Gamo et al., 1994; Tsunogai et al., 1994) at dive #969~#971. Figure 4.2.1 shows schematic diagram of the water sampler, which consists of (i) a deep sea impeller pump (Pelagic Electronics, Model 5013A-P), (ii) a 12 port automatic revolving switch valve (Nichiyu-Giken Kogyo, Co. Ltd.), and (iii) eight water sampling cylinders. The system is installed just below the pressure hull of Shinkai 6500. Although the valve can select up to 12 different cylinders, we used 8 cylinders because of the limited space below the pressure hull. The cylinders are made of plexyglas, and hold volume of about 750 ml. Prior to a dive, the cylinders are filled with distilled water (DW) in order not to contain air bubbles. As shown in Fig.5.1.1, there is a cylindrical piston inside each cylinder, which moves from one end to the other end when the DW is sucked out by the deep sea impeller pump so that seawater is introduced to the cylinder through the sample inlet line. The sampling time is usually between 90 to 110 sec per cylinder. The revolving valve sequentially selects a sampling cylinder to be pumped out. It takes about 30 sec to complete changing the next valve. The impeller pump and the revolver valve are controlled from the submersible. Since the system is set up just below the pressure hull, the observer cannot watch the operation through the view ports of the submersible. Instead, the observer can confirm the normal operation of the system by observing a spinning of a hydraulic turbine attached with the pump outlet and shimmering of DW with the video camera of Shinkai 6500. The sample inlet tube is coupled with a Pt resistance thermometer (0 to 400C) to measure temperature of seawater passing through the inlet tube. The temperature is displayed inside Shinkai 6500 in real time. The inlet tube as well as the thermometer is hold in front of the right sample basket of Shinkai 6500. For seawater sampling, a manipulator of Shinkai 6500 grasps the inlet tube in order to set correct height from the sea bottom. The tube is connected with the sample cylinders through a flexible Teflon tube (i.d.= 8mm) of ca. 3m long, which is filled with seawater (ca. 150 ml) before dive. To avoid contamination of the seawater in the inlet tube, the first and fourth cylinders are used for flushing of the seawater in the Teflon tube. Figure 5.1.1. Schematic diagram of the ORI pump sampling system. 5-1-2. Niskin bottles In addition to the multi-sampling system, 2 litters of Niskin bottle samplers were installed to the both sample baskets. These bottles were closed with manipulator operation at respective depths. 5-1-3. Sampling manner after the collections After the dives, sample cylinders were removed and brought to laboratory in Yokosuka. Seawater samples were collected for the purpose to measure pH, total alkalinity (T.A.), dissolved oxygen (DO), ΣCO2 and δ13CDIC and Ca2+, respectively. pH, T.A. and DO were measured on board. For pH and T.A. measurements, PHM220 pH meter, PHC2001 pH electrode, REF251 reference electrode, and T201 temperature probe (Radiometer Analytical) were used. T.A. was measured by adding 15 ml of 0.009N hydrochloric acid into 50 ml of sample seawater (Nishimura and Tsunogai, 1981). Samples for DO measurement were once stored in DO bottles, and they were measured with Winlker titration. Samples for ΣCO2 and δ13CDIC measurements were sealed in 100 ml bial bottles in order not to contain gas phase, adding to 100 µl of saturated HgCl3 solution, respectively. Samples for Ca2+ measurement were sealed in 50 ml bial bottles. The amount of respective ∆14C samples were 150 ml. They were stored in 250 ml of Schott-Duran bottles prior to be filled with Argon gas to prevent contamination of 14CO2 from the air. 5-1-4. Sampling results At dive #969, all the sampling with multi-sampling system was succeeded. However, two Niskin bottle sampling at 2 m and 10 m above sea bottom were failed due to insufficient close of the bottle caps. At dive #970, almost bottles of multi-sampling system were contaminated by fine grained sediments, except for the last (No.8, at 1 m) bottle. The internal pistons of No. 3 (at 0 m) and No. 6 (at 0.5 m) bottles were stacked and they could not collect the samples. Two Niskin bottles (1 m and 3 m above sea bottom) were not closed at the site. At dive #971, the internal piston of No. 7 (at 1 m) bottle was not moved. Two Niskin bottles (0 m and 1 m above sea bottom) were not closed. At dive #972, multi-sampling system was removed and two Niskin bottles were loaded in the basket. Water samples were recovered from 3 m and 10 m, respectively. 5-1-5. Preliminary results of pH, T.A. and DO Figures 5.1.2a, b, and c shows pH, T.A. and DO profiles above sea bottom, respectively. In these figures, the data from island side (carbonaceous sea bottom; dives #969 and #971) are indicated as square dots, and those from trench side (non carbonaceous sea bottom; dives #970 and #972) are represented as triangle dots, respectively. pH of the sea water ranged from 7.71 to 7.81, and higher values were observed in bottom water. T.A. ranged from 2.35 to 2.51 meq l-1. Unlike pH, these profiles showed relatively constant except from 0.5 m above sea bottom (ASB). As to see Figs. 6.2a and b, there do not have any trends between two different sites. DO values ranged from 150 to 345 µM, and the water close to the sea bottom were higher values. However, 345 µM from 0 m ASB is close to saturation level, so it seems too high to consider normal O2 concentration at deep water. Thus, the value from 0 m to 1 m may reflect contamination of O2 in air during the preservation to the sample bottles, or affect to distilled water in the cylinder. If latter effect is true, distilled water must take effect to pH, T.A., and other values that will be measured after the cruise. To confirm the contamination of the distilled water to the samples, it would be necessary to measure salinity for all the samples using rest water for ΣCO2, δ13CDIC or Ca2+ measurements. Figure 5.1.2, (a) pH, (b) T.A., and (c) DO profiles above sea bottom. 5-2. In situ feeding experiment Incorporation of 13C-labeled glucose by trench benthic communities Hidetaka Nomaki and Hiroshi Kitazato 5-2-1.Introduction Phytodetritus, originated from primary production, transports substantial amount of carbon from ocean surface to the seafloor. The phytodetritus and its degraded components are thought to be major food sources for benthic ecosystems. At the same time, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) degraded by benthic communities is also an important food source for the benthic ecosystems in a way of direct incorporation or via bacteria. In particular, DOC should be more important carbon sources in case of hadal zone, where the phytodetritus is poorly derived. In this study, we operated a stable carbon isotope labeled experiment in situ to know the hadal zone carbon pathways originated from DOC on the seafloor. Incorporation of labeled glucose into benthic organisms will be analyzed each organic compound level. 5-2-2.Materials and Methods The in situ tracer experiment was carried out at the Palau trench in YK06-11 R/V Yokosuka cruise. Total 2 culture cores were prepared for the experiment (Figure 5.2.1, Table 5.2.1). The surface sediment area of the core is 52.8 cm2 (φ=8.2cm). Every core has couple of 5ml syringes that can contain 13 C-labeled glucose (Cambridge Isotope Co. ltd). One culture core (C-2; Carbonate site 2 days incubation) was settled on the seafloor (water depth 6350 m) by the manned submersible Shinkai 6500 at dive #969 (21st August, 2006, Figure 5.2.2a). This site is located in landward side of the Palau trench, where the huge carbonate outcrops exist (Fujioka and Kitazato 1994, Kitazato and Fujioka 1996). The other culture core (S-2; Seaward site 2 days incubation) was settled on the seafloor (water depth 6365 m) by the Shinkai 6500 at dive #970 (22nd August, 2006, Figure 2b). This site is located in seaward side of the Palau trench. After positioning the culture cores, 13 C-labeled glucose were introduced to the surface sediments by taking off the triggers of the head part of the core. On the dive # 971 (23rd August, 2006), C-2 core was recovered, and another culture core (S-2) was recovered at dive #972 (24th August, 2006). Reference cores (C-B and S-B; Carbonate site Background, and Seaward site Background) were also taken at each site to investigate natural isotopic compositions of both dissolved inorganic carbon of seawater and organic matters in the sediments. 5-2-3.Preliminary results: On board processing On board, recovered culture cores and two reference cores were kept at 4°C prior to core processing (within three hours). Overlying water was collected for the determination of 13 C concentration in dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) caused by respiration of benthic communities. Three replicate water samples (20ml each) were sampled from the overlying water of the core. They were fixed by adding a drop of AgCl2 solution and preserved at low temperature. Sediments were sliced at 1-cm intervals from 0 to 5 cm in depth followed by 5-7, and 7-10cm sediment depth samples (Table 5.2.1). Xenophyophores, a giant protozoan living in the surface sediments, were picked out from the sliced sediments using forceps. The rest of the sediments were used for an analysis of bulk organic matter. Both samples were kept frozen at –80°C until the analysis. These samples will be analyzed for the determination of carbon isotopic compositions of lipid compounds in benthic organisms. Table 5.2.1. Sample list of in situ experimental sediment cores. Core name C-2 S-2 C-B S-B Recovered Dive # 971 972 971 970 Set Dive # 969 970 - - Overlying water 3 samples 3 samples 3 samples 3 samples 0-1cm BS+Xeno BS+Xeno BS+Xeno BS+Xeno 1-2cm BS BS BS BS+Xeno 2-3cm BS BS BS BS+Xeno 3-4cm BS BS BS BS 4-5cm BS BS BS BS 5-7cm BS BS BS BS 7-10cm BS BS BS BS BS = bulk sediment sample Xeno = Xenophyophore Trigger case Syringe Core Figure 5.2.1. I-K type in situ feeding core equipped with the 13C-labeled glucose. Inner diameter of the core is 8.2 cm. Trigger case, syringes containing the 13C-labeled glucose, and the core. a (Dive #969) b (Dive #970) Marker Homer Marker Homer Figure 5.2.2. In situ feeding cores on the deep-sea floor. a) Carbonate site at the Dive #969 (6350m), b) Seaward site at the Dive #970 (6365m). Homer and Marker were also settled on the seafloor adjacent to in situ feeding core. 6. Proposal for the future studies Storyboard tells us a collapse and huge sliding of a large coral reef to the trench bottom at the southern tip of the Palau Trench in the Philippine Sea. Using geophysical data such as bathymetry, gravity and magnetic data and geologic observation by Shinkai 6500 we will plan to discuss about the possibility of a huge coral reef collapsed down to the trench bottom to have a huge slope failure resultant formation of a large tsunami. (K. Fujioka, H. Kitazato and H. Wada) * Sediment core samples 1) Faunal studies of benthic foraminifera will be held both E and W sites for comparison between calcareous and non-calcareous bottom environments. (Iwasaki, Gooday) 2) Genetic analyses will be held for soft-shelled foraminifera (Iwasaki, Tsuchiya) 3) TEM observation for soft-shelled foraminifera (Iwasaki, Uematsu) 4) Historical biology of calcareous foraminiferal fauna on limestone block will be submitted to quite high-quality journal (Kitazato together with Fujioka, Wada, Iwasaki, Nomaki, Oguri and Gooday) * ln situ feeding experiment Assimilation rate of dissolved organic carbon by deep-sea benthic foraminifera will be measured. Mineralization rate of organic carbon by total benthic community will be evaluated from 13 C concentrations in DIC of the overlying water. Lipids will be extracted from both bulk sediment and Xenophyophores. Identification and quantification of separated lipids will be performed by GC/MS. Compounds specific carbon isotopic compositions will be determined by using GC/C/MS. Using these data, incorporation and alteration of glucose (DOC) by trench communities will be examined. These data will be compared for those of bathyal Sagami Bay, where the phytodetritus plays major role of the benthic carbon flow. (Nomaki) * Water sample Outflow flux of calcium ion will be measured for estimating dissolution rate and saturation of calcium on limestone block at 6500m. In order to understand why and how to maintain calcareous benthic fauna at 6500 m depth, understanding carbonate system at sea water is important. First of all, Ca2+ concentration at each depth above sea bottom will be measured. Then, Ca2+ profiles from each site are compared and calculated to obtain Ca2+ flux from the sediments. As the same, both ΣCO2 and δ13CDIC will be measured. Using these values, pH and T.A., solubility of Ca2+ will be calculated. δ13CDIC are also used to compare with those from calcareous foraminiferal tests obtained from the sediment cores. (Oguri, Wada) * Geology Geological explanation will be given why reef limestone blocks are distributed in 6500m deep at the Palau Trench using geologic age and paleoenvironmental data from limestone and geomorphological analysis of seabeam maps (Fujioka, Wada) Appendix 2. Videotape list Camera-1 Camera-2 miniDV (60min) S-VHS (120min) miniDV (60min) S-VHS (120min) #969 (20060821) 3 2 3 2 #970 (20060822) 3 2 3 2 #971 (20060823) 3 2 3 2 #972 (20060824) 3 2 3 2 Dive No. Appendix 3. Photographs of pay load at each dive. Dive #969, whole view of the pay load. Dive #969, right basket. Dive #969, left basket. Dive #969, multiple water sampler. Dive #970, whole view of the pay load. Dive #970, right basket. Dive #970, multiple water sampler. Dive #970, left basket. Dive #971, whole view of the pay load. Dive #971, right basket. Dive #971, multiple water sampler. Dive #971, left basket. Dive #972, whole view of the pay load. Dive #972, right basket. Dive #972, left basket. Appendix 4. Topography and Track charts