October 2013 Newsletter
October 2013 Newsletter
1 Re d e e m e r U n i t e d Ch u r c h of C h r i s t Issue 228 immerse yourself... No matter who you are, IN FOCUS O c t ob e r 2 0 1 3 PASTOR BOB or where you are on life’s journey, SURPRISING GIFTS You are welcome here. God is still speaking, A Church… Inclusive of all God’s People Attentive to God’s Word Supportive of One another Responsive to Christ’s Call INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Sunday Worship P2 Sunday Events Pp 3-7 Weekday Events Pp 711 Mission Pp 1214 Thank You Notes P 17 Budget Report P 16 Calendar & Birthdays Pp 18 & 19 Leadership Reports Pp 2023 In response to an end-of-summer appeal from our Stewardship Team for second mile giving to help us over the usual summer slump in giving, four of Redeemer’s members stepped up with gifts totaling $26,000! Indeed they were surprising gifts. The most faithful response to such surprising gifts is deep gratitude – deep gratitude that moved these faithful souls to such faithful giving and deep gratitude to the Source of every good and perfect gift, the God of all Creation. During October our Faith Formation focus will turn to The World as we begin the month on Celebration Sunday around the Communion Table to participate in World Communion Sunday. On World Communion Sunday we gather around the “table of the world” to remember Christ’s promise of abundant life, of our common, human need for daily bread and of the rich diversity of ways that common need is met around the world through different kinds of bread. After worship we’ll feast at a World Potluck with dishes from around the world. Let’s see how many countries we can come up with. At the end of October we will once again participate in Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF as we share our gifts with the children of the world. We will learn about the Faith Practice of Living Stewardship. As we relish in an abundant fall harvest season, we will be reminded daily of God’s surprising gifts. As a daily way of life, expressed in gratitude, living stewardship is a practice that involves all that it means to be faithful followers of Jesus Christ. It grows out of deep joy in being created by God and entrusted with caring for God’s good creation. Living stewardship if about living into God’s shalom – living in harmony with others around the world. It is about all our relationships and all our relations as Native people remind us. As faithful disciples of Jesus, we are called to live as generous people created by a generous God in whose likeness each of us has been created. Because of God’s surprising gifts, we can become surprising givers for the sake of the whole world. As one of the hymns about Stewardship and Creation in our New Century Hymnal puts it: God, whose giving knows no ending, from your rich and endless store, Nature’s wonder, Jesus’ wisdom, costly cross, grave’s shattered door; Gifted by you, we turn to you offering up ourselves in praise; Thankful song shall rise forever, gracious donor of our days. Let’s discover and celebrate God’s surprising gifts this October at Redeemer. 2 W O R S H I P O N S U N DA Y October 6 Lam 1:1-16 Ps 137 Ps 37:1-9 2 Tim 1:1-14 Luke 17:5-10 Neighbors in Need Special Mission Offering - World Communion Sunday October 13 Jer 29:1, 4-7 Ps 66:1-12 Ps 111 2 Tim 2:8-15 Luke 17:11-19 Access Sunday and Disabilities Awareness Week October 20 Jer 31:27-34 Ps 119:97-104 Ps 121 2 Tim 3:14-4:5 Luke 18:1-8 Laity Sunday - Children’s Sabbath October 27 Joel 2:23-32 Ps 65 Ps 84:1-7 2 Tim 4:6-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14 UCC Higher Education Sunday Celebration Sunday/World Communion 9:30AM Worship with Communion and Faith Formation (choir sings) 10:30AM Worlds Food Pot Luck 11:00AM Choir Rehearsal 2:00PM - 6:00PM Great Hall, Classroom behind Fireplace, & Kitchen Reserved Gold Can: Neighbors In Need Faith Formation Sunday 9:30AM Worship - Faith Formation continues to 11:00AM Howie Beutler-Cruise Preaching 10:45AM - Parenting with Love & Logic, Session 2 11:00AM Choir Rehearsal Gold Can: Pewaukee Food Pantry Mission Sunday New Member Sunday 8:15AM-9:15AM Continental Breakfast with Panera Bread 8:30AM Mission Team Meeting 9:30AM Worship - Faith Formation continues to 11:00AM 10:30AM - Prayer Shawl Ministry Meets 10:30AM Family Mission Project 10:45AM Faith Formation Leaders Meeting 11:00AM Choir Rehearsal Gold Can: Friedens Faith Formation Sunday/ UNICEF 9:30AM Worship - Faith Formation continues to 11:00AM 10:45AM Faith Discovery 11:00AM Wellness University with Dr. John Whitcomb Lecture #2 in Wellness University is the "Economics of Wellness” 11:00AM Choir Rehearsal Gold Can: UNICEF 3 S U N DA Y H A P P E N I N G S Children and Worship At Redeemer, children are an important part of the worshiping community. A special time for them during the service is provided. Adults are encouraged to accompany children who may be cautious. A well-staffed Nursery is available from 9:30AM until 12:00 noon for children under 3 years old. See an Usher for directions to the Nursery. Sunday, October 6, World Foods Faith Formation would like to invite you to a World Foods Potluck on Celebration Sunday, October 6th, following worship to kick off our October theme of "The World." We encourage you to bring a dish from another country to share. Let's see how many countries we can have represented on this Sunday! The Neighbors in Need offering, which we will receive on October 6th supports the UCC’s ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. Two-thirds of the offering is used by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries to fund a wide array of local and national justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects. Through UCCTakeAction.org, our national Justice and Witness Ministries office offers resources, news updates, and action alerts on a broad spectrum of justice issues. Working with members of the UCC Justice and Peace Action Network (a network of thousands of UCC justice and peace advocates), Justice and Witness continues its strong policy advocacy work on issues such as the federal budget, voting rights, immigration, health care, hate crimes, civil liberties, and environmental justice. Neighbors in Need also supports our American Indian neighbors in the UCC. One-third of the offering supports the UCC’s Council for American Indian Ministries (CAIM). Historically, forebears of the UCC established churches and worked with Lakota, Dakota, Nakota, Mandan, Hidatsa, Arickara, and Hocak in North and South Dakota, Wisconsin, and northern Nebraska. Today there are 20 UCC congregations on reservations and one urban, multi-tribal UCC congregation in Minneapolis, Minnesota. These churches and their pastors are supported by CAIM. CAIM is also an invaluable resource for more than 1,000 individuals from dozens of other tribes and nations who are members of other UCC congregations in the U.S. Neighbors in Need helps make another world possible. It needs your support. Please give generously. And remember, contributions to Neighbors in Need can be made on-line at any time at: www.ucc.org/nin 4 S U N DA Y H A P P E N I N G S Parentingthe“LoveandLogic”Way! EveryoneisWelcome tothisFreeEvent! JoinustohearPamOlsenpresent “ParentingwithLoveandLogic” Session2:Sun.Oct.13,201310:45-11:45am REDEEMERUNITEDCHURCHOFCHRIST W220N4915TownLineRoad MenomoneeFalls,WI53051 262-246-6710 Doesthisstatementsoundfamiliar? "Idon'tunderstandit.Thetechniquesmy parentsusedsoeffectivelyjustdon’tseemto workwithkidstoday." Alotofparentstodayarewonderingwhattodo withtheirkidsandarefrustratedbecausetheold techniquesjustdon'tseemtogetthejobdone! WhatisParentingwithLoveandLogic? Parentswanttoenjoytheirkids,havefunwith them,andenjoyalessstressfulfamilylife.Buteven iftheirkidsaretrouble-freerightnow,theyfear whatthecomingteenageyearswillbring. Ms.OlsenpresentsandfacilitatestheLoveand Logicapproachtoschools,daycarefacilities, families,churchesandbusinessinSoutheastern Wisconsin! WearepleasedtohavePamOlsen,Educatorand SchoolCounselorandCerti(iedFacilitatorin ParentingwithLoveandLogicandTeachingwith LoveandLogicfromtheColoradoInstitute. PamOlsen:“Iwanttoencourageparentsinthe awesomejobofraisingtheirchildrentobe responsible,respectfulandfuntobearound. Thisnationallyknownprogramissimpleto use,easytolearnandanextremelypositive approachtoparenting”. PamOlsen’sMission:“Tobetterequipthosewho Atnotimeinhistoryhaveparentsbeenmore unsureoftheirparentalrole.Eventhebestare workwithchildreninordertoimproverelations anduptheoddsofraisingandeducating notallthatsureaboutwhethertheyareusing responsiblechildren.“ thebesttechniques. PamOlsenbelieves:"Theadultsinchildren'slives havetheabilitytomanagethemselvesinsucha waythattheymaximizetheireffectivenesswith children.Childrenbene(itthemostfromadults thatarewellputtogetherandclear-mindedabout settingreasonablelimitsforchildren.Thelimits Thereisanapproachtoraisingkidsthat canberealistic,workableandobtainable. provideslovingsupportfromparentswhileat Parentingcanbeenjoyableandfun.” thesametimeexpectingkidstoberespectfuland Free Event! responsible.ThisapproachisknownasLoveand Redeemer Family Support Series Logic,aphilosophyfoundedbyJimFayand FosterW.Cline,M.D.havingcombinedtotalof over75yearsworkingwithandraisingkids. 5 S U N DA Y H A P P E N I N G S Redeemer UCC Hospitality Team would like to invite you to our monthly Continental Breakfast with Panera Bread: When: October 20, 2013 Where: Redeemer UCC Time: 8:15AM - 9:15 AM Please come and join us around the fireplace for a continental breakfast and conversation with members and friends the third Sunday each month. New Member Sunday - October 20, 2013 Are you ready to make Redeemer United Church of Christ your new church home? On Sunday, October 20th, the Church Growth Ministry Team is sponsoring our next New Member Sunday. If you would like to join this exciting community of faith, please contact Mary Dopierala (262) 853-3181 or Kyla Stefan (920) 470-8600. Calling All Knitters, Crocheters and Those Willing to Learn Summer is over and its time to warm up with a Prayer Shawl Project. We are working on restoring our supply of prayer shawls which are available to anyone to offer as a gift to aid in the healing of family and friends. And they decorate our worship space. We supplied over a dozen scarves for the Rainbow Scarf Project for the General Synod meeting this summer and received a thank you note from a pastor of a start-up congregation in Colorado. Our first meeting will be Sunday, October 20th, 10:30AM in the office conference area. We have some simple projects planned for beginning knitters and crocheters, so skilled or unskilled, creative or not, we hope to see you to help with this rewarding ministry. Wellness University with Dr. John Whitcomb On Sunday, October 27th, we are going to explore the concept of wellness being "Frugal Medicine". Lecture #2 in Wellness University is the "Economics of Wellness - Aka, You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em, know when to walk away and know when to run." Our current method of health care is basically the "Lose the Lottery" method, where we spin the roulette wheel and hope it doesn't land on us. There is a lot you can do to change the arithmetic and take the gambling out of it. Keeping yourself well requires spending a little bit ahead of time. One good and simple example we know so well at Redeemer is Vitamin D. Buying and investing in Vitamin D has been called the Best Personal ROI (Return on Investment) we can make in health care. We will explore that topic a bit further and expand on September's topic of Building a Data Dashboard. When you know what to measure, and you know what to invest in, then you have the tools to keep yourself ready for the long haul. Bring a friend. Welcome a guest. Help make Redeemer a welcoming place. Dr. John E Whitcomb, Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Integrative and Holistic Medicine, Antiaging and Regenerative Medicine. For More Information, please call 262.784.5300 or go to www.newsinnutrition.com 6 S U N DA Y H A P P E N I N G S 7 S U N DA Y H A P P E N I N G S TrickTrick-oror-Treat for UNICEF October 27th is UNICEF Sunday at Redeemer. All ages are encouraged to come in costume and join in his year's costume parade... and make sure that your costume has pockets! It is a Redeemer tradition for children to collect for UNICEF during the children's time on this day, so remember to fill your pockets with change. UNICEF is active in more than 190 countries and territories, providing children with clean water, nutrition, healthcare, education and emergency relief. A pocketful of change can save a child's life. See page 13 of this newsletter to learn more about UNICEF. Holiday Craft Fair - Sunday, October 27th - 11:00AM - 2:00PM Emmanuel United Church of Christ, 36821 Sunset Drive, Dousman, WI Phone: 262.965.4022 There will be greeting cards, knitted and crochet items, jewelry, paintings, children’s craft kits, watercolor items, bakery and snacks. WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK Dartball Tuesday Evenings at 7:00 PM October 1 — St. Luke at Redeemer UCC October 8 — Redeemer UCC at St. Mark October 15 — Beautiful Savior at Redeemer UCC October 22 — Redeemer UCC at Salem October 29 — E & R UCC at Redeemer UCC Halloween Costume Drive Through Oct. 11th Donate new or gently used costumes and accessories to the Halloween Costume Drive, coordinated by the Volunteer Organization of Women in Sussex (VOWS) to benefit Sussex Outreach Services (SOS) from Sept. 16-Oct. 11. Families can bring their donations to Sussex collection bins at Shopko N66 W25201 Silver Spring Drive, Waukesha State Bank W249 N6688 State Hwy. 164, Sussex Community Center, W240 N5765 Maple Ave., or North Shore Bank, W249 N6600 State Hwy. 164 & W. Costumes with multiple pieces should be packaged together, and all donations should be clean and ready for immediate use. Following the drive, SOS will distribute the costumes to local children through the Sussex food pantry. Monetary donations made payable to “VOWS” and marked “Halloween Costume Drive” can be sent to: VOWS, P.O. Box 465, Sussex, WI, 53089. Money will be used to buy new costumes. For more information, contact Sara at (262) 820-8922. Please remember ...S.O.S. accepts donations of money, food, clothing and other necessities for Sussex-area families all year long. 8 WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK ALVERNO COMMUNITY CONFERENCE: THE ART OF HAPPINESS Guest Keynote Speaker, Dr. Parker Palmer Friday, October 4 Join the entire Alverno community in exploring “happiness” through the lens of different disciplines and approaches. Our annual community conference invites faculty, staff, students and community members to share current research around a central, interdisciplinary theme. Twenty-eight different topics will be explored during three sessions; the day also includes hands-on art activities and a culminating “Happy Hour” of musicmaking. This conference is open to the campus and the public at large. Conference Schedule: Friday, October 4, 2013 7:45 - 8:15 a.m. ---- Registration in the Rotunda 8:15 - 8:30 a.m. ---- Welcome in the Sr. Joel Read Conference Center 8:45 - 10:00 a.m. ---- Session I 10:15 - 11:30 a.m. ---- Session II 11:40 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ---- Keynote: Dr. Parker Palmer 12:30 - 1:30 p.m. ---- Lunch (on your own) 1:00 – 1:20 p.m. ---- Lunch Keynote: Peg Rauschenberger 1:30 - 2:45 p.m. ---- Session III 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. ---- Art Activities in The Commons 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. ---- "Happy" Hour in The Mug Choose from several topics during each Session: Registration Information: • Alverno faculty, staff, students and alums: admission is free, but you must pre-register. • Community members; $25 full day registration /$15 half-day (morning only, includes mid-day keynote with Dr. Parker Palmer) Note: Lunch is on-your-own. A box lunch may be reserved for $12 by calling 414-382-6087 before September 25. Additional Information: Please call 414-382-6087, or email [email protected] for more information. http://www.alverno.edu/communityconference/index.html Daylight Savings Time ends at 2:00AM on Sunday, November 3, 2013, Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour! The deadline for the November 2013 newsletter is October 15th. Please email your articles to Carol Buehler at [email protected] with Newsletter in the subject line or turn them into the office in her mailbox. 9 WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK Mark your calendar and plan to attend Interfaith Senior Programs 23rd Annual Fabulous Fish Fry Friday, October 11, 2013 Country Springs Hotel 4 - 8 P.M. All You Care to Eat - Baked and Fried Fish Potatoes, Rolls, Salad, Coffee/Milk Desserts Available for Purchase Dine-in OR Carry-out available $20 Adult Tickets - age 11+ ($22 at the Door) $10 Child Tickets (age 3 - 10) Children 2 and Under eat free InterfaithWaukesha.org/262.549.3348 Community Pig Roast & Festival When: Saturday, October 12th Time: 2:00 p.m. Until Dusk Where: Emanuel United Church of Christ Back Parking Lot Call: 414-425-1515 www.emanuel-ucc.org 10627 W. Forest Home Ave, Hales Corners, WI 53130 Pig Roast, Chicken, Brat Dinners & Hot Dogs Beer & Wine, Soda & Orange Drink Generations Variety Band 3-7pm Face Painting, Christian Tattoos, and Bounce Houses for kids Community Tables 10 WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK Hope Center’s 3rd Annual Walk/Run for Hope fundraising event is on October 12th at Frame Park. Please join us on Saturday October 12th (Rain or Shine!) for a fun filled day of activities. Registration begins at 12pm followed by: 5K & 3K Run/Walk - 1pm, 1 Mile Kids Run - 2pm,1/2 Mile Kids Run - 2pm. After the run stick around for a Silent Auction and a heart healthy bowl of Hope Center Chili! For more information please go to http:// www.hopecenterwi.org/images/hope-center-run-walk-2013.pdf A Community Affair presented by Community League Featuring Quality Exhibitors of: Fine Arts, Crafts, Collectibles & Antiques Saturday, October 19, 2013 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Over 80 Exhibitors Silent Auction - Raffles - Luncheon & Snack Bar Fabulous Desserts, Homemade Bakery & Treats Menomonee Falls High School W142 N8101 Merrimac Drive - Menomonee Falls, WI Located off Appleton Avenue (Hwy. 175) at Woosencraft Dr. For information, please DO NOT call the high school call: 414-581-0352 or email [email protected] Clear Hallways Sorry, No strollers Admission $4.00 All Proceeds to Charity. “A COMMUNITY AFFAIR”, presented by Community League, is an arts, crafts, collectibles and antiques show that highlights the talents of fine artists. For 30 years, the proceeds from this major fundraiser allowed Community League to donate over $850,000 to scholarships, local charities and civic endeavors. The members of this volunteer organization take great pride in finding exhibitors who create unique, handmade items to be featured at the event. For more information visit: http://communityleague.com/craftshow.html 11 WHAT’S HAPPENING DURING THE WEEK Regeneration will meet on Tuesday, October 22nd with breakfast at 9:30AM. followed by a program on housing options in later years with Carol Hollowell and Rev. Kathy Reid Walker, Chaplain, Kirkland Crossings, Pewaukee. ~Betty Specht Once again it is time to round up your favorite Chili & Chicken Soup recipes. We will be celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the chili cook off on October 28, at the Sussex Armory on Maple Ave. This event will, again, benefit the Sussex Food Pantry & Resource Center. The admission price will remain the same at $6.00 in advance and $7.00 at the door, plus a non-perishable food item. Doors will open at 6:00PM. We will start serving at 6:30PM. We are looking for people to enter the contest and bring a container of chili and or chicken soup. We will, also, need desserts and people to help in various ways. To enter the contest or volunteer desserts or your help, please contact Carol Braeger 262.246.3032 or Delores Scharmer 262.695.7704. Last year Redeemer had a winner & we hope for another winner or two, this year. We need your help to make this a great success, again. Christmas is closer than you think! Help share the true meaning of the season with our Community! If you are interested in participating in this year’s Live Nativity or Community Christmas Carol Choir at the Pewaukee Holiday Fest at the Clark House Museum on the afternoon of December 7th, now is the time to let us know! We are looking for: ♦ Live Nativity Participants - Mainly Adults (Mary, Joseph, Wiseman, 8 Shepherds and 6 Angels) ♦ Community Christmas Carol Choir participants- Adults and Children ♦ Volunteers to help behind the scene- before, during and after the event Please contact Harvey Buth at 262.691.2164 by November 17th if you are interested! 12 MISSION ~ Donation for the Food Pantries will be split between Pewaukee Food Pantry and Sussex Food Pantry~ Please help fill the shelves! The Food Pantry Shopping List: 1. Mac and cheese (last week we had none) 2. Canned ravioli, spaghetti etc. (this was gone too) 3. Canned meat (tuna and chicken) been out recently 4. Canned veggies 5. Non food items baggies for school kids Please place donations in the bin by the Mission table, Redeemer and the community thank you for your support! Please do not donate food or packages that have been opened or are past the expiration date. Pine Ridge Indian Reservation Donations List for 2013 World Wide Hunger Relief will be taking donations to the Pine Ridge Reservation in December. Below is a list of items requested: MEN & WOMEN: Outer wear only. Winter clothing items such as coats, hats, gloves, boots, heavy socks. CHILDREN, TODDLER, BABY: Any warm clothing in good condition not needing repair, lightly used toys-NOT BATTERY OPERATED, diapers in larger sizes, sports items-basketballs, soccer balls, etc. MISC: Blankets, quilts, sheets/pillow cases, towels, wash cloths. NO FURNITURE PLEASE. There will be collection boxes in the Jr. high class to the right of the sanctuary. Please place items in the appropriate box. Any questions see Lisa Morris or call 262.549.5937 Thank you for your generosity. Know that the Lakota are truly thankful. If you have any old 100% wool sweaters that you would like to donate, we will be using them to make mittens for Pine Ridge. We will also be looking for people to help make the mittens. We will need tracers, cutters, sewers.....anyone willing to lend a hand. Look for up coming dates and times. ~Lisa Morris, 262.549.5937 13 MISSION Every day, somewhere in the world, UNICEF is saving and improving children's lives. Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF helps provide kids in need with health care, clean water, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. UNICEF and the U.S. Fund for UNICEF The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) works in more than 190 countries and territories to save and improve children's lives by providing health care and immunizations, clean water and sanitation, nutrition, education, emergency relief and more. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF supports UNICEF’s work through fundraising, advocacy, and education in the United States. Together, we are working toward the day when ZERO children die from preventable causes and every child has a safe and healthy childhood. What Do We Do? The U.S. Fund for UNICEF fights for the survival and development of the world’s most vulnerable children and protects their basic human rights. Why UNICEF? Because UNICEF is experienced. UNICEF has helped save more children’s lives than any other humanitarian organization in the world. We have global reach, expertise, and the access and influence it takes to get things done in difficult places and emergency situations. Because UNICEF will use your money wisely. The U.S. Fund for UNICEF spends 90.4 cents of every dollar we receive on programs that help children. Only 6.7 cents goes to fundraising, and 2.9 cents to administration. Our 990 tax forms are available online for viewing and downloading. Because UNICEF is relentless. UNICEF will do whatever it takes to save a child. Stopping wars so children can be vaccinated. Bringing lifesaving food and water to places no one else can reach. We work with government leaders, civic figures, celebrities, corporations, campus groups, churches, teachers and people just like you—anyone willing to help us advocate for the survival and well-being of every child. Our Goal We believe in a world where ZERO children die of things we can prevent. 14 MISSION CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX WANBLEE COMMUNITY PINE RIDGE INDIAN RESERVATION This year all the Cooperating Churches of Sussex have agreed to help with the gifts. 14” X 10”X 6” boxes will be packed with small items for the children in the Wanblee Community of Pine Ridge Reservation. Suggested items: 2 pair warm socks (2-4yr olds child medium size, 5-7yr old child large size, 8-10yr olds Small/medium adult size, 11-13yr olds large adult size) Most of the children on the reservation are large for their age. Mittens, Reading books, picture books for younger children Activity books, puzzles, craft items, sketch pads, etc. Small notebooks, pencils with sharpeners, stickers, tattoos, crayons, scissors, etc. Inexpensive toys – card games, Rubik cubes, hacky sacks, beanie babies. No cowboys & Indians, No violent items (toy guns, swords, etc.) No electronic toys. Monetary donations are always welcome. Please make checks payable to Redeemer UCC, be sure to note Pine Ridge in the memo. Please have items ready by November 4th. We will need help packing boxes on Saturday Nov 16th. Looking Ahead It is almost time for the World's Greatest Cookie Sale (Nov 29, 2013) and Redeemer will once again be having a booth at the sale. We are asking for donations of ingredients to offset our costs. Please have donations in by October 6th. Baking at home is also an option open to you (recipes will be provided). We will be decorating our famous cutout cookies and making cornflake wreaths on November 23rd starting at 9:00AM. We could use a lot of help on that date. There will be sign-up list in the greeting space for donations, baking at home, and several other jobs. If you are interested in helping please contact Michele Rockey (262) 783-4718 or Lisa Morris (262) 549-5937. 15 SUPPORTIVE OF ONE ANOTHER COMMUNITY BANQUET WHEN: Thursday, Oct 10, 5:30 PM* Thursday, Oct 24, 5:30 PM WHAT: A free hot meal and chance to socialize with others from the Community WHERE: St. James Church W220 N6588 Town Line Road A ministry of the Cooperating Churches of Sussex and Sussex-area Outreach Service serving singles, couples and families a hot meal on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. The meal is absolutely free. Twice a year guests are invited to make a donation. Mark your calendar for future opportunities to help: Oct 10 – Clean-up - 5:45PM "Faith Connections” The Interfaith Conference is launching a new annual event that will celebrate the dynamic roles that faith and values play in society. “Faith Connections” premieres on Monday, Oct. 14 This year "Faith Connections" will be held at the Milwaukee Repertory Theater. Philanthropists Donna & Tony Meyer will be honored, and the personal stories of two faith leaders who significantly shaped the city’s artistic and cultural landscape will be heard. For more information please go to http://interfaithconference.org/ cms-view-page.php?page=faith-connections#tickets Hope Center is a non-profit organization that has been serving the basic needs of financial assistance, food, and clothing in Waukesha County for more than twenty years. BY THE NUMBERS - Year to Date Clothing Shop: 4,385 unduplicated individuals have visited the Clothing Shop 24,812 times. Approximately 45% of all visits were for children. 93,923 articles of clothing were distributed, in addition 7,455 pieces of underwear and 9,308 pairs of socks. Day Center: 713 unduplicated individuals have visited the Day Center 9,223 times. 7,409 breakfasts and 8,962 lunches were served. Meal Program: 583 unduplicated individuals have visited the evening Meal Program 5,791 times. Approximately 7% of all visits were for children. 9,678 dinners were served. Project Move: 630 households received 1,684 household items. 360 households received 1,116 furniture items. 71 layettes were distributed. Social Ministry: We distributed $32,823 in rent, gift cards, vouchers, & misc. expenses. We received 1,094 requests for various financial aid and were able to help 311 of those requests. Volunteer Hours: 478 volunteers have donated a total of 18,911 hours. Donations: 914 Furniture items donated. 5,166 Household items donated. 168,870 Clothing items donated. $139,383 Retail value of food items donated. Legal: 236 individuals were referred for free legal services. 16 BUDGET REPORT Redeemer United Church of Christ As of August 31, 2013 General Income Second Mile Pledges Other Income Gold Can Receipts Special Outreach Receipts Total Income Year-to-Date Actual 198,554.55 26,000.00 1,227.00 6,579.79 1,002.10 233,363.44 Year-to-Date Budget 194,841.08 9,843.36 8,262.00 1,205.36 214,151.80 $ Over Budget 3,713.47 26,000.00 (8,616.36) (1,682.21) (203.26) 19,211.64 Annual Budget 297,992.00 11,177.00 12,636.00 1,808.00 323,613.00 Remunera0ons Missions Team Expenses Pastoral Related Expenses Facili0es Expenses Ministry Team Expenses Administra0ve Expenses Total Expenses 28,868.49 19,410.49 73,303.93 81,430.24 3,086.05 9,444.49 215,543.69 35,977.76 21,913.36 72,127.28 83,272.50 4,999.20 9,764.00 228,054.10 (7,109.27) (2,502.87) 1,176.65 (1,842.26) (1,913.15) (319.51) (12,510.41) 54,063.00 32,810.00 108,777.01 124,250.00 7,149.00 14,646.00 341,695.01 17,819.75 (13,902.30) 31,722.05 (18,082.01) Net Income For the Income accounts, positive numbers in the "$ Over Budget" column represent additional income received over our budgeted income amounts. Negative amounts represent income shortfalls in comparison with budget. For the Expense accounts, positive numbers in the "$ Over Budget" column represent expenses in excess of budget. Negative amounts represent expense savings in comparison with budget projections. As of August 31, 2013 400000 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Income Expense YTD Actual YTD Budget Annual Budget As you can see, in response to the August Stewardship Team's special appeal, our income increased significantly and our expenses decreased so that we were able to make up the deficit we had going into August. Thanks to all of you who were able to catch up or go the extra mile in contributing to Redeemer's overall well-being. We still have some months (and expenses) to go before the end of the year, but we leave the summer grateful for your faithful support. God is good (and so are you). 17 THANK-YOUS I would like to thank everyone for their prayers, cards & condolences with the loss of my brother, Chuck Zillmer. They were greatly appreciated. Also, a big “thank you” to Pastor Bob for officiating Chuck’s service and making it so special. Alice Schultz and Family Food Pantry of Waukesha sent a thank you letter dated August 21: “Thank you for your generous donation to the FOOD Pantry of Waukesha County. Your gift of $247.62 will be used to help the hundreds of families we see each week.” ~ Karen Tredwell, Executive Director M A I L B OX E S AND EMAIL Do you need a mailbox at Redeemer and don’t have one? Is your mailbox label incorrect or missing? Please let Beth Enneking in the office know so that she can make a label for you. You can just write a note and put it on her desk or in her mailbox in the office. Also, are you getting the emails that are sent through the week which gives reminders of events taking place at Redeemer UCC and other news? If not, it could be that you changed your email address or we don’t have it. Just email a note to Carol Buehler that you would like to be added to the Redeemer Reminder email list. Her email address is [email protected]. Thank You! THE CHURCH KITCHEN Our kitchen gets a great deal of use and that is a GREAT thing. A check list of tasks has been developed to help everyone use the kitchen in a successful and safe manner. You will find the task list in plastic stands on the kitchen counters. Please refer to the guidelines when using the kitchen. BUILDING USE The secret is out, Redeemer UCC is a perfect place to host family gatherings and other special events. Would you like to use the church space for a special event? Please contact Carol in the office to see if the date is available. If it is you will be “penciled” into the master calendar. Carol will provide you with a Building Use Form. After you have completed the form, the date is confirmed and entered into the calendar. Please make sure you submit the form. This allows us to make sure rooms requested are available and that HVAC will be set. More and more requests to use our facility are being made. If there becomes a conflict on a date, preference will be given to those who completed have the form. 18 19 OCTOBER BIRTHDAYS Swan, Dave Blosmore, Alexandra Hart, Haley Kuhlman, Julianne Dopierala, Henry Lokken, Anneliese Madushaw, Ernie Rockey, Bob Nettey, Olivia Fero, Andy Hinzey, Jean OCT 1 OCT 2 OCT 2 OCT 3 OCT 4 OCT 4 OCT 4 OCT 4 OCT 7 OCT 8 OCT 8 Strieter, Kaitlyn Kirby, Mandi Steinbacher, Caitlin Koszarek, Jill Lamb, Penelope Schmitt, Ayden Crook, Kailyn Gohde, Brianna Hart, Shelley Lamers, Ben Oszuscik, Leo OCT 9 OCT 10 OCT 11 OCT 13 OCT 13 OCT 13 OCT 14 OCT 14 OCT 17 OCT 17 OCT 19 Koller, Peg Krupelak, Greg Enneking, William Fero, Jean Jordan, Casey Gersonde, Lori Graebner-Smith, Linda Rymaszewski, Heidi OCT 21 OCT 22 OCT 25 OCT 25 OCT 25 OCT 26 OCT 28 OCT 28 OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES Raue, Cori and Douglas Gohde, Brianna and John Stratmeyer, Jonathan and Tammy Krupelak, Greg and Lori Schwartzman, Daniel and Amy Morris, James and Lisa OCTOBER PRAYER FAMILY OCT 5 OCT 7 OCT 10 OCT 11 OCT 12 OCT 13 OF THE Dopierala, Mary and Eric Schaber, Kathleen and Gene Faulstich, Max and Nicole Price, Terry & Barb Mehlos-Price Wanner, Jay & Tiffany OCT 16 OCT 16 OCT 17 OCT 17 OCT 23 WEEK The purpose of the prayer family is to share our concern and support at times other than crisis times. Ways to do that are to include the person or family in your prayers during the week by sending a note, talking to them at church, a telephone call or email. The names are chosen at random, but sometimes seem by design in that it has come at a particularly appropriate time for them. It is our hope that this will continue to be meaningful. October 6 Tim & Amy Richardson S88 W32400 Prairie Mukwonago, WI 53149 [email protected] October 20 (262) 363-3180 Donna Wegener W226 N4065 Country Lane Pewaukee, WI 53072 October 13 Vic Berger N33 W22214 Hill N’ Dale Circle Pewaukee, WI 53072 [email protected] October 27 (262) 691-1303 Kim & Mary Olson W227 N8321 Tamarack Road Sussex, WI 53089 Kim: [email protected] Mary: [email protected] (262) 691-4950 (262) 502-7629 20 Redeemer’s Leadership Approved Council Meeting Minutes Redeemer UCC Council Meeting Minutes August 19, 2013 The following people were present: Howie Beutler-Cruise, Melissa Pfeiffer, Becci Olson, Kurt Stephan, Lori Gersonde, Karl Cooper, Paul Stuempfig, Stephanie Larson, Dave Swan, Kathy Schaber, Bob Ullman. The meeting was called to order by Howie Beutler-Cruise. Joys and concerns were shared with a short follow up discussion on the Sunday sermon topic "building on basic math". Howie Buetler-Cruise then led the evening's devotions. Minutes of the previous meeting ~ Motion 13-08-01: Karl Cooper/Melissa Pfeiffer moved to approve the minutes of the July 15, 2013 meeting as published. Motion Carried. Consent Agenda / Pastor’s Report - Ministry Team Reports ~ Pastor Bob detailed the activities listed in his report Motion 13-08-02: Kurt Stefan/Becci Olson moved to approve the Consent agenda less the Facilities Team Report. Motion Carried. Facilities Team Report ~ As a follow-up to a request from the Treasurer, Facilities looked into the increase of the WE Energies charges for the current year. It was determined that a credit given in early 2012 for over charges in 2011 made the charges for 2012 $1,900 less than actual. The black stains on the ceiling in the great hall have been cleaned and repainted. The stains were caused by the failure of the caulk around the base of the lightening rods on the roof. Repairs were made by the original contractor/builder CG Schmidt. There are a few areas in the parking lot that are in need of repair. Bids were received in the amount of $600.00 for a two - three year patch life and $1,500.00 for a more permanent repair. Facilities will wait until 2014 and include the repair in their budget. Motion 13-08-03: Becci Olson/ Paul Stuempfig moved to receive the Facilities Team Report. Motion Carried. Financial Report ~ Stephanie Larson reported that the checking account is down $2,000.00. A check will be written to Zayna to clear the balance of the funds in the account established for her gift. Stephanie pointed out that there is a loss of $2,374.60 for the month of July and a total loss of $13,408.86 from January through July. We are staying close to budget, but it was emphasized that the approved budget was a negative budget. Stephanie stated that there was nothing out of the ordinary for the month. Motion 13-08-04: Kurt Stephan/Paul Stuempfig moved to receive the Treasurer's Report. Motion Carried. Kiddie Keep ~ Upon Council Approval, Rachel Brodzeller has agreed to accept the position of Kiddie Keep Supervisor. Faith Formation is working on a job description and recommends that Rachel's starting salary be $20.00 per hour. The Kidde Keep Supervisor position would begin Sunday, September 8th. For budget purposes, the hours would be 9:15 12:00. If no children are in attendance after 10:45, the Kiddie Keep Supervisor could leave and would be paid based on the total time spent in Kiddie Keep for that day. Kiddie Keep would be open to infants - 3 year olds. Motion 13-08-05: Pending the approval of a background check, Melissia Pfeiffier/Karl Cooper moved to hire Rachel Brodzeller as Kiddie Keep Supervisor at $20.00/hour for 3 hours per week beginning September 8, 2013. Motion Carried. Faith Formation Update ~ Faith Formation plans to have all ages covered from infant to confirmation (9th grade). The first Sunday of each month will be Celebration Sunday with Communion. The second and fourth Sunday's will be a Learning Experience. New members Sunday will now be the fourth Sunday of the month instead of the current third. The third Sunday of the month will be Mission's Sunday. The team is in the process of recruiting adults to assist the Faith Formation Leaders on a rotating basis. Depending on the age group, the children will leave the service at different times - after the Children's Story or after the Offering. The 3 - 6 year olds will leave at 9:45 and will meet until 10:30. The curriculum has been purchased for $300.00 and can be used for 2 - 3 years and all age groups can use the curriculum. On Sunday August 25th, the Faith Formation Team will meet with the Faith Formation Leaders to discuss the curriculum. The greeters, ushers and the welcome table attendant will direct anyone who may be unsure where the children are to go for Faith Formation. 21 Redeemer’s Leadership Approved Council Meeting Minutes Continued Faith Formation has requested that Bryan Sirchio lead the September 15th worship service. This would be at a cost of $350.00. Motion 13-08-06: Becci Olson/Lori Gersonde moved to use $200 from the Grace Moll Fund and $150.00 from the Sunday School Fund to cover the $350.00 cost for Bryan Sirchio to lead the worship service on September 15th. Motion Carried. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 pm. with the Lord's Prayer. 22 Redeemer’s Ministry Team Leaders Congregational Care – Marty Davis, 262.695.8636 Church Growth – Mary Dopierala, 262.853.3181 & Kyla Stefan, 920.470.8600 Earth Care – Sue Borth, 262.691.9475 Facilities – Don Easterling, 262.691.4843 Hospitality – Open Stewardship – Mary Olson, 262.502.7629 Worship – Pastor Bob Ullman, 262.246.6710 Faith Formation – Tammy Stratmeyer, Recorder, 262.538.0176 Missions (Leadership Team Convenor)– Jason Fritz, 262.442.3275 Small Groups – Open Youth & Young Adult – Peg Koller, 262.691.4214 Personnel Team – Emil Glodoski, 262.227.1376 Redeemer’s Council Moderator, Howie Beutler-Cruise, 414.412.0282 Vice Moderator, Melissa Pfeiffer, 262.442.8928 Council Member, Becci Olson, 262.246.4669 Council Member, Kurt Stefan, 414.975.7895 Council Member, Lori Gersonde, 414.405.6139 Council Member, Paul Stuempfig, 262.246.9801 Council Member, Karl Cooper, 262.246.6057 Senior Advisor, Dave Swan, 262.691.0471 Treasurer, Stephanie Larson, 608.215.0109 Council Secretary, Kathy Schaber, 262.246.8565 Pastor, Bob Ullman, 262.246.6710 23 Pastor’s Report PASTOR’S REPORT – September 15, 2013 Pastoral care during this period: Additional events: Hospital/nursing home visits 7 Funeral: Charles Zillmer 8/24 Home visits 9 Weddings: Melanie Johnson/Tom Stolper 8/24 Carol Conaty/Andy Fero 9/7 Counseling 13 Pastoral contacts 82 Committee meetings 9 Administrative meetings 32 Classes taught 2 Worship 5 Vacation days Available Used this period Used to date 36 0 16 Continuing Education Days Available 14 Used this period 1 Used to date 3 Service to the Community Sussex Clergy Interfaith Senior Programs Board Retreat Service to the Wider Church Southeast Association UCC Admin Team SE Association Confirmation and Youth Planning Wisconsin Conference OCWM Goal Setting Team Wisconsin Conference Communities of Practice Facilitator Training Elmhurst College UCC Relations Strategic Planning Continuing Education Desire 2 Learn Webinar Training Looking Ahead I will be on vacation October 9 – 14. PLEASE NOTE: HIPAA (The U.S. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) provides for patient privacy in hospitals and nursing homes. What that means for Pastoral Care is that no one will be given information about patients without their consent. It also means that even if patients are asked about church affiliation during the admission process, no one from the health care institution will be contacting the church. If you or a loved one would like or expect a pastoral visit, you or someone designated by you must call the church and let us know. Otherwise we have no way of knowing about your situation. We are more than willing to provide pastoral care, but need your help in keeping us aware of your needs. 24 Redeemer UCC P.O. Box 230 Sussex, WI 53089 Return Service Requested 9:30 AM Worship and Faith Formation Together Communion First Sunday of the Month —CHURCH OFFICE— Hours: Monday - Thurs 10AM to 1PM Office (262) 246-6710 Fax (262) 246-6845 W220 N4915 Town Line Rd Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 Redeemer UCC Mailing Address: P.O. Box 230 Sussex, WI 53089 Website: www.redeemerucc.org Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RedeemerUCC Blog: http://spirituallyalive.wordpress.com/ Rev. Bob Ullman, Pastor Howie Beutler-Cruise, Church Moderator Carol Buehler, Parish Administrator Beth Enneking, Secretary Visitors are cordially invited to join us! O C T O B E R 2 01 3 N E W S L E T T E R