- Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
- Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit
2013-0973 FHN NL pms 7498_3963-04 2/27/13 7:47 PM Page 1 FAIR HOUSING NEWS Newsletter of the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit Suite 1020 220 Bagley Detroit, Michigan 48226-1426 (313) 963-1274 Fax (313) 963-4817 [email protected] www.fhcmetrodetroit.org Volume 35, No. 1 15th ANNUAL FAIR HOUSING LEADERSHIP AWARDS RECEPTION On September 20, 2012 the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit (FHCMD) was pleased present three Fair Housing Leadership Awards and the Marvin Thomas Service Award at the Center’s 15th Annual Fair Housing Leadership Awards Reception. The Reception was held at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum on Belle Isle, in Detroit. Recipients of the Fair Housing Leadership Awards were: Dr. James M. Cambridge, Tom Kotzian, J.D., and Huntington Management Company, Cynthia Jones, Executive Director. The Marvin Thomas Service Award was presented to former FHCMD Assistant Coordinator of Investigations and Testing, Pamela Kisch. Award recipients Pamela Kisch, Tom Kotzian, Cynthia Jones and Dr. James M. Cambridge. Dr. Cambridge was recognized for his support of the renter of his condominium unit who needed a service animal in spite of the efforts of the condominium associates to exclude the animal. Tom Kotzian, manager and associate broker with Keller-Williams, Lakeside, has spent years providing fair housing training to members of the real estate sales industry, helping to keep thousands of real estate professionals aware of fair housing laws and practices. Similarly, Cynthia Jones makes sure that employees of Huntington Management and the Boards of Directors of housing cooperatives managed by her firm, follow fair housing laws. Marvin Thomas was Pamela Kisch’s supervisor and mentor when she worked for the FHCMD in the early 1990s. Ms Kisch continues to be the nationally respected Executive Director of the Fair Housing Center of Southeast Michigan. FHCMD Board Chairperson Noel J. Saleh accepts a check from officers of the Southeast Michigan Coalition for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity: Elaine Adkins, Joyce Beverly, Dale Smith and Bobbi Sexton. February, 2013 SEMCOG INCLUDES FAIR HOUSING CONCERNS IN REGIONAL HOUSING STRATEGY For over one year (in 2011/2012) a Regional Housing Strategy Task Force of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments (SEMCOG), chaired by Brenda Lawrence, Mayor of the City of Southfield, met to develop recommendations and plans for a “Regional Housing Needs and Neighborhood Resiliency Strategy for Southeastern Michigan.” At the invitation of SEMCOG, staff from the Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit participated in the Task Force meetings. Aided by the patient and insightful guidance of SEMCOG Planner, Kevin Vettraino, the Task Force developed a comprehensive list of 36 Federal, State and Local policy recommendations that were officially adopted at SEMCOG’s General Assembly on November 8, 2012. Among the 36 recommendations, that were adopted by and addressed to SEMCOG members, were several that addressed fair housing issues, including: -Support federal housing policy that encourages equal access to housing opportunities for all persons. -Educate and inform local officials, general public and landlords of fair housing laws and best practices. -Establish, where applicable, a Human Relations Commission whose focus is on fostering mutual self-respect and understanding and promoting amicable relations among all racial, religious and ethnic groups. -Prioritize incentives for rental preservation and affordable housing in areas that are transit accessible, and near employment opportunities and services. The FHCMD is pleased to see SEMCOG provide official encouragement for actions to support fair and equal housing opportunities. Given the fact that the metropolitan Detroit residential area remains one of the most racially and ethnically segregated in the United States, there is much work for us to do, together. 15th RECEPTION (continued) As in previous years, the Fair Housing Leadership Awards Reception brought together a large number of fair housing supporters, from both within and outside of the housing industry. For many, the visit to the Dossin Great Lakes Museum was a very welcome “first” to the Museum and to beautiful Belle Isle Park. The outstanding physical location was a very welcome compliment for an appreciative group of fair housing supporters who responded with warmth and thankfulness to the award recipients who have done so much to further fair and equal housing opportunities. The music provided by Taslimah Bey and her friends, along with the tasty refreshments provided by Golden Spice Catering, were welcomed and appreciated by those in attendance. Special recognition was given during the Reception to the work of, and the financial support provided to this and previous receptions by, the Southeast Michigan Coalition for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity. This Coalition of 14 Southeast Michigan Boards and Associations of Realtors provided special fair housing conferences and workshops since the early 1990s for hundreds of real estate sales (continued on page 4) 2013-0973 FHN NL pms 7498_3963-04 2/27/13 7:47 PM Page 2 Fair Housing News Page 2 FHCMD CASE UPDATES The Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit (FHCMD) extends its thanks and appreciation to the plaintiffs, testers, witnesses and attorneys who have assisted the cause of fair housing by participating in the following litigations. It is understood that in all cases reported in this newsletter the defendant, unless noted otherwise, denies the allegations of discrimination made by the plaintiff and, in “settled” cases, the parties have agreed to resolve the case without a final determination by a jury or court. Some of the tests and investigations conducted by FHCMD were paid for with funds made available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. CLOSED CASE United States of Amercica v French and French In the last issue of Fair Housing News (Vol. 34, No 3, September, 2012) it was reported that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued a charge of unlawful housing discrimination against David and Paula French, owners of a house for rent in Hudson, Michigan. That charge of racial discrimination led to a Federal Court lawsuit filed by the U.S. Department of Justice, on behalf of Clare and William Rembis. FHCMD and FHC Southeast Michigan Cooperating Attorney, Jonathan C. Weber, representing the Rembis family, has informed the FHCMD that the parties were able to arrive at a settlement, entered as a Consent Order, calling for the payment of $12,500 in damages to the plaintiffs, and requiring fair housing training for defendant Paula French. Mr. and Mrs. Rembis originally filed this complaint in 2008 with the FHCMD. Testing by the FHCMD disclosed evidence that supported their claim of racial discrimination. A complaint was filed with HUD, prompting a very detailed “charge” with the recommendation of a $16,000 payment to the Rembis family. After filing the complaint in Federal Court, Assistant U.S. Attorney Susan K. DeClerq assisted in negotiating the $12,500 settlement. The case was filed before Hon. John Corbett O’Meara. NEW FILINGS FHCMD v Shelby Park Manor 4 & 5 The Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit (FHCMD) has assisted in the filing of over 400 complainants of unlawful housing discrimination in state or federal courts since the Center was organized in 1977. The filing of this complaint against Shelby Park Manor marks only the sixth time that the FHCMD has become a plaintiff in any of the 400+ lawsuits. It does so in this case because of the weight of the evidence supporting the Center’s allegations of unlawful discrimination by the defendant and because of the current lack of other potential plaintiffs in this matter. FHCMD Cooperating Attorney John Obee has now informed FHCMD that a formal administrative complaint has been filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and a housing discrimination lawsuit has been filed in U.S. District Court before Judge Victoria A. Roberts on behalf of the FHCMD against Shelby Park Manor. Based on testing evidence compiled in a HUD funded project, the FHCMD is charging Shelby Park Manor with racial and familial status discrimination. The evidence includes statements that “no kids” are allowed at Shelby Park, and the provision of more favorable information to white testers than was provided to comparable African American testers. Among the remedies being sought by the FHCMD are fair housing training, monitoring and testing programs for the defendants, implementation of an affirmative marketing program and continuing Court jurisdiction of the case for five years. Special “Thanks” to FHCMD Coordinator of Testing and Investigations, Al Young, FHCMD Systemic Testing Coordinator, Engela Bertolini, FHCMD Legal Services Coordinator, Michael Olshan, J.D., and the very reliable FHCMD testers for their special work on this case. CONNECTICUT CASE CHALLENGES “TWO PERSONS PER BEDROOM” POLICY The Consent Order agreed to by the parties in a recently settled familial status lawsuit (USA and Emery v Landings Real Estate Group, et al) includes language that prohibits the defendant from “Imposing, maintaining or enforcing an occupancy policy that is more restrictive than the applicable local occupancy code.” The defendant, in refusing to rent a two bedroom unit to five persons (a mother with four children) had argued that it was maintaining a legal “two-person-per-bedroom” limit and the family exceeded that limit. For many years private fair housing groups, public and private fair housing trainers and fair housing enforcement agencies have accepted the “twoperson-per-bedroom” policy unless there was clear evidence that such a policy would be unreasonably restrictive. This Connecticut case was initially filed with, and tested by, the Connecticut Fair Housing Center before referral to HUD and DOJ. The investigation included a review of State of Connecticut and City of Groton fire and occupancy codes, and concluded that in view of “the local and state governmental occupancy restrictions, the occupancy limitation imposed by the Defendant unreasonably limited the ability of families with children to rent the property.” Given the high probability that most state and local government occupancy codes will allow for maximum occupancy limits greater than “two-persons-per-bedroom”, and the willingness of HUD and DOJ to directly challenge that policy in this case, there is the possibility that there will be an increase in the number of challenges to the “two-person-per-bedroom” policy. Congratulations to our friends at the Connecticut Fair Housing Center for successfully pursuing this case and for securing a $40,000 settlment for the plaintiff, Kandi Emery. FHCMD BOARD MEMBERS After several years of services on the FHCMD Board of Directors, in September, 2012 Attorney Angelita Espino resigned from the Board and moved to New Orleans. The FHCMD extends THANKS and BEST WISHES to Attorney Espino. The Board has also received a letter of resignation from Attorney John Obee, who is now representing the FHCMD in a housing discrimination lawsuit. The other 18 members of the Board continue: Attorney Noel J. Saleh, Chairperson; Attorney Emily C. Hall, Vice-Chairperson; Louistine Larry, J.D., Secretary; Mirriam Livingstone, Treasurer; Dr. Eitoile Libbett, Attorney Margaret L.M. Brown and Bradley Hoth on the Executive Committee. The other Board members are: Kae Bradley, James L. Bush, Evelyn Caise, Ben Davis, III, Hector Hernandez, Lucy H. Maddox, Vernon Shadd, Freda Sampson, John C. Schwab, Dr. David Snider and Terry Ward. HUD ISSUES “DISCRIMINATORY EFFECTS” STANDARD The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has issued a Regulation describing HUD’s plans to implement the Fair Housing Act’s Discriminatory Effects Standard. The notice can be found in the Federal Register of February 15, 2013 at 24 CFR Part 100. According to the notice HUD “...has long interpreted the Act to prohibit practices with an unjustified discriminatory effect, regardless of whether there was an intent to discriminate. Through this final rule, HUD formalizes its long-held recognition of discriminatory effects liability under the Act...” Although none of the 400+ lawsuits assisted by the FHCMD since it was organized in 1977 have relied on a showing of “discriminatory effects” to establish liability, the HUD Regulation may result in an increase in “discriminatory effects” cases in the metro Detroit area. 2013-0973 FHN NL pms 7498_3963-04 2/27/13 7:47 PM Page 3 Fair Housing News Page 3 “THANK YOU” TO 2012 SUPPORTERS OF THE FAIR HOUSING CENTER OF METROPOLITAN DETROIT The Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit (FHCMD) expresses its thanks and appreciation to the many individuals, organizations, foundations, businesses, housing providers, financial institutions and government agencies that provided support, in many ways, to the work of the organization in 2012. The following lists include many of the individuals and organizations that have made financial contributions to, entered into contracts for the provision of fair housing services with, or made other significant contributions to the work of the FHCMD. The contributions and contracts for fair housing services makes it possible for FHCMD to have a positive impact for fair and equal housing opportunities in the metropolitan Detroit area. THANK YOU!!! INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS/CONTRIBUTORS/SUPPORTERS/FRIENDS Elaine Adkins Chris A. Aikens Scott Allen Martha A. Alston Susan Antisdal Michael Appel & Ruth Kraut Sheldon and Elizabeth Appleton Mark A. Armitage, Attorney Laura M. Bassett, Attorney Gregory Bator, Attorney Robert Beale Mary Bejian Engela Bertolini Joyce Beverly Sebastino Biondo Joan Blair, Attorney Tonette Bledsoe Kelley Boddie Patti-Ann Bossert Kae Bradley Leah Brewer Attornehy Kristen Bros Robert & Janet Browder Margaret L.M. Brown, Attorney Cheryl Bukoff, MSW James Bush & Rev. Juanita Peek-Vary Marlene Cain Evelyn Caise Dr. James Cambridge Carol Campbell Joanne A. Campbell Ruth Carey & James Crowfoot Frank Carswell Tanya Cofield Gail Clark Lloyd & Sandra Clemons Hon. Sheila Cockrel William Collon Jack M. Combs Pete Costa Thomas Costello, Attorney Susan Corbin & Dan Krichbaum Lona A. Council Paula R. Creed, Attorney Michelle P. Crockett, Attorney Robert Curran Rebecca J. Daniels Tim Daniel Michelle DaRos Alton & Regina Davis Benjamin Davis, III Jim & Lynn Davis Joanne M. Davis Timothy Davis Regina Powdrill Davis Sr. Cathy De Santis Karen K. Drake Walter E. Douglas Atty. Laura and Andre Dudley Stuart Elsea Angelita Espino, Attorney Leslie Lewiston Etterbeck Dr. Freeman Farrow, Attorney Kathie Feldpausch Marcia Femrite, Attorney J.M. Finnegan, Atty. Atty. Michael and Deborah Fisher David Foster Fred Freiberg & Atty. Diane Houk Avery Friedman, Atty. George Galster, Ph.D. Arthur J. Genser Joel L. and Delta Gibson Vicki & Gary Gillette Selma Goode Jesse F. Goodwin, Ph.D. Andrea Gould James Graham Atty. Saul & Diane Green Dr. Karl D. Gregory Atty. Fred & Linda Gruber Daniel Gwinn, Attorney Emily C. Hall, Attorney Patricia Hall Phyllip & Alycia Hall Clio Hanks Hon. Katherine L. Hansen Michael Harris Albert & Kathryn Harrison William Arthur Hart, IV Nusrat Hasan, Attorney Sonya Hathe Denise M. Heberle, Atty. Hector Hernandez Otto Hetzel, Attorney Judith A. Hill Nigel & Katie Hinds Bradley Hoth Rick Hovarter Atty. Roland & Christina Hwang Norman Hyman, Attorney James Inglis Lynne & John Isaia Hassan Jaber, E.D. Pat Jacobs Alan & Diane Jacobson Burney Johnson Cindy Jones Lynn Kacy James F. Kaschalk Pamela Kisch & Atty. Paul Sheer Susan & Hal Koss Liz Mancini Koto John Nussbaumer, Attorney Charles Shanaman Tom Kotzian Atty. John & Janice Obee Dorothy J. Sheldon Albert D. LaFonte, IV Michael and Faye Olshan Thomas G. Shepherd Richard Lampi Daniel R. O’Neil, Attorney Thomas Shumaker Louistine Larry, J.D. Beatrice Paige Jaye Simpson Michael K. Lee, Attorney Hon. Linda Parker Frederick Simpson Judith Levy, Attorney Ted Phillips, Attorney Abraham Singer, Attorney Maryellen Lewis Lara Pierce, Attorney Dale E. Smith Dr. E’toile L. and David Libbett Jim & Cindy Pierson David Snider, Ph.D. & Judith Snider Sue L. Littles Yvonne Poindexter Steve Spreitzer Mirriam & George Livingstone Roseanna Powell Carlton & Bonnie Speck Lucy H. Maddox Carol Provebzano Mary Stadel Attorneys Mark Magidson & Rev. Larry Quanbeck Elizabeth Stafford, Attorney Rochelle Lento Mary Ratkowski James & Lisa Stevenson Leslie R. Malcolmson J.R. Reagan Kathleen N. Straus James L. Maniere Atty. Lee and Shellie Ravitz David Stringer, Attorney Richard & Joy Marks Attorneys Pramada Reddy & Greg Darlene Taylor Luis Marquez Abler Ellen M. Tickner, Attorney Bill Martin Jim Reuschlein Michael Tobin Marilyn Mayberry Ronald Rice, Attorney Rick Tolle, Attorney Ursel Mayo Rochelle Ricks Stephen Tomkowiak, Attorney Dr. Tyra McKinney Atty. Noel J. Saleh & Anan Ameri, Kevin Trealout Lynn Merrill Ph.D. Patricia G. Valerius Regina L. Meo, Attorney Dr. Juliet Saltman Robert Vallina Nancy Merdzinski Freda Sampson Dennis Varian Roger L. Meyers Erica Sanders Terry & Glenda Ward Hon. Beatrice Millender Laura Schlecte Jonathan Weber, Attorney Charles R. Miller, Jr. P. Rivka Schochet, Attorney Larry & Lee Weber Joyce & Atty. Richard Mittenthal Christa Schrupp Brian Westrin, Attorney John Mogk, Attorney Clifford C. Schrupp Ann Wettlaufer Columbus and Karen Moore Lowell R. Schrupp, D.D. Robert L. Willis, Attorney Hon. Claudia Morcom Attorneys Mark Schrupp & Leah Norvena Wilson Kary Moss, Attorney Maguire Debra Bizzell-Wood Marilyn Mullane, Attorney Theresa Schurman Atty. Michael Yales and Nancy Sabol Irmgard Mudie Jack Schwab Albert D. Young Reuben Munday, Attorney Vernon Shadd Jerry Young William Nill Keith Norman, Attorney ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERS/CONTRIBUTORS IN HONOR OF, MEMORIALS, BEQUESTS John & Janice Obee in Memory of Eugene Obee Gayle Rosen, Attorney, in Honor of Pamela Kisch Lee & Larry Weber in Memory of Marvin Thomas CONTRACTORS, PURCHASERS AND USERS OF FHCMD SERVICES ACME Investments, Inc. Beneicke Group Community Development Associates City of Dearborn City of Dearborn Heights Cormorant Company Elizabteth Dole Manor Elite Management Flint Housing Commission Huntington Management Independent Management Services Lautrec Management Lewis Associates Lexington Apartments City of Livonia Michigan Association of Realtors Michigan Department of Civil Rights Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion Morton Manor Peak Management Ronnie Peterson Apartments Premier Property Management City of St. Clair Shores City of Southfield City of Taylor Tithe Properties University of Michigan Law School U.S. Department of HUD The Urban Institute Village Green Shared Services City of Warren Waterford Township Wayne County Wayne State University Law School City of Westland Westland Colonial Village Wynnestone Communities ACCESS Ann Arbor Board of Realtors Associated Management Company Banker & Associates Bator, Berlin & Gwinn Bolton Johnson Realtors Caise & Associates Century 21, Curran & Christie COMERICA Charitable Foundation Continental Management Co. Constitutional Law Offices Consumers Energy Foundation DTE Energy Foundation City of Dearborn Dearborn Federal Savings Bank Detroit Association of Realtors Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association Downriver Association of Realtors Episcopal Diocese of Michigan FHC of Southeast Michigan FHC of Southwest Michigan FHC of West Michigan City of Farmington Hills Marcia Femrite Law Office Fidelity Bank First Independence Bank First State Bank of East Detroit Flagstar Bank Fourmidable Full House Marketing Green Hill Apartments Grosse Pointe Board of Realtors Group Five Management Hall & Hunter The Hayman Company Huntington Management Company Huntington National Bank Independent Management Services Keller-Williams, Brighton Market Center Keller-Williams, Lakeside Keller-Williams, Troy Kidsmart Software L R Management Services Lautrec LTD Lee & Associates League of Women Voters of Metro Detroit Lewis Associates City of Lincoln Park City of Livonia Housing Commission Lombardo Hones Mark Magidson Law Office Michigan Association of Realtors Michigan Department of Civil Rights Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion Mich. State Housing Development Authority Miller, Canfield, Paddock & Stone, PLC MooreDot-Com. Nextpointe Real Estate North Oakland County Board of Realtors Oakland County Real Estate Brokers Association Pearl Insurance Plymouth Housing Commission PNC Foundation Premier Property Management Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Prudential HWWB Realtors Quicken Loans R & R Management Real Estate One Real Estate Today The Charles Reinhart Co. River Bend Apartments City of Royal Oak Law Office of Noel J. Saleh Salem United Church of Christ Team Schlecte Southeast Michigan Coalition for Fair Housing Sol & Doris R. Swiss Foundation Law Office of Steve Tomkowiak Unified Property Group U.S. Suburban Building Co. VETA ID Co. Village Green Companies Wood Kull Herschfus Obee & Kull 2013-0973 FHN NL pms 7498_3963-04 2/27/13 7:47 PM Page 4 Fair Housing Center of Metropolitan Detroit Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID 220 Bagley, Suite 1020 Detroit, Michigan 48226-1426 Detroit, MI Permit No. 1341 Return Service Requested FHCMD SETS DATES FOR ATTORNEY AWARDS RECEPTION April 18, 2013 and FAIR HOUSING LEADERSHIP AWARDS RECEPTION September 17, 2013 The FHCMD has selected Thursday, April 18, 2013 as the date for the Center’s Sixth Annual Attorney Awards Reception. The Reception is scheduled for 5:30 - 7:30 PM at the Detroit Historical Museum. Tickets are available from the FHCMD or at the door for $50.00 per person. Light refreshments will be provided. The Attorney Reception provides an opportunity for the FHCMD to express thanks to members of the legal profession who have assisted the cause of fair and equal housing through their legal work. Tuesday evening, September 17, 2013 is the date selected for FHCMD’s Sixteenth Annual Fair Housing Leadership Awards Reception. Scheduled to begin at 5:00 and conclude by 7:00 PM, this event will be held at the Dossin Great Lakes Museum located in Detroit’s Belle Isle Park. Tickets are available from the FHCMD or at the door for $50.00 per person. Light refreshments will be provided. The event has been supported by major corporate sponsors. For information about sponsorships or tickets for either event, please contact Tanya Cofield or Cliff Schrupp at the FHCMD office (313-963-1274). 15th RECEPTION (continued from page 1) agents and brokers. In 2012 the group dissolved and donated their remaining funds (over $9,000) to the work of the FHCMD. The Reception served as a fundraising event for the FHCMD, with special THANKS to major contributions from the following firms: Gold Sponsors Flagstar Bank Southeast Michigan Coalition for Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Silver Sponsors Lautrec, LTD Michigan State Housing Development Authority Bronze Sponsors Caise and Associates Comerica Incorporated Independent Management Services L.R. Management Michigan Association of Realtors Miller Canfield Paddock & Stone PNC Financial Services Presbyterian Villages of Michigan Unified Property Group Village Green Companies Wood Kull Herschfus Obee and Kull Patron Sponsors The Associated Management Company Century 21, Curran & Christie Continental Management Detroit Metropolitan Apartment Association First Independence Bank Green Hill Apartments Group Five Management Huntington National Bank Huntington Management Company North Oakland County Board of Realtors Pearl Insurance Prudential HWWB, Realtors Real Estate One River Bend Apartments