November 2013 - Grace United Methodist Church


November 2013 - Grace United Methodist Church
Grace Notes
Grace United Methodist Church-Pequot Lakes, MN
November 2013
Worship Hours
Sunday Worship
9:00 AM
Sunday School
9:00 AM
Sunday Coffee Fellowship 10:00 AM
Communion Sunday is the
1st Sunday of each month.
From the Pastor’s Pen...
“Autumn is a season of great beauty, but it is also a season of decline: the days grow shorter, the light is suffused, and
summer’s abundance decays toward winter’s death. Faced with the inevitable winter, what does nature do in autumn?
It scatters the seeds that will bring new growth in the spring -and scatters them with amazing abandon.”
~Parker Palmer, Let Your Life Speak
The last few weeks I have been aware of the overwhelming abundance of the
riches of acorns. It seems that nearly everywhere I go, there are strong, tall, oak
trees that are making their way into their winter fashion statement. However,
before they can let go of their brilliant red-brown leaves, they have work to do;
a work that makes a smorgasbord of delight for the hundreds of squirrels that
also have their own work to do. Their work is to eat, to get plump, to make
ready their bodies for the cold temperatures and lack that will be their winter
life. I have marveled at how these two partners in Creation are in this seasonal
Acorns are an amazing little seed. Their unique shape is sleek and that sweet hat that sits on what seems its head is a
fascinating wonder. Both children and adults alike cannot resist the urge to bend and pick them up and put them in a
pocket. The sound they make as they crunch underfoot is unlike any other. Both squirrel and human foot help the acorn do
its work… to spread the hope of new life for yet another go round the sun.
Many people I know dread autumn, hate seeing the summer green turn its kaleidoscope of unimaginable colors. They
hate to see autumn arrive because they know that winter is not far behind. Darkness becomes our companion in winter,
and even in these still autumn days, the darkness is already seeping into the ways we shape our comings and goings. We
need to be aware that darkness is descending earlier and light is arriving later as we plan whatever outdoor activities that
have become our pattern. An after-work or after-dinner walk can now be completed in near total darkness. If the pattern is
to rise early, the walk outside is starting later and later each day if light is required. All this can seem like decline. Decline
of light. Of color. Of green. Of life. Unless, of course, we pay attention to the acorn and its parent, the oak tree. This
oxygen producer with a trunk and limbs is busy ‘scattering with amazing abandon’ the promise of air and shade and
foliage for the year that is still only a dream to us. While we may be making plans for what next year or the next ten years
may bring, the oak tree is literally giving of itself for a life that is yet to be. As acorns hit the ground, as they fall softly or
with a thud, the oak tree is making an investment in our future and their own.
…continued on page 2
From the Pastor’s Pen...
In theological circles, we might call this sacrifice. We
might attach all kinds of heady language to what is
happening and we would not be wrong to do so. What
the oak tree is doing is what our ancestors did for us and
what we human ones also do for our children, our
grandchildren, the future of the world. We give of
ourselves, we plant the seeds, we water them in hope,
that new life will grow, a life that has a little bit of us
tucked inside what will be born.
This is one of the lessons of the seasons of which we
are blessed to be a part. It is not something to dread as
much as open ourselves to, be aware of, so we do not
miss the blessing of what it means to be a part of this
amazing Creation. As the trees let go their leaves, as the
earth gives up whatever it has grown, seeds for what is
to come are falling, burrowing, resting into what is yet to
be. The earth is doing this with abandon.
It gives me reason to pause and wonder how I might
do the same. What about you?
 Snowbirds…
For those of you traveling south
for the winter season, be sure to
leave your information with the
Church Secretary. Fill out the
form as soon as you know your
plans and address change:
Name _____________________________________
e-mail _____________________________________
Winter Address: ___________________________
Winter Phone # ___________________________
Beginning Date: _______________________ and
Ending Date: __________________________ of your
mail delivery.
*Even if you are not going away for the winter, but you
are changing your address or phone number, please let
our Church Secretary know as soon as possible. Thanks!
As One on the Journey with you,
Pastor Dianne
November Mission
Grace United Methodist Church
Mission Statement:
“As followers of Jesus Christ, we prayerfully
commit our love and actions to the advancement of
the Gospel.”
Thanksgiving Services
Sunday morning, November 24
during worship, we will have an
opportunity to offer up our hearts
and be thankful for blessings we have experienced
during the year. There will also be a special time of
remembrance for those loved ones that have passed
on to glory this year.
At 7:00 PM that evening, our traditional
Thanksgiving service will be held with a pie social
following in the Fellowship Hall.
Our special mission for November is United
Methodist Student Day, with an envelope provided
on Sunday, November 24th. United Methodist
Student Day is one of the six church-wide Special
Sundays of The United Methodist Church. United
Methodist Student Day furnishes scholarships and
loans for students attending United Methodistrelated and other accredited colleges and
For more information, you can check this mission
and all other United Methodist Special Missions online:
September Mission Giving
Conference Commitments
Food Shelf
Pastor's Discretionary Fund
Imagine No Malaria
Coins for KTIG
Coins for Missions
Total Mission Giving
$ 65.00
$ 354.81
Doris Longnecker, Financial Secretary
In Our Thoughts & Prayers
Ken & Betty Anderson
Kay Draves
Don Dale
Nancy Macnamara
Marilyn Gates
Annie Hubbard
Lori Johnson
Sara Powell
Wade Reynolds
Wilma Skaar
Kyleen Ekstrom
Jim Sherwood
Ed Larson
Kara Schroder
Ryan Crossnoe
Mark Isakson
Travis Nelson
Tory Peterson
Doug Mikkelson
Alison Collins
Chris Mudget
Pastor David Uhrich
Wendy Moravec
Sydney Scott
Kaye Schroeder
Cindy Bebler-Grotte
Margo Fortune
Carla Zimmerman
Jim Oraskovich
Cindy Buxton
Bradford Schroeder
Chris Schaan
Brian Freiberg
Ethan Luce
Condolences to the
family and friends of
Nathalie Hess, who
passed away on Sunday,
October 20th.
Please see Jody Perrine if you
are interested in helping our
young children learn about Jesus
and the Bible. They get to
express themselves while
participating in music, crafts,
lessons, computer work, etc. But
they need many hands to help them along.
Also needed are volunteers to assist with this
year's Christmas pageant. See Jody for info.
Grace Church Library
The Church Library is located in the Education
Wing of the church. The Library supports the
education ministry of Grace United Methodist
Church, available to every individual in the
congregation--preschoolers, school children, young
people, singles, newlyweds, parents, senior citizens,
leaders, and the church staff.
The Church Library is intended to make books
and other materials available…
~ to encourage reading as a means of nurturing
spiritual growth, strengthening Christian education,
providing Christian entertainment, and
~ to further the mission of the church: “As
followers of Jesus Christ, we prayerfully commit
our love and actions to the advancement of the
The Library is a lending library of books and
media contributing to the effectiveness of the
religious education program, youth work, women’s
and men’s groups, weekday functions and other
congregational activities.
Visit the Library! Find a book, journal, or video to
enjoy, inspire, or study. Just sign and date the card
on the item and place the card in the wooden card
file box in the small library room. Return the item
in three weeks and place it in the small gray crate in
the small library room.
GUMC Library Committee
Are you a 7th grade student or
older? Would you like to learn more
about what you believe, and why?
Then I have an adventure for YOU!
Please join me, Pastor Dianne, for
a student/parent information session
on Sunday, December 1, at 10:30
AM in the Church Library. We will
talk about the study materials we will use, the
requirements and commitments and also how your
parents can help during this process. If you have
any questions, please contact Pastor Dianne.
GUMC Library
For our
Sunday School
Gets a 5-Star Review
I just wanted to write a quick note talking about
how great of a library we have here at Grace.
First off, I have 2 young daughters and the library
has a great little collection of children’s videos,
especially Veggie Tales, which my girls cannot get
enough of!
The church also has books that have helped me as
I have gone through my seminary journey, whether
it is a Bible commentary or one of the numerous
books we have on Methodism. If we are honest with
ourselves, many of us would admit that we do not
know much about Methodism and what makes it
different from other denominations. That is why I
would highly recommend reading books on John
Wesley and how the Methodist church began. I just
want people to take advantage of a great resource
our church has and I know that once you try it out,
you will keep going back for more!
Clint Evans
Director of Youth Ministries
… everyone who donated candy
and food for the Sunday school
Harvest party. Also thank you to
everyone who volunteered their
Jody Perrine &
the Grace Sunday School Children
Children's Shop Day
is Saturday, November 23rd.
Donations are accepted
and can be placed in the
Education Wing (mark your
items: Children’s Shop Day)
We really need items for
men and gift bags (no gift wrap). Volunteers are
needed to set up Friday, November 22nd, and to help
the shoppers on Saturday.
Every second Sunday of each month, following
Sunday school, there will be a cart with a display of
children’s and middle school books, plus videos in
the Sunday school hallway. These books and videos
may be checked out by signing your name and the
date on the card provided inside the book or on the
video. After signing out the item, the card may be
placed in the box provided on the cart. Please place
the checked-out items into the library bags provided
on the cart.
When books, videos and bags are returned, please
put them into the basket provided in the Church
Library closet.
October’s theme was “God’s Creation”. Books
and videos displayed on the cart on November 10th
will center around the theme, “Thankfulness”.
With November being a
month of giving thanks, I
wanted to thank everyone
who has contributed to the
Church’s Seminary Fund.
Seminary is expensive and
there have been times I
have wondered about how it will be funded. But
time and time again, God continues to provide
through great people such as the donors here at
Grace. By donating to the Seminary Fund, you are
telling me that you believe in me and that I am a
worthy investment. There is nothing I can do to
repay you, I can only tell you that my family and I
are truly grateful for your gift, and that with God’s
grace, I will become the pastor God has called me
to be. Thanks again.
The Evans Family
Clint, Sam, Kaylynn, Kelly
Fran Lorentzen, gifts were
received for Undesignated
Memorials & the Amaryllis
Doris Longnecker,
Financial Secretary
Stewardship Sunday
– November 10, 2013
Whether we are preachers, or
those listening to the preacher,
many of us have a level of
discomfort discussing something
as close to our hearts as money.
Yet Jesus talked about it all the
time with ease. Jesus talked about
generosity and serving, knowing
where your true treasure is and how we spend our
treasures repeatedly. Our attitudes about money
form how we live out our faith.
Giving helps us become what God wants us to be.
God uses our generosity to reconfigure our interior
lives, to help create us anew, and to foster in us “the
mind that was in Christ Jesus.”
At Grace Church, we seek to form people into
followers of Christ, and as such we have a
responsibility to think deeply, prepare thoroughly,
act wisely, and teach courageously about the
relationship between faith and money. So we ask:
“How does our giving affect our relationship to
God? How does our relationship to God affect our
giving? How does being a follower of Jesus shape
all our behaviors concerning money—how it is
earned, spent, saved, and offered to God?”
Throughout September and October, Pastor
Dianne has been preaching from the gospel of Luke
focusing on living “Outside Our Own Little World.”
We have focused on the healing and teaching
ministry of Jesus which reminds us that everything
that we do, in word and deed is a life lived in
faithful gratitude for what God has done for us
through His Son Jesus Christ. A life of gratitude
calls us to live a faithful life, especially in the vows
we affirm as members of the church to uphold it by
our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and
our witness.
On Sunday, November 10th at 9:00 AM, we will
celebrate our Stewardship Sunday and receive
Commitment Cards for your giving in the 2014
year. You will be receiving letters shortly and we
ask that you prayerfully consider how you will
faithfully live out a life of gratitude toward God as
we support the work of Jesus Christ in the coming
With thanks and gratitude,
Grace’s Finance Team
For the second month in a
row, our inventory of frozen
pasties was sold out prior to
the production date. This
might be solely due to extra
purchases by visitors leaving
the area for the winter, or we could be seeing some
results of our extra publicity efforts in September.
Whatever the reason, we appreciate the increased
There was an excellent turn-out of volunteers on
both Wednesday (20) and Thursday (29) for
October production, as we prepared for and baked
just under 500 pasties. There were new faces on
both days.
Work was essentially finished by 10:00 AM on
Wednesday and by about noon on Thursday. Of
course, Millers and the packaging crew were there
longer and Betty Anderson was again manning the
sales table .Welcome back Betty.
We will be producing pasties earlier next month
than usual – on November 13-14, to avoid conflicts
with plans for Thanksgiving. If you can devote a
few hours to this great fellowship/service program,
watch for the sign-up sheets to be out on November
Jim Shubert
United Methodist Women
The UMW Executive meeting will be held on
Thursday, November 7 at 9:00 AM in the
Conference Room. The regular meeting will be held
at 10:00 AM in the Amaryllis Room.
The November Program is “World Thank
Offering”. The World Thank Offering is an
opportunity for individuals to respond to God's
abundance and grace with spontaneous gifts of
gratitude. The funds collected are used in the total
program of mission carried on through United
Methodist Women's national office in the United
States and around the world.
All women of the church are invited to join with
us in faith, fun, food and fellowship.
The Advent Season will soon be upon us, and
with that, so will the happiest music ever written. I
look forward to this beautiful season every year, as
we anticipate the second coming of Christ, while
commemorating His first coming at Christmas. The
only problem with Advent is that it seems to come
faster and faster every year. I know there are some
young ones out there that will disagree with me, but
then their life experiences aren’t as extensive as
I’m a sucker for the traditional songs and Carols
of Christmas, whether they be secular or nonsecular songs. I’m in a classic 70’s rock & roll band
called Decade 7, and when we formed this band
three years ago, one of our band members made the
comment that “even though we are looking for
songs that other bands don’t do, all of the songs we
do must be as recognizable as a Christmas Carol.” I
thought that was a perfect way to describe what
kind of songs our band plays. You may not have
heard the songs we do in a while, but the memories
they bring back are wonderful. That is exactly what
Christmas songs do.
The Advent season looks, feels, and smells
different than any other season or time of year. We
gather with family we haven’t seen in a while. We
celebrate, we give, we receive, we eat, and we sing,
all in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Emmanuel, the Messiah, God the Son, Son of Man,
Lamb of God… all names that appear in the songs
we’ll be singing soon… singing about a small baby
that was born in a manger on Christmas Day. What
a wonderful time of year!
May your meter be upbeat, and your song always in
November is a month of giving thanks. I am
extremely grateful for the youth ministry here at
Grace. It has been a fun year so far and the teens
really seem to be enjoying themselves. I am grateful
for the choir who has moved their meeting time one
hour back so that we can share the sanctuary (the
kids really seem to respond well when they are in
there). I am grateful for my family, with my wife as
both my rock and partner and my two little
dumplings who bring me such joy. I am grateful for
Pastor Dianne and her leadership. I am grateful for
the outreach opportunities God has given me,
including teaching at Religious Release, and of
course, Chat and Chow. Please pray that God
continues to bless this youth ministry and the work
we are doing out in the community.
Clint Evans
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, November 8, 9 & 10:
JUMYs. This is the annual junior high retreat where
United Methodist youth come together for worship,
workshops, and fun. It is being held at Cragun’s this
year and we will be taking 8 teens. Please pray for
Clint’s sanity!
Saturday, November 23: Food Shelf & Children’s
Shop Day. We will be helping to distribute
Thanksgiving meals to those in need at the Food
Shelf next to our church on Saturday, November 23
at 9:00 AM. After that, we will assist with the
Children’s Shop Day---helping little kids buy
Christmas presents for their parents.
6th Annual YWOG Christmas Basket
Silent Auction
Young Women of Grace will be holding their 6th
annual Christmas Basket Silent
Auction this year. YWOG will
meet at the Church on Tuesday,
November 26th at 5:30 PM to
put them together and display
them. See Jill Macnamara if you
have questions.
Everyone is welcome to donate a basket for this
great event. Money goes to Grace's Children's
Education Department.
Have you heard the latest buzz…
Just a few short years ago, statistics
showed a child died every 30 seconds
from malaria in sub-Saharan Africa.
Today, because of your dedication and
generous support of “Imagine No
Malaria”, this disease now claims a
life every 60 seconds.
Money raised for Imagine No Malaria works like
this: Prevention – 1.2 million insecticide-treated
bed nets have been distributed. Recent efforts in
Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of
Congo have produced net usage rates exceeding
80%. Education – 5,800 community health workers
have been trained to personally deliver mosquito
nets and measure their usage rates. Communication
– Informational broadcasts on the United Methodist
radio station and in-person outreach/training
sessions are proving successful. Treatment – The
United Methodist Church operates more than 300
hospitals, clinics and health posts throughout
October marked the beginning of the third and
final year of your pledge to this effort. Thank you
for your generosity and keep up the good work. If
you have questions about your pledge/balance
owed, please contact Doris Longnecker, Grace
Financial Secretary.
The 75 million dollar goal of eliminating malaria
set by our United Methodist denomination is within
reach! Momentum is building! Imagine No Malaria!
Peggy Johnson
Handbell Ministry
The coming of the Thanksgiving holiday reminds
us of “the abundant life” we receive as believers in
Jesus Christ. What blessings he gifts to us!
Bells of Grace will be playing the piece,
“Thanksgiving Blessing”. The arranger of this piece
did something very interesting when he combined
two pieces: “We Gather Together” and “Jesu, Joy of
Man’s Desiring”.
“We Gather Together” was written sometime in
1597 to celebrate Holland’s freedom from Spain. Its
author, an unknown Dutchman, was full of
thanksgiving that his people were finally free from
Spanish tyranny and free to worship as they chose.
Notice how he expressed this theme in these three
beautiful verses: “The wicked oppressing now
cease from distressing…” “…so from the
beginning the fight we were winning: thou, Lord,
wast at our side, all glory be thine!” “We all do
extol thee, thou leader triumphant, and pray that
thou still our defender wilt be. Let thy congregation
escape tribulation: Thy name be ever praised! O
Lord, make us free!”
“Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring”, the piece paired
with “We Gather Together”, is credited to Johann
Sebastian Bach. However, Bach actually
“borrowed” this work from the German musician
Johann Schop, born in 1590. Bach rearranged the
piece in 1716 and turned it into the beautiful piece it
is today. Think of this: When we believe in Jesus,
the joy of our desire, who is our defender and
leader, we will be free to experience the abundant
life! Combining the two pieces and their messages
truly make sense!
Ardie Morris
Grace United Methodist Church
Free Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Grace United Methodist Church of
Pequot Lakes will serve a free, traditional
Thanksgiving meal including turkey,
stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, and
pumpkin pie from noon-2:00p.m., or until
the food is gone, on Thanksgiving,
Thursday, November 28th.
Limited takeout meals will be available
for shut-ins. There will be no charge.
Reservations are not required, but a
phone call to (218) 568-5755 would be
November 1
November 1
November 3
November 3
November 4
November 5
November 5
November 5
November 9
November 10
November 14
November 15
November 16
November 16
November 17
November 17
November 17
November 18
November 18
November 19
November 20
November 26
November 26
November 28
November 30
November 30
Emily Perrine
Jackie Tappe
Elaine Leach
Jean Clark
Lisa Moe
Ginny Arvig
Sharon Swenson
Pete Clement
Joanna Palmer
Sam Hennies
Michael Chapman
Julie Kintzler
Sunny Harmon
Maggie Clement
Grant Moe
Art Brown
Missy Perrine
Jan Miller
Brooks Bateman
Chase Larson
Dean Visser
Valerie James-Perrine
Bobbi Quass
Harper Palmer
Betty Hyde
Bill Fortune
Grace Notes
A monthly publication of Grace United Methodist Church, 29286 MN
Hwy 371, P.O. Box 276, Pequot Lakes, MN 56472 (1.7 miles south of
the Pequot Lakes stoplights.)
Church Phone: 218-568-5755.
Grace Notes Editor: Jackie Nelson 218-543-6386
Grace Notes E-mail: [email protected]
Publication deadline is the 22nd of each month.
November 2
November 20
November 21
November 24
November 27
David & Lisa Moe
Dean & Briana Visser
Duane & Dorla Lind
Jerry & Sharon Swenson
Art & Connie Brown
Lay Leader
Chair-Church Council
Sunday School Supt.
Minister of Music
Dir. of Youth Ministries
UMW Contact
Dianne Ciesluk
John Luce
Richard Tappe
Marwin Bogue
Jody Perrine
Brad Wallace
Clint Evans
Jan Miller
Looking Forward to Advent 2013
This year, Advent begins on Sunday, December
1 . Plans are already being made to make the days
of preparation for Christ’s birth a memorable and
meaningful time for everyone here at Grace.
Hanging of the Greens:
Saturday morning, November 30 from 9 AM –
Noon. Please join the Worship Team as the church
is made beautiful for the season. There is a “job” for
everyone—young and old. Chili will be served for
lunch at noon. (Free Will Offering)
Pastor Dianne will be basing her Advent and
Christmas Eve sermons on the book “Finding
Bethlehem in the Midst of Bedlam” by James
Moore. Christmas or confusion, Bethlehem or
bedlam… which will you choose this year? The
truth is, we don’t have to choose, because Christmas
always happens right in the midst of confusion. God
breaks into the confusion and is made known in
Jesus Christ. Christmas and confusion--weren’t they
intimately related at the first Christmas when Jesus
was born? Sometimes we forget that. But that’s
what this sermon series is about--how Christ breaks
into our confusion and brings Christmas, how
Bethlehem always happens in the midst of bedlam.
Poinsettias, Devotional Book & Advent
Look for the table in the Narthex on Sundays,
11/17 and 11/24 to order a poinsettia in memory or
honor of a loved one to share this Advent.
An Advent devotional booklet will be available
for $1.00 each. Sunday school children will receive
an Advent book with an Advent calendar called,
“This is God’s Son”. Some of these children’s
activity books will be available for $2.00 each
(while supplies last) to interested grandparents,
neighbors, etc.
Sunday, December 1 – “Bethlehem or
Bedlam” – Luke 2:8-14
Sunday, December 8 – “Christ Came to Set
Us Free” – Galatians 5:13-15
Sunday, December 15 – “Love Came Down
in Bethlehem” – Matthew 11:1-6
Sunday, December 22 – “The Precious
Memories of Christmas” – Luke 2
Tuesday, December 24 – “Mind the Light”
– John 1:1-5
Be present as we again experience the hope of
Christ this Advent. Amid the commotion,
confusion, and challenges of everyday life, together
we will find the freedom, the peace, the faith, the
hope, and the love of Christmas and, in the midst of
this year’s hectic pace and boisterous bedlam, find
the joy, and the amazing grace, and the awesome
miracle of Bethlehem right here at Grace Church!
Grace United Methodist Church
29286 MN Hwy. #371
P.O. Box 276
Pequot Lakes, MN 56472
Thanksgiving Blessings to: