August 2014 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership


August 2014 Newsletter - Cornish Language Partnership
n e w s
mis Est 2014
August 2014
Aberveth / Inside
Did you #speakcornish?
MAGA's campaign
encouraged everyone to
speak some Cornish
Why online?
The hashtag made Cornish
more accessible
accoun ts
reache d
imp ressio
Introduction to Cornish
A short course on the
Cornish language and its
100th Brownie birthday
800 brownies celebrated
the centenary at the Royal
Cornwall Showground
Gorsedh Awards
The Holyer an Gof 2014
awards took place at
Waterstones in Truro
Keep up to date with Cornish events
during and after Speak Cornish Week
Feedback please!
Please complete the
survey if you took part in
#speakcornish week
Good for business?
There was a great deal of interest from
Cornish businesses
What next?
We've got plenty of follow-up work to do
with the new academic year starting
kavadow warlinen
available online
Visit to Teagles
Agan Tavas attends the
Teagles of Blackwater open
Last call for papers
The Cornish language research network
conference will takes place in October
Taves an Tir project
A two-year project by KYK around the
language in the landscape and family
Tregedna East
There are still some spaces left at
Tregedna East
More online
#speakcornish week marked one year
since the Learn Cornish Now website
Further information
Keep up to date with Cornish events
during and after Speak Cornish Week
A wrussowgh #speakcornish?
Did you #speakcornish?
Sewena vras o seythen MAGA
#speakcornish! Amkan chif an
seythen o yn sempel kenertha tus
dhe usya kemmys a Gernewek a
wodhons, ha kowlwrys veu hemma
Lonchys veu an seythen warlinen
gans Konsler Julian German a
dhynerghis miroryon dhe’n seythen
#speakcornish ha pysi tus a leverel
neppyth yn Kernewek ha’y ughkarga,
hag ena y bostya yn YouTube gans an
leppigow #10sFylm ha #speakcornish
ha’n kaskyrgh a dhallathas.
Lies den a omvyskas, po dre wruthyl
omskeusow berr yn-dann gewsel
Kernewek po dre gevrenna fylmow a
gavsons. Keworrys dhe’n kaskyrgh
warlinen o hwarvosow erel dres
an seythen, restrys gans bagasow
divers. Rag kenertha moy tus dhe
wul omskeusow, “lavaren an jydh”
dyffrans a veu dyllys pub myttin
ha deklarys yn Radyo Kernow.
“Leverewgh neppyth yn Kernewek”
o an lavaren dy’Lun. Keffrys ha bos
kenerthas, homm yw dre happ hanow
an steus klewesek warlinen a gevir
orth hag
yw kavadow heb kost.
Heudh y’n Hav o an ost rag soper pysk
hag asklos yn Lanneves dy’Meurth, ha
rag henna an lavaren dy’Meurth o “a
garses kavos tamm #kernewek gans
Solempnita ygeryans Gwariow
an Gemeneth a Genedhlow a
geslammas gans an lavaren
“Gwari hweg yw gwari teg”, ha
gorthugherweyth Elizabeth Stewart
a gesordenas “Kynsa Yeth an Werin”
meurgerys yn Truru. An lavaren
dy’Yow, “A allav agas gweres?” a veu
devisys rag solempnya dewis Konsel
Kernow dhe janjya yn Kernewek y
worthyp dhe alwennow.
Dy’Gwener a dhros MAGA dhe
esedhek yeth yn Porthpyran avel rann
dohajydh Golden Tree Productions
a wonisogeth kernewek kyns aga
pesys war folen 2
continued on page 2
pesys dhyworth folen 1
continued from page 1
performyans bryntin a #GogMagog
y’n gorthugher, ha rag henna
“A welsowgh … ?” o an lavaren
dy’Gwener kepar hag yn lavar “A
welsowgh GogMagog?”. #10sFylm
Golden Tree y honan a brofyas poran
an govyn na.
Ena, dy’Sadorn, yth esa fer an yeth
war An Hal yn Aberfala, le may
formya stallow yeth ha gonisogeth
keyndir dhe berformyansow dhyworth
bagasow roasek ilow ha dons
kernewek. Rag lies den, aga hynsa
prevyans a glewes Kernewek yw
dre woslowes orth an bagasow
ma. Yth esa performyansow krev
dhyworth Salt and Sky, Hanterhir, Tros
an Treys, Tir ha Tavas, ha The Brim,
oll komendys yn wordhi dres eghen
gans Cornish Oaf Luke Stevens ha Pol
Hodge. Pur lowen o an bobel dhe
gavos “tamm ayrgylgh” war An Hal!
Hwarvosow a besyas dy’Sul gans
gonis eglos yn Kernewek yn Eglosvreg.
Dy’Lun o an diwettha dydh, hag yth
esa Oferen yn Kernewek rag Gool
Samson yn Penneglos Truru. Diwettha
Yeth an Werin yn Hellys a awenas an
lavaren “A vyn’ta eva neppyth?” rag
gorfenna an seythen.
Ytho, seythen lenwys a hwarvosow a
dhros an yeth kernewek dhe vagas a
dus o diversa ages bythkweth kyns!
Godhon meur ras dhe bubonan a
omvyskas. Postys omma yw nebes
skeusennow dhyworth hwarvosow an
seythen ha hwi a yll gweles moy yn
folen Facebook MAGA!
Maga’s #speakcornish week was a
great success! The main aim of the
week was simply to encourage people
to use whatever Cornish language
that they know, and this was achieved
many times over.
The week was launched online by
Councillor Julian German who
welcomed viewers to #speakcornish
week and asked people to say
something in Cornish and upload it,
then post on YouTube with the tags
#10sFylm and #speakcornish and the
campaign began.
Many people got involved, either by
making short selfies speaking Cornish
or sharing films that they found. The
online campaign was supplemented
by other events throughout the week
organised by different groups. To
encourage more people to make selfies,
a different “phrase of the day” was
released every morning and announced
on Radio Cornwall, with Monday’s
phrase being “Say Something in
Cornish”. As well as an encouragement,
this also happens to be the name of
the online aural course found on www. and available for
Heudh an Hav hosted a fish and chip
supper at Lanivet on Tuesday, and so
Tuesday’s phrase was “would you like
some #cornish with that?”
The commonwealth games opening
ceremony on Wednesday coincided
with the phrase “Fair play is good play”
while in the evening Elizabeth Stewart
coordinated a popular “Kynsa Yeth an
Werin” in Truro. Thursday’s phrase
Music at The Lanivet Inn
after a fish and chip supper
in the Welcome Stranger in
of “Can I help you?” was devised to
celebrate the fact that Cornwall Council
chose this week to change their call
response into Cornish.
Friday took MAGA to a language
session in Perranporth as part of
Golden Tree productions afternoon of
Cornish culture before their brilliant
performance of #GogMagog in the
evening, and so the phrase on Friday
was “Have you seen … ?” as in “Have
you seen GogMagog?” Golden Tree’s
own #10sFylm asked that very question!
Then on Saturday there was a language
fair on Falmouth Moor, where language
and culture stalls formed a backdrop to
performances from talented Cornish
bands and dance groups. For many
people, their first experience of hearing
any Cornish language is from listening
to these groups. There were sterling
performances from Salt and Sky,
Hanterhir, Tros an Treys, Tir ha Tavas,
and The Brim, all hosted admirably
by Cornish Oaf Luke Stevens and Pol
Hodge. The public were delighted to
have “a bit of atmosphere” on the Moor!
Events continued on Sunday with a
church service in Cornish in Breage.
Monday was the last day, and there was
a Eucharist in Cornish on the Feast of
Samson in Truro Cathedral. A final
Yeth an Werin in Helston inspired the
phrase “Would you like a drink?” to
round off the week.
So a week filled with events brought
the Cornish language to a wider range
of people than ever before! A really
big thank you to everybody who got
involved. Some photos from the week’s
events are posted here and you can see
more on the MAGA Facebook page!
Fun & games at the
Wig & Pen in Truro
for the 'Kynsa Yeth an
mis Est / 2014
Children learning
the words for
animals in Cornish.
performing at the
Language fair on
Falmouth Moor.
MAGA ran a
language session
at County Hall in
Truro for Council
Cornish Oaf Luke
was an MC at the
language fair.
Dasvegyans mar pleg!
Feedback please!
Mar kemersowgh rann yn po mar klewsowgh a-dro
dhe’n seythen #speakcornish kowlwrewgh form
dasvegyans mar pleg.
Yma omglewyans ow tevi mayth a ha bos an bobel
gemmyn yn Kernow moy war a, ha moy synsys gans,
an yeth kernewek. Ni a wor awos an statystygyon
gwithys yn (moy ages 50,000
a vysytyoryon hag ow moghhe) ha Say Something
in Cornish (198 devnydhyer kovskrifys) bos niver bras
a dus ha hwans dhedha a dhyski Kernewek orth
nivelyow divers.
Y’n kettermyn, ow perthi kov a’ga myns byghan
perthynyek, kevehelys orth kemenethow yethow
minoryta hevelep kepar ha Kembrek ha Godhalek,
kernewegoryon ha skodhyoryon re wrug effeyth
strekys war savleow maynys socyal. An challenj
a-dheragon yw dhe dreylya aswonvos, bodh da ha
devnydh treweythus yn kemmyn a dhur.
Yn-dann brederi a-dro dhe hemma, posek yw may
hyllyn provia fethow ha niverow rag diskwedhes dhe
dus an pyth a hwer; posek yw agas dasvegyans.
If you took part in, or heard about, #speakcornish
week please complete a feedback form.
There is a growing sense that the general public in
Cornwall is becoming more aware of, and interested
August / 2014
Feedback form on
the Learn Cornish
Now website.
in, the Cornish language. We know from statistics kept
on (over 50,000 visitors and
counting) and Say Something in Cornish (198 registered
users) that there is a large number of people keen to
learn Cornish at various levels.
At the same time, bearing in mind their relatively
small numbers compared to similar minority language
communities such as Welsh and Gaelic, Cornish
speakers and supporters have made a significant impact
on social media platforms. The challenge we face is to
convert awareness, good will and occasional usage into a
lasting legacy.
With all this in mind it is important that we can provide
facts and figures to show people what is happening; your
feedback is important.
Rag derivadow pella/For further information:
Prag warlinen?
Why online?
tus neb a vynna postya neppyth a-dro dhe usya an
taves Kernewek.
128,526 537,729
accounts reached
Statistics for a 56 minute period courtesy of TWEETREACH
Pyth ywa gans an re ma “#” ytho? An mis Du
eus passyes, MAGA a gowllenwis arhwithransdevnydhyer uskis hag a gavas bos an le an moyha
kerys rag tus dhe usya Kernewek, warlinen, dres
oll dre vedia kowethasek kepar ha Lyverenep ha
An re ma yw gwiasvaow may hwra tus “postya” ha
leverel a-dro dhe bub eghen a dhalgh gans aga
howetha, yn bagasow, po a-dherag tus. An dhew
wiasva a as devnydhoryon dhe hwithra yn unn usya
hashtags (#) dh’aga aswon.
Ytho pan erviras MAGA kenertha tus dhe wul
devnydh a Gernewek moy, i a erviras dhe gemeres
an kaskyrgh dhe’n le an moyha kerys: warlinen.
MAGA a wrug fylmyow berr ha’ga fostya gans an tag
#10sFylm kynth esa niver pur vyghan 10 eylen poran!
An chalenj a veu settys ha lies person a worthebis
gans aga fylmyow aga honan yn unn fylmya aga
hath, popettys lodrik, fleghes ow kana ha fylmyow
dres an bys dien ynwedh! Y kodh bos kampoll
arbennek gwrys a Skol Pennsans neb a wrug niver
meur a fylmyow. Moy es 120 fylm kevys war YouTube
gans an tag #10sFylm a veu keworrys dhe rolwari
unnik, hag usi lemmyn war an ganel
YouTube MAGA.
One of the questions
asked in the 2013
Cornish language
user survey.
Ken tag #speakcornish a veu
devnydhys ynwedh dhe genertha
Yma ganso us ledanna es #10sFylm hag ytho pesya
a wra wosa darvosow an seythen.
Yth o dewis fur. Dy’Leun yn unnik an dhew #10sFylm
ha #speakcornish a dhrehedhis dhe voy es 90,000
akont! Hemma a veu passyes dy’Gwener pan
dhrehedhis #speakcornish moy es 128,000 akont
gans moy es hanter milvil argraf a-ji dhe le es unn
Media kowethasek yw heb kost, mes yma edhom a
dermyn hag assay, mes herdh kostennys kepar ha
seythen #speakcornish a re gweres dhyn drehedhes
goslowysi liesgweyth ledanna es fordhow moy
What is with these “#” then? Last November, MAGA
undertook a swift user survey and found that the
most popular place for people to use Cornish was
online, especially on social media like Facebook and
These are websites where people “post” and comment
on all sorts of content with their friends, in groups, or
publicly. Both sites allow users to search using hashtags
(#) to identify them.
So when MAGA decided to encourage people to use
more Cornish, they decided to take the campaign to
the most popular place: online. MAGA shot short
films and posted them with the tag #10sFylm although
very few were exactly ten seconds! The challenge was
set and many people responded with their own films
talking to their cat, sock puppets, children singing
and films from across the world too! Special mention
should be made of Pensans school who made a large
number of films. More than 120 films found on
YouTube with the #10sFylm tag were added to a single
playlist, which is now on the MAGA YouTube channel.
Another tag #speakcornish was also
used to encourage people who wanted to
post anything about using the Cornish
language. It has a wider use than
#10sFylm and so will continue after the
week’s events.
It was a wise choice. On Monday alone
#10sFylm and #speakcornish both
reached over 90,000 accounts! This was
exceeded on Friday when #speakcornish
reached over 128,000 accounts with over
half a million impressions in less than one
Social media is free, but it does take
time and effort, but a targeted push like
#speakcornish week helps us to reach a
much wider audience than many more
expensive routes.
mis Est / 2014
Da rag negysyow?
Aspects ha lies moy! Gans an drehedh efan a
#speakcornish y hwra skians negys da dhe dhos ha
bos omveglys!
Good for business?
#speakcornish week was aimed at encouraging people
to use Cornish and so MAGA was thrilled when
businesses came on board with their own activities
and linked them to this campaign.
Seythen #speakcornish a veu medrys orth
kenertha tus dhe usya Kernewek hag ytho MAGA
o yaswenys pan dheuth negysyow war flour gans
aga gwriansow aga honan ha’ga heskelmi dhe’n
kaskyrgh ma.
Cornish Orchards ran an online competition as part
of the week. They also made a very professional
#10sFylm, and were followed by other businesses
such as Kelynack Fish in Mullion, MyCornwall and the
Cornish Store.
Avalenegi Kernewek a synsas kesstrif warlinen avel
rann an seythen. I a wrug ynwedh fylm #10sFylm pur
alwesik, hag a veu sewys gans negysyow erell kepar
ha Puskes Kelynack yn Eglosvelyan, Ow Hernow ha’n
Withva Gernewek.
An Withva Gernewek ha Gwerthji Lyvrow Lyskerrys o
dew gowethyans yn unnik neb a askorras displetyans
teg y’ga gwerthjiow a-dro dhe’n kaskyrgh seythen
#speakcornish hag yw godhvedhys genen. Ni a
dhiskevras hemma drefen bos skeusennow anedha
postys warlinen gans #speakcornish taggys dhedha!
MAGA a garsa degemeres skeusennow a negysyow
erell esa ow kul an keth, ytho, ni a wra pesya hwithra
ensamplow a #speakcornish warlinen. Nebes
kowethyansow erell a gevrannas ymajys taves
Kernewek warlinen; ha Bragji S.Austel ha Popti Warren
yw dew a gevsyn ni. Dehen Rodda a askorras kevres
a skrisellow teg yn unn dhevnydhya Kernewek.
Meur ras bras yw darlesys dhe bub a'n negysyow
neb a omjunyas gans #speakcornish, y’ga mysk
MacMillan Kernow, Manerji Treneythin, Dy’golyow
The Cornish Store and Liskeard Bookshop were
just two organisations who produced an attractive
display in their shops around the #speakcornish
week campaign that we know of. We found this
out because photos of them were posted online
with #speakcornish tagged! MAGA would love to
receive any pictures of other businesses doing the
same, so we will continue to search for examples
of #speakcornish online. Several other companies
shared Cornish language images online; St Austell
brewery and Warren’s Bakery being just two that we
found. Rodda’s Cream produced a range of beautiful
posters using Cornish.
A big thank you goes out to all of the businesses who
joined in with #speakcornish including MacMillan
Cornwall, Trenython Manor, Aspects Holidays and
many more! With the wide reach of #speakcornish it
makes good business sense to get involved!
Komendyans dhe’n Yeth Kernewek ha’y istori
An Introduction to the Cornish
Language and Its History
4. Kan, bardhonieth ha lien
5. Yeth an Orsedh ha Kernewek solempnyel.
A short course giving a comprehensive introduction
to the Cornish language and its history will be given
by former Grand Bard Mick Paynter as part of the
Bewnans Kernow Penwith Points of View project in
The five week course will cover the following topics:
Steus berr ow ri komendyans olldhalghus dhe’n
yeth kernewek ha’y istori a vydh res gans kyns
Bardh Meur Mick Paynter avel rann a'n ragdres
Poyntyow a Savla Bewnans Kernow Pennwyth yn
An steus a bymp seythen a wra synsi ynno an
testennow a sew:
1.Kernewek, agan yeth kernewek – y gilva ha’y
2. Dynarghow ha keschanjyow pub dydh.
3.Dew gonna tir, nebes gramer selyek hag ober
a-dro dhe Gernow ha Breten Vyghan
August / 2014
1. Kernewek, our Cornish Language - its
background and history.
2. Greetings and everyday exchanges.
3. Two peninsulas, some basic grammar and work
concerning Cornwall and Brittany
4. Song, poetry and literature
5. The language of the Gorsedd and ceremonial
The course is free to attend and will take place from
Thursday 4th September between 7.15pm – 9pm in
Landithy Hall, Madron, Penzance.
Rag derivadow pella/For further information:
[email protected]
Pyth nessa?
What next?
Onan a'n lies poynt a les dhe dhos yn-mes a
seythen #speakcornish o an niver kawrek a dus
gans an bodh dhe omgelmi gans Kernewek.
One of the many points of interest to emerge from
#speakcornish week was the sheer number of people
willing to engage with Cornish.
Lies person a vynna dyski ha vysytyow dhe’n wiasva
dhyski kernewek a ynkressyas yn feur. MAGA a wra
hernessya an tan ma y’n golon gans kaskyrgh nessa,
hag yma edhomm a’gas gweres!
Many people wanted to learn and visits to the
learncornish website increased massively. MAGA will
harness this enthusiasm with a follow up campaign, and
we need your help!
Dres pesya kevranna ensamplow #speakcornish, ni
a wra kenertha tus dhe omjunya gans klassow dres
Kernow ha pella, maga ta avel warlinen. Ni a wra
synsi esedhek “Kickstart” an 13ves a vis Gwynngala yn
Lyverva Truru.
As well as continuing to share any #speakcornish
examples, we will encourage people to join classes across
Cornwall and beyond as well as online. We will run a
“Kickstart” session on 13th September in Truro Library.
Mar synsowgh klassow, bedhewgh sur mar pleg bos
ewn agas manylyon war
Sewyans an gwella a seythen #speakcornish a vydh
moy a dus ow tyski Kernewek, po warlinen po yn
klass. Gwell hwath a vydh pub ahanan ow kavos
an omfydhyans dhe wul Kernow dhe dhasseni dhe
“Dydh da” pub dydh!
If you run any classes, then please make sure your
details on are correct.
The best result of #speakcornish week will be more
people learning Cornish, whether online or in a class.
Better still will be all of us having the confidence to
make Cornwall echo to “Dydh da” every day!
100ves penn-bloodh rag Gidyoresow Gellik
100th birthday for Brownie Guides
800 Brownies
gathered at the
Royal Cornwall
Dhe 5es a vis-Gortheren, yth esa eth kans Gellik
ha teyr hans Ledyores a Gernow ow kuntelles dhe
Dir Fer Krowswynn rag kevewi an kansves pennbloodh a'n Gidyoresow Gellik.
Wosa omlowenhe dres oll an jydh, ow kul
bewderyow a bowyow erel kepar ha 'Karate' ha
tabouryow Afrikanek, yth esa an mowesi ow spena
an gorthugher ow tonsya orth ilow 'disco' y'n skiber
vras. Res o dhe'n Gelligow (ha 'n Ledyoresow!!) koska
war an leur a skiber ha dhe 11 eur yth o termyn dhe
skwychya yn farow an golowys - pubhuni eth yn kosk
a-dhesempis, skwith mes lowen!
Ternos, res o dhe bubhuni kuntelles rag leverel an
Ambos Gidyoresow Gellik warbarth hag i a'n leveris
yn Kernewek hepken gans gweres a Julia Wass - pur
arbennik o, ha neppyth dhe berthi y'n kov bys vykken!
On 5th July, 800 Brownies and 300 Leaders from
Cornwall were gathered at the Royal Cornwall
Showground to celebrate the 100th birthday of the
Brownie Guides.
After enjoying themselves throughout the day, doing
activities from other countries like 'Karate' and African
drums, the girls spent the evening dancing to disco
music in the big barn. The Brownies (and the Leaders!!)
had to sleep on the barn floor and at 11 o'clock it was
time to switch off the lights - everyone went to sleep
straightaway, tired but happy!
The next day, everyone had to gather to say the Brownie
Guide Promise together and they said it only in Cornish
with the help of Julia Wass - it was very special, and
something to remember always.
mis Est / 2014
Diwettha Galow rag Paperyow
Last Call for Papers
Rag own hwi dhe gelli hemma, Kesrosweyth
Hwithrans an Yeth Kernewek yw aventur kesoberek
fondys gans Kolji Kernow, an Fondyans rag
Studhyansow Kernewek ha MAGA, Sodhva
Displegyans an Yeth Kernewek.
Kynsa Keskussulyans Kesrosweyth Hwithrans an Yeth
Kernewek a vydh synsys an 27ens a vis Hedra dhe’n
28ens a vis Hedra 2014.
Meur ras dhe bubonan re dhanvonas berrskrifow: i
a vydh breusys skaffa galler. Mar ny dhanvensowgh
berrskrif hag yma hwans a wul yndella, danvenewgh
ebost dhe [email protected] yn ter
gans deskrifans a 100 – 200 ger. Mar ny yllowgh ri
agas diskwedhyans ni a yll restra ken dewisyow.
In case you missed it, The Cornish Language Research
Network is a collaborative venture set up by Cornwall
College, the Institute of Cornish Studies and MAGA,
the Cornish Language Development Office.
The first Cornish Language Research Network
Conference will take place on the 27th October to 28th
October 2014.
Many thanks to everyone who has submitted abstracts;
these will be assessed as soon as possible. If you have not
submitted an abstract and still wish to do so, then please
email [email protected] urgently with
100 – 200 words description. If you are unable to give
your presentation, we can arrange alternatives.
Rag derivadow pella/For further information:
[email protected]
Vysytyans dhe Teagle
Visit to Teagles
Avel ran Dydh Ygor dhe Teagles, Blackwater, Truro,
5es mis Gortheren, eseli Agan Tavas eseli Class
Cambron ha Matthy Clarke, derivador Radio an
Gernewegva, a veu gedyes oll a-derdro dhe'n
weythva jynnweyth ammethek der an mayn a
Dre lyklod hemm yw an kynsa vysytyans gweythva
ledyes yn Kernewek. Gedyes en ni gans Trystan
Chubb, arvedhesik dhe Teagles ha cowser naturel
Kernewek. Trystan a styryas an process ascorrans
dhyworth livreson a'n dur bys yn assayans an
ascorras gorfennys.
An vysytyans, an pyth a weresas yncressya aswonvos
braster ascorrans yn Kernow, o leun a dherivadow,
specyli ow tochya an myns an devnydh a deknologieth
yn ascorrans gweythva hedhyw. Dres hemma,
da o gans an re devedhys an chalenj dhe gafos
geryow gwiw Kernewek rag an taclennow divers a'n
jynnweyth-ascorra. Ynwedh, yth esa assayans an
Gernewegoryon ena a'ga godhvos geryow Kernewek
ammeth. Rann vras ascorrans Teagles yw lesoryon
teyl cowrek! Derivys a veu dhyn bos ascorrans Teagles
danvenys dres oll an bys ow comprehendya America
North ha Soth.
Gweres meur o an vysytyans Teagles dhe surhe bos
Kernewek usyes yn pub fordh a vewnans.
Agan Tavas ha'n re erel gedyes a-derdro 'aswon gras
dhe'n teylu Teagle rag ri cummyas a'n vysytyans ma.
As part of the open day for Teagles of Blackwater,
Truro, on 5th July members of Agan Tavas, the
Camborne Cornish class and Matthew Clarke,
reporter from 'Radyo an Gernewegva' the Cornish
August / 2014
Teagles Open
Day hosts a
tour in Cornish.
on-line radio station, were shown around the
agricultural machinery factory through the medium
of the Cornish language.
This is probably the first time that a factory visit has
been conducted in Cornish. The visit was conducted by
Trystan Chubb an employee of Teagles and a speaker of
Cornish as a first language. Trystan explained the entire
manufacturing process from delivery of the steel to
testing of the final product.
The visit, which helped to increase awareness of the scale
of manufacturing in Cornwall, was very informative
especially regarding the extent of the use of modern
technology in manufacturing today. In addition to
this, those present enjoyed the challenge of finding and
discussing suitable Cornish words for the various items
of manufacturing machinery. Cornish speakers present
were also tested on their knowledge of Cornish words
connected with agriculture. A large part of Teagles
output is giant muck spreaders, 'lesoryon teyl cawrek'.
The visitors were informed that production from Teagles
is sent all over the world including both North and
South America.
If Cornish is to maintain its place as a living language
then it must be used in every aspect of life today and the
visit to Teagles certainly helped to ensure this.
Agan Tavas and those who were shown around are very
grateful to the the Teagle family for allowing this visit.
Pewasow an Orsedh
Gorsedh Awards
gwiasva Gorsedh Kernow. Pewasow a vydh res dhe
waynyoryon an kesstrifow yn solempnita Gorsedh
Kernow hevlena, a vydh synsys yn Park Thackes,
Penntorr, dy’Sadorn an 6ves a vis Gwynngala dhe 2
Gorsedh Kernow have been very busy recently.
First the winners of the annual Holyer an Gof
competition were announced at a prestigious
awards ceremony held at Waterstones in Truro on
Tuesday 15th July.
Holyer an Gof 2014
winners together at
Waterstones in Truro.
Gorsedh Kernow re beu pur vysi a-gynsow. Yn
kynsa, deklarys veu gwaynyoryon an kesstrif
bledhynnyek Holyer an Gof yn solempnita meur y
roweth, synsys yn Waterstones yn Truru dy’Meurth
an 15ves a vis Gortheren.
Fondys ha restrys gans Gorsedh Kernow rag drehevel
an savon ha’n aswonvos a dhyllo yn Kernow, dewisys
unnweyth arta veu an waynyoryon hevlena dhyworth
an gwella lyvrow dyllys a-gynsow a-dro dhe Gernow
po skrifys yn Kernewek.
“Pur wothus on ni a’n kesstrif Holyer an Gof, ha
pur lowen on awos an skoodhyans a dhegemeryn
dhyworth an dhylloryon oll a dhanvon offrynnow pub
bledhen,” yn medh Bardh Meur Kernow, Maureen
Y feu res Pewas Holyer an Gof, rag an offryn an
moyha a vri y’n kesstrif dien, dhe Cornish Milestones
gans Ian Thompson, dyllys gans Twelveheads Press.
Gorsedh Kernow a rester ynwedh kesstrifow poblek
bledhynnyek gans klassow yn bardhonieth, ilow ha
yeth plen, gans offrynnow yn Kernewek ha Sowsnek,
ha klassow yn liwans, skeusenieth ha kalligrafieth.
“Ygor yw an kesstrifow ma dhe bub tevesik ha flogh,
genys kernewek po na,” yn medh Bardh Meur
Maureen Fuller, “ha restrys yns gans Gorsedh Kernow
rag avonsya bern yn, hag aswonvos a, bub tra
kernewek, hag yw posek dhe genertha dres oll wosa
aswonvos sodhogel a Gernowyon yn-dann Akordyans
Framweyth rag Difresyans a Vinorytys Kenedhlek.”
Rag kavos sewyansow leun a’n dhew, pewasow
ha kesstrifow Holyer an Gof, mirewgh mar pleg orth
Established and organised by Gorsedh Kernow
to raise the standard and profile of publishing in
Cornwall, this year’s winners were once again chosen
from the best books about Cornwall or in Cornish
published recently.
“We are very proud of the Holyer an Gof competition
and we are delighted by the support we receive from
all the publishers who submit entries each year.” said
Grand Bard of Cornwall Maureen Fuller.
The Holyer an Gof Trophy for the most outstanding
entry in the whole competition was awarded to
Cornish Milestones by Ian Thompson, published by
Twelveheads Press.
Gorsedh Kernow also runs annual public competitions
with classes in poetry, music and prose, with entries
in Cornish and English, and classes in painting,
photography and calligraphy.
“These competitions are open to all adults and
children whether Cornish born or not” said Grand Bard
Maureen Fuller, “and they are organised by Gorsedh
Kernow to promote an interest in, and knowledge of,
all things Cornish, which is particularly important to
encourage following official recognition of the Cornish
under the European Framework Convention for the
Protection of National Minorities.”
For full results of both Holyer an Gof awards and
competitions, please see the Gorsedh Kernow
website. Competition winners will be presented with
their prizes at this year’s Gorsedh Kernow ceremony,
which will be held at Thanckes Park, Torpoint on
Saturday 6th September at 2pm.
Rag derivadow pella/For further information:
Marilyn Thompson (for Ian Thompson), Maureen Fuller (Grand
Bard), Ann Trevenen Jenkin, Donald Rawe (Cornish Literary
Guild Chairman), Laurence Green and Caroline White.
mis Est / 2014
Ragdres ‘Taves an Tir’
‘Taves an Tir’ project
MAGA yw prout dhe skoodhya ha bos keskoweth
dhe ragdres nowydh ledys gans Kowethas an
Yeth Kernewek neb a dhegemeras arghasans
Gwari Dall Ertach may hyll ev kollenwel ragdres a
dhiw vledhen yn Kernow yn unn fogella war yeth
kernewek y’n tirwel hag yn henwyn teyluyow.
An ragdres ma yw henwys Taves an Tir, hag a
wra fogella war dri arenebedh a Gernow kyns oll
– Lanneves ogas dhe Vosvena, An Hay ogas dhe
Bennsans ha’n ranndir Talgos a Resrudh.
Nyns yw godhvedhys yn ledan y’s teves pub tre,
gwig po penndra yn Kernow niver a henwyn park
ha trevesigeth kernewek unnik. An re ma a yll
gwitha kedhlow posek, kepar ha'n re na a dheskrif
gnasennow an tirwel, an pyth a wre hwarvos ena, po
piw a biwas an le.
Yn peub a'n tri le dewisys y fydh kevres a dharvosow
dhe genertha an poblans leel dhe gavos an yeth
kernewek y’ga thirwel yn ogas, hag ena dhe gevrenna
an pyth re dhys’sons i gans goslowysi ledanna. Y
fydh edhomm a dhiw vledhen dhe gollenwel an
ragdres dien dres an dri ranndir a Gernow, yn unn
worfenna yn displetyansow ha tornow gwithti; ha oll
agan sewyansow a wra omgafos wor’tiwedh tre yn
drehevyans Kresen Kernow nowydh yn Resrudh.
Ny vydh kemeres rann y’n elven hwithra an ragdres
‘hanafas a de’ a bub huni, mes pub huni yw gelwys
dhe gemeres rann y’n darvos lonchya, kwysyow,
ha kesarethyow, ha dhe vires orth an ober dell
omdhispleg ha diskwedhes sewyansow. An ober
ma a vydh ken sarn yn aswonvos a’n yeth yw kerys
gans keniver ahanan, hag ystynnans konvedhes ha
gwerthveurheans anodho gans an kemenethow.
Yth yw termyn yntanus, ytho mar prederowgh hwi y
hyllowgh profya agas gweres, ena mar pleg gwrewgh
bodhegi rag agas ranndir leel ha dos ha bos rann a’n
ragdres nowydh ma, leun a jalenj ha delit dell yw.
MAGA is proud to support and partner a new
project led by Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek who
were awarded Heritage Lottery funding in order to
carry out a two-year project in Cornwall focussing
on Cornish language in the landscape and in family
This project is called Taves an Tir – the Tongue of the
Land – and will focus on three areas of Cornwall
in particular: Lanivet near Bodmin, Heamoor near
Penzance and the Tolgus area of Redruth.
It is not widely known that each town, village or
hamlet in Cornwall has a number of unique Cornish
field and settlement names. These can preserve
important information, such as describing the main
characteristics of the landscape, what used to happen
there, or who owned the place.
In each of the three chosen places there will be a
series of events to encourage the local population
to find the Cornish language in their immediate
landscape, and then share what they have learned
with a wider audience. The whole project will take two
years to complete across the three areas of Cornwall,
culminating in exhibitions and museum tours; and all
our results will eventually find themselves a home in
the new Kresen Kernow building in Redruth.
Taking part in the research element of the project will
not be everyone’s cup of tea, but everyone is invited
along to take part in the launch event, quizzes and
seminars, and to watch the work as it develops and
shows results. This work will be another stepping
stone in the recognition of the language so many
of us love, and an expansion of our communities’
understanding and appreciation of it. It’s an exciting
time, so if you think you can offer your assistance, then
please do volunteer for your local area and become a
part of this challenging and fun new project.
Rag kedhlow pella mar pleg kestavewgh orth/
For more information please contact:
Dee Hunt
Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek
07568 391977
Moy warlinen
More online
Unn tremmyn a’n seythen #speakcornish a
veu medrys orth aswon unn vledhen a www. ha solempnya an sommen
waytys a 40,000 vysytyer dhe’n wiasva.
An wiasva ma a brof dhe dhyskoryon derivadow
a-dro dhe le may hallons i kavos klassow, keffrys hag
asnodhow ha steusow rag aga gweres dyski. An
kaskyrgh #speakcornish a geworras lies folen dhe’n
wiasva ma ha’n sywyans o bos 10,000 voy vysytyer
degemerys, ow herdhya an sommen a vysytyoryon
dhe voy ages 54,000!
August / 2014
Homm yw kynsa bledhen vryntin rag an wiasva
strothys ma, ha’n vysytoryon ha’n synsas a bes tevi!
One aspect of #speakcornish week was aimed to
mark one year of and
celebrate the expected total of 40,000 visitors to
the site.
This website provides new learners with information
on where to find classes, along with resources and
courses to help them learn. The #speakcornish
campaign added several pages to this site and as a
result an extra 10,000 visitors were received pushing
the total visitors to over 54,000!
This is an excellent first year for this dedicated website,
and the visitors and content continues to grow!
Darvosow / Events
Kestavow / Contacts
mis Est / August 2014
Dyghter Displegya
Development Manager
Jenefer Lowe
Festival Interceltique de Lorient
Yeth an Werin, The Royal Standard, Gwinear - for further
information contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, The Angel, St Giles High Street, London - for
further information contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join
Yeth an Werin, The Angel, St Giles High Street, London - for
further information contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, St Ives - for further information
contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, Coldstreamer, Gulval - for further information
contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, The Angel, St Giles High Street, London - for
further information contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, The Blue Anchor, Helston - for further
information contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, Cornish Arms, Redruth - for further information
contact [email protected]
Yeth an Werin, Wig & Pen, Truro - for further information join
Pellgowser / Telephone
01872 323497
Yeth an Werin, The Angel, St Giles High Street, London - for
further information contact [email protected]
E-bost / E-mail
Yeth an Werin, Bridge Inn, Bridge - for further information
contact [email protected]
Gwiasvaow / Websites
For events further ahead visit
Sodhogyon Adhyskans
Education Officers
Pol Hodge & Mike Tresidder
Sodhogyon Skoodhya
Support Officers
Matt Blewett & Sam Rogerson
Trigva / Address
Cornish Language Partnership
Cornwall Council
Dalvenie House
County Hall
[email protected]
Tregedna Est
Tregedna East
Gesys yw nebes spassow rag
Tregedna Est; danvenewgh ebost,
mar pleg, dhe cornishlanguage@ rag erghi le.
A few places remain available
on Tregedna East; please email
[email protected]
to book your place.
Derivadow Pella / Further Information
For further information about any of the articles in this newsletter,
please contact the MAGA office using the contact details above.
If you are organising a Cornish language event and would like to have
it publicised in this newsletter please send us the details.
If you would like to subscribe to receive this newsletter free of charge every
month please send us an e-mail or letter and we will add you to
our distribution list.
Please feel free to pass this newsletter on to others.
Deadline for contributions to August newsletter: Wed. 20th August 2014.
Arhesans Keskowethyans an Taves
Kernewek yw dhyworth:
The Cornish Language Partnership is
funded by:

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