Prospectus - Evendons Primary School


Prospectus - Evendons Primary School
Evendons Primary School
Wokingham’s first STEM focused primary school
Established 2O14
‘Nurture, Inspire, Flourish’
Welcome to Evendons Primary School
The School’s Beginnings
What is a Free School?
School Motto, Vision and Mission
6 School Values and Ethos
Key Provisions and Features of Evendons Primary School
The Curriculum
Early Years
1O Key Stage 1
11 The School Day
12 Supporting Children with Additional Needs
12 Gifted and Talented
13 Engagement with Business and the Community
14 Home–School Partnership
15 Uniform
16 Admissions
18 Key Information
18 School Meals
19 Location
2O Our Governing Body
Welcome to Evendons Primary School
Dear Parents and Carers,
It is with great pride and privilege that we introduce you to
Evendons Primary School, the first primary free school in Wokingham.
We have a passion for teaching and learning and a deeply
held belief that every child deserves the best opportunity
to succeed in life. It is our commitment to this belief that
underpins everything we do.
Evendons Primary School is a happy place: It offers
children aged 4 to 11 a welcoming environment where
they are inspired to learn and will feel safe. Our pupils are
confident to take on challenges; they know that they will
be supported to succeed.
At Evendons Primary School, children receive a high
quality education in smaller than average class sizes,
using a thematic approach to teach above and beyond
the national curriculum, promoting the development
of 21st century knowledge and skills, in particular in the
areas of enterprise education and Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).
We are excited to offer a structured approach to
learning within beautiful established surroundings.
We are passionate about this new opportunity and
this will be reflected in everything that we do. We
look forward to meeting and working with you to
ensure your child has the best start to their lifelong
journey of learning and fulfilment.
We hope you will come and meet us at one of our Open
Days – please see the website for up-to-date information.
Patrick Pritchett, Headteacher
and Evendons Primary School Trust
We are committed to providing a fun and vibrant
learning environment with a focus on academic
excellence. We encourage creativity in
the arts, camaraderie in sport and will
nurture respect for oneself, others
and the environment. The school
aims to develop the whole child,
personally, socially and
emotionally, as we believe
this is as important as
academic achievement.
We want every child to
exceed even their own
expectations and to
do so by understanding
the importance of
self-discipline, hard
work and good manners.
The School’s Beginnings
Evendons Primary School’s journey began in August 2O12 when local parents met to
discuss the need for a local primary school in the area in order to accommodate the
growing demand for primary school places.
The recent closure of the White House School, an
independent preparatory school in the heart of our
community was suggested as an ideal site for a new
community school.
In 2O12 the now formed Parent Proposer Group submitted
a bid to the Department for Education for the proposal
for Evendons Primary School. In March 2O13 came the
exciting news that the bid had been successful and the
school was being granted permission to be opened.
The site was acquired and the Parent Proposer Group
set the wheels in motion producing a detailed project
plan pooling skills and resources from within the group
to create the school. Working in conjunction with the
Department for Education the group set about recruiting
a Head Teacher, creating an identity and a brand for the
school, and through targeted and broadcast marketing
campaigns (social media, leaflets, email, outdoor banners,
local press advertising, PR and events) began to promote
the school to prospective parents.
Patrick Pritchett was appointed as Headteacher in
November 2O13 who very quickly with his wealth of
experience became proactive and embedded within the
Parent Proposer Group to achieve the school’s vision.
In April 2O13 the Evendons Primary School Trust was
created. The Trustees Hilary Grealis, Martin Hannaford and
Helen Thorndyke who were all members of the Parent
Proposer Group are responsible for the appointment of
the governing body that will set the strategic priorities for
the school; hold the school leadership team to
account for the schools educational performance and
improvement, and ensure proper running of the trust.
‘We recognise that the 21st Century has bought new
challenges to the working population. There is a need to
prepare younger generations for the digitally evolving
landscape which we intend to do through the enhanced
use of technology and embedding innovation and
creativity from an early age. Wokingham is an area that
is surrounded by large multi-national and national
telecommunications and technology companies. We
intend to capitalise on their proximity, and benefit from
their expertise and knowledge to ensure our children
are equipped with the relevant skills needed to prepare
them for secondary school and beyond.’
Helen Thorndyke, Evendons Primary School Trust
The sale of the White House was completed in October
2O13 and the team began to work with the contractors to
renovate the building to modernise the site to be fit for
purpose for opening and to future-proof the school for
its growth.
The school opened on September 4th 2O14 with 98 pupils.
What is a Free School?
Free schools are all-ability, state-funded
schools set up in response to demand.
Free schools in England can be set up by a wide range
of proposers, including parents, teachers, charities,
businesses, universities and religious or voluntary groups.
Proposers are required to undergo a rigorous application
and selection process, overseen by the Department
for Education (DfE). The schools are established as
Academies, independent of local authorities and have
increased control and flexibility, for example, over their
curriculum, teachers’ pay and conditions and the length
of the school term and days.
Free schools are funded on a comparable basis to other
local state schools, receiving an annual revenue budget
based on the number of pupils enrolled in the school.
They are expected to maintain the same rigorous
standards as all state schools and are subject to regular
inspections by Ofsted.
Whilst Free schools do not have to teach the national
curriculum or employ qualified teachers, Evendons
Primary School does deliver the National Curriculum
and only employs qualified teachers.
Evendons Primary School adopts the same term dates
as Wokingham Borough Council due to the logistics for
parents and teachers with children at different schools.
School Motto, Vision and Mission
Evendons Primary School is a safe and caring
community led school in which all children will grow and succeed.
Our class sizes never exceed 25 pupils to maximise the
advantages of learning in smaller classes. There are two
classes per year group.
At Evendons Primary we believe we are all what
nature and nurture have made us.
The school motto is ‘Nurture, Inspire, Flourish’
Nurture – we will care for, support and protect our
children whilst they are growing and learning with us
and encourage them to do the same for each other
and members of the wider community.
Inspire – we will strive to ignite our children’s enthusiasm
and desire to learn and explore.
Flourish – our aim is to equip our children to develop
academically and socially to succeed in school
and beyond.
The school environment will encourage pupils to be:
• flexible and adaptable, being able to participate
effectively as an individual or as part of a team
• skilled in the application of knowledge and prepared
for their next steps in education and later life
• motivated and industrious, able to maximise
their potential
• empowered and self-confident, with high self-esteem
• creative and inquisitive
• healthy and have active lifestyles, enjoying sport
and the outdoors
• morally responsible with a sense of community
and citizenship
• confident in applying the knowledge and skills they
acquire in different situations
Evendons Primary School offers:
• a fun, vibrant, learning environment – a springboard
for success
• academic excellence in English and STEM (science,
technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects
• development of a child’s artistic, musical and
physical potential
• a broader curriculum with a particular focus on
enterprise and 21st-century skills
• enriched learning experiences
• engagement and partnership with the local community
• after-school and breakfast clubs which will enable
both parents to work, bringing economic benefits
to both families and the community
• links to the real world, giving learning purpose
The school motto is
‘Nurture, Inspire, Flourish’
School Values and Ethos
Our aim is to encourage each child to be independent,
enquiring and ambitious and instil values of:
• tolerance: this will be taught to pupils throughout
the school year. It is essential that pupils understand
its importance, whether through discussion or by
connecting the issue of tolerance to a lesson
• respect: it is the goal of Evendons Primary School to
create a respectful atmosphere between all individuals
involved within the school, including administrators,
teachers, staff members, pupils, parents and visitors
• trust: we will trust children to be responsible for
themselves and each other in the school environment
The ethos of the school will be focussed on
three key areas:
• community: recognise and reward both individual and
team performance, solidifying the notion of team spirit,
loyalty and acceptance of others through a house
system in both work and play. Forge alliances with
other schools, the local community and business
• enterprise: learning will be engaging, exciting,
interactive and challenging and will foster inquisitively
minded, motivated, industrious children supported by
staff in all aspects of the National Curriculum with a
resourceful ‘can-do’ spirit
• STEM: accelerate learning through technology in
balance with traditional methods. Children will be
guided safely through the digital landscape and taught
to embrace new technology with confidence and
enthusiasm. Real-life STEM experiences will engage
and inspire, creating ‘eureka’ moments inside and
outside the classroom
Experiences from the broader
curriculum, in and beyond the
classroom, ignite creativity and
instils blue-sky aspirations for our
children to realise their dreams now
and later on in life. The children will
be encouraged to explore, enquire
and to take risks in an interactive
hands-on environment.
Key Provisions and Features of Evendons Primary School
• follow the National Curriculum with additional emphasis on STEM and
enterprise education
• employ excellent qualified teachers committed to raising achievement
for all pupils
• follow a strong, clear and inclusive admissions policy
• offer an extended school day and wrap around care
• teach in smaller than average class sizes with two classes per year group
• have fully equipped state of the art classrooms with 6O" interactive screens
• teach 21st Century skills in the classroom through technology and have
a Chromebook for every child
The Curriculum
Evendons Primary School follows the National Curriculum
and enhances it by having a particular focus on STEM.
We focus on academic excellence in English and STEM
subjects, whilst encouraging creativity in the arts and
camaraderie in sport and nurturing respect for
others and the environment. The school adopts a
holistic approach to ensure the personal and social,
as well as academic development of each child.
Further details regarding the breadth of subjects
covered can be found on the school’s website:
While the emphasis is on reading, writing, speaking,
listening and mathematics, we offer the best of the
National Curriculum and more, with thematic project
work helping to bring learning to life, by putting it into a
broader context. Literacy, numeracy, science, technology, engineering and ICT are viewed as key skills running
through the whole curriculum, using enterprise skills
where possible.
The school adopts a thematic approach to teaching
across all subject areas, where possible. It looks to
dedicate mornings to the literacy and numeracy subjects,
ensuring the relevant theme is woven throughout the
school day. Common themes are extended to broader
curriculum activities in the afternoons, embracing the
local community with workshops, for example with
businesses and the emergency services.
Early Years
Early years provision at Evendons Primary School delivers the
highest quality education, whilst providing a firm foundation on which
to build future academic, enterprise, social and emotional success.
Whilst recognising that every child is unique, and will
join the school with differing levels of prior learning and
social skills, our aim is that, by the time they leave our
Reception class, children are:
• happy, resilient, capable, confident and
self-assured individuals;
• strong, inquisitive and independent learners who
thrive in all areas of learning and development;
• capable of developing and sustaining positive
relationships within their school community
and beyond.
Evendons Primary School recognises the importance of
play to children’s development, building their confidence
as they learn to explore. Children learn by leading their
own play and by taking part in play which is guided by
adults. Therefore, the school ensures there is an appropriate balance in the day of activities led by children and
activities led or guided by adults, responding to each
child’s emerging needs and interests. It is expected that
over the year, the balance will gradually shift towards
more activities led by adults, to help children prepare for
more formal learning, ready for Year 1.
In line with the particular vision and ethos of
the school, we provide activities and experiences
for Foundation Stage children that:
• develop their confidence and skills in expressing
themselves i.e. through class and small group
discussions or individual ‘show and tell’ sessions
during circle time
• develop their co-ordination, control, and movement
through a range of outdoor play equipment and via
more structured PE and Dance activities (Children are
taught about healthy lifestyles and eating as part of
our Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education
[PSHCE] programme)
• develop their ability to link sounds and letters and to
begin to read and write. Children are given access to a
wide range of reading materials to ignite their interest
in written and spoken words. Literacy is delivered both
through discrete learning activities including phonics
and one to one reading sessions but also woven into the
broader curriculum.
• develop and improve their skills in counting,
understanding and using numbers, calculating simple
addition and subtraction problems; and to describe
shapes, spaces, and measures. A sound grasp of
mathematical principles and functions is essential
to the delivery of a STEM based curriculum as well
as other aspects of the curriculum and more general
life skills
• develop their awareness, interest and understanding of
their physical world and their local community through
opportunities to explore, observe and find out about
people, places, technology and the environment. As
a free school created by the community for the
community, the school actively engages community
members as well as local business in the planning and
delivery of the curriculum
• explore and play with a wide range of media and
materials, as well as providing opportunities and
encouragement for sharing their thoughts, ideas
and feelings through a variety of activities in art,
music, movement, dance, role-play and design
and technology. The STEM focus of the curriculum
provides a wide range of opportunities for children
to explore and develop their creative skills
Evendons Primary School also recognises the importance
assessment plays in helping parents, carers and staff
to recognise a child’s progress, understand their needs
and to plan activities and support. Ongoing (formative)
assessment is an integral part of the learning and
development process at the school. This involves
staff observing children to understand their level of
achievement, interests and learning styles and to
shape learning experiences for each child reflecting
on those observations.
Home visits for all children starting
in our Foundation Stage is part of the
transition process and is one of our
criteria for ensuring that children are
able to settle happily and quickly into
the school.
Key Stage 1
Transition from Reception to Key Stage 1
is an important time for the children
at the school.
The Year 1 and Reception teachers work together
to plan the last half term of Reception and the first
half term of Year 1, to ensure they build on the sound
foundations for learning and development laid down
during the children’s first year at the school.
The teachers will focus on ensuring continuity in
learning, by planning topics together and introducing
Reception children to some of the routines of the
Year 1 class.
Early in Year 1, pupils undertake assessments in
order to gain a broader picture of their capabilities;
this will be added to the EYFS Profile information.
Some topics are linked between the years, so that
the children can be encouraged to remember
and build on their prior learning.
The school administers Key Stage Two assessments
(SATS) in line with the statutory assessment and
reporting requirement, as well as Key Stage One
assessments and other nationally recognised
benchmarking assessments.
The teachers will focus on
ensuring continuity in learning
The School Day
The compulsory school day runs from O8.5O to 15.3O. We keep the
school open until 16.3O on selected days. There are optional sessions
between 15.3O to 16.3O on these days, for both booster classes
(to give extra support or extension activities) and other extra-curricular clubs.
Below is an example of a typical day:
Start time
End time
Breakfast club
Morning Register and
Warm up activate session
Literacy / Numeracy
Science / Arts
Break and snack
Literacy / Numeracy
Science / Arts
Afternoon Register
Literacy / Numeracy
Science / Arts / Music
Design & Technology / PE
Humanities / PSHCE
Circle Time
Booster classes,
extra-curricular activities
(on selected days)
After-school club
Extra-curricular clubs
On the days where the school is not running booster
classes, all pupils have the option to stay in school until
16.3O to allow them to participate in extra-curricular
clubs. Drawing on the strength of partnerships with the
members of the Wokingham community and the
teacher’s passions and experiences, the following
optional extra-curricular activities are currently available:
Book Club
IT Club
Young Engineers
Before and after-school clubs
In addition to any of the activities mentioned above,
a breakfast club runs from O7.45 to O8.5O, offering
healthy breakfast options and an after-school club
from 15.3O to 18.15, offering a light tea. A charge will
be payable for these services and is run by staff
from Toad Hall Nursery.
Supporting Children with Additional Needs
Evendons Primary School is an inclusive school where the needs of all pupils are
met, whatever their background, abilities or disabilities. All children are supported
to learn well and achieve good outcomes.
We comply fully with the SEN and Disability Act 2OO1
(and any subsequent revisions). We participate in
Wokingham’s local Fair Access Protocol arrangements
and give priority in admissions to children with a
statement of Special Education Needs that names our
school on their application form. The school works closely
with Wokingham Borough Council and other appropriate
agencies for any pupils at the school with SEN.
Evendons Primary School believes that the best way to
meet the needs of the majority of children with Special
Educational Needs (SEN) and Additional Education Needs
(AEN) is to expose them to high quality, differentiated
classroom teaching together with their peers. As well
as individual and group support, it places a strong
emphasis on teaching staff personalising their
pedagogy and structured tasks, so all children can
access the curriculum.
Specific attention is given to the progress of SEN pupils
across core subject areas, as well as across year groups,
rather than individuals. The school also run teacher-led
booster, intervention and extension classes for certain
children, to ensure they are making progress to the best
of their ability.
Gifted and Talented
We are committed to engaging all
learners to reach the highest standards.
Gifted and talented children are identified using broad
and appropriate criteria, reflecting both achievements
in school and outside. Where appropriate the school will
appoint a More Able and Talented Co-ordinator who will
play an integral part in the school leadership team.
The school will run booster classes for children who
are gifted and talented and would benefit from
more challenging teaching, so they can reach their
full potential.
Engagement with Business and the Community
To deliver the curriculum, the school capitalises on its links with local and
national businesses to ensure it uses the most up-to-date and relevant
topics and approaches.
By making the most of local STEM employers, the school
instils independence, confidence and leadership to
develop the 21st Century Skills critical for achieving
success in both life and work.
Working with these businesses we plan to:
• run ‘Enterprise Weeks’ where children will work on
themed projects
• introduce children to the concept of work and careers
and show that learning is enjoyable against a backdrop
of up-to-date ‘Information Advice and Guidance’ (‘IAG’)
to inform future aspiration
• run skills challenges through our House System
• set up mentoring programmes via local businesses
We want our relationship with employers
to be a true partnership, with them
helping to shape and challenge our
approach to Enterprise Education, whilst
helping shape the children as future
potential employees and entrepreneurs.
We are conscious that any engagements we put in place
are age appropriate for the child.
Evendons Primary works with other local schools to
maximise the impact of employer engagement
across primary and secondary schools and
make the most of existing good practice,
whilst also trying to innovate
key local employers.
Home-School Partnership
We regard parents as core partners in shaping and
growing Evendons Primary School and encourage
involvement through our Parent Forum
wherever appropriate.
The Parent Body constitutes an additional resource,
particularly with regard to enterprise. We endeavour to
capitalise on our parent’s rich employment and skills
background to develop enterprise activities.
Regular workshops are held for parents, explaining
the approaches the school uses for key areas such as
phonics, maths, reading and spelling. There are
regular opportunities to meet with staff and review
a child’s progress.
The school works tirelessly to ensure all staff, pupils and
their families always feel welcome and valued.
Our School uniform sets a positive tone and reflects our practical learning
approach. It is a visual reminder of personal discipline, independence,
good order and the school’s high standards and expectations.
The uniform consists of:
• grey school skirt or pinafore dress/or grey trousers
in the winter
• white blouse or Evendons polo shirt/or plain white
polo shirt
• Evendons school jumper or cardigan
• white socks/grey tights and dark shoes
• lilac/purple gingham dress (spring and summer term)
• grey trousers/shorts
• white shirt or Evendons polo shirt/or plain white
polo shirt
• Evendons school jumper
• dark socks and shoes
PE kit:
• grey/black shorts or jogging bottoms
• Evendons white t-shirt (or plain white t-shirt)
• white ankle socks
• trainers or plimsolls
Swimming kit (for juniors):
• swimming hat (available from the office)
• one piece swimming costume (no bikinis) or
short swimming trunks (no Bermuda style shorts)
• towel
• goggles may be worn but they must have the
British Standard Kitemark
All children should also have:
• Wellington boots, rain coat (Evendons coat optional)
and sun hat for outdoor learning
• Evendons book bag
• Evendons PE bag (optional)
Please note:
• all items of clothing will be clearly named
• we discourage the wearing of all jewellery except
for religious or medical reasons. For any pierced ears,
small studs will be allowed and these will be removed
or covered with tape during PE
• hair that is longer than shoulder length must be tied
back for PE/Games
• all footwear will be safe and sensible, flat, securely
fitting and all open shoes will have a back strap
All items with the Evendons logo can be
bought from
Evendons Primary School serves the local community, with children
being drawn from the immediate vicinity of the school. The school is
inclusive and open to all faiths and affiliations.
Admissions Criteria
The total pupil admissions number (PAN) will be 5O (two
forms of entry of 25 children in the reception year group).
Wokingham Borough Council’s admissions team will
manage the application and allocation process on behalf
of Evendons Primary School. This means parents/carers
wanting their children to attend the school must apply to
their home Local Authority as they would for any other
state-maintained school.
The only difference is that we will give precedence to
children of the Founders of the school (applies to a
maximum of one founder).
The governing body of Evendons Primary School is its
own Admissions Authority. The Admissions Policy is in
full accordance with the School Admissions and Appeals
Codes. This admission policy follows that of Wokingham
Borough Council agreed for 2O14/15.
The map below shows the approximate designated area
for Evendons Primary School. All postcodes that fall in
the designated area will be provided to Wokingham
Borough Council. A list of all the postcodes in catchment
is available on the Evendons Primary School website.
Map for illustrative purposes only
Contains Ordnance Survey data
© Crown copyright and database right 2O14
Evendons Primary school has a designated catchment
area, of all postcodes with a central point within 1.5 miles
circular from the central point of postcode RG41 4AA
(coordinates for RG41 4AA – Easting = 48O47O,
Northing = 167135, UPRN: 14O44O77).
Where the number of applications for admission is
greater than the published admissions number for
any relevant age group, Evendons Primary School will
consider applications against the criteria set out in the
sub-paragraphs following. This does not apply to those
children with statements of Special Educational Needs or
Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan where Evendons
Primary School is named in their Statement or EHC Plan,
who will be admitted first.
Oversubscription criteria:
A. Looked after children and children who were looked
after, but ceased to be so because they were adopted
or became subject to a residence order or special
guardianship order’ (previous looked-after children).
B. Children who have medical, physical, psychological,
or social needs as the grounds for their admission to a
particular school. This must be supported by written
evidence, relating specifically to the school you are
applying to under this criterion, from an independent
professional aware of the child’s case (e.g. doctor, hospital
consultant, psychologist, or social worker) which must
explain the reason why the school in question is the most
suitable and the difficulties caused if the child had to
attend another school.
C. The Founders of Evendons Primary School have
applied to the Secretary of State for derogation from
the school admissions code giving priority in the
oversubscription criteria to their children. This will be
limited to an individual who played a major role in
establishing the school, during the application and
pre-opening stages, and has continued to play a
significant role in the running of the school. A list of
relevant founders is available from the school on request.
D. Children whose permanent home address is in the
school’s designated area and who have a sibling - brother
or sister, half brother or sister, adopted brother or sister,
step brother or step sister or the child of the parent/
carer’s partner where the child for whom the school
place is sought is living in the same family unit at the
same address as that sibling and who will be at the school
when the child will enter the school. Siblings attending a
school nursery cannot be considered.
E. Children whose permanent home address is in the
schools’ designated area.
F. Children who have a sibling - brother or sister, half
brother or sister, adopted brother or sister, step brother
or step sister or the child of the parent/carer’s partner
where the child for whom the school place is sought is
living in the same family unit at the same address as
that sibling and who will be at the school when the child
will enter the school. Siblings attending a school nursery
cannot be considered.
G. Any other children
Our admission arrangements take into account the
requirements of the Equalities Act. For category B and
any other cases where judgement is needed as to which
criteria the application meets, a panel of at least two
officers will consider the application and supporting
evidence. The panel’s decision and reasons will be
recorded, for the purposes of informing the parent and
any subsequent appeal.
Criterion A
A ‘looked after child’ is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided
with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions
(see definition in section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). Previous ‘looked after children’
include those children under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2OO2 (section 46
relating to adoption orders), Children Act 1989, section 8 which defines a ‘residence order’
as an order settling the arrangements to be made as to the person with whom the child is to
live and section 14A which defines a ‘special guardianship order’ as an order appointing one
or more individuals to be a child’s special guardian (or special guardians).
Criterion B
When submitting applications under category B (serious medical, physical, psychological
or social needs grounds for admission) your application cannot be considered if you do
not declare that you are applying under this criterion and you do not provide written
independent professional evidence. All supporting documentation must be received by
Wokingham Borough Council by 15 January for consideration prior to the main allocation of
places. An admissions panel will consider the supporting evidence provided and will advise
the applicant of its decision; the panel’s decision is final. Any evidence received by the school
admissions team after 15 January will not be taken into account in the main allocation of
places but may, if agreed by panel, affect the applicant’s position on a school’s waiting list.
Criterion C
The definitions (with the exception of the founder’s children) are taken from ‘Co-ordinated
Schemes for Admission to Primary and Secondary Schools, incorporating Wokingham
Borough Council’s Admission Policies for community and voluntary controlled schools, for
entry to schools in 2O14/2O15. Founders of the school are defined as the Proposers, and
those who have provided significant and specific assistance, advice, guidance or support to
the Proposers in the preparation of the Application, activity involved in preparing the school
to open and its ongoing governance once established. This criterion will be applied to the
children of a maximum of one Founder’s family.
Criterion D and E
Living in the designated area does not guarantee a school place, as there may be more
applications from parents living in the designated area than places available.
Criterion D and F
Occasionally a parent with more than one child can express a preference for their designated
area school for the older child, but the local authority is unable to meet this preference.
The local authority will then allocate a place at a lower ranked preferred school or the
closest available school with places. In this case, the parent may then prefer to send
younger sibling(s) to the same school as the older child attends. In such instances, the
allocated school may be regarded as if it were the designated area school for subsequent
siblings and would be treated as meeting criterion C (sibling resident within designated
area). Parents must notify the school admissions team at the time of application that they
consider this exception applies. Where there is an application for the actual designated area
school(s), designated area status would still be applied.
Key Information
For full details on the Admissions policy, please visit
the website:
Further details can be obtained from our school office
or by contacting Children’s Services, which is based at
Wokingham Borough Council:
Shute End, Wokingham
Berkshire RG4O 1WN
Each year,the school will hold transition events, where
the children allocated a place at the school, are able to
spend time in their new environment getting to know the
other children and staff before they start.
T: O118 974 6245
E: [email protected]
Parents and carers will be invited to a ‘new parents/
carers’ meeting during the summer term before their
child starts to ensure that the transition from pre-school
to Evendons Primary School is as smooth as possible.
Admissions procedures can be found on the Wokingham
Borough Council website:
If you would like more information please do not hesitate
to contact us:
T: O118 979 1O54
E: [email protected]
School Meals
At Evendons we understand the importance of the
enjoyment of meal times for our children so we create a
family meal type setting.
Our teachers eat alongside the children and we use
knives and forks and crockery (no plastic trays!) to
encourage them to become independent eaters and
enjoy new tastes and foods.
We provide universal free school meals to all our pupils
starting in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2. We encourage all
children to take part in our school meal offering.
The hot meals are prepared at Luckley House School (an
independent day school) by chefs in their fully equipped
kitchen and transported in insulated boxes in a van 5OO
yards to Evendons Primary School where they are served
to the children by the teachers and lunchtime staff in a
family meal type setting.
Our partnership with Luckley House means that the
children benefit from the expertise of the Luckley House
Catering Manager who focuses on providing balanced
nutrition and choice whilst not compromising on quality.
All the meals are be prepared using fresh ingredients to
provide as much variation and choice for the children as
Special dietary requirements can be accommodated for
and we will work with parents to ensure that a child’s
particular needs are catered for.
161 Finchampstead Road, Wokingham
Berkshire RG4O 3HD
Evendons Primary School is situated in the grounds and
buildings of the former White House Preparatory School.
It is an historic established school building with lots of
character and excellent outdoor space, both of which
can be used to enhance the curriculum in many ways.
An historic established school
building with lots of character
and excellent outdoor space
Our Governing Body
Evendons Primary School is run by a Governing Body which
is comprised of parent elected governors, community
governors, a staff representative and the Headteacher.
The whole Governing Body meets once a term and is
divided into two committees – Teaching & Learning and
Finance & Operations; these committees also meet on a
regular basis and are supported by various working parties.
The Headteacher has day-to-day responsibility for the
efficient management of the school. Governors and staff
work together. We aim to Nurture each and every child,
find unique learning experiences to Inspire and equip
our children to Flourish in school and beyond.
Parents have an opportunity to join the Governing
Body as Parent Governors. Elections are held
when vacancies arise.
‘As a community led school the Governing Body will
play a strategic role in ensuring the schools vision
is delivered. It is the view of the Governors that we
can best contribute to future successes by working in
ever-closer partnership with the head teacher, staff,
students and parents. As a parent you will have access
to the governors ensuring we work together to build a
platform for your children’s future.’
Tony Eames – Chair of Governors
‘Nurture, Inspire, Flourish’
We are all what
nature and nurture
have made us
Evendons Primary School Trust, a company limited by guarantee.
Registered office: 161 Finchampstead Road, Wokingham, Berkshire RG4O 3HD. Company No. 8991357
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