June 2015 Fisherman - Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack


June 2015 Fisherman - Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack
The Newsletter of the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack
A Reformed Church in America Congregation
The Fisherman
June 2015
Bill Better
Louise Bliss
Glenn Holzhauer
Lloyd Lawrence
Steve Race
Julie Veronezi
Donna Lynk Campion
Roger Case
Mike Daly
John Dunham
Cheryl Halleran
Cindy VanAlphen
RCA -Partner in Mission(PIM)
Rev, Linda Miles
Lloyd Lawrence
Director of Bell Choir
Andrea Mastrianni
Director of Music
Shelley Robinson
Administrative Assistant
Nelson Santiago
Reformed Dutch Church
of Claverack
Drawer K
Claverack, NY 12513
518-851-9790 (fax)
[email protected]
Grace and peace to you in the name of our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ.
What a beautiful spring it has been! Watching the apple
trees bloom and the flowers burst out has given me great
pleasure. It has given me even more pleasure to see our
church growing in numbers and in spirit. It is a blessing to
walk with you as we follow Christ's lead.
In addition to my role as half-time pastor here, I have the
privilege of working with my husband, Rev. Nickolas Miles,
supporting the ministry of the Reformed Church in America to
Native Americans. Nick is the Coordinator of Native
American Ministries for the denomination.
The ministries are Native American churches in Oklahoma,
New Mexico, Nebraska, and Alberta, Canada as well as an
urban mission center in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, and a
ministry to students at Rutgers University who are exploring
Native American issues and opportunities.
In April, Nick and I helped facilitate a retreat for 49 people
from these ministries in Oklahoma. The speaker, Rev. Tom
Danney, taught about how to deepen and share your
Christian faith in your own communities. It was a great time
at a Methodist retreat center near Lawton, Oklahoma. I was
so impressed with the way the people and their churches
have persevered through the challenges of poverty, addiction,
gambling, unemployment, limited educational opportunities
and poor health care that have deeply affected their families.
This summer Nick and I will visit a mission being revitalized
by the hiring of a new youth minister in Athabasca, Canada
for the Cree people being at Calling Lake. We will be there
for a part of their Vacation Bible School and Sunday Service. Please hold them in your
prayers as they reach out the Native community there.
In the fall we will return to the Jicarilla and Mescalero Apache reservation churches in
New Mexico, spending a few days continuing to support their ministries. These historic
churches have given great hope and witness to their communities. Jicarilla has a roller
skating and Bible study group for youth and Mescalero has a vital Sunday School and
bus ministry that picks up about 30 kids and adults each Sunday.
It is my privilege to participate in these ministries with Nick and I request your prayers
for these sister churches/ministries as together we follow Christ. If you are interested in
learning more about them or want to support them, please see us for more information.
Meanwhile, I look forward to my first summer with you. On June 7th, we will be
celebrating the Lord's Supper. On June 14th, we will honor our graduates and celebrate
Flag Day, and on June 21st, we will honor fathers and those who have been like fathers
to us. There is a lot going on at church in June! Let us praise our God for these many
summer blessings.
In the service of Christ,
Pastor Linda
We're baaack- Yule Booth meets on Thursdays at 7PM in the cemetery
room. Please consider joining us as we craft cute and clever ornaments for
the next bazaar.
Financials: During the month of April, the Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack took
$11,830 in income and expended $18,190.70 in expenses respectively. In the month of
April the following seasonal bills were paid Mulhern Gas $3,786.96 and Parsonage fuel
$1,213.99. Quarterly payments to RCA Global Missions $1,675.00 and 2015 Denom.
Assessment $2,772.63. Fully itemized reports are available at the church office upon
Coffee Hour Signup Sheet is located on the bulletin board on the right by the calendar
just inside the front doors of the CEB. Please consider hosting coffee hour Sunday.
From Ken & Jill Busman: "To be surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses,
humbles us. We are grateful for your support, humbled by your care, and
strengthened through your friendship. With much gratitude and love, The Busman
Clan - thank you for the continued prayers and support" Ken & Jill
From Jaime Anuska: "Thank you for your prayers and blessings. I am getting back on
my feet with the generosity of your congregation. Sincere gratitude" Jaime
Pastor Linda Miles office hours will be posted in each Sunday's bulletin. She is also
available by appointment. The best way to reach her is by cell phone: 845-430-3348 or
by e-mail: [email protected]
Church office hours are: Tuesday thru Thursday 9 am to 2 pm.
The first quarterly payment from Green Fiber has been received. 6.75 tons of
paper was collected making a total of $168.75 for the Deacon's Fund. Thank
you! Just a friendly reminder- Please flatten all boxes to help make more
room in the bins.
Boy Scout Corner Troop 121
Troop 121 went to the Spring Camporee which was held at the
Chatham Fair Grounds. The scouts camped out Friday and Sat night.
During the day Sat there were many competitions and our Troop
finished 3rd overall put of the 25 other troops that were in attendance
Sunday School Corner
During the summer, the Sunday school kids and teachers will be working on
projects for the Sunday School Booth for the Bazaar. See Jen Stupplebeen
for details.
On May 24th we welcomed the following new members who joined our church by
profession of faith.
Karen Mackerer
Crystil Lee Skoda
Ryan Skoda
Michelle Struble
Many blessings to you as you continue your journey of faith as members of the
Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack.
Many thanks to the Sunday School Teachers who generously shared their
time and talents with our children this year. We recognize Snookie
Patterson, Nancy Rasweiler, Judy Weinman, Pam Kline, Olivia
VanAlphen, Cindy Louks, Denise Smith, Linda Neilsen, Jen Stupplebeen,
SUNDAy SChOOl and Flore Campion for their talents and generosity in providing Christian
education for our children.
It has been the tradition of the RDCC to give bibles to Sunday School students who have
completed 3rd grade. The following students received bibles at the close of the Sunday
School year on May 17th and included some students who are older but did not receive
bibles in previous years:
Amy Smith
Madison Smith
Matthew Smith
Jeanne Stupplebeen
Kara Sullivan
Emily Sullivan
Courtney Louks
Ryan Neilsen
Neil Howard
Claire Howard
Congratulations to all the Sunday School students who participated in Sunday School this
year. May God continue to bless and guide you
CROP Walkers Raise Over $1,000
After a two-year hiatus, a handful of walkers from our church decided to participate in the
Kinderhook (Northern Columbia County) CROP Hunger Walk and what a difference they
made! Soliciting sponsors from both within and outside the congregation, the eight walkers
managed to raise over $1,000 for Church World Service's efforts to end hunger worldwide.
Overall, 97 walkers participated in the Kinderhook walk on Sunday, May 3rd - raising a
cumulative $9,700+ for hunger relief. (25% of the total stays for support of local food
pantries.) Praise and thanksgiving for such a successful effort, and thank you once again for
your generous support.
Nepal and Chile - World Vision Disaster Relief
As you read this, our church's appeal for disaster relief for both Nepal and Chile will have
begun. While the earthquakes in these areas happened weeks ago, the need for
emergency help is still urgent until the situations in these two disaster zones are stabilized.
In Nepal, World Vision has reached remote villages outside of Kathmandu after days of
trying. They found extensive damage and desperate need for basic survival supplies. They
began distributing shelter materials and blankets for about 1,000 families. Additional
supplies were airlifted from a regional warehouse in Dubai, including 5,000 tarpaulins and
emergency aid. In coming days and weeks, World Vision plans to assist some 100,000
people with supplies, shelter, clean water and sanitation, and child protection, education,
and health programs. In Chile, World Vision teams are working with the government and
partners to assess damage in the worst-affected areas. The organization remains on
standby, ready to respond as needed once assessment teams have a clearer picture of the
extent of damage.
Please consider a donation to our appeal for World Vision's Disaster Relief Fund — for the
victims of Nepal and Chile disasters.
The Reformed Dutch Church has been an important part of its congregant's lives for
almost 300 years. Each of us has/her own special memories of the baptisms, weddings,
special services, Sunday School pageants, picnics, bazaars, etc.
We all have keepsakes of these memories unique to each of us - pictures, pins,
certificates, commemorative items, bulletins -you name them. Many of you have orally
shared these memories.
Now it is time to compile a list of these cherished items. As part of the tricentennial, we
would ask you to share them. To plan for the celebration on May 22, 2016, we would
appreciate a list of items you have proudly kept. (These items are not needed now and
will be returned, if used). Please list the special items you have and return the list to
Glenn Holzhauer or the church office.
The Sunday School is busy making projects for the bazaar. They are also learning all
about what the different missions the RCW Women's Group support. Start your
Christmas lists - projects so far are dog pull toys, bath salts, ornaments, and corn bag
heating pads.
If you have any large baby food jars, small jam/jelly jars that you want to recycle, please
donate them to the Sunday School.
It is almost that time of year that gardens will be overflowing. The Harvest Table
supports the Deacon's Fund. What a great way to share your excess garden vegetables
and flowers. Want fresh veggies and flowers? Pick up what you like and make a
donation to the Deacon's Fund. The Harvest Table will be set up as soon as there are
fresh flowers and veggies available for donation.
For those of you that purchased tickets to the June 13th show "Drowsy Chaperone" and
would like to carpool, please meet at the church. The carpool will be leaving the church
at 3:15 pm.
Greeting our brothers and sisters as we enter God's house is an important part of our
worshipping Him. If you are able to greet on a Sunday morning, please contact Irene
Holzhauer 518-672-7905. Thank You!
If you would like to read the scripture during the service, please give your name to
Shelley at the church office 518-851-3811 or email [email protected] or Pastor Linda
- Thank you!
If you or someone you know is unable to attend church and would like to receive
communion the next time the elders and Pastor Linda make rounds, please notify the
church office or call Pastor Linda at 845-430-3348.
The Reformed Dutch Church of Claverack
Consistory Meeting - Wednesday, April 8, 2015
Approved May 13, 2015
Present - Cindy VanAlphen, Pastor Linda Miles, Lloyd Lawrence, Mike Daly, Julie
Veronezi, Bill Better, John Dunham, Louise Bliss, Donna Campion, Glenn
Holzhauer, Shirley Sullivan
Absent - Steve Race, Roger Case, Cheryl Halloran
1. Opening Prayer: at 7:00pm by Pastor Linda
2. Additions & Deletions to Agenda: There was a request from Ian Neitcke to
ring our Church bell at 3:15 pm on April 9th to commemorate the end of
the Civil War. Glenn agreed to do this.
3. Approval of Minutes: March 2015 Consistory Minutes- A motion to
approve was made by Louise, 2nd by Donna and approved unanimously.
They will be sent to the office for filing.
4. Correspondence: There were letters of thanks for donations to the Ghent
Food Pantry, an Easter card from Joan Anderson & a card of thanks from
Ruth Manning for our prayers.
5. Deacons' Report: Working to assist fire victims in Claverack.
6. Elders' Report: Nothing to report at this time
7. Old Business:
Website is still a work in progress.
Portable micro phone is in hand.
Installation ceremony of Pastor Linda & reception were discussed.
A discussion of the retreat date was tabled until a future meeting.
8. New Business:
There was a discussion about pulpit supply to fill in for some pre-
arranged dates Pastor Linda will be away. Elders will review a list of
ministers and get back to Bill in couple of weeks.
There was discussion about having back up money counters. There
are currently four and it was proposed that we increase to six. There was
also discussion about using technology to collect weekly donations. It was
decided to reflect on this issue & discuss further in the future.
The persons having the safe combination were identified as Lloyd,
Tom Patterson & Glenn.
It was agreed that we don't need to respond to commercial
A tour of the Church by the Historical Society of Vermacular
Architecture will occur on April 12 at 7pm. Bill & Glenn are aware of the
It was agreed that Mike would send a written note of thanks to Rev.
David Tipple.
Mike agreed to speak, on behalf of our church, at the Holocaust
Remembrance service at Congregation Anshe Emeth on April 12.
9. Committee Reports:
> Christian Growth & Education -Cheryl & Cindy - It was agreed to plan a
service and recognize moving up day honoring our Sunday School children
& thanking our teachers. It was proposed that we look into getting bibles
for the children.
> Cemetery - Mike D & Mike B. - Clean up of winter storm damage has been
> Missions Committee - Lloyd & John - There will be an appeal to the
congregation to support the Crop Walk in Kinderhook this spring.
> Nurture Committee - Julie - Pastor Linda & Louise brought Communion to
shut-ins. Handmade gifts from Sunday School were also given out & greatly
> Finance Committee - Bill & Glenn - Our normal monthly financial report for
March 2015 was provided by Shirley Sullivan. There was discussion about
the report and thoughts about how to identify certain funds for certain
purposes. Shirley agreed to look into this and advise. The bottom line was
that our financial picture for March was normal and as expected. Mike was
asked to send a written note of thanks to Nate Winch for all of his
assistance over the years.
> Building & Property - Julie, Tom, John, Wendy - the water leak in the
Parsonage previously discussed will require a bit more work but is not
expected to be costly; The carpet in the sanctuary will be cleaned on April 21
(delayed due to excessive mud); Wendy Cook will look into the repair of the
church bell housing; The stained glass window that has been mounted needs
an electrical connection to operate with lights. John agreed to get an estimate
and have work done. A motion by Bill to go forward on electrical work if bill
was $500 or less was made, 2nd by Julie and unanimously approved; There
was a motion by Julie to act on removing a damaged tree near parking lot. It
has been examined by three experts and all three agreed the tree should be
removed. The low estimate was $900 & Julie requested we approve this
amount. The motion was 2nd by Louise and unanimously approved.
> Worship Committee - Cindy, Donna, Glenn - Donna & Cindy agreed to be
the contacts for Worship issues. Carnations will be given to mothers on
Mother's Day.
> Personnel -Mike & Julie - Performance reviews are being completed. Job
descriptions & conditions of employment will be examined to insure they are
> 300th Anniversary - Glenn - Hope College has requested a specific type of
piano. Andrea is responding to the request; We will need to house 40 young
people at the time of the concert - we will make an appeal to the
congregation; 7 people sorted pictures and many from 1980's to the present
to were located. Picture prior to that time frame are sought; a 1765 Bible
(written in Dutch) has been located.
10. Closing Prayer & Adjournment: By Pastor Linda
Next Consistory Meeting: May 13, 2015 at 7:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Daly, Clerk
Congratulations to the following graduates and their families!
Elizabeth Susan Hawes of Batarica, David and Judi /-/awes' granddaughter, will
graduate Valedictorian of her high school class. She'll attend Hobart/William Smith
College in the fall.
Jonathan Taylor Lackey of Austin, Texas, David and Judi Hawes' grandson, will
graduate from high school in June, and be inducted into the United States naval
Academy in July.
Florentina (Flore) Campion, daughter of Jim and Donna Lynk Campion, will be
graduating from Germantown Central School. She is going to Columbia Green
Community College to study criminal justice.
Olivia VanAlphen, daughter of Cindy and Leonard VanAlphen, will be graduating from
Taconic Hills High School. She is currently working for a local veterinarian and be
attending SUNY Ulster for Veterinary Technician.
Kerri Patterson, granddaughter of Tom and Snookie Patterson, graduating from
Georgetown Law School and is currently working for a D.C. law firm on Pennsylvania
David Winch, son of Nate and Karen Winch, graduated from Coastal Carolina
University in December as a Class A PGA Professional Golfer and is currently working
at Skokie Country Club in Glenco, IL
Caitlin Marie Bliss, granddaughter of Louise Bliss, graduating from IEEE University of
Vermont College of Electrical Engineering. She will continue her employment with the
UTC Aerospace Aviation System in Vergennes, VT as she completes her accelerated
Masters Program at University of Vermont.
Abigail Audrey Bliss, granddaughter of Louise Bliss, will graduate from Amherst
College Magna Cum Laude, and as a recipient of two English Department awards and
one from the French Department. For her fourth year, Abigail will return this summer to
the White Mountains to work for the AMC before heading to San Francisco to pursue a
career in architecture.
Jeremy Hotalen, son of Thomas & Tanya Hotalen, graduate of computer programs at
ITT while continuing to work full time.
Heather Hotalen, daughter-in-law of Thomas & Tanya Hotalen, graduate of computer
programs at ITT while continuing to work full time.
Bible Trivia - Answers are after birthdays and anniversaries.
1. Who said "the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak."?
2. What false rumor was spread about the disciple John?
3. God promised he will "make you ride upon the heights of the earth" if you honor what?
RDCC Historical Trivia - Answers are after birthdays and anniversaries.
1. Formal baptismal and other records of the RDCC date from what year?
2. Under which minister's leadership was the construction of Memorial Hall proposed?
3 Who taught Sunday School for 66 years.
Susan Ihlenburg
June Birthdays
Brady Holzhauer
Peter Rigos
Jon Blank
June Petersen
Hank Theiss
Toni Sue Holze
Karen Beinkampen
Betty Ostrander
Lisa Anne Orlich
Olivia Van Deusen
Nicholas Krizar
Mick Gregory
Curtis Manning
Michael Sullivan
Sarah Winch
Joseph Kenneally
Jan Lynch
Charles Orlich
Joan Anderson
Heather Niver
Erik Denny
June Anniversaries
Erik & Lynne Denny
Robert & Judy Weinman 6/7
Barbara & Jeff Robinson
Linda & Hank Theiss
Ryan & Heather Niver
Phyllis & Robert Mayo
Keith & Lois Niver
Laurel & Richard Clapp
Jennifer & Cory Stupplebeen 6/21
Bruce Sr & Pam Kline
Arland & Mary Ann Gregory 6/28
Christopher & Jenny Post 6/29
Bible Trivia answers: l.Jesus (Mark 14:38. 2. That he wouldn't die (John 21:19-24) 3. The Sabbath (Isaiah 58:13-14)
RDCC Trivia answers: 1. 1727 when the first structure was dedicated. 2. Dr. John Wyckoff in 1902 -cost $5,717. 3. Mrs. Herman (Mary)
The Lectionary is a list of scripture readings that are traditionally used for each Sunday of the
church year. Many preachers choose from these readings for their sermon texts. They are
created in a three year cycle to cover many important bible passages.
June 7th Second Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 8:4-11 (12-15), 16,20, (11:14-15); Psalm 138; Genesis 3:8-15; Psalm 130; 2
Corinthians4:13-5:1; Mark 3:20-25
June 14th Third Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 15:34-16:13; Psalm 20; Ezekiel 17:22-24; Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15; 2 Corinthians 5:6-10
(11-13)14-17; Mark 4:26-34
June 21st Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
1 Samuel 17® 1,4-11,19-23), 32-49; Psalm 9:9-20 or 1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 18:10-16; Psalm
133; Job 38:1-11; Psalm 107:1-3,23-32; 2 Corinthians 6:1-13; Mark 4:35-41
June 28th Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
2 Samuel 1:1, 17-27; Psalm 130; Lamentations 3:22-33; Psalm 30; 2 Corinthians 8:7-15; Mark
Please pray for:
Louise Bliss' family/friend...Gene, Geneva
Aunt Alice, Uncle Willard/William,
a friend, Bill
Reverend John Bowen
Pastor Linda Mile's family/friends...Mary Kay/
Reverend Carol, Judith, Lorna, Chris'
loved ones
Linda Van Loon Mack's nephew...Justin
Our brothers and sisters in
Nepal, Chile, and on Mt. Everest
Heather + Ryan Niver's family/friends
Grandfather Otis/Ricardo,
Michelle, JD's loved ones
Mike Bowman's friend...Ed, Jr.
Lois Niver's cousin...Bill
Joan Brown's family...Sister
Hazel Ormerod's loved ones
Campion Family friends...Caitlin's loved
Ostrander Family/friends...Mary, Kay/
Nancy, Sue
Cook Family...good friend
Plass Family friend...Danielle
Dunhams' friends...Shaquanda, Marta
Jenny Post's friends...Marie, Corrie
The Hallenbecks + friend...Velma
Race Family...Susan, Neal
Cheryl Halleran's friend...Mikey
Shelley Robinson's friends...Chris, Jackie
Sylvia Hardy
Schoep family...Terra
Hotalen Family...Virginia,
Christine's teenagers
Sue Ihlenburg's niece...Lisa
Schroeppel Family friend...Harriet
Anna and Erik Kauppinen
Jennifer Stupplebeen's grandfather...James
Irene Kitchie...Wayne + family
Sullivan Family...Brother and Amy +
Jan Lynch's family/friends...Mike, Darla,
Nancy+Son, Koa Jon
Of our Synod Family...Kailee
Andrea Mastrianni's family...Aunt Linda
Phyllis Mayo's friend...Jane
Kathy McNamee's family...nephew
Skoda Family...Uncle Yilmaz's loved ones
Denise Smith's friend...Susan
Theiss Family/friends...Jayne/Dick, Cyndy
Frieda Van Deusen's nephew...Nick
Wilber Family/friends...Jackie, Kevin,
Deena+John/Dehn, friend's
...and those who are housebound or are in rehab/nursing/assisted-living homes:
HOME: Nelson Dickey (Virginia Ambrose's father, who is living with her)
KAATERSKILL CARE: Donald Gilmour (Mary Lou Knull's father)
PINE HAVEN: Pauline Gowen (P-L's Mom)
THE PINES: Aunt Addie (Carol O'Neill's family)
WHITTIER: Lois Gorts, Mary and Charles Hallenbeck, Laura Cornell (former member)
June 2015
Worship 9:30 am
AA 8pm DS
Worship 9:30 am
Mtg after church
Worship 9:30 am
AA 8pm DS
AA 8pm DS
C: Cemetery Rm
DS: Downstairs
K: Kitchen
F: Fellowship Hall
L: Library
S: Sanctuary
BoyScouts 7pm F
Girls Scouts 6:30pm
Consistory mtg 7pm L
Elders/Deacons mtg
6:45 pm L
Kline Rehearsal 4pm S
Yule Booth 7pm C
Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L
Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L
Lectionary Mtg 1 1 am L
Lectionary Mtg 11 am L
Peer Support 9
am L
Yule Booth 7pm C
Peer Support 9
am L
Kline Wedding 4-5:30pm S
Yule Booth 7pm C
Studley Reception
11 -3pm F
Yule Booth 7pm C
AA 8pm DS
Worship 9:30 am
Peer Support 9
am L