March 6, 2016 - Church of St. Timothy
March 6, 2016 - Church of St. Timothy
Sunday Pew Collection March 6, 2016 34th Sunday of Lent Dear Parishioners, Daylight Savings time begins next Sunday, March 13. Remember to set your clocks forward 1 hour before bedtime on Saturday evening or you will be seriously late for Mass. If you miss Mass at St. Timothy’s on Sunday morning, afternoon and evening Masses are available at several nearby parishes. This is a perfect time to turn to the Internet for helpful information. Spring forward! The annual diocesan Chrism Mass is scheduled for Thursday, March 17 at 4:00 p.m. at Good Shepherd Church in Mira Mesa. Bishop McElroy will be joined by the priests of the Diocese of San Diego as well as representatives from all the parishes and other Catholic institutions for the blessing of the Sacred Chrism, Oil of the Catechumens, and Oil of the Sick that will be used in the celebration of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders. Our parish will be represented by two of our Sacristans, Merlo Rhinehart and Melonie Applegate. Jubilee Year of Mercy additional Confessions for March are scheduled for Wednesday, March 16 from 9:00-9:30 a.m. Please be on time. With Holy Week beginning on Palm Sunday, March 20, a few reminders are in order: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ No 6:30 a.m. Mass on Holy Thursday, March 24. No Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Holy Thursday or Good Friday. (However, you may pray at the Altar of Repose from the conclusion of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper until approximately 10:00 p.m.) Good Friday is a day of abstinence from meat for those over 14 and a day of fasting (only one full meal) for those between 18 and 59. No Confessions at 4:00 p.m. on Holy Saturday, March 26. Easter Vigil begins at 8:00 p.m. The Parish Office will be closed on Holy Thursday, March 24, Good Friday, March 25, and Easter Monday, March 28. Let us pray for one another, Fr. Fernando Ramirez, Pastor MARCH SERRA VOCATION THOUGHT: Loving God, You speak to us and nourish us in our faith through the life of Your Church. In the name of Jesus we ask You to send Your Spirit upon us so that men and women among us will respond to Your call to service and leadership in the Church. We pray especially for those to whom You give an invitation to become a priest, deacon or vowed religious. Lord, hear our prayer. Our flowers are courtesy of… ROSEMARY-DUFF FLORIST 101 W. Second Ave, Escondido, CA 92025 (760) 743-2902 or (760) 745-1191 Date 2/7 2/14 2/21 2/28 Envelope $11,783 $ 8,920 $ 9,047 $ 8,517 Plate $ $ $ $ 787 578 908 912 Total Collection $12,570 $ 9,498 $ 9,955 $9,429 (Approximately $15,000 a week is needed to cover operating expenses for the parish.) Sunday Visa Charges Jan $10,415 Funds on deposit (Building Fund) $546,536 Building Fund: 2nd Collection, 1st full weekend of every month. Future Building expansion & repairs Flower Envelopes: Flowers and special holy day decorations Outreach: enables us to help the needy YM Fund: For our Youth Ministry Program Sunday Envelopes: Operating Fund (pays the bills) SPECIAL COLLECTIONS are needs mandated by the US Bishops. These collections are sent directly to the Diocese. These funds do not go to our parish. They need to be turned in no later than 2 weeks after the collection is taken up. Thank you for using your envelopes, writing separate checks for the different funds, not taping your envelope shut or wadding up your bills. It makes counting the collection so much easier. To remember St Timothy’s in your will or trust Simply put our full legal name and address: The Church of St Timothy, 2960 Canyon Rd, Esc 92025, 760-489-1200. “Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My mercy. Adore in the Blessed Sacrament, My Heart, which is full of mercy.” “I want Adoration to take place...for the intentions of imploring Mercy for the world.” Jesus told St Maria Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament,. (Divine Mercy Diary, 300, 1372 & 1070) Oh come let us adore! Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at St Timothy’s from 7am Thursday till 5:20pm Friday. Come pray for your family and friends, your parish, your city, the United States and the world. . More information Lettie (760) 480-2378. We will always have problems and worries in life, but if we sit awhile with Jesus, we find our burdens are much lighter. The Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy. Many special graces are available to us during this year. The Pope has attached indulgences to making a pilgrimage to the Major Basilicas of Rome and other churches throughout the world including 7 in our Diocese. Each of these 7 chur ches have designated Jubilee Year Holy Doors. MAKE A PILGRIMAGE” In the Diocese of San Diego the special churches are: St Joseph Cathedral, Mission Basilica San Diego de Alcala, the Shrine of St Jude of the West, Our Lady of Guadalupe in Calexico, St Thomas More, Mission San Luis Rey and La Capilla Cristo Rey at Our Lady of Guadalupe in El Centro. To learn about this year and what you can do to gain grace see the little brochures on the Usher tables titled: Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy with the picture on front of the Divine Mercy, St Faustina and Pope Francis. Are you doing Corporal Works of Mercy during this Jubilee Year? The Southern Cross invites you and your parish to let us know about particular works of corporal and spiritual mercy undertaken during this Jubilee Year. Drafts of possible stories and photos should be sent to [email protected] (for English ) or [email protected] (for Spanish language items). Glory Immersion: live music, live praise, and most of all… Jesus! 4th Tues 7:00 pm: ( none in Info call Julie 760-741-1134. Healing Masses Tue, 4/19, 7/19, 10/18. More info Bob/ Rosemary (760) 741-0866. Dec.) Pray for our Military Around the World 'Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us, Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen’ Spencer D Beaulieu, Michael John G. Beltejar, Lt. Gene Benito, Sgt Mark Burleston, Cody, Robert Lee Churchill, Sgt. Jacob N. Dean, Jose Dominguez, USMC, Sgt. Scott M. Drew, Ben & Josh Gorczynski, Jacob, Maj. Justin Knox, Sgt. Lon Lo, Ian Nartker, Gabriel Neill, Airborne, Josh Ramey, Kevin Sandoval, Sgt Donavan Saucedo, Gy Sgt Kevin Shepherd, Jrl., Philip Singleton, Jacob David Vance, Navy Sp Force Jake Windle, Pfc Thomas Zornes. Drop names in the collection basket or email to church. Please let us know when they return. Military prayer square 4x4 available. This squar e is prayed over by multiple people asking for their safety. Call Ruth for details 760-738-1869. Baptisms: (Infant to 6 yrs) Baptisms scheduled after following completed. (1) Registered & active parishioners for at least 3 months. (2) Attend Sunday Mass & live exemplary Christian lives as a model for the child to be baptized. (3) Parents attend a Baptism Preparation Seminar, held last Wednesday of month, call parish to schedule. (4) Sponsors need to attend a Baptism class & have a letter from their parish stating they are active members, attended a Baptism class and qualified to be godparents. Sponsors for Baptism & Confirmation need to be at least 16 yrs old, have received the sacraments of Baptism/ Confirmation/First Communion, and if married in a Catholic marriage. If you do not r egister in a par ish & contr ibute regularly (no matter how small), they will not have a record of your attendance & cannot provide a letter. This is your responsibility. Bulletin Advertisements available $7.00 a week per 1x2 inch box, $91.00 for 13 weeks. Multiple boxes available. Ready for insert, no charge, if design/setup needed $40. Call for costs. BACK of bulletin, and inside back cover. For your business or to remember special people and occasions. i.e. Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Congratulations, In Memory of…. Just email your info and date to be published to [email protected] or drop note in collection or office. Give dates to run. Payments: cash, credit cards, checks. For more information call 760-489-1200. Remember to support our bulletin advertisers. Call them first when you need a service. Be sure to thank them for their support of our parish. St Timothy’s Women’s Bible Study The study this year is “Empowering the people of God with the Holy Spirit”. We meet on Fridays 9:00am-11:00am in St Benedict. Contact Kelly Leisten 760-737-3058 or email [email protected]. Want to learn to make rosaries? 2nd/4th Tue 11:30am in St Dominic’s. Come join us for a fulfilling ministry. Laura Kubota (760) 741-1291, Ann Loynd (760) 743- 4889 or Ellen Gallego (760) 489-8909. NORTH COUNTY MAGNIFICAT “A Ministry to Catholic Women” Saturday, April 9, invites you to a special one day RETREAT “God’s Healing Mercy”( 8:00 Registration) 9:00 -4:00 Includes continental breakfast and lunch. St. Michaels Parish Hall l5546 Pomerado Rd Poway, Ca 92064. Retreat Master - Kathleen Beckman. For information and reservations or contact Rosemary Geiger at 760 505-6625. St Timothy’s ProLife Meetings, 2nd Monday of month, 7pm in parish hall. More information Sheila (760) 739-1801, [email protected]. RACHEL'S VINEYARD /A TIME FOR MERCY - Post Abortion Healing Retreat For women & men who have struggled with the emotional and spiritual pain of abortion. Offered in two retreats, English & Spanish, March 18-20, 2016. Please contact Dolores at 951/325-7702 (English) [email protected] or Ana Luisa at 951/365-1035 (Spanish) [email protected]. All information held in confidence. More information: AFTER-ABORTION HEALING RETREAT FOR CATHOLIC WOMEN, (or Catholic-friendly) March 11-13, given by Rachel’s Hope. Professionally led. Held at the Diocesan Pastoral Center, 3888 Paducah Drive, San Diego. Closing Mass included. Group Size limited. Cost $45; partial scholarships available. Confidentiality maintained. Limited housing available. Facilitator: Rosemary Benefield. For info/registration call Rosemary at (858) 581-3022 or [email protected] Visit us on our website: Benedictus, Sat, March 19th, 8-11am at St Michael’s, 15546 Pomerado Rd, Poway 92064. 8am Mass, breakfast, music & speaker. Guest Speaker Dcn Jim Vargas. Admission $12, students 18 & under $5. Register via PayPal online, or pay by check to: Benedictus, 3627 Genista Pl, Fallbrook, 92029. Deadline for Bulletin Articles is Monday 9am. Send to [email protected]. EYEGLASSES Needed! Gently used prescription or magnifier, adult or child glasses for Fr Joe’s Villages. DROP IN marked BOX IN BACK OF CHURCH. Holy Thursday Collection will go to our Outreach for the Poor. Good Friday Collection for the Holy Land. Thank you for supporting this collection. In the name of the Franciscans and all those who minister in the Holy Land, as well as the many Christians there whose lives depend on it and the pilgrims who benefit from this collection, thank you. Holy Week Retreat, March 21,22,23, 7pm in the Church. With Fr Robert Clark. At the Church of the Resurrection. “Healing the Wounds of Life”. An examination of the solution Jesus presented to achieving spiritual health and well-being which in turn brings us emotional and physical healing. The talks will be the homily of the Mass. Consider this one hour of meditation as a wonderful conclusion of Lent and a Joyful Preparation for Easter. 760-747-2322. ST PATRICK DINNER & DANCE, Thursday, March 17. Presented by Knights of Columbus, St Mary Altar & Rosary Society, at the Knights of Columbus Hall. Social Hour is 5:30 PM, Dinner at 6:30 PM. Admission is $15/ Adults, $7.50/Children,. Please call Joan for tickets at 760/801-2354. Armenian Mass, 3rd Sunday, 3:30pm here at St Timothy’s. All are welcome to St Anthony Armenian Catholic Mission. Find us on Facebook.. FOOD shortage at Interfaith. Please bring more canned, boxed foods, jams, jellies, & peanut butter to help feed those in need. Fresh fruits, vegetables, foods needing refrigeration deliver directly to Interfaith at the corner of Washington and Quince Sts, Esc. It’s cold and there are a lot of hungry people. “For I was hungry, and you fed me …. Matt. 25:35. Lists available in wagon in back of church on the left. NEED gallon size jars of jam and peanut butter and other sandwich spreads. Do Something positive for Lent, volunteer for one of our Ministries. The Sacristy Ministry needs your help. Men/ women, would you be willing to give a couple of hours one day a month to do light cleaning in the church? We also need help washing/ironing the altar linens one weekend per month. If we get more volunteers it would be less often. Contact Merlo at [email protected]. Minister of Hospitality Help greet and seat people, and take up the collection as a Minister of Hospitality. Couples can serve together and confirmed young adults are most welcome. Call Laura Hooks for more details 760-745-4660. FAITH ALIVE, St. Timothy’s Charismatic prayer group meets every Tuesday 7-8:30 p.m. Please join us as we gather together to praise and worship our God and give glory and honor to him in song, scripture sharing, using our spiritual gifts and teachings, in community and love. Info Bob and Rosemary 760-741-0866 or Cindy 858-354-1791 Interfaith Vehicle Donation Program. Your tax deductible donation will support Interfaith’s programs that help people in crisis regain their stability, return to the workforce and live self-sufficient, productive lives. Donate today! Giving is as easy as 1-2-3. 1-877-448-3123. The Prayer Quilt Ministry invites you to PLEASE JOIN THEM, the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 9:30 to show God's love to others. You are needed in so many ways, not just to quilt. Come and see how you can help. If you can't come, please say a prayer and tie a knot, SIGN YOUR NAME, on a quilt displayed at adoration or in the chapel next to Our Lady's statue in the church. Call Ruth at 760-738-1869 for info or Angie for a no charge quilt 760-233-3910.. To register in our parish, ask an Usher for a card, stop by the parish office or email us & we’ll send you one. Please complete your registrations on a card, giving complete information, i.e. birth dates and sacraments. When you register we send you contribution envelopes and put you on our parish email list including receiving the weekly bulletin and other parish updates. Not on our email list? Keep updated, get the latest parish updates. Just email the parish and say add me. Tomorrow Project. When thinking of meat-less options for simple Lenten suppers, remember Catholic Charities/ The Tomorrow Project’s vegetarian based gourmet food products. Support their job readiness program for homeless women by placing an order. You can order online at, stop by the storefront (in the pink building) at 1777 Fifth Ave, or call us at 619-230-1151. The ART AND ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE, aka Church decorating group, is asking people to consider volunteering to assist them in decorating the Church a few times a year. Requires a commitment of 15 days/year and 1-- 2 hours/ day. If interested, please call Jim McAllister (760) 489-5632. Youth Ministry/Confirmation Coordinator of Youth Ministry (HS/JH) Pia Kayo (760) 489-0025 Email: [email protected] 3/6 -- Live Stations dress rehearsal 4:00-7:00pm in the church 3/13 -- Live Stations dress rehearsal with sound 6:00-9:00pm in the church 3/16 -- Vital Team meeting 6:00-8:00pm in the social hall 3/18 -- Live Stations prayer presentation: teens meet at 4:00pm in the social hall for practice, prayer, supper, etc., presentation begins 7:00pm in the church 3/20 -- Fishers of Men middle school youth group 1:00-3:00pm in the social hall: bring something for the lunch potluck and wear something green 3/31 -- Evening of Reflection for IP Confirmation candidates 6:00-9:30pm. Begins in the church with rehearsal of the rite. 4/1 -- Rite of Confirmation at 5:30pm Mass; candidates and sponsors meet 3:30pm in the social hall; reception follows immediately after Mass 4/2 -- Synergy High School Youth Day 12:00-8:30pm at Cathedral Catholic High School; packets on usher tables. $40 per person. Don’t get our emails or the parish bulletin? If you did before and just stopped, we had a computer crash and lost a lot of people. If you would like parish updates and the bulletin, please send us an email and we will add you to our list. Spring Mini Craft Sale Sunday, March 13, from 8 am to 12 noon at San Rafael Parish in its Parish Hall sponsored by Women’s Fellowship. Come and browse the many handmade items that our parishioners have made with you in mind. Coffee and donuts will be available. Hope to see you there. Questions: Mary at: [email protected] Listen at 1000 AM Fr. Joe’s Village truck April 16-17 in lower parking lot. Thank you for your household donations. It was much appr eciated. Mark your calendar for this date. Get started Spring cleaning and bring all your reusable items before or after Mass on this weekend. It is greatly needed and appreciated. What can they use? Clothing furniture, electronics, toys, home appliances, home accessories, jewelry, art, cars, boats, trains, airplanes. For more details go to 4pm Palm Sunday Concert, March 20. Got Hearing Aides, Glucose testers, BP machines you don’t use? Can be used by poor in other countries who can’t afford them. Drop off in office or Sacristy, attn Elizabeth. God bless you. Registering in Parish & Envelopes When you fill out a white registration card you are entered in our computer and assigned an envelope number under 2000. If you donate but don’t register, we enter you with a number 5000+. At the end of the year we send you a statement for taxes. We like it when you use the envelopes because it is so much easier Women of St Timothy Events Calendar Officers: Pr JoAnne Ewan-Kroeger 760-739-0393, 2vp Programs Lettie Nagle 760-480-2378, Sec Linda Zullinger (760) 741-6809, Trea Linda Steiner(760) 743-1500. Upcoming 7pm Meetings and Speakers 3/14, Mon, If not now when and where to travel next 3/19 & 20, Sat/Sun, Palm Sunday Bake Sale 4/11, Mon, Food Demonstration 5/9, Mon, Rosary and Elections 6/13, Mon, Installation Dinner The Catholic Widows and Widowers of NC See Activity Sheet on GREEN paper on back Usher table. Potluck/general meeting 2nd Sunday each month. Our purpose is support by fostering friendships through religious & social activities. You are invited to attend our various social activities as a widow or widower. More info, our parish rep: Ruth Waldsmith, 760-489-0579. San Rafael Catholic Church, 17252 Bernardo Center Drive, RB 92138, (858)487-4314 “Who Do You Say That I Am? by contemporary Christian composer, Lloyd Larson, will be performed by the 40-voice, San Rafael Church Traditional Choir in the Church Sanctuary. All are welcome to enjoy this amazing work which features very memorable choral pieces as well as portrayals by those people who knew Jesus, the Christ, in a close and personal way. There is no charge for this musical offering and tickets are not necessary. For more information and directions, please call (858)487-4314 San Rafael Parish Office. MUSIC MINISTRY SCHEDULE Mass Intentions & Feast Days 3/5-6 4th Sunday of Advent/Gaudate Sunday 3/5 Sat 5:00pm Elmer Stepanek † ME 3/6 Sun 8:30am SI Knight Of Columbus FR 10:30am Parish Intentions FR 3/7 Sts Perpetua & Felicity, Martyrs 3/7 Mon 6:30am SI Julianne Coscarart 3/8 St John of God, Religious 3/8 Tue 6:30am Isabella Rose Asaro † 3/9 St Francis of Rome, Religious 3/9 Wed 6:30am Monica Duren † 3/10 Thu 6:30am James Gallagher † FG 3/11 Fri 5:30pm Magdalene Catherine Weiler † 3/11 6:00pm Stations of the Cross Michael Fontes 3/12-13 5th Sunday of Lent 3/12 Sat 5:00pm Scott Blythe † FR 3/13 Sun 8:30am Parish Intentions FR 10:30am Norman Seneca † ME 3/14 Mon 6:30am SI Dottie Richards 3/15 Tue 6:30am Charles & Ruth Blowers † 3/16 Wed 6:30am Hank Bosi † 3/17 St Patrick 3/17 Thu 6:30am SI Dottie Richards FG 3/18 St Cyril of Jerusalem, Bishop & Doctor of Church 3/18 Fri 5:30pm Dr Eugene Skelley † ME 3/18 6:00pm LIVE Stations of the Cross by Youth 3/19-20 Passion/Palm Sunday 3/19 St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 3/19 Sat 5:00pm Si Dorothy Richards ME 3/20 Sun 8:30am SI Doyal Holmon FR 10:30am Parish Intentions FR 3/21 Mon 6:30am SI Women’s Ministry 3/22 Tue 6:30am Chuck Poche † 3/23 Wed 6:30am Diane Graff † FG 3/24 Holy Thursday of the Lord’s Supper 3/24 Thu 7:00pm Parish Intentions FR 3/25 Good Friday: Passion Reading/Adoration/Communion 3/25 Fri 7:00pm No Mass no Intentions FR 3/26-27 Easter Sunday, Resurrection of the Lord 3/26 Sat 8:00pm Parish Intentions FR 3/27 Sun 8:30am SI Dcn John/Frances Depner ME 10:30am Pierucci & DiMass Families Help Serve at Interfaith 2nd Tuesday of the month 5:30am. For more information call Mike, 760- 739- Date Sat 5:00 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30 am 3/5 3/6 Vicki Contemporary Ensemble Adult Choir Terry 3/12 3/13 Adult Choir Julianne Contemporary Ensemble JIm Like to know about… Adult or Children’s Choir? Call Mimi 760-638-1900. Contemporary Ensemble? Call Dr J oe 760-630-6693 USHER SCHEDULE Date Sat 5:00 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30 am 3/5 3/6 M Pasulka B Peishel S Piland J Sandoval T/M Tacey M/T Dempsey C/G Aeling I/J Saba 3/12 3/13 B Arnold MA Bufalini M/L Tate J Ruder P Clancy V/D Chmelka F/J Cabalbag N Cabalbag J Castillo Usher Information Laura Hooks (760) 745-4660. Altar Server Schedule Date Sat 5:00 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun10:30 am 3/5 3/6 G/J Warner A Gomez T Elmer D/S Lynne An/Al Walsh S Thornburg R/T Cloutier C Wells 3/12 3/13 A/T Hidalgo A Kalpakgian A Rautenberg T/D Meziere An/Al Covarubis K/S Lawrence Au/Ad Soberon Altar Servers Coordinator Mike Meziere 760-739-1801. 1801 or email [email protected]. Prayers are requested for: Albert, George/ Marlene Buzzelli, Dan Chelebowski, Rudy dela Torre Family, Edwin Depner, Gail DiNatale, Joan Erck, Doyal Holman, Cathy Lammers, Priscilla Lancour, Peggy Lewis, Barbara McCoy, Robert McLoughlin, Margaret O’Milley, Frances Pitrone, Ruth, Adam Soberon, Jennifer Stepanek, Andy Tritschler, Anita Vena, Vince Ventrella, Paul & Pat Yancey. Please note: We are happy to list parishioners’ names who request our prayers in the bulletin. However, we have had trouble in keeping the list up-todate. Many people forget to let us know when to take a name off the list and, as a result, our list becomes HUGE and outdated. Please inform us when to remove someone. Minister of Word Schedule Date Sat 5:00 pm Sun 8:30 am Sun 10:30 am 3/5 3/6 C Ibarra R Willis R Neocochea K Leisten J O’Donnell K McCormick 3/12 3/13 M Montijo J Meyer M Fontes S Meziere D Zautcke E Welch If interested in this Ministry call Jerry Meyer (760) 480-4661. Easter Flower Donations Donated by….. M/M Chuck Aeling Jeannette Copeland Julianne Coscarart Dcn/Mrs John Depner M/M Dan Duquette M/M John Ferber Paul Graff Monica Grage M/M Doyal Holmon M/M Harvey Kreitzer M/M Gordon Kubota M/M Alfred Lerma Irma Lucio Mary Moore M/M Albert Nienhaus Rita Norman M/M Dale Pruess Merlo Rhinehart M/M Michael Russo M/M Rudolph Salas M/M Robert Steiner Lucie Tazbaz M/M Albert Trevisan Mr Ron Weidemann M/M Paul Yancey 2016 Lenten Penance Services In memory/honor of… Ed Aeling, Ed Teichmann, Helena Teichmann James/Olivia Mayers, Irma Blay Pete/June Coscarart Our parents M/M Leonce Duquette Deceased Ferber & Dufek Family Members Diane Graff, Ella K MacMillan, Ed/Henrietta Freimuth Kitty/Cap Grage M/M Luke Ishii, Ishii’s Family, Mrs Catherine Klein Erin Elizabeth Kreitzer Cecilia Robison, Gloria Kubota Harlean Jones, JoAnn Praisner, Fran Palomas, Ventura, Alfred/Filomena Lerma, Cleo Urbina, Michel DeLeon, Alice Rojas Joseph Lucio, Richard Lucio Robert Donahue Living/Deceased Nartker & Nienhaus Families Families of Normand, Dupres Lanthier Esther, Pruess, Ann Aldridge, Marge Pruess James/Steven Rhinehart, Diane Rogers M/M Vincent Russo, Ms Marge Russo, M/M Robert E Hurley Manuel/Nellie Amabisca, Joe Amabisca, Manuel Carlos Salas, Anaceta Puzzi, Richard & Lou Salas, Rudolph & Pauline Salas Family Howard Wood, Zachary Steiner My husband Elias Tazbaz M/M Rasqual Parades, M/M Albert F Trevisan M/M Carl Krueger Sr Louise Trevisan Bob/Pat Seitz, Tony/Thelma Weidemann M/M Philip G Duffy, Christine Worth-Duffy, M/M HE Yancey Easter Flowers donated by….. M/M Theodore Brishi, M/M David Budvarson, Julianne Coscarart, M/M Casimiro Estrellado, M/M Phil Froloff, M/M Daniel Griffen, M/M Doyal Holmon, M/M Garardo, Benilda Gonzales, Ilog, M/M Frank Hodges, M/M Brad Kellerman,, Joan Maucere, James Mayers, Marc Medina & John Mapes, M/M Hector Mercado, M/M Ray Moore, M/M Gilbert Nadeau, M/M Toan Nguyen, Mary Poche, M/M Roger Rayala, Tisdale Family, M/M Robert Wasieko, M/M Charles Zullinger Easter 2016 March 20 Palm Sunday 5pm Vigil 8:30am 10:30am (Procession) March 24 Holy Thursday 7:00pm Lord’s Supper March 25 Good Friday 12noon-2pm Church open for private prayer 2:00pm Stations of the Cross & Meditation music 7:00pm Passion Reading, Adoration of Cross & Communion March 26-27 Easter Vigil & Sunday 8:00pm Easter Vigil, Saturday 8:30am & 10:30am Sunday April 3 Mercy Sunday 5:00pm Vigil 8:30am 10:30am St. Timothy Outreach Ministry, helping those in need, in our parish and communities. Through your generous support we provide financial assistance, counseling, medical recommendations, distribution of food and clothing and help for people who are experiencing a catastrophe. More information call Ardie Burrows 760-745-3542 or Ken Kerins 760-737-7191. Financial donations are always needed to replenish our monthly expenses which exceed $3000. Please use the yellow Outreach envelopes for your donations to our Ministr y. “Do not be afraid of what God asks of you! It is worth saying yes to God! In Him we find our Joy!” Pope Francis Consider Priesthood or Consecrated Life. Sign up for monthly credit card deductions and save the worry. Take a slip from the Usher Tables & return in collection or to parish office. Helps you get those points on your credit cards. What is a Prayer Quilt? Who are they for? How can I get one? Do you know a person in need i.e. serious illness) that you would like to wrap in prayer? Prayer Quilts combine the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied lap quilt. As each knot is tied, a prayer is said for the recipient. Quilts are displayed at Adoration on Thu/Fri and in the chapel to the left of Our Lady’s statue during weekend Masses. Please stop and tie a knot, say a prayer and sign the card. To get a quilt stop in the parish office or call Angie 760-233-3910 or Carol 760-3179941 for help. Many hands are needed in this ministry. Anyone can participate, not just quilters. Call Ruth 760-738-1869 for more information on how you can help. Natural Family Planning: Sympto - Thermal method. Moral, healthy and 99.6% effective in preventing pregnancy . $100 covers all costs per couple. 4 classes are needed. Next NFP set starts Saturday, February 20th at 8:30 AM (classes 2, 3 and 4 are 3/5 , 3/26 and 4/4 ) Contact: davida [email protected] Funeral planning & pre-planning St Timothy’s Bereavement Ministry sits with our families and helps them plan the Mass liturgy & gives options for funeral services here at St Timothy. To pre-plan your funeral call Bev Meyer 760-480 -4661 or Katie Mitchell 760-739-5918.. Be sure to have in writing your wishes for your funeral and inform your family. It is sad to see occasions wher e ther e is no Mass or Catholic service. Free copies of Southern Cross available on Usher tables This outstanding catholic newspaper is well worth reading, great articles. Fr. Chuck Fuld, who says Mass for us on occasion, is the editor & has an article too. Subscribe online at: www.thesoutherncross.. Enrich your faith every single day! Tune your radio to AM 1000 all day, every day to learn more about your Catholic faith. Every hour brings something new. Pray, learn, laugh, cry, ask, discern, rejoice, meditate, call-in, listen, seek, find! Try it . . . we think you’ll like it! Listen at 1000 AM