Szenario 13- Using a computer, talking about


Szenario 13- Using a computer, talking about
 Berufsspezifische Sprachkurse für die Weiterbildung Lehrpersonen im Projekt Passepartout
Kursszenario 13 – Orientierungsrahmen für die Gestaltung eines Moduls
Using a computer, talking about technology and improving autonomous
language learning
1. Identity card (general information)
2. Detailed objectives in terms of learning results (cf. Kompetenzkatalog “Berufsspezifischer Sprachkurs”)
3. Introduction
3.1. Introduction: Using technology for autonomous language learning
3.2. Suggestions for the contents
3.3. Suggestions for the methods
4. Pedagogical steps (scenario)
5. Bibliography
5.1. Books, articles, texts, links
6. Resources
6.1. Websites
6.2. (Children’s) books …
6.3. Other resources (games, DVD, CD, etc.)
7. Annex
7.1. The benefits for young learners
7.2. Making use of the internet: dinosaurs
7.3. Le vocabulaire de l’ordinateur et du web
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1. Identity card (general information)
Using a computer, talking about technology and practicing
autonomous language learning
Barbara Chuck and Mirjam Egli
July 2009/April 2010
Target group
Enseignants au primaire (3e à 6e)
Primary School Teachers (grade 5 and 6)
Teachers know the essential language for giving suggestions and
advice to their learners when using technical devices, doing exercises
online or searching the Internet. They simultaneously improve their
strategies of autonomous language learning and reflect on
possibilities of transporting them into their classroom.
Required course materials
3 – 4 lessons
Computer, data projector
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2. Detailed objectives in terms of learning results (cf. Kompetenzkatalog “Berufsspezifischer Sprachkurs”)
1.1.1. Lernstrategische Kompetenzen
Die Lehrperson verfügt über Strategien, um ihre zielsprachlichen Kompetenzen selbstständig
aufrechtzuerhalten und weiterzuentwickeln.
Die Lehrperson versteht es, Nachschlagewerke für das eigene Lernen und Vorbereiten zu nutzen.
Die Lehrperson ist fähig, mit der Tastatur des PC auf französisch und/oder englisch zu arbeiten und
versteht es, zielsprachliche Korrekturprogramme für das Vorbereiten zu nutzen.
1.2. Sprachlich-kommunikative Handlungsfähigkeit in der Zielsprache
1.2.1. Die Zielsprache beim Planen und Vorbereiten einsetzen
Sprachliche Aufgabe (Aktivität)
Unterrichtsmaterial finden
und auswählen
- Die LP kann auf dem
Internet, in einer
Buchhandlung, einer
Bibliothek usw.
authentische Lesetexte
resp. Inputquellen
(Kinderverse, Chansons,
Witze, Kinderbücher, magazine, Comics,
Bastel- oder
Theaterstücke, Sachtexte,
Websites (Spiele,
interaktive Seiten)) usw.
finden und für den
Unterricht auswählen.
1.2.3. Sprachkompetenzen fördern, über Sprache und Sprachenlernen kommunizieren
über das
und -lernen
- Die LP kann in
der Zielsprache vor
einem Publikum
(Kolleginnen und
Kollegen, Eltern,
Kursleitende) über
und –lernen
- Die LP kann in der
Zielsprache mit
Lehrpersonen und
Eltern mehrsprachiger
Kinder über
1.2.4. Die Lernenden führen und auf sie eingehen (classroom language)
Über Medien
- Die LP kann die
Schülerinnen und
stufengerecht und in
der Zielsprache zur
verschiedener Arten
von Informationsund
hnolo-gien (IKT)
- Die LP kann die
Schülerinnen und
Schüler stufengerecht
und in der Zielsprache
bei der Verwendung
verschiedener Arten
von Informations- und
lo-gien (IKT)
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3. Introduction
3.1. Using technology for autonomous language learning
In today’s fast moving world, it is essential to convince both young people and adult learners of the importance of
lifelong learning.
New media and individual information processing in the learning process play an important role in this. The digital
revolution has brought the Internet, interactive whiteboards, data projectors, and lots of other devices into our
classroom. The most important resources are perhaps those offered by the Internet via online publications,
dictionaries, search machines and specialized websites.
Using technology for the professional language development is vital and inspiring. However, it is such a complex
field and one gets easily distracted and lost. When using technology we need to consider how best it can be used
for our own development and how it can complement our classroom-based work so it becomes integrated into
3.2. Proposal of contents
1. Teachers get an overview of the most essential classroom language, including items such as
- giving instructions, suggestions and advice when using the computer
- basic word processing
- doing exercises online or searching the Internet
- technical problems
2. They see that using the resources of the web can be part of their strategies for their own autonomous life long
language learning.
3. They reflect on how these strategies could be transposed to the classroom.
3.2. Proposal of methods
The specialized classroom language is built up while using and commenting on the use of the computer, as well
as by discussing issues related to web-based learning. The focus is laid on the use of the internet for
autonomous language learning.
Reflection of their own attitudes to online language learning, leads to an awareness of the importance of
computer-based language learning skills among the pupils.
4. Pedagogical steps
4.1. Using the spellchecker and the net for your language learning
Suggestions for realization
Work in pairs.
1. The participants get a text about Information Technology and language
Die Lehrperson ist fähig, mit der
learning (word-format) in the target language, containing inaccurate spelling
Tastatur des PC auf französisch
and grammar.
und/oder englisch zu arbeiten und
2. They set the spellchecker and correct errors, using the thesaurus, online
versteht es, zielsprachliche
Korrekturprogramme für das
dictionaries and Google (they can enter the supposedly correct phrase or
Vorbereiten zu nutzen.
variants into Google and see which phrase gets most hits).
3. In the end, a corrected version is presented in plenum.
Die Lehrperson versteht es,
Nachschlagewerke für das eigene
Lernen und Vorbereiten zu nutzen.
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4.2. Finding useful resources on the internet and collect classroom English vocabulary
LESEN: Die LP kann auf dem
Work in pairs.
Internet, in einer Buchhandlung, einer
Bibliothek usw. authentische Lesetexte
resp. Inputquellen (Kinderverse,
Chansons, Witze, Kinderbücher, magazine, Comics, Bastel- oder
Spielanleitungen, Theaterstücke,
Sachtexte, Websites (Spiele,
interaktive Seiten)) usw. finden und für
den Unterricht auswählen.
LP kann die Schülerinnen und Schüler
stufengerecht und in der Zielsprache
zur Verwendung verschiedener Arten
von Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnologien (IKT)
kann die Schülerinnen und Schüler
stufengerecht und in der Zielsprache
bei der Verwendung verschiedener
Arten von Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnolo-gien (IKT)
1. Search 5 or 10 good websites offering useful English teaching and
learning resources.
2. Make a list of advantages and disadvantages of the websites and discuss
their usefulness for
a) your own learning process
b) your learners’ learning process
3. Prepare a short power point presentation and show your findings – make
suggestions and give advice
While working with the computer, talk about each technical step in the
target language. Make a list of terms and instructions you would need
in class related to the following subjects. What instructions or support
would you give your students for
a) getting up and using the computer
b) word processing
c) going on line (e.g. using a search engine)
d) technical problems
Prepare record cards for your Portfolio-Learning-Cardbox.
(For examples see Hughes & Moate (2007), p. 116-118.)
Die Lehrperson verfügt über
Strategien, um ihre zielsprachlichen
Kompetenzen selbstständig
aufrechtzuerhalten und
4.3. Reflecting on the use of the computer in the classroom
SPRECHEN MONOLOGISCH: Die Teachers should discuss the following questions in small groups and come
LP kann in der Zielsprache vor einem
up with their own findings.
Publikum (Kolleginnen und Kollegen,
The example presented in 7.2 can be used as a starting point
Eltern, Kursleitende) über das
1. What experience do you have of using the computer, both in dealing
Sprachenlehren und –lernen sprechen.
Die LP kann in der Zielsprache mit
Lehrpersonen und Eltern
mehrsprachiger Kinder über
Sprachlernprozesse sprechen.
with everyday tasks and, in particular, in developing your English
2. How does technology in the classroom affect the dynamics?
3. How does it affect your role as a teacher?
4. How do the reading skills needed for online research differ from
those required in a traditional library?
5. How can you help students by adapting texts from the Internet?
6. How do you check the validity of information you find on the
7. How could you make email sessions a regular part of your English
8. How can you use the search engines effectively?
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5. Bibliography
5.1. Books
- Hugh, Glyn / Moate, Josephine (2007): Practical Classroom English, OUP, p.116-126
- Brewster, J, Ellis, G. 2004. The Primary English Teacher's Guide. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
5.2 Websites
6. Resources
6.1. Websites
- dictionaries / encyclopaedias
- links for teachers of English
- for children's internet tasks
liens pour les enseignants du français
6.2. (Children’s) Books
6.3. Other resources (games, DVD, CD, etc.)
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7. Annex
7.1. Technology can contribute to the global development of our pupils. This figure highlights some of
the benefits of using technology
Children find it fun, motivating and stimulating. It provides variety.
It appeals to children's sophisticated tastes.
It caters for children with different learning styles, can provide successful
learning experiences and therefore develop confidence and positive attitudes
to the foreign language and to language learning.
It can be used to reward pupils for work they have done.
For example, if pupils have worked hard on a story in class you can show them
an animated version on video or they can use a CD-ROM version for pleasure.
It combines sound and vision and provides a full context for language so
children see language in use, making it more accessible and memorable.
It shows all factors of communication, including non-verbal communication.
It can develop all skills and introduces or revises new words and phrases.
It develops the child's curiosity and provides up-to-date information.
It heightens children's powers of observation and awareness of visual and
audio clues as aids to meaning.
It enables children to maximize their abilities to infer from context.
It develops motor skills, keyboard skills, information and research skills as well as
independent learning.
A class working together on a video of an animated story or a video extract is a
shared social experience. Pupils working together on a computer program will
develop collaborative skills as they take turns using the keyboard and help each
other complete a task.
It takes the child outside the classroom into the real or fantasy world.
It helps bridge the culture gap by providing background cultural information.
It helps bridge the credibility gap – children can see what it's really like in an
English-speaking country.
from: Brewster, J, Ellis, G. 2004. The Primary English Teacher's Guide. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
7.2. Making use of the internet – some ideas of how to use it!
These tasks involve children working through a series of instructions and answering specific questions.
The topic can be chosen according to the curriculum.
As an example, we have chosen dinosaurs.
The task develops a number of skills and strategies including skimming and scanning, using prior knowledge and
reinforcing geographical knowledge of contents.
Afterwards, the pupils could check their answers with each other and the teacher, collate them and produce a
dinosaur display.
1. Click on Zoom Dinosaurs. Put your cursor on the dinosaur. What can you see?
2. Click on Dinosaur Dictionary. Click on D. Then click on Di. Find Diplodocus.
3. Click on Diplodocus. Where was Diplodocus found? Name the continent.
4. How long was the neck of Diplodocus? How long was the tail of Diplodocus?
5. Go back. Click on S. Then click on St. Find Stegosaurus. Click on Stegosaurus. How many bony plates
did Stegosaurus have?
6. Where was Stegosaurus found? Name the continents.
7. Go back. Click on T. Find T.rex. Click on T.rex. What does Tyrannosaurus Rex mean?
8. How long was a T.rex tooth?
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9. Go back. Click on F. Find footprints. Have any dinosaur footprints been found?
10. Find feather. Did any dinosaurs have feathers?
11. Click on All About Dinosaurs. Could dinosaurs fly?
from: Brewster, J, Ellis, G. 2004. The Primary English Teacher's Guide. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited
7.3. Le vocabulaire de l’ordinateur et du web
Vocabulaire de l’ordinateur
Glossaire français-anglais
Vocabulaire du web
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