Stamp Magazine No. 4-2015
Stamp Magazine No. 4-2015
No. 4/2015 Norway Post Stamps The Final Ruling The Bicentenary of The Supreme Court of Norway is celebrated with an engraved stamp signed Sverre Morken NEW STAMPS Page 4 Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra 250th Anniversary NEW STAMPS Page 5 Photo: © Høyesterett Birds on Stamps NEW STAMPS Page 6 WEBSHOP Are you missing something for your collection? You now have the opportunity to fill the empty spaces in your collecton with both new and old Norwegian stamps. Visit our webshop today! Our New Shop in Downtown Oslo 2 The post office at St Olavs plass is our new retail location in downtown Oslo. Visiting address: Universitetsgata 2, entrance from Munchs gate. Here you will find a broad selection of new Norwegian stamps and collector›s items. Business hours: Monday – Friday: Saturday: 7:30AM-6:00PM 10:00AM-3:00PM EDITORIAL Dear Customer! Contents One hectic summer now lies behind us. NEW STAMPS Supreme Court of Norway Bicentenary Page 4 We participated in Norway Post’s summer tour, The Tall Ships Races and the last part of NRK’s ”Sommeråpent”, just to name a few of our activities. Personalised stamps and local cancellations have proven to be a popular combination. Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra 250th Anniversary Page 5 In 1814, the Constitution set forth that Norway should have its own Supreme Court. The Court’s first judgement was passed in 1815, thus making this year its 200th anniversary. The anniversary stamp depicts the Supreme Court building in Oslo. The beautifully engraved stamp was made by Sverre Morken. FOR COLLECTORS Page 8 Birds on Stamps Page 6 Viggo Ree has designed many bird stamps. Another four stamps based on Ree’s watercolours are now being issued. The stamps are self-adhesive and cover the postage for both priority and economy mail up to 20 grams. Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra will celebrate its 250th anniversary this year. The orchestra is one of the world’s oldest philharmonic orchestras, and in 2015 it is playing an extensive anniversary program. The stamp for this vigorous jubilant was designed by Bergen designer, Lasse Michelsen. Norway Post Philatelic Service P.O. Box 9350 NO-0135 Oslo Norway E-mail: [email protected] Internet: posten. no/frimerker Telephone: +47 23 14 78 70 Telefax: +47 23 14 78 00 Bank details: Account no: 6003 06 35097 Nordea Bank, Oslo IBAN: NO25 6003 0635 097 SWIFT: NDEANOKK Kind regards, Design: Posten Norge AS, Konsernkommunikasjon, Design Print: Byråservice Halvor Fasting Director 3 Photo: © Espen Bratlie / Samfoto/NTB scanpix NEW STAMPS SUPREME COURT OF NORWAY BICENTENARY NK 1916 Supreme Court building Supreme Court of Norway Bicentenary Date: 03.10.2015 First day cover NOK 26 First day cancellation Coat of Arms of Norway Number: NK 1916 Motif: Supreme Court building Design and engraving:Sverre Morken Photo: © Fotograf Sturlason Denomination: NOK 20.00 Print run: 500,000 stamps Issued in: Sheet with 50 stamps Print: Recess/offset from Joh. Enschedé Security Print, Netherlands 4 Photo: © Jason Shenai / Millennium / NTB scanpix NEW STAMPS BERGEN PHILHARMONIC ORCHESTRA 250TH ANNIVERSARY NK 1921 Violinist in front of the Grieg Hall in Bergen Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra 250th Anniversary Date: 03.10.2015 First day cover NOK 37 First day cancellation Violin Number: Motif: Design: Photo: Denomination: Print run: Issued as: Print: NK 1921 Violinist in front of the Grieg Hall in Bergen Lasse Michelsen © Morten Brakestad NOK 31.00 400,000 stamps Sheet with 50 stamps Offset from Joh. Enschedé Security Print, Netherlands 5 NEW STAMPS BIRDS NK 1917 King eider (Somateria spectabilis) male (front) and female. Birds First day cover NOK 46 First day cancellation Bird tracks Numbers: Motifs: Artist: Arr.: Denominations: 6 NK 1917-1920 King eider, Common eider, White wagtail, Northern wheatear Viggo Ree Enzo Finger NOK 9.50 (B domestic) x2 – NOK 10.50 (A domestic) x 2 NK 1918 NK 1919 NK 1920 Common eider (Somateria mollissima) male (front) and female. White wagtail (Motacilla alba). Northern wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) female. Photo: © Orsolya Haarberg / NN / Samfoto / NTB scanpix NEW STAMPS BIRDS Date: 03.10.2015 Collector's set NOK 101 Presentation pack NOK 55 Printed in: Print: Self-adhesive stamps in sequence in rolls of 100 stamps (priority and economy) Offset from Joh. Enschedé Security Print, Netherlands Price: Collector’s Sheet: Collector’s Sheet FDC: Maximum Cards Set: NOK 65 NOK 71 NOK 88 7 FOR COLLECTORS Bislett Games 50 Years Risør Wooden and Underwa An impressive total of 65 world records have been set at the stadium which has been given the nickname, “The World Record Track”. For more than 30 years, Risør has been the gathering place for wooden boats during the month of August. Four junior world records have also been set here. On the 11th of June, Bislett Games will celebrate its 50th year, and in cooperation with the Bislett Alliance Norway Post has developed an anniversary envelope with a personalised stamp and postmark. OS L O 1 1.6.1 5 L O 1 1.6.1 5 OS Norway Post attended the festival on 6-8 August and offered a unique postmark, a special cover a prefranked postcard and two personalised stamps. This summer the “underwater post office” in Risør opened for the tenth time. It was manned by the Risør Underwater Club at a depth of four metres just off the pier. During the Wooden Boat Festival, the post office had a unique postmark and sold personalised stamps quayside. All cancellations were made at a depth of four metres. Stamp: NOK 20.50 Special cover NOK 50 StampShow 2015 Grand Rapids We marked this participation with both an exhibition card and a personal stamp. Stamp NOK 20.50 Exhibition Card NOK 26 Photo: © Matt Kamps / NTB scanpix 8 Photo: © Steinar Myhr / NN / Samfoto / NTB scanpix In August, Norway Post attended Stampshow 2015 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. FOR COLLECTORS n Boat Festival ater Post Office Stamp NOK 20.50 each Special cover NOK 50 Prefranked postcard NOK 26 Un de RI or nt nspostk an o rv S Ø R 6.8.15 Stamp NOK 14 Cover NOK 19 9 Poto: © Orsolya Haarberg / NN / Samfoto / NTB scanpix FOR COLLECTORS Finally! There have been a large number of requests for a collector’s folder containing all of the stamps in the Wildlife in Norway series – and it has finally arrived! The complete set includes all 21 stamps that were issued between 2006 and 2015. Several of the stamps in this series are sold out, so this is the only folder where you can get the complete series. Price special folder NOK 389 10
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