CISMF Audition Guide / Uploaded File


CISMF Audition Guide / Uploaded File
CISMF 2015
Video Audition Guide
Student Video Audition Checklist
Prepare your audition pieces and scales thoroughly
Choose a quiet, well-lit space to record
Position your recording device so you and your instrument are in the full frame at all times.
You should be standing or sitting about 6 - 10 feet from your device.
Do a high and low volume test before beginning your audition material. If necessary,
experiment with microphone distance to avoid distortion.
Record your entire audition as one video beginning with the pieces and concluding with
scales (feel free to make multiple recordings and choose your best work)
Upload your audition to Youtube as an unlisted video
Email the link to your music teacher for pre-screening
Teacher Video Audition Checklist
If you are recording a video for your students, follow steps 1-6 from the previous slide
Pre-screen student video submissions for the quality of the performance, audio and video
and Youtube privacy setting
Organize your video links by instrument and ensemble in a file for your records
Email each audition link to the appropriate adjudicator using subject line to identify the
CISMF AUDITION - Bob Smith - SAC - French Horn - Wind Ensemble
(Student’s Name)
Auditions must be received on or before Monday, November 16
***Remind your student’s to leave time for the pre-screening process***
Equipment Options
iphone - ipad - ipod touch
Zoom Video
GoPro Musician Edition
Sony HDR MV1
Uploading an Video Audition
Method 1: Directly from a mobile device
Record Your Audition
Click the left icon to share
Select Youtube and login
Enter your title
Select Unlisted video
Select publish
View your video
It may take a moment
to process
Click this arrow
To reveal these share
Copy and paste the link
or choose Email
Check your email and watch the video to pre-screen the
Uploading an Video Audition
Method 2: Using a web browser on your computer
Login to Youtube
Click Upload
Before selecting your file…
Select Unlisted video
(Make sure it’s unlisted!!)
Select the video file and it will begin to upload…
Click Done when processing
Add a description
Copy to url to share!
Send the link!
Pre-screen the submission
CISMF 2015 Audition Deadline:
Tuesday, November 17, 2015