Volume 1, Issue 1 - Lowe Family Young Scholars


Volume 1, Issue 1 - Lowe Family Young Scholars
Web Sites of Interest to Students
Lowe Family
Young Scholars
Learn a new word a day—sign up at:
The best kid web sites: www.kidsites.com
Math games: www.kathimitchell.com/math.htm
Academic and scholarly journal research:
http://scholar.google.com or
Volume 1, Issue 1
October, 2006
Upcoming Events:
Oct 3-Nov 7 Jubilee Quilt Exhibit—Bartlesville History Museum
Oct 6 HS Boys varsity football vs. Owasso
Free! Oct 7&14 Heart of Town Market—9-12 a.m.
Oct 7-8 Fall Trader’s Encampment @ Woolaroc
Oct 21 5th Dimension @ Comm Center
Free! Nov 4 & 5 Keepsake Candles Holiday Open House
Nov 4 Bville Choral Society Concert @ Comm Ctr
Nov 10-12 Pilot Club Antique Show @ Comm Ctr
Nov 18 Fall Drama Production, Fine Arts Center—HS
Nov 18-19 Pilot Club Arts & Craft Show @ Dewey, Washington
County Fairgrounds
Nov 24-Dec 17 Woolaroc Wonderland,
Free/Donation! Nov 20-Dec 30 Fantasyland of Lights, Johnstone
Free! Dec 3, 6:00 p.m. Christmas Parade
Dec 3, 2:00 Choral Society Christmas Concert @ Comm Ctr
Free! Dec 5, 7:30 p.m. BHS/MH Choir Concert @ Fine Arts Center
Free/Donation! Dec 7-Feb 28 Wiley Post Photo Exhibit, Bartlesville Area History Museum
Free! Dec 9, 6:00 p.m. Dewey Christmas Parade
Dec 7, 7:00 p.m. City Band Concert @ Fine Arts Center
Dec 11 @ 7:30 p.m. Orchestra Concert @ Fine Arts Center
Kelsey Bridges, Brenna Ratliff, Thomas Bridges, David Turinetti, Danielle Hines, and Destony
Tucker—Our first Lowe Young Scholars Program “class.”
First Scholars Class
Jane Phillips Elementary — The
above picture was taken at the surprise announcement and reception for
students held at Jane Phillips Elementary on August 8. Many proud
teachers, parents, friends, family
members and their Jane Phillips Principal were in attendance to celebrate
with the students. All students were announced, he raised his clinched fist in
awarded certificates welcoming them the air and quickly drew it to his side as
into the program. Charhe expressed an excited
lie Tarboletti, Bartles“Yes!” This display of
“… clinched fist in the air and
ville radio personality
enthusiasm thrilled us!
was the master of cerequickly drew it to his side as he
Another memory was
expressed an excited “Yes!”
when Tyler promoted his
What are some of the
mom to tell us about
memories we captured from this
their “deal.” See the related story
event? When David heard his name
“Echoes of Success . . .” on Page 2.
Sept. 9th Training— Students
Education Service Center — As a
result of the student brainstorming
session held during our first quarterly training session, our volunteer
project will be Fantasyland of
Lights. In addition, we will learn
about different home designs by
making, decorating, judging gingerbread homes. Other quarterly activities suggested were:
• ARF or SPCA and bowl
• OK Aquarium
• Scavenger hunt
• Swim Party
• Zoo
• Board game day
• Amusement Park
• Picnic/evening cookout
• Woolaroc
David and Kelsey will present a 5-
10 minute report to us at the next
training session about the first training event. Kelsey and David, please
be prepared to share with us your
thoughts on the good and not so good
about this program. This will help us
review what we learned in September
and also offer our students (yes, others will have this opportunity, too) an
opportunity to become comfortable
making presentations.
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1
September 9th
Education Service Center
- With the help of the
adults in the Young Scholars Program and through a
brainstorming session, it
was decided we will include
the following criteria in
future quarterly meetings:
Four hours total in the
2. One hour team building
3. One hour “poverty/selfimprovement” item
4. One hour report on good
and not so good about
this program
5. One hour administration
time (complete brainstorming from first ses-
sion, budgeting)
6. One hour college planning
In addition, it was brainstormed “What Makes this
Program Special?”
items the group came up
with were:
Financial opportunity
to go to college
Breaks poverty cycle
Hope for the future
Allows mentor to give
Includes relationships
Helps make kids’ future successful
Mentor for 5-12 grades
Early start guides the
whole way
Attention given to
matching of mentors
with students
Sets higher goals for
Students are learning
Targets elementary
Unites parents, mentors and students
Program sets the standard for other students
Sets a new standard
for organizations
Selection process was
Sets the bar for academic achievement
in school
Every student has
an equal chance
Improve reputation
of JP
Circle of encouragement
Gives the child another perspective for
Children look at long
-term education
Children are expected to go to college
Parent Support Group
Another new concept has come to
fruition! The parents mentioned
at the last quarterly meeting the
desire to have a support group
just for parents. The parents now
have their own a web site where
they can post questions, answer
questions, and host their own live
“chat nights” where they can
share with one another. An AOL
“group” was formed for this purpose. Pictures have been posted
onsite of the August 8th announcethe entire group would benefit from
ment event held at Jane Phillips.
for the purpose of this Program,
Please let Karen know what you
please contact Karen Lowe.
think about the site and if you beCarolyn Turilieve it will fulfill
has volunyour needs/request.
teered to coordiThe parents now have their own
We can also post
nate parent face-to
suggested reading
web site where they can post
-face get togethers.
material, etc., unThanks Carolyn!
questions, answer questions, and
der suggested
books. If there is
host their own live “chat nights.”
one that you feel
Echoes of Success — Parental Reverberations
Because of an agreement made with
her son, Tyrell, Lisa Ashley will be
heading back to collegiate life in
January. Lisa made a pact with Tyrell
stating that if he was accepted into
the Young Scholars Program, she
would go back to college herself and
receive a teaching degree. True to her
word, Lisa will be enrolling in online
classes at CCU(Colorado). Lisa aspires to be a special education
teacher. She is a teacher’s aide at
Ranch Heights Elementary School
and has already taken courses that
may be applied toward he degree such
as paraprofessional training and will
be receiving college credit for a class
on autism she is currently taking.
Our hope for this program is that it
will continue to inspire hope not only in
students, but in parents, alike. Lisa,
we applaud you in your efforts to make
not only your son’s dream, but your
dream a reality as well.
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1
Mark your calendars Next quarterly meeting set for December 2nd
At our next quarterly meeting on December 2, 2006, parents and mentors
will identify the top 10 critical success
factors. The process to be used is as
We will briefly discuss items if
We will combine items that are
almost identical.
Each person will get a maximum
of ten votes.
It is usually obvious which receive the most votes are the items
that should be most nurtured.
In addition, at the next meeting, all
will have the opportunity to sign the
statement “We will help each other be
successful.” Please see the attached
training agenda for additional meet-
ing details. Students, bring your
notebooks with your activity log of
what you have been doing with your
One of our mentors, Susan Lauffer, has stepped up to the plate and volunteered to be our grant writer. We are continuing to search for one additional person to join Susan. THANK YOU, SUSAN!!
What are grants? Educational grants are provided to assist in funding educational groups as well as groups who work developing our youth—two
very basic parts of our program. Educational grants usually cannot be used directly to fund scholarships, but can be used to assist in other costs and
Why do we need grants? To assist in funding programs for the students, to fund college visits, to send children to camps, etc., that would nurture
them in their areas of aptitude, and to assist with Program-associated costs.
A Framework for Understanding Poverty
A suggestion was presented for all mentors to
read Dr. Ruby Payne’s
book A Framework for
Understanding Poverty.
We are in the process of
purchasing books for all
the mentors and should
have them all in shortly.
We will deliver these
books at the next
quarterly meeting to
all mentors. You will
be encouraged to
read the text over the
next several months
after receiving them
and then Jane Sears
has volunteered to facilitate a discussion and book review of the contents
and how they can be applied in life
situations. We highly recommend this
book as an important part of our Program and to recognize the differences
in people as well as in respecting and
understanding these differences.
Coming Soon!! Ron Snyder, one of our mentors,
will be conducting a
money/debt management
seminar at Grace Community Church.
seminar will be open to
the public. He is working
on dates/times now. We
hope you will consider
2500 Mountain Road
Bartlesville, OK 74003
Phone: 918-336-5678
E-Mail: [email protected]
Are you interested or do you
know someone who may be
interested in mentoring or
donating to the cause of
this program? Please contact the Lowes at the above
phone, e-mail or address.
Lowe Family Young
Scholars Program . . .
hope and a
Lowes celebrate new grandchild
One day before the training event,
on September 8th, 2006, Barry and
Karen welcomed their first grandchild, Braden Wesley Gorton, into
the world. He was 5 lbs., 9 oz., and
was 18 inches long. His proud parents are Cliff and Jenna Gorton.
His proud Aunt is Barry’s other
daughter, Melissa Lowe.
Braden was supposed to have
been born 4 weeks early because
Jenna suffered from high blood
pressure, which is a danger to fetuses.
Jenna was induced on
Wednesday several times, but
Jenna’s body refused to be thrown
into labor. No one understood why
her body was doing this and we all
were very frustrated and very anxious to see this new boy. On Friday,
it was decided that a caesarean
would be performed to deliver the
What the doctors found was
frightening and miraculous. Now is
a perfect time to interject that
Barry sent out a host of e-mails to
friends before leaving for the hospital asking them to pray for mother
and son. Now comes “the rest of the
story” as Barry likes to say!
doctors found during the caesarean
that the umbilical cord was
wrapped not once but twice around
the baby’s neck. He would have
surely been in much distress had he
been delivered through the normal
labor brought on by inducing Jenna.
It was a miracle!
God is powerful and
in control. Thank
you all for your
Barry and new grandson, Braden