tzaneen - Letaba Herald
tzaneen - Letaba Herald
Ye4a0 Winter special rs ...all types of blinds! VAT & installation incl. 25km radius from Tzaneen. 17 Skirving Street, Tzaneen VERKOELING Tel: (015) 307 5562/3 Boundary Straat 32 - Tzaneen 0850 Donderdag 17 Mei 2012 Phone Attie 082 926 7254 015 307 2266 78203 78202 LETABA Tel: 015 307 5050 Faks: 015 307 5054 R3.00 incl. VOLUME 41 NO. 19 Polisie intimideer plaaslike boervrou Mopani represented at annual Tourism Indaba OFFICIALS and exhibitors of Mopani District Municipality and representatives of the fve local municipalities pose here with Adri Kruger of Tzaneen Country Lodge and Limpopo Tourism in the Mopani stall at the annual Tourism Indaba in Durban over the past week. Sadly, apart from Adri’s efforts, the only prominence Tzaneen enjoyed at the Tourism Indaba was an information newspaper and brochure printed and distributed to all 15 000 delegates by the Greater Tzaneen Chamber of Commerce. This is yet another huge opportunity lost and Indaba seems to be nothing more to Tzaneen and surrounding areas than a pleasurable break-away for officials. Deur: Liesl Pohl ‘N Middeljarige vrou is Vrydag op die Leyenyepad deur gewapende polisie beamptes van die pad af gedwing. Die dame, wat vir haar veiligheid anoniem wil bly, verduidelik dat sy gewoonlik nie dié pad huistoe ry nie. Sy moes egter Mediclinic Tzaneen toe gaan om bystand te gee aan ‘n lid van die gemeenskap voor ‘n voet amputasie. Op pad terug van die hospitaal, net voor 10:00, het sy sirenes gehoor en stadiger gery om die voertuie verby te laat. Na bewering het die polisie voertuig baie naby aan haar gery en het sy gevoel hoe die polisie voertuig haar stamp voor sy van die pad afgedruk is. Sy het toe afgetrek en drie polisie beamptes met R5 aanvalsgewere het haar voertuig omsingel. "Ek het so geskrik!" Sy het die beampte gegroet om te hoor wat die probleem is. Die gewapende polisie beampte het haar beskuldig dat sy die registrasie van die motor, wat duidelik en wettiglik in die agterruit van haar nuwe voertuig sigbaar was, wegsteek. Haar buurman het die spektakel gesien en ook afgetrek om te help. "As hulle my so hanteer het na ek ‘n bank beroof het, is dit ‘n ander saak, maar ek is net 60-jarige vrou wat alleen huis toe gery het." Desiree van der Walt, DA Leier Limpopo Provinsie, het deur die sosiale media platform, facebook, van die voorval bewus geword. In ‘n persverklaring het sy die goeie, hardwerkende lede van SAPD bedank vir die werk wat hulle daagliks onder moeilike en dikwels uiters gevaarlike omstandighede doen. Sy voeg verder by: "Hierdie insident is egter onaanvaarbare gedrag van SAPD lede, wat na die veiligheid van mense moet omsien, en behoort glad nie ongesiens verby te laat gaan nie. Deesdae gebeur dit te gereeld dat sommiges in ‘regerings-uniform’ hul magte totaal misbruik en oorskry. Teen hulle moet ons sterk laat optree. Enige lid van die publiek wat sulke behandeling teekom, kan gerus hul naaste DA raadslid of myself kontak met die nodige feite op skrif sodat ek dit op die regte platform kan hanteer." Die Maake SAPD het geen kommentaar omtrent die voorval nie. Die onstelde vrou het later gesê: "Ek is hier gebore en het hier grootgeword en ek sal nooít weer die pad ry nie." Man caught with potential gold-bearing soil THE MOPANI District Municipality, including all five its local municipalities, were well represented at the annual Tourism Indaba in Durban over the past week. Here Adri Kruger of Tzaneen Country Lodge and Execucutive member of Limpopo Tourism, poses with executive committee members and mayoral committee members of the Mopani District and other municipalities. AN alleged illegal miner was arrested after he was found in possession of 50 bags of potential gold-bearing soil at Tickeyline village last week. Police spokesperson, Constable Mpho Seroto, said he followed a tip-off and arrested Herry Mahlaule (37) next to the river while preparing to extract gold from the soil dug from an old mine shaft in Burgersdorp. 19C Danie Joubert Street Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 3559 He said Mahlaule's alleged accomplice ran away when the police arrived at the alleged gold processing site. Police confiscated 50 bags of soil and took the samples for examination. Some residents who spoke on condition of anonimity said they called the police to stop illegal miners from risking their lives by going Continued on p 2... Shop 31 Masingita Centre Giyani Tel: 015 812 1346 78224 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 2 NUUS/KALENDER SAMAC hou jaarlikse Makadamia Simposium SOME of the potential gold-bearing soil bags confiscated by the police from an alleged illegal miner, Herry Mahlaule of Tickeyline. Man arrested for gold-bearing soil Continued from p 1... down the mine shaft which was closed years ago. They added that they were afraid the illegal miners would influence their unemployed children to join them. Mahlaule appeared in the Naphuno Magistrates' Court on Friday on a charge of unlawful possession of a precious metal. The case was provisionally withdrawn due to insufficient evidence pending the release of the results of the test done on the soil. Seroto said the case could be reinstated if the test proves that the soil contains gold. He said the mine shaft would be closely monitored by the police and the community to prevent illegal miners from entering. Ocean Basket to Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre from Owners & Management DIE Suider Afrikaanse Makadamiakwekers Vereniging (SAMAC) hou sy jaarlikse Makadamia Navorsing Simposium vanjaar op 13 Junie in Kwazulu-Natal, en wel te "Paddock Farmers Club", Paddock. Die geleentheid wek altyd aansienlike plaaslike en internasionale belangstelling. Die symposium dien as 'n forum vir die deel van navorsing wat gedurende die afgelope seisoen gedoen is. Dit behels navorsing oor beter boordpraktyke, plaag- en siektebeheer, en die handhawing van neutkwaliteit na oes. Navorsers, produsente, en verwerkers sal groot waarde kry uit die inligting wat gedeel gaan word, maar sal ook die geleentheid kry om waardevolle netwerke te vestig. Die volgende SAMAC befondste navorsingsprojekte sal by die Simposium aangebied word: Die Makadamia Stinkbesie beheerprogram - geïntegreerde bestuur van stinkbesies. Bepaling van toepaslike opbergingsprotokol vir makadamiakern, en die ontwikkeling van riglyne vir die opstel van 'n "sell-by date" vir makadamianeute. Die beheer van Phytophtora kanker in makadamiabome. Semi-kommersiële evaluering van 'Phosphonate' toedienings deur die besproeiingstelsel om Phytophora wortelvrot en stam kankers te beheer. Die bepaling van belangrike semio-chemikalië (feromone) vir die beheer van stinkbesies in die makadamia- en avokado-industrieë. 'n Loodsprojek om die potensiële belangrikheid van vlermuise as bio-beheer agente te ondersoek in die beheer van nag-vlieënde insekte in makadamiaboorde. Blaaspootjie basisstudie om te bepaal watter blaaspootjies, wanneer skade doen. 'n Besproeiings-projek vir beter besproeiingskedulering. Dit is 'n navorsingsimposium, dus sal daar gefokus word op tegniese navorsing. Die navorsingsprojekte word jaarlike geselekteer met die doel om die behoeftes en probleme van makadamiaprodusente aan te spreek, maar ook om in lyn te wees met huidige en toekomstige markbehoeftes van die Suider Afrikaanse makadamia bedryf. Dit is daarom essensieël om verder as die landsgrense te kyk en met ander makadamia produserende lande saam te werk met die doel om oplossings te vind vir die probleme wat die plaaslike industrie huidiglik terughou (Muller, 2009). Die jaarlikse navorsingsimposium verskaf só 'n platvorm vir die toekomstige voordeel van die industrie. Pest Control pecialist Resilient Prop (Pty) Ltd managed by Finlay our Protect y nt investme against nd termite a er wood bor ! damage Tel: 015 307 2971 / 083 630 7300 Hanlie Aucamp 78288 what da feeesh? Tzaneen BOKKIE Fernandes (72) is op 10 Mei oorlede. Bekende Bokkie sterf 'n OU bekende inwoner van die Laeveld, Bokkie Fernandes (72) is op 10 Mei oorlede na 'n kort siekbed. Bokkie sal onthou word as 'n goeie boer met 'n kleurvolle karakter. Hy was alombekend onder die gemeenskap vir sy sterk persoonlikheid en sy humor. Hy sal baie deur sy vriende en familie gemis word. Bokkie laat 'n ongelooflike leemte in die lewens van sy vrou, Antoinette, sy broer, Heine, sy kinders, Ockie en Beula, Johan en Diana, Anton, Lynn en Christo asook sy ses kleinkinders wat hy so lief gehad het. ‘Ons dank die Hemelse Vader vir sy genade en liefde wat Bokkie in sy lewe ervaar het. ‘Sy brulende stem is nou vir altyd stil maar hy sal bly voortleef in ons gedagtes. Ons wil graag almal bedank wat ons familie bygestaan het in hierdie hartseer tyd.’ Sy gedenkdiens is Donderdag (vandag) om 15:00 uit die NG Wolkberg kerk. Support group meets THE Tzaneen Depression and Anxiety Support Group’s meetings will be held every alternate Thursday evening at the Macadamia Village Community Centre at 18:30. The next meeting will be on May 124 and after that every second Thursday. Please phone 0718532121 for more information. 015 307 4065 [email protected] 78181 Wishing Carlos & Anna well with their Ocean Basket! Yes it’s true! We are open! Visit us at the Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre. PREEMAG Tel: 082 455 0183 Carlos 78290 Tel: 015 345 1510 P O Box 141, Letsitele, 0885 [email protected]. 78289 78024 We cater for all your bathroom & plumbing needs... Excellent selection of bathroom, kitchen and plumbware! PLUMBING & BATHROOMS 78184 NEWS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 3 SAPSWN bring smiles to flood disaster victims THE Gift of the Givers Foundation and the families from Mopani that will benefit from their contribution. BUTCHERY dedicated women from the police who are prepared to use their hard earned cash to make one’s life better," said Thomas. In addition Gift of the Givers announced they will build two-roomed zozo’s for each family in a space of just a week. The two roomed buildings are expected to be delivered this coming on May 16. DOORS galore Arch Door 8 Panel Traditional Door Parkline Door Melody Door 99 R269 each 78198 THE SAPS Women’s Network with some of the families that got parcels and blankets from their partners in charity, The Gift of the Givers Foundation. THE South African Police Service Women’s Network brought smiles and restored some dignity to victims of the flood disaster that hit the Mopani District two months ago. Over ten families who had lost almost everything in the flood could not believe it when they were handed blankets, clothes and food parcels in an event held at SAPS Tzaneen Joint Operation Centre on Friday evening. The women in the SAPS said they could not just sit and do nothing when families are starving and suffering with nothing to prevent cold this winter. Tzaneen Cluster Commander and provincial champion of SAPS Women’s Network, Major General Maggie Mathebula, said their network is aimed at reaching out to the needy and restore dignity in human life. “We exhausted all our options in our quest to give something to these victims of flood and I have to thank Gift of the Givers for agreeing to partner with us and help us feed and clothe the affected families. "We will not stop until the situation changes as our job as mothers is to care for others and show love," said Mathebula. The spokesperson of Gift of the Givers Foundation, Emily Thomas, said her organization is happy to partner with the police for a good course. She said their relationship with the police dates a way back and that they to continue working together with the police to apply different tactics in the fight against crime. “We have helped many communities before but this one is just unique because we have 32 Skirving Str,Tzaneen Tel: (015) 307 4408 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 4 Hondeskou deel van basaar WOLKBERG N.G Kerk bied op 26 Mei hulle jaarlikse Pret Hondeskou aan. Tzaneen diereliefhebbers spits alreeds hulle ore om uit te vind wie die jaar se 'dier'baarste dier gaan wees. Die skou vind plaas op die kerk terrein om 11:30, net na die trompoppies. Honde en hulle base kan deelneem in die volgende vier katagorieë: 'Wie's Die Baas?' vir die hond en eienaar wat die meeste na mekaar lyk; 'Blaf Duet' vir die hond en eienaar wat die mooiste saam kan sing; 'Wys My Jou Truuk' vir die beste toertjie en laastens die "Dier"baarste Dier katagorie vir die mooiste of die lelikste deelnemer. Begin solank oefen en moet dit beslis nie misloop nie! Vir navrae skakel Anneline by 083 456 3143 of 015 307 4062 gedurende kantoor ure. CALENDAR Remarkable trees in and around Tzaneen SAVF Kleuterskool THE GREATER Tzaneen area is blessed with a large number of beautiful trees - both exotic hou weer poppetee and indigenous. A world-renowned dendrologist, Mike Amm, shares his vast knowledge and love of our beautiful trees. Readers are invited to contact LETABA HERALD or Mike personally on 083 627 4794 with interesting trees in our area. SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool hou weer hulle gewilde poppetee. Dit word op 18 Mei in die saal van Hoërskool Ben Vorster gehou en begin om 14:00 tot 16:00. Kaartjies vir dogtertjies 3 tot 6 jaar beloop R50. Hulle ma’s is ook welkom teen R50. ‘n Verversingstafel sal vir hulle beskikbaar wees. Kaartjies is by die Kleuterskool of gasvrouens beskikbaar. Mari Weber en haar poppeteater asook René Mynhardt en haar sangstudente sal tydens die geleentheid optree. Skakel die Kleuterskool by 015 307 4255 vir meer inligting. Leon sing hier Ondersteun SAVF-projek DIE bekende gospel sanger, Leon Goosen tree op by ‘n familietee in Duiwelskloof op 26 Mei op. Die vertoning skop af om 10:30 vir 11:00. Fondse word ingesamel vir SAVF Duiwelskloof. Kostes beloop R50 per persoon, laerskoolleerlinge gaan gratis. Vir meer inligting skakel Marietjie op 071 604 3232 vir kaartjies. SAVF is vanjaar weer eens genooi om te deel in die Winterhoop projek, wat reeds 'n aantal jare wye mediadekking ontvang en groot opbrengste lewer. Dit is 'n spontane insameling van kos, klere en komberse om gedurende die winter in die nood van behoeftiges te voorsien. Die instansies het hande geneem met ‘n bekende radiostasie om mense te motiveer om die nood van behoeftiges gedurende die winter te help verlig deur donasies by die SAVF Tzaneen kantoor af te lewer wat dan in die plaaslike gemeenskap versprei sal word. Persone wat finansiële bydraes aan die SAVF wil maak kan bankbesonderhede by die SAVF Tzaneen kantoor by 0153075823 verkry. Die SAVF wil graag 'n beroep doen op die gemeenskap om betrokke te raak by die projek deur 'n verskil te maak in behoeftige gesinne en kinders se lewens. Euphorbia ingens. Candelabra tree. Nabbom. N. Sotho: Mohlolo - kgomo. The tree produces a poisonous toxic latex, harmful to man and beast. Location: Mooketsi. Nat Tree No: 351. Vrydag is Hoededag TTS 1 ACU ed 185 tablish ENTS E AG ESTAT L A E R Es Sales You will love this home! House - Florapark R770 000 Position, Private, Perfect! House - Tzangeni R1.1mil Modern 3 bedrm, 2 bathr, 2 garages, small garden. 3 Bedrm, 2 bathr, lapa, 1 garage and 2 carports. Stepless and secure townhouse Townhouse - Premierpark R880 000 3 Bedrm, 2 bathr, 1 garage, small garden. Need a place to start a Lodge? Spacious property on 4000m² P.O.R. Lots of potential and space to expand. CLOSED ASCENSION DAY Thursday 17/05/2012 Value for money! Modern! House - Valentia R1.3mil 3 Bedrm, 2 bathr, 2 garages, small garden. RENTALS Garden Flat - Aquapark - R2300 W&E incl. Bachelors 1 bedrm flat, small garden, safe parking. House Tzangeni - R5500 Spacious 3 Bedrm house, 2 bathr, small garden, 1 garage. House Medipark - R5400 3 Bedrm, 1 bathr, pool, 2 garages House Faunapark - R6000 3 Bedrm, 2 bahtr, rondawel, Outside room, garage & carport. HOUSE 6km out of town - R6000 3 Bedrm, 2 bathr, garden Prop Professeiorty services incl. No dogs! nals Outien Manda (NQF5) 083 274 6136 (NQF5) 083 258 5848 you can Trust 78235 DIE SAVF "Wear to Care" Hoededag vind weer op Vrydag plaas. SAVF "Wear to Care" hoededag word gehou om fondse te genereer vir projekte hieronder genoem. Hoe kan instansies of persone die besondere doel bevorder? Verkoop van plakkers vir die "Wear to Care" veldtog. Plakkers is beskikbaar by SAVF Tzaneen teen R10 per plakker. Besighede/skole kan hul personeel en kinders aanmoedig om die veldtog te ondersteun deur plakkers te koop en ‘n hoed te dra. ‘n Persoon/kind wat ‘n plakker aankoop, kan op 18 Mei ’n kreatiewe of indrukwekkende hoed dra ter ondersteuning van hierdie goeie saak. SAVF Tzaneen vier meer as 75 jaar sukses in die versorging van kinders en mind- erbevoorregte-gesinne. SAVF Tzaneen word gerespekteer vir sy dienste, kennis en ondervinding ten op sigte van kinderen jeugsorg. Buiten vir sowat 120 kinders en familiesorg in die fasiliteit, is hulle ook betrokke by voedselhulpskema's, kleuterskool opleiding en kinderbeskerming programme. Besoek gerus SAVF se webwerf by vir verdere inligting. Die SAVF vra u ondersteuning om hierdie fondsinsamelingsgeleentheid ‘n reuse sukses te maak. Besighede is welkom om hulle fotos van personeel met snaakse hoede na die kantoor van die SAVF in Agathastraat te neem. Daar gaan ‘n prys gegee word vir die besigheid met die beste hoede. Skakel gerus die kantoor vir enige verdere navrae. Join evening with local writers PNA Tzaneen will be hosting a Local Writers Evening on June 29. It will start at 17:00 at the PNA shop in the new Life Style Centre. Entrance fee a bottle of wine! The glasses, soup, bread, jam & coffee will be provided. Enjoy the evening with our local writers, who will sign books and share something of their journey with you. RSVP at Brenda Alberts 015 307 2049 of Heidi Vosloo 082 822 2226 before 25 June. be smart... SOUTH AFRICA EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES pay less - get more Save thousands on agent commissions Anton 083 488 3886 Zilla 084 703 4638 Pick n Bond @ Fundi PRIVATE SELLER NETWORK MODJADJISKLOOF LUSHOF PROPERTIES AGATHA Join the expansion of Real People - Merchant Finance, a division of this dynamic, innovative African credit management company. AREA SALES MANAGER - LIMPOPO [Burgersfort, Phalaborwa, Bushbackridge] The successful candidate will be responsible for: Developing, maintain and growing the sales channel of corporate and privately owned business to sell Real People Merchant Finance credit products. Maximise the credit sales potential of the geographical UHJLRQ%HDSURIHVVLRQDOFUHGLWFRQVXOWDQWWRPHUFKDQWVVHOOLQJ5HDO3HRSOH0HUFKDQW¿QDQFHFUHGLW SURGXFWV7RLGHQWLI\HI¿FLHQWPHDQVRIFRQGXFWLQJEXVLQHVVWKXVVDYLQJWLPHFRVWVDQGDGGLQJYDOXH Successfully implement strategy given by direct line manager in their respective region. Hoewe geleë naby dorp met 'n groot plaashuis en buitegeboue. Pragtuin. Baie moontlikhede vir verdere ontwikkeling. Pragtige ruim 4 slaapkamer huis met aparte 1 slaapkamer woonstel, buitegeboue, ontspanningsarea en soutwater swembad met baie ekstras. Requirements: R2 315 000 R980 000 6DOHV H[SHULHQFH ZLWKLQ WKH %XLOGLQJ ,QGXVWU\ ZLOO EH DQ DGYDQWDJH 6HQLRU FHUWL¿FDWH 6WURQJ interpersonal / communication skills. Persuasiveness and sales ability. Customer focused. Tolerance for stress. Ability to motivate team. Target driven. Interested applicants are requested to fax a concise CV to: 086 620 0198 alternatively e-mail: [email protected] Closing date: 23 May 2012 Applicants who have not been contacted within 4 weeks of the closing date may consider their application unsuccessful. 5HDO3HRSOH&R5HJQRLVDQDXWKRULVHG¿QDQFLDOVHUYLFHVSURYLGHU)63 NCRCP103. Verw.1445 AQUA PARK Ruim 4 slaapkamer huis op ‘n groot erf. Onderdak onthaal area met swembad. R1 440 000 Verw.1443 Pragtige ruim 4 slpk huis op ‘n hoekerf met binne & buite onthaal areas met swembad & jacuzzi. R1 543 000 Verw.1413 Verw.1444 55 Ha Pragplaas met ‘n praghuis en ‘n fantastiese uitsig. 1 Ha granadillas, 2 ha makadamias, 28 ha bewerkbare lande. Baie water. R3 086 000 Verw.1442 18 Ha met 2 huise en ‘n pragtige BROEDERSTROOMDRIFT uitsig. 12 Ha bloekombome. R1 800 000 Verw.1433 10 ha Hoewe met 2 woonhuise en buitegeboue en swembad. Mango’s 10 Ha Ongerepte natuur. Hasivona. & piesangs. Groot dam. Verw.1217 R320 000 Verw.1440 R1 852 000 16 Ha Hoewe met 8 hektaar onder litchies. Groot woning met buitegebou, lapa en swembad. R3 600 000 Verw.1095 40 Ha Pragplaas (avokados). Perfekte infrastruktuur. 2 Woonhuise. Baie water. R6 685 000 Verw. 1196 GEORGE’S VALLEY GEORGE’S VALLEY GEORGE’S VALLEY 34 Ha in Magoebaskloof. Mooiste 8,5 Ha Natuurskoon. 2 Slaapkamer cottage en 3 slaapkamer woonstel. R1 440 000 Verw.1446 natuurskoon, massiewe praghuis. 2de Huis, woonstel, 2 hout cabins en vele meer. R3 600 000 Verw.1447 52 Ha Natuurskoon met groot dubbelverdieping woning, 2 woonstelle en buitegeboue. Litchis en avos. R3 085 000 Verw.1426 For more information visit our website at or phone 083 488 3886 / 015 307 5880 78281 NEWS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 MOPANI District Municipality celebrated the quarterly progress report results from Presidential Hotline and Premier's Hotline. From Left to right: Musa Mthetho(Greater Tzaneen Municipality), Ike Thema (Premier's Office), Perpetual Ragolane (Greater Letaba Municipality), Neville Ndlala (GTM), Patricia Muchabi (GTM), Duncan Mogale (GTM), Vutivi Makhubele (GTM), Khutso Malatji (Mopani District Municipality) and General Manager of Service Delivery Development, Gregory Makoko (Premier's Office) cutting the cake. Karibu Lodge also featured at Tourism Indaba AS USUAL, the Karibu Lodge near Tarentaalrand featured at the Tourism Indaba in Durban over the past week. Here Tears Mabuza and Norman Nkuna of Karibu pose at their exhibition. MDM solves 90% of Hotline cases From the Premier's Hotline, MDM resolved 74 out of the 89 cases reported and 15 cases are pending. Greater Tzaneen Municipality has done well by resolving all 103 cases reported on the Presidential Hotline. GTM spokesperson, Thulani Thwala said out of the 30 cases reported on Premier's Hotline, 26 have been resolved. These cases include shortage of water and electricity, access to roads and improvement of infrastructure. Thwala said they plan to establish a Mayoral Hotline which will be a platform to speed up service delivery. Express Photo Shop Open In Modjajdiskloof Under new management We Do Photo Enlargements (A5-A1), Photo Editing, ID, Passport & Jumbo Prints , Laminating , Mug, Travel Mug and Sports bottle Printing , We have Assorted frames you can choose from. We will go the extra mile to help you. You say the word, and we do the printing! • Express Photo Shop • Tel: 015 309 8686 • Fax2mail: 086 504 2596 • P.O.Box 500 • Modjadjiskloof 0835 • CNR of Botha & Boltman STR FNB Complex Modjajdiskloof 78287 MOPANI District Municipality (MDM) resolved 90% of cases reported to the Presidential Hotline over the last quarter of the year. This achievement was celebrated at the quarterly progress report meeting held in Tzaneen recently. The progress reports are presented quarterly to the Provincial Service Complaints Forum whilst monitoring is done on a monthly basis. The five local municipalities in MDM received 431 cases from Presidential Hotline respectively, and resolved 387 and 44 are pending. PAGE 5 Harcourts Tzaneen AQUA PARK ARBORPARK Green V Rensburg 082 534 8181 3 Slaapkamers, 2 Badkamers, Dubbel motorhuis, Swembad, Lugverkoeling, Alarm stelselR 1 295 000 Kontak Green –OLD FLORAPARK 3 Bedroom house R630 000 Pragtige klinkersteen huis met dubbel motorhuis op 1612 sq meter erf. R880 000 Kontak Green –DUIWELSKLOOF 4 Bedroom and Cottage with Swimming Pool R990 000 –TZANGENI Double Story house, 5 Bedrooms, Very neat only R2 300 000 –GA-KGAPANE 3 Bedroom, Lounge, Dinning, Garage and Security Fence R550 000 • DUIWELSKLOOF 3 Bedroom, 2 Bathroom, Garage,Tile Roof R 550 000 –EXCLUSIVE MANDATE AQUA PARK Come with cash! 3 Bedrooms, dining room, Lounge, Double garage,2 Bathrooms and 2 Toilets. R770 000 • FLORA PARK 4 Bedrooms, Diningroom, Lounge, Well fitted kitchen, 3 Toilets, 3 Bathrooms, Double carport. R760 000 Rebecca Mohale 072 683 0203 •DUIWELSKLOOF PANORAMA House with flatlet & Double garage. R880 000 Joan Bissett 082 893 5135 • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE AQUA PARK Triple garage, Lounge, Well fitted kitchen, Diningroom, As neat as a pin, 2 Baths and 2 Toilets. R1 400 000 • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE FARM DUPLEX 97.4 Ha. 3KM FROM TOWN. R 1 100 000 Ideal for cattle grazing Borehole. Chickens. 3 Bedrooms house and pig farming. and flat. 2.5 Ha 23 ha dam on property. Come and make an offer. • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE AQUA PARK R 880 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms, Double garage. Unbelievable value and absolute privacy NOT TO BE MISSED! • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE 3km from town. Borehole, House and flat. 2.5 Ha R 1 100 000. 5 Bedroom, well fitted kitchen, diningroom, lounge, sitting room, double garage, swimming pool very neat house R1 550 000 D L SO –EXCLUSIVE MANDATE R1050 000 4 Bedrooms, 2 Bathrooms & Study. 3 Garages. –EXCLUSIVE MANDATE Eleanor v d R1 275 000 - R1 375 000 Westhuizen Great Area - Huge Stand 083 310 3929 Modern Finishes - A Must to See!!! –EXCLUSIVE MANDATE • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE NOT TO BE MISSED! R 1 050 000 - R 1 125 000 3.5km out of Tzaneen. 6 Ha of prime land with House and flat - great return ample water.Sub-division possible. on investment. (Already approved). • EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE – EXCLUSIVE MANDATE NEW RELEASE 10 % Deposit. Return on investment. Wow, amazing, upmarke, zero work! Work Purchase price - R339 000. Rental income from home or separate flat. R 2800.00. Monthly deficit R250.00. R1250 000 - R1325 000 An unbelievable investment. View by appointment Rentals l Verhurings –AQUAPARK 1 Peace Street - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 1336 Email: [email protected] Contact Lydia: 015 307 1336 • AQUA PARK 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Kompleks, Dubbel Motorhuis, R5000.00 W&L uitgesluit. – 4 KM BUITE DORP 3 Slp, 2 Bad,Op Plot R4900.00 W&L ingesluit • MEDIPARK Onmiddelik Beskikbaar. 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Studeerkamer, Dubbel Motorhuis, Kompleks, W&L ingesluit R5900.00 – TZANGENI 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Toesluit Motorhuis, Netjies R6000.00 – DUIWELSKLOOF PANORAMA Ruim woonhuis, 3 Slp, 2 Bad R6000 W&L uitgesluit – AQUAPARK 3 Slp, 2 Bad, Motorhuis, Kompleks R4800.00 78204 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 6 Agatha Community Forum hosts braai THE Agatha Community Forum has organised a Bring and Braai for all residents of Agatha and surrounding areas. It will take place this Saturday (May 19). Fires will be ready from 18.00 and a cash bar will operate at very reasonable prices. The Forum's Committee endeavours to arrange 2 or 3 social functions per annum so the residents can get to know each other and the families to interact. Residents can also be informed of the erratic electricity situation, the approaching fire season and security. Any concerns or feedback from residents can also be discussed. For further information, please contact David Brown at 015 307 5165 or 083 560 8622. Craft klub leer tossels maak DIE Craft klub op Letsitele sit Saterdag weer hulle bedrywighede by die Amfiteater van NG kerk Letsitele voort. Hulle maak ‘n tossel, gordynterugbindtossel of sleutelhouer. Koste beloop R65 wat alles insluit. Skakel Adri by 083 679 0562. KALENDER Wolkberg hou basaar NG Wolkberg gemeente hou weer basaar op Vrydag en Saterdag 25 en 26 Mei. Dit vind op die kerkterrein plaas en sal Vrydag van 08:00 tot 20:00 plaasvind en Saterdag van 08:00 tot 13:00. Hoogtepunte van die twee dae: Jan de Wet se optrede – Vrydag om 10:00 en 10:45. Die Mini Ysterman Saterdagoggend. SAVF se trompoppies – Vrydagaand om 17:30 en Saterdagoggend om 11:00. ‘n Pret hondeskou Saterdagoggend net na 11:00. Die “Jumble Sale” begin reeds Vrydagoggend. Baie elektroniese toerusting, tweedehandse klere, linne, ens is te koop. ‘n Groot verskeidenheid gebak asook spogkoeke en ander lekkernye sal by die koektafel aangebied word... Gaan vroeg en maak seker jy kry wat jy graag wil hê vir die naweek. Daar is ook praktiese, bruikbare PR PRO P E S T PROPERTY Tel: 015 307 2030 Faks: 015 307 2157 BROKERS Kantore geskuif na Windsor str. 1, regoor nuwe gym Email: [email protected] Loraine (CEA) - 072 674 3269 TZANEEN - P.O.R. Pragtige 8.5 ha plot, naby dorp geleë. Groot huis, stoor, damme, komkommer tonnels, ens. Groot inkomste per jaar uit komkommers. Bring your old jewellery & design new ones, or let us design something for you and stand a chance to AQUA PARK - P.O.A. Prentjie mooi en baie netjiese 4 slaapkamer huis met groot onthaalarea, swembad, 1 slaapkamer woonstel en dubbel motorhuis. PLOT - P.O.A Skakel my vir 'n winskoop naby dorp. TZANEEN - R1.8 MILLION Baie netjiese 400 vkm gebou op ‘n 4000 vkm erf. WIN a Half Carat DIAMOND KOMMERSIëLE GEBOU - R3 300 000 Huurinkomste van ± R30 000 p.m. Skakel my vir verdere inligting. MARGATE - R698 000 2 Slp, 2 badk woonstel met 1 toesluit m/huis ±101m² Promotion running from December 2011 to May 2012. Winner will be announced on 31 May 2012. Please fill in your name & contact no below, and bring this advert with you when you visit us for your new design. Janet - 084 760 0063 TZANGENI Just imagine moving into your own brand newly build house. Total package: R1 125 000. For further info contact me. We will be open on 16 and 18 December until 13h00. ICKINGER JEWELLERS & MUSIC CENTRE Name & Surname: 78188 Contact no: Jewellery manufacturers of note since 1958. 28 Danie Joubert Street - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 4448/9 TZANEEN Newly build Units available. Contact me for more info. ARBOR PARK - PRIME SPOT NEW OFFICES - BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE DEVELOPER Unit 1: 45m² R389 500-00 excl. VAT Unit 2: 72m² R624 500-00 excl. VAT Unit 3: 59m² R514 500-00 excl. VAT Unit 4: 59m² R514 500-00 excl. VAT TOWNHOUSE - R610 000 Price reduction on this spacious 3 bedroom townhouse. AQUAPARK - R880 000 Spacious, neat 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom, double garage, kitchen etc. available at this affordable price. DUIWELSKLOOF - R440 000 BARGAIN OF THIS MONTH: On big stand of 937 sqm. This friendly house offers 2 beds, 1 bath, well fitted kitchen, carport, fully fenced. DUIWELSKLOOF - R1 100 000 PRICE REDUCED Beautiful 3 bed house, 3 bathrooms, sparkling swimming pool, entertainment area, open plan dining & living room, scullery, spacious lounge, 1 bedr flat & bathroom for an extra income. Excellent view. DUIWELSKLOOF R520 000 4 Bedroom house with pool, near school. Need some TLC. handwerkartikels (handig vir geskenke), juwele, konserf, skilderye, ens. ‘n Verskeidenheid basaarkos, groente en vrugte, vars vleis en biltong, Kalahari sosaties, veteraanmotors en die immergewilde teetuin waar daar saam gekuier kan word is weer op die spyskaart. Die kinders kan hulle besig hou met skyfskiet, baie lekkers, speelgoed, spookhuis, springkasteel asook die reuse glybaan. ‘n Verskeidenheid plante en saailinge is weereens vanjaar beskikbaar. Van die mees gewilde palms wat beskikbaar sal wees is: Bamboes-, Foxtail- NeodipsisSpindle- Ponytail- en Bottelpalms. Halfmense, grondbedekkers, impalalelies, revolutas, vetplante, saailinge en vele meer sal aangebied word. Navrae: Wolkberg Kerkkantoor by 015 307 4062. Die telefoon sal deurentyd beman wees. Kuier saam met ons plaaslike skrywers PNA Tzaneen bied op 29 Junie ‘n Plaaslike Skrywersaand aan. Dit begin om 19:00 by hul winkel in die nuwe Life Style Centre. Toegang is ‘n bottel wyn! Gaan geniet ‘n aand van boekvoorlesing deur die onderskeie skrywers, sop, brood, konfyt & koffie. Dit gaan heerlik wees. Skrywers wat hulle boeke gaan aanbied is:Amanda Vorster, Beth Keller, Bridget HiltonBarber, Charles Leach, David Hilton-Barber, Howard Blight, Louis Changuion & Nino Burelli. Bespreek voor 25 Junie by Brenda Alberts 015 307 2049 of Heidi Vosloo 082 822 2226. CALENDAR LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 Hiermee wil Little Angels net graag vir alle maatjies wat by Little Angels begin skoolgaan het, baie geluk wens met die Eisteddfod en die o/8 bulletjie rugbyspan Ons hier by Little Angels is baie trots op jul hou so aan jul jong klomp. Jul word nou groot. JAN de Wet tree by die Wolkberg basaar op. Jan sing by basaar DIE bekende sanger, Jan de Wet, kom vir Tzaneen omgewing se kleingoed kuier. Hy sal op 25 Mei by NG Gemeente Wolkberg optree. Jan kuier tussen 10:00 en 10:30 saam met die kleuters en tussen 10:30 en 11:00 saam met die groter kinders. Jan is reeds baie lank as sanger bekend en ook vir die kinderproduksies ‘Loflaaities’ en ’Lofkleuters’ waarvan ‘n aantal goue status verwerf het. Hy het ook ‘n liedboek vir Kinders uitgebring. Jan is stigterslid van Sagma en Christian Artists SA en neem ‘n leierposisie in onder gospelkunstenaars in SA. Hy is ook skrywer en medeskrywer van ’n aantal boeke o.a. "Wat sal Jesus doen" wat in 1999 ‘n nasionale toekenning gewen het. Die gemeenskap se kleuterskole, speelgroepe en laerskoolkinders word hartlik uitgenooi om die oggend saam met Jan te kuier. Ouers is meer as welkom. Vir navrae kan daar geskakel word met Elsa by Wolkberg se kerkkantoor by 015-3074062 tydens kantoorure. PAGE 7 Baie geluk aan Blaar Coetzee wat op 20 Mei verjaar. Yvonne Streicher verjaar op 21 Mei. Baie geluk. Baie geluk aan Mol Oosthuizen en Elize Kruger wat op 13 Mei verjaar het. Jorina Vorster vier haar geboortedag op 22 Mei. Baie geluk. Baie geluk aan Mias Rossouw wat sy geboortedag op 14 Mei gevier het. Baie geluk aan Tersia Loots wat op 24 Mei verjaar. Baie geluk aan Hennie Schnell wat op 16 Mei verjaar het. Marius Botha verjaar op 17 Mei. Baie geluk. Cornel Oberholzer het op 17 Mei verjaar. Baie geluk. Baie geluk aan Willemien van Niekerk wat vandag (18 Mei) verjaar. Celia Duvenhage verjaar op 19 Mei. Baie geluk. Baie geluk aan Corrie Osmers wat op 23 Mei verjaar. Baie geluk aan Johan Ueckermann wat op 22 Mei sy geboortedag vier. St Paul’s hosts Bongo Day ST PAUL's Church Bingo and Family Fun Day will be held in Haenertsburg. Loads of fun, starting with Bingo at the Red Plate on Friday May 25. On Saturday there will be fresh produce and homemade goodies, tombola, egg and spoon races, sack races, three-legged races and other fun for children. Lots of prizes to be won. There will also be a book stall, boerewors rolls, a tea garden and much more! Call Nadia at 082 388 0634 to book for Bingo or if you want a stall. Healing Rooms still open THE Healing Rooms are still open at the usual hours. Please take note that visitors must use the entrance gate to the complex on Old Gravelotte Road. Everyone is welcome to come for prayer. No appointment is needed and it is free of charge. Visit them on Tuesday mornings at 09:00 and Thursday evenings at 19:00 at Shop nr. 1, Star Spares Complex, c/o Old Gravelotte Rd and Agatha Rd. Contact Karen Pienaar on 079 530 4337. Is besproeiing jou kopseer? Opmeting Beplanning Ontwerpe Pomp en filter keuses Skedulering Opleidingskursusse Outomatisasie OHS en Kunsmistoedieners Kew Straat 82E Tzaneen [email protected] Tel: 015 307 5990 Faks: 015 307 4760 78199 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 8 KALENDER/BRIEWE Romanz hou tweede vertoning DIE besprekings vir ‘n tweede vertoning van Romanz se optrede op 7 Junie in die NG Kerk (Moedergemeente) se kerksaal stroom in. VACANCY Letaba Citrus Processors Quality & Assurance Manager Requirements: We require the services of an experienced (5-10 yrs) individual with either a ND/BSc in or similar to assume full responsibility for all aspects of quality control, product development and R&D. Our preference will certainly be for a candidate with citrus and or sub-tropical fruit processing experience, knowledge and experience of formulating blends for the juice industry and experience of aseptic packaging of fruit products. Key performance areas: - Technical support on fruit processing and juice blending/packaging/labelling - Customer complaints/CAR/Liaison with customers and compliance with customer audits. Ensure feedback within specific time frames. - Issue COA according to specification - Material & supplier evaluation including fruit concentrates, flavours, additives, preservatives, ingredients. - Maintain product specifications - Manage R&D team. Please fax CV to: 086 634 0331 Closing date: 31 May 2012 WILLIE JONKER Gerrie 083 259 0065 1. EXCELLENT INVESTMENT - R850 000 Double storey townhouse, 4 carports, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Secure. 2.ENTERTAINERS DREAM - R2 750 000 4 bedr, 3 bathr, study, livingroom, state of the art kitchen, 2 double garages, double carports, entertainment area. Swimming pool. 3. TZANGENI R1 290 000 3 bedr, 2 bathr, double garage, open plan kitchen, beautiful view, entertainment area with spa pool, built in braai. 4. SECURITY R1 050 000 3 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, wooden double garage, built in braai. 5. ROYAL TZANGENI R1 280 000 3 bedroom home, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, swimming pool, double garage. BUYING OR SELLING - CONTACT ME FOR FAST SERVICE!!! Gaste kan self kies of hulle “Barnyard styl” of net ‘n sitplek verkies. Besprekings sluit Vrydag 1 Junie en die kaartjies kan reeds nou al by die kerk kantoor afgehaal word. Kaartjies vir Vrydag aand 8 Junie is reeds uitverkoop. Hierdie vertoning vind plaas in die saal van Hoërskool Ben Vorster. Dit is nou algemeen bekend dat ons eie Fafa - ‘n oudskolier van Ben Vorster deel is van Romanz. Ons wens hom voorspoed toe met sy loopbaan. Daar is nog net ‘n beperkte aantal sitplekke beskikbaar of indien belangstellendes ‘n tafel DROOM boekskry- vir 10 persone benodig, moet hulle asseblief so wer, Betsie Joubert, is gou moontlik vir Denise by 015 307 4496 ‘n gasspreker by ‘n skakel. Die toegang is R120 per persoon. geleentheid wat die sprituele uitleg van drome bespreek op 2 Junie. Sy is die skrywer van ‘Drome en Vis- ON Friday the Tzaneen Chamber of Comioene Volume 1 en 2’ merce lunch will take place at Tzaneen Counasook ‘Comfort try Lodge at 12:00. Join them at the gazebo for guest speakers Prophetic Ministry: TWEE oud-inwoners en nou operasangers van formaat, Dirk Venter Glen Steyn, GSA Consulting Development Interpretation.’ en Righard Linde het Saterdagaand saam met van Pretoria se top Economists, and Andre le Grange, for feedback Die praatjie vind operasterre die Letsitele gemeenskap in ‘n intieme vertoning verom 09:30 plaas by die on Tzaneen Local Economic Development maak. Met ‘ n vol huis en staande toejuigings was die geleentheid by Strategy and Budget 2012/2013. Sponsor for Letaba Rivier Lodge die NG Kerk Amfiteater ‘n reuse sukses. Dirk gaan moontlik sy (die ou Eco Park) ten the day is Nashua Limpopo and costs are R100 operaloopbaan volgende jaar op die internasionale verhoog voortsit. per member and R120 for non-members. bate van Tjokketjie Agter, van links: Dirk Venter, Ds Barry van der Merwe en Righard Please RSVP by Thursday 14:00 and for Kleuterskool en Linde. Voor: Antoinette Olivier, Ingrid Bredell (pianis) en Ilze bookings and information contact Connie at God’s Haven tehuis Coetzee. 076 391 0523. vir bejaardes. Kaartjies is R75 per persoon en mans en dames is welkom om die geleentheid by te woon. Koffie, tee en ANNALINE Geldenhuys, voorsitter van Helpende Hand Vanaf die personeel wat jou behulpsaam is, tot die verversings sal voor- Vroue in Aksie Tzaneen, het die volgende brief aan Henk voorkoms van die terrein is werklik prysenswaardig. sien word. Ons het gevoel om ons dank te betuig, aangesien die Mienie, afval bestuursbeampte van die GTM, geskryf: Kom ontdek jou Namens al die dames van die Helpende Hand Vroue in publiek vinnig is om te kritiseer en baie stadig is om dankie drome! Vir meer in- Aksie-tak van Tzaneen, wil ons u en die lede van die te sê. ligting en besprekings Munisipaliteit van Tzaneen wat hierby betrokke is, gelukNogmaals baie dankie vir die netjiese voorkoms van die skakel Wilma by 083 wens met die feit dat ons stortingsterrein werklik iets is stortingsterrein. 285 0660. waarop die dorpsmense trots kan wees. Praat die Here nog in drome? Chamber meets Opera-aand ‘n reuse sukses ViA bedank Henk vir netjiese stortingsterrein 33 Boundary Street - Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 7513/4 Fax: 015 307 7515 Lientjie 082 650 8418 1. IDEAL FOR 1ST TIME BUYERS Was R680 000 NOW R605 000. Neat 3 bedroom townhouse in security complex, well placed for all local amenities. Viewing is highly recommended to appreciate this well presented property. 2. VIEW OVER TZANEEN DAM - R880 000 Reward Properties is pleased to present this beautiful 2 bedroom house/duplex with views over Tzaneen dam for a low price! 3. FAMILY HOME R1 045 000 4 Bedroom family home on large stand for this low price. The property consists of a living room, lounge, dining, 2 bathrooms and double garage. 4. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME! Various stands available starting from R221 000. Hurry up, only a few left!!! Rosinah 083 207 5570 1. FLORA PARK - R440 000 Bargain house, 3 bedroom home on 700 sqm stand. 2.LENYENYE R440 000 3 bedroom house, 2 bathrooms, kitchen, diningroom. 3.FLORAPARK R550 000 3 bedroom home, 2 bathroom, corner stand. 4. FLORA PARK R605 000 3 bedroom home, wall fenced. 5. BUSINESS STAND AT LENYENYE R330 000 6. EL SHADDAIR590 000 3 bedroom Townhouse. 7. FLORAPARK R720 000 4 Bedroom, 3 bathr, 3 toilets, double carport, diningroom, lounge, beautiful kitchen. Lesley 078 881 6875 Lucas 074 268 6090 1. GA-KGAPANE - R440 000 3 bedroom house. 2. MELODING R250 000 2 bedroom house. 3.MODJADJISKLOOF R440 000 3 bedroom house 4.GIYANI R330 000 3 bedroom house 5. TZANEEN (RIVER VIEW) - R270 000 750 sqm. 6. TZANEEN (AQUA PARK) - R880 000 3 bedroom with double garage house. 7. GA-KGAPANE 3 bedroom house to rent - R2 000 p.m. 1. VALENCIA ESTATES R1 025 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, lounge/ diningroom, double garage. 2. DOUBLE STOREY R990 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, balcony, lovely kitchen, electric fencing. Newly built house, very modern! 3. LOVELY FAMILY HOME - R950 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, single garage, lovely garden, corner stand! 4. BEAUTIFUL HOME IN SECURITY VILLAGE R880 000 2 Bedrooms, single garage, open plan kitchen, built in braai, balcony with view over Tzaneen dam. 6. DREAM HOUSE OF NOTE!!! - R1 550 000 4 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, open plan kitchen, fire place, stoep, swimming pool, double garage, very neat! • Buying or selling? Contact me for fast and best service ! Wilma 073 756 0490 1. NEWLY BUILT HOME IN AQUA PARK - R1 070 000 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, stunning kitchen, double garage, a very low price! 2. STANDS GALORE!!! • 600 sqm R205 000 Aquapark • 630 sqm R240 000 Aquapark • 650 sqm R253 000 Medipark • 1800 sqm R275 000 Modjadjiskloof • 3011 sqm R385 000 Modjadjiskloof 3. PLOTS & FARMS - 2 ha open plot - Lushof R495 000 - 21 ha open farm R445 000 - 8.5 ha farm with house, close to Tzaneen R880 000. Also buy on terms without the bank! Delia 073 991 9442 1. WHAT A BARGAIN R380 000 21 ha with 2 boreholes and a concrete dam, a seasonal stream, fully fenced. 5 Bedr house & swimming pool. This is not too good to be true ... it's just good! 2. CLOSE TO TZANEEN - R445 000 21 ha less than 10km from Tzaneen. 1 Borehole and absolutely stunning views! 3. LIVING "OUT THERE" - R880 000 8.5 ha close to Tzaneen with 4 bedroom home, 1 bedroom flatlet and an endless water supply, this is a giveaway at this low price! 4. EASY DOES IT R1 050 000 23 ha with excellent planting potential. Borehole, concrete dam, earth dam, fenced! 78180 LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 The modern design of the brand new Ocean Basket at Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre for fresh sushi and seafood. VERHURINGS New seafood restaurant opens in Tzaneen OCEAN Basket opened its doors in the new Tzaneen Lifestyle Centre, and everyone is hooked. And they are loving it. Ocean Basket is South Africa's favourite chain of seafood restaurants. Here you will find friendly people, a homefrom-home feeling, and great value for your hard earned bucks. One thing's for sure. You will find only the freshest seafood at Ocean Basket and some nice wines to make a great meal even greater. Ocean Basket is for the whole family. Visit them and have a whale of a time! Ocean Basket has been around for years. Since brothers Fats and George Lazarides hooked up with George Nichas back in 1995, in Pretoria. The brothers, being of Mediterranean descent and also so far from the coast, often dreamed of seafood. Since George Nichas had boatloads of know-how selling fresh seafood, the three schemed how to start a seafood restaurant where people could afford a simple but real good meal. They wanted to make people aware of good seafood and to create a simple place where people could enjoy a great meal and great value. A homely place where they'd get together with friends and feel like they're part of our family. Fats and the two Georges opened the first Ocean Basket in Menlyn Park, and they could squeeze in sixty people. The place soon got so popular; customers would queue from early morning to secure a table for lunch or dinner. Ocean Basket was the talk of the town. Fats and the two Georges decided to make their winner of an idea available to more people, so they opened another Ocean Basket in Pretoria's Kolonnade. During the next twelve months, they launched three more Ocean Baskets, and hooked up with Pedro who eventually took Ocean Basket to the Cape. People went crazy for the food, the warmth, and the value. Today, Ocean Basket is still growing. In a normal year, eight more Ocean Baskets open, currently there are 120. And if you travel overseas, don't worry, because you needn't leave good seafood behind. These days you will find Ocean Basket in the Middle East and Europe. The latest one to open is in Paphos, on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. Fats and the two Georges finally got back to their roots! What's more, in every Ocean Basket, you will find the same formula for success - simplicity, value for money, and the best seafood in the world, served piping hot in the pan. The owner of Ocean Basket in the Lifestyle Centre, invites the whole town to go and visit them. You will be hooked. To book a table contact them on 015 307 2359. A warm and cozy restaurant set-up with specials on the blackboard at the fresh seafood restaurant, Ocean Basket, in the Tzaneen Lifesyle Centre. Meenthuis met eie ingang beskibaar 1 Julie 2012 – R5000pm, 3 slp, 2 badk met dubbel motorhuis en lekker kuier stoep. Spacious Townhouse in popular security complex in Aquapark with 3 bedroom, 2 bathrooms and double garage - available 1 July 2012 – R4700 pm Kommersiële winkel spasie beskikbaar vanaf 1 Nov 2012 – sentraal gelee splinternuut en kan ingerig word volgens huurder se spesifikasie – ongeveer 700 vierkante meter. Lovely 2 bedroom garden flat to rent for R3500.00 (w&l included) 3 slp meenthuis te huur in Arborpark – R4500pm. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2012 Spog huis te huur in Aquapark met pragtige tuin en swembad. Dubbel motorhuis, 4 slpk, 2 badk, 2 leefareas, 2 kantore en splinternuwe kombuis – R10 000 pm Leo Senekal VERHURINGS Soek jy ‘n huurhuis of wil jy eiendom verhuur... Is jy by die regte adres! 78283 The friendly staff from Ocean Basket ready to dish up seafood so good you will beg the waitron for more. PAGE 9 RENTALS PROMOTIONS Lidell Botha: 083 389 3915 ESTABLISHED 1958 50 years TZANEEN Connie 084 581 0743 Hannes 082 853 4055 42HA Regina 082 893 5253 R1.85m Ansa 083 278 8877 Astrid 083 255 5816 AQUAPARK Thomas 084 409 1556 R920 000 Steph 083 289 6611 Dan 073 716 8672 Sarie 076 159 9182 Tel: 015 307 3680 Sel: 076 159 9182 AQUAPARK Townhouse R695 000 MODERNE SIMPLEKS R920 000 PRICE DRASTICALLY REDUCED MET 4 BRAAIKUIKEN EENHEDE 5 Slpkmr woonhuis met 4 badkmr, sitk, eetk, TVk, goed toegeruste kombuis. 2 Slpkmr woonstel. Swembad met braai. Stoorkamer, 2 Reservoirs, 2 boorgate, 112m² stoor. Bediende kwartiere met 3 kamers. CLOSE TO DAM! 2 Bedrooms, 1½ bathrooms. Open plan kitchen, 1 lock-up garage. A must see! This is a new release! NUUT IN DIE MARK! Geleë op eie erf. 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, oopplan kombuis, dubbel motorhuis. Kuier stoep en swembad. ALL THIS ON A 2200m² STAND! 4 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, double garage, 3 big living areas, domestic room, laundry, pantry, study, pool & lapa. R1 200 000 Ansa 083 278 8877 Regina 082 893 5253 Steph 083 289 6611 Hannes 082 853 4055 GOLDEN ACRES WE SELL FARMS 21HA LAST OF WATERFRONT STANDS! 1774m². Ansa 083 278 8877 R1.95m EIENDOM BAIE GESKIK OM BESIGHEID VANAF TE BEDRYF. 600m² huis met 4 slaapkmr en 2 vol badkmrs, lapa met swembad. Rondawel, woonstel, 4 motorhuise. Groot werkswinkel met stoor. AQUAPARK HUIS MET BAIE POTENSIAAL! Groot erf, netjiese 3 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers. Hannes 082 853 4055 Connie 084 581 0743 45.9HA MEDIPARK R4.6m GELEË IN VRUGBARE VALLEI Netjiese 3 slpkmr woonhuis, 3 badkmrs, Sitk, Eetk, TVk, groot stoep, swembad, huise area elektries omhein. Dubbel motorhuis, toegeruste rondawel. Gifkamer & implemente stoor met pak gedeelte. 4 Sement reservoirs - word voorsien van pompstasie op Letaba rivier. 24ha Water toekenning. ±4900 Avobome - Pinkerton, Hazz, Ryan, Fuerte met mikro besproeiing. ±600 Litjiebome - 90% Mauritius. ±2ha Piesangs onder mikro besproeiing, ±200 Makadamias, ±50 Mangobome en 5ha Groente lande. Hannes 082 853 4055 21HA R850 000 DAAR DOER IN DIE BOSVELD! 3 Slaapkamer woonhuis. 3 Rondawels. Toegeruste boorgat. Kitsgras word verbou. Hannes 082 853 4055 R800 000 R1 080 000 4 Bedroom house, study, open plan living rooms, separate scullery, splash pool and stoep. View on the dam! AQUAPARK R1 150 000 A PLACE TO HANG YOUR HEARTS! Needs a little TLC. Huge stand 1309m². 3 Bedrooms plus lock-up garage. Connie 084 581 0743 FLORAPARK Connie 084 581 0743 AQUAPARK Townhouse R595 000 NEW ON THE MARKET! 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, lovely stoep. Lovely to live in or for the investor! Ansa 083 278 8877 Contact us for all your property needs! Regina 082 893 5253 MODERN NUUT EN PRESIES REG GEPRYS! Afwerking rooshout kombuis, 2 spog badkamers met storte. 2 Leefareas, 3 groot slaapkamers. Dubbel motorhuis met hout deure. Regina 082 893 5253 R620 000 HOUSE WITH WELL-KEPT GARDEN! Neat property with 3 bedrooms, single bathroom. Lock-up garage plus a fine braai area. IDEAAL VIR DIE GROOT GESIN 5 Dubbel slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 3 leefareas, ultra groot eikehout kombuis. Aparte opwas. Kuier lapa en swembad. Dubbel motorhuis. Regte Adres In Aquapark R880 000 Ansa 083 278 8877 R820 000 HUIS OP HOEKERF R1 350 000 STAND AVAILABLE FROM R221 000 OUTSTANDING OFFER R1 350 000 PAS IN DIE MARK! 3 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, kombuis, leefarea, eetkamer. Motorhuis. Elektriese hek & alarm. Lieflike tuin met groot swembad. Spog erf 1622m². Regina 082 893 5253 SITUATED IN CBD 2 Title deeds, Zoned business 3. Stand 1 1657m², stand 536m². Possible development for offices, shops, place of refreshment & dwelling units. Steph 083 289 6611 INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY! ARBORPARK P.O.A. FAMILIEHUIS OP GROOT ERF 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 2 leefareas, oopplan kombuis, dubbel motorhuis, tuin en swembad. Regina 082 893 5253 6 X BACHELORS! Rental income of R11 244. You get an 8% return on your investment per annum. PRICE R270 000 each Steph 083 289 6611 Waterfront Stand Golden Acres R800 000 Riverside stands from R330 000 Steph 083 289 6611 BARGAIN! NKOWANKOWA PRICE REDUCED WITH R60 000! 3 Bedrooms, open plan kitchen & lounge. Double garage. BONUS! 2 Bedroom flat! Thomas 084 409 1556 WE SELL PROPERTY IN Giyani, Thohoyandou, Modjadjiskloof , Letsitele & Nkowankowa HOUSE ON A 650M² ERF R580 000 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and living room. Thomas 084 409 1556 STANDS IN LETABA RIVER ESTATE 501m² R184 117 733m² R230 895 Dan 073 716 8672 WE SELL PROPERTY IN Giyani, Thohoyandou, Modjadjiskloof , Letsitele, Nkowankowa and Ga-Kgapane RENTALS l VERHURINGS BATELEUR PARK, AQUAPARK Netjiese 3 slpkmr, 2 badkmr, enkel motorhuis in kompleks. Geen diere! @ R5300 elk W&L uitgslt. H LIS B TA ES ED 58 19 78207 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 10 GERRIT Smit van Speedrite en Eben Kelder, aankoper van Midas na hulle aangekondig as die wenners van die groot prys. PROMOSIES Hier staan Hennie Smit heel regs met die aanbieders van die Trade Show om die Willard prys te oorhandig. ‘Trade Show’ suksesvol ‘n GESLAAGDE ‘Trade Show’ is op 8 Mei in die skousaal vir motoronderdele- en werkswinkels asook klante in die Tzaneen-omgewing gehou. Verskaffers soos o a Bosch, CEF, Champion, Control Instruments, Exide, Ferodo, Gabriel, Loctite, LUK, Fag, Fram, ATE, Beissberth, Monroe, Nuriel, Payen, Quick Brake, Sabat, SKF, Willard, Gud, Ram, Holts en Sachs het hulle produkte uitgestal en kundige raad uitgedeel. Gaste is met eet- en drinkgoed bederf en kon deur die loop van die aand pryse in verskeie kompetisies wen. Die eienaar van Midas, Hennie Smit was die gelukkige wenner van ‘n Kodak kamera wat deur Willard geborg is. Twee van Midas se werknemers, Casper Janse van Rensburg en Alpheus Munzhelele asook ‘n klant, Gerrit Smit van Speedrite het almal deelgeneem aan kompetisies wat gelei het tot die groot prys van die aand. Gerrit het deurgedring tot die finale ronde en kon ‘n vriend (Eben Kelder, aankoper van Tzaneen Midas) roep om hom by te staan. Gerrit het as wenner uitgetree en die ‘Off Road Rally Experience’ gewen. ‘Die Midas-span wens hom geluk en bedank almal wat die aand bygewoon het.’ MIDAS Tzaneen borg een van ons plaaslike tydrendeelnemers, Pieter Pilusa se smeermiddels vir sy motor. ‘Midas Tzaneen is baie trots op hom en wens hom geluk met sy prestasies.’ Op die foto spog hy met sy trofeë, van links: David Mojela, verkoopsman, Pieter Pilusa en Blacky Swartz, bestuurder. Health Members ANMARI owner of Body Matters Health and Beauty Clinic and Yolande Engelbrecht, therapist. A quick fix fat removing plan DO YOU want to get rid of fat? Without pain, no needles, surgery, or clinic bills? Of course! Everybody does. Everybody who has stubborn pockets of fat that seem resistant against all efforts to lose it! The answer is i-Lipo. Yes, the i-Lipo laser system is the answer and it is here in Tzaneen! If you want to deal with your fat problem and you are looking for an advanced, safe and truly effective solution you need not look any further. At Body Matters you can now receive this noninvasive fat reduction treatment. Body Matters Health and Beauty has been in Tzaneen since 1998 and is one of several selected clinics across South Africa where the iLipo body shaping and contouring treatment is available. Contact Anmari Engelbrecht today and find out all about the fantastic opening offer. How does it work? The i-Lipo emits low levels of laser energy and the fat cell membranes are disrupted and release intra-cellular fat. This causes the fat cell to lose its round shape and the cell membrane becomes less permeable. The treatment can be performed on all skin types and body Come and insure your medical aid premium against unforseen circumstances ... and have peace of mind! S IO RS A AR A K L MA KE MA MAKARIOS MAKELAARS / BROKERS Tel: (015) 307 3316 l Fax: (015) 307 3890 E-mail: [email protected] FSP7069 78182 areas where unwanted fat is stored and you can return to your normal daily activities immediately after treatment. Results can bee seen immediately after treatment and is sustainable when used in conjunction with a kj-controlled diet and exercise. The i-Lipo system has been subject to independent clinical studies which have shown this system to be, in some cases, comparable to results achieved by liposuction. This treatment is also painless and completely safe. I-Lipo can target fat in specific problem areas. By positioning the laser pads on the target area such as chin, upper arms, abdomen or thighs, fat can be broken down and removed from that area. Once the cell membranes have been broken, Triglycerides spill out from the broken cell membranes and are released into the interstitial space, where they are slowly transported through the body's natural metabolic functions. This process does not hurt or in anyway harm or affect neighbouring structures like skin cells, blood vessels or peripheral nerves. Light exercise after each treatment can accelerate the breakdown and removal of fat from the area. A course of 8 treatments is recommended over a 4-week-period. This is a huge advantage over diet and exercise alone which can reduce overall body fat but, it cannot shape and contour individual problem areas! i-Lipo is the number one brand in non evasive laser fat reduction and body shaping in Europe today and also won the Best Slimming Device Award at the very prestigious 'Les Victoires de la Beauty' event in Paris France last year. If you are still not convinced go to the website and Garden see for yourself. Maintenance Call the Body MatLandscape ters Health and Beauty Clinic now to Design make your appointIrrigation ment for your free consultation. Less 10% on selected Aloes! Lawn 076 705 6199 015 307 7103 78213 SPAR LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 11 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 12 PROMOSIES/BRIEWE Manage your waste HENK Mienie, Divisional Waste Management Officer of the GTM submitted the follwing article: WITH waste to landfill becoming an ever critical concern the Institute of Waste Management of Southern Africa (IWMSA) calls to attention the necessity for managing all our waste streams, especially that of organic waste. Typically, in South Africa anything from 35% to 40% of all waste that is sent to landfill is organic; that is, of plant or animal origin, and able to be broken down by other living organisms. Stan Jewaskiewitz, President of the IWMSA says “Something that is not often stressed, is that despite the fact that waste may be "organic", once it reaches a landfill and decomposes under anaerobic conditions (where oxygen is not present), it is responsible for producing quantities of methane gas as well as releasing potentially hazardous chemicals into the landfill’s leachate, and thence into the groundwater. “We may think that our biodegradable waste is fairly harmless, but this is a misconception and needs to be brought to the attention of the public. As matters currently stand, our landfills have limited lifespan`s and are becoming oversubscribed, while, for any number of reasons, gas to energy projects are not sufficiently utilised to solve the present problems,” Jewaskiewitz adds. Our first course of action should be to minimise the amount of organic waste that we generate. As a basic example, in our homes, we all have a tendency to stock up on more fruit and vegetables than are adequate for our needs. As a result, many of these food items end up spoiling and have to be thrown away. Of course, there is the increasing need to economise, but we need to bear in mind that sometimes bulk purchases don’t necessarily represent a saving if we simply cannot use the produce before it begins to degrade. Secondly, we must make better use of composting methods wherever possible, correctly separating our waste at source. Organic matter is all too often consigned to the dustbin along with other refuse whilst if separated, both container and organic matter could be recycled. Finally, we must employ the most effective ways of processing what is left behind, for example vermiculture, (worm farms) or Bokashi’s which are an efficient and effective means of producing rich composting material from organic matter, and needn’t take up a large amount of space. Jewaskiewitz concludes: "The alternative management of waste is beginning to garner more interest as an industry, thanks to professionals and entrepreneurial individuals who are truly concerned with the problem at hand, and who are coming up with more and more creative and practical management methods. The IWMSA supports and encourages research and education in this sector and we hope to continue to see innovative solutions being put into practice.” The IWMSA focuses on providing education and training for its members, as well as other interested parties, whether private individuals or government entities. The IWMSA is a non-profit organisation comprising a body of dedicated professionals in their respective fields, who give freely and voluntarily of their time and expertise in order to effectively educate, promote and further the science and practice of waste management. For more information, visit: chromogenex TM The intelligent alternative to Liposuction i-Lipo™ is the latest in laser lipolysis, offering you a way to achieve weight loss! - Affordable - Clinically proven - Fat Reduction - Body Contouring -A slimmer, tighter shape - Non-surgical FDA approved for circumferance reduction. GTM neem water tenkers in ontvangs DIE munisipaliteit het twee 7 000 liter water tenkers, ‘n 12 meter waste compacter en twee Volvo SD 110 DC rollers van Tzaneen Swaarvoertuie aan gekoop. Die watertenker is verlede week by die GTM se werkswinkel afgelewer. Lnr: Daan Oosthuizen en Braam van Deventer oorhandig die sleutels aan Hobson Ndlovu, superindent van die werkswinkel en Thelma Letsoala, ‘n klerk by die werkswinkel. God’s Haven bedank gemeenskap DIE bestuur, inwoners en personeel van God’s Haven tehuis vir bejaardes bedank graag die gemeenskap vir liefde, gebede, ondersteuning en donasies die afgelope week ontvang. Johan en Sanet van Aswegen vir ‘n krat groen bone. Jaco de Wet vir ‘n boks appels en ‘n sak lemoene. Captain Dorego vir maandelikse 5kg gevriesde vis. Tzaneen Cash & Carry vir 5 dosyn eiers en 12,5kg suiker. Mnr Graham vir weeklikse krat piesangs. Universal palets vir ruim donasie van vleis. Forms Media vir maandelikse twee pakke fotostaatpapier. Anoniem vir voorsiening van katkos, kosbakkies, krappaal en katspeelgoed. Dinamus selgroep vir ‘n Kenwood menger, Logic Blender en toiletware. Welmart Elektries vir komkommers. Adriaan en Santie Willems vir aartappels en brood. Anoniem vir 10 liter vars melk. Laerskool Dr Annecke vir kerrie & rys en vrugte. Dinamus Gemeenskaps gemeente vir heerlike kolwyntjies en nougat op Moedersdag. ZZ2 vir ‘n krat tamaties. Tina Taljaard wat ons weekliks met tuis gemaakte nagereg bederf. Christa Koekemoer van die Tzaneen Belly Dancing Groep, baie dankie vir die ruim fondsinsameling. ALGEMEEN LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 DRUMS, a tambourine, paint, canvas, toys, puzzles, colouring books and crayons, some yummy snacks with cold drinks and wire cars for the set up, was part of the day. ABSTRACT Creations uses colour, music and fun activities to engage children in exploring their own creativity. Things such as playing drums, where even children as young as 2 years learned to play the tambourine and drumming to the beat. Down Syndrome Day celebrated ORCA Swimming Academy, Enviro Wire Cars and Abstract Creations together with Down Syndrome -Limpopo celebrated World Down Syndrome Fun Day on April 14. The day was held under a colourful canopy of lycra and steel constructed by Abstract Creations, a day full of happiness and fun filled laughter started. Orca Swimming Academy, Enviro Wire Cars and Abstract Creations have been organizing a fun day for the Nkowankowa, Phalaborwa and N'wamitwa area’s children with down syndrome over the past couple of months. On arrival at 08:00 at the Apostolic Faith Mission of South Africa in N'wamitwa they started unloading the fun! Drums, a tambourine, paint, canvas, toys, puzzles, colouring books and crayons, some yummy snacks with cold drinks and wire cars for the set up, was part of the day. While the meeting for the selection of the steering committee was taking place, with Motsiri Motseo, who is the outreach co-ordinator for local communities, we had the honour of having fun with 34 Down Syndrome children and their siblings, who are always there to assist them, all playing outside with educational toys and soft toys, painting to their hearts content, building puzzles, colouring, rope jump, netball and driving Wire Cars. Enviro Wire Cars use these wire cars as an extremely creative instrument stimulating almost all aspects of growth in a child. PAGE 13 The children enjoy focused physical activity while having great fun on their own, running behind their cars learning all kinds of realistic driving skills, where they familiarise themselves with driving, they are responsible for keeping the car in motion, controlling and handling. They learn to make choices independently while driving their own car, in their own world, stimulating imagination and much more. Imagining themselves as grown-ups driving their cars as they go through all kinds of terrain being physically active, learning to judge distance and are exposed to excellent hand-eye and body co-ordination skills. Exercise stimulates blood flow to brain and all parts of the body, bone growth and muscle strength. Running outside provides more oxygen for the child hence stimulating lung development. Continued on p 16... POCAHONTAS (Nompumelelo Mncwango.) ABEDNICCO Malatji dressed up as Lucky Luke. Library celebrates World Book Day PRINCESS Aurora (Florina Nkwana) handing out a book bag to a shopper at the Tzaneng Mall. ON World Book Day this year - annually celebrated on April 23 (Shakespeare's birthday), Tzaneen Library staff dressed up as characters from books and handed out bookmarks and book bags at the Tzaneng Mall. Shoppers were amused by the colourful library staff members in fancy dress and pleasantly surprised by the handy gifts. The characters were: Pocahontas; Esmerelda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame; Lucky Luke; Lady Macbeth; Bob the Builder; Barbie dressed in a cowboy outfit, the granny from ‘My Ouma is 'n Rockster’ and Princess Aurora. Posters with the slogan "Read: Embrace tomorrow" brought home the World Book Day message for 2012. You are welcome to collect a poster for your office. Go sell your goods for the next two weeks with an affordable stall for only R160. The organizers decide on this special tariff to attract more stalls for Tzaneen's very own first flea market. Flea market hours will be from 09:00 to 15:00. CHILDREN learn to make choices independently while driving their own car in their own world stimulating imagination and much more. Allen Rieser emphasized that the flea market is a community project aimed at a sustainable, economically viable initiative and that the community as a whole should take co-ownership of this venture. We are open to negotiations to buy goods for cash to be sold at the flea market. For more information and bookings phone Allen on 082 878 1692 or Sandy on 082 321 7719 or (015) 307-6448. 78280 Since 1968 GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP! CARPET & DECOR fre e CENTRE quotations! Tel: 015 292 2219 9 Iran Avenue Superbia Polokwane 78231 This regular flea market kicked off in the roof parking of the Tzaneng Mall two weeks ago, but the organizers have immediately announced changes to make sure of the success and sustainability of this project. The roof parking is too big and removed from our potential shoppers. Thanks to the kind cooperation of the Tzaneng Mall management, we will now move to the bottom parking near Morkels as from this Saturday. Allen Rieser, event organizer said by moving it downstairs, it will ensure that most Mall shoppers will also visit the flea market. [email protected] PAGE 14 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PICK & PAY PICK & PAY LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei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riday 18 May 2012 PAGE 16 MODELLE wat deelgeneem het aan die matriekafskeid expo. Vlnr: Clayton Wiggill, Crystal Brougham-Cook, Leandri Schreiber (afrigter) Renet van Braakel (Mode konsultant), Lizelle Cronje (ontwerper) Bianca Combrink, Bernadine du plessis, Katie Morgets, Jaco Venter en Israel Blackburn. Voor is Sumari du Plessis en Bernice Cronje. MARI du Plessis van Forms Media by hulle boom. Matriek expo, modeparade suksesvol se belly dansers, Ferdi Nel vir die musiek, Tzaneen Country Lodge vir die venue en Hoërskool Merensky vir die verkoop van die kaartjies. Dan `n baie groot dankie aan die Amone modelle en die wat deel uitgemaak het van die mode parade. Skakel 076 423 4192 vir enige navrae, of bespreking van modelle vir funksies. AMONE Modelling Academy wil almal hartlik bedank wat die matriek ekspo en modeparade bygewoon het. "Julle bydrae en belangstelling word opreg waardeer. Verder wil ons ook graag die volgende persone bedank: Lizelle Cronje vir haar pragtige skeppings, Renet van Braakel, vir haar insiggewende praatjie, Desert Roses ’n BOOM vir skadu. Die Letaba Rugbyklub het ook ‘n boom geplant tydens die Expo se boomplantdag. Links staan Gawie du Plessis en regs, Dippies de Beer. PAUL du Toit van Lannie motors staan by sy pasgeplante boom. Down Syndrome Day celebrated Continued from p 13... Abstract Creations uses colour, music and fun activities to engage children in exploring their own creativity. Things such as playing drums, where even children as young as 2 years learned to play the tambourine and drumming to the beat. ‘We would like to thank all our kind hearted parents and community members. Due to all our sponsorships we were able to provide all the Down's kids with a fun filled day. We would like to thank the following people for: Kate and Tayla - canvas to paint on, Istelle -snacks, juice, cups, plates and colouring pencils, Precious & Sagwati - Cash donation, clothing & shoes, Cathy, Carmen & Peighton -clothing, Marsha, Brigette & Clarissa -soft toys, Nadia & Shana - Toys, Natashia & Edrich Toys & clothing, Patty & Langa shoes, Paul & Dineo - cash donation.Willem & Adam from Mental Health Limpopo - paint, juice, col- ouring pencils & books and Premjee Cash and Carry for sweets.’ Many thanks for these generous gifts they definitely put a smile on a little child's face and gave happiness to remember. Please feel free to donate any second hand clothing (ages newborn - adults), shoes, toys, blankets, puzzles, games, balls, paper, paint, canvas and crayons. Juice, biscuits and snacks, maize meal, bread and Sheba, mince or any other foodstuffs would also be greatly appreciated. We are already planning the next play day for DS Limpopo and it will be held in the next 3 to 6 months. For donations or sponsorships please contact Eloise Olckers: [email protected] or 082 923 7931. Donations can be also be dropped off at 2nd Avenue nr 14, Tzaneen Mondays to Thursdays between 09:00 and 17:00. HULP is een telefoon oproep ver! Pieter Geldenhuys Drugwise Geestes- gesondheid 083 448 7178 Doreen Lemmer Terapeut 083 548 2235 Debbie Kayser Terapeut (okkulte) 083 417 9550 Sjandre Terblanche Berader 082 780 0734 Dr. Gary Middleton Geneesheer 015 307 7575 Anza van Vuuren 082 808 3204 Onderwysverwant VAN die skoukomitee ede saam met Tzaneen Info se personeel by hulle pasgeplante boom. Sewentig bome vir sewentig jare SEWENTIG bome vir 70 jaar. Vrydag 11 Mei het 37 besighede, organisasies en lede van die publiek met ywerige groenvingers hul groen nalatenskap vir die Tzaneen Skouterrein verseker. 'n Laning van koorsbome by die hoofingang van die terrein, is een van die vele planne op die Letaba Expo bestuurspan se 'doen-lysie' ter voorbereiding van vanjaar se Letaba Expo. Daar is meestal koorsbome geplant, maar 'n paar rooi essenhout- én wilde mangobome is ook by verskeie geidentifiseerde plekke op die terrein geplant. Boomborge het besighede soos Pro-Group, Lannie Motors, Letaba Herald, Kruger, Nagel & De Jager ingesluit en selfs die op-en-wakker kleuterskool "Trippe-trappe Drome" het met hul plastiekgrafies kom deelneem aan die dag se boomplant-pret. "Dink net... my kleinseun Liam Wagenaar gaan eendag saam met sy kinders onder sy boom wat ek vandag vir hom geplant het, die expo geniet," vertel ouma Elize Botha trots. Elke instansie, besigheid of persoon wat 'n boom plant, kry 'n bronsplaatjie wat op die boom aangebring word,. In totaal gaan daar 70 bome regoor die skouterrein geplant word, juis omdat die skou vanjaar 70 word. "Baie dankie vir al ons boom-borge, Kabod vir die plaatjies, die plant-span, al die gewillige helpende hande en elkeen wat saam met ons die Letaba Expo 2012 groen-jas aantrek," sê Melissa Strydom. Die projek is van stapel gestuur onder leiding van Melissa Strydom, Lize de Beer, Liezl Wagenaar, Marcelle- en Martin Basson en Adriaan Jacobz. Daar is nog 33 bome beskikbaar vir diegene wat wil deelneem aan die volgende plantgeleentheid. Skakel gerus die skoukantoor, of besoek die Letaba Expo faceboekbladsy. 'n Ou Sjinese spreekwoord lui: "As jy één dag gelukkig wil wees, koop vir jou 'n bottel wyn. As jy 'n week lank gelukkig wil wees, kry vir jou 'n vrou. As jy jou lewe lank gelukkig wil wees, plant 'n boom." Baie dankie vir elkeen van die volgende besighede, persone en organisasies wat hul lewensgeluk met die Letaba Expo deel: " Houers, Pro Group, Forms Media, Tzaneen Info, Liezl Wagenaar en Ouma Elize Botha (Liam-se-boom,) Letaba Expo, Mahela Boerdery, Merensky Hoërskool, Bambanani kontrakteurs, Kabod, LFPA, Riaan Barnard, Trippie Trappe Drome, Lannie Motors, Letaba Herald, CIS, Lilly Blue, Medi Clinic, X-Trale, Lancet, Paint Pot, George Lourens, Sakekamer, Sakekamer, Stanford Lake Collage, Jalati Bouers, Kruger Nagel & de Jager, Dinamus Kerk, Agri Letaba, Letaba Rekenmeesters, Letaba Rugby Klub, Shirlock, Jalati Bouers, Sasol, Tzaneen Rotariers. Registered t Counsellors b e D 083 307 3790 Carel Mouton PIETER Vorster van Mahela boerdery by hulle boom. Financially Strained & Struggling? We can assist you to: - Restructure your debt payments to fit your budget - Stop repossession / legal action - Communicate with your creditors on your behalf - Provide complete confidentiality 78212 Tel: (015) 307 3790 Sel: (083) 307 3790 MEUBILEERDERS 34 Danie Joubert Street, Tzaneen NCRDC75 Posbus 44 Tzaneen 0850 Are you looking to work in a dynamic environment? Do you have exceptional communication skills? Know what it means to give outstanding customer service? Then we have the perfect opportunity for you. We are looking for a dynamic energetic and confident SALES ADVISOR 78215 Substance Abuse Prevention Centre FURNISHERS In terms of: Middelafhanklikheidsentrum E-mail: [email protected] GEM Contact Annerien or Pamela 015 307 1828 Drop your CV at the above address or e-mail to: [email protected] or fax to: 015 307 2128 78255 SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 17 Laerskool Tzaneen se bulletjies draf uit vir Letaba THE senior soccer team of Ben Vorster High School played against Helmeg Academy on Wednesday, May 9. Ben Vorster High School won the match 2 -1. Karabo Mookamedi scored the first goal but Helmeg equalized a few minutes later. Then Blessings Shikwambana came from the bench to score the winning goal for Ben Vorster. The Vossies are very proud of this team. Zani’s presteer Unicorn show off talent during Eisteddfod Mfumo now Limpopo striker A RISING soccer talent from Unicorn Preparatory School, Mfumo Mongwe recently took part in the Limpopo trials in Polokwane and was selected to join the Limpopo u/13 side as a striker. Mfumo is making big waves in the local soccer scene and has already attracted the attention of several influential figures, keep your eyes on him as he promises to have a bright future in soccer. Sestien Vossies in Lim-netbalspan ate. The Intersen Phase (grades 4-7) also held the school’s name up high, earning various Diamond and Double Diamond awards. The adjudicators were full of praise for Unicorn’s contribution to this year’s talent pool and were impressed and delighted by the children’s renditions of their chosen poems. Congratulations to all these children and the dedicated teachers who coached them until they were reciting verses in their sleep! Bookkeeping for small to medium sized businesses! Ons is die beste verskaffer en vervoer van SAND en KLIP Beste pryse in die dorp! Premier Sand & Klip Tzaneen Org Steenkamp 073 681 5796 - Pastel Bookkeeping to Trail Balance - Pastel Payroll - UIF Management - Scanning of docs on edoc system - Typing of documents 083-234-6484 Netbal meisies speel vir Limpopo DIE meisies van Laerskool Tzaneen is opgeneem in die Limpopo netbalspanne wat gedurende Julie aan die All Ages kompetisie gaan deelneem. Voor: 0/12, Lara Oosthuizen, Lerato Hutamo. Agter: 0/13, Paula Ntuli, Elzanne Engelbrecht, Ndavi Nokeri. PICABUS 254 bied 'n besigheidsgeleentheid aan entrepeneurs om 'n agentskap te bekom wat spesialiseer in die brou van bier met die teikenmark die lae inkomste groepe regoor Suid-Afrika. Die regte agent sal oor die nodige verspreidings netwerk beskik. Pakkette vanaf R20 000. Skakel gerus 083-475-9214 of 083-281-9407 epos: [email protected] 78245 SAVF Tzaneen Kleuterskool VAKANTE POS 4-5 Jaar Gekwalifiseerde Onderwyseres. Grondslagfase. Begin Junie 2012. Werksure: 07:00 - 13:30 en Maandae tot 14:30 Voordele: 13de Tjek, pensioen en 45 dae verlof 78211 DIE Limpopo netbalproewe het op 5 Mei plaasgevind te PHS Polokwane. Die volgende spelers van Hoërskool Ben Voster is verkies: 0/18: Clara Olivier; Celia Loubser; Adelle Adriaanse, afrigter: Charmaine Beetge. 0/17: Edwina Manyike en Khataza Mbohombi. 0/16: Precious Mhlari; Katie Morgets; Tsholofelo Bulala; Khanyisa Chawane; Iseldri Janse van Rensburg. 0/15: Nadine Engelbrecht; Nicola Liversage; Vanessa Mkhabela; Thandeka Mathye; Carmen Botha en Nsuku Makelane. A LARGE contingent of learners from Unicorn Preparatory School took part in the annual Eisteddfod and continued the school’s tradition of cultural excellence. Numerous learners took part in their individual capacities and achieved various outstanding results. Each class in the school (two per grade) also entered the Choral Verse competition, where large groups recite poems together. The Foundation Phase (grades R-3) shone out, with every entry achieving a Diamond Certific- TYDENS die Zani's ritmiese gimnastiek kompetisie, (Zani"s takke teen mekaar in Polokwane) het Zanis's Tzaneen baie goed presteer. 11 meisies het deelgeneem waarvan 8 gekwalifiseer het vir die SA Club Nationals in Johannesburg. Vlak 1 van links: Antoinette Bredenkamp, Lee Riley (Tou 2de, algeheel 4de), Heidi Katzke, Elandri Janse van Rensburg, Annebelle Schwab, Ann Riley. 78191 Vossie soccer score goals DIE volgende seuns van Laerskool Tzaneen is in die Letabaspan opgeneem en het op 11 en 12 Mei aan die finale rugbyproewe deelgeneem. Voor: Die 0/12 seuns: John Naude, Roehan Steenkamp, Nchenso Hosana, Nkateko Tiba, Gideon Vorster, Pitman Opperman. Agter: Die 0/13 seuns: Dillow Herendoefer, Comfort Shingange, Framco Oberholzer, Barend Lombard, Werner Roets, Johan Ehlers. [email protected] Aansoeke sluit: Maandag 21 Mei 2012 Kontak Annette Eastes 015 307 4255 78225 Packhouse Manager MOPANI FRUIT PACKERS Qualification: • Diploma or degree in agriculture • Bilingual (English/Afrikaans) Experience: The applicant must have the following: • 3 Years experience in packhouse management • Product/technical knowledge in on or all of the following: avocado’s, litchi’s, guava’s and macadamias. • Computer literacy skill in Excel, MS Word, Paltrack and agriport. • Experience in dealing with suppliers and customers. Job Function (7h30-17h00) • Responsible for general management of entire packing facility, including daily operations, management of labour, procurement of liaison with producers and preparation of budgets. Please note: The applicant must be motivated, a team player, responsible, tolerant, pro-active and portray a positive attitude. Must be willing to develop skills. Applicants CV must be forwarded to Anita Winnan: [email protected] CV’s handed in after 16h30 on Monday 21/05/2012 will not be considered. 78273 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 18 0006 Church Services AGS VAN SA, ZWARIRIRYLAAN, MODJADJISKLOOF Pastoor: Johan P i e t e r s e 082-925-8746 Kantoor/ faks: 015-309-9275 / Sel nr: 079-509-1500 Visevoorsitter: Adriaan Badenhorst 082-850-2166 Tienerkerk: Gr8 - 12 8h30 Oggenddiens: 09h00 Kinderkerk: 3jr - Gr R; Gr1 - Gr7 Tydens diens. S e l g r o e p : Woensdagaand Kerksaal 18h30 YM001597 AIDS CENTRE S.A.I.M.R. Education, training, resources, referrals, counselling, company policies and consulting. Tel: 011-725-0511 011-725-3009 011-725-6651 YM001596 CHRIST EMBASSY GIYANI Cheap cheap complex. Giyani town. Contacts: 072-979-6943/ 071-526-1079/ 082-365-1303 Family Transformation Centre Old Gravelotte Rd, opp Fairview Lodge, Tzaneen. Courses are run throughout the year relating to Pre-marriage, Marriage, Parenting, Divorce Care for adults and children, Grief Share and Personal Growth. Contact Maryna at 015-307-2527 or 015-307-4729 YM001598 HAENERTSBURG CHRISTIAN CHURCH 7 Rissik Street. Sunday Morning Services 09:00 W e d n e s d a y Evenings Cell Meetings 19:00 Ps. ian Loughoro Clarke. E n q u i r i e s 015-276-1111 YM001638 HERVORMDE KERK LETSITELE Oggend dienstye: Sondae 9 uur by Laerskool Dr Annecke. Bybelstudie: Woensdae oggende 9 uur. 082-808-0802 YM001600 YM001629 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e Phalaborwa. C o n t a c t s : 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 YM001630 PPK PINKSTER LIGHUIS Tzaneen. H/V Pearlman - en Frank May straat, Premierpark. Dienstye: Sondag: 9:30 Oggenddiens en Kinderkerk 18:00 Aanddiens Woensdag: 19:00 Biduur. Kontakpersoon: Pastoor B. Wilken 083-717-4043 p a s t o r i e 015-307-1111 YM001611 CHRIST EMBASSY PHALABORWA Sir Val Dunken. Technical Institution N a m a k g a l e Phalaborwa. C o n t a c t s : 078-703-0367/ 082-963-2294/ 072-299-1572 YM001631 Rent a store in Tzaneen. Lockup containers @ R 500 p/month. fully secured Mohamed 082 639 7786 HERVORMDE KERK TZANEEN Eensgesind in die geloof tot eer van God. Eredienste elke Sondag 9vm. Skakel 015-307-4508 YM001601 HOPE METHODIST CHURCH Modjadjieskloof (Duiwelskloof) Boltman Street Sunday Service: 08:30 Tuesday ladies meeting: 09:30 W e d n e s d a y Fellowship: 19:30 Contact Pastor Attie & Liz Botha Tel: 015-309-8594 YM001616 MOUNTAIN OF THE LORD MINISTRIES Come let us bow down in worship. Psalm 95:6 A prayer meeting, for everyone who has a need, or needs the peace of God. A new church is being established in Tzaneen. You think church is boring? Being hurt by the church? Had challenges and stopped believing in God? And etc. Jesus is the answer. Jesus wants to meet you, and transform your life. Sundays. Venues: no 2 fees street Sanloo Manor. Tzaneen. Time 12:30 - 2:30 pm. more info, call Desmond 082-901-3869. Email: mydesdes YM001613 SHEKINAH HOUSE We`re about loving God & loving people! Services: 9:00 & 18:00, 9:00 Children`s Church, 12:00 Sotho/Shangaan service. Where we are: 10 Manorvlei, Old Gravelotte Rd, Tzaneen. Pastor Bryan Varrie/Pastor Rassie Pretorius 015-307-4729 015-307-6954 Affiliated "THE C H R I S T I A N NETWORK" CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS Wanted I`m looking for a job as a domestic worker. I can sleep in or out. phone Domestic worker. I can P l e a s e 082-068-0396 cook and look after YM001757 children. Sleep out. 071-4173478 Wanted EW000344 I`m looking for a job as I am looking for a job a domestic worker. I and I am interested in can sleep in or out. I typing, cashier and can speak English. phone personal assistance. I P l e a s e have the following 083-338-2977 083-338-2997 qualifications: Matric EW000332 and National Diploma in Management of Wanted Training. I`m looking for a job as 073-234-6752 a domestic worker. I EW000358 can sleep out. I can I am looking for a job as speak English domestic worker. I can Please phone 072 647 sleep in or out. 1858 YM001770 079-618-4190 0008 Employment Wanted Pretoria! Selfsorg oornag fasiliteite. Drie ster. Sentraal. Waterkloof /monumentpark omgewing. K o n t a k 072-148-6900 YM001561 Te huur Skoon en netjiese selfsorg woonstelle en kamers te huur. Pretoria op daaglikse basis. Veilige parkering. Reg van toegang voorbehou. S k a k e l YM001599 012-807-3272. N a - u r e ST. PETERS 012-804-2761 ANGLICAN EW000341 B e d a g s o f CHURCH Werk gesoek / Cnr of Agatha and I am looking for a job as Ek soek werk om 0 8 2 - 5 5 6 - 3 3 8 0 'J Hermanus Street. domestic worker. Sleep Doring Draad, Ogies 082-821-2946 YM001620 mr Chris. draad en Elektriese Services e a c h out. Ref. 079-880-4904 Sunday at 09:15 am. EW000340 draad te span. Wegbreekplek For more details tel I am looking for a job as Kontak 073-131-7103 YM001781 O p soek na 015-307-3534 nc messenger, tea lady wegbreekplek reg YM001602 and office cleaner. Ref 44 JARIGE MAN langs Tzaneen dam? Elizabeth 073 792 9989 OPSOEK NA ENIGE S k o o n , netjiese 079-436-5936 ADMINISTRASIE a k k o m m o d a s i e 0007 EW000343 WERK. HET KODE8 beskikbaar. Skakel Employment I am looking for B E S T U U R D E R S 083-304-0172. domestic work. I can L I S E N S I E . YM001622 HET look after children. ONDERVINDING IN ADMIN POST Monday to Friday. D E B I T E U R E Admin experience, 078-984-9162 0016 EN Computer literite, EW000342 /KREDITEURE Professional R E K E N A A R honest, h a r d I`m looking for a job, the Services working. English and kind of job I`m GELETTERD. HET Afrikaans. Matric. interested in is cashier OOK B GRAAG IN APPROVED Must be able to work or receptionist. I`m a SEKURITEIT. THATCH ROOFS, hard worker. I have KONTAK DAWIE flexible hours. HARVEY ROOFS, c e r t i f i c a t e , 076-568-3960 Email cv t o matric WOODEN DECKS, YM001657 computer literacy and pernille.pringle WOODPLASTIC licence. no driver`s DECKING & JUNGLE 071-824-6368 0009 later than 21 May EW000359 GYMS. CALL WALT AT Money 2012 082-872-5530 Sarah soek werk, sy YM001773 JH POTGIETER BOUERS BK We are currently looking for a Qualified Diesel Mechanic to work on our trucks and e a r t h m o v i n g equipment. All Certificates and relative documents to accompany CV. Please fax CV and relative documents to 015-793-2356 Closing Date: 30 May 2012 ••Please note if you do not hear from us within 2 weeks consider your a p p l i c a t i o n unsuccessful. kan kombuiswerk doen, huis skoonmaak, wasgoed was en stryk en kinders oppas. Sy kan ook in die tuin werk. Sy praat Afrikaans. Het `n brief van vorige werkgewer. 076-221-0277 YM001695 EW000336 Vir enige nutsman-, loodgieters- of restourasiewerk S K A K E L 076-881-0503 YM001548 INSTANT CASH We buy gold jewelery in any condition for cash. Call us on 082-780-6001 YM001648 Wanted I am looking for a job as a domestic. Sleep in. MONEY MONEY Mon - Fri. I can look MONEY after children. Loans from Call 072-464-0263 YM001756 Wanted I am looking for a job YM001769 as a Domestic worker or any MANAGER POST General work. Manager skills will be Call 076 455 4378 YM001784 a d v a n t a g e s , computer literite. Wanted honest, h a r d I am looking for a job as working. English and a Domestic Workeror Afrikaans. Matric. Office cleaner. Sleep Must be able to work out. Contact 082-674-8165 flexible hours. YM001782 Email cv to Wanted pernille.pringle no I am looking for a job later than 21 May as a gardener or any general work. 2012 YM001774 Call 076-670-7604 / 076-490-4078 YM001785 Vakante Pos Wanted Betroubare Persoon gesoek om `n I am looking for a part t r a d i s i o n e l e time work from 14:00. I have a computer Restaurant t e Literacy diploma and bestuur. Aangename two years experience werksomstandihede. as a data capture claerk Vir Afspraak skakel and cashier. Call 082-060-3571 083-275-8346 YM001731 YM001634 Affordable Loans Monthly earners only. Up to R15.000.00 C a l l / S M S 015-307-5625 /078-160-9606 YM001787 R1000.00 up to R100,000.00 Approval within 10 minutes. Blacklisted and Garnishee orders welcome, refer a friend and receive commision. C o n t a c t 015-307-3359 YM001642 0015 Accommodation LETABA REKENMEESTERS Finansiële State, a l l e Belastingsopgawes, Belastingadvies, Boedelberedding,NCR Registrasie, Oprigting van BK`s, Trust en Maatskappye, Debietorder Stelsel, Agente vir VIP Payroll. Professionele Rekenmeesters(SA). Skakel Jaco De Wet 082-804-4158 of 015-307-6202/3 Ahead in Plumbing All plumbing work! Will beat any written quote! H E N K 071-063-4983 YM001696 ALGEMENE HERSTELWERK: HANDYMAN Algemene Bouwerk. Alle tipe verf en teëlwerk. Daklekkasies, omheinings, diefwering, draad, ens. Alle tipe Loodgieter werk. Skakel vir `n gratis k w o t a s i e 082-875-5580 Tino Ceronio alle ure of 082-651-6211 YM001603 CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING The Clean Team - In Tzaneen since 2000. We also clean vehicles, rugs, office chairs etc. Also: Masterguard. You know us and our service!! Call today: Yvonne / Eugene: 071-783-7112 or 081-301-6018 YM001632 A d d i s i o n e l e Rekeningkunde GRAAG 8-12 / A d d i t i o n a l Accounting Grade 8-12 Adri Jacobs 083-679-0562 YM001614 WOODII THE WOOD PERFECT PEOPLE! W O O D I I SPECIALS!!!! Solid saligna doors and Frames. Tel: 015-307-5210. E-mail: info YM001797 Martie`s Sewing For all general sewing works. Any Alteration on clothes, Hem`stitch of clothes, Making of all kinds of Pillows; standard, Queen size and King size. Button sewing, Zips, Making of tablecloths, ect. Contact Martie 071-401-6425 YM001646 YM001777 Akkomodasie in Pretoria Gastehuis in Monumentpark, naby snelweg, bied volledig toegeruste en-suite kamers teen uiters billike tariewe. Naby hospitale, klinieke en oppad na lughawe. Skakel Mari by 072-148-6900 vir beprekings. "WAAR DIE TZANEENERS TUIS VOEL" EW000269 ENRICO`S INSTALLATION AFKAP EN WEGRY For DSTV. Antenna, Van bome en vullis! DVD & Surround Skakel M a r i n d a Sound Systems. For 082-651-6211 YM001604 Quality service. Call Enrico @ 083-582-2442 WOODCOCK YM001609 CARPENTRY GRASDAKKE F u r n i t u r e HARVEY DAKKE, renovations. Colonial HOUT DEKKE, kitchen units. Built in HOUTPLASTIEK cupboards. DEKKE & KLIMRAME. P H O N E SKAKEL WALT BY 078-608-2511 082-872-5530 EW000356 YM001625 LOODGIETER: Flinke Diens •Afslag vir pensioenarisse. Skakel Reyno R o s s o u w : 082-322-8992 015-307-4063 of 082-550-1357 YM001605 THE DRAIN SURGEON - (No job too deep, too dark, or too dirty) / THE ELECTRO CLINIC (Quick as a wink) Tel: +27(0) 15 793 0792 Cell: 083-307-9258 Fax: 086-671-9848 Email: r e t h a d r e y e r @ 82 Duiker St Hoedspruit 1380 EXPERT PLUMBING S E R V I C E S 0861-758-6237 EXPERT ELECTRICAL S E R V I C E S 0861-353-28742 YM001628 DASS 015-307-1798 082-898-0468 Refrigeration & Air conditioning. Speed Queen - Whirlpool Defy. Service, Spare & Repairs to all makes of domestic appliances. 11 Plantation Rd. Tzaneen. We collect and deliver. YM001640 0017 Services JOU BESIGHEID SE BOEKE; KOPSEER OF VREUGDE? By Maritel doen ons: •Boeke tot op finale proef (bank, kleinkas, debiteure, krediteure en alle gepaardgaande rekonsiliasie) •Bestuurstate •BTW, alle fasette (Boere wat mark toe stuur baie welkom) •U.I.F. (Werkloosheids versekering) •NS! Doen ook Pastel opleiding met `n verskil, prakties by die werkplek. Groot sukses!! Skakel nou vir Marie by 072-409-7057 YM001633 W O O D E N W I N D O W S T Z A N E E N 015-307-2672 W O O D E N P R O D U C T S GARAGE DOORS, W I N D O W S , SLIDING DOORS. T Z A N E E N 015-307-2672 YM001791 Tzaneen Country Lodge Onvergeetlike troues/ Funksies/ Jaareind funksies by Tzaneen Country Lodge. Pryse en spyskaarte vir elke begroting. Skakel Sandra 015-304-3290/ 078-021-5455 YM001618 TEA GARDEN Mangela Teetuin en Diereplaas. Kinder partytjies elke dag 9h00 tot 17h00. Skakel Christelle 084-504-4022 YM001619 0018 Entertainment Pastoor Wynand Minnaar van die AGS-gemeente Hoedspruit bied Pinksterdienste aan b y d i e AGS-gemeente Modjadjiskloof om 1 9 h 0 0 o p Maandagaand 28 M e i t o t Woensdagaand 30 Mei 2012. Almal is baie welkom. Vir verdere inligting skakel asb Pastoor Johan Pieterse 082-925-8746 EW000361 CLASSIFIEDS 0019 Pets Corner BULL TERRIERS KRUIS HONDJIES PA 100% OPREGTE BULL TERRIER. MA 50% BUL TERRIER EN 50% JACK RUSSEL. KLEUR: BRINDEL. 5 REUNS EN EEN TEEF. I N G E ë N T , ONTWURM EN ONTVLOOI. 7 WEKE OUD. R500.00 ELK. KONTAK CHRIS 082-924-2681 EW000351 Miniatuur Worsies Ons drie seuns is skelmpies in my miesies se dubbelbed gebore! Nou is ons reg om nuwe mensies se voete warm te hou. Kontak anneke 082-431-1515 YM001788 LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 VERVOER & VERPAK VAN MEUBELS SKAKEL MELODY VIR KWOTASIE 015-345-1192/ 084-627-0956/ 076-410-9503/ 082-851-7139 epos: troktrek w e b : www.steynbergmeubel YM001644 Pragtige Pekinese Hondjies te koop. K o n t a k Vragmotors te huur 079-501-6544 YM001775 - 1 x 8ton; 2 x 4ton. Vervoer tussen Pragtige Pekinese T z a n e e n , Hondjies te koop. P o l o k w a n e , K o n t a k Phalaborwa, Giyani, 079-501-6544 Hoedspruit en Louis YM001721 Trichardt. Deel vragte indien Rottweiler puppies moontlik. Betroubaar for sale: en verseker goeie P e d i g r e e d , diens. Kontrakte registered a n d welkom. inocculated. Ready E a s y Trans for their new home 082-483-8996 of from 26 April 2012. 082-677-9973 YM001795 Contact Steve 083-305-8084 EW000349 0023 2X PURE BRED Properties for Sale YORKIE PUPPIES FOR SALE: Will be ready to go to their new homes on HUIS TE KOOP 21.05.2012. 1 Boy R2500.00 / 1 Girl Sangirostraat no 3. Woonhuis met 3 R3000.00 slaapkamers. Goeie 076-830-7406 EW000348 huurinkomste. Groot erf. Prys R1 miljoen. Skakel Rachel by 0020 015-307-1035 of Transport / Taxis 083-458-4744 / Couriers MEUBELVERVOER Vervoer en verpak van meubels landswyd sowel as plaaslik. Marlien 083-252-8928 YM001617 SHUTTLE SERVICE Between Tzaneen and Pretoria every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We also shuttle to OR Tambo. Marinda 082-410-5836 YM001623 TRUCK FOR RENT For all your transport needs I have a truck for you to use with a driver. Closed. Cost effective. C o n t a c t 072-887-3419 for more info YM001764 CLASSIFIEDS OFFICES TO LET OFFICE TO LET IN CBD OF TZANEEN ( D A N I E JOUBERTSTREET), AVAILABLE NOW. 41,75m. C O N T A C T 015-307-1000 FOR INFO. YM001558 YM001645 VERVOER/ TRANSPORT Steynberg trok & trekker 8x8 ton trokke te huur. R16.00/km + BTW & 25 Ton @ R23 /km + BTW eenrigting. Skakel vir kwotasie: 076-410-9503/ 082-851-7139 of 015-345-1192/ 084-627-0956 YM001768 For sale: 2 Bedroom duplex flat with 1 garage. Situated next to dam entrance in Aqua Vista security c o m p l e x . R680.000.00 079-509-1071 FLORAPARK 3 Bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. 1140m stand. R795.000 R e f i l w e : 082-047-2848 ____________________________________________________ FLORAPARK 2 Bedrooms, 1 bathroom, single garage. Braai area. Beautiful garden, quiet area. R630.000 Refilwe: 082-047-2848 ____________________________________________________ LETABA RIVER ESTATE STANDS Security village in Aquapark. Only Few stands left! From R220.000. R e f i l w e : 082-047-2848 ____________________________________________________ LUSHOF 2 Ha. Groot netjiese gemoderniseerde p l a a s h u i s ; W o o n s t e l . Kinderparadys R 1 6 5 0 . 0 0 0 Saartjie:082-509-2178 ____________________________________________________ MACADAMIA Fase 1. 2 Slaapkamer, 2 Badkamer, 2 Stoepe en Dubbelgarage. Pragtige tuin. R 1 1 5 0 . 0 0 0 S a a r t j i e : 082-509-2178 ____________________________________________________ HASIVONA 21 Ha ongerepte natuur, geen water, Geen krag. Pragtige uitsig oor bosveld. R280.000 Martin 083-480-3283 ____________________________________________________ DIEPKLOOF 4.5 Ha. Ou huis. 4/4 Bakkie ingesluit! R760.000 Martin 083-480-3283 YM001789 YM001783 In Phalaborwa, naby Krugerhek en Lughawe. 3 Slaapkamers, geteelde vloere. Solide rooshout k o m b u i s . Swembad en Lapa. Ommuur en dubbel garage. Prys: R680.000.00 onderhandelbaar. Enige iemand wat sukkel met verband kan gehelp word. S k a k e l 072-967-6262 of email: 0797905820 YM001776 0024 Properties to Let LUSHOF Twee Slaapkamer woonstel te huur , 1 Badkamer, Oopplan kombuis sitkamer, stoep met braai en skadunet parkering met gesamentlike swembad met sekuriteits heining om eiendom. R3850.00 per maand. Water en Ligte ingesluit. Skakel 082-455-0911 Te Huur 3 slaapkamer/ 2 badkamer dupleks eenheid met toesluit garage in sekuriteits omheinde kompleks te huur. Huur R4500.00 per maand. Deposito gelykstaande aan h u u r vooruitbetaalbaar. Sluit nie water en ligte in nie. Geen diere. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2012 Tel 015-307-6351 YM001790 To Rent 3 bedroom house, large kitchen, pantry, scullery, close to Venbeck (1km). Available 1 June R3700 p.m. Contact Steve 083-305-8084 EW000350 TE HUUR BACHELOR FLAT TE HUUR LUSHOF. GESAMENTLIKE SWEMBAD. R2200 YM001758 PER MAAND. W & L INGESLUIT. Mopanie townhouse 082-455-0911 EW000354 for rent. 1x bedroom, 1x bathroom, open To rent plan lounge & Jasmyn townhouse. kitchen. D e p . 2 Bedr, 2 bathr, R2500.00, R e n t kitchen, open plan. R2500.00 Single garage. C o n t a c t Courtyard with braai. 084-523-9129 R3500.00 pm. + TO RENT 3 BEDROOM, 2 B A T H R O O M TOWNHOUSE TO R E N T I N T S W A N E L O VILLAGE. NEWLY BUILT, NO PETS. FROM 1 JUNE 2012. R4800.00 + DEPOSIT. L & W EXCL. C O N T A C T M O N I Q U E 083-283-3300 YM001779 WOONSTEL TE HUUR 2 Slaapkamer met motorafdak in Aqua Park. R3300 per maand. Elektrisiteit in gesluit. Skakel Charmain 082-883-7668 YM001793 EW000334 AQUAPARK: 1 SLAAPKAMER TUINWOONSTEL BESTAAN UIT S I T K A M E R , SLAAPKAMER, KOMBUIS EN BADKAMER MET STORT IN BAD. A F D A K B Y VOORDEUR VIR MOTOR. TE HUUR VANAF 1 JUNIE 2012. R1750 PER MAAND. W & L INGESL. 082-551-0236 ALLE URE Office to Let Boscia Medical Centre, one offie to let. It includes a kitchen and bathroom please contact Paul Smit 015 307 1000 B a c h e l o r ` s tuinwoonstel met lugversorging te huur. Beskikbaar vanaf 4 Junie teen R2100.00 per maand water en ligte ingesluit. Skakel 082-560-0754 YM001612 EW000353 YM001649 Selfstorages Minifactories to let Selfstorages 18 to 36sq.m. from R500.00 pm. Minifactories 72 to 120sq.m. from R2000.00 pm. C o n t a c t 079-802-9576 2 Slaapkamer woonstel met 2 motorafdakke, W & L uitgesluit, R2800.00 pm + deposito van R2800.00. Geen EW000355 t r o e t e l d i e r e . O n m i d d e l l i k beskikbaar. Flat to rent Three bedroom, two K o n t a k bathroom house in 079-697-0408 YM001763 Arbor Park, with a double garage and a Te Huur one-bedroom KINGSPARK self-contained flat to rent available as Veilige en netjiese 1 slaapk woonstelle from 1st June 2012. met oopplan sitk Please contact Irene /kombuis, met graon 082-849-2603 / niet afwerking. Dak079-881-8548 YM001772 waaiers in sit- en slaapk. Gesamentlike braaier en To Rent wasmasjien in kom3 x 2 Bedrooms flats Sekuriteits for rent 12kms from pleks. met Tzaneen. R2500 - o m h e i n i n g hekke. R2800. Key Deposit elektriese kragand Electricity Pre-paid Deposit Required. meters. Vanaf R2350 pm. Geen kinders. No animals. Contact N a o m i Tydens kantoor ure 081-426-1984 015-307-5210 YM001624 YM001798 EW000337 Huis in Letsitele te koop 3 Slaapkamers, 3 badkamers. Baie modern. Oorloop swembad, Lapa, dubbel garage en pragtige uitsig. 3000m2 erf met `n gevestigde tuin en besproeiing. Baie goed geleë. R1.650.000.00 K o n t a k 083-299-8702 PAGE 19 Groot huis te huur 4 Slaapkamers, 2 badkamers, 3 leefareas, eetkamer, opwaskamer. Geen buitegeboue en tuin uitgesluit. Slegs volwasse mense, geen kinders of diere nie. Beskikbaar 1 Junie 2012. Huur R6000 p/m vooruit. Dep R1000,00. Krag uitgesluit. 082-227-1891 /082-335-6651 EW000360 Te huur 1 Slaapk woonstel te h u u r i n Aquapark.Dadelik b e s k i k b a a r . R2500.00 pm. W&L ingesluit. Skakel 083-554-1560 EW000338 Te Huur 3 Slaapkamer huis. Onderdak parkering. R400p.m. Water en Ligte uitgesluit. K o n t a k 083-305-3717 YM001778 R3500.00 deposit. WOONSTEL TE O n m i d d e l i k HUUR: beskikbaar Contact 2 Slaapkamer, 1 Bothma Grobler badkamer, oopplan 084-523-9129 sit/eetkamer EW000335 kombuis. R3500.00 Woonstel te Huur - per maand, krag uitgesluit. Deposito Mabelane Lushof 1 Slaapk woonstel, R 3 5 0 0 . 0 0 . vir enkel persoon Beskikbaar 1 Junie. Maandeliks vooruit 072-448-8255 YM001771 betaalbaar. Skakel K a r e l b y 1 Bedroomed flats to 082-095-1498. let, available from 1st YM001714 June 2012. From R1600, water & Te Huur Een slaapkamer electricity incl. 13km woonstel met hout from Tzaneen CBD. dek wat uitkyk op `n N i m r o d dam, te huur geskik 073-804-2297 EW000346 vir twee persone net buite Tzaneen, baie 0025 veilig. R2700 pm To Hire Water ingesluit. Reg van toegang Huur van Grader voorbehou. Binne in sekuriteit gebied. R2900 per dag droog Voorafbetaalde krag. of R370 per uur Geen h o n d e . droog. Enige tyd Deposito verlang. beskikbaar. Kruger O n m i d d e l l i k Renier 083-245-1023 of beskikbaar. 015-306-0006 K o n t a k YM001780 083-305-7985 YM001760 Te huur TLB`s, excavators en Te huur Enkel kamer met groot trekkers te huur stoep geskik vir vir rip, ploeg en dis. enkel persoon te Agent vir same en trekkers. huur buite dorp. d e u t z Ablusie word gedeel Skakel 083-414-4238 YM001650 met ander huurders. TO HIRE Reg van toegang voorbehou. Geen 40 Ton Low Bed, honde. Binne in Bell B25 ADT`s, 22 sekuriteit gebied. ton Excavator, 12 R 1 0 0 0 . 0 0 Ton Flat Deck, 6 pm.Deposito verlang Ton Flat Deck with C r a n e , Beskikbaar:Onmiddelik. 9 t K o n t a k 17,000liter water truck. For further 083-305-7985 YM001761 information please c o n t a c t Te Huur Netjiese 1 & 2 Slpk 071-362-3292 YM001643 eenhede te huur in veilige kompleks. R1800 & R3100 pm 0031 Miscellaneous W&L uitgesluit. Volle deposito word verlang. Beskikbaar Bargains Galore 01-06-2012 Registered Pawn K o n t a k and 2nd hand 071-682-8595 Dealer. We pawn, YM001767 buy and sell anything To Rent of value. Jewellery, 2 Bedhouse 26km furniture, tools etc. from Tzaneen, 7km Phone or visit us for from L e t s i t e l e the best deal. R1.900.00 per month Plantation rd 11 next plus electricity. Dep t o D A S S needed. 015-307-1171 or Diane 083-760-8623 082-472-8483 'J YM001766 YM001608 0027 Vehicles ACTION AUTO T e r t i u s : 082-885-4947. G a v i n : 082-902-8867. WE BUY CARS FOR CASH. RL002506 ACTION AUTO W i c k u s : 082-555-3107. WE BUY CARS FOR CASH. RL002508 CASH FOR YOUR BAKKIE OR CAR!! a Looking for relatively priced bakkie or car. Will pay cash. Contact Johan 083-397-5353 YM001572 For Sale Suzuki Jeep SJ40. 4x4 Original. Motor re-built. Seats r e c o v e r e d . R 4 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 O.N.C.O. D O U G H 083-453-2228 or H E A T H E R 082-413-2228 YM001725 Kontant vir jou Motor Kontant vir jou Motor, Bakkie, Kombi, Trekker, 4x4 wielmotorfiets, Sleepwaentjie, Swaarvoertuie, Plaasimplemente, Karavane ens. Bring dit vir Oom Kallie 072-021-8534 of 082-339-8178 YM001607 Motors Vir alle fabrikate nuut en gebruik. Skakel my vir beste pryse en diens. Skakel Erl 083-993-3266 YM001610 2003 Colt Club Cab 2.8 Tdi FOR SALE Good runner. Fully serviced. Good condition. In daily use. Brand new tyres. 204 000km R65000 Deon 083 938 6158 RL002526 0030 Livestock TZANEEN: Sheep and Goats for sale from R1000.00 R1850.00 Cattle from R2500.00 Emu Male R1500.00 Incubators/ Hatchers from R4000.00 Jaco 082-804-4158 EW000314 0028 Properties Wanted G e r i e f l i k e tuinwoonstel of meenthuis gesoek vir 2 ouer dames (met `n troeteldier) om te huur. Skakel 072-158-9094 YM001682 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 20 SOEK EIENDOM SAND EN KLIP OM TE KOOP IN Tel: 082-737-0125 / T Z A N E E N 083-500-4385 YM001762 OMGEWING. GEEN A G E N T E . Te Koop R700.000.00 "Back hoe bucket" , R750.000.00 300mm vir TLB TEL:072-323-0526 R2500; 2005 Bantam YM001750 0034 Boats & Caravans aflewering"canopy" R3000; Kazuma (Honda) Motorfiets 4 wiel 50cc - R2200 Gideon 082-677-9973 YM001796 Te Koop/For Sale 1986 Sprite Caravan, Double Axle, Aircon, Microwave, Aircon, Fridge/Freezer. Very good condition. R28.000. Not Negotiable. Phone 082 455 0911 Te koop: 1) GB 2000 HOëDRUK SPUIT VIR VRUGTEBOME MET PYP EN "GUN" 2000 LITER TENKKAPASITEIT. PRYS R28 500.00 YM001759 BTW INGESL. 2) BOOMSPUIT MET 0035 1000 LITER TENK For Sale OP WIELE SONDER POMP. PRYS FOR SALE R 9 0 0 0 . 0 0 BTW Freezer- 3 door, size 2m x 1,7m x 0,6m. INGESL. Single phase. S K A K E L 083-265-3129 R4000. EW000339 P H O N E 015-307-4398 Te Koop /082-562-5004 CAT 318 B EW000352 Excavator met `n Great business ADE 366 Engine opportunity! prys R280.000.00 Winter Jackets sold Kontak Pieter Smith in bales. Average of 076-868-4925 of 60 jackets per bale. J o h a n n a R2500 per bale. 076-812-2670 YM001557 C o n t a c t 084-446-4778 YM001559 Te Koop Hoender kosbakke TE KOOP/FOR en Hoender water SALE - SECOND HAND CLOTHING bakke te koop. D J TWEEDEHANDSE K o n t a k KLERE - R30 P/KG - 082-882-6412 YM001765 BAIE GOEIE KONDISIE VIR HERVERKOOP! WINTERJASSE (ENKELLENGTE) VANAF R180 INGEVOER VAN VK, SO GOED SOOS NUUT! PERFEK VIR HERVERKOOP! SECOND HAND CLOTHING - R30 P /KG - VERY GOOD CONDITION, PERFECT FOR RE-SELLING! WINTER COATS (ANKLE LENGTH) FROM R180 IMPORTED FROM UK, AS GOOD AS NEW! PERFECT FOR RE-SELLING! C O N T A C T MAREYNA AT 076-376-6783 YM001568 INSTANT LAWN LM & SWAZI GRASS @ R25 per sq.m. Contact 073-548-3684 YM001621 MANGO AND PALM TREES FOR SALE Grafted at R20 and Palms from R10 5L bag.QUADS FOR HIRE. Doug 083-453-2228. Sunland Nursery. ACCOMMODATION available AT WORLDS BIGGEST BAOBAB. 5 Chalets ensuite. R300 p/p. Contractors Wendy houses/caravans etc. R100 p/p. Heather 082-413-2228 YM001647 MAN`S BEST FRIEND Spoil your dog with a kennel. Available in Sizes, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL & TWIN. Contact Elmarie 082-778-8426 YM001636 ROOF GRASS Big sale on roof grasses from R2 per bundle. The more you buy the less you pay. Call now 083-781-0232 YM001786 Rent a store in Tzaneen. Lockup containers @ R 500 p/month. fully secured Mohamed 082 639 7786 CLASSIFIEDS - LEGALS - SERVICES SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 21 KAPITYT met Kaapse jolyt: Annarie Booysen, Chané Biewenga, Charlotte Snyman, Simoné Schoeman, Juané Matthee, Madelein Fourie. AFRIKANER pret en plesierigheid: Voor: Kristie Badenhorst, Magdi Kasselman, Melany Young, Christelize Elbrecht, Loamé van Zyl, Mynhardt Bouwer. Agter: Marileen Basson, Monique de Lange, Nané van Wyngaardt. ROMANCE at Romans: Hanrie Marais, Ryno Jooste, Marijke Bezuidenhout, Fiela Nel en Laura Corrilon (agter.) Foto links. Woordkuns-aand ‘n eerste vir Plasies oogsorgdag Vir persone sonder ‘n mediese fonds! Enkelvisie pakket R500 Bifokaal pakket R800 17 Mei 2012 Skakel 015 307 1879 vir ‘n afspraak! Email: [email protected] IT TECHNICIAN SALES MANAGER - 2 Years sales Rep exp. + Grade 12 and computer literate. Driver’s license. - Petrol & Cellphone allowance. - Salary R7000 - R7500 + commission. WAREHOUSE MANAGER PACKHOUSE MANAGER - Diploma or Degree in Agriculture - 3 Years Packhouse experience - Product/Tech. knowledge in Avo's, Litchies - Computer literate MS Word & Excel, Paltrac, Agriport - Exp. dealing with suppliers & customers - Salary R20 000 - R24 000 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTANT Shop M18, Tzaneng Mall, Tzaneen Tel: 015 307 2439 Fax: 015 307 5304 78209 REP - Grade 12 + Sales & Marketing experience - Driver’s license & own transport - Salary R5 000 + commission - 2 Years stock control exp. + Grade 12 & Computer literate - Salary R5000 - R5500 P. Dry Optometris Web: - 2 Years IT exp + drivers license - Knowledge of repair and installations of network & repairs on printers & faxes. - Salary R4500 - R6500 ARTICLE CLERKS - Diploma / B.Com Degree. 3 Years exp in Senior Capacity. General Ledger, Cash Book, HR Management, up to trail balance. Creditors and Debtors .Internal Audit. Salary R18 0000 - R30 000 MECHANIC QUALIFIED - Modjadjiskloof - 5 Years Mechanic experience. - Must be qualified. Salary R15 000 HALFDAY ADMIN - Eiland road - Admin exp and must have Pastel. - Salary R3500 - R4000 bos.’ Nog 'n groepie Vossies het 'n ouetehuis se sing-songs gemimiek en die gehoor behoorlik laat skater. Die Vossies het hulle graad 8- en 9-kurrikulum vanjaar uitgebrei met onder andere Spraak- en Drama-klasse. Twee van hierdie groepe het as spreekkore opgetree by hierdie geleentheid. Gelukwensing vir Weber en Van der Zee het ingestroom na 'n werklik genotvolle aand. Die Vossies het onderneem om hierdie aand weer 'n jaarlikse instelling te maak. doen met 'n miljoen.’ Die Vossies en hulle gaste het veral die talent van die Laerskool-groep geniet in: ’Valentine's@Buffels- Telephone: 015 307 6426 Fax: 086 511 8030 & LABOUR SOLUTIONS Address: 49 Boundary Str, Tzaneen 0850 - Law Degree (LLB,B.Proc, B.Juris) - Computer literate. R1000 neg. 99.10% 97.77% 100.16% 101.18% 100.34% 3.75% 94.82% 88.11% Op Donderdagaand, 10 Mei, is weer soos van ouds, gedrama en getoneel tydens die Hoërskool Ben Vorster se toneelaand. Die program is aangebied deur Vossie Dramatix, onder leiding van Mari Weber en twee spreekkore onder leiding van Louise van der Zee. Vier toneelstukke is opgevoer waarna me. Weber die verhoor vermaak het met ‘die lief en leed van Adriana van die Bo-Kaap.’ ‘Reeksmoord op Reddersburg’ is opgevoer deur graad 10, 11 en 12-leerlinge. Nog graad 10-leerlinge was te sien in: ‘ Kan NORTHERN PERSONNEL - 2 Years sales management experience - Grade 12 + Computer literate - Salary R8000 + commission Dam Vlakke Dap Naude Doorndraai Ebenezer Hans Merensky Magoebaskloof Middel Letaba Tzaneen Vergelegen ten toon gestel het. Verskeie voordragprogramme met prosa en poësie vir elke smaak, afgewissel met soloitems het gesorg vir vermaak uit die boonste rakke. Man en muis was dit eens: Plasie-drama kook. Vossies hou geslaagde toneelaand 2 x REPS JNR INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS ASST. - Knowledge & interest in Labour Law - Experience will be an advantage - Must have drivers license - Must be computer literate - Speaking & reading & writing English - Salary R3500 neg. ASST BRANCH / SALES MANAGER - 3 Years Manager experience in Steel - Grade 12 + Computer MS Word, Excel - Experience in Sales Management Financial, Stock, Transport & Yard, Admin, HR Management - Salary R15 000 negotiable. QUALIFIED ELECTRICIAN - 10 Years electrical experience - Must be qualified Trade Test - Knowledge of refrigeration will be a plus - Salary R18 000 PABX TECHNICIAN SENIOR RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT OFFICER The position is based in Tzaneen and requires the person to work in rural areas where operations are based. Please send your CV, Qualifications and cover letter to [email protected] or fax 2 Email: 086 557 2760 or post to P.O Box 212 Tzaneen 0850, RETAIL SHOP ASSISTANT find us on facebook The Small Enterprise Foundation (SEF) is a non-profit microfinance organisation. With over 80 000 active clients, SEF is the leading microfinance institution in South Africa. In an effort to alleviate poverty, the organisation finances micro-entrepreneurs with micro-loans enabling them to start small income generating businesses. The organisation is dedicated to reaching the most impoverished and disadvantaged people in South Africa. SEF currently has operations in Limpopo, Mpumalanga, North West, Mafikeng and Eastern Cape. SEF is looking for a multitalented, technologically-savvy individual who will analyse operational and financial systems, oversee projects and manage staff and carry out other key developmental research activities. All of this for the purpose of improving current operating models. Package: R120 000 - R190 000 p/a including benefits ( Medical aid, provident fund, GLD and UIF) - Installation & maintenance of telephone systems, previous exp of installations - Salary R5000 - R7500 + company vehicle + petrol & cellphone allowance - Sales experience. Must be able to work on Saturday & Sundays. - R7000 - R8000 42 Boundary Street 0850 Tzaneen Tel015 307 5837 Fax015 307 2977 Requirements • University degree from first-class institution; with Economics/Development/Finance and/or statistics • 2 years work experience in Development or Microfinance or Research will be an added advantage • Demonstrated record of participation in multinational projects, programs and research • Skills in data analysis, market research and poverty measurement approaches • Publication-quality English and writing skills are essential • Knowledge of SPSS is a plus Closing Date is the 25th May 2012. 78178 "WOORDE met Woema" op 3 Meiwas 'n uiters geslaagde aanbieding van Plasie Dramatics, o l v Marie Weber en ook deel van Merensky se MDDK. 'n Waarderende gehoor het die saal volgepak, terwyl al 48 dramaleerlinge hul talente SPREEKKOOR Graad 9: Ry 1 Felicia Masedi, Phamela Mabunda, Blessing Mafogo, Mankoana Masetla; Lesedi Monakhisi, Dora Baloyi. Middel: Dineo Motshoane, Glen Bathebula, Monica Khosa, Tshegofatso Ramotsoma; Kgopotso Sebola, Melvey Ramoshaba, Laura Mokwena. Agter: Teddy Raphesu; Ireen Mokoena, Pheladi Ntwampe, Makala Machaba. SPREEKKORE Graad 8: Ry 1: Bella Ngobeni; Kgodiso Maunatlala, Tebatso Mahasha, Melville Heidger, Phina Malatji, Maripa Shokane, Mitchel Moagi, Nhlalala Mongwe. Middel: Samantha Matjie, Abigail Chauke, Zanele Phakula, Mpho Sekhula, Molebogeng Rahlano, Nsovo Nkuna, Prudence Mhlongo. Agter: Prince Machete, Koketso Semosa, Keorapetsi Moruti, Makungu Mushwana, Amukelane Machimane, Makoma Mothapo, Masana Shikwambana. Foto links bo. If you have not heard from us by the 31st May 2012, please consider your application unsuccessful 78238 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 22 SCHOOL NEWS LOAMé van Zyl, Alicia du Toit, Marijke Bezuidenhout. Drie deur na semi-finaal IN the photo are from left to right: Standing: Me S. Olney (coach), C. McGaffin (Capt), K. Janke, M. Maree, J. De Villiers, M. Pilusa, R. Prinsloo. Sitting: Norvette Mnisi, A. De Villiers, N. Shipalana. Netball teams perform well ON Wednesday May 9 Stanford played The Kings Court in Netball. All teams performed extremely well. The Junior games were extremely tight and very exciting to watch. The U14s managed to end with a two goal lead, however the U15s were unlucky to come away one goal down. Well done girls! The seniors also played well. Considering it was only the 2nd teams second match of the year, they were unfortunate to lose 73. The first team had a fantastic match winning 39-15; the girls showed true skill and great determination. DRIE Afrikaans huistaal sprekers van Hoërskool Merensky het deurgedring na die semifinale ronde van die ATKV-Redenaarskompetisie wat op 1 Junie te Louis Trichardt sal plaasvind. Die twee seniors is Alicia du Toit (graad 11) met haar toespraak: ‘Roer die persvryheidspot terwyl ons kan’ en Marijke Bezuidenhout (graad 12) met haar toespraak: ‘Roer of word verswelg.’ Loamé van Zyl het as junior deurgedring met haar toespraak: ‘Dra ons onderwysstelsel nog die vlam van beskawing uit?’ Na afloop van die voorbereide toesprake moes elke redenaar ook 'n onvoorbereide toespraak lewer. Die afdeling het dan ook 70% van die totale punt getel. Dis hier waar die kaf van die koring geskei word, want 'n mens moet op jou voete kan dink. MERENSKY was in rep en roer met die aankoms van twaalf PinZ²yl stoetverse. Plasies deel van Telersgenootskap MERENSKY was in rep en roer met die aankoms van twaalf PinZ²yl stoetverse. Die aankoms van die beeste is moontlik gemaak deur 'n samewerking ooreenkoms met ZZ2. Die beeste vorm die kern van 'n nuwe PinZ²yl stoet en sal Merensky nou ook aansluit by die PinZ²yl Telersgenootskap en Limpopo studie groep. Die akademiese waarde wat die beeste vir Merensky se agriwetenskappe beteken is onskatbaar. Merensky leerders is baie opgewonde oor die beeste en daar word reeds land en sand bespreek oor wat die diere se name moet wees. Al 12 verse sal binne kort mak wees en sal daar in September met hulle in Pretoria geskou word. Die PinZ²yl is 'n nuwe beesras uit die bekende Pinzgauer ras en Nguni ras geteel. Merensky se Agri-wetenskappe beoog om aan die belangrike PinZ²yl projek in die toekoms 'n bydrae te lewer. Educare learners excel in Eisteddfod EDUCARE Primary School did very good during the Afrikaans Eisteddfod. Mmape Masete 96%, Meriam Nkoana 90 %, Nkateko Shikati 82%, Tayla Jansen van Vuuren 93%, Khubi Sekgobela 90%, Jolene Mandlati 95%, Pearl Malahlela 85%, Ngwanaga Mboweni 90%. Redenaars presteer DRIE leerders van Laerskool Duiwelskloof gaan deur na die volgende ronde van die ATKV-redenaars kompetisie, van links: Lané Badenhorst, Heinrich van Zyl en Cara Baker. Foto links. VACANCY Financial Assistant Required Qualifications: - Good accounting knowledge with previous work experience. - Admin person with good accounting knowledge of Pastel. - Previous experience with salary and wages systems. Mogoshi haal Limpopo ‘n LEERDER van Laerskool Duiwelskloof, Mogoshi Maseta haal die Limpopo Netbal 0/12 A–span. OP Vrydag, 11 Mei, het die 1ste seunshokkiespan van Hoërskool Ben Vorster, 'n wedstryd gespeel teen Hoërskool Eric Louw van Musina. Hulle wen oortuigend met 9 - 0. Doele is aangeteken deur JP de Lange (kaptein) Ernst Buys (3), Rikus Visser (3), Louis Campher en Edmund de Beer. Hierdie span word geborg deur Hyundai Tzaneen (New thinking New possibilities). Vossie gholfspan onoorwonne DIE derde gholfspan van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het op 11 Mei, hulle kragmeting gewen teen Stanford Lake College. Hierdie span, met Johan van Vuuren, Mati McChallagan, Eben Roos en Ockert Maritz, is hierdie jaar nog onoorwonne. Nine visit Harare NINE of Stanford's students travelled to Harare, Zimbabwe last week on a musical tour. Harare was hosting their annual Harare NOTICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Notice: Notice is hereby given in terms of Regulation 54(2)(a) of the regulations published in the Government Notice No: R543 under Chapter 6 of the National Environmental Management Act 107 of 1998 of the intention of Ratsoma Property Administration to establish a shopping complex at Meltz within Mopani Local Municipality. Project Description: The proposed development entails the establishment of a Shopping Complex at Metz on portion 1 of the Farm Metz 75 within Maruleng Local Municiaplity of Mopani District- Limpopo Province. EAP: Gudani Consulting has been appointed as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to undertake the environmental impact assessment for the proposed project. Comments on the proposed project can be submitted in writing to Gudani Consulting via email, fax or post. In this regard please contact Arthur Buyisonto at: Job Responsibilities: - Bank capturing and reconciliation - Debtors/Creditors reconciliation - Load payments on Bank - Salary and wages capturing - Admin required by post - Supplying information to FM. P.O. Box 714 Faunapark Polokwane 0787 Tel: 015 291 3620 Fax: 015 291 4932 Email: [email protected] Website: Annual Salary : R90 000-00 Comments should be forwarded not later than 01 June 2012. Please email or fax application to Email: [email protected] Fax: 086 591 8753 A Background Information Document (BID) providing further details on the project will be available on request from Gudani Consulting. 78226 78225 International Festival of the Arts - HIFA. The students were privileged to see artists like Ismaël Lö perform on this trip. They performed a piece called: "How do you Handel the Messiah?" The production carries a strong message for our everyday life and gives encouragement to all who see it performed. The students also had the opportunity to perform at an "Open Mic" event where they got to sing some of their own songs. The tour was a great success, and the experience was enlightening, educational and entertaining for them all, and everyone came back with special memories. SKOLENUUS LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 23 Stanfordians shines in mountain bike race THE Mpact Magoebaskloof Cycle Challenge, held on Sunday, May 6 in Tzaneen, brought out the adventurous nature of Stanford Lake Collegians. Despite punctures, broken chains and mis-directions, nobody gave up without a fight! Congratulations to Abigail Joubert for winning the 45km race in her age category. Tristan Oliff came 2nd in the 45km Junior Males category, followed by Benno Prinsloo and Joshua White. It is also worth mentioning that quite a few of our riders stayed behind to help a fellow team mate and thus forfeited their places in the race. This is a tribute to the strength of character instilled in our pupils due to the ethos of adventure racing. Well done to all of you! DIE Top 10 gr 9 leerlinge is voor, van links:Voor: Zonicka Lombard, Anien Adendorff, Jara Kruger. Agter: Coenraad Preis, Henk Blignaut, Tiaan Vorster, Rendo Booyens. Annual General Meeting Valencia Estates Eisteddfod success DIE Top 10 Gr 10 leerlinge is voor van links:Voor: Shonny Tuketana, Eloise vd Merwe, Nsovo Shandlala, Zinette Kruger. Agter: Elma Pohl, Nikki Cilliers, BJ Vorster, Talita Smit, Bianca Kruger. ROELIEN Prinsloo, grade 11 student from Stanford Lake College, performed particularly well at the Tzaneen Afrikaans Eisteddfod receiving Double Gold and five Diamond awards. Well done! Vossies vereer akademiese uitblinkers DIE Vossie akademiese Top 30-leerlinge in graad 8, 9 en 10 is Maandag aangewys. Die graad 8 Top 30-span is soos volg: Lané Roos (88,0%); Leandri Luus (87,3%); Marli Burger (87,3%); Duan Schoeman (87,1%); Nadia Paulse (86,3%); Jacques van Dyk (85,5%); Carmen Botha (85,4%); Gretchen Bekker (84,7%); Nsovo Nkuna (84,7%); Camilla Date: Time: Venue: 23 May 2012 18h00 Arborpark Lodge Agenda: 1. Finance 2. Pets 3. Children playing in the streets 4. Election of committee Regards A.J.J. Naude (VEHA) 78033 DEVELOPMENT OF AN AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR LIMPOPO DONDERDAG 31 MEI 2012 OM 10H00 TE HENLEY, EILAND PAD IN OPDRAG VAN MY KLIËNT, LEN KONIG WAT SY PLAAS VERKOOP HET EN VERHUIS, VERKOOP EK DIE VOLGENDE ITEMS PER VEILING THE LIMPOPO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, ENVIRONMENT AND TOURISM (LEDET) INVITES YOU TO BECOME INVOLVED IN DEVELOPING A PROVINCIAL AIR QUALITY MANAGEMENT PLAN (AQMP) Baie hout planke Tamboti, Kiaat, ens. MF 165 trekkerMF 153 trekker Vaaljapie met Lister enjin Staalkaste Groot 900mm rolsaag trekkeraangedrewe Werkstafels 1.8m 3 punt skraper Skrootyster 3 punt Ripper Onkruiddoder spuit 3 punt Hystoestel Sweismasjien 3 punt 3 fase 16kw 380/220v kragopwekker 6000 sement stene 3 Kw Wolseley 220 kragopwekker Besprooeingspype 3 punt slasher Gereedskapkas op wiele 8 ton 2 wiel sleepwa 1 tand ripper 1 ton 2 wiel bakkie sleepwa KSB pomp 80-50 The National Environmental Management: Air Quality Act (Act 39 of 2004) provides a means of ensuring that the constitutional right of the people of South Africa to an environment that is not harmful to their health or their well-being is not compromised, and the right to have the environment protected for current and future generations is upheld. LEDET would like interested and affected parties to become involved by raising matters of concern related to: air quality management planning, air quality monitoring, control of emissions sources, ambient air quality standards and maintaining compliance, and air quality reporting and information management. PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT IS ENCOURAGED You are invited to attend the first workshop to discuss the development of an AQMP for Limpopo on Thursday, 7 June 2012 in Polokwane, Limpopo. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND/OR TO REGISTER FOR THE MEETING, PLEASE CONTACT: André Joubert / Florence Rambuda Zitholele Consulting P O Box 6002, Halfway House, 1685 Tel: (011) 207 2077/2075 Fax: 086 676 9950 email: [email protected] or [email protected] Z03379 Phakula (83,1%); Gloria Pilusa (82,4%); Mariska Fourie (82,3%); Jeannette Auret (82,3%); Johannes Jacobs (81,9%); Mariska de la Rey (81,3%);Modjadji Maake (81,0%); Ruben Jordaan (80,7%); Shiluva Mushwana (80,6%); Nikita Thompson (80,5%); Adinda van Wyk (80,4%); Melissa Delport (79,9%); Bernice Claasen (79,7%); Alicia de Beer (79,0%); Deidre Viljoen (78,9%); Delme Barkhuizen (78,9%); Juane Crous (78,6%); Shandukani Mudau (78,4%); Tumi Mosegane (78,1%); Bernard Bezuidenhout (77,7%); Heinrich van Staden (77,5%); Stefan Engelbrecht (77,5%). Graad 9 se Top 30-akademiese leerlinge is: Christiaan Vorster (91,5%); Zonica Lombard (91,3%); Mmadikhole Lesailane (90,8%); Annie Adendorff (89,8%); Damon Mills (89,0%); Barend Booysen (89,0%); Laborious Bopapa (88,9%); Frans Blignaut (88,3%); Coenraad Preis (88,1%); Jara Kruger (87,2%); Lehlogonolo Mafogo (87,0%); Heinrich Steenkamp (86,7%); Chandré Louw (86,5%); Yanica Haasbroek (86,3%); Carla Nel (84,7%); Elizma Weyers (84,2%); Imé Prinsloo (83,7%); Desree Mohononi (83,4%); Alida Krog (83,4%); Marli Ferreira (83,2%); Nadine Engelbrecht (82,9%); Johana Mokoena (82,6%); Wisani Baloyi (82,3%); Runé James (82,1%); Chantelle Smith (81,3%); Cecilia Dry (81,0%); Mankoana Masetla (80,8%); Anuska Large (80,8%); Regardt Heiberg (80,1%); Forever Maasa (79,8%) Die graad 10 slimkoppe is: Lebo Malatji (92,2%); Nsovo Shandale (91,2%); Barend Vorster (87,8%); Talitta Smit (87,2%); Niki Cilliers (86,4%); Zinette Kruger (85,4%); Ellouise van der Merwe (85,2%); Shonny Thuketana (85,1%); Bianca Kruger (84,6%); Elma Pohl (84,0%); Michelle Mohale (83,8%); Isabel Opperman (82,9%); Carmen Schutte (82,8%); Anika Pienaar (82,6%); Christie Dreyer (82,5%); Rikus Jordaan (82,5%); Ayanta Roets (82,0%); Juané Gubitz (81,2%); Nareanka Lombaard (81,2%); Ellie Swanepoel (80,9%); Dané Mynhardt (80,5%); Elizabeth Botha (80,2%); Ndzhavuko Bvuma (79,9%); Iseldri Janse van Rensburg (79,3%); Mary Baloyi (79,0%); Katie Morgets (78,9%); Nadia Botha (78,7%); Keabetswe Tshepe (78,5%); Coenraad van Deventer (78,5%); Marthinus Pretorius (78,4%.) Members of Valencia Estate Home Owners Association are hereby informed, via the local press, of the Annual General Meeting for the Association. The previous meeting did not materialize due to a quorum not being formed. Lemoenwahak vir 165 Yamaha YP30E petrol waterpomp 400mm 4 kw 3 fase staal snymasjien Staaltafels en staalrakke 3 fase Kompressor 5 Elek heining Skokmasjiene 2 rigting radios an antennas Little wonder steenmaker 5 ton chainblock met driepoot Nuffield trekker onderdele Robland 30cm skaaf/dubbel skaaf Borselmasjien vir mangos Baie meubels Gietyster tuinstel met 8 stoele 2 kamerstelle, hangkaste, tafels, skryftafels Skottelgoedwasser, Fridgemaster 2 deur vries/yskas Kleiner yskaste, werkstafel met 8 laaie, 5 laai laaikas Geweerkluis 10 gewere Brandkluis kantoor En baie meer Privaat inskrywings welkom LIGGING Vanaf Letsitele neem die Eiland pad vir 18km, draai regs by Henley pakhuis en volg aanwysings. VOORWAARDES 1. Slegs kontant of internet oorplasins. 2. BTW betaalbaar optrekkers en plaasimplemente, bring afskrif van BTW sertifikaat. 3. Bring asb afskrif van ID en bewys van woonadres saam. 4. Bepalings en voorwaardes van afslaer geld. Kobus 082 925 9780 of Len 081 329 0806 78282 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 PAGE 24 SKOLENUUS Plasies verwerf Lim-kleure vir muurbal TWEE leeders van Merensky Hoërskool het Limpopo kleure vir Muurbal verwerf. Johan Espach en Matthew Larsen het o/19 en o/16 onderskeidelik behaal. Kleuterskool stel 2012 trompoppies bekend Vosssie visse swem in Natal se water DIE SAVF kleuterskool stel hulle nuwe trompoppies vir 2012 aan die gemeenskap bekend. JAPKE Engelbrecht (gr. 11). Leander Steenkamp (gr. 12) en Hendus Janse van Rensburg (gr. 12) van Hoërskool Ben Vorster het die Limpopo swemspan verteenwoordig by die Olimpiese uitdunne in Durban van 16 - 22 April . Japke swem in die Elite Jeugafdeling en verbeter baie van haar persoonlike tye. Leander Steenkamp en Hendus Janse van Rensburg swem in die Jeug-afdeling. Leander behaal 'n vierde- en 'n sesdeplek en verbeter van sy persoonlike beste tye. Hendus verwerf een goue, twee silwer en een brons medalje en 'n 7de plek. Die Vossies bedank graag hulle afrigter, Johan Grobbelaar, vir sy insette en ondersteuning. Lnr: Hendus Janse van Rensburg, Japke Engelbrecht en Leander Steenkamp. Mopani District Municipality Applications are invited from suitable qualified persons to fill the position of MUNICIPAL MANAGER (Five years fixed contract) Requirements: A minimum qualification of an appropriate NQF Level 7 or B Degree Hons in related field * extensive management experience of at least 10 years, 5 of which at senior management level in Local Government environment * extensive and practical knowledge of the Local government legislation * a proven ability to communicate and negotiate at all spheres of government * a proven ability to provide strategic and innovative leadership * sound financial management skills * pursuing or acquired National Treasury requirements. Key performance Areas: The successful candidate will be responsible and accountable for the following: The formation and development of an economical, effective, efficient and accountable administration * the management of the Municipality's administration in accordance with the Municipal Systems Act and other legislation applicable to Local Government * the implementation of the Municipality's Integrated Development Plan ,and the monitoring of progress with implementation of the plan * the management of the provision of services to the local community in a sustainable and equitable manner * the appointment of staff other than those referred to in Section 56 of the Municipal Systems Act * the management , effective utilization and training of staff * the maintenance of discipline of staff * the promotion of sound labor relations and compliance by the municipality with applicable labor legislation; * advising the political structures and political office bearers * managing communications between the Municipality's administration and its political structures and political office bearers * facilitating participation by the local community in the affairs of the Municipality ; * developing and maintaining a system whereby community satisfaction with Municipal services are assessed; * the implementation of National and Provincial legislation applicable to the Municipality; and * the performance of any other function that may be assigned by the Municipal Council. * Give support to local Municipalities in terms of legislation applicable to a District Municipality * administering and implementing the Municipality's by-laws and other legislation * being responsible for all income and expenditure of the Municipality, all assets, the discharge of all liabilities and proper diligent compliance with applicable Municipal Finance Management legislation and * implementing strategic goals of the Municipality through cooperation and innovative team work. Vossie gholf staan sterk BEN Vorster se 1ste en 2de gholf-spanne het op 4 Mei teen Hoërskool Tom Naudé deelgeneem. Jannelize Bessenger het na 18 gate gelykop geëindig teen Tom Naudé se nommer 1-gholfer. Hennie Botes, Daniël Conradie en J P Kruger het hulle wedstryde gemaklik gewen. Die 2de span wat uit Rossouw Kruger, Wayne van Zyl, Michael du Plessis en G C Botha bestaan, het ook gemaklik gewen teen Tom Naudé. Merensky sokker wys hulle staal MERENSKY Sokker wys weer hulle staal. Merensky Sokker het op 5 Mei deelgeneem aan vriendskaplike wedstryde teen Frans du toit op Merensky se gronde. Die wedstryde was hard en het baie geverg van die spelers. Dit is duidelik aan die puntetellings te sien dat hulle waarlik tvpeople20pgSTOR IESconvert.indd 1 A flexible and competitive remuneration package will be offered to the successful applicant. Please Note: Fraudulent qualifications or documents will immediately disqualify any application. A candidate who canvasses any councilor and / or senior official for preference will be disqualified immediately from the selection process or from any appointment. Applicants who are not invited for an interview should regard their applications as unsuccessful. Council at all the times reserves the right not to appoint. Mopani District Municipality is an Employment Equity Employer, people with Disability and Women are also encouraged to apply. Applications on the prescribed form with a compressive CV for the position should be forwarded to the Executive Mayor, Private Bag x 9687, Giyani, 0826 For further information please contact Office of the Executive Mayor, Viyda Rakubu on 015 8116300 during working hours. Closing date: 31 May 2012 Executive Mayor Cllr Leswafo Joshua Matlou 78285 hard terug baklei het. Die junior span (0/16) het hul staal baie goed gewys en die wedstryd met 'n gelyke telling van twee elk beeÏndig. Die senior span het ook weereens gewys hoe mens stylvolle sokker speel en ook 'n telling van 0-0 aangeteken. PeopleIssue20CoverBCONVE RT i dd PM 5/2/2012 2:01:39 SKOLENUUS PLASIES se boogskiet kampioene. Bo : links en middel: SJ van der Walt. Regs : Kyle Smith. Middel: Schalk Warmenhoven, Kyle Smith, Rikus Harmse, Ricus Warmenhoven,Danie Harmse, Marla Barnard, Johan Espach, Marietjie Harmse en SJ van der Walt. Onder, Links : SJ van der Walt nadat hy sy Springbok kleure verwerf het. LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 LAERSKOOL Dr Annecke Primary se Grondslagfase ontvang die toekening vir Beste Prestasie in ANA Uitslae tydens die Uitstaande Prestasies 2011 Mafarana Kring funksie. Voor, van links: Marie Coertse (Gr3E), Dawn Zaayman (Gr1E.) Agter: Sharon Linde (Gr2E,) Wilna du Toit (Gr2A,) Allison J van Rensburg (Gr1A) en Sonja Robbertze (Gr3A.) GERHARD Venter, hoof van Laerskool Dr Annecke saam met leerders wat sertifikate ontvang het tydens die Uitstaande Prestasies 2011 Funksie. Van links: Pelly Shingange (BU/12 hokkie), De Wet Vorster (Beste Gr 6 leerder vir 2011), Meyer Vorster (SO/10 hoogspring), Musa Shibodze (BU/12 hokkie), J.J. Davis (SO/12 hokkie) Afwesig: Eduan Smit (SO/13 hokkie) en Elzaan Espach (MO/8 landloop.) PAGE 25 Rean verwerf Lim-kleure DIE Plasie REAN Venter, het sy o/17 Limpopo kleure in ringbal verwerf. Plasie skuts skiet kolskote DIE jaarlikse Suid-Afrikaanse Binneshuise Kampioenskappe het op Saterdag 5 Mei en Sondag 6 Mei te Pretoria plaasgevind. Tien lede van die Merensky Boogskietklub het daar deelgeneem en weereens bewys dat hulle gerekende kompetisie is vir ander skuts regoor die land. SJ van der Walt het 'n skitterende 299 uit 300 geskiet en daarmee die goue medalje in die Junior afdeling verower asook sy 8ste SA kwalifiserende rondte geskiet. SJ het dus dan nou gekwalifiseer vir sy SA Boogskiet kleure. Kyle Smith en Marla Barnard het albei brons medaljes verower by die kompetisie. Rikus Harmse (skiet 290 uit 300) en Ricus Warmenhoven (skiet 289 uit 300) het weer baie beïndruk en het volle Provinsiale kleure in hulle moeilike afdeling verwerf. Schalk Warmenhoven het ook 'n SA kwalifiserende rondte geskiet met sy 299 uit 300. Marietjie Harmse het ook weer haar gewoonte gestand gedoen met haar Provinsiale kwalifiserende rondte van 290 uit 300. Op Saterdag 19 Mei en Sondag 20 Mei vind die jaarlikse Limpopo Field Kampioene op Merensky se eie baan plaas. Skuts van selfs so vêr as Kaapstad gaan aan hierdie SANIFAA kwalifiserende kompetisie deelneem. Alle skuts van die omgewing word dus ook uitgenooi om die dag te kom geniet saam met die Merensky Boogskietklub. Lou-Mare Tzaneen se netbal trots OUD Vossie, Lou-Mare Geldenhuys het vanaf 27 April tot 2 Mei in Oos Londen aan die nasionale netbal kampioenskap vir 0/19 en 0/21 deelgeneem. Sy was lid van die Noord Gauteng se 0/19 span en was ook die onderkaptein. Tydens die toernooi was Geldenhuys uit 260 spelers genooi om aan die proewe deel te neem. Die geleentheid om ook aan die 0/21 proewe deel te neem was net sewe spelers beskore van die 0/19 groep, waarvan sy een was. Na afloop van die kampioenskap is sy opgeneem in die SA 0/19 groep van 20 spelers. Wat dit verder spesiaal maak is dat sy aangewys is as die beste senterbaan speler vir die 0/19 span. Sy wil graag aan al haar borge, afrigters en onderwysers wat oor die jare aan haar geskaaf en haar gemotiveer het, baie dankie sê. Al die opofferings, vasbyt en harde oefening het eindelik vrugte afgewerp. Van links: Alwyn Matoetoe, hoof van sport en rekreasie, Oos Kaap, Lou Mare Geldenhuis en M Mthethwa, president netbal Suid Afrika. Rainbow Combined plant crosses to celebrate Easter RAINBOW Combined School celebrated Easter on the 29 April 2012 by planting Crosses near the Entrance Gate of our school, in remembrance of the Crucifiction of Jesus. This was followed by a service in the school hall. All who attended were very touched by the sermon delivered by Pastor Oral Molepo. This is the second year that learners from grade 1 to grade 7, actively participated in the making, decorating and planting of their own crosses and they intend continuing with this worthy tradition. ACCOUNTANT & DEBTORS/CREDITORS CLERK Tzaneen, Limpopo The X-Group a fully intergrated group in the supply chain of fresh produce,from producing to marketing in 32 different countries, requires the services of two highly motivated, diligent individuals. They must be self motivated, energetic with a proactive dispostion to achieve objectives within deadlines. ACCOUNTANT Person will be responsible for: * Accurate and prompt processing * Preparing and analysis of monthly accounts * Reconciliation of all accounts Candidate must have the following minimum requirements: * Diploma in Accounting/Bookkeeping will be an advantage – with 5 years experience * Bilingual * Excellent computer skills – especially in Excel and Pastel. Kobus vang graad met lof DEBTORS/CREDITORS CLERK Person will be responsible for: * Accurate and prompt processing * Preparing purchase orders * Match invoices with purchase orders and processing. * Responsible for the accurate and on time payment to creditors KOBUS Fourie, oud-leering van Hoërskool Ben Voster het op 15 Maart sy Bcom GR graad ontvang. Hy het dit met lof geslaag aan die Universiteit van Noordwes Potchefstroom. Candidate must have the following minimum requirements: * Relevant 5 years experience * Bilingual * Excellent computer skills – especially in Excel and Pastel. Suitable, qualified candidates are invited to forward their Curriculum Vitae to Cecilia Landman at e-mail: [email protected] before 24 May 2012 If you have not had any response in two weeks, please consider your application unsuccessful. 78239 78252 PAGE 26 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 SPORT NORTHERN War Cry Paintball was started by the paintball clubs of Limpopo to play for a better cause. This year's game will be held on June 16 in Mooketsi, and all makings will be donated to Abraham Kriel foster home in Nylstroom. DIE junior muurbalspelers wat onlangs aan die SACD's in BFN deelgeneem het, het goed gevaar en goeie ondervinding opgedoen. Van links: Johan Espach, Wouter Kotze, Yvonne Kotze, Grant Larsen, Matthew Larsen. Muurbalspelers doen ondervinding op in Bloem DIE junior muurbalspelers wat onlangs aan die SACD's in BFN deelgeneem het, het goed gevaar en goeie ondervinding opgedoen. Wouter Kotze het deurgedring tot die o/14 span vir die Inter-Provinsiale toernooi wat vanaf 23 - 27 Junie gehou word en waar die SA span gekies word. Yvonne Kotze is weer as bestuurder van die o/14 span gekies. Baie dankie aan Grant Larsen en Yvonne Kotze wat bereid was om as bestuurders van die o/16 en o/14 spanne onderskeidelik op te tree. Orangedene to host Individual Stable Ford ORANGEDENE Golf Club is holding a Individual Stable Ford competition on May 26. There will be plenty of prizes up for grabs. The sponsor of the day will be Choice Motors. Everyone is invited. Entry fee for the day will be R100. There will be a braai after the day, during the prize giving. On June 15 they will host the SAGES competition. For more information phone Nataniel Khoza on: 073 785 8728. Go play paintball for good cause NORTHERN War Cry Paintball was started by the Limpopo paintball clubs to play for a better cause. This year's game will be held on June 16 in Mooketsi, and all proceeds will be donated to Abraham Kriel foster home in Nylstroom. Paintball is a game where two equally devided teams attack each other from two designated points in a scenario manner to complete objectives. They expect this to be the biggest game Limpopo has ever seen. The following eight teams will battle it out: Phalaborwa, Mussina rangers, L.S.P.B - Pretoria, Buffalo recon Polokwane, Battlefest - Louis Trichardt, Wolfpack - Tzaneen, Ellisras, B.O.A.R Mooketsi(Hosts). An estimated 100 players are expected for that day. Anyone is welcome to join and beginners are welcome. There will be gun and kit rentals available for those who would like to give it a try. Date: 16 June. Venue: Mooketsi/Modjadjiskloof (A map will be in the next issue). Time: 07:00 for 08:00 till 16:00. Donations: Minimum of R30. For rentals please contact Juan - 078 801 1155 to book a gun. Visit them on Facebook: "Northern War cry" Limdie blink weer as Blou Bul Die Limpopo Blou Bul A-span speller, Diederick Oberholzer, in aksie tydens 'n wedstryd. Die leerling van Hoërskool Ben Vorster en inwoner van Phalaborwa is vir die derde keer gekies vir die Limpopo Blou Bulle A Span. Hy het voorheen die 0/12A, 0/13A Craven Span en 0/16A Grand Khomo (Craven) Span behaal. Beetge rig nou Lim-span af CHARMAINE Beetge van Hoërskool Ben Vorster is aangewys as die 0/18-Limpopo span se afrigter. Baie geluk en baie sterkte. Richard speel vir Limpopo RICHARD Wernich van Hoërskool Ben Vorster is gekies vir die 0/18 Limpopo-span vir seunshokkie. Die Vossies is baie trots op Richard. Foto: Links NTT LETABA HERALD - Vrydag 18 Mei 2012 PAGE 27 THE AUTOMARK PROMISE 1. Backed by Toyota 5. Seven day exhange plan 2. Guaranteed not stolen 6. Guaranteed year model 3. Automark approved 7. Every vehicle subject to Warranty available a check list 4. Guaranteed mileage R99 900 R69 900 2010 Chery J1 1.3 TE 2010 Chevrolet Optra 1.6L 2008 Merc Benz C230 V6 Coupe A/T 2009 Nissan Livina 1.6 Acenta+ X-Gear R169 900 2009 Nissan Tiida 1.8 Acenta 2011 Toyota Corolla 1.3 Professional R119 900 2010 Toyota Yaris T3+ 5 dr R255 000 R103 900 2008 VW Polo 1.6 Comfortline R169 900 R145 000 2011 Toyota Landcruiser 79 4.0P S/C 2007 Ford Ranger 3.0 TDCi XLT S/Cab R79 900 2011 Hyundai Getz 1.4 HS R139 900 R325 900 2011 Toyota Hilux 2.5 D-4D P/U S/C 2009 VW Citi Sport 1.4i 2008 Honda CRV 2.2 CTDi R134 900 R169 900 R119 900 R198 000 2005 VW Touareg 5.0 V10 TDi R309 900 2012 RAV 4 2.0GX - DEMO NTT TOYOTA TZANEEN DEMO’S AVAILABLE ON ALL TOYOTA PRODUCTS Bernard vd Westhuizen 083 545 3610 Sales Consultant Ernest 083 756 4399 Sales Consultant Aby Tshikalange 076 841 7956 Sales Consultant 53 Agatha Street P.O. Box 545 TZANEEN 0850 TEL: (015) 307 4440 FAX: (015) 307 6148 Natalie 082 478 5543 Sales Consultant 78179 Kardos 078 301 4119 Sales Consultant PAGE 28 LETABA HERALD - Friday 18 May 2012 BETTERBALL Champions. Joey and Francois Prinsloo as the Betterball Champions for the Koraalboom Golf Tournament weekend. Pokkels de Jager and Neels vermaak stands with them. SPORT SYD Reid is crowned as the FNB Koraalboom Champion. Koraalboom Golf Tournament congrats winners 382 rounds of golf were played during the four days and we would like to congratulate the Betterball winners and the Koraalboom Champion. They are looking forward to next years tournament. ALLAN Bissett and Willie Jonker, capturing the FNB Koraalboom spirit. MARCHEL Schipper, was the Saturday individual winner. WINNERS of the Anglican Golf Day played on Saturday were, from left: Gerhard Smit, third, Marcell Schipper, first and Gideon Venter, second. Church thanks sponsors for gholf day ORGANISERS of the Anglican Church Golf Day wishes to thank the following sponsors who contributed towards the event: Mark Andrew, Rose and Cliff Atherstone, Charlie bender, Joan Bissett, the Booth families, Karen Burelli and Rodney Cooper. Chris Dando, Manny de Gouveia, Yvette de Marillac, Christine de Villiers, Spencer Drake, Dave Drewett, Sue Elphinstone and Olive Evans. Dick Graham, Eldred Hawken, Jon Hyde, the Ivy family, Kevin Lancefield, Sue Lancefield, Judy Lawrence, Charlie Luther, Lowveld Labels, Butch MacDonald and Matume Sawmills. Anton Oberholzer, Andrew Pratt, Mark Scott, Paul Wiltshire, Duncan and Darren Smith, Paul Smit, Dick and Barbara Stanley, Don Westcott and Peter and Jeffe Williams. Your Premium Choice in Transport SAND & STONE 78201 9.5mm Stone (klip) • 19mm Stone (klip) • River Sand • Building Sand Stephan 082 737 0125 / 083 500 4385 Renier: 083 654 0237 Office: 082 659 0532 / 083 707 8640 Email: [email protected] Premium Trucking Depot - 8km outside Tzaneen on Letsitele road LOWBED TRANSPORT AVAILABLE 78210 THE 2012 FNB Koraalboom Tournament was held from April 26-29. The committee and the players would like to thank FNB for their sponsorship, that contributed to the success of the tournament. There was a festive atmosphere with tents and caravans around the clubhouse.