GN THE GOOD NEWS ! Community Church of Walker United Church of Christ


GN THE GOOD NEWS ! Community Church of Walker United Church of Christ
Community Church of Walker
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 267
Hwy 371 & Tianna Drive
Walker, MN 56484
(218) 547-1093
Rev. Lynn Strandt
Our Mission
To offer a welcoming church home to all, where friendships grow, spiritual needs are met,
community concerns are addressed and where “God is Still Speaking...”
Sunday Worship 10:00 a.m. Sunday School 10:15 a.m. Coffee and Fellowship 11:00 a.m.
The Good News!—October 2014
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“Instead of each person watching out for their own good,
watch out for what is better for others.
Adopt the attitude that was in Christ Jesus….” Philippians 2:4-5
As we’ve been exploring what it means to be the church and how we might exhibit our beliefs
through our actions and choices, I was reminded of this verse. We all have our particular wishes and
preferences of how things should be, and that’s normal. But, Paul reminds us here that being the church
requires a different way of thinking and being—decisions that enhance the whole church family. In that
way of deciding and then supporting those decisions, we will often find that those choices actually may
be more fulfilling than our own individual ones.
As you may already know, we will be having the Hunter’s Feast and I have agreed to chair this
event. We will, however, be going about the decisions a bit differently: I have a team that will suggest,
discuss and then vote (majority ‘wins’) on specifics. We are doing this first as a way of bringing
community together to eat and if in the process we make some dollars for the church, great. So while I’ll
be taking the ‘heat’ about decisions, they will really be the result of a team. I believe this is how Paul
believes churches are—individuals coming together to come together and make decision for the
good of the whole and then, whether we wanted it that particular way or not, we get behind it and
support it. We hope that you will be willing to become a suppor ter in some way.
Sometimes things go the way we like and sometimes they go differently, but the end result is the
most important part, I believe I hear Christ and Paul saying by doing. So, please think about how you are
comfortable being involved because we need everyone supporting the events of the church.
Blessings and peace,
Pastor Lynn
Neighbors in Need is a special mission offering of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and
compassion throughout the United States.
The NIN offering will start on October 5th as part of our World Communion Sunday observance.
The 2014 theme for NIN is “Imagining Another World Where Literacy Is No Longer A Concern.”
Be sure to read and enjoy our NIN inserts in your October bulletins.
Support this worthy cause and donate in October. If you prefer to donate by mail, make checks
payable to Community Church of Walker, United Church of Christ and mail to P.O. Box 267, Walker,
MN 56484. Please wr ite NIN (Neighbor s in Need) on the check so it will be put into this mission.
Thank you for your donations and support to this mission.
Chris Kolp and Doris Johnson
The Good News!—October 2014
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We had another good council meeting on September 16th with 13 in attendance. It was nice to see all
the different committees attending. Even with all the reports, old business and new business, we were done
in an hour and a half.
The guest pastor we had on Sunday September 7th had a very good message on forgiving and talking
with each other face to face. I hope we can all remember this message as it makes things so much easier.
I am enjoying working with everyone on the board and hope to do the same with the committees. So
far we feel for Kerry who is the only man on this board. He is such a good help from the Trustees and we
welcome him on our church council. I’m seeing a fun side of him that I never knew about and it is very
It was great to hear from Jo and know that the kids of our church are being taken care of with Sunday
School and Release time - thank you Jo and the teachers.
The council decided to have the Hunter’s Feast. Pastor Lynn came forward to head up this
committee, and it will go back to the way it was with just a dinner to make it easier, so look to do sign up
for helping with this event. It is fun when we can all work together as a team and a church. (We won’t see
the old pickup out there this year because Lindy sold it, but Alice said they will come up with something.)
Several things were decided at our church council meeting which you can read about in Alice’s
minutes. Deb Farrell is going to be the third person on the Minister of Church Relations so now our slate is
complete. Dick Stilson stepped up to be on the Board of Trustees, and Darlene Stilson is now chair of the
Music Board. Many thanks to all of you who are serving on a committee - your help is greatly appreciated.
As we come into fall, everyone is getting ready for winter, as is this church - Advent and Christmas
are being looked into already.
You are always free to attend a council meeting if you like. If you want something on the agenda let
me know by the Friday before our council meetings and I will be include it on the agenda.
So as we go into fall with a great appreciation of the fall colors and the season, remember you are a
member or friend of this church and you do have a say in what happens and we are always going to listen
to any suggestions you may have. Our church family is important to all of us as well as this church.
Your Moderator, Pat Finney
We have so many great folks who are interested in growing in their faith. I have some resources
available and would very much welcome individuals who would like to lead a 5-6 week study of some
kind. My experience is that the teacher usually ends up learning the most so please don’t feel that you
must be an expert in the subject—you just are willing to be one who brings the group together so we can
all learn together. So, who’d like to be the pioneer group leader? (I will do whatever I can to help you, so
you’re not in this alone!) Pastor Lynn
The Good News!—October 2014
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Pledge/Giving Analysis: 08/01/2014 - 12/31/2014
Summary - Non-Pledged
1 - Pledges
10 - Fund Raisers
2 - Regular
3 - Plate
4 - Rent
8 - Outreach & Missions
9 - Gifts
Grand Total
Count: 49
Giving selection: Only those who gave
Pledging selection: All.
Accounts selected: All accounts
People where: Excluding terminated/inactive. Also includes: donations individuals, donations groups, membership groups.
Thank you for your continued support of the Community Church of Walker UCC.
Vera Demars, Financial Secretary and
Ruth Niedermann, Financial Secretary
Vera [email protected]
Ruth [email protected]
Home Phone 547-3390
Home Phone 547-1656
September 16th, 2014
Attending: Pastor Lynn, Vera Demars, Deb Farrell, Pat Finney, Jo Horak, Alice Johnson, Doris Johnson,
Marge Koch, Ruth Niedermann, JoAnn Rand, Doris Splichal, Darlene Stilson, Kerry Swenson.
Moderator: Pat opened the meeting with a prayer. The August minutes were read and a motion was made
by Jo to approve, seconded by Doris J., ayes all.
Pastor Lynn: Youth meetings will be on Wednesdays after school from 4:00-6:15 p.m. She would appreciate
donations of snacks for them, preferring things like crackers and cheese, etc., instead of snacks containing
sugar. Confirmation classes will also begin and four, possibly five, youth will be attending. They will be
using a study Bible.
Treasurer: Deb passed her report around and discussion followed. A motion by Ruth to approve, seconded
by Darlene, ayes all.
Vera reported a total of $2,761.00 for the Fish Fry and $667 for One Great Hour of Sharing. A
motion by Deb to approve, seconded by JoAnn, ayes all.
Ruth made no report.
Continued on Page 5
The Good News!—October 2014
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Continued from Page 4
Pat gave the 2014-2015 budget (pencil copy). Trustees will meet after church on Sunday as
they didn’t meet before Council.
Benevolence: Doris submitted a letter that requested a contribution of CUE (Chicago, Unite & Eden). The
funds are used to support the seminaries for these three schools. The committee will be promoting “Neighbors
in Need” in October. Pamphlets will be inserted in the bulletins each Sunday in October. Each pamphlet is
different and explains the needs and uses of the funds collected for the mission. The collection envelopes will
be placed in the pews.
No report.
Christian Ed. Jo has a person to teach Release Time which will begin October 1. Amber McAllister’s
contract must be presented to Trustees. They also need a donation of healthy snacks and anticipate the same
number of children as last year. They will be posting a sign-up sheet for snacks.
Spiritual Life: Special bulletins are being planned, four for Advent and one for Christmas Eve. They are
looking for donations of $8.00 per Sunday for the special bulletins.
Darlene reported a meeting between Luke, Nancy and herself to discuss the budget and
salary for Luke. They are trying to stay under the budget. A set salary was established. Darlene would like to
thank Ruth and Earl for cleaning the cupboards.
Women’s Fellowship: Marge said they need more help for Country Store which is from on Saturday,
September 20th, 11:00 a.m.– 2:00 p.m. There will be a sign-up sheet for kitchen clean up on the day.
Old Business: Pat found one more person for the Minister/Church Relations Board - Deb did volunteer for
this. Pat showed the new vacuum and has tried it out herself. She says it will work between the pews.
Darlene will order the new plaque for the piano.
New Business:
1 Pat asks if you have a church key not registered, you need to get your name on the list.
2 She also needs five people for a committee to look into the Policy Book rules.
3 The Conference has requested only Church designated individuals contact them with complaints and
4 concerns. The Moderator and Vice-Moderator are the designated individuals. If anyone has a concern,
they should go through them.
5 The Hunter’s Feast will be held on Saturday, November 8th. Pastor Lynn has volunteered to chair the
dinner. There will be no Silent Auction this year.
A motion by Vera to approve, seconded by JoAnn, ayes all.
Pastor Lynn asked for her 4th wee vacation for year ending October 22nd, 2014 will be paid versus taken. A
motion by Kerry to approve, seconded by Ruth, ayes all.
Jo reviewed a list made for the Chamber to publish the dates of yearly church events as follows: Plant Sale in
May, Fish Fry in August, Country Store in September, Hunter’s Feast in November. A motion by Kerry to
approve, seconded by JoAnn, ayes all.
Our next council meeting will be October 21st. A motion by Vera to approve, seconded by Ruth.
Alice Johnson: Clerk 8:20 p.m.
The Good News!—October 2014
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New Officers for the coming year will be Jo Horak, (current Vice Pres.), as President, Vera Demars as
Vice President, Sue Standeven as Treasurer, and the secretary’s position yet to be filled. Anyone? Anyone??
The ten women attending made final plans for the September 20th Country Store. The various items for
sale will be consolidated into the Fellowship Hall, except for a fresh produce area in the hallway near the
check-out tables. There will be a leader for each area, instead of a single event chair person, (although Jo H.
did lots of the extra work needed). “Thanks Jo!”
The new leader for the Prayer Chain will be Ruby Haugen, 547-3472. You may be called by Betty
Fisher to help with Sunday morning Greeters. In fact, maybe you could call her and volunteer a possible
Sunday that would work for you!!! Let’s give Betty a bit of help!
Other items on the agenda were: The new “bullet-proof” vacuum cleaner is especially appreciated by
Pat F. (It’s like the one at the Sherriff’s Dept.) Barb B. and Jo H. will review and update the church’s
Wedding reception policies. Darlene reported that the order of 2,000 table placemats purchased from
Precision Printing, Detroit Lakes (approx...$130) have arrived.
On Thursday Oct 2nd at 9am we will all ‘gather in the church kitchen’ for our annual ‘scrubby-dubby’
time. Please join us. WF will be checking on the coffee hour sign-up sheet and try to fill in as needed.
Hunter’s Feast will be held on the first Saturday in November. Pastor Lynn has offered to chair this
event. Ruby H. will represent WF on the planning committee. Thank you Pastor Lynn.
A heartfelt “Thank You” to all members and friends of Women’s Fellowship for the extra time and
energies you have shared with our church this past year! Thank you also for the kindness and support you
have shown me during these past two years. It has been sincerely appreciated. May God bless and protect you
always. ~ Marge
Next Women’s Fellowship meeting will be November 19th at 1:00 p.m.
We met on Sunday, September 21st, during Fellowship Hour to finalize Release Time Materials to
be used for Elementary and High School youth. Sunday School materials chosen at an earlier meeting are
in use and have been well received by both teachers and youth. We are excited to have an opportunity to
offer brand-new items for the Release Time Classes.
We welcome Amber McAllister as Lead Teacher with support staff (TBA). All of us can, however,
be involved in educating and interacting with our youth. Youth Group meets every Wednesday after
school, but Release Time meets on selected Wednesdays during school hours. Release Time for the High
School begins October 1, and for the Elementary School October 22. See the Release Time sign-up sheet
for dates. Please sign up to offer assistance with refreshments, transportation or special skills. Don’t miss
this chance to be a part of a child’s life! Both groups welcome your support!
Other upcoming Christian Ed. events are the Advent Workshop and Christmas Program. Dates are
being confirmed.
Respectfully submitted, Jo Horak, Chair, Melanie Wolfe, Laramie Kalli, Bev Lloyd (ex-officio),
Pastor Lynn (ex-officio)
The Good News!—October 2014
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Saturday, November 8th
5:00-7:30 p.m.
Scalloped Potatoes
Hot Vegetables and Salads
Community Church of Walker
United Church of Christ
located at the corner of Hwy 371 & Tianna Drive, Walker
The Good News!—October 2014
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Doug Olson
Karen Compton and Pat Finney
October 5
October 12
October 19
October 26
Nancy Jacobson
Sue Standeven
Bruce & Ruby Haugen
Meryle O’Connor
Vera Demars
Chris Kolp
Warren Wulfekuhler
Beverly Jorland
Earl Niedermann
Steve Bilben
Barb Brownlow
Don & Doris Splichal
Vera Demars
The Good News!—October 2014
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Let us pray together for:
All the natural disaster victims worldwide.
The victims and their families lost to acts of violence.
Peace in the Middle East and all over the world.
The men and women in the Armed Forces and National Guard who have been called to active duty.
We pray for the health of our members, friends and loved-ones: Yvonne Ahles, Ruth Aksamit,
Gene Alderson, The Family and Friends of Bill Alderson (Gene’s Brother), Tammy Artley,
Kathy Austreng, Dale Boone, Lois Caldwell, Jim Canada, Rev. Milan and Joan Davig,
Ardith Fischer, Penny Fisher, Vida Fuller, Virginia Hallett, Emma Halverson, Dick Hein,
Ed and Betty Hopps, Georgie Howard, Bill Koch, Jerome Markel, Loretta Mayclin,
Kristy Meyer, Pat and Bob Moore, Kent Olson, Arthur Reese, The Family of Carol Smith,
Bob Stonebraker, Chris (Joanna Aamodt’s sister-in-law)
Kim Puffer
Shirley Smith
Paul Artley
Jo Horak
Kerry Swenson
Bob Horak
Pat Finney
Cheryl Hamlin
Norma Knight
Warren Wulfekuhler
Evelyn Matson
Emily Paul
Lori Koch
Heather Felix
Lisa Fisher
Jack and Drea Gyldenvand
Kris and Sarah Koch
Kam and Lori Koch
Gene and Beth Alderson
The Good News!—October 2014
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The Good News! is a monthly newsletter publication of the
Community Church of Walker
United Church of Christ
located at the corner of Highway 371 & Tianna Drive
Walker, MN 56484
Mailing address: P.O. Box 267, Walker, MN 56484
Phone: (218) 547-1093
Email: commchurchucc@ar
Web Site:
Rev. Lynn Strandt
(218) 547-6413
[email protected]
Secretary: Mar ina Lovell Email: commchurchucc@ar
Office Hours: Wednesday and Thursday 1:00-4:00 p.m.
Music/Choir Director: Luke Bar nar d
Bell Choir Director: Heidi Hoppe
Custodian: Pat Finney
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]
Email: pat57@ar
Church Moderator: Pat Finney
Vice-Moderator: JoAnn Rand
Clerk: Alice Johnson
Treasurer: Deb Farrell
Financial Secretary Co-Chairs: Vera Demars and Ruth Niedermann
Historian: Darlene Stilson
Chair, Board of Trustees: Kerry Swenson
Chair, Board of Benevolence: Doris Johnson
Chair, Board of Christian Education: Jo Horak
Chair, Board of Memorials: Ruth Niedermann
Chair, Board of Music: Darlene Stilson
Chair, Board of Spiritual Life: Seasonal Co-Chairs Barb Brownlow & Doris Splichal
Women’s Fellowship President: Jo Horak
Minister/Church Relations Board Members:
JoAnn Rand (Vice-Moderator), Deb Farrell, Marge Koch, John Thompson
Materials for the November Newsletter need to be in the office by
9:00 a.m. Thursday October 23rd, 2014.
8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Release Time High Sch.
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Recycled Cards
4:00-6:15 p.m.
8:30 a.m. Choir Practice
10:00 a.m. Worship and
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Fellowship
6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
3:00-6:30 p.m.
Weight Watchers
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
4:00-6:15 p.m.
Youth Group
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Recycled Cards
The Good News!—October 2014
7:00 p.m. Faith Circle
at Meryle O’Connor’s
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Choir Practice
Sunday School
6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
3:00-6:30 p.m.
Weight Watchers
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
4:00-6:15 p.m.
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Recycled Cards
1:00 p.m. Esther Circle
at May Creek
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Choir Practice
Sunday School
Choir Practice
Sunday School
6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
3:00-6:30 p.m.
Weight Watchers
8:40 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Release Time Elem. Sch. Office Hours
6:00 p.m.
Committee Meetings
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Recycled Cards
7:00 p.m.
Council Meeting
4:00-6:15 p.m.
Youth Group
9:00 a.m. Deadline for
November Newsletter
6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts
3:00-6:30 p.m.
Weight Watchers
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours
1:00-4:00 p.m.
Recycled Cards
Page 11
8:30 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Community Church of Walker
United Church of Christ
P.O. Box 267
Walker, MN 56484
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The Good News!
Community Church of Walker
United Church of Christ