
The 20th Sunday after Pentecost (Yr A RCL)
26 October 2014
The Church of the Redeemer is delighted to have you with us
today to share in our mission to know, love, worship and obey our Lord
Jesus Christ.
Whether this is your first, second, or third visit, please help us welcome you by wearing a visitor name tag found inside the parish brochure
in the pew racks in front of you. We also invite you to join us for coffee
and Christian fellowship after the services on the veranda (weather permitting) or inside Gillespie Hall. Look for the Welcome Table in Gillespie
Hall. As you exit the front of the church, simply follow the pathway to
your right, past our Rose Garden, and around to the veranda and Gillespie
If you would like to receive more information about our services,
ministries, and mission, or to be placed on our mailing list, please fill out
the Visitor Card attached to the visitor name tag, and place it in the offering plate, or hand it to an usher, and be sure to come to the Welcome Table
in Gillespie Hall. We hope you will choose to return to the Church of the
Redeemer and invite you to call on us at any time (955.4263) or visit our
website (
Today . . .
Today we continue our season of ministry celebration and stewardship. Copies of the “Annual Giving 2015” brochure are available again this week. Within the brochure, you can learn how your
investment in the parish is utilized. Continue during this season
to pray about how you might take your place in one of more than
eighty active ministries and how you can invest in the mission
and work of the parish. We will conclude this season of ministry
celebration and stewardship on Sunday, 16 November. Please
bring your “Take Your Place Card” and a pledge card, which you
will receive in the mail this week, to one of the masses on 15 and
16 November as we conclude this season of growth and enrichment.
Today at the Rector’s class at 10:15 AM, we will hear Malacy
and Father Charleston Wilson talk about their faith journey.
All Saints’ baptism preparation classes conclude today for
adults and parents of children being baptized on Saturday, 1
November, All Saints’ Day, at the 10:00 AM mass. We meet during
Christian Education time (10:15-10:40 AM) in the Halton Chapel.
Blood pressure screening will be held today between masses, in
Gillespie Hall.
Set your clocks back one hour next Saturday evening. Next
Sunday, 2 November, we will be on Eastern Standard Time again.
Parish Office (941.955.4263) 222 South Palm Ave.
Sarasota, FL 34236
email: [email protected]
Sunday School meets today – 2 & 3 yr olds through 12th grade, 10:10AM.
Need directions to your classroom? Ask an usher, or check the "Sunday
School Map" in the narthex. Teachers and students receive commu
first, and head right to class.
This week . . .
Bridge to the Word, a small group adult Sunday School class,
meets in Room 207 above Gillespie Hall, 10:10–10:40 AM. Our
curriculum, “Wired Word,” takes a current issue and explores how
we as Christians might look at it. Join us for discussion and a
relaxing cup of coffee while making new friends. We welcome visitors and those new to the parish. No preparation necessary!
Daughters of the King will meet tomorrow, Monday, 27 October.
The meeting begins with mass at 10:00 AM. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend.
The men’s book group, “Books and Beyond,” will meet this
Tuesday evening, 28 October. We will be discussing David Fromkin’s book, A Peace to End All Peace: The Fall of the Ottoman Empire and the Creation of the Modern Middle East. We begin at 7:15
PM in the Eva Pope Room, with refreshments, and will adjourn at
9:00 PM. All are warmly welcomed; come and bring a friend. Contact: John Mathis, [email protected].
This week at LOGOS we’ll look at David and the “Heroic Leadership” he demonstrated. We’ll see if we can discover a modernday hero who demonstrates the same, and talk about what kind
of superhero we can be for God. LOGOS, Redeemer’s mid-week
event for children in grades K-5th, meets 4-6:30 PM, and includes
Bible study, playtime, proctored study hall, worship through the
arts (choir, art, or Suzuki prep), and dinner. Tuition is $100 for
the year, and limited scholarships are available. Contact: Laura
Valek, 2014-15 LOGOS chair, [email protected].
You will receive a new investment/pledge card this week in
the mail. Please bring it, together with your “Take Your Place
Card,” to one of the masses on the weekend of 15-16 November
when we will conclude this season of celebration and stewardship.
Continue during this season to pray about how you might take
your place in one of more than eighty active ministries and how
you can invest in the mission and work of the parish. Copies of
the “Take Your Place Card” and the new pledge cards are also
available at, and will be in the narthex next
Bishop Michael Marshall, Honorary Assistant Bishop of London,
will be the preacher for Redeemer's All Saints' Preaching Mission,
"For ALL the Saints: Celebrating the Past, Present and Future at
Church of the Redeemer," which will begin with a Solemn High
Mass at 10:00 AM on All Saints’ Day, Saturday, 1 November.
Bishop Marshall will also preach at the 7:30, 9:00, and 11:00 AM
masses on 2 November, All Saints’ Sunday, and at Solemn Evensong at 5:15 PM on Sunday.
Make your reservations now for the Evensong Dinner on Sunday, 2 November, in Gillespie Hall, in honor of Bishop Michael
Marshall, and the culmination of Redeemer's All Saints' Preaching
Mission. We want everyone to sign up for this parish family event!
Register by calling the parish office, or via the website, Deadline for all reservations is Wednesday 29
October, at 5:00 PM. You must register so that we have a count
for dinner. You can pay two ways: if you wish to pay early, the
cost is $8.50 per person in advance (via PayPal on our website, or
cash or check to the parish office by the reservation deadline.) Not
paying early? Register by 29 October, and please bring cash or
check ($10 per person, payable to "Church of the Redeemer") to
pay at the door.
Next week . . .
The Annual All Saints Sunday School Procession takes place
next Sunday, 2 November. Students in grades K-12, plan to meet
your teachers in front of the red doors at 8:50AM. Nursery and
PreK children will meet in their classrooms as usual. Classes K-12
will sit together through the entire 9 AM mass.
Attention Ladies—Now Meeting on Wednesday Nights! Our
Fall 2014 Bible study offering for women, Beth Moore’s DVD series, “Children of the Day,” has added an evening option on
Wednesday nights, 6:30 PM, in the Halton Chapel, starting 5 November. This study is facilitated by Mary Page Hill, and all women
are invited as we share The Word, conversation, and a little
"something to sip." Contact Mary Page Hill,
[email protected].
It's coming—and better than anything Madame Tussaud ever
created! Redeemer's Annual All Saints' Wax Museum takes place
on Sunday, 2 November, Gillespie Hall, between the 9 and 11 AM
Masses. Our K-3rd grade classes become saints though the ages,
complete with candlelight and Gregorian chant. Don’t miss it!
Future events . . .
The Heart to Heart Women’s Book Club will sponsor an allparish book discussion and dinner on Thursday, 15 January
2015, at 6:30 in the evening in Gillespie Hall. This year the Redeemer men’s book group, Books and Beyond, will join us in putting on this event! The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their
Epic Quest for Gold at the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James
Brown will be discussed after a festive dinner is enjoyed by all.
The fee for this special event is $10.00 per person. You may pay
by cash or check in the parish office, or if you wish to pay online
at, you may sign up and pay $11.50 using
PayPal. A full dinner, including beverages and dessert, and a cash
wine bar will precede the book discussion. Please sign up as soon
as possible as seating is limited.
Please note . . .
If you are interested in being on the slate of nominees for the
2015 vestry, please contact Jody Maxwell, Senior Warden, or Father Robinson. Seats to be filled are two from 9:00 AM, one from
11:00 AM, and one from 1:00 PM.
In keeping with a Redeemer tradition, our college undergrads
received this week the first of three "college care packages" for this
academic year from the parish. We still don't have the college
mailing addresses for many of our undergrads. Without a college
address, we can't include them in future mailings. Since we don't
want anyone to be left out, please send your student's collegiate
mailing address to [email protected] by 1 November.
Donations . . .
The Caritas food ministry wants your donations. Especially
needed are baked beans, beef stew, canned hams, fruit cocktail,
and saltine crackers. Food donations may be left in the large basket in the narthex. Monetary donations are also welcome. Make
your check out to Church of the Redeemer, memo: Caritas food
pantry. Thank you for your continued support.
† WEEK OF 26 October 2014 †
Sundays, Nursery: infants & toddlers, during 9 & 11 AM, 1 PM masses
Children’s Chapel and Sunday School K-12th during 9 AM mass
Daily Morning Prayer – 8:30 AM (except Sunday)
Daily Evening Prayer – 5:15 PM (except Saturday & Sunday)
Proper 25
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
Rector’s Class, Faith Talks
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
Sunday School, Grades K-12, 10:15 AM, all classrooms
Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207
Baptism Preparation, 10:15, Halton Chapel
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, North Wall, Gillespie Hall
NA, 7:30 AM, Noon, & 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
Daughters of the King, begin with mass at 10 AM
11 AM Adult Choir rehearsal, 3-5 PM, Music Room
Canterbury Choir, 5:30-6:45 PM, Music Room
Cub Scout Pack 24, 6:30 PM, Upper Room
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Lectionary Bible Study, Noon, Room 205
Inquirers’ Class, 6:30 PM, North Gillespie Hall
Art of Marriage, 7:00-8:30 PM
NA, 7 PM, Sunday School Wing
Men’s Group, “Books and Beyond,” 7:14 PM, Eva Pope Room
2 November
All Saints
James Hannington, Bishop of Eastern Equatorial Africa,
And his Companions, Martyrs, 1885
EUCHARIST – 7:30 & 10:00 AM
Christian Leadership Concepts, 6-8 AM, Eva Pope Room
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Gift Shoppe open 10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
“The Book of Genesis,” 10:30 AM & 6:30 PM, Rooms 202-204
LOGOS (gr K-5), 4:00 – 6:30 PM, Gillespie Hall
Suzuki Prep (gr K-1), 5:00-5:45 PM, Sarah Oster Room
Westminster Choir (gr 2-5), 5:00-5:45 PM, Music Room
Youth Confirmation (gr 7), 4:30 PM, Upper Room
Art of Marriage, 5:30-6:45 PM
Junior EYC youth (gr 6-8), 6:00 PM, Turner Dabney Room
Women’s Bible Study, 6:30 PM, Halton Chapel & 2nd Grade Rm
EUCHARIST – 10:00 AM & 5:30 PM
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Beth Moore Women’s Bible Study, 9:15 AM, Upper Room
Needlepoint Group, 10:00 AM, Eva Pope Room
Finance Committee Budget Meeting, 4:30 PM, Rooms 202-204
Baptism Rehearsal, 6:15 PM, Church
9 AM Choir Rehearsal, 7-9 PM, Music Room
Art of Marriage, 7:00-8:30 PM
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 10:00 AM
Parish Office Closed
Youth Bible Studies, 6:15 AM, Various Locations
Men’s Prayer Breakfast, 7:15 AM
NA, 7:30 AM & Noon, Sunday School Wing
Men’s Prayer Group, 7:30 AM, Eva Pope Room
EUCHARIST with Anointing For Healing – 5:30 PM
Set your clocks back one hour!
EUCHARIST– 7:30, 9:00, & 11:00 AM; 1 PM (Spanish)
All Saints’ Wax Museum, 10:15 AM, Gillespie Hall
Gift Shoppe open after the 9 and 11 AM Masses
Sunday School, Grades K-12, 10:15 AM, all classrooms
Bridge to the Word, 10:15 AM, Room 207
Teacher Meeting, 11:00 AM, Upper Room
Solemn Evensong, 5:15 PM
Evensong Dinner, 6:15 PM, Gillespie Hall
Senior EYC youth (gr 9-12), 6:30 PM, North Wall, Gillespie Hall
Redeemer EYC . . .
Contact: [email protected]
EYC is more than a youth group! It’s a way to explore your faith as a
young person in community here at Redeemer. We’re having an amazing
time building a piece of the Kingdom! Invite your friends so they don’t
miss out on things like Broom Raider and the COTR Smash Bros. Invitational!
Friday Mornings are not for sleeping. They are for hanging out with the
best people ever. At 6:15 AM on Fridays, we’re reading Scripture together and eating some awesome breakfast. Don’t worry, you’ll be out the
door in time for school. Need more info? Talk to Fr. David ASAP so we
can see you next Friday morning!
Senior EYC is tonight! You won’t want to miss the first annual
SFW/Ironic/Awkward Costume Contest. It’s a costume contest I guess, or
whatever. I was wearing ironic costumes before it was cool. Anyway, it’s
not Halloween but Halloween is so mainstream. I’ll be coming back from
playing a show in Tallahassee so I’m dressing as “that guy who was in
that band." See you tonight from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM in Gillespie!
Next Week: Seniors, come enjoy our All Saints Parish Dinner with your
family! Help out our awesome kitchen staff! Maybe we can get ice cream
Junior EYC is smashing! Both figuratively and literally. Last week we
used broom handles to smash plastic plates. Why would we do that?
Marshmallow catching, that’s why. Ask any Jr. EYCer, and you might
have an idea what I’m talking about! Anyway, come join our amazing
(and growing) crowd this Wednesday night from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM in 1
TD Center (The Turner Dabney Room)! We’ll be finishing up our series
on Churchy Things this week!
New Acolytes! Did you sign the book yet? Evensong on Nov.16 is
your chance to be formally inducted into our Acolyte corps! We’ll have a
massive procession and we’ll fill the place with smoke in celebration of
your matriculation! Mark your calendars!
Other important dates for EYC:
☻11/1 All Saints’ Parish Dinner
☻11/7 EYC Movie Night: God’s Not Dead
☻11/16 Evensong and Acolyte Matriculation
☻11/26 Ice Skating with St. Boniface
Students! Ever have a question about church stuff and then forgot to
ask when you got to EYC? Ask away with #eycsupwith to our
twitter@redeemereyc or Instagram redeemereyc!
Episcopal Thrift House . . .
Your Episcopal Thrift House is looking for a few good men. We
could use your help as little as three hours a week. Please contact
Pat Tate, volunteer coordinator, at 941.387.6016 for information.
And, please bring us your manly donations weekdays between 104 or Saturdays from 10-1 on the corner of Second and Lemon in
beautiful downtown Sarasota.
Join us for our next ALPHA course. It will begin on 13 January
and meet on Tuesdays at 6 PM. Stay tuned for details. All are
Anglican Cycle of Prayer: The Church of Ceylon, Colombo, Ceylon,
The Rt. Rev. Dhiloraj Ranjit Canagasabey Kurunagala; Ceylon, The
Rt. Rev. Greg Shantha Kumar Francis
Diocesan Cycle of Prayer: Holy Spirit, Osprey; Holy Spirit, Safety
Harbor; Nativity, Sarasota; Redeemer, Sarasota; Grace Church, Tampa; Clergy spouses and widows of the Diocese of Southwest Florida
Those celebrating their birthdays today: Evelyn Anderson, Liz
Bentley, Frank McKay, David Swain, Angela Ward Saoud
Those celebrating their wedding anniversaries today: Jack & Marie Morgan
Celebrating Ordination to the Priesthood: Father Fred Robinson
Repose of the soul for: Dean Smith, Donald Goddard, Marian Langer, Dean Smith, Dorothy Ormsby, Edna Nottage, Tom Fiquet, Charles
Safe travel: Carl Stockton; Terry & Elvira Lindemann; Kay Chandler;
Mike Saoud & Angela Ward Saoud
The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God in loving memory
of Donald Greve and Dean Smith.
The Altar Flowers are given to the glory of God in loving memory of
Peter L. A. Aideyan, Dorothy Anderson, Jo Read, the loved ones of Dr.
& Mrs. Stephen Culp; and for the marriage on Friday of Dr. Stephen
Culp and Kathy Beckwith.
The BMO Harris Bank parking garage is available for church parking on Sundays
until 1:00 PM. The garage is locked at that time, and any cars left inside will be
locked in.
The nursery for infants and toddlers is available during the 9 and 11 AM masses
every Sunday.
Those persons who find it difficult to come to the altar to receive Holy Communion
are asked to inform one of the ushers, who will then see that Communion is
brought to your pew.
If you have fami
family members in the
the active military please call the parish office to
have them put on our prayer list.
Listening devices for the hearinghearing-impaired may be obtained from an usher. The
Hard of Hearing Assistance System operates on a frequency of 72.9 for those whose
hearing aids have the capability to pick it up. For those who have a T-Coil receiver
in their hearing aid, Redeemer has an Induction Loop system installed. Personal
earbuds may be purchased in the parish office.
A CD recording of today’s service may be ordered through the parish office,
GlutenGluten-free communion wafers are available: Sundays, 7:30 AM Mass – high altar;
9:00 and 11:00 AM Masses – chapel altar. Indicate your need to the priest administering the host.
Visit our bulletin board inside Gillespie Hall on the wall outside the kitchen for
information about your parish family, upcoming events, and volunteer opportunities. Contact Carolyn Peet, [email protected], or 955.4263 if you have
something you think belongs on our bulletin board.
Check out our website,, to learn all the latest news and information you need to be connected to your parish. Look for the parish calendar for
details on current events.