g{x fÑ|Üx Joyful Generosity November 2014
g{x fÑ|Üx Joyful Generosity November 2014
g{x fÑ|Üx First Baptist Church, Ames, Iowa Joyful Generosity November 2014 Volume 60, No. 11 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 200 Lynn Ave. Ames, IA 50014-7188 Worship Sundays 9:45 am PHONE: 515-292-9612 FAX: 515-292-0403 E-MAIL [email protected] WEB: www.fbcames.org First Baptist Church is an open and caring family of faith where worship is central and faith engages both heart and mind. We are warmly ecumenical, delight in our diversity, and cherish our Baptist heritage of freedom. We are called by Christ to share God’s love with the campus, community, and the world. As we seek to follow the way of Jesus, we welcome all people to fully participate in our fellowship: all ages, colors, backgrounds, political affiliations, and physical and mental abilities; male and female, gay and straight, rich and poor, single and married, skilled and unskilled. We are all God's children, and all are welcome here. Our Fall Stewardship Emphasis will be this month, with a theme of “Joyful Generosity.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 reads, “Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” When we think of stewardship, we tend to think of financial stewardship and stewardship of the environment – our land, water and air. This is a big part of it, but the Biblical notion of stewardship is much broader. We are called to care for and use well all that God has given us – out time, our gifts, our talents, our influence, our relationships, our vocations, our families, our money, as well as God’s creation that surrounds us and sustains us. So you might think of stewardship as simply living generously and compassionately. A stewardship mailing will be sent out this week, including a copy of the proposed 2015 budget, a narrative budget that “tells the story” of our ministry plans for 2015, and a pledge card. Besides the pledge of financial support for the church’s work in the coming year, there will also be an opportunity to express your interest and willingness to serve and participate in a variety of areas in our church life. Gift/interest surveys will be included in the mailing and will also be distributed at church on November 9. We will encourage everyone to complete one that morning, if they haven’t already. Individuals will be sharing a stewardship moment in worship the first three Sundays of this month, offering personal stories of why it is important to support our ministry together. We will all be invited to offer our pledges of financial support for the 2015 year in worship on November 16. When we stop and realize how richly God has blessed us, we respond both by giving thanks and by sharing those blessings with others. We will be doing both as a church in the days ahead. I’m looking forward to Sunday! Blessings, Pastor Dave November 2 Worship Leader: Wallace Sanders Ushers: Bob Parrish*, Kent Johnson Wallace Sanders, Jan Thompson November 9 Worship Leader: Lorrie Whitaker Ushers: Rosemarie Starrett*, Nancy Maydew Kaylinn Taggart, Michael Thompson November 16 Worship Leader: John Whitaker Ushers: Dianne Borgen, Jerilyn Logue Tom Logue, Katherine Thompson November 23 Worship Leader: Jocelyn Wilson Ushers: Scott Anderson*, Julie Johnston Jere Maddux, Tiffany Nugent November 30 Worship Leader: Pat Coffey Usher: Jeanine Cole*, Lee Davidson Mark Reuber, Barbara Woods Flowers for November: Judy Demarest Lyndsay Whitaker Abbey Johnson Lucy Johnson Helen Sassaman Harris Seidel Marilyn Peterson Earl Hammond Brian Starrett Donna Cleasby Buckley Peterson Ngaire West-Johnson 4 6 6 8 12 13 21 24 25 27 28 Anniversaries Joe and Catherine Parrish 20 Much appreciation to Jack Cleasby who took the food shelf items to MICA, (Mid-Iowa Community Action). The items totaled 48 pounds. The total monetary amount donated was $150.Your generous contributions were appreciated! In February, we will have another Food Shelf Month at FBC! It's a Girl! A BIG thank you to Wallace Sanders and Catherine and Joe Parrish for providing food for Student Suppers in October. The Parrishes also hosted a bonfire for the students on October 12. Your help is very appreciated! Congratulations to Alissa and Joe Murphy, and big brother Killian, on the birth of Kyleigh Nicole Murphy. She came into the world considerably early, arriving on October 29 and weighing 1 lb. 4 oz. Kyleigh is in the neonatal intensive care unit at Mercy Hospital. Please keep Kyleigh and her family in prayer. Joe and Cathy Parrish are grandparents and Wayne and Irene Shireman are great-grandparents. Good Neighbor Concert The directory will be printed mid-November. A copy of the current directory is in the narthex in a binder. Please verify that your information is correct with a check or ok, or mark any necessary changes. Do you know of any changes for our nonresident members and friends, or for resident members and friends we haven’t seen in a while? Please update their information if you have it. Lastly, don’t forget to check the birthday and anniversary section, and add your name(s) and special day if it is not listed. Thank you for your help in making sure our directory is current. You are invited to attend the Good Neighbor Combined Choir Benefit Concert on Sunday, November 9, at 2:00 pm at Bethesda Lutheran Church, 1517 Northwestern Avenue in Ames. Doors open at 1:30 pm. This year 13 ensembles, including the First Baptist choir, will be performing. A free will donation will be received to benefit Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, Inc. For more information about the work of Good Neighbor, visit www.gnea.org or see the flyer on the community bulletin board for concert details News from the Library November moves us toward the Advent season. There are books for every ages to prepare us to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior. We'll have some in the hallway display and some on display in the Library. HAYRIDE Eighteen folks of all ages enjoyed a hayride on October 26 at Eric and Diane Brown’s farm, northeast of Zearing. The group enjoyed a ride on a wagon pulled by Clydesdale horses through what was once the pioneer town of Illinois Grove. After getting back from the ride, there was a hot dog roast. Thanks to all who made it a great afternoon! I've recently added a dozen “learning to read” chapter books. These were added with funds from the Margaret Harmon Memorial. During November the FBC Book Group will be reading Not A Silent Night, Mary Looks Back to Bethlehem by Adam Hamilton. Rev. Hamilton is senior pastor at a Leawood, Kansas United Methodist Church. The book is an extension of a preaching series where he imagined Jesus from Mary's point of view. This is a good time to take a look around your home for any books belonging to the Church Library. I have names and will be contacting you for any books that have been out for six months or more. GREAT DAY OF SERVICE October 19 was our Great Day of Service. We had a brief worship time and then spent the morning working in a variety of service projects. We accomplished a lot in one morning: • assembled 100 hygiene kits for Church World service that will be given to refugees • made 16 blankets that will go to children in need through Project Linus • washed windows, did other projects, and delivered health and hygiene items to ACCESS, a shelter for women and children who are victims of domestic violence • visited people in care centers and assisted living facilities (our children sang) • cleaned out the former ACCESS drop off closet and delivered items to Goodwill • wrote around 25 cards and letters The other things we accomplished was the joy of working together and offering our work as our worship. The various work groups met back at noon, reported in on our projects, and enjoyed a soup lunch. Thanks to all who participated. Thank you to all who gave generously to the World Mission Offering, which supports our American Baptist mission and ministry all over the world. Our church total was $1,035. Seven walkers (six human, one canine) from First Baptist raised $950 to fight hunger through Church World Service at the Ames CROP Walk, held on October 12. The 5K route began at Brookside Park, wound through campus, and ended back at Brookside. FBC participants included Beth Douglass, Jere Maddux, Kaylinn Taggart, Barbara Woods, Dave Russell, and Julie Johnston (and her dog Kate). Thanks to all of our walkers and sponsors! Please join us on Saturday, November 8 at 9 am for a leaf raking day. The church has some rakes, but you're welcome to bring your own equipment. Coffee and pastries will be available whenever you need a break. Remember: many hands make quick work. ALTERNATIVE THANKSGIVING DINNER Kevin Elias will again host an alternative Thanksgiving dinner on Monday, November 24 at 6:30 pm. All those who can’t be with family on Thanksgiving or would just enjoy a meal together are welcome. There will be a signup sheet on the bulletin board; see Kevin for more details. We invite everyone to join us following worship on November 30 for the Hanging of the Greens. We will decorate the sanctuary and building for the Advent/Christmas season and then share a simple lunch. This is always a fun time and great way to begin the season of Advent Please note that we will not have Church School classes that morning. ABC/USA Responds to Ebola Epidemic; Financial Contributions Urgently Needed The American Baptist World Relief Committee approved an emergency grant of $120,000 from One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) funds for American Baptist International Ministries (IM) to help partners address the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. “In addition to huge medical needs, food security has become a major issue,” stated Lisa Rothenberger, ABC’s World Relief Officer. Children's Choir to Sing November 16 The Preparatory Choir of Ames Children's Choirs will be singing in worship at First Baptist on November 16 as part of their annual church tour. They will be singing at several area churches that morning. The Prep Choir includes the youngest singers of the ACC program. Our own Mindy Phomvisay directs the Prep Choir and Chorale (intermediate choir). We look forward to hearing these young voices in worship on November 16! This new $120,000 emergency grant comes in addition to the initial August 2014 grant of $20,000 in OGHS funds. These funds will be invested in the work of IM partners: Liberia Baptist Missionary and Educational Convention, Liberia Direct Baptist Missionary Conference, Baptist World Aid and IMA World Health. Approximately 70% will be used to provide food and medical supplies, while the remaining 30% will focus on Ebola prevention. Half of the prevention funds will be used by IM missionary Rick Gutierrez to produce an animated Ebola prevention video based upon his highly acclaimed and widely viewed HIV prevention video. The video will be easily translated into many African languages. Congregations and individuals are encouraged to give to the ongoing Ebola-relief efforts through normal denominational channels. If you wish to contribute, you may write a check to First Baptist with memo OGHS - Ebola Outbreak. Latest updates are available at http://www.internationalministries.org. Yuletide Orchestra Coming in December Student Christmas Party, December 7, 6 pm Budget/Election Business Meeting, December 7, 12 noon Church Christmas Dinner, December 13, 6 pm Christmas Cantata, December 14, 9:45 am Christmas Eve, December 24: Social Hour 5 pm, Christmas Eve service, 6 pm Our instrumental ensemble, an eclectic collection of instruments (or a motley bunch, depending on your perspective) will be accompanying carols in worship starting on November 30. The group currently includes trombone, oboe, flute, alto sax, tenor sax, clarinet, cello, and violin. The arrangements are pretty simple and if you play an instrument, we would love to have you join us! See Mindy or Pastor Dave if you are interested. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Time Change: Remember to set your clocks back an hour. 2 3 9:45a Worship/Communion 11:00a Church School 4 5 6 7 8:00a Men’s Breakfast, Perkins 8 9:00a Church Work Day 6:30p Choir 9 10 9:45a Worship 11:00a Fellowship Time 11:15a Church School 2:00p Good Neighbor Concert 16 12 13 14 17 7:00p Trustees 6:30p Choir 6:30p Christian Education 18 19 20 5:15p CCJ Board Meeting 6:30p Choir 6:30p Deacons 26 27 24 25 11:30a Women’s Lunch, Perkins 6:30p Alternative Thanksgiving 9:45a Worship, Hanging of the Greens Lunch 7:00p Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity Initiation Ceremony 21 22 28 29 8:00a Men’s Breakfast, Perkins 9:45a Worship 11:00a Church School 30 15 11:30a Women’s Lunch, Village Inn 9:45a Worship/Stewardship Sunday 11:00a Church School 12:00p 3rd Sunday Lunch, El Azteca 2:00p Prayer Shawl Circle 23 11 Looking Ahead to December Student Christmas Party Budget Election/Business Meeting Christmas Dinner Christmas Canata Christmas Eve Service Christmas Day No Church School 7 7 13 14 24 25 28 Worship themes for November November 2 – “Family and Friends” (Esther 1:1-9, stewardship of relationships) November 9 – “Minutes and Months” (Psalm 31:14-15, 23-24; Ephesians 5:15-16, stewardship of time) November 16 – Stewardship Commitment Sunday – “Dimes and Dollars (2 Corinthians 9:6-12, stewardship of money) November 23 – Thanksgiving Sunday November 30 – First Sunday of Advent First Baptist Church 200 Lynn Avenue Ames, Iowa 50014-7188 Our Church Staff: Rev. Dr. David Russell Pastor Rev. Susan Russell Associate Pastor Mindy Phomvisay Director of Music Bev Shirbroun Office Manager John Kellogg Custodian Jane Morrison Child Care Nicole Moritz Child Care