the broadcaster - Woodward Avenue Baptist Church


the broadcaster - Woodward Avenue Baptist Church
Your Staff:
Pastor……………………….… Dr. William Rushing
Worship Pastor…………………..…….. Timmy Ray
Student Minister………………..……. Brian Denton
Director of Children’s Ministries…..… Ann Wilson
Financial/Administrative Assistant...Sheila Holland
Secretary…………………………..…Halie Rickman
Facility Assistant…………….……….. Tammy Kirk
Sunday School………………………………………..…..…..9:15 a.m.
Worship Service………………………………….……......10:30 a.m.
Weekly Radio Broadcast (106.3 WBTG).……...12:00 p.m.
Children’s Snacks (KidZone)………………...…….….5:45 p.m.
Music & More (KidZone)………………………...……...6:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study (Sanctuary)…………..……..…...6:00 p.m.
Student Bible Study (Underground)……….……...6:00 p.m.
Fellowship Meal…..…………………………………….......5:00 p.m.
College Bible Study (West Education Bldg.).....5:00 p.m.
Adult Bible Study (Sanctuary)..……..….…………..6:00 p.m.
Children’s Activities (KidZone)…………..….….…...6:00 p.m.
Choir Practice (Choir Room)……………...…………...6:00 p.m.
Student Bible Study (Underground)..……….…...6:00 p.m.
Praise Team Practice (Sanctuary)…………….......7:00 p.m.
View services live at:
Woodward Avenue Baptist Church
801 Woodward Avenue
Muscle Shoals, Alabama 35661
Non - Profit
Permit No. 85
Return Service Requested
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
May 2015
“I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived
in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and,
I am persuaded, now lives in you also.
2 Timothy 1:5 (NIV)
In Paul’s second letter to Timothy, Paul reveals Timothy’s
legacy of faith. Timothy’s faith was passed down to him from
a faithful grandmother and mother. It is fascinating to see
how a man of God such as Timothy grew in his relationship
with the Lord as a result of the legacy of his grandmother
and mother. But, while it is fascinating to see the legacy of
faith unfold in scripture, it is even more inspiring to see it
displayed before our very eyes. This is one of the reasons I
love our worship time on Mother’s Day.
It is always
inspiring to see a grandmother sitting with her children and
grandchildren worshiping the Lord together. While they
come from different generations, they share a common faith
in Christ!
This month our Mother’s Day celebration will be held on May
10th during our Morning Worship hour. Let me encourage
you to bring your family and be apart of this special time of
worship. This service will also include a time for child
dedication, where parents can commit to raising their child
in a godly manner. If you have a child you would like to
dedicate, please contact the church office.
Another special time of worship will be on Sunday, May 17th,
when we will have our Graduate Recognition Sunday. This
service provides us an opportunity to honor our graduating
High School and College Students and pray for them as they
prepare for a future of honoring and serving Christ with
their lives.
I look forward to seeing all of you in Sunday School and
Worship this month!
Expecting Great Things,
May 3, 2015
Legacy Unleashed: A Family Heritage-Deuteronomy 6:1-12
Legacy Unleashed: Family Responsibility-Ephesians 6:1-4
May 10, 2015
Legacy Unleashed: An Ideal Mother-Proverbs 31:10-31
No Evening Service
May 17, 2015
Legacy Unleashed: Christian Character-2 Peter 1:5-11
Legacy Unleashed: Family Restoration-Genesis 45:1-4; 50:15-20
May 24, 2015
Legacy Unleashed: Conquering Mountains-Joshua 14:6-14
No Evening Service
May 31, 2015
Revival Unleashed: Revival at Bethel-Genesis 35:1-15
Handbell Concert
Thank you to everyone who has worked so hard to
make each of our special events in April a success. As
the calendar flips to May, there are still plenty of things
to look forward to in 2015.
On May 31st, our Handbell Choir will have their end of
the year concert in our evening worship service. I hope
you will make plans to be there as our “ringers” present
all of the music they’ve worked on since September.
Believe it or not, it is already time to start talking about
the Braves game! Our Worship Choir will once again be
performing the National Anthem at Turner Field. This
year, we will be singing on Tuesday, July 21st, prior to
the Braves’ matchup against the Dodgers. Tickets are
$21 per person, and are available through the Church
Office, or at the Welcome Center following our Sunday
morning worship services beginning on April 26th. We
will once again be chartering a bus. Pricing information
will be available for that in the coming weeks.
I want to emphasize that you do not have to sing to go
with us to the game. We want Woodward Avenue
Baptist Church to take over two entire sections of
Turner Field, so we want everyone to join us. This is
also an outstanding opportunity to invite friends who
do not attend church or anyone in general who might
enjoy the experience.
If you do want to sing with us, here is what I ask of you:
You must attend rehearsal on July 8th & 15th at 6
pm (our regular choir rehearsal time)
You must sing with the choir on at least 4 Sundays
between April 26th and July 19th. If you sang in
the Christmas musical in 2014, you have
already satisfied this requirement.
You need a choir t-shirt. If you sang with us last
year, you already have one. If you didn’t sing
with us last year, we will be ordering a new
batch, so make sure you sign up!
And that’s it!
Soli Deo Gloria,
Student Ministry Moment:
April showers bring May flowers; if this saying is true we should have lots of beautiful flowers to look at for a while.
Hopefully, as the rain gives way to beautiful sunshine, we will experience some great weather and good times soon.
The month of May is jammed packed for our students. Between church and school activities this month they may not
have two free days in a row, especially our Seniors. Another school year is in the books and summer is fast
approaching. Please continue to pray for our students and our student ministry. It’s going to be a great May and an
even better summer!
In His Love,
Letter from First Baptist Church of Florence:
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! On behalf of the First Baptist Church of Florence we want to
congratulate you on your 70th year of proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We count it an honor and privilege to
serve alongside you as a sister church in the Colbert Lauderdale Baptist Association.
1945 was an historical year in our world. Obviously the end of World War II was the highlight of the year but other
things happened that will remind you how much life has changed in seventy years. In 1945, the Chicago Cubs were in the
World Series, the microwave oven was patented, the ball point pen went on sale for the first time, Goldie Hawn, Steve
Martin and Henry Winkler were all born in 1945. Houses sold for an average of $4,600 and you could buy gas for 15
cents a gallon. Yes a lot has changed in seventy years.
Debt Balance
If we don’t teach our
children to
Calendar Events for May
the world will
teach them not to.
May Greeters Meeting
May 3rd at 8:30 a.m. in the Welcome Center
follow Christ,
June 8th-12th
5:00-8:30 p.m.
Becky Hammond - By Letter
Glenda McCord - By Letter
GOAL: $5,000.00, GIVEN $4,085.00
May 3rd::
May 10th:
We rejoice and celebrate with you in your anniversary. May the Lord Jesus we all serve give you many more years of
fruitful ministry.
May 17th:
May 24th:
May 31st:
Thank You Notes Received:
Family of Elsie Ogletree:
Bryan & Ginni Ogletree
Jewell Posey & Family
No Evening Service
Deacons’ Meeting
May 11th at 7:00 p.m. (Adult Education Bldg)
XYZ Covered Dish Fellowship
May 12th at 10:30 a.m.
(Meet at the church & travel to the
home of Will & Kate)
Graduate Recognition Sunday
May 17th during Morning Worship
(Graduate Breakfast- 9:15 a.m.-Activities Bldg.)
We are praying for you today that God’s goodness will bless you. May his presence and care fill you.
The Helping Hands Ministry of First Presbyterian Church of Tuscumbia
(Please notify the church office if you plan to participate
in the child dedication service.)
Ladies Bible Study
May 14th at 10:30 a.m. (Adult Education Building)
Seventy years ago First Baptist Church Florence helped to start a church plant and today we are so thankful we did. To
God be all the Glory and Happy Anniversary Woodward Avenue Baptist Church!
Card from First Presbyterian Church of Tuscumbia:
Mother’s Day/Child Dedication
May 10th during Morning Worship
W.M.U. Meeting
May 14th at 10:00 a.m. (Adult Education Bldg)
But one thing that has remained the same in these seventy years is that there is a lighthouse that sits next to one of the
busiest highways in the Shoals area. Woodward Avenue Baptist Church has been that lighthouse that has guided people
to faith in Christ, encouraged them as they became disciples and have carried the gospel around the world. The world
around us has changed in seventy years but the Gospel of Jesus remains the same. We applaud you, Woodward Avenue
Baptist Church, for continuing to let His Light shine through you in Muscle Shoals, Alabama.
Bro. Kevin Johnson, Pastor
Lord’s Supper
May 3rd - During Morning Worship
Ladies Bible Study
May 5th at 10:30 a.m. (Adult Education Building)
General Fund
Students Crazy Horse Canoe Trip
May 2nd, (Leaving Church at 7:00 a.m.)
Bob Freeman
John Webb
Dan Hall
Roger Balentine
Doug Hunter, Sr.
Doug Hunter, Jr.
Scott Hunter
David Mayo
Johnny Crittenden
Jimmy Jumper
Bob Freeman
Corey King
Johnny Morrow
Ricky Williams
Jason Bonner
Kids Fun Night
May 17th at 6:00 p.m. (Behind Pastorium)
Monthly Business Meeting
May 17th at the end of Evening Worship
VBS Volunteer Meeting
May 24th - front of the Sanctuary after A.M. Worship
No Evening Service May 24th
Church office closed May 25th
Handbell Concert
May 31st during the Evening Service
Summer Kickoff Movie Night to follow
(Popcorn & Drinks will be served)