5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2/7/16
Page 2 The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Diocese of San Diego Following Jesus Luke tells us that Jesus provides more than just a miraculous catch of fish. Imagine if you will, a group of tired fishermen who have been tending their nets unsuccessfully all night and into the dampness of the early morning. As the fishermen were mending their nets, Jesus tells Simon, a professional fisherman, where to fish, and even where to drop their nets. Out of sheer curiosity and a little tinge of respect, Peter tells him that area did not look too good, but he would try it once more. Peter and the rest of the fishermen were awestruck at this miracle. Peter immediately recognized his own insignificance in comparison to Jesus’ greatness. Peter knew about Jesus’ healing power, but he was amazed that Jesus cared about his day-to-day routine and understood his needs. God is interested, not only in saving us, but also in helping us in our daily lives. When we decide to follow God, two major preconditions appear. We must first recognize that our human nature is good but has been wounded by sin. Then we must recognize the futility of human effort by itself to overcome sin, just as these men had fished all night without success, but at the powerful command of Jesus, filled their nets. Jesus had established authority in the synagogue first by healing the sick and casting out demons. Now he established authority in their lives and on their level and helped them in their work. They then left their nets and followed him and became fishers of men (Luke 5:10-11). For us to follow Jesus is more than acknowledging him as Savior. It means renouncing our sinful past completely and, in obedience and humility, devoting our lives and future to him. —The Bread of Life Ash Wednesday is February 10th Distribution of ashes will be at the following times: 7:00AM Mass 8:30AM Mass with Bishop Brom and the Parish School 12:00PM Liturgy of the Word w/ashes 6:00PM Liturgy of the Word w/ashes 7:00PM Spanish Mass Note-There will be no Eucharistic Adoration this day. February 7, 2016 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal St. Didacus Parish is pleased to participate in the 2016 Annual Catholic Appeal. This appeal supports charitable needs throughout the Diocese of San Diego. Your gifts make possible the work that impacts so many in our diocese: service to the poor and imprisoned, education for children in Catholic schools and training of catechists, formation of candidates for the priesthood, ministry to our youth and to young people on university campuses, and preparation of couples for marriage. Our parish goal this year is $22,000. Participation in the Annual Catholic Appeal accomplishes something simple but profound: it offers us the opportunity to be merciful just as God, our Father, is merciful. Because of your gift, someone will have the opportunity to experience God’s loving grace, know His Mercy, and rest in His peace. Please make your pledge today! There are many ways to respond to the Annual Catholic Appeal: —A monthly or quarterly pledge —A one-time cash gift —A credit card or electronic funds transfer, which may now be processed by the Diocese, or you may visit www.sdcatholic.org —A gift of stocks and bonds Note that the Annual Catholic Appeal qualifies for many company matching gift programs. If you didn’t receive a pledge card in the mail you can pick one up in the Church. Page 3 The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Stewardship—Building up the Community of God Number of Registered Families receiving envelopes: 694 —130 of whom tithe weekly using those envelopes Our GOAL this year: 500 families using their weekly envelopes. Please contribute using your envelopes. The Joy of Giving Amount we need each week to cover parish operating costs: General Collection, January 31, 2016: Deficit for the week of January 31, 2016: $7,155.00 $5,000.00 —$2,155.00 Building Fund—January 31, 2016: $251.00 Our GOAL: 5OO Families giving $15 per week or MORE to help us cover our expenses! Mass Intentions Saturday………….........February 6 5:00PM……………….…†Luz Ulloa Sunday………….....…...February 7 8:30AM………………….Members of the Altar Society 10:00AM………….……..Wendy Gibbons, Spec. Int. 11:30AM………….……. People of St. Didacus Monday………………...February 8 7:30AM………………….†Jenna McPhereson Tuesday………..…..…..February 9 6:00PM…………............Silvia Galvan, Spec. Int. Wednesday……......….February 10 7:00AM…………………†Joan McGlin 8:30AM………..Esteban Alexandre Galvan, Spec. Int. 7:00PM………………….†Benditas Animas Thursday………...…….February 11 7:30AM……†Deceased Members of the McGlin Family Friday…………...……...February 12 7:30AM……...............…Gilbert Alcazar, Spec. Int. Saturday………….........February 13 5:00PM……………….…†Emmett Capossere Weekly Events at St. Didacus Sunday, February 7, 2016 School’s Gift Card Sale Confirmation II Class Monday, February 8, 2016 Youth Leadership Meeting Tuesday, February 9, 2016 Prayer Class Youth Night Small Faith I & II Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Eucharistic Adoration Men’s Prayer Group Thursday, February 11, 2016 Quinceanera Class RCIA Friday, February 12, 2016 Scouts Lent Soup Supper Stations of the Cross Saturday, February 13, 2016 Eucharistic Adoration Girls Scout Cookie Sale after Masses 10am 6:00pm 10:00am 6:30pm 6:30pm 7:30am-8:30am 7:00pm 5:30pm-7:00pm 7:00pm 3:00pm-4:00pm 6:00pm 7:00pm 3:30pm-5:00pm after Mass Location School Location Hall Location Hall Hall Hall Location Church Hall Location Hall Hall Location Church Hall Church Location Church Welcome to St. Didacus Parish! Masses Saturday 5:00pm Sunday 8:30am & 10:00am English 11:30am in Spanish Daily Mass Mon., Thurs., Fri. 7:30am Wednesday 8:30am & Tues. 6:00pm Eucharistic Adoration Wed. 7:30am—8:30am / Saturday 3:30pm—5:00pm First Fridays 8:00am—9:00am Confessions—Saturdays 3:30pm or by appt. Baptisms: 1st Saturday of each month. Arrangements must be made 3 months in advance. Contact the Parish Office for information. Weddings: Arrangements must be made at least 9 months in advance. Please contact the Parish Office. Pastor, Fr. Michael J. Sinor Parish Office 619-284-3472 Rosalba Alarcon Maria Luz Arrellano Diann Bauer Dan Bauer Herbert Baxter Robert Bayles Jessica Becerra Martha Becerra Ron Berry Rita Bonnell Norm Boyer Herminia Brignoni Ibeth Brignoni Ruben Campos Marie Cavanaugh Gail Cedercrans Eileen Connolly Cecil Crews Aaron Damishia Irene Davis MaryLou De Luca Pauline Dease Bob Demers Cecelia Dueber Mary Farrell Santiago Fontes Susan Guenzel Dolores Hansel Kelley Kessler Bernie Kober Marilyn Kober Elizabeth La Costa Virginia Lantry Juanita Lopez Maria Lopez Anthony Martinez Rosalie Martinez Claire Meighan Terrence McCabe Emma McPhereson Dolores Mediano Dominick Palestini Gladys Palestini Diane Porter Antonia Raya Dolores Robertson Atina Rodriguez Aaron Rodriguez Alette Rodriguez Jeff Salazar Christine Segura Mark Silke Michael Smith Angel Tapia Pedro Tapia Merida Tirado Therese Tucker Carol Verdon The Webb Family Jason Williamson Joan Williamson Adalina Zarate Josephine And the special intentions in our Book of Needs P R A Y E R L I S T Page 4 The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time February 7, 2016 Join us on Friday Night for the First Soup Supper of Lent & Stations of the Cross 4630 34th Street, San Diego CA 92116 284-8730 School Gift Card Sale This Sunday! A representative will be here on Sunday after Mass to sell gift cards. They had such success with their sale during December, they wanted to give you another opportunity to pick up gift cards and at the same time support the school. Think about gift cards for upcoming birthdays, anniversaries, Easter, graduations or for places you frequently shop at. They have lots of stores to choose from. Second Collection Today we’re taking up a second collection for our Building Improvement Fund. Thank you for your generous donations! A Look at the YEAR OF MERCY with Bishop Brom Saturday, February 27th 10am-noon in the Parish Hall Bishop Brom will be here to explore the concept of “Mercy” in Sacred Scripture and talk about the Face of Mercy: Jesus and the Church. Join us for this free special presentation. See today’s bulletin insert for all the activities we have planned for Lent. Hang it on your fridge and plan to join us as you can. Happy Anniversary to Boy Scouts of America Boy Scouts of America celebrates the 106th anniversary of its founding on February 8, 1910! Friday, February 12th 6:00pm Soup dinner provided by the St. Didacus Altar Society 7:00pm —Bilingual Stations of the Cross Next Weekend Girl Scout’s Cookie Sale Next weekend after the Masses, Girl Scouts from St. Didacus School will be here selling cookies. The cost per box is $5 and they will only be accepting cash. Money raised from cookie sales helps them with their service projects and field trips for the year. They are also doing “Operation Thin Mint” again this year. If you’d like to buy a box of cookies to donate to our troops, that option is available, too. Help us Celebrate! To celebrate our 90th anniversary, we’d like your help! If you have any St. Didacus Church memorabilia or photographs that show the church or church celebrations throughout the past 90 years we’d love to borrow them! Bring them to the Parish Office and we will be sure to return them to you when we are finished with them. 2015 Tax Statements are available by request only. To request your tax statement, please call the Parish Office. Thank you for your generosity throughout the year! No Religious Education on Wednesday, February 10th so students may attend an Ash Wednesday service. Classes will resume next Wednesday. Page 5 The Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time Prayer Class: Being More Prayerful During Lent Tuesday, February 9th 10:00am in the Parish Hall Join us for the next class of our prayer series. For more information, contact Elena in the Parish Office. Many thanks to parishioner, Michele Trevino for trimming up our rose bushes, ensuring that they will be ready for all the new growth of spring! Rediscover Jesus this Lent How well do you know Jesus? Lent is the perfect time to focus on your relationship with Jesus. Matthew Kelly makes it easy in his book “Rediscover Jesus.” He is offering this book for FREE (you just pay $5.95 shipping) on his website: www.dynamiccatholic.com. There is a short reading about Jesus for each day of Lent. You can also sign up to receive daily inspirational emails with short videos from Matthew Kelly and the Dynamic Catholic Team members beginning Ash Wednesday and continuing through the 40 days of Lent. Don’t give up chocolate this Lent... Do something life-changing! “Come after me and I will make you fishers of men.” February 7, 2016 During Lent we are called to practice three traditional facets of Christian penance: charity, prayer and fasting. Each of these three practices takes us outside and beyond ourselves: toward others through charity, toward God through prayer, toward ourselves through fasting. Take some time today to think about how you will incorporate these practices into your life during the season of Lent. Guidelines for Fast &Abstinence During Lent Abstinence is a penitential practice consisting of refraining from the consumption of meat and is to be observed by all Catholics who are 14 years of age and older. Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and the Fridays during Lent are days of abstinence. In addition to abstinence, fasting is to be observed by all Catholics between the ages of 18-59 (inclusive). On days of fasting, one full meal is allowed. Two smaller meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken according to one’s needs, but together they should not equal another full meal. Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed. Note: If a person is unable to observe the above regulations due to ill health or other serious reasons, they are urged to practice other forms of self-denial that are suitable to their condition. Readings for the Week of February 7, 2016 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Next Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-5, 7-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11 1 Kgs 8:1-7, 9-13/Ps 132:6-10/Mk 6:53-56 1 Kgs 8:22-23, 27-30/Ps 84:3-5, 10-11/Mk 7:1-13 Jl 2:12-18/2 Cor 5:20--6:2/Ps 51:3-6, 12-14, 17/ Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-4, 6/Lk 9:22-25 Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-6, 18-19/Mt 9:14-15 Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-6/Lk 5:27-32 Dt 26:4-10/Ps 91:1-2, 10-15/Rom 10:8-13/Lk 4:1-13 REST IN PEACE † Louis “Ed” Sanclemente There will be a funeral Mass for Mr. Sanclemente on Friday, February 12th at 1pm at Holy Cross Chapel. Please keep him in your prayers this week. Pagina 6 V Domingo Ordinario 7 de febrero, 2016 TALLER MANDATORIO PARA LOS MINISTROS DE EUCARISTIA La educación continua es muy esencial y recomendable para los ministro de la Eucaristía, a través de talleres y oportunidades de crecimiento, reflexión y profundización sobre los aspectos relacionados a la práctica de este noble ministerio. El taller será el sábado 20 de febrero de 9 AM—12 PM en el salón parroquial de San Didacus. Se pide puntualidad. Se dará diploma de acreditación. Este taller es también para los nuevos ministros acreditados por el P. Mike. No tendremos clases del catecismo el miércoles de Ceniza, 10 de febrero, para que los estudiantes puedan atender a alguna celebración. VENTA DE TARJETAS Un represéntate de la escuela estará vendiendo tarjetas de diferentes tiendas después de misa. Hoy Domingo. Primera Sopa de Cuaresma y Estaciones de la Cruz Viernes 12 de Febrero 6:00 pm Cena de Sopas obsequio de la Sociedad del Altar 7:00 pm — Las estaciones de la Cruz Bilingüe en la iglesia. Miércoles de Ceniza 10 de febrero Horario de distribución de Cenizas: 7:00AM Misa en ingles 8:30AM Misa con el Obispo Brom y la escuela 12:00PM Liturgia de la Palabra y Cenizas 6:00PM Liturgia de la Palabra y Cenizas 7:00PM Misa en español Nota- No habrá Adoración Eucarística este día. Vea la hoja anexa al boletín con los anuncios para las actividades que tendremos durante la Cuaresma. Póngala en su refrigerador y planee acompañarnos. Es recomendable para los papas de los niños que van hacer la primera comunión, asistir y participar en estos eventos. Hoy tendremos la Apelación Católica Anual 2016, contamos con su participación, todo cuenta. Dejándolo todo lo siguieron Sin que desmerezca el oficio de los pescadores, lo que le propone Jesús a Pedro es una superación en el oficio que hasta ahora había desempeñado: pescar hombres y mujeres para el Reino es una empresa más noble y difícil que pescar peces, es algo más milagroso que la pesca que acaban de hacer. Pero algunos llamados a esta nueva labor son también invitados a “dejarlo todo” para seguir a Cristo. Los necesita dedicados a tiempo completo, dedicándole a esta “misión” todas las fuerzas. Pescar hombres y mujeres para el Reino exige renunciar a todo lo demás y asumir a Jesús como única posesión. La misión a la que se llama exige desprenderse por completo, para apegarse totalmente a Jesús. En el relato de hoy se van con Jesús, que vale mucho más que las dos barcas llenas de pescados que les acaba de regalar. Dejan esa abundante pesca que los había admirado tanto porque comprenden que la vocación compromete al ser humano en un trabajo que está por encima de los trabajos humanos ordinarios. La vocación–misión es una invitación a colaborarle a Dios, un trabajo milagroso. Oremos hoy por aquellos que dejándolo todo se han ido tras el Señor. Celebrating TH E YEAR OF Be merciful just as your Father is merciful. LUKE 6:36 Mercy Catholic Charities The service of Catholic Charities is based on the person of Jesus, who “came not to be served, but to serve.” We believe in the dignity of the human person, and are committed to the Judeo-Christian vision of justice and peace. Catholic Charities is our primary diocesan social service agency. Through it, we assist almost 300,000 people each year by providing a network of important programs and services. Foster Grandparent Refugee Services Senior Residential Services Homeless Men’s Services Our Response as Stewards REFLECT —On the many gifts you have received from God, including your financial blessings. PRAY —About how God wants you to use the gifts He has given you. RESPOND — By supporting the mission. You can give at your parish or online at www.sdcatholic.org. sdcatholic.org 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL DIOCESE OF SAN DIEGO Celebrando EL AÑO DE LA Se misericordioso así como tu Padre es Misericordioso. Lucas 6:36 Misericordia Caridades Católicas El servicio de Caridades Católicas se basa en la persona de Jesús, quien “vino no para ser servido, sino para servir”. Creemos en la dignidad de la persona humana y estamos comprometidos con la visión Judeo-cristiana de justicia y paz. Caridades Católicas es nuestra agencia principal de servicio social. A través de él, asistimos a casi 300,000 personas cada año proporcionándoles una red de programas y servicios. Abuelos Adoptivos Servicios a refugiados Servicios residenciales para las personas de la tercera edad Servicios para Hombres sin Hogar Nuestra Respuesta como Custodios REFLEXIONAR. . . . Sobre los tantos regalos que has recibido de Dios, incluyendo tus bendiciones económicas. ORAR . . . . . . . . . . Acerca de cómo Dios quiere que uses los dones que Él te ha dado. RESPONDER . . . . . Apoyando la misión. Puedes dar a tu parroquia o en línea en www.sdcatholic.org. sdcatholic.org 2016 LLAMADO CATÓLICO ANUAL DIÓCESIS DE SAN DIEGO S T. D I D A C U S C AT H O L I C C H U R C H W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R B U L L E T I N P O S S I B L E HOLY CROSS CATHOLIC CEMETERY & MAUSOLEUM 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 No Interest Budget Plan | Up to 5 years to pay Se Habla Español Call 264-3127 Honor Guard ROOFING Lic. # 691295 References (619) 823-7208 Property Management Real Estate Sales Chris Bushard, Broker KRONE & BUSHARD INC. (619) 226-7368 www.bkbinc.com Mary Jean Anderson President/Owner Lic. #493163 & 876156 Peter Cardullo Comfort Advisor Cell (619) 672-3449 Tel. (619) 449-3852 • Fax (619) 449-0312 www.AndersonPHA.com 1150 N. Marshall Ave. • El Cajon Email: [email protected] Craig A. Fahey Attorney at Law 3659 Adams Ave. ST. DIDACUS / 029 A (619) 280-6565 www.cmpublications.com www.backfromtomboctou.com Specializing in Latin American ethnic folk art & crafts. Keeping Artisan Traditions alive. Marco A. Laguna KENSINGTON Gardener VETERINARY HOSPITAL Residential & Commercial Wills - Living Trusts - Probate Social Security Disability 3564 Adams Ave. (619) 282-8708 Free Estimates Very Detailed Work Sprinklers & Trees (858) 922-4803 WE ARE A FULL SERVICE VETERINARY HOSPITAL PREVENTIVE MEDICINE, SURGERY, DENTISTRY & VETERINARY ACUPUNCTURE. (619) 584-8418 3817 A DAMS A VE . For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601 S T. D I D A C U S C AT H O L I C C H U R C H W O U L D L I K E T O T H A N K T H E S E B U S I N E S S E S F O R M A K I N G O U R B U L L E T I N P O S S I B L E STUART TERRY AUTO REPAIR 619-287-9626 Riling Plumbing 4858 El Cajon Bld. Since 1975 • www.stuartterry.com 619-282-8172 Cell: 619-743-8956 Cont. Lic. 713349 3373 Adams Ave. 619.284.6594 NORTH PARK 619-297-4145 3952 30TH ST. El Cajon (619) 579-8455 Mobile Service Available STUDIO & 1 BDRM RENTALS STARTING AT $34500 SENIOR GATED COMPLEX Community of Normal Heights • Clean and Quiet • Easy Bus Access • Near Shops & Stores 619-992-1117 Naturally... Since 1945 3441 Adams Ave. • San Diego, CA 92116 www.TheOuldSod•com (619) 281-7722 ** Live Music & Karaoke ** State Lic. #822522 Catholic Family Owned 54 Years Smitty ' s Service The Ould Sod, Inc. JACKSON ELECTRIC, INC. 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Pediatric Dentistry 619-291-5291 • Fax: 619-291-9755 420 Spruce St. #A • San Diego, CA 92103 Diplomate, American Board of Pediatric Dentistry A JOURNEY IN HEALING, A JOURNEY IN FAITH Mention This Coupon For $10 OFF [email protected] Locksmith Smart Key Headquarters Barcelona & Lourdes Tour Pilgrimage Listed Price 619-516-3536 In September of 2016 Contact: Ray Guardiano at [email protected] 2912 Adams Ave M-F 10-7 • Sat 8-4 • Sun 9-3 Knights of Columbus® INSURANCE YOUR SHIELD FOR LIFE ® Joe Flores, FICF (St. Didacus Parishioner / Hablo Español) Office: (619) 269-7359 • Mobile: (619) 204-2477 [email protected] Protecting Catholic families since 1882. Life Insurance • Long-Term Care • Annuities • Disability ST. DIDACUS / 029 B www.cmpublications.com For advertising information, please call (951) 776-0601
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