Bulletin March 1 - First Presbyterian Church


Bulletin March 1 - First Presbyterian Church
Reverend Tim Raeburn-Gibson
Lead Minister
[email protected]
Reverend Carson Hansford
Minister of Pastoral Care
Grenville Bray
Director of Youth &
Family Ministries
Sunday, March 1st, 2015
[email protected]
[email protected]
Kimberley Raeburn-Gibson
Music Ministries Director
[email protected]
Cindy Lewis
Music Ministries Assistant
Marlene Weatherall
Office Administrator
[email protected]
Lorna Shackell
Iris Ewing
Glenn Grosset
Board Chair
Carolyn Campbell-Sheen
Clerk of Session
“The purpose of First Presbyterian Church, Collingwood, is to tell
the Good News of Jesus Christ, sharing our faith in a loving, caring
manner, through worship, Christian education, youth ministry,
service and outreach in both local and global communities.”
Our Vision is – Reaching out in Christ’s love
You are Invited!
New Member Sunday—March 8
If you are interested in becoming a member:
Please fill out this form and place in the offering plate.
Phone: _______________________________________
Due to frozen pipes at the church, we moved the
Session and Board of Managers workshop to Monday
at 7pm. If you have an interest in how the leadership of
First Pres functions and how decisions are made, we
welcome you to come and sit in. It will be facilitated by
JP Smit from the PCC head office in Toronto. JP has
been a rep for our denomination for many years and
you will find his presentation both informative and
Thank You to Kathryn Garbutt for sharing her
wonderful talents with us this morning.
Unsung Hero - We are so thankful to Larry
Halliday and to John and Judy Attridge for their role
in getting our water flowing again!
200 Maple Street
Collingwood, ON L9Y 2R2
Sunday, March 1st, 2015
Events and Activities
Welcome and Announcements
Gathering Praise
"Be Unto Your Name"
Call to Worship
led by Kim McNabb
Prayer of Adoration & Confession & the Lord’s Prayer
Children’s Time
Rebecca "Palaise" Jess
Song of Praise
"I Love You Lord"
led by Linda Campbell
Psalm 31:1-7 (p.867)
Luke 22:39-46 (p. 1638)
Special Music
"Lamb Of God" (Ingram/Andrews);
Kathryn Garbutt, soloist
"My Faithful God"
Hymn #675
"Precious Lord, Take My Hand"
Prayer of Dedication for the Offering
Offertory Anthem
"Bow The Knee" (Machen/Harland)
Week of Mar
TODAY—Camp Cairn Sunday—Hot Dogs to be served
in the Lower Hall after the 10:30 service. Donations for the
hot dogs gratefully accepted. We welcome Rebecca Jess
from Camp Cairn.
Tues. Mar. 3rd—'Basics' study and discussion series, 7pm,
Lower Hall
Wed. Mar. 4th—Bible Study series—the Book of Romans,
1:30-3:00pm, Conference Room.
Wed. Mar. 4th—Book-of-the-Month Book Club meets at
7:00, at the home of Martha Lawrence, to discuss the book,
The Pilgrimage (along the Camino de Santiago) by Paulo
Coehlo. Consider joining us whether you have read this
book or not.
Thurs. Mar. 5th—Meet ‘n Greet and the VON Smart
Program— 9:30am in the Lower Hall and Gym.
Thurs. Mar. 5th—Easter Story Choir Practices.
Fri. Mar. 6th—World Day Of Prayer, 11:00am. St. Mary’s
Church, Lunch to follow.
Upcoming Events
Sun. Mar. 8th—New Member Sunday
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Sun. Mar.
General Meeting following the 10:30
service. Pizza Lunch following the meeting.
Closing Hymn #324 "Great Is Thy Faithfulness"
Wed. Mar. 11th—Session meets at 7:00pm
Benediction and Choral Amen
Closing Chorus
"Sing Amen!"
Tues. Mar. 17th—Board of Managers meets at 7:00pm
Thurs. Apr. 2nd—First Easter Story, 7:30pm
Friday, Apr. 3rd—First Easter Story, 10am & 7:30pm
If you are new to our Church or a visitor, please fill out the
back portion of the Welcome Brochure and place it on the
offering plate.
Library Lines A renowned linguistics
professor is diagnosed with early onset
Alzheimer’s in the book, Still Alice, which is a
moving but sensitive depiction of life for her
whole family. Highly recommended by our book
club when read five years ago; now a current, award
-winning movie.
Church School Update - At 9:00 am we
will focus another covenant: the promise
God made to Abram and to Sarai. At
10:30 am our Little Lambs learn how we
can all listen to God’s Word. Our grade
2/3 class will learn that praying shows
we care about each other. The 4/5 class will continue to
discuss how sometimes following Christ can be tough.
First Easter Story Tickets
The congregation can pick up their tickets today and next
Sunday. Tickets are also available from the church office
from Monday, March 16th, 9am—2pm.
Thursday is Choir Practice Day
Cherubs Choir (ages SK—Gr.3): 6:30-7pm, Conf. Rm.
Intermediate Choir (Gr.4-8): 6:30-7pm, Upstairs
Adult Choir: 7:30-8:30pm, in the Sanctuary
Christmas Story CD’s and DVD’s still available in the
Welcome Centre for $10.