Tender Notice
Tender Notice
GALLIUM ARSENIDE ENABLING TECHNOLOGY CENTRE (GAETEC) A Unit of SITAR (Society for Integrated Circuit Technology and Applied Research) GOVERNMENT OF INDIA Vignyanakancha Post, Hyderabad-500 069, Telangana State, India. Phone: 040-24589200/24589261/24589246 Fax :040-24589330 e-mail: [email protected] / website: www.gaetec.org -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PUBLIC TENDER NOTICE GAETEC, Hyderabad is a Society of Government of India and engaged in design, development and manufacture of GaAs MMICs. GAETEC invites quotations for providing Watch & Ward Services at GAETEC premises. Tender Ref. No. Service EMD MAT/JB/3617 Provision of Watch & Rs. 1,60,000/Ward Services at GAETEC S.No. 01 Last date and time for submission of sealed Proposals (IST) 10.04.2015 14.00 Hrs. Schedule of opening PART-A Technical Bid (Date & Time) 10.04.2015 15.00 Hrs. 1. Non-transferable “Request for Proposal” and “Specifications” of the above Service shall remain on our website: www.gaetec.org till 10.04.2015. 2. Vendors submitting Bids for Providing Watch & Ward services should have License issued by Department of Labour. The Bids should be submitted as per the instructions and the “Procedure for submission of bids given in “RFP” and it should reach GAETEC, Hyderabad, India not later than the last date and time indicated above. 3. Vendors who are registered with DRDO Labs including GAETEC and with NSIC are exempted from submitting EMD. 4. The Society reserves the right to accept/amend/cancel the Tender/Invitation at any stage without giving any reason. 5. The society takes no responsibility for loss in transit / delay / non-receipt of Tender in time for whatever reason. 6. Any further amendments to dates etc., shall be posted on our website www.gaetec.org. A.V.S.K. Rao, General Manager (Materials Management).