MMC notices 02 - Bude & Holsworthy Methodist Circuit


MMC notices 02 - Bude & Holsworthy Methodist Circuit
Notices 03-05-2015
Psalm 98
Sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvellous things;
his right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him.
The Lord has made his salvation known and revealed his
righteousness to the nations.
He has remembered his love and his faithfulness to Israel;
all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.
“Psalm 98: 1-3.”
Scripture quotations taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION.
Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission
Rev. Martin Keenan
1 The Willows, Chilsworthy, Holsworthy. EX22 6TQ
[email protected]
Morwenstow Methodist Church
Welcome to our worship this morning;
We trust we will all have an inspiring time together.
The Preachers for Morwenstow/Shop & Woodford Flwrs. & C. Shop.
Sunday 3rd. May at Morwenstow/Shop
Mrs. E. & Mr. J.
11.00 a.m. Bill Cleave
Sunday 10th. May United Service at Parish Church
9.30 a.m. At Parish Church
Sunday 17th. May at Morwenstow/Shop
11.00 p.m. Mrs. J. Macmillan
Sunday Club Anniversary
Mrs. C. Hartigan
to co-op with
Sunday Club
Sunday 24th. May No service here. At Woodford
11.00 a.m. Mr. R. Uglow.
Sunday 31st. May At Morwenstow/Shop
11.00 a.m. Local arrangement
Mrs. F. Olde
Morwenstow Methodist Church Luncheon Club
The next meeting of the Luncheon Club will
be on Tuesday 19th. May. We will be serving a Hot meal,
and a Sweet from 12.15 - 1.30 p.m. price £5.50
Come and enjoy a good lunch and good Company.
Everyone is welcome.
Please book with Val on 01288 331263 or
Edith on 331 397. If you need transport please phone
Stuart on (01288) 331368
Morwenstow Sunday Club
Meeting in the Wesley room. All children welcome.
Further details of dates from Jill or Dawn, or on list at back
Anyone wishing to join will be made welcome
Morwenstow House Group meeting.
Date of next meeting Monday June 1st. at 7.30.
at Shop Chapel When the theme is a video by
Nicky Gumbel Led by Jen & Stuart.
Everyone is welcome Why not come and give it a try.
The next Messy
Church date
is not fixed
at this time
Meeting to plan date & format 29th. June in Wesley room
Morwenstow members. Easter offering
Final collection of Envelopes for the above fund will be today
Sunday 10th. May 2015 6.00 p.m. At Launcells Methodist Church
Led by Mary and Neal Street
Woodford Methodist Church
Monthly Coffee morning on Wednesday 8th. May 10-11.30 a.m.
Bill Cleave thanks everyone for the birthday cards and
the good wishes received . Thanks for the signed card
from Church members. Thank you all very much. Bill.
Hartland Methodist Church Centenary Celebrations this Year
See poster & separate sheet with notices for details
In your thoughts and prayers those members of our Church
and Parish, who are unable to meet with others to worship.
Alpha course at Kilkhampton Fellowship Centre
This course is now complete
There will be another “Alpha Course” in Woodford Methodist Church
Beginning in late May. Details from Rose Heard.
North Tamerton Chapel. Any Questions
Sunday May 3rd. At 7.00 p.m. Panel of two ladies & gentlemen.
Age range 30 – 70 years with Occupations of
Solicitor; Farmer; Civil Servant and Veterinary Surgeon
Chairman of panel Rev. John Henry
Questions are invited to Rev. John Henry no later than 25th. April.
See Poster
At Kilkhampton Christian Fellowship centre meetings
are postponed until sometime in September
Woodacott Methodist Church
Are holding a Concert on Sunday 10th. May at 7.30 p.m. given by
“The Arscott Ladies”
Supper to follow. Everyone welcome
There is a Earthquake appeal box in the Church
This will be emptied weekly until the end of May and banked
Would anyone who wants to donate put their money in box
Thought for the week.
“The purpose of Christianity is not to avoid difficulty,
but to produce character adequate to meet it when it comes.
It does not make life easy; rather it tries to make us
great enough for life.”
James L. Christensen
From A Bundle of Laughs, J. John & Mark Stibbe, Monarch Books.
No notices will be read during the service.
Notices deadline to W. Cleave, Northway by Thursday [email protected]