8 - April 2015 Falcon Flyer
8 - April 2015 Falcon Flyer
FALCON FLYER Forestwood Middle School Newsletter Quick Links April 2015 From the Principal's Desk... Forestwood Middle The Falcon Flyer articles all seem to begin in the same School website manner, by expressing our pride in the consistently strong Teacher Websites performance of our students. The end of the third nineweek grading period saw a record number of students Bell Schedule recognized in Falcon Fiesta, and an equally high percentage of our student body achieving Honor Roll status. We could not be Student Handbook more proud of the work ethic and desire to achieve that is part of the Forestwood culture; be assured we understand that in no small measure is this Meal Payment success a result of the emphasis on education from the family first. In extracurricular activities we have seen unsurpassed effort and commitment PTA across the board from all of the athletic programs, Band, Choir, Orchestra, Theatre Arts, Circle of Friends, Student Council and the NJHS. A special In This Issue congratulation goes to our 8th grade Boys Track Team winning the District Championship. We look for a strong conclusion to an incredibly successful From the Principal's year! Please keep an eye toward the school's calendar on our website for the Desk great number of activities that will conclude the school year. There will be much activity as we close out the school year with year-end concerts, trips, From Our PTA and meetings. Award Recognitions will be conducted during Class Meetings on Thursday, May 28th for the 6th and 7th grades (12:25 p.m. for 7th grade; 1:10 President p.m. for the 6th grade.) Eighth grade awards will be presented during the 8th th Proof of Residence Grade Award Program on Saturday, Mayrd 9 . We will conclude the academic year with exams on Wednesday, June 3 (periods 1, 2, & 3,) Thursday, June 4th (periods 5, 6 & 7) and Friday, June 5th (periods 4 & 8.) Students will be Upcoming 8th released at 1:00 p.m. on the 5th. The school's website has a detailed exam schedule for the last week of school. In addition, we will try to announce via School Calendar Grade Events FMHS PTSA Academic UIL UIL Choir UIL Orchestra 6th & 7th Grade Social Opening on PTA Board Falcon Fiesta Hospitality Committee Career Day, May 21st Friday Nite Live Upcoming Events our phone message system, events as they approach so parents have as many reminders as possible. The age-old mantra that parent involvement makes the difference in education is a way of life at Forestwood. Thank you for all you do to support and work with us in the critical mission of educating your children. The STAAR testing is now complete; we administered the 7 th grade writing test and the 8th grade reading test during the first week of April. During the week of April 20th our students took the 6th, 7th and 8th grade math tests. 6th and 7th reading tests as well as the 8th grade science and social studies tests. We will see results from all of the testing in a few weeks. We fully expect to celebrate great achievements on all of the various tests administered this spring. Three years ago our 8th grade Student Council representatives asked if we could have a formal "event" to conclude the year. We responded positively with the condition that they must plan and organize the entire event as the leaders of the school. That tradition has continued and we could not be more proud to see the 8th Grade Award Banquet become a reality for the fourth year in a row, revamped by the class of 2015 into a somewhat different concept. Conceived of and executed by the students, it appears to be a solid tradition. Mark your calendars for the evening of Saturday, May 9th! Finally, thank you once again for being involved in the education of your child. We all share the same mission, preparing our students for a future they create in a world that has not yet been defined! Please feel free to call, stop in to visit or send an email with any questions or concerns. David Tickner Principal From Our PTA President... It's hard to believe we are planning to wrap up the school year. PTA has been very busy this year and I'd like to thank our board and all of our volunteers who have helped consistently all year long. We have packed snacks for the STARR testing, showed our appreciation to the administrative staff with a luncheon and even kicked off opening day with a Skyward Family Accessballpark concession stand lunch for our teachers to enjoy. We nominated and elected our PTA board officers for the 2015-16 school year. I am thankful for the interest and the roles these individuals will be taking on to ensure the continuation of our awesome PTA. New to the executive board for next year are: VP - Addie Monson and Secretary - Cynthia Mrozek. There are still board positions open if you are interested and as always many volunteer opportunities. On Monday April 27th, AIM for Success will be presenting their abstinence program to all 7th grade. PTA has paired with AIM to bring programs to our students. If there are program subjects you feel would be valuable to our students please email your suggestions to me at [email protected], I We are still collectingwould be happy to look into new ideas and opportunities things coming up. Book fair will run April 27 - May 1st, Box Tops for EducationThere are still so many th even more: 6th and 7th grade social, 8th and proofs ofHealth fair - April 30 , and May brings th falcon fiesta, 6 grade field day, another Fabulous Falcon purchases fromgrade banquet, nd ceremony, 2 Annual senior social and many more. Please check your Community Coffee. calendar so you can save these dates. Keep those BTFEs coming in! If you have volunteered in any way this year through your time or donations, Thanks! Karon Larison Forestwood Box Tops for Education Coordinator please join us so we may thank you. Reserve JUNE 1, 2015 for volunteer appreciation. We would love to see you there. More information will follow with location and time. One last item to share, every year PTA has the opportunity to award two former FMS students with a scholarship. Seniors have to apply and meet all the qualifications. Our scholarship committee narrows down the field and recognizes the two outstanding students and honors them with a $500 scholarship to his or her choice of college. This year we would like to present the recipients at the senior social we will be holding on May 28th. Be sure to mark your calendars with all the end of year events and look for opportunities to be involved with your student and school. If you have any questions or need school/PTA related information please feel free to always contact any of the FMS PTA board members. Michelle Bagrow Forestwood PTA President Proof of Residence - 8th Grade Parents As students make the transition from middle school to high school there is an additional step in the registration process. That step requires each 8th grade student to provide renewed proof of residency; that proof must come in the form of one of the following items with the parents' name and address printed on the document. Electric bill Gas bill Town of Flower Mound water bill Please provide a current bill - Mar/April. Please make sure your child's name is written in the upper right hand corner of the bill.) The document may be delivered to Mrs. Frankie Duval in the Forestwood Middle School Attendance Office by your child as soon as possible and no later than Friday, May 1, 2015. High school registration will not be considered complete without this information. Class schedules will not be handed out to students that do not have a current proof of residency on file. Questions may be directed to Mrs. Duval through Forestwood's main phone number. Thank you for your efforts to properly complete the registration process. Upcoming 8th Grade Events 8th grade parents, be sure to look at this document for important and exciting dates coming up for end of year events. FMHS PTSA Hello Flower Mound Incoming Freshman Parents, The FMHS PTSA Nominating Committee is looking for nominees for the 2015 2016 school year. These are our elected officer positions and no previous board experience is necessary. If you are interested in serving, please contact any or all members of our Nominating Committee: Michelle McDaniel [email protected] Dawn Michalski - [email protected] Keshvar Buhariwalla - [email protected] Estella Rupard - [email protected] Naseem Razvi - [email protected] If you would like further information on any of these positions, please contact our parliamentarian, Naseem Razvi, at [email protected]. We hope you will consider one of the positions on a wonderful board. Dawn Michalski FMHS PTSA Academic UIL On March 21, Forestwood participated in the West Zone's annual Academic UIL competition. We are so proud of all of our participants! Everyone worked diligently to prepare for the big event. The following are our competitors who placed in their events: Ready Writing 6th Grade: Emily Hunter (4th place) 7th Grade: Aarthi Srinivasan (4th place) 8th Grade: Zoe Charles (4th place) Calculator Applications 7th Grade: Junia Lee (6th place) 8th Grade: Thomas Mahl (6th place) Dictionary Skills 6th Grade: Emily O'Brien (2nd place) 7th Grade: Junia Lee (3rd place) Math 6th Grade: Kirti Manjit (6th place) Number Sense 6th Grade: Kirti Manjit (5th place) Oral Reading 6th Grade: Rebekah Lindsay (1st place) Science 6th Grade: Jack Monson (5th place) 7th Grade: Aarthi Srinivasan (3rd place) Jenna Webb (4th place) th 8 Grade: Thomas Mahl (1st place) Anshul Kumar (5th place) Social Studies 7th Grade: Evelyn Lundy (4th place) Spelling 7th Grade: Tanvi Khanduri (3rd place) We would like to thank Mrs. Franks, Mrs. Russell, Ms. Moss, Ms. Derow, Mrs. Holden, Ms. Lewallen and Mrs. King for coaching this year's events. We look forward to another exciting competition next year! Jennifer Bradley UIL Coordinator UIL Choir Congratulations to the following students for earning a First Division medal on their vocal solos at Choir Solo and Ensemble on April 14th: Alana Brown Logan Jones Juliet Rutherford Aditi Churuvunuru SuzAnne Marx Riley Schmidt Trinity Clark Emma Matocha Evan Smith Kelsey Cook Lizzie Moore Patrick Strawderman Austin Curtis Kaitlyn Nichol Abigail Templer Bella Dick RosaLyn Olivares Caden Williams Spencer Dobson Samantha Ostermann Ashton Wilson Alyssa Hedding Ysabel Quiroz Tristan Zieman Shelby Hewitt Ryann Ragsdale In addition, the judge chose 3 Outstanding Soloists, one from each grade. 6th grade: RosaLyn Olivares 7th grade: Alyssa Hedding 8th grade: Austin Curtis Last month both of our competition choirs earned Sweepstakes at UIL, which is also a First Division rating in Concert and Sight-reading. Congratulations to the Forestwood Choirs for a successful contest season! If you want to hear them, come to our Spring Concert May 14th at 7:30 PM in Forestwood the gym! UIL Orchestra In early March, 7th and 8th grade orchestra students participated in UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contest and received two Sweepstakes and one Excellent rating. Congratulations orchestra students on your UIL results!!! On Saturday April 11, 42 orchestra students participated in the LISD Solo and Ensemble Competition at Arbor Creek Middle School. 39 of the students received a superior rating and 3 students received an excellent rating. Out of the 974 students orchestra students participating 7th grade cellist Macy Keller was awarded "Outstanding Soloist!" Only 10 LISD students district wide were awarded this high honor. On May 5th all orchestra students will participate at the Pride of Texas Festival. It should be a great day of fun and music combined! On May 28th at 7:00 PM in the school gym will be the Spring Orchestra Concert. 6th & 7th Grade Social - DATE CHANGE Please make note that the date for the 6th & 7th grade social has been moved from April 29th to May 20th (4 - 5:15 PM at Forestwood). Book Fair: April 27 - May 1st Book Fair will be held in the Forestwood Library April 27 - May 1st. The book fair will be open 8 AM until 4:30 PM (April 27-30) and 8 AM until 1:30 PM (May 1). Come browse and find some great books for and your family to enjoy over the summer break. Opening on PTA Board Forestwood PTA is in need of a contact for these wonderful programs offered to our children. Please consider one of these programs. These events are funded by the Forestwood PTA. If interested, contact Michelle Bagrow at [email protected]. Nurse's Corner 9th Annual Healthy Lifestyles Health Fair Thursday, April 30th 5-8 PM Come on by for a great night at the fair, here at Forestwood! This is a community-wide health fair open to the public with local and national organizations focused on Healthy Lifestyles. They will share services and information on maintaining a fun and healthy lifestyle. Receive free services and information. Get a massage, register for Be The Match, get your face painted, Spin the Wheel for prizes and sign up for a public library card. Don't miss the Circle of Friends Bake Sale and our Silent Auction. There's more... FREE IMMUNIZATIONS (5-7pm) - For kids and young adults. Know someone who needs shots for Kindergarten, 7th Grade or College? We will have two vendors providing immunizations for kids with or without insurance. Check the FMS website for details. Don't forget, children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian and bring their shot records. DONATE YOUR USED EYE GLASSES - Lions Club will collect and refurbish them for needy children. They will provide free vision screening. And even more......Be ready to have fun and learn how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Details are listed on the Forestwood website bulletin board. Bring your family and friends! 7 th 2014-2015 Grade Required immunizations Sixth Graders! Remember to send in a copy of your updated shot records with the required shots for 7th grade: Tdap, Meningococcal and 2nd varicella (chicken pox). If you still need one or more, stop by the shot clinic at our health fair. If you have received shots please fax, e-mail or drop off a copy of them to me, Nurse DeGiulio. I will update your file and send your parents an e-mail confirming that you have all the shots you need for 7th grade. HANDS ONLY CPR -"Staying Alive" What are the 4 things you need to do when you see a teen or adult suddenly collapse? 1. Check the scene - Is it safe to approach? 2. Shake & Shout 3. Call 911 4. Push Hard & Fast Hopefully, your child has reviewed this with you. FMS students learned Hands Only CPR during their athletic and PE classes this month. They viewed videos and practiced Hands Only CPR to the beat of the Bee Gees' Staying Alive song. They were introduced to the AED (Automatic External Defibrillator) and know where two are located in the building, how it works and the importance of using it as soon as possible. You can learn Hands Only CPR, too. It's easy and doesn't take a lot of time. Take a look at these websites for informative videos: http://www.redcross.org/prepare/hands-only-cpr http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/CPRAndECC/HandsOnlyCPR/DemosandVideo s/Demos-and-Videos_UCM_440561_Article.jsp Falcon Fiesta We have now completed seven Falcon Fiestas, celebrating 36 students at each event for their outstanding achievements. That's over 250 students! Congratulations to all who have received this honor! There will still be one final Fiesta for this school year, and if you're not sure what it takes to be selected, just ask your teachers and they will be happy to share the qualities they are looking for in Fiesta candidates. Not sure what Falcon Fiesta is? Falcon Fiesta is a student recognition and reward program where selected students have an opportunity to attend a mini-reception in their honor. The selection criteria are based upon the following attributes of the students: showing a positive attitude toward school work, demonstrating consistent effort, having excellent behavior, and working hard . At Fiesta, students are treated to snacks and drinks while they socialize, have fun, and celebrate their achievements. This is a reward for a job well done! Consideration will also be given to those students who have demonstrated significant improvement. So, get ready Falcons!!! The next Falcon Fiesta will be here soon! Parents, if you want more information on this great program, please contact: [email protected] Hospitality Committee Thank you so much to everyone on the Hospitality Committee who has helped with so many generous donations of you time and items. Without your help we could not have had such a successful year providing Forestwood with a variety of events from our Back To School Breakfast, Thank You Note Display, Crock Pot Holiday Lunch, Basketball Tournament and Baseball Opening Day Concession Stand lunch and finally we have Teacher Appreciation week May 4-8. Forestwood PTA is planning a week of treats and for the Teachers and staff. We need just a few simple items to coincide with our confirmed donations from the community to really end the year with some fun ways to show our appreciation for such a fabulous year. Please use this link to make a donation. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409054faba 82f4-teacher1 Thank you again to everyone who has helped make Forestwood such a success! Addie Monson Ellen Templer Julie Jenkins Michelle Muir Alexis Kwon Gennie Ford Julie Holland Michelle Bagrow Amy Montalto Gloria Vargo Julie Kluthe Nancy Klein Andie Briggs Karen Carey Pam Jones Angela Riley Grace Perianayagam Holly Hall Kelly Spirit Rita Fink Angelina Brown Ian Moffitt Kristin Morgan Anne Deyalsingh Jacque Ellis Linda Newkirk Rochelle Mortensen Rose Weitzman Anne Peters Jaishree Kulkarni Linda Bartholomew Ryan Hooks Beth Lockwood Jana Bevill Lisa Devitt Shannon Ice Beth Baltmanis Jean Jackson Marcie Roberts Shannon Allen Betsy Jones Jeanne Goodin Margie Goerlich Stephanie Wallace Carley Wood Jennifer Ciprari Marilyn Voss Suzi Arras Christine Duty Marsha Thompson Trudy Wallace Corina Dudley Jennifer Espenschied Jessica Blad Debbie Anderson Jodi Novak Mary Kay Pfister Mary Janik Vanessa Jones Elaine Curtis John Kostas Michele McCann Lena Skinner Hospitality Chair Career Day, May 21st The counselors are preparing to hold a career day. It will be the morning of May 21st. They are asking for parent volunteers with careers they would be willing to share, explain and discuss. If you, your spouse, friend, neighbor or a family member are interested please contact one of the Forestwood counselors: Amanda Mclarnan ([email protected]) or Mayme Campbell ([email protected]). This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to hear from people in different occupations while increasing their awareness of the education and training requirements for various jobs. Please consider sharing information on your career to help shape the future leaders of our world. Friday Nite Live Students in grades 2-6 are welcome to enjoy a stream of non-stop entertainment, while their parents have a night out for themselves. Student activities include live DJ, light show, dance contests, gym activities and games, giant inflatables, treasure hunts, fear factor games, face painting, obstacle courses and celebrity appearances. There is a police officer on site. The nightly cost is $10 and food and concessions are available to purchase. Most Fridays during the school year 7:00 - 11:00PM. See more information at Friday Nite Live Upcoming Events At the top, you will find a quick link to the school calendar. Please use the link for the most up-to-date locations of the listed events. April 24: Friday Nite Live (7-11 PM FMS) April 27: AIM for Success student presentation Soccer 7th & 8th grade boys (5:30-8:30 PM MHS) April 30: Tennis Championships 6th grade choir contest (1:30-4:30 PM Birdville ISD) Healthy Lifestyles Community Health Fair (5-9 PM FMS) May 1: 7th & 8th grade choir contest (11:30AM - 4:30 PM Birdville ISD) Friday Nite Live (7-11 PM FMS) May 2: Beginner Band solo festival Choir trip to Hurricane Harbor May 4: Soccer 7th & 8th grade girls (5:30-8:30 PM FMHS) May 5: Orchestra to Pride of TX Festival Soccer 7th & 8th grade boys (5:30-8:30 PM FMHS) May 6: Symphonic band to Eisemann Center May 9: 8th grade awards program May 11: Soccer 7th & 8th grade girls (5:30-8:30 PM FMHS) May 12: Soccer 7th & 8th grade boys (5:30-8:30 PM FMHS) May 13: Spring Band Concert (Symphonic & Concert 7:30-9 PM FMHS) May 14: Choir Spring Concert (7-9 PM FMS Gym) May 15: 8th grade party (Circle R Ranch) Friday Nite Live (7-11 PM FMS) May 18: LISD Soccer World Cup Championships Round 1 (5:30-8:30 PM RR Park) May 19: LISD Soccer World Cup Championships Round 2&3 (5:30-8:30 PM RR Park) May 20: 6th & 7th grade social (4-5:15 PM FMS Cafeteria) LISD Soccer World Cup Championship (5:30-8:30 PM RR Park) May 21: 8th grade Career Day (FMS) May 22: 6th grade field day (FMS) Forward this email This email was sent to [email protected] by [email protected] | Update Profile/Email Address | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy. Forestwood Middle School | 2810 Morriss Road | Flower Mound | TX | 75028