May 2012


May 2012
LMC Bulletin
May 2012
IBM 64
Louisville Magic Club - Louisville, Kentucky
SAM 215
Photo Courtesy of Greater Louisville Convention & Visitors Bureau -
Tuesday, May 8th
David Stone Lecture
Tuesday, May 8
David Stone Lecture
7:00 PM
St Matthews Baptist Church
Sunday, May 20
The Magic and The Wonder
Arden James, Stephen Bargatze,
Kalin and Jinger
Janice and Patrick Miller
5:00 PM
Louisville Palace Theater
mark your calendars for:
St. Matthews Baptist Church
7:00 PM
Check out the LMC website for informative
links to performers and lecturers.
Tuesday, June 5
Joshua Jay Lecture
7:00 PM
St Matthews Baptist Church
Have you paid your 2012 Dues?
Join the S.A.M. and the I.B.M.
Ask a club officer for a membership application today!
S.A.M. Members receive the M.U.M. Magazine
I.B.M. members receive the Linking Ring Magazine
LMC Bulletin May 2012
Sherrell Nunnelley
David Garrard
5351 Buck Creek Rd.
Finchville, KY 40022
(502) 834-9698 (H)
[email protected]
Jim Harris
P.O. BOX 99801
Louisville,Ky 40269
Steve Haffner
2501 Blvd. Napoleon
Louisville, KY 40205
(502) 419-4272
3RD Vice President:
Mike Blanckaert
5304 Alysum Ct
Louisville, KY 40258
(502) 235-6688
Tom Crecelius
106 Margaret Street
Milltown, IN 47145
(812) 633-7875
[email protected]
Wally Bell
4010 Lambert Ave.
Louisville, KY 40218
[email protected]
David Stone Lecture - Tuesday, May 8th 7:00 PM
David Stone is one of the France’s youngest, most popular magicians at the moment. His two
videos on Coin Magic have become best-sellers in France and since the beginning of the year
2000, are starting to break through into the international market.
The General Magic Lecture:
All the effects from this lecture are possible standing-up
and most of them can be applied in real working conditions.
1. The first part consists of magic effects created using
coins and cigarettes: easy tips and easy subtleties, accessible tricks and other techniques: some coins routines from my videos plus extras, unexpected effects
with cigarettes. Possibly a card routine ( if time allows ) and surprises.
2. The second part is dedicated to “table hoping”. After having asked several people to sit
around my table, as if in a restaurant, I perform my entire number from table to table and I explain why I have concluded in this way. I speak about what is written in my notes “Table hopping Secrets” by illustrating the effects with explanations. This is about practical side of “table
hopping” and related to professional situations (the verticality of effects, setting up the effects,
approaching a table, the opening trick..).
Some of the effects presented in this lecture:
Sponge balls routine(*)
Bill Alexander
2 card routines(*) accompanied by two original techniques
[email protected]
Michael Raymer
5512 Pavilion Way
Louisville, KY 40291
(502) 231-0689 (H)
[email protected]
Mike Blanckaert
5304 Alysum Ct
Louisville, KY 40258
(502) 235-6688
[email protected]
Carol Miller
Bob Escher
Pat Miller
Pete Miller
Roger Omanson
Page 2
3 coin tricks(* and**)
1 illusion with straw(*)
An appearance of a rose in close-up(*)
1 cut and restored cigarette routine*
Commentary on “table hopping” (Technical approaches, visibility, length of the act, choice of
effects, etc.)
Some effects unexplained for entertainment
This list is not definitive and the order of presentation is relatively varied, but it gives you the
idea of the kinds of effects presented during the lectures.
LMC Bulletin May 2012
Out Of My Hat
David Garrard, President
April 25 was Administrative Assistants Day.
That’s when those of us who have professional help
with our work had a special opportunity to say thanks
for the many ways these special folks make our lives
easier. (Mine is named Emily, and she is amazing!)
On the magical front, my assistants are named Meredith, Alicia, Claire, Maggie and Chelsea. They, too,
are amazing and have contributed to my magic in
many ways.
That may be why I especially enjoyed Bev
Bergeron’s Cutting Up Jackpots article in the April
Linking Ring entitled Assistant to the Magician. Great
magicians have almost always had great assistants, and
Bev documented the important role they have played
throughout the history of magic. Robert-Houdin,
Kellar, Houdini, Thurston, the Blackstones, Willard,
Calvert, Wilson, Burton, Siegfried & Roy . . . All
had assistants who helped set up their show as well
as performed in the show.
Bev says, “In some respect, they [assistants]
are the performers of the magic and the magician is
nothing but a puppet.” I emailed Bev thanking him
for the article and got this back: “I have worked with
a few magicians who think they could use anyone and
it would not affect their program--wrong!”
I sent copies of Bev’s article to all of my assistants along with a note thanking them for all they
do for me. If you have someone who helps you with
you magic, take a moment to say thank you, and make
sure they know how much you appreciate them.
Sammy Smith has been a friend for many
years. He does a great job editing the Linking Ring
and his columns are always insightful. The most
recent one begins with the old fable of the Frog and
the Scorpion. It ends with this sentence: “It may be
wise to remember that a scorpion is still a scorpion
even--and perhaps especially-- if he wears a mask!”
You will want to go back and read this if you missed
It is pretty cool when the magician featured
on the cover of one of our national magazines is next
up for our lecture! I didn’t know much about David
Page 3
Stone, but enjoyed reading about him--especially his
insights into stage fright. David is from France, and is
in America to be the Guest of Honor at the 2012 FFFF
Convention. I am looking forward to meeting David
and learning from him on Tuesday, May 8. Hope to
see you there as well as at The Magic and the Wonder
on May 20.
Magic and the Wonder
Ticket Deal
Patrick Miller has offered club members a chance
to get tickets for The Magic & the Wonder for $30,
thus avoiding all extra charges. Please contact
David Garrard if you are interested. This offer
will close one week before the show, so don’t
Magic show website
W.W. Cousins is the
place to be!
LMC members and guests meet
informally for dinner at
W.W. Cousins around 5:30 p.m. on
meeting nights.
900 Dupont Road • Louisville, KY 40207
LMC Bulletin May 2012
In The
Patrick Miller
Patrick Miller got interested in magic twice. It
happened the first time when he was about 14 years old
and someone showed him a few card tricks while he
was in the hospital having surgery on his legs. Then,
in 2002, Patrick got invited to a murder mystery party.
He was supposed to come in character and as it turns
out, his character was a magician!
Page 4
Around 2007, Patrick decided to donate all of
his show proceeds for one year to Kosair. Not long after
that, a friend asked him to do a show that would benefit
Kosair and Scottish Rite, and The Magic and the Wonder was born. Last year, the show shifted exclusively
to benefit Kosair Charities, including The Kids Center.
2012 will be the show’s second year at the Palace Theater. As the future unfolds, Patrick would like to see it
grow to two performances and cumulatively raise one
million dollars.
When not doing magic, Patrick owns a design
and construction management company that designs and
builds commercial and industrial projects in 38 states.
From the Editor:
Beautiful Magic Keeping it Simple
I want to change directions
from my previous articles about
selling and talk a little about making your magic more effective. One
of the best ways to make your magic “beautiful” is
to keep it simple. When we concentrate on complex
sleights, gaudy costumes, or big magic boxes, we
can lose site of what is important - entertaining the
Chris Carey in his book, Find the Stuff That’s
You said to think in terms of simplicity; simplicity
of effect and simplicity of presentation. Doug Henning said “The real magic is in the presentation of
your illusions. Every thing you say and every movement you make count toward making your audience
believe in your magic.”
When we worry about making that side
winding, undercut, top change - we are so worried
about carrying it out that we forget what our job is-to entertain AND involve the audience. How many
times have you seen a theatrical performance that
caused an emotional connection?
Jay Marshall said “I’ve never seen anyone
use kleenex at a magic performance.” That’s because we present puzzles instead of involving them
- we worry about mechanics instead of artistry. So
that is my challenge to you this month. Start making your magic beautiful and make a difference in
the way an audience see a magic show.
A quick trip to Caufields armed Patrick with a
few tricks to help him play the part. As the evening
unfolded, Patrick had so much fun doing magic that he
decided to see if he could learn more. A friend told him
about our club show with Lance, and the rest is history.
Patrick joined the club and has become an important
part of the magic scene in Louisville.
In 2005, Patrick was asked to do magic for a
Christmas Party. He says he spent about $1500 with
Harry Allen that December! Patrick credits Bob Escher
and Dinky Gowen with helping him and his wife, Janice
put it all together.
Born with bi-lateral club feet (think turned
around backwards and upside down), Patrick started
having surgeries at age 5, and pretty much lived in the
old Kosair Hospital on Eastern Parkway until he was
about 8. That explains his commitment to Kosair Charities.
For sales tips visit my blog at: