VOLUME IV. NO. 1. J O H N S. APPLEGATE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, RED SANK, N. J . p N B Y M. NEVIUS, COUNSELLOR^ AT LAW, BED BANK, N. J. /"XHAS. H. TUAFFOltD, COUNSELLOR* AT LAW, BED DANK, N. 3. Commissioner for New York. T^ANIEL I f APPLEGATE, COUNSELLOR AT LAW, SOLICITOR iND XASTKIl I.I I'lllKCHlY, O01coliiJ.A.TUn»ckmi>rU)u-aBuliaiiitr—First Floor. FKONT STREET, N K W JERSEY. RED BANK, w "ILLIAM PINTARD, ATTORNEY .AT LAW, WASTEB IK OIIANCEBY, NOTARY PUTiUC, PIIOCIOK IN ADMIHALTY. SplnnlUK * Patterson's luUlillnis, Tltlm Examined. ItKU BANK, N. J. 1 AMES STEEN, COUNSELLOR" AT LAW, Kotary Public, upii Cummlsdouer of Dc^dn for Nc York, , . EATONTOWN, N.' J. & COLE, ADLEMLF.AI.EU8 IN DRY finO JlllOAD STUEET, RED DANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25)/1881. JlKlt BANK AND YICIMTV. CliiUlren's dreusca at lira; Crnssk'y's. OUU LONU IIRANCH LETTEK. A ,11LIill£lil nafd liy the I'oUre nnd (he In, (Adjotlllllir First Nntloiuil Dlluk,) It ])ays to advoiliso in Tun KKOISTEH. nialCH «il 'J'hreo llUreimliibte lieNtirlH (*n|i. REU 11ANK, N. J., 1 lured— Wnrfure on lliu Uogu-A l*o-.«ll>li> Vniiilnfrrift is Bulling trimmed l(Uts Invlto tlie. attentlun of tin. millers of THE REGigUci'ou bwiiuntliig iMulvli. Tr.iL lo tlie larjre and vurlwl stock of from §1.50 up. $1.50 PER YEAR. Dlonmoutli l'nrk Itnccii. Tho races at Monniouth Park will 1 gin on Saturday, July I'd, and Fiinin (if the liorse.i have already arrived, The following is a propeotus for each day's racing, arranged as correctly as ]RK:ili!o at this date. And allhoujdi'Luku lilaekburn is scratched frmn Ihe cards on lie; count df a ((iiartcr-urnuk received a i ('iiney Island yet a great ninny Red P,ank favorites will appear and rare spurt may be cxjieeted : ATTORNEY AT LAW, OOloo iu Klamontii'8 Builtlhirc, <MI Cookiuan Aveifliie. ASIIUBY PARK, N. J . \ | y i L H E U A. IIEISLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8ollcltyr* MuflUsr und Exuinluur Ui Chnnairy, LONG ISRANCII Vl[,M(iE, N. J . JOHN L. WHEELER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, RED BANK, N. J . D 1 AVID HARVEY, ASniJUY PARK, NEW JEIIBEY. 1 T II. DETTS, DENTIST, 1 BARKER&TIIROCKMORTON, RS. BARKER &TI1 DENTISTS, SUCCESSORS TO Dll. CUA1U.E8 BED BANK, 1 1 wild's Building, corner of Idond nnil Mrelianlo Streets, Bod Bauk. N. J., opposite this First NiiMonul llanfc. tST Nitrons Oxldo fins ii»«d wlum required fur l l l eilrurtlou «f teem. P 1 l ATTORNE"Y~~AT LAW. Ullln M 1 1 IIBIMARD, NEW JERSEY. All work performed fu tho bust innim(>r and at rcosonablu mtm. Sailnfuellnn piumiiitwil. O m e n , No.)? BUUADSTRiET, overt'liailwIck'B P SU 1 1 1 1 1 1> F. BORDEN, 1 1 DENTIST, JIusic Ilall Building, Rod Dank, N. J. eilnictiim of trelh by Hie iwo of nitrons oxide KUH. Dl 1L.B. VANDORN, DENTIST, ff I * DR. R. T. BOUIitw, Q Music Trail TSllildlnK- A. LOCKWOOD, PRESCRIPTION" DRUGMST, ELEVEN YEA11S' EXPERIENCE. Cor. Broad and WlilUi SlrecU, REU BANK, N. J . "VI" F. MANY, (Successor to 11. E. suuiwood), WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, FRONT S T R E E T , Opp.filobo lTol(Bl.) ItKI) J1AXK, N. J . J OHN LLOYD, JR., RED BANK, H. J . FUNDS ami Masou & Hniiilln nilKANS fnr cash or luatallliiisnlsiil fnrtury prices by JOHN LLOYD, JR., Solo ARent, BED BANK. T Nmv Jersey. W. SLEEPER, CARPET~STORE, CORKER BltOAD AND WHITE STREETS, RED BANK, N. J. p DAVIS, JR., INSURANCE AND REAL AGENT, ESTATE FRONT STREET, P, O. Box, SI. RED BANK, N. J. Insurance placed In thn best companies on most ruaRouable terms. T A. TlfROOKMOUTON, (I . DEAI.KH IN LUMBER, LATH, LIME, CEMENT, BRICK, NAILS, PAINTS, O i l , ETC., FRONT STREET, HED BANK, N. J. ARKER & CHADWICK, P DKAI.KH3 IN LUJfBER, LATH, LIME, BRICK, Ocmiint, Calclnwl and Lnnil Plaster, Hardware, rahits nndOlls, Caul, Uoncdust,Ouauo, Ac. Also Dry Goods aud Groceries. FRONT 8TRKET, RED BANK. riOAl AND WOOD! BCRANTON, LEHIGH, CUMBERLAND AND WILKESBARRE COAL at tbQ Lowest Market Rates. OOBD WOOD, LOCUST AND CHESTNUT POSTS AND CHESTNUT HAILS. JOHN A. WORTIILBY, OOloo «t WorlillOJ's Dock, Q - BED BANK, N. J. MILLER, JJo. U PROAD STREET, $ED BANJ;, N, J, Every vnrlcty of BOOTS AND SnOE3, ROOTS AND SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, SPRING AND SUMltfliiil Custom Work at Fnlr Prices. . nonalrlng promptly nltondcil to. Ladies', and Children s BIIOCS a specialty. ; 1 1 RBD HANK, N. J . 8. MILLER, No, U BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J, PERSONAL. On the west side of lSroad street in Lulu, dniiRhterof Mr. Caleb Patterson, Ked llank may In.1 seen one of the tinc't rosidenees in the state of New .lenie/y. in visiting friends on Staten Ishnd. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS GOODS, Orout linrgnins in flowers and feathers IJINII liiiANCii, .luno 2R.—During sevCupt. Ohas. Parsons ia upending a few Tin1 traveler iu pnftanj; tlnj place would 111 the several deportments of their EstaUlsment, eral ywirslmst houses of ill-repute have at L. IJlumenbui'g'H. nut nclice Iho many altractioiiH that weeks with bin family in this place 1 makes the hotueof ex-Seniitnr Uecldess Shirts, bliu , j'at'ht, whito and fancy liceii multiplying lit Iiinif; liriimli, and A son of Sidney Cnnovcr was run over SILK DEPARTMENT. many men about town have been indigby,far tbo most cheerlid id1 the many a:it .Saturday, lie was slightly hurt. Under tills bead an; conipriKi^L Hilks, Katlna and sliirtinga, at Ciu-tis'a. nant that nothing wns doho liy th,1 pohandsome residences that adorn this viilvrts. IlHBlufkiiriminufaiiumlsllkilressfnhvlcs Tuesday was the nimiveraar)^' of the lii:i: in tliu nintler, This year, tlie ki i'iiThe Hon. John D. Buckalew was in Is tin' lnnicst iilleicd In Munmunlli ('nunty, ami Ills lection of the Cdiinlv. town on Monday na the guest of Jlr, K. dmilitfnl ifiiiiywlicivlnlliesiiMv Uiera I H I I U J T buttle of Monmoutli. ci'ii of these ilenn became bolder n:ul ,Hi.y ^'11. Jn the rear of tlio house in a long variety uf tillk I^stt«'s,ijii ^ri'iilcrdlvcrslly cf clylv, Allen, Jr. Great reductions in the price of fancy moved down union/; tho Binniuer' cotor more extensive range of colorings nifeml by aay r i r s l rure. fur 11 innse nf J.MH1; i l U a n r n , onenille. gravel" walk with flower .-gardens on hats lit L. MumimliLTfj's. ' Ktlitor E. M. Ilartshorno, of tho New tages, Complaint:! havo lioen madii om; house. Sireil'l rue,1, tlii. lleni'iflll Millies, fur Ivm Yliir- ,'ither Kidc. Thetie (,'ardcu.s are well mliteil: iltslnnri'. imi1st them, but the complaints were iittlM, i;leil riu-li, wllli #r»inl Hats trimmed at the sliortest possi 1 ,upplied wilh tho choicest nnil most hrvi'n Slanilurd, dined withGon.Grant DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. not noticed, Tim ltnrilKTKlt lias been liiiltlulli!. Knr this run llieiv im- Illty-threii mmil- fragrant floral decorations that good last .Sunday. notice at Mrs. Crossle-y.'s. lulIniM, ami hi'Uie ul liu. 1>,,.<|, y,i:in^sl, i^ on llie The lat^Ht Purislnu nnvcltit'a. A ytiy chdtcct soonly county paper Unit has dared to liirl will uiiifest r»r lliu i>ri/.e. \i. I,. I.i.'llliihl'.i, taste and rrtinomenl can select. They f !en. Chaa. Ilaiglit was In town on Vaiidcp;rift doea ntit advertiso GOIIIC- the !(.rLli>n of nllk ami \u\u\ tiriicndKS inul mlxluicH. protest against these <lcnn of iniquity, Ili'luidiitV, llwyei 1 Ui'i'lhi-is . Siieileker'f, Jiriimi,'n, lend to the scenery tbejtrae element of Haliirdny. lie is said to be a cujididato . 1'lnin Kut'tlM nf CTi'ry «li'«i:ii|)tion, Cuincls' Htilra, tliin;; wiiicli lie does nol liavc. nnd ivupeetablo men about town took Anniiri'S, Surj/iiH, Fcnil<'a, OiNlnncrrH, tile. 1'lnlrts, beauty nnil impart to the air thtit .sur- for stale senator. Ladies will save 'money by purchas- couraRO when they saw its bold stand on Ciii'cks und Suiting; Culk-ui'.s, MUSIIIIH and MITII Tlli.nl m m , fur lln11 ii-enn llnlis,' f i n k c , Sr,U e:B'M. rounds it, sweet portumes and delightTliis ili^piirt; lrnt iiteulliclntlt'slinintulim^. All silk, ing their millinery at Sirs. Crossli'y'u. Miss AddieiS. Grant, formorly a teacher this question. Last . Saturday ni^hl Klltt rind wool, ami allk und wit ton. fill odors. n tin; Mechanic street school, iB visiting n can not and will not IKS threo of those infamous renorln were Illilr.H. Tll'-renie tuny Ih'lllilllllliills, ;ni!,> n: liii-ni icr friends'in Ited Bank. l.illii' llliieMitll-ll, lllmliKi, l>ar,>l,>, I'abrtlii, .Mmlllii:', On the west end of the premises, facSHAWL DEPARTMENT. undersold by any milliner in tlio county. raided by thc-police, and their inmates Si-lii.itl.,11, S|,ln iwny ami II.•purr. in'g Maple avenue, in a beiuitiful grove Mr:i. T. J. AVillett, who hns beon quite captured. In nil prrvioun attempts lm])nrU«l tind DomcHtle VVtHilcn ^limvlsol all kinds. Kulirlli rile,-, \rllllii 1 f.irllii' I ^ m r I'MIIIUII IiniuilA fitone-wallt has boon placnil ill front 1 >f Hevi'ral acres, covered with :v thick lick for several weeks, has nearly reOW uiiil Kew f reueli lii-ocho Htiuwla, Sweepsnki'* uf i-'iil eni'li, wtlli ^MKIuiMnl ; illsof tho new fire-liouso on Mechanic street. miidii by the coiniuissioners to raid them. I*!I places) inf'irnuili'in wan •Khi'ii to thel.illni. Hint nil!-' mul it iiniiil.T. '1 Ills rsu'C h;i.'i ^"v- i^iowtb of eh(;stnut juul oidc, Here ;i)vered her wonted health. Tlio best styleii and cheapest prices, IciK'pci'B of the houses mill tluitj they wero •iity-livn iioiiiimulitii;;, si'kelt'il fl'i-lil Un1 Ni-.-il luil'ii-s IliousandH of birds build their nests nnd Mr. Cliarlcs Hobrougli, of Little Silver, in the nil I. All «]<! iiHtml Ilnoa of Mminiliur; Goods tiro found Imts, shirts, neckwear, linen collars, etc., rear their voting. The traveler's attenallowed to escapo. Mayor Woolloy, In IMs dupurtiiiunt. Tin; lutcsL stylusol Futicy Muck Flflli n i r e . fur a inn-si1 of SfMHl. ii KiiHlnc rni'i 1 ; iliiition is frequently attracted by the many inn been dinal Jed for a few woekB past at Curtia's. nml lliri'e-elirlhi, Guuda always ruiiriisuuU.il. howevKi1, detorniincd to make another tiiine, one mile ly a felon on bio right hand. 1 1 :>l.\tli l-.iri , ii liiimli'Mii t;lei'|il,,,'lKe^ for n imrM ol •aliliit;i that run and sliip about ill their All tlio latest Rtylos of spring and sum- effort to break upthcuo places, and sumo SMI, ever llie slum ;,l(T|ilirliiiM> oiiirse. LACE GOODS1 DEPARTMENT. Mr. H. A. Lookwood, tho druggist, inorljs among the trura. mer millinery (it Mrs. Cronsluy's, Broad little tinio ago culled a mooting of the PuInUiiinxc, DncliL'sai , ValuncktHiiuH, Flounces, Jci.v •lin. The gently sloping lawn that lends ins secured an additional clerk in tho commissioners. This mcetinji; wan atUjuuikttrrliitifs, JlarlK'S, S«ts, I'urusol, Fnn Covers, street, abovo White, The llrsl rftc 1 will i^1 for twn-veiu-nlilH, fur a lorn the bonne Ut the street in well person of Mr, Johnson Bergen, of llataUluck Thrvnil IACU, gcurfc, uie, A Sjiccfnl ]i»t of The jiublic school money for tho coni- tcadi'd by Mosul's. Wonlloy, McKenna, pill'si' «[ i:M); iIUMIU'e. llve-eli'hllln el il mill. sliaded wilh viirintiskindHof nntamental wan, I'liolcu NovultliM In Mado-Ult Uico Goods, Embrukl- hiK year will bo Jj;3,2i!0.(Ji), an increase of lireoco and Lavtim. The matter was SnHI,] n n v , III,' l.,,|lll:lhl Khikes, f,,r Ilinv-Vi'iiromd HmiUkvrutilufo, etc. •s, llpnti Ibe south is the ground discussed and it was decided to make .ilili, S i l l ein-li. u'lili {.:,v* a i,i,.,i I,,- Mr. !•. i,,,,iiAlex Pacli is slowly recovering from $125.1-1 ovt'r last year's appropriation. where the younx folks try their MICill at .ho attack of brain fove,r which haB so luril, llii'il.-M'i'liilluli In lull 1:1.0110 f"r si-colhl h n n i t ; tlie raid at midnight on Saturday. An 1 UPHOLSTERY1>EPARTMENT. nil,, una a liall . 'i'liero mi: eiK-l.ly oroipiot. Chnpin & Dye, through their counsel, extra number of police wero nw'orn in •lisliiiuv,, hoi'ottghly pruutiatod ltini for several Special attention irnhl to Curbiln.4. A full lino cf 1 HI l l l . l ' l 111, l i l l l l . l I'lll !'. In the town of lied Hank thoro in cer- ,voekH paiit. Law) t'urliiiim, Hcid Siirciuis, rillmv Slmms, and In- hav<! given notice tif an a]ipc;d from the and ordered to ro|iort at eleven o'clock The I Ii! |<I niii, vill In1 Ihe SIllvnMiury llandl™|i <ll:ui Kmlirotiltjml Tubli? imd Cuslilun CHVITS. Haw ilefision of tho Jliddlotown board oi that night. At the appointed time the 3iui'!'slnki'H ul Sleii, ullli tV.'iil niUi-il ;1 ills!iil|.-e. ainly no pleasaater place to live than Dr. It. P. Piorden hna moved into bin Sllka, l'lUblua, Mmniu Cloths, uruUmiies, etc. uielnile HIKl Uinifl-iillmlcff,; luily-lluvi iiu.nllinhealth. hat nf Mr. Reckless, and an he returns lintuio on Ibe corner of I!road nnd "Walentire posse started out. The l'armloy lliilW. Services will bo held in the Presby- cottngn, kept liy Miss Flora Gilbert, wns nt ovenine; from his duLies iu the city, lace uts. The liousis lias licen undergot'olirlu ratui, for a iinm'tirC'I'nO; inlie lieal.H. GLOVE DEPARTMENT. F Flflh race, (lie Wi-lif-r I'IIJI, ii K^iiHi'iiiair.i nii'r., ie can truly Ha) , " There's no place like Wo fc(H'p ttio most \w,rlv.vi fitting (Jlovo mndo. terian church next Synilay morning and llrnt attacked. Here threw women nnd ing repairs for sonip time. Ijulies who find (lllllcnlfy In lusiiitf llitol with other ovoniiis foivlho I;u5l time before the re- several half-Krciwn young num wen; $ » Itai'll, IVllll $:M0 uililnl; Ilnvt-M'iailrn uf II Kinie"—thii homo that bin own baud mill'. miikes <if tilovtis, alkoiild tflve im n cull. Two, thrwi, liiiinUK of tho church csdiilcu, which will captured. They were'placed in charge Mr. Kolmrt Parker, the book-keeper of mill buitded and liisown genius planned. 1 Slxlll ran , il BI'UIIIK raw, (or upuiKenf i'.m \ ilisfour nnd six-tuition ttlovca of tlio Dost quality nt be[>in July nth. On Bloinlay altiTiiiiiin of this week 1 thu Kirst Knfional Hank, lias his uew of otHcers and Kent to Iho lock-up. :anre. line mile unit mi elclilli. vt-iy htw prices. house nearly compleUid, and will occn|iy 'I'lie lii'Velllll r u m , mill Ihe lint event uf the ilnv, was happily surprised to receive an inThe remainder of the pulicu mnved on For job printing of any description, Will In' II Iliuiillrilli ^lee|ilreli;isi. fur a |.uiiii, uf tysml, UNDERWEAR DEPARTMENT. vitation from Mr. 10. M. llaiishorno, the it about tlie second week of July. whether liluin or fanc}r, send your or- to Madame Hall'n cottage. i.Iere four overthij Hill HleriilurhnsiM'uiirsi1. TIIIH iiiPlmli's Hvpry vurloty or V\w\ Mrallum. nml eililor of the tSlttndttnt, to arcinnpnny women and a unmlii'r of young men Mian Laura Morford has beon visiting ders to TllK liWiiSTKK oflice. and tho Jl l.Y TTII. lmv-prl«jd Underwear worn by ludiisi uud geiilluhim to 1'orl iMonmouih and llicJilaudH friendti nut of town for Hovernl wuiiloi were uipturcil and will lo jnll, nnd Long work will b« dono in a satisfactory iUUU. Kllst run', n free hitlnllcuii iivveejishili,', uf ;'.'', 1 1'ark. 1 Idiow of no nlher gentleman so ltraiicli'.s llnest hurried on to the James last. Rlio IIIIH rocontly returned homo, 'in-li, with $!JUO iidileil ; ilUtuilci , une nilli' anil u manner, and at moderate prices. well qualified to point out the beauties .'rini;iii|{ one of her friends with hor. cottage on Second aveniio, l;ept by MadNOVELTIES. A lar^e quantity of hay and straw of ame Willard. When Hearing llie" IIOUKO Kei Iriii'iMlm July Slnkiw, fur I u ' t j enr-i.lils, of that riiHtic. country, and no well versed ruracs, PocikoUbdoks, Fans, Matfnnory, Toltat Mr. Wm. Mnlchow, tlio popular tonSi'tH, Fancy Sel«, Juwulry, Umlnx'lliw, rnnutilu, the best quality, and lluur and feed of a man was seen running toward the or ;M'«l, wllll $l)>«l1 mlili'il; ,INI u, lln'-rli'lillis ,if ii its history. a mile: lorly-threi IIIIIIIIMUIIOMM. Cuttery, clc. nnrial artist nf Ked Dank, ia an accora> all grades, will lie fomnl at T. Davin's that bo WUK T l l l l i l l i i n - , lliu M'inilliilllh (talc !M:ilie*. l u r ? N > I'nimiit. mul Polite nttciitfnn jrlvcn In nil eiistom- store on Front street. A car-load of ex- building. It wan presumed When going with him one ban not to |ilinhed chess player, and his shop is the m i , lull, ini'l a TK, iirni nil broods wamuiU'ii as iviin^enU'il. going to warn the imnali1.;, nnd he was i . - h , w l l l l i r l . l i ' l . l a i i i l e i l ; i l h i l i 'inlfer the niemn (•aielieeH which the resort of Iho best players of tho town. tra iincoats isexjiectcd this week. ordered lo Nlup. lie kept un runniiij; i | : iii' il ri ll l, t, l| l. l i \ rI al l.i i 'l.\ l - I- li li' ,j' - e ll ii a' i| ii :i l l nl il u| il i l lMl i Va l Ml i '|tr, .- l, l. l k e n f - M I I inj;cr iiiei'tH, for Mr. ll.-irlshorne Mr. Win. Henry Omit, of MiddleThe jicojile of ijit. James's churcli will and llie police threatened lo shout him •ii.-ii. v v l i l i ; ' i i " ' l u , l : l i ' i l ; I I U I u lull I'l kluiwii all liu1 penple Ihere. lie lold me town, 11KI) HANK, N. J . gradunled from lttitgcrs last hold a picnic in Morl'nrd's j^rovo on the if he did not stop. Thi;H caused him to l u v : ' - i | "li I i . luw in yutilli he spoil his tin ie n in on g the Thuriidav , a |i'i!iill'i|i distinguished honors, ho Fourth of July. The Kevport cornet halt and lie was cantnred by the pnliec,1 i W1 H' i in-i ii n ir i!r i , , f i i (r hLe' l(' .l >l lrlle! n; !i 'riill! i i ir l ' l ^i i; lrinl ,K i si'"> lills iif'ilni Iliglilati'ls, and lm,v in niuu- taking thewilh I'lU'll, K l l h TlIHOUCillOUT. Hiadley prize in malht'inatics. hand will hi! in nttendanci! and refrcsh- who found him to br a smi of Justin • i l i . i . l . l i ' l : i l l s i v . " i n m i l l - . „ hiiud lie liad built the loads nnd bridges mi'iilw, swings, .duuciiig platform, etc., Hopper. In this house five women anil N l \ ( h i-iii-.-, l u r a I - I . I v , - u f - . " J H I , II w l l l m ' n n ' < ; •, i l l > which we passed over iu our drive. As Tvlrn. \V. T. CorlieH, in leaping from ft live men were found, all of whom were U l i l ' f , I!: ! . ' * - * | l i : l! I ,T'H >,[ 11 l u l l . - . will hi' provided. New nnd Elopmt Styles of yel there is little to Hliy i'.l.'int the iiii- carriage at 1,'ing liranch iifcv.i;r;d uioutlm 1 1 1 S i v i l i l l l r ; i ( T ' \ , I I I I n :l I L I M I I - ' H I I I l l l l i ! ! ' r t l u lodged in tin villngi bustili . On Suniruvenient!! of the park association. ago, tiprained her ankle, vary tovercly, r|:<. ,,( . . , » ! ; , | i , , . I- In I r H M l ,L l l | . , , , • Tho KKD HANK RKOISTEH in on sale at SEASONABLE GOODS Three or four bouues have been boill Shu has now nearly recovered from hut S. S. Saginis, Hi'oiul street, Hed ISank, lay morning Ibe pri.inners were brought u \ 1 L,, • 11. . and nt Cidiill's ilruj; store, MiiMt Long up for trial. Corporal inn-counsel 1'iirt- i ' l ;' . iIiI ,l ,l ls ! ii ,l lr ' Vn' i: i, - iH- [ Iu ni lr .|t, l iI 'I- I. •n il ni li inl ii K' , u1 e i il. ioM 1I I 1 1I i l l]Ui r 'i ,l ': -! r o. >i Ti ti i i!' 'i 'i ,' | ami more are in con.'.lritciioii, The injury. At branch. ('oiiiiiuniiciitioiis for Tnp. Itr.u- er conducted the |tro.;,'eulioii, The in- I » m v | i l i , l : , . r n r l i u • • . - > e n l - i , l , l i ,•! f l . m l n i l . " Drive" fi'(,in tlie baiie along the Muff Mary Anderson, tho noted nctronn, LOW T R I C E S . Ifft nt cilbnr of ihusc places will mates of I'armley cottage were hroinrhl w i l h j - ' i . i l . h l . i - l I , •!, l l . r - l i i n a n , I A n i i i : a I , , , , u i , , , , l r ni'itrly lo tho fop of tlie hill, is tuinpiked ivho is now stopping nt I^ing Ilruncli, before Justice lX'lisye who di«:bar;;ed I U i ' | n - i n I I l ' i ; i l l , I . H i ' , ' , ' i n ' i ! i l ! i ' : I I H I I I 11 ' l i I I , T . A l ' < nml graveled. Tim grounds all along lie promptly forwarded. paid a visit to Uiiil Hank on Monday. the men and sentenced Misy (iilbert and i i i l . i i i , K i l n 1 I H » a m i I l i i - K i i n i j e a n ' n h v a i l y e l . l i : . < l . lire being liaii'lHouiely I liil n i l ami orna- Him was accompanied by two hniiilsoi»e 8II.KS, RATINfl, VELVETS. DRERa HOODS, Th» post-oi!ico will he closed on the her female confederal-cs to HO ilavH in ,li iv Urn. 1ILACK (;i «II1S, lllllluix-s. l.AI'ES, U.Nnienteil with trees ami flowers. At the poodle dogs. ^ Fourth of July. Thn post-master hits T i l l * i v l i l I , , ' 111' la.'ll M a y i , f t i l l ' . I ' . l l v l l l i ' e l l l l l ' I tho countv jail. The people captured in DliltMKAU, HOS1E11V, i c . summit is the (.'miip-nieeliug grove, \ r r y l l l l , ' l e > l l n . ' . ' , - u i , IIH t i l t ! u i v f i . r I I , i ' M u l l kindly consented, however, to keep tho Madaino liall'H place were brought, before Hoborl Parker, non of Mr. Donjamta which in also mnlergiiing e.sleu.'iiv.i iinoffice open in the morning from eight Justice Hopper and held fur further ex- l u i l f h I u | i ttlll l a k e | > l l > r e . I'liveiuenbi. Parties iu llu.i section who 'arker, of .Shrewsbury, is spoudlnK the I I " I I I I ' ' i t l l V W i l l In" II f i v n h . l i | . l | , ' i l U o'clock to half-past nine. Thero will be amination on Thursday next. The in- v' Ii ''l il ,' 'K '' iIl iM. ' ,",. . 'r- IS«:..-, I'III'II. w i t h f'.ini m l i l i ' i l ; i l l s l a n i - e , ,\ i.Hb to enjoy a trip through that piclnr- iummer vacation at the homo of bit I Invite special attention to our no other mails received that day. mates of the James coltago were brought irii.lli'aii'l n In)'. iqnc region, will liml it a pleasant aud 'atlicr after his hard year's work at the 1 s ml r i l ' e . a fn ' Illlllilleaii KW'ei I'Slafc'' f e r Last Sunday morning tho Presiding before l'oliet Justice llrinley. (,'orponi- liR'i'-yinr-iild.s, u l i'i , ,,;ii'h. wlthSlliKI ml.le,l j d l s - rnlitalilii ride, and when they return Juliimhin law school. NEW STYLE CORSETS. Elder of this district preached l a the tion-cnunsel l'orler woiited liaril for the liiin , KI Ill,' iilxl a n elirlilh. ivill feel well repaid fur their trouble in Mr. Mayo W, JUnzeltine, who i« well a p u r x i ' nf ^ j i i l , a HI'IIIIII; n i r i f u r M. E. church, anil in the M. E. conviction uf the prisoners and iiuule 'Pili'il n i i ' i ' . fur ,'ihifing tho lanil where nalure'H works known to ninny of our people, has en"A L A S I 11 E N ," Orace ; ilMnlici,. ll\,,-eli'htlw "I a lull' . church in tho evoning. A lovo feast out what was thought to be a clear cane \ v' rii,m- y «fa' tr i-ii l, thi l nnii'n. a tho rude it mold stand out in lively ll>i' Mil m i l l'ii|i, u i i w v p tirely recovered from his recent illness, was held at tlio foimer church in the ngainst them. They were defended by l a k e i i u l , < ' i ( l i a - l i . | i . p . , w l l l i < l . 0 < l n . i l . i l ; i l l ' ; 'onlraiit to works of tut. and is, wilh his family, spending the Lawyer Troiitman, and to the Kiirprini! a t i c e , t w u mlle.-i anil a «|iliirti,|'. Thi-iT al'u i-lj.-lili-'ii morning, before tho regular services. Minunor at Deal Iltach. "Caramllll" Kid Cilovc, cxr/'llont rpmlliy, three Till! TltAVliU'.It. of most men al>out town, worn dis- lutiilniitlniis, aniulij^ lh«-i'i l i t s h Klii'^', I.llku n i a . ' k buttons, all nluuiea, wunaiited, H n i i n t . l i ' , Pat-nli , F a l s i ' l l u , Miiullnr, ( J r c n t u l a , The stago on tin1 (initra.1 stage line Jlr. Clins. 1. (lordon is undenitood to •gcd. A male. c.ii"^>i"fc of WaJauii) iiii'R, l.'l.i.n, M l n t » i', Cl,-.'lnii»lt,' .-• till i . l l , l i . | | , i . will hereafter leave Kod Bank nt three Hall mid to Porter, when he WIIH enMartin^ nt A^b(ii)' I'nrk. .o a oanJiilnlo f^.i tliu HemOCTntlC IIOH195 CENTS A PA lit. i\ M. on Sundays, and connect witli the gaged on the ci'.Hi}: " I'll fix you when I illMlaiU'i , m i l ' i n l r . A^.iu'uv PAKK, Juno liM,—About two nation for tbo acsenibly. Jlr. (loillon Four button urdrt'ssod kht, 80 centa. train for Now York at Long llrunch in- get you on the street." Tin; clii\ralnnis T l i e . M . d h n m l I M I "Vi'iil nf tlio it-iy n m l I ' m e l i i i i ! :i a.stalwart democrat, n geuUciuan of stead of at Seabright, as forrnerl}'. Tho l'orter replied, "I'll meet you on the ill liu 11 !miajli'!i|i .Sl<'M|ii.,rhaMn fur il JHirdc Of ^ l » > , liiMiiinnd iiciiple nssciubled iu H.luca- ,'iliicatiiin, and a lino s|»aJiw. , e r Iho full M.-.'iil, rlniHc eniir.ii'. .ionai hall o n Motnlav e v e n i n g a t t h u stage will leave Lung branch on its re- street and if there's to lie any (King I Mr. fOcl. VandeRiift, of Hristol, Pa., •nil of [be rilizeii.'t \i'^ilanee ciiniinil ten, turn at nine r. H. won't ask any assistance frniii the lau'." if Anbury Park nnd (iceau (irove, T h e now sbipiiiiii: at Fair 1 In von, is an ardeut Small I'ox. Ono day lost week Mr, Samuel "Walsh l(ut no sooner was the trial cnnelmled ir of niusie, and an excellent perPARASOLS. iieeliii!^ w a s cuiiMiLuled uf all ela.sses brought to Tin: Ku IISTER oflice :i branch than Mini1. Hall's escort made haute loget OoiJfV1 Nni'K, June 'JS.—The family of .vh't \\ i'1'e d r a w n t u e ^ l h e r bv eitriosily former on the violin. His instrument is from a peach tree in tho orchard nf the away. On Mumlay morning Justici Abrunii JIIIIIIMHI, of I bin ]ilace, ulm In1, e vKiillini; from t h e neeuliatiy w o r d u d a rare imported one and was modi) in Hon. "Win. R llenilnckson, of Midille- Uenyse's prisoners .'••aid that if lie \vu U^ nick with llie junall jinx, are •all. Il wtiH riiiuureil a b n u l t h e places Italy two centuries ago. toivn. The branch w.-is about one foot, bo lenient and reconsider tlm simlenco to be nifiiilly ,reco',ieriti}(;. The liat i t wan a iimeiing in refereneo t o Mr. Lytllelon White, of Eatontown, In ix inches long, and rontaiii'.'d fi7 peaches. nlerH fnr any partlr.nlar goodn not In Btwli will they would leave the plitco at oniy^ lather, fourilaiiKbteiH, and one win were ieensing hnck-ineii, g r o c e r a n d baiters, receive [iruniiiUilU'iitliin. This is said to he a fair sample, of Mr. Thereujxiii Justice Denyse released the ^iiiuillnneouiily taken with Ibe ilisea>!e, mil a c i . o r d i n g l y w a s well r e p r e s e n t e d by mentioned ua a posniblo republican canlidiito for the assrinlily, Mr, Whilo is Llendrickson's crop. prisonem. This morning it was learned be mother escaping :IH nhe haii it MC\ eral neti iu eaeli of thoso callings, l t u t t o intelligent nnd a firm friend of progrcRi The dosing exercises of St. James's that Wins Gilbert had not left tuwn anil yt'iiru ti|,'<>. 'I'll*' oliled. dau^chter, while the surprise of every one. tlm circini, mid public education, If elected he A lull llnnnl school will take piano in St. James's hall a warrant waa immediately issued for working in New YorU, w n t home a hox which was anticipiited with so much would niiiko a good and careful legislaon Thursday evening of this week. her arrest, but up to the linn: nf of Hccond-lianil clothing. Shorfty uf'fer ilelighl by Home, did not take place. On tor. FANCY GliOCERIES, Misses Katie lluwking andLillk 1 Ludiow writing she has not been captured. one fif the sisferK had hejpm \ve:irui[r I be Llie other hand it could be readily seen Mr. A. Oilmore, of New York, visited in d l h i n c , nhe was taken nick. Thatcven- .lint the ineeling from its tone and will graduate. They will bo presented The action of tho coininissioiieiH 1 It. W . C ( J O K E , ~f it tho sinter from New York arrived iu. •hamctcr was called for a very diircront led Hank on Sunday last. This gojitlewith diplomas, and g' »ld and silver niedalii ordering this raid to bo mail' has been tiwill ho awarded. Premiums will also kharply critiaised by some, but all re- i delicat'j lituti; of heallh. Durini; the iurpose. All the religious 'denoinina- las truvuled exteiiHively in Europe and bo distributed among the pupils, All Hpectable men about town are rejniced. ifternoon tho nieniben of the family ioiis wero repri'Kontoil on the .stage und ,hLs country, but had nuror boon in this WILU'S I1U1LDINQ, who aro interested aro invited to beThe action hns had the elfeetuf closing i{alhered at. the house, and noticing tho he whole ineeting. to all external np-1 icction before. Ho win much pleased man)- other places of similar diameter, niarliH of Hiuall pox on eneli otlur ami earimce, indicaloii that it wt:s a mill- with IMH visit and mid that tho Bcpnory CORKER BROAD & MECHANIC. STS., present. notably the colored dens on {'kirk street. feclillt! unwell, deeiileil Unit they li.'nl :iters' coiifereneu. Tbn inenting w.m aloiifj; tbo Shrewsbury rivor was as beauAt the election of echool trustees to he Tlie men captured iu this mid wero all been poisoned the day before while ipened by prayer, hut it was a peculiar tiful us anj' in Europo. RED DANK, N. J . hold in the school hall on Mechanic mostly between the ages of lifteen IIMII une, baldly expressing with clearness rollin^ in Ibi1. WOOILH. E MOST DELIGHTFUL TONIC street on Friday next, an exciting con- twenty-one. Much as IKU been .said Tlie following morning Dr. (looko, nf jut;l what was wanted, The prayer was €lian?(v of Time. KNOWN. test is expected. Two trustees are to he about' the foreigners' hatred of law and liiibnilel, was called, who immediately more chiudeil and mysterious than elected, ono for a term of ono year and order at Long llranch, and tlm natives' informed the authorities that the whole Tho now timo-Ublo on tho Now York •i till Unit followed. Knch speaker ouo for a torm of three .years. There lovo (if it, I am laid that all of tho men family, \Yithlhcrxco[ilioiKil' the mother, Hcemed to know of mnueneerct inlluoneo, and I.OHK Branch railroad went into ef. will boa largo number of candidates, arrested aro natives. In the uxnmina- lian fallen victims to the contagion, slron^ and powerful, which would ulli- Vet on Monday. There nro uow-twelvo among whom aro said to ho Mr. O. D. lion several of tho men committed per- smallpox. Tlio tmvnaineiiat oiioe took witely result iu tlm total destruction of rniiiH por ilay each way, two of which Warner, John Sutton, Judgo John L. jury. A meeting of the coimnissioneru charge of the affair mul appointed a Tha English Extract of Walt and Hops. aro express trains. General satisfaction Wheeler, 11. II. Curtis, Jamos Walsh, was held to-night. What transpired in board of health. Mr. Johnson hntj no the twill citloB by tlie sea." Vel whilo as to tlio running of tho trains nnd np. AN INVALUADLK DUINK FOR NURSIN0 Win. Cullington and Capt. John P. !ill tho speiikei'H were so coj^niKant of tho probation for tho officials aro expressed as yet unknown, hut it ia said that tlie other Himrrt! of support than lii.s own MUTUB118. White. object waa to decide whether or not labor, nnd as lie is wholly unable to iiro- deslriictivo forces which are at work LIU all Hides. At tlio big curvo nt Sandy they nevcl'thelcNS withheld tho very inlook Iwu signal men have beon plaood, these, peoplo wiin committed perjury vide for bin family, the overneer of the Hns rccolved tho hl^lieat weeommondatlou from Tho Atlantic Highlands ITnralii, in the medical niculty. fimiislmiH them with' tho no- ormulion that the people wero craving i featuro which will certainly secure speaking of Rod Bank, truthfully says: should not lie procecuteil, and nlso if poor ia 1 This pretty litllo city, for such wo must proceedings should nol be begun ngiunst C'.witii. !! of life. Tho ilaiii;hter, who li'ter and most denire(l. 11 way feebly greater safety in travelling. Ail train* call it, has tho finest stores in the county peoplo who knowingly rent houses to was in a ilelicato stato of health when lintod that the law iu relation to the aro now equipped with air-brakos, and WAKEFULNESS, ANU NEKVOUS DEUILITY. of Monmoutli. What one fnils to pur- keepers of these resorts. The Purniloy she. came from New York, has Hince [irohibitiou of the sale of liquor wns schedule, time, has been materially dichaso in Red Dank cannot bo found cottage is owned by the divorced wife of died, but the doctor Hays that small jinx leing secretly violated. Just where, no minished. One of the peculinr features (inn roomed lo know, and if they did uf the summer arrangement for 1881 in Sold liy elsewhere. The dry gronda, boot and Uritton Woolley. After separating from did not hasten her death. linow they did not divulge, it. The a "church train,," which leaves tliu TIIEODOEE SICKLES, Bhoo, hnttcr's, groceries and fancy stores her husband sho kept houso for a man A colored woman wa.s taken nick with jfort to create the impression that rum Highlands overy Sunday for East l o n g aro woll stocked. As Red Bank is but a named Pnrmley, from whom the houso 11EI) DANK, N. J . could he had almost imy wherein either thu disease nnd shortly afterward diod. llranch at 0:50 A. II., stopping a t all inshort drivo from Iho Atlantic Highlands, gained its name. Sho is now living with EMPORIUM. and accessablo by tho Port Monmoutli her husband and rented Iho houso to No pemon could bu found who wan wil- (if tlho. places, was strong, and the evi- termediate stations, and which laavos branch railroad, our new residents will Miss Gilbert. This is tlio first time that ling to undertake tho burial of the corpKn, ilenco to sustain tlio ellorl was weak, East Long Branch on its return at 18:8s TATTERSON, TnE TAILOR, find this the place to get goods that can- this house lias been used as a place of but it wius finally entrusted to a negro. being the result of tho imagination •. M. By means of this train people llvng iilnng tho lino may nttond church »t not be found in our own neighboring assignation to my knowledge. A Man After burying tho body ho tool; oil' hfo rather than thu product of facts. Post-OQlM Building, About Town is not young, but ho can clothes, threw tliein away, und then Such incotings (ixeroiso a vory un- Long Branch if they cuooso without be» stores. BED HANK, N. J. not remember when the James cottago took a thorough bath, when he returned wlidlfKiino inlluence, although ]iresided ing put to much trouble or expanse. A largo number assembled at Trinity has not been lfnod for this purpose. home naked. ovurby gond men. Tluiy iinpreiastranK- Mr. ltuf us Blodgett, tho assistant Btiperchurch last Sunday evening, the occasion During a number of yearn pant many Near Ilohndcl the people are irroatly ni-H with the erroneous idea that liquor intondont of tho Bay Ronto, has certainly Now goods for spring and summer wear being the confirmation of a olass of strango event1) havo occurred hore. i^litenoil over tbiiH|ircail of thoili.sease. lias obtained lliu upper hand hero aud shown energy nnd enterprise in pushing; soven young ladies. Tho pulpit was oc- Austin Jones, ono of our prominent Heveral new ciifleij have apjiearcil. The, that tho honest toniporunce principle's, forward tho Improvomonts nnd InnbvaI liavo on Imud all tlio dllTercnt styles ol gooda, cupied by tlio Kt. Rev. John Scarbor- men, is tlio owner. Mndaino Hall's cut- liseiuio was fimt bronubt there by Henry BO cherished ami revered in the past, aro ions ia his division, by which hotter acough, bishop of tho dioceso of Now Jer- tngo is owned or Jeused by. a man sneh tia about to bo Hiipplanted by all that is commodations and facilities, quiokor sey. Ho was assisted by Rev. Dr. Frank- named Fisher, who" has soveral timen Moriin, uoma two or threo weeks HKO, ilutrimental to tlio prosperity of thetinio, and greater satisfaction are given nineo which tinio tho iihysieians have CLOTHS, CASSIMEtlDfl AND WORSTEaiS OF lin, of Shrewsbury, and ltev. Mr. Gnntt, been a candidate for public oflice. Hut town. No such condition of affairs ox- to tho travelling public. ALL URADES, of Red Dank. At the opening of hisLong Brnnch is now free from ninny of boon unable to keep tho disca™ from ists here, and for tho long time that 1 spreading. Sevoral houses havo had Wlilcli I will mnkn up In lire late* stylos nt prlcos discourao Iho bishop congratulated tho these dark blots, nnd nil renpoctablo men luivo been identified with those places, I Umt defy compotltlon. members of tho church upon tho pros- about town aro greatly rejoiced therent. boartlH bearing tho label " Small l'nx," have been utterly unable to detect nny A New Organ. nailed on them, and tho inhabitants aro perity, both temporal and. Spiritual, fearful of tho further spread of the dis cmiso for alarm, either from thu inroads On Tuesday of last week Mcsur* Jarwhich has attended thorn during the ease. It is reported that in some places of iiil(im|ienui(!o or from Iho disregard din & Son, of New York, placed i n past year, Tho laying on of hands took SlSNKX, PERFECT FrrS GUARANTEED. ,place at tho closo of tho regular services, Last Thursday Misa Anna Hinds wns' fences have been placed acrow tho mads of law and order. elogaut now stylo open front pipo organ in tho Grace M. E. church, Tlie in.iftcT which tho bishop addressed the bitten by a dog belonging to a tnilor lending to tho infected districts, thus preventing travel in that neighborhood. nnmed Marks. Miss Hinds wns terribly strumont has eight spoaking tubes, ono claw at considerable length, A Tugboat MIJOIIMI. mangled about tlio thigh. Oflicer ROUBO bank of keys, an octavo und n half Give mo a roll, before purchasing olsowhero. Tho dainngo done to Iho Btenmer Went fired nt tho dog with u shot-gun. A libel waa filed on Monday in tho pedal, It is mndo of solid block walnut, Wm V. Wilson" by tho recent collision United Htntea District Ctcrk'H oflico, by ' ' Aln.in.4t a Suicide. His aim would do credit to nn average and tho front is very handsomely decoDON'T Fonnr.r Tim PLACE, POSTlias been thoroughly repaired and tho Jersoy militia man. Tho dog ran howl tho Middlelown nml Monniouth Steam- rated. Tho coat of the organ is $700, OFFICH UUILDINIl. William Ilailey, ngeri IM, of Now York, boat Company, nffiinst tho stennitiif; and boat is again on tho routo between Port ing up tho stroot. It was finally (•.aught, hnnfilit is warranted for three yean by the a KIIIIII jiliieo mar llmni'liliiirtf, mill wa.s Jlonmouth nnd Now York. This vessel und un attempt was made to dispatch ii cenitnilly eiipluyeil ua u eoarlnnaii lit Urn city, " Standard," tor $1,500 damnces, result- manufacturers. Tho instrument, though TOHN CULLINGTON & SONS, is staunch nnd awift anil ling excellent with spndcs. I t waa ovvntnnlly killed Tliin: mont in npi lie uua lilt III tl." eyo v.IIIi a Mich in;; from a collision between1 tho tup; mul comparatively small, is a Btriking ornawiKiit llirtlvvn ilown a Hluiel., wlili-ti eut II m liadly accommodations, An excursion will ho with a hatchet, Tho coniinissioneni uf that t;li;lit i iw lilslmywl. I,iw[ TII"HIIIIV lit) eilini1 tlio Eilciiulioat " William V. Wilson." ment to the church, nnd in the fulness MANUFACTURERS OF inndo from Hod Banl: to Coney Island have given ordcra to kill all unmuzzled frimi lliu B> i liillnnnry on (he corner of t.'llli mrei'l The collision occurred on tho niplit of nnd beauty of its tono («inriot bo exmul ilil nvi iito, InivliiK biitn lunitinl liy Ilr. Culler May 20, in tho North Hivcr. Tho libol celled by any other church organ i a on tho Fourth of July on this boat. Sho dogs at sight, uflhntliulllllllon. llu ucle'l iiui'Orly wlilln Ilinu wilMenvo Kcd Bank rit ten o'clock A. if., Androw Iliighefl nnd James Cunning- nnil liilinretl unJur ureat nu-ntal ilniirt'.i.-iloii, cm un- alleges that llio ktcamhoat " WHBOII " town. 1 mul Coney Island at ten I .11., thus givham nro (ilil habitues of nx-Mayori-onntiif not lielnK nlilu Lu work. On U'eilii".s(liiy uigiiiilled tbo ttio; to pasa on thn starWIIOLESALF. AND RETAIL DF.ALEU3 IN ing the passengers an opportunity of Coojier's mirf house. They will be them mul Tlmrfiitiiy lie. lieu'li'il nml linrknl like a iloir, inn board sido of bur. Tho' tug did not TliiiiS'liiy ev'i.'iiliiK lio uernmo furluim. Dr. Hunt IIiw ing recontly laid a number of .new. ALL KINDS OF CHEWING AND visiting HUB groat watering place, and of ngiun lliia year. Andrew Tnuitz, tho wan pallnl In MM) liliu, mill fount! hit Hail u mailiniil answer her signal nnd a ijceoml signal fonts of type, TnE RKUISTEB office U sooing tho fireworks in tho evoning. A noted swimmer, in stopping nl tho Oeonii or liiiintfc. mi lil.s liarnls. He refused to liu jiaoIiWil was Rivoirliy tho "Wilson," which also SMOKINO TODACCO, SNUFF, anil ninilii HoiiieileiiuiniitrfUliiiiH flint Iml the ihli'Uir was not tuiHworonV Tho tuij kopt on her propaied to execute fine job printing hand of music, will bo provided, and rehotel. Ho miya ho is oiit of tho HwiinPIPES, ETC., ETC. eull un SUIIIII of HID nul^lihiirH to lussht In plittlni of every description in flrst-clnia Bjyle. freshments may bo.obtnined on board. niing business, It will bo remembered Ui him In a striil^tit Jiiekut. llufuru they I'ouM iL'titrll couniu with uimbatod upoed until oppoNo pains will bo spared to insure tlio ex- that Traulss linil nn ocean Hwimming liu liiiil nit' IIIH own lliront with u razur, Ills wlfu oito pier 20, when tbo tug utruck tlio All orders will receive prompt uttentton. cursionists n pleasant trip,. and strict match several years ago,' Tai'tieo aro Imvlnfr Just (iUiinieilout, and WIIH foiiutllylin; inn steamer's mdo oliliquuly, crushing it inPiintiiifl ut New Yoik prloek. SatisfaoHum nt lilouli tliu «'liuliiliw wvural nnil lurlii Imir THE ALMA SEGAB A SPECIALTY. ordor will bo lnaintainod. Stops will bo tion and a full count guaranteed. now trying to got up a match between Kli'il biully In soveral ntuaiiiilstn nmko u imrfnet and greatly dnmaging the Btctinior by made nt tho various landings along tho TrauU and Cunningham, loosening her timbers, Job nf It. AltlHinxh wltliln u Inilr'H linmillli nf tliu l)i'cal:ing and WRO arlurles, they hail eneupiil. Viflienfouiiilrlii} Tlio owiujrs1 of tho tug having filed a river to take in passengers from theso WOMEN wuosurrai TOO* HUMBLE .„ . A MAN AIIOUT TOWN. waa nlniust inilwilo.su, mul prn. Hunt Biui1 Uhien, wliu bond (or thu amount of thu damages FItONT STREET, RF,D'BANK, N..1. places. It lias bean proposed to littvo HHADACHEB. .• hml arrived, thought tlm ULSO UespumU , lint mnvuil this boat make excursions botweun Red ut> till) KiiplnK wound, HucuTGil Iilm Ui mi nlil Iiinnirc asked, procetss against tho tug lias been 1 tueil " r » o i i t o nonicdir" (or Ihoao M n r e <lek. . II. BORDEN, Oh, whero enn wo got tho best nrii Unit was Inii'iovlsed for tliu iiptniUluiin. Utraiutu lo waivod. Bnnk and Coney Island ovory Sunday •. . - . hmilQchu I aiioko about, nod It n»« cnthfclj e a n 4 " K'.y. llio man Is yrt allv", end pniiniMM to nurvive JUBTICE OF THEPEAOF. AND POLICE JOSTIOE. during the season. Such a course, if must stylish hnltt, caps, neck dressings diMI'llo his ilra|Kirtito nliurt. Ills wife, who iipiwiin mo. You may uto lux nnmot If jou tjboao, litatf, pursued by tho managers, would enablo etc. V Why, nt Cui'lia's. In tin mi UKIIIIIIIIIIO wouiiui, IH untlrliiK In Her ilt'VoCollceting promptly nttcmled to. Lots aro aoldat Asbury Park, j r ffloso w ho m fraaly toWy to Iha n i n e ol r o w B a d . tloiHtu LhuunfurtiinnUinimi. Tliiiru la mi ajnior many peoplo whoso business will not soy, on what in ecpjivalent to apcrpotua tunity fur thn clnirlUiliIn, IUJ thiilrnionmi uiv liiulte.i Iclno. I own dm rratomtlon "odnr.vooUd-jtfDtf' OFFICE AT P0MCF, HEAnQDAIlTEIW, permit them to go on .excursion's'• on Vamdegrift is selling, iita mlllmory to Mr, ltullvjt lia.1 utiVayH Impium nettvii and x<uiliill.i liiojrtgagis—onu hundred yi>ars; tlio tmr- hwHIi to "Konno<ly'(iravorH8Uemooif/1'-iSfwnJ( Front Street, llea Bunk, N. J. weekdays, a pleasant and liuaUh-glving close tho Benson, * . • • ' ' I'liiiillun, uinl mlilli'leil tu no had lialills. IIIH ulior- cbasor, however, rcecrviug tho right to iA IVooiirnJ", NCH liurgb, N. Y. Ttoo «bc»« U, « p a ' nitliia of inlnil 1.1 wholly uUrlliuMlilo lo lliu Injury trip, mid.would boyond question po UAuont for fSall. FHrthmnn * Co.'s Comnro«w!d Rtilywl mmu! uioiitlu alucu.—.lili'trttavi'. .pay tho principal at any tiino;. or ten of mnny letters uftlio klnil tocelrk itfDt Dir*) Ynwl, nnil llrtalf A Jlntim'i "Ully Whllo Wiwlihw niuioially Buocus»ful< Subscribe for Tnii uor cunt, will bo ullo>vedlorcaBhi-i4''t''' K U i O ' t o t l ( Y v ' 1'luld." l'or uul'j by nil t l r a k t a i gnKurors, 1 JOHN F. HAWKINS, THK TUAVEI-EK'S WANDEKINUK. r.x-Hennlor ItiTlileHH'M Iliiini,—A VMl to tin1 Three of the democratic candidates for • riiiiiiilM of tin* lil^lilnndu i'nrk AHHuclallun. shcriir were in town last week. FINE SEGARS, to enlist, and Meg only remained with j noticed, but euddecly a broad eheet oi I«i( THJB FAIE BUX. Summer Time. T H E report of J. B. Dodge, upocial Agent fur him .because there was nothing else for lightning, that lit up the whole coast, Oh, Bommer-tixrie,ftopawiing ewoet, tbe collection of statustica of agriculture, showher to do. She had been cursed at and showed the girl and thi boy running as Oriental K But heavy with the brettu of flowers, ing tbo tobacco product of the United Bute* cudgeled by him all throngh her child hard as they could down the shore in Calling on a giddy girl, who has noth- But languid with the fen-out beat, for tbo census yean 1880 and 1870, has bean East and Middle. hood; she had been his drudge,bis scape the direction of the Needle Rock. The ing under heaven to do bnt to follow They chide amlBa who call thceflcet, TmtTY-romi graduates received diplomas at issued from tho ccnsun oftiue. The comparagoat in every one of those drunken .fits tide was coming in fast, but it was evi- the fashions, I found her reclining on a Tboe with thy woight qf (l.ylight hours, tho annual commencement of t h e New York tive statement diowu an apparent increase i n of his which recurred daily, and her dently Meg's object to get near the loun<re in her boudoir. Sh» wore what Oh, bummpr-time, BO paw-ing sweet 1 production of eighty, per ocnt during tbe d e inetitutiun of tho deaf Aid dumb. body bore marks of brutal kicks hejiad rock before it. Why? They learned is called a tea-gown, shaped not unlike cade, the product in 1880 boing placed at 478,given her when she was a little thing, presentlv. A loud hiss, a blaze of red a long, loo-e paletot, with elbow- Young Bummer, thou art too replete, i-aixa tho absence of its moiher a five107,573 pounds auS that of 1870 at 202,735,341 with limba still tender and weak. But light and up went a red rocket; then sleeves, or angel-sleeves, looped and Too rich in choice of Joys and powers, months'-old baby in Philadelphia! was killed pounds. This apparent increaso, Mr. Doilgs , Sweeter than the poet's singing now she had grown up to be a tall another ; then a third. Three danger gathered up at the wrists. The material But lacgnid with Jho fervent heat, by rats. says, exaggerates tho real advance in tobacco • strong girl, with a tanned faco and a de- signals rose rapidly, one after another, of the garment was a combination of Adio-a 1 my face is set to meet IB that anthem of tho free : GLEOIOHE, toe conqueror of Luko Blackcultivation, 68 tho procoding census crop was termined look, so that Peter was afraid under the eyes of the enraged wreckers. brocade ia gold and Bilver with silk Blither ifi the anvil's ringing Bleak winter, with its pallid showers, burn, dofoatod Parole at the Coney Island a small one, and tbo fear of taxation may have of her. He used to hide his money from Then all became blackness again. The gauze. Anything more Oriental could Oh, uummer-tioic, ou passing (moot I Than tho tjopfj of bird or I c e race.*, beating tlio best timo oa record at a operated to present a full conaas of tulmc-co i n . her, as a bad boy does from his mother storm rumbled away, and no more blue hardly be found out of the Orient itself. There'* a glory in the ratilo uile and throe-quarters. ' 1870. Tbo crop reported in 1880 was ouo o i and if she wanted anything for house- lights were burned out at sea. Marga- Over her bosom was a fichu of lace, laid Old winter eteps with swifter feet, Of tho wlioela 'mitt factory gloom : A nooD view of tho uowly-diacovpred comet medium production, not in excess of the hold expenses she had to search his pock- ret had rushed off wiih the red rbekets, over thesho'ilders and crossing in front; Ho lingers not in wayahlo bowers, Richer than e'er tuiatchud frolii battle *'ns obtaiucd in New York tho other day, and present requirements of* home consumption ets when he was dead drank. However, which had probably warned the dis-a bunch of red flowers was fastened at He is not languid with tho heat; Or tho tropliiea of the loom. from various other parta of tho country como and exportation. Fifteen States produce now, move than .{30 out of tb'i a year used to tressed Bhip to keep clear of the treach- her belt; her abundant black hair was Ii« rounded day, a pearl complete, See the skilful mason raining melt in drink, and Margaret had to eke erous coast. Anyhow, tho ship was not brushed back with a well-counter- Gleams on tho unknown nit,'ht that lowers; roportu crineeming tho brilliant appearance of as in 1870, more thnn ninety-nine per cent, of tbo long-tailed visitor t o tho heavens. There tho tobacco of tho United States, though it is Gracefully yon towering pile ; out a subsistence for himself and her by wrecked nor heard of again. feited negligence ; the toes of her ex- Oh, aumnier-time, ao pasting sweet, is finite a dispute as to whourat saw the comet, reported in twenty-two other States and: Round the forge and fuQjace blazing, making nets and shrimping. 8ometimcs Nor was Margaret Pencorrow ever tended feet were stuck into embroidered But languid with tho fervent hoat! several abtronomcra claiming that honor. Lfidy Blanche used to give her a sover- seen again or heard of.. Mark Brath- sandals, and her stockings were a true Stand thfinciMeinc/of Toil. Territories. Of these liftoon only His- . — KiniVj Ffeiffer. T U B remaiua of Mrs. Henry Hattcrman, of noun, Illinois, Indiana and MafiHuebusetta eign, and this, too, helped the honso- waite, returning pale, exhausted and Mesh-color. A glorious creaturo she Tlioy nre heroes of tho people, New York city, who died roccntly of conaumphold along. HUMOKOUS. Who tho wealth of nations raino ; produce less than _iii 1370. Kentucky occuhalf crazed at daybreak, announced that, looked, truly, as she lay .there i% her tiou, woro cremated in Lcmoyuo furnace, at pies tho first position, producing thirty-six Every dome, and spire, aifd steeple Margaret had a wild, dogged sort of she had suddenly been swept away by studied carelessness of finery. But what Wuahington, Pa. The cook is the only man one will per cent, of tbe total product. Virginia holds a wave, but whither ho knew not, Raise their heads in labor's pru.it*o. attractiveness in her appearance. ..She I set out to say was that incense was SILAS 0. HKIUTOM, a lvoll-lmon-n inventor ibo second placo, romnylvaiiia baa advanced never woro shoes or stockings, and her though ho had swum, and dived, anil burning at her side. Yea, fragrant ake sauce from. Glorious men of truth and labor, black hair fell down her back in one nought for hours, risking his life twenty smoke was rising lazily from an incin-- Why is a joke that is acidulous not and safo inannfuuturor, died a few daya ago at from the twelfth to tbo third, Wisconsin from Shepherds of the human fold, ia. ljomo i u r i a i n i l e l d , N. J., aged Beveutythe illteontb to tho tenth, and North Carolina,. thickly plaited tress. A red handker- imes. "God knows where she wont," erating pastile in a bibnzo dish. This good? Because tho cream of-a joke ThfiTshall lay tho brand aml»al>ro auveii ytara. hif formed her head covering and was le cried, sobbing. is a new freak of the girls. The scent- never shonld be sour. Connecticut aud New York have each gamed With the barbarniiH thiugH of oM. Hrauv STASiir.nv, atwrney-general of the tied nnder her chin ; her rough, brown bottle is put aside, and rooms and ono point iu tho rank of tobacco Statoa. Thoao Aud doubtless God did know. One swallow doea not make a summer, Priests and prophets of irrealiun, arms woro always bare to the elbow. clothes are perfumed with incense. If but a little repetition has. frequently United fttutos during a part of Proaidont Jolm- that havo retrograded in relative production * * # * #. Bloodless hcrr»*'in the fight, 'a Administration, died a tew days ago in Harold Trecorpe had cast his eyes upon the practice lasts long the cannibal who aro Massachusetts,' Maryland, West Virginia, been known to make a bummer. At present there is no more Needle Toilors for tho world'a wilvafiou, Sew York, agctl fovtnty yours. the girl from tho timo when nho was Rock off Polloot Lady Blanche had it eats a fashionable girl will find her Indiana, Illinois, Missouri and Tennessee. The Michigan lias a man with three arms. Messengers of peaco and li;:lit. seventeen, but she hated him. The first blasted, and a fine lighthouse has been smoked through and through, liko a Ho is the only man alive who can take lKEsiLrsT GAIIFIKU) and General Uraut avcrayo yield per aero is shown to be 781 time ho tried some rough piece of gal- erected where it stood, to warn vessels ham, but n great deal spicior.—New wo girls sleighing and enjoy it. uict the other day iu Long llranch at an in- puumta, varying from 1,5'J9 pounds in MassaBpeedJtliG plough and speed the litmow; lautry on hot1 sho caught up the stump >f the other dangerous rocks in the vi- York letter. umml reception held by the former. chuaottB to 471 pounds in North Carolina. Peace a'nd plenty Bend abroad; A woman out West threshed 350 of a broken oar to protect herself and WAI.TEII FINK, thirty yeam of age, while inity. It is called "Tho Margarot Better far tho spade and ba.-rnw bushels of wheat lost year—and probaT H E census bureau estimates tbe total nnmmerely glared at him, without saying a [lighthouse," and Mark Brathwaito is walking in Philadelphia with a young lady, Than the cannon or the ewonl. bly her husband into the bargain. uor of persons in this country dependent on word. On another occasion, when he ho keeper of it.—Tyimtlnn Truth. 'vaa bliot and instantly killed by George Hillor, Each invention, each improvement, came behind her unawares and took her Visiles for fashionable calls are alBO The spring poet has tied his throat rweuty-Boveu yearn old. Jealousy waa tho llsboriea at from 800,000 to 1,000,000. Renders weak opproHaimi'n rttrl; by the chin, sho lifted a heavy fishing mado long, and the general tendency in up in red flannel, simply remarking, eo of the crime. Even" sign and evory nmvenient The Isle of Man. net, all bronzed with ago and salt, and cloaks is toward the abolishment of the "This is the verso weather I ever UixmiKDs of paaBongera are leaving daily on Foreign News. Brings UB nearer truth and God. dashed it in his face with such violence There is a patch in the Irish sea called short wrap which has so long maintained knowed." Ik'ocean steamers from Now York for Europe' hat he was knocked down on the shingle. ,he Islo of Man. On a sunny day the a place among favonia out-door garAIIVICES from Dublin, Ireland, say that Proverbial Philosophy.—One hair in "Curse yo', girl," ho swore as ho ighlands of Ulster, in Ireland, and of luietnosa prevails throughout tho country. he hash will cause more hard feeling West and South. The Lady Blanche Life-Boat. licked himself up. "Yo' wouldn't have Galloway, in Scotland, are visible from ments. i'lie farmers havo harvested tbe biggest bay Tho Princess robo still continues a than seven illuminated mottoes on the done that to Mark Bmthwaito ; but let its western shoio, and from tho summit favorite, n, ALBERT Q. MACKEY, of YfaBhingtou •rap known lor fifty yearn, and tho root crop wall can overcomo. although it has reigned for so him look1 to himself if ho crosses mo." )f Snaefoll mountain, England is seen long a time. author of "Mackoy'a Muaonlo Manual," HIIL ;irouiiscs to bo unprecodentedly abundant. Very fow modifications aro What is the difference between a civHe was drnnlt a8 wmnl on his watch, If yo lay a linger on Mark Brath- 'retting in the golden haze across tho ouo of tho most prom intuit Musoiie in the coun- \I-iny refugcH landlords aro roportod to bo rothough there was a big gale blow ing out wnito yo'll have to look to yosself," an- sea. Small as this islapd is, it has a to be seen in its style, tho graceful dra- lized diner and a person who subsists diod a few daya ago at Fortress Monrui*' • urning from England. at sea, with gatherine fiipns of a storm swered Margaret, contemptuously; and government of its own, and a thrilling ping of a scarf below tho hips, and a it the North Polo ? One has his bill of try, Va. / TUE census of Ireland showB a population o l overhead ; anil it mipht lip that the lifo- Harold contented himself with scowling md eventful history. Hawthorne found similar arrangoment of drapings about !are and tho other has his fill of boar. tho shoulders, with tho neck filled in boat would have some work to Jo before at her from that time. The aged historian, Bancroft, says tha ANOTHER claimant to tho Tichborno estate i:: "i.KD.MO, being a decrciise of 252-.S38 Einoo t out while ho was a consul at Liver- with a full double ruche are about tho reason of his robust health is that he England has appeared, thia timo at Ban Dirjju' Vi~\.J> morning. iool, and has praised it iu his "English only changes. Brathwuito was Margaret's sec- S'ote-Book." ?ats light meals and walks. On such Cal. Tho Duke of Sutherland, now in til* I t f r b o houso of commons Mr. Gladstone " But wliat did Petw PencoiTow earo ondMark Scott gathered material lover—a fair-haired boy, about her ubont tho lifeboat, except for the salary own uge, whom nho had saved from for "Povesil of the Peak" from its ro- To wear steel lace wherever the uature iremises it is safo to concludo that a country, aud Dr. Iliissell, of the London 1'lmm, -idd'the British government had called t h o bavo had 4m interview with tbo man, and a fail attention uf the United States authorities t o of £1 a week which lie drew as its drowning one windy day, whoa ho had mantic scenery and legends, and Words- and color of the garments worn will ad- iramp will live forever. custodian ? Nobody in tho village of been dashed out of his fishing boat by worth commemorated a visit to >t in a mit of its introduction. On bonnets, A Kentuckian stole four swarms of Hlatfiuicnt of tho case baa boon mailed to Eng- the threats of aseaaBination'and outrage conwhenever a neutral tint is desired on land by Dr. Itusaell. Polloot had looked with kindly eye on a flap of a loosened sail, which had hit sonnet. taiueil in papers published on tho American black dresses, on cloaks, and on matinees, bees, carried them olevon miles in tho the arrival of this foolish boat—as they him on tho head and stunned him. THE Virginia Republican State ceatral com- •i le of tho Mlantic. In its greatest length tho island meas- which are not of bright tints, this som- night, set up new hives and handled tho called it—which was to take the "liar- Margaret had swnm a couple of furlongs ures about thirty-three miles, and in whole business without a sting. The tnittcu mot at luchmoud and decided to call a DmiiNo tbo riotous demonstrations against vesting" out of their mouths. For tho in a tumbling soa to effect the rescue, its greatest breadth about thirteen. In bre tinted garniture is used with good wicked do not always get ono under the. Stato convention to meet at Staunton ou the Italians living in Marseilles seven persons effect. As it is no longer a matter of population woro wreckers to a man and and rca. August 24. vere killed, Boventeou woundod and 125 arreuta Mark Bmthwaito had loved her from tircumfcrenoe it is seventy-five miles, necessity to wear a bonnet exactly to woman, and they temicdit "harvesting" tho moment when ho opened his eyes xcluding the sinuositios of the bays ; match the dress, tho steel gray now so "Mamma," said a five-year old, the A WitiNioN of Federal pribonera of war tools voro nia'.le. when some well-freighted ship was driv- and nd it contains a superficial area of fashionable is found to be a tint other day, "I wish you wouldn't leave place tbo oUinr day at Detroit, Mu>li, found her bending ovor him and AN international E^inititiiYP.^rii u!h;r:tl und en on to tho great Noodle Rock off their breathing life into his body vigorously ,bout ono hundred and thirty thousand that "goes well" with most every- me to take care of baby again. Ho was A l'inE at Marced, Cat., (swept over eouie industrial opposition v\ lo bo held ?.t the city a* coast and went to pieces. from her own lungs. Margarot, how- acres, or two hundred and throe square and is thoreforo one of so bad I had to eat all tho spongo cake 7,250 acres of wheat and other grain bind, Orizaba, Mexico, u e u Xim-uiber. AirangoSuch accidents happened too rarely over, treated him like a younger brother. miles. Enjoying the benefits of the thing, most popular novelties now and two jars of raspberry jam to amnse lestroying everything in its courso, including meuts havo been iuadu fur nil necessary spacQ ' tor tlioir tante—once a year or there- Ho was the only human being who could Gulf stream, the climato is singularly tho use. Ostrich tips, dyed to many farmhouses, barua and much furmiug in tho exhibition building for exhibits from the abouts, and tho booty was often miser- draw a smile from her, but he was not mild and genial, and there are few othei in match this lace in hue, make beautiful United Klatea, aud all goods intended for exucbiucTy. ably mnall. But them had been years tho man to teach her what love was, places in the world whero tho difl'or- additions How Davis Received Sows or Lee's to bonnets which aro composed TininsTiixr, Arizona, tho now milling town, hibition aro exempted by law from import within tho memory of some of the in- though he tried hard and made himself nce between summer and winter is so entirely of Surrender. it. duties. habitants, who wero not yet old, when n pretty wretched in tho attempt. slight. As to the healthfulness of the After my hot haste from Apponmttox has been di'struywl by tho flamea. UM.EKS previously disposed of at privato salo The traveling cloaks for the season '. was imieh worn, but as soon as I THE second triul of Goloael E. D. C. Cash for dozen vessels of all nines had foundered 'linmto, you would tind proof in the Sometimes Peter Fcneorrow's daughin a single "winter, and when the luck of native girls—rosy-cheeked, plump, uc- T mado very long, and in shape resetn- cached Danville, "tho last capital of killing (\duiicl W. II. Shannon in a duel in iho Great Eastern, the largest steamship in tho ter, sitting outside her father's house on the wreckers had boon large. It was in ivo and gleeful ; and tho men aro a.-, V the pelisse which came into vogue the CoufedRracy,"General Walker led me Durliu^ton dimity, S. C , resulted ill an ncquit- world, will bo sold at public auction uext a winter of this kind that old 1-cter Pen- tine afternoons to mako nets, wonld stalwart, masculine and handsome a 't winteV. In most of them the back to the houso where Davis was dining. I lid. On t!i' iirst tiial the jury failed to agree. Octiil»-r. corrow had made his fortune. Ho was drop her hands into her lap and look race as breathe soa air. it the waist is hold in to tho figure by took a seat on a sofa, and tho President Tin1 lii:il ui"UH"d great interf^t on aci-ount o( Mil. 1'AIINKLL will eomo to Aineriea iu AuguBt young then, and it was said that he had out with a dull, wistful expression iuenn8 of an inside belt, The sleeves came and took'a seat beside me, General ;• Ki!i-i;il prominence uf alt Hie purtirs fon- to n u k a a tour of the country lor tlio purpose Most of the coast is rocky and wild, are picked up a package of diamonds from over the soa, so broad, blue and mys- hoar wide at the hand, so that they may runt, i.f i-ai-ing funds for the Irish land l>!ugno.| Walker taking a seat near by us. As with the fmm of th"e turbulent sea the Brazil as IUB sTmre of the spoils. terious. Her finely-shaped head might that surrounds readily pulled off and on, and the soon as we were thus seated Presidon t A mtiur containing Thomas CiLrtiekl, an As important Nihilist, the daughter of a it, and indented with havo been a storehouse of knowledge and Anyhow, he disappeared from Folloot, of which they are made varies Davis again bowed his bead to mo as a inii'lo of Pi'eiiiilent (larlii'ld, and Mr*. Arnold, UiiMsian priest, has been arrested at KieiY. Sbo karl.ira and innumerable material and went to live in London, like a gen- great thoughts, but it was empty. 8he capacious a light soft camel's hair goods to a signal for me to proceed. I then, in as cousin of tlio Pri'nidi'iit, was Blrucli by a was a participant in several attempts to aaaasbut in the north the land sinks rom tleman, as some supposed; though could neither read nor write; she moks; eige, which of much rough wear fow words as possible, gavo him a full twelve niilcB from Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. binntu llie laic czar. nto a low pasturage, uud meets tho ud tear andadmits others affirmed that he ran through his knew nothing of the world except in its water is cool and comfortable statement of the information I had ob- train (i.u-tit'ld, who was eighty years old, wild inou the glistening pebbles of a Tin: pC'k'btrwn race in London between most sordid aspects of dire poverty, money pretty- fast, and went through a1 for climates whero chilly weather is not tained of General Lee's surrender. beach. The interior includes :o be expected. stantly killed and Mrs. Arnold was fatally in- Weuton and Itowell fjr tlio AHtloy belt proved multihido of queer adventures aftm - drunkonness aud brutality. Sho hadsmooth nearly every kind of natural scenery— 4 lizzie. Weston was taken sick aud retired During my recital of this information jured. ward. Twenty-fivo rears after IUH de- never set foot in a church, and had no heather-clad, balsamic hills, plains Among new imitation laces are those parture He returned to mo village wim if ;.1n.i nf n find savn that film bail tirurd richly cultivated, wide readies of prick- wbicli admirably imitAtn point, nppliqup, President rDavis rested his elbow on the THE ?Iiryl»nl Democrats at their State con- after he had made2ul miles, llowcli'a score bestde of th d sofa and kept his band nn nml bi-lieved that thcro was something vi lition in Ilnltirunro rcuoiuinatod ThomaH J. ing 278 miles. boy of Bixteen and a girl one year ly gorno as drear as Yorkshire moors, pointe ila Vunixr, and Irish point. Lan- tho side of his brow, listening with the ii< :itiiig for compt nillor. GIIEAT BIUTAIS'H population is shown by tho younger; and .soon afterward he was above those sliios which wero now noaud guedoc, paint ((esprit, d'Aurillac and llio prettiest of cascades. Tlio enprofoundest attention, but uttering not VUINOH, tUfC;inalian weather prophet, aont now census tn be above 30,000,000—an increase appointed Guafioiliivn of tho lifeboat Lady golden with stmlight, now so Mack of northern land dwolls' in Gencvro point, aro shown in deep and a word either of comment or inquiry. ;;n) fultcnviuf,' prediction fur JulyUo t^lto Cin- of 4,000,000 iu tho last ton years. Blanche, which had keen presented to with thunder. Occasionally such natu- chantment larrow Bouncings, in fichu. borders, in Polloot by the rich and good Cornish ral im| ulses of good as wero in the ts Biiluhiod light aud on its mist-crown- wide collars and cuffs and in breakfast After I had finished the telling of my -•'miuti Ct'iiuittrcUil: " I regrot to have to PLACAIUM wero posted at Marsoillos d e d a r - ' terrible news he still eat for a few moEarl, and 'christened after his favorito girl's heart would well up in short ed heights. caps. Indeed, the variety in mull and ments resting his brow upon his hand, warn you of a hut and atoriny July, with fro- ing tbut all worka whoro Italians woro employed Sleepy villages are porched on tho Bcraps of advico which slio gave to Mark daughter. qiient disastrous Htonns of wind, hail and rain would be burned down. This threat has been Brathwaito: "Mark, yo'll not get drunk lifts where once tho beacon-fires of the lace neck and shoulder wear and in caps .s if in profound meditation. PresentPeter Pencorrow was not liked at Pol- ike father. There's no good in drink ;" wreckers allured many a goodly ship to and cuffs and ties is perfectly bewilder- ly, still without ono word of comment throughout thoHO sections in which the Juno partly realized, as two oil mills and a nianuloot. It was said Unit he had "blown or, "Mark, if I wero a mon, I'd learn her doom. In tho bays where tho pi- ing, and the purchaser is inclined to upon the news I had brought him or of Vuirins hivvc bfcii so severely (elt. The month lactory, whero Italiana only wero empliiyod, havo been almost totally destroyed by nro, the gaff." Ho was accused of having, mnimut and become a scholard." rates hid themselves of old, fly the sigh and exclaim as she hesitates in her inquiry as to further particulars, he will rcHCinblo that of 1880, rather than 1870." jhoica among the'pretty things, "How while steward on board an ocean steam12ME.4 [IAIHHTON, a colored man, and Lindtho loss boins fl,200,000. Thero havo boBU This is what Margaret Pencorrow was white sails of pleasure boats. The pre- happy I could be with either,, were turned to General Walker and myself in a rtuy, a colored boy, were taken from tbo jail of numerous Btabhing affrays and iquarrela beer, told a number of ugly stories to tho sent invaders are not Eomans, Picts, most courteous manner and inquired earl and Ladj Blanche, who wero re- it eighteen, and ou the night alluded nor Scandinavians, but aggressive tour- ;'othor dear charmer awav." whether we had dined. Tho general Stokea county, N. C , and hauged by lynclicra. tween Frenchmen and Italians ig various partB turning home from a tour in America; to in tho first lino of this story, when ists, hearing knapsacks instead of eagles A large dry goods house displays sash replied that he had, but I had not. In Tlujy were prinonora awaiting trial fur asaault uf Trance. Many Italiaua living in Franco be' r worthless father stood, drank as insomuch that my lord and his daughter and walking-sticks instead of javelins. ribbons of shaded satin. The ends fact, I had not tasted food since leaving upon two white girls. Ono of the girls, aged havo Hod the country. Throughout Italy t h e had made a vow to dedicate a lifeboat usual, on bis watch, and unhccdful of These confront you in nearly every part ither brocaded or embroidered in elab- Mr. Payne's that morning at sunrise, eight yearn, died from the effects of the injuries feeliag against France ia also iotouse, and at once to the salvation of human life. ho storm that was gathoring. received, which was the exciting causo of tlio thero havo beou various anti-French demonof tho island ; and t! • '.rimitive charac- irate and beautiful designs. Also sum- and had ridden over fifty miles since. There was some talk of blasting tho If strations in different Italian townB. ter of tho natives :;• W. changing under mer silk of beautiful quality called Jer"Then," said President Davis to me, lynching. Needle Eoek, and erecting a lighthouse sey silk. It is of American manufacture, tho influence of tiio town manners Dn. CnAPlx, of Charlotte", Mich., a lillloovtr BY an explosion in a colliery near Dortmund, "walk in, captain, and take some bread on that dangerous part of tho coast. EnTho storm broko presently with which the visitors bring with them. and is n yard and a half wide, and of the hundred years old, committed Buiciilo, I'riifc^ia, seventeen persona wero killed anil fivo gineers had como to take soundings, 'rightful fury. Long streaks of light- Many of the superstitions havo beon sc ftest and most pliant texture. Shaded and meat with me." As he said this he onoWYATT HOLMES, a colored man, was hangc-il injured. and their operations had been watched ning rout the skies, and tho waves wore laughed away, but there are not a few silks have also just come in, being arose from MB seat on the sofa. I did at Holly Springs, 5Iiss., for tho murder ni A Fnimrrrt'L railroad accident is reported with sullen wrath. Harold Trecorpc, dashed upon the shore with a roaring honest folks who yet have a steadfast shaded from ono selvedge to tho other likewise, thanked him for his invitation, followed him aa he led the way to Andrew Scott, another colored man. from Mexico. Heavy rflina enrrii"! away a the bisrgest, most scowling fisherman in in a succession of blended tintB grading aud loud as tho thunder. In despite ol faith in mermaids and fairies. the dinner table. On entering the dicing L. B. CHAPMAN, a prominent Texas atockbriilge (in tho Muleloa railroad near Cuatiila, the village—a fellow whose face looked the deluge of rain the crew of tho lifo:rom dork to light. room I found seated at the tablo a num- man, preferred death to tho mumps, and so a train foil through the structure, killing murder, and whose mouth never opened boat came to the shed to get all in Among novelties in lace, which is now ber of gentlemen who wero membors oi jwmmittod suicide at San Habi; by jumping nml persons, most of them eoldiois, and injuring without a curse—had sworn that if ho readiness, and a great many other fishA Turk at Home. used, for tho trimming of all goods that tho President's official family, including from tho upper Btory of a atoro and then 150 a great many more. hanged for it Pencoirow should never rmen and their wives troopod out of will admit of its use in the greatest prp- several of his Cabinet ministers, but ehuotiug biinaolf fjur times. When a Turk has disposed of his visilive to seo a life saved by his boat nor a tho cottages; but this was only be fusion, unbleached guipure is shown. vessel warned of danger by the beacon cause sleep on such a night was impos- tors he goes into his haremlik to dine Upon certain shades ot silk and satin there wero no ladies present. He in- A DISPATCH from Denver, Col., gives dotails WISE WORDS. of a lighthouse. Before lone, however, ible. Most of the eyes that looked or breakfast, first removing his habouches. ita effect is excellent; but, as a general vited me to a seat at the table, took a of tho annihilation of a body of forty-nino Peter Pencorrow censed to ho so much seaward with expectant glances were This custom of removingone's shoes be- thing, the pure white laces are rapidly seat himself and recommenced eating. cattlu men by Pah Uto Indian?. Tho whites hated. He was a •worthless scamp, al- rather hoping for a profitable wreck fore entering a room is not a religious gairing ground upon the cream tinted He seemed to be profoundly meditating liad orgiinizcd to punish tbo Indians for hos- The first grefit work ia that yourself may to yonrself bo true. all the time, and when addressed by superstition, but comes of the necessity ways drunk, and his chosen companion than eager for a chance to save life. for keeping carpets clean, seeing that ne.i so long in vogue, so that lace which any of the gentlemen around him al- tile demonstrations mado by thorn, and were Wen may ba ungrateful, but the hu came to be Harold Trecorpe, who had Margaret stood in the ahed with -hey fulfil tho purpose of chairs, tables, hints clean as well as really being clean, wayB made very courteous replies, but ittluokcd and many of them killed. Tho Indians man race ia not ao. several times threatened his life. Drunk- Mark Bruithwaite beside her, Harold is coming into favor. It is being concedin tho fewest words possible, and took ulei 1 lost heavily in killed and wounded. J. H- If there be no enemy, no fight; if no en men are not dangerous, save to them- Trecorpe boing on the other Bide of tin- sofas, in othor countries. The ladies' selves, at least such is tho popular idea, boat. The occasional glow of the pipe room may bo furnished like Parisian ed that lace a hundred or more years no other part in tho conversation. On Eskridge,' a notorious desporadq, was cut off fight, no victory; if no victory, no old loses nothing of its value by a little rising from the table, however, he ac- from tho rest of tbo. ..party • and attacked by crown. boudoirs; but custom is stronger than and Harold used to laugh an oddjnock- he was smoking lit up his rugged face intt lanah when anybody talked of what and made it Beem fiendish as bo cursed fashion, and the Turks of both sexes judicious whitening, so the business of companied me back to the reception thirty Indians."" Ho lay in a clump of buahcB If -we -would be Btrong, let us bear in things the Lady Blanche would do with the ill-luck that had fallen upon Pol- like to recline or sit cross-logged on the tho Mimcheuse enfi'i bids fair to becomo room, where we rejoined General Walker, ai.d picked them off with hia ritlo until it be- silence, for in silence we not only grow her signals, her rockets, and all her loot, and expressed his conviotion that door. Their carpets aro curiously soft more stirring and lucrativo than it has who had been waiting for me. Wo re- eamo too hot, whon ho opened fire with two Btrong, but also test our strength. sumed our seats in the reception room revolvers, killing twolvo Indians. When rescued oostly and complete apparatus for sal- the lifeboat had "witched" the place, and thick, and tho carpots over the doors been for a long time past. as before, and then, President Davia lie waa wounded in tlio anltlo and his clothea Prosperity is a more refined and sin vage the first time that a vesBel stood in driving wrecks off it. "Dong yo'," shut out all draughts and noises. turned to mo and made the most careful wero riddlod with bullota. All the settlers in cere test of character than adversity, as Duration of tho Sun. peril of touching on that dangerous iried ho, striking his fist on tho boatV Through tho open windows that look and special inquiries touching the news honr of summer sunshine prodnces ont ou the garden como a scent of roses Needle. There are extinct suns. The fact I had brought him and nil that 1 had Grand Valley are supposed to havo been killed, one side. "Yo've done us harm from the and tho hum of beos, mingled with the greater corruption than the longest that there are such lends new weight to WILLIAM Q. WniTSEY, the son of Myra Clark day yo coom hero I Yo hov'." seen and heard during my expedition in Three years passed, and the lifeboat did laughter of children, who aro playing winter day. Suddenly there was a cry from ovor.v on a woll-trimmed lawn, under tho eyes tho reasons which permit us to conolude the lines of the army. Ail those inqui- fiitines by her first husband, was shut and nothing. They happened to be excepThe bills of lofty endeavor and high tionally lisastrous years from the Pol- one under tho shed: i±\ light; a blue f tho dark-eyed Circassian nurses. The i hat our sun also is a body which slow- ries'I answered fully and explicitly. lulled lit 5 o'clock in tho afternoon by John Y. achievement lie around us, and if wa ly gives out its store of heat, and thus When ho had gotten through question- Christinas, Mrs. Gainos' aon-iu-liiw. Tlio ninrlooters' point of view, for though wrecks iight. Look, thoro's another I" never catch a glimpae of the viewa they of the harem— tho Buiuk-Ha will sometime become extinct. The Far off in tho offing there was a ship mistress me and seomed ready to close the dor occurred in the house formerly occupied by afford, we need not complain that it is enough took place on other parts of tho mim (groat lady), to givo her her full title term of seventeen million years which I ing Cataeazy, tho Russian minister, whoro Mrs. n distress sending up bine lights. interviow, I arose to leave, as did General coast, no craft of any consequence founbecause of the insuperable limitations —dresses much like an English lady dered on the Needle. By this time They rose swift and pale, then burst in nowadays, reads French UOVOIB and plays have given may, porhaps, becomo con- Walker also. As 1 was taking leave oi GaiueB iu now living, as woro also tho two mon. of our surroundings. . ' Harold Trecorpe was captain of the life- to a bright gloam and vanished. Har- tho piano, though sho dons upon state siderably prolonged by tho gradual him I said : "Mr. President, if there in Whitney and Christmas voro partners in busiboat's crew. He aid seven other men old Trocorpo uttered a shout of exulta- occasions, such as the chalvas, whon she abatement of radiation' by tho new ac- anything further I can do to serve you, uoas aonio yoara ago, aad thero had bpen had Selfishness, though refined, is still received twelve pounds a year apiece tion. "It's a big ship," cried he. entertains othor ladies. Ohalva moons cretion of falling meteors, and by still please command me." As I said this he blood botweon them for a long tlnio. Tbo real but selfishness, and refinement ought from the earl to go out practicing some- 'Horo, gie us the blue rookots, girl.' a cako, but has como to designate a greater condensation than that which I seemed for the lirat time to exhibit any eauso of tho trouble, is aaid to havo boon mutual never to interfere with doing good in "What for tho blue rockets?" asked party at which that dainty is eaten, j t have assumed in that calculation. But emotion, but he answered me with- con- lealousy touching tboir prospective utteroats in the world as it exists. It is not desiratimes with the boat, and to hold themble to appeal early to this feeling, or selves in readinosB at any time whon Margarot, who was standing near a box as we say tea for tea-party in England. we know of no natural process which siderable feeling, saying : "Ah, Captain, JIrs. GaincB1 largo property. perhaps ever directly to cultivate it. their services might be wanted. If they of fire signals. "Yo must bum throe When a'Tnrkisli lady gives a ohalva her could Bpare our sun the fate which has I fear there will be but few now who • saved lives, they were to have each a red-lights first to warn 'em tho coast's husband is excluded while • the strange manifestly fallen on othor suns. This would make such an offer." With thia In general, pride is at the bottom ol bounty of one pound on every human dangerous. Thon three blue 'uns to women ore in tho house. Thesa guoBts is a thought which wo only reluctantly we shook hands, and General Walker all great mistakes, All the other pasFrom Washington. head rescued. Nay, they were to have say the lifoboat's coming. That's what begin to arrive towards six, accompa- admit. It seems to us an insult to tho and I loft the President, and I saw him THE ohiof ot tbo bureau oi statistics roportu sions do occasional good, but wherever benoficont creative power which we fifteen shillings, too, for every dead hu- my lord told mo." that tho total vnlues of tho exports of domestic pride puts in its word, everything goes nied by their maid servants and negroes, otherwise find at work in organism, and no more man body they brought to shore. Thus "Cuss your lord and yo' too," blurted carrying lantorns and bringing their especially in living ones. But we must provisions, tallow and dairy products from the wrong, and what might be desirable That night at half-past ten o'olook all had the earl and his daughter tried to out Harold, savagely, as ho ran around ohildron with them. Closely muffled, to do quietly and innocently, it is morenlist the onpidity of these men on the to the other side of the boat. "Here, they divest themselves of their burnouses reconcile ourselves to the thought that, the Confederate officials left Danville, United Stains during tho month of May, 1881, ally dangerous to do proudly. Bide of humanity, hoping, may be, that lads, hear a hand and heave this gir and labourites in an ante-room and put however we may consider ourselves to taking the archives of tho government and tho ilvo months ended tho snmo, aa combo the center and final objeot of crea- with them, and went southwardly by ptirod with similar exports during tho corresome higher agencies would work too out." Brown paper—the kind used by paon delicate slippers, whioh they have tion, we ore but as dust on the earth, of Greensboro, N. 0.—Tf. D. Cole-sponding periods of the provioUB your, woro cs for the reclaiming of a population as "Harold, I'll fire a light in yo'r fao< brought with them in bags. The recep- which, ngain, is but a speok of dust in way man, in Philadelphia Times, follows: May, 1881, $0,00JiG5S; Mayi 1880, per-hangers and upholsterers for packbarbarous and debased as any in these if yo' come near me. Mark, keep thai tion rooms are brilliantly lighted up ing—of the darkest Bbade and thickest tho immensity of space ; and the preMl,82»,oil; flvo months ondoil May 31, 1881.. isles. mon off," cried Margaret, panting) and with pink wax candles and scented with vious duration of our race, even if we toxturo, and gray paper of a cool, granA Haunted House. f61,5G5,255; ilvo months ondecl May 81, 1880, Peter Penoorrow lived in a pretty seizing the lantern from Peter Poncor- fragrant pastilles. There is no kissing follow it far beyond our written history A Newhuryport woman, whose hus- $56,109,073. Tho total values of tho exports ot ite tint, are in much demand abroad for honso which his patron had bnilt foi row's drunkon hands, she held a rocke or handshaking between the hostess and into tho era of the lake dwellings "or is at sea most of the time, occupies provisions Mid tallow for tbo Bsveoinonthscnd'- painting upon. It is used for scones, ' him near the large white shed where the at Harold's face as if it were a pistol. her guests; bnteaoh lady, as she comes the mammoth; it is but an inBtant com- band house whioh has the reputation cf be- od May 31,18B1, wore $81,378,409, ojiafor tlio dodos, panels and cornices. For artistlifeboat vis kept, Thoro was a phar- But there were others besides Harold in, lifts her hand gracefully to her heart, pared with the primeval times of our aing ic effect it ig very desirable, haunted. A few nights since sho same period ia 1880, (68,895,210, ' macy in the place, with two rooms hold- who wanted tho ship to be wrecked, and her lips and her brow, whioh means "I planet, when beings existed upon it, was awakened byp light and mysterious ing three beds each, which were to be several of the lifeboat's crew were am dovotod to you with heart, mouth whose strange and unearthly remains footfall on the stair, After a while she T H E Washington monument tho othor d a ; Physical eioroise in some systematic! reserved for half-drowned men andamong them, They were willing and mind," This mode of salutation still gaze at us from their ancient composed herself and dropped asleoi,, reached' a height of oxaclly 200 feet. Whon manner is a duty we owo not merely to W.imen who might bo drawn out of the enough to go out with tha boat by-and- when smilingly performed, is very tombajand for more does the duration but was again awakened, and this- time finished t h e mouumont will bo 050 fpet high. our bodies, but to our whole nature It BOB ; and there were a great number of bye, but they wanted the vessel to be pretty. The greetings being ended, the of pur race Bink into insignifioonoe, .heard.a light footfall in a long entry Tho president of tho association h a s received will-vitalize the blood, quicken the ener- . useful spplianoes for restoring lives that wrecked first. These scoundrels drove company seat thomselves on-chairs if compared with.the enormous periods below, and then on the Btaircase, very notice that a stono Boat by tho kiugofSiam gies, give firmness to the nerves, and might be just flickering out. Some- Margaret and Mark Brathwaito back, theirT)e any Frank ladies present; during which/ the worlds have been in Springing from bed, .she and one sent by tho Blato of Nebraska nro on jay a foundation upon whioh wo may times the Earl ana Lady Blanche would and it was resolved among them thai not, Ithey betake themselves to the process of formWion, and will still con- distinctly. bnikl ft wholesome and successful life. a lamp and boldly stepped into tho way to be placed on tho mouumont, drive to the village to BOO if everything no lights should be 'burned at all fo: divans and carpets, and the oake-oating tinue to. form when our sun is extin- lighted the hall. No ghostly figure appeared, TnEASOHEn GILFILLAN has ismed a ciroula was in good order; hut since their car- the present. . In her energetio language ibegins.-i-J7w Hour. pruiahod, andour oarthjis either solidified but on the top stair was an enormous In which Dotloo ia given that horoaftor tho MOD who are their own enemies would riage ooaldfce seen five miles off as it unadorned, Margarot Penoorrow harlec in cold or is united with the ignited rat. For a moment the rat gazed on charges for iho transportation of worn and find) it a great deal more profitable to be ' , iftrand down'Pie steep rood on the rook anathemas at them, but they onlj central body of onr system. enemies to somebody olso and friends to what to him was an apparition, and thon mutilated Unllod Slates notes' received by tho aide, leading t6 Polloot, Peter and hislaughed, and suddenly tho girl vanished Partial records of the live stook insolemnly trotted downstairs. The lady treasurer by nxpross for redemption,'iu suma themselves. ' always had about on through the orowd with Mark Broth terests of Texas Bhow a yearly yield of went to bed again, hut with a new fear ' " ""' Peter waite. Speaking of corn planters, Jones says fully oonvinood that a rat wasmore don oflDOO or multiples thoreof, and of now United something ovor 400,000 head of cattle. One naval chaplainhasbeon appointed ( Btataa notes returned therefor, will be paid b ; each year for tho last eight years, all ; iterMuv •Where had they'gone?, For soveral Eight dollars per heaJls about the aver- he has t> pair of new boots that ho will gerous than a ghoBt in the house, I'dfagaat momenta their disappearance was no age market pnoe at San Antonio, put ajptystfh* world.—Iadkport Union. bat one of them t?ejng Epiaoopaliai There's a never-dying chorus Breaking t-n the human ear, In the buey town before us .. Voices loud, and deep, and clear. * ThiB i s Iabor'a endless ditty; * This i s toil's prophetic voice, Sounding through tho town anil city, Bidding human hearts rejoice. ffEWS EPITOME. k H/iHItU MVVtlMI, tiik »U> WtW Wfri '/tie UrityuA Mm vf tint he V?uA- wi tiasi wt did. Jai no 0Jxt, living acy scientific k n o w g e "So you want me to tell you a story he Kaid: It is well known that the vanity of It is stated that the center of populaTlirl Druse Hinoke Tuut ItUm From tbe has ever directed his attention to the about a brave man, little people?" said "Do you not eat them ?' tion moves westward at the rate of King James I. never overcame hie weakl>t*l>ili» or au Inpenelrnliln Hwmnp—A subject of this phenomenon. The ide» '."No, we do not eat people in our Colonel Gravlock, as his half-dozen ninety feet a iiay, and is slowly passing ness of being unable to look on a naked phfuoiueuoD Wlikli ftiobudf Hum Vet of a volcano in o swamp is treated as obr ncpni-w s and nieces, tired with their across the southern portion of Ohio. It sword. Sir Kenelm Uigby was protid oountry," I answered. Met'ii Able lo Iuvemlifulv. surd, and the column .of smoke is-disThe man looked perfectly astonished afti uioon's play, gathered around his is evident, therefore, that the "gorgeous to relate that when he was knighted ai Maurice Thompson, the well-known missed as mere smoke and nothing "Then what do yon kiil them for ?' arm-chair by the fire. "Well, I've seen East," to which the West has hitherto Hinckinbrodki:, near Huutingdou, th said he. "We kill our enemies because plenty of them in my time, but the looked for its literature and lucre, its king turned his face away and nearly writer, oiid the champion archer of the more. I do not think the matter onghi •we like them to eat, lmt yon lill them bravest man I ever knew was a young manufactures and arts, its pedagogues wounded him. This may be accounted country, contributes the following*from longer to rest without thorough investiensign in our regiment, whom wo used its pills, its capital and culture, is fast for, as His mother, Mary, Queen of Scots, Tallahassee, Fla., to the Chicago Times: gation. It may be mirage, it may be fornothingat all." twenty-eight miles from this city, burning peat-moss, it maybe a gas If I had been able to represent to that to call 'Gentleman Bob'—and right well losing its grip, and if it were to be sunk a short time before his birth, had a great About the midst of a densely-timbered spout on fire; but whatever it is ought man's mind tho thousands of peopl ho deserved the name, though not as wi out of existence to-morrow, or raised shock given to her on seeing her favor- in marsh, there has been seen for moro The total number of emigrants brough slain upon the battlefield, I have no meant it. out of. night in its own estimation, the ite, David Bizeio, killed in her pres- than forty years a dense column of to be known. This is a region of mysinto this country since the establish- doubt whatever that his idea would have "Soldiering's a very different thing East would merely pause to say tru-la ence. Wo are told of Uladislaus, king smoke, rising almost constantly, and teries. Lake Jackson has no visible ment of the Union, not including those been, What a splendid lot of beef I now from what it was in my young days, la, and keep right ou with its work. of Poland, that ho could not bear to see defying the investigations of tbe curi- outlet, though strong streams run into it. There are deep natural wells in the arriving in 1880, was 10,138,750. Of want you to realize the feelings of this and men have learned—what it's a pity The Ios9 of thirteen CLCgiessmen to apples. Pennant, the eminent traveler, ous. It has long been locally known as earth, across tho bottoms of which run this aBfrregato Ireland and Germany man when he said to me, and he said it they didn't learn sooner—that a man the East, imrt a gain of nineteen to the hud a great aversion to wigs, which the Wakulla volcano, from tho fact that furnished about 3,000,000 each,England earnestly: "How is it that you kill peo may make none the worse officer for be- West by thd recent census, shows where was also transferred to their wearers for it is situated at no great distance from rapid currents of water. Others are 900,000, France 313,000, Sweden and pie if you do not want to eat them ?" ing a gentleman and a Christian, Henry the rrowd is rushing, and in ten years the time. Oncis, in tho presence of the tho famous Wakulla spring. Only yes- fathomless. The Wakulla spring gives Norway 300,000, Switzerland, 83,000, You see there are a great many thingB Havelock taught us that pretty fairly, more the East will bo taken under tho Mayor of Chester, who wore a powdered terday I stood upon a high hill south of forth a river navigable for large boats, and other countries rnngiid from 70,000 that we have to look at from the native but in the rough old times it was a very wing of the West, and the West will seo wig, he got very excited and nervous, tho city and watched the smoke roll up and tbe pool is so clear that the bottom may be seen at a depth, it is said-of one for Italy to 613 for Turkey and 383 for point of view. Even when the natives different ..thing. Then 'the harder an that no harm comes to it. Wo feel sorry and angrily made some strong remarks drift away from :that mysterious hundred and eighty feet. Lost river Greece. Very few eminrants now come come from the savage to the civilized, English * officer drank, and the louder for the East. It has always done as well about the mayor to a oonipanion. At and spot whither aB yet no human foot has pours into a cavern'and disappears, bnt last, losing all control over his feelings, from Spain, Portugal or Turkey. state, there are many things that we he swore, and the more ho bullied bis as it know how, and there has never wandered. Judgo White, formerly of think very ludicrous and stupid; but men, and the readier he was to fight a been a tiaio when it would not sell us he rushed at the mayor, pullod off his the circuit court here, and now a lead- gushes out again several miles away. Some wells twenty miles distant from wig, and ran with it out of tho house The maddest man in. Nebraska is a you must look at them from thoir point duel or to join in any low frolic; the their goods and Yanked uotions and toko and down the street, waving it aloft as ing lawyer of the city, has furnished me the, gulf havo brackish water and rise saloon-keeper at Lincoln. He had been of view. I remember being told of a better his comrades liked him, and I'm our new wheat, or loan money on a farm he went. The mayor followod, to tho a great deal of information touchingtho and full with the tides. In places the buying lottery tickets, and some loafers young chief who was on board one of afraid we were much the same as the at ninety per cent. If its people generally amusement of the populace; and thia so-called volcano. In fact, he it was subterranean water currents may be do not regard the West as anything but " put n p a job" on him by publishing a our trading ships when tho sailors wero rest. who headed the. most nearly SHI'CCASIHI wilderness, whore the In- cflrious raeo was afterward known ua of tho many parties which have from tracked by the tree growth on the fictitious telegram* in the local paper opening a barrel of porter, He knew "So you may fancy what we thought howling ground abovo them. Humbling noises tho "Mayor and Mr. Pennant's Tour dian and the wild bison roam at will, that'tke number held by him had drawn nothing about fermentation, arid he was when a niajgtte 'Gentleman Bob' came timo to time .atteiiipfed to exploro tho aro ofton heard at night, in tho flat Through Oliestor." a 815,000 prize. His bar was tree for looking on in wonder, when, through among us, jHg was always quiet and instead of a laud possessing the rofluomystery. Tho New York lltrulii onco woods of Wakulla county, coming from the entire day, and all the loafers in some mistake that occurred, the porter sober and orderly,, and instead of brawl- inentu of enlightened civilization, why It is said of the Duke of Schomberg organized a corps of discovery, which beneath tho earth's surface. All these town got drunk at his expense. It was came out like a fountain. Tho sailors ing and rioting like the' rest of us, spent then it is their misfortune and not their that, soldier as he was, ho could not sit most disastrously failed to accomplish things,' connected with the fact a very difficult matter to convince him wore very much annoyed at losing their all his spare, time over dry scientific fault. in the samo room with a cat; and wo its oliject, tho leader losing himself in that • the smoke column frequently that he had not drawn the prize, so porter, and they tried to Btop it; but ft books that we know nothing about, arid No enmity can ever conio between tho have heard of a person with so great a the awful morass and nearly starving looks white like steam, may supstrons was his faith in newspapers; but forced ita way up like a liquid umbrella. read a chapter of the JSiblo every morn- two sections, for very many of tho disliko to this harmless domestic ani- himself beforo finding his way out. The port the theory that Wakulla Tho man began to laugh hi artily, and he will never again believe a word ho ing and ovening. How wo did. laugh at mal that ho would not oven pass under volcano, or whatever it is, sends up a ho captain told ino that he lay down him, and make mock of him, to bo suro wealthy farmers of tho West, who own a signboard with a cat painted on it. It column of rathe!' blackish smoke, which volcano U a geyser or water volcano. sees in print. upon the deck, mightily amused. The But the provoking thing was that ho broad and fertile acres, will never for- will hardly be credited that, though tbo may bo soon fully thirty miles in fair get that their early manhood was passed sailors wers veiy much annoyed, and There was a serious lesson to parents asked him why ho laughed at tho por- never seemed to mind- it one bit, and he amid tho steep and rooky hillsides of valorous Peter the Great built a iloet, weather. When llrst it attracted attenFacts About tlio Herring; was so good-natured, and so ready to tho East, whero corn was planted with ho yot from his sixth to his fourteont.li tion, Bomo fifty yearn ago, it was supiu tho tragedy reported in tho news- ter coming out of the cask. Professor Huxley, in a lecture stated do any ono a good turn when ho could, a mallet and cold chisel, and, after bo- year could not boar the sight of either posed to bo tho ramping jilaco of a band papers the other day, says tho Cltristian "I was not laughing at that," said he; that it certainly ought to have made us ing washed out by rains a couple of still or running wateri ospociidly if bis of Indians loft behind when Oseoohi's hat 2,500,000,000 or thereabouts of Uiiion—the case of a little girl who herrings aro every year taken nut of the shot herself because her father, who 'I laughed to think what a difficulty ashamed of ourselves; but it didn't, timos, grew and flourished to tho hoigkt was alono. Ho did not walk in tho pul- braves wore expellod from Florida. North 8ea and tho Atlantic. He assumes more's the pity. had loHt some, money, carelessly ex- ton must have had to get it in." of two and even three feet, with an ear aco gardens because thoy wore watered Lator tbo wiso heads attributed the that thuir number is even greater— I repeat, we must look at a number of pressed his suspicion that the chilil had "But before long something did make on almost every stalk. No ono who is by tho river Mosera ; lie would not cross groat pillar of cloud by day to ilres ,000,0110,000. Now, ho says " proditalten it. There are few children whose these questions from a native point of us ashamed of ourselves, and this was it. worthy the name of a man ever forgotB over tho smallest brook, not even on a kindled in the swamps by runaway gious as is apparently thia number, it is keen sensitiveness to such suspicion view; and the probability is that if we Our colonel was in a great hurry ono tbo scones of his boyhood. But the cot- bridgo, unless tho windows of his car- slaves. A few years afterword, during lot nioro than ono shoal, covering a dozwould lead them to commit suicide, but liad not done so, I should not have been day to find out the whereabouts of a ton factories of tho East are passing to riage wore shut close, and oven then ho the war, it was declared to bo this work •u snuaro miles," and that shoals of thore ore many children who suffer more here to tell you anything about the village that wasn't marked on his map, the South and Southwest, whoro thoy had cold perspirations. La Motho do of dcHortors from tho confederate army much larger nke are on record. It is under an unjust charge expressed or matter to-day. nd nono of us could help him, when, will bo nearer tho BOUTCB of the raw Vayor could not endure any musical in- of men who had skulked into the jungle to Hay that, scattered through tho implied than they would under the oldo and behold 1 forward stepped 'Gen- material; tho publication of hooks, which strument, although ho delighted in to avoid conscription. But tho Indians safe Sea and the Atlantic at one and fashioned application of tho rod. It is leman Bob,' with a neat little map of nobody over supposod could bo dono thunder. Orehry, tho composer, and aro all gono; tho slaves are free, and North same time, thore must bo scores of Curious Work of Ants. as unjust to expresB n, suspicion of a his own drawing, and there was tho very anywhere, except in tho East, has sud- Anne of Austria wero identical in their the war is long sinco over; still the tlio smoke ascends, and still the tailors shoals, nny ono of which would go a At the recent Sonthboro' session of place, just where it should be. Tho denly boon begun iu tbo WoBt, and two disliko of tho smell of roses. child's honesty or truthfulness, unless along tho gulf coast, and the. tourists long way toward supplying tlio whole you have the evidence wherewith to ;he Massachusetts State board of agri- colonel looked at it, and then at us, and million dollars' worth wero executed The learned Dr. Ueatty tells us of man's consumption uf herring. Prof. convict him, as it is to punish him un- julture, Prof. B. S. Morse gavo tho fol- aid, grimly, 'It's not often, gentlemen, with neatness and dispatch in ono West- healthy, strong men who were always through middle Florida gaze and won- of believes that all Iho herring convicted. An unjust suspicion is tho owing curious particulars about ants : ihat the youngest ofliccr of a regiment ern city alono in 1880; Eastern illus- uneasy on touching volvet, or on Kceing der. This is no hoax, no silly fireside Huxley The ant belongs to afamily of insects such '.a also the smartest: let this be a lesson trated papers, reflecting tho culture, another person bundle, a cork; Zirunier- story. The thing called a volcano fleets taken together do not catch iivo per worst kind of punishment, cent, of the total number of herrings in as wasps, beos.hornets, but is the superior ;o you.' humor and police doings of tho country, nian, tho naturalist, of a lady who could aotually oxifits. "Somo years aKo,"nnid tho sea in any year. The fecundity of f them all, as are tho elephant, the still hold thoir own, but thoir timo will not bear to touch silk or satin, and Judgo White, iu response to my inqui- tho borring, though great, when com "You may bo sure this reproof nrado Cincinnati is very near the center of horse and the dog in other lines of aniries—"BOIJIO years ago I dotorinined to como; Eastern pills, which have drained pomiinHon in tho"Unitod States. TIJO al life. Ants are constructed with the us none the moro merciful in talking so much money from the. West and shuddered whon fooling tho velvety skin visit tbo npot anil solve the mystery of pared with a laud animal, is small when center of population in 1800 was lati- 'back" bone in front, and the heart and gainst poor Bob; and perhaps .wo built so many palaces in tho East, yet f a poach. Ono of the Earls of Barry- Hint smoke.. I felt sanguine of HUCCOSM. tho reproductive powers of other fish tude thirty-nine degrees, four minutes lther internal organs on the opposite might have done something moro than liave a grip upon the nitbetions Of our nioio considorod the pansy an abomina- I believed then, us 1 do now, that some- urn Htudiisd ; bnt still 10,0(10 opgs is comanil eight seconds, longitude eighty- lido are put together upside down as we talk but for a thing that happened one eople ; but their influence is weaken- tion ; and tho uiifortiniato Princess Lain- thing in thi' form of mi active volcano, mtrsd to bo-tlio spawn of a herring, Grantfour degrees, thirty-nine minutes and might think. Their mouth is for biting light at-mess, Our junior captain, a ing, and pad fiu'tories are springing up allo lookod upon the violet as a thing but of coui'so of very small dimensions, iigthat a vast proportion of theso oggs, forty seconds. The position of the old anil swallowing food only, not for •ough, bullying kind of fellow, was go- and manhood is being restored right of horror. Sculigar turned pale at tbo could easily bis found. I unionized a ninu'tciitlis uf them, are never matured, observatory, Mount Adams, Cincinnati, reathing. Their bite is so determined ng to empty a glass of wine over Bob's here in tho West by Western ilrins; cur night of water-creHHes, and neither his party of unlive young men, and, arming this remaining ono tenth would moro is in latitude thirty-nine degrees, six md lasting that thoy aro used in some head, when tho ensign grasped bis factories are noming nearor to Wostprn nor Potor Abono. could over driuk milk. myself with a surveyor's transit, set out him supply any drain man might make mitmtos and twenty-six seconds, longi- countries for confining the edges of wrist, and overturned tho wine upon iron mid wood every day ; our flouring It is said of Cardan that ho was dis- for the scono of exploration. From a on tho herrings. This increase in probtude eighty-four degrees, twenty-nine wounds and cuts. Ants' heads are pre- him instead, and the wiist was black mills, which already make Hour enough gUBted at the Bight of eggs, Wo havo high joint of land I trained my iiihtru- ably very Hindi larger ; for how account minutes and forty-five seconds. The sented to the cut surface, which they nd blue from that squeeze for many a for paste, are increasing in number and heard of a gallant soldier llnoing, with- mont upon tho smoke column, and hav- therwisi) for tins eiionnous amount of out shaino, from a sprig of rue. Tho ing llxod on the lino ordered my men to destruction of hnrring due to the fln>. center of population for 1880 is, there- grasp with tho nippers, when their lay after. capacity, and tho woods aro full of saw fore, '2 C miles south nf this observatory, bodies are cut off, leaving a whole row "About a month after this, ono of onr mills; wo shall need Eastern oil and author of the "Turkish Spy" tolls us login culling a wuy into the swnmp, whales, tins porpoises, this gauuets, the ami S.fl miles west of it. That is, it is if them to hold the flesh. They are. non, who used to have fits of madnpss oal a little longer, until a way is found hat, providod ho had but a Hword in which, at Iho tlrst, was bad enough, but lain, the i-yillisli, and tho dogiiHh, U.3 miles west by south from the ob- •heaper than sticking plaster in sonie ivory now and then, from an old wound ;o decompose water, and then wo shall his hand, ho would rather encounter a gradually grow worms, Until progress was ivhich the shoals, and perservatory, or eight miles west by south lountries. n the head, came flying along with a lave no favors to ask, and llioEast must ion in tho deserts of Arabia than fL'cl a next to impossible. CypreBn, axil, null, mnia'lyaccompany fe.mlnntlimi. < * * II is no pidor crawling on him in the dark I from tho heart of tho city of Cincinnati. iig knife in his hand, slashing at overy- lot recognize us when vo meet on tho elders, vines, air-plants, briars, longAs an illustration of their ingenuity hirg within reach. Some cried to William Matthews, son of this governor moss, everything that over gn>w in uncommon thing tn find fives or six, nay, This places it in Kentucky, one mile ;trcet.—Mihntulr.fi Sun Humorist. f Bnrliadnes, had, liko tho above, a swamps grow them in a tenfold tangle :ivi>ii ten or twelve herrings in tho stomfrom the south bank of the Ohio river, .nd intelligence, it was stated that they hoot him, but Bob said, quietly, 'A great avemion to tho harmless spider. of luxuriance. The weather wan torriiily li of a (Midlixh." Professor Huxloy anil mil- and a half miles southeast of omelimes excavate tunnels under rivers :iu's life is worth moro than that; lot if considerable depth and width, and no try.' And in a moment he hiul Ono day tho Duko of Atholc, thinking hot, fur in order to get Iliruiigh tho unts that iu lMT'J 5,000 000 of codling tbi! villaiii? (if Tavlorsville. se tho tunnels for transporting supplies. icized the fellow's knife-hand, and his untipivthy 'somewhat ail'cctod, left tvisttiHt parts, wo hud to chimsii mid- lid linto were tnken by the Scotch fishThe Lawyer's Hoy. Thpy dig wells twenty fpet deep and a ripped him HO cleverly that ho was im find bis friends in ^he room, and summer for uur exploit, and, al'ler Iwo ermen, and csliniatcs that these fish Arthur -intl Natuuol Poud, brothers, foot in diameter for drinking water, Anybody WHO thinks that tho lioy em- ame back with a closed hand. Mat- [lays of Hwcltoiing uimmg llus laucea- ilono had consumed 3,000,600,000,000 lown before we could call out; and thc-ri weiit fcr'une. hunting in Colorado. Aftei ha harvesting ants plant needs on iloyi'd around a lawyer's office has bewo thought ho had a spider concealed liorring dnrinjj thn year. This enortryiuo- in vuin several honest means ol 'arms, whieh tbey cultivate with great ome of the men came up and secured aothing to d,o but, empty thn paper hero, uud becoming furiou.s, drow his linn, alligators ami moturiiilOH, nil n:\ mous d™tnu'tinn nf Hiiinllitr llsh by tho im. men miikii:^ money fust, they decided to be- •kill and neatness, keeping every weed sword and would have dono dumugo to [•ml Hilda its parallel! in tho absorbing ki't, run tcj tbo pnstoUicc, swoop the "Of course we could say nothing room come lii^huuyineii, though previous to lown and harvesting tho grain, curing qualities of our own native fish, the and reail the jokes of IilneliHtone, he duke or himself had not friends ingohii; West i.hi'v hud been respectable ind storing it safely in weatherproof igainst Bob's pluck aftor that; but nil is grandly mistaken. A boy—that is, a I'limatmnm mtltalrii—our well-known DKSUUTEI) THE ENIWUIKR, his was a triflo to what was coniiug. A ITJIOHCll. re-sclent-* of Pennsylvania. They wen •uvities in tho soil. They also organize ri/,roi a Inn', and one who will eventuleaving mo and a pluelty colored lad tn ilue-dsli. Nothing is moro destructive ew (lays later came ono of the greatest Burton, tho traveler, tolls us that a TemurKiihlv during in their stage roll nto divisions with commanders, each lian tho blue-fish, and tho United , ully lieiTioin a i;mit lawyer himself—bus heries, sun! •.ruin ti>-<*iime notorious unili'i udividual doing a certain kind of work. lattlos of the war, and we wero HO hard a heap on his mind, and no timo for niiilauehnly Duko of Muscovy fell ill if go on alono. 1'rogrens nt uin-u liiTiune Stutos iish (>omiui.'ibiiin reports state •resse.il on the left (whore my regime].t linpf-slinln or tops. Viisteniay whilo a ic but looked upon a woman, and that luinfnlly slow. Every fnut of llus w:n I hut, making un allowance (if 10 fish per the a-smiii'il nnnie (if Billy Leroy an*1 ionie ants are smart enouffh for engi :iud t" bis chopped mil, whilis wis stolid Lnni- I'MTIT. They would bob up ii ee.ru, while others only know enough to .fas) that at last there was nothing for it Vtroit lawyer was iu court, with bis nolhcr anchorite was seized with a cold iu water fnim one to tlirois feet ill depth, diem for the Mue-H.'th on our coast, and mt to fall back. We formed again un- ioy in charge of Ilio odice, a newspaper latsy under niuiilar circumstances. Here front of a coach, tire at it, porlmpi In as they are told. They can eounl that they keep eating Iish at this rate womul some of the passengers, givi md make correct estimates of the mag- ler cover of somo thickets, but even nan who was hunting through the ,s a case of a lady having an avoruion to and silfl'errd tbo assaults of millions of ravenous iimeirts. in the afternoon ol* r 12(1 days, lielinn tho end of tho scathe iujpivision that a supporting band itudo of on undertaking, as proved by here we bad enough to do to hold our Moilat block Htunihled upon the young :1KS opposito sox; it .appeared in the this third day we reached a tull [sine min they havo mii.snmrd in round numground, for the enemy brought up sev- attorney and was received with: ibitnary of a newspaper Komollfty years of i*i'UtII i-s was concealed close by ilisorvers. eral guns, and were giving it to us pret "Lately, at Gray's almshouso, standing mi a Kunily hillock in this bura l,*2()0,00(),(«(l,00(l of Iish, wiheh it is empty nil ll'e poe.kntn, and ukurry away Eight chrysalides (often called the ;y hot. "Come right, in. Tho papers in your ago: Taunton, aged eighty-two, Hannah Mur- swamp. By cutting cleats and nailing calculated represents in weight some This exploit, was repiated half a dozei- sggs of ants,) wero placed in a path aso aro ready to ho signed." ton, a maiden lady. Sho vowed several thorn transversely to tho sido of this 300,000,000,000 of pounds. "Mun, in times. The enterprising brothers had vhere ants.^ravel. A single individual "Suddenly, between two gusts .of "What case ?" {roars ago that no follow should over troe, as 1 had proposed to do befuro be- fact," writes Mr. Huxloy, "is but ono of accumulated a handsome amount of 'mind moke, one of our wounded, lying out them and undertook to carry "Application for divorce." ouch her, living or dead. In pursu- ginning this exploration, I was enabled (mo vast eo-oporativo society of herringmoney, when public sentiment precipi- hem to their home. Several were car- in the open plain was seen to wavo his "Hut I'm not tho man." ance of this resolution, about ton years to climb to the height of ninety foot, • ite.hors, and tho larger share he takes tated a disaster. The men of Del Norti- •ied by the single ant patiently enough, rand feobly, as if for help. It was one "Ain't yon ? Well, you look like him. inco nlio purchased a coflin, iu which, whonco I viewed the smoko column ris- Iho less thero is for tho rest of the comwent out and bunted the Ponds fin tut when twenty chrysolides were :>f our lieutenants, who had been harder from the midmost tangle of tho pany. If man took none, tho other several days, shot them down, nnii lnced in the heap, another ant was ilian any ono upon 'Gentleman Boli,' jet's see? Are you the defondant in the ivhoncvor she felt serious illness, sho ing Jones vs. Brown ensu of trespass? If deposited herself, thus se- iwamp, not moro than livo miles distant. shareholders would havo a larger divihanged thoir riddled bodies to a tree. bund engaged in tho work. Tho pile ind his chance was a poor one, for it so, I am to tell you that tho case is put immediately Tlio imincdiato point whenco Iho smoke dend and would thrivo and multiply in tho gratification of her peculiar •vas increased at intervals till eighty teemed certain death to try and reach over until next Saturday, at tho same curing issued seemed to bo tlio apex of a flat proportion, but it would come to pretty loiiHibility." There aro many casos simiiim through sneh a pelt of shot, while Philadelphia has. an institution, the ints engaged in the undertaking showluiir in tho afternoon." lar to this lady's on record, although mound of about a milo in width, covered nucli tho samo thing to tho herring. In New CenturyTJooking school, the object ng that workers were detailed accor- if a bullet didn't finish him, the scorch"No, I am not Brown." ___ hoy are manifested in a more imperfoet with a mass of swamp growth Absolutely endeavoringto explain tho nirandancoor g sun was pretty sure to do it. of which is the teaching of domestic linR to the de-nands of the cases. Anta "Well, that's all right."~Lei's see ivay. In Hone's "Tablo Book" wo lind impenetrable. My resolution forsoolt scarcity of tho herring, Professor Huxley "All at onco a man was sd*on stepping again eoounmy. A. few weeks ago a party of (attics sometimes last many daya, in mo, and, nearly ibmtl with exposure and naki'x this reply to thoso who liavo ad? I was to tell Byan that his case nviteil guests sat down at a dinner pre- >no case seven weeks, tho victors finally out from tho sheltering thicket,1 anil against Peters for slander would not n account of a gontlonian in Alcantara, fatigue, I made my way bark by the ,'iinced all kinds of bearsy arguments, Hint man was 'Gentleman Bob. He lamed John Boll, who would swoon on pared in this institution, the cost of ;aking the stores and removing them to track I had cleared. One thing is sure, bolstered up by the favorite expression 'ome on this term, and to suggest that which was but eighteen cents per head. ,hoir own houses. Their wars are quite never looked to right or left, but went he amend his declaration. You have learing the word luna (wool) although tliu smoko is thoro and tho mystery is if " it stands to reason." Tho truth is Such on expensive dinner would seeiu justifiable as those of men, when straight to whero his persecutor was lot given tho dates whereon the defend- is cloak was mado of the samo material. llioris. It ought tu bo thoroughly in- that absolutely nothing is known on the lying helpless, and tried to raise him. ml called you a 'reptiln'and a 'snoak." Again, in tho Universal Min/nziue we vestigated." Thoro is no mistaking subject, and that little is likely to be to indicate that the acme of domestic ho object—pillage—is the same. At first the French banged away at him read of a young woman in Namur who Judge White's sincerity or doubting his known until careful and long-continued economy in the matter of furnishing tho Thoy have tho power, too, of knowing like fury, but when they saw what ho "But I am not Kyan." wuenever sho heard a bell ring. truthfulness. Then, too, his compan- meteorological and zuuiogieal observatable bad been reached, but even this members of their own communities oven "Ia that so V That's too bad, bv*. per- fainted The medical pioneer, Hippocrates, men- ions in tho exploration are here, and tions have furnished wonderful clieapne-w has been eclipsed fter six months' absence. Strangers livas doing, several oOiccrs called out, haps definite, inyou can't help it. Was it your tions oito Nicnuo who swooned whon- yonder is the column of black Mnnke, formation respecting tho changes whioh by the giving in the same institution of are always driven off or killed. They Ne tirez pas, vw.t enj'wits' ('Pou't fire, wife who a dinner which was to have coBt nein ro very helpful to each other, and show my boys'), and raised their caps to him Blake ?" eloped with a man named •ver ho heard a (luto. Amatus^ Lusita- towering abovo the swam]), to add con- lake placo in the tomperatures of the sea, uis relates tho caso of a monk who vincing force to his story. I havn tulkeil and tlio distribution of the pelagio cruscents per bead, but was furnished at, a lympnthy in caso ofaccidontor sickness. in salute. Bob lifted tho woundBd man 'No." fainted when lio behold a rosoojiil never much less cost. The bill of fare in- Somo families ofants build arched roads gently in his arms, and shielding him many of tho oldest and brnt-in- taeea which constitute tho cliiof food of 'Then yon am not Mr. Clem. I wan quitted his cell whon that flower was in with cluded pea soup of a very delicate covered by an arch of clay or mortar for with his own body, brought him back formed citizens of tho county, and oil of tho herring shoals." To further this imquality, Parker house rolls, Irish stew, protection against enemies, and show into our lines ; and such acheeras went to tell him that ho forgot to stato the bloom. Scaliger mentions one of his thorn agree that tho smoke column has portant inquiry Professor Huxley advo- " up then I nevor heard beforo or since." particular time at which ho first noticed relations who oxporienccd a similar hor- been visible., with but slight inti.'rnnH- catos systematic international obsorvacurly potatoes, pork and beans, veal coldness in her deineftnor. Let's seo? •pr on seoing a lily. Henry III. of Hions, for at least forty-live years. All tioiiB to be made by the British, Scandi- v croquets, cole slaw, macaroni, rice pud- runt skill in the work, which is under "And did that horrid lioutenant dio, aOh! thorn's that bigamy cuso,. I.was to Franco fainted whenever ho saw a cat. tho old tars on tlio gulf const lino of navian, Dutch, ..and French governding, apple dumplings and coffee. The Iho supervision of trained engineers, uncle V" say to the defenijiint that, tbo prosecutotal cost of tho bill of faro was 82.20, who order a rebuilding if tho work is "Luckily not," answered tho colonel, tion appear to have hunted up and got Tho Duko d'Epornon fainted en behold- steamers plying botween Pousacolu and ments. In our own country a notable not perfect. Some kinds of ants kcer ing a leveret, though a haro had no Cedor Keys are and the number of guests at the dinner effort has boon mado in this direction, .augliing, "for I'm sorry to saytbo 'horwas thirty-two, making the cost per cows, build cow-yards, and milk their id lieutenant' was no other than my- hold of tho testimony of a third fomalo effect on him.- Tycho Brahe, tho snporand Prof. J. Brown O code's exhaustive cows regularly, and don't throw milking who clainiB to have married you in stitious astronomer, was similarly affecthead seven cents. The beef used in study of tho menhadon seems to show self." FAMIL1AJ1 WITII THIS SMOKE l ' l l L A l l , tools at them either to make them Tolodo in 1801, and that your case looks ed upon seoing a fox, and Marshal d'AImaking tho soup was a piece from tho "Oh, tinole 1 were you ever as naughty it is vory plainly visible from a great quite conclusively that tho appearance shoulder, with very little bone, and cost give down," but stroke and pat their as that ?" lisped a tiny voice, in tones of shaky. Wo will, however, do our best bort at tho sight of a pig. Wo hear of as nd disappearance of tho Brcvoortia to pull you through as we do all our a French lady who swooned on seoing distauco on tho water. It is cortainly n ti/rtinn six contB a pound. Tho croquets were backs very tenderly. Of course these amazement. us is duo to differences of tempera very remarkablo and mysterious thing. clients." cows aro the plant aphides, so familiar to boilod lobsters; while Ambroso Pare, a from a neck of veal. ture. 'But what became of 'Gentleman Scon from tho hills south of Tnllahasll farmers and gardeners. 'You aro off again; I am not the celebrated French surgeon, mentions a. Bob' ?" asked an impatient boy. gentleman afflicted with the samo weak- soo, at a distanco of somo twonty-sevon "He's now my respected brother-in- man." 'Dear rao, that's another. Well, all ness whon he saw an eel. M. Vaugheim, miles, tho smoke appears of about the A Cannibal's Argument. Tlio Power of Humnngr. A Nevada Paint Mine. aw, and your papa," said the colonel, right, I was to say tc any now client a great huntsman in Hanovor, folt dizzy volume thrown from tho smoke-pipo of Then thoro is another thing that I Au individual who opened a small exchanging a sly look with a fino-lookThe lodge of terra sienna discovered ; an ocean steamer. Whon thoro is no wish to refer to, and that is tho canni- ;avem near tho field of Waterloo was ing man on the other side of tho room, that Mr. would bo back in an and fainted, or if he had time ho would tho column rises to a great by H. It. Logan, of Empire, near the : balism of the people. I want you to frequently questioned as to whether he who had been listening to the story hour. Goino in and Bit down and look run away whenever he naw a roasted pig. broezo, flaring at tho top. If tho wind Carson river, has been practically tested understand that cannibalism isa reality. did or did not possess somo relics of with a quiet smile, "And now that over tho city directory. Wo will toko Tho credulous Dr. Mather records un height, strong it trails across the wild swamp by house and sign painters in Carson,: The mon'think it perfectly legitimates to tho battle, and he invariably and honest- you've had your tale, go and say good- your caso at tho lowest cash price and account of a young lady who fainted if is like a low-hanging thundor-cloud. and all pronounce it equal in all respeote go out and make raids upon villages, to ly answered in tho negative. But he night, for it's high time for by-by." do our lovol best to win it. Consult on any person cut his nails with a knife in Judgo Whito ho can form no dofin- to the burnt sienna which soils in San got victims ; and they look upon them was very poor, and ono day, while la- —Harper's Young People. other firm until you have given us a hor presence; but if dono with scissors, ito opinion assays to the nature of tho firo Francisco at twonty-two cents perponnd. as so much human boof. Thoy think no monting to nis noighbor not only his trial."—Detroit Free Pess. sho was indifferent. Boylo, tho philoso- which causes the If it is a vol- The ledge is a blanket formation, and is nioro of that than you think of going to poverty, but tho annoyance to which pher, himsolf tells us that he never con- cano, it must bo asmolt*. small oue, and eight feet in depth. The ^supply is inCharity vs. Benevolence. market in this country. They have ravelers subjected him, his friend out quered his uneasiness at tho sound of unliko any other vory in tho world. Tho exhaustible, and all that has boon so for Charity gives, and as ofton unwisely Fooling Away Their Lives. vory little idoa of cruelty. Thoy look him short with: water running and splashing through a crater could not bo over half a milo in found simply has to he ground up and as wisely. ' Benevolence helps, teaches, at things from their own point of view j pipe, and that ho sometimes even faintAllan Eiggor, his wife, and his wifo's 'Well, make one help the other. suggests—puts people'in the way of and . tho smoke vent not more mixed with oil and it is ready for use. and when they get thoir victims, they Make somo relics." ed. Wo are told of Frenoh peoplo par- extont, brother wont to Mariana, and started than a fow feet in diameter, with trees An Appeal reporter was shown samples helping themselves. We have enough, •will break tho arms at the elbow-joint, partial to tho odor of jonquils and "But what can I do?" inquired the if not too much, of the first; wo have homo by way of the Cairo Line track/on ticularly swamp growth springing up close of it yesterday. Two coats is Sufficient', and the leg at tho knee-joint, and then man. foot, They had proceeded but a mile or tubo roses, who will swoon at the around its rim. To an energetic, enter and whon varnished ia ol a bright oherry not too little of the latter. Waste of throw thqni irr the canoes and take thorn. smell of ordinary roses. Orfila, tho or so when the incoming nine o'clook prising man, not fully acquainted with color, and when placed alongsido the 'Tell them that Napoleon or Welling- alms is one of onr Bins, one, too, which homo, cooking ono to-day and'another train camobooming along. The brother distinguished French physician, fur constitutes a Florida swamp jun- paint manufactured in San Francisco •-to-morrow, if the poor wretches livo in ton ontered your shop during the battle, daily brings its retribution'in orowds of of Mrs. Bigger stopped off tho track. nishes an account • of the painter, Vin- what willful idlers, miserable paupers, mon- The husband and wife said they wanted cont, who was seized with violent verti- glo, the approaoh to this volcano would an expert cannot tell the difference.. * that condition. I will not draw pioturos and sat down in that chair." soom viewed from a distance, quite prac- When taken from tho ground it looks '-t Not long afteipui English tourist en- daoioaB beggars and pilferers. If only to see how long thoy could stay on the go and swooned whon thoro wore* roues of those things as I might do;. bnt let ticable ; but a moment's reflection upon like rod chalk, and con be made into ' •• mo, by way of illustration, mention a tered tho" "tavern, and, inquiring for tho overflowing kindness of humanity, traok beforo it was necessary to get off. in tho room with him. facts as they exist will dispol tlio delu- paint on the spot by simply mixing it ', > conversation that I had with a cannibal relics, was told tho chair story. The which now expends itself'in ill-advised On camo the train. Just as tho locomosion. The swamp in question is near with saliva. Tho Indians used it to just bofoio I loft, and I am not sure chair was bought at an inoredible price. and promiscuous alms-giving, was util- tive came up to the rash, couple they gulf coast, is about fifteen miles in paint their faces and manufacture it by ;| that ho 'had not the best of the argu- Tho next comer was informed that ized in effortB to teach tho poor how to stopped off, but wero struok by a corner True religion is not merely a winter* tho is flooded with water grown combining it with fish oil. Mr. Logan ' ment. /When I was talking to him about Wellington had taken a drink, and the manage and make the most of what they of the tender of the engine. Both wore time experience. It is a perennial and diameter, full everything, from gnarled oypress says he can furnish it by the ton and Wellington tumbler was accordingly tarn, and in finding work for thorn to cannibalism, and wishing him to give it an eternal life. It is not a something knoesof to killed.—S, Louis Republican, brambles, which coin, money at five cents a pound. The '._ sold. The third arrival gazed 'with do, it would be better for the interests up, he said: whioh mysteriously drops down out of can serve green-briar to impode tho explorer. Add dome of the capitol needs to bo painted," " breathless wonder at the nail on which of nil. Those Wio have enough of this the skies full-blown; it comes by an ;to this mosquitoes, gnats, foul air, aid "Bat, yoii know, it is only our one- Bonaparte had hung his hat; the fourth world's goods to feel any obligation restA silent look of affection and regard exeroise of the "will, by intelligent Vonemous serpents, and you will bogin and what would he more appropriate, mieB; we nevor eat our friends. It is purchased tho door-posts between ing upon them to ameliorate wretched where quest, by an increasing faith; and when to soo the difficulties, No boat can en- than to have it covered with want takep'.S all othor oyos are turned coldly whioh ho had entered, ana" the fifth beconditions aro'generally satisfied with right to eat enemies,- Have you no it comos it comos to stay, not for a seafrom Nevada Boil f— Carson Appeal. '' £ came the happy purchaser of the floor alms-giving. It is the ooBiest way, and away—tho consciousness that wo pos- son, not as a guest with whom you are ter, liecaaso, even where tho troes and enemies in your" "country ? " • . sess tho sympathy and affection of one I was obliged to say wo had people on whioh he had trodden. At the last tho common thought is psychologized being whon ell otbors have deserted us to have a few feasts, and then inevita- bushes aro out and removed, tho stumps will he in the way. Oi course, investiSome Boston ladio's not wishing to M S who wore sometimes regarded as ene- advices the fprtnnato tavern keepor had with tho power. —is a hold, a stay, a oomfoit, in this bly separate, expecting anothor vMt gation and oatdone by New York organized a olflT" not (rroof to cover his head, and was mies. doepest affliction, • whioh no wonlth tho next winter, or at the next campunder the title of "Canuorie de Lnndi sitting on a bag of gold in the corner of •OToll," said he, ""do yon nevor Somo happy talent and some fortunmooting. Such ephemeral enthusiasm BOMJTION OV T i m MISTER* I At the lost meeting a paper "Ww reado a dcoppit formed by selling the earth ate opportunity may form tho two sides could purchase or power bostow. fight V" as moroly feels good and shouts, is not I was obliged to confess that wo did, oh whioh the house had stood. of the ladder on whioh somo mon tho abiding Christ. Be siuo that yon aro not impossiblo; bnt as yet to one "Arohioology," and., a'-'-determine* having both means and willingness to though futUe, effort mount, but the rounds of that ladder "And do you novor kill anybody?" If people, know as muon about what aro converted. rosooute the matter has been found. I ladies present to I was-vory glad he did not oak me It is said that at her lost drawing- must be mado of stuff to' stand tho woar tbey think they know, as they think how many, as I could not have told him. room Viotoria very noticeably: snubbed and tenr; and there is no substitute they know about _what others think tbey If Bomo folks had their tray about o not for a moment believe a volcano ingot such There would Lave been no words in his the Baroness Burdett-Ooutta. What are for thorough-going, ardent and sincere know, wo think they-would know more this world how tew people could live is there; but that something exists "melall ' t -whioji for many yoais has baffleij $ o on*. earnestness. language to tell aim that. Bnt when snuba to her ?VBne has a husband, than tbey think they know now. "comfortably Iu it t ilMF.ht TW/.CS, Dr. Jayne, of the New York board of health, says that it is not an unusual thing for him to see a death certificate of a child in which the cause of death is attributed to excessive jumping-rope. In such cases death is usually frpm brain congestion, and where such overexertion in child ^en does not lead to a fatal result it is apt to injure the heart. S • i' >-," • vA ' i - 1 >. '": «.'.ft''tW 1 'V,-i=--' i KE» BANK tt£ti 1&TE11 C O W S NECK. A school meeting for the election of ft :rustce will bo hell here on Friday >AU \ _ L W T t t O M & MOKKOKD, It. nSOAH rilAKiG 11I-<JWN UP BY A P U E MA'JT'HK 1JLABT IN THE lUlSEOALK CKMENT yltABItk'-WESTHL'CnoN UF AN EVE—VK'SUJK&JlfKNT BY RKHOVAL-nY SUIIUICAL Nearly onn hundred now hooks have Mnslcal In^truincnU (if all Wri'la, Includlnp Ul'EltATIUN. ! wen placed in tho library of the Ke'JOHN H. COOK, ANJOS, Mr. O::*'ar Crntpff WILS f»rtjmnn ID a c-pment nn?rry "onncil Sunday-school of this plai'o. VIOLINS, KitM'lKinlf, IJlHUT<!n.,N. V . Jly ull trXpliiBhm UflTATtS, Mr. David Sutphen, who rented Mr. ii' iluy in Mu' quhrry !m lutit au eyv—l"»st It totally. 1'IANOS SOKfiANH, ,:' AT' ^ooinhs's blacksmith shop HOIHO time IHUT an liDpn'^sloii thnt tin: miittiTU'iis li-sssinlnus 1IANU INSTltUMErnS, i;;". h:us left it and returned tp Wlirews'1FES. it- liK'ttl j)tiy.sk']:ui lold ,Mr. Cr.il;.'!.' lliat Ills <-ye WJU MED BANK, MONMOUTH COUNTY, N. J . 'Uiy. DRUMS, i' >t lost vvlioily, lint rniilil IAI buvcl l>y tn'Jitinciil. FLUTES. Many improvements have boon made tii- I'XpL'riinuuL ivas iritti ami (allwl. Wmwi r«UUMT.ItTlNAR, SUBSCRIPTION RATES. AfCOUDEONS, iiiljfd iM'lilml, ft»r !n:\va;s ludail^iT ut lusiliK Hit' Ono Tear 51 w n and around the house; in which JI r. tl'MBALS, FTC. Six Muutiis, ' C. H. C-licunplaiii n-Bidps. It has also fumil.so, tliimi'^h syiii]i:tilii<Tln Inllmninatfen. In Turtitf Uuntlls '"' been beautified with it coat of paint. ilriHinilLliucojiMiltal hi: D-trtdKvhinxly, (•( K«n-•«»•— — »ilt, N. A'., wlutlolU liiin tin: Injurxtl I'yu im^t Ut ADVERTISING RATES. iiki-ii cult tu wivu tin; ntliiT. Tu thin Mr. Cmlfijr ili-AND SO DO OTIIKKS. ('liurflii!s. I/nlpi".i, nml Rdinnfc will lK) furnlsliuU '. ~ \v. •i\v. 1 i n . '-i i n . .'i i u . | IJ l u . j 1 i_: uirntl, uml vt-ntliacli lioniu i n »toul»t. Ilia IIK'JII Illi a i>liiiii>uriinuri.Miiu! iiny ittUUsrn mul liy ally A Kfiitlcnian of sv.-eeiLsliurii, N. J., uayr.; "I have 1 •tiy.-ilflH.ii wild: " G n t u N i w Vnrk." Tu New Yurk iiaki-r, atu j >\ ^ii i;.r.n; in '.(HI 2.-.T, 1 lnr.ll.. J.73 taken 'Kennedy's Favorite HIIIIHHI)' fur kidney rumi;,,-r,|iii.'Mi in.. lie imtlt'iii wr.nl, and one; of tliu luost oniiru'iit {xv I..' /l:ilnt, mul with tilt! l»et;t results." So have UKHIHK.;:iMVii!, --JIM I. 3 " '.'. Iirttttin the cnmiiry, hnvlnjr hmkitl ut ttiu WLSC, 4 " .. •S.~*t io.7r>fi:.'Hi sum IIIII of othur fnlks. Thine who know "Favorite till: "ymilmvi'l(i.stitne'* i y««iitlivly; [,'otuick mul Iteniedy" never tlilnknr t«kliiir imylhlnff else for 5 " .. .-l.ll.l i:i:<i|4i.in| a w owLiit yiaican to savt! tint oilier." HrlHly, Dr. Mc.il... IB.iHjil.in .1J.il iilney complaint, liloml dlserwH, rheumatism anil ,sju iii.ili|ir,.ni lil.'l-.';'.V.IIil| lil.l/l 4,50 scares of common ill*. Il l:t a household frienil, iiml ;»-nninly rnituvrd tint ruliicil ryi*. nnd treatnl Mr. 5.S1 K.O) nun 1-J>.|[.1S.WI We keep on linml a inUp stock (it !l«l mrt costt yiui only one ilollnr In put n iHittli- on ynjir :raf,L'tf wlili K.V8UMH« aiui tint result WUHsuccessful. 1 cuC HUM 15,!W! 19.00 Dr. Ktsnncfly'McrwilKiiWA'asiwa Burgeon lu duo SIIECT JIUSIC, ,lielf. "Fmorlti- I1CIIII»V" lii'Vi-r falls. Dr. uavlil Loral notices 15 cents I»T Hue. • ilif \imi of" FavD.riUi Huuiudy " In the after trefttiifdy, TlDiiiloul. N. V. Address JOHN II. COOK. iKith Yurftl nml Inslnnnental. lti.il llnnk, N. :'IU. .•\ re you thniblwl with dyspopsln, liver complaint, 4'oi!l-!i-\»oiil l i t i>;ir tin c u t . PI AKOS TUNED insiliijiiluii, <ir JiinKi^rimsut of tliu Kidneys MH) RED BANK, N. J., JUNK 20, 1«U. rf iimii-r thin hi-iiil ulll lie 1;H1UIT, tln-li use Dr. KouiMHly'j "RivorlUi r,»!inliy a skllllul w o r k n u i , Hi. ll.h-nf ilv." IL will not (iisipixiint you, "Dr. Kennedy's oNi: CI-:NT A wimn Our Fourth Year. irlii- nrmcily" {(irtijilt) liy nil ilrn^'lst 1 *. R for 8pv<ial f^oottii will nseolro prompt n t THE RnaiSTKit cnlebriiti'B it "ir.-ippy 1LL1AJ11 H, WOmtELL, 1 1IJEAI prices ami /;<-od u-oi-k :it 'l'lll'. New Year" of its own to .day. Three ALLSTKOJI & BtORFORD. 7Ilmil.:Ti!l! olilrc. l'nn;: s m u t , liiil Ilimk, N . J . years have passed since its editor made BUJJljANK, N. J . , nENTRAL STAGE U N E ' liis firet liow to this community and we \ V \m\ want to sniokii a good cigar, HIB begun tlio muimfacture ol tils c Uiy It at PIU-II'H )o!il,iii!/ hmirfc are aliout to enter upi'ii rmotlier year, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY UROAD STREET, lUiD BANK, N , J . lext. SPECIAL DISCOUNT. vv oapcr for the work liefore us nnd urntcftil for tlio npiirc'ciiiliuii shown us in the past, M ONEY to lonfi. l'INTAIll). Apply to ICE WM. CREAM SODA [CUSTOM DEPARTMENT.T Our custom ilupnrtinunt ia ruplcto wflh foreifni uul (iiiincstic uovclUos for tlio .spring ami Kiiiniiiur ;rode, together with a full liny of tjiuplc Kouda. I HATS AND VAVS. a Tho h a t nnd n i p (lppfirtmont, whlrli was milled iliimt a yiiir a(^o, liau b t v n n mmci'ss, ttiiin.'liy onilillni,' mil loirfrcr tills s u n * tur a siniilli^r pmllt, Ili-n) vrlll lit; foniiil nil KIKIIIS <>[ ull ili-.-ilgiiii anil Kuiuliicliired, to mitt nil tutted uud at all ;irla'S. 0•a I GENTLEMEN'S FUKNISIHN<1B. ry^HUspi'iiilers, cults, rtilliirw, lu-i'k weur, etc., •tc, nil nf u'lilrlnviMircaollliiK at mtus IICVLT before ollerwl in Ilcd 13auk. - "WM. V. WILSON," A Hiipcrlor quality nf WATER ICES, of various Iliivon, will nlso l » kept on hand. W.rmrtRI.L'S CELEBItATED IIOOT DEER, Tim IH'HI nianiifiu'ltinHl In ru>il Itnnk, miiili1 from li'il iiuulily malurlaty, with no ttuk-lerlous |irojinled, w i n run iM'twH'ii Port Moiniionth nml New Tor, (li»it ul Cuiinl s t r m t , I'ler 41, N. U..1 im fitll'-ws: I.KAVE I'OIIT MONMnlTII. I.KAVK XKW YOilK. •nilny, 1st U l»l) ii.in.Frlilii.v, 1st.. ..I'-'W u.m. SMiir'.tuv. -M .. Sitnnluy.'-M. .10 HI " And Lliuran lieb all that caused this later venture in jonrnaliMii to quickly Rain popular approval, and thnt made lhe period of (rial nuich rhorlcr than juiglil have IILVII expected in tt county t;o eitm-f,iny. lltll. S V> " Weir:iit:iy,litb.!'> <>1 a.m. iiiis'lny. ;ih .'ISO •• I'lnuvh.v.rth.! " lionr the metropolis and su numerously l.h.v. >-lli. , C O " KrUiiv, Slh.. II Nl " represented in the rank mul file of the ..nn-iliiy. lull .MM " Siitiinlny.lllli.9iilp.nl. M'Hiiluy, Illli ..HIM "llM-unlay, lllh S (W " press. .To hold up a mirror that shall Tlii^lay, ISIIi . . SOll " ' Til.s.lliy. IVLtl-.l (XI " reflect only what is pleasant to, all eyes Welllli'-alnv, Will K 00 " WYit'ti'liiy.lillll.l <»> " 'I'linrstliiy. ULli.. s o u " Thui-MU'y. 1 llh.8 :illn.m. and soothing to all minds is an easy bisk, Friday, i s m . . .0 ml " 1'rtiluy. I5tli ••« s i " nnd -where tlie standard of civilization ftitnnlny, 10th. » l » " bitunl'y.ir,tli.lll nl " M,.u,!;,r. lsili. . ..100 " Monthly, Mill..R-I) " and intelligence is low, may prove a Tupwlll'v, l'JIli 5110 " Tllesd'y, 10Ul.Ul «• " llii-«'!:iv, Ullli :)00 " Wrtf»i'y.llllll.lOI»l ' profitable one. Huch papers are printed i-s.iny.Ulst . ..-100 " Tlinrs,l'y.'Jlsl.lH« " ...son " Frliliiy,i2,i ...Kon M nearer Ited Bank than (.)u!i:iUtiiliii<>ple(ir n i ' i i i y , 2 i t • inlay. "Jail .."00 " Saturday,'A'kl. 2 <M p.m. St. Petersburg. But lo hold tlie editoiilay. asiii. . ..TOO " MHIUIIIY. auii a m " ubiy. aith K m " Tut'xil'y.snili.Jl Ml " rial mirror BO that it shall take in tin lii'Mtiv. uriii ."no " WcKTsluy.'-Ttlil n) " whole scene before it with Lhe iiTeniKti- •rim: -.,i[:,v. iWtli s o d " Tliin-^i'y, Wtli.7 an ii.m. SLlMl .Him " Krlilny.'-".HIi s HI " hje and honest thoroughness of lhe hand- i-Milnv. Saturday, Mill ..ami " Kalunl'y, M i l ll ail " glnsg that shows us the freckles, tin F A R E , 3 0 C U N T ,S. wrinkles nnd all the other blemishes All liiu-k fclplit must l«> p,iM [or nil ili'livery. upon our facos, is not so easy, so pleasant or (at first) so prolitable. This Tin; KEII I DANIEL I!. TOOK ISTER set out to do and this it has done ever since. This course has made it en Hue nnv; nil liali'l a hirer rinamityo! cmiCB and many of them, hut, on lhe other hand, many who were its enemie CAHHAvJE AND C'KLKUY have recognized the justiei' nf its course and seeing such Mown as they ruceivei W l l l c h I V lM Mi'llltJR administered unsparingly on nther who have been rrmi.,:<, have juinei tho army of our frit'inU anil are tin An.I In warmest friends nl all. Others, perhaps compliment us hy remaining in a slatt (JL'ANTITIKS TO 8UIT, ofiangor towards us. At any rate in tin DANIEL II. .COOK, future, us in the past,we shall try to sel forth all the news including that which MMtUi'lown Tuwnshlp, K. J . I'. O. .1 I Ir e n by exposing wrung doing, will beiielit IIKli HAS'K. N. J tho majority nt the cost of displeasing the few. /••iAHl!A(iK A N D CKLKRY l'LANTH Besides its reports of what is going oi i ^ / n - e l v . P.v Hie m > . I.<V-N) t , r III.INKI. n r . ! - r ! n : at home Tim Riiiihrrici: provides its road ll,>'.-' |.l-i:i!h;i' li-.v I ' l i n - ^ . Si-ti't liv p o s l i i l fin- i-:il!iliij.'iii ers witlf tho news of the world intelli II. L. TRAITOR 11, gently condensed nnd skilfully arranged LITTLE Bll.VEIt, MliNMOl'TII CO., N. .1. and this it does without any of the col oring or pruning that political bias lend jVKW JEWr.I.KKY STORE! to tho reports of partisan publications, .M.I.KN'S IM/H'K, I'KONTST., ItF.D IIA.S'K. Wore than that, cur readers every week Beat themselves before a iiterary repast CLOCKU AND . made up of the be.it that is to he found JEWELERV, in thoso magazine* ami perioilu'als SoliljiHtl Ropairexl, which employ the brightest ami the best I'J.ANTS, AT LOW I'JtICKS Always on Sale. Alsn, n full ^ •nfirtlolii-iy. nf slallmiiTy, toys, nuts anil WILLIAM II. WORHELL, HOAI) STBBKT, A Tlieru will nlso 1W found a t my JOSEPH F. VANDERVEEU. All klnila of miMt», lnclmllnK 183 1ND 830 QnEENlVICII ST., NEW YORK C1TV, PartlcH iliwlrinff to him teams for plensuro ilrlvi'jr,ir iHinlni-ss |iur|w>Hi-H, will iiilvanw tliuir unii itcitisls liy Klvlnp uii! a will, DEEP, MUTTON, LAJIU, VEAL, PORK, Eto., MERCnANT T A I l O n AND CLOTOIEn, nnvnys on lnuiil. Tim natn>niu;i' of tliu-publlc ia aulldtcil ami satls'actlua (;ilanniti!e<l. \ \ v iilsn litH'p on linnil TERMS UEAStlNADLE, SMOKE!) MEATS. SAUSAd'E, POULTRY, ETC. S. KETCHAM, CENTRAL LTTERY STABLES, RED BANK, N. J. 1) T. SMOCK, Wo linvc tliu uedt iissortmont nf SMOCK & WHITE, DABBAGEancLCELEHY PLANTS, vn and l'ackod nltli creat cafOi Circular, wltti low prices, trco. J . T . LOVETT. I m t l Bu.T»». W. J. I>gs to say to the Indira that lio " hiis tin umisimlly larpo nssortment of New Luces nnd mndoup Liico Qootls, C. PINTARD. N. IJ. - I ' i i H i t ^ p u n h n s S u c IMMWISIH ltcrt IVmkcnn iy |i-;n itiij HM-II- piickiij^fs ami a i M r c w r s nt tlin sturo tf Wm. <'hllil. lmvi' tlit'iuiii'llvcntt u i their liutnc:< it u ri'imniiiiili- i>x|ti'iisi'. A. FliliNCII & CO, JIOSIER Y.\ ,<t nnnrF.STin LTQITOKR, l-'DKKKiN i t IKIMKKTK! LlyUOIiM, FOUliUJN & UO.MESTIC LllJUUiW, The aBSortment of Hosiery now on c.\iuuiiion hy us Hur- lieforo uhown. MRS. In all lhe nowest nnd prettiest Description of Hum J'iromou's Fair. at TitE UEIUSTIJR Qlllce, and a t Motler- Tlio fair nnd festival for tho bcnnflt of tlio Navesink Hook and Lndilor Komiinny alo Utitcs. will be opened nt tlie Fireman's hull on , Mocbanio Btreot next Holiday, July 4lh, and will cqntinuo throughout tlio week. Tlio fair will open on tho different days as follows: Monday, 10:80 A. i t . ; Tuesday, fl P. w . ; Wednesday, 9 A; M. ; Thursday, 8 P. M.; Fritlay, « p. M. StiturSay,' 0 A. M. Tlio fli-cmtin's parndo ELP yourselves by making nionc will take pluco on Thuiisduy. A trumpet wlmn n ^iililcin ciinnpo Isoffcrcil, tliurohy nlwnj kouplntrpnviirty friim yourilmr. TliiisowlKinlwu' trill lie voted for during tlio week. Iakn*ii>ivnnl4uce t>r tlie JIIKXI <:linun>a fur mnklnc rnrii : • , . _(J——» oy UnaiilMSuroil.miemllylKirainij wealthy, will tlitmti who do not lmprovo mti'li ciimiceji ruiniiln li a ,, The hack licenses at Asbury Pnrk urc poverty. Wo wnnt miniy mun, women, lmyn nm beenforood andnsinrtlHi wltlwut uli™> nsefwin ttli-ls ti> work for u s riKlit In tliolr own ltii-Rlltlc e comralMtonors win bo lurraltuxl tu com uy |i u - 'Rio Inuliicsa will pny moro Man ten tin™ nnllnili w n p a . Wo fninlHli on oxnon«lv6 outnt mid till Hi yinlntHiil.trco. 1 No ono who enimflts fulls to m i * ,'/ nuiiuiy very ropldly. Vmi pitiluvote your wlml niuued . Buckley, living nt tlmo lo Ilia work, or only yo ir ninniiiinnieiili, Ft 'W^oa'aU/'tollicl to tlio uimmut of Infnnntitliin mm all Hint b/icuiliM nual Jrco. Ai Ufua ST«iW(l * Co., 1-ortlaiiil, Uuliiij. H nnd Is now prepared to receive hair and ponibl '" it-chins worli Riuirantecd. Fur reti^nMic WIIHM n:fur in tliu iH'st'citlzuuaof IWd Bnuk, loi wlioui I liavc Uoue work. GIOVOH Cleaned and Returned rt£ Good na New for 15 Cents. Kid Gloves dyed black. KM Slippers anil O a l t r a IIIKIM'II:;HII'I!. All kiwis of ffouils received for dyoiiijt uud e.lejinlnK. A full line of Funny C,O<KI.S will lie kept cxinsUintly on hand. The Indies of ltd] Ilanknru reaimelfully UIVIUKI UI HIVD inn a cull. MRS. WM. 11. PLKCIINEK. Bmad Street, Red Hank, N.J. UNBERTASEB, Cunins, Caskols, and every requlslto for rum-r UPIIOLSTEniNG IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, J. MARKS, NEW YORK CITY. u M0HFORD BnOTHEItS, •.GINGHAMS.: I\ \ W. A. FRENCn & CO. •• Attention is called to ourstock of Seersuoltors nnd Slndros Gingliams, whicli innke such benutiful wash dresses for spring nnd summer wear, PIANO, Inquiro of In nil tho spring colors; wo still claim this to'bo'the best low priced glovo in tho market, LOW FFlCESI Boforo making your purchases dsvwtiorD, call ,.»l Urn . -.SEWING MACHINE^.: A. &. F. Co.'s Wnrc-RooiriB, Allon's Block, FRONT STftF.ET, ItED IIANK, Nrar Itallroiul TXv pot, and imanilnii tliulr u t i r t , wlinrn yini will lln u full Him nl lliiuso mnilsliliiff UIMXIS, conaimini! n Agent for Domestic Bowing Machines nnd Fashion Pupors. PARLOR AND BED-KO0M SUITS I Contra anil Extension Tntilon, SlimilM, I/IUIIKOS. 4 c Cutlery, Orockory ami GIOHS-Wart). \ Hod Dank, N.'J •V\7"ILLIAJI n . CONROW, OYSTER AND LUNCn H0OMS, RED BANK, N, J . This popular establishment, on tlio m u l lcmdlni to tho summbnnt iJindlnfr. baa bocn lmpruvud nm rollttcd fur tlio season of 1831. CII0P8, STEAKS, ETC., COOKED TO OIIDER. FISH AND 0HAD9 IN TIIEIII SEASON. CLA5I8 ROASTED TO OttDER. Beat quality of food a t reasonable prleas. Lager Bottled for family uso. Old and New ale on Draught, pholcu cigars of tho most popular brands. ' : THE "FAVORITE1' KID GLOVE.: A First-class Soven-octnvo II Red Bonn, N. 1 USIAN HAIR GOODS, WIGS, W(<1S, Wf(iS. BRAIDS, BIIAIDS, I U U 1 M . BAKERY. Curls and Frizzes Naturally Curly, All Klnrls of Tlnlr Guoils Constantly o n Ilanl or Mndo to OrUor ut tlin Shortest Notlco, GRAY HAIR A SPECIALTY, WE WABRANT ALL OUIt WOUK AND GOODS Tft 11E Ab ItBrilKSKNTED Mr. Wilson's hreii'l nmv 1MS obtntnotl nt tho followliiK I>1R«'S: Red llauk: M. HollyWfKxl's Imkery, WiiHliluuton nt'L'ct, J. M. Smith's RiiKMTy Htun>. cor. Front strct't uud Muplu avunuc, s . B. Uobiirn'a rosCombings mmlo up at Ixvwpst Rat«B an^ Wumnt, Front struct. in Firat-Class Stylo. Fair ifuvon; dipt. n . L. Brown's frrocory store. Oiuyinlc: C. LnnRHiruct's; EnriKlit HHM.'S nnd Harry ruttL-rsnn's trrwory sUm>fl. Soiibrijrht: Joseph Sliorninn's pmc«ry Btoru. E a t o n t w n : J , W. Jubnson's Switches Dyed any 8lia.il?. gi-ocery storo. ^kxxls BenttoyHall. Mr. Wilsoti has aitAhllsho<l a ilnlly routo throjifrh H^il Hunk, Shruwsbury, KtilonUnvn. LoVij? IlmiK-h 8 Brond Street. Slnco U a uml Tin ton Fulls, and nnotlmr tlironjtti thu C4i.st«ni Store (ormcrly a t No, Drcat sldnof IUHI Itank, FiUr Hnvnn, Orwinio, SwibrlRlit, Itiimaiin Nw;k and rnrkttrvlllo. 1'artlua nt any of thtwo pluaw mnv IKJ wupplitil with Tresh brtiad every NO. 24 BROAD STREET, UP-ST-AIRS.. lmimtiiff by nuttfyiiiR LtHi subscriber, or tlio drivers Ol till) WOKOUS. '• MES. WM. MALCHOW. Wll. II. WILSON. Soil only Rood sound pine iinil oak wood, Sell nnim but tliu best gradea uf coul, Sell no dirt with their coal. Front Street, Astaury Park, WILLIAM H. CONROW, Dealer In NEW JERSEY. DAILY AND TTF.EKLY PAPF.RS, BOOKS, MAGAZINES, ETO. Anbury Pnrk Is located directly oppo- | _ i Hitu tlio colubmted OL«an Grovo camp- ^ U meeting (frouuds meotlng (rrouuds (Wesley Lake dividing • • FOREIGN AND DOME8TIC FHUITS. " two PIOCCH), four mllca helov Genn ,_1 Grant's cottago at Long Bninchi DB1NK SAGUES'S CKLRimATED HOOT DEEH. & _(cw ' Jersey, over ono ttiousaod cotTUE BEST IN TOWN. tapes have tieen built at Asbury Park and Ocean Grave within six years, costS. S. 8ARUE9, Ing over one mlUtim ifoliart. Anbury No. S3 Broud Street, Red Bank, N. J . Park fronts Uirccily ou Uie ocean. It dooanot front on a* bay, or sound, <uf TTENBY E. SCIIEOEDEK, river, but on ttio broad Atlantic, stretch- B _ lng away for thousands of miles. As- e ^ t DISPENSING DRUGGIST, hury Park was assessed In 1809 at i> S15,00O: tho assessment for 1870 was ^ \ f*3 $750,000. StroetB runnlngatrJgSit an- L J t BP.OAD STREET, RED BANK, N. J . U J gl^a to the seaans.frQinone to ti^o nunr. drcd feet wkle-an ulvinlaeo'. , ed'by no otlier seaside resort on tne RELIABLE DRUGS ONLY. I Nmv Joreoy conn, O A full lino of SOAPS, SOAPS, TOOTTT nitUSIIES, TUUTU B11USUE8, CIIAMOIS SKIN3, CHAMOIS SKINS, SPONGES, SPONGES, ii, V, PEIIFVMEBV, OUT OI.ASS BOTTLES, O OUT OLAS3 BOTTLES, TVliarf Ayonuo, Near tho Post-Ofllco, 1 HED BANK, NEW JERSEY. Asliiiry Park, opposlto Ocean Crovo, can bo reached direct by tho CENTRAL R.ui.ROin or Ntw JKHSET, from tho foot of Liberty street. New York, via Jersey Clt3r, and also In summer by Btcnmbpat from, foot of Bectof sJiHjt, 1 N. Y., to Sanily Hook, affordlnto lino view of tho Narrows, harbor fortmcatlons, otc. So there nm two lines of , communication. From Philadelphia, tho tare run to Anliury Park direct. Itallroad tlmo from New York to Anbury Park, 2 hours; express In summer, 1 about 1Mhours; and from Philadelphia a to Asliury park, ShqurpandM mlnI utes. , ' •' t 10.00 OUTFIT furnished free, wit TOII.F.T RETS, FTC, Tho terms of m\a of lota In Anliury -«.' full Iiutruetlons for conducting tho most profit- TOILET SETS, ETu., Pnrk nio 11s follows:1 Fint. WhenH TOILET 8ETR, F.T0. able business that liny onerantnupigo In. Tlic buslparties build, no money will In re- Lne«, Is so ensy to letirn, ami our JnutriiGtlom aro sc TOILET SETS, ETC. Hiilml down, but n mortgaRO run be • _ • ulniplo ami ptuln; that any one can make, grant given, piiynblo In 10 years, with the r j limlltH Irom tlia vury stnrt. Noonocan full who la I prlvllcgu of ton ronownls, making tho * ^ wllllDg to work. Women aro as successful as men. principal sum duo ipo, years honce. Roys nnd fflrls ran enrn Inrsu sinus. Mniiyhtm I ScconiK Whon pnrchasor erects a cotSCIIROEDEB'S PHARMACY, mailo at tliu bunlncsfl over ono hundred dollars In n tatto coBlIng over $(0Cfl, a loan of one- • 1 slnclo wcok. NntliliiK like It over Known befom third will bo made, for wtiloh a rnort- rTl All wno onmute aro surprised at tlio case anil gm?e will bo taken to cover amount of RED DANE, N . J . rapidity with wlilch thoy nrp nMo to make money. BUOAD 8TREET, loan and valuo of thn lot—mortgage p r i You can engage In this business dining your spare paynktolnSyears, 27ilr<J, When pur- \*+ time at great profit. -You do nDt hnvo to ltivos pARRIAGE MAKINO, PAINTING,. chaaor build! without loan, anil wishes . capital In It. Wo take all tho risk. Those who need to pay cash, 10 nor cent, discount will n i rauly monoy.should write, to us a t onco. i l l furbenllawed. No lots will be sold unless iTJ nnd nished (roc. Address TIWE li Co., AuinisUi, Xalno. Tt\ Improved upon within 6 montlu from . . HOUSE SHOEING UJ. datoof agroenent. Address, ' " - m At tho old established stand In B OUTFIT sent free to those who wieli CJ JAHE8 A. BIUDLEY, or I8AA0 , _ . to enpip-e In tlio most pleasant and prontnbU MECHANIC STREET, r 1 BEALE.85J Pearl St., Now York, m biulncsa knowu. EtcrjllilnR nuw. Capital not reRed Bank, • .NowJorsoy. Qiitrod. Wo will furnish you every thing. SlOada) and unwards is cofllly maile without staying nwa; from homo over nlglit. No risk whatovor. Man; AUBN R. COOK, Aibury Talk, HORSESHOEING are making fortunes at tho businoss. . Ladles mnki New Jorsoy. na much us nron, noil young boys and Rirls make proftiptl; attended to by old and oxporloncod workgroat pay. No ono who Is willing to work falls ic men. . make, more money ovury day titan can bo mado In a IIAMD MADE SHOES UBED. weok a t any ordinary employment. Thoso who on. gngo nt onro will nnd a short rond to <VirtunD. Au. Interfering remedied without fall. dross 11. IIAULTT ft Co., Portland, Mnlnu. Carrlnge Wotk and Jobbing ol all kinds st roNEW JERSEY. dace* prices, ,. .. , S CARPETS! R. T. SMOCK, Drussels, Tnpiatry, Ingrain, Ung ntiil Homii. .',! Q.E.0K0E A. WHITING, S. SAGUES, COAL AND WOOD. COAL AND WOOD, SOLE AGENTS FOIl TITE FAMOU; IIEKJIANN IIUEWEUY LAGEU UEEH. 'JL'--'-- At 7.05 and 8.0(1 a. in., 12.51, 4.43 nnd 6.211). m. 11KTUHNINU. LEAVE WtEEll(ll.l) For Red Itank, &c., Ac, at 7.4& a. m., 12,2^ ttni) 4^iO p. til. KEVPORT CONNECTION. All trains of Central inllraid tunncctlitg vllli new nillroiiil route 10 Keypnrt vln. Matanan, C^"lty flm llnu leaving lied Bank at 7.5B a. i a . runnoctlon la made with the JameslmrK Brnncti i>t Uie 1','iiiisylvunlii n.u.lor EiifllBliluwn,Jim ' TreuUin, &v. 3. E . ; Juno 1,1681. Siin't. aiid Treasurer. 108 Front Street. Fresh Bread, Ciikn, R«»lls, otr., of superior quality, uiurnlugund evening. Spring and summer Merino Underwear. OIL-CL6THSI Tickets to Freehold tinil Return, $1.00, promiul; HUMAN HAIR GOODS, HUMAN HAIR GOODS, HUMAN HAIR GOODS, : MERINO UNDEHWEAR.: Aim), n (ull.llno of Cnrrlafrol Mnlcrtals of nil. klnili rctiulred by rarrlimo IHIIMITH. Affrlculliiral Inil>]umi>nt», Hnnl Wnro, l'ulnla, oils mul Vurnlnlira Allnfwlilr.hwiiorrer nt tlio very LOWEST UA81I I'niOES. Call and oxnmlno.' Wo will toko pleasure InBlum'JniryuitiiiniabKk. ' TUK AOniOULTtmAL AND FUnNITURK CO. Alltn's l ' l S l t ,A l l ' Bluck, l Kcil i llauk,* N. J. NEW ROUTE TO FRF.EIIOLD. Excursion Satisfaction as tofitand prico guaranteed. dealers In W. A. FRENCH & Co, Executed 8S5 p.m.'for Tonia'lUvor, all stations to Rnysldo nnd Caimli'ii mid Atlantic ltallway. 5.11 p. in. fur ParmuiKdale, MimcliusUT, Tuuat Klver, Itarnef>:!it, etc. 18.45, 7 33 |i. 111. for Port Mfinmnutll. Luuvo Port llonmoiitli lor Red liauk, tSf) n. m., 2.15 p. 111. FOR FltEEIlOLD VIA. FnEKUOLD AND NEW 1 YORK RAILWAY. Loavo Roil Dank at0.48and7.58a.m., 12.43,1.33. 4.40,5J3nnar.ailp. in. Loavo Freehold atl(.80,7.45 nnd ».10a. m., 1S.30, 4.25 and 5.30 p . in. For further particulars goo Umo-taMc at stations, JOSEPH S. IIA11RI8, II. p . BALDWIN, Gen, Muimt'iT. flen. l'ass. Afinit. TURKISHIN'G My facilities for maklnpr clntldnj* to order aro not tiuriui&jwl by any huusu In tlio city. WM. IT. WILSON, FANCY HUE A D, 0 AKE, PIE & CRACKER D AKER, Coiuor Whito SLnsa and Maplo Avuuuu, RED 1JANK, N. J . COAL AND WOOD, and Ornamental Job Printing Promptly LEAVE RED BANE, 751 a.m. for Toms River nnd nil stations to Darrido, 0.21 a. in, for Furuitngdnlu, Manchester, Turns ltlv- and SHIS. DOIIDEN'S NEW BUILDING, ON BROAD STREET, wltll n Inrfifo stock of JIJORFORD BROTHEKS, designs, JPOH SALE. Every WJI. B. TLECIINEU mid ri'si'octfnlly Inrnrm tlinclllzfn.H ol n c l Bank iui'1 vlr.lnlty mat she has (HRJIUHI n store In Kid -.BUTTONS: WATISKS. with enrved case. WAY. ConimenfluEJum.'SJtli,11881, CABINET MAKER COMETIIINO NEW FOR RED BANK nriTTLEns DF WEVER NEW JERSEY SOUTHERN BAIL- which Induili^ nil tttnnriard goods and many noveltics. The HtiM-kromlstscnllirlyof huw and suu ablu KOOUS uud will bu sold ut buttoui priutw. 189 AND 230 GREENWICH STREET, ]ias5ea any that wo havo over RED'BANK REGISTER n t O N T 3TKEET, HED HANK, N. J . Soutli "Imooy a t 0.48,7.58, Ojji and 11^0 a. HI., 12,48,3.88,4.40, 5.53,7.80 and 10.18 p. ni. Long llninch, Ocinii Ururc, sea Olrt, Manncuan and Point Pleasant, HZi.T.n. tl.ai and 10.83 a. m., 12.06,1.30, 3.23, 4.40. 5.33, 5.43, 7.10, 8.00 and B.06 p. in. ^ " Trenton, and MiUiuliilHiia. via, "nouad llrnnk Houti!," atd.'ia and 7J!I a. ni., 12.11, «.?3,4.40 end %53 p.m. " GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS R. J. WARDELL. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RED BANK, N. J . MERCANTILE TEINTINO HOUSE I have now on hand a large and welt selected stocK' of Goods at Wholesale and Retail. "l'CI>' con. nnoAD AND MECHANIC STREETS, TIIE " Kt"n> on Broad Street, ndjolnlnz J . \V. Clilld's TRAWBERRY PLANTX ALSO COMMON GROUND UYEM. V A pamphlBl tailing vlut Tarlttlalto rlnnt aodbov t 1 to phnl ihoa, tosuUur «llb til Deided lDrorwilloD I 3 n u ™> UJ ,,_ T < L OVETT, Utllt Slim, MMBWUI Qt.,*.!.j ISO AND 230 GREENWICH ST., NEW YO?IK CITY, to be found ontsldo ol New YorK. I V r s o n s I c n v l n ^ tlii'lr inltln'swcH n t I'lllior o f t . l r t i v i ' - n i i i u f i i iiliict'ji w i l l b e vvjilted >m ( u i ( i n l ^ ft> la cxtamlrn a n d complftt*, ami romprisfia a preat vai1t>ty of p i r n in its for men, youths, boys and children, l Iiuvti constantly on Imnd rlolttlnp suitable fur any tnulu, lm.simw.4 or profession. Tliu ut^H'k Is entirely nuw uud baa benn pluct'd aLVcryluw ll^ures. SMOKEItS' ARTICLES Win. Chil.l, lir.I Panic. E. Tmaord. Fair liivi'it. I'attiTs*HI & Son, Oceanic, VanJrunt's L'ru^ Slurc, Scnliriglit. linns Branch at 0.35,7.10,7.45,8.15, iff! and lTWa.m., ltM, M0,4J!0, B.40, 7.1B and 10.00 p. m. " Ocean Urore i t .617. 6.65,7.87,7.87,8,49 and 10.44 a. m., 13.13, J.Ot; 4.07, 5.»i, W i i d 0.44 p. m. ' ' ' " l-ulnt Pleasant nt B.65, 0.83,7.05. 7.85, 8*7, 10.22 and 11.50tt.in., 1.40, 3.15, 5.CO, C.S5 uid 9JMp.in. TBAIN8 LEAVE BED DANK. For New Yorlf at. 6.48,751, IJiS, 8.25, \>M and 1J.S0 0. in., 12.13, W 4 . 4 0 , 5 OS, 7.80and 10.13 p.m. LEAVE U I U D I J E T U W N Tlio department of READY MADE CLOTHING Tlie Beat Goods at tlie Lowest Prices." [ N CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. 1 TO 1IKNRY WINANT. JiHIN >l. APl'LIiliATE, rniprk'tiir. By virtue of an unlur nf tho Cnurt of Clianeerv of iniitln on tljts day nnd date tlienMif, In a LAIRE, Cintlies IJIIIIIIIIIIMI in HIM Iwst style nt linv prfeci. New Jersey, wherein William licW, surviving partner, Is 'rU-ti-lLst mi Aii|ilicali^n, SatlfifiLcUun puuruiitouJ. cauwi CENTRAL MEAT MARKET, wnililuliiunt, and you and others a r e ili.fi'ndant.s, >u are requlail to apnenr and plead, answer o r 20 I1ROAD STnEET, M i l BANK, N. J. I'mur, to tlie bill of mild poaiplalnant, on o r Imfoiii No Acids used in Washing Clothes. lie llfth ilayof July next, or tbo said Mil will Iw liikeu as i-onfessitl ii^nlast you. Tho mtil ttlll Is A T WARDELL'S CIGAR STORE, ccliil mtt'H fur fnnilly wnshlnjr. Clothes ra!l«Hl Hied to foreelnsen luortir.i|/e Jjlven by Oorlled W. sun I (lrllycrtiil lu nnv purl uflU'd lliinK uml vl- Thnin|ison and will'. In EUyizor 1'rederli-k nnd Win. olnlng Clillil's bakery, will be foinitJ tlio choicest I'lolil on lands In tin-town or lied Hunk, Mouiiioath Inliy. timnils (if emiiuy. New Jersey, ilotwl Juno 1st, A.I)., 1S7S, nnd orders nmy Im left a t Urn fJlobc IIoU-l, S. S. you, Houry Wlnant, lire made a defendant becnu ues's Nn\vs|iiipiT I>('|MII, <»r .1. M. STIIIMI'S Onu' IMPOItTED AND DOMESTIC ClfiARS, TOBACCO >u llulil a nuirtpiure i>n tuild lands. «in>. Onlci-i liy nuill will rttTlvo pnniiiitnlU'tili BML'FFS, ETC., KTU. llutixl May-till, 1W1. DAN1KI. II. Ari'I.ECATE. Wt\ soil yon a c.lirnr h r FTVE TKATTS wlilcli wll ) INTAHD'S KXPRESS. fnilli'ltnr of Cnniiilaliiiint, 1 foiiinl rcjuiil to nny tlireu-fur-a-ttiKirnjr CIKILI Tr's to, $1.80 luil imnk, N. J. st'ld In Moinnuutli county. !leil r>iink, F;uv Iliivon, Ocotinic, SCJI- " TIME TABP5 IN EFFECT JJINE )»t, l g « . All who iloslro Koort fitting rlotlios, cut lit the latest styltw, well ninito unit a t a nuiHonublo price, Trnlnsleave via. Centnil Railroad of New Jersey for Freehold, Marlboro, lllllsilulu, Mi>rguuvllle,*e., iliould juitruulzu this clfilhliii; tititiibllsiliuit'ut. as bidow: LEAVE RF.D HANK 189 AND 930 GREENWICH STREET. At C.S8 naJ 7J8 a. in., 12.4.1,4.JI-aml 0.13 p. ra. LEAVE LITTLE WI.YKII At 0.53 nnd 7.5.1 a. in.. 13.HK, 4.28 and COB p. ni. noons AND VEGETABLES. ukliiml Stn'itt, Nt'nr (.'tinlnil IUiilnnul Di'iRit, Commencing Juno 27,1881. TRAINS FOIL RED BANE. leave New York n t 5 . « , 7.45, 8.00 and 10.30 a. m., 12.00 in., 8.00,8.80, 4.00, 4.30, 5.80, 0.8U and 7.S0 p. m. " Newark, Broad StrpotStation, nt 7.50,9.10ind WM a. m:, 12.00,8.10,4.00, 4 85, 5^0, «.40aud 7.00 p. m. " 8outu Amboy at 4.5S, 0,49, B.'lt. 10.01 and 1U1 a. m., 1.00,2*1,0,00, eM, H i and K.81 TpREEHOI4> & NEW YORK KAILr My horses aro pood roudators, uud my volilcleB ri; «Lsy anil comfortable. ItED BANK LAUNDRY, w. CLOTHING WAREHOUSE. J. MARKS, NEW INSTITUTION, Im^lit and Rutnson Nock. NEW JERSEY. 80 11IIOAD STREET, UEII 11ANK, K. WHITE & ALLAIHE, RED BANK, N. J . Tin 1 *-Lii*M-rP»»T ui!l r u n u;i Kspwuw Wnmm iliiiiv «it\vrt/n Hrtl I'.unl; a m i Sftilirlnlit, m n t n r i l i i K wltii tin'<'i'titnil Kxpn'.ss a>. nt Ilinl Itaiik uml Kl^ppiujj nt llt>' ali'iviMiiimi'i! lilju'i'S. OrdiTH will In' taken Til' nil klii<ls<>r L'IKHIS am! inoi-'-hitiHlisruiul t!ii'^iim« <ti:llvfivil. ntlli'iwnt Ihi'Ktori'iof ASBUIt¥~PAIiK, NEW JERSEY. pENTKAL MEAT MARKET, at the corner of Front street a n d Haplti nvonui!, TKAMR, SINGLE HlfiB AND SAnill.E HORSES, VILLAUE CAUTS, 0NN1UUSES, lie. ALE, LAGEU I1EEU AND MINERAL POT GROWN nilOAD STREET, LIVERY STABLES, HOUHO, two Publtu Halls, ono Heating 1,500; Itenrilnff Ilooin, Masonic Roolety, ljnige of(i(K>d Twrnplara, l^xlffo of KnlRlita of l'ythiitfl, BebatliiK Club, Blacksmiths* and WheulvrrltfhU' sliojw, Lumber Yards, Htcntn 8av-mIH, Tomponhno Hotels (ailo of Mijuoni prolilblted), Drnu Stores, PhynfcliuiH, Dry Ginxta fiUtroM, U;tl;i!rlfirt, busfdta stort'B ol varlmm othur kinds. If Uiii ubnvo Hliould Jnterost nny of th<> rcuditrft of this pRi«r, please address ALLEN II. COOK, Superintendent. CORUES THE CLOTHIER, RED DANK, Stations In New York, foot of Liberty street and Footorciurlaon Struct, N. U. lu Brooklyn, Jewuli'i flliurf, root ol Fulton strept. Connection Is miulo at Jursey City suitfon to and from llrooklyit and Erie deuot, Jeney City, by buutu of tliu Brooklyn and Erie Annex. We lia?o twrec CJmrrhPs; a Day Sfhool.coitMnff $lo,000iwlth a daily ottwnduneo of two hundred a n d llfty B^iolars; a weekly n«wnpapor—AsiiiiKT n Prlutlnff OF NEW RAILROAD JERSEY. NEW YOItK AND LONG BRANCH "DIVISION. Asbury Pork In onpoiiltoOecan Grove, and can Iw rewihed dlruct by tliu CKKTllAL RAILROAD 0 / HEW JKHSKV, from lli« foot <if Liberty stroot, Nuw York, via, J e i w y city, nnd ulsu by Btoamboat from fuot of IUH-UK Btreot, N . Y., t o Randy Hmik, aftonilnff a HIM vluw (if tlio NnrrowH, harlwr (ortlllcutkniH,"• etc., thi'iicu liy tlioNcw Juratiy Southern HailnuL-l lo W.'st End Station, Long ItnuiPh, nnd connecting then; wllli Oeutnil Ilnilnuid of Nmv Jersey, fio there nit) two lines of continunlmtlim. From I'lilltulitlpliiu, the ears r u n to Asbury 1'ark dlrvct. Hullroad tlmo from Nuw Vnrk tu A si nny l'jirk, 2 liours; uxiirens In KUminor, nlntut \% hours; and from I'lillitilitlpiilii t o Asbury l'urk, a hounf and 35 mluutea, " One Price and that tho Tory Lowest. Dirrrt t(> FAIR HAVEN, OCEANIC AND SEABRIGIIT. Coinmunclni; Hnf 19,1B81[.ravi' Itnl Rank nt 0.21 n. in., and 3.01 p. m . l>i'iive Holiiiftlit nt 11.00 n. in., a n d 4.50 p. in. Almiruiintv.UintBeiibrifrlitV'ltt! Silmluvitnilna Ui mil fnim New York on tlio New JdnwyftmUiiTll Itullivnv. Kxuiiniliin tickets butwufii Itud llnnk iinil ut ruilnwit rdhx. ENTEAL Tlio place has doubled In size slnco 1874, anil us Uie original proprietor of ttiu I'ltrK <)Viua a lurgu tract lyln« wist of tlio vl<] turnpike, three-quarters uf a mllo from the two, he desires tu call the utUintioQ ol MunutBcturtrH, titlier In a HITILLU way o r on a large bcnlu, t o the fact that wo liavo imumplimxl tubor hfiro In tlio fall, winter a n d aprltijr, * wlileti would bo beuellUHl by the establishment ofnouio i«mianunt work, while nt tlie fuirnu tlmo Hanufncturers would be iM'iielltod themselvtffl, n^ limdti lylnpr Imnuwltatrtyaloiwthe Central lUiilroiul tract wouM bo uolU a t a nomfnul price ia MnnufwlurRra. Price t>l land to bo pnul< HI iwrtordlng to tho number of hands cmDlovi*! OUlt MOTTO. BOTTLEHS OF stored minds, Thus Till! ifEaisTEit Flnp a3sortment of Spcetnclos. meets tho requirements of lliose,v:!ios'e ALE, LAGER RERR AND MINERAL business leaves them huV+ilUe time to WATERS. All v.'or!;norm i n n pniellrnl wny, nml u n r m n t e i l rend, for it ia'ilCEfthe place of the inotro N'iifi.eniiil rliarue (tu wnrk *!,ine. Ilnvi' lii-eu In tin l.iKlin-.-,s Tnr nver llfu-en yeJirH. I k n o w I I'jin irlve politan dailies in its news columns niu A.LllnTiLi-ti.>ii. COIKIS Holti 'Jll iier c e n t . liel'MV New prli-e:t. AH 1 H'.'ll will !«! nn repnvsimteil n r of the so-called family papers in its lit- V'Tk ni'ini-y r,;tiirin-il. Ptwlsillu tu bhuu1 KWKIH. Will uplTectatu ut 1 Invars. erary selections. .The breaking up of several resorts of questionable character, which was accomplished by the police of Long Branch lost Saturday night, will prove a great benefit to the place. Tho raiding of these, dens la due to* the influence exerted by THE REQlbTEU, which was thofirstto point out these uvils and to insist on their removal. A«l>ury m r k h u. yiltoffe on Uie Atlantic (*uiHt, fiirly-livu mill's from Nuw York d t y . i t bun nlruiidy uUtuluwl cvlvhrlly an a aummor a-uort. 1»A«K J O U R N A L ; W A T E 11, For the Season of 1881, I "\Vliile various railrond nnd steamboat imnpaniea aro ranking Sunday excursions for pleasure seekers, tho malingers of the Sandy' Hook railway, taking a novel departure aro running a Sunday train in order that people may attend church. Many parsons do not beliove in-Sunday excursions for any purpose, but whether tins feeling is milllcieutly Strong to make this new cnlerprisio a fiponcial failure, remains to bo seen. I am now prppnn^l lo invite your attention to nn :i*l«rj;ctl at<K-k of Kewlv-iM if my o w n luiumfiicturc, .yluu ttud now dcitftfiis of t!ic season. My Stuck U ull itnd compk'Ut i n all ILa bntucbtw. All goodfl vnrraiituU an ifptfst'Utud uiul ut po MANUFACTURES. AND [ ) l t J N T I N ( i <>f nil d •riptinimnt Till; Though our contemporaries are older, Ki:i.-isn:lio;i'|. • aL iva yet we do not feel thai Till'. UI-:I nsTr.it i.* l''OUND! hiijuiro of Dr. a young newspaper. The term "young 'ii, l-'iilr lliivun. newspaper" properly applies to journals N IK boft cigars for the price will be thnt tiro yet feeling their wny. l"it little f.iIIIKl 111 I'lli'li's. oiieoiirn^ed i>r rrwarded hy the comliiunilies they cater to. It is a long time ULY, 1881, nil V Hint could be said of Tur: REGISTER, AND I'OIIT MONIIOl'TII STEAMIV. i has long held so truthful a mirror Mini)LF.TOWN IICfAT fOMIMNY. ui -t'liiinoiitli county that her people The now freight and passenger steamer ; v ,-ly turn to it to see how they in M-iitwl, as regularly as the periodan CAPT. BENJAMIN CiltlfiUS, ic.!! |,|iiirliinily to do RO is at hiiml. We trust that our townspeople will generally attend tho election of school trustees to bo hold in tho Mechanic street school hall on Friday evening at eight o'clock. It is tho duty of all who are interested in the welfaro of tho school to be prosont at this election, and make rniinifeat their choice for trustees. (HEADY-MADE CLOTJUNUjI c ATTENTION. THE CLOTHIER, 1 ..LD'PLOW HALL, IU.il lialit, N- J- \ • COnNEIt imOAD AKD WECnAKIC.STS,, '' " i • •: K,,Wj J, Asbury Park, J OB PBINTINO cheap and quick, a TllE 1IEG18TEK o m C E • E,M,: WATTS, ; TOD PRINTING of every description t f nt THE IIE0I3IEB OHICII »t nicjorate nttda •