Non-11/egitimus Carborundum Volume 12, Number 45 Ta king our best pony and riding into our worst fear. April 1996 MEDICAL COLLEGE MOVING TO VIDALIA Panel Declare Fruits of Augusta Too Tempting To Students A panel of MCG officials met earlier this week to discuss alternative locations for the Medical College, declaring Augusta an unfit environment for a successful medical education. The alternate locale? Vidalia! Extensive research revealed Vid~lia as one of three possible Georgia metropoles offering fewer distractions to students than Augusta, the other two being rest stops on 1-20. Panel discussions targeted the robust Augusta nightlife as the primary evil that renders Augusta unacceptable as a scholastic environment. One MCG professor and Biblical scholar noted, "These sleazy night-Club owners are the proverbial Davids hurling their stones of corruption at the would-be medical giants causing their oft-fatal epidural hematomas." No one knew what that meant, but it sounds pretty bad. However, this reporter was a touch skeptical of these allegations, so, with great hesitancy, I decided to do a little investigative reporting and visit a few of these so-called watering holes. Here's what I discovered: I ) The Soul Bar - Word on the street was that this was the straw that broke the Llama's back. This night-club owner shows no consideration for the male medical student by allowing an estimated one female in for every eight males. Certainly no serious studying can be accomplished with that kind ofratio available. 2) Boll Weevil - They should rename this "House of the Siren". The waitresses here have ten fingers (each), legs the same length, and most have a full head of teeth. Although all desirable traits, the ownership has apparently stepped in and reduced their shower privileges to once a week in an attempt to repel the students toward campus. 3) The Dugout - Luckily I was able to investigate this sports bar (thankfully, the only one in Augusta) before it closed doWll. This place was a potential disaster- they had cheap beer, cheap food, and an estimated 78 televisions. Luckily, they only showed football, baseball, and basketball. Had they tuned into that elusive ESPN 3 and picked up the tractor-pulls, moto-cross, and the .60-year-old-and-over clogging championships this could have been Augusta's greatest demon. 4) Rio Bravo - Although not open yet, this has disaster written all over it. The scoop . around campus is that they plan to lure females here with a frosty temptation called a "Frozen Marg". Let's just hope the move is made before the fires in this pit are stoked. The next issue' addressed at the panel meeting was the touchy subject of local girls honing in on the seemingly defenseless medical students, tearing them from their studies. Apparently, this problem has spread into neighboring pools offantasy females such as Martinez, Evans, and Fort Gordon. One elderly spokesperson for the panel declared, "What kind of foul temptress runs about campus in her grippy exercise bloomers sending all these fine boys running for the showers?" Few knew what this meant, but it also sounds pretty bad. When you mix the Augusta College co-eds into the equation, Vidalia seems the only logical answer. South Carolina.has been a contentious subject for years. To conjure up in the minds of our med students the images of exotic tropical women, you merely need utter the words "Beech Island". Of course, "$1.99/night, $7.99 for the VCR" will work just as well. After the administration failed to win approval for a razor wire barricade around campus, it initiated a lengthy political battle to destroy the 15th street bridge. ·Now, rumor has it Dr. Tabasco is petitioning the Corp of Engineers to widen the Savannah, using harsh words like effluvium and boils . . One final point the paqel addressed worth mentioning is the very beauty of Augusta itself. How can a student learn to appreciate his goals housed in a pa!acial hall like Residence III? Let these students reside in a Vidalia barn loft and witness some of the less-fortunates tending to the white pearls and they will understand what they had in running water, pink bathroom tile and railroad 'symphony. The next thing you know, these cretins we call students will dema..-id freshly-paved roads, El-Camino sales will plummet, and all will be wrong in the fair city of Augusta. Is Vidalia the answer? I'm afraid only time will tell us that. Corruption is everywhere. Just last week a Vidalia High School senior was sent hm:ne after rudely advising his cohorts to "check out the set of onions on the new substitute teacher." Who knows what temptations Vidalia holds for these students. Incidentally, the Dental School will remain here in Augusta due to these students' apparent lack of interest in the afore-mentioned temptations. W-mnuOf: "8at Res/llUlant Ovtrall in Augusttr' Award •But Dastrts in Augusta" Award "2nd Pfau for Best Busintis Lunch" J:reQcQ .· . Market Grille Gourmet Dining at :Reasonable Prices C°"1FORTABl.E. CASUAL&: CAJUN FEATURING . ········.··.·.·.· -:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·:·::; BLACKENED GROUPER TENDERLOIN &: SlRIP STEAKS LAMB. SCALLOPS & TROUT CRAWASH. ETOUFFEE DISHES AND BBQ SHRIMP OYSTER BAR· COCKTAILS MPORTED BEERS WINES BY THE GLASS \l l!ll !lil ·.·.·.···.·.·.·.·.·.·.·,·.·.·.·.·· OPEN 6DAYSA WEEK Mon.-nun.11 a.m. -10 p.m. FrL & Sat.11 Lm. -11 p.m. SURREY CENTER J8l~~GO E~ei:y day, thouSlln~ of kids bl" school .· , Fmd.otit hpw tohelpg¢t ~out oftb.e ~of clUldren. •Iii.·... information. ·•·· Callli8·•o · .o : ·WE ··. · ~PIE · · ·.· in!N'lfc)i:free · .r'. · ·· . · ··· •· •· .. -· Noi~JJ.e more lostlife. ~ot one IJlOit grif!viogf.unily. Not .o~e m~t.e· :•.·.·.·.· ~ --· Chicken Physics Institute for Molecules, Medicine and Gelatin, MCG Dr..S. Ramsmuffins, Director,IjMMAG THE CADAVER IS AN MCG STUDENT PUBLICATION Published in Comer but written in bars across the CSRA 1995-96 EDITORIAL STAPH (Hey! We're just folks ... folks with chainsaws and prescription drugs.) Stephen Feren: S "pestis" Feren saying adios to the big chair. Hanging up my pen for something cold and filled with beer. Sean Lynch: Advertising Manager, serving his turn as our voice-of-reason Todd Kelly: Procures Twinkies, Pepsi-Free, and money for the. Staph Bob Titelman: Free-lance writer. Has be~n occasionally spotted on Laney Walker. If found, please return him to the hospital immediately. Jay Brown, what can we say about a man who has pushed frotteurism to fantastic, new heights? In Georgia, nothing. Let's just agree we're all very happy Jay isn't in dentistry. Jeff Parks, former humor writer, has recently ended all contact with The Cadaver and is now considered to be a renegade working with for The Beeper. Ransom offered. We'd like to thank Jennifer Harris and Julio Iglesias, for all their efforts on our behalf. The MCG School of Medicine Admissions Committee deserves some recognition for overlooking us two years ago this August. Don't worry; we'll be gone in another two years. We'd also like to thank everyone else who helped, but none of you pathetic, oat-brained, can't-write-a-complete-sentence, slack-jawed, Momma's boys (or girls) did. On an entirely different note. If you think invisible tape is nifty, if you find that women don't understand you like your mom does, if ym,; think the dental school is halfway to humor, then you too can be an editor for the Cadaver. Don't send money. Don't wait. Rush down to the Student Center and tell them you have what it takes (an addiction to . liquid paper) to m8111lge MCG's student newspaper. The curre;oi st'lff :s vacating, and all positions must be filled (at least two). The people in Student Affairs h11ve more than enough liquid paper to go around. Call 667-9148 for in~omm 1 :,J!I. In the highly competitive international field of biomedical research, the name MCG is often heaid mentioned ,amo·ng the very best. There is a simple reason. While some analysts may use graduation statistics or stiuting salaries to evaluate the quality of a college, most use what is considered the true measure - assessments of the researchers at that institution. The Medical College owes much of its stature to the sheer ability and hard work of it's laboratory scientists. Unfortunately, these men and women, recognized throughout the world, are not known to a majority of the campus. We hope that the following summary of one project ongoing at MCG wiil provide a revealing glimpse into the often hidden world of research and give an idea of the prodigious advances that are being made inside the laboratories just next . door. -EDITOR . "In recent years, it has been asked how many generic chickens would fit into a · generic Pontiac. ' This question has been on the minds of many important people, so our group has decided to work out this problem for the benefit of all humanity. I. It has been proven succesfully that chickens have a definite wave-like nature. In reproducing Thomas Young's famous double slit experiment of 180 I, Sir Kenneth Harbour-Thomas showed that chickens not only diffract, but produce interference patterns as well. This experiment is fully documented in Sir Kenneth' s famous treatise "Tossi_ng Chickens through Various Apertures in Modem Architecture", 1897. II. It is also known, as any poultry rancher ca1.1 tell you, that whereas if one chicken is placed in an enclosed space, it will be impossible to pinpoint the exact location of the chicken at any given time t. This was summarized by Helmut Heisenberg (Werner's younger brother) in the equation: bchicken I bt ~ b (where bis the· barnyard constant; 5.2 x 10- 14 domestic fowl-seconds.) .. ~ ·- - The North Dakota Null-Hypctthesis Inventory As IF You NEED A REASON The following public service is brought to you by the Cadaver, the MCG Department of Psychiatry and the MCG Wellness Center. We understand how problematic dating can be, and would like to do our part in making ·your lovelife vermin free . Good Excuses for Not Dating a Dental Student: I have to draw "Cubby" for an art scholarship. I'm going to the post office to see if anyone is looking for me . People are blaming me for the Spani sh~ American War. I'm busy caulking my dog . · I just got the new phone book. I've lost contact with my troops . I feel a song coming on . I did my own thing , and now I have to unda, it. My uncle escaped again . Sorry, I've just become a subgenius. I'm in the middle'of a word . , I used to be indecisive, but I'm not sure anymore. The grunions are running. My cat is ovulating. I'm getting my overalls overhauled. I'm sorry i can't; I have to go to the bathroom. l have to find my childhood, I'm converting my watch from Julian to Gregorian. Yeah, right. The last time I went, I never came back. I have to jog my memory . Having fun gives me prickly heat.l!l ., ... . .................... . ....................... . ... . ....... .... . . ....... . . ... Registration Form l .: . (please print) : : . Coagulo Spaghetti Sauce Horne Ptione: 5ex: MD FD 5t1Adent D foclllty D The only pasta S<!-UCe with fresh bell peppers, select vidalia onions, , Waiver of Liability In consideration of acceptance of this entry, I waive all claims for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators and assigns against the sponsors-the board of regents of the University System of Georgia, the Medical College of Georgia, MCG Foundation, the SGA, officials, volunteers and anyone' connected with the l'R6 Rot Roc.e for injury or illness that may directly or indirectly .result from my participation in said event. I further state that I have trained for this event and I am in proper physical condition to participate in this event. seven herbs and spices, and all thirteen . clotting factors. .Signot"re: Dote: Warning: Road races are physically demanding and should not be undertaken if you have not been . . running this distance (SK) on a regular basis. ..................... . ............... . .... '"' ............................... -....... "· 1. I salivate at the sight of mittens. 2. At times, I am afraid my toes will fall off. 3. Chopped liver makes me laugh. 4. As an infant, I had very few hobbies. 5. .Some people never look at me. 6. I sometimes feel that my earlobes are longer than those of other people. 7. Spinach makes me feel alone. 8. My sex life is A-okay. , 9. I often fart in crowds. 10. Dirty stories make me think about sex. 11 . I am anxious in rooms that have hairy walls. 12. Cousins are not to be trusted. 13. Sometimes I think someone is trying to take over my stomach. 14. I have never eaten a fly. 15. I cannot read or write. 16. As an infant, I hated chopped liver. 17. I have killed mosquitoes. 18. My teeth sometimes leave my body. 19. I am never startled by a fish . 20. Plaid stamps are better than green ones. 21. I have never gone to pieces over the weekend. 22. My parents always faced catastrophe with a song. 23 . Recently, I have been getting shorter. 24. I have taken shoe polish to excess. 25 . I have always been disturbed by the size of Lincoln's ears. 26. Chicken) iver gives me a rash. 27. I like mannish children. 28. Most of the time, I go to sleep without saying good-bye. 29. I am not afraid of picking up door knobs. 30. Chiclets make me sweat. 3 l . I stay in the bathtub until I look like a raisin. 32. Frantic screams make me nervous. 33. It makes me angry to have people bury me . . 34. I hate orgies, if no one else is there. 35. I am afraid of Vikings. Thick and Chunky Mama Von WUlebrand's City,5tote,l!P: Age: INSTRUCTIONS: Respond to each ofthe following statements with one of these three , answers 1) Sometimes 2) Always 3) .Never. Tired of bland, watery spaghetti sauce? Next time, serve your family Address: ' The NDNI is of unknown origin, although it certainly dates back to 1964. It is a parody.of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, for those of us ·- · unsophisticated in the ways of psychiatry. Of course, the true author is unkn,own. , ~ -------- · A Great Source of Vitamin K! Take them off. Can they be used again? Yes Are you wearing clothes? •-----~ No i ~es ... No Are there clothes in the dresser? ) ~. r "What's a hamper?" -- Choose a pile. Take an item. item. Clean enough ---T Yes No ... .......;_ ... Do you really care? No Yes ... Is it dark out? Yes . Yes Put item under the sofa cushions and try again. I No Congratualtions, you're done. _ ~ Yes i-----. ... -- Call your girlfriend Have you ever had ancydostoma? L----------1 Yes ---- No want to meet women." Seek the advice of a female. trouble breathing? _ No Run with the wind. e you rea y a guy? ·...--------N o .----Ar-e_y_o_u_h_a-vi_n_g_ ___, J .....-~~·~~~~~~---.! ~ . . . _D_o_es_it_it_Ch_?__.I No __... ~ No~ I -=--........,,..............--."It gave me hives." .______.N - Are you doing guy stuff? ...-I No Put on your big coat. Once again, It's time to go to Sears. "I'll be arrested." Will I - Is it your only pair? be visible"? I~ "I'm gonna dig holes." "I'm gonna _ shoot something." -"I'm gonna knock down something." "What I'm doing involves gasoline". . 11 ~ "Does it what?" 1-------1~ ~ Would you rather have (lncyclosfoma than iron a shirt? \ No "Yh, it did yesterday." \ ~ --~-----~-- 'r Put it on Have you ever purchased clothes before? Is it your ~ Perform the L...---------'...- favorite shirt? Smell Test "Aaugh" ...--------. Select es Spray with .JN o another . ~ ~-.---_ _ , co ogne __)"Not ba-d'_' ............ ~~pair ______ ___ Does it match? Do .you know what clothes are? \Yes · _ __ _ _ , Fluffwith air ' _ ___, "Which are_ _ _ ____, _____;;..__ for my ones legs?" _ Probably Are there ~ Is it underwear? multiple holes? __..) No IN 0 Is it wrinkled? --I·~ have a floor?" Yes ~ .....-------."A sock!~ _____,) No Are there clothes in piles on the floor? Take the top No Does it look cleari? ~ Men have hair; they don't need clothes. Selecting Clothes Are there clothes in the hamper? \Probably - A~~en's Close your eyes and throw them in a random direction. Guide to Excellent . You1re done. L--------~ ... ~No Put them in the hamper. Does what you're doing t oday No require clothes? -----... Yes ~l~~ndi~~vin~p.'~rouble,...._Pl_a_c_e_i-te-m-in--. hamper and start over . \ • Place item in hamper and start over. Politically Correct Medicine The voice of the Cadaver, known for its sensitivity and compassion, has been heard on campus for decades, and over this period of time, while looking at local and · national matters, we've acquired a certain facility for protecting the feelings ofour . peers. Among all the qualities it has, the Cadaver has always prized its empathy the most, and to do our utmost in fostering positive self-images everywhere, we urge you adopt the following more "correct" terms in everyday conversations. Perhaps it is true; what you say is not as important as how you say it. You can be sure that by using these terms, people won't even know what you say. CURRENT TERM Management Microbiology Histology Negri Bodies Dentist Histidine Hernia Owl ' s Eyes Heart Failure Plutonium Sunstroke Dick Test Red Blood Cell Orientation Drug Addiction . Small Intestine Large Intestine Inferior Aspect Mania Assessment Hematology White Blood Cell PROPOSED TERM Womanagement Dimensionally challenged bioscience Hertology African American bodies, bodies of color Gender confused oral specialist Hertidine Hisnia IBTOROEBHAOEWBECAOpFTNW Bodies {Inclusion-Bodies-that-only-resemble-Owl's-Eyesbecause- having-actual-Owl's-Eyes-would-be-a-callousact-of-disregard-for-the-natural-world) Functionally delayed heart The celestial body previously believed to be a planetium sun-i was just shaking it off Richard's Test Aboriginal cell, Native cell, Multiculturalcyte Asian-Americantation Pharmaceutical seeking behavior The Intestine The other intestine Antisuperior aspect Womania Rearessment Shematology Honkeycyte The politically incorrect doctor: "On a routine assessment for substance abuse, the dentist's hematology workup revealed abnormal red blood cell morphology and increased white blood cell counts." .. :... ~ r* · . . . . ·• :- . - Daniel:Village Barber Shop· r;>aniel Village Shopping Center • 6 Barbers for Prompt Service ·Shoe Shine ·• Sunbed ·Appointments Available But Not Necessary Call 736·7045 VOTED BEST BARBER SHOP IN AUGUSTA! \ Prompt Service SIX BARBERS Monday-Friday 9-6 Saturday 9-IS 736-7230 The new, po litically correct MD: "On a routine rearessment for pharmaceutical seeking behavior, the gender confused oral specialist's shematology workup revealed abnormal aboriginal cell morphology and increased honkeycyte counts." THE DENTAL SCHOOL TOP TEN "The top I 0 surprises of dental school" 10. Dental hygeine students are -- well -- large. 9. "Giving the drill" not what was expected. 8. Tooth polish makes a nice so.ack if spread on crackers. 7. "Getting the drill" not what was expected. 6. Fingering others gums makes me tingle. S. Class "Care and Maintenance of Tool" not what I expected. 4. I learn great pick-up lines like: "I have seven dental caries." 3. Disappointed we didn't dissect genitals in Anatomy. . 2. Two words: Oral Pathology. 1. While in dentist chair, patient doesn' t notice I'm naked from waist down. CANDY FOR THE LAWYERS After a protracted and vicious publ ic battle, Peter & Paul Inc., maker of the popular candybars Mounds™ and Almond Joy™, has apparently reached a settlement over a suit brought by the Committee for Morality in Advertising (CMA), the legal arm of the Christian Coalition. A spokesman for CMA acknowledged an agreement has been reached with the candy giant but maintained a belligerent stance on many of the points in the committee's original list of grievances. "This company' s advertising strategy has consistently revolved around the frequent use of sex," the spokesman for CMA said, "and it refuses to alter its methods." The sexual content to which the CMA spokesman alleges is the Candymaker's slogan "Almond Joy has nuts, Mounds don' t", which the CMA interprets as an overt reference to sexual anatomy. ~'In their marketing scheme, Almond Joy is clearly the male candybar. In addition to its obvious phallic qualities, its oblong roundness, the Almond Joy's almonds are not slivered, nor are they chopped and roasted. There are two whole almonds nestled brazenly against the bar under a light coat of chocolate that really does not conceal anything." . Some CMA supporters have taken to calling the chocolate bar Peter & Paul's genital model. "Peter is, after all, a slang term for penis," they say, "and the acronym PP is equally suggestive. Consequently, snack time is a virtual episode of oral. sex for our young children," the spokesman warned. In contrast to earlier prepared statements in which it ignored the product, CMA directly addressed the issue of Mounds. "We believe that the name Mounds is a tacit reference to women. The ads explain that 'Mounds don't [have nuts]'. It's also a scatological term for breasts." There is again the implicit suggestion that the consumption of this candy bar is a vicarious act of oral love. Amidst other charges, the CMA speculated about the probable damage the ad campaign does to US race relations. "Peter & Paul consistently uses milk chocolate for its candies. It doesn't use. dark chocolate. In fact, the chocolate serves to hide the solid white coconut core. Peter and Paul are both masculine European names, and their combination suggests some sort of organization or the presence of collusion. · ' . The Committee for Morality in Advertising did come under attack from several gay and bisexual groups in attendance when the spokesman urged Peter & Paul Inc. to endorse the "conventional couple''. After a minor scuftle with several hairy women . wearing pumps, the spokesman continued. "This manufacturer claims its advertisement: 'Sometimes, you feel like a nut; sometimes, you don't.' promotes a diverse diet. At best, it condones promiscuity among young women. Everyone, at some time, feels like 'having' a nut. It's okay. When you feel like having a nut, go for it. We at the CMA, "the spokesmen continued, "want·our young women to say no to Mr. Peter .. Keep those nuts wrapped." A more radical interpretation of the slogan was also proposed by the spokesman. " At worst, Peter & Paul has confused the issue of gender identity. The company has, effectively, composed a public service announcement telling our young people that you sometimes feel like a nut (male), and somet imes you don ' t(you feel like a female)." In other words, according to the CMA. the candymaker actually urges the puhlir to try it both ways. The spokesman re fu sed, however, to comment on Three Musketeers, Milky Way or Zagnut. -~-------~---------------- . - . _____ , - - -- - - - .• !.. Roving Retina: For the Public's Safety Once again the forces of greed and stupidity (G&S), also known as the campus law enforcement division, have reared their collective ugly heads on the MCG campus. Past fiascos, the Take-A-Bite-Outa-Crime Free Pet Neutering Clinic and the community offered class How to Defend Yourself Against South Carolinians, should have been instructive to them; generally, you don't want to frighten the people paying your salary. And who can forget Memorial Day, I 995? Perhaps, everyone? On that holiday weekend, the state police launched a campaign against drunk driving. The sentiment was admirable, but the action was little more than a weak foray against speeders followed by prompt retirement from the field . A handful of officers from Georgia and South Carolina arranged to meet at the 1-20 rest stop just Inside the Georgia border. The rest stop was where the event began . Tbe officers drove en masse across the Savannah River, all the way across. non-stop, into South Carolina. Once iri Carolina, they initiated the second stage of the operation. Those officers in the exercise who were members of the Georgia patrol turned their cars all the way around and drove back to Augusta, completely crossing the border for the second time that morning. These officers then dispersed into their relevant communities. The Memorial Day anti-speeder campaign was over. We at the Cadaver believe this project has promise, despite the murky link between public safety and synchronized high speed interstate driving. Maybe next year a greater show of force would be appropriate. We have to urge more officers to participate and then, once. they leave the state, to disperse early, into South Carolina. The level of public safety in Augusta, if not public happiness, would probably improve. This is in the past. Campus police are yet again, however, on the offensive, this time targeting jay walkers, and the Cadaver, the kicking-boy for authority figures everywhere, would like to sh.are an incident that if not entirely factual looms dangerously on the horizon for us all. Imagine that you're a student nurse, stepping off the curb onto 15th Street, thinking distantly about those cute medical students with colossal literary abilities. (We understand that the members of certain schools are much more adept at fantasizing they're women, so we ask that all you future-dentists restrain yourselves. Remember, this is only a mental exercise. It doesn't require dressing for the part. And please stay calm; mental exercises are not always frightening voyages into the dark.) Imagine that it's eight in the morning on a Fall Saturday, so it's bright and chill .and quiet on lhe medical campus. You look both ways before starting across 15th Street and notice a white car a block away making a tight U tum. It's tires ar~ squealing loudly as it whips around towards you. It's a state patrol car in a hurry, so you wait. After all, the police rush up and down 15th Street all day. Then it heads straight for you, with tires smoking, and as the driver slams on his brakes, the car shudders to a stop. The car's rear end slides sideways, into the curb. It's grill is two inches from your right knee cap. Its lights are all strobing and the siren is louder than you ever imagined. Although the morning is beautiful, without a rain cloudjn the sky, the windshield wipers are going~ Then, they speed up. The horn honks, startling you, but now the wipers have stopped. Suddenly, the hiss of . static fills the air and it is followed abruptly by a tense murmmuring voic~ . ., · ·-. "AMN THIS. STOP THE FJUGGIN' ... LETS SEE, WHERE'S THE BULLHORN? OKAY, THE ·• LITTLE LIGHT IS BLINKING. IF I TALK INTO THIS, THEN PEOPLE OUTSIDE CAN HEAR ME ... OH .. . " and then more forcefully,"STOP WHERE YOU ARE. ,STEP AWAY FROM THE CURVE. FREEZE." You shift forward, but then stop in confusion. What does he want? "I HAVE YOU .. . WE HAVE YOU COMPLETELY SURROUNDED. DON'T TRY ANYTHING FUNNY." The blasts from the speaker echo off the Dental School. You gaze around in fear. There's a man pumping gas at the Texaco across the street, and he's looking around in confusion too . You don't see anyone else. ·. The car broadcasts, "YOU'RE NOT THINKING ABOUT TRYING ANYTHING FUNNY, ARE YOU?" a little hopefully. You shake your head slightly and wince. The noise from the siren is making it hurt. Those delicate little bones in your middle ear are probably shattered. As you cringe under the onslaught "ESCAPE IS FUTILE", the car door pops open. The officer peers out ·over the top of the door, eyes sliding towards the man across the street who has completely stopped to watch the unfolding drama. Escape doesn't look very futile . The officer pulls out a portable bullhorn, and you recoil in horror. "STOP" he blares. He jumps away from the car, bumps into a speed sign, and then reels back towards the curb in acute pain. The bullhorn, on the ground now, disappears under the patrol car as he gives it a good kick. He's shuffiing sideways, towards the car door, holding the side of his head. Glaring at you like you just slapped him, he points his finger at your sternum and launches into an angry torrent of words. Of course you can't hear him; you.can't hear anything with the siren rotating painfully in your head. He subsides, and then launches into another cryptic speech. Finally, he goes for the car, pulling angrily on the door handle. He's still talking. It's locked. He locked the car door by mistake. When he realizes it won't open, his entire body spasms. Now he's looking at you in horror. You can see the keys trembling in his hand, and in his panic, he drops them. He looks at you, and then down at the road. With both hands, he goes for his gun. It won ' t come free. You can see he has a little leather flap buttoned, holding the gun in its holster. For five seconds he does a little jig back and forth between the car and the sign. It's the strangest thing you've ever seen, and the guy across the street is having trouble breathing because he's laughing so hard. He's holding his hand against is chest, and his face is turning purple. Finally, the gun pops free and into the air above his head; you half expect him to hurl it across the car hood, but he points it at you instead. He backs up, his legs like little blue pistons. Then he points his gun quickly at the keys. He has his keys surrounded! He points his gun at you, then at his keys, tom in indecision. So, you put down your book bag., In fact, you slowly push it away from you and with palms outstretched, you reach for his keys. It seems to mal<e him happy. Now he has you and his keys surrqµn'ded. You put the key in the lock, back awfty, and he qui~kl~ pops the door open and slides in. The siren is suddenly, thankfully gone. All iS' '. quiet. "You there ... with the bookbag. Get up against the wall." he yells into the silence. There's a wall sixty feet away, and you look at it questioningly. He grimaces in pure hatred, until his eyebrows are touching, and yells, "Get up against that shrub, and don't try anything funny ." Now he's holding tlle gun on the bush. As you stride past, the officer shimmys behind the car door, keeping it between you and him. You walk over the shrub, .a nicely trimmed one with waxy green leaves. It's about three feet tall, so you hold your hands above it. "And don't move funny guy." He reaches into the car and comes out with the police radio microphone. He's still glaring at you, but now over the top of the microphone. Then, Into the stillness of 15th Street, he roars "CENTRAL, THIS IS UNIT 24" . The guy across the street is pointing you out to the worker from Subway. Windows are opening in the Dental School. He tries to glare at everyone while fiddling with the console of his car. The hazard lights.go on. Then the trupk pops open. He looks into the car and quickly flips a switch. "Central this is unit 24, over. I have a caucausian female perp, age approximately 25, over. Looks like I'll need some backup to bring her over ... over." He glares at you. "It's a 10-24. Wait! It's a 15., . " a I 5, no don't tell·me. It's a ,JS-26? No, she didn't rob the Texaco. No, she didn't rob anything. I can't think of it. I don't know." Then he turns a way from you and whispers into.the microphone"what's jay walking again?" After listening quietly for a moment, he tu111s back and while looking straight in your eyes, he says, "Right. · It's a 15-36.". He voice ends in a little squeak, "over". He repeats it: "A 15-36, in progress." You can hear the doom in his voice, and see it in his satisfied eyes, an actual 15-36. You did the 15-36, in broad daylight on 15th Street. . You've never been a perp before; your boyfeiend might like that. · "Okay missy," he says walking around the door on his heels, his hands pushing his belt down over his hips. Actually it's his left hand and the gun in his right hand pushing his belt down. The gun is pointing at his femur. "Lets have your name." You give it to him. "Is that with one or two C¥." So, you spell it C-1-N-D-Y, and you spell ·your last name too. He's writing it all on a tiny spiral notebook with a pencil from Putt-Putt Golf. Each time he mispells, he furiously scribbles it out. By the time you get to your date of birth and social security number, his notes look more like a sketch of a bush than writing, so you tell him you're a nurse. He writes it down. When you apologize, smile, and say that you're actually a student nurse, he blackens out nurse. The scribble adds a nice shaded affect to the base of the bush, which makes you feel good. So, you tell him you're from Jali)aica cm sabattical from the nursing school there, trying to go for some grass or at least a little ground 'cover, but he doesn't write it down. _III. Whatever our results, they must be consistent with the fundamentals of physics, so energy, momentum, and charge must all be conserved. A. Chickens (fortunately) do not carry electrical charges. This was established by William "Ben" Franklin, Esq. Dr. hon. after repeated experiments with thunderstorms, kites and dom~stic animals. Help Us where Vis the potential energy-of the chicken, and K is the kinetic energy of the chicken, given by Make· Dreams Come True · C. According to published IUPAC data, a generic chicken at standard temperature and pressure, indicated as a chicken°, has a half-life of approximately 4.59 years. Replicate studies in our lab show tv. to be a complex function : By Becoming a Xytex Donor! B. The total energy of a chicken is given by the equation: E= K+ V e" = -e10.es3-kl !Gn . G• . LI k is the corrective factor used for birds that are self-basting Gn is the number of graduate students in the lab per unit time (student s· sec-1 ) . Gs is the average annual graduate student stipend . L is the laboratory toaster oven unit density. Experimentally, tv. is 12.4 hours± 31 minutes (12.9 hours± 31 minutes if your preference is "well-done"). As you can see, the measured value is quite different from the formally declared value. Call 733-0130 For More Information. D.-Since chickens have an associated wavelength, w, we know that the momentum of a free chicken (that is, a chicken not enclosed in any sort of Pontiac is given by p = b/w. E. It is generally held to be valid that the force of friction F1 of a chicken approaches zero as the chicken is eooled to temperatures approximating 0 degrees Kelvin. Chickens under these conditions behave as perfectly elastic bodies (in a chicken-pontiac collision, transfer of momentum from the chicken to the pontiac should be perfectly efficient) but we have yet to observe movement in any of our experimentally cooled animals. IV. With this in mind, it is possible to come up with a wave equation for the potential energy of a generic chicken. (A wave equation will allow us to calculate _the probability of finding any number of chickens in automobiles.) The wave equation for a non-relativistic, time-independent chicken in a one dimensional Pontiac is given by: 2 IV · Pl - ((b /2m) · a2(P)) GUNNER -BINGO = E·P P is the wave function, and a2(P) is its second derivative. The wave equation can be used to prove that chickens are in fact quantized;and that by using the Perdue Exclusion fonnula, W!! know that no two chickens in any Pontiac can have the same set of quantum numbers: V. The probability of finding a chicken in the Pontiac is simply the integral of P·P0chicken from 0 to x, where x =the length of the Pontiac. Since each chicken will have its own set of quantum numbers (when examining the case of the three dimensional Pontiac) different wave functions can be derived for each set of quantum numbers. It is important to note that we now know that there is no such thing as a generic chicken. Each chicken influences the position and velocity of every other chicken inside the Pontiac, and each chicken must be treated individually. It has been theorized that chickens do in fact have an intrinsic ·angular momentum, yet no experiment has been yet conducted to prove this, as chickens tend to move away from someone trying to spin them, at a velocity in direct proportion to the size of the experimenter. Curious sidenote: Whenever possible, any attempt to integrate a chicken should be done by parts. Most people tend to want the legs, which can lead to innumerable graduate student conflicts. Remember, contour integration of chickens is illegal in Georgia. We would like to thank General Motors and Tysons, Inc. for their generous support of this research." Just clip the pictures of your sixteen favorite gunners from your class composite and you can play Gunner Bingo. whenever a gunner asks a dumb question in class, studies in the elevator, or makes 2.5 standard deviations above the mean, fill in his square. When you get four squares in a row, you must cry·out "BINGO" at the top of your lungs. Then mail your score sheet into the Cadaver_. The first person to submit a winning entry will receive a commemorative certificate of achievement. (Note: there is no free space because gunners do everything the hard way.) • The Boll Weevil 11 Cafe and Sweeter1:1 #10 9th Street- Riverwalk (Behind the Radisson) To be an Sandwiches Served on Ho111emade Honey Wheat Bread . Organ&TlSsue organ and tissue donor, even if you've signed something, you must tell your famtly now Salads - Pizzas - Pasta DONATION Share your · 11·f.e. Sh are your dec1s1on. ·· • so they can cany out your decision later. For a free brochure on how to talk to your family, call Ir.WI ~ 1-800-355-SHARE. 1 Incredible D-esse·r ts Coalition on Donation Cappuccino . All Served in a Unique 150 Year Old Cotton Warehouse ( Dine In & To Go Orders Serving: Monday-Saturday, All Day & Evening . (706) 722-7772 PleQ.5e make checks payable to f he Cadaver. l ·- j after the awards ceremony; all partic~pants are ~legible to win . Fresh f rl.rit and other refreshments wm also be available for .participants after the race. WHAf If '.S GONNA Gff YOU: All pre-regi5tered participants wm receive a sensational, short sleeve, dirt shedding, never f ode, flora\ . scented OFFICIAl RAf RACE RUNNER™f -5hirt.·(WARNJ.NG :sotne shirts ger dirty, fade, andstne\\ lil<e c.onon). Becal.6e the Rat Race i5 a non-profit event he\d to rai5e money for the MCG Children's Medic.a\ Center, the shirt i5 gl.raranteed to give yol.r a warm, fuz.zy feeling. A limited nlfmber of shirts wm be available to those who regi5ter on the morning of the race. Date:.Sat\.frday, May~. !q'f6 f itne: Regi5tration ~:00 Race.Start Cf:OO location:fhe.Start and FiniSh are at the MCG .student Center on Laney Walker Avenlle . f o regi5ter by mail, simply fill o\.ft the regi5tration f orm.(on the reverse side of this flyer) and mai\itto fttE CADAVER with yo\.fr entry fee before April 17'". Yo\.f can also regi5ter on race day before 8!>0 AM. Race packets containing yo\.fr number and t-5hirt can be picked lfP in the regi5tration area on the morning of the race. - - - - - - - - -- - - • - - ;- ~-· - -- - - - - . • " .... ,. - - - ·- p 51-60 60+ fhe-Rat Race c{o f HE CADAVER Box 3005 · Medic.a\ College of Georgia Augl.6ta, Georgia 30CJIJ . If you have any questions, call.Stephen Feren at 66 7-Cf ~~ (sf [email protected] dmailtncg .edlf). Volunteers (who wm all get free tshirts) can call Li5a Wang at ~J 1716~ . . --- · . ~ --- - __ _ _ __,___.. ... ... .. ~1-50 A\\ entries sholf\d be mailed to: Sl3.00 • ..,, --· - ~ 3.6-~0 16-JO Jl-J5 J6-30 31-35 Race Day S11.oo MCG.5tlfdent S~.00 . MCG Facl.r\ty or . SI0.00 .staff Member Rats Free r-p--. <15 years Prizes wm be awarded to:the .fa.stest male and female fini5hers overall and then the first male and female fini5hers in each race category. Random drawings for donated merchandi5e wm be he\d WHAf If'.s GONNA CO.sf You· By Mail Awards wmbe given to the first male and female fini5hers in each of the following categories . "" - - • ..- -- • ---· --~--- --- -~-·-·. --- -- --- ·-..----·--- ---- ------ ... ------ -- - ----::-·---:-·-- -- - ·---- ---~-- - -- -_,._... --- -- ---- ·- -- --- -- ._~- - - ----·- -· - "Okay, perp. You think you're clever? You think you can jay walk in front of me, on my campus, without suffering the consequences?" The people across the road, munching on those big Subway cookies, are watching him avidly. "We've had enough of your kind, nurses wandering aimlessly across this street like it's some kind of public thoroughfare." He jabs his gun at the curb in punctuation. "l want you, and all of those students, to know that street vice like this isn't pennitted. Things have been slack around here for too long." You crinkle your eyes at him. This man is insane. He continues. "What would your parents think?" My parents? They think I should visit more often with the grandkids. "What will the 8000 employees here think, seeing you here?" He pauses, looking at you evilly. He waits. Then, his mouth twitches, and he opens it. 9He doesn't say anything, however, and you can see he's lost track of the monologue. He looks at you evilly, again, but with his mouth wide open. You try to smother a laugh, splutter instead, and he suddenly looks a little scared. His hand tightens on the butt of his pistol, and his other hand paws at his ~hirt. "Don't make me get out my bullet," he warns you. "It's taken me a long time to get here, three long, painful weeks of training. Most don't make it the fi rst time. But I knew this day would come. I don't know what weak-kneed, flowe ry, I'm-so-superior-because-I-think, high-falutin' college you're from, but we don't cater to criminals on this campus." Now, this is when you notice the crowd of people across the street heading over towards the two of you. You can hear one of them complain, "No, I didn't hear what she said. Did she say something to him? I thought she laughed." The officer, watching you for sudden moves or suspicious activities, glances cooly over his shoulder at the advancing crowd, and his face spreads into the biggest grin you've e.ver seen. You can read the words public spectacle in his eyes; of course, they're miss-spelled. Then you both realize it. All twenty-four of the spectators are jaywalking across 15th Street. He whips his,eyes back at them, and his upper body tries to move towards them while his legs keep a watch on you. He succeeds in jumping two feet into the air . . His pistol flys up, and this time he does fling it away. It spirals upwards lazily, not that he notices. He's reaching for his bullet and the car door and his hand cuffs. He finds his bullet and his night stick, however. He tries to load the nightstick with the round, but it doesn't work, and he points the bullet at the crowd. "Stop, you lousy perps," he screams hoarsely. Watching his face, you realize you've only seen that shade of red in fungal infections. All of this has happened in the span of a few seconds, enough time for the gun to have passed the apex of its flight and begin its descent back towards Mother Earth. You watch it rapidly approaching the top of his skull. YOU wonder how manQ,blows his head sustains in the nonnal day. Is two within five minutes abnormal? But it misses him, and thuds loudly on the hood of his car. He truly leaps up this time, in pure terror, certainly clearing the top of the bush and falls on his back on the curb. You're all astonished, and watch transfixed as the · officer climbs feverishly into his car. The door slams, and. he huddles over the wheel staring alternately at his gun on the hood and the people in the street. He grabs the microphone. "Officer down. Need assistance immediately. Officer down." You suppose he doesn't need to say "over" after that. ~.- _, ____ -·- _':. .""-. ....... - _,_ - ,_ '- -·- _ ..._ ·,.. ,_.. . ., - - . . . - -·- - . -... -- -·- - - - - •.-. -----· . - ~ ~ ,._ . I-. - Then, he guns the engine, flips the siren on and sets it to deafen. He races the car, in reverse, backwards into the parking garage. The crowd of people .passes you by, following the s~unds of tinkling glass emanating from the darkness of the building. As you walk away you notice the crumpled remains of the bullhorn on the tannac and beside it lies the officer's little spiral notebook. It's opened to the first page. You can read "Commander M. E. Brinker, Street Crimes Division" in strong black strokes at the top of the page. Beneath that is "Criminals jaywalking are everywhere." It's mostly marked out. Below that is: '. 'Out there the crime of jaywalking is everywhere." It's almost illegible under scribbles, but below it is the clean print of someone who has finally found his own mind on the subject. "Somewhere, out there, a crime is being committed. But I won't be there; I'll be jaywalkers." The _Cadaver Longitudinal Survey What type of toothpaste does .a medical student use? We know this is a burning question on both sides of Laney Walker, so we've presented the results of a brief survey of medical students. Shash K. Curry Brite Jason T. Fresh Mint Crest Gel Chris F. Horse Feces Toothpaste? Chris W. Bill C. Crest Fresh Mint Gel Colgate with Peroxide and Baking Soda Allen B. Will C. NIA DrewV. Jim Beam Carolina A. Colgate (recycled) Shea 0 . Not required AdamB. Bile Danny E. Crest with Baking Soda Arvin S. K-Mart Generic Anuj Saliva Mayank P. Efferdent Scott W. Rembrandt Jim A. Toe Cheese John J. Floss with Manish' s Hair T.J.T. L'Oreal Mousse • PPL/CANTS FACE STIFF COMPETITION The MCG Medical School has recently completed its annual applicant interviews and is now in the process of notifying the last of the 180 "smartest students MCG has ever had" that they can look forward to several years in Augusta . As usual , the competition was tough·among the 500 students (who looked perfect on paper), and it was up to MCG 's crack team of discerning Ph.D.s conducting the intervi~ws to separate the chaff.from the grain. We at the Cadaver w~re salivating over all the fresh meat, when it occured to one of us to ask just what was discussed in those secretive sessions. What was said that led the erstwhile interview staff into Fejecting (ripping apart and totally destroying the dreams of) those deemed unacceptable? Interviews are, after all, very subjective experiences. Armed with our mightiest weapon (a cold six-pack), this Cadaver writer tracked down some of these failed interviewees and divined the following statements, gems of wisdom made by undergrads destined for other medical schools (or a fruitful career in manipulation). Naturally, all names ~ave been withheld. "Well, I am just fascinated by the intricacie of the human cardiovascular system, but the little man in my pants wants me to go into gynecology." "Experience? Well, I've slept with a_few doctors .. ." . "Get back! Don 't touch me!" "Well yes, but it was plea bargained down to a misdemeatlor aftei· I agreed to testify for the prosecution." "I'm .very interested in specializing." "I wouldn't say I burned the chemistry department down. I like to think I cleared the way for progress in architecture." "You're an M.D.? While we're here, could you refill my prescription for Prozac?" "I believe M.D.s are members of a technological elite destroying our society. Out of curiousity, do you prefer FedEx or UPS?" "What's the statute of limitations for anned robbery in Georgia?" " My, the things I could do to yo~ if we.were naked right now .. ." "I feel much more comfortable around ill people, especially the mentally ill." "I think "After getting my M.Ed., Ph.D., J.D., D.V.M., and D.D.S., I' ve decided to make it an even half-dozen." "I wasn't gone for long. The Venusians were very thoughtful." nitrou~ oxide is a gift from God for the masses, and I would dedicate my life to providing this gift to all of God's children." "Do you teach us how to clench our sphincters?" · "I went to college to get married, and I haven't found the right man yet·." "Actually, dental school was my first choice." "I'm an avid reader of Crichton, and I think the medical experience will really. improve my novel." "Well...! wouldn't say it was SCORCHING herpes." "My girlfriend says I look really good in scrubs." "Heh man, I have lots of experience with drugs." "No, that's not beer on my breath, my mouthwash is just kind ofhoppy." "That's right, Dr. Weidmann sent me from the Caribbean." "I would prefer you call me 'the applicant formerly known as Prince.' " "Proctology ... Cool!" "Uh ... no, I don't smell anything." "How long until I get to cut on people?" "I know my fly is down .. .interested?" "I can heal people. rye always had the touch." "My decision to go into urology has not been in any way affected by the fact that · every man I've ever known has treated me badly." . TAKE A LOOK AT THE NEW GEORGIAN PLACE "By the way. Just how accommodating are student nurses to 3rd years?" • Beautifully Restored • Saeened Pordtes • Cei1btg Fans • Large Brick ~dosed Patios . "01\, Non ALLSBIUCk E. VE.RYWl\E.RE.I" E. YE.S, 1 BEDROOM - s345 • 2 BEDROOM - s395 ~-----------------r;i ••so . . . sso I THIS couPoN GOOD FOR •so.oo OFF tST MONTH'S RENT NEW I LEASES ONLY I GEORGIAN PLACE ' ' I I1.:;•so APARTMENTS ____ sso I _____________ I I 1 ~ 733-7829 Owl pathologists at work t 1700 VUley Park Cowt •~Mlle Eut of AugaltA Mall . Open W:rekenda ·~ craduation Speakers 'KD'lo for The 1998 Medical School Class After repeated attempts at bribery failed them, the Cadaver writers cornered sophmore class president J-P Mobasser (Medicine) behind the salad station in the cafeteria and threatened him with the lettuce tongs if he didn't provide them with the complete list of potential graduation speakers for the MCG 1998 Graduation Ceremony. Because ole' J-P knew all members of The Cadaver are highly trained in the use of scissors, pencils and other pointy objects, he wisely handed over the highly secret papers immediately. Percentage of functional brain cells Mild Moder,ate Severe The following list of speakers (and topics) was extracted from the submissions made by members of the 1998 Medical School Class. · M..-tM Michael Jackson - "A Rosy Future for Neuropsychology" Chairman Ping Lo - "Socialized Medicine in the US, Taking the Golden Path" Oprah Winfrey - "Codependent Young Residents and the Hospitals Abusing Them" Michael Crighton - "How I Became a Happy Successful MD." Dr. Steele - "PCR: just do it!" Bill Gates Ill -"Windows MD, Microsoft's Plan to Acquire the US Health System" Tupac Shakur - "Shut up 'n Gimme Money *@#% Gomer! " Rush Limbaugh - "Obese, Obnoxious White Male Doctors Should Rule the US" Aprl 1 May1 June11 Juy15 500+ BAC 300 Jure July August Time Although S l S can present with any number of symptoms, there are several pathgnomonic signs (below) that lead to a rapid and accurate diagnosis. When taking an examination, the individual: I. Tries to get a wave going. 2. When in·an extended matching sections, he answers in essay form. The SIS Syndronte During Spring and early Summer, second year mediCal students undergo s(!veral strange and unprecedented physiological changes. Known as Step I Syndrome to insiders,. it's characterized primarily by intense fears that maybe their chosen professiqn is actually sanitation technology. The following graphs depict findings common to these individuals during this stage of development. 3. He talks out loud to himself and when confronted, says, "I'm so sure you can hear me." Then, he talks out loud about how stupid the test administrator is. 4. Cheers for the guy in front of him. 5. As soon as the instructor hands him the test, he eats it. 6. He blacks out all the questions and answers with ·a Sharpie pen. 7. Comments on how sexy the instructor is looking that day. 8. He starts a brawl. 9 . When the test begins, he complains about the heat and then strips. I 0 . Comes to the test with a 85 pound aluminum Buddha, -~nd prays to it often. 11 . Every five minutes during the exam, he collects all his things and moves to a different seat. MAP 93 12. For every question, asks his toes what the answer is. L---'"----==--==--=-=--- - - - - 13 . Gets a copy of the exam and runs out of the room screaming "Andre, Andre I' ve got the secret documents." · The standard of care for these individuals is one quart of Jim Beam per day for seven days. Followed by gentle reintroduction to society. At no time during convalesence should you ask the individual anything. Aprl 1 May1 Time June 11 Juv1s ) ---------~-------~ --- -··- ·-- ., -- · ----- --- - 88 89 91 J•nkin\ Bonno P )<nkiM, Henry A. jonn, jtttrny Y. ]Oil<!, ~lirh><I & 92 Joshi Afl"rvt K. 9l Joudah, Fody A K<lly, Scot1 A K•mp, C.rl100 R Kh:'ln, S111u U - Km\ DJryl K K0tlhl<r, PJul D 90 Congratulations to the Seniors, especially Niti Bhalla who is going to Las Vegas (one or our personal fantasies), for sticking through four years of"educ·ation" at MCG. 1. l. 4. ). 6. 7. Aboma1hy, RDbtn A Ancknon, Eric B. Ancknon, S•mm1h1 I. Aquino Lu:inn Asnw, PhJip E. B>rnb, Di:imu A. B:ardrn, Brian F.. lltdnl C•ll•gt of Grorgia, Auiu><~ GA Ch:m•nooga Uni1-UnivofTron Col of Med, TN U of Fl H"hh S<itnct Ctr, Jxklonvilk, Fl. Gtorgil B•pro1 Medical C.nm, A1bnr:i, GA Bownun Gray/NC Blj> HO!p, W111>10n·S.lem, N< Uof M~mi-Jxk!On Mtm Med C.mer, Mi:im~ Fl C.mwJy Mt1hod"r Med Crr, B,mingham, Al 8. 9. IO. A111)' L. Bm1,Jay N. Bttde, 1>.orcy M. Medd Collw of Grorgia, ~ugu1ra, GA Caroltn;u t.J,dKli Cenm, Clurlom, NC 11 . 12. Btnntu, John C Beu.Pem ll. Bhall" Niu B•hop, Ch>rl" G. I. lhrf~ld, 14. 1\ 16. 17. Bl1CkJ."1"'N. Blalock, WilliamO. Bloodworth, Eliul><1h F 18. 19. Blood•·onh, Janin R Bowm, P1.,Kk J Univ ofTennn~ Col ofMedKint, M'mph6, TN Wngh1 ·Panmon USAF M<dKli Cu, D:iy1on, OH John> Hoplm1 Ho1p11JI, B>l1imore, MD Uninn11y 0£ N'v:Jd1 Aifil Hospi1:1.I, La~ VegJ~, NV Uninni1y Hospitll 1nd Clime, C.Olumbi.i, MO Univm11y Hospilll and Cl1nK, Columbi:l, MO M"hodo1 Ho1pilll, D:ill11, TX LSU SOM, Nn·Ori""" LA Grunvill' Hosp1t:J! Symm, Grt,nvi!le, SC Grttnvill' Hospital System, Grttnvtllt, SC. Ch:111:1noog:J Unit-Univ ofT,nn C.ol of Mtd, TN Chau::inoog::i Unir-Univ ofT,nn Col of Med, TN 20. Brotm, }..;J.ui'a A. Bot:nun Gray/NC B:Jp Hosp, Wiruton-Salt111, Nt 11. 21. ll. 24. 24. 2). 16. 21. 28. Bro•·n, Todd B. Burnaugh, Rob.n L C.hill, Suunn• M. C.lbh1n, Mich><I H Barbi<, Bobbi• C.rbon, Chri> C. un<r, Kar<n L. Ch>lkor, Thoma1 L Ch,.., J<ffr<y A. ~!Jkolrn Gro•· USAF Med 19. 36. Ch1udhry, Mund"p Ch>udhry, Sundttp Chtrry, Tm" A. Cbrk, M<li511B. Cbrk, Michl.I B. Cook, N>nmt N. Corml<k, Ally1an J. Caul<, Phillip L. 31. Cnnt,J<nniftr D. 38. 39. 40. Culm, J•nniftr L. C0>hing, Mich>tl V Cziro, Brun G. 41. 41. 43. Otvo, C:irrit L. Davi>, S.kinl HUS<in O..n, K<nnt1h M JO. l l. ll. ll. 34. l\. «. 4\. 46. 47. 48. 49. \0. O.llingtr, C.ryl A OJ•'Onh, W>rr<n K Dourron, Ang•h ( Dourron, Rob.n P Dovrr, Kevin G. Duk<, J•nnif<r P. Dukd•nfnrd.G. )6. Dy3r, SuS3n A. Edwards, William R Eickkr, Richard G. Erick.on, Manht.· G. Ethier, Annemarie M. Fohd, Amoine K. )1. )1. )8. Fmn, Sitphtn Fox, Si•phtn G. Fr<idrich, Alleyn E. \9. 60. 61. 62. G•i1htr, Kimb.rly B. Gilb.n, S1<•·an D. Goldb.rg, L« R. Good•·in, Honry N. 63. 64. Gr<gocy, D:m< K. Gttgory, Donna W. 6\. 66. Grillin,JllOllE. Griffirh, Brun C. 67. 68. Grogan, S1<ph3nit S. Hamil, Rach.I W. 69. 70. 71. 11. H•nnay, R.S. Harutn, T<rry W. Harrover,J:unesD. Hawkiru, S1nford R. \I. \2. \l. )4. n. 73. 74. · n. 76. 77. 18. 1'1 .80. H<nk•l.Sh•mina J. Henry, Hmhtr A. Henry, William R. HtnS3rling, Jdlrey K. Hesttr, Btnjamin C. Hicks, Brandon K Hopp, Philip H. Ho•·ingron, J1y U. 81. Bl. 83 84. 8\. Hubbard, Amy E 86. 87. lw:JnlOIO,M:Jrth:J Hudson, J'nnifer G. Hught1, Amy P. Humphries, T1mmhy A H/m>n, Ronald A Jam.., Hugh A. Crr, Andtt" AFB, MD Medid Colleg• ofGtorgil, Augu1u, GA MedKll f.oll<gt of ytorgo:i, Augu1ra, GA Medical Colleg• of Gtorgia, Augu1ra, GA Medd Coll•g• of Goorgi:l, Aug0>ll, GA UC S.n D~go Med Crr., S.n D•go, CA Med1C11I Coll<ge of Gtorgta, Aug"'"· GA Umv of South Alab•ml Med (u, Mobil<, AL Earl K. Long M<dical Cenrer, Baron Roug<, LA Alleghtny Gmral Hospilll, Pimburgh, PA Emory Univmi1y SOM, Arlan1a, GA Univ of Colorado School of iledicino, Dtnm, CO Univ of Virginil M<d Ctr, Chlrlonmill<, VA N"'I Medial Ctr, Pommouih, VA fo1<m Virginil Grad""" SOM, Norfolk, VA McdlCll Colleg< of Gcorgi:i, Aug0>ra, GA M<dKal Coll•g• of Gtorgia, Aug"''" GA Mtdical Coll•g• of Gtorgi:i, Augu1r~ GA Med"'! Coll•g• of Gt0rgil, Aug0>1a, GA U of Fl Program-Shonds HO!pioal, Glin'1Vill<, Fl Grorgil Bap1i>1 Medical C.nm, Adanoa, GA St. JO!tph Mmy Hospioal, Ann Arbor, Ml ~fo,,.chUS<m Gtncral Hospital, Boston, MA Medal Colleg• ofGtorgil, Aug0>1a, GA U of Fl H<al1h Sc~" Ctr, J3Ckl0nvill<, Fl Ahon Oclon<r M•d fnd, Ntw Orltaru, LA Alton Och1ntr M<d Fnd, N<w Orkaru, LA Univ of Alabanu Hosp11>l, Birminghom, AL Emory Univoni1y SOM, Arlanoa, GA Sin::ii Hospital, Dmoit, Ml Henry Ford Hosp11al, O.troi1, Ml Bcw.·m::in Gray/NC B::ip Hosp, W1ns1on-Sal,m, Nf Bov•nun Gray/NC Sap Hosp, Wiruron-Salem, NC & Gr::iy/N{' 8'.lp Hosp, Winnon-£11em, N( Grunvill' Hos'p1t:i1I Sysitm, Grunv1lle, S( Kalamazoo Crr for Med Srud1t1, Kalom~roo, Ml Univ of K<mucky Mtdicol Crr, Ltx1ngron, KY Medico! College of Gtorgil, Aug0>r~ GA Vanderbilt Univ Medical Cu, Noshville, TN Mmy Ho1p and M•d C.nm, 5ln D•go, CA Univ of California COM, Irvin•, CA U of U Med Crr and Food Shop, Wil1an, UT Mt1hodi>1 Hospira! of lndilna, lnd1anopolo, IN Andmon Am Medical Ctr, And•non, SC Mtdical College of G•orgi:l, Aug0>1a, GA Univ of Chicago Hospirol, Chicogo, IL Univ of Atizono Affil Hoipioab, Tu<10n, AZ Uo f TN Col ofMedicindltmphi>, TN U o fTN Col oHledicine, M<mphi1, TN Un" ofT<M<11<e GSM, Knoxvill<, TN Univ ofT<nnt11tt GSM, Knoxville, TN Tallahmto Mem Rtg M<d Crr, Tallohai1tt, FL William Beaumont Army Med Crr, El Pw, TX Georgia Bap1i>1 Medic>I C.nm, Arlantl, GA Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbi:i, SC Wesr Virginia Univ, Charltt1on, WV Sp>n>nburg Rtg Med C.nm, Sparranburg, SC EO.nhow<r Army Med Crr, Ft. Gordon, GA Medical Colleg• of Gtorgi:l, Augu11a, GA Medical Coll•g• of Gt0rgi:i, Auglllta, GA Emory Univmi1y SOM, Arlanoa, GA MediCal Coll<ge of Gtorgia, Aug"''" GA Medical Coll•g• of Georgia, Aug0>ta, GA Grtenvillt Hospital System, Grunville, SC Orlando Reg Heahh<lt< Symm, Orhndo, FL M'tropolitan Hospira! Crr, N'~' York, NY Chananoog> Uni1-U of TN Col of Med, TN Lenox Hill Hospital, New York, NY LSU Sch of Medicine, N•w Orleans, LA Uof TN Col ofMedicine, Memphil, TN C:irolinas Med10.I Cemer, Charloue, NC Georgi::i B:ipc~r Medical Cenm,, GA Alton Ocloner Med Fnd., New Orlearu, LA Emory Univmi1y SOM, Atlanra, GA Mtdical Coll•ge of Georgia, Aug0>rl, GA Univ of Virginia, Charlomsvill,, VA ~femorial Medical Cenrer, S::iv::innah, GA. ln1nn>I Medicint lnmn•I iledicin< OB/GYN lnum:tl },f,dicint Surg•ry/Pr.I Radiology-Diag0011ic Surgery Family Pr lll K' Surgery Ped1.11no Surg•ry Psych1my Internal MeJKin,fPrtl lnt,m:JI },f,dicin,/Prel An<11htsiology 1n1,malMeaKin' lnttrn:JI Med1cin' Ptdia1rio ln1trnal ~led )C'in' Tran~i1ion1I Ophrhalmology F::irltily Prac1i<' Trans11ion::il lnitmal Medicin' p,di:J1rKS 01olaryngology lnd0>trill H"hh Surgery p,diatrln Pathology Enttrg,ncy Medicine Emtrg,ncy Mtdicine Traruition::il ln1<m•I Med-Prim>ry Emerg,ncy M'dicine Tr.iruitional OB/GYN lntem3)},f,dicin' lmemalM,dicin,fPrel Emtrg,ncy M'dicin' Ptdimio p,dmOO Onhopa<dic Surg<ry lnt,mal M'dicin,fPrel Radiation Oncology Pedia1rio lnmnal },f,diciu,/Prel ln1<m•I Med icin</Pr<I Oph1h3lmology lnt,maIM,dicin' Ellll'rg,ncy M'd1cine OB/GYN OB/GYN Radiology ·Di:ignost ic Radiology-D11gnos1 K Otol.1ryngnlogy p,d1::11ri. \ 94 9\. 96 91. 98. 99 Kr:inkr, lhomn 0 HJJ Linell>~. 101 l..Jngston, VJlme A IOI bptu, Chtmr k Kevin D IOI 104 Let, Phol <ia I.. Ltff, R.cky P. IO) L..·o, Rmuld C 106 Lin, Ho N. 101•ntck<r, Elwood N 108 ~hubby, Gilb.n H. 109. ~foyf•ld, Walm G 110. Mc<:oy, Colle<n A 111. McElhlnnon, Thomu A 11 l McSw>in, Rob.n L. ! ll M<hll, Neha H. 114 M<hl<I, Crilp,, P. II\ Minor, Ed,.,rd A. 116. M0tling, H<ide H. 111 Mullin1, F. 118 Murray, ~!Jry E. . 119. Ntal, Diannl L. 110. Nooi1, Douglls H. Ill Ogden, Michoel M. 122. Squiml, B1ff Ill. Oknl<, S•mmy M. Ill. Ovenrre<1, Aogrb M Pard.., Jul~M. 124 12) Pmn1<, Kimherly F 116. Paul, Grom T. 127. Pcrlmon,Sconj. 128. PhilliP', Amy E. 119. PhilhP', J0tl C. 130. Philpou, Benjamin M Ill. Photo~. AVl E Ill. Pit1ruk, Nichol» A Ill. Prillk<r, Adam S. 134. Pryor, Ht:nhtr A. 13). R>dfocd, Monie• A 116. Ranuuon~ Lis.1 A. 137. Rtmn•'lld, John E. 138. Ripl<y, David L. 119. 140 141. 141. l4~ 144 14\ G'org,to~11 Univ Hospit::il, Washington, OC Radiology-Diagnostic Transitional Univ,n11y of California, San F~ncisco, CA lmnul Medicin< Univ ofTtnrlC>ltt GSM, Knoxville, TN Qorgtio~·n Univ Hospital, W1Shington, DC. Uof K<ntucky MedtCal C.nm, Lexing1011, KY T•mple UniV<nity Hospioal, Phil1ddphi:i, PA flmilyPracric' lnumal MtdKin' p,di:urics Medic>I College of Gtorgi:l, Aug"'"· GA M<rcy Hospioal and Med C.nm, Chicago, IL Sp1010burg Rtg Med Cir, SpmJnburg, SC Medical Collegt of Gt0rgil, Aug0>ra, GA Medic>I Colltgt of Gtorgi:l, Aug0>1a, GA MedicJI Coll•g• ofGwrgo:i, Aug0>1a, GA Medical Coll•g• of Gt0rgi:l, Aug0>ra, GA ASPl.Ai'IT DCOM PAKFLIP, Bcrrtn11 AFB, loaly Tulan' Uninnity, N'w Orl,aru, LA Medic•I Collegt of G.Orgi:l, Aug0>1a, GA U of FL Htahh Scion" Crr,J3Ckl0n•ill<, Fl Mtdical Coll•g• of Gcorgi:l, Aug"''" GA Univ of Sou1h Alabama, Mobil<, AL Emonud/Good S.mlttt"1 Hosp, Ponland, OR Univ of Arkanw, Linl< Rock, AR Grunville HospitJI Sysmn, Grunville, SC E1St T'nnes~ Sta1e Univ, John~n City, TN U of Fl H<ahh Scitne< Ctr, Jl<honvill<, FL Medical C.nm of C.ntral Gtorgia, Mxon, GA En"ry Univmi1y SOM, Arlan1a, GA Floyd M<dical Ctnier, Rom•, GA Vandtrbilt Univ,nity M'dical Center, N1Shvill,, TN Medical C.mtt of C.ntral Georgia, ~facon, GA Uof Fl Program-Sh>nds Hospi!OI, Glm<1vill<, Fl M<dical Colkg• of Gtorgio, Augu1ll, GA MedicalColltg<ofV•gini:i, Richmond, VA Emory Univmity SOM, Ad::in1a, GA Univ of Virgm11, Charlounvilk, VA Mayo GnduJ" School, J1Cl1anvill<, Fl Floyd M<do·al C.n1<r, Romo, GA Millon S Henhty Mrd Cu of P<nn SU, Hmhty, PA Geor~11 8Jp1i~t Medicll Crn1er, A1l::in1a, GA M<dical C..lleg< of Gcnrgil, Augu11a, GA Radiology-Diagnos1ic Intema!Med1Cinr 1)1 Son~ . l )8 1)9 160 16 l Squir<\ Ann• C. Srack,Nicol<M. Tanhil, Howard S. Tho ~1p1an, Ktvin R. 161 163 164 Tilcbl<, Victoria G. 'rrmh, Nicholas Q Tyb.r, Andy B. 16\ UlrKh, Lane, D. MCO Hospiral/S1. Vine<nl Med Crr, Toledo, OH Gwrgil Bap1i11 Medical C.nm, Adanr~ GA Emory Univeni1y SOM, A!lanra, GA M•dical College of Grorgi:i, Augum, GA Ur~ Jant1 L. Medical College of Gcorgil, Aug"''" GA Chamnooga Unit-Univ ofTennrssee Col of M,d, TN Psychiatry .Onhop,.d< Surg•ry Ptdiatrio 166. 167. 168 169. 170 111. MedKin' l1l Surg<ry OB/GYN Emorgency MedKm• Surg<ry Family PractK' Family Prmic' Traruitional/Ancsr h Emergency Mtdic:in' Psychiatry Jm,rru.IM,dicm' Emerg~ncy Ptdiacrio Surg•~·/Prel N'uroswgery Pediatrio Pedimio Transitio!lal Surg•ry Transitional Nmology Pedia1ria FamilyPrac1ict Waite\, Chriltopher L. Wak<f•ld, Jamt1G Ward, Mdan~ A. Webb, Whimey L. . W<11, Todd B. !1l. 174. 11\. 176. Whi1<htad, J"sica C Willen, Jennife; J. Willilms, Helen L. William1, Siephon~ L. ·wil lianu, Toni M. 171. 118 Wimn:m, William S. Woods, William). · 119. 180. 181. Wray, Steven D. Wright, Jonarh1n P. Zell,Jo•nno E. ln1mul Mtd-Pruuary Jn1,mal Mtd1Cm' M'n10rr.1l M'diul c,nter, SaYlnnJh, GA U.niv ofT,nntt~ Mrd Cir, Knoxvi!I,, TN Radiology-Diognos!K familyP ramc' lnt,m::il M,dicine{Prel Family PractK' Farnily-Prauic< ln1<m1I Med<in</Prd Emerg•ney MedK1nt TraruMK>n:il M<diCJI Colkg• of Georgia, Augo1ra. GA K16er Permmen1t Hosp-Fontan1, P1s1d,n:i, CA Good S.1mui1:m Reg Mtd f.tnm, Phoenix, AZ 148 149 I\0 1)1 1\1 I\l 1\4. 1)\ 1)6 Surg•ry/Prd Urology OB/GYN Surg•ry Surgery/Pr<! Mtdiciri,.Pediat;Ks Internal MedKm' OB/GYN Surgery Radiology·Di>gnos1ic Family Pranice Mm1on1l MedKal (,nitr, SJvJ11nah, GA R.adiolnt;y·D1agn01o1K lnmtul Mtdicint Danny Y. 08/GYN F:irnily Pr.lctict Stodrl, HuwJrdD Stldomndg<, Amy I. Sh•mh~ ARlnd T. Shim, Chari" B. Shuhrod, Andrew R S1lmio, Rob.n W. Simm<n, Kyl• E. Sledg<, S.-on C. Smirh, Benjamin R. Smith, Ch1d•·ick A Smnh, Trevor K. Opl11f~lmology Ptd~tcin Rocliology-DugnoMic P1yd>iarry Tnmoional An<11ht!.,logy ·1n1<nul Med<.,. Pol ney Mtmorill Hosp11al, Albrny, GA If/ Microu'3vology F•mily Prmic• Georgu BJptl)t Mcdtc:i.I Ct.nttr, ArlJmJ, GA Ptdiatrirs Ptd1mics Transitional 14r, R0tbuck, Vonda K. Ro!ntr, Mirchtll H. Ro•·•k1, 5tJnl<y D. San!OO<, Sh•ryl L. SJxen::i, S:mjeev Schlol'b.rg, Richlrd M .Schuro<, M>rgam L. Mtdnl folkgo of Grorgia, Augu><~ GA Gtttnvilk Ho.p<•I Syiotn\ Grttnvilk, SC ~I!. Srui Mtdical <;tn1n, ilwni, Fl . Emory Un~mi1y SO~I. A1bn1~ GA Grorgio Bap<iM M<dical Cm1n, A1bnu, GA Indiana llnov Medial Cmm, lndionapoli>, IN Univ of Tms Medic.d School, llOU!ton, TX Emory Uuivm<y SOM, A1hn1a, GA Grecnvtlk HilSpoal lymn>, Grttnvill<, SC Wnt Virginia Univ, Clurln1on, WV UMDNJ-RWJ i1ed School, Camden, NJ ~ledira! Colkg• of GtorgiJ, Augu1< l, GA U11t'ftntty Ht»pi11l,Jark50n, ~fS Nml M'dlf31 l:tnr<r, S.n Diogo, CA Duke Univ Medtcal Ctnm, Durham, NC Univ of CinnnnJ1i H01op1tal, Cmcmnat 1, OH MedlClll Coll<g< ofGcorgil, Augusu, GA Un1vm11y of Oklahoma, Oklahoma Cuy, OK Memoml Medical Ctnter, S:Jv::1nn1h, GA M<d1<al Coll•g• of Grorgil, Aug0>ra, GA M<mor~I Medical C'J!!<r, Savannlh, GA Keesler Mtd1<al C<nm, Kml<r AFB, MS Bowman Gr:Jy/NC Baptis1 Hosp, Wiruton-S::ilem, NC Medical Coll<ge of Gtorg;., Augu11a, GA Ch::imnooga Uni1-Univ ofT,nness" Col of Mtd, TN M<dical College of Georg;., Aug"''" GA Bowman Gray/NC Bapti>r Hosp, Wm11on-Salen>, NC Sin1i Ho1piial Bal1imott, MD Johru Hopkins H111piral, Balrimor<, MD · Medical Coll•ge of Georg;., Aug0>1a, GA • V>ndtrbilr Univmi1y Mtdical C.nm, Nllhville, TN En>anud/Good Samariron Hosp, Ponland, OR Medical Coll<ge of Gtorg;., Aug0>1a, GA U of Fl Program-Shandi Hospital, Gaincsvill•, FL lnd;.na Univ Medical C.nm, lndianapolil, IN M<dical C.nrtt of C.nrral Gtorgio, Macon, GA Mt1hodi11 Ho1piral, Dallas, TX Tollah»1tt Mem Reg Med Crr, Tlllahass«, FL Uqf FL Program-Shonds Ho1piial, Gainesvill<, Fl Tallah""' Mem Reg Med Crr, Tlllah11see, FL Emory University SOM, A1bnt1, GA V::inderbil1 University Medical Center, N1Shville, TN Medi<ll College of G<org~. Augusoa, GA Pum•y Memorill Hospilll, Alb>ny, GA Si. Joseph Mercy Hospllll, Ann Arbor, Ml Boston City Hospital, Bos1on, MA B>ylor College of Medicine, Ho0>1on, TX Mentori:il Medical C.nrer, Savannah, GA Bov.•mao Gray/NC Bapris1 Hosp, Wirmon-531,m, NC Bo~·m::in Gra.Y.INC Baptis1 Hosp, Winston-SaJ,m, NC Yale-N,v.• Haven Hospi[::il, New HJven, CT ln1<mll Medicin• Psychurry OB/GYN Surg<ry FamilyPnciice Family Practice Ptdi:uria Ptdiatrio Proctology Transitional Family Pranict Radiology-Diagno.1• Pedilrrio . Surg•ry lno<nul Medicin• Medicine-Ptdiatrio Tramition::il Family Pranict OB/GYN f'amilyPract ic' ln1<nul Medicine/Pr<! Family Pr.1ctic' P1ych~rry Surg•ry/Prd Surgery lnttrnal ~ledicin</Prtl Phys M•d & Rthab OB/GYN Jm,malM,d Kirl' lntemalM,dKin' Fa~ily Pmoct lnturul Medicin' Family Pranic' Family Pr.1c1ic' lnt,m:i.IMedKm' Ptdiairi<s Urology lmem:il Medidne Pedi:itrio OB/GYN p,di.mio Jm,mal Mtdicin' FamilyPractic' Onhopaedic Surg•ry lnt,malMrdicin,fPrtl An<11ht.iology ln1<mal Medicin<IPttl Radotion-Oncology !menu! Medicin< Pcdiarrio lnrtmalMedicin• lnmnol Medlcint/Pr<I Radiation-Oncology OB/GYN Family foctic< Tr.witional Radiology-Di:ignosric Jnt,maJMrdicin,fPrel Ophthllmology Surgtry/Prel OB/GYN Surgery/Pre! Family Practic' Surgery/Prtl Family Prmice Parhology Pedi:mia Pediacncs FamilyPr.ictic' lnrenul Mtdicint/Prel Emorgency MedKme Pediauics Internal M'dicine Neuro5urgery Surg'ry Psychi:i1ry