Senior Issue - Greater Nanticoke Area School District


Senior Issue - Greater Nanticoke Area School District
Volume 3 Issue 4
Congratulations to the Nanticoke
Class of 2016!
Th a n k Yo u S e n i o r s !
Dear Senior Class,
“It was the best of times, it was the
worst of times, it was the age of
wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it
was the epoch of belief, it was the
epoch of incredulity, it was the season
of Light, it was the season of Darkness,
it was the spring of hope, it was the
winter of despair, we had everything
before us…” Our journey to senior year
has been life-changing, to say the least.
And now, it’s almost over. All of our
hard work is finally about to pay off.
Graduation is quickly approaching.
Although graduation marks the end
of high school, it marks the beginning
of college, and of the rest of our lives.
This will be the first time all of the
seniors will make their separate ways,
but we will always be one; we will
always be the GNA class of 2016.
I’m not going to lie to you; the
thought of graduation terrifies me. I’ve
been here my whole life. I grew up here
in the same district, in the same
community, with the same kids, and the
same teachers and staff. Nanticoke is
my home. Overall, it’s been a pretty
great 13 years here. And after
everything, I wanted to extend my
sincere appreciation to the rest of the
class of 2016, and I wanted to say thank
Thank you for sharing my childhood
with me. I still remember our first day
of kindergarten and how scared we
Leaving Their Mark
Senior Superlatives
Get to know the senior class superlatives
and how they got that title.
Senior Class Officers
2015-2016 Class Officers
The GNA Insider sat down with the class
officers to ask them a few questions:
Alexis Selli, Chaquanna Zendarski,
Jennifer Lopez, Veronika Popyk.
Way Back When
The GNA Insider takes a look back on
the year 2003 when our Seniors were in
The Things We’ll See,
The Places We’ll Go...
Take a look at where the seniors plan on
pursuing their future aspirations.
Thank You Parents
A letter to the parents of our seniors
thanking them for teaching us, being
patient with us, loving us, and most of all
believing in us.
Thank You Seniors!
all were because we knew that nothing
would ever be the same. It was the first
time that many of us met, and we would
end up spending the next 12 or so years
together. It was the first day of our entire
school career. It was the beginning of our
Thank you for coming along with me
throughout all of our milestones. First
grade was scary because we had to go to a
different building, and we actually had to go
to school for a full day. In second grade, we
had the Kennedy building all to ourselves.
Third through fifth grade held one of our
biggest milestones. We started doing things
on our own and we became comfortable
with being in school. In middle school, we
started experimenting with clothes and
makeup and hairstyles; all of which we look
back on in regret, but it was important
because it was the first time we began to
establish ourselves as individuals. High
school was by far a mixture of the best and
worst times. The workload was hard, we
learned who our real friends were, we
started going to semi formals and proms –
it was the beginning of the end.
And now we’re here: senior year. It’s our
final year of high school and it’s full of big
decisions. We need to make sure we keep
up with our schoolwork, even though
senior-itis hit us pretty hard around the
second week into this school year. We have
to go on so many college visits that we lose
count. We have to pick a college, if we
decide that’s the path that is best for us. We
have to pick a career that we feel we will be
happy doing for the rest of our lives. We
have to apply for scholarships and show
that we are worthy students. And, in the
mix of it all, we have to make time to create
memories with our friends. This may be our
last chance to get everyone together. Sure,
senior year is stressful, but it’s still one of
the best years of our lives.
To the people I pass in the halls – I know
everything is as it should be when I pass
you. Seeing you, even without exchanging
looks or words, became part of my daily
routine. We know each other’s name, we
developed a way of detecting other’s
emotions, and even though we’re not close,
when you’re absent, something feels off.
You give me a sense of familiarity that I will
dearly miss when I go to college. Thank you
for that.
given me the best memories that I will
cherish forever. Although we’re all going
our separate ways after high school, I know
we will always keep in touch.
To my acquaintances – Thank you for
being kind to me. I know that whenever we
have a class together, I will always have a
place to sit and a person to talk to. The
little smiles we exchange in the hallways
bring me joy, even if just for a little while.
Thank you for reminding me that there are
nice people in the world, but that the world
doesn’t revolve around me. Thank you for
being everything an acquaintance should
To the GNA class of 2016 -Thank you for
helping me become the person I am today.
I’ve learned lessons from every one I came
in contact with. And a special thank you to
all of those who helped me when I needed
it the most. We’ve grown up together,
physically and mentally. We’ve been
through it all. We’ve been through
everyone’s shining moments, and everyone’s
darkest hours. We’ve cried together and
we’ve laughed together. We became a single
unit, a family – the class of 2016.
To my friends – Thank you for inviting
me to sit at your lunch table. Thank you for
being my lab partner and visiting my locker
to wish me a good morning. I love our
group chats and the classes we have
together. Although it freaks me out
sometimes, I truly appreciate when you
randomly show up at my house, or casually
call me to see if we can hang out. I love our
spontaneous plans. You’re my reminder that
people care about me, in case I forget. I
know I can tell you anything; you always
give the best advice. I love your company
and the crazy things we do. You make me
laugh harder than anyone else can. You have
Thank you for everything. I wish you all
the best of luck in all of your future
endeavors. I hope life treats you well. I
hope you find the strength to make the best
out of every situation. And I hope you don’t
forget about me. I will hold you all close to
my heart, always. Farewell.
by: Tonya Vahey
“Oh the Places You Will Go...”
Ohio Technical
John Keefe
The University of
Arizona State
Maia Britton
Abbey Zaykoski
Alexis Selli
Florida State
Alexis Seery
Davis Bible
Unity College
University of New
Joseph Drugotch
Danielle Snyder
Luke Johnson
St. Martin’s
Concordia University
Trystan Rackham
Rachel Roccograndi
Andrew Donovan
Elizabeth Colemire
Ryan Edwards
Anthony Galli
“Oh the Places You Will Go...”
Temple University
Katelynn Watson
Caroline Lawson
Ben Sersen
Krystal Daniel
Lillian Fields
Kari Radginski
Alexis Cardone
Matt Wright
Juliana Waclawski
Penn State University
Mercedes Gleco
Derrick Spencer
Jordan Bavitz (Wilkes Barre)
University of Scranton
Keri Lushefski
Jennifer Lopez (Main)
Emily Gomelko
King’s College
Robert Roth (Harrisburg)
Tonya Vahey
Mitchel Verchimak (Hazelton)
Pennsylvania College of
Samantha Russin
Jack Ostopick (Wilkes Barre)
Stephen Kreitzer
Taylor Ellersick
Bloomsburg University
Kutztown University
Brent Piontkowski
Lily Young
Ryan Zakarauskas
Morgan Mislitski
Joshua Escalante
John Paul Shemanski
Janeen Percival
University of the Sciences
Scott Stout
Pasquale Bova
Amber Grohowski
Alyssa Petroski
Jake Havey
Richard Guziak
Alec Norton
Lock Haven University
Carly Grabowski
Jordan Kuscavage
Nick Littzi
Gabriella Pezzella
Bereniss Sosa-Terron
Cheyenne Snarski
Klarissa Rinker
Joanna Tushinski
Shawn Woznicki
Nikolas Placek
Sam Vino
Brinton Ball
Mansfield University
Matt Labenski
Michael Tattersall
Tori Rozell
Robin Jones
Paul Sherlinski
Jennah Simpson
Trisha Deretchin
Nick Kowalski
Keystone College
Lovelia Pascuzzo
Dominick Souder
Jordan Atherton
Darius Neberdosky
Jessica Emrick
Jess Cann
Chris Dennis
Andrea Gyle
Chaquanna Zendarski
Bill Pekaar
Misericordia University
Fortis Institute
Emily Englert
Lindsay Kane
Buddy Goss
Faith Gilliam
Veronika Popyk
Earl Manangan
Wilkes University
Indiana University of
Angela Cragle
Vanessa Tocket
Billy Johnson
Kevin Osmanski
Kylee Lehr
Gianna Roberts
Brandon Kessler
Kylee Lehr
Janan Trotter
Lackawanna College
Ocyrus Leemoui Brown
Moravian College
Kelsey Novak
2016 Senior Class Officers
As the 2015-2016 school year is coming to a close, the Senior Class Officers are busy completing their last ideas, projects, and handling
of documents and money for their graduating class. President Alexis Selli, Vice-President Chaquana Zendarski, Secretary Jennifer Lopez,
and Treasurer Veronika Popyk may be seen contributing their time cooperating on projects, selling items/fundraising, coordinating events,
and taking charge of official items held upon the senior class.
To obtain such a dignifying distinction as a class officer, it takes a great amount of hard work, dedication, and timely promises to
uphold such responsibilities and establish a manageable and organized, yet exciting, year for the remainder of their class. These selective
students are honored for their professional labels, which heightens their chances at receiving a far-reaching experience that further aids in
the process of what it takes to have a job/career in the real world.
Inside of “The GNA Insider,” each of the current GNA’s 2016 Class Officers are featured for their involvement, and they offer
additional insights on what it takes to be a leader.
President & Vice-President
President: Alexis Selli
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I decided to run for class office because I wanted
to have the opportunity to try to make senior
year fun. I also had experience from being in
office at a different school. This allows me to try
to bring some of their ideas here.
Why is serving as class president important
to you?
It is important because it allows me to have the
opportunity to connect with my classmates as a
whole, while also preparing me to become a
future leader.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a
class officer?
Getting the class to agree on anything is the most
difficult part. If the class doesn’t agree,
sometimes it’s hard to figure out a way to
What are your responsibilities as class
Along with fundraising for the class trip, making
speeches, and helping at events, my responsibility
is to try to bring the senior class together.
Vice-President: Chaquana Zendarski
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I decided to run for class office because I
thought it would help me stay more organized
and be responsible.
Why is serving as vice president important
to you?
It is important to me because I like to hear the
opinions of people in my senior class, and I try
to help their voices be heard, but yanno.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a
class officer?
There is nothing difficult because this is only
high school. Although, if there is something that
bothers me, it would definitely be how we can
never agree on anything...but that’s life.
What are your responsibilities as class vice
The same responsibilities as Joe Biden. I never
see that guy around Barack a lot, do you?
What advice would you give next year’s
class officers?
What advice would you give to next year’s
class officers?
I plan to major in Biology at the University of
Florida in order to become an orthodontist.
It gets stressful at times, especially when you
meet opposition, so it is important to do what
you think is best and lean on your other officers
when things get rough.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
What was your favorite event that you
helped coordinate this year? Why?
I liked to help with the senior Halloween parade
because it is something that I looked forward to
since 9th grade, and this year we got to give gift
cards to the winners.
What qualities make a good leader?
Someone who gets things done, cares about
others, and is willing to make minor
Who are your role models? Why?
My role models are my nonno because he always
told me I can do anything I put my mind to and
my cousin, Shane, because he’s currently in dental
Soccer, Track, and Dance.
What will you miss most about high school?
I will miss ordering fanny packs in Mr. Stove’s
with Mitchel.
Is being a class officer how you predicted it
to be? Explain.
No because I originally planned on doing more,
but it’s hard because all the other officers and
myself get really busy.
How do you balance school work along with
your duties as class president?
I try to get things done as soon as I’m informed
about them.
What are your future plans after
Try to always have a couple meetings every
quarter with your grade and stay stern, do not
switch things up to favor a handful, go with the
What was your favorite event that you
helped coordinate this year? Why?
It would definitely have to be the cookie dough
fundraiser. I like how the majority of the senior
class sold it and made money to put towards
their senior trip.
What qualities make up a good leader?
Did you have a campaign strategy? If so,
what was it?
“My name is Chaq and I got ya back.”
What will you miss most about high
Basketball, teammates, and coaches.
Is being a class oficer how you predicted it
to be? Explain.
Be open minded, confident, aware, accountable,
and most of all just be honest to your classmates!
How do you balance school work along
with your duties as class vice president?
Who are your role models? Why?
I split my attention 50/50 for both things.
My role model is definitely my brother. He made
something out of nothing and is now successful.
What are your future plans after
Attend college and live life.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
Secretary & Treasurer
Secretary: Jennifer Lopez
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I thought that it would be fun and an experience
I haven’t had before.
Why is serving as class secretary important
to you?
It made me realize how important time
management is and it was just a great experience.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a
class officer?
All officers coming together for a meeting. We all
have different schedules, so it’s just difficult when
we need to talk about ideas/ future events and no
one can come together.
What are your responsibilities as class
I write down important ideas and ideas we’ve
agreed to. I try to keep everything organized and
help all the other officers with anything they
What advice would you give to next year’s
class officers?
Treasurer: Veronika Popyk
Why did you decide to run for class office?
I decided to run for class office to stand with
three other individuals as a symbol of strength,
unity, and family, and to be the voice and action of
the senior class.
Why is serving as class treasurer important
to you?
It is an important duty to me because I hold a
responsibility that others rely on.
What is the most difficult aspect of being a
class officer?
The most difficult aspect is to think and act in a
way that brings all goals of the class of 2016 to
What are your responsibilities as class
Get every idea accepted by the principal ASAP,
don’t put it off.
What was your favorite event that you
helped coordinate this year? Why?
The senior class trip. Making the shirts, getting
all of those involved together and it’s just a once
in a lifetime high school experience that I helped
What do you think makes a leader?
Someone who can make decisions for the better
and know how to make everything work
Who are your role models? Why?
My mom. She puts everyone before her and she is
determined in achieving the many goals she sets.
She’s a great person who I hope to become.
What are your future plans after
Student Council, Spanish Club, Food
Committee, National Honor Society, Field
Hockey, and Track & Field
Did you have a campaign strategy? If so,
what is it?
I posted a picture on Instagram and let the class
know that I was running.
What will you miss most about high school?
The teachers! They’ve helped me through
everything and they are just so nice.
Is being a class officer how you predicted it
to be? Explain.
It was a lot more stressful than what I had
How do you balance school work along with
your duties as class secretary?
I keep a planner with everything in it. I also try
to accomplish everything I can in school.
Attend college and hopefully attend medical
school to become a dermatologist.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
My advice would be to run because you want to
do it for your class, not because you want to see if
you will win.
What was your favorite event that you
helped coordinate this year? Why?
My favorite event was the cookie dough sales
because it helped many seniors raise a gracious
amount of money for their trip.
What do you think makes a leader?
A leader is built from honesty, delegation,
communication, confidence, commitment, a
positive attitude, creativity, intuition, inspiration,
approach, motivation, teamwork, and flexibility.
Who are your role models? Why?
My role models are Malala Yousafzai and my
grandmother. These two women resemble the
right state of mind when it comes to the ideas
that seem impossible.
My responsibilities includes accurately
maintaining all financial records of the class and
working with the committee as a whole.
What are your future plans after
What advice would you give to next year’s
class officers?
My future plans hold the opportunity to attend
college. During college, I plan to travel and
accomplish my goals.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
This school year, I was involved in girls’ volleyball.
In addition, I soon will be volunteering for the
American Cancer Society.
What will you miss most about High
The thing I will miss most about high school is
having piddling responsibility compared to the
ones that wait further down the road.
Is being a class officer how you predicted it
to be? Explain?
No, being a class officer is different that I
predicted it to be. Some weeks, it will be full of
work and others, I forget that I’m a class officer.
It all depends on the month and what is planned
for that period of time.
How do you balance school work along with
you duties as class treasurer?
I break my work for school and work for the class
up in different time periods. Consequently, this
helps me focus on a specific duty during the set
A L etter F r o m M r . L o n g
Dear GNA Class of 2016:
Initially, I want to thank Mr. Carey and Samantha Vino for asking me to write a letter to the Class
of 2016.
TRANSITIONS!!! Life is full of transitions. It seems like yesterday we first met when you
transitioned from fifth grade to the Ed Center. Changing classes, five teachers, a new principal,
and the dreaded locker combination were your new challenges. Now you are ready to transition
again. This time, the challenges are a bit more life altering. The work force, the military, or college
are very difficult decisions to make for anyone, but especially for an 18 year old. But as was
witnessed and evidenced by your presence here today, you were up to the challenge of the
lockers in sixth grade and you will be and are ready for the challenges that life has prepared for
I remember 34 years ago and I was sitting where you are today. I had just survived 13 years in
private school and could not wait to be 18 and move on. Graduation was certainly a huge night
for me and was certainly an enormous Rite of Passage, as I am sure it is for you, as well. So
much excitement and nervousness all wrapped up inside me. I remember thinking there are very
few days devoted to me by my family, and graduation is certainly one of them, so enjoy it.
When asked to write this letter to the class, I had to think long and hard about what I wanted to
say or impress upon you. I know through all the years, old people try to tell you how to live your
life and such, and being old, I feel like I am obligated to give you something worthwhile to take
with you; so bear with me.
1.) Don’t grow up too fast!
We all waste too much time wishing our lives away. Enjoy each and every day, for you will never
get it back.
2.) Your teenage years are great, but are not the best times of your lives!
If you work hard, find something you love to do, and find someone to share that life with, it gets
better. Believe me!
3.) Don’t be afraid to fail
Risk taking and putting yourself out there in life, love, and friendship because it will make life
more exciting and rewarding. You can live life on the Merry-Go-Round or on the Roller Coaster.
Your decision.
This year’s senior class of 2016 has
several students who will be enrolled at
various universities this fall to play
sports. College athletics provide
immense growth for athletes nationwide.
They allow students to learn how to
better balance multiple things, as their
respective sport will most likely take up
the majority of their free time. College
athletes will also be presenting their skills
on a larger stage, forcing them to
perform under pressure that they haven’t
seen yet. The following athletes have
decided to pursue collegiate athletics by
continuing to play the sports that they
Rachel Roccograndi- Concordia
University- Softball
Gianna Roberts- Wilkes UniversityBasketball
Amber Grohowski- Wilkes UniversityField Hockey and Basketball
Brent Piontkowski- Kings CollegeBasketball
Fred Lukowski- Wilkes UniversitySoccer
Vanessa Tockett- Wilkes UniversitySoftball
4.) Be passionate about something.
Find something to believe in and stand up for whatever it is.
5.) To have good friends is learning to be a good friend.
My wife is my best friend and in 15 years of marriage, I have learned how to be her best friend.
6.) Be good to your community
My hero, my dad, always said, “Live your lives to help others!” Enough said!
Well, there you have it. My last bit of advice. Please know that I think about you and miss you
daily. Your class in particular has taught me more than you will ever know. For that, I will always
be indebted to you. Day one in sixth grade, I spoke about RESPECT to you. Please know for
what you have accomplished for your school academically, athletically, and socially, I will always
respect you!!!!! I will not wish you a good life…you need to build one!
A Trojan Always,
Mr. Long
by: Andrew Stratton
Mr. Schwenk Bids Farewell to the Senior Class
Dear GNA Class of 2016:
As an educator and parent, I know that young people come
into our lives for only a short time before moving on to
adulthood. You will soon reach an important milestone in
that journey-graduating from high school. As you prepare for
the next chapter, please accept my sincere congratulations
and best wishes. It is my hope that the attainment of your
diploma is just the start of a bright future filled with dreams
In my experience, there are a few things in life that have
truly transformational qualities. They include faith, love, and
education. Each one inspires hope for the future and it is my
prayer that you experience all of them to the fullest.
The Greater Nanticoke Area High School is a launching pad.
Continue to channel your strengths and abilities in a positive
direction to reach your goals. Identify your true passion and
purpose, fight for it, and never give up, even when obstacles
seem overwhelming. Remember that anything worthwhile
takes desire, time, and effort. Challenges are just
opportunities for growth. Don’t use them as excuses. There
are no shortcuts to success. Develop your support system
and invest in your positive relationships.
Lastly, it is my hope that you will be empowered with the
opportunity, freedom, and respect afforded by ongoing
education throughout your lifetime. As you pursue your own
goals, also remember that service to others leaves a truly
lasting legacy of great meaning and value.
Very truly yours,
Mr. Matthew Schwenk
High School Principal
We'd drive too fast
We'd get too loud
We thought we made, the world go 'round
Nothin' but a bunch of time to kill
Set up on the big hill
Make a toast, drink it down, say
Yeah man, we run this town
Class Flower: Peony
Class Motto: “Learn !om the past; Excel
in the present; Cha"enge the future.”
Class Color: Maroon
Class Song: “We Run this Town” by Luke
Seventeen, we owned those streets
Parking lot
That was our spot, that's where we'd
always meet
And we'd roll on out
In a pickup truck parade
Stake our claim with a fire in a field in the
middle of nowhere, USA
We'd light the midnight up
All the girls next door
They'd meet us out there
They couldn't wait to get away
And come and let down their hair
We were rough around the edges
They were sweet as they could be
They were way too good
But they still let us steal a little kiss
before they'd leave
From crazy kids
To dirt road kings
Oh, we didn't know nothin'
But we knew everything
We'd drive too fast
And we'd get too loud
And we thought we made, the world go
Nothin' but a bunch of time to kill
Set up on the big hill
Make a toast, drink it down say
Yeah man, we run this town
High five and look around
Damn right, we run this town
Man, I love this town
Come on hey, whoo!
Guess they thought we were cool because
We'd drive too fast
We'd get too loud
Yeah, we thought we made, the world go
Drop it down in four-wheel
Set up on a big hill
And make a toast, drink it down say
Yeah man, we run this town
by: Jade Bogdanovich
The Class of 2016
GNA Life Skills Seniors
Tonya Park
Joey Rinehimer
Takira Atherton
What was your favorite part about the
St. Patricks day dance?
What was your favorite part about the What was your favorite part about the
St. Patricks day dance?
St. Patricks day dance?
Dancing with my friends.
The “YMCA” and “Bright Eyes.”
Seeing Mr. Roy.
What was your favorite High School
What was your favorite High School
What was your favorite High School
Going to the prom with Brandon.
Hanging out with Miss Geri and Miss Mary Going to the prom.
in the cafeteria.
What will you miss about High School?
What will you miss about High School?
What will you miss about High School?
Mrs. Dennis.
My friends.
Everybody, the salads and Stetzie Boy.
“Make the Best of It”
Life as we know it is about to
change. Although it’s hard to believe,
there will come a time when we walk
out of those doors and never come
back, as a student at least. We will
never have to try to open or struggle to
slam all of our stuff into those very
small, rusted green lockers ever again.
We won’t have to scramble around and
push through these hallways trying to
get to class. If we ever go to another
GNA sporting event, we will not be
cheering on our friends from our
graduating class because they will have
hung up their uniforms long ago. We
will soon become the latest Greater
Nanticoke Area alumni. Chances are,
we, as the class of 2016, may never be
able to assemble every student together
again. We’re all moving on with our
lives, and that’s okay.
I know all of this invokes a
slew of excitement, exhilaration,
nervousness, nostalgia, and sadness –
and this is completely normal. We’re all
adults now. We signed up for our future
the day we decided what we wanted to
do after high school, and it’s time we
change our dreams into plans. Ever
since grade school, we’ve all had these
big dreams of this exact moment, and
it’s finally here. Don’t take this for
granted. We’ll only ever graduate high
school once. Cherish the moments we
have left with each other. Exchange
numbers, keep in touch, go on that
road trip with your friends, go to local
flea markets, go to that concert, meet
up in the middle of the night and do
something crazy – something you’ll
never forget, and spend every moment
making memories. We’re all going to
part ways this fall, so don’t take the
time we have left for granted. Soon the
familiar buildings and faces we used to
see every day will just fade into our
past. Remember that we are all moving
on to bigger and better things. No
matter what problems we may have
now, we will always be connected
because we will always be the class of
2016. After all of our hard work, we’re
finally crossing the finish line, together.
Congratulations seniors! I
wish you all the best in your future
by: Tonya Vahey
The Class of 2016
“As You Prepare to Leave”
As you are finishing your last few
months here at Nanticoke and are setting
out for the next chapter of your life, there
are some things I strongly urge you to
consider. Graduation in June comes along
with numerous emotions: tears, fears, and
everything in between. You may be excited
to see where the next chapter in your life
will take you, or you could be scared that
you’re not making the right decision. Some
may even cry tears of joy or of fright. It is
sad that you are leaving all of your peers
that you have grown up with, but you’ll
always have the memories and may even
see each other again. You’re approaching
the finish line of your high school career.
Here are a few things you’ll need to do
before you leave.
Leave the past behind you…
Maybe there is some tension between you
and a fellow classmate. Maybe you have had
a downfall with a teacher or even a coach.
For one reason or another, discrepancies
are a part of life. Nevertheless, you should
let go of all hard feelings and resentments.
Apologize for all of your wrong doings and
forgive others when the juncture calls. By
patching up past hardships, you can enter
college with a conscience free of regret and
negative feelings. Always remember, you
never know who you’ll meet or who you
will work for.
Enjoy yourself…
Graduation is a crossroad of sentimental
feelings for high school seniors; it indicates
exciting new beginnings, but also massive,
and commonly scary, changes. You’re used
to seeing familiar people who you see every
day- teachers, administrators, classmates,
and amongst all that, your best friend/speople who you may never see again.
Consequently, there is no better moment
than right now to spend quality time with
those who matter the most. Go to more
social events such as: end-of-year
celebrations, graduation gatherings or even
try participating in volunteer activities. Get
involved in your community, try to make a
change, be the difference.
Thank the teachers and other mentors
who have influenced you…
Some teachers do extraordinary work to
help students succeed. Some principals may
have even pushed you beyond your limits,
even if it was for getting in trouble. Thank
them now while you can. Teachers and
administrators want to see their students
Begin taking responsibility for your
own life…
One day in the near future you’re going to
be completely on your own. The freedom
of choosing your own meals and making
your own decisions could be exhilarating,
but along with all the fun comes grown-up
responsibilities. Start doing your own
laundry, if you have not already. Start
managing your own finances sooner rather
than later, so you’ll be prepared to take care
of yourself. By doing this, you are building
yourself into a self-reliant individual.
Never forget your family…
Your family contains people who love you
the most and have been and will always be
there for you. Spend time with them now
before you head off to college to build your
own life as a full-grown individual.
Keep an open mind…
Remember, the world is yours to take.
Don’t be overwhelmed by the start of a
new beginning. You can do anything you set
your mind to. You are capable of anything.
Good Luck to the GNA Class of 2016 and
I wish you the best in your future
Kaitlyn Corkell
“Not Having a Definite Plan
is Ultimately Fine”
By: Jordan Bavitz
College comes faster than you
think and it is quickly approaching. Some
of your friends may already know what they
want to do for the rest of their lives, but
you still have no idea what you want to
major in. This decision that determines
what you’ll do for the rest of your life.
However, is that really such a bad thing?
Fortunately, people who are undecided can
attain some unique benefits.
Going into college undecided
gives you a wide variety of classes that you
get to explore. Since you aren’t committed
to a scheduled track of classes, you have a
range of diverse ideas to be introduced to.
You also may show a genuine curiosity
when taking these classes. Staying openminded and gathering new ideas can be an
asset to finally deciding your major.
Another benefit is that you may
be more open to falling in love with
another idea. It broadens your horizons,
and since you aren’t committed, your
schedule can be more diverse until it comes
time to declare your major. When you
declare your major, you’re more likely to
sign up for classes that pertain to your
department. As an undeclared major,
however, you do not have to worry as much
about just one subject. You get a little taste
of everything.
Besides the courses of your
studies, you may even be exposed to an
expansive range of new professors. With
new professors, you get exposed to new
teaching styles. You get to see how each of
the different classes operates and what
teaching strategies each professor has to
offer. Being introduced to new ideas helps
everyone out in the long run by getting
new ideas on how to study.
As you can see, being undecided
can make your college experience more
rounded and distinctive. When you come
into college without knowing what you
want to study or what you want to do with
the rest of your life, you can be indirectly
exposed to new experiences. Challenging
yourself is not a bad thing. Do not be afraid
to learn new techniques and ideas that
college has to offer. There is no rush!
“Can You Feel the Love Tonight”
Despite what many may think, prom is not just
a day of preparations and a night of dancing. It is
something that means much, much more. All of the
hair appointments, the tuxedo rentals, the flowers, the
matching ties, etc. It all comes together on one
perfect night. Prom is a night where many become
one. It is a night where differences are put aside so
that our final moments as juniors and seniors can be
enjoyed together.
Since youth, we have had the idea of the
perfect night embedded in our minds. Who couldn’t
possibly feel the love when surrounded by the stories
of prince charming, the perfect princess, and eternal
friendships? With all in attendance, that perfect night
commenced on May 6th at The Woodlands Inn and
Resort. Although prom may not be a fairy tale, we still
find our king and queen dancing in the crowd. Our
Queen, Morgan Mislitski stated, “I did not expect it at
all. The announcement left me in shock.” Morgan’s
most memorable moment was made at the end of the
prom when, “all the seniors came together for their
class song at their last prom.” Our King, Alec Norton,
echoed that same sentiment. Alec’s most memorable
moment was, “becoming king, and sharing these
moments with my best friends.”
Overall, the 2016 Junior-Senior Prom was
undoubtedly a night we will never forget. It was a
night that will be remembered fondly by all of the
students and faculty in the GNA family.
by: Andi Roberts
The Class of 2016
“The Real World”
By: Maia Britton
because we do it in a different environment
than adults do it, doesn’t mean that the
things we experience aren’t real.
We’ve all heard it before. “You
think your life is hard right now? Wait until
you get into the real world!” Almost every
adult that I have ever met has said that in
comparison to life after your 18th birthday,
high school is meaningless; it’s only once
high school is over that life really starts. So,
the question is: what is the real world like?
How will it be when we finally start living,
like, for real? After a bit of thinking, I’ve
come to the conclusion that the real world
is a lot closer than we think. In fact, as
weird as it sounds, we’ve actually been
living in it this whole time.
As a high school student, I’m sick
of hearing the phrase “the real world.” I live
in a real world that has just as many ups
and downs as the world adults live in. I’ve
experienced things in high school that
many people would never be able to
experience outside the walls of a school,
and I know once I leave, I’ll be living in the
same world as I have always been. High
school students don’t have to wait to
emerge into the real world. We’re already
We all live in the real world, not
just the adults who work a 9 to 5 at Weis.
Though high school is its own type of odd
reality, it doesn’t mean that it’s a fake
world. It’s here in the halls of GNA that we
have learned the values that every adult
uses in their daily lives. We know what it’s
like to work hard. Although someone
outside of high school might have a full
time job and pay their bills, we also have a
full time job: it’s called school. We wake up
at 6:00 in the morning and work until 2
every day from Monday to Friday, typing
until our fingers ache and our heads swim
with numbers and equations. We stay up
until the early hours of the morning
finishing homework for the next day, and
most of us keep part-time jobs along with
this. Many of us pay bills as well, though
admittedly they aren’t as much money.
By: Emily Eckhart
We as high school students have
to deal with stress, just as everyone else
does. Our entire future depends on our
Calculus final, and if that isn’t stressful, I
don’t know what is. We deal with petty
friendships and drama that drag on for
days, though if adults are honest with
themselves, they deal with that as well, but
they just have the option of avoiding the
people they’re fighting with, while high
school students have to see them every day.
We’ve found ourselves in tight spots, had
good days, had bad days, and made
memories that’ll last a life time. Just
“Money Well Spent”
The pricing of college may be a
frightening thing to look at; however, “the
only thing greater than the cost of going to
college is the cost of not going to college.”
Whether you’re going away or staying close
to your alma mater, many students rely on
financial aid and scholarships to cover the
expenses. Housing, books, classes, and odds
and ends all really add up when you’re a
college student. Colleges offer financial aid
packages and many give multiple
scholarships whether it is for sports, or
academics. Here are some tuitions of many
colleges that GNA students will be
Kings college: Wilkes-Barre- Tuition:
$16,320 per semester; $32,640 (In-state) a
year. Room/Board: $11,958 (on campus).
Wilkes-University: Wilkes-Barre- Tuition:
$33,568; Room/Board: $13,746 (on campus).
Misericordia University: Tuition: $29,010;
Housing: $11,000- $13,000 (on campus).
Penn State University: Tuition: (PA) $17,514;
Additional costs: $11,926- $14,926.
Luzerne County Community College
(LCCC): (sponsoring district) $1,950 a year.
(Other PA resident) $3,585.
Marywood: Tuition (all resident): $46,595 a
year; Tuition: $30,070; Book/supplies:
$1,000; Room/board: $13,900; Other
supplies: $1,625.
Keystone College: Tuition (total): $23,998;
Board: $5,178; Registration: $400.
Temple University: Tuition (In state):
$15,688; Room/board: $11,040. Other
expenses: $4,240.
Lock Haven University: (In state) $9,655
(Out of state) $18,255. Books/supplies:
$1,313. Room/board: $9,344.
Bloomsburg University: Cost of
attendance: $18,282. (Tuition: $6,820)
(Room/board: $8,168) (Books/supplies:
$1,200) (Other: $2,094).
University of Scranton: Tuition $38,404.
On campus room/board: $13,186. Books/
supplies: $1,200.
Kutztown University: Tuition (In state):
$9,145 Room/Board: $9,070.
“Trojan Spirit: Matt Wright”
By: Jordan Atherton
Crohn’s Disease:
A multitude of people face
challenges throughout their lives, whether
that may be physical, mental or emotional.
Being able to overcome those obstacles
displays how much “spirit” that person
carries within them. Matt Wright, a current
senior here at GNA, has been battling
Crohn’s disease for quite some time now.
His condition did not shape him into the
person that he is today, but it did become
an immense part of his life.
(Continued on next page)
The Class of 2016
Crohn’s disease is a chronic
inflammatory bowel disease that affects
the lining of the digestive tract. It is a
disease that cannot be cured, but
medication such as steroids are used to
slow the progression of this disease. It
may cause abdominal pain, diarrhea,
weight loss, anemia, and fatigue.
Depending on the patient, some may be
symptom free most of their lives while
others can experience severe chronic
symptoms that never die down.
Matt was diagnosed on June 12th,
2013, at 15 years old. When the news was
released, Matt stated, “as my initial
reaction, I began to cry.” He was not
prepared for this type of announcement,
being that he was so young and thought
that there was a healthy life ahead of him.
Despite having embarrassing moments,
like having to use the bathroom often and
experiencing awkward noises in a silent
classroom, he always tries to keep positive.
It may become stressful and
overwhelming for some living with this
illness, but certain activities may take
one’s mind off of the negative scenarios.
To occupy himself, Matt frequently
watches the TV series “Psych” and shows
great interest in hanging out with his best
friend, Derrick Spencer, a current senior
here at GNA.
Matt hopes to bring awareness to
this dreaded disease, starting with him
receiving the superlative for most spirited.
This will help him speak out to others and
present the complications that he has
dealt with. Matt is very thankful for his
friends and family, who are attentive when
it comes to the negative downsides of his
symptoms. Even having to live with this
disease for the rest of his life, he is still
conquering a lot of his problems head on.
Knowing that this is a huge part of his life,
he still stays enthusiastic around his
friends, showing that it will never
overcome him and demonstrating that
to be at the “bottom of the food chain,”
indomitable TROJAN SPIRIT!
and being in the same building as seniors
was scary.
“It’s a New Beginning”
By: Juliana Waclawski
In every part of life, there is a
beginning and an end. Our initial
beginning was when we came into this
world. As infants, we underwent the
maturation process and began to learn
how to walk, talk, and eat “real” food.
After 5 years, however, the comfort we
gained from accomplishing the goals of
our infancy would come to an abrupt end,
as we were all about to start a new
beginning called Kindergarten.
No more naps. No more
watching cartoons all day. All that ended.
We were now on to a new chapter in our
lives where we learned exciting new things
like how to read and what the answer was
to complex problems, like 2+2. We learned
how to interact with new people and make
friends. For the next 5-6 years of our lives,
we journeyed through a multitude of
subjects while going to school from 8:30
am to 3 pm.
5th grade signified the end of
elementary school and of elementary life.
We were no longer children and were
quickly thrust into middle school with
new challenges and new opportunities.
School began earlier. We switched classes
for each subject. We had to remember the
dreaded locker combination. We had to
adjust or be overcome. We reached deep
down and found the courage to fight the
battles that came with being a student in
middle school.
Although we were still
considered “middle school students,” we
made the immense transition to the high
school. This “new” beginning was one of
the scariest things we’ve faced so far in our
young lives. 8th graders were considered
9th grade came and everything
was different. There were different
electives to choose from such as French,
Spanish, and woodshop. We were able to
play a varsity sport. In 10th grade we got
our class rings, which was something we
would carry with us the rest of our lives.
Next came our junior year, and the stress
of having such little time left to figure out
what we were going to do with the rest of
our lives. We took the SATs and started
thinking about college and life after high
Finally, senior year arrived. Some
of us contracted senioritis rather quickly,
while others knew there was no time to
slack. We spent our weekends visiting
colleges, trying to find “the perfect fit.”
We lost sleep over countless deadlines –
college applications, scholarships, financial
aid, and who could forget the dreaded
senior project. Athletes hung up their
jersey for the last time and said goodbye
to the sport they loved. We danced at our
last prom and tried to stop time, knowing
we would want to relive these “glory days”
in the years to come. Our class trip to
Disney gave us the chance to relax from all
stress and allowed us time to reflect, to
spend time together, and to enjoy one
another’s company one last time. Once we
returned from Disney it was back to
reality. We arrived home just in time to
take finals. After completing the last
exam, it hit us. This is really it. My career
as a GNA student had come to an abrupt
end. With graduation right around the
corner, we prepared to say goodbye to
GNA, a school that became home over
the last 13 years. Now, it is on to a new
The Class Of 2016
“7 Novels You Need to Read
Before you Graduate ”
By: Kari Radginski
new friends, love, and adventure. But when
Miles and his friends experience the loss of
a good friend, they learn the most valuable
lessons of all.
With school coming to an end, there’s no
better time to pick up a good book and
spend some time reading. Whether you’re
interested in drama, romance, or suspense,
you’ll be able to find something that will
inspire you among this list of best-sellers.
3. The Perks of Being a Wallflower by
Stephan Chbosky
1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper
4. It’s Kind of a Funny Story by Ned
Author Harper Lee explores racial tensions
in the fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama,
through the eyes of 6-year-old Scout Finch.
As her father defends a black man accused
of rape, Scout and her friends learn about
the unjust treatment of African Americans.
2. Looking for Alaska by John Green
Craig Gilner was recently accepted to
Manhattan’s prestigious Executive PreProfessional High School and suddenly
realizes that he is a small fish in a large
pond. This realization sends him into a
battle with anxiety and depression, which
ultimately lands him in a mental institution.
Sixteen-year-old Miles’ first year at Culver
Creek Prep School in Alabama is filled with
5. Where Things Come Back by John
Corey Whaley
The Perks is a thought-provoking, comingof-age novel that follows the story of a
teenage boy named Charlie as he deals with
high school, love, sex, drugs, and loss.
The novel follows the incredible, bizarre,
and heart-wrenching summer before Cullen
Witter’s senior year of high school. He is
forced to examine everything he thinks he
knows about his small and painfully dull
6. Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
Speak tells the story of high school
freshman Melinda Sordino after she was
raped by a popular upperclassman.
Anderson will shock you, inspire you, and
amaze you with this heart-wrenching story.
7. Eleanor and Park by Rainbow
This novel follows dual narratives by
Eleanor and Park, two misfit teenagers
living in Nebraska in the 80’s. Rainbow
Rowell touchingly explores the
overwhelming nature of love, loss, and
Senior Superlatives
What does it truly mean to be the
most spirited, most artistic, quietest,
class clown, or best dressed? These and
many other superlatives possess a
unique personality trait about a person.
The seniors who obtained one of these
titles each take pride in their own trait
and use it as a recognition of who they
are. These students may exhibit a
representation for their superlative,
but they also represent our school in an
exceptional way. Receiving the award
of a superlative can add an importance
and give an interesting experience to
one’s high school career. It can be a
simple façade that one will remember
for the rest of their life.
Most Likely to Succeed
Benjamin Sersen
What does success mean to you?
Success to me means to reach your goals, to
become self-sufficient, be happy in life, and enjoy
whatever job you have… and to make money.
Who has been most influential to your
success thus far in your academic career?
Miss Warman has been most influential because
after two years of having her as my teacher, she
has always made me work harder in school and
has helped me with various activities for not only
school, but for college as well.
Who do you look up to and why?
I look up to my Dad. He has been my role model
since day one. He has taught me how to do many
things, which is why I have always wanted to be
just like him. He will always be my role model,
even though he told me not to be a construction
Where have you decided to go to college?
What do you plan to major in? Why did you
choose this major?
I committed to Temple University for Actuarial
Science. I chose this major because I love math
and I have always seen myself being high up in
the business industry.
Lindsay Kane
What does success mean to you?
In my opinion, success is when one pursues and
achieves their personal dreams and goals.
Who has been most influential to your
success thus far in your academic career?
Ms. Linnea Wilczewski has been most influential
to me because she is the one who helped me
become the hardworking student I am today.
Who do you look up to and why?
I look up to my parents and my grandfather.
They are there for me whenever I need
unconditional love, and push me forward.
Where have you decided to go to college?
What do you plan to major in? Why did you
choose this major?
I am going to Misericordia University in the fall
to major in mathematics. I chose this major
because I have always had an interest in math
and felt as though I do well in it.
What drives you to excel in your education?
What drives you to excel in your education?
The fact of being the best you can be has always
driven me because I want to make a difference in
life and become successful.
When you were a child, what did you want
to grow up to become?
I wanted to be a professional athlete of some sort,
but then I realized, there are more important
things in life than sports.
What accomplishment are you most proud
of ? Why?
I am proud of being in the top ten percent of my
class, considering we have a very close ranking
class with many intelligent people.
What is one of the most important lessons
you have learned in life?
That family is important and they will always
have your back.
and cross country team. I have competed in PJAS
for the past two years, along with Science
Olympiad. I am a member of the National Honor
Society. I do duel enrollment through LCCC as
What do you like to do in your free time
outside of school?
I enjoy to run, build model cars, play video games,
play domination, and hang out with bae.
What are your future ambitions?
Graduate from Temple University, obtain a job as
an actuary, start a family, and have many nice cars.
What are you looking forward to the most
after High School? After College?
After High School, I’m looking forward to
learning new things and meeting new people.
After college, I am looking forward to becoming
a self-reliant individual.
What is your favorite subject and why?
Math is my favorite subject because I enjoy
working with numbers, and I like how most of
the time there is a solution to the problem, unless
it is imaginary.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
I am a member of the soccer, basketball, track,
My personal goals for my future are what make
me take my education seriously.
NHS, Student Council, Phi Theta Kappa Honor
Society, Psi Beta Honor Society
When you were a child, what did you want
to grow up to become?
What do you like to do in your free time
outside of school?
When I was young, I always wanted to be a
teacher. (This is what I plan to do with my
I enjoy going drag racing every Friday night
during my free time.
What accomplishment are you most proud
of ? Why?
I am most proud of my acceptance into two
honor societies at LCCC. It is an honor to get
this, especially since I am a senior in High
What is one of the most important lessons
you have learned in life?
I have learned that honest, hard work will bring
you everything in life.
What is your favorite subject and why?
My favorite subject is Physics II because it has a
nice mix of both math and science.
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
What are your future ambitions?
My future ambitions are to go through college,
start my career, and continue to travel and see
beautiful parts of the world.
What are you looking forward to the most
after High School? After College?
After High School, I’m looking forward to
getting into college and spending my time on a
wonderful campus. After college, I am looking
forward to officially starting my life.
Class Clown
Chaquanna Zendarski
Making people laugh is a part of who you
are. Why is it important to bring humor to
the lives of others?
I think it is important for your health to always
have a good laugh. It makes me feel good when I
can bring laughter and smiles to others.
Have you always been a “class clown”?
From where did you get your sense of
I use humor as a getaway I didn’t really get it
from anyone. It came naturally.
What are some of the funniest memories
you have had from school?
Has being a class clown ever gotten you in
Yeah, at camp I slid pizza somewhere it wasn’t
suppose to be slid...if you know me, you already
know the story, so I digress.
Do you enjoy making people laugh? Why?
Yes, I mean, didn’t I already answer a question
similar to this.
What is your favorite comedy? (TV shows/
movies) Why is it your favorite?
I love Kevin Hart because he makes his real life
memories into jokes, even though those
memories once caused him great pain.
How has your sense of humor influenced
your attitude and the attitude of those
around you?
One of the funniest memories is when I pulled
Justin Lewis’s pants down in front of his friends
and this one cop. When the cop saw this happen,
he came up to Justin and said, “if mine was that
small I’d be embarrassed bud.” I thought he was
coming to get at me for it, but instead, he said
that, and all of us laughed except Justin obviously because he was embarrassed.
I always have positive vibes and attitudes when
people are around me; if not, I remove myself. I
don’t need no negativity!
Kyle Wolfer
Do you enjoy making people laugh? Why?
Making people laugh is a part of who you
are. Why is it important to bring humor to
the lives of others?
It’s important because humor has soothing
effects and can make a person’s day better.
Have you always been a “class clown”?
Yes, but I became funnier when I stopped caring
about my school work.
From where did you get your sense of
My family.
What are some of the funniest memories
you have had from school?
The Spirit Games were nice. Also, the Halloween
Parade when I became Princess Kyle, and Prom
where I’ll become Queen Kyle.
Has being a class clown ever gotten you in
Yes, but teachers expect it and it goes away.
Yes, I very much enjoy it.
What is your favorite comedy? (TV shows/
movies) Why is it your favorite?
Talladega Nights because Will Ferrel is in his
underwear and he is the funniest at that point.
How has your sense of humor influenced
your attitude and the attitude of those
around you?
I’ve become more carefree and open.
Most Artistic
Lillian Fields
What has inspired you to be an artist?
Ever since I was able to hold a crayon or pencil,
my parents have provided me with the means to
create art. They never pushed me to draw, but
they always supported my advances in art.
Are there any other artists that you look up
to or are inspired by?
I am thoroughly inspired by artists like Salvador
Dali, as well as more recent artists like
Johnathan Dilworth (the creator of Courage the
Cowardly Dog).
Do you have any other hobbies besides art?
Other than art, I like to play piano (though I’m
new to this), watch television (especially movies:
science fiction, action, and horror), and learn
sign language.
Why do you feel that it is important for
students to be involved in the arts?
I feel that it is important because art contributes
to history all over the world. Every time period
and country has art, so why would we ignore it?
Thomas Brown
Have you participated in any art shows or
competitions? If so, which ones?
What is your favorite piece that you have
I don’t really enjoy art shows or competitions,
but I once won a limo ride, $100, and 6 free
tickets to the Luzerne County Fair for winning
1st place in a poster making competition.
I don’t really have a favorite, but I believe that
when I’ve improved, I will make something I
truly enjoy more than the rest.
Have you or would you ever consider
selling your work?
Of course, I’ve been paid to draw many times.
Coincidentally, Officer Kosch just asked me to
paint him a storm trooper and offered to pay.
Do you plan on pursuing art in college? If
so, what are your goals?
No, I’m going to Bloomsburg University for
sociology and sign language. I feel that I enjoy
art more as a relaxation for me rather than
something I would do in the work place. I’d like
to draw what I want when I want and possibly
sell art on the side.
Is there a certain theme your work
revolves around?
I wouldn’t really call it a theme but I really enjoy
drawing people.
What has inspired you to be an artist?
Have you or would you ever consider
selling your work?
No, I am not at that level yet.
Well, I read a lot of comic books when I was
younger, so I am inspired mostly by them.
Do you plan on pursuing art in college? If
so, what are your goals?
Are there any other artists that you look up
to or are inspired by?
Maybe as a minor, but I’m actually going to
college for mass communication.
My favorite comic book artist is John Romita Sr.,
but I like many other artists such as Vik Munic,
Roy Lichtenstein, and of course Bansky.
Is there a certain theme your work
revolves around?
Do you have any other hobbies besides art?
Most of my work is either in a comic book or
pop art style, but I tend to branch out.
Other interests I have include writing poetry,
blogging, going for long car rides, and eating.
What is your favorite piece that you have
Why do you feel that it is important for
students to be involved in the arts?
I sketched and then painted a model that I
found on Tumblr. I think it’s personally my best
It builds characters. It’s also a great way to
express yourself.
Have you participated in any art shows or
competitions? If so, which ones?
If the chance of entering the Fine Arts Fiesta
swings my way, I will take it.
Do you have any advice for future artists?
Don’t sweat the mistakes and never expect both
eyes to look the same.
Do you have any advice for future artists?
Practice, if you work on your weak spots, you
will become well rounded and able to draw
whatever you want. Effective and progressive
practice occurs when you draw, so acknowledge
your mistakes, then recreate your art while
changing what you’ve done wrong.
Nicest Smile
Kayla Repasky
Do you feel like your smile defines you?
I don’t personally believe my smile defines me
because I have many other qualities.
Do you believe something simple like a
smile can brighten up someone’s day?
I believe that a smile can brighten someone’s day
because it has happened to me before.
What are some things that make you smile
the most?
“Life is like a mirror, we get the best
results when we smile at it.” Do you agree
with this quote?
My family, Pasquale, and my amazing best
I agree because it allows you to have a better
In your own words, what does happiness
mean to you?
Has your smile positively influenced your
life in any way? If so, how?
Happiness to me is allowing yourself to
experience all aspects of life and enjoying life
I believe my smile has positively influenced my
life by giving off a good first impression.
Have you ever been acknowledged by your
smile before? If so, by whom?
My boyfriend, Pasquale, and Tom Day have
always complimented me on my smile, even
when I had braces.
Do you think people should smile more?
Why or why not?
I do think people should smile more because it
sends off positive vibes to everyone.
Jeff Montgomery
Do you believe a smile can change the
I do believe a smile can change the world
because it gives off positivity.
Do you believe your smile is your greatest
I believe that my smile is one of my greatest
features because I can make other people smile.
Do you feel like your smile defines you?
“Life is like a mirror, we get the best results
when we smile at it.” Do you agree with
this quote?
Yes, I do.
Yes, I do.
What are some things that make you smile
the most?
Has your smile positively influenced your
life in anyway? If so, how?
My truck and baseball.
Yes, cause it’s nice.
In your own words, what does happiness
mean to you?
Do you believe a smile can change the
Have you ever been acknowledged by your
smile before? If so, by whom?
Do you believe your smile is your greatest
Yes, people tell me I have a nice smile.
Do you think people should smile more?
Why or why not?
Yes, they should be happy.
Do you believe something simple like a
smile can brighten up someone’s day?
Most Spirited
Janan Trotter
Why is it important to have school pride?
It’s important to have school pride because high
school is something you can’t go back to make
the most out of it. Get involved and go all out!
How would you describe school spirit?
Attending every sporting event that you are able
to. Support every club and the people in them.
What about you makes you so spirited?
My ability to get people pumped up.
What advice can you give the
underclassman about Trojan pride?
Take pride in yourself, your school, and make it
better and bigger each year.
Why do you feel you were chosen for this
Because I am an outgoing person and bring good
energy to the events.
What is your favorite cheer?
Give me a T, Give me an R, Give me an O, Give
me a J, Give me an A, Give me an N, Give me an
S. What’s that spell? TROJANS!
What will you miss most about high school?
I’m going to miss my big booty Jakey, spirit week
games, and everyone I have ever interacted with
because this school and the people in it helped
me grow as a person.
What is your favorite memory of the
Having people crowd surf in the Jungle.
Do you plan on being involved at the college
you are choosing to go to? How?
No doubt, I plan on being on the student board
and being a part of everything as much as I can.
Matt Wright
Why is it important to have school pride?
It’s Important because it makes you and your
school look fierce. It brings the geeks, jocks,
drama kids, musicians and art kids together to
create harmony.
How would you describe school spirit?
Smearing paint on your face, spray painting your
hair blue, wearing florescent knee socks, and
rocking our school colors in any unique way.
What about you makes you so spirited?
My passion for competition.
What advice can you give the
underclassman about Trojan pride?
Embrace it, simple.
What is your favorite memory of the
Going to the Hanover game and making their
court our house.
Do you plan on being involved at the college
you are choosing to go to? How?
Of course I will, I love the thrill and hype of
everyone coming together and acting like wild,
crazy animals.
Why do you feel you were chosen for this
I feel like I was chosen because many people
thought I was on speed at the spirit games;
however, they enjoyed my energy.
What is your favorite cheer?
N-N-Nan-T-T_Tic-O-O-Oke- Nan-Ti-Coke
What will you miss most about high school?
I will miss our school traditions the most,
prom,spirit week, dances, everything; especially
Ryan Z hitting on girls.
Best Friends
Jordan Atherton & Jordan Bavitz
How long have you been bestfriends?
When Jordan Atherton dropped Mr. Fleury’s
bottle of rare volcanic ash and she cried at the
lunch table in 9th grade.
7 years.
Describe your friendship in two words.
What do you think defines a true
Unique and dysfunctional.
A true friendship comes with trust, yet a comical
aspect to make your friendship that much
Do you have any nicknames for each other?
We both call each other Jord.
What are some activities you do together?
Is there any advice you could give on being a
good friend?
We go to the beach together every summer, go
for ice cream, and watch the Kardashians a lot
because we want to be Kendall Jenner.
Always be there for one another and always keep
a sense of humor tied throughout your
Do you plan on being friends even out of
high school?
How did you become friends?
Of course.
How do you plan to communicate when
college starts in the fall?
We’ll always text and talk, but during holidays
and the weekends, we will be together.
What has been your favorite high school
memory together?
Alec Norton & Brent Piontkowski
We became friends in 6th grade when I (Jordan
Bavitz) helped Jordan Atherton open her locker
on her birthday. Then, she turned to me and said,
“Jord, you’re like my bestfriend!”
What sets your friendship apart from
We’re literally the exact the same person when it
comes to our birthday month, height, weight, and
name. Everybody knows us as the Jords and our
Describe your friendship in two words.
How long have you been best friends?
Loyal and funny.
Since kindergarten.
Do you have any nicknames for each other?
What do you think defines a true
Alec is called Bo.
Being able to put up with each other.
Is there any advice you could give on being
a good friend?
What are some activities you do together?
Be loyal and have fun.
Fishing, hunting, basketball, baseball, pool hall,
weight lifting.
How did you become friends?
Do you plan on being friends even out of
high school?
We were both just ballers in kindergarten.
Ballers befriend ballers.
What sets your friendship apart from
How do you plan to communicate when
college begins in the fall?
We’re both just laid back, which makes us never
get into a real argument.
Still hang out. We will both be going to college in
Wilkes Barre.
What has been your favorite high school
memory together?
It might not be our favorite, but our most
memorable is unspeakable.
inside jokes set us aside from any other
Best Dressed
Samantha Russin
How would you describe your fashion
I would definitely describe my fashion sense as
classic, preppy, and comfortable.
Do you believe your fashion helps you to
express yourself ?
My wardrobe allows me to express myself and
reflect the mood I’m in, and it definitely evolved
throughout the years. (For the better!)
What is your favorite outfit?
You can never go wrong with a nice top, jeans,
cute flats and a statement necklace; add a blazer
if you’re feeling adventurous.
Do you have a favorite store or brand of
I love Express, The Limited, Anthropologie,
Lulu’s, Banana Republic, J. Crew, Francesca’s,
Kohl’s, and TJ Maxx to name a few. Typically
wherever I can get the best deals. “If its’ not on
sale, it’s not for sale.”
To get completely ready, it takes me about a half
hour. If I’m running late, (which is almost every
day), I can be out of the house in ten minutes.
Why do you believe it is important to look
your best each day?
It’s all about what makes you feel the most
confident. I feel my best when I put a nice outfit
together, but that philosophy isn’t’ for everyone.
You’ve got to sport what makes you feel happy,
whether it’s a sundress or sweatpants.
Is your style influenced by any famous
icons? If so, who?
I have individualized my style over the years;
however, I really love Spencer Hastings from
Pretty Little Liars, Ingrid Nilsen, and Emma
Watson. I get a very classic vibe from them.
Do you think first impressions are based on
appearance? If so, why?
Unfortunately, many people create an opinion on
someone based on how they look, but it’s all
about the person underneath that counts. Some
days, leggings and a sweatshirt is the way to go.
How long does it take you to get ready each
What is your biggest pet peeve when it
comes to clothing?
Carmelo Pioquinto
Is your style influenced by any famous
icons? If so, who?
How would you describe your fashion
Original, Fresh, and Professional.
Do you believe your fashion helps you to
express yourself ?
Absolutely, it makes me stand out, just like my
personality does.
What is your favorite outfit?
Xabi Alonso, David Beckham, they have a
profesional 2016 style to themselves.
Do you think first impressions are based on
appearance? If so, why?
Yes because most people nowadays judge based
on what they see, more than what they know
about you.
Khakis and a dress shirt with a tie.
What is your biggest pet peeve when it
comes to clothing?
Do you have a favorite store or brand of
When I try matching and the colors are not the
Nope, I like to shop everywhere.
Does your fashion sense reflect your
personality? How?
How long does it take you to get ready each
It takes me around 20-35 minutes.
Why do you believe it is important to look
your best each day?
It shows people that I take the time in the way I
look, makes me look clean and professional.
Yes, I like to dress professionally, because I’m
very respectful to others, and I would like them
to respect me as well.
It drives me crazy when people wear black and
navy blue together.
Does your fashion sense reflect your
personality? How?
My fashion sense absolutely reflects my
personality. I would describe myself as an
outgoing, fun, and an independent young woman,
and I hope my wardrobe portrays that.
Class Flirt
Rachel Roccograndi
What do you feel is your best feature?
Do you have any special talents to win bae
I just be myself.
My smile.
For those who seem to lack personality,
what advice do you have for them?
Are you surprised you won class flirt? Did
you expect someone else to win? Who and
Be yourself and be confident.
Not really, everyone said I was going to.
What is the most embarrassing thing you
did while trying to flirt with someone?
I really had to burp and I tried to hold it in, but
it ended up coming out and being really loud.
What is your idea of a perfect date?
Taking me out to eat and letting me order
whatever I want, then going for ice cream.
Describe your ideal man/woman.
Someone with a nice smile, could make me
laugh, and has a nice butt.
How do you embrace your personality?
Just be myself.
Describe yourself in 3 words.
Athletic, smart, and funny.
Jake Havey
Describe yourself in 3 words.
What do you feel is your best feature?
Diabetic, Diabetic, Diabetic.
My best feature is without a doubt my big butt.
Do you have any special talents to win bae
For those who seem to lack personality,
what advice do you have for them?
Just be yourself. Sometimes you have to not care
what people think.
What is the most embarrassing thing you
did while trying to flirt with someone?
The most embarrassing thing that’s ever
happened to me while trying to flirt with a girl, I
pooped my pants a little while farting.
What is your idea of a perfect date?
We would walk around Wal-Mart for hours, then
go have a blast at Chuck-E-Cheese’s.
Describe your ideal man/woman.
Someone who has a bigger butt than me.
How do you embrace your personality?
Make your haters hate.
Twerking and being a world champion rally car
Are you surprised you won class flirt? Did
you expect someone else to win? Who and
Not at all, ask all my ladies a.k.a Jules.
Class Couple
Morgan Mislitski & Nick Littzi
How long have you two been together?
5 years. (since 7th grade)
How and where did you two first meet?
We first met in school, but we started talking because one of his friends tried talking to me first.
Do you plan on having children? If so, how many?
Yes, 2.
Where is your favorite place to go on a date and why?
Luigi’s, because we both love pasta.
Who said the magic words, “ I love you”, first?
Probably Nick.
What is your favorite memory you two have shared together?
When Morgan pushed me into a cornstalk in the corn maze when we went to Roba’s Farm.
How long was your longest fight and what was it over?
Probably in 7th grade when we had our lockers right next to each other, but were too afraid to talk to each other.
Who has the upper hand throughout your relationship?
Nick, because he told me to say him.
If you two plan on going to separate colleges, how will you make your relationship work?
We’re staying local and we live close to each other, so it won’t be a strain on our relationship, especially since we’ll be commuters.
Most Likely to Get
Caught Sleeping in Class
Jess Emerick
What class do you mostly fall asleep in?
Have you ever tried doing anything to make
yourself look like you weren’t sleeping?
Environmental Science.
I don’t do it on purpose, but I normally fall
asleep sitting straight up all the time.
Do you fall asleep in class due to lack of
sleep or boredom?
What excuses have you given teachers for
falling asleep?
I’m always extremely tired, so normally when a
lesson is being taught that I don’t have much
interest in, I drift off.
I’ve told teachers that between work, band,
chorus, swim, and homework, I’m mentally and
physically tired, and it’s extremely hard to stay
awake after a restless night.
Do you think your ability to fall asleep in a
classroom full of people will benefit you
after high school? If so, how?
Have you ever had a strange dream or a
nightmare during class? If so, what was it
I feel like it will benefit me because I can literally
fall asleep anywhere on anything. So, say I was
sleeping and there was a tornado, I could
basically just die in my sleep.
Whenever I’m half asleep, I always feel like I’m
falling, so sometimes I will jump up in my seat
due to the feeling.
Have you ever regretted falling asleep in
Are you the type of person to say you’re
tired a lot?
No, I have a pretty busy life.
Besides the classroom, have there been any
other strange places you’ve feel asleep in?
I fall asleep a lot at the doctors.
Darius Neberdosky
What class do you mostly fall asleep in?
I mostly fall asleep in English, Math,
Constitutional Law, and Government.
Do you fall asleep in class due to lack of
sleep or boredom?
I get pretty bored with every class.
What was the funniest or most
embarrassing time you’ve been woken up in
In 11th grade, I drifted off into sleep so much
that I fell out of my desk.
Do you think your ability to fall asleep in a
classroom full of people will benefit you
after high school? If so, how?
No, I’m aware that it will not help me at all.
How does it feel to be voted most likely to
fall asleep in class by your classmates?
I think it’s kind of funny, but I predicted that it
would happen.
Have you ever regret falling asleep in class?
No, never.
Besides the classroom, have there been any
other strange places you’ve feel asleep in?
Yes, I once fell asleep out in the woods when I
went out riding on my quad.
Have you ever tried doing anything to make
yourself look like you weren’t sleeping?
Yes, I put my head on my hand and pretend I’m
reading something.
What excuses have you given teachers for
falling asleep?
“I had a long night.”
Have you ever had a strange dream or a
nightmare during class? If so, what was it
Are you the type of person to say you’re
tired a lot?
Yes, I say that I’m tired all the time.
Most Talkative
Jordan Bavitz
Winning this superlative suggests that you
have a lot to say. What topics do you find
yourself talking about the most?
I find myself talking about my puppy, Lacey, and
my older dog, Hershey (Penelope). Also, the
Kardashians, because I love them all.
Who do you find yourself talking to the
I definitely talk to Jordan Atherton and Raven
Fleetwood the most every day.
Have you ever gotten in trouble for talking
too much? Explain.
Yes, more than a few times I have gotten moved
away from my friends in class.
As an outgoing person, what advice can you
give to more introverted students?
Were you surprised that you won this
superlative? Why or why not?
Just try not to hold yourself back from anything.
You only make one first impression.
I wasn’t expecting to, but I think it’s cool to have
What things leave you speechless?
What is the most important part about
being talkative?
When Jordan Atherton talks about scary movies
and stupid boys all the time.
Do you plan on using your talkative-ness in
the future? In college, career, etc? If so,
Absolutely, since making friends and establishing
connections is very important in college and the
workforce, I will definitely use my sociability to
advance my future.
What are the pros and cons of being
A positive thing about being talkative comes with
a means of being able to be very social and not
having problems making new friends. I can’t find
any cons to being social, except you may get in
trouble once in a while.
Nikolas Placek
Winning this superlative suggests that you
have a lot to say. What topics do you find
yourself talking about the most?
I find myself joking around a lot, talking
nonsense, usually about Donald Trump, and
Who do you find yourself talking to the
Carmelo Pioquinto, Ben Sersen, and Robert
Have you ever gotten in trouble for talking
too much? Explain
Yes, I just got out of hand and start talking
nonsense. By that time, the teacher is ready to
kick me out of the room or just tells me to shut
What are the pros and cons of being
Pros: being more outgoing, less afraid to speak in
public, you speak your mind more often. Cons:
You speak your mind too often, people might
find you annoying, it’s a bad habit to break.
As an outgoing person, what advice can you
give to more introverted students?
Get more involved.
What things leave you speechless?
When someone does something extraordinary
that I don’t expect.
Do you plan on using your talkative-ness in
the future? In college, career, etc? If so,
I don’t have any plans on using it whatsoever.
Were you surprised that you won this
superlative? Why or why not?
No, because people find me annoying.
What is the most important part about
being talkative?
Controlling the power I have.
Would you rather talk through text, over
the phone, or in person? Why?
In person, because it is easier to talk to someone.
Being positive, outgoing, and making good
Would you rather talk through text, over
the phone, or in person? Why?
I’d rather talk to someone in person because I
feel like you’re able to say more.
Most Athletic
Amber Grohowski
How many sports are you involved in and
what are they?
I currently play 3 sports: field hockey, basketball,
and track and field. I played field hockey for 6
years, basketball since I was 4, and track for 2
For field hockey, I was named 1st and 2nd team
all-scholastic for 3 years. In basketball, we were
back to back division champs my junior and
senior year. This year, we also made it to the first
round of States. In track, I placed 5th in Javelin at
What positions do you play in each sport?
Do you coach and/or help with youth
athletics? If not, is this something you
would consider doing in the future?
For basketball, I’m a guard. For field hockey, I was
a forward, but then was moved to mid-fielder. In
track, I’m a thrower and throw javelin, shot put,
and discus. I also occasionally run an event.
I currently do not coach youth athletics, but I try
to help whenever someone needs a few pointers. I
would definitely be interested in helping out in
any way I could.
What are your jersey numbers and why did
you choose those particular numbers?
If you could give one helpful piece of advice
to other athletes, what would it be?
My number is 20. I picked it because 23 was taken
and 20 was my brother’s and his girlfriend’s jersey
number so I chose to stick with it.
Don’t take anything for granted! Appreciate every
moment, every play you make, all of the people
you meet and the fans cheering you on.
Appreciate it and take in everything!
How does it feel to be voted most athletic?
I’m honored to be “Most Athletic!” It’s another
reward for always going to practice and games and
working hard while representing GNA.
What athletic accomplishments have you
been awarded?
Eddie Lukowski
How many sports do you play and what are
4 Sports: volleyball for 4 years, football for 1 year,
basketball and soccer since I was 4 or 5, and
travel soccer since I was 8.
What positions do you play in each group?
I’m a setter in volleyball, a point guard in
basketball, a kicker and punter in football, and a
forward and center midfielder in soccer.
What are your jersey numbers and why did
you choose those particular numbers?
What coach has been most inspirational to
you as an athlete? Why has this person
provided such inspiration?
Every coach I’ve had instilled so much knowledge
of the game in me, pushed me to always give
110% in everything I do, and supported me on a
personal level. I can say many of my coaches are
considered part of my family.
Do you feel participating in athletes is
important? If so, why?
Yes! I think participating in sports allows you to
grow as a person by teaching you very valuable
things you can use in your life, like fairness,
respect, integrity, confidence, discipline, morals,
optimism, compassion, and more. I plan on
getting my future children into sports because of
What is your fondest athletic memory?
When I was on the Luzerne County Cougars, we
were at Regionals and I was playing 2nd base
when the batter hit a line drive right above my
head, so I jumped and caught it and was able to
make a double play.
What athletic accomplishments have you
been awarded?
I hold the record for most points, goals, and
assists in the school for boys’ soccer and was the
1st boy to score 100 goals in their career in the
school. I was a Citizens Voice and Times Leader
1st team all-star and nominated all-state in
soccer. NPF 1st team kicker in football. Played in
the UNICO all-star football game. 2nd team allconference for volleyball. 2-time all-district team
for volleyball.
Do you coach and/or help with youth
athletics? If not, is this something you
would consider doing in the future?
In football, I was just given #4. In basketball,
I’m #5 and had that number since I was younger.
I’m also #5 in volleyball because I wanted the
same number as my basketball one. In soccer, I’m
#8 and I was given that number when I was
younger and kept it throughout the years.
Work hard and don’t take the time for granted. It
goes by too fast.
How does it feel to be voted most athletic?
What is your fondest athletic memory?
Feel valued. It shows my hard work was able to
be seen by my fellow classmates. My dad was
voted most athletic in high school, so it’s nice to
keep it running in the family.
My fondest athletic memory was breaking my
dad’s record in soccer for most points in school
I do not but I would like to in the future.
If you could give one helpful piece of advice
to other athletes, what would it be?
What coach has been most inspirational to
you as an athlete? Why has this person
provided such inspiration?
My dad has been the most inspirational because
he played all the sports I did and as always
helped me to become better.
Do you feel participating in athletes is
important? If so, why?
I do feel that participating in athletics is
important because it keeps people active. It also
teaches people a lot of leadership qualities and
life lessons.
“18 Things I Learned By 18”
By: Raven Fleetwood
1.)People are going to dislike you. If you
waste time thinking about it, your life won’t
be as fulfilling.
2.) Listen to your music as loud as you can.
Spend money on concert tickets. Make sure
you see your favorite band at least once.
Good music is important; if you find music
you love, hold on to it.
3.) Pet all the dogs. Every dog you see on
the street, every dog that looks friendly, just
every dog. Never accept reward money for
finding a lost dog. Reuniting them with
their owner is reward enough.
4.) Spend money on things that aren’t
necessary. Sometimes you want to drop $80
on makeup, that’s okay.
5.) Never take anything too seriously. The
best way to deal with stressful situations is
to make light of them. You have one life,
why waste is stressing?
6.) Be nice to your teachers, professors,
retail workers, your parents, etc. They
already have enough to deal with, just be
7.)Don’t litter. You’re going to have to live
on this planet. Throwing your trash in the
garbage can is not hard.
8.) Don’t apologize for the time you were
born in. Don’t let older people put you
down for liking your selfies, for using “bae,”
for going on Twitter. Times change. They
were probably criticized for going to the
disco and saying “groovy.”
9.) Be involved in politics. Again, this is the
world you’re going to live in. If you’re not
involved and passionate, who will be?
10.) Eat what you want. If you want to eat
healthy, then eat healthy; if you want to eat
3 McDoubles a day, go for it. It’s your body,
do what you want to it.
11.) Don’t be afraid to speak your mind. If
someone says something that is wrong or
you don’t agree with, tell them. It may
change their mind. Be blunt with people.
Being shady will get you nowhere.
12.) Don’t take naps longer than an hour.
You’ll only end up hating yourself
13.) Read lots of books and watch lots of
movies. You don’t know how much you can
learn from them.
14.) It’s okay to wear your jeans 3 days in a
15.) Sometimes you need to cry, but when
you’re done, you need to watch your
favorite show, hug your dog, and realize that
you ain’t no wuss.
16.) It’s also okay to watch 16 episodes of a
show in one night.
17.) You might miss high school when it’s
over, but you need to know that whatever
happens while you’re there means literally
nothing. I know it means the world at the
time, but honestly, you just need to let
everything roll off of you.
18.) Just love yourself. You got one body, so
why not act like you’re the Queen of
England and let everyone else know it?
“What High School is
Actually About”
By: Kevin Osmanski
Throughout my thirteen years
spent at GNA, I have learned a great deal
of what high school is actually about, and
what it does to shape you into the adult
that you’ll become. As a senior entering my
final month of school, I am able to look
back on things with a fresh perspective.
High school isn’t about all the drama that
you had with your “friends,” the petty
fights, or mountains of homework. What
high school is actually about is learning how
to handle responsibility, realizing who your
real friends are, and coming into your own
as an individual.
High school is a time in our lives
where we are constantly doing something,
whether it’s homework, going to a practice,
or going to a club meeting. All of these
things help us manage our time, and instill a
sense of structure and responsibility within
us; all of which will be useful once we
graduate and start our first year of college,
or enter the workforce. So next time your
teacher gives you an assignment, know that
it’s not a punishment, but beneficial to you
as a student.
The majority of our class has
grown up together, which means we all
know everyone, one way or another.
However; once we reach our senior year, we
begin to quickly realize who our real friends
are, and who aren’t. High school becomes
less about, “Why don’t they like me?” and
more about, “Why do I care?” As the
graduation date grows closer, you see more
clearly who’s really there for you and the
drama from the past four years suddenly
means absolutely nothing.
We might not know it, but our
high school experience is a big part of what
makes us who we are. Our teachers, our
friends, and our activities all play a big part
in what makes us, us. High school allows us
to see which “groups” we fit into, and what
hobbies that we enjoy. It allows us to learn
from our teachers, and develop our own
work ethics. It even shows us our values and
beliefs, and teaches us to stand up for them.
It’s easy for many people to get
wrapped up in the stereotypical drama of
high school, but if you take a step back, you
could get so much more out of your
experience. Not only can you make life-long
friends, but you can learn about the person
you are, which will help you become the
person who you wish. High school doesn’t
last forever, so enjoy it while it lasts and
don’t take the experience you had at face
“Underclassmen Speak”
By: Maia Britton
Senior – the title that every high
school student aspires to attain. Freshmen
admire them, sophomores wish they were
them, juniors hate them, and 8th graders, to
be honest, are just afraid of them. But, what
do the underclassman really think of our class
overall? We roamed the halls and asked a few
questions, starting at the bottom of the food
chain all the way up to the next graduating
class. What did you think of the class of 2016?
The 8th graders said exactly what
was expected of them. One commented that
the graduating class was “loud” and “mean.”
Another said that we were “annoying.” Still,
when asked how they would improve as
seniors, each of them replied, “I don’t know.”
It’s a good thing they still have four more years
of high school to think about it.
The freshmen were the kindest
group. To them, we, as an overall class,
“weren’t bad” and some even said that they
found us nice. One commented that seniors,
“always spoke nicely to me in the hallways.
They were never mean like in the movies.”
Another said, “they’re good people to look up
to.” On the other hand, they also thought
seniors looked down on them and a boy stated
that “seniors think they’re better than us
[freshman].” As seniors themselves, they said
they would “apply” themselves more often and
quote, “do more stuff.”
The sophomores all had similar
replies. They found the people to be the best
part of the graduating class, and one even
commented that we were “very active and did
a lot.” However, the most complained about
issue was our parking jobs. “Park between the
lines,” one sophomore demanded, “you all
have terrible parking jobs!” Others wanted to
see more interaction between seniors and
underclassmen. “You guys don’t talk to us
enough,” they admitted. “As seniors, we would
be more involved with the rest of the school.”
The juniors lastly had quite a few
things to comment about our class. One 11th
grader commented on our class as a whole,
calling us “smart” and “competitive.” However,
she voiced her concerns as well. “They lacked
spirit,” she admitted, “and they really didn’t do
anything.” Another junior agreed and said that
the class of 2016’s worst fault was the fact that
they were so “dull.” He admitted that, in
contrast to the class of 2015, we were “boring”
and “just okay.” Both agreed, as did several
others, that as the next graduating class, they
would “get involved more and engage our
Senior year is supposed to be the
greatest year of a high school student’s life.
They get to experience the ups and downs of
almost attaining adulthood, but the
underclassmen have to experience them with
us as well. We can’t go back and change our
year, and in all honesty, I don’t think we would.
Still, congrats to the graduating class, and to
the class of 2017, you’re up next. Good luck!
“Teachers Look Back”
By: Kevin Osmanski
Growing up here at GNA, we all look
towards the faculty and teachers as role models
and people to look up to. However, what we
sometimes forget is that they were once our age,
too. They had to walk these halls, do homework,
study for exams, and stress about college, just
like us. It’s important for us to remember that
our teachers went through it all, and that we can
always go to them for guidance and advice,
because not too long ago, they were in the seats
we’re sitting in right now.
What year did you graduate?
Ms. Sowa: 1974
Ms. Warman: 1990
Mr. Stetz: 1996. VH1 called the 90’s, “The Last
Great Decade.”
Ms. Buckley: 2007 – yikes!
Where was the “popular” place to go with
your friends when you were a senior?
Ms. Sowa: We usually stayed at each other’s
houses, and played board games, cards, and tag.
We had sleep overs a lot, too, and were always at
the pool.
Ms. Warman: Bowling at Colonial Lanes
followed by pizza at one of the many places in
Mr. Stetz: The “Ave” in Kingston, the 25th hour
Woodlands on Thursday night, and 247 Apollo
Ms. Buckley: The popular place to go was the
library. We were all nerds, so we would hang out
with Mrs. Pray as much as we were allowed. We
even skipped a few of Mr. Carey’s classes (The
“original” Mr. Carey).
What was your favorite moment from your
senior year?
Ms. Sowa: I have two: the first is placing third in
breaststroke at districts for swimming, and the
second is walking up from the stadium after
graduation when I received my diploma.
Ms. Warman: There are two that stand out more
than the others. First, the band receiving the
outstanding Band Front award at the ACC’s, and
secondly, the girls basketball state championship.
Mr. Stetz: Enjoying all the moments with my
fellow classmates.
Ms. Buckley: My favorite moment was being
voted Prom Queen.
Did you ever come down with “Senior-it is?”
Ms. Sowa: No, not really.
Ms. Warman: No
Mr. Stetz: No, go hard or go home.
Ms. Buckley: I took three AP classes, so I didn’t
have time for “Senior-itis.” Also, I am such a
nerd, and I loved school!
Who were/was your best friend(s) during
your senior year?
Ms. Sowa: My best friends were Michelle
Natalini, and Shirley Grant.
Ms. Warman: I had a lot of really good friends
that I’m still in contact with for over 25 years.
Mr. Stetz: Tom, Joe, Tj, Croughn, and my future
wife, Erika.
Ms. Buckley: My best friends included my twin
brother, Devon, Laura Boone (Who’s still my
best friend), and Katie Cartwright.
What was your class song?
Ms. Sowa: We didn’t have a class song.
Ms. Warman: “Don’t Stop Believing,” by
Mr. Stetz: “It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye to
Yesterday,” by Boyz 2 Men.
Ms. Buckley: ‘Young,” by Kenny Chesney
by: Samantha Labenski and
Alyssia Stavetski
“What Will You Miss?”
Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, seniors at
GNA have made lasting memories that they will never forget.
These memories were made with both friends and teachers
and will always be looked back on fondly in the years to come.
Here are some of the memories seniors shared…
Kayla Repasky
What are you going to miss most about high school?
I am going to miss my debates in AP History class, and our life
lessons with Mrs. Cumberland and Mr. Litch.
What was your best memory here at GNA?
The first football game I got to go to as a student.
Mercedes Gleco
going to miss feeling like a princess and I’m sure a lot of other girls
feel the same way too.
Tori Rozell
After you graduate are you going to miss seeing everyone?
Why? (students, teachers, and staff)
Yes, I will miss seeing my friends and teachers because in college it’s
going to be a new environment where I will need to meet and make
friends with different people.
What class are you going to miss the most? Why?
My 5th period study hall because Mr. Federko always had something
funny to say.
Matthew Labenski
What was your best memory here at GNA?
What class are you going to miss the most? Why?
My best memory was watching Nik Placek get hit in the face with a
milk carton.
I’ll mostly miss my 5th period class because my friends Sabrina and
Randy never fail to make me laugh in it.
What class are you going to miss the most? Why?
Are you going to miss being able to go to Homecoming,
Semi, and prom? Why?
Yes, I will miss going to homecoming, semi, and prom because
they’re my favorite part about high school. I love dressing up in
gorgeous gowns and getting your hair and makeup done. I’m really
“If I Never See You Again”
I am going miss annoying Mr. Stove by singing “Happy Birthday” to
him every single day.
Ryan Bobis
What are you going to miss most about high school?
The minimum amount of responsibility needed.
Dear Derrick Spencer ,
As graduation rapidly approaches, the 2016 graduating class
begins to reflect on the years they have spent at Greater Nanticoke Area.
The following seniors wrote a brief letter to a friend who has made the
biggest impact on their lives over the past 13 years, considering the
possibility that they may never see each other again after graduation…
If I never see you again, I want you to know that AP History would not
have been the same without you. You taught me more than you know
and made grow as a person. Thank you for all the jokes and laughs and
simply for being an amazing friend. I really appreciate you. Temple has
gained a great spirit, a passionate planet scientist, and a marvelous
individual. Go get NASA!
Dear Sammi Russin,
If I never see you again, I want you to know that you have been my best
friend since pre-school and I will be forever grateful that we’ve been
friends for this long. I know you will be successful in everything you do
and will achieve all of your goals. Good luck next year!
-Vanessa Tocket
Dear Randy Schuster,
If I never see you again, I want you to know that you were the best
therapist a girl could ever wish for. You made third and fourth period my
two favorite classes. I’m going to miss our rant sessions and you being
there when I needed advice the most. I couldn’t be more thankful for
everything you do for me. 5 years from now, I will text you, “sup?” and I
hope you remember our inside jokes together. Stay groovy.
-Mercedes Gleco
-Veronika Popyk
Dear Randy, Pat, and Billy,
If I never see you again, I want you to know that I will always consider
us like brothers. Even though everything is going to be changing soon,
we were always tight and always will be. Things may get different, but
high school will carry with us.
-Ryan Bobis
Dear Abbey Zaykoski,
If I never see you again, I want you to know that you were a great friend.
You were always there for me and I will miss living so close to each
other. I wish you the best in life and I hope you achieve all of your goals.
Love you!!!!
-Morgan Mislitski
by: Sarah Benscoter
“Way Back When”
by: Andi Roberts
What was the world like when the
Class of 2016 entered kindergarten? It
is surprising how much time changes
things. 13 years ago, when we were
walking into Kennedy or Pope John
Paul, things were different. Here is a
glimpse of what the year 2003 was like:
Television Shows that began in
My Big Fat Greek Life
Rugrats: All Grown Up
Cold Case
Average Prices in 2003:
Gallon of Gas…..…$ 1.60
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
America’s Next Top Model
Loaf of Bread………$ 1.10
Video games Released in 2003:
Gallon of Milk..…..$ 1.15
Madden NFL 2003
One Dozen Grade A large eggs…$ 1.95
Silent Hill 3
Movies released in 2003:
The Simpsons: Hit and Run
Best Movie (Academy Award): Chicago
True Crime: Streets of LA
Finding Nemo
Sonic Heroes
School Of Rock
2 Fast 2 Furious
Bad Boys 2
Stores & Restaurants that were
still around in 2003:
How to Lose a Guy In 10 Days
Ground Round
The Matrix: Reloaded
Circuit City
Bringing Down the House
SuperBowl XXXVII……Tampa Bay
Bruce Almighty
World Series………..Miami Marlins
Women’s World Cup……...Germany
Top Music of 2003:
Top Country Song… “It’s 5 o’clock
Somewhere” by Jimmy Buffett and Alan
Top Pop Song... “Bring Me to Life” by
Evanescence Featuring Paul McCoy
Top Rock Song… “Seven Nation Army”
The White Stripes
Top Rap Song… “In Da Club” by
Most Popular Toys
Eye Toy
Art House
Power Touch Learning System
Break the Safe
My Little Pony
Etch A Sketch
Looking Ahead
“College Essentials”
By: Samantha Labenski and Alyssia
Graduation is quickly
approaching, and the days as seniors in
Greater Nanticoke Area are decreasing.
Many of the students in the senior class
of 2016 are preparing to head off to
college and begin an exciting new
chapter of their lives. As they prepare,
the ordinary essentials such as bed
sheets, towels, toothbrushes, laptops,
phone chargers, etc. are accounted for.
However, many freshman college
students come to realize that these
basics do not begin to cover all of their
needs during the college experience.
Although it’s not crucial to have these
items, they definitely would come in
handy someday.
Mini Fridge: These miniature fridges
are great to keep drinks and snacks in,
so you don’t need to leave your dorm
room while you’re hanging out or
studying. Mini fridges run anywhere
from $80 to $200 depending on the
size and quality.
Snacks: You’ll need something to fill
your new mini fridge with, and
sometimes meal plans at college are just
not enough. Depending on your meal
plan, the cafeteria is only open limited
times during the day, so snacks are
pretty important.
Fan: Not all students get lucky enough
to have air conditioning in their dorm,
and it can get really hot once the
weather is warm. Make sure to pick up
a fan to cool you down on hot days and
nights. Small fans run from $10 to $20,
depending on the brand.
Headphones: Whether you’re studying
for a big exam, or trying to fall asleep,
headphones can definitely come in
handy. Headphones can start at the
inexpensive price of $5 and up,
depending on the brand you’d prefer.
Quarters: If you don’t plan on dragging
all your dirty clothes back home to get
washed over the weekend, you’ll most
likely find yourself in the laundry room.
Laundromats only accept quarters, and
depending on the amount of loads you
plan on washing, you’ll need a decent
amount to pay.
Entertainment: Sitting in your dorm
can get boring after a while, make sure
you bring something to keep yourself
entertained, like an X-box, Playstation,
DVD player, books, etc.
Air fresheners: Dorm rooms can begin
to smell weird after a while due to two
people living in such a small room. Air
fresheners are cheap and easy to find,
whether it’s a Scentsy, or a Febreze,
your room will be sure to smell fresh
and delightful.
What to Wear:
Some people think that
because you’re in college and there is no
strict dress code, you should use the
opportunity to wear nothing but
sweatpants. There is also the claim that
sweatpants are easier to put on and
more comfy than regular clothes. First
of all, sweatpants aren’t any easier to
put on than a clean pair of jeans and a
nice top; however, this doesn’t mean
you have to spend 5 hours getting ready
every morning, or that fashion should
be more important than anything else.
Realistically, dressing nice is important.
“You never get a second chance
to make a first impression.” Your first
day of class will be extremely
important, due to the fact that you will
constantly be meeting professionals and
people who may eventually be your
employer one day. Not that there’s
anything wrong with sweatpants, but in
some eyes, showing up to class with
sweatpants and a hoodie is disrespectful
to your professor. He/she dresses nicely
for class, in order to show that they
take their job seriously. When you dress
like you’re ready to fall asleep, it says
that you could care less about the class.
Although you may be taking
college one hundred percent seriously
and you personally just love wearing
sweatpants, your outfit may give people
a different impression. Following these
simple tips, you’ll be dressed for success
and feel more comfortable.
Girls: The sad truth is that leggings
have taken over our lives and
wardrobes, have the great ability to be
either dressed down or dressed up. In
this case, we want to dress up. Simply
throwing on a nice sweater or a tank
top and cardigan, along with a cute pair
of sneakers or ballet flats, will make you
look prepared and classy for class.
Guys: Instead of wearing the usual
basketball shorts and t-shirt to class, try
wearing a nice pair of khakis and a dress
shirt. If khakis just aren’t your style,
jeans and an appropriate t-shirt work,
When dressing for class, you
have to remember to separate your
clothes for going out, and your clothes
for school. Not all of your clothes may
be “school appropriate,” which is
something you need to be aware of.
Here is a list of some things that
shouldn’t really be worn to class.
What Not to Wear: Crop tops, short
skirts/shorts, alcohol advertising shirts,
hats, flip flops, slippers, sunglasses.
Looking Ahead
College Checklist
Rubber bands
Getting ready to leave for college could
be very stressful, especially if you
realize you forgot something once you
get there. By following this checklist,
you’ll be sure to pack everything you
could possibly need!
Highlighter pens (multiple colors)
Stackable desk trays (at least 4)
Dorm Room:
Stamps and envelopes
Alarm clock
Phone/ laptop charger
Extension cord
Bedside lamp
Mini trash can
Portable speakers
Storage bins
Bulletin board and pushpins
Picture hangers (double sides tape for
concreate walls)
Mini fridge
Shower care, personal care, etc.:
Shower shoes (flip-flops)
Shampoo/ Conditioner
Toothpaste/ Toothbrush
Perfume/ Cologne
Class Supplies:
Pens and pencils
Sheets and pillowcases (2 sets. Check
with college for size needed — some
college twin beds are extra long.)
Electronic storage media such as
memory cards and USB flash drives
Stapler and staples
Printer paper (if you decide to bring a
Pencil holder and sharpener
Folder with pockets
Labels of various sizes
3 × 5 index cards
Sticky notes
Paper clips and binder clips
Towels (3 each of bath, hand and face)
Pillows (2)
Mattress pad (check with college for
size needed)
Blankets (2)
Clothes hangers
Laundry bag/basket
Laundry detergent, fabric softener and
stain remover
Lint brush
Mini sewing kit
Looking Ahead
“Class Of 2017 Anticipates Senior Year”
By: Lindsay Wiaterowski
About 12 years ago, we began our first day of
Kindergarten, and in a short few months, we will be starting our
last, first day of high school. Even though excitement is building for
many in the class of 2017, it is bittersweet knowing that this will be
our last year together. The best years of our lives seem to go by so
quickly. For the class of 2017, senior year is nearly a reality and there
is much to look forward to.
The first day of senior year consists of decorating cars
with classmates and then parading around town, letting everyone
know that WE are SENIORS. Next, we will be planning and
participating in homecoming festivities (spirit week, spirit games,
the bonfire, the homecoming dance) and crowning a new Miss
GNA. Under the Friday night lights, on the hardwood, the
wrestling mat, in the swimming pool and on the athletic field, we
will be cheering on the Trojans and growing together as a class,
making memories and leaving our mark.
We will be busy fundraising for our senior projects, taking
part in selling t-shirts, raffling baskets, hosting events, and many
other activities to help our school, our community, and each other.
We will be studying and involving ourselves in the academic school
Dear Future Self,
I know what you’re thinking right
now: you are so unexplainably happy that
year, racking our brains, knowing that we will be applying to
colleges soon. As a break from the stresses that go along with
student life, the class of 2017 can relax and unwind at the semiformal. Although many of us will transform this event into another
anxiety-filled part of senior year, we will be dancing the night away
with our friends. Many of us, however, won’t stop to ponder the
approaching “last dance,” our prom, and the significance of what it
represents…the closeness of graduation.
The senior prom is one of the most anticipated events of
the year. The hair. The makeup. The dress. The glamor of it all.
Who to ask? How to ask them? While we are busy preparing for
prom, we will continue to grow closer as a class, as a family, and
finally come to comprehend that these are the “glory days.” These
are the “times of our lives.” These are the times we will look back
on and remember fondly. In the midst of it all we suddenly, then,
board the bus to Washington D.C., returning quickly to pack our
bags for Walt Disney World, our senior class trip.
Returning from the sunny skies of Orlando, it is back to
reality and to final exams. When we dot the last I and cross the last
T, we put our pencils down and are overcome by the finality of it
all…we are finished. All that remains is our senior cookout, class day,
graduation practice, and, lastly, saying goodbye.
this moment. It’s about time to turn your
dreams into plans.
You have been through so much
you’re finally living the life you have always
wanted. Things are a little hectic right now,
but everything is bound to fall into place,
already, and I know you can endure so
hopefully before the time you re-read this
letter. I’m writing to you, as I’ve done so
I’m not just saying that because, well, you’re
me. I truly believe that you deserve the best.
many times before, so I’m sure you think this
day is miniscule in the grander scheme of
things. I just wanted to remind you how
You’ll be able to handle anything life throws
at you.
excited you were to graduate, and how you
instantly fell in love with the thought of
being a physician’s assistant.
Right now is such an important time
for you. Everything you are doing will lead to
much more. You are so independent strong.
You are smart and funny and caring. And
I really hope you’re happy. I hope
you’ve found everything you’ve been looking
for. I hope you’re finally living the life you’ve
always wanted. I’m so excited to experience
this journey.
your success. It’s the beginning of the end;
you’re about to begin the rest of your life. You
Yours Truly,
are nervous, but you are so unexplainably
happy. Don’t ever give up on your goals. Ever
since you were a little girl, you’ve dreamed of
Tonya Vahey
Looking Ahead
“The Road Ahead”
To the graduate to be,
This year flew by, didn’t it?
Graduating last year, I didn’t want to
believe it either. I just thought it was going
to be another school year, dragging along,
counting down the hours until the last day.
I constantly listened to the seniors before
me telling me to appreciate every second,
but I think I took it for granted more than
I appreciated it. So from the bottom of my
heart, appreciate every last second you
have left in high school. Don’t get me
wrong, even though high school was fun,
enjoyable, and a time to be with friends,
college is so much better! It’s a time to
focus on you, what’s best for you, and most
importantly to find out who you are.
Applying to colleges, I had no
idea what I wanted to do with the rest of
my life. I had some ideas about what I
wanted to do, but no definite answer as to
what the rest of my life will hold. I chose a
major because I wanted to help people, and
immediately fell in love with it. Sitting in
high school, I would have never pictured
myself doing what I am today.
Coming into college, I was open
to so many new friendships, but wasn’t sure
if I could consider someone my “best
friend” just by being with them for a
semester, rather than my best friends in
high school, who I was with since the 2nd
grade. Orientation day, everyone felt the
same. I made an amazing new best friend
within the first 20 minutes, and a bunch
more throughout the day. The friends I
gained just on orientation day itself will be
life-long friends, because we share similar
goals, desires, and hobbies. Continuing
through college, you see someone new
every day; it’s not always the same 20
people in your class, like high school.
One of the most important
aspects of college is becoming involved.
Continuing to play collegiate sports was
the best decision I have ever made. I am
involved in several clubs and organization
and have made awesome friends on the
basketball and volleyball teams who
became like my sisters. Having those
teammates was different than high school.
Yes, high school basketball friendships
were great, but college teammates are not
only friendships, they’re family.
Organizations and clubs are a great way to
get involved with your new school. Not
only do you become attached with new
friends, but clubs and organizations open
opportunities for you that you would never
Continuing from involvement in
your school, studying is the next most
important aspect of college. I’ve come to
appreciate time, and learn time
management very quickly. Coming from
high school where I just studied the night
before, and knew the material, I attempted
that in college on my first exam. That was
not a good choice, and I encourage you to
start studying days before your exam. Take
advantage of the library during your day
and on your breaks. Study as much as you
can, believe me, you will not regret it. Take
notes to your best ability. You never know
when your professor will throw a surprise
question on the test that he/she might have
just said during class. Speak with your
professors as much as you can, and ask
them for help, they are there to help you as
much as possible.
Coming into college, I didn’t
think I was going to have to make
sacrifices, and that I was just going to be
able to do what ever I wanted everyday. I
learned fast, that going out to dinner is not
as important as studying for your exam the
next morning. Trust me, 8AM’s roll around
way too quickly, especially if you’re up all
night cramming and studying for your
exams. Don’t forget about the three papers
that you procrastinated to write until the
night before, too!
Procrastination was the hardest
habit for me to break coming into college,
so if you can even start decreasing your
procrastination at the slightest now, you
will benefit from not procrastinating in the
long run. Assuming college was like high
school, I thought I was just going to get my
work done the night before it was due.
Well, after the first time I did that, I never
by: Deanna Thomas
(GNA Class of 2015)
did it again! Working as hard as I do to
juggle sports, a social life, and grades made
me a stronger, and a better-rounded person.
Working hard puts you in the Honors
Program, and also on the Dean’s List. Being
involved in both the Honors Program, and
the Dean’s list has opened opportunities,
and made me take chances that I will value
for the rest of my life. Believe me, working
hard really does pay off, especially when
you get to travel the world!
So after just scratching the
surface of college, appreciate every last day
you have in high school. You may think the
days drag on while you’re sitting in class
hoping the day ends, but when the day
comes to walk across the stage, one foot
after another, hearing your name
announced in GNA one last time, it’s going
to hit you hard that time went faster than
you could ever imagine. Don’t be upset that
high school is over, keep your head high for
bigger, and better opportunities, friends,
and chances to become you! College was
amazing so far, and it can only get better
from here! Take the road less traveled, try
new things, meet new people, and mostly
live life, that’s what college is all about!
Good luck in all of your future
endeavors! I wish you nothing but the best!
With all my best intent,
The student who wouldn’t change college
for anything!
Looking Ahead
“Thank You, Parents!”
PARENTS…They aren’t
necessarily a “mom and dad.” Parents
are the people who love and support us
throughout the entirety of our lives.
They are the people who sacrificed
everything just to watch us grow and
succeed. They have helped us, even
when we did not ask for any help and
were there for us during every
milestone of our lives. When we faced
our greatest and most challenging
obstacles, our parents were there to
guide us through. When we overcame
these obstacles, they allowed us to bask
in our successes, ignoring that they
were major factors in our triumphs.
They were our chauffeurs who took us
everywhere we wanted to go, whether
it was shopping, a restaurant, a
sporting event, or a friend’s house. No
matter how much we fought with
them, they still cared, loved us, and
would do ANYTHING in the entire
world for us. As we embark on a new
journey, though we may not explicitly
express it, we are forever mindful and
grateful for everything our parents
have done for us.
Thank you for teaching us.
When we were young, we
thought our parents had all of the
answers. We would ask them every
question that crossed our imaginative
and hopeful minds. The quick
responses you gave to each one of these
seemingly insignificant questions
helped us grow both our curiosity and
interest in the world. You taught us
manners and how to do things
efficiently. You taught us the basic
necessities of survival and how to live a
life worth living. We may not have seen
the value in your authoritative
parenting; however, now we realize it
was only to prepare us for the real
world. We now know how to overcome
the negative influences in life and how
to defend ourselves, all by the help of
No matter how long it took us
to accomplish a task, you always stuck
with us no matter the circumstances.
You’ve stuck with us through emotional
tirades and were always there to make
us feel better. When we were sick, you
Your motivation and support
system taught us to have pride and
devotion in whatever we decided to
take part in. When we doubted our
abilities in school, or one of the many
activities we participated in through
the duration of our high school careers,
you taught us that giving up was not
the answer. When giving up was the
only solution that seemed logical to us,
the dreaded question arose, “Where
would you rather be?” That is when we
knew the true answer was to never give
up, no matter how “late” or how little
we already did; we should continue
regardless. Without you, we would not
be where we are right now. And we
thank you for that.
nursed us back to health, which taught
us how to take care of ourselves.
As we close the doors to our
past and say goodbye to you as we
open the doors to our future, just
know we appreciate every little thing
you did for us. Your wisdom and
guidance will never be forgotten no
matter how far we travel nor how busy
we are. You will forever be involved in
our lives. Changes like these are
among one of the most difficult things
a person has to go through, but we are
so thankful that we have parents like
you to aide us in our future endeavors.
This may be the end of an era, but it’s
also the beginning of a new one.
Thanks to you, we are prepared for this
new era and all of the new obstacles
that will come along with it. We cannot
thank you enough for everything you
had done to lead us through our hectic
Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for loving us.
We do not even begin to
approach perfection with all of the
hardships and grievances you have so
lovingly guided us through. We can be
temperamental and challenging at
times, but you always seem to find
room for forgiveness and
understanding. The passion you have
instilled in us will stay with us for the
remainder of our lives.
To the class of 2016, let us
honor our parents by what we become.
By: Keri Lushefski
And most of all, thank you for
believing in us.
Meet Our Journalists
Eckhart- “Class of 2017”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Junior Leadership, Honor Society, volunteer at
What advice would you give to a failing
To put school first. A high school diploma is
something everyone should strive to achieve.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
My dad because he showed me you can overcome
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
As a nurse.
If you could thank one teacher, who would it
Ms. Hyder because I feel she made me a better
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
Madelyn Grilz for being the best partner in crime
I could think of.
What is your favorite class?
Biology because I want to be a nurse.
What are some things you can’t live
My cat, my brother, my phone, and my friends.
Jordan Bavitz- “Class of 2016”
Jordan Marie Atherton- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What extra-curricular activities are you
involved in?
Basketball, National Honor Society, Newspaper,
and Anti-Bullying Committee.
I am involved in the making of the school
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extra- curricular activities?
I learned that you should be able to balance your
time with school and other activities. Time
management is so important and it goes a long
Throughout high school, being involved in
activities that require maturity has taught me to
be responsible and independent. I know when I
go away to college, I will be more skilled and
better understand the outlook of the task that is
handed to me.
What is your favorite class?
My favorite class is government sociology because
you get to learn about the different perspectives
and cultures of the world, as well as conspiracy
theories and the government.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
The most inspirational person in my life is Mark
Bavitz because he doesn’t care what people think
and he’s the most outgoing, funny person I know.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
The most inspirational person throughout my life
is my Aunt Donna. She attended the University of
Scranton and became a doctor, even after having
very little money while growing up. Now that I
am attending college to become a nurse, I hope to
become as successful as her.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What advice would you give younger kids
about middle or high school?
I see myself working in a hospital as a speech
pathologist with children, adults, and the elderly
helping them to communicate better with others.
I will diagnose problems with their throat,
hearing, or speech.
Be prepared to take on a lot of responsibilities.
High school is much different than middle and
elementary school. If you keep up with your work
and stay involved in activities that interest you,
you will have a successful four years.
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
If I had to thank another student, I would thank
Jordan Bavitz for always being there for me and
being my best friend all throughout high school.
Meet Our Journalists
Juliana “Jules” Waclawski- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Cross-Country, Track, National Honor Society,
Yearbook staff, Student Council, and Spirit
What are you looking forward to (or
dreading) about this summer?
I’m looking forward to all the graduation parties
and buying stuff for my dorm but I’m dreading
knowing I only have so much time left with my
What has been the most difficult part of
high school?
Advanced Bio and Physics....Take it at your own
What sports teams do you root for?
New England Patriots and Philadelphia Phillies.
Who is the most interesting person you
have ever met?
My sister’s boyfriend, Ryan, because he has
traveled his whole life including getting his
Master’s degree in England as well as playing for a
semi-professional soccer team in Finland.
What was the most difficult part of being
the high school newspaper editor?
Having the computer slow down as more gets
added to the format, picking the format that will
best fit what we plan on doing for that issue,
waiting on everyone else to get their articles in,
and the long process of having to go through
about 5 folders just to get to one article or
Vahey- “Class of 2016”
Osmanski- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Who is your favorite teacher?
I am a part of the National Honor Society, and I
participate in chorus and theater.
What is the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
I learned how to work as a team, but also how to
stand out as an individual.
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher is a tie between Mr. Collins
and Mr. D. Prushinski. Both of them make
learning interesting and they connect well with
their students; they’re not afraid to laugh and
joke around with us. Along with that, they both
have more patience than I’ll ever have. The
classroom is always a very comfortable
environment with them around. I really do
admire both of them.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
My mom has always inspired me the most. She
taught me everything I know, and she has never
steered me in the wrong direction. She’s my best
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
I would thank my best friend since Kindergarten,
Kevin Osmanski. We have ben through it all, and
I couldn’t ask for a better person to stick by my
My favorite teacher is Mrs. Cumberland. She is
just a genuinely good person, who actually cares
about her students and their lives.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
Bella Swan, because I get all my mannerisms
from her.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
I see myself living somewhere on the west coast,
surrounded by dogs, working in a field involved
with either the environment or human rights.
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
If I could thank another student, I would thank
Raven Fleetwood; we had some good face-swaps
together throughout this last year.
What is most interesting place you have
ever been?
The most interesting place that I have ever been
was the 9/11 memorial in New York City; the
vibes it gave off were honestly indescribable.
Meet Our Journalists
Fleetwood- “Class of 2016”
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
Alyssia Stavetski- “Class of 2017”
Thomas Brown- “Class of 2016”
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
When Samantha Labenski asked who nunya was.
My mom because she taught me how to be
strong, caring, and passionate.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
In 10 years I would see myself in college with a
good job.
Spending time in class or at lunch with my
friends, laughing hysterically.
What are you looking forward to most this
What has been the most rewarding part of
high school?
This summer I’m looking forward to going to
Virginia Beach.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Making memories and inside jokes with my
What has been the most difficult part of
high school?
I have two, Mrs. Scatena for always flattering me
on my work and Mrs. Cumberland for keeping it
real with me.
If you could thank one teacher, who would it
The most difficult part of high school would have
to be trying to pass math class.
I would thank Mrs. Jefferies for listening to my
stupid 9th grade drama when I needed it and
always being a listener in general.
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
Who is the most interesting person you
have ever met?
I would thank Samantha Labenski because we use
teamwork to pass.
What is your favorite class?
Robert DeLong. He’s an amazing artist and
performer, and all around sweet, funny person.
My favorite class is English because it’s fun and
What is the most interesting place you’ve
ever been?
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
Kings Lynn, England
My mom because she is the strongest person I
Don’t quit everything your junior/senior year
because stuff like clubs and sports look great on
college applications.
What is your favorite class?
Art class is my favorite because it’s a great place
to express yourself through your work.
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
I have many, but I’d have to say my favorite
memory was going to prom my freshman year.
One of the many the perks of having older
What are you looking forward to most this
I’m looking forward to a lot, but personally I’m
hyped for Senior Week.
What has been the most difficult part of
high school?
Meet Our Journalists
Lily Young- “Class of 2016”
Matt Wright- “Class of 2016”
Sam Vino- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
Swim, yearbook, and interact club.
Spirit Committee and Newspaper.
What is the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
The two Spirit Games I attended have been my
most memorable during my time at GNA.
Teamwork skills.
Be confident in what you do.
I see myself graduated from college, working as a
forensic chemist.
What is your favorite class?
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
If you could thank one teacher, who would
it be?
Winning the spirit games senior year.
I would like to thank Mr. Hischak, even though I
know he is not a teacher but a guidance
counselor. He has helped me so much throughout
the past few years and I could not be more
My favorite class of all of high school was 10th
grade English with Mrs. Harbaugh. I had some of
the best times of my high school career with my
friends in that class.
Who is your favorite teacher?
What advice would you give younger kids
about middle or high school?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Ms. Warman
Have the Wright mind, Wright attitude, and the
Wright confidence.
Who has been most inspirational person in
your life?
What is something most people don’t know
about you?
Mr. Collins, because he is very relaxed.
Ms. Warman, refer to my thank you article in Vol.
3, Issue 1.
I have hobbit feet.
What are you looking forward to most this
What has been the most rewarding part of
high school?
Being on the swim team and surpassing my goals
at districts.
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
Matt Wright for being a morning person and not
letting me be miserable every day during senior
What is a talent you possess that most
people don’t know about?
I could scan 18 items a minute at Weis Markets.
What are you looking forward to most this
Beach Volleyball
If you could thank one teacher, who would
it be?
Mr. Figlerski, because he always let me make eggs
Who is your favorite teacher?
I look forward to doing nothing and watching
Netflix all summer.
What has been the most rewarding part of
high school?
The most rewarding thing has definitely been
experiencing people all throughout the day, for 13
years of my life. I am happy that I got to see
exactly how people act around and away from
other people, how they react with each other, and
who is real and who isn’t. To me, that’s the most
rewarding thing that anyone can ever learn.
Respect your peers, but don’t entertain any
disrespect from anyone because of who is around.
Meet Our Journalists
Bogdanovich- “Class of 2017”
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
The most inspirational people in my life are my
boyfriend Dan and my Aunt Becky. Dan is an
inspiration to me because like me he has gone
through times where most people wouldn’t even
be able to handle or endure, but he never gave up
he stayed strong. He showed me, taught me, and
pushed me to stand up tall and to be strong. My
Aunt Becky is an inspiration because she went
through school, then dropped out when I was
around one or two in order to take care of me.
She helped raise me for over a year (my parents
were young and trying to mature). After that year
she went back into school and finished she didn’t
give up and didn’t lose sight of where she wanted
to go. She pushed herself and now she has an
amazing job that keeps her happy in Virginia.
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
The thing I will remember at GNA most is drug
and alcohol prevention week.
What sports teams do your root for?
San Francisco 49ers, Miami Heat, Yankees, and
the Penguins.
What are you looking forward to about this
Warm weather, fun in the sun, camping,
swimming, fishing, eating ice cream…what isn’t
there to look forward to this summer?
Kaitlyn Corkell- “Class of 2017”
Morgan Mislitski- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Varsity Cheerleading, Track, Chorus, Spirit
Committee, Science Olympiad, and the School
Honor Society, Student Council, and Spirit
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
The most important lesson I have learned
through my extracurricular activities is time
management and team work. Without tough
schedules between school and cheer alone, I
would not be as well organized as I am.
Extracurricular activities instilled teamwork
within me which helps in work and in school. It
teaches you that you’ll always work with someone
that you may not necessarily agree with or get
along with but you have to do it for the sake of
the team.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
My mom, she taught me to be a strong person
like her.
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
The football games, Homecoming, Semi, Prom.
What advice would you give younger kids
about middle school or high school?
Stay true to yourself. Don’t change to fit in.
If you could thank one teacher, who would it
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
Mrs. Golanoski. She has taught me so much and
gave me great advice.
My mom has been the most inspirational person
in my life because she always pushes me to try as
hard as I can. She believes that I can do anything
and when I don’t believe in myself she makes me
believe I can. She’s my number one fan and I
could never repay her for everything she has done.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
My vision of where I will be in ten years is still
kind of murky. I see myself either already working
in the medical field or still in school to become a
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be, and why would you thank them
I would thank Ben Sersen for always pushing me
to be a better student and believing in me when I
think I am going to fail. Also, for the countless
amount of school work he has helped me with.
Mr. Litch and Mr. Stetz because they know how
to make learning fun and interesting.
Meet Our Journalists
Radginski- “Class of 2016”
Lindsay Wiaterowski- “Class of 2017”
Samantha Labenski- “Class of 2017”
What is your favorite class?
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Varsity Cheerleading, National Honor Society,
Spirit Committee, and Student Council.
I have been part of the Varsity Cheerleading team
for four years.
What is your favorite class?
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
Mr. Stetz’s class because I never have to stress
about it.
Who is your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Harbaugh is my favorite teacher because she
is one of the sweetest people I know.
Who has bee the most inspirational person
in your life?
My gram because she has taught me so much
about myself and pushes me to be the best person
I can be.
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
A few years ago on the last day of school, Sammi
and I accidentally pulled the defibrillator alarm
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
Probably living near Philly working as a teacher.
What has been the most difficult part of
high school?
Learning how to balance work and school.
How would you like to help our world?
I’m going to be a teacher so I would like to help
inspire others and help them be the best that
they can be.
I do not have a favorite class, I like them all!
Who is your favorite teacher?
I have a lot of great teachers, I love them all!
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
When I was taken in an ambulance to the
emergency room during the Nanticoke vs.
Hanover football game.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I see myself being a surgical nurse,
married to the man of my dreams, and having
What has been the most rewarding part of
high school?
Being inducted into the National Honor Society.
What are some things you can’t live
I’ve learned that in order to accomplish goals you
need some help. You cannot do everything by
yourself, so working as a team is important. I’ve
learned that with dedication, time, and team
work, anything can get done if you all put your
minds to it.
What is your favorite class?
I absolutely love English because it’s just that one
class that I completely understand. I’ve always
enjoyed writing whether it’s a creative story or an
informational essay.
What has been the most memorable
experience at GNA?
Last year when Nanticoke beat Hanover at the
home basketball game everyone stormed off the
bleachers on to the floor, it was such a moving
experience seeing everyone come together.
My family and my friends.
What are you looking forward to most this
If you were stranded on an island with only
your clothes and three other items, what
would they be?
I’m looking forward to working at my current job
(Maureen’s Cones and More) and making money
to buy a car.
A cell phone to call for help, food so I don’t
starve, and water so I don’t dehydrate.
If you had to thank another student, who
would it be?
I would thank Alyssia Stavetski because we use
team work to pass.
Meet Our Journalists
Lushefski- “Class of 2016”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
Dance, Dance Assistant, Soccer, Church Lector,
National Honor Society, Student Council
Treasurer, Interact Club, Spirit Committee, Youth
Salute, and Newspaper.
What was the most important lesson you
learned as a result of being involved in
extracurricular activities?
The most important thing I learned from this is
that it gives you the capability to handle many
things at one time, which helps and teaches you
crucial aspects needed for the real world.
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher is Mr. Budnick because he is
always up-beat and enhances the classroom with
his unique ways of teaching.
Who has been the most inspirational
person in your life?
The most inspirational person in my life has to be
my sister, Kelcie, who always devotes every ounce
of her time to the things that are most crucial in
life that lead to a successful future, and I continue
to look up to her high achievements to this day.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
In 10 years, I see myself in New York City as a
professional dancer performing in big shows and
choreographing at a studio or college, along with
taking up a part-time job in Journalism/Writing.
Benscoter- “Class of 2017
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
What advice would you give younger kids
about middle or high school?
High school is going to consist of some of the
best and worst days of your life. You will find out
that only two of the twelve best friends you had
in middle school are actually worth keeping in
high school, you may find yourself stressed out
almost to the point of breaking down, you will
most likely be caught up in unnecessary drama,
you might end a relationship with the person you
thought you were going to marry, but to outweight the negative part of high school, the
memories you make with the friends that have
made a major impact on your life will surely last a
lifetime. The next four years is your chance to
discover who you are and who you want to be.
Who is your favorite teacher?
My favorite teacher is Miss Hyder because she
relates the lesson to real life.
Andi roberts- “Class of 2017”
What extracurricular activities are you
involved in?
I am an 8 year member of the GNA Chorus, a 7 year
member of the GNA Band (Elementary, Ed Center,
Marching, Jazz, and Concert Band), and a 6 year
member of the GNA Theater. I am also a volunteer
at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and a junior
fireman for the Nanticoke City Fire Department.
What is your favorite class?
My favorite class would have to be ELA Honors and
Spanish III, because Ms. Hyder and Profesora
Kelchner are””. They make the
subjects fun to learn and the classroom a
comfortable place to express myself and learn in my
own way. They are so much more than just teachers;
they are genuine people who dedicate their lives to
making our future dreams possible. I wish there was
a way I could thank them for all that they have
taught me.
What has been your most memorable
experience at GNA?
My most memorable experience at GNA would be
Marching Band Championships 2014 at Hershey
Stadium. This was the “Dreamers” show, and also
the year that my section leader, Nick Marr, and
many other seniors that had taught me everything,
and had been so influential in my life, were
graduating. It was an extremely emotional show
because the championship is the last show we ever
get to perform with our seniors. After our
performance, we got up into the bleachers and
anxiously anticipated the announcements for our
scores. Being from a very low funded band program
at the time, we never expected to score very high,
we were always the underdogs. Little did we know
we were about the make GNA Marching Band
history. We got 2nd place with an 86.26, the highest
score since the 1990’s. I guess you can say we made
our “Dream” come true. I’ll never forget the feeling
of accomplishment, knowing that we poured our
hearts out, and left every piece of ourselves on that
field. We didn’t care what the score was, or what
anyone in the crowd thought, because we were the
only ones who could define our dreams. How we
felt, and the family that we are, will always be all
that ever matters. It was ever the score, nor the
audience, only us, and our “Lean on Me.”
Meet Our Journalists
Maia Britton- “Class of 2016”
Francisco Blanco- “Class of 2016”
What is your favorite class?
What is your favorite class? Why?
My favorite class is AP History. It’s a weird answer, since there’s a ton of
work to be done for the class, but each day is different and Mrs. Meunch is a
great teacher. We talk about a variety of things and it’s never boring.
Woodshop because it’s a hands-on class which I enjoy immensely.
What advice would you give younger kids about middle or high
Stress is killer. If you let things overwhelm you, you’ll never make it through.
Just take a breath, prioritize your work, and calmly move forward. Don’t
think too far ahead into the future and really appreciate your restful days
Who is your favorite teacher? Why?
My tech instructor because he helped me to learn as much as much as I
could in the short year I have been there.
Who has been the most inspirational person in your life? Why?
My father has been the most inspirational because he has pushed me to
succeed and be the best I could ever be.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
What has been your most memorable experience at GNA?
I see myself somewhere in Asia in ten years (preferably Maylasia, Japan, or
Thailand), sipping on dry red, petting my dog, and writing a speech for the
correspondence of diplomacy dinner the next night.
Becoming a senior was the most memorable moment because it means I’m
one step closer to becoming independent and not having homework
What are you looking forward to about this summer?
If you could thank any one teacher who would it be?
I’m really looking forward to sleeping in this summer. I’m going to take lots
of naps and wake up naturally, whether that be at 7 in the morning or 1 in the
I would thank Mr. Litch because he’s a very influential and inspirational
teacher and is almost like a father figure of teachers.
What has been the most rewarding part of high school?
The most rewarding part of high school will definitely be the diploma. A lot
of people might say that they’re most appreciative of the lessons they learned
or the friends they made, but ultimately, it all boils down to that one piece of
What’s Happening in the Halls?
Alyssa Petroski
Carmelo Pioquinto
Tori Rozell
What do you want to be remembered
What do you want to be remembered
What do you want to be remembered
I want to be remembered as a member of
the infamous 2015-2016 Physics II class
Walking in other people’s classes, being the
kid that everyone knew, being best dressed
and a funny kid.
I would want to be remembered for my
outgoing personality and always making my
friends laugh.
What advice would you give to the
What do you plan on doing after you
There are two ways you can live high
school; it’s by living it to the max (yolo) or
keeping it real (100)
I plan on attending Mansfield University of
Pennsylvania to be a psychologist.
What advice would you give to the
Pursue your passions, spend time
discovering what you love and what you
think you could spend the rest of your life
Cheyenne Fedder
What do you want to be remembered
Creating the “Mass Ejection” along with
Cardone in Mr.P’s Advanced Bio class in
junior year.
What do you plan on doing after you
I plan on attending college for
neuroscience. Then I plan on attending
medical school to be a neurosurgeon.
Bill Pekaar
What do you want to be remembered
Living low and riding high
What do you plan on doing after you
Going to LCCC for welding.
Who was the most influential teacher
throughout your High School career?
Mrs.Larson, because she has helped me
accomplish many goals and didn’t give up
on me even when I gave up on myself. I
thank her very much for that.
What has been your biggest
accomplishment throughout High
Learning who I am…and the biggest
accomplishment is still yet to come,
graduation day.
What’s Happening in the Halls?
Janan Trotter
Amber Growhowski
Stephen Kreitzer
Who was the most influential teacher
throughout your High School career?
What do you want to be remembered
What do you want to be remembered
I’ve had plenty. My top 3 would be Mr.
Litch, Mrs. Muench, and Mr. Stetz.
I want to be remembered for mainly my
thumbface, but also being easy going and
easy to approach.
The funny laid back guy who played
baseball, hunted, and fished.
What has been your biggest
accomplishment throughout High
Student Council President
If you could “redo” a part of senior
year, would you and what would it be?
I would redo Halloween and go as Magic
Mike instead of sexy ghosts like we were
planning on because we might have won.
What do you plan on doing after you
Penn College of Technology, where I will
earn my bachelors of science in the welding
Alexis Cardone
What will you miss most about High
Brent Pointkowski
Chris Dennis
I will miss the football and basketball
games, along with easy work.
What do you want to be remembered
What do you want to be remembered
What has been your biggest
accomplishment throughout High
Being a decent guy.
Skatin while people hatin
What advice would you give to
What do you plan on doing after you
Take an easy schedule your senior year if
LCCC for welding
My biggest accomplishment throughout
High School was passing Calc.
What’s Happening in the Halls?
beginning of the Basketball
Darius Neberdosky
What do you want to be
remembered for?
Mitchel Verchimak
Being able to sleep anywhere at
What do you want to be
remembered for?
If you could “redo” a part of
senior year, would you and
what would it be?
For being part of the physics II
curse or for having Crohn’s.
What advice would you give to
the underclassmen?
Giving more effort than I did.
Chaquana Zendarski
What has been your biggest
accomplishment throughout
High School?
My biggest accomplishment
throughout high school is making
1st team for basketball even though
it was my first time starting Varsity
throughout my whole Basketball
career. I worked hard for that
accomplishment! Boo-Yah!
What is your favorite memory of senior year?
My favorite memory of my senior year would definitely have to be
beating Redeemer at their home court as a Trojanette at the
Advice From Teachers to the Senior Class
By: Morgan Mislitski & Kaitlyn Corkell
Remember that any job worth doing is worth doing well. –Mrs.
When you put your mind to something do it, don’t put it off. –Mrs.
Doing what is right isn’t always easy but it’s always right. –Mr.
Never wear “dad jeans” like Ben Sersen.
Matthew Labenski
Who was the most influential
teacher throughout your
High School career?
Mr. Stachowiak, for teaching me
“valuable” life lessons such as: “A
cow is just a four-legged animal
but we are two-legged beasts.”
What is your favorite
memory of senior year?
Watching Nik Placek get domed by a milk carton and having it
explode all over him thrown by Carmelo.
Keep perspective that others’ are experiencing worse situations
than your current one but believe that your existence holds a
purpose, refuse to become discouraged by defeat, gain strength
from distress, plow your energy into something positive
recognizing that challenges help you discover who you are and that
sometimes opportunity is disguised as what we perceive to be an
impossible situation. –Mrs. Cumberland
Live life with passion, or not at all. –Miss. Buckley
Always stay true to yourself. –Mrs. Larson
Follow your dreams, Be yourself, show people you care, use
common sense, make good choices, find simple solutions, and No
Worries! –Mr. Stetz
The three C’s in Life: Choice, Chance, and Change. You must
make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to
change. –Mr. Fig
Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself, always know what you are
capable of and always try to do a little more. –Mr. Collins
Tough times don’t last, tough people do. –Miss. Martin
If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you. If you are
determined to learn, no one can stop you. – Mrs. Brown
You get out of life what you put in. Work hard now so you can have
more down the road. –Ms. Morganti
Destiny is not a matter of chance; it’s a matter of choice. It is not a
thing to be waited for, it’s a thing to be achieved. – Mr.Yenji
Treat others the way you want to be treated in return, the golden
rule. –Mr. Budnick
Strive to be the best “you” you can be. Mrs. Wish
Fall down 7 times, Get up 8. –Mr. Litch
Be kind. Be happy. Be successful. – Mrs. Hockenbury
Think before you speak. Read before you think. Dream as if you
will live forever; live as if you’ll die today. –Mr. Borofski
Work hard, Laugh much, Do good. – Mrs. Warman
The future is no place to place your better days. – Mr. Carey
Washington D.C. & Disney
Farewell Seniors