Compliments of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
Compliments of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
Compliments of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI) CSI: Investigating the Scene OUTSIDE the Classroom! The Center for Student Involvement Enhance your college experience by engaging in civic, cultural, recreational, and social activities. By getting involved, you will connect with the MSU community, develop interpersonal & leadership skills, grow personally, and gain a greater sense of pride in your university! Your home for Student Involvement, Leadership Development, Evening/Weekend Programs, Commuter Student Programs (CSPS), Greek Life, Community Service (VRC) and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Center (LGBTQ Center) Spring ’14 Highlights: Student Organization Activities Fair: 1/21 - SC Ballrooms @ 2:30pm Trips to Broadway plays: “Matilda”, “Aladdin”, “Finding Neverland”, & more! Movie weekends once a month! Solving the crime of boredom! CSI Twitter: @MSUCSI Contact CSI for more information about getting involved on campus: Phone: 973-655-7818 Email: [email protected] Weekends @ MSU Office: SC Annex 104 & 110 MSU Commuter Students: Don’t just Commute… Commuter Student Association Resources and Services (CARS) is THE student organization that creates programs FOR COMMUTER STUDENTS, led BY COMMUTER STUDENTS (and resident students too). Commuter Students need YOU!!! CARS meets once a month every Second Wednesday (4-5pm) and Thursday (121pm) in Red Hawk Lounge Wednesday, 2/11 4-5pm Thursday, 2/12 12-1pm Wednesday, 3/18 4-5pm Thursday, 3/19 12-1pm Wednesday, 4/8 4-5pm Thursday, 4/9 12-1pm Connect with us: @MSUCARS MontclairStateCARS @MSUCARS_ [email protected] Game Day UTunes Wednesday, 1/21 8:30am Thursday, 1/22 8:30am In Red Hawk Nest Wednesday, 2/18 3-5pm Wednesday, 4/29 3-5pm In Red Hawk Lounge Tuesday, 4/14 3-5pm In Red Hawk Nest Happier Hour Game Night Wednesday, 1/28 3-5:30pm Wednesday, 4/22 3-5:30pm In the Red Hawk Lounge Monday, 2/23 6-8pm Monday, 3/30 6-8pm Monday, 4/27 6-8pm In Rathskeller Traffic Jamz Chat n’ Chew Wednesday, 2/4 3-5:00pm Wednesday, 3/4 3-5:00pm Wednesday, 4/1 3-5:00pm In Red Hawk Nest Lunch n’ Learn Wednesday, 2/25 3-5:00pm Wednesday, 3/25 3-5:00pm Wednesday, 4/15 3-5:00pm In SC Room 200 Recess 101 Thursday, 3/26 1-2:30pm Thursday, 4/16 1-2:30pm In SC Quad Cinco De Mayo Celebration Monday, 5/4 1-3pm In Red Hawk Nest Namaste CS Guide Tuesday, 2/3 Thursday, 2/12 Tuesday, 2/17 Thursday, 2/26 Tuesday, 3/3 Thursday, 3/19 Tuesday, 3/24 Thursday, 4/2 Tuesday, 4/7 Thursday, 4/16 Tuesday, 4/21 Thursday, 4/30 11am-5pm In Red Hawk Nest Open House Tuesday, 2/17 Monday, 4/27 7am-Noon Tuesday, 4/28 16am-Noon Tuesday, 3/17 Wednesday, 4/29 7am-Noon Tuesday, 4/21 Noon-2pm Thursday, 4/30 7am-Noon in SC Room 200 Friday, 5/1 7am-Noon In Red Hawk Nest Website: Phone: 973-655-7818 Office: Student Center 200 HawkSync: Commuter Student Programs & Services SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Get connected to campus! Start with CSI! 1 2 GROUNDHOG DAY Greek Affairs: Panhellenic Formal Recruitment 9:00 AM, SC Ballrooms At the Same Time… 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater CSPS: Super Bowl Party 5:00 PM, SC 126 Campus Recreation: Superbowl Bash 6:00 PM, SRC WYF: Super Bowl Party 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller CSI: Weekend Movie: Hunger Games Mockingjay Part 1 8:00 PM, UN 1010 CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 OSAU: African American History Month Flag Raising 11:30 AM, SC Flagpole CaribSO: Bake Sale 12:00 PM, PA Lobby AIC: Recruitment Table 12:00 PM, DI Lobby VRC: Blood Drive 12:30 PM, SRC 8 9 Shanghai Quartet 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater Merrily We Roll Along 8:00 PM, CH Leshowitz Hall LDCC: Leadership Development Certificate Program Info Session 4:00 PM, SC 419 Day of Unity: Divas of Diversity 8:00PM, Memorial Auditorium Greek Affairs: Meet the Locals 8:00 PM, SC Ballroom AB SDT: Sweet for your SweΣΔΤ Heart 11:00 AM, DI Lobby CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 S.L.A.M.: Winter Week 12:00 PM, SC Rathskeller CaribSO: Love & CaribSO 7:30 PM, SC Rathskeller 3 LGBTQ Center: Unity Day 11:00 AM, SC Lobby CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby LDCC: Leadership Development Certificate Info Session 3:00 PM, SC 415 MSA: Spring Welcome Back Dinner 5:00 PM, SC Dining Room Campus Recreation: Dive-in Movie: FROZEN 7:00 PM, SRC Pool FSP: Wii Olympics 8:30 PM, SC Rathskeller 10 MSU Child Advocates: Bake Sale 11:00 AM, UN Lobby ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby MSU Art Society: Bake Sale 1:00 PM, DI Lobby SDF: Interest Meeting 8:00 PM, SC 419 MSU Smile Station: Bake for a Smile 2:30 PM, PA Lobby M Basketball vs. Yeshiva 8:00 PM, PAC S.L.A.M.: Winter Week 5:00 PM, SC Ballrooms Speaking Through Silence: Love Vs. Lust 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller SLU: Condom Sense 8:30 PM, SC 419 4 Study Abroad Fair 11:00 AM, SC Ballrooms ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby AIC: Recruitment Table 12:00 PM, DI Lobby TFB: Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Fundraiser 2:30 PM, SC Lobby LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Common 2:30 PM, UN 2006 CSPS: Chat n' Chew 3:00 PM, SC 126 MSDC: Smoothies Event 3:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Basketball vs. Wm. Paterson W-6:00 PM, PAC M-8:00 PM, PAC FSP: Potluck Dinner 7:00 PM, SC Dining Room UAASO: Game Night 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 11 MUFASA: Bake Sale 11:00 AM, PA Lobby SDT: Sweet for your SweΣΔΤ Heart 11:00 AM, DI Lobby Study Abroad Exchange Program Information Session 11:00 AM, DI Cohen Lounge ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby S.L.A.M.: Winter Week 12:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Study Abroad Budgeting Workshop 12:00 PM, DI Cohen Lounge Gilman Scholarship Info Session 1:00 PM, DI Cohen Lounge LQA: St. Jude's Table Hours 2:30 PM, SC Lobby IFQ: Safe sex Informational 2:30 PM, SC Lobby LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Kevin Bracy 2:30 PM, UN 2006 YSF: Squire Bake Sale 3:00 PM, DI Lobby ICC: International Dessert Night 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller C.A.R.S. Meeting 4:00 PM, SC 126 Basketball vs. Rowan W-6:00 PM, PAC M-8:00 PM, PAC UAASO: Battle of the Sexes 7:00 PM, SC Dining Room Campus Recreation: BINGO 7:00 PM, SRC DXD: Big Little War 8:00 PM, SC Ballroom A 5 6 7 LGBTQ Center: Unity Day 11:00 AM, SC Lobby MSDO: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby LDCC: Leadership Development Info Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby MSDC: Karaoke Event 5:00 PM, SC Rathskeller ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby LDCC: Understanding Your Strengths and Weaknesses 2:30 PM, SC 419 Speaking Through Silence: The Grand Slam 6:30 PM, SC Rathskeller Merrily We Roll Along 8:00 PM, CH Leshowitz Hall Greek Affairs: Meet the UGC Panel Discussion 8:30 PM, UN 1020 12 MSCFR: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, UN Lobby MSDO: Valentine's Day Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby SAL: Bake Sale 12:00 PM, DI Lobby C.A.R.S. Meeting 12:00 PM, SC 126 WFC: Valentine's Bake Sale 12:00 PM, PA Lobby ZFB: Chocolates for Your Chocolate 12:00 PM, SC Lobby LSU: You Deserve It 2:00 PM, SC Lobby AKA: Valentine Day Bake Sale 2:30 PM, DI Lobby LDCC: Leadership Development Certificate Program Info Session 4:00 PM, SC 419 S.L.A.M.: Winter Week 5:00 PM, SC Cafe BC MSA: Story Night With Milk & Cookies 5:00 PM, SC 411 LASO: 12 Corazones 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Rocco 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater LGBTQ Center: Vogue Workshop 8:00 PM, LI 075 HSA: Night of Love 8:00 PM, SC Ballrooms LGBTQ Center: GaYme Night 6:00 PM, SC 419 Day of Unity Merrily We Roll Along 8:00 PM, CH Leshowitz Hall ACME Roomful of Teeth 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater Merrily We Roll Along 8:00 PM, CH Leshowitz Hall 13 LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training*** 9:30 AM, SC 419 Fashion Club: Valentine's Day Bake Sale 10:00 AM, UN Lobby Global Medical Brigades: My Divine Valentine 12:00 PM, DI Lobby MSDC: Valentines Day Chocolate Fondue 5:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Japan Club: Valentine's Day Cafe 6:00 PM, SC 419 Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 Rocco 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater LGBTQ Center: Black History Ball 8:00 PM, SC Ballrooms S.L.A.M.: Winter Week 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 14 VALENTINE’S DAY OSAU: Valentine's Day Brunch 11:00 AM, SC Dining Rm M Basketball vs. NJCU 1:00 PM, PAC W Basketball vs. NJCU 3:00 PM, PAC Rocco 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater 15 Rocco 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater OSAU: GospelFest 6:00 PM, SC Ballrooms 16 PRESIDENT’S DAY LDCC: Leadership Development Info Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby SDF: King And Queen Of Hearts Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby UAASO: Spam Musubi Night 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 17 SDF: King And Queen Of Hearts Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 SP: Wounded Warriors Table 12:00 PM, SC Lobby LQA: 1975 Ball 7:30 PM, SC Dining Rm SDT: Self Defense Training 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 22 Campus Recreation: Indoor Triathlon** 8:00 AM, SRC New Play Festival 3:00 PM, Fox Theater CSI: Family Dinner 5:30 PM, SC Dining Rm Video Production Club: Oscar Party 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller New Play Festival 6:00 PM, Fox Theater CSI: Quizzo Trivia 7:00 PM, SC Dining Rm 23 24 DFE: ANAD Week 10:00 AM, SC Lobby DFE: ANAD Week 10:00 AM, SC Lobby hYp3notic: Bake Sale 11:00 AM, DI Lobby CSPS: Game Night 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Global Medical Brigades: Empanada Sale 12:00 PM, DI Lobby AIC: Alpha Iota Chai 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller The Brotherhood/La Hermandad: Power of the Dollar 8:00 PM, SC Dining Room LGBTQ Center: All About Da Bears 8:30 PM, TBA 18 19 LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training *** 9:00 AM, SC 411 SDF: King And Queen Of Hearts Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby TFB: Child Cancer Research Table 2:30 PM, SC Lobby MSDO: NEDA Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby LDCC: Leadership Development Info Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby SDF: King And Queen Of Hearts Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby New Play Festival 6:00 PM, Fox Theater Japan Club: Haiku Workshop and Open Mic Night 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Hillel: Hillel Karaoke Night 7:00 PM, SC 419 New Play Festival 8:30 PM, Fox Theater LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Rudy Giuliani 2:30 PM, UN 2006 SLU: Peace Of Mind 2:30 PM, SC Lobby CSPS: Game Day 3:00 PM, SC 126 ICC: Asian Food Festival 3:30 PM, SC Rathskeller PLAYERS: Love Song Cabaret 7:30 PM, SC 126 20 New Play Festival 6:00 PM, Fox Theater New Play Festival 8:30 PM, Fox Theater Weekend Party* 9:00 PM, SC Ballrooms 21 Campus Recreation: Palisades Mall Trip** 12:00PM, Bus Leaves SRC HSA: Soul-full Saturday 12:00 PM, SC Cafe BC New Play Festival 3:00PM, Fox Theater New Play Festival 6:00PM, Fox Theater hYp3notic: Open Mic Night 7:30 PM, SC 419 25 DFE: ANAD Week 26 27 28 10:00 AM, SC Lobby FLLO: Bake sale 12:00 PM, DI Lobby SSS: Bake Sale 2:00 PM, PA Lobby Campus Recreation: Hamsterball Mania 2:30 PM, SRC Pool MSA: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby OSAU: Renaissance Night 7:00 PM, SC Ballrooms Women’s Lacrosse vs Stevens LGBTQ Center: GaYme Night 7:00 PM, SC 419 1:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Men’s Lacrosse vs Dickinson TFB: Drug Awareness Table 2:30 PM, SC Lobby LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Mel Robbins 2:30 PM, UN 2006 YSF: Table for a Cause 3:00 PM, SC Lobby UAASO: Movie Night 7:30 PM, SC 419 WFC: Multicultural Event 8:00 PM, SC Dining Room Mahler-"Das Lied von der Erde" 8:00 PM, CH Leshowitz Hall AFW: Smoothie Night 8:30 PM, SC Rathskeller DFE: ANAD Week 10:00 AM, SC Lobby CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 CUS: Dominican Independence Celebration 6:30 PM, SC Rathskeller The Winter's Tale 7:30PM, Kasser Theater The Winter's Tale 7:30PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: The Theory of Everything 8:00 PM, UN 1010 PLAYERS: Boeing Boeing 8:00 PM, SC 126 PLAYERS: Boeing Boeing 8:00 PM, SC 126 11:00 AM, Sprague Field S.L.A.M.: SLAM'ming Fondue 12:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Baseball vs SUNY Cortland 2:00 PM, Sprague Field The Winter's Tale 2:00 PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: The Theory of Everything 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 OSAU: African American Cultural Showcase 7:00 PM, SC Ballrooms PLAYERS: Boeing Boeing 8:00 PM, SC 126 The Winter's Tale 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater February All dates and events subject to change. SRC=Student Recreation Center PAC=Panzer Athletic Center *Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from the Center for Student Involvement, SC 104 **Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from Campus Recreation ***Registration required, register at Students who get involved are more likely to succeed academically and earn a degree. We’ve got over 100 organizations related to: Academics Arts & Media Culture Community Service Fraternities & Sororities Politics/Activism Social Connections Spirituality You’re sure to find something you like. HawkSync Log in to: -learn about our organizations -join organization portals for updates -RSVP to events -learn about your involvement transcript Visit Select Montclair State University Log in with your MSU NetID For an additional listing of student clubs & organizations, visit Looking to get more involved on campus? Passionate about LGBTQ issues? Make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun while making a difference in your community! Apply to be a Peer Educator for the 2015-2016 academic year. Important Dates: Jan. 8 - Feb. 28, 2015: Applications open Feb. 23 - Mar. 6, 2015: Individual Interviews Mar. 23 - Mar. 28, 2015: Group Interviews LESBIAN, GAY, BISEXUAL, TRANSGENDER, QUEER CENTER SAFE SPACE TRAININGS • Friday, February 13th, 9:30am-1:30pm • Wednesday, February 18th, 9am-1pm • Saturday, February 21st, 1pm-5:30pm • Wednesday, March 18th, 9am-1pm • Saturday, March 28th, 1pm5:30pm • Wednesday, April 15th, 9am-1pm • Tuesday, April 21st, 12:30pm-4:30pm Register: Student Center Room 110 Hours: Monday – Thursday 9am-10pm & Friday 9am – 5pm 973 655-7916 | [email protected] DROP-IN CLUBS & GROUPS • Montclair Aces • Beyond Binaries • Coming Out Group • Gayme Nights • LAMBDA • LGBTQ+Athletes • Men’s Group • Pride Board • Q-mmunity • Queer Grads • Queer People of Color • Transcending Boundaries • Womyn’s Group Times/Locations available on our website or HawkSync SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MARCH 1 2 The Winter's Tale 2:00 PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: The Theory of Everything 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 S.L.A.M.: SLAMily Card Game Tournament 4:00 PM, SC Cafe A CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 Japan Club: Women's Role in Japanese History 4:00 PM, SC 417 MSJP: Speaker's Panel 5:00 PM, SC 419 3 4 CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 CaribSO: CaribSnacks 12:00 PM, UN Lobby MSJP: Mock Israeli Checkpoint 1:00 PM, SC Quad LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Linda Papadopoulous 2:30 PM, UN 2006 CSPS: Chat n' Chew 3:00 PM, SC 126 SP: Bachelorette: SP Edition 6:00 PM, SC Ballroom AB WYF: Music Cafe' 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller MUFASA: Dance Workshop 7:00 PM, SC Dining Room Dance Collage 2015 7:30 PM, Mem. Aud. MSU Smile Station: Bake for a Smile 2:30 PM, DI Lobby Campus Recreation: Trivia Bowl 7:00 PM, SRC SLU: "HER"story Jeopardy 8:30 PM, SC Rathskeller PLAYERS: Boeing Boeing 8:00 PM, SC 126 8 DAYLIGHT SAVINGS 9 BEGINS Dance Collage 2015 2:00 PM, Mem. Aud. Baseball vs Heidelberg University 9:30 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium Softball vs Bridgewater State University 1:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Softball vs University of Pittsburgh at Bradford 5 6 Femvolution: Women’s History Month Bake Sale 11:00 AM, DI Lobby LGBTQ Center: GaYme Night 4:30 PM, SC 104 Dance Collage 2015 7:30 PM, Mem. Aud. Hillel: Hillel Purim Party 8:00 PM, SC Dining Rm 11 12 Baseball vs Heidelberg 9:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium 10:00 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium Softball vs Curry College Softball vs Eastern Nazarene College Softball vs Ohio Wesleyan 11:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium 1:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Baseball vs Baldwin Wallace University Softball vs Drew University 9:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium Softball vs Dominican University 11:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium Baseball vs Marietta 11:00 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Baseball vs Muskingum 5:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Softball vs St. John Fisher College 9:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium Softball vs Wartburg 11:00 AM, MSU Softball Stadium Dance Collage 2015 2:00 PM, Mem. Aud. MSU Symphony Orchestra 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater Dance Collage 2015 8:00 PM, Mem. Aud. Softball vs Wisconsin Lutheran College 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium MSU Wind Symphony 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater Dance Collage 2015 7:30 PM, Mem. Aud. 10 3:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 7 Spring Recess! March 9-15 13 14 Baseball vs Muskingum Baseball vs Baldwin Wallace University 10:00 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium 9:30 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium 15 SPRING RECESS 16 17 CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 MSDO: Healthy Homemade Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby AFW: Relay for Life Carnival 12:00 PM, SC Quad Women’s Lacrosse vs Amherst College 4:00 PM, Sprague Field SDT: Yoga and Yogurt Event 7:00 PM, SRC 22 LASO: Latino Leadership Conference 9:00 AM, SC 411 HSA: Alumni Dinner 5:00 PM, SC Dining Rm ST.PATRICK’S DAY MSU Child Advocates: Information Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby Campus Recreation: St. Patty's Day Fun 2:00 PM, SRC Quad 18 LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training*** 9:00 AM, SC 411 MUFASA: Bake Sale 11:00 AM, PA Lobby American Sign Language Club: Speaking Up Festival 2:00 PM, SC Quad WYF: Grab and Go Smoothie Bar 2:30 PM, SC Rathskeller LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Al Duncan Campus Recreation: Horseback Riding** 10:00 AM, SRC The Persians 2:00 PM, Fox Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: Into the Woods 3:00 & 8:00 PM, UN 1010 Swim 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Family Dinner 5:30 PM, SC Dining Room CSI: Quizzo Trivia 7:00 PM, SC Dining Room 20 21 Campus Recreation: Paintball** 10:00 AM, SRC S.L.A.M.: SLAM Weekend Takeover Softball vs DeSales University (DH) LGBTQ Center: Safe[r] Space Conference*** 8:30 AM, SC Ballrooms Fashion Club: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, PA Lobby S.L.A.M.: SLAM Weekend Takeover 12:00 PM, SC Quad Baseball vs College of Staten Island 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium 3:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Japan Club: White Day Cafe Global Medical Brigades: Endless Pasta Dinner SSS: Relay Bake Sale 12:00 PM, UN Lobby C.A.R.S. Meeting 12:00 PM, SC 126 MSDC: Spring Carnival 3:00 PM, SC Quad 12:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Baseball vs Oneonta (DH) 12:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Men’s Lacrosse vs Denison University 2:00 PM, Sprague Field CaribSO: Mr. & Mrs. CaribSO 7:30 PM, SC Ballrooms ICC: Holi Show 7:00 PM, SC Ballrooms 2:30 PM, UN 2006 LQA: Info Table 2:30 PM, SC Lobby C.A.R.S. Meeting 4:00 PM, SC 126 UAASO: Tie-Dye 7:00 PM, SC Dining Room 23 24 25 26 27 LDCC: 5th Annual 28 VRC: Community Partner Fair MSCFR: Bake Sale 12:00 PM, DI Lobby MSDO: National Spinach Day Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby CSPS: Recess 101 1:00 PM, SC Quad Campus Recreation: Tie Dye 2:00 PM, SRC Quad FSP: Spelling Bee 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller The Persians 7:30 PM, Fox Theater Swim 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater Leadership Institute hYp3notic: hYp3notic Bake Sale 11:00 AM, DI Lobby CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 MSU Smile Station: Bake for a Smile 2:30 PM, DI Lobby Softball vs Hunter (DH) DC: V Foundation Awareness Walk 11:00 AM, SC Quad LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training*** 1:00 PM, SC 419 The Persians 2:00 PM, Fox Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: Into the Woods 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 The Persians 8:00 PM, Fox Theater Swim 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater FSP: Dinner Etiquette 6:00 PM, SC Dining Rm CaribSO: Arts & Craft Time 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller LSU: MAGIC Campaign 2:30 PM, SC Ballroom C 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Campus Recreation: Bench Press/Squat Competition 3:30 PM, SRC ICC: Mendhi Party 4:00 PM, SC Rathskeller MSA: MSA Bake Off 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 11:00 AM, SC Ballrooms FLLO: Bake sale 12:00 PM, UN Lobby MSU: A Walk In Her Shoes 2:00 PM, SC Quad LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Alton Brown 2:30 PM, UN 2006 YSF: Table For A Cause 3:00 PM, SC Lobby Softball vs Centenary (DH) 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Women’s Lacrosse vs FDU-Florham 4:00 PM, Sprague Field FSS: Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader 8:00 PM, UN Conference Center 29 19 30 31 Softball vs Wm. Paterson (DH) CSPS: Game Night 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller CaribSO: Cultural Expo 7:30 PM, SC Ballrooms 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Campus Recreation: Water Polo Tournament 5:00 PM, SRC 4:00 PM, SC Dining Rm Speaking Through Silence: CUPSI Send Off 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller WYF: Hoops for Hearts 4:00 PM, SC Dining Rm HSA: Open Mic Night 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 3:00 PM, SRC Hillel: Family Feud 8:00 PM, SC 419 Weekend Party* 9:00 PM, SC Ballrooms 8:30 AM, UN Conference Center Japan Club: Cherry Blossom Festival 4:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 hYp3notic: Get hYp3'd Glow Party 7:00 PM, SC Ballroom AB The Persians 7:30 PM, Fox Theater Swim 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: Into the Woods 8:00 PM, UN 1010 Check out CSPS! (Commuter Student Programs & Services) ICC: Ice Cream Social 7:00 PM, SC Dining Rm LSU: Let's Get It Poppin’ 8:30 PM, SC Rathskeller All dates and events subject to change. SRC=Student Recreation Center PAC=Panzer Athletic Center *Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from the Center for Student Involvement, SC 104 **Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from Campus Recreation ***Registration required, register at Essential Resources for MSU Students: University Calendars: Computer Labs @ MSU Information Commons – UN 5007 Sprague Library Surf N’ Print Lab – SC 004 MSU ID required MSU x4000 Operator Police x5222 Weather Hotline x7810 Computer Helpline x7971 Library x4298 Dining Services x7707 Bursars Office x4105 Financial Aid x4461 CAST (Center for Advising & Student Transitions) x7114 Residence Life x5188 Health Center x4361 CAPS x5211 Center for Student Involvement (CSI) x7818 Dean of Students x4118 SGA (Student Government Association, Inc.) x4202 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Center x7916 CSPS (Commuter Student Programs & Services) x7818 Greek Life x7818 Campus Recreation x3340 or x3343 Women’s Center x5114 or x3282 Summer & Winter Sessions x4352 Leadership Development & Campus Connections x7818 Study Abroad x4216 Athletics X7645 Center for Faith & Spirituality x7130 Dining @ MSU Retail Dining 7:15am – 8:00pm 7:15am – 3:00pm Outtakes Market Express Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday 8:00am – 10:00pm 8:00am – 3:00pm 10:00am – 2:00pm 7:00am – 7:00pm 7:00am – 2:00pm University Hall Cafe Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 11:00am – 2:00am 11:00am – Midnight 3:00pm – 9:00pm 12:00pm – 12:00am Student Center Dining Room Monday – Friday 11:30am – 2:00pm Au Bon Pain at Cafe Diem Einstein Bros. Bagels Monday – Thursday Friday Outtakes/Which Wich/Red Hawk Yogurt 2mato at Rathskeller Student Center Cafe Monday – Thursday Friday The Plaza at Blanton 7:00am – 6:00pm 7:00am – 2:00pm 7:30am – 12:30pm Red Hawk Diner Sunday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 6:30am - 2:30am 6:30am - 12:00am 8:00am – 12:00am 11:00am - 2:30am Shawarma Spot Mobile Food Truck Monday – Thursday Friday Open 24 hours 7 days a week when classes are in session for the Fall & Spring semesters Facebook and Twitter: EatatMontclair *Hours are subject to change* Please visit our website for more information For daily menus visit: 11:00am – 7:00pm 11:00am – 3:00pm Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 8:00am – 11:00pm 8:00am – 8:00pm 11:00am – 8:00pm 10:00am – 9:00pm Chili’s Express Monday-Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 10:30am – 10:00pm 10:30am – 8:00pm 11:00am – 8:00pm Dunkin’ Donuts 7 days 7:00am – 12:00am Resident Dining Pulse on Dining at Sam’s Place Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday 7:00am – 9:00pm 7:00am – 8:00pm 9:30am – 8:00pm Bistro 62 (at Sam’s Place) Monday - Friday Saturday & Sunday 9:00pm – 3:00am 8:00pm -3:00am Balance Kitchen at Freeman Dining Hall Monday – Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 7:00am – 8:00pm 7:00am –7:00pm 10:00am-7:00pm 10:00am – 8:00pm Dining Services Office Catering Office The Red Hawk Diner MSU Dining Service Liaison Menu Line 655-7707 655-4224 655-4057 655-7889 655-7988 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY April WEDNESDAY 1 2 Campus Recreation: Hawk on Wheels Poker Ride 2:00 PM, SRC DC: V Foundation BBQ 2:30 PM, SC Quad CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Josh Linker 2:30 PM, UN 2006 CSPS: Chat n' Chew 3:00 PM, SC 126 Baseball vs Purchase College 4:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium 5 Easter 6 CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 EASTER BREAK (No Classes) LDCC: Lessons from Dr. Gilbert: How to Become a Motivational Speaker 4:00 PM, SC Ballroom A UAASO: Date Auction 7:00 PM, SC Dining Rm 12 Danceworks 2015 2:00 PM, Kasser Theater PLAYERS: Dance Show 8:00 PM, SC 126 Hillel: Hunger Dinner Challenge 8:00 PM, SC 419 13 CUS: Blood Drive 9:00 AM, SC Ballroom MSCFR: Info Table 10:00 AM, SC Lobby hYp3notic: Bake Sale 11:00 AM, DI Lobby LGBTQ Center: Ally Appreciation Week 11:00 AM, SC Lobby THURSDAY FRIDAY 3 Good Friday SATURDAY 4 Japan Club: Children's Day 3:00 PM, SC Lobby UAASO: Bubble Tea & Open Mic Night 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller EASTER BREAK (No Classes) EASTER BREAK (No Classes) 3:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium Men’s Lacrosse vs Albright 1:00 PM, Sprague Field Baseball vs Ramapo TFB: 50 Shades of Silver 8:00 PM, SC Ballrooms SLU: Golden Circus 8:30 PM, SC Dining Room Hillel: Passover Seder 8:00 PM, SC Dining Rm 7 8 FLLO: Bake sale 9 Hillel: Humus tasting 10 11 MSA: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby MSU Child Advocates: Information Table 11:00 AM, SC Lobby CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 LDCC: Managing Stress and Emotions 4:00 PM, SC 419 Baseball vs The City College of New York 4:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium LDCC: “If You Really Knew Me” (as seen on MTV) 6:00 PM, SC Ballroom B 12:00 PM, DI Lobby LUL: Golden BBQ 2:30 PM, SC Quad LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Dr. Bertice Berry 2:30 PM, UN 2006 C.A.R.S. Meeting 4:00 PM, SC 126 UAASO: Henna Tattoos 5:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Men’s Lacrosse vs Union 6:00 PM, Sprague Field hYp3notic: Rip The Runway: Celebrity Day Fashion Show 7:00 PM, SC Ballrooms 10:00 AM, SC Lobby C.A.R.S. Meeting 12:00 PM, SC 126 MSDO: DIY Trail Mix Bar 12:30 PM, SC Rathskeller LDCC: Etiquette Tips and Tricks: Beyond Just Dinner Fashion Club: Fashion Club Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby 10:00 AM, SRC Baseball vs Rowan (DH) 14 15 TAX DAY 16 LGBTQ Center: Ally Appreciation Week 11:00 AM, SC Lobby LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training*** 9:00 AM, SC 411 LGBTQ Center: Civility Day CSPS: UTunes 3:00 PM, SC 126 Softball vs RutgersNewark (DH) 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium 9:00 AM, SC Rathskeller LGBTQ Center: Ally Appreciation Week 11:00 AM, SC Lobby SSS: Bake Sale 2:00 PM, PA Lobby 3:00 PM, Dinallo Heights MPR Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 2nd Baseball vs Wm. Paterson MUFASA: Annual Charity Ball 3:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium 7:00 PM, UN Conference Center MSA: Professors Appreciation Dinner 5:00 PM, SC Dining Room Danceworks 2015 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater PLAYERS: Dance Show 8:00 PM, SC 126 Danceworks 2015 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 WFC: iFocus4 12:00 PM, SC Lobby 11:30 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium Campus Recreation: Indoor Soccer Tournament 12:00 PM, SRC Women’s Lacrosse vs Rowan 1:00 PM, Sprague Field Softball vs RU-Camden (DH) 1:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium Danceworks 2015 2:00 PM, Kasser Theater Baseball vs Rowan (DH) 2:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium PLAYERS: Dance Show 8:00 PM, SC 126 Danceworks 2015 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater PLAYERS: Dance Show 8:00 PM, SC 126 17 18 Baseball vs NJCU DXD: All You Need Is Love Walk 9:00 AM, SC Quad MSDO: Bake Sale 10:00 AM, DI Lobby LGBTQ Center: Ally Appreciation Week 11:00 AM, SC Lobby Campus Recreation: Moderate Level Hike** 3:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium FSP: So You Think You Can Social Dance? 5:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Men’s Lacrosse vs Maritime College 1:00 PM, Sprague Field CSPS: Game Day 11:00 AM, SC 126 WFC: Color for a Cause 12:00 PM, SC Lobby LASO: Locura Deportiva 4:00 PM, SC Quad 19 Campus Recreation: Horseback Riding** 10:00am, SRC Triptych 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater 20 Women’s Lacrosse vs Ramapo College 7:00 PM, Sprague Field LDCC: Etiquette Dinner 7:00 PM, Location TBA LQA: Karaoke Night 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Fashion Club: Photoshoot 7:00 PM, SC Ballroom A MSU Symphony Orchestra LGBTQ Center: Safe Space Training*** 12:30 PM, SC 419 Speaking Through Silence: Open Mic Night GREEK WEEK FSS: Jail n' Bail 10:00 AM, SC Quad VRC: American Red Cross Blood Drive 11:00 AM, SC Ballrooms MSA: Who is Allah? 5:30 PM, SC 419 CSPS: Game Night 6:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 28 FSS: Jail n' Bail 10:00 AM, SC Quad MSA: The "J" Word 5:30 PM, SC 419 MSDC: Spring Fling Freeze Dance 7:00 PM, SC 126 Speaking Through Silence: Snap! Snap! 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller MSCFR: Healthy Snack Sale 8:00 AM, DI Lobby FSS: Jail n' Bail 10:00 AM, SC Quad CSPS: Game Day 3:00 PM, SC 126 Hair 7:30pm, Mem. Aud. UAASO: Noodle Night 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller IFQ: Take a Load Off 8:00 PM, SC 126 Triptych 7:30 PM, Kasser Theater Triptych 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater Triptych 7:30PM, Kasser Theater 23 24 MSA: Potluck Jummuah/ Friday Prayer 1:00 PM, SC 419 MSU World’s Fair 12:00 PM, SC Quad Baseball vs RU-Camden PLAYERS: RENT 8:00 PM, SC 126 Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 LQA: What's your ATTITUDE 8:00 PM, SC Cafe BC 3:30 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium LGBTQ Center: GaYme Night 6:00 PM, SC 419 MSU Wind Symphony & MSU Symphonic Band 7:30PM, Kasser Theater PLAYERS: RENT 8:00 PM, SC 126 7:30PM, Kasser Theater LASO: Healthy Habits Workshop: 8:00 PM, SC Rathskeller 29 SDT: Drafting the BeSDT 7:00 PM, SC Quad 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium 12:00 PM, SC Rathskeller LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Alexis Jones 2:30 PM, UN 2006 CSPS: Happier Hour 3:00 PM, SC 126 Campus Recreation: Easy Drop-in Hike 3:00 PM, SRC Men’s Lacrosse vs Kean 7:00 PM, Sprague Field 3:00 PM, MSU Softball Stadium 27 2:30 PM, UN 2006 Campus Recreation: Price is Right 7:00 PM, SRC Men’s Lacrosse vs Farmingdale State 7:00 PM, Sprague Field Global Medical Brigades: Smoothies 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Campus Recreation: Red Hawk Run MSU Color Blast 9:00 AM, SRC CSI: Weekend Movie 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 101 MSU Jazz Ensemble 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Family Dinner 5:30 PM, SC Dining Rm CSI: Quizzo Trivia 7:00 PM, SC Dining Rm PLAYERS: RENT 8:00 PM, SC 126 Softball vs Manhattanville (DH) 22 W Lacrosse vs Elmira 7:00 PM, Sprague Field 26 LDCC: Leadership Broadcast Speaker Series: Jim Kouzes MSCFR: Bake Sale 9:00 AM, DI Lobby Softball vs TCNJ (DH) SPRING WEEK CSPS: Recess 101 1:00 PM, SC Quad 21 CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 Femvolution: Spring Fever Bake Sale 11:00 AM, DI Lobby SDT: Reaching New Heights 2:30 PM, SC Quad CSI: Weekend Movie 8:00 PM, UN 1010 30 FSS: Jail n' Bail 10:00 AM, SC Quad CSPS: CS Guide 11:00 AM, SC 126 LGBTQ Center: Pride Awards 4:30 PM, SC Dining Rm MSA: Creeping Shariah 5:30 PM, SC 411 Speaking Through Silence: Alumni Slam 7:00 PM, SC Rathskeller Hair 7:30 PM, Mem. Aud. 25 Campus Recreation: Strenuous Hike** 10:00 AM, SRC Baseball vs TCNJ (DH) 11:30 AM, Yogi Berra Stadium Japan Club: Chibi-Con 12:00 PM, SC Ballrooms Campus Recreation: Ultimate Frisbee Tournament 12:00 PM, SRC W Lacrosse vs RU-Camden 1:00 PM, Sprague Field WYF: THEE YARD SHOW 1:00 PM, SC Quad PLAYERS: RENT 2:00 PM, SC 126 M Lacrosse vs Mt. Saint Vincent 3:00 PM, Sprague Field PLAYERS: RENT 8:00 PM, SC 126 CSI: Weekend Movie 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 MSU Singers & MSU Chorale 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater Weekends at MSU? WAM! All dates and events subject to change. SRC=Student Recreation Center PAC=Panzer Athletic Center *Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from the Center for Student Involvement, SC 104 **Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from Campus Recreation ***Registration required, register at Taking care of you @ MSU University Health Center (UHC) Let’s Talk Not feeling well? Call University Health Center (located in Blanton Hall) at x4361 to schedule an appointment. Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Need someone to talk to…about anything? Visit CAPS in Russ Hall or call x5211. All counseling services are FREE, VOLUNTARY, and CONFIDENTIAL. Disability Resource Center (DRC) How can the University assist if you have a physical, sensory, learning, psychological, or chronic medical disability? Visit DRC in Webster Hall or call x5431. Health Promotion Walk–In Consultation and Support Hours offered at 3 different times and locations across campus. Offered at 5 different times and locations across campus! All sites are open to all students. No appointment is necessary. Participation is free, voluntary and confidential. Service provided by CAPS. Monday - 3:30 to 5:00pm Dickson Hall, Room 436 (4th Floor) Tuesday - 3:00 to 4:30pm Student Center 104F/CSI Want to know more about health issues facing college students? Visit Health Promotion in Bohn Hall or call x7397. Wednesday - 4:00 to 5:30pm Abbott & Costello Hall, The Village Sexual Assault Response Team (SART) Thursday - 4:30-6:00 Webster Hall, Room 100 (DRC Suite) What should you do if you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted? Tell someone immediately! Call University Police x5222 or the University Health Centerx4361. Trained professionals are here to help. Drop-In Center Want to participate in a discussion or workshop about anything (i.e. sex, stress relief, spirituality, body image & more)? Visit the Drop-In Center-the little red and white cottage between the Student Center and Science Hall or call x5271 Friday - 1:30 to 3:00pm Blanton Hall 1001 (1st Floor Lobby) SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY MAY 3 Hair 2:00 PM, Mem. Aud. MSU Opera presents "Die Fledermaus" 3:00PM, Kasser Theater CSI: Weekend Movie: 50 Shades of Grey 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 4 MSU: Good Luck Table 1:00 PM, SC Lobby CSPS: Cinco de Mayo Celebration 1:00 PM, SC 126 CUS: Cinco de Mayo 7:30 PM, SC Rathskeller 5 LAST DAY OF CLASSES READING DAY SATURDAY 1 2 Campus Recreation: MSDO: Healthy Lemonade Refeshers 11:00 AM, SC Lobby Canoeing** 10:00 AM, SRC Relay For Life of Montclair State University 7:00 PM, SC Quad Hair 7:30 PM, Mem. Aud. CSI: Weekend Movie: 50 Shades of Grey 8:00 PM, UN 1010 7 6 FRIDAY OSAU: Family Reunion Cookout 12:00 PM, SC Quad Hair 2:00 PM, Mem. Aud. CSI: Weekend Movie: 50 Shades of Grey 3:00 PM, UN 1010 8:00 PM, UN 1010 MSU Smile Station: World Changer's Day 5:00 PM, SC Patio MSU Opera presents "Die Fledermaus" 8:00 PM, Kasser Theater PLAYERS: One Acts Festival 8:00 PM, SC 126 PLAYERS: One Acts Festival 8 9 Hillel: Shabbat Service 6:00 PM, SC 411 Baseball vs Ithaca College 15 16 8:00 PM, SC 126 Hair 8:00 PM, Mem. Aud. EXAMS BEGIN Tuesday designated as a Friday Campus Recreation: Graduation Cap Decorating 2:00PM, SRC Quad MSDO: End of the Year Banquet 11:00 AM, SC Rathskeller 2:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium MSU Smile Station: Bake for a Smile 2:30 PM, DI Lobby The Art of Chamber Music 7:30PM, Kasser Theater HSA: Annual Dinner 7:00 PM, SC Ballrooms IFQ: 5 Star Awards Dinner 8:00 PM, SC Dining Rm 10 MOTHER’S DAY 11 12 13 14 Baseball vs Ithaca College 1:00 PM, Yogi Berra Stadium La Madonna 3:00 PM, Kasser Theater END OF SEMESTER Campus Recreation: Overnight Camping** 10:00 AM, SRC (Returning 5/17) 17 18 19 College of Education and Human Services Convocation 2:00 PM, Sprague Field School of Business Convocation 2:00 PM, Sprague Field College of Humanities and Social Sciences Convocation 2:00 PM, Sprague Field College of the Arts Convocation 7:00 PM, Sprague Field College of Science and Mathematics Convocation 7:00 PM, Sprague Field 25 26 Graduate School Convocation 7:00 PM, Sprague Field 24 20 21 22 23 Commencement! 27 28 29 30 MEMORIAL DAY Register for summer session courses! Courses run 5/18-8/27! 31 Check out Leadership Development & Campus Connections (LDCC) Go Greek! Check out the Volunteer Resource Center (VRC) Have a great Summer! See you in the fall! All dates and events subject to change. SRC=Student Recreation Center PAC=Panzer Athletic Center *Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from the Center for Student Involvement, SC 104 **Tickets must be purchased ahead of time from Campus Recreation ***Registration required, register at Around Town Montclair Public Transportation Bloomfield Ave. Highlights: 66 DeCamp:NYC-Port Authority 11/28 NJ Transit : Willowbrook Mall, Upper Montclair, Montclair, Newark Penn Station 191 NJ Transit: Willowbrook Mall, Montclair, NY Port Authority 705 NJ Transit: Willowbrook Mall, Little Falls, Passaic Dunkin’ Donuts: 626 Valley Rd., A & P: 510 Valley Rd., CVS: 565 Valley Rd., U.S. Post Office: 572 Valley Rd., Applegate Farms Ice Cream: 616 Grove St., Cold Stone Ice Creamery: 227 Bellevue Ave. Bellevue Theaters: 260 Bellevue Ave. (973)-744-2543 Buses: Food from all over the globe (Japanese, Indian, Caribbean, Cuban, Mexican, Italian, Turkish, Thai, and much more!) Plus: Whole Foods, Montclair Museum, Pathmark, coffee shops, hair and nail salons, and great shops! Midtown Direct/Montclair-Boonton Line For time schedules & fares: or Route 3 West Route 3 East (take Rt. 3 East, make U-turn as needed) Riverfront Center: Michael’s Arts & Crafts, Pier One Imports, Supercuts, 5 Below, Bed, Bath & Beyond, Harmon Face Values, Chipotle, Lane Bryant, Uno Chicago Grill & more Smashburger Promenade Shops: Cups, Joe’s Crabshack, T.G.I. Friday’s & more Styertowne Plaza: A.C. Moore Arts & Crafts, ACME, CVS & more Route 46 West Highlights Kohl’s, Modell’s, Best Buy, Fairway Market, Applebee’s, & more! Willowbrook Mall Trains: Clifton Commons: AMC Cinemas (973)614-0644, Applebee’s, Chevys, Stop & Shop, Target, Barnes & Noble, Staples, Sports Authority, Party City and much more! Red Robin SGA Discount Cards! Discounts to area retailers/restaurants Available @ SGA office-103 SC Annex Montclair State University STUDENTS We Hope You Are Planning to Return in the Fall. In order to return as a student, you need to register for courses and submit payment within the payment deadlines*. What happens if you register and do not make payment by the deadline? The answer is called “DE-REGISTRATION.” “De-registration” is the process of removing you from all your selected courses and making your seat(s) available to other students. Once you are de-registered you need to start the process from the beginning and there is no guarantee that the classes you want may still be available. Try not to let this happen. 1) Helpful Hints: Don’t wait until the last minute to register and pay your bill. 2) Check your Account Summary (bill) on WESS to determine that everything is current and that you do not have any holds. 3) Make certain that your federal financial aid form (FAFSA) has been filed and received by the Student Financial Aid Office. 4) If the Student Financial Aid office needs additional information or documentation; get it to them as soon as possible. This is where many students cause themselves to miss deadlines. 5) If you are planning not to return, make certain that you drop your courses on WESS and pay all outstanding bills. 6) Undergraduate students must also formally withdraw from the University through the Center for Advising & Student Transitions in Morehead Hall. This will allow you the opportunity to return in the future or to have transcripts sent to other schools or employers.
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Compliments of the Center for Student Involvement (CSI)
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