SPECTACLES of every Several z-wheel
SPECTACLES of every Several z-wheel
Zealndhr. TheNew any other ' Fort. i.jwibp mUB A 1 clipper Ship 'NOKWOUD,' JL Frank Biiistow, Esq., Commander, will bo on the berth Cor London on discharge All kinds of Fancy Biscuits, per lb WILLIAM LODDER, Agent and Manager of Waikato Steam Transport Service. FOE TABANAKI, NELSON, PICTON, WELLINGTON, LYTT2LTON, OTAGO AND THE BLUFF. N.Z. S. N. Company's & Ports, on MONDAY next. 3rd September. For freight or passage apply to I FIRTH. S. rnHE 'SEA BREEZE' will leave for 1 Russell THIS DAY (Friday), at 6 •aisEJGb p m EDMONDS & JAKINS, Agents. FAMILY FOR SALE, rriHE fast sailing clipper schooners _L 'QUEEN ' 46 tons, and CLYDE* jft&uVSs} oi tons register. Both well found in s&i=aeaës» Anchors, Sails, See., &c. For further particulars apply to THOMAS CRAIG, Custom-house-street. .August 27tL 18GG. mHE Panama, New Zealand, arid .1 Australian Royal Mail Company's CLOTHIER, UPPEB, QUEEN-STBEET, ■will leave the the 3rd September, at noon. Passengers booked for Hokitika and the Grey. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's O/Ecs. H. M. JERYIS, Shipping supplied at 5.Jd. all round. J) Zealand, PANAMA MAIL SERVICE. above FEATON e.s. 'EAKAIi; 400 horse-power, Sastcel H. WELLINGTON for ON SATURDAY, BTH SEPTEMBER NEXT, WITH TTRR MAJESTY'S MAILS FROM AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND. FEOM AND SYDNEY AND NEW ZEALAND POETS. .... .... £64 S.S. .... £54 and £59 £3 & * I in ; ft ; fine well-builtHouse. 14 rooms; out-houscf ; Garden; never failing well of water. For apply to McCact; RiGG. V and ' FurnishedParnell. TO LET.—For apartments—Most pituato at AND RESIDENCE at mbb, Mop.ij>.y's Providence Villa, Lower Sy moods-street,. near St. Andrew's Church. Good Stabling. Tickets may be obtained of Messrs.. Way to and Batgor, Queen-street; Mr. Harris, Shortland-Btreet ; & SW NOTICE. <-;i K ibiy BOARD and of tho Stewards. particulars apply at tho IThhat.d Office. Doors opon at half-past seven, to commence at eight o'clock. S ALF,—Tho LEASH, FURNITURE and IN FIXTURES of the Greyhound Hotel, Auck38, Queex-stbeet Wiiabf, Auckland, J. X. land, with immediate possession—Apply to HOFFMANN'S ASSEMBLY ROOMS(Corner of Fort-street.) Gaelics, Queen street, Auckland. SALF-Twonaw substantial' DWELtINGS, QUEEN AND WAKEFIELD-STREETS. Ships* Compasses cleaned and adjusted. out-houses, &c., Ponsonby Road, close to the ARTISTIC, and INDUSevery descripand Church in ocureie of erection if not sold.privately in Sewing Machines repaired, &c., a Bhort time ihey -will be Bold by auction.—Apply to work executed with despatch tion of light Rioo, McCatl and accuracy. TRIAL EXHIBITION -will take place about the [ESTABLISHED 1852.] THORLEY'S FOOD FOR CATTLE. first week in October, TIIORLF.Y'S FOOT). Can be Obtained in largo or small quantities at A. SOMERVILLE J. HOWDEN, G. H. LAYERS', and Intending Exhibitors may apply far space Seed Merchant, Durham-street. WATCHMAIEE, PRACTICAL to announce to his many old customers Uopfmank. JEWELLER, &c., CODE OF SIGNALS. particular to Mr. and friends in Auckland that in consequence of the QUEEN-STREET, AUCKLAND, Auckland Office, tho SALE tho ITxrat.d at Opposite Wyndham-street, PARNELL HALL. above premises having returned to his possession, CODE OF SIGNALS, Lithographqd iu colours. Very chiste. being himself a practical Watchmaker and PUBLIC SERVICES. THEY ARE NOW OPENED, Jeweller, can guarantee repairs of every desFOR SALE, 0 in towr. All BUSINESS DAY, criotion at lower prices than any housepersonal SMITH'S SEPTEMBKR 2sd. Morning—at FIRST-GLASS BLACK With an entire OUN atten11 Simplicity and Subwork entrusted to him will have his in Auckland, doing a pood trade. Terms easy. O II o'clock. Subject hrist." Auckland. Doctrine of C rion, and he niaies it a standing rule not to charge limity in the —Apply to J. T. Garlics, Queen-street, givis confident of for repairs of any kind unlesß lie Evening, at 6.30 o'clock. Subject—" Every man NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES, i near ing satisfaction. to Heaven." FOR SALE, FRESH AND GOOD. from .5 to 80 acres, 3 miles from Otanuhu. GOLD MINING COMPANY "Watches, Clocks, and Jewellery,repaired land inPukekohe. COROMANDEL first-rate Farm of 300 acres Engraving, Hairwork (LIMITED). Ele' tro-plating arid Gilding Torms liberal. Pipes Mounted Extraordinary GKNKIiAL MEETING of <he & CO., HUNTER MusicalBoxes cleaned and repaired Shareholders of the Coromandel. Gold Mininga A. S. persuades himself that all Families and Durham Sale Yards. Company &c. &c., &o. Company (Limited), will be held at Fort-street, at 4 o'eloob p.m. on 1 uitsua.i , Office, Customers who will call at the Junction Store will FOR SALE, passed at resolution 11 th September, to confirm the AUCKLAND SMALL FARMS at Mount Albert, the General. Annual Meeting on the 10th August compete in value of article and in And it able to Partington, Edward FACTORY. of the property Mr. VENETIAN BLIND last increasing the Secretary. Terms liberal; "VENETIAN HOUSE, WELLE3LEY-ST. EAST. cheapness of price with any other House in the City VTATJTICAL, MATHEMATICAL, & OPTICAL INSTRUMENT MAKERS, FOR JUNCTION STOEE, FOR ; reasonable terms, at M rs. Geukai-'k', top of Hobeonstreet. Natne on the gate. fjIWO Gentlemen can meet with comfortable BOAKD and LODGING- in a private family, 1 residing in a healthy and convenient locality, within five minutes walk of the Union Bant. Terms— address, apply at the Heram* Office. moderate. would WELL, Tobacconut, you. .... JH. (HEAVY WEIGHT*), at is Id a FOUND [cam]. DR. EGMONT' will leaTe this on the 3rd September, at noon, with Passengers and Cargo for the ftakbia.' * NOT I C E. possession by Amibt mber, l'wioo, 14 the BOXES left in my 1864, and John in Sept IFRobinson days, from this date,, thpy claimed within are not will be sold to defray expenses upon them. JAMES COUPLAND, Cohurg-street. Auckland, Aug. 29, 1866. FARMS, Capita^the^rompany.^^^ HORTON description of ineido ME. BI S Mr. H. B. begs to return of Auckland. Apply to and outside Window his grateful thanks for A, S. has further to liberal support and patronage he has received the Auckland, and from the Ladies and Gentlemen of hopes by attention and punctuality to secure a con- state that tho Tffß HUNTER k CO. FOR SALE, 4-"wheel z-wheel and . BASKET CARRIAGES. Springs very superior spring Curt with Three —'built to order. Several WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT of their favors. will be foundwell supplied, he having made arrangeThe Trade supplied with Venetianand Wire Gauze ments for continual importations for that purpose. Blinds. August, 1866. Old Blinds Bepaired and Painted. tinuance A COUSINS Victoria & 3LAPANGA GOLD MINING- COMPANY, LIMITED. £1 REWARD. from the Queeri-Btreet Wbarf, between the hours of 9 p.m. on WEDNESDAY Jastj DINGY, and 6 a.m. of the following Morning, a belonging to the cargo boat Pearl' ; she has a red Anyone bottom and green top-aides, feus' giving information of the offenders will receive tbo date above Reward. Anyone retaining .her after this Mr. will be prosecuted.—Apply on the Wharf to '■ j ' W AMIAM. ;■ ■ THE LATE FIRE IN QUEKN-STKEET. STOLEN ' ... "11/fESSRSi OWEN Carriage Factory. & GRAHAM be? to return thanks to all those who exerted themselves in IVI preserving their premises, oh f lueaday, nigh more especially the under ment lorieage ntiefire, A DIVIDEND of £1 per Share is now payable at the Company's Office, arid assistance, uatnely, meo. -who rendered valuable MessrsAV. Swanson, J. l&cCosb. Clarke,,and CapE. Treasurer. Troup- P. IN THE ESTATE OF THE LATE WM. KIRK.WOOD & SON. ATKIN, ? COWAN heps to inform the inhahitar.fi of Auckland and its vicinity that he now RESIDES that House in Hobson-atreet, opposite St. Matin thew's Church. llobson-strefct, 24th August, 1866.. A SEVERAL believe it, that Mr. WHTTE,tho 218 Queen-stre«t, is selling BELMONT SPERM CANDLES, I gEoa > BOART) AND RESIDENCE.—AH "ORIVATB L ths comforts of a homo can bp oV-.::ned <"n TRY BUSBY, Manufacturer of every PANAMA— , MOSRY.— or The an.i . AUCKLAND AND SOUTHAMPTON— £94 and £104 Seeond IjRT, AN EAR® S: Chief Cabin TWO four-roomed COTTAOK'S. Apply Wyndham-street. TOto. W, Levine, and FARM for Palo V...ase in the fafriii contains Mahurangi. DWELLING ofunder cultivation, ,'«mced . AND GOODS THROUGH TO SOUTHAMPTON „ TO Profits and Quick Heturas. FOB BOOKED Chief Cabin Second WANTED, ■ PASSENGERS, SPECIE, — WANTKD-A & PANAMA, MELBOURNE TILL*, latol/ pefiipipd by 8. Cochbaxe, Esq.—Apply to Mr. Township 4-0 acres, 20 ncros 808 ENSON, WANT ED—A R ood GENERAL SERVANT. Prices of Admission Dress Cirole, 4a.; Boies, Apply to Mrs. W, J. Maiiks, 74. ChapelPit. IS;, j Tickets to be obtained of Mr. ..rnds, :ext Odd Fellows' Hall j Mr.. Cole, Basket ttreet. ; Mnker, Qi'-vn-etreet; Mr. Syma, Wheatshoaf Inn, \\f ANTED, —A go ol general female SKItVANT Queen-street; Mr, Atera, Red Lion Hotel, Freeman's T T for a family.living iii the suburbs—Apply at No, Bay j Mrs. Byms, Commercial Hotel, Shortlatid25 Lower Quetn-i-treet. street; Mr. Cox, Exchange Hotel, Queen-street; Mr. Navy Upper ciid Hotel, Hales, Army Queen-str-sot; BUS IT FARM, with River'frontage, Mr. Wilson, Exchange Hotel, Parnell; Mrs.Lawless, within 50 miles ot Auckland preferred.— Newton Hotel, Karangaha-pe Road. Address, stating all particulars to "Excelsior," Post Office, Qnehuoga. Doors open at half-past 7 and commence at 8 o'clock, sharps ANTED—A few respeptable BOARDERS at TXT vT the, Kensington IWuhe, No. 31, Wakefieldstreet. Board and Lodging, only £1 per week.-— CONCERT, Address Mrs, MoEwan, Kensington House, WakeGRAND CONCERT of VOCAL and field-street. INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC (in aid of the the public to inow D. Gbaket, Funds cf the Orphan Home, SfcV Stephen's) will take Tailor; clothes renovated and repaired ; clothes place at an early date, in the Brunswick Hall, ma-je with material found, next door to Mr. Peacocfee, Optician, ShortlaD.d crescent, Auckland. PATRONESSES. Lady Wiseman, Mrs. Selwyn, Lady Martin, TO LET ON HIRE —PIANOTFTANTED Vf , FORTES and HARMONIUMS.—Wehb'b Mrs. Whitaker. Royai. Haiimovium and Music Saloon, Wellesloystrcet. STEWARDS. A. Abraras, Fsq., T, C. Williams, Esq., TO FAMILIES. Major Brooke, G. Dacre, Esq. LADY is anxious to obtain a comfortable SOLO PIANISTE. HOME for a young friend, cither as Nursery Miss Beale, Governess or Companion. She •would not object to assist.in the general management of a young family. Country preferred.—Address Omega," Post Office, LEADERS OF THE BAND. Parnell. Colonel Balneavis and J. H. Bealp, Esq. LADY desirous of returning to England would, ACCOMPANIST. be glad to join another Lady as Companion foe No objection to assist in tho charge of Livingstone, Esq. voyage. the H. One or two children. Address X.Y.0., Hesald . .. Office. ■■■■•■■ SOLO VOCALIST. j. Austin, Esq. a : Cambridge required. Many other ladies and gentlemen will also assist on Tutorship Graduate: (married) experienced, in tuition, and tho occasion. V. with gooOt references, wishing' to settle in New .Zealand tctore Easter, 18<>7, desires an engagement COJNJJUui'OBi (resident or non-resident) in a. school or private supennrenu family, ir reaiacnt,,..iro Joseph Brown, Esq. domestic arrangements.—Address Gantlß, care Of Street, 30 Cornhill, Londbii. G. Programmes and Books of Words will bo issued Previous to the Concert. SUMS from £50 upwards to be ADVANCED on approved security.-—Apply, Reserved Seats, Single Tickets, ss. Family Tickets, after 4 p.m., to A.8., Robert Burns Hotel, Uhionto admit hix, one guinea; Gallery, 3s. Btreeh 1 tons register, Weight, R.N.R., Commander, is appointed to leaye & efficiently Repaired — A lIT.-WT. HOBSON HEBAtp Offioe, Canning's Buildings. STRAW WORKER, -S Co. — .... Instruments on Sale and A GOOD WANTED,— Apply to Jeskixs MARRY. " LET, —A B AKERY, with Shop and T)wo'ling Hoiise, in Hbhson-strnet.—Apply to Mr. Flobavoe. Nnlson-Rtrpnt., two doom mriMvo'f .CnoV.Rtrcot. description fitted -with f ONETITTxrOA.— TO LET, for 3 years, the PROPERTY of Mr. H. E. La wtor, with House of oifi'ht rooms, 8 or 4 acres of Land, Orchard in full bearing, &c. —Wo oil hall House, "elwvn-street, midway between Stockado and Scotoh Church. TO of every accuracy. SPECTACLES Surveying, Nautical, and all kinds of Scientific Immediately A.R.M. Co.'s Small ' A Reader Wood. . PEACOCK, OPTICIAN, MATHEMATICAL AND NAUTICAL INSTRUMENT MAKER, 5*2, Shortland-Btreet. Adjusted, on the premises, 1,456 HOYLEB'" T. < P.N.Z. " and large patterns^ and Manama, New THE Australian Royal Mail Company's rjHIHE F. NORTON, Chemistand Druggist, Queen-street, Next to thePoet-ofHoo. HOBBS will open in a few days a few cases of SYDNEY. & Apply to ARMY AND NAVY HOTEL.' BEST PRINTS, very choice email Agent. The above will he let to good tenants at a most mnderate rent. OPPOSITE THE Agent. AUCKLAND,' Com850 fcons 150 horse-powpr. fl\ Hasbis. mander, will leare the Queen-street Wliarf for abore ports, on the 2nd prox., at 10 a m. For freight or passage, apply at the Company's office. H. M. JERVIS, Queen-street. shortland-street, Family and Snirnira Butchbb. J. V. Hall, Commander, Manukau forabove ports on MONDAY, EOO tone, 100 horse-power, I of A TO LET, .a large WAREHOUSE, two stores, with a six-ntniled Stable, admirably adapted for a Shipping and: Commission Agent; situate in George street, about two hundred yards from the wharf. Also, TWO New T) WET/I7T N G-HOURES and SHOPS, with large windows in Church-street, two dojra from « A. DOENWELL, farce ; OIEHUNfiA, DRAPER, AND -l CO., & AucVland: Tiros. COLEBRQOK, On the premises, RETAIL I - FISHER Or to & a! oi Apply to | ,„. ° FOR TARANAKT. NFXSON, PICTON, WELLINGTON, LYTTELTON, OTAGO, AND BLUFF. FOB To HOBBS, WHOLESALE TM MED lATELY—Two Experienced WANTED SAWYERS.—AppIy to I'. Thwaites, Smaile's Point. 2s- ;!M.; Qiiren-stroet, OnchuTifja, L. r, BTJTOUKiVS RUMNRCS, doinej a good trade, snd within 300 yurds the Public Slaughter-house. Agents. -Jl™. laughable SHALL WHICH TO BT7TOUERB • DRAPERY WAREHOUSE. : tq Ao enwl & And the Kpaotiiv - ; LEGACY! P at}lio Pharmacy> Queen- TO BE LET, AT EPSOM, AND OUT-OFFIOES whin three .milps of Town, with One to Thirty Acres of good land attached.—Apply to R, Bbamihh, JUNCTION ' l[\2oo tons, F. C. Kheeit, Commander, "SHSsESff™* will leave Manu'jau for the above at lhe HOUSES RUSSELL. FOR next TToll/or Gum a . street~" ' tion is necessarv. THORNTON, SMITH, : TO LET, ~BHir! .• [ tho time of highwnter. WAITEMATA. STORE in Fort-Street AN IRON suitable- for Coal s .Saw Mill, APPIy Homooo I - N.B.—The time for departure of these steamerß GIIAIIAM-STiiEET. THE TO i PERU' FOR VALPAIRISO, sail THIS JUV(Friday). PasTXTILL > T aengera are requested to pay balance of passage money. A few cabin and steerage berths aro still disengaged, for which early applica- BARQUE ... FRONTING » l&tQ of Derrinstown, County Kildaro aforesaid, l.ho wife of Bartholomew Flood, who respectively emigrated (o Melbqurne,..iii. Australia, on or about the 6th July, 1854, or either of them, or.tiiS Manager Mr. 0?. J. BCOTT. children of the said Richard Kearney, or Mary Kearney, otherwi-e Flood, or Bartholomew Flood, the. husband of the aaid Mary, or any of tliem, will GREAT ATTRACTION!! COli:MU.i\'.iCATjS. with'Mrs. Mary Kearney, OfDerrinstown, in the County of Kildare, Ireland, Second.appearance of the Company assisted by the the ■widow and administratrix of James Kearney, lute of Dorrinatown. in the b >id County of Kildare, popular arid talon ted actress farmer (who died on the 9th day of October, 186$. MRS. O O X. at Derrinstown, aforesaid), or to Thomas lighe Mecredy, of No. 7, Inns-quay, Dublin, Ireland,, her solicitor, they, or some of them, will, on proper TO-NIGHT (FRIDAY), 31st AUGUST. proof of identity,.&e., be. entitled to receive a certain portion of the assets, of the said intestate James The Great Drama entitled the Kearney. COMPANY. CO. BE LET .WITH;. IMMEDIATE BION,—A TIOUSE of Ten Kooms, with Outbuildings, large yard and Garden. £18 Apply to EDWIN DAVY, Or . Mr. Bazaar Office, Queon-etroet. 1 9d. £20 Queen-street. : COMBES & DALDT, Auckland / Or A. BARXES Onehunga. f CABIN BISCUITS, per ton Navy Biscuits, per ton ... HE OFFER). of InwarJ Cargo—(or open for freight or charter to any othsrPort). Thiavossel is unrivalled for Pasaenger accomodation; her failing qualities are well-known. For further particulars uppl.v to J£. & H. ISAACS, Agents, TO AND FROM PORT WAIKATO. Up Boat: Thursday. From Fort Waikato to Bluff Dovjf Boat Wednesday. From Bluff to Port Waikato " - & Kifiare/ ■ Or Freight or Charter to CLIFF HOD SE, JONES KEARNEY, late of Dcrrimto. . FOB LONDON DIRECT, -SHOULD SUFFICIENT INDUCEMENT Apply to WHOLESALE CASH PEICES. 22 Queen-street Wharf. IF RICHARD in the County .oi Ireland, fhff en grated, to Sydney, in'Australia. on or about the 24t. A of April;, 1867, a-id MARY KEARNEY', otherwise \ . From Bluff to Ngaruawahia on Tuesday and Friday, at 7 a.m. From Ngaruawahia to Cambridge on Wednesday, and Saturday, at 7 a.m. From Ngarawahia to To Rori and Alexandra on Monday and Friday, at 7 a.m. Down Boats : From Ngaruawahia to tho Bluff From Alexandra to Ngaruawaliia on Tuesday and Saturday, at 7 a.m. From Cambridge to Ngaruawahia on Iliuraday and Saturday, at 7 a.m. must be regulated by PARTINGTON'S Agents. ! & I Boats: A I "Dp TO LET OB LEASE, I. o. o. F, M. tr., A. D. LARGE KRW TWO-STORY STONE WAREIIOU3K, 100 feet by 33, with entrance tronl Durham and Albert-streets. ODD FELLOWS' AMATEUR DRAMATIC Water Proof, Fire Proof, Rat Proof. IN KERtVEN.fi 1 J. D. ikbt, reduced to 6s. per gallon.—J. Cheap Hardware House, 224 Quecn-etrcet. ■ DAY, Bth September. For Freight orpassage apply on board ; or to STONE BROTHERS, EEROBENE '■ KEROSENE! HALL. ■ 'BELLI MAKY' CoitinO, Commander, will s»il for theabovo port, on or abont SATUR- R. 1866. ODD FELLOWS' .REDUCTION JL From and after tho Ist of August, IDAI.iY. WAREHOUSE! , GOVERNMENT r^OGONIAL WAREHOUSEI npHE Favourite Clipper Barque VJ STEAMERS on the WAIKATC '51. U560. ' TOR _ AUOiKjST FOB 110 BART TOWN DIRECT. TIME TABLE VV*. AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, : Vol. lII.—NO. 873.1 : : T l3jj LATE DESTRUCTIVE FIRE ON THE WHARF. Tim- T) MOORE hegs to inform his Friends, and Cusi fßv FREDERICK RING, of Auckland, is authorised by us to receive all K, tomera he has taken the. Store, pert but. ono lYJ bar Merchant, BACON, Hams, Spiced and Salt Beef, . Monies due to the above Estateto Me»srs. Thornton & Firth's Mill, Queen-street For further particulars apply at the Company's &c. as Ac.. TURTON & PREECE, &c.» this twenty-seventh day of August, Wharf; and trusts to be able to supply them usual Dated per Is. ID. bono, TIMES. without .'. TO SUIT THE . Office. Rest Bacon One thousand eight, hundred and in a few.days. land agency office, cured, lOd. Beßt. flams well H. M. JERYIS, sixty-six &c. &0., &e., Spiced Beef very superior, 9d. lIOBSON-STREET. FIRE IN Agent. Authorized DAVIS' BUILDINGS, LOWER QUESN-STBEBT, Beet Provincial tod B. Beef, 6d. and 03d. (Signed) SUSAN AILEN,RING,J\ under Probate. BENNETT'S LARDER, (Opposite Fort-street) per lb. ELIZABETH L. and at "TTfTOULD the Gentleman* on 68, No. Mutton from sd. per lb. QUEEN-STREET, TRANSPORT ON THE WATKATO. so much personal risk, laid blankots N.B.—-See Prospectus of June Ist, 1866. o & it catchin Co.'s). prevent Ghaham (Next to D. my house to roof of are for Cash, and Cash only. reductions above The is kindly . LEAVE HIB ADDRESS with me. TN FUTURE the steamers MAORI CASEY. The quality is the very beat, and a trial "WBIGG BROTHERS, j/kAv X CHIEF' and 'GYMNOTUS' solicited. pleasure announoing much in ■■ has : poRNWELL August 30, 18C6. :. Waikato will run to and from the BENNETT A SURVEYORS, BUILDING AND LAND Ehortland-streot. Heads to all stations on the River, in MORRIS ;: MESSRS. VALUATORS, &c. to the pufelio thathe is now in a position to supply connection with the PRINCE ALE RED,' from Undersigned TAKING-STOCK request tha Onehunga. ttis AND WYNDHAM-STREET, : ; SASH DOOR REEBESHMENTS, CARPENTER?, rnAKE PABTOFFICE TO SOUPS AND mua»ly u For rates of freight, passage, and further inforthat they have Hobson-street MAKERS. AUCKLAND all accounts against, thembe rendered, before the SOti 1 mation, apply to At am. Honns op the Djly. of QueenNERSHIP.. and that J"" by Me. J. Db HrRSOH, Queen-street, Auckland; s .. V. win be. carried on -| LARGE SASH and MOULDING MACHINE instant. T. B. CAMERON, Mr. G. HODGE, Onehunpa; or _L Fay & Co." : • CRUICKSHANK, SMART & QO. : street ortnnity of thanWng the Hb. H. SHILLITB, PortWaik«to; & 00. SURVEYOR, AND CIVIL Machine, Fay O'CLOCK SHARP. ARCHITECT, Tennoniiig X DINNER AT TWELVE Who are empowered to isßue Bills of Lading for all tooaig. yor Sale ;/apply to . ENGINEER, -..,i .rtij treat a ctmtmaftpce of ttair 25tlxAuKUst 1868. go da entrusted to them, and whosa receipt will be HARRIS & LAtTRIE, Btjset. (Mr. Rattray's New Buildings.) Ukaowledzed by the undersigned. Hotkie Cuitoxa OHABGES MODEHAXB. Buoeg ChetiCßßie, SHOBXIiAICD-KWtBT, AVCEUJDa. B. SJMPBO2T. VV STOCK-TAKING. ' fjl - / _ ~ —~ . 1 JjIHE : . ... ' DxIoTVED ,, >'• " " ____ . r ! :.. j Native : SMOKED . REDUCTION IN THE PRICE OF J J Mo" AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, AVQVm >1, THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, Shfo* kg bg MONDAY, SEPTEMBER MONDAYj SEPTEMBER 3. BACON", POTATOES, PORK, FLO'OR, TEA, MAIZE, CANDLES, fJUGAB, JAMS, APPLES, &c., &c., &c. SALE BEEF, UNRESERVED beef 1 : A SHORTLAND-STREET. j _ The subscriber has been favoured with instrucPretions to Sell by Public Auction, on the mises of Messrs. Rittenbero & Co., Shortland-street, on Monday next, the 3rd September, at 11 o'clock, WHOLE OF THE VALUABLE ENGRAVINGS, PHOTOTHESTOCK OF CRAYONS, PRINTS, GILT &c. GRAPHS, MOULDINGS, &c:, &c., the majority of whichhave been recently LANDED, ei ships 'Monarch,' 'Rob Boy,' and 'Norwood.' CONCERN, ON ACCOUNTOF "WHOM IT Photographic Four Hundred Very Superior Artists, viz. . Subjects, by the most Celebrated MONARCH, LONDON. MACEY.FROM EX j TO-MORROW. PHOTOGRAPHS. CO. Copper Oval Tin Charity Jealousy PRELIMINARY NOTICE. Peace and War Taming the Shrew Illusion and Deception Raising the Maypole trade sale of groceries &c., &c., &c., Come Along Sailor Boy's Dream English and Scotch Gamekeeper Black Brunswicker The Loyalist COMPRISING: HAMS, BACON, CURRANTS, RAISINS FIGS, JAMS (ILB. tins), SAUCES, CURRY POWDER, CRUSHED LOAF SUGAR CARBONATE OF SODA, PATNA RICE RED HERRINGS, SARDINES (i- and i TINS), STARCH, THUMB BLUE, WASHING SODA, CONGOU TEAS (in Chests and Half-Chests), AMERICAN BROOMS. . TONIB & Are instructed by the Importers to sell by auction, on an early day LARGE ASSORTMENT OF GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. Broken Vows Ordered to Foreign Service The Orange Girl The Labour ofLove A Mother's Dream Believer's Vision TTniffliLa The Parable of the Lost Piece of Money Fairy Tales Overtask Feeding the Horse "Watering the Horse Shoeing the Horse Orphan's Dream My Ain Fireside 2DOaO The Monarch of the Glen Saved Hearing Home "Windsor Oastle in the Present Time Many Happy Betnrna of the Day Martin's Grand W orka Cromwell Refusing the Crown Christ Blessing Little Children « Full particulars in a few days. TO-MOEROW. TDTJRELL & The subscriber has been favoured with instructions ta sell by auction, at his Land Mart, Fort-street at an early date. ALUA BL E ESTATE, Containing— 20G0 acres 1 rood and 36 perches of LAND or the Waikato, and surrounding Cameron Town. Thii is well-known to be theearliestselection, and probablj the best on the Waikato, AT , just landed in prime PICKLED 6 REGS order 20 boxes Sperm Candles COD, 15 boxes Soap 25 bags Bice &c. &c., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. SEASONABLE DEAPEE7. CAMBRIC HANDKER- | I WINCEYS, WHITE AND GREY CALICO, LONG CLOTHS, WELSH AND SAXONY CHIEFS, MEN'S and BOY'S BLUE and BLACK CLOTH CAPS, DAMASKS COATS VESTB AND TROUSERS, SHAWLS, DRESS PIECES, MANTLE CLOTHS, AT.T. WOOL PLAIDS &c., <fcc., TURRELL & &c. TONKS TO-MOBROW. Mart, on Tuesday, September 4, at 11 o'clock, McLkod, at Mr. HUNTER & CONSIGNED CO, Have received instruct ions to sell MATER «BEES- FAST-TROTTING THEWING." ALFRED TO-MORROW. DURHAM-STREET Persuasion The Gardener's Daughter Highland Drovers Many Happy Beturns of the Day Punch The Playground Herring's Farm Yard HUNTER ALFRED BUCKLAND CO. advertising. C. ABTHTJB & ? SON GROCERIES, Hand Terms at Sale. FURNITURE, New and Second- Circular Sawand Driver Musical Box Rhubarb Plant* Ac., &c. 4c, AND SHOES. rpHE informs his friends that he has substantial WHARF, with SeRESPECTFULLY ERECTED Moorings for Vessels, at his Landing on Easl NOW LANDING, Ex Norwood;' from London. OA BARBELS CRUSHED LOAF SUGAR 2 hhds. Loaf Sugar 10 cheats Fine Congou Tea 60 boxes 'Belmont Sperms 5 cases Salmon and Lobster 5 cases Pickles 5 cases Salad Oil STONE BROTHERS, ' Tenders to bp forwardedaddressed to the Trustees on 22, Queen-street Wharf, or before 12 o'clock noon, Ist September to thi JOB T/KATTTER FOR READY MQNEY. auction room of 1 AAA IUUv TUKRELL & TONES. TO BUILDERS. TENDERS I seen at my office till Saturday, tho Ist of September, are required for the Erection of t Building at MangareL Plans, &c,, may be when the tenders are to be delivered at 2 o'clock. JAS, WRIGLEY, Architect. TO BUILDERS. SIDES BEST SYDNEY KIP, 18d. J. BOUT. High-street. ON SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, Ex late arrivals and. to a-Trive, I*7AA BARRELS PORTLAND CEMENT. | \_/\_/ ex '.Eastward: Ho ! from New York 50 han'olsPlaster of Paris 200,000 Laths D. GOUGH. Jnnr;, Hobson-ntres * ( - Q O NAILS BY THE KEG, INOH WEATHEBBOA BD, 2W Ewbank'a 4a S in. 3 in. American cut 2J andshingle, 3Jd .4|d cut..................... 11 in. cure ............ ............ " " TENDERS ........... .... TENDERS " The Auctioneer respectfully calls the mention of the Trade and others to this extensive assortment of Engravings, Photographs, Prints, Mouldings, Ac., which, will be on view on the Premises, Shortland-street, from Monday next, the 27tli instant. Will hold their usual sale by auction at their mart Queen-street, To-morrow (Saturday), at 12 o'clock noon, ' are invited from Builders, to the sth Bank of Tamaki, on which both cattle and sheep are day of September 186G, for the .Erection of a 2J<J landed, so as to prevent their access to salt water, TWO STOREY RESIDENCE, at the North Shore. 2J Flooring, cut within eleven miles of Newmarket and Triangle i.J PalingKwhangs Cfd T. B. CAMERON, gale Yards. Zinc Boat and Spike Nails. Architect and Engineer. J, BOUT, Eldon Chambers, Shortland-streat. High-street. Experienced persons at all times present to reoeive TO BUILDERS, &c. Stook, which can be forwardedat once to the marVERCOE, HARDING AND mo at grass—at the option of ket, or romain for a TO-MORROW. consignee. will be received until noon of the. 6th A BCHii?EGTS, OF7"!!: fciriu September for the ERECTION of FOUB J\. YEYORSi HOUSE, LAND, AND COMDUEH AM STREET SALE YARDS. HOUSES, together with Fencing, Draining, and MISSION AGENTS. NEW PUBLIC POUND AND CATTLE Road Making, &c., at Otahuhu. Plans, &0., at my office, Victoria-street. cokpubbs e? the MABKET, NORTH SHOEE. detail map o> thx city." HUNTER & CO. RICHARD KEALS, Will sell, at their Yards, on Saturday, the following Architect; .. 4C Shortland-street Offices—No. will be received by the Undersigned Horses, until Noon of MONDAY next, for FENCING h q o/r a JOSHUA FOX, 8 k NOTICE. Allotments 1, 2, and 8, Township of North Chelten20 Light Harness Tlackß Accountant, Bill and Shabb Broker, Hocn, 15 Draught ditto ham, Lake Road, North Shore, for a Publio Pound will be received by the undersigned Lakd, and GENKEAi Commission Agist, and Cattle Market, Plans, &c., may be seen at the until noon of WEDNESD AY sth September, Post Office Store, the Beach, North Shore; Martin's Buildings, Yictoria-street. At 11 o'clock. for PLOUGHING- about 9 or 10 acres, volcanic.soil,: OLIVER MAYS, North, Bho ve. in the immediate vicinity of Mount Albert, and HEKRY "WKIGGPLANTING with Potatoes in bone manure j seed and Manure supplied by and any further informa- CIVIL. AJTD COISrSULTING- ENGINEEE, TO-MORROW, NOETH SHOEE; NEW PUBLIC WHARF, tion may be obtained from. OFFICE WYNDHAM-STBEET EDWARD PARTINGTON, DURHAM STREET SALE YARDS. AUCKLAND. of property in the North Head District ,Pitt-street. ■ are respectfully invited to CONTRIBUTE to Fund Monday, the Public LENDERS be until MESSES. DALTON BROTHEES, raised,for Wharf, nOw bmng will received noon of a HUNTER &, CO. 3rd September next, for REPAIHS TO BRIG 3IYIL ENGINEER to be erected at the tormination of the Road leading; ARCHITEOIS, AND the Lake MO to and Northern Settlements. Ab6ut.JB3QQ A,' now lying in ' Manukau HarbouK SpeciflWill sell, at; their Yards; LKJENfcED SURVEYOBd, will be required for a substantial structure. Conto seen at the undersigned. :ation» be the offico of GOOD SPRING OAItT, one Small Tip tributions will be QUEEN STSSII, Aitqkiasb. BL GIBBONS CO, received by any Member of the Dray, slid ttreo Sets of Hanooßß Oncbunga; or Ako, Several Second hand. Dray*. B«ta of Ha*» I Committee, oi by ABBITBATOBS. 6EOBGE WEBSTER, J. S. MACFARLANBi Mit, Baddies,4c. ; .CtauKSMUfcoC CVwnytfre. Disputed Aivnant* Adju*t«J. TWO ABCot Heath And a variety of Prints too numerous for NOW LANDING, Ex Bella Mary,' from Hobart Town, and on Sale by the undersigned, APPLES An OAB E S -JJLUU 50 cases Assorted Jams 18,01)0 five-feet Palings 20 pairs Cart Shafts STONE, BROTHERS, 22, Queen-street Wharf. BOOT! a Will sell To-morrow (Saturday)', FIRST-CLASS HUNTERS, HABI'Y LORREQUER" and GYMKANA." Both Horses have been hunted regularly by Officers of the Auckland Garrison Hunt Club, sure Fencers, and first-classHacks. Stag at Bay Angel's Sixth Seal, and Deluge BUC^PAND. THE TAMAKI LANDING. SALE YARDS. & STOCK OF TENDERS TENDERS OWNERS 1 - H. JOSEPH, Auctioneer. , I TO-MORROW. j FOE TRUSTEES in the above Estate are preparei on the SECOND WEDNESDAY of each month, the first Auction to be held ON WEDNESDAY to receive TENDERS for the PURCHASE of th the 10th October at one o'clock. wholeoftheSTOCK of BOOTS and SHOES, lyinj Ample Paddock Accommodation will be given to at the store in Queen-street. application for Market on stock intended the to Mr MoLbod; The Trustees do not bind themselves to accept thi ALFRED BOCBiAND. highest or any tender. J OASES AND BALES OF SEASONABLE DRAPERY and CLOTHING. undersigned having made arrangements yritt John to hold MONTHLY THE HENDERSON'S MIL.I OATTLE MARKETS CATTLE, SHEEP, OE HOESES, to the Undersigned may be landed either at Mr. Howard's landing place, or af well, as at East .Bank of Tamaki al Kohimarama, as option of Shippers, arrangements having been made them to market from forwarding for receiving and either of those placoa. DURHAM STREET SALE YARDS. Have received instructions to sell by auction, at their A -JJ.V/ TO THE SETTLERS OF THE NORTH. TENDERS TO THE SETTLEBS ON THEEAST COAST Highland Booty The Nearest Way in the bummer Time Highland Bride PRELIMINARY NOTICE. FLANNELS, Auctioneer. FBAMES. First and Second Class Martin's Pictures English and Scotch Gamelceeper Bolton Abbey in the Olden Time Niagara Falls Joan of Arc in Prison Life of Christ Heavenly Consultations Cattle Market at their mart, Queen-street, on Saturday next, at 11 o'clock, cases Vestas &c., SAMUEL COCHRANE, ENGRAVINGS IN BIEDS'-EYE MAPLE ■Will »ell by auction, 6 ALFEED BUCKLAND. ■■ Eastward Ho! Homeward Bonnd, and various others, size 26 x 20 inches. Handsome Particulars will bo given in a future Advertisement Gilt Frames balance may remain oi Teems:—One-thirdat Cash; cent; Mortgage 10 per per annum. TONES TENDERS 2 VALUABLE ESTATE AT CAMERON TOWN, WAIKATO. English Farmyard AXE, PORTER, CANDLES, SOAP, SALT COD, POTATOES, VESTAS, FURNITURE, DRAPERY, BICE, PAPER, Ac., &c., &c. ' ' AT Daddy's Coming NOW LANDING, EX NORWOOD.' JUST, Kitchen Huguenots KEILLER'S CONFECTIONERY TUB, BE LL DESIRABLE Against the Stream Claud Duval the Highwayman NOW LANDING, EX 'NORWOOD,' ' ' Bt»g at Bay Challengo Going with the Btream PROVISIONS ON" .. ' „ t „ . Oval Tin ~ ~ „ ' „ & , counter S 3 fJIHE : §50 CONTAINING: ICABK, i dozen Pocket Steelyards Machines, Copper Po ' M in diamond | The First Lesson in Navigation TheLife Boat Meeting of Parliament Vandyke's Departure from Bubeni Bubens in his Study Inundation The Look-Out TheMitherless Bairn WOULD ■ & Will sell by auction, To morrow (Saturday), Ist September, TENDERS j Port, Sherry Brandy, Whiskey &c., See-, TTTF. A ' ton Onions ' 25 hexes Soap . 15 kegs Batter 6 . . ! SALE, THE FINE AETS DEPOT, 10half chests Tea 25 cases Kerosene 2 cases Vestas 6 . □otices of; Insurances on the. same risk with other Provincial Government of Warlborcmgh offices should be sent in to the undersij?ned in accorCO. by auction,. This Day HUNTER for the DESIGN and dance'with the condition endorser! on the Policies.* hereby sell J. invite TENDERS will The subscriber . KKEOTION of a OART lUUIJ(>E, over tlio Kiver (Friday), 31st iriet., at the. .stores...of Eaton.and wai Boil JOHN BUCHANAN,' Wairau, near the present Ferry, and. on the direct Dewolf, at 11 o'clobk, Agent for the Liverpool-, and London and drapery OA HEAD OF CHOIOEFXT OATTLH, ex road from/Blenheim to Picton. The designs to he of Globe Insurance Company. assortment the X/ARGE ' Aliuriri,' fro-n Wanganui. .1■for either a "wooden or an ■ iron: - etucture, and. stationery and Fancy Goods Bridge, to be. erected and maintained at the.expence LANDS Holloware WAIEATO AGENCY OEFICE, of the contractor, who will, be, guaranteed the.excluAmerican Weighing Machines FORT-STREET. right of Tolls, 'according to a fixed schedule of sive Avery'B and Counter Scales Durham-street SALE YARDS. rateß, for ft term, of fourteen years. ■.■■■._ &C. &c., &C., .of The Undersigned has now'for Salei. > .A pHn showing the.proposed site, and sectionsand thereto, reference a in same, & CO. the also statement HUNTER IT ARG-E /TRACTS of L AND alloted^to'Military inspected to bo charged, may be tho iohedule of tolln ON, in tho Waitato District. .JLi Settlers EAT sale L. W. Have far private at the Public Works Offices, Auckland. FARM SECTIONS varying in Bize from 60 to 600 Auctioneer. Tenders, will be received until tho 31st. day of DeSUPERIOR well cultivated and securely.fenced ACRES each of the different settlements, of the in cember, 186(5, at the office of the Provincial Secre■ 5 FARM, on the Bant Tainaki. best soil, and commanding thechoicest poaitionß,in&j tary, Blenheib, where all local, information can be bow be obtained on favourable terms. obtained. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER!. Maps and Register can be inspected at my Office. JAMES BALFOUR "WEMTS9, SALE YARDS. DURHAM-STREET FRANZ SCHERFF. account of Provincial auction, on The subscriber will sell by September 1, Provincial Secretary's Office, whom it may concern, on Saturday, COALS! & CO. COALS! WANGAREI Marlborough, WANGAREI Blenheim, HUNTER at the stores of JKaton St. Dewolf, .at 11 o clock, FLOUR, O N S n sale, on very: liberal terms, T private Have for inform the beg respectfully to subscribers Slightly damaged; Q publio of Auckland that they have now a GOOD FARM AT BUKBEOHE Fenced supply of the above COAL, which they will deliTOt and laid down in grasß. L. W. EATON, at 30a. per ton: cash. will be received, at the Transport Auctioneer. Office, Auckland, .New Zealand, until the Btk W, J. HD;BST! & POi, TO September, 1866, 'for the: CON IMPORTANT NOTICE. ATJBTKA.T.IA AND TABMANIA —undermentionec Auckland Coal and Potato Depot, (oiif and' 60 th Ports—from of the 14th. Auckland, TO-MORROW. Queen-street. HtJNTER & CO. wing) RRGIMKNT3. (Opposite Cbuicsshank, Smam <fc Co.'s). The ships to sail about 25th September. BTOOK AND STATION SALESMEN, FLOUR, FURNITURE, POTATOES, BEEF, The estimated numbers will be about, rriore o) respectfully direot the attention of per"WANOAREI COAL. &c., &0., sons sending Stock for Bale at their. Regular legs— Weekly Sales at For. Melbourne—Head Quarters and five companies 13s. PER TON AT WANGAREI 14th Regiment NEWMARKET, OTAHUHU, AND DURRIDINGS & PERSTON For Adelaide—Two Companies,. 14th Regiment YARDS, PEE TON AT AUCKLAND. HAM-STREET 205.. at their (Saturday), SALE auction To-morrow by sell Will Hobartown —Threo Companies, 14th Hegiment All- For Mart, 124 Queen-street, at 11 o'clobk, that thsy have made arrangements to landknown Sydney—Head Quarters, Three Companies, 50tl For s stock consigned to them at Kohimaramara Undersigned receive orders for Cargoes. O E TAT Regiment as Captain Porter's landing place- Xt is &bout ono For Brisbane—One Company, 50th Regiment 60 tierces prime Sydney Beef opposite the west of Tamaki, immediately mile 10 tons Chilian Flour WANTED—VESSELS for; conveying above. The ship taking the Sydney Detachment may pros Rangitoto, and one of the best landing jiaceß in the 2 tons Sheet Iron instead of AuckJOHN ROBERTON CO. Province; there is a good depth of water, a com- bably embark the men at toTaranaki Portable Boiler. return to New Zealanc land, and she will have modiouspunt that cflttle and sheep are landed withPortable Forge 12th one Regiment, Sydney Company from large salt There also sheds are water. Slate Bagatelle Table out access to TASMANIAN OATMEAL. erected with Hoy and Water provided, so that stock women and children. The ships must bo classed, either in Lloyd's regisFURNITURE, consisting Of— immediately after a voyage are not exposed to the SALE Ex Alexandra,' in 14, 28, 56, and 200 Drawing-room Suite, Walnut and Green weather. It is within four miles of the market, and ter A red; or not less than three-thirds Libei . lbs BAGS Yeritat. sixteen miles nearer than the East Bank of the Damask JOHNROBERTON &Co. Forms of Tender inay be obtained at this Office. Tamaki, thereby saving a long drive to oattle and Table August 21st, 1866. The rate for each officer, or other first or second sheep. XJood Grass Paddocks and a careful person Chairs class passenger,, is to be stated, including mess, wine, lways in atten dance Chiffoniere beer, Ac., bedding, and every table and cabin accomWashstands SEED OATS. modation; the rate per man, per woman, and pel See., 4c., ohild, including, fittings, victualling, according to PRIME lot of Hobartown SEED OATS, Ex SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. A new scale, medical comforts, and all requisites exXX. Bella Mary', for sale in lots to .Butt purchasers, Also, ceptingbedding. CLARK3QN, K. D. THE HAIMAEKET, All the columns and particulars required in the Hay and pom, Dealer. A Wheeler and Wilsoa'o Sewing Machine, in Tender must be properly filled in, the date when the . Wyndham-street. perfect order. ship will be ready for survey, to receive passengers, For Sale at auction on Saturday, Ist September, at and to sea. proceed to 12 o'clock, SEED QATS. SEED OATS. The ships to bo sailed in conformity with AdmiTO-MORROW. FARM, on the West Ooast, in the ralty Regulations, a copy of which, with the scale of landing ex Albatross from Otago, rary district of Waitakerei, being part of allotment victualling, quality of provisions, and every informasuperior sample at tionregarding the Siting of the ship, will be fur82, containing 184 acres. W.J. HURST & 00:, THE LATE FIRE. nished on. application at the above office. Queen-street. Agents are at liberty to tender vessels not in harALFRED AUCKLAND. arrive bour, but which will in time to bo cleared and The Subscriber will sell at the rear of the site of the for the service. early application i» fitted limited, quantity As the is Waitemata Hotel, To-morrow (Saturday), Ist The lowest or any Tender will not .necessarily be requested. September, at H o'clock, accepted. SATURDAY, SEPT. 1. DAVID SPAIN, b a n g i BAELEY. EX 'EIFLEMAN,* Iron Tanks Captain Resident Transport Officer. BAELEY. f H E Bricks HAYMARKET. Admiralty Transport Office, TO TIIE AGEICULTUR.ISTS OP THE Auckland, 30th August, 1866. & 0., 4c., &o. PEOVINCE OF AUCKLAND. H. Ci.-DER OF TRUSTEES HY THE IN ! SAMUEL COCHItANE, GEOW YOUR OWN BEEE ! ?;ardington's estate. Auctioneer. considerable expense W. J. HURST & CO., TO BOAT BUILDERS AND OTHERS. For Sale by public auction, on Saturday next, ot halfhaTO imported BARLEY of such quality that past eleven o'clock, they can recommend: it to the attention of Farmers. A BATUBDAY, SEPTEMBER 1. can always bo obtained from Brewers for high price S A B T will be received at this Office until really good samples. 2 Sociables MONDAY next, TIMBER. TIMBER, TIMBER. Arid 1. For Repairing Customs Boat. A Hobart TownCab SEED BARLEY! SEED BARLEYM 2. For temporary use of a Boat, stating rate pel The subscriber will, sell by auction, on Saturday hour, •when employed; and. rate par day, ii Ist September, at 2 o'clock, on Custom-houaerequired to be give;i up for government use, OA BAGS GOOD SEED BARLEY. street, ALFRED BUCK-LAND. ! STONJD BROTHERS, H. N. BREWER, KAURI FEET TIMBEB, frn (\f\f\ 22 Queen-treet. Wharf. Sub-Collector I Custom House, In Lota to suit purchasers. 1/U jVU\J Ohehunga, 30th August; 18 6G. | BATURPAY, SEPT. 1, POTATOES! POTATOES!! SAMUEL COCHRANE, Auctioneer. On Sale by the Undersigned, THE EAIMAEKBI. E A.bT T AMAKIPOTATOES, £*rv TONS GOOD RE FORGHAM'S ESTATE. OU for family use. NOTICE, brothers, PRELIMINARY HEAVY DRAUGHT OOLTE 22, Queen-street Wharf. For ealo on Saturday next, at half-past eleven. ... 6 tons No. 1 Sugar • are « AT 30 cases Jams, lib, tins 20 boxes Apples JONES 'hereby, reminded that H Eassured necessary for. the: information of the Company,, T it.. i« and consequently.; for their own protection, that ; I ' 7 barrels Pork 5 tons Potatoes 2 tons Bacon 70 bags Flour 45 boxeß Tea 60 bags Maiza 25 boxes Candles l£ TO CONTRACTORS AND OTHERS. :: ' * on AND Saturday next, Ist pros., barrels o,er SALE YARDS. • Wil'i sell by auction, GREAT CLEARING OUT CO. & NEWMARKET CON T I NUE D. & * JONES PROVINCE OF MABLBOBOT7GH. 3. ; THIS DAY. satcrday, BEPTEMBER 1. CIES of the LIVERPOOL and LONDON and GLOBE INSURANCE COMPANY. . SbUS frg NOTICE TO HOLDERS OF FERE POLL SaUs bg gutdiM. : 2 LDAJLY. 1866. A & • DAILY, i THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 81, 1866. SUMMER DRAPERY. SELLING- OFF! RTJA TANGOHIA The undersigned havo muoh pleasnro in calling tho attention of tho trade to their first bhipments of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of panuitanga tenei kia moliiotia ai fca noho to kooti wliakawaki Opotiki a te mano to i o ngii PACKAGES, ra o Oketopa ISG(S, hei whakawha i nga take a nga OAJ ex ' Monarch,' 'Rob Roy,' and ' Norwood.' tailgate e pa ana ki nga pihi wlienua i to Takiwa o ta Sawhiti (District of Bay of Plenty), e mau nei i raro Tho Goods are now being opened up. iho nei, i tangohia i runga i nga tikanga o te Ture Black glaces, gros grains, ducapes, and gros do mo te pera. (Xew Zealand Settlements Act, 1563.) Paris ; fancy silk dres=es, in checked, striped TAKIWA O TE RAWHITI. chene, and corded; white and'coloured dresa Timata mai te rohe i to Ngutuawa o Waitahanui e and bonnet glaces; Persian sarcenot; whito aud te Rawhiti tika tonu kite Tonga, a tai noa ki to am coloured areopliane ; black crape. o Tarawera, kci reira ka pik\ ka man ano, to tilii o Putanaki, ka mau tika tonu i reira, kite Rawhiti, !si White, black, and coloured cord-edged ribbons, Bd. to te putahi—tanga o nga awa o Tauwhare, o Ohiira, 403.; sarcenet ribbons, 2d. to 12d. satin ribbons, mau tonu atu i reira kite Rawhiti, kia rua tekau No 1 to 7 ; belt ribbons ; wove and cut odgo ma rima macro te liaerenga, kei reira kawhati, ka ribbon volvets ; white edge ditto. HE CHEAP BOOTS AT THJE AT (Opposite JN i Southern Cross Office.) thb ... GENE HAL ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... N.B. —T ER M S " CASH. HOME „ Potatoes, Oats, Bran, and Maize, always on hand. A. CUNNINGHAM. NEWS. AL CIRCULATING LIBKARY. AYTE \\T IT & BATSER'3 "AUCKLAND" LIURAHY contains ull the newest and most day, popular Workn of the and is constantly replenished with frvsh publications. Terms : Per Annum -£110 Half-year 012 G - - - Quarter WAY T E - - - EOE BATGEB, & MACFARLANE'S Store, Wharf March 16, ISRO HENDEESON Freeman's Bay, & SEWING WHIGHT MACHINES. MASS'S SEWING MACHINES to be had at extremely low prices at CAPT. CLAYTON'S, Queen-street VVharf. These Machines are of the most simple construction, and very easy to work. They can Braid, Hem, Gather, Fell, and Embroider, and can do either the Finest Cambric Work or sew Coarse Canvas. Cottons and Needles On hand, at CAPTAIN CLAYTON'S, Queen-street Wharf. & MRS. KEMP, MILLINER Alf D DRESSMAKER, to inform her Customers and the Public generally, that she has Removed from Victoriastreet, to the House lately occupied by Mr. M-ibks, in HOBSON STREET (Three Doois from Cook-street), Whe:-e she hopes, by strict attention to business, to mi>rit the continuance of their support. 7tl. August, 18GG. BEGS - ETON LODGE, HOBSON-STRE KT, AUCKLAND. July 2,1866. Patterns. EICH POOE M AND ! QtJEEN-axuEEr, AL-cklaxd. lIYMSAL, separate, Prayer or or vice. A great THE TUNK BOOK ior the New Zealand Hymnal, compiled and arranged by tho Bov. Arthur Price 4s. fid. Guyon Purchaso THE BOOK OF GENUINE LIQUORS Prico 4d. each, Hand, Pocket, Bull's Eye, CRESCENT HO'xEL," T. PUBLIC may supply itself with every f AND Free from those pernicious mixtures which intimidate from Retail Houses. charged at the " ORESCENT HOTEL" are even below those Charged for tho ordinary liquors retailed in Auckland. A VISIT TO THE HOTEL WILL PROVE THE ; QUALITY OF THE STOCK, As a Single Glass maybe had of same quality as sold in larger quantities. THE WHOLESALE Black and blue super, "enetian, melton, silk mixed, blue, and fancy coatings ; bluo diagonal, black, sumand Oxford doeskin and cassiinere fancy cord ; B-dford mer tweeds, Bannoekburn tweeds; vest and jacket quiltinga; habit cloths, and ■waterproof tweeds. Gents' summer tweed suits, trousers and vests to match ; black superfine and fancy coating ; tweed and alpaca coats tweed, black, and inncy doe; Bedford cord and drill trousers ; Bedford cord pants; black cloth, tweed, and alpaca vests; boys' and youths' suits; boys' knickorbocker suits. White shirts, Scotch twill Bhirts ; printed, white, and coloured ground, silk, mixed, and fancy tweod Crimean shirts. Men's and boys' black and drab felt hats, in tlio new shapes; drab, felt, and black satin dress hats ; boys' and men's cloth caps. Poirades, perfumes, fancy soap, parcelling paper, and fwine. Men's lacing, elastic side, and bluclicr boots ; ladies' kid and cashmere d-> ; chidren's kid boots; ■women's white canvas and black web shoes. ; W. Howitt Fifty packages, TO ARK' "E, and Siam,' consisting of CI.OTHING-, STRAW GOODS, &c. * Pegasus' ' Also, per ' Loonidas,' 40 ROLLS CHINESE MATTING. ARCHD: CLARK & SDN. i Shortland-etreet, SOtkAnguit 1866. &c. ECONOMY THE OltDElt OF THE DAY. Being pn the Premises, SWETE & CO., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS THE SUPPLY IS UNLIMITED, & • „ Glycerine Toilet Soap, in. bars and „ tablets.. ON SALE, EX AND OOBNER KaHANGAHAVE ROAD Newton ; and at 70, Ai?» 20 cases Champagne 15 quarter-casks \ fino3t old Port, , > 16 octaves Bruno, Silva & Son ) 10 cases ' 9 packages Tinware BUCHOLZ KINDS PlTr-BTKEET, A J. Stock A A. WISEMAN LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CART AND PLOUGH HARNESS Light. Waterproof Horse Covers Waterproof Polish for Riding Saddles and Bridles Harris's Liquid and 'Paste Composition for Cleaning Harness. Harness Dye and Black Harness Oil Neatsfoot Oil aiid Lampblack Waist-belts and Knife Sheaths S. Co. take this opportunity of tlianV:r.;f tlioir Friends and Futrona for past favors so verj iiborally accorded, and while assuring them that thoy mean to continue to supply a good article at a cheap rate, feel confident that their efforts to please will not be thrown awav, but that they will receive that amount of support which will enable them to achievo success, and tv offer additional inducements to the public. Cash purchasers most liberally dealt with. descrip1£35- Walking and Riding Guitars of every Settlera' produce purchased and disposed of. on hand and inade to order. tion For Price Lists and further particulars apply at tho stores of SWKTifi A CO, Grocers and Provision PAGE S A DDL ES. Merchants, oorner of I itt-ftreet and Karangaliapo Hoad, Newton; and at 70, Kaiangahape Hoad, & second-hand pack saddles: \;ew Newton. I\ J. &A. WISEMAN, & - BVB.—KOTK XHS ADSBMO. Saddlers, ' ■■■■ i)3r Fort-streak 5 „ „ ~ „ ~ ~ „ „ „ „ „ & L E A T H E B. To Arrive as finished, SIDES STOUT SYDNEY SOLE, 12d. 10 Sides or more at I'Jd. wAa O\JU1000 Sides superior Kip 10. Sides,or more 80 doz. Bazils. ....... .... ............ Samples on hand for Sale. 18d. I7£d. 10a. J> BOOT. CABINET AND T BE SBest Best PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. '' ftaera-itewt. & ...... ......... c IRELAND BROS. G O EE's FUENITUEE DOOR MANTJFACT UEER. QUE E ; W ABE HO USE, N-S T B E E T (Opposite the Old Court-house). Workshop—Pmnces-btkeet, (Tho late James Gilberd'a premises,) Opposite the Masonic Hotel. SOLE LEATHER, Is, per lb. la; 10dper lb. Kip ditto Is. Sd"pet lb. Sidney Kip Durham-street. JOINER WORK SASH LEATHER, LEATHER. HAVE OX HAM) COFFEES, SUGARS, OILMEN'S KTOttKS, and PROVISIONS, wl ich tlicy nro OFFERING- at KXTKKME.LY LOW PitlOlSd to Meet tho Times. CO, & OiT SALE BY THE UNDERSIGNED, EX •NORWOOD,' CASES GILLON'S PRESERVED SOUPS, in lib. tins 5 cases Gillori's Preserved Soups, in 21b fins 5 Boast and Boiled Meats, lib tins ditto ditto, 2lb tins 5 .Sausages,, lib tins 9 18 Preserved Milk, 21b tins 30 Tart Fruits Jams, assorted 30 Best Scotch Oatmeal, in 21b tins 1 Vinegar Malt 10 casks CO., BUCHOLZ Eort-street. B, S. CORLETT, OF beg to invite the attention of the Public WOULD to their large and Varied of TEAS, ALKXAND BA' AND High-street. MADE ON LARGE ORDERS. & CO., & Fort-street. OASES GISORE CORD lAL AA "1J_V/V-' Ao. UNDER TAKER, &C Kabanoahai'e Road, Newton, ' E AND LIBERAL ALLOWANCE. IS ALWAYS PROVISION MERCHANTS, BUCHOLZ 'QUEEN OF THE NORTH,' CO., & &C-, f ~ „ Co.) ' ; Per DEPARTMENT 250 tins Company's Plaid, ditto Sydney Soap „ 2 8 T SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, FLANNELS SERGES, MUSLINS, WINSEYS COTTON AND WOOLEN HOSIERY LAMBS' WOOL AND MERINO SHIRTS HATS AND CAPS DRAB AND BLACK FELT HATS DRESS MATERIALS IN VARIETY HABERDASHERY, LININGS QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES HOLLANDS, DAMASKS, LINENS DIAPERS, TOWELS,HUCKABACK HANDKERCHIEFS MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS' CLOTH ING, in endless variety MEN'S, BOYS', AND YOUTHS', LONGCLOTH, REGATTA, SCOTCH TWILL AND CRIMEAN SHIBTd PERFUMERY AND FANCY SOAPS. T>LANK respectable persons froiii procuring Winesand Spirits The PRICES 10 15 40 HAVE ON BALE , ' ' MOEEIN, J. H. BUENSIDE BEERS, EX RITA' AND FLYING- BUCK,* 20 cases Bell and Black's Plaid Vestas WHOLESALE AND RETATL IRONMONGERS CANADA BUILDINGS, Q.UEKS-STRSET AUCKLAND. description ol WINES, SPIRITS, S. & (Successors to Cbuickshank, Smabt, V-'-; rpHE Bags 175 boxes Steele's Double Crown Soap 7 casks Galvanized Iron Chairs and Ship Japanned and Galvanized, Slop Pails, Buckets LINSEED OIL, Boiled and Raw. Turps BLACK ana WHITE LEAD, Paintf, Brushes &c.. &c. &c>, AT THB " l 6 bales 3-bjnhel Lanterns— 8 SCOOPS— WITHOUT ADULTERATION, superior collection frr congregational or family use. 50 ditto Irrqy'a Champagne,quarts andpint DOOR SCRAPERS. NEW ZEALAND The bound with Common Church Servuriety ol bindings. ; ; ' 55 ditto Bollinger's Champagne, ditto 200 ditto Old Tom 20 ditto sparkling Hock 25 ditto Cherry Cordial 36 ditto Orange and other Bitters 13 ditto Paper liangirigs 5 ditto Copai Yarniah 1 ditto Paper Varni-u and Gold sizo WASHING MACHINES— Hornby's Celebrated, with and without Mangle, DOOR MATS— Coooa, Plain, and Bordered, a largp assortment PUBLISHERS, or 28s. per 100. .i'HE NEW ZEALAND DIRECTORY ISCG-7, compiled and published by Stevens & Bartholomew. Melbourne. I'iijo lo*. —The Harrow Atlas, tho Tlarrow Junior 4TLA3SKS hearth runs; Mosaic screens; cocoa, hempAtlas (Classical and Modern), Nelson's Shilling back, and fhcepskin door nuts ; leather and wax Junior and Senior Atlasses, Keith Johnston's, cloths, union and wool damasks and reps ; VicCornwell's, Biack's, &a. toria, damask, cloth, and velvet pile table eoTers; POETICAL W' )RK J—Various editions of Byron, furniture fiinjes, laces, and gimps, 3-4, 1-1, anol Scott, Milton, Cowper, Longfellow, Spencer, 01 coir matting. Sigourney, Goldsmith, Patinorc, Poo, Chauoer, Worisworth, Tennyson, Campbell, Dana, Kirke Habits. Josephine, Ist and second choice in drabs, White, Southey, Dryden, Popo, Thomson, light fancies, white, and black ; habits, Lamot; Beuttie, Herbert, Burns, Ma-okay, Crabbe, Eliza habits, kid, with new cuds ; habits, white and Cook, Moore, Montgomery, Hunt, liloomfiull, silk ; colored thread habits, spun, plated, MaSßey, Browning, Grahame, Bulwer Lytton, white and tan thread gauntlets; children's kid white, men's Bennett Itogerj, Locker, Pollok. thread, spun, and silk gloves ; black, and colored kid ; tan and gold color Barnes' Notes on the Old and New Testament, dogskin ditto; wkite2 aud black Berlin white by Cumining thread. Bible Cyclopaedia, by Dr. Eadie, oth edition Wottcn's white cotton liose, Lislo thread ditto, Man and the" Gospel, by Dr. Guthrie The Poor Han's Daily Portion, by Dr. Hawker Btriped cotton hose, rough brown and dressed hose, black spun, and white aud black silk hose; Motley's Rise of the Dutch Republic cotton fancy and children's white, brown, grey, BObson's The Great Nieces o( History ; men s military Prescott's Histories of tho Boigns of Ferdinand socks ; white and fancy and Isabella, Charles V. and Phillip 11., J-hose, men's rough brown, dressed, and lancy Conquest of Mexico, Conquest ot Peru cotton A-hoso; men's merino, and merino feet Macfarlane's Great Battles of tho British Army J-hose brown cotton pants and shirts, rnorino and gauxe pants and Bhirts. Chevreul on Colours Bourno's Handbook of the Steam Engino Son shades, in black, plain, and fancy colored, lined Mitchell's The Orbs of Heaven and regent do.; black and coloured Tom Thumb Leitch's God's Glory in the lieavons and coloured ties ; white Cambria ties black Hans An-lersen's Talcs and Stories—illustrations Bcarfa, new 6hap°s; gents' paper _ and linen coloured and plain indiarubber collars; cricketing and leather belts ; Arabian Nights—illustrated braces ; printed corah and China handkerchiefs ; Arbeu, a Tnle for Young lVoplo black Brussels and ducapo handkerchiefs ; Melbourne House, with colouroj illustrations ladies' fancy ties; ladies' black aud coloured Tho First Lieutenant's Story belts. Uncle Tom's Cabin, illustrated edition Every Boy's Annual, vols, for 130 5 and 18GG black gofferedtrimmings; Beaded gimpandomaments; The Dramatic Works of Sir E. B. Lytton bluek and whit 9 elastic and white silk tassels Pardon's Handbook of Chess sewing and crochet cottons; crinolino steel ; Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles Lamb threads, silks, twists, braids, tipes buttons, and Homos and Haunts of the British Poets, by a general assortment of haberdashery. MDLLE. LEMPRI J.UKreceives a limited number of young Ladies, as Boarders and Day Pupils, at her residence to instruct in the usual brunches of a Gr»at attention is given to the polite education. study of the French language. Ihe accomplishments are taught on moderate terms. Ladies can attend for instructions in any separate branch of education. The mid-winter Holidays ended; Duties will be aesumeo on WEDNESDAY, July 11th. HOME COMFORTS -076 ■ quantities. ' ' : • " . J " „ I AND J. SOPPF/r having erected a New and Substantial BONE MILL, with Machinery of the most modern construction, are now prepared) o receive orders for BONIS DUST, J and J-incla Bones. The above are cash purchasers of Bone in any " „ „ | AUCKLAND BONE MILL. — . j is Pkoop. Trial STOVE . . i RTCIIARD . . . - ; "BOYAL OAK" HOTEL, CoaxEß of Cook and Chapel Streets. M. HAWKE3 (late of the "Crescent Hotel,") begs to inform the Public and his friends that he has taken the above, which he intends to keep supplied with none but the very best description of Wines, Spirits, &c. Families supplied v.'ith Bottled Goods of the Choicest Quality, at the lowest possible rate. ~ . & . : „ . , EDITfON of tho Home Xews is published for transmission via Panama. The first number, containing nowß from 2nd J uae to 2nd July, ia now due. WATTE BATGEB, News Agents. ASPECT . & : SALE, HAVE FOR H. OOOKE A Large arid varied arrived And: to arrive. .. .v. STOCK pr ■ 6d. " & . .... ' Us. 13a. „ „ " " - j Wood Cot do. ~ & on tho South. Auckland, July 27, 18GC. ; „ Qysters „ Now Published, NO. I—COUNTY OF MaRSDEN, in two parts. Tho Northern Section incluting the Districts of Wungarei, Maugawai, Waipu, V. 'roil, &c. Tho Southern Section includinj; Oi- , M'ahurangi, Matakani, Kniparn, Albert Una, NO. 2.—UODNTV OF EDICN, comprising tho District from tho Wade on tho North, to Waikato ; PER TON Sardines Herrings rniTE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE, AT A LOW PRICE, IS SOLICITED BY Bacon. X Carpenters' Patent Rim, Dead, Plate, and Hamisg .Mortice Locks, all sizes Butter J. M. EEKNOH, Perk, Irisli, Hamburgj and Colonial, in LOOK FURNITTJIffibarrels Cryetal, China, Ebony, and Brass M PORTER AND FAMILY GROCER, Beef, prime mess,. Corks, Vine andsodarwater HINGES— Sperm Candles victoria mart, Patent T, Gothic Hook-off, "WroughtJ and Cast, Sydney Soap Butts, Parliament, &c. No. -11 VICTORIA-STREET, AUCKLAND. Thumb Blue, Oolman's Starch ManiUa, Hayunhah, arid Swiss Cigars* NAILS— Cavendish-.lobacco' ■ Ewhank's, American-cut and Einißhinjj, French Vestas (801 l and lUacfc) Wire, Flooring Brads ! Bottled Alo and Porter J. M. F. has received shipments of Eine Toas, Martell's and Hennessy's Brandy .Urrct, from China, England, and tho BRASS GOODS— Colonies; therefore ha has pleasuro to inform his customers, I slay Whiskey Sash Fasteners, Roller Ends, Rac'c Pulleys . . Old Tom friends; and tho public, that ho now supplies choice CasementFasteners, &e., &o. Teas at the following prices:—Bum Geneva anchor, (key, brands) and bell No. 1 Congou Tea . . ,2s Od per lb. SASH "W EIGHTS, Sash Line, Axle Pulleys, Tower Superior Sherry and Port Wines, in bottlo Bolts No. 2 Kino Tea . .2s 64 . and cask No. 3 Very Fine Full Flavoured Tea 3s Od Ingham's" Marsala OARPEifTERS' TOOLS of every description No. 4 Finest 3a 6d Chambertin, Claret Theso Teas aro in great demand on account of ROBERT SOBRY SON'S— Jacquesson's, Perrier's" and Kogots" their great strength, delicious flavour, likewise for Champagne Circular, Vertical, Pit, Cross-cut, Hand, Rip.their wholesome and invigorating qualities. pine;, Pa.nel, Tenon, and Oompasa Sawa, all All who tako 61bs. of Nos. 2, 3, and 4 Teas will Saddlery, &c. sizes have a reduction of 3d per lb. Theso Teas cannot be Socket and. Firmer CliisoU and Gouges Curled Horse-hair surpassed for quality and price. Spokeshiives, Turnscrews, Squares, Braces American Patent Boiler Blocks Hammers, &c. Maat-ho.ops, Hanks, &o Auugrg, Scotch Screw and Shell. Stockholm Tar Also, supplied at this Establishment : Patent Rose Nails, 3 inch T. S. MORRIN. Finest Currants .0s 9d per lb. Flooring Brads, 2J and 3 inch Mould Candles M untz Metal, 14, 16, and, 1802. 0s BJd Sperm Cundles . Composition Nails . la Od ', T. & 8. MOEEIN Price's Belmont Sporms . .Is 2d . Sheathing Felt : Bice Os 4d White and assortedPaints Have on iSale Soap, best and largest size bars Raw and Boiled. Linseed. Oil .Od lo|d Oatmeal . . , Turpentine 5d Os per lb. S Sham Register and Gothic Hall Best Cavendish Tobacco, only Id por Whiting English Cooking Uanges cake, or Clark's" ETolloware, OVal-pota, Saucepans, .3s lod Fender and Fire Irons and Tea Kettles Prjmo English Hams, just landed . Is 5d Prime English Baooa, just landed AND Lyndon's" Patent Bright Spades, No. 0 HOLLOWARE Is 4d ENAMELLED TINNED of all descriptions and 1 Patent Sheep Shears Plour, Sugar, sad all other articles in. the Trade CUTLERY— Baylia'a" Sydney-made Town Dr»y», Carts, and Spring Carta at tho Lowest Pkice. i/ookwood Brothers' !and Joseph Rodgors and Sons' Table and Dessert Knives, Carvers Bone-dußt, coarse and fine Stock Bricks "English &c. Steels, All articles supplied aro guaranteed to be of good Couriteßs Slates quality. Any alterations in price will bo ELECTRO AND AL3ATA PLATE— 4c., Sc., &e. announced in tho daily papers. Spoone, Forks, Cruet Stands, Toast Backs : Tea and CoffeePots EX LANDING, NORWOOD,' NOW 808 WAX MATCHES, PER DOZEN, Is. Od, BBITTANIA METAL AND BLOCK TIN— ROY,' AND JIONARCU,' Tea and Coffee Pots QUARTER-CHESTS CONGOU FINE iA A jLUU Dish Covers TEA (about 20 lbs. each) Coffee Roasted and Ground on the premises. Jelly Moulds, &c. 86 half-di:to ditto ditto 18 cheats ditto ditto TIN AND JAPANNED WARE— 30 half chests Medium Congou WHAT HARM TO LOOK IN AND JUDGE P Baths, Sitz, Hip, Sponge, Shower, and Foot 20 ditto Ration Tea. Toilet Sots in variety 5 cases Keillor's Confectionery 7 ditto Marmalade TRAYS— 250 ditto German Ale Japanned and Papier Mache, Elgin and Oval 63 ditto Fins Dry pale Sherry „ " ; ; Buildings), "■ ~ Tartaric Acid Hair Oil Jtixed Spies] BUILDEES" lEONMONGEEY. GROCERIES, . & BATQER'S COONTY MAPS. rrfAYTK T T A now series, now in course of publication, compiled from tha latest authentic sourcos; carefully lithographed on good paper. Price, ss. 6d. each Map, coloured <ls. plain. Can be had mounted if required. BEST NEWCASTLE COAL AND FIREWOOD DEPOT, VICTORIA-STREET EAST. (Foot Barrack Hill, adjoining Hardington's Bazaar Bicarb, .gd.da; ... . All very Cheap. ; & Lea arid Perrin's Worcester Sauce Fancy Biscuits ■ ... Stores, Kssenco of Lemon Have... on Sale, AN D BLDEST ON E; for Slieepwash. . ... ... •py ~ .. S. MOEIiIN" J ... ... & An inspection of a very choice selectionof ... ; 30s. T; ALL TO STTLPHTJR COXSEQUEXOE of theEXPIRATION" of th a LEASE of the Promises now occupied by ; 50s. E WHO WISH EEAL VALUE FOR THJEIK MONET 3-4 Mohair poplinots, and grenadines, in selfs, stripes CrtAitr/Ks Blaiiks, tho whole of his present woll checks, cheno, and granites ; 3-Ji and 6 4 elected and splendid stock of BOOTS and SHOES •white and coloured Arabian glaces ; striped and checked Arabian glaces; printod lustres ; silk will bs sold at tho original cost vhices. warp alpacas, plain, mixed, and black alpacas ; s. d. black, white, and coloured French merinos ; Ladies Double Solo Kid Boote, (best) 9 6 French delaines and coburgs; Carmelites 6-4 Ladies Balmorals and 8-4 plain and checked mohairs ; S- 1 black 8 6 grenadines and Llamas; black cottage cloth, Ladies Cloth Boots, Elastic Sides 7 6 and liussell cord ; summer skirtings. Leather Boots, leather lined 7 6 Printed and coloured embroidered muslins; 9-S and 5-4 whito groundprints ; plain, bull', and ehin'z Cashmere Boots c cambrics; new fancy cambrics; 1 trgo pattern Ladies M H Kid Boots prints for natives; black and whito pri'its; SO regatta stripes j e irlston ginghams : dorry ; 3-4i Ladies Over Shoes 2 6 an t -l-l plai'i, striped, and chocked linens ; Men's Grain Hide Napoleon Boots 20 0 furniture prints and btripes, and Glasgow small plates. Mon's Calf "Wellington, (stout) 12 0 Black and white la~e f-liiwls; black, whito, and Men's Calf Hnlf Wellington 10 G coloured grenadine, and Hami squares and Mon's Calf Elastic Boots longs j barege, tis-mo, silk, and Xorwo >d squ ires 10 6 aud longs; wool long 3 and squires fjrnatives. Men's Amorican Nugget Napoleon Boots 14 0 .. .. Black silk mantl's and paletots; whito. bl ick, and Youth's Nail Boots ..80 and black mohair, grenadine paletot*; coloured Girl's, Boy's, and Children's Boots laco and opera mantles; muslin Garibaldi under described— BAY OF PLENTY DISTRICT. A that Land, bounded by a line commencing at the mouth of the 'Waitalianui River, Fay of Plenty, and running due south to the Tarawera River, thence by a ftraiilit line to tho summit of i'utvnaki (Mount Edgecombe), thenoe by a straight line 'o an oasterly direction to the confluence of the J-.iver Tauwhare »nd Ohiwa, thonce by a line running duo east for twenty-five miles, thei.ee by a liuo to tho mouthof jackets. the Aparapara River in the Bay of Plenty. Black and whito silk edgings, laecs and insertions, WILLIAM CHARLES LYON, Judge of the Compensation Court, black and whito c.unbray and mechlin, figured New Zealand. and spotted cambray and mechlin, black and white plain and figured Brussels net, Saxony Opotiki, 3rd July. and Im. Val. laces black, white, and mngpio blond and laco falls, in new shapes; gossamer and gossamer falls, hair nets, boyb and ladies BAZAAR YAIiDS STABLES. linen collars, Arnold's and Cash's IViiling, ajwed edgings, insertions and flouncing?, book and jaconet; 0-S 3-4 and 7-S cambric handkerchiefs infants' Cashmero hoods and cloaks ; infants* long robes; sewei frocks and IS-4 ditto ; frock OESES KEPT at LIVERY, competent bodies; ladies' underclothing; whito aud col. stays, Grooms in charge. and maids , Infants' boys', and girls', ladies1 straw hats, in the newest shapes ; 1 idios plain and fancy straw bonnets; bonnet frames ; boys', youths', and men's straw hats, in white, SADDLE HORSES and black," brown, and mixed straw; whito and infants' miied Brazilian straw hats ; ladies'and DOG CARTS coloured bonnet fronts; black, white,flowers. feathers and plumes; summer &c., &.C., &e., . Crinoline skirts, white and coloured, in Silesia, Allacinn, French stripe", brilliants, India twill, .'-id FOE HIRE. LUma; puffed and trimmed crinolino skirts quilted silk skirts. Jaconet, cambric, nainsook, and mull muslin; pale PUBLIC NOTICE. and black books, and hard books; black, white, and state crinolines ; Victoria lawn; plain and COALS! COALS! COALS! checked leno; o-1 and s—l lappet spots and Household Coals and best Smiths' Coals, sprigs; Swiss sewed spots and sprig", on book in quantities to suit purchasers, at the lowest and jaconet; striped and figured grenadines ; rates. white a'ici coloured tirl.itans ; tipo a"d Swiss checks; harness bor lers ani curtains; brilPOTATOES! POTATOK3! POTATOES! liants hair cords and muslincttos ; puggcrios. Sup rior sample of tlobartTown Potatoes for family White and colored, rolled cambric, 4-1 and 51 rolled nee, per ton, £-3 ; per cwt., us. 6d., or per cwt. silesia, slate and drab Jeanette, ur.ion and linen delivered, 6s. tick, 4-i forfar, Hussian duck, 0-1 striped hessian, 03 and 7- inch hessian and scrim, cheese BONE DUST! BONE DUST! BONE DUST cloths, loom dowlas, huckabafks, glnsa cl-lit2 , huck, white and brown Tuikish towels; tible Coarse and Fine, guaranteed free from adulteration, nipkins an t cloths, loom table cloths, bleached and of the best quality, £0 10s per ton ot and loom dam irk, whito and brown drills, bags included; per cwt., 10s. American drill, duck, brown, and buff; rough brown, black, brown, and ot ite dressed Good Feed Oats, 5s 9d per bushel; Maize, 6s Gd holland; mautlo linen, Brook field s liollands, Bran, Is 9d pes bush-. 1; Uay, tis per cwt. fronting linen, long lawn, cotton and linen Flour, finest Ad-laide, 22s per 103ibs diaper, white and Alhamb'-a quilts, toilet c .vers, Flour, finest Chilian, 19s per lOjlbs. 32 in and On-in. longcloth, Uorrock's longcloth, Bags, new and second-hand, in any quantity, wet wove ar.d Croydon shirting, plain and twilled AT sheetinc, 8-1 plain and twilled greys, India twill, J. HUKST C O S, W. Scotch twill shirtings white, butf, and green window hollands. Queen'-etheet, (Opposite Messrs. Cruickshank, Smart, and Co.'s) Brussels, tapestry, Victoria twill, Kidderminster, and hemp carpets; stair carpets, printed felt and N.B.—Drays proceed regularly to Maungatawhiri drugget, cocoa and Manilla matting, floorcloths ; tape«try, Axminster, velvet pile, aud henip-baek Creek. Company's, Mauritius, and crushed r; . Chocolate, Cocoa Jellies Jams'. Marmalade, Orange and Lemon Peel Confectionery,. 'f Keiller!s'.' and ■ spoon's Crosse" and Blsckwoll's assorted Oilmen's / " It E ... " TEAS Barry's" Chicory " - ... AT OTAGQ-GPvOWN' CO. & HATE ON SALE P ESIOB OONGO II Coffee, grounS iia tin# . Q TJ E E N S T II E E T, ; "VT"OTICE is hereby given that a SITTING of the _I_\ Compensation*court will be holdon at Opotiki, on MONDAY, tli« first day of October, and following' days, for tlio purpose of hearing and determining the Claims of persons to Compensation, en account of the taking under the authority of The New Zealand Settlements Act, 1563," of the Blocks of Land in the ijistrict of Bay of Plouty, and here- SU PF.RKNXIaL BYE GRASS : SEED Red and White Clover, Cowgrass Lucerne, Cocksfoot, Alsyke, Trefoil, Timothy and Colonial-grown Kangaroo Acacia. ESTABLISHED ISGO. CHARLES MARKS,' Co.), HAVE ON BAI.K VICTORIA MAILT, AND SHOES & , COMPENSATION COUBT. „ (Successors to Ciicickskank, Smaxt . "VTILLIAII CHARLES LYON, 3vai whakawa o to kooti whakawa whenua. Opotiki, Hurae 3. DELIVERED Coal, COAL,Wangarei JOHN" fipBESTON A FURTHER SEDUCTION OF PRICES [ te !! KOW'S YOUIt TIME FOR ; mau atu kite pusha ote awa o Aparppara—ki wana. Hoiano Naku na SELLING- OFF ' SOOTI HONG A 3 D. WISE V GEAHAM AND SPIRIT V L C A N .... & CO., MERCHANTS, Ii A ST Inyioos B , of Have on hand ORES, SPIRITS, A-vb OIL HEN'S ?T ' arrived and to airive, andnow offered #t th« lowest .markefe .quotation»�. WINES, FUENITUEE ENGLISH AND: COLONIAL \AT THE LOWEST PRIOES. r Country orders carefully packed. » ; * j i i . 33S'JAS'i'JSa322SO2>, H?2 , , ~ "ipnttr Offtq, i AUCKLAND. for Liverpool. During, the early part of the fort-: W. C. "WILSON'S night -various parcels of wheat were Bold .here, in all. ; ship tho Coq, of Bordo iux, just arrived from the upwards' of 20,000.; quintals at from 2dols. 37i to. >. LITHOGRAPHIC & COPPER-PLATE A great ssa serpent ■:2dols. 45c. bagged, on board the ooasting vessels in; coast of Africa at -Havre wero sales of. 5,000 quint-, pursued mo for two days- U was at least 60 metres the bay,\and of flour thero (nearly -00 feet) long. Thanks to a, tempest-, the als, Talca market 4dols. ,50c. cash, on board coasters, 10,000 quintals in. Constitucion at 4dols. cash free monster at liist .disappeared/' sales, of The p.s. Tasmanian Maid, Captain Johnson,; left on board and for the coast there have been ,(lcss marks at .from 4dols. 63 Jc. to,4dols; 750. yesterday for Coromandel, with several, passengers, Talca 6 per cßnt) on board r?oasterp; for Sintiago brands and wiil return again on .Saturday, night next;.. 10 WYNDIIAM-ST., (NEAR QUEEX-ST.) The schooner Celt, Captain McKenzie,. sailed last / the prices range from' 4dols. Soci'to Sdols ~ 'loss .6.per price steady..av. load timber the of wheat continues to cent, for the Saw Tome Mills, in Wangapoa night 2dols. 25c. in bodega, in bulk; and for flour 4dols. for tho Napier market. Proprietor, of the. above Establishment lias The clipper b irque J onnio Oswald, Captain Devine, 35c. on board. . Barley.—The demand continues dull and. tli=i from Sourabaya, brings a cargo of rice and sugar, added to a: former large; aud varied stock of to at: 1 Martin,, owners; parcels and and boen limited small Xqung consigned to agents salos have dols.'G2.J'.. material some-of the very best Lithographic and of the vessel. With the exception of a. heavy south- which price is.obtained with difficulty, but at the Copperplate Presses to be obtained, with. newest present the little at during which holders show inclination :. same time westerly gale on. the 22nd ultimo, improvements and by the best .makers. Having barque lay-to for twenty-four hours, the' weather to accppt lower pricos although, wo feel satisfied they now the eventually. With throughout tho pa'igige was very favourable.. must do so ONLY v regard to the loss of th<» >arquo Post-boy, in August last, on the esst end •/ ~iruial\vood Island, Cuptain REPORT OF WEST INDIA COMPLETE ASD WELt XPPpISTED MARKET Devine states, that a' .i.ough the vessel became a PRODUCE. total wreck, Captain Gascoyno and his wife,_ with (Preparedfor the Star $ Herald.) portion saved. of crow were A whole of the Liverpool, .Tcne 30, 1866. the her cargo,, which consisted of copper, was also Herewith we beg to haod you our usual fortnightAND brought on shore, but the thieving proclivities of ly report; tho natives were such that they plundered the. surthe exception of one;'or't wo days on ©stalilislnwat Cotlon—With vivors of almost everything they had ; and.opei deswhich themarket was animated we have had a quiet perate savage nearly cut or bit off Mrs.. Gascoyno's < mirket throughout the fortnight,prices however have . in Auckland—the only complete one, in fact, to be finger in trying lo steal her ring. After being fotir been, upheld arid close at. about provious quotations, found in the Northern Island, he is prepared to months on the island they were taken off by a vobsol We quote fair Peruvian 18Jd, La Guayra 12|d execute work of all lands' in a style not to be and landed at Sourabaya. Mrs. Gascoyne sailed in and Haytien 12dpor lb. by any house in the colony and' at _ equalled January last from. Java, in tho barque Postilion, for Ouv actual stock to-day is T958,700 bales, of which, Melbourne, but as tuat vessel has never been heard 23,710 consists of West Indies and CentralAmerican MODERATE PRICES. of since, it his feared that she too, like the Postboy, descriptions. has been lost. —Herald, August 3. Copper —The depression of the last fortnight: has increased during tho past fourteen days, and prices, iioTiCE. ONEHUjSTGA. of tho raw articles must bo again reduced. '£h(i. fotirnvl du extracts the following pasBage from .the report of:Captain.Te« Ja,. of the French Rickets, arriyed in The schooner Helen, Captain from the Tairua Saw harbour yestorday morning, of timber, &c., and sawn cargo with full a Mills, several passengers. South; Bendall, Bailed Captain of the Tho s.s. Star again for Napier last night, With a full Cargo of spirits, Hour, &c., and. .1, passenger. j We allknow that the opening of new lines of communication is often attended with disappointment to the pioneers, but we hope that this may bo an exception to the general rule, and that the fortunate issue of this voyage will prove a pledge of the success of the line, and its establishment on a Arm " Shipping Intelligence. dmjly: 1866# AUGUST 81, THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, JFRIDAY9 4 ■ footing. Tho Mongonui trailer XvanhoO. "In choosing you for tlie oponiug of tho new lust, had. head route', tho Company have shown their confidence in loft that port on Tuesday morning on tho const, and arrived in harbour yesterday winds qualiVESSELS IN HABBOUB. your judgment aud perseverance-for both those brings tho .ballast,, but in Sho morning. conies H.M.S.S. Esk, from "Wellington. ties are essentially necessary in starting a line, where Hall (-), Miss the sea to be traversed is so imperfectly known, and following passengers : —Messrs.. H.M.S.S. Falcon, from Norfolk Island. , Auckland, s.s., from Sydney. where the machinery being untried, difficulties are Hull. Wo understand that an amicable arrangement has Agnes, cutter, from Napier. liable to arise, which must be surmounted or D'-en concluded between the Otago Company and Aleondra, br, fro 11. Newcastle, N.S. smoothed away. Benson, General Manager of tho. P.N..i£'. and: Benjamin Heape, barque, from Sydney. We beg, therefore, that you will take this as t e Captain A.R.M. Company, by which the latter Company, Cassina, barque, from Adelaido. expression of our boli.jf, that bo far as you are conassist to carry out tho contract; between Otago, happy will cerned, nothing that is likoly to ensuro a Eliza Sliairp, barque, from Newcastle, N.S.W. Melbourne. This" desirable agreement will bo Heien, schooner, from Tairua. result will bo left unperformed; and, while thanking and both to the public and the. beneficial Mongonui. Ivanhoe, schooner, from you and vour officers for your courtesy and attention, 7VMixyto" Advertiser. ' Keuri, echooner, from Poverty Bay. we wish you all happiness and success. Auckland, Captain Harris, sails for The s.s. Moteor, schooner, from Canterbury. And remain, very truly yours, Sydney with the English mail, at 10 a.m.,..0n Sunday Monarch, Bhip, from London. Edmund Hobhouso (late Warwiok Weston next. Norwood, ship, from London. H. Cain Bishop of Nelson) On her last voyage to Molbour.no, the Otago steuinPeru, Bremen barque, from St. Antonio. Chamberlain Dundas Cloeto N. B. Bliip Company's s.s. Albion mado one of the fastest, Bol> Boy, ship, from London. J. 0- Watts Kussell D. Lance J. if not absolutely the fastest, passage on record. She Canterbury. from Bifleman, schooner, John H. Bell G. W. Gilles loft Port Chalmers at S p.m., on the 20th July, Boval Exchange, brig from Newcastle. Eliott Eliott G. arriving inside Port Pnillip ijonds iife 4 p-m-, on the George Knox Sturt, p. 8., from the East Coast. Henry G. Patrick 25th, thus making the passage in 4 days 20 hours, E. P. Kenyon Sea Breeze, schooner, from Russell. C. E. Aylmer, Bichard Walter Brodio inclnding hours detentionat Bluff Harbor, haying [Thane of Fife, schooner, from Napier. Lewis Merriman R. A. Scott Williim been only fair days 16Jhours underweigh.. On. the A. Peyman George L. Burchell first day after leaving, the Bluff;, with a strong S.K VESSELS EXPECTED. Thomas Twohey E. J. Crewell broeze, she ran 340 knots, fully 1-1 knots an hour for Charles Pawnall W. Harris JV *t.S.S. Challenger, from Plymouth. tho run.—Otaffo Daily Tones, August 20. 1 " M.B.S. Eclipse, from Sydney. Alex. Huyssen William Bigg Tut: ConstanOe.—The "Circular Saw" liner More Cochrane M.B.S. Curacjoa, from Sydney. Alexander bishop J• Constance, Captain Elliott, failed from Kan FranJ- L. Butterworth Alice Cameron, barque, from Sydney, T N C P, new W. Combe cisco for this port on. the 10th July, with wheat and Fredk. A. Baker our John E. Slaile co do flour. Full particulars of her cargo appear in Stephen F. Monzies N.B.Russell Aspasia, schooner, from Canterbury. Tradesmenwill findit to their commercial columns, We quote Chile ores and regiilus, Ms a 14s 6d ; G. Kirwan Constance, barque, from California, 2 d.p. 6279, A. E. Russell July 10—Queen advantage to give their orders direct to this Callao Biiii'PiNO^Aßun'Ar.s.— bars, £77 a £78; Ingots, £83 and barrilla, nominally ARRIVAL. Hobhouso, from, sailed July 10 MelBishop Right Reverend the Lord of the Morsoy aud City of Montreal, 1.65. Our stocks in. Liverpool and Swansea in first Establishment; If given elsewhere they are either . Coral Queen, schooner, from the South Sea Islands, "To the W. Dundas Cloeto Esq. J. D. Lance Esq. bourne , Lord Palmeriton, from Sydney Monitor, Egmont, 8.8., from the South. completed at this Office or sent on to Sydney, and and second hands likely to bo available, are': 3 d.p., 298 and tho gentlomon from Adelaide ; Sultaiia, from Brisbane. Esq., Liverpool : ores, 2,350; regulus, 3,293 bars, 1,958; in either case two profits have to be paid, where one G. Gilles M. Coßsipore, ship, from London, 3 d.p., 8917. DEPARTURE. 446; following ingots, only need be paid by giving theiu first hand to the lato 25. pissengors per s.s. Kaikoura signing barrilla, items Princ Alfred, p.s., for Port WaikatoVawav.wo SinrriNo.—Tho Fanny, schooner, from Melbourne, 1 d.p., 3782 tho address to myself. The ship Gl.oriosa, Swansea : ores, 9,187 ; regulus, 5,781; bars, 1,357 are to hand, vifl- Panama Harriet Nathan, barque, from Hobart Town. HERALD OFFICE, 10 WYNDHAM-ST. "Tohoga Bay, Panama, the Harrison Foawooa Leech, 413. Captain Lo Bas, was discharging for repairs Ida Zegler, ship, from London, 3 d p. 76. "July 23, 1866. ENTEREP INWARDS. Meteor, Captain Verriey, was loading for the through barque Xily, brig, from Adelaide, 1 d p., 7153 beg I AUOUriT Gentlemen, Dragon, "My Lord and tho Conslitucion and S AN FRANCISCO MARKETS. very Cape of Good Hope Lord Ashley, s.s., fr;<m the South, due 6th pros. the 30 —Egmont, s.s., 308 tons, J. V. Hall, from Tayou to acknowledge the receipt of LADIES' AUT> GENTLEMEN'S VISITING CARDS, Melbonrno, and Marian, for Sydney, were, loading kindly sent for Leonidas, schooner, Arum Melbourne, sailed August 6, gratifying letter you have The Alia of 10th June,says— so tho barque Mary and Edith, had siiilod for ranafci and the South, with 3 cases, order j 1 truss, in July d.p., 7069 1 WEDDING CARDS, Ac., lately brought trip now so —In fair roqueat at the following quotations box, Passengers—Cabin: the Jervis. Messrs. Flour flour 1 H. M. me, respecting wheat ftnd tho tho July, 2nd with Svdn-y on Neva, schooner, from the South Sea Islands, 1 d.p., to a successful termination. With yourselves Stowart, G. Kilshie, J. Hay, Wragge, Messenger, 6dols. 25c.. extra in bbls 6dols. for baker's, ditto in ship Ulcnats, Captain Potts, was loading at Concep- R. AT AN. HOUR'S NOTICE, 8720 quarter sacks; extra, both, city and country, Johnson.—il. halt' and Ritehio, Jervis, agent. unite in thanking the officers of M. cjrdially barque French I most and the in this tion Bay, for Liverpool; Nautilus, cutter, from Napier. the ship for their willing and able assistance in quarter sack* at sdols. 75c , and half ditto at "HERALD" OFFICE, 10 WYNDHAM-ST. Tampico had sailed for Tiihiti. Pegasus, ship, from London, 1 d.p., 9-153, sailed important undertaking, being fully aware of how sdolSi 50q.; superfine in quarter ditto at sdola. Low CLEARED OUTWARDS. tho pasßongers by Monday, tho 20tli May !!6 instant, On me,— thoy assistance afford depends upon the grades are quoted at 25c. per bbl; less. Oregon at much Machiri letter 2 with a AUGUST Kaipara, d.p., presented Captain from 1-137 Sylph, schooner, Sdols. a idols. 750. per bbl, in qr sacks. Free offerbut at tho same time I must say, that a very great the Kaikoura 3C—Prince Alfred, s.s., 110 tons, Alexander FarSiam, ship, from London, 2 d p, 819, sailed Juno 2, and I havo of congratulation on t)io successful termination of the deal rests with the passengers themselves, LETTER-PRESS printing Zealand, quhar, for Waikato, with 257 bugs potatoes, 2 boilers, . ings of Oregon at idols. 50c. a4dols, 87j. Vistula, schooner, from Sydney, 2 d.p., 205S cordial feeling tiip of the first vessel of tlio Panama, New much to see the Wheat —Sales aggregate 41,01 sacks choice old pleased very Winterthur, ship, from London, 2 d.p. 5953, sailed been has existed amongst tho party it has been my and Australian R. M. Co., from Australia to Panama, 20 bags salt, 25 bags mal\ 8 gunnies, 40 bags sugar, crop at Idol. 650.; 2,390 ditto st Idol. G2ie. 700 Executed ■with neatness and despatch, at the lowest that cases .vestas, 2 ditto tobacco., 12 reams paper, 3 June 25. ccompanying it with a purse of fifty guineas, to 2octaveß possible prices, at the honor to bring here as pioneers on tho new routewine, 2 liogslioads rum, casks brandy, SO ditto good at Idol. 60d a 4dois. 87-ic. as an oxpreasion of William and Julia, schooner, from Napier. never seen purchaso a silver breakfast service Coffre—ln large supply and limited demand— in tho many voyages I have mado, I have co il, 77 bars iron, 4 hogsheads ale, 2 bags bags as well thtiir as sympathy with tho undertaking-, occasion, their OFFICE, 10 WYNDHAM-ST. as on this to "HERALD" prevail and Costa Rica fouad and.4oo will good buyers much 250 sacks 1)7 so bags oats, 60 hags (lour, 5 cases groceries, of the captain's courago arid ability ex- wheat, PROJECTED DEPABTUBES. weather lately ex- appreciation that fact, as well as tho delightfulmeasure 6 eases sardines, 5 trunks boots, 10 cases kerosine,. 1 ditto on private terms. during tho voyage. The passengers also prehibited the comfort of I in a ten Atlantis, greai Valparaiso; produce days past for Newcastle. attribute Theexport for the have Peru, for perienced, .1 bale bacon, 16 bags lime, 13jj chests sented Mr. Purser Naylor with a letter of thanks for box handles, N.S.W. Auckland, s.s., for Sydney ; Bessy, for the of the passage. With the officers of tho ship we wish his candles,. 1 cask salt, 6 ca3es gin, 5 cases been considerable. The following cargoes amongst attention to thein, presenting him at tho samo tea, 5 boxos RULING. to your several desothers, are noted, South Sea Islands ; Eliza Shairp, for Melbourne ; you a safe and speedy 1 eases sardines, 19 casks malt, I cask sutorn, Star old sovereigns.-—iVi/wmii and a of purse with The British barque Constance for Auckland, Alexandra, for Newcastle ; Sea Br.'eze, for Kussell ; tinations, and hope that wo may Boino day meet time gar, 4 casks soda, 2 Cases bottles, 2 dit.tj boots, F.. and every description of Mercantile Heads: 24. Bill Herald, July qr Town Tasmanian for 6031 Maid, N.Z., flour, wheat, Hobart 6000 sacks sacks 197 again. Bella Mary, for Sehorfl'; 36 bags potatoes, 2 bags flour, 2 sacks Work ruled to pattern on the Premises. Mr. J. D. Lance has informed me of the Wo hear that bills of landing have roached Cap- clothiwr, 2 cases kerosine, b bags oats, 1 bag sugar, sacks barley,&c. Value 20,388d015. 69c. Wangarei. Manager of the Company, for The schooner Eliza., for .Tahiti* 75g. qr. sacks fact of your intention of presenting mo tain Benson, General 2 cases hams, 2 scythes, 1 case jams, W. J. Young ; "HERALD" coaj. l'pft OFFICE, 10 WYNDHAM-ST. This onprinous cargo . with a piece of plate to commemorate this voyage— 2400 tons of Welsh ARRIVALS. 2 kegs butter, 5 pases sardine, 4 casks brandy, 1 bag flour, and. general cargo. Value, 17,78 tdols. 38c, and ho has kindly consonted to forward it to me—in Cardiff for this port on. June 10th, and will be tho rice, I keg wine, 10 hogsheads ale, I) Graham & Co.; The British barque, Anna, for Melbourne, has AUGUST service. I beg to assuro you largest ever eeon in these colonies. Tho H. B. 17 saoks flour, 20 cases 30—Sea Breeze, schooner, 70 tons, Norris, from the shape of a breakfast 2J chests tea, 4 cases 2,500 sacks barley, 300 flasks quicksilver, &c. Yalue unexpected but will be most Wright has already arrived with Sso tons from jams, RECEIPT-BOOKS, &c., 4 packs, bedding, 2bags potatoes, 16 hhds. beer, 17,774d01s 65 c. Bnssell, with kauri gum, &c., 5 passengers.—Edmonds that this was totally me and my wife, and will I hope Cardiff. Such arrivals are amongst the firit fruits 8 barrels ale, 1 dozen spades, 2 cases by received The Britidh brig, Derwont, for Sydney, has 3,017 gladly bedsteads, R. and Jakini, agents. my boys to endeavour to carry out of Wellington becoming; tho head quarters of this BOUND, AND PERFORATED, 20 sacks pork, 8 casks rum, sacks barley, 2,033 saoks wkeat, &p. Value, 7,725d015, PRINTED, Simpson; bags feed, 22 30—Ivanhoe, schooner, 70 tons, McGregor, from be a lesson to may be their lotto have entrusted Company, and we hope that tho dupo.intendent will 2 cases sundries, Commissariat; 24 bags sugar, 17 6uo. Mongonui, in ballast, 2 passsngers.—Cruickshank, whatever duties itWishing In the best style, at the you all mor.*. heartily a note this fact aud urge on tho construction of tho bags oats, 2 bags bread, 13 bags maize, 4 cases to their control. The Hamburg barque Joachim Christian for soap, Smart & Co, agents. patent slip.—Wellington Advertiser. happy return to your homes.—l havo &c., 2 cases coffee, 6 bags brail, 4 cases oil, 20 bags flour, Sydney, carried 6,139 bags barley and. 8000 qr, racks 30—Helen, schooner, 32 tons, Rickets, from Tai"HERALD" OFFICE, 10 WYNDIIAM-ST. H. S. Machi.v, flour.. Value 16,932d015. 50e. 1.0 cases applos, 17 packages, E. Gibbons and Co. A Schooner Run Down —All Hands rua, with sawn timber, &c., 3 passengers. Commanding S. S. Kaikoura." torribld collision Daily Express a WIIBAT AN'I) FLOUIt. roports 3 cases do., Colonial Government; 2 casks ale, 1 Horthem The San Francisco Bulletin, of June 10, says :— which has occured between tho screw steamor Mary parcel, J chest tea, 1 bag sugar, 1 do. rice, 1 do. soap, DEPARTURES. Another harvest year is closed. In this State it has THE Nixon, Captain Johri Davison, belonging to New1 barrel, order.—GK Hod go, agent. To Thomas Naylor Esq., Purser of theKaikoura, AUGUST unknown, resulting in been a namo one of tho most important in our history, agrischooner, castle. and Kaikoura, July "S.S. ISOG. 20th, 30— Star of the South, s.s., 147 tons, Bendall, for culturally considered. The receipts Of produce in Tlio CapZEALAND IIERALB" NEW "Dear Sir, —I havo tho pleasure of presenting tho loss of the lattor vessel and her crew. Napier, with sundries, &c., 1 passenger. OF EGMONT. ARRIVAL THE on this city have never been so large before, for the last accompanying purso of sovereigns, subscribed tain roports that the Mary Nixon left Hamburg 30—Saucy Lass, schooner, 38 tons, McKenzie, for you The P.N.Z, A.R.31. Go.'a s.s. Egmont, Capt. Jna. ten years, a.s the figures following plainly indicate. Ist ini-t, and proceeded all right until ' h) ■!tli, Napier vii Mercury Bay, with sawn timber, sundries, by the undermentioned saloon passengers of tho tho SUMMARY Vine arrived Hall, at the. 'Manukau yesterday morriPortland way midnight, about half between at All in all. the crop of cereals for the last harvest year voyage Sydney her form when Erst to 30—"Whitby, cutter, 30 tons, Doughty, for Tairua. Kaikoura, on Wight, whiloiu tho cabir., he heard the ing, with mails, passengers, and cargo. She left is generally conceded to have baen the largest and of of their of and Islo as a token Panama, appreciation suitable ballast. in FOE AUGUST, Hard n-port!' Ho immediately Nelson ou the I'Sth instant, during a fresh, south-west best ever gathered in this State. This fact, of course. so successful in second mato rhout 30 —Lady Wvnyard, cutter, 23 tons, Ferris, for your exertions, which havo been Hard a-port until ho gale, which blow very hard during the night, accomgone us a large surplus for export, and. with One extUo vnyjigo pleu-Mvnt n-rul n -jrnmlbln to all. ran on -.'ock, shoutiiiji out Tnuranga, >iu ilcrcixry "B*y> witK firewood, «tp, r 1 milking FOR TRANSMISSION PER S.S. 'AUCKLAND,' original idea and wish of tho p.-.-isengors ww to roached tbu bridge. The engines wore stopped, and paiiied by a very heavy sea. Made Mount Eifmont . ception, our exports of wheat and flour in oxcess of The passenger. you with a harmonium, but it waj within a minuta of liis reaching the bridge the at daybreak, and anchored off Taranaki t 8 a.m., any previous harvest year. During the year just WILL BE rjjßLianEt? 30 —General Cameron, schooner, 42 tons, Wheeler, have prssenteiyou suggested that might profer, yourself, selecting steamer camo into collision with ii schooner, which weather moderate and very fine. Discharged cargo, closed; we have shipped moro flour than ever before, for ftussell, with sundries, cargo, &c. went down almost instantly is'ip was struck. Just took in. mails arid passengers, and left at 5,30, with though Dot so much wheit as the following figure! TO-MORROW (SATURDAY), SEPTEMBER 1, 30—Miranda, cutler, 23 ton?, Jndd, for Hanyuvai, a token in remembrance of the voyage. boforo tho collision a yoiccv was heard from tho light south-west wirids arid fine weather. Made the show Flour, 250,657 bbls.; wheat,"ljossyß3o sks. 1 beg to remain, yours very truly, ■with sundries, 14 passengers. And will contain, all the News of the. Month. Heads at daylight, and. pasaod through, at equal to 607,000 bbls. of flour. Our facilities ft.-t J. D. Lance, schooner calling out Keep your helm a-port!" As Manukau 30—Glimpse, cutter, 31 tons, Stnar , for Wanga8 a.in. Tho Egmont brings news of the arrive! of manufacturing she went down a voice was hoard, imploring assistmeeting Passengers." Chairman of of flour are greater now than they were lei, with sui dries, X passenger. the Kaikoura also Wellington, at and brought over in 18G0-Gl, and hence thedifference. ance, from the water astern of tha BtOauYor. A. boat List ok SunscKiiiKßs. 30—Celt, schooner, -12 tons, J. McKenzie, for !ggr Sixglf. C-opres Gd., or Cs. per Axxuit, was launched and rowed, round tlio Mary Nixon, but some of her paß'ongers and cargo.. She sails again Wheat,—The market ruled at 2 dollars tc 2 dols Napier via Wangapoa, with sawn timber. G. Eliott Eliott W. D. Cloete, (Addressed, and Posted to order if required.) not a sou! was tobo seen, nor iv Yestigq of tho schoopor on Monday for Nelson and Wellington, taking down 50 cents on the Ist of January. Bu'in? the month E. Hohhousc, Bishop W. Scott for passengers the Rakaia. average thij ut was speed which steamer sprung Tho an active demand up for Australia, and prices If. Watts Kusiell W. Weston INWARDS COASTWISE. Passengers.—Saloon: Panami, ex Kaikoura.; From going at tlie time oftho accident wu4 about eight knots R. Aylmer A. Peyman steadily advanced till touching. 2 dols. 30 cents to 2 AUGUST The Mail closes oil Saturday,at 5 p.m. Tho Captain believes tho schooner to bo an English Messrs. Gso. Ritchie, John Hay, and F-Wragg. From dols. 35 cents in the;, latter part of the month. There A. Uuyssi'n G. Knox 30—Harriet, from Wangaroa, with 2 tons kauri ports: Messrs. R. Stewart, Pearson, Mes- has been a gradual decline to 1 dol. 50 Cents to 1 dol. Southern English voice 'that shouted as it was an . ship, out :K) G. Gilles Chamberlain W. R. bushels maize, &c., 7 passengers gum, 50 pigs, Robinson nineteeen sGnger, the and add fore in Tho only injury to the steamor was the loss off 56 cents, the current figures (July Ist). In addition J. L. Butterwortli John E. Staito Flora McDonald, from Ahipara, with 21 casks beef foretopma3t, which caught tho schooner's yard in tho cabin. OiS"EHUNGA. to the heavy exports to Australia, there have been John H. Bell M. Combo and pork, 1 keg lard, 12 hides, 15 tons kauri gum, We are indebted to Mr. Brewer, purser, for full large shipments to China, with limited engagements collision. R. L. Tooth S. P. Menzies &c., 2 passengers Mapere, from the Great Barrier, and the Southern provinces. files of Panama was at at H.M.S.S. Mutino Panama the date of the attention of our readers and England for would call G. L. Burchill J. M. Cochrane •with 18,000 feet timber, 5 passengers; Mahurangi, friondjat Onehunga last advices. Commander W. ft'winburn had boon Flour.—Since the commencement of the current and neighbourhood to the L. A. Merriman W. Gray from Mahurangi, with 8,000 bricks, 1 passenger; her, appointed Captain to vice lilake, beon s.s. on apMonday had The leaves for South. calendar there has that AG-KNOY year shading fact, been a gradual of the' Queen of the Nbw ZstLA'st W. Harris Sur ~i, from Wangaroa, with 30 pigs; Clyde, from Tho p.s. Prince Alfrod, Captain Farquhar, left prices, the decline being fully 1 dol. per barrel under Hekai.i> has been .'REMOVED, from Mr. Watts' Matmrangi, with 20 tons firewood, 200 rails ; Dot, "To J. D. Lance, Esq., and the passengers per pointed to tho Falcon. Tub Cahoo ok thk Cawakiu.— Our Nowcaatlo yestordaymorning at 12.30 a.m. for Waik'ato, liberal receipt from tha country, in addition to the to Mr. Nobton's, Chemist, &0., Queen-street, next Kaikoura, signing the testimonial. from Matakana, with 25 tons firewood; Endeavour, correspondent says:—Observing in ono of bur local Tho s.s. Egmont will leave 6n aturday for the products pf our- Ideal mills. During. the' period under to the Post Office and Court House. from Waiheki, with 300 rails, 10 tons firewood, 2 Colon, Panama, papers somo remarks in reference to the cargo saved South. review there has been a steady export demand, head cattle, 8 pigs, 2 passengers ; Bapid, from WaiJuly, 1860. 24th (9), entirely from the ill-fated Cawarra which are chiefly for China, where our flourseema to be steadily in(J roa, with 3 tons potatoes, 20 cheeses, boxes batter, Gentlemen,—Let mo thank you most heartily correct, and seeing you hove copiod tho paragraph coming in our favour. KAIPAE A. 1 passenger; Ivanhoe, from Mongonui, in ballast, 3 for the kind address you have presented mo, and for journal, give hasten you the facts of I to your into passengers. the generous gift accompanying it. the case. The cargo actually saved from the Cawarra COIN IN PANAMA. ARRIVALS. I need hardly assure you once again that my consisted of somo 230 bag* flour, throe, hogsheads OUTWARDS COASTWISE. We find that Australians are in considerable conAUGUST whole aim has been, next to promoting the interests rum, nine bales corks, about 22 casks wines and AGENDO. fusion 21 • from Nolßon. about thevalue of different coin id Panama —Relidnco, AUGUST , of tho Company I serve, to securo your comfort and spirits, and a few packages t 'a- -the latter are quite Give every maii .thine ear. but fewthy voic© so they will, do well to study the following table, Take eaclr man's censure, but reserve thyjudgman Sylph, put —Black Watch and baok. 80—"Whitby, for Tairua, in ballast; Rapid, for happiness, and it i« a matter of unbounded satisfac27 usele«s. Now, with reference to tho flour, this, was This above, all; —To thine own self be true taking the sovereign as a basis ;— "Wairoa, with bricks, timber, &c. Mapere, tion to me to know that I havo so far succeeded. by a Sydney firm, and, according to their claimod -night, it most as the the rid; follow,, day A for the Groat Barrier, with sundries, 5 passengers ; An English Sovereign worth §5 To my lady passengers J feel, however, undor instructions, sold by public auction, and realised very VESSELS IN HARBOUR. Thod. canst not',then he false' toany man.*' English Silver ■worth 20 per cent lass. Endeavour, for Waiheki, with sundries; Lady very great obligation, for, notwithstanding the satisfactory prices, considering its damaged stato. Ttelinnce, loading at Aratapu American Gold Wynyard, for Tauranga Tia Mercury Bay, with 5G occasional clouds overhead, we assuredly enjoyed per .4 to cent more. AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, AUG. ;:i, -.866. The hogsheads rum were sold also by auction> on Blaok Watch and Sylph, at the Heads Silver■X per cent more. tons firewood, X passenger ; General Cameron, for perpetual sunshine in the Kaikoura. account of tho Insurance Company. The corks aro Bonota, discharging at Port; Albert Mexican Dollars Hußßell, with sundries; Miranda, for Mangawai, with Rest assured tbe happy remembranco 2 per cent mo re. our unclaimed. A portion of tho wines and Spirits have of The Egmont brings us the minist;-?ial stateOunces §16 20 c. eundries, 14 passengers ; Glimpse, for Wangarei, pioneer voyage will not easily t> 0 ell'uced from my tlaimed by tho owners and will bo sent to HydThere is a. ketch-rigged vessel in sight all day. ment of Mr. Stafford, and we fin! that we French 5 Franfca silver 1 00 with sundries, 1 passenger; Dot, for Coromands], memory, or the many, very many, kind words and been ney on Tuesday. may aiate that fho A. S. N. I gold with sundries, 1 passenger Clyde, for Mahurangi, deeds, so constantly said and done to aid me in tbe per20 5 00. have been very near the mark in predicting took no action whatever in referenco to tho Spanish Ounces ■with sundries; Harriet, for Wangaroa, with sun- formance of what, I do not deny, I feared before Company 16 40. that gentleman's policy and real intentions. the cargo saved. Mr. Wallaco, of tho firm, of salo of dries ; Mahurnngi, for Mahurangi, in ballast, 1 pasDollars2 per cent premiam. leaving New Zealand, would havo been a dilllcult Messrs. Ward and Co., agents for There is evidently 110 desire on his part to the company renger; Sovereign of the Seas, for Matakana, with duty. par. 3 and £ Dollars mado every exertion to have tho cargo saved as it Auckland. English, French, and American gold is the best trench upon the Provincial three-eighths. If ■undries, 3 passengers. Wishing you as happy an Atlantic as our pasi came ashore, or floated up the liver, a small steamer coin to bring here. he is compelled to do so, the House alone Pacifie trip.—l am, &c., New Zealand Heeaid Office, being engaged for tho purposo.—Herald. will be to blame. A certain sum is necesThursday afternoon. Tiios. Naylob." OUTWARDS INTER-PROVINCIAL, The Buahinb.— and P.N.Z. A.R.M. Company's receipts to-day The Customs for amounted to sary to meet tlie liabilities of tho colony, AUGUST METEROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. s.s. Itualiine, Captain Beal, had a fair run to Welling- £iS6 10s lid. 30_—Saucy Lass, schooner, 38 tons, McKenzie, for The Sea Breeze.—The fine schooner Sea Breeze, ton of five day a and nine hour;). She experienced and to carry on the ordinary and extraorall I). at Mr, To-day, J. O.'Koefo sold auction the Napier via Mercury Bay, with sundries, for Mercury Captain W. Norris, arrived in harbour yesterday head winds for dinary administration of the Government, the first two days, and light southerly furniture, fittings, &c., of Mr. SteerB Restaurant, Bay; 23 000 feet sawn timber, 3 packages window afternoon, from Russell, Bay of Islands, with a cargo Thermometer. and Mr, Stafford very plainly puts the case Thore was a most nu12am ■ashes, 100 bushels maize, for Napier.—Master, agent. of kauri gum, produce, &c., and several passongers. breezes with calms afterwards. O wing to the strong City Club, Shortland-street. "R*rhCaptain current Cook's Goal Straits, in found himself merous and respectably attendod gathering, the bidwhen he said lie wished the House to August, meter. 30—Star of the South, b.h., 117 tons, Bendall, for She sailed on Tuesday, and experienced light Max. in head twenty-eight miles to the northward of bis course ding wiis spirited, and tho prices obtained highly ITax. Napier, with 20 cases brandy, 100 casks bottled boer, winds alone the coast. The Sea Breeze leaves Ilia. sun. weigh what he had said with respect to when bighting a recognised land mark in the straits'. satisfactory. Tho sale, which lasted to a late hour, 1 case tobacco, 4 i-casks rum, 9 Ciises champagne, 50 for Russell this evening Tho ship behaved well on encountering heavy seas provinces, as the amount which the proover JCI,O(X). sacks 200 bags flour, 5 hhds. ale, 217 bags oats, 10 realised The schooner Saucy Lasi, Captain M'Konzio, loft when 30.442* 81 S.^Y, day sho a not roll much, perhaps on 58 40 out; vinces would get would. decidedly depend At Messrs. Roberton <£: Co.'s trade sale of groceries, Thur. 30 ditto bran, 14 ditto maize. Passenger—Mr. Carter. last night for Mercury Bay, with a cargo of sundries. account of hor heavy does draught, but has a knack of on the amount of ways and means which , held to-day, there was a good attendance, but —J. S. Macfarlane, agent. S v. will load timber thorefor Napier. poking her nose into tho Hoa, which she Bhips over &c Corrected to mean sea level. the House might grant. (Hear, hear.) the bidding was rather slack. The following prices 30—Celt, schooner, 42 tons, .T. McKenzie, for The c utter Whitby, for Tairua; Lady WynyarJ, tho forecastlo. This habit prevonfa Shortland-street. PkAcocz, 62,. Optician, T. being full ste an were obtained North Wilts cheese, Is 2£d'; raisins, Napier via "Wangapoa. with -3,000 feet sawn timber. fjr Tauranga ; Miranda, for Mangawai; and 01impso[ used when tho sen is heavy, He wished that there should be no misunand. was the reason why 7.[-d ; citron peel, ls Passenger—James Williamson.—-S. W. Hill, agent. pearl barley, ;Jgroats, 4d lid; all sailed War.garei, lust fcr evening, with general the heavy spars sho formerly carried when employed derstanding on this, point. He was- not GENERAL POST OFFICE. oatmeal, ti.jd; Havarinah cigars, lis per box Swiss cargo, sundries, &c., and several passengers. running the mail between Colon, and St. Thomas, do., 15s per packet; vestas, lis 3d prepared to say exactly what proportion of cocoa, Is 3d; Mails.c.loeo aa folio*— The s.s. Beautiful Star, Captain Morwick. from were changed ARRIVAL OF THE ENGLISH MAIL AT light for hor present rig. The second the revenue should go to the provinces -Id; Kont hops, Is srl;.5 I;. kippered herFor Coromaridel, per Wanderer, thif Jay, at 9 a.m. "WELLINGTON, PER P.N.Z. & A.R.M. CO.'S Napier, bound to Dunedin, pnt into "Wellington on night at fea she lost her main-trysail gaff. Oil enter- chocolate.; IsSnowdrop, s|d; Mauritius do., 5Jd; ." during the next year, until the House was the 27th inst. For Valparaiso, per Peru, :liis day, at 11 a.m. B.S. KAIKOURA. ing the port she fired rockets and cannons for a.pilot, rings, 7sdo., Cd ; Hobart Town jams (jars), 9d do. The schooner General Camerom, Captain "Wheeler, out of Committee of AVaya and Means. The P.N.Z. A.R.M.. Co.'s s.s., Kaikoura, For Port Fitzroy, per Dawn, this day, at i ;/■ r - but it was not until three hours' beating off and' on crushed tins, 10s SJd ; bottlod fruits, 18s 6d ; Chinese preserves, Captain Maebin, left Panama at 8 a.m. of sailed yesterday afternoon, for Russell, with a genFor Opotiki, per Agnes, tbis dar- At J P "n. that a pilot came on board. During this time the 20s ; eaaoncb of lemon, 7s !>d; gelatino, 4s 6'd ; saucos, The Government would then make calculathti o.t 3 per ißreeze, the 26th ultimo, and arrived at "Wellington eral cargo of merchandize, &c. For Eusseil, Set dangers of tho coast wore made evident by tho load. da7, v m. ." lations of the very last shilling which could 8s 9d : Lea & Perrins* d0.., lia 6d; cur'ris powder Weecko? the Babque Maru.-a.—Captain De- A boatswain in tho chains was heaving on the 25th inst., with the following pasjy-r Ivanhoe. t -morrow, at 3 a.m. tho lead, 1:3.5; mixed spice, la 4d; oriental icklOH, be given after, satisfying tho honorable and sengers : —For "Wellington—Mr. Eliott Eliott, Mr. vine, of the barque Jeannie Oswald, which arrived got a bottom at sixty fathoms ; another Cast, Rn'dand (pants), •F.or the Australian Colonies,, and United Kingdom, via (id ; red herrings, 30s lobsters, 10s 3d in 20s salmon, p.m. just demands of the colony, and if tho Uuez, per B,a, Auckland, to-morrow, at 5 here on Saturday, has huiided us the following the old-fashioned sing-song ho Hay (of Hay Honeypian), Mr. Richie. For "By the 178; | sardines, 7s 6d ; £ do., 12s 3d ; salad oil, I.os announced, of the Kingdom, yia aiso, Panama.; particulars wreck Mrj. and of tSe For United for 'the the which Marina, —Mr. Ren-haw. For Auckland—Mr. wore deep sea eight, nine Captain Beal, who was on the 3d; Cißtor oil,'ls , hair oil, 3b Od; Oolman's starch. House preferred it,, there would bo no obBritish American ColbaiM. the United States; the West furnia!u;d him at Souiabaya, by Captain Brown of bridge, did \VragF. For Melbourne—Captain Hutchinson, i! not catch the words, did not notice Sd; Jones' do., 4fd; blue, i.od light blue, ball, 9d ; Indies, and other Countries of Nortli and South America, jection to make :an allocation of the proN.; Mrs. Hutchinson and child, Mrs. R.yte, Mr. aud tho Ni:;s Kilmanseggc : —The Marina, was bound tho sudden change in depth, whenorsuddenly conveyance by ».s- Kakaia, froin Wellingtoii, tlie Mails for another sperm candles, Is Id ; paper bags, <ld per lb.; conportion available in the provinces for a Miss i. vte, Mr. M«lvin. For Sydney—Mr. Garrett, from Sydney to Singapore, and was wrecked in cast of tho lead told a litt.lq over seven wilf clbse at/the Chief Fust Otiice in Auckland .on Monday' only. fectionery, l2jd : mould candles, 8d maize) 5s lOd; morning, 3rd September, at ? o'clock ; excepting as td Mr. C'-umb, Mr. Potts, Mr. Cowan, and Torres Straits on May 28th. The depth of water on The Ruahine, under easy, steam, was fathoms definite period." then Mr. Tuff. (tC. Money Order and Registered. Letter Mails, which Trill be running The outward voyage of the Kaikoura was performed thereof where she struck was eight feet and she dead in shore, and this time tho boatswain, who forAs wo have said, the expense of carrying closed to-morrow, at 5 p.m. eight went Her dowu fathoms water. in 27 day from tbe time of leaving in tops being tunately was not of the old-fashioned sort, For Taranaki, and the Southern Provinces, per s.s. Qaeen, on the Government must be maintained, and Wellington. tlie Money Order and Registered Letter -Mails Will close letters of thaniu and congratulation were addressed just a-wash. The beiringa from where the Marina the'eing-song, and in plain language shouteddropped VALPARAISO MARKETS. the the interest on tho loans must be paid, and to-morrow, at 5 p.m., and the Mails tor ordinary ly the passengers to the captain and the purser, at sunk are:—Double Island east half north; Inch depth, with the addenda of she's shoaling water The j[crciirio's Review of tho market for Juno2nd Letters and Newspapers an Monday morning, at 9 if the amount raised from iive-eightiis bf the the successful teimination of this the first voyage out Point S.W., the rock being about a cable's length fast." Hor engines another inactivity. of general immediately reversed, and. reports fortnight Custpins dirties. will; not, ailmjiaf. ; The captain and crew a better offing kept until the pilot took so* of the Company's vessels, and for the exertions of from where Bhe wont down. W. CORBEIT, Chief Postmaster. command. Amongst the foreign arrivals during the .fortnight off Booby Island by the steamer Wild we must accept onie of two alternatives—the these officers to promote the comfort and amusement were taken When ho camo ori board it transpired that liia boat were six a'sorted cargoes from Europe. In exports and will be taken on to Signapore. On Dayrell, of the large number of passengers sailing in her. tho had been alternately waiting for and pulling after the domand in general has been dull, although jn. a MARRIED. appropriation of the remaining three-eighths day that the Marina entered the Straits her the Ruahino, who, The mails and passengers for Southampton were same mate like a will o' tile wisp,' kept dart- few leadingarticles there have been some transactions HAMILTON—^TcIIAKY. —On 30, at Myrtle Villa, •of the Customs, or taxation died. Hampton, ing from ono place to nnothor. \U the passengers of some importance. N.orth Shore, by the Rev. ,J. Wallace, conveyed from Colon to St. Thomas by "W.J.R.M. chief A most unusual sensation was cxparienced by two speak well of the of Auckland, to. Elizabeth, eldest diughter of James Mc- lessened as for as .possible by retrenchment; Co.'a p.g. Tyne, and from thenco to destination by officers and crew, but loud grumWheat and Fiotrit.—The demand for export : Ayrshire, Scotiandi Ht,ry, Ksq.,.of tlie G-. H. "Warren and the Truo Bliton, on bling a war vessels, Glrvan, out of STo country ever, yet came the Tasmanian, belonging to the same company. is expressed by tho second, cabin which has been so active for some time past has passen30th of J uri3, whiih had all the poeuliaritios of gers. It appears that the without increased taxation as a conseThey would reach Southampton about the 12th or the saloon: and fore'saloon almost entirely subsided, the wants of.. Australia as DEATH. passing over a soft coral bottom, and, in additheir are both to the .first-cabin passengers, well as of the River Plate and: frazil markets; seem 13thinst. at farthest. quence,., and !New Zealand cannot expect tion, the G. H. Warren, trembled violently all ovor. whilst-thoappropriated ,30. .at his residence, Eden Villa, The passengers for New York proceeded in the second are put in the foropeak—otherwise to be. pretty Weill supplied ; the only vessels taken SHlPHEßD.—rOn'.August to be more fortunate than other countries. Newmarket, Mr, Thomas Shipherd, aged 2'J years. tho steerage. In this department .thorp during, fortnight American p s. ffenrv Ohamney, which would arrive Tho H.positions of the vessels wero as follows: this .and Queen •up Sunday are next, four the Marian are Xlie-funeral willleave'hiis late residence on. '.The- Btamp.r duties the House, has, as yet, Warren, latitude 46'tO S., longitude 32*20 enclosed cabins, and twenty Gh September 2, at 2 o'clock p.m. Victoria for at that port on the30th ult. and the Minerva for Rio. Janohari berths. Two Australia, of K. The first shock—she feeling three—was felt at tho cabins are occupied by lli. ship's servants- eiro., After these demands aro supplied the English made no objection' to, and we believe that it "To Captain IT. S. Maohin, about half-past euht, p.m. The True Briton was butcher, bakor, &c.—ono is for. i igle would:be found most equitable and convewomen, and the market alone remains, excepting of course the reguNOTICE OF BALKS, MEETINGS, &c., S.S. Kaikoura, July 19, 1866. in latitude 44.26 S., and longitude 31*3 E., and felt fourth, having six berths,, is intended as a family lar coast demand, but a slight decline in freights; or nient thatitshould also be preparedto receiv This Day. Dear Sir,—We, the passengers of the Kaikoura, it at nine p.m. It must therefore be presumed Ihit cabin, whoro lw) families can it)ier {.borth tp"Oihur,. in. the price of wheat, wouidpermit;ofa considerable; Sale, of Drapery- Holloware, Weighing Machine, Scales, &c., such an imposition in the way ofincome and. beg you to accept our congratulations on the happy there was about that t "no a volcanic eruption or or, in better re ncy, thehusbmls can being shipped fpr tKat market. Two Vt' m'.s both"ret re quantity 11 ii.in. by Mr. L. \V. termi nation of this the first voyage by the Panama earthquake, at Prince Edward's or Martin's Isl&ld, to the open b jr > , leading property tax, and duties: .levied, on.. wool,. the JlumwcUlo and. Lord of the Isles have boon takiu the Otbinto tho wLib. Performance ot tlie O<M Fellowa' Dramatic Company, ia tho guiOjflax, Sydney Ecrali Aug, 2» those places being about &50 miles distant. and otherproduce obtained chieflj r up daring thei lsa&part cargoesof flhtii Odd .bellows-' 8 p.m. WiudS.TV. ■ : : . ; Weather.—August 30—Fine. .. THE ll ■ f: . . " . W. , ~ . ; ; " : 1 . MERCHANTSaind ; : ; ; " " & ; — | ; ; ; ; ! ; !: ; — ; ; ' I | | ; " " ; " " | " .10ITHLI ; i | ' • , & ; " ; 1 ■ 1 . [ ■ , !" " " ' s ; " J' 5 " ! . . t I ' " ; , ; f WJS 1 I i ; 1 " " The New Zealand herald. " " : , " ; , " - - - - - ; - -■ „ " - - - - - - - - --- „ - ; ~ Commercial. „ - - - - - - - . „ - - - - " i " . 1 *>•... JL. " " ° f " ; > " " * -j " " " ; ; " ; " r " ; • ! & " * " ; J ; & " i " ; " " ; , ... . " .out | &oiil& . — I '' I I J ■' : f i " " „ DAILY.] THE SHEW ZEALAND HEJEtALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, A (JOUST 31, 1866, from the public estate, as would enable the government to make an allocation to the of rlie entire amount of the threeeighths ot the Customs. As Mr. Stafford justly observes, if the Provinces are starved, that is, rendered nuable to carry on public Avorlcs. open up their count iy districts and encourage immigration and settlement, the Customs revenue will fall oil". On the other hand, we believe that if the colony, by ac- 5 From: Californian papers we learn that a new JOURNAL OB VOYAGE FROM WELLING. "crarik aud/Volts very much, Tho remediable ■ defect Ifoon.—Lat. Si 1 soiith ; long. 115 O west, obserand rich raining district had been discovered in POLICE COURT—Tiictesday. is very bad timber in her decks, ami the effect ofth'is, TON TO PANAMA. vation.; distance rim I.6'i' Barometer 30 1-5, California, on the banks tho Yulia river. The leaks in tho saloon and. in the: berths, ; Thermometer, captain's., .miles. (Before Thomas Becha.m, Esq., It.M.)' unpleasant yew (Written ) for 'Course tho 63' ittine, 6G. Zealand Herald barquo Constance had sailed for Aucklaud from e;tu be remediod by sheathing over; which T.ikeher riorth east by north. Wirid north north-west. Speed DRUNKEN-ESS. >v.' Sunday, June ill, 180fi. St. Francisco, with 0000 sacks of flour, and tor all .in all; she 'is a iino vessel. with very many knots. Jame3 M'Gniagan, James Connolly, George of engine 43. S.trong galo (JO2I of wheat. Left Wellington at 1J..10 p.m.; off Cape Palliser at eo tilfort .J: and Conveniences, for passengers, in go fur us and cloudyRevolutions* lioavy John heiid.sb.i;, ship .Brown, Bride, M' pitching violently, Charles Weston, MarTestimonial to Cai>tain Maciiin and Purser o p.m. ; ship rolling considerably from tho h«ad sea a. lilt*at sea can be m i:le eomf»rtabio and convenient. . Sunday, July S. garet Smith, Bridget Hawkey, Dennis reading *'■ Xj.ost iSir Altissing berd,' 1 and gavo Xavi.ob.—On Monday, the 20tk inslaut, says caused by tho strong south-east win of yesterdaj-; . When w.tj lelfc Wellington: everybody said, ' Oil! O'Leary were each charged with and this offence, wind still south-east, but gradually dying away; iiuu it up,, too sensational (or my a*. Well as unwhen, you get away from tho cpast of Now Zialand the Panumii Slur of the 'itth July, the passenand ordered tc>' pay a fine' of 20s, and costs, or Monday, Juno 25. .natural and unlikely in its.' incidents ; began hi its you will get lino weather." gers by the Jlaikourapresented Captain ATachin weather. When you hare been in default to be imprisoned -18 hours, with lie; Siu'ill House ut Arlington," by' Anthony place hard Tho south-east wind died away during tho night sea a. week or ton flays you. will .get into warm .fine with a letter of congratulation on the successful and at light north- w«st wind sprung tip, which gra- TrpUopo, a weather." And here we have entered upon our 16th labour, cepting the imposition of such taxes as we termination of the trip of the first vessel of the dually increased to a modorate breeze, so that at noon oort. —Tjiit. iO~2 / 3.. Long, l ilo '10 \V.; both by day at sea, and had but' ono 'really fine day LARCENY. since we JS"ew Zealand and Australian Uoyal wo wore rattling away with all sail have mentioned, would enable the Provinces Panama, ilenare (a native) was brought up, on remand, sot, and the ship ..Observations. Uistunjo run, .IO'tJO miles since last started ; at. the* best it'lias been dull and cioudy, to receive a full income to be devoted to Mail Company from Australia to Panama, ac- much steadier in consequence. Passed a much better observation, on. 23th .Tune (1 day ß —2o3 milesper day .) the wind j.ust allowing the .square sails to dranr,with and charged With Stealing a piece of tobacco from it with a purse of 50 guineas, to night than I expected. X really am surprised to sec liar; Ijti.'oO.. 'l'lier. 0.7', captain's cabin on deck ;1 in vtiry often it. has bean companying reproductive expenditure, the Customs re- purchase silver ruining hard, for the whole the shop of Mr, Lewisson, value 2s. 6d. a breakfast service as an expres- the large number of passengers at tho saloon table ■nine., which is. below Opposite tho main hat-lij Oo.'j", day,, so .that o.very sky-light, scuttle hole, or wherever He pleaded guilty, and was ordered to be imvenue would soon be so much increased sion of their sympathy by Cornpiss ; I.J points deviation the air could come, had to be closed to keep tho wet prisoned for with the xtndertakiug as at meal time, but I suppose it is to bo attributed to Course, N.E, labour. 14. day's; and. that the thereby, necessity for continuing well as of their appreciation of the Captain's the fact that our insular position makes tho sea our will make the true course, ;N.K. by N. VVind, N. Put, but without succtiss;, for tho deck as. well as tie drunk ox noittD'SIIIE, 't these supplementary taxes would cease in courtesyand ability exhibited during the voyage. highway, and evoo* ono who moves at all mint of We are ilms still not much to tlip north of Wel- sky lights leak so fearfully that tin; saloon and most, Dennis was O'Leary with charged being drunk the course of two or three years at the Tho passengers also presented Mr. Purser necessity do it by sea, eo that we aro all move or loss lington, and mora, than a debtee to the. s;outh. ofwhera of the berths ace atl'jat ; this is the case to-day, OH board the shipMonarCh. to reekonins, by'doid accustomed w.e calculated voyages. sea accountod for by a every thing above and below, wherever you go is Navlor with a letter of thanks for his attention farthest. He pleaded guilty, and was punished ill the Hoon.—Lat. 12'0 south; long. 17!>':M cast. Noon supposed current. sotting us to tho. south. These wet, and as you walk along tlio carpat in tlia saloon usual, manner. It is, wo believe, understood that Mr. to them, presenting him at the same time with a course, south, SI east; distance from '"'ape Palliser, suppositious currents are very oonvonient sometimes. it goos squish, sqush,. squish, squash, in the most purse sovereigns. [The of 32 addresses and This concluded, the criminal, busiaess. 18.T miles; L'tO from Wellington. Thermometer, Johnson will lead the Upper House, but Tuesday, July 3. juicy state. Hugh ! it's '.horrible; the thermometer Monday, Juno 2f>. that Mr. Stafford intends that lie shall be replies will be found in our shipping column.— ili°. pur HuriaH Civil Cases. ! a glorious day, which we duly appreciate s.tiflod, stewed—washed inside OS feet 0 Ki>. N.Z.JL] Why yesterday was Monday, the How is this (Before His Honor T. Beckham, Esq., B.1I.) assisted in taking charge of tho business iivc. or six days of wet.; everyone is coming and out into a flabby condition. What will it bo A person named Edward Lcylaud was appre- i?sth. Yes; and so is this, although wo liars been after i.lielast Q.ut to en joy itj old and young, big and little; except in the tropics, if it should rain there by another colleague—some say Mr. hended yesterday by the police, charged with •18 hours out from UNDEFENDED CASES. Wellington. This is explained poor The Bishop read prayers at 10J a.m.; in fact, we Mi -. Lance, who is a great sufferer. As might well be imagined, embezzling tho sum of £1 from Messrs. Green from the fact that sinco yesterday wo have crossed VERDICTS TOE PLAINTIFFS., Wo are keeping mora fc<j tho iio tthward this morn- have had prayers each morning theso last three Verdicts were given for plaintiffs in the foltho meridian of 180 , and thus gained a day. Our ing, all eai! the admittance of the last mentioned and Co.. Queen street. alone ; Sent down mornings. stowed under steam JiuKATr.M.—ln our issue of yesterday, in a longitude will therefore be west to-day; yesterday it topgalUnt yards too,, which BOi'ms Noon. —'Lat. '20"10 S , long. 112*25 W., by account, lowing eases : —M'Caul v. Fox, £3 10s 6d; individual iuto the ministry at all was that tho Nicoli v. ..Lee, £1 13s; Biirnside and Co. v. east ; and for tho saino reason when wo return wind expect to bays even in t.h) trades will not dist nice run, 170 miles ; barometer,. 30*03 ; thermomenot popular in the House, nor quite local paragraph relative to the parade of the was day. shall loso wo a ter, captain's G7 °; mine, 68 j course, N.'fT.E. JK; Hay ward;, £7 12s -Id; Holbrook v. Wood, 15s; mako them useful, this is contrary t» expectation. in accordance with Mr. Stafford's own views Auckland Troop of Volunteer Cavalry, which Wo have a fiuo breizo tho lust 21 hours, all Bail Buckland v. Higgle, £10 lis 2d'; McArthur 1 w:as much amuso lat the rem irk of oiio of our wind, X. W.; speed, 10 knots ; revolutions, 11. took place ou Wednesday, Mr. llylaud is menor feelings. It is said that Mr. Pitzherbert tioned as "Cavalry Drill and making from 11 to 111 knots, with line passengers yestorday, after dinner, daring dessert; We have b.jen only doing G, (!£ and so on the last McMahon, £3. ' Inspector," we should set, clear weather. This has induced our lady pasaongora some one offered liim some o'.ives, ho helped himself 2*l hours. and Major liiehardsoti made Mr. J. 0. have said "Drill Instructor of Cavalry." The weather has been, dark, rainy, and NoXSUTTS. to como out; Mrs. Wootis, Kussell, Mrs. Lance, Miss to two or three and after taking two or three chews heavy scjual.ls ; ship pitching heavily (aud. sometimes Nonsuits Richmond's presence in the Cabinet a conwere recorded the Obtaining Money undue False Phetknces. Kirwan, Mr.s. l'ownall, in following &a. Uw. Clooto (Bishop dition oil which they themselves took office. —A man named George M. Campbell, released llobhouso's sistor), is a capital Bailor ; alio has been at them, spat thorn out with aI sorry face, saying, in a most extraordinary m inner, on one or two occa- casesßartlett v. Shaw, Williams v. Kelly, sions last night she jumped into it. with a wonderful Wilkinson v. Scott, Keddy v. Taylor. Wotl, them's tho worst pickles over tasted." There is an old saying that birds of a about a fortnight ago from gaol, after having to sea with hor husband many voyages while ho wni long. 129"3t W. both by ob- kick up astern, and an apparent attempt to turn Noon.—l.at. 38'IS Judgments Confessed, a term of IS months' imprisonment in the P. and O. Company's boats, I beliova it ms, servation : distance 8.;229 miles ; feather,«fcc.. and it is fully exemplified in undergone round in the middle), and shipping a gool deil of run .40 barometer 3d Phillips and Son v. Busden, jun.; Phillips for forgery, by the police yesterday Mr. Lance looka and is very ill l'rom somo disoaso thermometer GO -, captain's Cabin; mine 60,39 (tho water over the bows. If this is to be called a fair the conduct of these two gentle men. Even for obtainingwas arrested and Sou Leidard. v. of from which habitation say wants a and a name. Now bull'a- eye has b ;ei\ open in my money, varying they ss. berth all the day); weather passage, I should like to know what a foul Cabinet ministers have a right to choose to 10s., fromsums Defended Cases. several tradesmen in this town it is an enlargement of somo of tho v.crtobru) of the by ornpasS; wind 5.8., light ono is; fair weather must be either to the north or N.B. their owu company, but they caunot [ire- under false pretences. He will be brought neck ; now it is an internal abscess ; but thoy all dif- Course SMITH; V. OEACB-. breeze ; speed knots; revolutions 43, thia is about else tlio south of us it certainly is not in the course fer, and cannot say authoritatively what it i-t; at all as miny revolutions as the/ can nvike under Mr, vent the public from drawing its owu deduc- before the court to-day. appeared for the plaintiff Mr. have Fore Weston coma. ana main trysail stowed, topsails, tho we ATcCormack for the defence. staysail set. tions. It was. we arc told, owing to Mr. Settlers in the North will henceforth have events, ho cannot move his head without the most present circumstances, becauso tho present screw fprosail, jib, and Claim £17 18s. Bd., upon an agreement for Stafford's standing out against the admission an opportunity of sending their cattle to a con- intense agony, and gats nj rest at night without shipped in Sydney, in substitution for the one broken 9 p.in • -It has baou raining hard all day. We opiates. Ho is going homo for advice. on tho voyage from England., is Only a make shift, have managed to catch a little water too, which is cartage. Mr. Richmond into the Ministry that caused venient and adjacent market. Mr. Alfred 17*1*1S Noon.—Lut., 42 we*t. and was hot mado for this vessol ; the objection south; long. 51 the quite a treat, for water we get from the conAfter partially going into the ease, it was reis so much time to elapse in bringing the coali- Puekland has made arrangements with Mr. noon, couvso, south 80 oast. run, 2GO that the pitcli is too great, and brings the engines denser lias for some days past tasted frightfully of tho ferred to the arbitration of Mr, Wyna. .John MeLcod to hold monthly cattle markets at miles. Thermometer in my cabin,Distanco oG. tion Cabinet together. up when worked up to full speed. This is the techcastor oil which thoy usa for the engine. The heat IiOWKV V. Henderson's mill, on the second Wednesday of CABTWBIGHT. Tuesday, .Tune 2G. nical expression of (ho engineer, but what it moans belOw is very great; my thermometershows 72 . One tiling that will much help tho finan- every month. The first auction will be held on Claim, £2 ; for fencing. What a one is, ship monotonous life this aboard About ability. got is beyond my engineering six p.m wo a ligh t air nearly right aft; cial policy of Mr. Stafford, is the determi- the 10th of October. Mr. Keetley fordefendant. perforce sinks down into a great deal of tho animal. Wednesday, July 4th. cleared up about 11 p.m. We expect to sight Easter No appearance of plaintiff. nation arrived at by the Home Government, A largely attended meeting of No. t ComVVhen wo wako in the morning tho question nsked The arrangement oil board for atteiidnnco on the Island about breakfast time to-morrow. and notified in a despatch only received on pany A.'R.y. was held last evening, at the Old first is, how long to breakfast!'' thon how long to passengers is ample and good, and most efficiently Nonsuited. Monday, July 9. BENSLEY V. MOSS. tho 22nd, of leaving one regiment in the Court House, in Queen-street. Lieutenant D. luncheon when will it bo dinner and tea-tiuio ? and conducted undortiie superintendence of Mr. Pitcher, A fine morning; all sail set; wind ahead sighted CJaiin, £'9 15s for wages; long hour), p.m. A. how to 11 out at that so and for (lights (formerly Tole the chair. The for that chief stoward Easter Island ; many years 27.1) at 8 a.m. lat. long, ,S., occupied object its circumstances, i e., whether colony under any a Mr. Brookfield go to bed? The chief of one's thoughts, as steward, on board rn iny of tho P. and O. boats). I 25 W. There is aft old whaling captain on board may for the plaintiff Mr. McCorpaid ibr or not—whether it be war or peace. which the meeting was convened having been we far as personality is coneorned, is mthing but o.iting never saw a (Webb by nariie), who was at this island three years mack. for the defence, more rogularly or as well conUnder these circumstances, Mr. Stafford duly explained to the Company by the Chair- aud drinking. I sleep much bettor than C did on ducted, aiid 1 vessel Sarah cannot tliinit his system could be imBensley deposed: lam a domestic, serago ho was not on shore, hut was close in at author man, it was proposed, and duly seconded, that may save the whole, or nearly the whole, of Lieutenant D. A. Tole be nominated Captain ; shore, at least I havo done tho last two nights, and proved pn, thd regularity with which tho moils aro aiid trading w.ith the natives. From what he sa)'s, vant. Prior to the 7th of March I was housebeen constrained to curtail my f '.Mag to put oii the table hasi often surprised mo. One is prethere is good anchorage in a sat'e bay on the N.W. keeper to defendant. at the rate of £2 a month. the sum proposed—£ SO,OOO. if we recollect and this being put to tho meeting was curried cat—l hive twice a day, breakfast and diuner. pared amidst tho incpnvonienco of a sea voyago to side of thfi island. What a capital coaling station it I entered his service on the 2()th of June; 1865, rightly —to be speut on a defence force. unanimously. It was then proposed that !£nsign Still carrying a fine breez-j, all sail s.' oglno find his dinner Or breakfast occasionally delayed, but would make for tho steamers bound to Panama. Its and left on the 30th January, I returned to his C. P. Phillips and Mr. A. Morrow be nomi- going dead slow, making and 11 knots all on no single occasion has this happenod no matter distance from Capo Palliser is *1300 miles, and, a3 w 6 service on. the 7th of March, as housekeeper, MiyisTEniAi. Ensign Statement.—Thanks nated Lieutenant aud On respectively. The to through the 1 hours. what the weather or what the hindorance, no sooner havo been out Si! days, that will give us an average of the same rate. I charged from March 7th at the courtesy of the purser of the Egmont—the this being put to the meeting it was also declared Noon.—Lat., '12-iO south; long., 1.0)-05 wost. has the bell struck the appointed hour than out rings 270 miles per diem, this is by a calculation worked April, 21sc, at ten shillings a Week, as nurse to to postal authorities at Wellington not having to be carried. Other matters of importance Course, south 81 east. Distance run, 25-5 miles. the bell for breakfast, luncheon, &c., as tho case out by Captain Bell, but he must have made some the defendant's This I charge additional, son, mistake, for we have not made that.— (See Monday been of thanks to the 30 L'G. Thermometer in my cabin, 53 ;in may bo. discussed, Barometer, a vote thought fit to despatch a mail by her—we have having as told could not I him I act as nurse.. and the captain's, on deck, 53. 10th, for mora information about Easter Island.) Mr. Pilchor has under him tho following staff: received a copy of the Di'etson Colonist of the Chairman terminated the meeting the; same money. I told him Wednesday 27th. cecond steward, .1 storekeeper, 1 barman, 1 pantry6 p.m,—Captain Boll's previous calculation was housekeeper for Mr. L. W. Eaton will hold his sale (con23th, the only Southern paper which reached t should a week extra; The charge shillings hangs pood Tho wind still but ten to tho north and a 1 chief 1 a *, west, man, cook, cook, worked, rough second one he has sinoo scullerymao, out tinued) probit of Stafford's of and the holloware, Mr. 1 1 drapery, stationery this place, Laving in a report slashing breeze, carrying us along 11, lli, and 12 baker, 1 butcher, 1 butcher's mate, I ship's cook, 4 lem, and finds the correct distance of the island to be first thing. I had to do was to -out him. in a bath speech on the 2lth. enunciating the policy of this day. bolrooru stewards, 4 saloon waitrrs, 1 saloon boy, 1 8813 miles from Caps Palliser, which would give an and cleanse him, from head, to loot. I had toatPaenelt, Hall.—Public services will be held knots, with tho engine going dead slow. Consumptlxe newly-formed Miuistry. The speech, as tion of coal, about 23 tons per day (New South oKcers' servant, .1 engineer's servant, 1 boots, 1 bath average of 2QS mile 3 per diem. The island bore B.E, tend him night and day for six weeks, I was taken by the Culo/iist from the liuhpfmlent of in this hali on Sunday next. coal). boy, 1 stewardess, 1 fore cabia steward, making a E; . distant 15 miles. the only female attendant. After John reMr. H. N. Brewer, sub-collcetor of Customs, Wales the 25th instant, was published by us yesterday Noon.—Lat., 42'*17 south ; long., 1G3'03 wost. total of 27. JJoon —Lat. 2G 37 ; long., 100*15 ObserTa- covered, ar.other sou, Eobert, came up, he was in our Extra, but owing to its being hurriedly invites tenders receivable at the Customs ollicc, Distanco run, by dead reckoning, 2Go miles. BaThe food is good, cleanly, and well cooked, tion—Distanco run, 237 miles. Barometer, 30 10. in a similar state. I attended him threemonths Noon., —Thermometer : Captain's, 70 0 ; mine, 71; at the request of his father. The two young got out. some inaccuracies occurred, which are Onehunga. until Monday, for repairing Customs rometer, 30-26. Thermometer, 55 and 53 in the c p- and our tablo is not deficient oven in made boat, for temporary use ofboat at rate per hour tain's cabin and mino respectively. amended in the italics in the revised copy redishes und ontres with French names. Tea speed, 11 knot", course, iior'-nor'-east; wind, nor 1 men recovered. I left off nursing them on the when employed, and per day if required for So we are still keeping in the parallel of 1-2 of latiand colfeo are supplied by steam perco- west by west ; revolutions *11. published to-day in another column. 31st July. The sum. of £915s is due to me for tho latter is very good, but. I can't, say use. tude. The object of thus keeping to tho south is lators Tuesday, July 10, What Coin to take to Panama. —The Star government nursing. Dr. Nicholson attended the patients. Transport Tenders.—Captain Spain ivites that when wo mako our northing and enter tho much about the tea. Tliero is u cow which supplies along night all last and this morning, Rattling notification : Herald contains the following tenders for the conveyance, to Australia and south-east trades wo shall mako a fair wind of them, us with milk—she caiijo out from England with tho with tho wind about west by north or wost-norih- Dr. Pinching sometimes attended, We find lhat Australians are in considerable Cross-examinedby Mr. McCormack : I left Mr. wing) whereas if wo wo.re to m ike a straight course from vessel, but her milk is not always sufficient for :>o -west, and. doing 1.1 and ! IA knots. confusion about the value of different coins in Tasmania, of the 14th aud 50th (one our Wellington to Panama, tho trado-wind would thon bo large a numbor of passengers as wo have, so that we Six of tho firemen in hospital,.reporting themsolv s Moss' service in the first instance on account of Particulars bo found adwill in Kegiments. well the not having sufficient food. I was allowed half a to study Panama, so they will do sick ; the genftral belief is that it is gammon. Hownot unfroqueatly haw lo fall back upon preserved against us. vertising columns. following table, the sovereign as a basis :—An over, with the treatment proscribed by Dr. Knight pound of meat a day, and had to.fast .fyflni 8 ia Tho carpenter is fitting up tho sorting room to-day. milk. English sovex'eign, worth five dollars ; English * ■ aijain'if case; Thoa Stewards "t'hfl stood this for sis months; I did not leave then All the fittings are ro:idy, and only require to be seiVcs it is tho while, proper Cliis ho law court, police court, or whatever else it WELLINGTON TO PANAMA. silver, worth twenty per cent, less ; American for a sick man, it is not such as a healthy without notice. I provided anothor servant bemay be called, to whiih thoy are amonable for petty treatment One of our follow-passangers lost Vnc numb )r of tUc first portiou of the expei-iwould to. gold, four to four-and-a-half per cent more; To pai willingly subject himself fore leaving. He did not make me a present of his mess this morning; that is, tho bullock wo ollencbs, and in which they try and settle, thorn ono American silver, one per cent more Mexican ---enees of a passenger per Avaikoura from WelWe entered the tropics to-day, about 11 a.m., but ten shillings when I left. I did not ask him to killed, and a fine fat boast amongst themselves without apperling t> tho Officers', dollars, two per cent, more Mexican ounces, lington to Panama. Wc shall continue tho same shipped at Wellington was oright the wind still sticks We to to us. northerly take me back. The system of starvation conwas an. oll'ertder tried la t nigfc'" lw was, weighing over llJ'lOlbi.; but, roor brute, he of the ship.. 'There of sixteen dollars twenty cents ; French five-francs until concluded, and will then publish the looked have tho south east trades before this. I think there tinued when I went back. I never had my son water into a comrade's bo~ very unhappy, aud would soon havo lo<t for upsetting a pail couple of points variation the house except an hour or two in the evensilver, one dollar : French twenty-francs, gold, journal of another passenger, detailing descriptook refugo. in ono of the saloon berths when tho has not been more than a ho ilesh. in his we loft Wellington. four dollars; Spanish ounces, sixteen dollars tion of the trip from London to Panama. timo of trial arrived,from whence, the butcher and his in the wind since Thursday, 2Sth. ing. I hold bills jn my hand that I have The cuisine of the ship is. very well conducted if to pay for additional forty cents: Spanish dollars, two per cent, food I had to procure, .Still rattling on a good spood. I thought fro:r. tho mate, habited as policomon, with the aid of black anything, too well; .fa, it tempts one to eat moro premium ; Halt* and quarter dollars, par. THE HON. J. C. RICHMOND AND THE specimen we had of tho ship's rolling tho day we left billies, a hull's eye lantern, and chalk to make the When I received the last Settlement I told Mr. than is good for health when our facilities for best duly him French, marks, distinguishing and American is the marshalled gold disagreeable should havo and wliito claim a English, Wellington, that wo Moss I had a of Is for bringing back a THEORY OF DEVELOPMENT. of the judgoand jury. The counsel exercise are so siniiU and prescribed. Not only have coin to bring here." wet passage ; but I am agreeably disappointed, for into tho presence wo plain, honest roast and boiled, but the table is not. dog and twopence for blacking. I havo never Tije Fine Arts have never hitherto been so Ix our leading article of yesterdaj', we alluded since we havo had our canvas set she has for tho Crown prosecuted, and an able advocate debeen the Lunatic under treatment. natnis. Here in Asylum foreign kickshaws" with lacking of surprisingly fended him, but without success, as the jury found I am. astonished to heat you ask any such ques■worthily represented in Auckland as they now to the fact that one of the members of the now been really very steady andladon is tho bill of faro for to-day as nho him guilty, but with oxtenu.iting .circumstances, and are at 'Messrs. Eittenberg's, Shortland-street. Ministry had heaped personal abuse 011 Mr. dry for a vessel so heavily tion, Mock Turtle Scitip. that alio has somo 1300 tho judgo (himself and all officers of the Court being A visit to the beautiful exhibition of the fine Stafford, even to the extent of designating him is; for wo must not forgetBother Dr. M. E. B. Nicholson deposed that he was : Ham it, I can scarcely in proper forensic costumo), takiiig into consideration Roast Turkey tons of coal on board. medical attendant on tlio two sons of defendant. pictures now on view will, we are sure, repay as an ape. Curiously enough, the Colonist of right, the verdict, and also a certificate of character, sent in Roast Shoulder Mutton Boiled Sheep's Head amusing Naylor, the is of the purser, somo for every one. The subjects are all those of our the 28th, a copy of which we received by the lady passengers about his troubles in volunteering to bv many of tho ladies arid gentlemen of tho saloon Roast Pork They were in such a state as to require constant Malabar Fowls Royal Acadamecians and other well-known Kgmont yesterday, refers fully to the occasion nurse another lady passouger's baby while she (w ho, as the judgo s ud, were of the highest and most Boiled Log Mutton oiid Ox Tongue attendance. Mrs. Bensley was nurse to tliem, of this uncalled-for and inexcusable iusult practised the jii itio, in tho doing ot which ho came undoubted respectability), passed an exceedingly Roast Fowls and attended tliem night and day. She was' a Caper Sauce painters, A \rrisa the passengers from England via offered by Mr. Richmond to the present head to grief, and he has been resorting to all sorts of lenient sentence: on hiui. Tho Court was closed to Corned Beef, and Carrots Cornod Pork and Peas very good nurse. He never saw a case which, himself ncv conducted, really of three Auckland the Government of which he is is well strangers. Pudding of As this system Giblet Pies. Panama, we notice the names more required a. nurse. to-duv (tho baby nursing was yesterday) all There is an animal" says the subterfuges and saves tho ofiicors of tho ship from settling un- Boiled Turkey and OysCross-examined by Mr. McCormick: No citizens, Mr. George Ritchie, notary public; a member. in order to escape a similar infliction, and hia rela| ter Sauce Colonist, belonging to tha genu* Itomi, who blame is to be attached to the young men.. The tion, and the laughing comequont, thereon, render it pleasant disputes and listening to itl-lbundud charges Mr. John Hay (of Hay and Honcyman, mercoiitiiiuo it complaints, really office of Commissioner and it is desirable are to to fix to it, F.-Wragg. glad thoughts and fills the honourable iind one's anyMr. now on difficult, bo I chants) state they were in was brought about by their Vegetables: Potatoes, boiled, baked, and mashed "Welcome back these gentlemen. Mr. Ritchie, of Customs in and for Her Majesty's Colony of thing else. Noon.—Lat. 36- 3 S,; long. 125-22 W., by obserillness and coming up from the Grey in a small I havo been thinking to-day that this routo from vation distance run, 210 miles barometer, 30-11; carrots, green peas, French beans, and haricot beans. boat. New Zealand. Standing erect on the floor of we understand, intends to settle down, and practise in Auckland, and we wish him every success. the Legislative Council, this living creature, Wellington to Panama is the longest steam mail thermometer, captain's cabin, Go'; mine, .60*30, with This was the case for the. plaintiff. run from Suez to Guile, or per- port open. Courso,.N.. jE. J-F.; wind, N.N.E., ISKTKEE3. Saul Moss deposed: lam a merchant. The A Distressed Family.—We would draw the whose name, among men, is the Honorable service at present is tho next set. cloudy; staysail only doguiso Curry Galle Australia fore L'amour and Rice longost, light to haps, another the 21th frira brenzo and I Cotelcttea de Mouton attention of our readers to the letter, in James C. Richmond, did, on Tuesday, plaintiff Emma Bensley, entered my .service in 301)0 miles ; I think, but lam not Hiiro, tho Speed, tun knots. ongino, 44. Oyster Pattiea Revolutions of about 1 18G5, Cunningham, of the Year of Grace, October, day received from 33. of Mr. in .July, 18.63, as gcafsral se? vani, at £25 per annum, column, Thursday, 6th July. from Southampton to Bt. Thomas is about tho the City Mission, detailing the distressed condi- deliver himself of a speech, in which the follow- sorvico payable monthly. She renamed in my service same distanco I believe, whilo this ono is about engines wore stopped last evening Tlio Second C.'Uksk. unfortuoccurred:"— ing sentences tion of the widow and children of the about seven months. S/>q told me she was 6000 miles. about eight p.m. for an hour and a half, to Plum Pudding | Macaroni and Chease was its Jones, accidentally legs, who walks hind called upon to. attend upon a poor Woman: in her nate seaman, on There is an aitimaltrhich Noon —Lat., 42-15 9.; long., 157 06 W., by dead repair the india-rubber valves of tho circulating Fruit Tarts Albert Sandwiches drowned in the harbor a few days since. The and strongly resembles man in forid. It has great reckoning; long., 15705 \V., by observation; dis- pump ; it loomed very strange suddenly to lose the Swiss Rolls confinement, and whoso life was in danger; She Banbury Cakes charitably of disposed powers of imitation, with feoble capacity reasoning. tance run, 2G5 miles. Barometer, !5017. Thor- noise of llie aorow. I must accord to a sailing ship Sweet Omelettes efforts made by a few really never complained of having insufficient food. Stewed Pru,noS. a something than such animals domesticated more Been in a state give Captain's subjected who do We have 51 She never complained whoa she left me;. She cabin, my lior superiority in not boing constantly to Norfolk Bifllns own, 5S , | Jain. Tartlets persons, mometer, lady, crunch, crunch which the revolving of Fridaj-, 2Uth. few shillings and think no more of the matter, seizing, perhaps, the shawl of some passing tho continual Custards asked me to make her a present of a new dress in eompleto with it to it, shreds, playing tearing day deficiency and miserablo board a wet one on was soon reUgh ! What a tho screw produCos. Tlio when §he left. I gave her ialf-a-sovereign. Mrs. were so far successful in the case of the late Mr. of the material and tho ship is; miserable on deck, miserable below, miserable paired, Aitken's widow, as to procure a sum sufficient unconsciousness of tbe value and on wo sped again. Brennan was afterwards with, me for, about a DESSEKTi mischievous in that which its birth, implied of labor Welreading amount miserable Tho spare screw, which wo toot on board at in tho saloon and in your own •month. My son John, was there the latter.,part, Oranges to keep the family from want and enable them instinct Apples was in a moment destroying. lam a firm or writing; passongcrs miserable, oflijors misorable lington ha? boon hitherto parried on deck, was Dates (the best I ever of the time of 'Mrs. Brennan's stay. Plaintiff to earn a living for themselves. We trust that Bananas in tho Darwinian theory of animal developif I liavo an enemy tho punishment I would award lowerod into the mainliold thW morning,—it is in Pigs tasted): came to me and asked me to take her back into, similar efforts will be made in the present in- believer ment. I see in the conduct of the honorable gentleman him would bo to romaiti on board ship, and overy three parts, tho boss and two fans, and measures Walnuts Almonds and Raisins stance, for the case is a very necessitous and noio at the head of the Government [Mr. E. W. Stafford] my service. I did so and she came to me on to be a wet one, until ho became reconciled. from tho extremity of ono fail to that of theother ]fi Fancy Biscuits day the set about Nuts deserving one. If systematically the 7th March, on the same terms, and in. the strong evidence of the near relationship of humanity to The wind is lighter than it was, though sti I a good foot; its weight is 9 tons, so that it will bo far better Proserved Ginger Gingerbread Nuts same results might be as easily accomplished as the anthropomorphous apes. same capacity. I never made any fresli agreebreeze, and drawing moro ahoad ; stowed all tho below than on d.eclc. The main hatch has hithorto Olives ment with her, She never said she would not in the case of Mrs. Aitken and her family. Mr. James C. Richmond, whenhe spoke this square sails in tho afternoon, as the foro and aft Bails been board'd up to tho deck, and tilled with coals, attend my son unless she were paid'extra . Had Accident on Board tiie Kaikouua.—The speech, had just been ousted from office by Mr. were only drawing, and put on full power; carried but being now empty will bo a groat comfort for adNoon.—rL&t. 23>21 south; long. 105-51 west. Ob* she done so I should have obtained a nurse. Panama Star informs us that A sad accident Stafford's action in connection with the Weld away tho jib-stay in tho evening—a nasty dirty ditional ventilation wlion. wo got into the hot servation, distance run ,2(>T .miles; barometer, 30.15 ; occurred on board the steamer Kaikoura, at 'la- estimates. Scarcc ten months are allowed to night. Patrick Moss deposed: I took a receipt from woathor. course, mine, 7captain's, 71 boga, resulting in the death of a servant woman elapse when we find Mr. Richmond readily Heading—"Mrs. Ilaliburton's Troubles," byMrs. Mrs. Bensley on her leaving, my father's, house Prayers woro road this morning by tho Bishop at thermometor: ;■ spe.ed,-11 knots north-westerly ilor'-iior'-east, \vind of Mrs. Crewel!. It appears that Mr. Crewell taking office under the person whom, last year, Wood. A capital book, must read it at home. this month. then asked her if she had any 10 am. in tho saloon—tho morning prayers, tho revolutions, -iO. Gaiiipago.s (Charles Island), distant other demand,Iand she said sho had and his wife had been required to move out of lie .saw fit to caricature in mauncr above set Noon—Lat., 4103 S. long., 151*37 W., dead psalms for the day, and; the lesson. a claim of .' 1010 miles. reckoning. Distance run,-'sl miles; course, N.E. the first time, into tho ladies' their berth in order to fix a coal shoot which for which I I paid her. She then said; went, one shilling, have question philosophers down. "We for a main, saloon, tho 11. Ther- saloon, it' is on the st r.board side of ■[ K.; wind, N.W. Baroraoter, 30 led from {lie deck through a trap in their room. who are the receipt was in full of all demands; She told masters in the Darwinian and Monbod- mometer, 55 , thermometer in my cabin, 53 0 . about three-fourths of its length down from tho SUPREME COURT.—CIRCUIT COURT. me when she left that she made no charge for They moved 'into the adjoining room where do theory of development of species. Here it These data aro always givon at noon. storn, it (tho ladies' saloon), is a poor apology for Tiie following cases arc set down for trial at the attending my brother, She gave her services their servant, a middle aged woman, was sleep- is —If Mr. Stafford (under whom Mr. Richbe can't Saturday and of tlio Sutablo, such a apartment;, 30th. is without Criminal and civil an sittings ensiling to them in liev general capacity ofhouse servant. ing with tlie children,- and sent her into mond now serves, and draws a salary of £1000 raining and without any uppearanco of its moro than six or soven feet square. i fancy X preme Court. Still youngest gave the Mrs. evidence child, their room to bring out Brennan for the defence, clearing up. i should say it is too littlo for anything." a year,) was then, in the opinion of Mr. RichCKtMINAL CASES. telling her l}ut lier evidence:was unimportant.'; that the trap was open of anthropomorNoon—Lat, -10 02 8.; long., 146-45 W., dead south;, long. 121-40 west ; obrelated the class Noon.—l at. 34-11 to mond, "YVheatcroft, but she appears to have forgotten it, at all phous John Todd, felonious assault; Council on. both sides, haying addressed the 30apes," to what species or genus or family reckoning. Di.stanco run, 231 30milex; course, N.E. servation ; clistanpo run 217 miles. Barometer events she pushed pass the carpenter, who was does Mr. 17. Therinomoter to 35 - Thermometer, captain's cabin, 62*; mine, 62* breach of the Arms Act Senior, perjury; Bench, his Worship gave judgment for £5 witk Richmond now belong ? and what can J K.; wind N.W. Barometer, ' " Te ilona Wind document costs ; Clarke, at work on the shoot, and at the instant he and cabin. uttering forged Captain's by and 60° tho north-east north. my in with port open. Couwe 57°, ? Levy, burglary ; POSTEB V. BEID. happened to turn his back to reach his hammer, Mr. Stafford think of his colleague (native) horse stealing; Cleared up at ton p.m. a fine night. I h npo wo north-eastorly, moderato and cloudy. Spoed 9 knots Greensinelds, fine day robbery when she fell head first down the trap after and, Bryant, assault shall have a to-morrow. revolutions 43.. Claim £3 lis Id for goods sold and delivered. Friday, July 6. failing seventeen feet she struck her head on an REVOLT IN CUBA. Our passengers, taken as a wholo, are a very quiet embezzlement ; Thompson, uttering forged Mr, Beveridgeappea:redfor the plaintiff; Mr. TVer sincii yostorday the breeze lias been pretty document; Eastbrook, stabbing ; O'Halloran, Leary appeared for defendant, ~-■■■■■■ iron beam, which drove in the base of the skull Br the arrival of the Henry Chauncey at Pa- orderly set. Thii last two days wo have had an and killed heron the spot. She had been living nama, the Star of the 21th July is placed in addition to our number ; in the ovening yostordaj", a fresh, with pretty fine we ithor, but dead on end as stealing; Morrison, Trustees Act; Kay ward, The defence was tliat tho plaintiffhad assigned lady and her daughter, whom I dm't know, and over it can "blow. They (tliat is the captain) begin, stealing; Clarke, robbery on the high seas for some years with Mr. and Mrs. Crewell, in possession of the following piece of intelligence : this estate to trustees for thebenefit of his credievening Miss Kirwan. to surraiso that we have entered tho S.E. trades, that Johnson, pig stealing; Smith, horsestealing; his Melbourne, and was much respected by them. tors, We have a report here that a revolt has and therefore had no right- to sue, and also July 1. at this time of tho year they inclino very much to Sunday, She was buried in the evening at Taboga, Bishop occurred cow Sherman, stealing; Stealing Kearnden, that at the. time of the delivery of the goods deat Porto Principe, Cuba, in which 2GOO And raining still, or rather drizzling. Wo have tho north, and that on. another similar voyage he and killing, Dolau (murder.) Hobhouse, late of Nelson, in New Zealand, conwho had arrived two fendant. and his wife, were living separate, and in just troops took part, had no sight of tho sun for practical, or porhaps would keop farthor to the south that on this occasion. ducting the funeral service." Civir. Casus. therefore that defendant was not liable. If this be tho trade wind it is a blue look out as far ships and hoisted the Chile ilag. The insurgents bettor, nautical purposes, since we left. Onehunga.—On Wednesday evening inforHenderWaters, The Bishop held divino service in the ealoon, in tho as thinking for any assistance from the wind, for wo McLaughlin v. Edwards v, are said to number 7000." Judgment, was. given for plaintiff for £219s Id, mation was given to the police by Mr. C. morning, and preached— toxt tho first nino ver3oß of can't show ivstitch.of canvas, and there is nothing for son, Hawkey. Young', Vernon v. Price, Jno., an item of 12s for a crinoline being struck put, JBraithwaite, waterman, that a dead body was 13th of Luke. it but steam. A day or two more will show us we Runciman v. H. JI.. Hamilton, Hastie, Fleming, tliat being held by thfe Bfench not. to be a necestho A CASE OF DISTRESS. Noon.—Lat. ."0-12. Long. 1.11-10N., dead i .slcon- aro still about one day ahead of our time, that is and Davies v. Gibbons; Barke: v. Tuckwell, sary, ' floating in. the harbour. A search having been STOCKS V. TILE. : ing. Bar. 30' 11. Ther. sl>- and 00* To the Editor of tho New Zealand Herald. instituted, the body was found cast upon the At 8 p.m., in allowing 27 days, for the voyage; and have saved two Hubault v. Quartier, Soriverville T. Grace., Claim £2 7s. 9<t. for goodssold; and deHrered. Distance run, 210 miles. days, 11 coal, by slackening fire ; whilp wo had the wind,: Londergan y. loley, «T; S. Macfarlane. v. Auckbeach, near the 'White Bluff, and proved to be my berth, it was 07". Dear Sib, —Will you favor mo by culling tho atMcPonalff for JXr> Beveridge plaintiff, Mr. that of Henry Mitchell, who, it will be rememtention of the public to tho distressing ease of Mrs. Course by compass, N. E. J-K. Trus course, E. in the early p.irt of the voyage. Yesterday wo were land Insurance Company. . for the defence,. „j„_* bered, was the man in charge of the cutter Jones, whose husband was drowned on Monday by N. Wind, N.W. Revolutions, 40, about J in the latitude of Auckland; 34"30 south, or someThe sale and delivery was deniedby detendant. speed; whoro thereabout. in and who with nine the Auckland harAugust 27, 180G, Mystery, other persons, night, tiff. pis for in W., story Judgment A is. going the rouuds of a man living out Monday, July 2. 32.15. {[south; long, 117.45 were drowned by tho swamping of lhat vessel bour. Ho had been out of work for a long time, ; stocks v. woop. 3 Somoprospect of a brighter day, for really tho sun observation.; distance run. 221 miles, Barometer West who .completes tuglit pairs of large-sized Boots on the 13th instant. The police removed the and was reduced to very Rroafc poverty. His wife 1H Claim £3 18s. for six months use and oecupaendeavouring to como out, though the deck is still 30.65. Xew York Globe" ur, captain's, 63'.; inino 03", (af every d<ay, Tlio editor of the rher quite destitute. She is is moinut children, with three yotiny Onehunga, where it interred left was body to yesl)e U easterly. this,city. Windnorth it would considered small sloppy. got (IS and The Courso ) doingsin willing Captain sights to-day, p.m., by says, 0 north-oast to work to support wet flo Mr; Brookfield terday afternoon. This is tho first body that a respsctablo woman, and Beveridge for plaintiff, north-cast, fresh, broezo and cloudy. Speed 8..J knots. "Tliuro is a lady's, shoemaker: down iu the swauipa, herself and family, but alio needs immediate assistthat wo shall learn our true position. has been recovered since the accident. . ' who, as fast as lie ltnislies. a. gaiter, throws it> over for the Defence. Wind light, and still N.W. Involutions of engine 41. j-tiS The volcano of Manno Soa, on the island of ance. 6s..for two weeks keeps oiie ' Judgment for plaintiff lor. Sntu.day, July 7. his shoulder into. :a box behind.hini. I shall bo happy to receive any money that may I havo never said anything about tho vessel, Hawaii, has, we learn, been the scene of an ermidmglit,. v.; try bo I V. HKAY. tin; time, frequently boon and Tlio last about the all and don't half described, in air 6LATER night brorap ifipshphpil J.en t. ■ be sent to me for her, and will acknowledge every because she has days, at 7s. ruption, surpassing: any on record. Win'.luo cquntry schoolmastui', happening to be Claim £2 Os. 3d., forwages for am not sufficiently nautical to do so ofliciently, still whon I turned in. We had bpen. carrying tho fore and. in tho daily papers. you elephant Did morning of curious skin they reading St. Stephen's Oephan Home.—The grand amount the of the. majn * trysail.sineo.GipiUi. At 2 a.m. this a day, Believing you will do what you can in this mat- to me, she has two defects —ono remoJiablo, tho other asked. I haw, voesl and instrumental concert announced to ter,—I remain, Defendant disputed a shilling a day ot taft irremediable; tho latter is, that slio has not sufficient reefed both sails, the vessel pitching a. giol deal. over seoanelephant'Sskin?" he then tl10 fpot of tile olas§.' take place to-morrow evening, at the Brunswick beam for her length (thoy say hlio is nine times Wind still increasing, making only 4 J knots against shouted a I ittlc six'ryear-oitl at.amused Yours faithfully, at the boy's amount claimed. asked, quite all tho Where lie proper power pn tho full WC it, proporpower she is and that with tliat is Cunningham. broad, longer than Hall, in aid of the funds of this Institution, is B. Judgment.for plaiatiff, £1 earucstuess. "On tlie elephant," was tlio repLy. j postponed. tion should be 1 ia 0). Tho effect is, that she is can giro this screw, about 47 revolutions, Mission, August 80, 18GG. ! I ; .; ... . | ■ ] [ " ... ' , ? ? ° 1 ; «« ° [ v.' " " " • ; ; " " ° ? ; ; !()!> ; ; ; - — - — — " Ae ; - ! ; " ; — 1 " " ; ; ; ° ; ; ° ' j \ ; 1. . " ° ° ; ;. ; 1 ° " ; " ; 1 .. ; ; ; 1 ! ; . . . —" ~ <• " °Mr. * .„. , . , .. ■ . ?" " „ " ; , HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, the NEW ZEALAND the 6 [DAILY. 1860. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT. allies, was borne by tlie Brazilians, who on the mormngof theaido of their just pretensions. riio battle began, at 10 o'clock lost about 1000 men killed and wounded;,. The Arhis own supporters a sacrificeof and; lasted till. 6 ia'theevening. necessary that they should ihe 27th Juno, 400, and the Uruguayans also suffored, it be might gentines lost some cases Austrian In the m otherfli they AMERICA. Prussians were repulsed from Skalicz,.; ana had retired to their camp. The following appeared m an extra published altogether resign their claims .to officei. action and thePruasiana severely-TheParaguay bUices of lower rank than those ia.valry taking part ia theday,: advantage has accrued to the allies from material No Ausaccording'to would have to acceptreasonably -..too the qlosb of the us yesterday:— . were; Wo lit f by, aspired; gone up have had ~ The. Rrazilfleet engagement. to which thoy might deapatah, iri full retreat, leaving the above NEW YORK. this Paraguay, to Curupiaty,where their paasago was are informed that the members present cheerfully. trian telegraphic Through the courtesy of Mr. Brewer, wounded on the field. ;' and ;lieir July, 10,1866. and declared dead terms;: proposed, thus on impeded by a stookade. ussonted to the for The '.Prussian despatches. are to tlie effect that Purser of the ' Egmont,' we have received It was hoped that before this Congress would have their willingness to make any sacrifices Lord tlie 28th June the 3rd defeated thu 10th Austrian resting spell fr° m Southern files, and other news. , the formation of a strong almimatration. obstiafter, adjourned and given the country adisturbing frablenz an. COMMERCIAL. Cio.rps under General legislaArmv Derby then proceeded to wait" upon the Quem at thevexations and annoying and Auatrianßlosteeveral the is still , improving. market, which iuoney in the engagement, The of thought Jiaye yot nate tone made, been tion of its members, but, alas'. no such a now Windsor. No appointments bo FRIDAY, AUGUST 24. several field piece?, and a large Much disappointment is telt that tlio bank, directors made eo long as thousand prisoners, appears to be entertained by them. nor is it expected that, atiy wilt niiantitv of materiel. The Austrinp loss 111 :bijled and havo not lowered the official minimum, which still the accessions from the engaged in concocting a tariff, making the duties on On and-1000. 30(H) there is any prospect of their was .placed although between last wpunded intended to seek. We is at stands at 10 per cent., return MINISTERIAL 'STATEMENT BY MR. a Urge number of articles excessive, so as to fetter Whin party which Lord Derby Frederick Charles m junction of an 1 undoubtedly ' satisfactory nature. The India overtures have the same day Prince l this tariff they STAFFORD. the coomorco ot the country, 8 n(do believe thit hitherto Lord Derby's General liitterfeld, capturcd Muncliengratz, bills which fall due on the 4th are said to be the with Tho to. adjourn. th«y responded favorably before probably been adopt \»ill not after a successful engagement with tlie enemy, in reason why-the directors will not lower; A good •weather at Washington, happi'f, for several days :rrSaturday;, June 30, of Evening Star Austria?rotired prisoners. reports Parliamentary .proceedings are Tho The of the. (ho mercury making which he took 800 deal of this paper lias already passed off remarkably, [Our past has beer. extremely liot, Nothing definite, we believe, is yot known of Lord to Furstenb.-uck with tho loss of 2000 men. These well, all being mot. Hopes are entertained that a shade, and under the condensed frffin the Wellington.papers,, tho Indeone hundred degrees in tho advanced Derby's arrangoments. It sucim, however, that tlio Prussians the bad presseveral encounters prove that reducedrate will be announced this. week. The pendent . und. .tie .. Advertiser. The, sjibj ined is effects of th« heat, which completely wilted negotiations going on with a few of the nnld Whigs, considerably beyond the frontier. Furstenbruck, to sure for money continues, trad much anbut grive of our revorpnd senators and anything and with those of that party who voted m the recent which the Austi iaris are said to have retired, is noyance. Consols wore heavy on tlio determination taken from the Advertiser of Saturday last] :— representatives, everybody was consoling himself have broken down. on the direct of division with tho Conservatives,, siime, 25 or 30 miles from the frontier The lion. Mr. Stafford said that in accordance with the directors not to reduce, but have, again rallied. with the belief that they would be driven away to the tile Mr. Lowo had along interview with Mr. Disraeli, that conclude demand may and we the communication which ho made to the House on to On the Stock Exchange there is a good shady retreats of their homes. This, however, does nothing seems to have come of it. The rumours road body bo. fair found the but had short army the of Prussian limited terms for a supply, main with yet, as the weather for money, the pccaaion pfits last sitting,,he had now to. state, that by members of not seem likely to be realised just Francisco," and 'that ho might organise an expedition about oflico having bfcon acc<3ptod to it in its invasion of the Austrian: terrifrom 8 to 0 per cent. he had been able to present to his Excellency a Minisafter four days of the most intense heat, unhappily fo avemre himself on his colonial creditors. are obviously unfounded. So way open Cabinet the loans ruliDg Earl .Russell's alone that discount, is this line it not in But there full demand for tory try composed of tho gentlemen he had then named. is a At the Bank DaUy Chronicle , thelast far that las become suddenly cool again, and our worthy Tho British Colonist and as wo have heard, the present prospect is Prussians arc advancing. Whatever may have been but no special preu-suro. Out of doors the rate ..for? Mr; %itzlierb'frt'' would be Colonial Treasurer; llr. have Lord legislators seem determined to continue indefinitely Miuistry. if it comes into power, will Skalicz, the daiiy papers onco published in Victoria, Derby's at of four battle of the 27th cent; result of the is 9 amalgatho Hall,' Postmaster-General; Mr. Kiehin ond,Co ministheir efforts to "save tho country." If they do not short dated, first class paper J per to the decay of tho place, and have to be of the old stylo, puroly Tory*' between: the Consuls, moneys 861; ditto, account, 861; India, sioner;,of Customs; Major Richardson wouldbe a memPrussians appear to be still in full force drive it to the verge of destruction, it will be because succumbed establishments. The Prussian stta Joaephstadt.. mated their Venezuela, and Silesinn frontier ber of tho Executive Council without a port .folio. : cent.,1032- Mexican, 3 per cent, out an average thenation has at its head a man with iron will who, The mines at Cariboo are turning so BiicceßSfu 5 per corbs, which is said to liavo been account, 14J; Jferuvi'm, 6 per cent, 1862, account The Government 'hoped..in .a. few days to make OUTSIDE THE HOUSE OF COMhowever ]v may be opposed in his patriotic efforts to amount of gold—tho Aurora and N>gge r L lall, SCENE 27th, battle of tho MINISTERIAL CRISIS. Austrians the i-6. 1805,. f in account, 64, aciiinst the such arrangements as' would enable a member,.of the 54, 3i.; ;5: per cent., MONS ON THU ■ave the Union, will in tbe and triumph over all his about 100 ounc3s a-day. Hie accounts from again opposed on the 28th to the 6th and Btl Government to have", a seat in the Legislative enemies, and restore it again in all its length, and vieldin" "Big Bend are very contradictory. Some miners are The knowledge that on Tuesday evening, Junei 26, Austrian corps, undtir the Archduke lieopold, anc treadth, and glory. Council .to conduct, the business of the Crovernirient _ public suspense would bo terminated by Miniswell , others returning in disgust. the advantages over it OUR VALPARAISO CORRESPONDENCE. gained signal doin? to have 3rd introduced the in a series ot in that House in conjunction with his hon. friend reported Banks the instant is having passed iibusp.s on of Parliament Mr. The House of Assembly terial statements in both (From the Panama Star and Jlcrafd) (Mr. Johnston); The House would .perhaps expsct House of Representatives a bill, establishing condi- resolutions on the state of the colony of Vancouver, caused The Moniteur of June 29, publishes intelligenc! Palaco-yard to be thronged from an early hour of m f 28th, announcing July that Valparaiso, 2,1866. tho the States he the Union of dated on the present occasion that a general outline of the of from Berlin tions for theadmission into forwarded them to tho Governor, requesting by crowds of people anxious to witness the arrival anc WAR, ■WITH SPAIN'. Novft Scotia, New Brunswick, Canada East and would telegraph them to the Grown. Tho Go'ornor members and to learn the result of thecrisis. Their fresh engagement between the Prussians views of tho Government on.'.subjectsbo...which bad alforme: giye.il. The the ready near Trautenau, referred to the Comsend excited its attention should to them could no.t the Austrains, Canada West, which was have the slightest idea. that, readera, Tip any refused, and the Speaker was authorised up by along number was variously eatiniited, but. thoro your of many prisoners Government believed, .that; 'the , strong, feeling., ,6f the to tho House on capturcd ten guns, and took mittee on Foreign AffairsThe Assembly has followed it be less than 1000. The approaches the war with. Spain, is over, let them dispel, the vision relating to himself to fall baok /matters, compelled whenever notice enormous were .in. :preae.nt-centred. provides"that which AuStrians House The first section tho at The every aide were lined with nil excited crOWd, otherwise the thunder cloud will burst financewas.Already address to tho Throne, setting forth at once and o.i»ily Tho same paper also published an account of an en there were, .intimations..from ahall be deposited in tho Department, of State that expenditure of tho present doublo system of governwas nevertheless, very good-humoured, with a crash, Tlio people of this Republic upon them and of Proor less more, Hanoverians and Prussians which Great the is Shortly propositions of Britain united after between the of gagement quarters the governments five: population amenable to tho polire regulations. ever. They desire to fererit ment for two countries whoso states to have been without are as eager for the war, as boro on tho subject, and the Government had under xinces have accepted tho propositions made to them estimated at 10,000 or 12,000 persons. o'clock members began to arrive, and as the hour of near Langensalza, which ittwo out the. affront and brutality of. March 31et. < publish, telegran wipe Berlin proposithe States in by by guns. United shall value the numbers Tiic Prussianslost the which in aa to reiault. A manner the President f -the its consideration six approached they appeared in such Property is very much depreciated The cowardly Spaniards, who took tp flight, as sooh proclamation, that the States of Nova Scotia, Now decrease of population and ilio dulness of trade. A prevent any one of them, howeve-jdistihguished, being of June, 29t.1i, announces the surrender of the llano tions should be received or encountered.. The Goas they found that vessels capable of coping with vernment felt that,it was its duty, as it would be that Brunswick, ('anala East and Canada West, and tho are unoccupiod, and this an object of curiosity for more than a few moments, or verian army, consisting ofupwards Of 20j000 men. ll of houses number going reat are not to war, the of nearing Beat strain., every,, nerve to enable Territories of Selkirk, Saskatchewan and Columbia, ebeautiful town is likely to be comparatively depopu- of applauso or derision, as the ca?o might is further stated that the King and Orown. Erin"; them were tiie new iron-clad-vessels of any government, to on Mcape ; and the fact that provinces to, Parry of Hanover, and tho officers of the Hanoverian a ...■■ their various public "Works , ore constituted aud a imitted as States,and Territories lated unless a more economical form of government be. Mr. Bright was among the oarlior arri.re lying here in this harbor; only adds to the desire the. undertakings as far as tho means at it-j disposal against Pr . fight word a not to frophave, pledged of the Uni'ed States. Among the propositions is one is speedily adopted. Cab their in and alighted he as and vals, a defenceless city. But destruction of to the revenge tjio will Without, therefore, war; By hear.) the Provincial the of presont assume terms s:' (Heir, tluit the United States front of "SVestminstor-hall his ■miliar face during the Hanovorian officers retained in the fact that many would allow. their Bide there i» a source of satisfaction dibt at not exceeding five per centum interest, as .on'this.'occasioii a.s-t.o the and portly person ware in a momoT>t "recognised, and render the sent out to supply the Spanish .pledging the government ships ISLANDS. store SANDWICH of the dolrf-Cunada West, and theii of 36,500,000 sent to proportion: follows:—Canada the. .Customs Revenue to. be House by the side enarms, and. the man were disarmed he passed into the squadron are now falling into our hands; and of definite 1, he Whhed the House to believe that the East, 29 1)00 000 dols.; Nova Sc .tia, 5,000,000 dols.; The latest dates from Honolulu aro to the 16th of cheering. Sir homes. Tho war material was given up to th< course distribute trance amid a good deal and ships cargo. both was we are. 7,030 Newfoundland, appropriating 000 and dols.; session, Hew Hrunswick, position ofthe provinces, would receive the greatest June. The Legislature was still in Peel was the next momber of note who Prussians." ■■ 8,*>00,000 doH ; Prince Edward's Island, 2 000,000 occupied in considering several measures proposed Bobart A bout 5000 Austrian prisoners from Nachod, anc consideration, with a view to a fair provision being, a few noisy, ill-conditioned himself, these presentedwho had and THE CASE OF THE IHALIBA. dols. The United States are alsJ to pav 10.000,000 by the Ministry. The most prominent amongst cbllocted made 1to 'enabie them to' maintain'those'works, which near thfe entrance and 3000 from Trautenau, are, reported to have been sent ■ persons, dols. to the Hud-on Bay Company.—Panama Star measures is a bill to authorize the issue of Treasury singled out for cheers or groans each conspicuous on Jline 29 to Posen. You may remember that sotue time since the Cova- Were most essential to the progress and prosperity of threo, fiv«, July and Herald, 24. Vienna, July 1. VVhitesida donga—which has not yet been recaptured by Spain the country. The Government were,perfectly aware Notes to an indeG iito amount, of two, member as ho arrived, hooted him. Mr. in cash on preuuother in the that if the provinces were, starved in .those, matters took a prize, and now she h:«s ten and twenty dollars, redeemable Lord Naas, who entered together, wero similarly The fir.-t Austrian army corps and tho Ba*Cin corps paper money pro- and to notice tha insult, if were repulsed yesterday by the Prussians. coil- shape, of the Thalab.i, with her ea?go arid supplies. which involved expenditure, a very .great faUidg off deign DESTRUCTIVE FIRES IN AMERICA.. sentation at the Treasury. This and did not In troated, but liiely to not is unpopular, very be Was laden quarter, register, and Sir Austrian fell buck vessel is about 900 ond army seems to tons The would take place m the Customs receipts. Conscquonce of this repulse the insult it could be called from such n The New York correspondent of the Ptma»ia Slar ject SU with a valuable cargo, the .particulars of which I give, sidering tho question, therefore, on no higher.ground, ,lohn Pakington for the moment had some difficulty in. iho direction of Konigsgratz. end Herald, wiiting in that journal of 24th July the expressions disap.design health is in an unsatisfactory condiof is doubt of no as to the Tho fallowing official telegram, dated Pragua, below; There the. General Gpyernirrieni; did not wish: to ; lessen the to manage his horso amid the •aye: 'Thalaba, which was to reinforce the stock of store? consuming powers of trie country. tion. Fears are entertained that hehe isto threatened probation which his appearance excited am mg the June 30, was published in Vienna on July i : On aft ea'r'ij uSy dio now it Were Portland, of the brain. softening with Engagements took place yesterday at Koat, near of the Spanish squadron. Well, she was captured the Colonial Treasurer would ask the House to go A most terrible conflagration occurred at same group. Lord Orosvenor was late in being Me., on the 4th instant, caused by a boy throwing is feared there would be another revolution for the recognised, but the moment attention was called to Turnau, and at Chwalkowitz, between Kalitz a d on the ,21st of la« month by the Covadonga, arid as, into Committee of Supply, in accordance with the alighted fire-cracker among some shavings. Onesuccession. Kqnig&hnf, in tha district of Juugbutizlau, which reat tts moment of capture, the Spanish official, in Parliamentary practice of taking some votes before him he was greeted with a prolonged groan, which, half of the city was destroyeJ, nearly all the business Bohminsk and charge of the cargo, tlirew overboard his papers, there going into Committee of Ways and Mems. On he saluted with mu«h good humour. A. similar sulted favourably to tile AmtrUns. being g'">ods included. All the banks, dry portion complimont was paid Mr. llorsman both on going Camnitz liave beea evacuated by thePrussians'. The is in that, even if notsuip ported by the statements of the Tuesday next the Government would propose to take MEXICO. returning. On tho other hand, Sir George latter wero also defeated, while liyin? from Flicin,by captain and Grew, sufficient evidence to show that some departmental votes, and on these being passed, stores, jewellery establishments and telegraph offices, From Mexico there is but littlo of intorast by this and eight churches, and other public buildings were burnt others the combined Austrian and Saxon forces. They left the ye sel was engaged in a contraband trade. The would, then, submit their financial proposals: privately 7, Q-rey, Mr. G-oschen, and Mr. Faweett, among to ihe ground. The wind was blowing a gale at the mail. A letter in the Bulletin, dated Aeapulco, June vessel had been sent off from an English port by a ■on the following day, in Committee of .Ways, and of the Liberal members, were more or 1 -ss chooriid their dead and wounded on the field. time the fire commenced and caused the flames to sura : —Nothing of importance has transpired in that Berlin, July 1. special commission located at London, and whose .Means. He wi.hed the House to weigh what he had they entored the tfouse, and the Chancellorof the as mailBpread with the greatest fury, sweeping ruin, des- vi.'initv sinco the departure of the previous despatch been received Exchequer, who went in ail Open carriage, accomduty it was, to purchase and supply provisions for said with respect to provinces, as the amount which The following official has Over fifty Of matters in the interior the samo correspondent panied by Mrs. Gladstone, received a loud welcome. from tho head-quarters of the Crown Prince of tho Spanish. BCJ-aadron. X doubt whether the opera- the provinces truction, and desolation everywhere. would get would decidedly depend oh buildings were blown up in the hope of making a says:— of way his the House to Prussia :—" The rosult of the three days' fighting, tion will Bay un.ier present circumstanccs. The the amount of ways and means which the House Tho Duko of Argyll, on In my former letter I havo had more frequont Russell passed in a space betweer the fire and the other buildings, but liarl list valuable a a 903 tnns engaged, following, elicited cheor> but which thesth Prussian has been is of her cargo Lie Lords, corps grant.' (.Hear,, hear.) that thero might, in Imperial victiries than defeats, the effort was useless. It is estimated that about occasion to speak of The appeirarace of cannot lie too highly estimated. On tho "27th it was of coal, 320 «aoks of biacuit, 113 barrels salt beef, ■'should'be no .misunderstanding, pn thij p >iut. He carriage almost unobsorvod. two thousand buildings were destroyed, involving but lately the leaf has been turned, and from every Lord Amberley oxcited some curiosity among the opposed by the 6th Austrian corpsj under General 115 barrels rice, 79 sacks beans, 37 barrels sugar, 20 was, what >r'i 'h of the prepare! exactly prop of not to aav a lnss of ten mil.ion dollars. Two thousand quarter the Republicans are getting the better compirativcly tow by wlioni he was recognised,— Hamming. A lotter was found, addressed by the barrels, coffee, 41 bores salfcj 3 barrels vinegar, 3 jars revenue should, go to the provincei) during the next A coasting vessel, arrivod from families were rendered houseless, losing nearly every their antagonists. carriage, G-.jnoral who caine in a close was 1 Disraeli, cinnamon, put „d Joaephstadt, heavy packages tho Benedek which barrel 10 duck to in of of pepper, Ways lattor Committee year,, until the House was and a Mr. Taluable they hid possessed, and are now nearly de- Ventura Bay, brought the news that Figuera assailed with ironicti cheers as ho entered Palace- affords complete proof that the forces under his com- canvas; 200 heavy packages merchandise of various and Means. The Government would then make calTehuo( tho H'oiisa all the more pendent on the generosity of those who ware fortu- Porfio Diaz havo re-oecupied the territory of exhausted, risiug Ho therein kinds. On the were reyard. thoroughly shilling mand which could ba culations of flie iVery last nate enough to escape the sweeping disaster. Two antepec and the greater part of Oajaca; that the noted mombers ware singled Out in tho same way, quested General Benedek to send him two fresh In addition to the above there was a quantity of given after satisfying ths.honor.ible and just demands thousand tents for shelter to the houseless were for- whole State of Campas and all of Yucatan, except either for applause or disapprobation as they left brigades in order that his troops might bivouao iron bars (rather suspicious). of the colony, and if the House preferred it; there warded by the United States authorities to Boston, the seaport of Campeachy, are in tho hands of the \Vestrainstor-h ill. There wiis a crowd around tho under their protection, and acknowledged that they would be no objection to mike an alio:ation of the and the people of all the citie3 throughout the Union Liberals. of Lowo as he entered it, and hp was would not be able to fight on the followproportion available iu the provinces for a definite At the same time tha steamer Panama brought carriage Mr. ANOTHER Lip NAILED. are bu-ily engaged in forwarding supplies of clothamid sornqi uproar, in which groans ing day.. Prussian therefore Stlt was away corps period. driven The There were many works which the provinces Bias, interesting interesting namely, information from San Tory note, dated Juno 18, is published ing and provisions, and raising funds for the relief very answered by counter clioers. The next colobrity opposed on the 28{h and 29th by the corps n A could enter on if they knew for a given timo that of the thousands of ouflerer*, many of whom have that the city of Santiago (a few miles from that were a neat Uttle sheet entitled the Boletin de .Sothe hon. member for Birmingand General Testetics. The Leopold noticed Archduke that was was of the receive some fixed amount; He di ot they and that Republican, would by the tioiaa" of Santiago, and is from L). Vickara, the Actteen bereft by this awful visitation of everything port) had been token threatened, who showed his democratic simplicity of habits fighting on those two days extended over a much General Lozada ham, think the House would expect.him to go inora into San Bias and Te >ic were they possessed on earth. charteling a four-wheel Cab. -livery ono iil the greater lino than on the 27th. T.he Austrian corps ing Secretary of the 0. S. Legation in this Republic, the by the present occasion, as it woul i be inThis on report subject enomy. A very destructive fire also occurred in the Oil not venturiug out to face tho to our Minister of Foreign. Affairs. Mr. Tickers decrowd united in giving him round uftor round under General Gable az, was completely broken up. with respect' to so large, a. question to. Sstf—cighfteTTXJr'-TWBntf "weirs "oilT3enneli6lrtfuh llrrceß-are-"B(ir^e''tS'°&^Mfl/"iTOnmfl fe'erl'' ll rnrf nies in to to the:assertions of Slendez Nunez, as to the: convenient «o OLMiues luu'iiiitu.™ a a-"-. what Wajn invite, only be a fngenont try diseussionk could burly form of Sir Robert I'eul, in the smartest of owivl ii t Kywere burned up, and about twenty thousandbarrels G-eneral Lozada has extended hia lino of operations 11oJ and two standards belonging to tlie corps of General gers when visited by the Spanish Admiral on the In connection with this subject it would be., the duty miniaturo broughams evoked it chorus of groans that Gablenz, foil into tho hands of the Prussian of oil were destroyed. There were also twenty or thua far to the South. troops. especially 27th of the Government to consider tho propriety of subMarch.; with regard to the expression thirty derricks destroyed, erected at wells not yet If we bring this in connection with the pro ise of followed him to Whitehall gardens. Air, I foreman, A great number of workmen haro left here for that theright, the moderation and the dignity war a mitting to this House a Bill to change, che position of completed. The loss is very heavy. Napoleon not to increase his forces in Mexico, but to who came on foot,.scorned dismayed at the excited Dresden to erect entrenchments. be loans, done, he believed, with benefit which coull pf Spain." Mr. Vickors says in favor I Wish to withdraw them within a specified time; with the behaviour of tho crowd.; lie stood for a Jong time Lai: ban*, July 1. the colony. Ha meant tho 'Colonial, loans. Xhey It is announced that tha total loss of the Auiitrians expose the whole affair, and very cleanly,on the p xrtof to threatening European war and the disposition of irresolute by the archway loading to the members' propriety of determining in the would also consider CALIFORNIA. Commodore Kodgers, especially is that gentlemanis fur carriage entrance, and at last, getting the Qscort of a up Austrinn troop 9 destined for Mexico; with the isoto the present is 20,000 men. from here. I assert that such language never was what m inner any fur,thai: Provincial loans sho lid be [From the Panama Star, July 24.] fetched a lated positions of the French garrisons at G-uaymaa, moro stalwart hon. gentleman, wisoly regulated, charged. and There was another raised, used by any of Ui, and when the Spanish Admiral !From our files of California papers we compile tlie Mazatltm, and Taropico ; the abandonment of Chi- compass," and steered clear of the turmoil. The wrote those wordi h9 knew he was giving utterance question intimately connected with those—that of huahua for the third time, and the present general escape of tho hon. gentleman, was favoured by the LATEST INTELLIGENCE. following summary of news:— the loans. He would consolidationof Provincial to a deliberate falsehood. I have been present as the apathy of the French Commandant—the natural appearance of Mr. Gladstone's carriage, in which tho The anniversary of the national independence result appears to be that tho days of tho Mexican right hon. gentlemaii was seated with Sirs GladSecretary of the American. Legation during ail. the make no positive promise, on that subject, now, nor whether the Government would in the: present appears to have been observed generally with a great Empire urn numbered, and that the Americans interviews that have taken place between (Janeral say stone and the two Afiss Gladstones. Ho was MiTHE WAR ON THE CONTINENT. deal of spirit throughout the States. Tho papers are have the glory to imagine that they ar«j tho causewill Kilpatrick, Commodore ltodgeis, and the Spanish session submit any. Bill, but it was a question of of cognized at once and cheered vociferously, Not con(From the Some jTeics, July 2,1865.) filled with accounts of the orations, processions, and restoring Mexico to the Mexicans. Admiral, and I can affirm in the most emphatic great importance, affectm* as it did,the position of tent with cheoring, a number of the more enthusiand would receive rejoicings in all the different cities of importance. that no language, by which, such an in- the oolony in the money However of all evils tUU would be tho greatest, astic followed tho carriage, shoutiug and Svaving We have given in a previous column an account, manner, could Referring to 'h celebration in San Francisco, the and tho Mexicans themselves be drawn, was ever usei? ; and more a careful consideration, from the Government. Ho -Being thus heralded, tho cheoring founded on telegram ference their hats. are awakening to its Berlin, of decided vic9 from been they Bulletin -SiYH : "The nineteenth anniversary of threatening also that had sly might able to see.. their that could be by especially, aught favorably interpreted the up passengers in ParliamenUstreot tories on the 2"th and 28th June over the Austrians contiguousnesa. If any plan could be was tafcen American independence was celebrated in this city devised to place Mexico under an American diminution in the amount the and Cockspur-street, and coiitihu&d. in fact almost to by the armies under the command of the Prince tig approving the barbarous act: that was tibo.Ut to be way to a; considerable protecbo on for defence puryesterday in a manner worthy of the 6toadfast torate, then it would undoubtedly supply House would illed c to undefended, ; perpetrated upon an commercial town bothe best, though the right hon. gontleman'sdoor. Air. Disraeli,inaclose Koyal of Prussia and Prince Frederick Charles. patriotism of the people of San Francisco, and a The conclusion come to had. been much facilihard job to the Uuitcd States' Government. The brougham, followed iuimoliatoly aftor, and uppoarcd Now we publish the Vienna telegram, which claims but on the contrary, in ail the discussions had poses. despatch, Imperial Gocreditable alike to the Committee of -Arrangements, most tated from the a by board the received American ships, it was asserted likely result of the French evacuation would, to bo adopting tho tacth/ue of making his right: hon, for the Austrian army decisivo victory on both on to the Marshal of the Day, to the thousands of citithe last forty-eight hours, to the in my opinion, be the annexation of Lower Califor- antagonist the pionoer to cleir the way. His fea- points. It is distinctly stated that the troops of the that such an act of unbridled barbarity would vernment withinany zens who j jined in the military and civic proco?sion, tho effect that under circumstances Home Go? nia, Sonoru, Sin»i]'o'i,and Chihuahua, to our great tures, howevor, wore speedily recognised, arid' thoso Prince Royal recroSsed the frontier towards Glatz, never be permitted ; and never, until the morning and to the ten thousand who turned out to witness Union, intended tp leave one regiment in the who, the moment before, were applauding Mr. Gladbombardment■, when the English admiral vernment to Mexico Und enough to try its rethat tho army of Prince Frederick. Charles retreated before, the to Although regular, the spectacle, and who by their enthusiasm and volutionsleaving refer'io it wa3 ncft the country. stone to the echo suddenly changed their notes to to Niemes, north-east of Tiornau and Muochengratz refused to assist, the American squadron, did we enand contra revolutions ona smaller scale. with respect to questions before the House, orderly conduct aided in the success of the general a continuous howl for the right hon. mombor for thnri'foro nearer the Prussian frontier on that side tertaiu a different opinion. I believe the. Spanish Governor on questions jubilee." was to do so it; unavoidable .not of .Bucks. Sir John Pakington, who was mounted and —and that tho junctionof tho Prussian armies was admiral has worked hard to convince the world that The contract for building the new wharf of the proposed locaBRAZIL. on the point of following the biougham. of Air. Disthe foreign representatives had justified the cowardly Imperial concern.. -Hisin Excellency prevented. In a case whore representations so enPacific Mail Steamship Co. at South Beach, San a on ting regiment posit that which would Advices from Bio de Janeiro to tho 3rd of June raeli, appeared, liko Mr. Ilorsman, t> be anything tirely conflicting as thoso of the: Berlin and Vienna act which ho committed. But such a justification, at. Francisco, has been let to Macplierson and Wether- give the following interesting but easy at the sight of the demonstration tliat wall telegrams are made, it is of course impossible to ay loast so far as regards the representatives of. tho solve' many of the. .anxieties' connected' .with. the intelligence :— tee, and the work of sinking the piles haa already The news of a great battle between tho Para going on. Adopting the bettor part of valour, ho on which side the truth lio3. That one of th&m must United States of America, will always bo positively questions of the defence of the country, and be more commenced. The wharf is to be 650 feet long, and imi'atod tho behaviour of the honorabio gentle- bo grossly deceiving tho public is obvious, unrefused. In conclusion, I have no hesitation in say- satisfactory to those deeply concerned with respect and Allies has just reached thij point. Ac150 feet in width, extending the whole length of cording 'to question. He be.ieved that there was now man tho member for Stroud, and picked his: way less imperfect account received, tho Parato suppose that tho battle ing that the statements made by the Spanish admiral butthat we are blocks 7 and 8 along the water front of T'irßt-street. guayans,to ittho little chance of disagreement in the matter of the amongEt 1 defence appears, had enirenched themselves on gingerly cabs and carriages in which lasted two days remained undecided, are falsified in all their parts/' As stated several weeks ago, the Company have the isthmus formed ; providing always the Governby the junction of tho Parana and waiting. He escaped without anyone recognising and that each party, therefore, claimed the It seems to muaa if tho above reply is a very strong ment or finance leased the water front from the Harbor Commis- Paraguay River, a little obtained sufficient w.-ys and means from the below Humaita, when Gen. him. Other honourable gontlemon who have boon victory. Not only doos each side claim the victory and emphatic denial of the truth of tho Spanish ■ioners for fifteen years, paying therefore a rent of Klorez, ono of tho commanders House. If; the House give the Government the. admiral's official report. distinguished for their support of tho bill wero reof the in accounts state forces, allied the but. the Berlin that the field, #1,250 per month. The Company do not prop"se at and wag badly beaten by Gon. ceived with markß of approval; but during the. exfollowing from the Presid Gorrieiite powers it sought, he thoughtthey could see a ailveit I Prussians took Afiinchengratz, while the Vienna acpresent to do more than build tho wharf above foil into an ambush lining to tho dark cloud which had hung over tha Florez in this affair lost four guns, and citement many of tho members of what must now be count Btates that the Prussians were driven consi- del Mercurio, July 2 mentioned for the we oi their steamers, blocks 7 Lopez. prisoners. 2,000 men in killed and Wheat and Flour.—The demand for export which country so long in finance. Withreference to other He would have called the last Government left tho House without derably to the north east of that place. and 8 are owned by the Company and will be been annihilated subjects, all Government measures already before the had not the balance so eonjo time past has almost being recognised. has. been active for At o'clock the The following official despatch, dated Vienna, June eight of tho allied crowd had gradually filled in, and" thereis some talk ofeventually undnr (Jons. Osorio and entirely subsided, tie wants pf Australia as well, as legislature would bo proceeded with in both Houses, Mitre made their hardly altogether dispersed, although the House 29, 8.1:5 a.m., relates to the battles of June 28 removing the entire works of the Company, now troops, Plate and and compelled Lopez to fall ba 'k. The arose shortly after seven. The. Houses of Lords rose to be and the Government would now bo prepared to go appearance of the River Brazil markets seem located at Venecia, to San Francii-co; but this can- latter, Pardubitz, June 29. (supplied ; the only ves«els taken up on to-day with the. business on tho Order Paper. however, retreated in good order his about tho same time, but neither on Roing nor renot be done at present. Tho Prussiahs were yesterdiy completely defeated pretty well The wharf will be com- intrenchmonts, carrying along the guns ho behind it. Wcjuld, however, ask for the postponement of had taken turning did tho Peors excite half the curiosity pr in- by thoAustrian forces under General Von Gablenz. during this fortnight are tho "Marian and Queen ButDistrict pleted by the Ist of January, and will afford accom'Boards ahd Legislative. Council Bills, his prisoners, without being molested by the terest which tho members, of the popular branch of Leaving behind 1000 killed arid wounded, they with- Victoria for Australia and Minerva for Rio Janeiro. the modations not only for tho Panama line of steamers and enemy. tho Legislature did. After these demands are supplied the English market which had been brought in by private members, as but also for the new* line to China, the pioneer in Prussian territory towards Glatz.. After drew to The Paraguayans defend themselves with a of : course regular coast they were very large questions, and not Government whi;h—the Colorado—will sta-t on its fir-t trip occupying Jicin yesterday, the Prussians were alone remains, excepting courage and determination worthy of all praise. Tho demand, but a alight decline in freights or in the measures. THE CONTINENTAL WAT?. promptly on the first Tuesday of January, 1867. of Ton by qavalry attacked tho division General: Mr. Mookiiouse asked whether the Government country they occupy is full of rifle pits, of wheat.would permit of a considerable quanearthworks Anew mining district has just been discovered in Tho battle of June 21 is called by the archdufco the Edolsheim, they wera driven out: of Jicin and re- pricebeing propose a stamp tax p de /rise, and it is not to be supposod ihipped for that market; two vessels, the would Stapio/id tity Nevada county, which bids fair to rival the famous and chcvcaux of Cnstozza. I'lw Paris PresSe battle Tiernau. of this conseqiiehcG pulsed towards reIn objected to the Government being accounts for Mr. Lord of the Isles, have been £xcelsior diitiictin richness, if not in extent. Some that tho allie', although vastly superior in number, tho Austrian success at treat the Prussiahs last night: evacuated Ifelnik, Chanarcillo and. the above.battle ia give information as to its inteiitioiis as the called on-to succeed the. followdefeating up during the fortnight to load part, cargoes of in conquering or ®sght or ten ledges resembling very much the ledges can ever them ing manner:—"Victor Emmanuel's army and Lei pa, and withdro w in great haste to Uken .Druba, to finance in a fragmentary .manner. Next week the wheat forLiverpool. of Excelsior, *nd prospecting equally well, have General Lopez is decided to fight as long as he has a of 100,000 men, divided into three corps consisted Niems, The P"-u-sinn losses by Gnneral von House would have information oh the financial d'armee; singla soldier under his flag; and as his forces The already been located. The district is near.tho Cul- amount Austrian army was 80,000 strong. Karly in the sheini's attack was enormous. The strategic operaas a. whole, /and, /meanwhile if tho hon. propositions, to about 10.000 is men no French, prospect there of Count Bismarck.—The corresponbertson grade and about two miles north of the an day Archduke Albert, learning that the Ist corp?, tion of the Austrian army was completely successmember would recommend any other taxes which he early termination of tlie war. Yuba rirer. The ledges are large and well defined. commanded by General Durando, ful. The junction of Prince Frederick Charles with dent of Land ana Water," relates tlie followwould prefer to a Stamp Tax, they would be careforming, and the The allied is fleet still Corriontes, below without They run north and south, and may be easily traced loft wing, was separated by a long In fully considered. the army of tjelicia was prcu-nted. The Austrian ing incidents of Count Bismarck's life : There had beeii other t'axe? distance from any chance of ascending the rivor, which is too oy the corppings. and 3rd corps, sent out cu ridcan 20,000 men the A working assay has been made in the batiles of the last three days is estimated 1841 Bismarck was 26 years old, and had just suggested. .. shallow to allow vessels of heavy draught to go •2nd in loss and the rock yielded 285 dols 50 cents t the front of the 2ndand noarly 2000 killed and wounded. The Prussian passed the civil servieo examination. He went at corps, 3rd by ton. to who, Ward, dece.ved this In reply Mr. General Rosecrans has b*en paying a visit to up. manoeuvre, thought they -were threatened by to tho chief ofliis department, and was told to The. hon: Mr. Stafford said that there would be the loss is at least equal, There has been in the Brazilian Chamber of DepuGrass Valley and other portions of Nevada county. bulk of the Austrian army, and. kept wait, in the anferoom'. At the end of half art :no Native Mtnister in the present Government;. .The them He was the subject of numerous attentions at tho ties a stormy debate on the budget, in which tho all day. Meanwhile the 30,000 men watching of Durando's state of Native affairs had so much improved' that symptoms great hour he of irritation Ministry defeated. AUSTRIA. exhibited was This defeat, however, hands of the citizens. will corps were attacked by 00,000 Austrians, and fought not cause the dissolu'ion of the Cabinet. The details of tho distress; prevailing in Hungary, three-quarters of an hour passed, and lie. pulled, there would appear to bo no longer any speciality in A despatch dated Sonora, June 30th, says:— Great sickness prevailed among tho allied forces. against ifthem bravely for twelve hours." This ac- and gonnrally in the eastern provinces of Austria, off his gloves and tore them up. When lie had dealing with them. (Heir,' hear.) As long as there The entire town of Montezuma was burned lai.t night. count, truo, argues -wonderfully bad! generalship a liiie of demarcation 1between the management The fire originated in Clarke'B hotel, which wea Business is exoeedingly dull and prices nominal; on tho Italian side." aro truly heart-breaking. In the Bukovina, os- waited an hour and a half he got up and was 'was of European and native affairs,,Bo long would there will be done until furthor advices from accidentally set on fire by a man who we.', intoxi- nothing A Turin letter in tho Paris Tcinps estimates tho pecial'y, misery drives the inhabitant* to the very leaving the room, when the gentleman he had be caus-s of dissatisfaction ' and Europe. irritation , between been for the door and. asked him extremities, waiting opened offering cated. parents children, to sell loss at tho same battle at 12.000horS At lust 1 therefore, The Vice-President of tho Argentine Confedera- Italian The Weathub.—They have had sheltering Sir, an hour and a half ago adifferent parts of the. colony. -■ It appeared combat. that the little onea should not. die of huni*e;r. A what he required. do away with the step right tion hf .j resigned tho acting presidency. the direction in to weather in the int. -r:or of the State, days speak states that ft •wished with but desire a w to do .so you, Sclavonic journal since m resi I to tn Sacramento could, affairs like Minister; Native; office.of N'ative the meroury ose <o 107 ; at Maryiville it h;)d been dent of the Faubourg de. Bosch, at X'chernorit*, no longer.' And young Bismarck went away. CONFLICTS BETWEEN THE PRUSSIANS affairs, be conducted by the Colonial Secretary ■porting among tl.a hundreds purchased from an unfortunate man three children, Twentyrtwo. yearn' later Otto Edwa.rd,'Leopcild other ba roe time, while LATER EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. for by. AUB i'RIAtfS. Minister. AND or some (Heartbeat;) •Bven up m Nevada Oily it mour.te two boys and a girl.. After njuch. bargaining the yp.h Bismarck was first Minister, and paid an 103° in the 1 Marshal Benedek's movements were (From the Home News, July 2.) anade. father received-nine florins. The same day a peasant official visit to a certain prefect. The minister until his troops came in front of tho enemy, unknown and tbon .Discovery iif town with, her two arrived tho same THE NEW MINISTRY. ■woman in Remarkable shown into his apartments by tho prefect, came the first encounter between, the Up to the and daughters—ono .12 and tho oth r 14. years of age. was of electro -magnetism, as a motivS time of our going to press there is no Irussmtiß in a great battlie. fought Austrians NEVADA. Well, sir,' said the novel Application on Austrian Bhe offered them to a landed proprietor for 10 florins who was. about to retire. clockwork, lias just been perfected by a Count, A despatch dated Dayton, Nevada, June 21th definite news as to the progress made with tho ground, between Josopbstadt and tho frontier ' you must, acknowledge that life is full power lor of oich, leaving the latter free to choose. The. gentleman, jeweller Leamington, which promised to formation of a new Ministry. Tho Eail of Derby is Sileßin. The Prussians were at w orking njn: commanded by the contented himself with giyiiig alms to the. poor :of curious chances.' What, does your Excel- ■introduce a new era in the science of eloekmaking, supposed to be hard at work; but trhere is strong Crown Prince. The various accounts received by woman, without buying her daughters. The mother lency mean ?' I mean that it is now 23 years, and to bring modern timepieces to a state of absoA fig broke out about 4 o'clock on Sunday after- rcaion to believe that ho meets with great difficulties. telegraph mado it uncertain, at what point the Grown noon in the Hamilton bay yard, sweeping up and One rumour is that he wants the co operation of tho Prince had been in the most: complete destitu- since ,I saw you, and.you are very little changed.' lute perfection. By the new. arrangement; the pen intended serioußly ..to, in.i-ade the Austrian and children Consuming both sides of Main-street ; five fireproof Earl of Clarendon and Karl Granville. We subjoin, territory. The Prussians tion since tho death, of the father, who had expired • I beg your Excellency's pardou, but I don't dulum, the bob or ball of which consists of an. elecr were heard of at hunger. Oderbre remember.' 'How!' said Von Bismarck laugh-, tro magnetic coil, is made to oscillate by means of a of buildings are the only ones left standing in that part however, tho latest notifications which have appeared and Oswiecin, at the exfreme' south-oiiat of Siiosia oft he town, and the < ntire lops is about 125,000 ing, ' don't you remember a young man who was feeblc current of electricity, thus beating "true seconds reference to the anticipated Cabinet In the they were in possession of Zuckm,intel dola., in and Frieipartially insured. One man was slightly injured. Times of Friday, Juno 29, the following appears : rather impertinentto you when ,you were head ■with a. train of: three wheels only. One. of the adhaving crossed the frontier, opposite Ntisso : BRAZIL AND PARAGUAY. and iFhs supposed cause is a man going to sleep in About 20 of the principal supporters of Lord ,b,°r=> of a department ?' The prefect becamo red,, vantages 6f tliis system ia th.it a number of clocks als o rati' 1 ? further,to the north-west. A great battle occurred on the 2-lth of June be- ■green,, different parts, or even in different houses* can.ba Derby assembled at his House in St. James's-squar the hay yard leaving a lighted pipe. Tho centre of(. ,,°P« the Austrian line .is.supposed to We tween the allied forces and tho and pale, but the Count gave him liis. in Paraguayan', with connected together'by a single •wire, and the yrholQ yesterday. Ijord Derby addressed thom at some ertendod frorri ajout and said of the matter." hand, no more was Turnau Joaephstadt, to losses heavy on both sides. Tho result was indecilength, and announced that both at the suggestion and it is with the will indicate: the same tune , to a geoond Messes. Archibald Clark and Son- have on number OKEGOy. main body of fienodek's army that th;o sive, both sides claiming the victory. Hostilities The clocks are of the simplest...construction, and of her Miijesty, and in compliance with his own view I russians have been engaged in hand rich and varied of: a thin, very the first assortment Gorma,, wero proceeding. Tha Paraguayans commenced tho Accounts received from various sections of the of the necessities of his position, ho proposed to offer battloof the war. never .need winding up. IN'o acid .battery;is ■, used. Ihe troops engaged ad vanced aitack with 13,Q00 infantry and $000 cavalry, with drapery (silk: and' woollen goods), being portions Air; 'Brightj country state that tbe continued rainu are sadly high office to several members of the Whig party, through Nachod and Neuatadt the discoverer, has secured the plan by lioy of Kob Skalibz, desperate Monarch; also, fury, but were repulsed and retired. Their which is and cargo/ ex patent. The clocks are spoken of as being far sudamaging the early crops of grain. The heavier and even to certain members of Earl iiussoll's withm 10 miles of Joseplistadt;to and here we may loßs is estimated at 5000 killed and a large number of large coiuignnients by Pegasus, Siam, andLeoto growths mo alreadj in many places "lodged." perior [present clocks iix use.—ALorgatut the Government. He should, therefore, have to ask from. suppose they were met by tlio Ajwtrians in force wounded, left on. the field. Hie bruntof tho battle 00. nidas. Trade. Cereular- VICTORIA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. AVe have Victoria dates to June 29. the Pacific Colonies Oar British neighbours in of a have been thoroughly Beared at the prospect and Alert, Sparrowhawk, The invasion. Fenian watching Forward have beeu crusing to and fro, American overv auspicious sail and overhauling elsewhere, to look steamers from the Sound and for armed Fenians amongst pcaoeful passengers. WestTheir volunteers at Victoria andandNew both towns minster have been drilling nightly, It was have been kept in a state of excitement. specie rumoured that the banks had sont their we on board Admiral Dcnmuu's ship, but this believe \Vos of New citizens Thi was an exaggeration. 13 ■" <""P minster were very indignant that H. oppo*.iw uio Sparrowhawk BhouU tako up a position are instead of suburbs where the Government offijos says newspaper that at the city. A British Columbia the urn l ure the navv seamed more anxious to save C ,UI ' of the officials than the property in 11 "P alarm is that they colonists' for tho reason Fenian in v n Felix O'Bvrno to bean influential ™ ; 1 ; ' . :; - * " : states : _ " : ' -, ' ™ 1 . 1 I ' o - : l : , Relieve I ; . : i ; i | ■ ; : , " — , —- ; . r -- — - 1 < . . " •' ■ —" :• : i ; . " . - | — J j -I : — - ■ . : : :— " , —" > ; . ; ' I - l . ° ' j ' ?' - I I . , 1 - ; daily.] THE NEW ZEALAND HERALD, AUCKLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1866. CRTJICKSHANK, SMART, HIGH-STREET, — ,fc magnificent E'ave on tale, OliOfflf BAS IfiON all sizes Angle, Sheet, Plato, and Hoop Iron Morewood'a Corrugated Iron, 6, 7, and 8 feet Spring, Blister, and Cast Steel Smiths' Anvils, Vices, Bollows, and Fileß Mail Axles, Cart Arms, Coach Springs NAlLS—Ewbank's and American Out. all aizea LOCKS—Carpenters' Patent Kim, Mortioe, Plate, Ac. HING-ES—Butt, T, and Gate Brass Goods ii variety Sash Weights, Sash Line, Axle Pulleys OAB PSNTERS' TOOLS—A. Mathison and Son's Planes, Braces, and Cramps Eobcrt Sorby & Sons' Saws, Chisels, Augers, &c. W. Marples and Sons' Squares, Spokwhaves, Braces and Bits STOVES—Colebrookdalo Cooking Ranees, Gothio Hall CUTLERY—Lookwood's Table, Dessert and Pocket, Enamelled Cups and Saucers, Plates, Pie Dishes. &c. HOLLOWA UE—Tinned Tea Kettles, Saucepans and Boilers, Frying Pans, Round and Oval WASHING MACHINES Hornabys, with EB.H. • [ 7 CO., THE TWENTY sale. SHILLING PLAN! NOT 1 C E OBSERVE THE TWEKTf SHILLING PLAN. =£10,0 0 0 EEIOYA L. WORTH OP JEWELLERY AND WATCHES TO BE SOLD EOR 20s. WITHOUT REGARD TO VALUE. Every — KEESIIsGr, OP DOIISH, AND. Article in Lewisson's Stock, from a Brooch, value £20, to a Diamond Eing, value £35, to be sold for 20s. each. IN A FEW DAYS KEESING, Mangles &c., <£c., The goods aro of tlio latest fashion, and of tlio very best woi-kmansliip, imported j. direct from home and aro sacrificed m tins manner, toj-eli.evetlvi proprietor from embarassments occasionod by the duilncs: of tJie times. Twexty Ski: lixgs bo charged for any article in our lists which comprises tl )ul,( 1uisul "eed not oay until lie knows what he is to ' SUIU th 1 &c. TO PROPRIETORS OF SAW MILLS. The Undersigned Lave in Stock, & JACKSON'S CELEBRATED MAQPEAH. O CUIKE-GROOND CIRCUL4.K SAWS Spear & Jankson's Extra Toinpored Mill, Pit, and Cross-cut Saws, made expressly for the market, with New Zealand Tooth, and Drag Teeth THE IS viz.: wharo necessary INDIA RUBBKR 13BLTING, 2 to iO inch ar-icl-j name The of each offered for ( sale, iov STUBBS' LOCKWO.iIVS oA .V i-'ILErf Watch &old Bracelet luve-stone Diamond King-:" "Silver "A FELLING VND SQUAiUNO AXES Plated Basket &c &o "is written on a card enclosed in a sealed envelope. These ORUIGKSHAKK, SMART & CO. envelopes then placed" in a drawer and well mixed, when an order is recc.ved with ss, for returnare postal and one of these cards or certiiicatos is taken out at random, and CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO., forwarded per first mail. HIGH-STREET. Have always in Stock for Sale, Y— worth of Certificates are now ready, including every article In hhds., qr.-casks and cases—best brands WHISKEY, in hhds., quarter-casks, and caaes— of value in the establishment. Scotch and Irish—best brands RUM—in hhdß., qr.-casks, and cases Nothing less value than and as high as OLD TOM—in hhdq., qr.-casks and oases all of which GENEVA—cases and half cases PORT AND SHERRY—in hhds., qr.-casks, and are to be given away for oases CHAMPAGNE—MoseIIe, Claret GINGKR WlNE—and other Cordials CURACOA—French, Dutch, and English F. H. LEWTSSON has adopted the plan of sale now so popular on tho Continent BlTTEßS—Stoughton's, Pale Orange, &o. of charging a unilorm price, and this price will invariably be 20*. for each j article, no ALE AND STOUT—in bulk and bottle—various how costly it may be. brands. The great expense incunvd in carrying on this Mammoth 205.. Gift for Postage Eegistermg, and forwarding of prizes free is paid by the sale of the certificates or coupons' Also on hand, 12 cases Assorted Paperhangings respecting the various articles. & 10 trunks Boots and Shoes—Dawson Son's Each certificate will show the holder tho particular article he or she is entitled to on SO bales Blankets of additional 20s. 75 cases Chinese Preserved Ginger and Chow payment If the article named on tho certificate is not desired, the holder will oblige us when he Chow returns tlie certificate by stating what other article of the same value he or she may preTBA, ex WA\ eblry,' fer and it will be sent with pleasure. Our aim is to please and every means to that end Congous and Gunpowder, in chests, half-chests, will be exerted. and boxes "We solicit a trial from every one who reads this Notice and we are confident of giving . the utmost satisfaction. *] and SHOES.—2O Trunks, arrived per J Queen of theNorth.' CRUICKSHANK, SMART & CO. receive « " S. J. R> YAILE & CANADA BUILDINGS, -' ' OWEN & GRAHAM HAVE ON SALE, C I N B Y S TXT Tartan and Plain Poplinettes If Fancy Mohair and Challies 6-4 Coloured Coburgs and Alpacas 6-4 Black Coburgs and Alpaca* 7-4 Black French Twills 7-4 Coloured French Merinoes 3-4 Llamas. DAMASKS and MOREENS SHAWLS— 9-4,10-4,16-4 Shepherds' and Fancies Black Llama and Cashmere Longs. IINhN GOODS— Bough Browns, Irish, &c.. Huckaback and Crush Towelling, Glass Cloths Damask Table Cloths Victoria Table Covers Denims and Dungarees Bed Ticks MEN'S CLOTHING in great variety. SHIRTS— White Long Cloth, Blue Serge, Scotch Twill, Fancy Regatta, and Crimean Shirts. MEN'S FELT H VT.S und F. P. CAPS MEN'S HANDKERCHIEFS, TIES, SCARFS, Collars, Belts, Braces, &c., &o. CARPETS— Felt, Kidderminster ia squares Hearth Jtu AMERICAN LEATHER CLOTHS TABLE BAIZE FLANNELS— Imitation Welsh Saxony Scarlet and ColouredSilesian BLANKETS in quantities from Mediur< to Extra super Bath, in sizes 8-4, 9-4. IC-4, 11-4, 12-4 9-4,10-4 Scarlet and Blue RAILWAY RUGS COUNTERPANES and QUILTS WOOLEN and COTTON HOSIERY— Ladies' and Girls' Underclothing Stays, Corsets, Crinolines Lace Falls, Muslin Collars, Linen Sets, d'ee. Antimacassor Muslin Work ana Lace edgings HABERDASHERY— Ribbons and Gloves Combs, Cutlery, Perfumery, &c., &c. PLAN REMOV.y THEIR BUSINESS TO SIMPLE, % QUEEN-STEEET, THAT TjARQ-E AND COMMODIOUS BRICK » charies BOOTS and SHOES, Ex MONARCH.' Hair Oil, qr. and half-pints Fancy Prints 20s. j Haberdashery OPPOSITE THE END J OF HIGH-STREET, ] ' BOOTS "1 MARRIAN'S J —Genuine Manillas, of first-class quality, CIGARS few CO. CRUICKSHANK, SMART caaes, ex' Waverley.' a May 25th. purelv phosphatic, contains phosphates than any other used. THIS MANURE, monials and more Samples at ' & [ --- Sperm Candles Tartaric Acid Cream c< Tartar Bi-ca-bcnate of Soda Currants, Raisins Salad OH, tickles Castor O i Currie Powder s *~5.1 I ,'tosu":, 0:i REAL WELSH FLANNEIr ' DRAPERY AND ARTICLES ON SHIWL3 . CLOTHING SAXOMY TWILLED OIffCCKETING FLANNEL SEE HAND BILLS, ISSUED THIS „ CRIMEAN SHIRTINGS BLANKETS DAY, COUNTERPANES VIEW. Levers, value from £5 10s. to £15 HOSIERY ' Silver Hunting Geneva Watches Silver Open Face Ditto WATERPROOF MANTLES; la TWEEDS Gold Open Pace Ditto FROM THIS DATE TO TIME OF Gold Hunting Geneva AVatches ' Gold English Levers, from £10 to £35, Thos. Russell and Son's best, and NAP CLOTHS also Rotherham's .4' REMOVAL THESE ' Bright Gold Chains and Alberts, from £2 10s. to £7 10s. TRIMMED HATS AND BONNETS— Colored Gold Chains and Alberts, from £5 to £15 Gold Brooches, from 20s. to £35 Pairs Gold Earrings, from 20s. to £7 10s. ' WinterFashions 1866 Silver and Scotcli Pebble Brooches Pure Gold Bracelets, from £5 to £25 DRAPERY MILLINERY,&c. Gold Lockets, ironi 20s. to £7 10a . w,*' Gold Charms EFFECT A TO OUT, WILL BE HELD y-,,-". (Gold) Gents' Pins, from 20s. to £20 :i' ; f CLOTHING- in ALL STYI'3B, fasiuoiiablj. Sets Gold Studs 1 Sets Sleeve Li^ks Go id Pencil C'atscs ' , cut, durable and cheap SAVING- IN EXPENSE & TROUBLE ; Go'd Necklet.-'., from 30s. to £25 Gents' Gold Kings '"'jV., Ladies' Kings, iVom 20.-:. to £5 ' OF EEMOVING- THE GOODS. Diamond Kirgs, from £5 to £35 ; Pairs Gold Spectacles and Eyo Glasses Gold Thimbles, Sterling Silver Tea and Table Spoons >• Sterling Silvei Forks t :i%. Sterling Silver Salvers Electro-platcd Cruets ijg" The whole now offered io the Public at and Coffee &c. Tea Services, Spoons, Porks, "Writing Desks, Work Boxes, and Fancy Goods . r. i :' price* which will eiurore Batiafaotioii to purchasers, American and English Clocks French Clocks, from £15 to 30s. And sundry Goods too numerous to mention, and which by a rapid clearance will enabl | ~Kuulr.,j Facsinrj | Ow*. it- «et io Cotton feet &C. Was'j . . INDUCEMENTS ~ THIS IS POSITIVELY THE LAST CHANCE OP WATCH FOR 20k. jsote ilie Address:— ' Moinw. & UTolieu co the Inhabitants of Ta^uraiiga. 3ACOBSON are appointed Agents for the sale of (SAMUELS I Certificates or Coupons in Lewisson's 20s. Gift Enterprise, p. H. LEWISSON. K. to bring forward a farther ' OBTAINIKu : A £25 OOLT? SEE 11/JSTP BILLS. I Queen Street, Auckland. j & assortment of Bargains, *lno.lc;.i N.B.—The unbounded satisfaction that Lewisson's Gift Enterprise has always given to the Public is alcnc a sufilcient guarantee, and the number of expensive articles that have • oacli, iuith here alid in Melbourne and Sydney, will been given away for Twenty induce the Public to make a uiaj in this the last Enterprise in Auckland. D. SEE HAND BILLS, F. H. LEWISSON, Wholesale Jeweller and Importer, - 19 " All communications strictly confidential, and all goods sent will b6 registered Post or sent Free to all parts of tho Colony, Melbourne or Sydney. & «•#., PAISLEY \ ALL TO BE GIVEN AWAY FOR 20s EACH. i ■ 1 NOW TARTAN PLAIDS SEE HAND BILLS. White Lead Zinc White Black Paint Boiled and Raw Oiliu casks and drums Peacock's Patent, for Iron Ship* Ship's Felt Bolt Ron®, inch'to 3J inch Cordage, inch to 6 inch Rattliiw, '3 to 21 thread Spuuyarj and Oakum Bambroline, Kousi'lino, Marlins Ticad Liiie, Log Lire, a'iuraal Halyards Clipbooks, Hooks, add Thimbles Canvas all long fh-.x Canvasbest Navy boiled Ensigns, 2 and yards Marryatt's Code Books Patent Windlasses, 12, '.3, 14 inch F-illt! and Pawls, 12, U, 14, i 6 r:ch v. A ci <.is, 14 V.v "' OMOrU-1 HfiiOVAf «n> •' I < ?.,?$.?. 5>- • Paper and Paper Bags Loaf and Crushed Loaf Sugar No. 1 Picces in 2 cwt. casks IRONMONGERY— csß'rt'nent, ccr?isting of—Holloware, A C«r.'p.iT..r.s 2*on Pot', Frying Pans, Cftiap>.c-itle:, iir'gpi., Locks, Fil. 3, Milk Pane, "off.ie ixti, Btila . Tea mCaa'.W;: ;'<t A (•?.'■&>, Bill Soot- F'-rn V-tls, H» orce:.-, r.-zuss, "■-j..-v" d ALL-WOOL SHEPHERD PLAIDS J. B. YAILE ' TO ARRIVE PER PEGASUS,' British Baking Powder Wotherspcan's Jams Pearl Bailey and Oatmeal Brown Poison Corn Floui Robinson's Patent Groats Colman's Mustard in tins and bottle Colman's White Starch Colman's Thumb Blue OF „ "WTNSEYS, every variety OFFES TO AT.Ti PURCHASERS OF giving fuH particulars, addressed P. 11. LEWISSON, Queen Street, Auckland. „ Silver English 200 100 500 250 100 40 500 500 400 200 IOD .150 1100 000 200 50 100 Copper Roves (round) Flooring Brads Wrapping Paper and Paper Bags & COBtTBGS ; &£. d.3'l 60 half-sheets Lead, 4, 5, o, to Yellow Metal, 14, 16, 18, V.O ox. Composition Shatithing Nams. i J li inch to 6 inch Coropo-'kioa Round Bolts, Composition Square Spikes, 3 inch to 6 inch Iron Deck Spiki?, 3 inch to 6 inch Galvanized Deck Spikes, 3 inch to 6 inch Copper Boat Nails, 1 inch to 3 inch, square and chizcl points Of SHADES . and PiciJo Coaeo 'Thocoiate ard Cocoa Tuitaric Acid Creamof Tartar Vinegar in v-casks and U'ttics H. and P. mixed fancy Biscuits Kegrohead Tobacco Cavendish 10's Coarse Salt in bags and casks rl 100 200 200 100 100 100 Stoves, Beacon Light, Congress Range Goodwill, &c., No. 3 to 9 Clothes Pegs Patent ditto Wood Chairs, Child's BoudoirJßocking, &o. American Clocks Hand Bpikes Kardin>?*; ju2«S. i>t~ ~ ALL Ploughs Weighing Machines Weighing Beams Campbleton Whiskey in cases -' , „ One Hundred and Sixty Shillings,"' Ten Pounds. „ TWENTY SHILLINGS EICH. Augurs Eoederex Champagne. S. TO BE SOLD TOR LAURIE, Hammers TO ARRIVE PER ' PEGASUS,' Cozzen & Co.'s Pale Sherry, 3, 4, and 6 crown Martell'sPale Brandy, in cases Three-dagger Brandy, in casos ••' ADVANTAGE Eighty Snillings. 3, LIST OO.'S. Ox Yokes and Bows Btore Trucks Fiold Rollers Spring Braces and Belt* GEAHAM, HAVE ON SALE, "TTTTNES AND SPIRITS, consisting of— Yi W. J. Eum, 14 and 33 o.p. Martell's Brandy, Pale and Dark Lownde's Old Tom Geneva, key brand, in case and 4 cases Campbletown and Kirkliston W'liskey Finest Sherry in J casks and b >itlea Finest l'ort*in £ casks and bottles Ale in bottle. & IN ALL ' JNDIAEagle PEIME J & & CUSTOMHOUSE-STREET, Have on Sale, RUBBER BELTING, 3 inch to 8 inch OWEN & GRAHAM, HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND, NEW ZEALAND POBK in 200 lb. casks. r Testi- CRUICKSHANK, SMART HARRIS >''-~ „ ~ Five Shillings. Twenty Shillings, Eovty Shillings. BOLIVIAN GUANO. Three-bushel Bags si" for Don't fail to send for circulars, & Carpet Bags Cutlery '■ ' TO CONNOISSEURS. .American Lirill Blankets Muslin Pugearses Men's Moleskin Trousers Men's Duck Trousers Boy's and Youth's Clothing Saddles S. One Five Twelve Thirty Sixty-five Eighty CRUICKSH-ANK, SMART, Navy Blues, large patterns • MERINOS, ' CELEBRATED BULK ALE.— Alexandra.' & CO. Arrived per - '-' FOR THE & "it' PEGASUS,' Boots and Sj. Men's Bluchers :md Lace-nps Men's Water-tightsand Shooting Boots Men's Elastic Side and Knee Boots Boy's and Youth's Bluctiera and Lace-ups '' per — - 11 CONBIIBTNG OF ' ±> ' WINTER GOODS! Until theNevr Premises ore built, STOUT. Arrived Alexandra. The Price of Certificates, tlie great 1 inducement to Clubs. GKKAT BLOOD'S J OBUTCESHANK, SMART CO., Sole Agents. India Twills Black li' .'.v r;lk3 Satchellß, Courier Bags Ladies' Silk "• OF Where tie Business of the Firm will be conducted - Haberdashery Calicoes, Horrocks, A.8.H., 32 and 36in. Super long Cloths, 30 and 32in. Medium aad Wigan's 20 and 32in. 72 and SO Croydon Sheeting ?rt HOBSOVS BUILDINGS, S. NATIONAL TAXLE, MAM?.'" : J THIS DATE UNTIL ETJIITKER . Misquito Nets Clhottnlnte* nnrl /"V- ANNUAL Smw AS ' Hemmed Cambric Handkerchiefs Wool Union Towels Ladies' Stays and Corsets Ladies' Black Glace Mantles boxos Finest Bciated Oranga V:W.White G.'Vii u and Coun;ei ,'iugar Yellow a.t'.-j 'litt-o ditto Sperm Candle* matter' ? TO ARRIVE PER NORWOOD.' Fancy Prints Fancy Printed Muslins Scotch and Lancashire Muslins Linen Ginghams Toilet Quilt Covers Damask Table Covers Turkish Towels GROCERIES, consisting of— Finest Congou Tea in chests, AND KNOWN | Ex 'ROB ROY.' _ Navy Blue Prints Scotch Twill, Regatta and CrimeanShirts Ladies' Leather Boots Ladies' and Childs' Kid Boots K#.'ss Xv* FOOT OF SHOETLAND-STEEET, < Horrocks, A.B-, 32 and 36ia. OWEN £35> 20s. ( j ' ShIVC-V. £10,000 BRAND AUCKLAND. STORK AT THE ' SADDLERY i 1 &. I NOTICE. | ;s :;l ginttorg. raX B Drapers & TKT"> FIEE! ITEE !! EIEE!!! tried it to be the , BEST PtmiFIEB OF THE BTXJOD, 13 admirably adapted to supply a great want—that of : ENTIRE CROMBTE, CASEY, J, OE CONSEQUENCE NOI a remedy always at hand, easy of application, aid 'certain in its results. * From their largely extended' sale and general adoption, they may be fairly classed ; as a Household necessary. * ! Sold by all Chemists and other dea ere in Patent HAVING RECEIVED AH ELIGIBLE OFFER TOR THE t)EMT, B-, Stappokdskibe POTTKRIEB Importer of Glass, Queen-street, Auckland. China, and Earthenware. Medicines. STOCK, H. GILLETT & CO., Recommended: by. the Eacuity—Teswhich are. daily timonialsfrom the ino3t eminent of; \vhoji may ba inspected—as the most effectual, safe, speedy, and convenient remedy for Cough and all Disorders of & - BROTHERS, Importers of British Fobeiox Mbbchandisb, Qusen-street LEWIS Wharf. and Ooach Builders, &0., Springs and all kinds of BROTHERS. MAOKTK Iron Work made Wellesley-street. "VTICCOL & to Order. CO., Ship Ohaxdlbbs, Lower Queen- . , ■ sMt.li, TKOWTHK ' THE QUISiK OOMP. AN Y R A O .35 Of liIVEBPOOL and LONDON. PURIFY THE BLOOD. .S.E.C ! J. f i1"/NS "' TT .. !TVO GO OD. HE ATH,' USE ... PI 1" ' S Ii lOWA BLOOD: PORE L LS. .As the vital.flhid when in a healthy state sustains and renovates.every.pdrt of the sjstera, it is abundantly manifest that any.medicine' which does not act powerfully upon the blood, can never exterminate rooted disease.. •. ASPBOWXLS. THE HEAETrLusGS, Fire, Life, Endowments, Axmuitifls; This medicine acts immediately uponali these miiri3prinzt of life;stimulating an I restoring themto a healthyactipp. It OAPITAL, TWO MILLIONS STERLING^ is the: greatest purifier of.the. blood ever known.; .1 has, the larjrost sale of any medicine iri the world ;andis advertised in every language, and 13 used by iaU classes from pole to.pole. DIRECTORS IN MELBOURNE Gb>"era£ Disorders of .the Litter and Stomach. j?«1 Youngman The average durationof human life might be 'almost, doubled Chairman —Henry by. giving careful attention to ,what we eat and drink* but aa Yice-Chairman—M. Michaelis ;I«sq.few will exc rcise this Vcaution .w-erinust; have at ,hand -ait W. Mooro Bell, Esq. eaectual remedy for':restoring, those great .the liver Such as indulge air table, Thompson, Esq. andstomadti. to Kerr W. either in eating.ordrinkihg/.should take! about: one of those i Durham Nicholson, Esq. clkp from-which will result a head atbedtim'e, famous Pills liandj a stomich the following morning. : Thousands of always complaining of sick heidaches, want .of ladies are THI3 COMto cocect ADVANTAGES OFFERED BY appetite, wiut of Energy aihd a yrant.of strength four of. thesey Pills: shoMd be. PANY. all these evils, three :a'Weekvwheh:they'would' eujby the heairh aad.appetiie , Life Department.—Non-forfeiture of policies, by twice ploughman. pf a JL , i i ArCKLAND. JAJO?fs, . ' i4 the plainest the .t; 3Bt elegant style*-, an be litid a\V'their. Estabf liahment p.»OI}8 ±2i> Proprietor of the; abovo Establishment has with a. large.and. just returned ftoni their to attention particular would call W. and H. carefnUy••selected;stock of WALNUT DEAWING BOOM SUITES, CHINESE AND JAPANESE GOODS every of the most elegant and beautiful .designs, in which MAHOGANY DINING-EOOM variety of the following articles, the whole of prices, viz.— SILKS moderate extremely, LARGE PAROEL OF be offered at NEW will A FDTRNITURE, CURIOS.—The best Chinese Collection ever JTJST RECEIVED, MAHOGANY BEDROOM FURNITURE, ae.eii ih 'the Southern Hemi3phere, consisting of PORCELAIN, from the celebrated manufactoriesof IRON BEDSTEADS OARPERT and GENERAL and 'Monarch,' WOOD, BRASS, also, King-to-Ching and Nan-chang-fou, in DesEx sert' Services, Vases, Toiiet Sets, Punch and COTS, Bowls, Ac., &c. DRAPERY, ex Rob Boy,' will be sold at the same LACQUERWARE (Cantoneso) in Card Tables, CORNICES, FRINGES, and DAMASKS, (Teapoys, (s.mall tables)> Tea Trays, Tea Cadprice. dies, Work Boxes, Cigar Boxes, Glove HAIR, FIBRE, ALVA, & FLAX MATRESSES, BoxeSj &c. IVORYWARE, in Chessmen, Draughtsmen, Card STRAW PALLIASSES, FEATHER BEDS, Ciaes, junks, Vases, Card Baskets, Paper SAI/3 TO COMMENCE THIS DAY, AT Knives, &c. BOLSTERB. and PILLOWS. TORTOISESHELIj-WARE, in variety 9 O'CLOCK. SANDALWOOD-WARE—An assortment of FANS. AND HAND9CREENS—every new style GEOVEE AND BAILEE'S (an exquisite colloction), &c., &c;, &c. Carpet and other patterns (ten SPITAPIELDS HOUSE,! PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES MATTING—New varieties) never imported before' modem/Family Two things are necessary in a OIL (known as Tea Oil)—far superior to beit Colza 234 QUEEN-STREET. for burning, and without an equal as a lubriMachine j it should Stitch arid Embroider, othercator for machinery family and. use, half inaohine for a wise it is but PRESERVED GINGER Chowchow, and Kumquats (Chyloongß No. 1) when you have finished stitching a garment with will bo 10ft to.' embroider it GOOD NEWS your machine, Note.—The above are not the inferior and tediously by hand. .Grove' - and Baker's. Premium defective manufactures.sold:by Chinese to. Europeans at the outports, but the choicest of their several TO AT.T< WHO CAN APPRECIATE GENUINE Machines are perfect Stitchers and perfect Embroi- kinds, selected by the importer from tho actual manufactories in- the interior, niany of them, being derers. WINES AND SPIRITS, £12. made to his order. .instructions given to purchasers gratis. AT In addition to the foregoing, there will bei open to selection a quantity of curious and beautiful EXTEEMELY LOW PEIOBS JAPANESE GOODS, WINKS & HALL, Well worthy the attention of connoisseurs. . THE : . GENERAL DRAPERY. j .; ' . Fejiax'es or all Aces. the issue of free paid-up policies, payable during the CLis3*s. We fame of .dttriibrdlnary pills ia partly based upon, life time of the assured; or to his heirs in the event of the beneficial Effects they have upon .■■'the constitutions of his ewly• death. any kind,\ either in youiig persons :pb tnictiofis 'of duced system ; one-half.credit. for the first five years. femalesflirty or fifty years .ofzap. -the*most'.critical Or those betweeu Foreign..'residence '.and travelling without extra pre- pefi6d: 'bf iife-riaiay be radically removed by' u=ihg these, pills. to the printed directions, which..accompany each mium. Policies are unchallengeable/ except on the acceding Young persons with sicklv and sallow- complexions, and ground of fraud. Kates of premium the lowest in box. appea: ance,. may have the even niotliers. of.a simi Colony. the this wonderful bippmof heiH'h restored to their cheeks ; and expel 3 all gross and, Fira Department.—Fire insurances effected at the corrective, which.purifles. the, blo6d ; impure humours from, the systeih> ' Beware ;theVi of the lowest current rates of premium. age from: forty :o fifty, it sends so; many.thousand All losiea paid in tEe Colony. mothers to a .premature .girdve,Wrth&je. pills, should be .taken at that. period! bf life nvo or three;tinies a week, .'and; by so By order of the Board, doingthere is little to fear. . ROBERTS, , CHRILDREN* .AND THEIR AIiXEXTS.. JOHN & and BROWNE'S OOLLIB CBLOBODYSE. Vice-Ohancellor Sir W. Page Wood stated publicly in Court that Dr. J. Collis Baowxs was undoubtedly the Inventor of Chlorodyne; that the whole Btory of the defendant Fbeejian was deliberately untrue, and he rezretted to Pay it liad been a/rorn to. —See the Times, July 13, 1864. DB. J. JAMES SHOB.TLAND-STREET. OLDHAM, QUANG TUNG- HONG, Sole Agents for the Province of Auckland. High-Street, COLLI 8 BROWNER CHLORODYNE. to inform his CUSTOMERS*and the Hon. Eabl Russell communicated PUBLIC that, notwithstanding the GREAT The Bight to the PRICE TEN SHILLINGS. College of Physicians and J. T. Davenport that he INCREASE in DUTY, he is prepared to Sell a information to the effvct that the only had received remedv of any service in. Cholera war Chlorodyne.— th following Prices for CASH:— HO CIISTETTER'S TOPOGEA PHI GAL 245. per dor. Bee Lancet, Dec. 31, It CAPE WINES AND GEOEOGICAL ATLAS OP Pure and Free from Spirit. COLLIS BROWNE'S NEW ZEALAND. J. PORTS AND SHERRIES 265. to 365. CHLORODYNE. According to Brand and Age. Extract from Medical Times, Jan. 12, 18S6.—"la CONTENTS CHAMPAGNE 36b. to 665. prescribedby scores of orthodox medical practitioners. NEW ZEALAND According to Brand. P OF Of course it would not be thus singularly popular did Map of Isthmus of Auckland it not' supply a want and fill a place.' CLARET, BURGUNDY, and Map of the Waikato and SouthernPart* ofthe other FRENCH WINES 26a. to 425. Province, of Auckland. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S BUM 16a. to 18e. per gal. Map of Botomahana,. and Hot Springs CHLORODYNE or Dark) of Harbour of Aotea and Kawhia (Pale Map 20s. to 245. BRANDY, is the best and most certain remedy in Corona, Map of Province of Nelson. BRANDY (in Cases) 36a. to 55a. Colds, Asthma, Cossomption, Neuralgia, RheuWHISKEY, GENEVA, and OLD TOM, matism, &c. Single Mapt. at equally Low Prices. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S BURTON ALE (very fine) 3s. 6d. per. gal. Waikato 4s. CHLORODYNE 28. New Zealand In Quantities to suit Customers. is a certain cure in Cholera, Dysentksy, Diajwhcea, lis. to 14s. per doz. ALE and STOUT Colics, <tc. L D E L 'A T T E E rvß. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S QlTBEir-STBEBf, AUCKLAND, XJ CHLORODYNE. HIS BTOCK of TOBACCO, CIGARS TEA And all Booksellers. Extract from the General BoaeI) op Health, COFFEE, 4c., &c., &c., are well worth a trial London, as to its efficacy in Cholera.—" So strongly are and trusts to convince all that it is their interest to ■we convinced of the immense value of this remedy, QUEEN-STEEET WHAEF. that we cannot too forcibly urge the necessity of deal with JAMES OLDHAM, adopting it in all caspj." From A. Montgomery, Esq., late Inspector of HosE. MOOEE, WINE A.ND SPIRIT MERCHANT, pitals, Bombay.—" Chlorodyne is a most valuable WINE, SPIBIT, AND BEER MERCHANT remedy in Neuralgia, Asthma, and Dysentery. To AND AND IMPORTER. it I fairly owe my restoration to health after eighteen months severe suffering, and when all other medicines Wathb Maihxfactoby, Mikebax. had failed." The Public and Shipping. suppllod with Wines and Spirits of first quality. HIGH STEEET, J. COLLIB BROWNE'S AUCKT.AHD. CHLORODYNE. PALE AND BROWN BRANDT Campbeltown Scotch Whiskey CAtTTios'.—None genuine without the words Dr. Fine Old Irish. Whiskey J. C'ollis Browne's Chlorodyne" on the Government Browning's Celebrated Old Tom TO AGRICULTURISTS AND OTHERS. Stamp. Overwhelming medical testimony accomGeneva Gin panies each bottle, fe'ole Manufacturer, J. T. DaveitFine Old Rum, 33 o.p. 3POBT, 33, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, London. BOLIVIAN GUANO. BOLIVIAN GUANO. Cura(joa The immense demand enables the proprietors to Maraschino reduce the price it is now sold in bottles, la lid, Cherry Cordial 2i 3d, 4s 6d, and lis. & Brandy W. Cherry J. HUEST CO. CollinßAgents for Melbourne—Taylob Co., Orange Bitters ftreet West. it unnecessary to add a word of their own Orange & Wobms Boven Agent for Sydney—M. A. Co., Wynin favour of this best of all PHOSPHATE German Bitters yard-lane. GCJANOS, but cannot refrain from submitting, for Vinegar for Pickling White Wine the csneideration of Farmers, the Testimonial of one Walker's English Ginger Wine of their own body, so long and favourably known to Madeira, old CHARLES DAVIS, them. Sparkling Hock Champagne, pints,and.■■■■•''• quarts, Jacquesson'a ATCJTIONEER AND COMMISSION AGENT. Mangarei, 20th July, 1866. Real Havanna Cigaris 1 ■ To Messrs. W. J. Hurst & Co. Gentlemen, —At your request, I have much BURTON PALE ALE, lis. PER DOZEN DAVIS begs to return thanks to his pleasure in testifying to the merits of the Bolivian PORTER, 3s. 9d. PER GALLON Guano I received from you. IN BOTTLE, 9s. 6d. PER DOZEN numerous friends and patrons for pastfavors bestowed I used about two cwt. to the acre, on a field of thirty acres, sown with Grasses, Rape, and Turnip,— FINE RODA TENT SACRADONAL WINE. on him during his long residence in AUCKLAND and I must confess there is quite an unusual flow of the Rape and Turnip, the like of which I have not and informs them that having completed theerection seen before. The Trade supplied with hogsheads and qr.-casks The fielcl is open for tho inspeetion of any of his Brick Bulidings, Queen-street, he intends one who may wish to see it. R.M. has on Sale a Bmall quantity of OLD PORT of I am, yours respectfully, the finest quality that can be had in London. Johjs Wailace." cwrvinsr on the Business of DE. J. QUEEN-STREET, BEGS DR. . : '' 0. J. Stohb. I W. 0. Wilsos. G. B. OwiJf, ' AtTCKIiJvD. F. PBICE, Pbofhietos. TABLES &w'. Constipation of .the: Inflammation Bowels Opnipaiyi ten to ' from any of tie Directors. N ' GEORGE P. PIERCE, ot Manager. v There is. considerable saving; taKng thej largest..sizes, N.B.—Directions for.'the guidance of jpatiehts in every disorder are affixed to each box. . COMPANY (LIMITED). / ................. .. at 8 a.m. , Fqh Open arid Close Carriages Ladies' and Gents' Saddle Horses Dog Carts, Buggies, and Sociables Horses bought and sold privately. H. HARDINGTON• February I6th, 1866. ; . : William Duthie, • Esq., Director of the Standard Bank of British South Africa Alexander Frazer, Esq. (late of Maclain, Watson and Co., Batavia) Lewis Frazer, Esq. (Maclain, Frazer .and Co., BAIT Gardens STABLES, John Paterson, Esq., director of the Alliance Bank' Felix Pryor; Esq. (of the late firm of H. and J. Johnston.and Co.) NIGHT. John; Swindell, Esq. (Swindell and Matthews), FOB HIRE: Ladies and Gentlemen's Saddle Horse* Waggonets, Bingle or double harness Open and Covered Buggies single or doublaOpen aeated and closed Carriages for wedding parties &c. Mincing Line Henry Thurbum, Esq., .5, HARRIS IHTPRRTAT, & INSURANOE LONDON. ordered by telegram COMPANY OF Agent—SAMUEL JACKSON,Fort-street. Fresh Ground from the Mill. R. & R. Would! also take this opportunity of returning thanks to their patrons and the public for past favours, and would solicit a continuance of the ' ' nEignors, andrendering ONEHUNGA. PROMPT ACCOUNT SALES or all Auctions and Consignments entrusted to his IWERSON begs respectfully to state that she has a large and varied stock of Groceries and General Commoditiesof theBest Qaulitv, Flour, at most Moderate Prices. All orders will be faithfully and promptly executed. MRS. cue, to give general satisfaction. HOUSE AND LAND SALES IN TOWN OB TO CAPTAINS OF VESSELS IN MANUKAU HARBOUR. The Captain,j of Vessels can be supplied daily with aCopy of the HERALD NEWSPAPER, GRATIS, by application to Mrs. A. C. I wesson, Grocer and GeneralDealer, Beach Onehonga. I COUNTEY promptly attended to. DAVIS' I WHARF, QUEEN-STREET. ! j OHABLES AIPEED " BAENE S, T"\ ATNTY ARIEL" "will stand this Season, at I the Sllerslie Stables, near Auckland. ' ; ; "THE NEW ZEALAND (Successor to S. J. Williams), CUSTOM-HOUSE, SHIPPING, GENERAi Teems—Ten Guineas each Mare, jno.uduig Groom's, fee. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING AGENT, &o. required Paddocks if AUCgLAND THE BEACH; ONEHUNGA. for Mkresand' Foals. Pour lines t lines CARTED IO.OODS "vA O to and from Auckland daily, it E H :U.:N G A- . F. NORTON, Chemist, Queen-street, and Shipped as per address. Onehunga, and Mrs. A. O. Iwerson, Storehe-iyer, The cutter 'Betsey" will continue in the Waiuku near Beach, Onehunga, are agents in .Onehunjj!, for trade, and run twice a week, weather permitting. V the salo of the ? Daily Nbw ZRXLAND Hbeat.ii and; Orders left at the Btore as above; or in. Aucklmd, tho Weekly Heb\i.d. Subscribers . names, advertisements, and order# fo? at Messrs. Coxbbs & will reccivo prompt printing trill be received at eitherOf the above Attention* pla«o«. MR. «•« ... ... ... •*•. , ... li.W* ■, ... I*. M each additional Una. SOBBCBIFTIOH . 168. per Quarter; single copies 3d. each . those^roseategates, the lips: Behind; of girlhood, there should be a fragrant palace drop! ivory and coral., To Young ladies, ybu./should: keep your teethand gums in perfect order, if you hope in afterlife to enjoy the blessings of a sound set of dentals arida sweet breath; What wiU .taable ypu to do, thi»P yoxiafik* Nothing Taut fragrant SozODONt wo elegantly . furnished: with metaphor. .... ' m ••• ... And 2d. for CITY FLOUR MHYLS, Wtsdham-stbejt. Jidy 7th, 1866. HF.RA.riT)." TERMS OP ADVEETISEiCENTS. Three linea At Current Rites. , & : . attention RETAIL . strict ON SALE—WHOLESALE AND Fine Flour, Seconds Ditto. Wheatmeal Sharps and Brain, Maize; whole and crushed Maize Meal, Oatmeal Seed Oats Food for Cattle . by ST ALL!ON. ; .. , of f-.ad trusts FENCING ; pi'ironag'S, As the quantity on hand is limited, W. J. H. & Co. request those who desire it for the Potato Crop to their book their Orders at once. W. J. HURST & CO., to the Auckland Coal and Potato Depot (Opposite Cruickßhank, Smart Co.) , .T) OBLEY and RUSSELL beg respectfully to JEt) intimate to their friends, and the public generally; that they have at great expense erectod machinery and other appliances for the manufacture of OATMEAL, which may always be obtained : N O T I C E. same., " of ; were. Agents. " He most respectfully solicits a renewal ; Terrace. LAURIE, , Special Conveyances can be to meet the Waikato steamers. branch:of his profession. yand one who is a legally ; qualified practitioner and Tueraber of the Medical Board of Victoria.. Dr; Ij., L. SMITH has now been in practice in .Victoria fdc the last fourteen: years. " He. was formerly! a! pupil and pracunder the celebrated; Dr. .Culvenvell of well knowri forVhis skill.in,the treatment of those diseases for. which contemporaries;. Dr. L^llemand,' Ricord, and himself ,L. L.. Smith; has the 'raost extensive ./.practice, extending; throuzh the whole of Victona; New, South Australia, Tasmania, ahd New Zealand.. DrMi. L*. Sraith has now estabUshed this ertensive practice through hia admirable system of corresponding by letter; By encloaing aone pound bank-rriote, ;in answer and consultation is immediately rettxmed'by next-post'. Three hours in ibe day are continuonily devoted.to thisbranch of Dr.,;SMiTH's practice. known to.all .DK. Xu Li SillTH'S .establishments,are wellreferente has visitors to Yictoria. His extensiyie library forextensive.anr press.:- His even been: praised by the atomical museum, is well-knowh l iand Dr. L; L; Smith's reputation alone'as a lecturer ori pnysiologicaland anatomical subjects, is sufficient security; to "the public : that .those, wbo entrust their cases in his- hands will." to say the leasc, : have a guarantee that they tplace them in tbe cara of one who.iS:.wcU anatomy and physioloey, of the human acquainted with body arid itis mysterious workings, and. therefore. Irrespective of his reputation for curing; tuese diseases, he isat.least a competent/person to attempt, to.cure them. Dr, L. Lf:Smith takes the gr&test precautious to avoid, publicity .being given, as to hjcoghitidh from whence the correspondence'comes. He has beeii now fourteen yeare in practice at Victoria; and hot one sirigle.case.has ever been m-»de public., Dr., L<. L, Smith , : ca«» be consulted by le E>r. I>. Lv SsiiTfi; L. S A., first prizeman iri the prinoiplei ..and practice of medicine; first prize for surgery ;'nrst prize anatdmy liospital ; first for. prizeman ,ior. chemistryfirst .certificate. , for mid«wifery i aiid inember.of the Medical Board of Victoria. J,, : 192 B mrkerstreet Easty, Melbourne, Victoria;,' , Smith, 192 Bourke-:3treet East, ilelbodme. Dir: The following works by:Drl L. L. Wraithcaabe obtained direct from, the author, 6a.encl6amg stainpß,Gd extra postage Impotence and Sterility. 4s 6d ; Obstades to ilarnage, 41 6d.. ;;Mearis ,ofProlohging' Lifei, 2s. 6d;;. How to Get Fat and. How to Qet Thinls!;' &c. -&c.. , : " hia 1 Papsikura Martin's Farm Papatoitoi Bazorback . Bedoubt Otahnhu Queen's Manngatawhiri Creek. Auckland. the . Drury Drury " TG; who has been be acknowledges, out ol Drofeission. by .thas advertising l; but he deems itbetter, to give itui unfortunate. feUow-being who, has . erred (once, perhaps,, only in the course^of.tiis life) at.least being capable of discriininatiug for himselfi.of ascertaining for. himself but of the mass of charltan'tsm, at laast one practitioner wh'6 Uas. devoted his time,. .money, and study to this peculiar 1 : ' " OOAO HE 8 DAI LT. Leave. Maungatawhiri Creek Leave Auckland at 8 a.m. for at 8 A.m. for Queen's Redoubt O.tahuhu Papatoitoi Bazorback Papakura Martin's Farm established siiice 1851, lias routine.;of stepped, perhaps, Capitai—£l,6oo,ooo. « GALVANISED WIRE FOR ON SALE. Queen-street, Auckland. .force Dr. ;L. L. Sill . AND Clarklrving.Esq., Hyde Park Square James Lyall, Biq. (Lyall, Renuio and Co., Caloutta) James Mo Master, Esq., Director cf the Merchan'. Banking Company Brin«ley de Courcy Nixon, Esq., Queen's Gate VICTORIA-STREET. jgg- OPBJf ALL HOUEB OF DEEM ANtt COMMISSION AGENT. lives. : Jj CO. & ailmenti of> . T IVERY & AUCTIONEER aithoukli . COBB ; " ing Company fiilfil duties Singapore) MARTELL'S " Augustus Henry Novolli, Esq.. . DR. Hrra: : : . Deputy-Chairman William Patrick Adam, Esq-, M.P., Blair Adam, Xinrosshire William Fiederick Baring, Esq., Director of the Bank of Hindustan Stephen Busk; Esq:, Director of the Merchant Bank- 1 .. .... a tea- ; ... . milaise,. .desire. .certain FIRE AND LIFE BOARD. Chairman: T. WV L. Mackean, Esq. _ . DR. Deputy-Governor: Alexandre Eraser, Esq. aency to de-spDndency; a. sslUUt: occasional loss Of .memory; sometimes a.weakness across tiie.sniaU of the back and loins; or waking with a feeling as if .iihrefresUed'; agehbral. depression;, a want of pluck,, as it were.; , leas for .business, feeling 'I than formerly anil you are.troubled with a 'nervoiisne*s;"a loss ofpower? Ifyoii are.to.be wdriie<l:in:time;you have now the, means and.oppoi;tunir><of restored to health. It.iis atthis stage thit.ypur nlUease,by a timely application of'remedies and regimen, can be eradicated;-aiid your system invigorated; vour manhood restored to that .stati ithat you may and dm required of,you by vour sr>cial and moml;being.. Be the warned also to whom you apply. There .aw, tWo rocks: .upon . whibh you may split—tho one'beins the legally quilifiid pracfully qualjfi--d -iy.hi< knowledge of his titioner, who, humanity, profession to treit ttie vanous general yet;is totally ignorant (as the majority of them. 'unfortadateljr are) of.this peculiar brunch of his • science,' the :rea3on ;\beibff that .he his never made it his peculiar study, and ths ; other rock is,the blatant charlatan and quack;\who preys upoh' tbef pockets and of. his victims : Tnese individuals, assume pretension* and are, lities to which they havemt the ordinary cominon, for the.most: part, men even without rudiinehti ofeducation,.who. by their of impudencf ,and y ruin the small.rernains. of <health of : tlie, poor deluded victim. . : .. tlie. feeling up »n you.tbat you are not quite: Governor: John Patbbson", Esq. ; ■ .. Head Office: ? . OMNIBUBES .. WAUXIXG n—Do you suffer from physical incapacity frbm Are. you suffering from ii-rvu '.s debili:y? Hiv-- you bseri the jrullty victim of any.secret'yics?'' Do yod- sinfer fol'o'wins?; a, setofsymptoms nearly akin more,or less to condition, of health, not lyit positiyely ill,.'.bat & A 69, Corn hill, London. : DR. the Bazaar Yards for Newmarket, Mount St. John, Epsom, and Quehucga, EVERY DAY fSunday excepted), punctually, at 8, 10, 11, .noon, and .at 2, 3, and 4 p.m. ..returning' from Onehunga at 8, 9, IQ, noon, and at 1, 2,, aad 4 p.m. On SUNDAYS, from each place, at 9 a.m., and at 4 p.m. A 'BUS, will leave the Bazaar Yards, DAILY, for Newmarket, Junction Hotel, Harp of Erin, .Panmure, and Howick, at 3pm.; returniag from Howick r. *.*' OAPITAL: £1,000,003 STEBLLVO. leave Ulcers. ,Venereal. Affections ofall Kinds . : .'Weakness froth. Rheumatism' whatever causa. 'Retention of Urine^ ■. &c.»' &<X I.Sore Xliroats. * vporldl : MA umours ■ Complaitit JL.umbas'o Piles Sold at the EsUbiishment of .Professor Hollowat,. 244, by iiU,respectable ; Strand, (near Temple Bir.y Druggists and Dealers in Medicine Uie civilized HOME AND COLONIAL ASBUEANCE: HORSE AND CARRIAGE BAZAAR. .f?undice Consdmpdon Debility Dropsy Dysentery Erysipelas Fits '"" .Tic-Doalotireax 'i Indigestion Colics of Bates, Printed Forms of Propoeals, and an other information may be obtained from .. " " 1 J. A., Wholesalb Saddlers WISEMAN, Harness Makers, Queen-street. . and NEW ZEALAND COMPANY. • STEPHENS, Land Agent, Hamilton, Upper Waikato. you. • Surveyor ' INGRAM —Licensed The.meaSels, the small-pox. ihe whooping-cough, .and the many complaints to which children are heirs,slioiUd be treated .motners when they see such disease apas follows: proaehirig bruise two or threeof. these pills,, according to the age 6f the cliiid, giving them night and morning.in a Httla meliciae wttl water in the, form of a powder; this reinoveiand cure all complaints incidental to,childhoodWant op StrengthAyo EviE-Y. Persons of sedentary habits, or trouble in m;nd, or working. I NSUEA NC E I'll factories or coal: pit-, or such osiers who cannot obtiin that arhount o»:iresh air and excercwe. which naturereq'iire*, suffer from, weakness and' debUity, lo**ness of. spirits and want of appetite,.. AH such should take a.djse or tvvo.of these' .Rill* FIBS AND MARINE. every three or four days, as t »ey.act gently and effectually oa ATTOKIiABT). BnIXiDIKQS, nnuiMSSASBE'S Train the syiterhi. imparting vigour and energy: to «the Iwdy; wnich ,i 3 always followed .by :a good appetite, soua 1 and refreshing sleep, with a.high flowof >pirits. Every -family-and.traveller OAPITAL, >360,000, ..shpuld'keepa box of these invaluable piU* by theua against era ergen ciies. WIXH Tnrr.nrrrn t.ti btt.ttV OP TEH BHAEBHOLOTBS. anytolloway'i Pills are the best;,remeJy known in the world i for ttte following' diseases DIRECTORS: Irregnlan- Scrofula—Kangi 1 Ague female % : Evil' Asthma .-'ties CnAiBitAS—JAKBS Welliaksos, Esq., %Sfone4--Gravel. Bilious Complaints. Fevers of all —S. BBOWKZHS. DXPUTT CHAIEHAJT .Secondary Spmp* Blotches on the skin G<)ut THOIIAS Rusapuj Bowel.Complaints DAVID Grahaic, Headache .toms..'.[ ■ J., Muxbrs, Auckland, Freeman's and Henderson and Macfarlane's Store. Acting. Secretary. J. T. GARLICK, Auckland Agent. , J. SOPPET, Bay Mill, & : and Importers of and Dealers in every description of Paints, Oils, Turpentine, Color*, Varnishes, French Polish. Gold Leaf, Brushes, and Paper Hangings; British and Continental Plate. Pheet, Crown, and Ornamental Glass; Clock and Compass Glasses. •Glass cat to any size and carefully packed. Window Lead, Glazed Sashes, Doors, &c. . W„ 4 SON, Wyndham-stroet,AuckPHILLIPPS, Glass Mbrchasts, lrad, Oil, Color, . ■ street, Auckland. AucKand,. Ei»iipHpi Cwwr-j's-v;.. . 1855. FIEST Isstjb, £500,000. : F„ WHOLESALB AST) RETAIL Bookbinder, Paper Ruler A.VD Account Book Manitfictukeb, Upper Queen-street, nexf door to Mr. Evitt'e, Gunsmith. Established J. LEIGHTON, Stationer, V:, , CO., ArcnoxßßUs ajtb Commission Brunswick Buildings, Queen- & Agknts, Ac., &c., V'';??''.. suitable to aU AND / QUAN© Ti r.Tf v;->NO. T : JONES Street. THB lar^'.i ; and. . tho Lungs, Chest, and Throat. Sold in Boies and Tins, of various sizes, by T. Keating, Chemist, 79, Pt. Paul's Churchyard, Loa'don. Sold retail by all Druggists, See. M^LLiOJS. . BILKS genual .rc»om i)Z o oojiir- OF a-d 3e-*»iery rsr»roi MiKCiurT, liTPOi rrn W. 0., ajtd Commission Aoest, High-street, As-Je- HILL, A mp.'ve . 1 .>• "'.o a.witn, veduced brice.s , it - ONE ... . V.'.'.wox-sa C'ocia. V.utcHes, " THE WHOLE OF THEIR STOCK CAPITAL, . T. HaCKB, Tulcan-lr.-.i.. 3e«cript f Aire ■■ their present extensive STOCK of English ard Colonial F U B N I TUB E, PRICES LONDON Bstah Clothins Wabbhovsb, ato HALL & SELLING OFF Watsbloo PLACE, Mall, London. 8, FradH-iiAJfßj A>"D 7, , Shob, wIN K8 nv, NOW 1 asd & Chai. .'.TtOUGHS, ASTHMA, 'and INClPrfei COJTSUMPTION are effectually cured by KEATIKG'S CODGH liOZENGE?, BAZAAR, " GOOD co., 8. m., Wholesale Green YailsV Buildings, ''iurta-i r:ct, A~oWvd» '■ ■■■■■ for Hew Zealand: —Wellington, Mr. '■I). !. .'Agents Barraiid; Auckland, Mr. Henry Potter: Red Office," Queen- Being compelled to return to England, have deterShip Beokbe, Btraet Wharf. mined to givo the MOWS JAKINS, Mkbckasts, SHIPPINO, Wharf, akd Commission A est Queri -street BENEFIT PUBLIC THE Inckland. BsanrKßß axd at Mnuso JOHN, Cmi, ALL BY SELLING and Land Sueteyob, Waterloo Quadrant. Boot, MEDRXDSIS, which has been inyalv.able Known throughout the United Kingdom, for nearly half a century, and recognised by all who hare >Z. SON, Wabbhoubemb.v, Short- & KATE'S WOBKDEtii/S PILXS. WABBHOTTS£HE>'» Queen- JOHN, Wholesale Saddi.bb and.SadBLACK, DLBr's Isonmongbr, Durham-street, Aucklana. JN ARCH., CLARK, land-street. HOME GOING CO., TmpobteßS, WHOLE- AND Aucklflnd.! ltroot LIMITED. INSFEANCE COMPANY . H NOW OPENED I 12>AILY. ; T)URNSIDE, J. H„ 81, 1866. . 8 HERAJjD, AUCKLAND, FKIDAY, THE NEW ZEALAND Wjnd» «a" Advertisements "Will bo received at the Office, nu.nber of: insertions, required, mast b<B clearly written on tho copy, otherwise they-will bo inserted until countermanded and charged accordingly.. ham-street, and the Zealand.—Printedand. published, daily by .Printing Wilson. Proprietor, at his General Steam Auckland, New W. C. Establishment; Wyudh«mHS*»t, (»/«w.do«i»&o» Qu»t»r itreetj.v