
Darby Bicheno
Studio Context - Ambassador
I’m a 3rd year student of Industrial Design, with a great love of objects, and the
ways that people interact with them. I
have a a particular interest in how digital technology can be implemented into
simple objects, to improve the potential
of the experience that it evokes.
Car design to me is simply the greatest
oportunity that designers can get to bring
together different disciplines of industrial
design to work together on a project that
is about nothing but the experiences and
values of the end user.
This design studio was focused around
developing a ceoncept vehicle inspired by
the classic Indian car, the Hindustan Ambassador, and how to bring that vehicle
forwards into 2020.
I have taken this class as an opportunity
to improve my skills in both drawing
and modelling organc forms. I have also
developed a totally new perspective on
vehicle design, which has permanently
changed the way that I look at the vehicles
around me
it was initially focused on creating a bespoke vehicle, inspired by the Ambierod, designed by our guest lecturer, Dilip
We were lucky enough to spend a week
with Mr. Chhabria, forming an ‘intensive’ class with him, where we were able
to bounce our idea’s off of him, and get
feedback from a legendary automobile
Over the course of the semester, we have
been expected to produce a large number
of concepts, and to pick one to be modeled in CAD, with a focus on not only the
exterior, but the interior of the vehicle as
BESPOKE MAKER OF CARS | Darby Bicheno | RMIT Industrial Design | Page 3
My initial interpretation of the 2020
Hindustan Ambassador was intended
to be a luxury car, driven by a chauffeur
employed to escort VIP’s on their visits to India. The front passenger seat is
reversible, allowing the 3 passengers
to converse as they like in a lounge like
environment. When needed, there is a
small pop-up table between the 2 chairs.
The roof and windows are all made of a
smart glass, that can be cycled between
solid black, and crystal clear, allowing
for both privacy, and imaculate views
depending on the situation
The front face of the vehicle was an
attempt to take elements from both the
classic ambassador, and luxury Bentley
vehicles. I also kept the size of the
vehicle rather small, to allow for
comfortable driving in Indian traffic conditions.
Over a period of 6 days, we had the privelidge to work with Dilip Chhabria on our
concepts. The word intensive was certainly an appropriate one, as most of the days
started before dawn, and went past dusk.
The first thing we did in the intensive was
scrap our initial concepts on the advice of
Mr. Chhabria, and begin work on a new,
2020, Ambassador, SUV concept. following that was 6 days of non stop drawing
and idea generation to develop a new
concept based on Mr. Chhabria’s advice
regarding the future of automobile design.
Our new brief, laid out by Mr. Chhabria,
was to develop an SUV concept, taking
inspiration from both the Hindustan Ambassador, and his re-deign, the Ambierod.
It was to maintain the;
-bonnet scallops
-rear sweage line
-vertical tail lights
-spacious interior
-4 door volume
It was also to have a primary focus, or a
user to motivate the direction of the design. I decided to work towards creating
a vehicle meant for adventures, as Mr.
Chhabria’s advice regarding the future of
car purchases leaned towards a younger
generation of drivers who have grown up
playing video games, and seeking fun and
excitement in th lives. I also wanted to ensure that the vehicle could carry a group
of friends on a weekend away.
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My design is intended for a 2020 market,
in which I envision that for many people
the automobile will be more than just a
vehicle for commute, but also one for
leisure & adventure, and so the SUV will
do nothing but increase in popularity.
Larger vehicles will also allow passengers
a greater sense of safety on Indias
turbulent roads
With the latest technology built right into
the vehicle, long drives have never been
easier. Featuring a smart glass roof to
appreciate the journey, or to view the
stars at night. this car also has an easy to
use display at the drivers fingertips, with
access to the rear view camera, front
facing night vision camera, GPS (with
built in traffic warnings).
In the information overload that is 2020,
my car design will make it easier than
ever to escape on long weekends with 4
of your favourite companions. with a
spacious interior that folds down into a
double bed, and a tent built into the boot
for the others, half of the effort is already
done. And with a purpose built esky, food
storage space, and food preperation area
that slides into the boot, It’s just a holiday
waiting to happen.
My vehicle will be benchamarked off
of current day, medium size SUV’s.
Designed to appear both solid & large like
older SUV designs, but really not much
larger than a station wagon. This will help
keep the material and environmental cost
down, but still inspire ideas of adventure
in potential buyers.
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I found the CAD aspect of this studio
both very difficult, and fulfilling. As I had
never used surfacing techniques in solidworks, there was a significant learning
curve involved, and as a result I decided
to scrap my first 2 attempts at the primary
body surfaces.
Having the level of detail in my orthographic views (Fig C) that I did proved to
be enourmously usefull for detailing the
exterior form, and I am sure that in future car design projects I will put a much
greater degree of effort into correct orthographic views of both the interior and
Once I had established a form I was happy
with, I started adding some basic features
to the form, such as the front bumber,
roof rackes, and boot form (Fig A). I decided to add these features using surfacing techniques, partly because I wanted to
improve on my skills, but also because I
did not anticipate the issues they will pose
when trying to convert the model into a
Once I decided to attempt to knit the surfaces together into a solid, I came up with
such a large number of gap errors that I
opted to cut the model into smaller sections to be repaired, knitted, and combined later on (Fig B).
Due to the issues I had with knitting,
shelling the exterior proved to be an impossibility, and I instead opted to create an
interior form and offset the windows and
roof to create a solid object I could use to
create a cavity in the exterior form. While
I am happy with this result, it will prove
to be somewhat of an issue if I choose to
CADCAM the model later.
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Cutting the doors proved to be a huge
hurdle for me as well, but once that was
done, the results were imediately obvious,
as the vehicle became much more lifelike
with the ability to leave the doors ajar to
see into the interior.
Learning to work with photoworks to create my renderings was also quite interesting, and I had allot of fun playing with
colours, and scenes for the renders, as
well as manipulating the final images alpha channel and lighting effects to create
the hero image on my poster.
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Unfortuanetely the amount of time I
spent making the exterior work did not
allow for much time to work on the interior, which is rather barebones. I am
pleased however that I was able to set up
a seat design that folded down into a full
size doule bed, which regular bed sheets
would work on, as per my initial concept.
I certainly found however that my ability
to work with surfaces has massively improved since the beginning of the semester, as creating the air vents, radio buttons
and steering wheel took less time than I
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BESPOKE MAKER OF CARS | Darby Bicheno | RMIT Industrial Design | Page 19
Bespoke Maker of Cars
Design studio 2013
Hindustan Bengal
Designed for visiting VIP’s of
serves as a reminder of India’s
heritage, and as an example of the
quality of Indian manufacturing.
2020 / AmBi / sUV
Design studio 2013
Bespoke Maker of Cars
As a form of entertainment that caters to all kinds people, catering to all demographics and ages so long as they like
listening to music outdoors, Music festivals
are a fantastic form of escapism. This vehicle
makes the whole process of accomodation a
breeze for groups of up to 5, with chairs that
fold down to a double bed, and a built in
pop up tent for the others. It also has fantastic options for food and drink storage
and preperation for the weekend
With a unique design intended to
wow its passengers, this should be
the prime example of luxury in
festive sheltering enViAble AllUring Journey
Allowing for unprecedented views of the scenery
smart glass roof
reversible passener seat
Luxury synthetic upholstery modeled after world
class armchair designs, with a pop up table for the 3
passegers to use as they see fit.
Darby BiCheno s3196738
Darby BiCheno
A Project to be inspired by the
classic Hindustan Ambassador, I
have included the original round
headlights, vertical rear lights, full
rear sweage line, chrome bull bar,
and scalloped bonnet
I have also re-interpreted the
ambassadors interior, famous for
being so spacious, by allowing the
front seats to fold down into a full
size double bed, with a built in
tent attached to the boot
Taking cues from the most recent
SUV’s on the road, my designs
intention is to exude dominance,
and inspire a feeling of comfort to
the user, without taking up the
space or fuel of older designs
FrOnT sEaTs fOlD dOwN iNtO a fUlL sIzEd dOuBlE bEd,, aLlOwInG
tHe uSeR tHe sAmE cOmFoRt aS hOmE, aNd tHe cHoIcE tO uSe tHeIr
fAvOuRiTe lInEn
By 2020, public transport systems
of all sorts will have improved
massively by necessitation, and
the drivers of vehicles will want
something that can take them
away from their normal lives
With seating and sleeping space
for the user and 4 friends, the idea
of a regular weekend away will
become feasible, as well as
allowing for a comfortable daily
A dAsHbOaRd iNtErFaCe iNsPiReD bY cUrReNt gAmInG tEcHnOlOgY,
tO aPpEaL tO a gEnErAtIoN oF uSeRs tHaT wAnT a fAmIlIaR
iNtErFaCe aNd fEeDbAcK sYsTeM fOr tHeIr jOuRnEy’s
The designs final form is a direct
translation of the concept generated during a week-long ‘intensive’
class early in the semester. having
this class really pushed us to have
the concept done early, allowing
enough time for CAD
A Project to be inspired by the
classic Hindustan Ambassador, I
have included the original round
headlights, vertical rear lights, full
rear sweage line, chrome bull bar,
and scalloped bonnet
I have also re-interpreted the
ambassadors interior, famous for
being so spacious, by allowing the
front seats to fold down into a full
size double bed, with a built in
tent attached to the boot
Taking cues from the most recent
SUV’s on the road, my designs
intention is to exude dominance,
and inspire a feeling of comfort to
the user, without taking up the
space or fuel of older designs
FrOnT sEaTs fOlD dOwN iNtO a fUlL sIzEd dOuBlE bEd,, aLlOwInG tHe uSeR
tHe sAmE cOmFoRt aS hOmE, aNd tHe cHoIcE tO uSe tHeIr fAvOuRiTe lInEn
By 2020, public transport systems
of all sorts will have improved
massively by necessitation, and
the drivers of vehicles will want
something that can take them
away from their normal lives
A dAsHbOaRd iNsPiReD bY gAmInG tEcHnOlOgY, aPpEaLiNg tO a gEnErAtIoN
oF uSeRs wAnTiNg a fAmIlIaR iNtErFaCe fOr tHeIr jOuRnEy’s
BESPOKE MAKER OF CARS | Darby Bicheno | RMIT Industrial Design | Page 21
With seating and sleeping space
for the user and 4 friends, the idea
of a regular weekend away will
become feasible, as well as
allowing for a comfortable daily
The designs final form is a direct
translation of the concept generated during a week-long ‘intensive’
class early in the semester. having
this class really pushed us to have
the concept done early, allowing
enough time for CAD