Volume 1, Issue 1 • Winter 2013


Volume 1, Issue 1 • Winter 2013
Volu m e 1, I ssue 1 • Winter 2013
from the Villa Madonna Board of Directors
Welcome to fall and the beauty of the changing seasons. Much is happening at Villa in all areas:
academics, athletics and the arts. I hope that you and your family are energized by the school year
and are finding ways to connect with the Villa community.
At its September 18th meeting, the Villa Madonna Academy Board of Directors welcomed two
new members, Jacque Van Houten and Jerry Bressler. We wish the very best to departing Board
members J. David Bender and Robin Huller and, on behalf of the Villa community, thank them for
their significant contributions.
Janet Baugh, Recruitment Director, provided the Board with an overview of her strategies for new
K-12 student recruitment through communication of Villa’s history, philosophy and curriculum.
She also reported on plans for a renewed emphasis on student
retention. The October 20th Open House was very successful.
Many thanks to all in the school community who worked so hard
to showcase our special school on this important day.
Sr. Mary Catherine Wenstrup, OSB
Prioress, St. Walburg Monastery
Mrs. Mary Paula Schuh
Director of Campus Planning,
Northern Kentucky University
Mr. Josh Ruth ’2002
Vice Chair
Commercial Portfolio Maanger,
Huntington Bank
Prior to the meeting, Board members received administrative
reports prepared by principals Soshana Bosley and Pamela
McQueen. The reports, based on information gathered from
parents and faculty over the past several months, provided Board
members with information on new programs and initiatives for
faculty and students as well as recent successes of our students.
Many of these are outlined in this newsletter. Both principals commented on the positive and
energetic morale within the school community and expressed their gratitude for the large
number of parent volunteers.
Mr. Jerry Bressler
President, Bressler & Company
The Finance Committee presented financial and investment information for school year
2012-13, including financial results and investment performance through June 30, 2013. An
annual financial report and the list of donors for school year 2012-13 are major features of this
newsletter. The investment portfolios of the endowment and scholarship funds continue to
perform as anticipated according to their benchmarks.
Sr. Deborah Harmeling, OSB
Director of Development,
St. Walburg Monastery
The Board established an ad-hoc committee to coordinate the hiring process to replace Chief
Advancement Officer Denny Sketch, who recently resigned. Board members Sr. Deborah Harmeling,
Jayme Klosterman and Tom Lux comprise the committee. The hiring process will include school
administration, advancement staff, parent, and alumni participation.
The Board was also informed of the resignation of Neena Volk, Director of Communications and
Alumni Relations. In the interim, her duties have been assigned to other staff and volunteers.
The Board recognizes and appreciates the significant contributions of Denny Sketch and Neena
Volk during their tenure and thanks those stepping up to help with the important work of the
Advancement Office.
Villa Madonna Academy and this newsletter are full of life and energy. Good things are happening
at Villa, and we hope you will enjoy reading about them.
Mary Paula Schuh
Chair, Villa Madonna Academy Board of Directors
Villa Madonna Academy
Board of Directors
Vi l l a Vista s Volume 1, Issue 1
Sr. Andrea Collopy, OSB
St. Walburg Monastery Community Member
Ms. Ruth Seligman Doering ‘58
President, Charles Seligman Distributing Co.
Dr. Kathy Dye
Professor, Thomas More College
Sr. Mary Carol Hellman, OSB
St. Walburg Monastery Community Member
Dr. Jacque Van Houten
World Languages & International Education
Consultant, KY Department of Education
Justice Michelle Keller
Supreme Court Justice,
Kentucky Supreme Court
Ms. Jayme Klosterman ‘79
Community Leader
Dr. Judith Marlowe ‘65
Executive Director, Audiology & Professional
Relations, Natus Medical
Mr. Thomas Lux
Community Leader
Mr. Frank Mayfield, Jr.
Chairman & CEO, StarForce National
Website Redesign 2013
At the end of the 2012-13 school year Neena Volk, Director of
Communications and Alumni Relationships, sent out RFPs for
the redesign of Villa’s webpage. Nicholas Boucher, an incoming
junior, submitted a proposal and received the contract to redesign
the page. Nicholas’ proposal met and exceeded Villa’s expectations
for a new website. He rebuilt the website from the ground up to
establish Villa’s web presence with a new, more technologicallyadvanced site. Since the best person to introduce the new website
is Nicholas, he shares with us the following:
The prior website was created years ago with technology that was
new then but is now outdated. The goal of the website redesign was to create a completely new
and unique website. Using the latest in web technology (including HTML5 and CSS3), the new
website exceeds the previous in look, feel, and functionality. The updated style of the site is
reflective of trending webpage styles and conveys a more modern point of view to the user.
One major focus of the website redesign project was to make the “backend” of the site (i.e. the
interface used to add/edit content) easy and intuitive to use. The designer built the website
framework around a Content Management System (CMS) called Concrete5. This system is
state- of- the-art in terms of capabilities and user experience. Faculty/administrative feedback
has shown that the new website is indeed simple and intuitive to edit, making it easy to keep
future content up to date.
Security and consolidation of information were also priorities for this project. The new
website features significant security upgrades that restrict valuable content only for the eyes of
authorized students and parents through distributed login credentials. Furthermore, hundreds
of extraneous pages from the old website were consolidated into an accessible and well-organized interface.
Pamela McQueen, junior high and
high school principal, nominated
Nicholas Boucher for the Secondary
Student Technology Award based
on his design of the VMA website.
ConnectKentucky, a publicprivate partnership that leads
technology-based initiatives in
the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
gives this award to a Kentucky
secondary student who recognizes
the benefits of using broadband
technology and promotes and
implements its use in creative and
inspiring ways. Nicholas received
the award at Tech Day in Kentucky
on November 7, 2013, at Northern
Kentucky University College of
Informatics. ConnectKentucky has
held Tech Days once a year since
2006, and Nicholas will be the
fourth secondary student to win a
Tech Day award.
Congratulations, Nicholas.
Other key features of the new website include:
1.Tablet and Mobile optimized versions of the website;
2.A comprehensive calendar system that can be synced with
devices including personal calendars, phones, and tablets;
3.A current News system that allows stories to be placed on
the website and featured on the homepage;
4.A new “MyVillaLife” tool that shows the users links and
information only relevant to them personally;
5.A reliable tool used to search the website for any content
able to viewed by the user’s security level;
6.An e-commerce system used to make the VMA Spirit Shop
available online.
Finally, the new website is available both at villamadonna.
net and villamadonna.org. The project was completed in
August, 2013, prior to the start of the 2013-14 school year.
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad o n n a .n e t
iPads Give Villa Madonna Stude
by Debbie Young, Villa Madonna Academy iPad Program Coordinator
Villa Madonna Academy’s iPad program has put one-to-one iPad
access into the hands of all 9th through 12th grade students and
has put iPad sets of various sizes into all K through 8 classrooms.
The program’s goal is to integrate guided access to technology
into Villa’s daily curriculum so that students can routinely use
technological tools to enhance learning and/or facilitate completion
of schoolwork. The iPad initiative is an important component of Villa
Madonna’s commitment to its mission of educating K-12 students
for full Christian participation in 21st century life following the
Benedictine traditions of peace, reverence, scholarship, service,
and community.
Easy access to iPads allows Villa Madonna students to combine new
information with established skills and knowledge and to enjoy
deeper, broader, and more effective learning experiences. The iPads
are versatile machines which serve Villa’s learners as cameras, video
recorders, research libraries, word processors, calculators, and
presentation creation tools. Students can utilize some of their
textbooks online and can download electronic books and access
research databases through Kentucky public libraries and the VMA
school library. This increases access to quality information, decreases
weight in backpacks, and saves time – both parent time in driving
back and forth to libraries and student time in information seeking
and project completion. With easy access to iPads, students can write
papers and create multimedia presentations much more efficiently
than they could when they had to arrange time in the computer lab
or library in order to work on their projects. The library and computer
labs at Villa Madonna are still heavily utilized for library classes,
teaching information literacy and skills, broadcast and yearbook
journalism, and advanced technology subjects; the iPads, however,
make day-to-day assignment completion easier.
A typical day at
Villa Madonna
might see kindergartners using
iPads in centers
to practice math
or reading skills,
first graders
using a digital
storytelling app
to script and
create original
puppet shows
on their iPads,
high school
students taking photos with their
iPads for a 2-D design project in Art, and much more. Most VMA high
school students use their iPads for note-taking and as planners for
keeping track of assignments, tests, and projects. High school Spanish
students used their iPads to do research for a presentation and then
to create and show their projects. Sixth graders recently completed
a Language Arts unit during which they wrote “I am...” poems. Using
their iPads, they made movies which incorporated images related to
their poetry with a soundtrack of themselves reading their poems.
Vi l l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
dents 21st Century Advantages
the [Bible] app makes it quicker to locate things in the Bible.”
(Sophomore) “Yes, I can do homework wherever [I am] and I can have
everything in one spot. Also, taking notes is much easier.” (Sophomore)
“It has been VERY helpful in Art because we have access to research
drawing techniques and pictures to give us ideas.” (Freshman)
They then created posters which
can be scanned by iPads to play the movies when people view the
posters. The “I am” posters and movies were displayed at Villa’s October
20th open house. Biology students took their iPads when they went
on a field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo. They used them to take
photographs demonstrating various animal traits and adaptations
and to complete their zoo worksheets paperlessly.
The OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development) recently conducted a Survey of Adult Skills in 34
OECD countries. Their analysis of the data they collected identifies
skills needed for economic success in the 21st century. The OECD
report states “the demand for information processing skills and other
high level cognitive and interpersonal skills is growing. In addition to
mastering occupation-specific skills, workers in the 21st century must
also have a stock of information processing skills, including literacy,
numeracy, and problem solving, and generic skills such as interpersonal
communications, self-management, and the ability to learn, to help
them weather the uncertainties of a rapidly changing labour market.”
(OECD Skills Outlook 2013, pg. 46)
Villa Madonna’s program of studies addresses all of the skills
recommended by the OECD. We believe that our school’s iPad
initiative is playing a vital role in helping Villa students achieve the
competencies that will help them to be successful, contributing
21st century citizens.
Villa Madonna High School principal Mrs. Pamela
McQueen is enthusiastic about the school’s iPad
initiative. “The iPad is unique in advancing student
connectivity,” she states. “Our high school students utilize
the iPads for discussion of history topics and collaboration
with students in other classes (and ultimately, in other
schools). Safely monitored discussions involving teachers,
students, and others can take place via Edmodo and class
blogs.” Editor’s note: Edmodo is an online networking
application for teachers and students. It helps teachers
build an online conversation about classes, encourages
peer learning and a peer support environment and
is free. Over 500,000 students are using Edmodo
world wide.
Do Villa Madonna students feel that the iPads are
improving their educational experience? Here are a few
quotes from the first quarter survey of Villa 9th through
12th graders. “I really like being able to have all my notes
in a small, organized manner and being able to take
pictures of text books helps take the weight from my
backpack.” (Senior) “History class has been greatly enhanced by the
use of iPads. As a student, I have been able to follow along with
online notes, take notes on my iPad, do research during class, and
create presentations.” (Junior) “In Scriptures we use the Bible a lot, so
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad o n n a .n e t
Welcome to the
Class of 2017!
Our new high school
students participated
in activities over the
summer so they
could begin their high
school career with an
established sense of
The school year
officially began on
August 14th as we
extended a Benedictine welcome to the
Class of 2017! This
year’s freshman class comes from eight different parishes and nine
area elementary schools. We also welcome our scholarship winners
from both St. Thomas and Villa Madonna Academy. Faculty, staff and
students are excited to have the freshmen and their families join the
Villa Madonna community. This freshman class is a part of history as
the first freshman class with the 1:1 iPad program, involvement in
the Magnified Giving Program, and countless opportunities for
extracurricular and athletic involvement. Over the next four years
the freshmen will engage in challenging academics, participate in
a variety of service projects, and contribute to athletics all while
building friendships and establishing fond memories. The faculty
and staff look forward to not only teaching and guiding our newest
class, but also to witnessing what wonderful contributions they
will make to our academy. Welcome, Class of 2017, to our Catholic,
Benedictine high school!
Over Four Decades
For over four decades, Villa Madonna Academy teacher Don Shields has dedicated his life to education. On September 19, 2013, he
was one of four teachers recognized with the Thomas More College-Diocesan Excellence in Teaching Award.
Mr. Shields teaches in the high school and junior high, serves as Dean of Students, Athletic
Director, and Varsity Girls Basketball Coach. Mr. Shields has been teaching for over 40 years, and
he is enjoying his 25th year as a coach.
The Diocesan Excellence in Teaching Award is presented to a distinguished teacher in the Diocese
of Covington who exhibits many traits, including the following:
Has devoted many years of service to education;
Challenges and inspires students with his or her personal enthusiasm for learning;
Exhibits professional integrity;
Engages proactively with students, faculty members, parents, and community members;
Demonstrates effective time-management skills and instructional-planning skills while using a
variety of pedagogical methods to effectively support a range of learning styles;
• Devotes time and energy to his/her professional growth as well as to strengthening leadership skills;
• Engages in reflective discourse with colleagues to improve instruction; and
• Serves as an exemplar of honorable character.
“Mr. Shields is one of the most deserving educators with whom I’ve ever had the privilege to work,” said
Pamela McQueen, Villa Madonna Academy High School/Jr. High principal. “We salute Mr. Shields,
and we thank him for his dedication to our students and families at Villa Madonna Academy.”
Vi l l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
National Merit Semifinalists Named
Two students, Gabrielle Notorgiacomo and Nicole Zatorski, have been named by
the National Merit Scholarship Program as National Merit Semifinalists.
The two senior students are part of the 16,000 Semifinalists across the nation.
Approximately 1.5 million juniors in more than 22,000 high schools entered the 2014
National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2013 Preliminary SAT/National Merit
Scholarship Qualifying Test. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, which represents less
than 1% of U.S. high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state.
Nicole and Gabrielle will compete to become Finalists based upon their academic
record, participation in school and community activities, demonstrated leadership
abilities, and honors and awards received. In addition, they must have an outstanding
academic record throughout high school, be endorsed and recommended by a high
school official, write an essay, and earn SAT scores that confirm the student’s performance on the qualifying test.
“We are so proud of Nicole and Gabrielle’s tremendous accomplishment,” said Villa Madonna Academy High School/Junior High Principal, Pamela McQueen.
“Our students’ success is truly a testament to the dedicated Villa faculty, staff and supportive parent community who work together every day to ensure student success.”
Villa Spanish Teachers Present Sessions at the Kentucky
World Language Association Conference.
On September 20th and 21st, Villa Madonna Elementary Spanish teachers Andrea Suárez and Patty
Bachman represented VMA at the Kentucky World Language Association Conference in Lexington.
The teachers presented two conference sessions together.
The Friday session, entitled “Parents are Learners, Too,” dealt with advocating for a world language
program and explaining a proficiency-based, communicative world-language classroom to parents
who are not familiar with this approach in teaching. The Saturday session, “Making Your Materials
Work for You,” was about adapting materials so that they could be used across ability and grade levels.
Señora Suárez also presented a half-day workshop on Saturday afternoon, entitled “Languages and the
Arts: How to Incorporate Rich Cultural Lessons into your Curriculum.” She co-presented this workshop
along with Alicia Vinson, World Languages Coordinator of Fayette County Public Schools. Workshop participants learned how to dance the Argentine
folk dance “Chacarera,” and reviewed the Kentucky Department of Education standards for both World Language and Humanities that would apply to
the activity. This is the third time that the teachers have presented together at the conference, as well as the sixth time that Señora Suárez has presented
at KWLA. The pair also presented last spring at the Central States Conference for the Teaching of Foreign Language, held in Columbus, Ohio.
Six Villa Madonna Academy Students Recognized for the 2014
“Why I Love America” Calendar Contest.
Tenth grader Grace Giordano, and first grader Ciara Carroll,
won first place in their age categories in the Kenton County
contest. High school students Kylie Sharp, Catherine Martini,
Neha Yousuf and Ryan Timm each received honorable
mentions for their entries.
Grace and Ciara and their families will be recognized at the
December 3rd ceremony at the Carnegie Visual and Performing
Arts Centers. They will also receive a $100 gift card to the
Crestview Hills Town Center, and their artwork and picture will
appear in the calendar. Jan Herrman, Grace’s art teacher, and
Janet Pemberton, Ciara’s art teacher, will both receive a prize
as well.
Pictured: Front row - Ciara Carroll and Ryan Timm.
Back row - Catherine Martini, Grace Giordano, Kylie Sharp and Neha Yousuf.
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad o n n a .n e t
2013 Open House A Success
The school buildings and grounds were alive on Sunday, October 20th at Villa Madonna
Academy. Students, parents, faculty, coaches, administrators, board members, and
most importantly, guests, enjoyed hot dogs (on Klosterman buns), baked goods and
beverages while experiencing all that is special about the VMA community.
Personalized tours were given to each visiting family
interested in grades K-12. While touring, prospective
students and their parents saw clubs in action, art
projects, athletic teams practicing and examples of
learning in the classrooms. Current Villa students, the
school’s best ambassadors, introduced teachers to
prospective families. Visitors left with a good sense
of the Villa community, a VMA gym bag and enough
information to help them make the right choice for their educational needs.
Since the Open House, Janet Baugh, Director of Admissions, has fielded calls requesting shadow days at Villa. A student shadowed the 6th grade
with hopes to enroll ASAP. On October 25th six students shadowed the high school and five students shadowed on November 5th. Shadows
continue to take place. Contact Janet Baugh at 859-331-6333 ext. 139 to schedule a shadow day or to inquire about the Academy.
Thomas More College President David A. Armstrong met with
Villa Madonna Academy seniors on October 3rd. President
Armstrong spoke with the seniors about the importance of their
college-choice decision. Along with TMC admissions director
Billy Sarge, President Armstrong shared information with the
seniors about Thomas More College. He stopped to talk with
TMC alum and Villa Madonna Academy social studies teacher
Mr. Joe Cordonnier before touring the school and learning more
about the history between Thomas More College and
Villa Madonna Academy.
3, 2,1...Blast Off!
Did you know that Kentucky had a space program? During the month of
October, the third and fourth grade students worked with a representative
from KY Space on a STEM program. The students were visited by
Mr. Twyman Clements. During his visit he told the students about the KY
Space program, what it was like working at the International Space Station,
and he shared information about the Dropzone program. The students were
shown pictures and videos from space and near space. Then, the students
created “pong sats”. These are ping pong balls the students decorated and
filled with a material of their choice that were then launched into near space.
The students explored what happened to their chosen material as it
traveled through the atmosphere. The students were able to track the balloon using GPS. After the balloon was retrieved, the students
received their pong stats and were able to investigate if/how their material changed.
For more information about KY Space and Dropzone, you can visit: www.kentuckyspace.com, www.dropzone.com
Vi l l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
VMA Students Chosen
for All-State Choir and
Treble Honor Choir
For twelve years in a row, Villa Madonna Elementary
School has had students who have auditioned successfully
for one of the coveted spaces in the American Choral
Directors Association’s 5th and 6th Grade All-State Choir.
Students across the entire state of Kentucky audition for
this select group. This year there are a total of 201 students
in the choir and 12 VMA students are among them. VMA
has the second most students in the choir even though it is
a small school. The dates for All-State Choir are November
1st and 2nd in Bowling Green, Kentucky. The students
selected are Grant Forester, Lyla Graf, Reese Holtzman, Sophie Holtzman, Lauren Janzarek , Jenna Lusk, Teagan Mead, Aidan Poole, Emily
Richardson, Jon-Michael Schulte, Mark Schutzman and Lizzie Thomas. Among the selections they will be performing are a song in Latin,
one in Hebrew, and a song in a 4-part canon. Each student will receive a professionally recorded CD of the November 2nd concert at the new
prestigious Southern Kentucky Performing Arts Center in Bowling Green.
Another 10 students have been awarded a spot in the Northern Kentucky Treble Honor Choir. They are Elizabeth Acuff, Ella Bailey, Matt Davis,
Paige Graf, Nina Izquierdo, Isaac Kennedy, Caroline McDonald, Emma Meyer, Sophia Olivia, and Kendall Voelker. They will be doing a variety
of selections including Et in Terra Pax, Funga Alafia, and Splish! Splash!.
Congratulations to all involved in the music program at VMA.
Destination ImagiNation
Family Challenge Day
Imaginations ran wild at Villa Madonna Academy on Sunday, September 22, 2013. Villa Madonna Elementary School held a Family Challenge
Day for families and students in grades K-6. The Challenge Day was an introduction to a program called Destination ImagiNation where
students work in teams to solve, take risks, collaborate and finally create a solution presented to them.
On our Challenge Day, Mr. and Mrs. Broomhead transported our teams, consisting of both the students and their parents, to a royal kingdom
where they had to solve five instant challenges. The challenges consisted of creating a Throne, a Kingdom, a Bridge, a Chariot, and finally a
Sailing Vessel for their Royal Family.
Each challenge was timed and they had 10 minutes to create
each part of their kingdom using simple supplies such as pipe
cleaners, egg cartons, rubber bands, etc. The collaboration and
ingenuity from each team was amazing to watch.
Destination ImagiNation is a program that encourages students
to work together while having fun, take risks and incorporate
STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), the
arts and service learning.
This program showcases not only our student’s strengths in the
Benedictine Values, but also their individual strengths in
applying their knowledge to problem- solving.
We have teams ranging from Kindergarten to 6th grade run by
the parents. This is a wonderful opportunity for Villa to impress
and shine as they continue to the Global Finals in Knoxville, TN
to present their Challenge solutions.
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad o n n a .n e t
Duke TIP Program
Invites 24 VMA Students
to Participate
This year 24 VMA students are invited to participate in the Duke University
Talent Identification Program (TIP). This program seeks to locate
academically gifted 4th grade students. To be eligible, a student needs to
score in the top 5% in the nation on a grade level standardized test.
The students who are eligible for the 2013-2014 TIP are fourth graders:
Asha Adley, Ana-Karina Adrianza, Jasmine Asad, Alexis Baker, Kelsey Blacketer,
Ben Dropic, Alex Grannen, Noah Kolar, Katherine McBride, Viole Miller,
Natalie Noll, Nicholas Ramundo, John Regensburger, Katherine Ryman,
Lucas Sarian, Charlie Thiemann, and Tzitzi Uzouksu.
Also qualifying are Lauren Janzaruk and Liam Wall, new 5th grade students, and Madilyn Adamchik, Maddie Dickman, Lyla Graf, Mansi Mamidi,
and Laney Ratterman, new 6th grade students.
Tip for Year-End Giving to VMA
The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extends the IRA Charitable Rollover for 2013. The extension allows individuals 70.5 and
older to donate up to $100,000 from their Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) to Villa Madonna Academy. These donors do not receive
an income tax charitable deduction, but because the money is transferred (or “rolled-over”) directly from their IRAs to a tax-exempt charitable
organization, it is not recognized as taxable income. IRA rollovers to charity count toward the donor’s required annual minimum IRA
distribution. To qualify, the gift must be made by December 31, 2013. For more information, contact your tax advisor or financial planner.
Girls Varsity Golf Team
Earns Conference Title
On September 23rd, the Villa Girls Varsity Golf Team comprised of senior
Nicole Zatorski, junior Shanna Doumont, junior Monica Spritzky, junior
Madison Trenkamp and freshman Natalie Boucher traveled to The Pioneer
Golf Course at Kenton County to participate in The Northern Kentucky
Athletic Conference Tournament. The Villa Team was crowned The 2013
Division II Conference Champions Through a focused effort, they posted
their best team score of the season, 350. Their margin of victory was 35
strokes over their nearest competitor.
Vil l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
Competitors in
Division II were
Holy Cross, St. Henry, Beechwood, Newport Central Catholic,
Highlands and Bishop Brossart. The Villa team score was the 2nd
best in all divisions combined. The trio of Nicole Zatorski,
Madison Trenkamp and Natalie Boucher, all with rounds of 87,
led the way for Blue Lightening. Monica Spritzky shot an 89 and
Shanna Doumont shot a 93. Congratulations to the Varsity Team.
The Class of 2013 Portrait
The 50 students in the Class of 2013 graduated with many honors, leaving a legacy of spirit, determination, and commitment. Their completed
service hours surpassed any other class in recent history, and they were dedicated participants in the Catholic, Benedictine activities of our school
and community. Working in Guatemala or the Parish Kitchen, mentoring in inner city schools and tutorial programs, our graduates lived the
Benedictine values. Their athletic abilities resulted in regional and conference championships, and they always proudly represented Villa
Madonna Academy. With a composite ACT
score of 27.64, thesy finished their high
school years prepared for careers that span
medicine to engineering, education to law.
Two students enlisted in the military, one was
accepted into the Navy Seals and one into
the Air Force. Ninety eight percent qualified
for and received the KEES award (Kentucky
Educational Excellence Scholarship), and
85% of the graduates received scholarships
in addition to the KEES award. With these
awards, our students earned $6.5 million
dollars in scholarship money. We congratulate the following students who received
offers of full-tuition scholarships:
• Megan Barton: Thomas More College, Northern Ky. University,
University of Kentucky, and the University of Louisville with
Guaranteed Admission to Law School (attending TMC);
• Meggie Lund: University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, and
University of Cincinnati with Guaranteed Admission to Med School
(attending Duke University)
• Randy Lund: University of Kentucky (attending the University of
Notre Dame)
• Bahar Pahlavani: University of Kentucky, University of Cincinnati
(attending University of Cincinnati)
In addition, six of our graduates are college athletes:
• Megan Barton: Soccer and Track-Thomas More College (D-III)
• Lauren Dumaine: Track-Springfield College (D-III)
• Deuce Gibson: Tennis – Asbury University
• Meggie Lund: Rowing – Duke University (D-I)
• Kelsey McQueen: Rowing – University of Louisville (D-I)
• Ray Moehlman: Golf – Eastern Kentucky University (D-I)
• Glenn Rice: Baseball –Thomas More College (D-III)
Our graduates were accepted into universities that span the country,
including (bold indicates universities selected to attend): Asbury,
Bellarmine, Berry, Binghampton, Boston, Bucknell, Butler, Case Western,
Centre, College of Charleston, College of Mt. St. Joseph, College of
Wooster, Columbia College, DePaul, Duke, Eastern Ky. University,
Emerson, Franklin, George Washington University, Georgetown, Georgia
Institute of Technology, Hanover, High Point, Indiana, Lehigh, Loyola,
Marietta, Miami, Milligan, Morehead, Murray, New York, Northern Ky.
University, Ohio Dominion, Ohio Wesleyan, Pepperdine, Purdue,
Rose-Hulman, Springfield, St. Louis, The Ohio State, Thomas More,
Transylvania, Trine, and the following additional universities: Notre
Dame, California (UCLA, Berkley, Irvine, San Diego, Santa Barbara,
Santa Cruz), Cincinnati, Dayton, Eastern Kentucky, Kentucky,
Louisville, Miami, Rhode Island, Rochester, South Carolina, Southern
California (Film School), Tampa, Tennessee, Virginia, Valparaiso,
Western Kentucky, Wittenberg and Xavier.
Congratulations to this outstanding Class of 2013!
The high school production of Godspell drew rave reviews and standing ovations as students gave
award-winning performances in a sell-out weekend. Godspell is a musical written by Stephen Schwarz,
based on a book by John-Michael Telebak. The story centers around a series of Gospel parables as
a group of young people come together and tell parables throughout the play. As they act out the
parables, they experience friendship, love, pain and, ultimately, they carry the message of the parables
with them in their hearts together – forever a community wherever they are. Director Jodie Meyn created
a circus theme where the actors portrayed Jesus and John the Baptist, Jean Paul Sartre and Martin
Luther, and every day people who longed to hear the story of Jesus. In his riveting performance as
Jesus, senior Danny Hillenmeyer brought tears to the eyes of the audience as all were mesmerized by
his voice – and his message. Every actor on the stage, every crew member
behind the scenes, created a performance that has been hailed as the
“best ever.” Congratulations, cast and crew, of Godspell!
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad on n a .n e t
Alumni Update
November, 2013
Dear Alumni,
Our new school year has begun with much enthusiasm. The high school
students are using their iPads daily as we all work to integrate this tool in
our teaching and learning. The junior high and elementary students are using the iPads available
to them in class sets and shared sets as well. It is amazing what is being done with this technology.
We are so happy to have them for the students to use. (See article on pgs. 4 & 5)
I hope you will be able to join us for two events in the coming school year. The first is the Alumni
Homecoming Night on January 3, 2014. You will have the chance to watch our basketball team in
action, as well as connect with other alumni. This is our third such event, and the past two were
great evenings. Come and see how Villa has changed and how Villa has remained the same—
a school committed to excellence in our Benedictine tradition.
The second major event is the annual spring luncheon on May 18, 2014 when we welcome the
class of 2014 and honor the classes celebrating milestone reunions—the classes celebrating 60, 50,
40, 30, 25, 20, 15, and 10 years. We hope you will join us. Of course, you will receive a formal invitation in April. If you cannot attend either of these events please feel free to stop by. You are always
You, our alumni, continue to support the school in so many ways. We are especially grateful for
your participation in the annual appeal. We are aware that each of us is drawn in many directions to
support worthy causes and know that you will choose to do what works best for you. Our goal is to
continue to offer partial scholarships to alumni family members in the high school. Alumni dues of
$20.00 a year support these scholarships.
Most of all, we cherish each of you as a vital part of the Villa community. We encourage all of you to
visit the Alumni section of the Villa web site, Facebook and You Tube. News is updated often. Send
us your news; we love to hear from you!
May the coming Christmas season be peace-filled for each of you.
Sincerely yours,
Sr. Nancy Kordenbrock
P.S. Check out the alumni soccer game
picture on this page.
Vil l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
VillaRama 2013
$75,713.77 was raised at VillaRama 2013
Mr. & Mrs. Joe & Carolyn Spille were the honorary chairs.
Thank you to all the donors—parents, alum, businesses, VMA classes—who come together
to raise funds for school programs and need-based tuition assistance. The success of this event
was made possible by hundreds of volunteers who generously gave their time and talents.
Event Sponsors
Bank of Kentucky
Hebron Family Dentistry-- Valerie Watson, DDS
Johnson Investment Counsel
Klosterman Baking Co. and Family
St. Walburg Monastery of Benedictine Sisters
Chas. Seligman Dist. Co. (Ruth Seligman-Doering)
Spille Builders and Developers, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wurtz
Live Auction Sponsors
Classic Country 106.7 FM WKKR
Great Parks 2013 Junior Mini Tour
Hebron Family Dentistry -Valerie Watson, DDS
Omega Processing
Picado Photography
Pilot Building Contractors
Spille Builders and Developers, Inc.
Victory Community Bank/Victory Mortgage L.L.C
Business Donors
A & B Heating
A & S Electric Supply
A Stitch Above
A.J. Rahn Greenhouses
A-1 Electric Motor Service
Accu-Tex Signs & Banners
Advantage Tent and Party Rental
Al Krismer Plant Farm
Alacer Corp. Emergen-C
Aliance Entertainment, Inc.
Alliance Primary Care - Gieske, Michael
AMC Theatres
American Eagle
American Girl
Ameristop Food Mart
Amore Salon & Day Spa
Applebees (Thomas & King)
Arby’s Restaurant Management Inc.
Argentine Bean
Arizona Diamondbacks - Community Affairs
Arthur’s Bar & Grill
Art’s Floral
Art’s Rental
Ashley Quarters Hotel
Auntie Anne’s Pretzels
Average Joes Bar & Grille
B & E Decorating Center
Bailey & Company Benefits Group
Baker-Bird Winery
Baldwin Music Education Center
Ball State University
The Bank of Kentucky
The Bank of Kentucky Center-Northern
Kentucky University
Barbara Beatrice Art Studio
Barnes, Dennig & Co. LTD. - David Phelps CPA
Bavarian Grille
BB Riverboats
The Beach Waterpark
Bearcats Sports Marketing Group
Beautiful Nails
Behle Street Cafe
Behringer-Crawford Museum
Bellarmine University
The Bellevue Beadery
Belterra Casino & Resort
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream
Bertram Eye Care
Better Bodies Fitness Center
Big League Haircuts
Bill Finke & Sons
Blades Pro Shop
Blincoe Family Dentistry
Blue Grass Quality Meats
Bluegrass Swim Club
Bob Evans Restaurant - Florence
Bob Sumerel Tire
Body by Zerona
The Bonbonerie
Bonded Lock & Decorative Hardware
Bonefish Grill
Boone County Golf Course
Boone-Kenton Lumber Co.
Botany Hills Deli
Bouquet Restaurant and Wine Bar
Boyle Jewelers, Inc.
BR Guest Restaurants
Braxton’s Dry Cleaning
Brenda Hoernshemeyer
Brewberry Coffee Company
Bridget Schleper-Stella & Dot Stylist
Brio Tuscan Grill
Broadway in Cincinnati
Brogan/Hesketh Formal Wear
Brookwood Swim Club
Brothers Bar and Grill
Buca di Beppo
Buffalo Wild Wings
Buffalo Wings and Rings
Build A Bear
Bunches of Bows
Burlington Coat Factory
Burlington Frame Shop
Burlington Pet Hospital
Camino Real Mexican Restaurant
Camp Ernst
Campus Book & Supply
Canvas on Demand
Cardiology Associates, PSC
Carnival Cruise Lines
Carrabba’s Italian Grill
Carvel Ice Cream
Casino Aztar
Castellini Group
The Castle
Central Bank
Central House Diner
Ceramic Tile Outlet
Chart House
Chase Bank
The Cheesecake Factory
Chef Barone Catering
Chelsea Piers
Chez Nora
Chicago Bears
Chicago Cubs
Chico’s FAS, Inc.
Children’s Garden
The Children’s Theatre
Chili’s Grill & Bar
Chriropractic Rehab Center
The Christian Store
Christmas Tree Shop
Chuck E. Cheese
Churchill Downs
Cincinnati Airport Marriott
Cincinnati Art Museum
Cincinnati Ballet
Cincinnati Bengals
Cincinnati Cyclones
Cincinnati Landmark Productions
Cincinnati Magazine
Cincinnati Museum Center at Union Terminal
Cincinnati Nature Center
Cincinnati Opera
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
Cincinnati Reds Hall of Fame & Museum
Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra
Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International
The Cincinnati Reds
The Cincinnatian Hotel
Cindus Corporation
City Barbeque
City Dermatology & Laser
City of Villa Hills
Claddgh Irish Pub
Classic Car Wash
Cleveland Browns
Cleves & Lonnemann Jewelers
CNW, Inc.
Coach Shuh
Coco Key Water Resort
Coldwell Banker Westshell
College Football Hall of Fame
College of Mount St. Joseph
Colonial Cottage
Color Me Mine
The Columbus Crew
Comfort Suites Riverfront
Commonwealth Orthopedic Centers
Commonwealth St. Elizabeth Sports Medicine
Community Research
Competition Racing, Inc.
Connley Brothers Funeral Home
The Container Store
The Contemporary Arts Center
Converse, Inc.
Cookie Lee, Inc.
Core Physique Pilates
Cork ‘N Bottle
Corporex Companies, Inc.
COSI Columbus
Country Inn & Suites, Hebron, KY
Courtyard by Marriott Cincinnati Airport
Counseling and Diagnostic Center - Teresa Garera
Izquierdo, Psy. D.
Covington Car Wash
Covington Police Department
The Cozy Cottage
Cracker Barrel
Creative Memories
Crescent Springs Hardware
Crescent Springs Liquor & Tobacco
Crestville Drugs, Inc.
Custom Trophy & Apparel
Dagaz Acres
The Daily Show
Dairy Queen
Dallas Cowboys Charities
Dallas, Neace & Koenig - Robert D. Neace,
Attorney at Law
Danbarry Cinemas
The Dance House
Dave & Busters
Dazzling Decor & Design
Ms. Debbie Macomber
Dee Felice
Devou Golf Courses
Dewey’s Pizza
Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP
Direct Dimensions
The Doctors
Dogwood Lake Golf Club
Domino’s (Glass Family Pizza, Inc.)
Don Pablos
Donato’s Pizza
Doppes Lumber
Dr. Phil
Dr. Susan Bushelman
Drawbridge Estates
Drycleaning, Inc.
DSW Customer Service
Duke Energy
Dunkin Donuts
Duro Designer Products Company, Inc.
East Fork Stables
Eastern Panda
Eddie Bauer - Community Relations Department
Edgewood Dental Care
EGC Construction
Elegant Nail Spa
Elements Hair Salon
Elizabeth Peck Longarm Quilting
Elk Creek Vineyards
Embodiment Wellness & Nutrition
Emerald Coast Science Center
Emerils Home Base
Empire Hair Design School
En Vogue Hair Salon & Boutique
End o’Line Liquors
Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati
EQ at the Party Source
Ernie’s Automotive
Especially Dogs
Espich Construction
The Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
Executive Transporation Services, Inc.
Exercise & Leisure
Expressions Dance Theatre
Fabulous Furs
Famous Dave’s
Fassler Florist
Fawn Confectionery
Fazoli’s Restaurant
Fifth Third Bank
Fire Museum of Cincinnati
First Watch
First Wok
Five Guys Burgers & Fries
Five Seasons Country Club
Flamingo Air Academy
Florence Freedom Professional Baseball
Florence Nursery & Floral
Flying Olive
Fort Wright Family Restaurant
Fourth Street Live
Fresh Market
Frisch’s Big Boy Restaurants
Ft. Thomas Florists & Greenhouse
Fuji Steak House
Funny Bone Comedy Club
Furniture Fair
Furniture Solutions
Garden Ridge
Gary Williams Martial Arts
Garzelli’s Grinder & Pizza Company
Gateway Glass and Glazing, Inc.
General Mills
Gethsmemani Farms
Glamour Nails
Glamour Shots
Glier’s Goetta
Glitzy Nails
Go Bananas Comedy Club
Gold Star Chili
Gold Star Chili of Crescent Springs
Golf Exchange
Golf Galaxy
The Golf Ranch
Good Year Performance Tire
Graduate Service
Graeter’s Ice Cream
Grandview Tavern & Grill
Grant County Broadcasters
Great Clips
Great Escape 14
Great Wolf Lodge
Greater Cincinnati Acupuncture
Greater Cincinnati Marine
Greek to Me
Green Mountain Coffee Roasters
Greyhound Tavern
Griffin Industries, Inc.
Groneck Total Transportation
The Grove Park Inn Resort & Spa
Guardian Savings Bank
Hair Color Experts
Half Price Books
The Happy Gardener
Hayes & Rice
Heavenly Frosted Cupcakes
Hebron Family Dentistry
Helzberg Diamonds
Hemmer DeFrank PLLC
Henderson Music Company
Herbalife, Ltd.
Heritage Bank
Hershey Hotel
Hershey Park
HH Gregg Corporate Office
Hickory Sticks Golf Club
Highlights for Children
Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
Hilton Greater Cincinnati Airport
Hobby Villa
Hofbrauhaus Newport
Holiday Inn Cincinnati Airport
Holiday World and Splashin’ Safari
Holly Baby
Hollywood Casino & Hotel
Hollywood Entertainment
Home Depot
Hot Wok
Hotels of the Smokies
Don Hudepohl Jewelers
Huntington National Bank
The Huntington National Bank
I Can Do That! Games
I.B. Back, Fudge
Impact Marketing & Communications Inc.
Independence Skateway
Indiana University
Indianapolis Colts
Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Indianapolis Zoological Society
Indigo’s Casual Gourmet Cafe
Inland Marine
Instapro Photo
Ithaca College
It’s Just Crepes
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad on n a .n e t
J Charles Crystalworks
J.David Bender, Attorney at Law
Jack’s Glass
Jared Galleria of Jewelry
Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse
Jet’s Pizza
Jim’s Beverage
John Lescroart
John R. Green Company
Johnny Rockets
Johnny’s Car Wash
Johnny’s Toys
Julia’s on Camargo
K & K Relocation Consulting - Bansi
Karlo’s Bistro Italia
Keegan’s Fresh Seafood
Keeneland Associates, Inc.
Kelly Michelle’s Photography/Streetline Studio
Ken’s Crescent Springs Service
Kenton County Golf Course
Kentucky Down Under
Kentucky Haus Craft Gallery
Kentucky Horse Park
Kentucky Railway Museum
Kentucky Science Center
Kentucky Speedway
Keurig, Inc.
King’s Island - Cedar Fair Entertainment Company
Kings Island
Kirkwood’s Sweeper Shop
KJ’s Pub & Sports Bar
Klockner Desma
Klosterman Baking Company Inc.
William A. Knochelmann, CPA - Accounting &
Tax Service
Kordenbrock Interiors, Inc.
Kremer’s Market
Kreutzer & Dorl Florists
Kroger - Silverlake
Krohn Conservatory
Kumon Learning Center
Kwik Copy
LA Fitness
Lands’ End
LaRosa’s Crescent Springs
LaRosa’s Inc. Corporate Offices
Lazer Kraze
Lee’s Famous Recipe Chicken
Lewin Monument
Little Britain Stables
Little Liza Jane’s Children’s Boutique
Live with Kelly and Michael
LLKM Ventures, LLC
Loschiavo’s Produce and Deli
Louisville Bats Baseball
Louisville Slugger
Ly Nails
Macy’s (formerly Lazarus)
Madelyn San Tangelo Salon
Madonna Manor Recreation Center
Maketewah Country Club
Mansion Hill Studio & Gallery
Margarita’s Authentic Mexican Restaurant
& Cantina
Marko, Inc.
Marriott at RiverCenter
Martha Steward Living Omnimedia
Mary Leonhard Ran Fine Paintings
Massage Envy
Barb Massman - Coldwell Banker
Max & Erma’s Restaurant
McAlister’s Deli
McDonald’s Restaurant Office
Mega Cavern Mega Zips
Mellow Mushroom
Merle Norman Cosmetic Studio
Mi Salon & Spa
Minella Jewelers
Mitchell’s Fish Market
Moe’s Southwest Grill
Moksha Yoga
Molly Maids
Montgomery Inn
More than Words Photography - Rene Stacy
Morton Salt
Morton’s Steakhouse
Moss Dance and Performing Arts Academy
Motorsports Country Club of Cincinnati
Mount Adams Fish House
Bressler & Company, PSC
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Gudgeon
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Kermes
Mr. Kevin Olivia
Mrs Fields Cookies
Mrs. Brown & Mrs. Wischer
Mrs. Cook & Ms. Reutman
Music House
My Three Golfers
The Nail Studio
Nails Unlimited
National Amusements
National Corvette Museum
Natorp’s Garden Store
New England Patriots-Donation Requests
Newport Aquarium
Newport Gangster Tour
Newport on the Levee
Newport Syndicate
NKU Athletics
Noah’s Ark Petting Zoo
Noah’s Art Salons
Noodles & Company
Northern Kentucky Ice Center
Northern Kentucky University
Nu Skin Enterprises
NY Skyride
O’Charley’s Restaurant
Ohio Mulch Landscape Supply
The Old Spaghetti Factory
Omaha Steaks
Omnicor, Inc.
OPUS Capital Management, Inc.
Oriental Wok
Our Catholic Store
Outback Steakhouse
Palm Beach Tan
Dr. Michael Palmer
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Pandora Computer Services
Panera Bread
Papa John’s Pizza
Papa Murphy’s Take ‘N’ Bake
The 2nd Grade Parents
Paris Nails
Party Town
Patient Aids
Paula Deen Enterprises
Pee Wee’s Family Restaurant & Grill
Penn Station
Perfect North Slopes
Perfectly Posh
Perfetti Van Melle USA
Perk Station
Perry Park Golf Resort
Petal Pushers
PetSuites of America
The Phoenix
Photo Ink Photography
Phyllis at the Madison
Picture This Scrapbooks n More
The Pilates ConneXion
Pilot Air Freight - Michael Schwartz
Pilot Contracting Corporation
Pilot Freight Services
Pink Calyx
Pittsburgh Steelers
The Plastic Surgery Group
Pompilio’s Restaurant
Porter Paint
Portrait Innovations
Portrait Studios
Potbelly Sandwich Works
Prestige Portraits
Primary Pediatrics
The Pub
Pure Concept Salon & Spa - Kenwood
Purple Pansy
Qdoba Mexican Grill
Quik Stop Oil Change
Quikstop Oil Lube
Quiznos Corporate Office
Vil l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
QVC, Inc. - Community Affairs
R.C. Durr YMCA
Radisson Hotel Cincinnati Airport
Ramada Inn & Conference Center
Ran Gallery
Raymond Landscpe Nursery
RE/MAX Affiliates, Inc.
Reality Tuesday Cafe
Receptions Banquet & Conference Center
Red Robin
Reiman Publications
Remke’s Markets
Residence Inn by Marriott-Cincinnati Airport
Richter & Phillips
Ride the Ducks
Ripley’s Aquarium of the Smokies
Rising Star Casino
The Ritz Ballroom Dance Studio
River Downs
RiverStone Resort, LLC
Robert Munsch Enterprises Limited
Robke Chevrolet Company
Rodan and Fields
Roly Poly Sandwiches
Roseheart Charitable Foundation
Royal Touch Car Wash
Sableux Salon & Spa
Salon Concepts
Sam’s Club
Sands Foundation
Sandwich Block Deli
Schulte, Joseph - Attorney at Law
Schulz & Sons Jewelers
Scott Good Landscaping, LLC
Scrips Gift Certificate Program
Sea Ray of Cincinnati
Serendipity Design
Servatti’s Pastry Shop
Shadowbox Cabaret
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill
Sheer Elegance Salon & Spa
Sheraton Cincinnati Airport
Shoe Palace of Northern Kentucky
Signature Hardware
Silverlake Recreation Center
Sinkula Investments LTD
Six Flags - Kentucky Kingdom
Skyline Chili
Smalls Do it Best Hardware
Smiles Plus Dental Care
Smokey Bones
Smoky Mountain Fun
Snappy Tomato Pizza
Sony Electronics, Inc.
Sorrento’s Restaurant & Lounge
Southern Wine & Spirits
The Southwestern Company
Spa 413
Space Center Houston
SpecSoft, Inc.
Spille Builders and Developers, Inc
Sport Clips Haircuts
Sports Investments Inc
Sports of All Sorts
Sports Plus
Sporty’s Shops
St. Louis Cardinals
St. Meinrad Archabbey Gift Shop
St. Walburg Monastery
Stampin’ Up
Stand Energy Corp
Standard Chair of Gardner
Stanley Home Products
Star Lanes
START Skydiving LLC
The Stephen Foster Story
Stephen M. Venard
Sterling Cut Glass
Sterling Jewelers Inc. / Kay Jewelers
Stone Oven Pizzeria
Sub Station II
Subway Crescent Springs
Sure Pets, Inc.
Swan Floral & Gift Shop
Swayne on Main Hair Salon
Sweeney and Fiser PLLC
Sweet Basil
Swinford Jewelers
Sylvan Learning Center
Szechuan Garden
T.J. Maxx Donations
Taj India Restaurant
Tapke Asset Management, LLC
Taste of Belgium
Tewes Poultry Products
Texas Roadhouse
TGI Friday’s
TGI Friday’s Restaurant
Thomas More College
Thomas More College Athletics
Tickets Sports Cafe
Tier 1 Performance Solutions
Tiffany & Co.
Tire Discounters
Toebben Builders and Developers
Tom & Chee
Tom Gill Chevrolet
Tomboy Tools, Inc.
Top Flight Gymnastics
Tousey House
Town & Country Sports Complex
Toyota Motor Manufacturing North America, Inc.
Trader Joe’s - Kenwood
Tri State Running Company
Trophy Awards
Tumbleweed Southwest Grill
TV One - The Gibson Family
Twin Oaks Golf & Plantation Club
U.S. Space & Rocket Center
Ultimate Air Shuttle
Union College
Unique Beadery
United Dairy Farmers
University of Cincinnati Men’s Basketball
University of Dayton
University of Kentucky
University of Notre Dame
The Upper Deck Company Inc
Urban Active Fitness Club
US Bank
Usborne Books & More
Vada’s Sportswear
Victoria Station Hair Salon
Victory Mortgage
Villa Madonna Academy
Vintage Salon
Vintage Management Group Vintage Wine
Vision One Eyecare
Vivid Nails
VonLehman CPA & Advisory Firm
W Stephens Cabinetry & Design
Wake Nation
Walgreens Pharmacy
Walt Disney World
Walt’s Hitching Post
Washington Square Cafe & Catering
Washington University St. Louis
WAVE Foundation at Newport Aquarium
The Web
Weight Watchers
Western Kentucky University
Wheel of Fortune
White Castle
White Castle Distributing
Whole Foods Market - Cincinnati
Widmer’s Cleaners
Wilderness at the Smokies
Wildwood Inn
Willie’s Sports Cafe
Willis Music
Wings & Rings
WonderWorks Orlando
World of Golf
World of Pets, Inc.
Xavier University
Your True Nature
Individual Donors
The Kindergarten Class
The 1st Grade Class
The 2nd Grade Class
The 3rd Grade Class
The 4th Grade Class
The 5th Grade Class
The 6th Grade Class
The 7th Grade Class
The 8th Grade Class
The 9th Grade Class
The 10th Grade Class
The 11th Grade Class
The 12th Grade Class
Ms. Karen Acuff
Mr. and Mrs.Thomas Adams
Dr. Christopher Adley and Dr. Leenata
Mr. and Mrs. Adelso Adrianza
Dr. and Mrs. Yousef Ahmad
Mr. Daniel Albrinck
Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Allesch
Mr. and Mrs. Luke Alquizola
Ms. Mary Jo Amlie
Mike and Gwen Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David Andrew
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathon Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. John Angus
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ankenbauer
Sr. Clarita Anneken, OSB
Mark & Elizabeth Antrobus
Ms. Martha Arlinghaus
Mr. Jeff Arnzen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ater
Ms. Krista Austin
Bill and Joan Averdick
Mrs. Mary Bachman
Patty Bachman
Mr. and Mrs. James Backscheider
Barbara Baglien
Larry and Andrea Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bailey
Vina Bajaj
Mr.Chris & Mrs. Lisa Baker
Ms. Gillian Bales
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Balson
Sr. Aileen Bankemper, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Manny Bansi
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Banta
Marianne Barker
Ms. Marja Wade Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Barton
Floyd and Donna Batchelder
Dr. and Mrs. Joe Bateman
Stacy Bateman
Mr. and Mrs. John Baugh
Julie Bauke
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bauscher
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bayer
Frank and Belinda Bayerque
Dwayne Beal
Ann Beck
Christopher and Julia Bedell
Mr & Mrs Bedros
Carla Hughes Beinkemper
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Bellamy
David and Nancy Bender
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Bender
Mike and Arohanui Bender
Russell and Cindy Beymer
Mr. and Mrs. David Bezold
Mr. and Mrs. James Bezold
Tommy Bilbo
Ms. Deanna Bilz
Ms. Margaret Bimel
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Bingaman
Mr. David Bird and Ms. Marla Specht
Charles and Mary Birkenhauer
Jason and Michelle Blacketer
Ms. Marsha Blank
Mrs. Barbara Blank
Mr. Greg Blank
Dr. Todd Blincoe and Dr. Jennifer Blincoe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Block
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Blom
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bockweg
Ms. Paulette Bogan
Richard and Betsy Boiman
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Bond
Mr. Robert Bond and Ms. Staci Norris-Bond
Mr. and Mrs. Vince Bonno
Maria Borchardt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Borchers
Jim Borgman
Cliff and Julie Borland
Bernadette Borneman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Bosley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Karen Bosse
Mr. and Mrs. David Boucher
Mr. and Mrs. David Bracken
Mary Brandstetter
Cheryl Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Braun
Chuck and Mitzi Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Breidenich
Mr. Todd Bricking
Donna Brigger
Jeff and Mitzi Briner
Ms. Julie Brinkley
Trace and Veronica Britsch
Mr. and Mr. Paul Britton
Bill and Suzie Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. William Broomhead
Ken and Carla Brose
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Brothers
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Brown
Ms. Katherine Roeder Brown
Steve and Mary Brownfield
Mr. and Mrs. William Brundage
Charles Buckler
John & Ann Bullock
Senator Jim Bunning
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burden
Karen Burhans
Marlene Burhans
Mr and Mrs Shawn Butler
Ms. Rachelle Caldwell
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Califf
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Callioni
Lucy Camilleri
Mary & Bobby Cammack
Mr. and Mrs. M. Scott Campbell
Ms. Anne Caporal
Julie Cardosi
Laura Cardosi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carlisle
Jeff & Marge Carrico
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carroll
Joel and Karen Cartwright
Mr. William Case and Ms. Lisa Cassetta
Mr. William Case and Ms. Lisa Cassetta
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Casson
Estate of Esther Casuto
Jay and Carolyn Cauhorn
Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Chang
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Chauvin
Ms. Candice Cheng
Ms. Catherine Merten Clabough
Mr. Troy Clabough
Tom & Barb Clarke
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cleves
Mr. and Mrs. James Cobaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Cochran
Valerie Colgate
Diane Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Collins
Sr. Andrea Collopy, OSB
Diane Commons
Dan and Diane Comp
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conniff
Mr. and Mrs. James Corbit
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cordonnier
John Covington
Beth and Larry Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cox
Ms. Shannon Craig
Joseph & Ellen Creaghead
Mel & Susan Crispen
Michelle Crocco
Cassie Cropper
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Cropper
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher Cunha
Patrick & Maria Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Curry
Mr. and Mrs. Silvano D’Alessandri
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Damon
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Davern
Mr & Mrs Gregory Davis
Mr. and Mrs.Timothy Davis
Mr and Mrs Timothy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Day
Meghan Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Michael DeFrank
Mr. and Mrs. Keith DeGreen
Mark and Sharon Depenbrock
Gary and Patricia Desmarais
Mr. and Mrs. Normand Desmarais
Dennis & Jan Desmond
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Devoto
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dewald
Mr. and Mrs. David Deye
Dr. and Mrs. Darryl Dias
Cathy Dick
Ann Dietz
June Dineen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dinn
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dipilla
Ms. Ruth Doering
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Donovan
Mr & Mrs Marshall Dosker
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Doumont
Ms. Laurie Dowell
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Drees
Ms. Ruth Doering
Mr. and Mrs. Ajdin Dropic
Mr. Robert Due and Ms. Janet Patterson
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Dugan
Mrs. Melissa Dugan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Duggan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dumaine
Meg Duncan
Larry & Anita Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. John Durkin
Justin & Stefanie Durstock
Mrs. Janet Dwyer
Steve & Karen Eberts
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egbers
Sr. Regis Egger, OSB
Mrs. Sarah Eichmann
Sr. Victoria Eisenman, OSB
Mrs. Toni England
Karen Epplen
Mr & Mrs Christopher Ernst
Ms. Janet Evanovich
Robert Fabe
Jim and Tina Farrell
Dennis & Tracie Ferancy
Mr and Mrs Greg Fischer
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Fitzpatrick
Mr. and Mrs. James Flach
Patricia Flores
Ardyth Flottman
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Foltz
Rachel Foltz
Dr and Mrs J. Robert Foote
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Ford
Mike & Marilyn Ford
Mr and Mrs Chad Forster
Mr. and Mrs. James Fortner
Dennis & Roberta Foster
Bill & Joy Fotsch
Sr. Joan Fraenzle, OSB
Ed Franchi
Betty A. Franke
Sr. Justina Franxman, OSB
William and Lynn Freeman
Amanda Frickenschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Fridenmaker
Friend of Villa
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Froehling
Mr. and Mrs. James Frondorf
Ms. Cindy Fuller
Derek Furnish
Paul & Linda Gabis
Sr. Geraldine Gajniak, OSB
Donald & Vina Galli
Raymundo and Susana Garcia
Brian and Tela Garcia
Brian and Jennifer Gardner
Ms. Shannon Gardner
Shannon Gardner
Lori Gephart
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gerst
Suzann Gettys
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Giesbrecht
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gieske
Tim and Samantha Gieske
Tom & Joyce Ginney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gledhill
Anthony and Lisa Gnotek
Karen Goderwis
Susan Goetzinger
J. Robbie Gordon
Sr. Margaret Mary Gough, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Grady
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Graf
Ms. Cindy Gram
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Graner
Mr. Matt Grannen and Ms. MaryAnn
Mrs. Mary Grannen
Joseph & Mary Beth Grant
Regina Grau
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Green
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Greenwood
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gregg
Mr. Mark Handler and Dr. Michelle Grenier
Mr. Mark Gresham and Ms. Deborah
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gross
Leslie Grosser
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Guerin
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Guess
Jeff and Karen Hale
Michael & Peggy Halpin
Elena Hamilton
Herb and Nan Hamilton
Phil & Barb Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Hamilton
Craig Hammer & Karen Bomba
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hammond
Michele Hammond
Sr. Deborah Harmeling, OSB
Sam & Lisa Harrell
Gary & Peggy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hart
Ms. Laura Haskamp
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Hassoun
Mr. and Mrs. Don Hatridge
Len & Jakki Haussler
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hawksley
Charles and Dorothy Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haynes
Matt and Amy Hazzard
Hebron Family Dentistry - Valerie Watson DDS
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Heideman
Kenneth and Sandra Heil
Ms. Rebecca Heil
Danny and Paula Hein
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hein II
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Helfrich
Sr. Mary Carol Hellmann, OSB
Sr. Mary Carol Hellmann, OSB
Don and Julie Hemmer
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hempfling
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hengge
Sr. Mary Carol Henggeler, CDP
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hennard
Grandma of Lauren Henson
Georg and Petra Hermeler
Janet Herrmann
Mr & Mrs Jack Heyenbruch
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Hildenbrand
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hillenmeyer
M. Gabrielle Hils
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hiltz
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hirt
Bruce and Elaine Hoblik
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hodge
Mr. Michael Hodge
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoernschemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Holt
Mrs. Kristin Holt
Ms. Linda Griffin Holt
Steve and Marsha Holt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Holtzman
Mr. and Mrs. James Hontas
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hooker
Theresa Horn
Ms. Christie Hosea
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Howell
Tom Huey
Ralph & Robin Huller
Clinton and Marla Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hurtt
Seiki & Hiromi Imanishi
Tim & Mary Iott
Mr William Rabe IV
Mr. Anthony Izquierdo and Dr. Teresa
Garera Izquierdo
Mr. and Mrs. Bashar Jaafari
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jacocks
Mr. and Mrs. Sachin Jain
Mr. and Mrs. Mario James
Father Jeff
Quentin Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. William Jilbert
Mr. and Mrs. Ruj Jiradamkerng
Chris Kerns & Kelly Johnson
Johnson Investment Counsel
Mr James Robinson and Ms Shannon Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Junker
Jim & Kathy Kahmann
Greg and Lynn Kallmeyer
Ms. Judy Kamphaus
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kanter
Mr and Mrs George Kaseberg
Lisa Gosney and Steve Kaufmann
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kautzman
Traci Griffin and Michael Kautzman
Darren and Sabine Kavesh
Tom and Diane Keegan
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Keith
The Honorable Michelle M. Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Kelley
Bob & Dorothy Osterhage Kempton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kenkel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kenkel
Catherine Kennedy
Clif & Becky Kennedy
Ms. Sherry Kennedy
Mrs. Siena Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kenney
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King
Dr. Kirchhoff and Dr. Brown
Tom and Patty Kissel
Ms. Sandi Kitchen
Jan Klarquist
Lisa Klee
Friedrich & Andrea Klein
Elizabeth Kloentrup
Dean & Sherry Klopp
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Klus
Mr. and Mrs. William Knochelmann
Ms. Pam Koeninger
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kolar
Mrs. Paula Kopecky
Bill & Barb Kopp
Sr. Nancy Kordenbrock, OSB
Mary Anne & Bob Kordenbrock
Mr. Fredrick Koszarek and Ms. Rebecca Lane
Carolyn Koury
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kovacic
Mrs. Joyce Kramer
Paul Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Kratzer
Mrs. Judy Kraus
Sr. Christa Kreinbrink, OSB
Judy Kreinest
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krems
Mr. and Mrs. David Kresge
Frank and Jan Kreutzer
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Krumpelman
Chuck & Janice Krumwiede
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kuhns
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Kunkler
Mr. Robert Kuris and Ms. Bloomie Forbes-Kuris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kurzendoerfer
Elke Kuykendall
Michael and Patricia Laber
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Lamping
Greg Land
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Landen
Mr. and Mrs, Jay Landwehr
Mr. and Mrs. Travis Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lankisch
Lankisch/Kuennemeier Family
Mrs. Theresa Law
Stephanie Lawrence
Gary and Lori Lee
Julie Lee
Ms. Sarah Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Lemley
Mrs. Linda LeNeave
Mr. and Mrs. David Lenzen
Ms. Jacqueline LeVoir
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Lewis
A & S Lighting
Mr. and Mrs. James Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Litz
Ms. Mary Alice Walter, LMT
Mr. Ben Lonneman
Carole Lonneman
Chris and Chris Lonneman
Ms. Carole Lonneman
Mike & Jill Lonnemann
Vince and Monica Lonnemann
Tim & Suzanne Lorch
Mr. and Mrs. James Lord
Robert & Sallie Lotz
Tim & Patti Love
John & Kim Luber
Congressman Ken Lucas
Heber & Myrna Lugo-Pierantoni
Gerald & Jody Lukey
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Lund
Mr. and Mrs. John Lusk
Bob & Lisa Lussmyer
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Lutz
Mrs. Kathy Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Maginn
Mr. and Mrs. David Maher
Mr & Mrs Pat Malone
Mr. Matteo Mancini and Ms. Molly
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann
Mr. and Mrs. James Mardis
Mr. and Mrs. George Maris
Mr William Martin
Ana Martinez
John Q. Martini & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. John Martini
Mr. Federico Mas
Virginia Mason
Jim & Cathleen Matchinga
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mate’
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Maté
Perla Mate
Ms. Roseann Mauroni
Ms. Anne Maxfield
Maureen Maxfield
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Maxwell
Cheryl May
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mayleben
Vincenzo & Andrea Mazzocca
Michelle McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McCauley
Dorothy H. McCormick
Brian and Tracy McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. Brian McDonald
Kevin & Julie McGehee
Mr. and Mrs. Kerry McGehee
Mr and Mrs Matt McGlasson
Robert and Jeanne McGrane
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McGraw
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher McGuire
Beverly McIntosh
Mr. and Mrs. Malcom McIntyre
Ms. Cambron McKeever
Mr. and Mrs. Troy McKinley
Mr. and Mrs. Blake McLaughlin
Todd and Cari McMurtry
Todd McMurtry and Cari Garriga
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQueen
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Mead
Mr & Mrs David Meier
Mr. Ramesh Melarkode and Dr. Radhika
Ms. Mary Jo Mentik
Gary & Virginia Meyer
Jeff and Beverly Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Meyer
Karen Meyers
Kelsey Meyers
Rick & Paula Meyers
Ms. Jodie Meyn
Dr. and Mrs. Attef Mikhail
Amy Miles
David & Katharina Miller
Mr. Jeffrey Miller and Ms. Tammy Wise
Joseph and Gretchen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Miller
Mr. and Mrs. David Millsap
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Minella
Ms. Margaret Minzner
Mr. Brendan Mitchell and Ms. Barbara
Ms. Janet Mitchell
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Mitchell
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Moehlman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Monohan
Jeff and Peggy Monroe
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad on n a .n e t
Stacie Montelisciani
Mr. and Mrs. David Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Moore
Stacey Moore
Paula Morelli
Junichire & Kazumi Morita
Greg and Jenny Moser
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Moser
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Motley
Tony and Becky Motley
Daniel J. Mueller
Kevin & Erin Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Murray
Scott & Beth Musmansky
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mustian
Tim & Cindy Napier
Richard & Pamela Neal
Mrs. Sally Neff
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Neikirk
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Nemann
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Nester
Mr. and Mrs. John Nestor
Donald Neumeister
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Tann Nichols
Don Niehaus
Charlie & Julie Nieman
Mike & Jill Niemeyer
Ms. Millie Niewahner
Lesley Noe
Ms. Rachel Noll
Dr. Steven and Dr. Jean Noll
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Notorgiacomo
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Novak
Steve Nurre
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick Nutini
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nybo
Billie Obar
Ms. Eileen O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Steve O’Connor
Debra Ohlinger
Wayne and Charla Oien
Mr. and Mrs. James Oldfield
Steve Oldfield
Mrs. Natasha Olivia
Mr. Ralph Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Abi Omoloja
Ms. Whitney O’Neal
Sr. Jean, OSB
Sr. Jeannette Frisch, OSB
Rick & Susan Osterhues
Mr. and Mrs. John O’Sullivan
Mrs. Bea Ouellette
Mr. and Mrs. Reza Pahlevani
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Paley
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Papakirk
Craig and Mitzi Parrish
Dr. and Mrs. Sanjay Patil
Laszlo and Mary Pavel
Kevin and Karen Pawsat
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Paxton
Mrs. Janet Pemberton
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pence
Beth Penn
Charlotte Perry
Charles Perry
Mr. and Mrs. James Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Perry
Katy Peters
Mr. and Mrs. David Phelps
Molly Phillips
Nancy Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. John Piccirillo
Mrs. Jean Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Pickens
Mr. and Mrs. William Pickens
Sr. Emmanuel Pieper, OSB
Charles B. Pieper, Jr.
Mr Kirk Pies
Patricia Pike
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Plummer
John & Casey Plunkett
Jacqueline Poe
Joseph & Nanette Polito
Kitty & Dave Pomeroy
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Poole
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poos
Anne Porter
Mrs. Ruth Poweleit
Suzanne Prieur-Land
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Prospero
Fred & Jean Pugh
Barb Pugne-Kennedy
Ms. Dee Purcell
David and Vanessa Purdom
David & Patricia Quast
Erin Queenan
Debbie Quinn
Ms Heather Rabe
Mr. and Mrs. Abdur Rahman
Barbara Rahn
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ramundo
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ransdell Jr.
Ms. Ann Ransom
Paula Ransom
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Rao
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ratterman
Pat Rawlings
David and Judy Rechtin
Rick and Mary Jo Rechtin
Paul & Sandy Recker
Mr. and Mrs. Satish Reddy
Mrs. Beth Redwine
John Rees
Ms. Mary D. Rees
Bob and Denise Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Regensburger
Laura Renke
William and Melissa Renner
Andy and Judy Reser
Ms. Nancy Reutman
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Richardson
Jack & Jeanne Richter
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ridley
Scott and Mary Ries
Mr. Peter Rightmire and Dr. Nannette Bernales
Mr. Anthony Riley and Ms. Barbara Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ringo
Kris Roach
Regis & Wendy Robbins
Drew and Elizabeth Roberdeaux
James and Linda Robertson
Ms. Shelley Rodenkirchen
Shirley Rogers
Julia Roland
Amanda Rood
Jenny Roose
Raul and Shannon Rosado
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Rose
Bart & Donna Roselli
Ellen Ruehl
Dominic and Toni Ruschman
Sr. David Ruschman, OSB
Sr. Joseph Ruschmann, OSB
Traci Russell
Jim & Bev Ruth
Sr. Kathleen Ryan, OSB
Jim and Karen Ryan
Ms. Stacie Ryan
Anne Ryckbost
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Ryman
Bryant and Felicia Sanders
Mrs. Virginia Sandfoss
Michael & Sharon Sanford
Jojo Santos-Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Bedros Sarian
Mary Sartori
Mr. Rob Sawyers
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Schaeffer
Brad Scharlott & Sallie Barringer
Ken & Carol Scheffel
Tracy Scheiner
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schenthal
Mr. and Mrs. George Scheper
Schindler Family
Al Schleper
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Schleper
Dave and Leigh Ann Schleper
Steve Schleper
Mr. and Mrs. David Schlueter
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Schmitt
Kelly Schmitt
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Schmitter
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Schmitter
Tricia Schneider
Debbie Schrade
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schroer
Mike Schroth
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schubert
Sr. Dorothy Schuette, OSB
Greg and Mary Paula Schuh
Mr. and Mrs. John Schulte
Mr. Joseph Schulte
Todd & Kristen Schulte
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schutzman
Paul & Beth Schwarb
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Schwarting
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Schwartz
Andy & Lori Seddon
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Seifert
Sr. Henrietta Seiler, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Damian Sells
Stratin Seremetis
Mr. Piergiorgio Serloni and Ms. Maria Gracia
Di Pasquale
Mr and Mrs Jinnesh Shah
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sharpin
Curt and Maureen Sheldon
Brian & Pam Shepherd
Eddie & Pat Sheppard
Mr. Donald Shields
Ken & Beth Shumate
Dimitri and Kathleen Kolkmeier Sias
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Siebert
Joan Siemer
George and Bonnie Silva
Mr. and Mrs. George Silva
Mark & Lori Simendinger
Ms. Sherry Simpson
Mrs. Meredith Singleton
David and Marian Sizemore
Dr. and Mrs. Bradbury Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Skinner
Tom & Thurla Skora
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Slaughter
Brent & Debbie Slusher
Anne Smieszny
Blake & Kathy Smith
Joe & Joan Smith
Mr. Matthew Smith and Dr. Stephanie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Smith
Sandy Snavely
Barbara Snow
Sally Soderlund
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sosso
Mrs. Theresa Spaulding-Horn
Mr. Christopher Spicker and Dr. Cindy Spicker
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spille
Ms. Therese Sprinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spritzky
St. Walburg Monastery Social Concerns Committee
Rene’ Stacy
Ms. Wilanne Stangel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Starek
Mr. Rob Starkey
Ms. Robyn Staurovsky
Mrs. Nancy Stautberg
Mr. and Mrs. James Stebbins
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Steffen
Michael & Ann Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Steinkoenig
Mr & Mrs Jeremy Steinman
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Steins
Ms. Susan Stoddart
Rose Stoeckle
Ken and Lisa Stoll
Heather Strain
Kathryn Stranz
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stringer
Jay and Heather Struck
Keith & Barbara Stuart
Allen & Susan Stuempel
Mr. and Mrs. Brandon M Stumbo
Andrea Suarez
Jim and Teresa Summe-Haas
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Sutton
Pat Swanke
Bob & Nancy Swartzel
Mr. and Mrs. Pepper Sweeney
Pepper and Nell Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Jerzy Szaflarski
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Taennis
Mrs Kathy Talbert
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor
Michael and Melissa Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Tepe
Martin and Donna Tepe
Sr. Mary Tewes
John and Kathleen Thaman
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Theissen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Thelen
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Thiemann
Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson
Rajendra Thota
Mickey Tibbs
Ann Tideman
Ms. Shonda Tilford
Ben Tilley
Dr. Nathan Timm and Dr. Kimberly Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Ian Tingley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tingley
Mr. and Mrs. John Toebben
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Toman
Nancy Tomasella
Mr & Mrs Travis Torin
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Trenkamp
Carl and Ania Trinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Denzil Troxell
Ms. Melanie Trusty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Turgeon
Mr. and Mrs. James Turner
Mr. and Mrs. William Unkraut
Mr. and Mrs. Onye Uzoukwu
Mr. and Mrs. Marius Van Melle
Vijay Velury
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Vennefron
Mr. and Mrs. Phillippe Verbrugghen
Dr. and Mrs. Rajiv Verma
Lance & Rebecca Vest
VMA Alumni Association
VMA Boosters Club
VMA Faculty
VMA National Honor Society
VMA Elementary Library
VMA National Honor Society/Mr. Henson
Mr. Brandon Voelker
Eileen Voelker
Mr. Jason Voight
Susan Volpenhein
Neena Volk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Von Handorf
Mr. and Mrs. William Voorhees
Gordon & Jill Wade
Mr. and Mrs. Erich Wagner
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wagner
Mr. Jagjit Walia and Mrs. Joyetta Roy Choudhury
Lori Wall
Wayne and Laurie Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Walz
Yvonne Warner
Ms. Lisa Warnick
Ms. Ashley Warning
Josh and Valerie Watson
Mr. Richard Watson and Dr. Valerie Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Weaver
Pam Webb
Mike & Barb Weber
Eric and Jenny Weber
Walter and Paula Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weickgenannt
Tina Weidner-Klare
Mrs. Darlene Wellman
Sr. Mary Catherine Wenstrup, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werner
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wesseler
Ms. Sally Wessels
Kim & Cheri Westmoreland
Mike Whelan
Mrs. Carole Wichman
Mr. and Mrs. Quin Wichmann
Mr. and Mrs. James Wigger
Catherine Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Willmott
Mrs. Joan Willoughby
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Wilmott
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Wilson
Rich and Maria Winans
Judy Wischer
Mrs. Pat Wischer
Ms. Laura Witzgall
Sr. Barbara Woeste
Sr. Amelia Wolking, OSB
Sr. Charles Wolking, OSB
Sr. Consolata Wolking, OSB
Sr. Teresa Wolking, OSB
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Woodcock
Mike & Donna Woods
Ed & Beth Worland
Matt Wortman and Nicole Tepe
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wurtz
Charles and Margaret Yocom
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Yocum
Ms. Debbie Forde Young
Greg Young
Mr. and Mrs. James Young
Ms. Jennifer Yuenger
Mary Zack
Mr. and Mrs. David Zalla
Dr. and Mrs. James Zalla
Jeff and Christina Zalla
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Zalla
Mr. and Mrs. Darek Zatorski
Jeffrey and Laura Ziesmann
Mr Jeffrey Ziesmann
Mr Laura Ziesmann
Chris and Jennifer Zimmerman
Save the Date for VillaRama
Saturday, March 1, 2014 • Villa Madonna Academy Athletic Center • 7 - 11 P.M.
VillaRama is Villa Madonna Academy’s annual fundraising event,
directly benefiting every student and the Academy at-large. As
Villa’s largest social event and fundraiser of the year, this exciting
evening includes food & drinks, live & silent auctions, raffles, and an
opportunity to celebrate Villa Madonna Academy with other VMA
Proceeds raised at this event help further the Academy’s mission
of educating students in grades K-12 for full Christian
participation in 21st century life. With support from friends,
donors, patrons, and community sponsors, we raise significant
funds in support of the Academy.
We hope to see you at this year’s VillaRama event on
Saturday, March 1, 2014!
If you have any questions about VillaRama, or sponsorship
opportunities, please contact Donna Damon, Special Events
Manager. Phone: (859)331-6333 x 132.
E-mail: [email protected]
Vil l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
2013 Golf Outing
22nd Annual Villa Madonna Academy / Denny VanHouten Memorial
Athletic Boosters’ Golf Outing Scramble – June 17, 2013
The VMA Athletic Boosters would like to thank the following businesses and individuals for their support!
Our net income was $9,040.
Event Sponsors
Carlisle Bray Enterprises (Rob Carlisle)
The Hamilton Family
Jackie Bott Van Houten
Sports Clips Haircuts (The Boucher Family)
Dinner Sponsors
American Mortgage Service Co. (Bill Case)
Lonneman Plumbing
Platinum Events (Sharon Haynes)
Laszlo & Mary Pavel
Pilot Contracting
Neiheisel Plumbling
The Schroer Family
Hole Sponsors
Matt Thoebben
The Thomas Family
The Wagner Family
The Werner Family
Frank & Donna Wesseler
American Mortgage Service Co. (Bill Case)
Bailey & Co. Benefits Group (Brenda Hoernschemeyer)
ARC Document Solutions
J. David Bender, Attorney
Barleycorn’s Restaurant
Carlisle Bray Enterprises (Rob Carlisle)
Brenda Hoernschemeyer
Connely Bros. Funeral Home (The Motley Family)
Chas. Seligman Distributers
Counseling & Diagnostic Center (Dr. Teresa Izquierdo)
Doug & Judith Spritzky
Crestville Drugs
Griffin Industries
The Dance House (Abbey Goddard)
Marvin Hagar
Desmond Insurance
Highland Country Club
Maria Di Pasquale
The Hillenmeyer Family
Hann Technology, LLC
Hemmer DeFrank, PLLC
The Kenney Family
Bob and Ruth Jackson
The Martini Family
Justice Michelle Keller
Maggie Meyer
WM Knochelmann CPA
Niehaus Advertising
Kreutzer Florist
The Lamping Family
Satish Bomma
Lowes Sporting Goods, Inc
Stephen & Jane Meier
Mailwise Solutions
Stagnaro Distributing
The Martini Family
Summit Hills Country Club
Morgan Stanley Wealth Management
Triple Crown Country Club
(MaryAnn Pietromonaco)
The Paxton Family
Pilot Freight Services
Booster’s Annual Golf Outing
Roeding Insurance
at Summit Hills Country Club
Ruehl Electric
The Schuh Family
Monday, June 16, 2014
Snapshot Treasures (Polly Stringer)
11:30 A.M. - Lunch and Registration
The Specht-Bird Family
1:00 P.M. - Shot gun start
Stan & Dee Spritzky
6:00 P.M. - Dinner, social and silent auction
The Thiemann Family
Questions call 331-6333 ext 506
Trophy Awards
Zimmer Chrysler Jeep Dodge
The Golf Outing Committee
& Volunteers
David Thomas-Booster President
Janet & Eric Baugh
Terri Kurzendorfer
Pamela McQueen
Laszlo & Mary Pavel
Donna Damon
Shelia Kermes
Dave Meier
Brenda Hoernschmeyer
Soshana Bosley
Donna Wesseler
The Spritzky Family
Teresa Werner
Christy Meyer
Neena Volk
Don Shields
Polly Stringer
Proceeds from this and other VMA
Athletic Boosters fundraisers directly
support the athletic activities of all VMA
Students in grades K through 12.
Save the Date
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad on n a .n e t
Annual Support
The following is a list of individuals, businesses and organizations that supported Villa Madonna Academy with
financial and in-kind gifts from July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013. Thank you for your commitment and generosity to Villa.
St. Walburg Leadership Society
$10,000 or more
Mrs. Jinx Keller Helmer ‘62
Mrs. Lynne Dick Horning ‘56
St. Scholastica Benefactors Guild
Mr. & Mrs. David Hammond
Mr. & Mrs. Troy McKinley
Charles & Ruth Seligman Family Foundation
Sarella Walton ‘60
VMA Scrip
Prioress’Legacy League
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carroll
Mr. William Case and Ms. Lisa Cassetta
Michael E. DeFrank
Nancy Sullivan Morgan ‘76
Dr. Tann Nichols and Ms. Nicole Kuzmin-Nichols
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spille
Villa Madonna Society
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Beatrice
Mrs. Rose Feldhues Bitsoff ‘65
Mrs. Barbara Tillman Blank ‘61
Ms. June Brannen Dineen ‘66
Ms. Ruth Seligman Doering ‘58
Duke Energy Foundation
Dr. Kathy Dye
The Greater Cincinnati Foundation
Ms. Denise Griffin ‘85
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Haynes
Mrs. Mary Nienaber Hemmer ‘42
Ms. Gabrielle Hils ‘77
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hirt
Ms. Jayme Klosterman ‘79
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth F. Klosterman
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Krems
Mr. Gregory Land
Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Lewin
Dr. Judith Middendorf Marlowe ‘65
The Manuel D. and Rhoda Maverson Foundation
Ms. Judith L. McCullough-Mayfield ‘59
Mr. & Mrs. Steve O’Connor
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Paley
Mrs. Aurelia Rabe Rice ‘56
Mr. Frank A. Schleper
Mr. Nicholas Schmidt ‘94
Mr. & Mrs. Michael E. Schroer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Schuh
UBS Employee Giving Programs
St. Walburg Monastery
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A. Whelan
Benedictine Society
Desma USA, Inc
David J. Deye
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Dunn
Mrs. Sandra Cook Eibel ‘63
General Electric
Mrs. Maureen O’Connell Gerner ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gibson
Mrs. Barbara Schilling Goldberg ‘64
Mrs. Dori Middendorf Jacobs ‘73
Mrs. Tara Wesseler Kersting ‘97
Dr. Todd Kirchhoff and Dr. Anne C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. John Martini
Ms. Anne Maxfield ‘79
Ms. Diane Enzweiler ‘81
Mrs. Elaine Douttiel Fedders ‘58
Ms. Linda Feldhues ‘71
Mrs. Rachal Huey Fitzgerald ‘75
Ms. Mary Lou Fuller
Mrs. Joyce Martin Ginney
Gloria Dei Lutheran Church
Mr. Dan Goodenough
Mrs. Pudgie Kloeker Gosney ‘57
Mrs. Mary Beth Schutte Grant ‘75
Mrs. Joan Muehlenkamp Gross ‘54
Mrs. Jane Scheper Grosser “81
Dome Society
Ms. Kim Gunning ‘78
Mrs. Maggie Wehrman Haas ‘56
Brian Cox
Mrs. Ellen Arbogast Hackman ‘56
Martha Donahue
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hawksley
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Haynes
Mr. Peggy Metz Eckard ‘55
Arthur F. Hogrefe
Ms. Maureen E. Gilmore ‘66
Mrs. Karen Schilling Hoppenjans ‘60
Ralph F. Huller
Ms. Barbara Horsley
Michael Jones
Ms. Mary Alexander Huhn ‘65
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Kenkel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Lux
Mr. Douglas Humphrey and Ms. Beverly Furnish
Judith Jennings
Dennis Neal Construction Company
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Junker
Daniel P. O’Hara
Mrs. Eileen Maher Junker ‘87
Dan Rao
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jurgensen II
Michele Redden-Borowski
Mrs. Jeanine Broering Kalker ‘55
Patricia M. Schulten
Mrs. Terri Tillman Kamp ‘77
Mrs. Mary. Maxfield Stevie ‘73
Ms. Diane Keegan
Mary L. Stewart
Mrs. Peggy Fusner Keesee ‘50
Mr. Matt Toebben
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Keller Jr
Mrs. Pauline Nolan Kelly 45
Ms. Kim Klosterman ‘77
Century Club
Mrs. Nancy Fedders Klus ‘61
Mrs. Paula Schrudde Kopecky ‘58
Alfords Grill
Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Kovacic
Mrs. Kathleen Allnutt
Dr. Teresito Alquizola and Dr. Florena Alquizola Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Landen
Mr. Dan Ledford
Mr. and Mrs. James Lehman
Ms. Martha Arlinghaus
Ms. Marianne E. Barker and Mr. Thomas Sander Ms. Cathy Leonhard ‘79
Ms. Molly Merten Lippert ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest W. Baugh
Mrs. Michelle Schulte Loos ‘69
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Baugh
Mrs. Lillian Brinkman Lux ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne E. Beimesch
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCaffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Beiser
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McIntyre
Mrs. Amy Adriano Berning ‘75
Mr. and Mrs. Albert McQueen
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Bilbo
Mrs. Mary Huller Maher ‘64
Mrs. Soshana Marx Bosley ‘91
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mardis
Mrs. Dorothy Mayleben Brinker ‘41
Ms. Nancy Meinershagen
George Budig
Mrs. Kay Edwards Michael ‘51
Mr. Paul Burke and Ms. Rosalie Goodsell
Ms. Teresa Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Terence Carl
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Monroe
Ms. Elizabeth A. Carroll
Ms. Charlene Morrow
William Case
Mrs. Phyllis Hackman Noll ‘56
Class of 1967 45th Reunion
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Notorgiacomo
David A. Clark
Mrs. Betty W. Odley
Mrs. Mary Margaret Heile Cole ‘67
Ms. Carla O’Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Collins
Ms. Mary Osak
Mrs. Martha Decker Conway ‘55
Ms. Mary C. Patterson
Hugh M. Cunningham, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Graham Paxton
Mrs. Janet Landwehr Curley ‘66
Dr. Beth Schaffield Penn ‘66
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Davern
Mr. and Mrs. James Perry
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Davis
Plano Sports Authority, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Davis
Mrs. Kathy Anthe Porter ‘59
Mrs. Kim Patrick Del Pozzo ‘86
Mrs. Barbara Moser Powers ‘78
Ms. Maria Gracia Di Pasquale
Mrs. Debbie Tranter Quinn ‘68
Ms. Barbara M. Doerr ‘71
Mrs. Mary Maloney Raispis ‘48
Mr. and Ms. Craig Dugan
Ms. Sherrill Remke
Mrs. Elizabeth Dumaine
Remke’s Markets
Ms. Nancy Dunn ‘65
Julia Rettig
Edgewood Dental Care PSC
Mrs. Jeanne Wehry Rittinger ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Egbers
Mrs. Ellen Wernersbach Roesel ‘52
Mrs. Pat Reibling Ehlman ‘61
Rosenacker & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Eisenmenger
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Sketch
The Society of St. Vincent De Paul
Mrs. Nancy Higdon Stautberg ‘55
U. S. Bancorp Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. John Walton, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Helen Zembrodt Willenborg ‘52
Ms. Judy Jack Wischer ‘66
Mr. & Mrs. James Young
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Zalla
Vil l a Vista s Vo l u me 1, I ssu e 1
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Rohrer
Mrs. Ann Kruetzkamp Ross ‘59
Mrs. Barbara Vogt Rossi ‘60
Rev. Albert Ruschman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ryman
Dr. Suzanne Sampang ‘88
Dr. J.J. Santos ‘93
Mrs. Carol Brown Schaefer ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Schaeffer
Dr. and Mrs. Karl Schmitter
Mr. Gregory J. Schneider
Gregory J. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schubert
Mrs. Julie Makris Schuler ‘72
Mr. Richard Schuler
Mrs. Suzanne Rice Schulte ‘55
Mr. Brian Sells
Mrs. Lois Lubrecht Seissiger ‘56
Piergiorgio Serloni
Mrs. Frances Smithson
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spritzky
Mrs. Nancy Staurovsky
Stegman Cabinet Showcase
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Taylor
Mrs. Marg Feldhues Theurer ‘60
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Thomas
Mrs. Michelle E. Tibbs
Dr. Nathan Timm and Dr. Kimberly Daly
Mrs. Pat Sieber Timperman ‘52
Mrs. Phyllis Sieber Timperman ‘51
Ms. Theresa Tran ‘88
Ms. Abby Hirt Trexler ‘98
Mrs. Arlene Nodzak Truitt 78
Mr. and Mrs. William Unkraut
Verst Group Logistics
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wagner
Ms. Suzanne E. Walton
Donna M. Wesseler
Mrs. Mary Helen Zembrodt Willenborg ‘52
Mrs. Catherine Doud Williams ‘52
Mrs. Nancy Gutfreund Williams ‘75
Mrs. Anne Wilson
Mrs. Peggy Hagedorn Wissman ‘54
Mr. and Mrs. F. Edward Worland Jr
Mrs. Mary Zechella
Ms. Carole L. Zerhusen ‘61
1904 Club
AIG (American International Group)
Alexandria Country Market – IGA
Alexandria Drugs
Dr. Eileen Perry Anderson ‘80
Mrs. Jean Ann Nienaber Auberger ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Bailey
Mrs. Muriel Balson
Mrs. Sherry Schweinefus Barton ‘61
Ms. Susan Beiting ‘58
Mr. Jonathan M. Beiser
Mr. Justin Beller
Mrs. Elaine Broering Berberich ‘51
Mr. William Biehl
Ms. Margaret Bimel ‘46
Ms. Elizabeth Boyd
Angela Brenner
Mr. Dave Brewer
Peggy Brewer
Mrs. Norma Lankheit Brockmeier ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. William Broomhead
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J. Brown
Jr. John F. Brucato
Ms. Mary Jo Beckerich Bustle ‘69
Ms. Abby Byland ‘79
Mrs. Jeanne Menke Carey ‘81
Ashley Carrico
Mrs. Sandy Smith Champlin ‘72
Mrs. Bonnie Pruden Cervino ‘60
Mrs. Linda Beck Christensen ‘64
Mrs. Joyce Landwehr Cissell ‘62
Ms. Kim Collins ‘83
Ms. Kathleen Corrill
Mrs. Michele Barton Crowley ‘85
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dentinger
Mrs. Joan Lonnemann Deye ‘64
Mrs. Mary Ellen Ginney Dorough ‘76
Mrs. Cheriee Hellings Dotson ‘69
Mrs. Mary Sartori Downey ‘72
Patricia Dreher
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Droege
Dupont, Inc.
Mrs. Mary Kruetzkamp Egan ‘56
Mr. Wayne Falda and Ms. Ann Tideman
Ms. Debbie Farrell
Mrs. Janet Schilling Fedders ‘75
Mrs. Johanna Pugh Flanigan ‘65
Mrs. Carol Huller Foltz ‘73
Mrs. Maureen Ginney Foltz ‘77
Mrs. Mary Jo Heiselman Foster ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Russel C. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Fraiture
Lee Fredette
Mrs. Martha Jane Nieman Freihofer ‘59
Mrs. Sharon Hemmer Gay ‘70
Mrs. Jeannette Weller Geise ‘42
Mrs. Maureen Grady Gerrein ‘73
Mrs. Elizabeth Gilbert-Schenthal
Joyce Ginney
Mrs. Regina Davis Grau ‘67
Mrs. Laura Hunt Greene ‘87
Mrs. Barbara Janson Gruppo ‘62
Ms. Gen Ann Haas ‘81
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice J. Halpin
Ms. Kit Maxfield Hammons ‘70
Mrs. Judy Saladin Haney ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hedges
Mrs. Julia Kuhlman Heditsian ‘75
Mrs. Joan Higdon Hegge ‘57
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hillenmeyer
Ms. Holly L. Hirt 2004
Ms. Stacey Hirt 2007
Mrs. Susan Perry Hoffman ‘69
Mrs. Dee Jimenez
Kevin Kaul
Mr. Michael Kearns
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kermes
Mrs. Angie Brannen Kiger ‘68
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Kissel
Mrs. Peggy Raker Knorr ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Konerman
Mrs. Mary Anne Grout Kordenbrock ‘68
Mrs. Betsy Janson Kortekamp ‘70
Mary E. Kortekamp
Mrs. Regina Lancaster Krauth ‘78
Ms. Donna Kay Kautz ‘59
Ms. Nancy J. Kes
Mrs. Kathleen McGuire Kreimborg ‘62
Mrs. Marci Merten Kreke ‘76
Mrs. Karen Horgan Kuhlman ‘66
Mrs. Angela Kruetzkamp Lange’42
Mr. Peter Laber
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Laber
Ms. Meredith Landorf
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Leisl
Mr. Joseph LeMere
Mrs. Mary Beth Foltz Livingston ‘69
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Longshore
Mrs. Jane Staverman Lorenz ‘70
Mrs. Beverly R. Love
Mrs. Beverly Herold Low ‘51
Mrs. Alice Broderick Lubbe ‘58
Martha C. Lucas
Mrs. Kathy Gettelfinger Manning ‘72
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall
Mrs. Susan Jo Humpert Marshall ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mattingly
Ms. Anne Maxfield ‘79
Ms. Maureen Maxfield ‘68
Mrs. Kathryn McFalls ‘99
Mr. and Mrs. Blake McLaughlin
Beverly Merrill
Mrs. Candy Howe Meyers ‘64
Mrs. Connie Krumpleman Milam ‘63
Mrs. Terri Mistler Molony ‘72
Mrs. Lois Decker Moore ‘51
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran
Kristi L. Nader
Mrs. Rosemary Haubner Nader ‘64
Mrs. Donna Sack Neiser ‘67
Jill S. Neltner
Ms. Jill Scheper Neltner ‘81
Mary Ann Neltner
Mrs. Pearl Newman
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Nix
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Norton
Ms. Eileen O’Connell ‘84
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas O’Connell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert O’Hara
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Olivia
Mrs. Pamela Jack Overmann ‘64
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Perkins Jr.
Jannai Pero
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Phillips
Kathy A. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. David Pugliano
Mrs. Patricia Mauer Quinn ‘60
Mrs. Mary Anne Hiltz Rall ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Reinert
Mrs. Donna Kay Meyer Reynolds ‘64
Mrs. Carol Higdon Roberto ‘51
Rob’s Ceramic Tile & Marble
Mrs. Nancy Schrand Roeding ‘51
Mrs. Patricia Rohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rohrer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rosing
Mrs. Roberta Berkshire Ryan ‘63
Mrs. Elizabeth Busche Shafer ‘55
Ms. Deborah A. Schultz
Mrs. Cathy Lubrecht Schutte ‘49
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schutzman
Ms. Pat Scott ‘48
Ms. Diane Seifert
Mr. Thomas Seiter and Ms. Christina Board
Mr. and Mrs. William Seiter
Jean Sells
Ms. Kelly Sells
Ms. Claudia Selzer
Elizabeth B. Shafer
Mrs. Elaine Burke Smith ‘59
Melissa Smyser
Mrs. Paula Billiter Snow ‘67
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Sottile
Mr. Christopher Spicker and Dr. Cindy Spicker
Mr. and Mrs. James Stegman
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens
Mrs. Virginia Kahmann Stewart ‘42
Mr. and Mrs. James Stinson
Mrs. Gertrude Stringer
Mrs. Jane Terwort Summe ‘55
Mrs. Marg Feldhues Theurer ‘60
Mrs. Nancy Nahrup Theuring ‘57
Mrs. Melodie Straw Thiel ‘60
Abby L. Trexler
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Trigg
Mrs. Susan Quinn Turney ‘56
Mrs. Barbara Loschiavo Voet ‘75
Lorita Wadsworth
Mrs. Bonnie Emerrich Wagenlande ‘65
Michael A. Wagner
Mrs. Mary Beth Walden-Ward ‘79
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Warndorf
Mrs. Barbara Lankheit Weisenberger ‘75
Carolyn S. Witte
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Woodcock
Mrs. Christine Rust Yarmuth ‘60
Senior Gifts
Mr. Evan Angus 2010
Mr. Andrew Ankenbauer 2008
Mr. Tyler Arnzen 2011
Ms. Christina Bailey 2008
Ms. Kelsey Bosley 2010
Mr. Robin Brundage 2011
Ms. Michelle Butler 2009
Mr. Tony Clarke 2008
Mr. Ben Conniff 2011
Ms. Morgan Cook 2010
Mr. Connor Creaghead 2008
Ms. Erin Deye 2011
Mr. Michael Haynes 2011
Mr. Nick Iott 2008
Ms. Ria Keegan 2009
Ms. Olivia Keller 2010
Ms. Hannah Knochelmann 2011
Ms. Katie Kurzendoerfer 2009
Mr. Ryan Laber 2011
Ms. Ally Landen 2009
Ms. Kate Landen 2011
Ms. Corrinne LeNeave 2009
Ms. Jodi Lonneman 2009
Ms. Payton Lutz 2011
Mr. John Meyer 2009
Mr. John Notorgiacomo 2010
Ms. Karissa Pickens 2010
Ms. Katie Ransdell 2011
Ms. Jenny Robertson 2010
Ms. Veronica Ruschman 2009
Mr. Alex Schmitt 2010
Mr. Max Sheldon 2010
Ms. Sarahmarie Specht-Bird 2011
Ms. Lauren Vennefron 2011
Mr. Zac Wade 2009
Ms. Lauren Wagner 2011
Memorials and Tributes
In memory of Frank Anthe
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Marshall
Mrs. Elaine Burke Smith ‘59
In memory of Sarah Barker at Christmas
Ms. Marianne E. Barker and
Mr. Thomas Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Keller Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCaffrey
Mrs. Betty W. Odley
In memory of Sarah Barker’s birthday
Mrs. Betty W. Odley
In memory of Elvera Bott
Mrs. Barbara A. Powers ‘78
In memory of Colleen Burden
Ms. Elizabeth A. Carroll
In memory of Martha Nieman Freihofer
Mrs. Kathy Anthe Porter ‘59
Mrs. Patricia Hunter Reynolds ‘59
In memory of Mary Jo Finley Hammond
Mrs. Kathy Anthe Porter ‘59
Mrs. Elaine Burke Smith ‘59
In memory of Kim Jackson
Ms. Marianne E. Barker and
Mr. Thomas Sander
In memory of Doris Lee Liebert
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dentinger
In memory of Dan Lucas
Mrs. Kathy Anthe Porter ‘59
In memory of George W. and Mary J. Mistler
Mrs. Terri Molony ‘72
In memory of Mary Lee Schroder Moeves ‘67
Class of 1967 45th Reunion
In memory of Elizabeth Porter
Mrs. Elaine Burke Smith ‘59
In memory of Joyce Quinlan
Mrs. Susan Jo Humpert Marshall ‘59
Mrs. Marg Feldhues Theurer ‘60
In memory of Mavis Saladin
Mrs. Martha Jane Nieman Freihofer ‘59
In memory of Mary Margaret Burke Taylor ‘65
Dr. Eileen Perry Anderson ‘80
Mrs. Marcy Roeding Lucas ‘59
Mrs. Kathy Anthe Porter ‘59
Mrs. Elaine Burke Smith ‘59
Mr. and Mrs. John Moran
In memory of Denny Van Houten
Mrs. Barbara A. Powers ‘78
In memory of Betty Weidner
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Fotsch
In honor of the birthday of Mary Ellen Moser
Huller ‘34
Mrs. Carol Huller Foltz ‘73
The Class of 1956 Benedictine Scholarship
Mrs. Maggie Wehrman Haas ‘56
Mrs. Ellen Arbogast Hackman ‘56
Alumni Scholarship
Mrs. Ellen Wernersbach Roesel ‘62
Irene Frisch Feldhaus Scholarship
Mrs. Rose Feldhues Bitsoff ‘65
Ms. Linda Feldhues ‘71
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Jurgensen II
Mr. Daniel P. O’Hara
Mrs. Marg Feldhues Theurer ‘60
UBS Employee Giving Programs
Julie Kalker ’93 Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Jeanine Broering Kalker ‘65
Dr. J.J. Santos ‘93
Millie M. Niewwaner Scholarship
Ms. Donna Kay Kautz ‘59
Mrs. Patricia Hunter Reynolds ‘59
Mrs. Ann Kruetzkamp Ross ‘59
O’Connell Scholarship
Eileen O’Connell ‘84
Ron Staurovsky Memorial Scholarship
Mrs. Ellen Wernersbach Roesel ‘62
Mrs. Nancy Staurovsky
Sue Hoppenjans Thelen Scholarship
Mrs. Karen Schilling Hoppenjans ‘60
Ellen M. Walton Scholarship
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Walton Jr.
Ms. Sarella Walton ‘60
Ms. Suzanne E. Walton
Villa Madonna Academy makes every effort to keep our
listings of donors error free. If you find any mistakes,
please accept our apologies and contact Donna Damon at
859-33-6333, ext. 132 or [email protected].
Financial Summary
July 1, 2012 June 30, 2013
Operating Revenue
Tuition and Fees (net).................................................. $ 4,016,931
Fundraising............................................................................. $ 267,859
Subsidies and Other Operating Revenue........... $ 182,605
Total Operating Revenue......................$ 4,467,395
Winter 2 0 1 3 w w w. villam ad on n a .n e t
2500 Amsterdam Road
Villa Hills, KY 41017
(859) 331-6333
Save the Date!
VillaRama 2014
Saturday, March 1, 2014 • 7 - 11 P.M.
Villa Madonna Academy
Athletic Center
To purchase tickets. Call Donna Damon
859-331-6333, ext 132
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