PDF Future in our Hands
PDF Future in our Hands
Future in Our Hands The Dussmann Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011/2012 Contents The Dussmann Group in Profile Global Business. Local Service. 9 9 A Secure Future as a Family Enterprise 13 Innovative Service Solutions for Business and Society 14 Code of Conduct: Establishing and Practicing Common Values 18 Our Approach: Partnership and Dialog 19 Our Sustainability Strategy 21 Taking on Challenges, Driving Change 21 The Challenge for Service Providers: Changing Market and Client Demands 22 The Dussmann Path of Sustainability: Interview with Dirk Brouwers, CEO of the Dussmann Group 26 Responsibility for our Workforce 29 Commitment to Fair Pay 29 Personnel Development: Initial and Further Training to Ensure Sufficient Skilled Personnel 30 Dussmann Stands for Equality 33 More Alternatives with Flexible Working Times 36 Open Communication and Information Exchange 36 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services 39 Our Suppliers: Partners in Sustainability 59 Technical Services: Management of Energy and Operating Expenses for a Head Start 40 A Management System Which Defines Purchasing Requirements 59 Cleaning Services: Top Quality and Environmental Compatibility 41 Detailed Questionnaire for Assessment of Suppliers 60 Catering: Making Responsibility Appetizing 44 Close Partnerships for Even More Client Orientation 60 Nursing and Care: Transparency and Quality at Kursana 47 Security: Protecting Our Clients’ Assets 49 Dussmann KulturKindergarten: the Added Extra for Attractive Employers 51 Social Commitment Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms 53 ISO 14001: Confirmation of a Functioning Environmental Management System 53 Lighthouse Environmental Projects 55 Saving Energy at Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus 55 Dussmann Service Italy: Excellent Environmental and Social Standards 56 Dussmann Service Austria: A Pioneer in Environmental Protection 56 Dussmann Service Luxembourg: Award of Sustainability Label ESR 57 63 Foreword Dear Reader, You hold the Dussmann Group’s first sustainability report in your hands, a report that makes us very proud. Never before have we documented the corporate responsibility which we traditionally assume so completely and, simultaneously, stated our objectives so clearly. The result is an expedition of discovery through the operations of the Dussmann Group and I warmly invite you to join me on the journey. This is the title of our first sustainability report. The perception of the future as an opportunity has always been a characteristic strength of the Dussmann Group - the opportunities presented by exceptional projects, by interesting new markets and by accepting new challenges. With a firm confidence in the future, the Dussmann Group will continue to grow and make an active contribution to society. This is the commitment that we made when my husband, Peter Dussmann, founded this company in 1963 and we have consistently maintained that commitment. As a family enterprise, sustainability is important to us – environmentally and economically but especially in social terms. Our commercial success comes with a moral duty to protect the environment and to strengthen social cohesion in our society. We aim to offer our clients solutions through innovation whilst actively taking on social responsibility. The way in which we shoulder this great responsibility is documented in “Future in Our Hands”. We show where we stand today as a result of daily dedication and how the company can operate both sustainably and successfully despite extremely competitive conditions. It is not just about making money and boosting sales. With our innovative products and services, we are making the world a little better each day. I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to our employees for this success. They are the strong foundation of the Dussmann Group; our company builds on their daily efforts. This is why it is so important to us to be attractive as an employer and we ensure this by promoting, supporting and training personnel from ground up. When I look at our company today, I can proudly say: we have already achieved and created a great deal. But we aren’t perfect and we will continue to work together and do all we can to reach our goals in the future. I am confident that there are many more exciting challenges awaiting us and I am certain that we will take on those challenges with self-confidence and success. I hope that you will enjoy reading this report and your journey through the Dussmann universe. Yours truly, Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann Chairperson, Board of Trustees of the Dussmann Group The Vertical Garden at Dussmann In 2012, the world-famous French botanist and horticultural artist, Patrick Blanc, unveiled his unique “Mur Végétal” in Dussmann House. Patrick Blanc’s vertical gardens are on show in many cities across the globe. His herbaceous facades are fascinating compositions made up of numerous varieties of plants which grow, not on soil but on an elaborate construction containing a drip irrigation system. This enables the plants to grow over both interior and exterior walls – and creates a unique, living artwork. The vertical garden symbolizes the Dussmann Group’s focus on economic, environmental and social sustainability. It is a tangible representation of the commitment of each of our company divisions.. 7 The Dussmann EcoSystem The Dussmann EcoSystem Our concept for sustainability Sustainable business practices and vision are the pillars upon which the future is built. We are committed to making social responsibility the basis of our business activities; while maintaining the high quality standards of our services, we place strong emphasis on environmental protection. We have developed our own sustainability concept, the Dussmann EcoSystem. The Dussmann EcoSystem embraces the following dimensions: active environmental management raising the awareness of our personnel for environmental issues – laid down in our code of conduct reduction and avoidance of environmentally harmful materials examination of products and procedures for environmental compatibility consistent, conscientious quality assurance an effective health and safety program “There have been many new developments during my 40 years with Dussmann but one thing remains unchanged: I enjoy working for the company every day.” Ellen Kunze, Division Manager Nutrition and Hygiene 9 The Dussmann Group in Profile The Dussmann Group in Profile Today, we are one of the largest multi-service providers worldwide. The partnership with our clients and the social responsibility inherent in a family enterprise form the basis of our success. Global Business. Local Service. With around 58,000 employees in 21 countries across the globe, the Dussmann Group offers the whole range of facility services from one source under the brand name of Dussmann Service: technical services, catering, security and reception services, cleaning and in addition, commercial and energy management. The second largest company division, Kursana provides nursing and care for a total of 13,600 seniors. The Dussmann KulturKindergarten GmbH operates in-house company child care facilities across Germany. These are characterized by close cooperation with the partner company, an emphasis on arts and culture, a bilingual approach and long opening hours. Dussmann also operates the KulturKaufhaus in Berlin. In 2011, the Dussmann Group posted aggregate sales* of 1,658 million Euros and is one of the largest private multi-service providers worldwide. 2007 2008 1,300 2009 2010 2011 1,567 1,440 1,406 1,400 1,331 52,706 51,136 51,000 1,600 1,500 53,749 55,000 57,852 56,377 57,000 1,658 Sales Worldwide * (in million Euros) Employees Worldwide 53,000 The Dussmann Group operates facility services in 21 countries 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 *including sales generated by service companies and intercompany sales to Kursana 10 The Dussmann Group in Profile 1990 – 2000 2004 Dussmann is Caterer of the Year. Kursana acquires hospitalia from the Fresenius Group and becomes the leading private service provider for seniors’ care. 2000 – 2010 2010 Dussmann Service provides services at the EXPO. Kursana acquires eight seniors’ facilities from the US operator, Sunrise. Peter Dussmann’s ambition to turn the company into a management foundation is realized. Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann takes on the chair of the board of trustees. 2010 – 2020 The Path to Becoming an International Multi-Service Provider 2011 die Dussmann Group extends its field of operations to child-care with the brand, Dussmann KulturKindergarten. All of the company divisions see growth. 2008 Peter Dussmann relinquishes chairmanship of the supervisory board for health reasons. His wife, Catherine von FürstenbergDussmann, is appointed to the supervisory board. 1997 Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus – the media department store with the longest opening hours in Germany – is opened in Berlin. 1963 The success story of the Dussmann Group begins with a home cleaning service in Munich founded by Peter Dussmann. 1960 –1970 1978 The company becomes a specialist for interlinked services from one source. The portfolio is extended to include full-day catering, housekeeping and security. 1985 The first Kursana Residenz seniors’ facilities are opened in Germany. In contrast to traditional care homes, seniors live independently as if in a hotel. 1970 –1980 1980 –1990 1990 As one of the first service providers to do so, Dussmann Service opens 14 branch offices in the new federal states of Germany. 1969 The original workforce of ten has already grown to 1,000 employees. The Dussmann Group expands abroad and signs its first cleaning contract with a hospital. A Tradition of Responsibility – the Entrepreneur Peter Dussmann As the founder and leading figure of the company, Peter Dussmann has had a decisive influence on corporate culture and values. His philosophy of client-orientation, innovation and sense of responsibility continues to be the fundament of sustainable business operations and serves as a consistent guide to success. A special duty of our company is in taking on social responsibility in accordance with Peter Dussmann’s maxim: “It is the task of every successful enterprise to give something back to society. This is why the company’s social commitment is so important to me” 13 The Dussmann Group in Profile A Secure Future as a Family Enterprise On December 30, 2010, the Dussmann Group took on a new structure. The foundation, already planned by the founder of the company, Peter Dussmann, was created as a permanent management body. The creation of the Peter Dussmann Stiftung preceded the renaming of the former Dussmann AG & Co. KGaA to Dussmann Stiftung & Co. KGaA. The foundation does not hold any group equity; sole ownership remains with the entrepreneur, Peter Dussmann. The Dussmann Group continues as a family enterprise. The objective of the management foundation is to secure the long-term future of the Dussmann Group. Its ability to support especially worthy activities and projects to promote art, culture, training and education remains unchanged. Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann chairs the board of trustees of the Peter DussmannStiftung. Other members are Wolfgang Clement, Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck, Dr. Guiseppe Vita, Prof. Dr. Rainer Lorz and Dr. Horst Schiessl. The primary purpose of the board of trustees is to advise and supervise the executive board of the foundation. Board of Trustees Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann Chairperson of the Board of Trustees Wolfgang Clement Member of the Board of Trustees Dr. Tessen von Heydebreck Member of the Board of Trustees Prof. Dr. Rainer Lorz Member of the Board of Trustees Dr. jur. Horst Schiessl Member of the Board of Trustees Dirk Brouwers CEO Jörg Braesecke Member of the Executive Board Axel Gränitz Member of the Executive Board Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meyer Member of the Executive Board Reiner Worbs Member of the Executive Board The executive board of the Dussmann Group from l. to r. Axel Gränitz, Reiner Worbs, Dirk Brouwers (chairman), Jörg Braesecke, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meyer Almost 90 percent of all German companies (around 1.5 million) are family enterprises and they generate around 65 percent of the gross domestic product. They employ almost 20 million people or about 65 percent of all employees in Germany. Approximately 85 percent of all apprentices are trained in medium-sized and family enterprises. Dr. Giuseppe Vita Member of the Board of Trustees The Executive Board The executive board of the foundation manages the business of the Dussmann Group. Board members are Dirk Brouwers (chairman), Jörg Braesecke, Axel Gränitz, Dr. Hans-Jürgen Meyer and Reiner Worbs. Each board member holds responsibility for specific company divisions of the Dussmann Group. Family Enterprises – Motor of the Economy 90% Around 90 percent of all German companies are family enterprises.1 14 The Dussmann Group in Profile Innovative Service Solutions for Business and Society Dussmann Service Kursana Dussmann Office Dussmann Service – Services Around the Globe Dussmann Service, the largest company division of the group, provides all types of facility services in 21 countries across the globe. Integrated Facility Management for business, industry and the social and care sectors consists of more than 70 individual services: from technical management through catering, security and cleaning services to commercial and energy management. Cleaning is one of over 70 services in our facility management portfolio Maintaining Asset Value with Facility Management Dussmann Service considers professional cleaning services a management issue as it makes a substantial contribution to the maintenance of real estate value. And because every building and every company has differing cleaning requirements, Dussmann Service develops an individual Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus Dussmann KulturKindergarten concept for each client. A cleaning concept from Dussmann Service consists of a combination of services which are customized to our clients’ needs – from architectural consultation in the planning phase of the building to minimize cleaning needs to determination of cleaning methods. Comprehensive Security Concepts Dussmann Service develops security systems to answer individual client needs from a wide spectrum of security services – from site and plant security to public order services, fire prevention and fire fighting services as well as reception services and health and safety management. Dussmann Service operates a newly constructed alarm receiving center which conforms to the norm DIN EN 50518 and monitors intrusion and robbery alarm systems, fire alarms and video systems. In addition, technical alerts and elevator emergency alarms are monitored and gate intercoms and service telephones are answered. Catering: a Wide Service Scope Catering by Dussmann Service includes a multifaceted range of services from staff restaurants and all the catering services required in hospitals and seniors’ facilities to catering services for child-care facilities and schools. Whether an analysis of the current status or professional advice on kitchen design and financial viability - Dussmann Service always begins catering operations with detailed planning. 15 The Dussmann Group in Profile The objective is the development of a comprehensive catering concept which answers the individual needs of the client and ensures the satisfaction of diners. Some clients wish to outsource catering operations completely while others need only individual services. Either way, a catering concept from Dussmann Service always incorporates the flexibility to adapt to clients’ business operations and needs. Energy-Efficient, Reliable Operation of Technical Systems When outsourcing the operation, running and maintenance of technical facilities, clients must be able to rely fully on their service provider. Whether it is a company, a public authority, a school, a museum or a facility for the elderly, well-functioning technical systems are essential for the comfort of building users and one hundred percent availability is imperative. Heating, air conditioning, elevators and lighting need to function without a hitch and be energy efficient too. Technical management by Dussmann Service takes sector-specific requirements into account as well as the conditions in individual client operations. The result: absolute reliability, increased efficiency, improvement in quality and simultaneously, long-term maintenance of real estate value. Integrated Facility Management: Effective Work Processes Dussmann Service develops branch specific concepts for business and industry as well as for the social and care sector and creates an individual package of services for each and every client: from technical to infrastructural services, from commercial management to space management. By interlinking the various services provided, work processes can be made even more effective. This enables us to assure quality standards whilst optimizing costs. And there is another advantage: integrated services mean that the client has just one contact partner who is responsible for all details. Kursana – a Home from Home The second, extremely successful company division of the Dussmann Group is Kursana Germany’s leading provider of care for the elderly. In Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Estonia and Italy, we care for around 13,600 seniors in 116 facilities. Residents can choose between Domizil, Residenz and Villa facilities; all provide a wide range of service and care with high standards of quality. Kursana offers all forms of care for the elderly – from traditional long-term care to all of the necessary nursing services. The excellent standards at Kursana also apply to infrastructure. As a member of the Dussmann Group, Kursana benefits from cooperation with Dussmann Service and its many years of experience in providing facility services. Kursana personnel have been providing nursing and care and maintaining high standards of quality for 27 years. 16 The Dussmann Group in Profile Dussmann Office – Offices for Immediate Occupancy Dussmann Office is the office service division of the company. The client can rent not only a completely furnished office but also a package of services and the associated infrastructure - from a business address and telephone number to reception and secretarial services and conference services. Clients may select a virtual office, a complete office or simply rent an office or conference room with all of the equipment necessary for one or more days. Covering more than 7,000 square meters, clients can browse though books, audio books, DVDs, CDs stationery and sheet music. As in all of the company divisions, service orientation is first priority at KulturKaufhaus: customers can listen to CDs at listening stations, read books, borrow a pair of reading glasses and take advantage of our packing and shipping services. There are regular events at the KulturKaufhaus without entrance charge: concerts and readings featuring international celebrities such as Donna Leon, Daniel Barenboim and names from the worlds of culture, politics and business. Dussmann KulturKindergarten: Holistic Learning The most recently established company division, Dussmann KulturKindergarten, was established in 2011. We plan and operate in-house corporate child-care facilities for our clients across Germany. These are characterized by an emphasis on arts and culture, a Innovative office services enable our clients to be flexible Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus: Open for Cultural Insights Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus on the Friedrichstrasse in Berlin was established by Peter Dussmann in 1997. The range of media and the opening times, Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to midnight, Saturday 10a.m to 11.30 p.m. make it unique in Germany. Our most recently established field of operations: child-care bilingual approach and long opening hours. Our clients need to be more attractive for existing and potential employees. We help them with this objective and combine business with pedagogical know-how. A unique range in the center of the capital city: Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus 17 The Dussmann Group in Profile Integrated Management System: Guaranteed Client Satisfaction Sustainability as a Key Function of Management Our integrated management system is a significant success factor in both national and international competition. It ensures the satisfaction of our clients, the safety of their personnel and ours and we make the protection of our environment a central focus. This enables us to make a significant contribution in terms of synergies, cost savings and sustainability. The Dussmann Group is intensifying its efforts to integrate sustainability into all aspects of the management process. The first step was made in 2011 with the creation of a sustainability board. This committee includes the members of the Dussmann Group’s executive board. The members each carry responsibility for a company division and appoint a representative from the service divisions according to the topic under discussion who implement resolutions at operative level. The sustainability board meets twice a year to discuss current developments and to determine the sustainability strategy for the Dussmann Group and its subsidiaries Dussmann Service Germany is the only facility management provider so far which has achieved TÜV certification for quality, environmental and health and safety management. The international division too is well prepared; many of the international subsidiaries hold certification for their integrated management systems. As the first private provider of care and nursing services for the elderly to do so, Kursana has achieved TÜV certification for its operations in all Kursana Domizil and Residenz facilities. A Holistic System Regulates Processes The integrated management system is a holistic system which regulates processes and procedures for quality, environmental and health and safety management. It defines clear corporate objectives, structures, responsibilities, procedures and processes. The integrated management system is complemented by additional certification for food safety and security services according to applicable norms. A detailed overview of current certification for the international subsidiaries of the Dussmann Group may be found on page 67. The executive management of Dussmann Service Germany, Dussmann Service International and service division heads meet regularly to advance the development of the Dussmann EcoSystem. This committee discusses operative implementation of strategic resolutions made by the sustainability board. New topics are also introduced in preparation for presentation to the sustainability board. The three building blocks of the integrated management system ISO 9001 quality management OHSAS 18001 health and safety management ISO 14001 environmental management 18 The Dussmann Group in Profile The full version of the code of conduct is available for download at http://www. dussmann.com/de/dussmann-gruppe/profil/codeof-conduct/ Code of Conduct: Establishing and Practicing Common Values Confidential Data in Good Hands Ethical values are a key component of the Dussmann Group’s principles; they have a direct relationship to economic standards such as fairness and responsibility in the business world. The code of conduct describes the Dussmann principles as a set of unambiguous and binding rules which serve as guidelines in our decisions and our business dealings. We expect all personnel to identify with these ethical principals and to act accordingly. Our management staff communicate them and set an example through their own actions as a matter of course. The Dussmann Group gives data protection and date security high priority. All company divisions are service providers and as such, are often involved in the business processes of our clients. There are a number of contracts where we are actually a part of the client organization and as a result, we inevitably come into contact with client data. At the company division Kursana, residents trust us not only with sensitive personal information but also information that is classed by federal legislation as requiring special protection. This is why we oblige our personnel to confidentiality in respect of trade secrets and other confidential information and to limit its use exclusively for internal purposes. Each member of staff must sign such an agreement at the beginning of his or her employment with the company. The code of conduct contains guidelines for the activities of our personnel 19 The Dussmann Group in Profile Our Approach: Partnership and Dialog Our company works with many different groups and institutions. We maintain a close dialog of trust with our stakeholders in order to understand their needs and to keep them informed of corporate activities. Clients Politics and Administration Absolute client orientation is the key to business success and the pursuit of Dussmann sustainability strategy. This involves the deployment of all instruments of communication and all forms of dialogue and cooperation including client representation on the company’s supervisory board. Dussmann seeks political dialog at federal, state and communal levels with the object of finding mutual solutions to social challenges and of establishing fair conditions for companies. Employees Shareholders The workforce is the sound foundation of our company. Dussmann does its utmost to achieve a high level of employee satisfaction through personnel development and optimum work conditions. With the establishment of the management foundation, a further cornerstone of a secure future for Dussmann as a family enterprise has been laid. The family remains the sole owner of capital shares. Potential Applicants/ Employees Associations Dussmann is dependent on skilled, qualified personnel in all of its company divisions. The company promotes itself as an attractive employer offering excellent career prospects with an extensive network of contacts and information forums. Dussmann concentrates its activities on selected industry associations, the BDWS, the employers’ association nursing and care, the federal association of private social service providers (bpa), the welfare service organizations, GEFMA, RealFM, VDI, DIN and DEHOGA. We focus on activities towards sector-specific minimum wages and strategies to counter the shortage of skilled personnel. Employee Representation Scientific Institutions Dussmann has regular meetings with several trade unions and maintains a close dialog with the works council. Dussmann cooperates on research and development with numerous scientific institutes and wellknown technology partners. The company also works closely with colleges in the context of master and diploma theses. Media Banks Dussmann maintains ongoing communication with the media and consistently invests effort in building on these relationships. The company’s press relations have been commended: Dussmann’s communications department was ranked third among the major companies in Berlin.2 Financial institutions are traditionally important partners for Dussmann in connection with corporate finances. They also function as advisors and a source of ideas on the topics of economic sustainability, risk management and corporate governance. Brief Portraits of Dussmann Group Stakeholders “You can’t decree quality. At Kursana, it is reestablished anew each day by our personnel – at 116 locations in Europe.“ Ute Kokel, Regional Quality Manager 21 Our Sustainability Strategy Our Sustainability Strategy With the creation of Dussmann EcoSystem we have established a corporate sustainability concept which clearly defines our objectives and the way we achieve them Taking on challenges, driving change Today, modern industrial societies are facing huge challenges which must be taken on by businesses if they want to continue to operate successfully. However, challenges and the quest for solutions to the central issues of the future also present windows of opportunity which must be seized. Enterprises need to invest in innovative products and services to answer changing needs and the greatest potential lies in the competence and the dedication of their personnel. Climate change demands action CO2 emissions caused by the use of fossil fuels are a decisive factor in global warming. An increase in temperatures of more than 2°C over those during the pre-industrial era would result in incalculable global climate change. In order to avoid this situation, CO2 emissions in comparison to 1990 must be reduced at least by half by 2050. Contributing to a responsible market economy The global financial and economic crisis has led to a loss of confidence in the efficacy of the market economy. Resentment concerning the absence of strategies to deal with the crisis and social injustice has expressed itself in protests which have found the sympathy of many social groups. Legitimation crises like theses engender skepticism towards entrepreneurial activities in general. In this phase, businesses are especially called upon to prove their commitment to the general good and to carry on an open dialog with society. Demographic change demands new answers Resource shortages necessitate efficiency The fossil fuel era will end in the foreseeable future. The amount of oil, gas and coal which we consume every year is equivalent to the quantities formed over one million years. Worldwide energy consumption has doubled since 1970 and will triple by 2030. Growing demand has lead inevitably to exploding energy costs. Between 2000 and 2011, oil prices increased by a factor of five. This is why the time has come to reduce energy consumption through increased efficiency and to concentrate on renewable sources of energy. Protest action against the consequences of the financial and economic crisis 22 Our Sustainability Strategy The challenge for service providers: changing market and client demands The proportion of their lives that people in industrial societies spend in buildings3 Due to the low birth rate, the German population will decrease by approximately 15 million by 2060, despite immigration. Simultaneously, life expectancy is on the increase leading to a growing proportion of older citizens; in 2060, a third of the population will be over 65. Further trends are an increase in single households and a growing number of single parent families. Demographic change has an impact, not only on the finances of social systems but also on spheres of activity such as education, child and health care, the workplace and infrastructure. Shortage of skilled personnel is a risk factor Demographic change has tangibly increased competition for skilled personnel. It has been estimated that by 2025, demand in Germany will exceed supply by up to 6.5 million. Today already, every third German company is unable to fill vacancies at short notice and considers the shortage of skilled personnel one of the greatest risks threatening business development. Solutions such as intensive investment in initial and further training, better integration of women in the workplace through improved compatibility of career and family, promotion of younger and older personnel, for example through training schemes while in employment and flexible work time models as well as integration of qualified immigrants are increasingly important Manufacturing companies are subject to global competition and therefore concentrate increasingly on their core processes. At the same time, the margin of cost flexibility in the public sector and in social institutions grows ever tighter. Both of these developments have led to outsourcing of secondary processes and created strong demand for a wide range of qualified services from a single source. In purchasing, clients have a clear perception of requirements in the context of quality assurance, flexibility, optimized cost-efficacy, compliance with legislation and norms and increasingly, compliance with sustainability criteria. Under the pressure of competition, clients want to improve their own standards of sustainability and, with this objective, use all of the potential available in the delivery chain. This is especially true of the service markets in which the Dussmann Group operates. Facility Management: high potential for resource savings Facility Management is now a key sector of the German economy with a volume of 176 billion Euros, a contribution of five percent to the gross domestic product and four million jobs. In terms of sustainability, it is particularly relevant that almost half of the energy consumed is for the maintenance and operation of buildings. Existing real estate is one of the main producers of CO2 emissions. The issue of costs too has considerable dimensions; costs generated during the operating phase of a building are several times higher than the costs of construction. In addition, building use involves an important social component: on average, people living in industrial societies spend 90 percent of their lives inside buildings. It has been 23 Our Sustainability Strategy proved that comfortable conditions inside buildings lead to increased work productivity and reduce absences due to illness. These factors constitute a challenge for service providers to seek solutions and to put quality assurance, cost-efficacy and resource concepts into practice by means of energy and waste management and the deployment of environmentally friendly cleaning procedures. Catering: priority for sustainable production A growing number of consumers are demanding foods from sustainable production. In Germany, the catering industry is a central field of activity for these new demands as it serves 20 million people each day. Current trends include balanced, fat-reduced dishes, organic ingredients from regional producers and fair-trade products. The customers’ demands for sustainable products have led to a more intense focus on the entire value chain i.e. purchasing, production, preparation, consumption and disposal of foods which are used in catering operations. There are huge opportunities for companies and social institutions to improve customer and guest satisfaction through use of sustainable products. Catering service providers are obliged to develop need-oriented solutions and to make a measurable contribution to improving their clients’ sustainability record. production di spo para sal pre um ptio n ng co ns tion Focus on sustainability: value chain in catering ch pur as i Catering operations serve increasing numbers of diners each day 24 Our Sustainability Strategy competition for skilled personnel. This has generated demand for competent child-care providers who can offer both pedagogical and business know-how. The need for nursing and care is growing fast 150,000 The shortage of nursing staff by 20204 Child-care trends of the future Promoting the compatibility of work and family is becoming an essential task for companies and institutions which must adapt to new social values and trends: for 92 percent of all employees with children, the compatibility of work and family is just as important as financial compensation. Employers who offer their workforce good corporate child-care facilities benefit in a number of ways. Their employees can return to work earlier, professional know-how and skills stay in the company and qualified personnel remain loyal to the company during the family phase and beyond. Family-friendly employers are more attractive. Not only are the costs of personnel acquisition reduced, employers improve their position in the All Dussmann KulturKindergarten facilities work according to a tailor-made pedagogical concept Demographic trends in Germany show that medical advances are extending life expectancy and this is accompanied by a growing need for nursing and care. The number of people in Germany needing geriatric care will grow from 2.4 million today to up to four million in 2050. Studies predict a need for an additional 330,000 places by 2020. The demand for high quality nursing and care services will rise simultaneously. These developments are accompanied by a growing shortage of nursing and care staff. Today, there are already 50,000 fewer qualified personnel than needed and by 2020 this will grow to over 150,000. The success of nursing and care facilities depends directly Wanted: dedicated, motivated nursing staff on their ability to recruit and keep dedicated, motivated, longstanding nursing staff. 26 Our Sustainability Strategy “The Dussmann Path of Sustainability” Many of our clients want to improve their sustainability record. Can Dussmann help them? Dirk Brouwers, CEO of the Dussmann Group Mr. Brouwers, in our society and on the market, sustainable business activities are the yardstick of credibility. Companies increasingly expect this form of commitment from their business partners. Is the Dussmann Group prepared for this challenge? Yes, we are. Sustainability has tradition at the Dussmann Group. Company founder, Peter Dussmann, set down and established principles from the outset. As a family enterprise, we are committed to a corporate culture based on sustainability – environmental, economic and social. What are the preconditions for the maintenance of these sustainable principles? It’s possible because the Dussmann Group is built upon a firm fundament. In our 50 years on the market, we have seen consistent organic growth. The positive development of our company and our high ratios of self-delivery enable us to act independently of the capital markets. We offer a wide range of products to a wide range of clients which generates growth, even during times of economic crisis. As a result, we are a leading provider in two sectors simultaneously – in the facility management sector and in geriatric nursing and care. This fundament is vital because only when a company is financially sound is sustainability possible. Since 2011, the company has been a foundation. By taking on the new legal form, we have underpinned a successful and secure future for the company. We are already helping by ensuring efficient operation of our clients’ real estate and careful use of resources there. For example, we deploy low-emission, consumption-optimized cleaning technology and use biodegradable cleaning products. By modernizing our cleaning procedures, we ensure environmental compatibility. In general, the technical aspects of service provision are very important. In energy management, for example, we examine all technical systems for savings potential. We use fair-trade and regionally produced organic foods in catering operations for several clients. When possible, we always cooperate with our clients in taking a sustainable approach. Does Dussmann react to individual market requirements or do you approach the client pro-actively and offer sustainable services? In both cases, it is important to recognize the wishes of the client early on. We do this by working closely and maintaining a constant dialog with our clients. Together, we develop individual service packages for their requirements and needs. Our portfolio contains a wide range of services with a single point of contact, in Germany and at many locations across the world which makes us very flexible. We perceive ourselves as problem solvers for our clients. This makes us attractive as a company. It is important to observe the markets closely and to enter new business fields as we did in 2011, for example, with corporate child-care.. Where do you see future opportunities? I see further opportunities in our core markets of FM and nursing and care. We have done excellent work here for many years and have experienced consistent growth in both sectors. Industry focuses increasingly on its core processes and needs a professional service provider at its side. I see opportunities in the health care sector, in the food industry and with cultural organizations for example. 27 Our Sustainability Strategy The markets for geriatric care in Germany, Europe and across the world are very dynamic and present an exciting challenge for our company. The services that Dussmann provides each day are services carried out by people for people. This involves around 58,000 members of staff worldwide. How important is social sustainability to you? It is one of the most important issues for the Dussmann Group. After all, we employ people from 113 different nations of the world. Each of them contributes to our success with their work and their dedication. With success comes responsibility – the responsibility of fairness as an employer which we assume through fair pay, social benefits and excellent opportunities for career development. It also includes pressing for sector-specific minimum wages which is the only way of ensuring a level playing field. We offer opportunities to employees with minimal qualifications too and to those embarking on a second career or returning to work. We will expand the range of initial and further training and invest even more in health care and in motivating our employees. It is gratifying that we are always in dialog with our works council throughout all of our plan and actions. They have very clear expectations and contribute to content. That is a great help. Is the shortage of skilled staff already noticeable and do you have strategies to counter it? In general, we have few problems recruiting skilled personnel as an attractive employer. However, in nursing and care operations it is increasingly difficult to find well qualified staff. In order to ease the situation, we are intensifying efforts to establish our employer brand, for example, by consistently building on our program of initial and further training. This also includes our trainee program and the promotion of older employees. Kursana has substantially increased the number of trainees in the past years with the objective of training and keeping the best of skilled personnel of the future. We also plan to recruit personnel from abroad. I am confident that we will be able to counter the shortage of skilled staff with this balanced action plan. We have already discussed specific action taken by the Dussmann Group in the context of sustainability. Does the company document this action? We don’t only document it, we define it too. We have prepared our own corporate code of conduct in which we define our ethical principles in the form of guidelines. The code of conduct is binding. It engenders trust and creates a bond between our employees and the company through mutual values. In Dussmann EcoSystem, we have reported our activities during 2011/2012 and clearly defined our sustainability objectives for the first time. I am confident that this has established a firm basis which will enable us to take on future challenges. “Dussmann takes care of its employees’ health. The back therapy course is just one of many examples.” Melanie Gärtner, HR administrator 29 Responsibility for our Workforce Responsibility for Our Workforce “Our company objectives can only be achieved if motivated personnel can relate to them and are prepared to commit themselves to them. I promote a corporate culture based on the personal initiative, flexibility and responsibility of every single employee. These are the principles of a mutual vision which all employees can relate to, support and realize successfully.” Peter Dussmann Commitment to Fair Pay We believe that social responsibility means paying employees fairly and punctually for their dedicated work. We take a clear stand against excessively low wages and the breach of wage agreements which dramatically undermines fair competition between companies both inside and outside Germany. We are committed to universally applicable, sector-specific, regionally adjusted minimum wages. We work actively in cooperation with a number of employer associations, with politicians and with trade unions to establish viable minimum wage agreements, setting an example for other sectors and ensuring that employees have a reliable income. Minimum wage has no negative effects In 2011, the federal ministry of work and social affairs carried out an evaluation of existing regulations concerning universally applicable minimum wages in eight sectors. No negative effects caused by minimum wage regulations were identified. The concerns expressed about introduction of sectorspecific minimum wages, for example in the nursing sector, are without grounds, according to the study.5 8,75 Nursing Care 7,00 7,75 Commercial Cleaning 7,33 8,82 8,75 Minimum Wage (Euro/Hour) Status 2012 Security Services6 Catering There is no minimum wage in catering operations so far. Dussmann is exerting pressure for extending legal regulations to this sector too. Western Germany Eastern Germany Existing minimum wage regulations in specific service sectors 30 Responsibility for our Workforce Personnel Development: initial and further training to ensure sufficient skilled personnel The skill and the dedication of our personnel are the key to our company’s success. This is why we offer excellent career opportunities and promote career development at every stage from those beginning their career to those embarking on a new one. In addition, internships at Dussmann enable school leavers and those who have retrained to acquire initial work experience in many different fields. Successful Career Entry for Apprentices Apprenticeships secure the future of the company by preparing young talent for middle management, for specialist positions and for executive management. The dual training system is carried out in cooperation with the chambers of commerce and the guilds and combines theoretical knowledge with practical skills. At Dussmann, young people can choose from a wide range of attractive apprenticeships. During all of these, apprentices receive detailed, practice-oriented insight into the work of a quality service provider. At Dussmann Service there are currently around 150 young people in training. This number reflects the current requirements of the company and is adjusted according to the need for each type of specialist. Dual Training System for Management Personnel - College and Practical Training In cooperation with educational institutes such as the Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht in Berlin and the International Berufsakademie, Dussmann offers dual training ending with the qualification, Bachelor of Arts. Individually designed trainee programs enable young management talent to acquire skills and gather experience in service divisions at various national and international corporate locations. Programs have a duration of 18 to 24 months and prepare trainees for responsible positions. Dussmann also offers graduates with university diplomas attractive initial positions. Following a selection process which is carried out in cooperation with a partner college, they are placed at headquarters or a branch office according to the emphasis of their studies. There, they can contribute their theoretical knowledge to projects and establish professional contacts. The Dussmann Group offers appren ticeships in the following professions: Dussmann Service Administrator Office Communications Marketing Communications Media Designer Cook Hospitality Operative System Catering Operative Restaurant Operative Cleaning Technician (Operative and Master) Certified Security Guard Protection and Security Operative Office Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus Bookseller Music supplies seller Kursana Certified Geriatric Nurse Assistant Administrator Health Care Gerontopsychiatric Assistant Geriatric College Courses: Business Studies/ Service Management Business Studies /Facility Management Business Studies/ Trade, Banks, Insurance, Industry Health Care Economics Nursing and Care Management Security Management 31 Responsibility for our Workforce Trend-Setting Training at Kursana Kursana currently trains 415 apprentices. Almost 80 percent are taken on at the end of the apprenticeship (status 2011). Focus on Practice Orientation In 2012, Kursana introduced a new apprenticeship concept strongly focused on practical aspects. In seminars trainees learn not only how to apply various learning techniques. They also develop the social competence necessary to deal with people suffering from dementia and to communicate with the elderly, with those needing nursing and care and with their families. Another new feature is the introduction of seminars for practical trainers who play an important supporting role in initial and further training. There are currently 200 employees at Kursana who, in addition to their nursing work, have taken on the role of practical trainer. At the beginning of the apprenticeship, there is a two-day event for apprentices in Berlin. In addition to workshops, talks and reports by long-standing Kursana personnel, apprentices can gather initial practical experience and get to know each other. In order to be able to understand the situation of people who are dependent on help, they reverse roles and carry out nursing procedures on one another. Kursana’s central event for apprentices in Berlin Apprentice Quota In order to meet the growing demand for skilled nursing and care staff in the future, Kursana has resolved to regulate the minimum number of apprentices for each facility. Facilities with less than 100 beds must recruit at least one apprentice each year. 415 The number of apprentices at Kursana7 Those with more than 100 beds must recruit two or more apprentices each year. Kursana takes part in regional and supraregional trade fairs and organizes open days at facilities to provide information and to recruit apprentices. In addition, the company cooperates with schools by providing internship placements. “As someone who has worked in other sectors, I appreciate the trust that Dussmann shows its personnel and the way existing know-how is tapped.” Elisabeth Mirow, Director Kursana Domizil Schwedt 33 Responsibility for our Workforce Effective Further Training Facilities Staff at Dussmann Service Germany and Dussmann Service International is trained on the Dussmann Campus in Zeuthen near Berlin and at the Dussmann International Academy. The objective of the 200 or so different seminars and workshops is to model personnel qualifications according to the requirements of our clients, to strengthen staff loyalty and to boost motivation. On the one hand, service-specific qualifications are awarded such as certified master of commercial cleaning, chamber of commerce certificate in protection and security or technician for cleaning and hygiene technology. On the other, training in service processes and support and management processes is carried out, for example on the topics of health and safety, human resources management, law and IT. Through conversion of the seminar center on the Dussmann Campus, capacity has been expanded substantially: as from 2012, four seminars can take place simultaneously. of management personnel at Dussmann are women The Kursana Academy program offers opportunities for further qualification in: Nursing and care and administration Prevention of illness and promotion of health amongst personnel Management Trained Staff Training Days Number of Seminars 2011 1,400 231 113 2012 2,500 321 182 The Kursana Academy has seven locations: Dussmann Stands for Equality Au Many Women in Management Positions in der Hallertau Pyrmont Berlin Hamburg Merseburg Seligenstadt Vaihingen/Enz Bad At these facilities, nursing and care personnel are qualified for the tasks in their responsibility: from apprentice to director. This is possible due to an intense exchange of information and experience between the facilities and between individual members of staff. In addition, external specialists are invited to lecture at further training courses at the Kursana academy and highly competent personnel take on the roles of trainer and mentors passing on their knowledge to other colleagues. Men and women have equal career opportunities at our company. In comparison to figures quoted in the course of the current public debate on the necessity of a female quota in management, Dussmann is ahead of its time: Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann chairs the board of trustees and is at the head of the company. 73.5 percent of all employees and 46 percent of management staff at Dussmann are women. In some divisions, the statistics differ significantly from general trends; at Kursana, women make up 61 percent of management personnel and 86 of the nursing and care workforce. KulturKindergarten facilities are staffed exclusively by women. 34 Responsibility for our Workforce In these divisions, measures to promote a positive male role model are necessary. Kursana has already made a start and in 2010 organized the event “Boys’ Day”, when several Kursana facilities organized projects targeted at boys, for example sport events with seniors. Real Diversity In Germany, the Dussmann Group employs people from 113 nations. Many of them have made progress in management and hold an important position such as site manager. Another example of the inclusive nature of our corporate culture is the recruitment of international nursing staff which are deployed at Kursana following participation in a specially designed integration course. An international outlook, diversity, respect for different cultures and mutual trust are basic Deployment of Older Employees: a Matter of Course For Dussmann, productive efficiency and commitment to duty is not a question of age. The average age of our workforce is approximately 45, which is higher than that of the majority of companies. There are older employees in all of the service divisions, some of them over 70. They too benefit from a corporate culture of equal opportunity. A further example: 160 of the 415 apprentices were employed as nursing assistants beforehand. Now they will receive training at Kursana to qualify as geriatric nurses. Many of these apprentices are no longer teenagers; indeed 15 percent are already over 30. Dussmann’s International Outlook is Part of its Success prerequisites for successful business activities in 21 countries. At Dussmann, everyone is welcome independent of age, disability, religion, culture or sexual orientation. We protect each employee from discrimination in the workplace and ensure that legislation is strictly observed. There are works councils at all levels of the Dussmann Group. They are active on individual operative sites, at local branch offices and centrally, as the group works council. “Career Prospects in Nursing? Of course – at Kursana my career is only just taking off.” Martin Krause, Specialist Nurse 36 Responsibility for our Workforce More Alternatives with Flexible Working Times Open Communication and Information Exchange Dussmann is subject to the regulations of wage agreements in the individual sectors and to the requirements of labor legislation. At Dussmann Group headquarters, personnel have flexible working hours around core times. The agreement is regulated by the employees themselves who determine and document their working times – an example of the relationship of mutual trust. In service operations of course, there is less flexibility in the determination of working times as these are dependent upon individual client requirements. It is for this reason that contracts of employment are often the rule for Dussmann service operatives. 60 percent of our personnel work part-time, which enables them to find a better balance between work and family commitments. We keep our employees up-to-date using a variety of communication media deploying not only intranet, flyers and brochures. Our employee magazine Insider offers interesting and entertaining insights into the operations of each of the service divisions. In the staff letter, executive management informs about current objectives and developments at Dussmann. The employees themselves are encouraged to take the initiative and to offer feedback. There is an email address specifically for the purpose of direct communication with Mrs. Von Fürstenberg-Dussmann and the board. ausBilduNg Friederisik Azubi-Day o Friederisiko Preußische SchlösDie Stiftung dem widmet ser und Gärten anlässlic h seines „Alten Fritz“ eine Sonder300. Geburtstages Neuen Palais in ausstellung im en Sie EinPotsdam . Gewinn „Friederisiko“. trittskarten zu weiter auf Seite 3 mit Ab in den Wald: Gemeinsam ihrem Ausbilder Maik Schefzeck bis fuhren 22 Sicherheits-Azu am der Niederlassung Frankfurt e A k t i o n s tA g legung s c h u lv e r p F Main nach Thüringen. Auf dem Küchenspaß Programm der mehrtägigen die Kan- durch Reise standen Teamspiele und in Jena tine wurden Schüler . t. en begeisterSelbstversorgung für ihr Schuless weiter auf Seite 3 SüddeutSchl and Seit über drei Jahrzehnten zählt Traumpaar der Volksmusik Frauenpowerzudasden in der Untern GroßenMarianne bei Dussmanhaltungsszene. und Michael luden exklusiv Kursana Mai Dang-Goy und Olga KariBewohner zu einer zünftigen mova wurden ausgezeichnet. Brotzeit ein. weiter auf Seite 4 Mit Führungen weiter auf Seite Schlagerzeit M i ta r B e i t e r weiter auf Seite 3 4 Kursana Verpflegung Der neue Rahmenspeisenplan PflegeWorkshop 150 Auszubildende nahmen am Kursana Pflege-W Seit April 2011 gibt es ihn orkshop in bei Kursana – und er kommt an!Berlin teil. Dieser wurde bereits Warum das so ist, lesen Sie ...zum zweiten Mal veransta ltet. Was die Auszubi auf Seite 4 ldenden dort gelernt haben, und ihre Erfahrungen lesen Sie Kunst und K u lt u r Bilderreigen In der neuen Rubrik stellen wir Ausstellungen in unseren Häusern vor. Das Domizil Schneeberg startet auf Seite auf Seite 3 Grup pe Duss mann itung Mitarb eiterze 2012 Ausgabe Feb. etzlar K u lt u r K i N d e r g a rt e N W Dussmann Gruppe Mitarbeiterzeitung Ausgabe Nov. 2011 untern e h m e n S S t r at e g i e Die grüne Ecke In eigener Sache 4 Kursana Mitarbeiterzeitung Ausgabe Nov. 2011 In eigener Sache Kursana Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Kursa na Mitarb eiterze itung Ausgabe Feb. 2012 Führungskräft er ...ekräfte in Vaih inge er,ktKindPfleg n e Jahrestagung 2012 – Kind inspirie klic rt ins neue Jah r Der Dschungel lange haben wir daran gearbeitet, jetzt halten Sie die erste Ausgabe unseres neuen Dussmann Insiders in Ihren ecosYstem Liebe Leserinnen und Leser, Kursana Qualitä lange haben wir daran gearbeitet, jetzt halten Sie die ts Awards 1 erste Ausgabe unseres neuen Der Pflegetagk.inDussmann in ein hatwar Wir erscheinen zuVaihingen Händen. Kursana Insiders in Ihren Bundesrepubli voller Erfolg. mehr in der Veranstaltung Die fachlich in anspruchsvolle jährlich Inform künftig dreimal eröffnet. Bewerber Es gluckst, kichert und brabbelt einmal ation Händen. Wir erscheinen zuBetriebskita viele interessierte und Inspiration iken seine zweitezog die – vier Sei-Domizil. in Form das Kursana mit den Lahn-Dill-Klin – diesekünftig Das sind gedruckter gemeinsam Jahrest anzen.(Hessen) Ziele standen dreimal jährlich in Wetzlar Dussmann erhält agung und 6.206 Pfl Attraktion ten voller Nachrichten, Neu- 2012. Insgesamt rund gedruckter Form im Mittelpunkt der – vier Seine Ei diese Besonderheit: „Mütter könKursana 2 16.200 Liter Wasser im Dussmann-Haus. Eine neue Führun 160 Direktoren, Goldedabei gskräfte aus der Geschichten und dasarbeiten igkeiten Unsere Erzieher 270 m Fläche, s Kursana Direktorin voller Nachrichten,Pfleged Hauptverwalten Silvia Wöhrle kurz Neu- ienstleiter und nen vorbeikommen oder Kinder SituatiVertikalen Garten Welt. 2 011 verlieh Radebe tung kamen aus der Dussmann nach dem sogenannten ul,vor ann EcoSystem. Im O k t o b e r Ar- begeistert“: „total igkeiten umPfingsten angeboten vom 14. bis 16. und Geschichten Koordinaten des ihre Elternistam Far„Mit Ihnen so hat, zu Worldbesuchen l für das Dussm hatdasmitErfolge wird feiern macht in seiKindsion seinem Februar nach en, Jedes breit Symbo hoff und Wir gefäonsansatz: ein sich einem Compas aus derZiele Andrang haben wir für cherten Kursana Weil es jetzt die Kita den noch fürWelt. das komm für Berlin. Und familiä- Malbeitsplatz. . So findenner Als viel Spaß wieund anspruchsvollen ebenso zum fünften Entwicklung, mingseiner Wir hoffen, Ihnen macht das ende Jahr zu setzen. und Väter informi tet mit Kameras PflegetagLesen nicht gerech- erstes Gol-können Mütter unseren erteZiel gibt, Programm „Das und GeDirk und Kultur sein r ihren Weg ins seiner tzpreis Schreiben Brouwe reicht das erreicht. Situation, uns ren hatten, net! Die Rückmeldungen sind rs, Tierschu Lesen mehr Besuche ebenso nahmen viel Spaß wie nder der Jahr in diesem trotz der besonderen ArbeitszeiUndinVorsitze ge- PreisträZudas wir auch entsprechend Wissen Ei“. Unter den das die begehrte Schreiben seinem dene n Gruppe,Unternehmen, miteinan-positiv. stalten. DaDussman KulturKaufhaus. ist und GedieSenioreneinrichFamilie und Berufdurchweg Service Teilneh- entgegen uns dasAuszeich insgesamt nung e Garten werden116 Aufmerksamkeit mer besser Mehrgern: die Dussmann ten kunft immer fördert. . stalten. Da wir auch in Zudie Entwick 60 Besucher erreichen Doch der Vertikal SieEtwa Er waren da, über lung tungen der Alle nicht. uns bitte GmbH. der vereinbaren.“ die Kunstw erk. Sie gehtland hatte Gesamtg Einzelnen wollen, helfen für den Deutsch ruppe betreibt, kunft neuen nicht nur ein in der einen r erhielten immer Urkunund gab wert-für den Gewinne besser werden ige oder an- Vaihinger das Dussmann Team imsich ehrt UnterAktionstag sogar Mitfür das nachhalt volle Sie uns Ihre den sowie wollen, dabei. Schreiben Das Goldene Ei deren Form für den Prämienhelfen alle Dussman Sie uns bitte Pflegeberuf Einblicke inder ßlichKindergarten unter: für MitarKultur die ausschlie beiterfeiern;dabei. der Meinung.Geschäftarbeiter jetzt ,die sbereiche. Berliner nZen trale nehmen interessierten. Und Gedie Häuser Schreiben n-ldk September soweit: das Beste: und Eco-„Weil es Eiproes am 22. Handeln auf Sie entsandt. denuns Ihre Anregun-Anja Weichbrodt, Eier oder kulturkindergarte Jörg Braesec ten Dussmann Kita gibt, können Ihre Wünsche käfigfreieEltern Wir haben jetzt schon Meinung, Im sogenann ke, Vorsitze nder ersten drei Plätzen Ihre Wünsche den Lahn-Dill-Klizusätzlic sich sechs und @dussmann.de meinsam mit Personalreferen sich unser h den Insider: tin, informierDussmann Kursana Qualität beziehen , oder zumder Geschäft verpflichtet gen dukte schriftliche besonderen KulAnregungen der System sführung trotz Bewerbungen Dussmann zum s Award vor- teussmann.de Kursana, niken eröffnete Ende 2012 über „Aufstiegschanc ausKursana ökologisch, ökoführte hmen, bei m Glas. durch Familiebis verpflichten, liegen. Zwei weitereanne.honisch@d Insider: Unterneim die weitere Veran- engravierte hessischen Arbeitszeiten n rInteressen- uns, turKindergarten von Ihnen bietet staltung,Kursana“: „Wir möchten llen. Bei Dussman Arbeitgeber freuen und sozial verantwo Berufumzuste anne.honisch@d ten haben sichWir miteinander nomisch das abgeschlder unseren Mitarso zweite Betriebskita. . Undund ussmann.de gemeldet. inließ Regelung Wetzlar seine ossene Pflegeseiner hauseigenen handeln Jahr Revue passieren beitern, die Wir lesen. ll zuKlinikgeService betrifft diese tungsvo täglich freuen Und zu uns, für auf dem sogar eine akademie von Ihnen vor Ort undzahlreiche und die vereinbaren“ ca. 140.000 Liter Ein Gebäude formu- unsere doch Gruppe lierte Fort- Bewohn Dussmannund jährlich strategischen ein zu lesen. dieumgebaut er alles ehemalige Al- dieund und kon- auf gekochte lände wurde leben und kreten ZielsetzuWeiterbildungs aft, in der wir diesem Wege Danke geben, ndet sich ein Aquarium Gesellsch Ihr Redaktionsteam Flüssigei, 1,8 Mio. in ngen für 2012. möglichtenpflegerin, Die hier befi Fischen. Eier. 500m2-Paradies geschaffen, sagen. keiten. soweit. und rohe es talten. Ein UnfallSchüler war anzen Mio. Im Diese beim der Alten- Auszeich mitzuges Rahmen des Schwerp Wasserpfl Ihrnung arbeiten, Am 17. Januar Redaktionsteam Kinder spielen und Wie schon und 2,5 die schon in pflegehilfe werden wir nun 50 es häuunkt- auch hatte zum mit klickt dem gab Auskunft themas Qualität überin den kommen klinikum in Berlin, glänzt Seit der Eröffnung Dussmann Gruppe soffensive wurlt Ausbildung R eNachgezäh n t e den den Jahren i s t , seine lernenuf-können. g geladen und des KulturKa vergeben “, so und begegnete auf Seite 2 Kita in Wetzlar Kursana Qualitä figer im Atrium Fortsetzu Neujahrsempfan Jörg Braeseck beim ngDussmann auch die möchte unsdieden immer Wie on Attrakti hauseig enen möglichen Bewerbern Nachgezählt ts Vorsitze Awards vergeben Öffnungszeilte, auf nder Nachgezäh hauses: Die neue enthüllt e ihren der Geschäftsführten liegt auch durch lange . 13 Einrichund demnächst aus KulturKinderga Augenhöhe. Touristen Berliner Duss113 Natiotungen, die doch auch um Mitarbeiter ten: montags bis freitags lockt Neugierige, im internen Audit rung Kursana. Dschun gel im fachlichen Ausehrenamthier der- Schwerpunkt auf Kunst, Gut für die auch die besucht Versteck t hinter Hobbygärtner an, stets ausgerüs weltweit und samsNeben tausch zieht es rund 46.400 arbeiten Ergebnis nenein Prä- Fakten von 6 bis 20 UhrJährlich Mitarbeiter mann-H aus. von über war und Zahlen der aus 113 Natio- und Stärkung des Teamlich unter- sentation 90 % er- ging Kultur und auf der ZweisprachigVeren war der Versindr je bei den Tagen geistes. es bei der Dussmann Gruppe. Zum„Ernährungsman agetags sowie sonntags Besuche nenJahrestag grünen Vorhäng arbeitenung weltweit stützen.“ für die Fachvor träge zu den keit. In jeder der vier Gruppen ment“,Erde je- Themen bei gibt den sechs Monader die Teilnehmer eingeplant. Tür in die Kursana Auf unserer Stunden gleich: enen acht off Mitarbe iterbind Dussmann tikale Garten in MutterGruppe. Zum Die umfas- die selbst : Die arbeitet eine englische ung en. Nun wurkreierten hochkaloan den Zum Vergleich -entwick lung es 194 anerkannte Staaten. Sie sind immer Häuser. Vergleich: Auf unsererund ten zuvor entstand senden sollten den Vor- rischen Sahneshakes Erde in Wolfssprachlerin. is gelüftet: Eine Kranen-Arena der Direktor verkosten Geheimn Arbeitsplänen Volkswag en und Pflegedie das gibt es 194 anerkannte Staaten. de . b e r e i t u n - durften. Auch Gemeinsam mit lokalen Partnern nstleiund 15 Meter ter ausgetern neben einem Marco Skeirat, fasst 30.000 Besucher ea- kenhausmitarbeiburg 18 Meter hohe Katalog von gen haben Leiter des Berliner von tauwie Schulen, Museen oder Th ihre übersäht weiteren Dussmann Zentralen die richtet, Maßnah men breite Wand, sich mehr Qualitätsmanag tern, will die Kita unterschiedAnreen, aus denen gungen geben, ements, konnKinder anvertrauen. senden Filztasch einem als gelohnt. te sich nicht über liche Projekte ins Leben rufen. zu einem soden Fachkrä ftemang drohenmangelnden Catherine von Fürstenberg6.206 Pflanzen Der Pflege- Zulauf zu seinem el aktiv Passend zu den neuen Räuen Garten entgegenzutreten. Vortrag zur genannt en Vertikal Ein spezidie Klei- Dussmann, Stiftungsratssich tag, den beschäftigen das men en. Am zweiten Tag vorsitzende der DG (siehe zusammenwachs Kursana Domizil Fortsetzung führte eine tem sorgt nen zu Beginn mit dem Thema auf Seite 2 Team Challeng Foto), betonte in ihrer Rede elles Bewässerungssys e die Teilnehm „Bauen und Konstruieren“. 1 er Pflanzen genug Ausgabe 1 · Dussmann insider dafür, dass alle insider 1 en. Auch Fortsetzu Ausgabe 2 · Dussmann Feuchtigkeit bekomm Ausgabe 1 · Kursana insiderng auf Seite 2 1 Gartens, denn zu den Füßen des steht zugleich Bauzeit warn Gruppe. Nach neunmonatiger Dussman 113 113 194 KU-Insider_RZ-V4.indd 1 DS-Insider_RZ.indd 1 DS-Insider_deu_1_12.indd 1 28.02.2012 10:56:08 194 domizil Greifswald sonnenblumenweg 96,69 % 2 domizil Grimmen 96,44 % 3 domizil stavenhag en 96,07 % 4 domizil alzey 95,79 % 5 domizil Künzell 94,91 % 6 domizil reichenba ch 93,18 % 7 domizil Buchholz 92,94 % 8 domizil Greifswald Haus Hufeland 9 domizil Greifswald Haus rubenow 10 domizil diedorf 91,46 % 91,00 % 90,39 % 11 domizil rastow Haus achterfeld 90,08 % 12 residenz Hamburg (ambulant) 13 domizil Merseburg 90,05 % 90,02 % Nachgezählt Jährlich zieht es rund 46.400 Besucher bei den Tagen der offenen Tür in die Kursana Häuser. Zum Vergleich : Die Volkswagen-Arena in Wolfsburg fasst 30.000 Besucher. 31.10.2011 11:02:30 KU-Insider_deu_1_12-V2 .indd 1 31.10.2011 14:28:45 Ausgabe 2 · Kursana insider 1 28.02.2012 17:05:59 Peter Dussmann Award: Recognition of Dedication Each year, we present awards to individual members of staff and groups whose work reflects our corporate philosophy in an exceptional way. The Peter Dussmann Award is our way of honoring those who demonstrate strong team spirit and make an outstanding contribution to society. They set an example and encourage others to show courage and community spirit – at work and in their private lives. “It’s our hallmark at Dussmann: openness and friendliness towards clients and colleagues” Jana Güßloff, Reception Headquarters 38 “Being where we’re needed and showing total commitment in fulfilling client expectations: that’s what makes the difference for our clients.” Sebastian Herrmann, Sales Manager, Branch Office Southern Bavaria 39 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Our clients’ wishes are the most important catalyst in the development of tailor-made service services. We’re in tune with our clients’ needs through continual dialog. Regular quality assurance meetings at all levels, client surveys, regional and supraregional client events and a mix of communication instruments ensure that business relationships with our clients grow into strategic partnerships. We can support our clients on a wide range of issues and improve their sustainability record which increases their competitive edge. This is because our company has internalized these values itself and our operations have a sound sustainable fundament. Environmental Protection in Service Provision Improving environmental protection during daily service operations means making each individual member of staff aware of the issues involved – for example through regular staff training on careful use of energy and other resources and on environmentally compatible operations. S p Aufkleber-Baum_100x80_RZ.indd 1 15.03.2012 13:40:47 se Sa SA pape 15.03.2012 13:42:20 Aufkleber-Müll-RZ.indd 1 15.03.2012 13:41:27 ate was ar t e Aufkleber-Energy_100x80_RZ.indd 1 ENER VE e av r Aufkleber-Fisch_100x80_RZ.indd 1 Wate GY In 2012, Dussmann Service International introduced environmental stickers which underline our commitment to environmental protection. The stickers encourage both employees and clients to contribute to environmental protection. ve r Careful use of energy resources is part of internal corporate instruction for all Dussmann employees. This includes information about specific methods of avoiding wasteful resource consumption in the course of service provision. The number of tons of CO2 saved each year by modern cleaning techniques 15.03.2012 13:40:02 40 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Technical Services: Manage ment of Energy and Operating Expenses for a Head Start Energy and operating expenses management by Dussmann Service means minimizing all of the factors which generate energy and operating costs and making our clients’ energy consumption as efficient as possible. The objective of energy management is to give our clients a head start with flexibility and to ensure as much financial control as possible. We observe the energy markets closely and, when clients request it, use benchmarks to examine potential for optimization. Consistent update of data ensures that we can react swiftly and flexibly. We also examine our clients’ technical systems and identify any savings potential. All of these measures contribute to the decisive competitive advantage of our clients. A holistic view is necessary in order to provide our clients with optimum energy and operating cost management from two perspectives: energy savings can be achieved through both commercial and technical means. The starting point is a comprehensive, thorough analysis of the status quo. optimum energy consumption through comprehensive business support reliability and viability of energy supplies suggestions for modernization and optimization of energy-associated technical systems optimization of operations for energy and operating costs recommendations on maintaining real estate value investments with sustainable effect energy management during the operational phase status quo analysis (benchmarking analysis) collation of invoice and contract data audit of operating costs utility purchasing analysis real estate and systems implementation concept optimization of utility purchasing energy and operating cost control Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services 41 Cleaning Services: Top Quality and Environmental Compatibility The objective of Dussmann Service commercial cleaning operations is not only a clean building. From the perspective of sustainability, it is also about maintaining the value of real estate, optimizing operating costs, careful use of resources and the comfort of the people who work in or visit the building. In hospital cleaning, a sector where we have intensified our activities, hygiene and cleanliness is also crucial for the health of patients. Our Cleaning Products: Cost-Effective and Environmentally Friendly Dussmann Service deploys primarily highly concentrated cleaning products. In comparison to the utilization of regular products, this reduces transport needs by 90 percent – or 2,000 tons each year. To ensure that products are dosed correctly, automatic and manual dosing systems are deployed. In Germany, there are automatic dosing systems in more than a fifth of our operations. Dussmann Service uses only environmentally certified cleaning products Many of the cleaning products used are highly biodegradable; Dussmann Service exceeds minimum legal requirements which prescribe biodegradability of at least 80 percent. The products used by Dussmann Service Germany are 98 to 99.9 percent biodegradable. Only products with environmental certification come into question for Dussmann Service Germany. The entire range of cleaning products display the A.I.S.E. label and cleaning textiles are certified with the Nordic Swan label. Hygiene paper is FSC-certified or carries the Umweltengel seal. To reduce the volume of transport, innovative calendaring and packaging technology is used enabling 38 percent more paper to be transported with the same volume. At Dussmann Service, the proportion of paper with high package density is almost 40 percent. Recycling Material has Priority Dussmann Service gives priority to garbage bags made of reclaimed plastics and 78 percent of the hygienic paper used is made of recycled paper. All cleaning materials are packed in recyclable polyethylene packaging. The use of packaging made of PVC or similarly environmentally incompatible materials is excluded. 42 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Innovative Cleaning Techniques Reduce Emissions Using pre-prepared cleaning textiles, surfaces need only be mopped once. This saves not only time but also water, energy and cleaning products and reduces the number of mop covers requiring subsequent laundering. Due to the transition from the two-step to one-step cleaning procedure on selected sites, emissions of CO2 have been reduced by 30 tons a year. This corresponds to the annual emission of 10 medium-class vehicles averaging 30,000 kilometers per year. This calculation was confirmed by the imug institute. A Systematic Approach Gives a Head Start on Sustainability Together with its long-term strategic partner, Pfennig Reinigungstechnik GmbH, Dussmann Service has developed a cleaning system which combines economic, environmental and social sustainability criteria in an exemplary way. It focuses on the use of extremely durable, fully modular system cleaning trolleys which can include the pre-prepared cleaning textiles such as mop covers and cloths. This procedure reduces not only the consumption of water and cleaning chemicals but also saves time. Simultaneously, cleaning quality is improved and with it, client satisfaction. Cleaning staff also benefit from much simpler procedures and improvement of health and safety aspects. Energy-Efficient Cleaning Machines Dussmann Service Deutschland deploys an increasing number of vacuum cleaners with optimized energy consumption and reduced noise emissions. These vacuum cleaners consume around 42 percent less energy and produce 50 percent less noise whilst achieving the same cleaning efficiency. Currently, about 100 of these vacuums are in use. This corresponds to a reduction in CO2 emissions of around 14 tons and energy savings of approximately 3,800 Euros for our clients. 95 percent of cleaning machines at Dussmann Service are electrically driven and are therefore environmentally friendly in operation. Economic Lower consumption of water and cleaning products Increased cleaning quality Time savings due to reduced interim cleaning Value for money Environmental Exact dosing of cleaning products Full use of cleaning solution without waste No transmission of infection Lower cleaning product consumption through adjustment of product to textiles and floor surfaces Social Proper use of products and materials using color-coding Contact-free change of mop cover No need for disposal of waste cleaning solution No need to carry heavy buckets The system cleaning trolley: factors of sustainability Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services 43 Using Osmosis: Glass and Façade Cleaning Without Chemicals In order to reduce the environmental impact of glass and facade cleaning, Dussmann Service uses the osmosis method where possible; osmotically treated water is almost salt-free and attracts dirt like a magnet. It is used without any cleaning chemicals at all and is therefore both an intensive and extremely environmentally friendly method of cleaning. Due to certain technical requirements however, this method is not universally applicable. requirements with respect to work materials and products. Checks are made of both management and the technical processes which determine cleaning quality. An independent auditor accompanies cleaning teams at several different sites and monitors service provision with reference to service specifications. Result-Oriented Cleaning: Flexible and Economical Result-oriented cleaning does not work to a rigid specification; instead of carrying out a cleaning plan irrespective of the actual situation, cleaning staff base their daily activities on client wishes and the current needs of the areas being cleaned. An office that is not in use due to vacation does not need cleaning, for example. The client prescribes individually which areas require cleaning. The effect is lower costs. Implementation of result-orient cleaning requires a great deal of individual initiative from Dussmann cleaning staff. They must develop a feeling for the situation and the wishes of our clients. In a special training program, staff are taught to use “trained observation”. And it works – as the results of regular checks, quality controls and almost always satisfied clients prove. RAL Seal: to Fulfill the Highest Demands Dussmann Service Deutschland has been certified by the German Institute of Quality Assurance with the RAL seal since 2006. RAL certification (RAL-GZ 902) confirms that cleaning companies have been independently audited and fulfill a catalog of demanding criteria. These criteria include operational organization that conforms strictly to wage agreements, health and safety requirements laid down by the accident insurance, appropriate staff training and fulfillment of specific ecological Dussmann Service: audited cleaning quality with RAL certification 44 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Catering: Making Responsibility Appetizing The subject of nutrition is increasingly important for many people – whether in the context of specific health issues such as allergies or the conscious decision to eat healthily. Comprehensive Dussmann Service diner surveys in restaurants and online show that guests are not only well-informed but that they have high expectations. As a catering provider for companies, schools, child-care facilities, hospitals and seniors’ facilities, Dussmann Service has a special duty towards its guests and has created a range of services for each target group. At Work: Healthy Eating Triwell is a holistic nutritional concept that offers delicious healthy food with a preventive effect. In addition to improving mental and physical fitness, it combats metabolic dysfunction and overweight. These positive “side effects” are due to three main components: Balanced nutrition in staff restaurants includes a high proportion of vegetables Fat-reduced and fat-controlled nutrition: by labeling dishes with so-called fat points, diners can monitor their consumption easily and control how much fat is contained in each meal. Organically produced premium products: selected, first-class, organically produced ingredients not only ensure authentic, natural taste but also minimize environmental impact. Mediterranean recipes: Dussmann Service offers dishes with a Mediterranean background and uses exclusively olive and rapeseed oil. The mono-unsaturated fatty acids contained make a positive contribution to preventing metabolic dysfunction. As part of the Triwell concept, regular nutritional advice events are organized when questions concerning all aspects of healthy eating are answered by experts. People in Care: Proper Nutrition Contributes to Health According to recent studies, 83 percent of residents in seniors’ facilities have nutritional deficiencies. Causes range from chewing and swallowing disorders and insufficient thirst, smell and taste to depression, dementia and acute illness. The consequence is increased dependency on care due to physical weakness, atrophy of muscle tissue, decreasing infection immunity and slow wound healing. The demands on personnel and costs are high. Many age-related illnesses can be influenced positively by proper nutrition and costs can be saved on nursing, care and medicine. The Dussmann Service nutritional concept, Vitalance, is targeted at the individual needs and problems of the elderly. Its objectives are the promotion, maintenance and improvement of health and mobility to an advanced age through enjoyable, appropriate nutrition and measures to prevent deficiencies and malnutrition with a high-quality, nutritionally optimized diet. The Dussmann Service nutritional concept, Vitalance, is a useful building block in the planning of nursing and care services. It takes the special needs and preferences of the elderly as well as the requirements for nursing, kitchen and service staff into consideration. Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services 45 Captain Cook and CoolCooking: Energy for Learning Every fifth child in Germany is overweight. The cause is a poor diet and lack of physical activity. In addition, eating habits are changing. Cooking and eating as a group takes place less frequently. The holistic catering concept, Captain Cook, was developed with the needs of 2 to 6 year-olds in mind. Only first class ingredients with a high nutrient density are used i.e. high vitamin and mineral content in comparison to energy content and low-fat methods of preparation which maintain nutrient content are deployed. This promotes mental and physical fitness and prevents diet-related disease. CoolCooking is the Dussmann Service catering concept for schools which focuses on the needs of the students. CoolCooking is based on current scientific knowledge of the nutritional needs of children and young adults. We include seasonal foods from the local region and avoid convenience products if possible. More Sustainability in the Value Chain Our Recipe: Locally Produced Seasonal Organic Products Dussmann Service answers the increasingly popular demand for healthy foods with a special organic range. This range is produced using only products form organic agriculture, a particularly natural and sustainable form of farming. The core principle is to maintain as far as possible a closed nutrient cycle. Dussmann Service already has organic certification in 15 catering operations, which confirms that we not only have the necessary skills and knowledge but also comply with the legal requirements of the EU regulations on organic production. These regulate the purchasing of organic ingredients and the separate storage of organic products from regular ones as well as preparation of food. Fairtrade Products Help Producers The commitment of Dussmann Service to sustainability goes beyond purchasing and serving organic foods; clients can also choose to integrate products with the Fairtrade seal including coffee, tea and chocolate bars. Labeling products with the Fairtrade seal gives consumers the confidence that the conditions of work of the farmers and workers producing the product are improved through fair pricing and a Fairtrade premium. MSC Ecolabel Certifies Sustainable Fishing The same applies to the use of fish from sustainable fisheries. Through close cooperation with trade partners REWE and Deutsche See the majority of fish products used by Dussmann carry the MSC Ecolable. MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) is an independent organization with worldwide operations which has set up a certification program for sustainable fishing making a significant contribution to the health of the world’s oceans. The blue MSC Ecolabel enjoys a global reputation and stands for environmental awareness and sustainable fishing methods. Organic Agriculture does not use synthetic chemical plant care products does not use nitrogen fertilizer does not use genetically engineered products deploys humane animal husbandry helps to maintain biodiversity promotes reduction of energy consumption and careful use of raw materials promotes transparency in the production and manufacture of foods regulates through guidelines and controls In October 2011, Compassion in World Farming awarded the animal protection prize “the golden egg” for the fifth time. Among the prize winners was Dussmann Service Deutschland GmbH. The golden egg is awarded to companies which use exclusively battery-free eggs and egg-products or which commit themselves to doing so by the end of 2012. At Dussmann Service this refers to approximately 140,000 liters of fluid egg, 1.8 million boiled eggs and 2.5 million raw eggs each year. 46 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) is an operational internal control system to guarantee food and hygiene safety in production processes. The objective is to avoid negative influences on food for the end consumer. All of the risks inherent in the food production process are identified (risk analysis). Critical control points (CCP) where health risks are highest are determined and controls are introduced. System efficiency is additionally monitored through documentation and HACCP audits. Processing Food Waste to Produce Energy Despite conscientious planning of food preparation and product range, it is not always possible to avoid food waste. In cooperation with our partner, ReFood, waste food and used oil are processed to produce energy. Unpacked and packed kitchen and restaurant waste, bones, waste meat and production leftovers are fermented in gas systems to produce energy which can be converted to electricity and heat. The residues are used by agriculture as fertilizer. Used oil is processed to produce organic diesel fuel. Quality Assurance: Hygiene is Our First Priority In catering operations, uncompromising quality is a decisive success factor. All services are certified according to ISO 9001 and the Dussmann Service HACCP system goes far beyond legal requirements. Our subsidiaries in Bulgaria, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Czech Republic and Hungary are already certified according the norm ISO 22000 for food safety. Our members receive training in the company’s own training center, the Dussmann Campus. The Dussmann training concept for food and personal hygiene is based on DIN 10514. Regular quality controls and quality assurance meetings ensure complete safety and reliability. Using questionnaires to regularly survey diners, we are able to take diners’ wishes into consideration. Hygiene Guidelines According to DIN 10514 According to food hygiene regulations (LMHV) some operations are obliged to carry out quality assurance and must regularly provide training on food hygiene to all employees who work with food. DIN 10514 regulates the content of staff training. This includes: Microbiology Personal hygiene hygiene Operational hygiene Storage Cleaning and disinfection Production 47 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Nursing and Care: Transparency and Quality at Kursana We are committed to giving quality top priority in nursing and care as a basis for long-term business viability. When cost and quality issues conflict, we always choose to maintain high standards of nursing and care. We have invested in 13 internal quality managers who monitor the quality of nursing and care and develop new concepts. TÜV-Certified We are happy to report Kursana’s success as the largest private German provider of facilities for nursing and care of the elderly: all facilities were certified in 2010 by TÜV Rhineland. TÜV Rhineland repeats its audits regularly and carries out inspections in at least seven facilities each year. Inspections support internal quality assurance programs at Kursana. These measures ensure that the high standard of processes in Kursana facilities is assured on a longterm basis. Existing organizational processes are the basis of good nursing and care. The Average MDK Rating at Kursana Facilitiesn 8 The MDK awards marks for nursing and medical care, treatment of residents with dementia, social support and daily organization and finally, accommodation, catering housekeeping and hygiene. Kursana publishes these results and the results of residents’ surveys. MDK Awards High Rating Since 2009, the medical service of the health insurances (MDK) has been assessing the status of in-house and out-house nursing facilities in Germany and publishing the results in the form of transparency reports. The majority of Kursana facilities have already been assessed and rated by the MDK. The results confirm the high quality of our nursing and care facilities and out-house nursing services with average ratings of 1.2 at the nearly 90 houses audited. nursing and medical care MDK rating 1.4 very good treatment of residents with dementia 1.2 very good social support and daily organization 1.1 very good Kursana argues that the two competing assessment bodies, Heimaufsicht and MDK should be merged. A standard procedure would combine the positive features of the two assessments. This would make services in nursing and care facilities even more transparent and a lead to a general improvement in care of the elderly. accommodation, catering, housekeeping and hygiene 1.1 very good overall results calculated overall results 1.2 very good Outstanding average ratings following MDK inspection of Kursana facilities (status: February 2012) survey of residents 1.1 very good 48 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Important Survey Feedback from Relatives Scientific Expertise Aids Quality Assurance An important component of the quality offensive is the surveys of relatives which are carried out at Kursana on our own initiative. Residents’ relatives play an important role; they are frequent visitors and their opinion of the Kursana facility and their suggestions are essential. In addition, they have a great deal of background knowledge about their relative and can provide valuable information on their biography and their preferences. This feedback helps us to optimize nursing, care and therapy services for all residents. A survey of relatives is carried out regularly, every two years in all Kursana Domizil and Residenz facilities. The questionnaire is several pages long and covers topics associated with nursing and care, accommodation, catering, laundry and cleaning, the range of therapy and cultural events and personnel. To improve the quality of the survey and to ensure professional evaluation, this quality control project is carried out in cooperation with the department of nursing science at the University of Osnabruck headed by Dr. Hartmut Remmers. The consultants, Homburg & Partner also provide conceptual support and comprehensive, professional reporting. External implementation and evaluation by an independent organization is important to ensure that the highest standards of scientific quality are maintained. Kursana is currently taking part in three scientific studies including a prevalence study by Dr. Theo Dassen of the institute of medicine/ nursing science at the Charité hospital in Berlin and an international geronto-linguistic study at the Kansai Medical University in Osaka/Japan. Operations at the nursing and care facilities benefits from the results of the studies and of the surveys. Kursana Survey of Relatives Nursing Accommodation Care Catering Survey Topics Laundry Personnel Cleaning Range of therapy and cultural events 49 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Security: Protecting our Clients’ Assets Alarm Receiving Center Complies with New EU Norms The norm regulates the connection of the following security systems: In March 2012, Dussmann Service started up operations at the new Alarm Receiving Center (ARC) in Gardelegen, Saxony-Anhalt. It complies with the new EU norm DIN EN 50518 which came into force in September 2011 and reflects the most recent recognized standards of technology for alarm coordination and connection of security systems to alarm centers. Dussmann Service is one of the first German service providers to operate such an alarm receiving center. The center is connected to security systems at sites under contract. These are monitored and when necessary, intervention is initiated. emergency call systems/elevator emergency intercoms intrusion and robbery alarms access control systems video monitoring systems audio and video communication systems monitoring systems for personnel telecommunications monitoring system Dussmann Service also has clients in other European Union countries and alarm receiving center personnel receive training in English. The AES is manned by qualified and specially trained staff 24 hours a day. Our Clients Benefit from Maximum Availability Dussmann Service alarm receiving center: comprehensive security monitoring at clients’ sites When companies connect to the Dussmann Service alarm receiving center which conforms to EU norms, they enjoy a number of benefits. When security systems are connected to the ARC, liability for damages is excluded as insurance experts and courts always orient themselves to minimum standards of security. Clients benefit from the 97.94 percent availability prescribed by the EU norm which is continuously measured, documented and annually certified. An independent emergency power supply guarantees consistent operations. Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services 50 Electronic Guard Tour Control Systems for Complete Documentation Dussmann Service deploys electronic guard tour control systems which document monitoring and locking patrols. Contrary to traditional devices, these modern systems generate real time documentation of patrols as well as reports, documentation and evaluation of all irregularities and incidents. They not only ensure complete, manipulationsafe documentation but also make a contribution to careful use of resources. The client can be given access to the system and the information it generates. Traditional documentation procedures include printout of data; today, data is made available to the client in digital form. This substantially reduces paper consumption and fuel is also saved as data does not need to be transported to the sites. The result is a corresponding reduction in CO2 emissions produced by security services. Digital Logbook Contributes to Resource Savings Dussmann has developed a digital logbook, an internet application that allows personnel to generate online reports and information and to send it to predetermined recipients. On request, our clients are given access to the system. Comprehensive Security by Dussmann Service The digital logbook was created by Dussmann Service, independent of software developers. It is secured against manipulation and can be adjusted to the individual needs of each contract. The digital logbook makes a contribution to resource savings through online processing of information and reports and email correspondence which save paper and printing ink. 51 Clients’ Wishes – Our Compass for Sustainable Services Dussmann KulturKindergarten: the Added Extra for Attractive Employers In 2011, the Dussmann Group extended its scope of activities to child-care under the brand name Dussmann KulturKindergarten and now operates in-house corporate childcare facilities in Germany. There are currently two facilities: at the accident hospital UKB in Berlin and in Wetzlar, Hessen at the Lahn-Dill clinics. A Bi-Lingual Approach and Long Opening Times The bilingual approach is innovative and is made possible by the high proportion of educators who are native speakers of English. Facilities also focus on art and culture, with local cooperation partners such as music schools, theaters, museums and libraries. Children are accepted from the age of eight weeks to six years and facilities are not only open to the children of employees but also to local residents. All parents pay for child-care at the usual local rates according to the childcare voucher system. The child-care facilities have exceptional opening times – the longest in Germany. They are open up to 24 hours a day, 365 days a year based on the wishes of the parents who mostly work shifts. They have the opportunity of visiting their children during breaks and the family’s daily planning benefits from the huge flexibility that facilities make possible. Opening Times: Days a Year and Up To 24 Hours are carried out. When the decision to establish child-care facilities has been made, Dussmann takes care of all of the details: from clarification of state requirements and contact with the authorities to application for subsidies, identification of suitable premises and development of a tailor-made pedagogical concept to personnel recruitment and application for the operating license. Dussmann Takes Care of All Details Dussmann places special emphasis on detailed examination of the initial status and on a close cooperation with its clients; a number of needs analyses and staff surveys “Dussmann KulturKindergarten facilities are a contribution to equality. To achieve equality, it is much more important to find a balance between work and family to than to impose a quota for women.” Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann Opening of the first Dussmann KulturKindergarten at the UKB hospital in Berlin 52 “Every market has different technological challenges: we work on keeping our services a step ahead, in international markets too.” Benjamin Weßendorf, Director Cleaning International 53 Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms We take on the responsibility of protecting the natural fundament of life. The continuous improvement of our procedures and processes is therefore one of the most important tasks at Dussmann. ISO 14001: Confirmation of a Functioning Environmental Management System Certification according to ISO 14001, which is valid for all of the larger Dussmann Group subsidiaries provides a sound foundation for the company’s comprehensive and effective environmental management system. Dussmann Service Germany – Environmental Targets by 2014 Companywide: Reduction Catering 30 Cleaning Services 30 Technical Services Reduction Security Services Reduction The definition of the company’s environmental policy in respect of operational activities and products by executive management is a component of management norms. This takes not only applicable environmental legislation and regulations into consideration but also ensures that services are continuously improved in terms of environmental impact. Important features are comprehensive documentation of environmental targets and the inclusion of all members of staff who are involved. Dussmann has appointed internal environmental officers who bear the responsibility for implementation of targets and compliance with requirements. They function as the contact person for all environmental issues and prepare a regular evaluation of environmental data. Based on general corporate environmental objectives, the company regularly sets new targets. of fuel consumption by 10 percent through staff training and deployment of vehicles with alternative drive 10–15 new electrical vehicles in Germany percent of total fish consumption from MSC-certified sources Consistent, universal processing of used cooking oils and fats by contractors to produce energy 20 percent increase in reuseable packaging 10 percent reduction of wet waste Use of eggs and egg products exclusively from barn systems Introduction of CO2 labeling on menus (as an alternative to calories) percent reduction of CO2 emissions through introduction of one-step mopping at Kursana facilities Reduction of electricity consumption by 20 percent through the deployment of innovative cleaning machines of energy consumption by 10 percent through training to raise the awareness of security staff of paper consumption through the introduction of the digital logbook in 30 percent of security operations. Reduction of environmental impact through exclusive use of rechargeable batteries in equipment 54 55 Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms Lighthouse Environmental Projects Dussmann places importance on concepts for careful use of resources at all of its locations und emphasizes this with numerous pilot and best practice projects across the entire company: Energy Savings at Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus Since the end of 2011, fresh fiber paper has been replaced with 100 percent recycling paper in offices. This reduces the amount of water and energy in production by half and CO2 by approximately 400 kilograms each year. Water and Energy Consumption Through Utilization of Recycling Paper As early as 2010, KulturKaufhaus introduced carrier bags made of recycled PET bottles which are intended for reuse – either for sale or, from a specified sales price onwards, without extra charge. Carrier bag manufacture from recycled PET bottles At the same time, our carbon footprint was reduced from the life-cycle perspective by replacing paper hand towels with hot-air hand dryers in the customer toilets. In comparison to costs of 2,800 Euros per year for paper hand towels, energy costs for the operation of hot air hand dryers are only 92.40 Euros per year. Long-life lighting is used which reduces operational costs and increases environmental compatibility as less hazardous substances are involved. One important area of deployment is the display windows where long-life lighting which is highly florescent and recyclable is now deployed. 56 Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms Dussmann Service Italy: Excellent Environmental and Social Standards “As one of the largest service providers in Italy, we are committed to taking on social responsibility. This involves on the one hand environmental protection through energy savings and reduction of emissions and on the other the provision of the best possible work conditions for our employees” Pietro Auletta, Managing Director Dussmann Service Italy Italy is one of the Dussmann Group’s largest markets. We employ around 11,000 staff there and are one of the largest service providers to the public, business and industry sectors. Taking on the responsibility that this brings and in line with the purchasing requirements of our clients, Dussmann Italy promotes a continuous improvement process. This limits environmental impact and ensures compliance with optimum security and quality standards. Certification according to EN ISO 14001 in 2004 is confirmation that the management system functions well in achieving environmental targets. Dussmann Italy has committed itself to the following improvements: of recycling materials resource efficiency, especially with respect to water and energy Staff training in energy saving measures and environmental awareness Cleaning: the exclusive use of environmentally compatible, biodegradable products Catering: efficient maintenance of nutrient content and food quality from production to service Compliance with high environmental, safety and quality standards by all suppliers Günter Oberhauser, Managing Director Dussmann Service Austria exclusion of child and force labor and of discrimination health and safety freedom of association compliance with legislation on working times fair wages extension of standards to all business partner Use Higher Major Contract Trenitalia: Combined Environmental Protection and Quality EMAS certification is not only a clear competitive advantage for Dussmann Service Austria in the tender process but is also corroboration of our environmental commitment. The investment in certification was certainly worthwhile and we will continue down this path.” Dussmann Italy has meanwhile expanded its environmental activities: this is documented by certification according to SA 8000 (Corporate Social Responsibility) which guarantees that we maintain important social standards for example Dussmann Service has been a service provider to the Italian state railway, Trenitalia since 2009 and cleans 3,000 regional and high-speed trains in the south of the country. Professional services and excellent personnel scheduling have improved quality, generated positive feedback from the client and passengers and made a significant contribution to success as have intensive investment in cleaning technology, work clothing in strong colors, electrical vehicles, environmentally compatible cleaning products, mobile carriage washing systems for exteriors and biodegradable graffiti remover. In passenger surveys in Apulia, 85 percent of those polled were satisfied with cleanliness in trains. Dussmann Service Austria: A Pioneer in Environmental Protection Dussmann Service Austria was the second company in the sector to be awarded the EMAS certificate. EMAS (eco management and audit scheme) is a voluntary environmental management system within the European Union which takes requirements far beyond those of the environmental norm ISO 14001. During the demanding certification process, the company was required to disclose the impact that its activities have on the environment, the measures introduced to protect the environment and its environmental targets. Dussmann Service expects EMAS certification to reduce consumption of cleaning products even further, to optimize internal processes and ultimately, to give a competitive edge in proposals to clients who are environmentally aware. Dussmann Service Austria has long been committed to sustainable, environmentally compatible operations. All of the company’s services – cleaning, technical, security and catering services –have been certified according to the environmental management system ISO 14001 since 2004. Environmental Protection – Lighthouse Projects and Norms 57 Minimal Water Consumption With Modern Scrubber-Dryers Current lighthouse projects include the use of innovative cleaning machines on selected sites. Our Austrian subsidiary works with scrubber dryers which use only a spoonful of water per square meter. The detergent is dosed by means of a foam block which gradually dissolves during the cleaning process – the method achieves substantial savings in water and cleaning product. A machine which is even more environmentally friendly operates with no detergent at all, only water. It can be used on all smooth floor surfaces, even where strict hygienic regulations apply such as in the hospital Barmherzige Brüder in Graz. New Laundry Saves Energy and Water The second test of commitment to sustainability is made according to environmental criteria. Dussmann Service Luxembourg has invested in the construction of a modern laundry where textiles from catering, nursing and care facilities and hospitals are washed – 20 tons each day. With the aid of modern heating technology using natural gas, both water and energy consumption has been substantially reduced in comparison to the previous system. Dussmann Service Luxembourg: Award of Sustainability Label ESR A further pioneer in sustainability is the Dussmann Service subsidiary in Luxembourg. With more than 2,800 employees, it is the seventh largest employer in Luxembourg and makes a significant contribution to the local economy. The company’s dedication in making sustainability a consistent principle in all of its operations has attracted both public interest and the recognition of the Luxembourg chamber of commerce, which awarded Dussmann Service the ESR label (Entreprise Socialement Responsible) - an award presented to businesses demonstrating exemplary commitment. In comparison to previous drum machines, the present laundry tunnel process uses 70 percent less water. 100 Percent Green Electricity Dussmann Service Luxembourg emphasizes its environmental commitment by using 100 percent green electricity at the company’s own facilities. The production kitchen has a partnership with disposal specialists who process organic waste into pellets for energy production.. Recognition of Personnel Dussmann Service was the first service provider to be awarded this certification in 2011. Operations are subject to examination according to around 400 economic, environmental and social criteria. Responsibility for personnel development takes special priority and success is measured by personnel turnover figures. Around ten percent is prescribed in comparison to average turnover in the service sector of almost 50 percent. Environmentally friendly: Dussmann Service hybrid vehicle in Luxembourg Sustainability is a central theme in all of our operations. Protection of the environment is just as important to us as knowing the value of our personnel and we are happy to receive recognition of this through the award of the ESR label. It’s an important signal for our clientele.” Jean Paul Neu and Angelo Rossi, Managing Directors, Dussmann Service Luxembourg 58 “I feel comfortable at Dussmann because we are a modern international company with employees from 113 nations who work together in an atmosphere of mutual trust.” Mai Dang-Goy, Managing Director, Dussmann Beteiligungs- und Managementgesellschaft 59 Our Suppliers: Partners in Sustainability Our Suppliers: Partners in Sustainability We seek cooperation with companies who share our values. We share the commitment to consistent improvement. A Management System Which Defines Purchasing Requirements In order to achieve our sustainability targets we need stable partnerships with suppliers who are capable of development. We seek companies who share our values, who are committed to the improvement of their economic, environmental and social records and who can document this commitment through certification and credible, meaningful reporting. It is particularly important to us to be able to rely on local partners in each region, to maintain close contact with clients and to keep the number of resources associated with long transport routes to a minimum. And we go even further. With the help of local audits by the individual Dussmann service divisions we maintain an overview of our partners’ compliance with our supplier criteria. Supplier selection is regulated by the procedural guidelines “environmentally compatible purchasing” contained in the Dussmann Group Integrated Management System. The following principles apply to the purchase of materials and consumables: assessment of products for environmental compatibility and biodegradability step-by-step replacement of environmentally hazardous substances with more environmentally compatible products (for example with a lower water hazard classification) observance of packaging regulations including reusability and recyclability of packaging Criteria for supplier selection include the following: environmentally friendly production (foods and non-foods) short transport routes selection procedure using a detailed assessment questionnaire 60 Our Suppliers: Partners in Sustainability Detailed Questionnaire for Assessment of Suppliers Close Partnerships for Even More Client Orientation The assessment questionnaire was extended in 2011 to include all factors of sustainability and was applied by the central purchasing department in Germany to take stock of all suppliers. It includes examination, for example, of whether a partner’s management system is certified, maintenance of social standards, use of environmentally friendly raw materials and products which are labeled as such and other measures to improve carbon footprint. On the basis of long-term relationships of trust, many Dussmann suppliers are also partners in development. Together, we create innovative product ideas which not only meet high standards but also answer the growing expectations of our clients. The results of the survey showed no significant deviation from requirements for any of our suppliers which would have resulted in a removal from the listing. DR.SCHNELL Cooperation with our supplier, DR.SCHNELL, who is certified according to EMAS and RAL-GZ for high-quality, professional cleaning products, is an excellent example of this type of strategic approach. The partnership with Dussmann Service Germany has resulted in a number of successful projects: Dishwashing Detergent: Simpler Transport Reduces CO2 emissions Compact DR.SCHNELL dishwashing detergents are concentrated products in powder form which generate significantly lower transport costs. The associated reduction in CO2 emissions is around 46.4 percent. The volume of waste is reduced by about 56.6 percent. Dosage Technology Reduces Consumption of Cleaning Products Joint project: Dussmann cleaning products developed by DR.SCHNELL The deployment of dosage technology to prevent overdosage is vital. Minimal consumption correlates with minimal environmental impact and this can be achieved without comprising cleaning standards. A total of 747 dosage devices have been installed in Dussmann Service operations. On the assumption that dosage technology lowers overdosage by 20 percent, its deployment reduces the consumption of cleaning products by 24,602 liters. 61 Our Suppliers: Partners in Sustainability Training for 6,000 Dussmann Employees In addition to the selection of the appropriate cleaning product and dosage technology, personnel know-how is an important factor in cleaning operations. In 2011, over 6,000 employees took part in structured training programs on procedures and associated environmental aspects. Training reduces material damage, excessive consumption and accidents. The company is outstanding for its social commitment. Berendsen is a member of the United Nations Global Compact and undertakes to comply with recognized principles of human rights, working conditions, environmental protection and anti-corruption. Increased focus on sustainability in operations, a Dussmann Service target, is also a common target in the cooperation with DR. SCHNELL in 2012: Use of Products Which are Easy on the Skin and the Respiratory Tract In future, only products which are especially kind to skin and do not cause respiratory problems will be deployed at Kursana facilities. Dussmann Service uses the SENSITIVE range from DR.SCHNELL. These products have been tested by the Germany Allergy and Asthma Association (DAAB) and are recommended for “sensitive” operations such as nursing or child-care facilities. Berendsen Group The partnership with the Berendsen Group, a leading producer of textiles and supplier of work clothing to the Dussmann Service security division, is an excellent example. Work clothing must fulfill special standards as it is worn by personnel for entire shifts both indoors and outdoors. The work clothing delivered by Berendsen is made of a high-quality modern cotton-blend fabric produced by a European brand manufacturer. Only fabric which complies with the Oeko-Tex standard 100 is used. This certification ensures compliance with scientifically determined limits on hazardous substances and standards of ecological safety. Exhaustive quality testing for durability has also been carried out. Dussmann work clothing is subject to stringent standards 62 “At Dussmann we are happy to take on responsibility for people and for society. In all of the countries where we have activities.” Olga Karimova General Manager Peter Dussmann Vostok Novosibirsk, Russia Manager of the Year 2011 in Residential Facility Management Social Commitment 63 Social Commitment The Dussmann Group recognizes its social responsibility and supports a number of artistic, cultural, scientific and educational projects. Projects involve close cooperation with a number of non-profit organizations. In 2011 we selected the following projects and organizations for specific support. Daniel Barenboim, State Opera Berlin Promotion of Child Welfare: Innocence in Danger Innocence in Danger is a worldwide movement against sexual abuse of children, particularly in the form of child pornography in the new media. In May 2011, Catherine von FürstenbergDussmann presented a donation to association president Stephanie zu Guttenberg. In addition, Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus provided the location for the launch of the book “Im Netz”. The book by qualified psychologist Julia von Weiler is a wake-up call to parents and other caregivers and gives practical advice on how to protect your children. State Opera Unter den Linden: A Topic Close to Peter Dussmann’s Heart The topic of the urgently needed refurbishment of the state opera building on Unter den Linden has always been close to Peter Dussmann’s heart. As a member of the association Freunde und Förderer der Staatsoper he joined many other friends of the arts in promoting this project. In 2004 he took on chairmanship of the association but was forced to give up the position due to ill health. The Dussmann Group continues to be represented in the association’s board by Dr. Meyer. In 2011, support was given, not only in the form of association membership but also through payment of rent, office services and mail costs. A donation of the sales generated at Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus on a Sunday open for trading was also made. German-American Friendship The association, Atlantik-Brücke e. V., founded after the Second World War, continues to promote good transatlantic relationships. The association comprises of around 500 invited members from business, politics, science and the media. As a member, Dussmann promotes conferences, study groups and lectures. The Dussmann Group also supports the American Academy in Berlin. “I hope to see a commitment in the capital of Berlin which has its roots in pride for the city’s cultural heritage. Every Euro that goes toward returning the Linden opera to its former glory counts. Our principle is not simply to consume state-subsidized culture but to make a contribution to maintaining it.” Peter Dussmann on the State Opera Unter den Linden in Berlin 64 Social Commitment The Future of the Capital City Dussmann is a member of the foundation Stiftung Zukunft Berlin which brings together personalities from the worlds of business, culture, science and politics to discuss future issues affecting the capital city of the federal republic of Germany. The foundation initiates projects, coordinates a number of private initiatives and provides them with a public platform. The objective is to ensure that public issues are not determined by politics alone and to strategically improve the quality of decisions which affect the city. Sponsoring of Young Euro Classic Young professionals from all over the world perform at the festival in the Konzerthaus in Berlin. Not infrequently, one of these youth orchestras is where their careers take off. Under the leadership of world-class conductors and working together with famous soloists, they gather international stage experience. In 2011, a total of 1,400 musicians aged between 13 and 28 years gathered from all over the world. Following 2010, this was the second time that Dussmann sponsored the event. Libraries for Child-Care Facilities In 2011, the Dussmann Stiftung sponsored libraries for children for the second time. 46 libraries were delivered to child-care facilities all over Germany and in other German-speaking countries. The libraries-on-wheels are packed full with around 100 story, reference and drawing books for children of different ages. Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann initiated the project: “Children and their cultural education are important to me and to the Dussmann Stiftung. Children gain cultural insights though reading and it inspires the imagination. At Christmas too, books are always welcome”. A Main Attraction: the Egyptian Museum in Berlin Dussmann sponsors the Egyptian Museum in Berlin. The impressive collection includes masterpieces from many different epochs of Dussmann is involved in the preservation of valuable cultural objects e.g. at the Egyptian Museum in Berlin ancient Egypt: statues, reliefs, small artworks and monumental Egyptian architecture document the period from 3000 B.C. to the times of the Romans. “The Egyptian museum and the papyrus collection of the state museums of Berlin are supported by the Dussmann Group in their objective of restoring endangered artworks for display in the Neues Museum using appropriate display technology. For example, two significant ancient Egyptian wall paintings which had been missing for some time were returned for permanent display during the Lepsius exhibition in 2011. The painstaking restoration currently being carried out on architectural fragments for the coming Nofretete 100th jubilee exhibition is possible only due to the sponsorship of the Dussmann Group. Not only are the personnel of the Egyptian museum but also the visitors to the Neues Museum grateful for this generous support”. Prof. Dr. Friederike Seyfried, Director, Egyptian Museum Berlin 65 Social Commitment Exhibition in Charlottenburg Palace Support for the Bach Archive in Leipzig Dussmann is one of the sponsors of the permanent exhibition displaying Prussian crown insignia and the treasures of the Hohenzollern silver chambers. The foundation of Prussian Palaces and Gardens opened the collection to the public in 2010. It consists of over 600 exhibits spread across 300 square meters in Charlottenburg palace. The Bach archive in Leipzig is a musical competence center at the place where Johann Sebastian Bach spent most of his career. Its purpose is to research the life, work and history of the extensive musical Bach family and to maintain and communicate its heritage. According to the Federal Government’s representative on culture and media, it is one of the “most important state cultural institutions” in the new federal states. The donation by Dussmann was used to purchase a work by Bach copied by one of the master’s students. Fairy Tales for Old and Young The association Märchenland e. V. promotes the tradition and literary genre of fairy tales, legends and story-telling and organizes 1,500 events across Europe for children and adults each year. Their objective is to perpetuate fairy tales as a part of global cultural heritage and celebrities from the worlds of politics, business and the media are encouraged to get involved in cultural projects for children and young adults throughout Germany. The prize “The Golden Pea” honors those who, like the heroes of fairy tales, promote the common good. Dussmann sponsored the prize award event and Catherine von Fürstenberg-Dussmann presented the award to Gail Halvorsen, an American military pilot who flew in the Berlin airlift during 1948/49. Musical Competition at Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach Music High School in Berlin A prominent jury presided over a competition involving 24 students aged 11 to 18. The eight winners received the opportunity of recording a CD in a recording studio, now available in the classic department of the KulturKaufhaus. Dussmann also organized a prize-winner concert when each presented their award-winning performance on the KulturBühne stage at Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus. Bach Archive Leipzig ©Jens Volz We are happy to hear about new projects. Please direct your request to the department responsible at [email protected] 66 Appendix Editorial Information The information in this report has been gathered with utmost care from a number of sources. To the best of our knowledge, all information, figures and dates contained in this report correspond fully with the truth. However, no liability is accepted for errors and omissions. Abbreviations References A.I.S.E. Association Internationale de la Savonnerie, de la Détergence et des Produits d’Entretien ARC Alarm Receiving Center AGAktiengesellschaft BDWS Bundesverband Deutscher Wach- und Sicherheitsunternehmen ca.circa CO carbon dioxide 2 DEHOGA Deutscher Hotel- und Gaststättenverband DIN EN German Norm Institute/ European norm DSD Dussmann Service Deutschland e. V. eingetragener Verein / registered association EMAS Eco-Management and Audit Scheme ESR Entreprise Socialement Responsable FSC Forest Stewardship Council GEFMA German Facility Management Association HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points ISO International Organization for Standardization kcal.Kilokalorien KGaA Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien MDK Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenversicherung /medical service of the health insurances MSC Marine Stewardship Council OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series PVC Polyvinyl Chloride RAL-GZ Confirmation of excellence by the insitute Deutscher Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung TÜV Technischer Überwachungs-Verein VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure 1 Source: Die Familienunternehmer – ASU e.V. 2 Source Döblin study 2010 3 Federal Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Reactor Safety 4 Source: Statistisches Bundesamt/Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (2010) 5 Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Security(2011) 6 In security services operations, regional, state-specific minimum wage agreements apply (status 2012): Federal State Euro Baden-Württemberg 8.75 Bayern 8.28 Bremen 7.33 Hamburg 7.31 Niedersachsen 7.38 Nordrhein-Westfalen 8.09 Hessen 7.63 Rhineleand-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein7.00 Berlin 7.00 Brandenburg 7.00 Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 7.00 Sachsen 7.00 Sachsen-Anhalt 7.00 Thüringen 7.00 7 8 status 2011 status 2012 Contact for further information on sustainability: Jan Flaskamp Head of Communications Dussmann Stiftung & Co. KGaA Friedrichstraße 90 10117 Berlin Fon +49 (0) 30 / 20 25 25 26 Fax +49 (0) 30 / 20 25 25 40 Email: [email protected] 67 Appendix Certification of Dussmann International Subsidiaries Country ISO 9001 Quality Management ISO 14001 Environmental Management OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety Management ISO 22000 Food Safety Management Austria X X X Bulgaria X X X X China X Czech Republic X X X X Estonia (Kursana) X Germany X X X Hong Kong X X X Hungary X X X X ISO/IEC 27001 (Information security management) Italy X X X X + ISO 22005 retraceability SA 8000 social responsibility Latvia X Lithuania X X X X Luxembourg X X X Poland X X (autumn 2012) X (autumn 2012) X Romania X X X X Slovakia X X X Switzerland X UAE X X X UK X Vietnam X Other SCC**, EMAS Russia Group Certification Safe Contractor, Contractors Health & Safety Scheme (CHAS) Publisher’s Details Future in Our Hands – The Dussmann Group Corporate Responsibility Report 2011/2012 Publisher The Dussmann Group Friedrichstraße 90 10117 Berlin Fon + 49 (0) 30 / 20 25 - 0 E-Mail: [email protected] Responsible according to German media legislation Jan Flaskamp Editorial Responsibility Dussmann Group Editorial Deadline: 27.4.2012 Design and Consulting Nur Baute GmbH Berlin Photographs Peter Eichler, Leipzig Printing Print Produktion Laube GmbH Berlin
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