Annual Report 2014 - Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc


Annual Report 2014 - Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc
Charitable Dreams for Community Needs
Carroll County
Community Foundation
Community Foundation
of Howard County, Inc.
Clinton County
Community Foundation
2014 Annual Report
Table of Contents
Mission, Vision and Core Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Board Members and Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ways to Give . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Donors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Memorials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Organizations and Tributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Endowed Funds
• Howard County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
• Carroll County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
• Clinton County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
• Howard County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
• Carroll County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
• Clinton County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Financial Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Lilly Endowment Community Scholars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
David Foster Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Friends of Carroll County . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
Community Foundation of Howard County, Inc.
Carroll County Community Foundation
Clinton County Community Foundation
215 W. Sycamore Street
Kokomo, Indiana 46901
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., or by appointment
(765) 454-7298 or (800) 964-0508
[email protected]
Visit us online:
The Community Foundation Serving Howard, Carroll and Clinton Counties has achieved
the Certificate of Standards Compliance with the Ethical and Operational Standards
for Indiana Community Foundations. The standards are administered through the
National Association of Council on Foundations to verify that foundations demonstrate
accountability, transparency and continuous self-improvement.
Our Mission
The mission of the Community Foundation Serving Howard, Carroll and Clinton Counties
is to connect people, resources and causes to produce a positive and sustainable change in the
communities we serve.
The Community Foundation is recognized by the community to be an effective, credible and
influential broad-based organization. It serves the community as a catalyst dedicated to improving
the quality of life of our people through the permanent stewardship of financial gifts placed in its
As the number of people touched by the Foundation continues to rise, this statement of “vision” is
coming ever closer to reality.
Core Values
To express the underlying philosophy of the Foundation, the board drafted a series of “core values”
statements that reflect the fundamental philosophy of its operation. These values provide guidance to
both paid staff and volunteers as we interact with donors, grantees and the community.
The Foundation will
prudently manage the
resources entrusted to it,
maintaining confidentiality
and seeking growth of
to Donors
The Foundation offers
opportunities to donors
to improve the quality of life
in their community by
fulfilling their charitable
The Foundation, its
directors and staff will hold
themselves to the highest
ethical standards and strive
to achieve the best business
Open Door
The Foundation will be
available to all segments of our
defined community.
The Foundation will
improve the quality of life
through leadership by building
endowments that are directed
toward meeting the needs of
the community.
Charitable Dreams for Community Needs
Quick Facts
Dear Friends of the Community Foundation Serving Howard,
Carroll and Clinton Counties:
Imagine the changes we will see in our communities and in our country in the
next 30, 50 or even 100 years. Some of the problems that we face today will
be solved and some will become more difficult to solve. Some of the changes
we have seen in the last 40 years are illustrated here:
Then - 1970’s
•70% of adults had children in school
•Two-parent families were the norm
•40% of jobs were unskilled
•More teens than senior citizens
•Information doubles every 7-10 yrs.
Now - 2010’s
•28% have children in school
•Over 50% are single/blended families
•Less that 15% are unskilled
•More adults over 65 than teens
•It doubles in about 18 months
What new challenges or opportunities will present in the future? The
Community Foundation does not have a crystal ball that can answer these
questions about the future, but we do provide the ability for donors to
contribute to some of the answers.
Unrestricted community endowment funds provide the best way for the
Community Foundation to connect people, resources and causes to provide
a positive and sustainable change in our communities. These funds allow a
broad range of current needs to be addressed and future needs that cannot
be anticipated. This annual report shares how current unrestricted funds are
supporting community needs.
To build our unrestricted community endowment funds, Lilly Endowment
has offered a match initiative through its Giving Indiana Funds for Tomorrow
(GIFT) program. For every $1 given to an unrestricted community
endowment fund, the match will be $1. Howard County qualifies for a
$1 million match and Carroll and Clinton counties qualify for a $500,000
match. This initiative runs through March 31, 2016.
Now is an excellent time to make a significant gift to establish a new fund or
support an existing fund. We hope you will take advantage of the match that
doubles your giving and impact in supporting your community.
Hilda Burns
646 grants awarded
$1.85 million
dollars awarded in
221 scholarships
395 charitable
$471,050 in
general scholarships
awarded through
the Lilly Endowment
Scholarship Program
19 new funds
“Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces
working together.” — James Cash Penney
2014 Board Members and Volunteers
Scott McClelland, Attorney
Vice Chairperson
Rick Smith, Smith Financial
Bob Hingst, Mid America Beverage
Past Chairperson
Dana Davis, Community Volunteer
Dr. Joanne Barnes
Indiana Wesleyan University
Robb Blume
Community First Bank
Nanette Bowling
Community Volunteer
Joe Dunbar
Community Volunteer
Melissa Ellis
Melissa Ellis Residential Appraisals
Brian Hayes
Hayes Advisory Group
Bob Hickman
Community First Bank
Betsy Hoshaw
Community Volunteer
Executive Committee
Scott McClelland, Chairperson
Rick Smith, Vice Chairperson
Bob Hingst, Sec./Treas.
Dana Davis, Past Chairperson
Joe Dunbar
Jim McIntyre
Dr. Greg Norman Steve Rothenberger
John Shoup
J.D. Young
Clinton County Services Committee
John Shoup, Chairperson
Bill Beard
Jean Beard
Les Bergum
Alan Dunn
Karen Miller
Laura Mullen
Jack Ransom
Gene Robbins
Steve Rothenberger Bob Shaffer
Stan Smith
Bob Thorley
Mark Wolfschlag
Carroll County Services Committee
Dr. Greg Norman, Chairperson
Paul Manning, Vice Chairperson
Katrina Coghill
Michelle Cox
Abigail Diener
Al Jackson
Matthew Meek
Jerry Reinke
Dawn Seward
Jennifer Spesard
Trent Stephan
Bill Trueblood
Dr. Brian Wagoner
Howard County Grants Committee
Joe Dunbar, Chairperson
Nanette Bowling
Jan Hendrix
Betsy Hoshaw
Paul Manning
Scott McClelland
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Mike Ullery
Doug Vaughn
J.D. Young
Clinton County Grants Committee
Jack Ransom, Chairperson
Jean Beard
Debbie Graves
Laura Mullen
Bob Shaffer
Megan Sheets
Bob Thorley
Carroll County Grants Committee
Katrina Coghill
Paul Manning
Angie May
Carolyn Pearson
Investment/Finance Committee
Steve Rothenberger, Chairperson
Derek Fisher
Bob Hickman
Bob Hingst
Brad Howell
Jim Parsons
Troy Parton
Aaron Smith
Rick Smith
Mike Stegall
Gary Wehr
Brad Howell
Brad Howell Ford
Tina Lorentson
Lorentson Manufacturing
Beth MacDonald
Paul Manning, Carroll County
Haynes International
Jim McIntyre
Dr. Greg Norman, Carroll County
Norman Eyecare
Stan Rebber
Granny’s Furniture
Steve Rothenberger, Clinton County
Community Volunteer
Laura Sheets
Duke Energy
John Shoup, Clinton County
Indiana Agricultural Law Foundation
Community Foundation Staff
LaCinda Chapman, Secretary/Receptionist; Sherry Hayes, Finance Administrator; Hilda Burns, President;
Kim Abney, Vice President of Programs; and Jane Williams, Communications Program Officer
Mike Ullery
Craftsman Homes & Remodeling
Doug Vaughn
Rite Quality Supplies
J.D. Young
Young’s Culligan
Ways to Give
•Life Insurance
Types of Funds
Flexible Giving
Unrestricted Community Endowment Funds
The Community Foundation is a
flexible vehicle for charitable gifts
of all sizes from public, corporate,
foundation, or private sources.
Both large and small gifts can take
a variety of forms; depending on
tax and estate planning priorities.
Gifts can be made with:
Recognizing that the community’s challenges and needs will
change, donors have established community endowment
funds to address these needs now and forever. Donors can
entrust the Foundation with the selection of the most needed
programs to receive grant funding based on a competitive
•Appreciated Securities
•Real Estate
•Private Foundation Transfer
Donor-Advised Funds
Donors may be actively involved in the grantmaking by
recommending which qualified charitable organizations
should receive grants from their advised fund. These flexible
funds enable donors to address a wide variety of issues as their
charitable interests and priorities change over time.
IRA, 401(k), or Other Qualified Retirement Plan
Planned giving is as easy as designating a percentage of
your IRA, 401(k) or other qualified retirement plan to the
Foundation as a beneficiary.
Other Planned Gifts
The Foundation also offers donors several other types of gift
arrangements that provide a variety of tax advantages and
income benefits to donors. These include the following:
Designated/Agency Funds
Donors may identify one or more charitable organizations to
receive an income stream forever. If at some time in the
future the named charity is no longer recognized as a
501(c)(3) organization, the Foundation board of directors has
the variance power to select another organization with a similar
purpose to benefit from the fund.
Field of Interest Funds
Charitable Gift Annuity
This is a contract between the donor and the Foundation.
In exchange for the donor’s irrevocable gift, the Foundation
agrees to pay one or two annuitants the donor names a fixed
sum each year for life. The payments are guaranteed by the
Charitable Remainder Trust
This allows donors to place assets such as cash, securities, or
real estate in trust, which then invests the asset. The trust
provides income to the donor or loved one for life or a term of
years. The trust balance goes to the Foundation for a charity of
the donor’s choice.
Charitable Lead Trust
During the trust’s term, the trustee invests the trust’s assets and
pays the income to the Foundation for the purpose the donor
designates. When the trust term ends, assets are distributed to
a loved one.
A field of interest fund allows donors to support a broadly
defined area, such as the arts, youth, health and more. The
Foundation awards funding through a competitive process to
the most needed programs within the donor’s area of interest
of the fund.
Operating Endowment Funds
Donors support the work of the Community Foundation
through their gifts to operating endowment funds, which
provides support to the operating budget of the Foundation
Scholarship Funds
Donors may customize a scholarship fund to provide
educational opportunities for graduates of certain schools,
for studies in specific fields or for programs at particular
institutions of higher education.
Non-Permanent Funds
These funds are designated for short-term programs or special
Retained Life Estate
This allows donors to give their home or farm to the
Foundation, while retaining the right to live in it for the rest
of their lives. At the end of the donor’s life, the property is sold
and the proceeds are used to establish a fund that carries out
the donor’s charitable wishes.
The Community Foundation wishes to express its gratitude to the following
individuals and groups who have assisted the Foundation and the community
with their gifts in 2014:
Mr. Mark Abbott
Kim & Kevin Abney
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Agal
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Alender
Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Anderson
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Anderson
Anonymous Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Curtis Appleton
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Archibald
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd L. Ashcraft
Mrs. Shirley Ashcraft
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Atkinson
Mr. & Mrs. Al Auffart
Ms. Wilma F. Ausbrook
Dr. & Mrs. John Auzins
Dr. Janet S. Ayres &
Dr. Lynn Corson
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Bagby
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Baker
Mr. & Mrs. David Baldwin
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Balsbaugh
Mr. & Mrs. John Barber
Mr. Dave Barr
Mr. & Mrs. John S. Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Barsh
Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Beach
Mr. Milton Beach
Mr. & Mrs. David Beale
Mrs. Kelly M. Beam
Dr. Frank A. Beardsley
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Beaton
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Bell
Mr. Keith A. Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Bellus
Ms. Barbara Bennett Price
Debra & Eric Berg
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bergstrom
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Bergum Jr.
Ms. Evelyn J. Berry
Ms. Jo Ellen Berryman
Mr. & Mrs. Dick N. Bishop
Mrs. Mary Blue
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bogue Sr.
Mr. Charles Bordner
Dr. & Mrs. Robert J. Bour
Mr. & Mrs. Troy Bowers
Mr. & Mrs. Don Bowling
Ms. Nanette Bowling
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Bowser
Dr. Matthew Todd Bradley
Mr. & Mrs. John Bradshaw
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Brewer
Ms. Christi Brewer-Allen
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Bricker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brinson
Ms. Judy Briscoe
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Brown
Dr. Walter C. Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William Brutus
Mr. & Mrs. Henry P. Buchholz
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Ms. Marsha Burton
Mr. & Mrs. Reja-e Busailah
Mr. Terry Busby
Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Butcher
Mr. & Mrs. Donnie Butler
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Caddell
Mr. & Mrs. Kim W. Caldwell
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Calhoun
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Callane
Mr. & Mrs. Kim K. Calloway
Mr. & Mrs. William Calvert
Ms. Marcia A. Campbell
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Carson
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Casserly
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cavanaugh
Mr. Derek Chambers
Mr. Gary G. Chandler
Mrs. Doris E. Chapman
LaCinda & Ben Chapman
Mr. Gregory Clark
Mr. & Mrs. James T. Clark
Mr. & Mrs. Randy J. Cline
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Cline
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Coghill
Mr. & Mrs. Connie Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Colescott
Ms. Midge Collett
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Belyew
Dr. & Mrs. Brett T. Comer
Mr. Kevin Comer
Tony & Vicky Conwell
Mrs. Helen Louise ‘Weezie’
Mr. Jerry H. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Cord
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Coulter
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Cox
Dr. & Mrs. Marlin Creasy
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cripe
Mr. & Mrs. Ted A. Cripe
Mr. & Mrs. Brice Crowel
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Mr. Steve Currens
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P.
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Daily
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Daniels
Mrs. Marge Dankert
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Davis
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Dr. Rodney E. Davis
Mr. Timothy Decicco
Rev. & Mrs. Mark Deckinga
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Denham
Mr. Steven Densborn
Ms. Judith K. Dewalt
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Diener
Ms. Shirleen Dimmitt
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Douglass
Mr. Delmo J. Dowling
Ms. Nancy J. Dresch
Ms. Neda K. Duff
Mr. Joe Dunbar
Mr. & Ms. Richard C. Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh E. Dunn
Dr. & Mrs. Lee ‘Joe’ Dupler
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Durfey
Ms. Derinda K. Durham
Dr. & Mrs. Jordan Dutter
Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Dwyer
Ms. Ruth E. Dwyer &
Mr. Dean Spenner
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dyke
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Earl
Mr. & Mrs. Brent Earlywine
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Egelhaaf
Dr. & Mrs. Alvan Eller
Mrs. Marion J. Eller
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Elliott
Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright Ellis
Ms. Melissa Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Brett Ellison
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Erny
Mr. Rex Fager*
Mr. Nicholas Farmer
Mr. Terry Feightner
Mrs. Ruth M. Felix*
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fellows
Mr. & Mrs. Forest J. Fernung
Linda & Ken Ferries
Mr. & Mrs. Derek R. Fisher
Mr. Carol Flora
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Flora
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Flora
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Force
Mrs. Joyce Fortune
Mrs. Geraldine Foster
Mr. & Ms. Jeffery S. Foust
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Fox
Mr. & Mrs. W. Todd Fox
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Fox
Ms. Alexca A. Freed
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Fruth
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Fudge
Mrs. Nancy Fullerton
Mr. Richard Funkhouser
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gardenhire
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Garner
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Garrett
Mr. Michael Gaskins
Mr. & Mrs. James Gatman II
Mr. Kevin Giddens
Mrs. Teresa Gifford
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Gilbert
Mrs. Barbara Gilliland
Mr. & Mrs. Rex Gingerich
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Gish
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Goff
Dr. Lyda Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Goodier
Mayor & Mrs. Greg Goodnight
Mr. & Mrs. John Graham
Mr. & Mrs. David Granson
Mr. Ralph L. Greer
Dr. David L. Gregory
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lynn Grider
Dr. Jeffrey Groothius
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grotrian
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grundmann
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Guerre
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Guffy
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hagenow
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Hall
Bishop & Mrs. Milton Hall
Bishop & Mrs. Milton Hall Jr.
Ms. Jan C. Halperin
Mr. Abdul Hameed
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Hanna
Ms. Helen Hanna
Mr. Andrew Hardie
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hardie
Ron & Liz Harper
Mr. Tom Harrold
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Hauswald
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hayes
Ms. Sherry L. Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Hazlett
Dr. Stephen Healy &
Dr. Sandra Quinton
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heaton
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Heck
Ms. Betty Hegenbart &
Mr. Thomas Poppas
Ms. Alberta Herron
Mr. & Mrs. Pleamon Hewitt
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hicks
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hightshue
Mr. Brett J. Hillis
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Hillis
Ms. Anne Himmelwright
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. John Hingst*
Mr. Ted J. Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Lars Hjalmquist
Ms. Nancy E. Hobson
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Homkes
Mr. & Mrs. Dana F. Hood
Judge George Hopkins
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hopwood
Mr. & Mrs. Adlancy Horne
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hoshaw
Ms. Joyce A. Houchens*
Drs. Christopher & Sara Huffer
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Huffer
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Hughes
Mr. Steve Hunt
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hutchins
Mr. Clayton Hutson
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Imbler
Mr. David G. Inskeep
Ms. Dorothea M. Irwin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert T. Ives
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ives
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jackson
Ms. Eunice D. Jackson
Dr. Roberta A. Jackson
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Jarrell
Dr. Melissa Jarrell
Mrs. Rachel Jenkins
Judge & Mrs. Stephen Jessup
Mr. David Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Johnson
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
Mr. Ted Johnson
Ms. Deborah Johnson*
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Johnston
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Jones
Ms. Johanna Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Joyner
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kearney
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Kearns
Mrs. Joan E. Kellum
Mr. & Mrs. Brian E. Keyser
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Kidwell
Ms. E. Ann Kilcline
Mr. & Mrs. David Kitchell
Ms. Sandra Kleiber
Mr. Robert Knolinski
Ms. Nancy E. Koenig
Mr. Gene Kostrewa
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Kress
Mr. & Mrs. James D. Kruggel
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Kucholick
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lachenmaier
Mr. Mark & Dr. Lauren Ladd
Mr. & Mrs. George Laflin
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Larimore
Mr. & Rev. John R. Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Mark E. Leakey
Ms. Anne Lechner
Ms. Mary A. Lechner
Mr. Robert W. Lechner
Dr. & Mrs. Robert A. Lee
Mr. Claude E. Liggin
Mr. Paul Linder
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Lindsey
Mr. Larry Little-Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Glen L. Lock
Mrs. Molly King Loehr
Mr. George A. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Love
Mr. & Mrs. C.William Lovelace
Mr. Greg C. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Malson
Mrs. Susan Mann Hitchcock
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Manning
Mr. & Mrs. Gene A. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Masariu
Ms. Gayle L. Maudlin
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Maugans
Ms. Bonnie Maxwell
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Maxwell*
Mr. & Mrs. Steve May
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCain
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon McCain
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Scott McClelland
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff McComas
Mr. & Mrs. Dave McFatridge
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse McGriff
Mr. & Mrs. Colby McIlrath
Mr. & Mrs. Dale McIlrath
Mr. Jim McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. James McKay
Mr. & Mrs. Greg McQuinn
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Meador
Mr. & Mrs. James Meck
Mr. & Mrs. Junior K. Melton
Judge & Mrs. Bill Menges Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dayton Merrell
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Merrell
Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Milburn
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Miles
Dr. Herbert Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Miller
Mrs. Ann Millikan
Dorothy & Robert Mills
Mrs. Marian Mills
Mr. & Mrs. David Minich
Mr. Gary Minnich
Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Mohler
Hon. & Mrs. Brad Mohler
Ms. Betty Moloney
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Moody
Ms. Vonda S. Moore
Mrs. Patricia Moore &
Devlin Bradford
Mrs. Linda Morgan
Ms. Rita A. Mugg
Ms. Laura E. Mullen
Ms. Patricia Murphy
Judge Lynn Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Myers
Mrs. Cheryl Myers
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nance
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Neal
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Nichols
Mrs. Carol P. Nisbet
Dr. & Mrs. Greg D. Norman
Mrs. Roma North
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Northcutt
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph O’Donnell
Ms. Kathryn L. Oakley
Mr. Brian Oaks
Ms. Hope Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Oliver
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Orem
Mr. & Mrs. Clint A. Orr
Ms. Diana J. Orr
Mrs. Betty J. Ortman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Osborn Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ousley
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Overholser
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Packard
Mr. Don Pagel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph K. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Parkinson
Mr. Gene Parks*
Ms. Margery E. Parrott
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Parrott
Mrs. Vicki D. Parson*
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Pate
Mr. & Mrs. James Payne
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pearcy
Mrs. Carolyn Pearson
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Pearson
Dr. & Mrs. Willis Peelle
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Perkins
Dr. Lawrence R. Phillips
Ms. Meghan Pier
Mr. Philip G. Pine
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Plank
Mr. & Mrs. David B. Platt
Ms. Helen Politz
Mr. John T. Politz
Mrs. Mary Jane Polsgrove
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon D. Pope
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Poulard
Ms. Kylene M. Pulley
Ms. Janie Purnell
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Ransom
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ransom
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rawls
Mr. & Mrs. David K. Rayl
Donors (continued)
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Rayl
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rayles
Mr. & Mrs. Stan Rebber
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Reishus
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rethlake
Ms. Susan Rhine
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas
Mrs. Johanna Ridenour
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Rider
Mr. & Mrs. Bret Rinehart
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Rinehart
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Roach
Mr. Gene Robbins
Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Robertson
Mrs. Patricia S. Robertson
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Robeson
Ms. Beverly E. Rodgers
Mr. Glenn E. Rodgers Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rodgers
Dr. & Mrs. Max Rodibaugh
Mrs. Fannie Rody
Ms. Marlys Roegner
Mr. & Mrs. Russell L. Rood
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Rostron Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rule
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley S. Rush
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Ryan
Dr. Allen Safianow
Dr. Wayne Salsbery
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Sanburn
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Sanburn II
Mr. & Mrs. Don Sanders
Ms. Irma D. Sanders
Ms. Sarah L. Sarber
Ms. Hazel E. Schenck
Ms. Cora C. Schertz
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schmidt
Mr. & Mrs. Gary L. Scholl
Ms. Robin Schueler
Marilyn Schulte & Scott Rice
Mrs. Denise Scofield
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Scott
Mr. Robert R. Scott
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Segraves
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Seese
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Seurynck
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Severns
Mr. E.P. Severns Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Vince Seward
Mrs. Marilyn Shay
Ms. Nona M. Shearer
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Sheets
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald Shelton
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shirley
Dr. & Mrs. Michael Shirley
Catherine Shortle Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Denny Shoup
Mr. & Mrs. B. J. Siefert
Mr. & Mrs. James Siegfried Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Simmons
Mrs. J. Lois Sink*
Mr. Ronald L. Sink
Ms. Ramona Skertich &
Mark Larimore
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Skiles
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Mr. & Mrs. Ted F. Slate
Ms. Abbie M. Smith &
Mr. Nate Stout
Ms. Elaine Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jack R. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smith
Ms. Jane Smith
Ms. Kathleen D. Smith
Mrs. Donald B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Rick Smith
Mrs. Terry Smith
Mrs. Garnet Snyder
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Snyder
Faye A. Snyder Trust
Mrs. Donna Soltermann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sosbe Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Sparks
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Spay
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Spesard
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Stahl
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Stanforth
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stegall
Mr. & Mrs. Trent A. Stephan
Mr. & Mrs. Curt Stevenson
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stifle
Mr. & Mrs. Charles C. Story
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Stowers
Mrs. Odel A. Strange
Ms. Joellen Striebel
Mr. & Mrs. Willie Stroman
Mary L. Stuart Estate
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Swan
Mr. David C. Swinehart
Mr. & Mrs. James Swisshelm
Dr. & Mrs. Robin Symonds
Judge & Mrs. Douglas Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Matt A. Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Van Taylor
Mrs. Tacy Telego
Mr. & Mrs. Don TenBrook
Ms. Patty Thatcher &
Mr. James Newburn
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Thatcher
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Thompson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert F. Thorley
Mr. & Mrs. John Tokarcik
Mrs. Jeanette W. Tolerson
Mr. Curt Trainer
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Tranbarger
Mr. & Mrs. James Trobaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Trueblood
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer Turner Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. James Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Underwood
Mr. & Mrs. Dany J. Valcke
Dr. Ryan Van Matre D.C.
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Vasicek
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Vaughn
Ms. Monica Vega
Lt. Col. & Mrs. Harold Vice
Mr. & Ms. Larry Waddell
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wagoner
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin L. Walker
Mrs. Patty Walker
Lt. Col. David &
Dr. Linda Wallace
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Walls
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Walton
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Walton
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Waninger
Mr. & Mrs. Bradley D. Watson
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Weaver
Mr. & Mrs. David Weckerly
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Wells
Ms. Ellen M. Welsh
Mr. Clarence E. Whitacre
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. White
Mr. & Mrs. Issac C. White
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. White
Mr. & Mrs. Ron E. White
Mr. & Mrs. Troy L. White
Mr. Michael K. Whiteman
Dr. & Mrs. Jim Whitfield
Ms. Erin Wideman
Mr. Roger V. Willey
Ms. Jane Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Wilson
Ms. Clara ‘Emmy’ Wilson
Ms. Dana R. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
Ms. Belinda A. Wing
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Wingard
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Winger
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wise
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wise
Mrs. Marolyn J. Workman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Yarrington
Mr. Greg Yost
Mr. & Mrs. Jim L. Yost
Mr. & Mrs. J. D. Young
Ms. Barbara H. Youngflesh
Ms. Georgia Zeigler
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Zeis
Dr. & Mrs. Donald P. Zent
Mr. & Mrs. Dale V. Zinn
Mrs. Mary Zinn
Mr. & Mrs. R. Kent Zirkle
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zollman
Mr. & Mrs. Leroy Zook
*Denotes Deceased
We are always grateful to those who remember the Community Foundation when making gifts in memory of family and
friends, or to honor birthdays, anniversaries, or other special occasions. The following memorial and tribute gifts were
made in 2014:
In Memory of Marlee Abbott
In Memory of Don Bottom
In Memory of M. Joyce Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Wise
Ivan Gingerich, Rex & Kara
Gingerich & Staff of H.E.
Mr. Jerry H. Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Dayton Merrell
Mr. & Mrs. Gary G. Merrell
In Memory of Jo & Ross Bourne
In Memory of Sara J. Costlow
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Carol & David Philapy Nisbet
Ms. Susan Rhine
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Smith
In Memory of Amy Evans
In Memory of Connie Iffert Aiello
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Earl
In Memory of James Ebert
Tri Kappa Associate Chapter
In Memory of Denise Albrecht
In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. Max
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Crume-Evans Insurance
In Memory of Dr. John Bowman
In Memory of Kirby & Josephine
Mrs. Joan E. Kellum
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright Ellis
In Memory of Elvin V. ‘Pete’ Bowser
In Memory of Donald Allbaugh
In Memory of Susan Brooks
Friends at Fisher & Associates
In Memory of Sue Covington
Ms. Dana R. Wilson
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Jean Fager
Mr. Rex Fager*
In Memory of Red Craig
Mr. Brian Oaks
In Memory of Melvin, Ruth,
Richard & James Felix
In Memory of Loren ‘Sleepy’ Crispen
Ruth M. Felix Estate
In Memory of A.J. Archibald
In Memory of Dr. William Brown
In Memory of Dorothy Flora
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Archibald
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brinson
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Dr. & Mrs. Max Rodibaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rule
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
Ivan Gingerich, Lisa Hearn,
Rex & Kara Gingerich &
Staff of H.E. McGonigal
Mr. Joe Dunbar
Dr. & Mrs. Jeff Hauswald
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sosbe Jr.
In Memory of Doral L. Daniels
In Memory of Bill Fortune
Mr. & Mrs. Kirk Daniels
Mrs. Joyce Fortune
In Memory of Grace Deel
In Memory of John P. Fredrick
Dr. & Mrs. Greg D. Norman
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Trueblood
Mr. & Mrs. James Gatman II
In Memory of Robert C. ‘Chuck’
Ms. Debra Berg
In Memory of John Archibald
Friends at Fishers & Associates
In Memory of Elsie Burkhalter
In Memory of Wayne Archibald
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
Dr. Greg Norman, Dr. Scott
Miller & Dr. Cameron
In Memory of Bill Ashcraft
In Memory of Jerry Caylor
Mrs. Shirley Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Heck
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hoshaw
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Stephanie Drake
In Memory of Stacy Baugh
In Memory of Larry Deel
In Memory of Margaret Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCain
Mr. & Mrs. James Gatman II
In Memory of Kay Deluise
In Memory of Tony Gabriel
Chi Omega Alumnae
Mr. Thomas Poppas & Betty
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kearney
Ms. Joyce A. Houchens
In Memory of Russena Comer
In Memory of Rita Beatty
Mr. Glenn E. Rodgers Jr.
In Memory of John & Guilda
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
In Memory of Ray Blakely
Mrs. Nancy Fullerton
Kristin & Jason Belyew
Dr. & Mrs. Brett T. Comer
Mr. Kevin Comer
Ellison Family Charitable
Mr. & Ms. Jeffery S. Foust
Mrs. Gayle L. Maudlin
Mrs. Margaret Parkinson
Friends at Fisher & Associates
In Memory of Scott Gamel
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Michael
In Memory of Joe Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCain
In Memory of Madalyn Gardenour
Kokomo Technokats
In Memory of Drama Dukes
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Bill Garrison
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Jesse W. Dunn
Ms. Judith K. Dewalt
Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Hall
In Memory of Ralph Dean George
Mr. & Mrs. Don McCain,
Mr. & Mrs. Kyle McCain &
Madilynn, Audrey McCain
Memorials (continued)
In Memory of Lora Gibson
In Memory of Hilda Hingst (cont.)
In Memory of John & Hilda Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Maugans
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald A. Barsh
Ms. J. A. Brouillette
Ms. Marilyn Brouillette
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Community First Bank of
Howard County
Mrs. Helen Louise ‘Weezie’
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Dunn
Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright Ellis
Ms. Melissa Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fogle
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gardenhire
Ivan Gingerich, Rex & Kara
Gingerich & McGonigal Staff
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grotrian,
Jeff & Kris Himelick &
Susan Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grundmann
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
Mr. & Mrs. Tod Howard
Susan & Rick Hutchins
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lachenmaier
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Luedtke
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lugar
Mr. & Mrs. Rob Lutz
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. James Meck
Judge & Mrs. Bill Menges Jr.
Mrs. Margaret G. Menges
Ms. Hope Oaks
Ms. Diana J. Orr
Mr. & Mrs. Mick Ortman
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Osborn Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Rawls
Mr. & Mrs. A. Thomas
Mrs. Johanna Ridenour
Salin Bank & Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Shirley
Mrs. Pat Shirley/Psalms Bible
Study Advisory Board
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Rick & Diane Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stegall
Ms. Anne E. Trobaugh
Mr. & Mrs. James Trobaugh
Ms. Clara ‘Emmy’ Wilson
Mrs. Roma North
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Reidy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Zollman
In Memory of Mark Gifford
Mrs. Teresa Gifford
Mr. & Mrs. Marc Goodier
In Memory of Carolyn Gilbert
Mr. & Ms. Larry Waddell
In Memory of Gail Hall
Mrs. Nancy Fullerton
In Memory of L. Gerry Harlow
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Ms. Beverly E. Rodgers
In Memory of C. J. Harmon
Friends at Fisher & Associates
In Memory of Hazel Harper
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Harper
In Memory of Cheryl Harshman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rayles
In Memory of Dr. Michael Haville
Friends at Fisher & Associates
In Memory of Linda Wray Healy
Mrs. Rita Bagby
In Memory of David Heaton
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heaton
In Memory of Joseph Clayton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Hightshue
In Memory of Tara Hildebrand
Friends at Fisher & Associates
In Memory of Robert E. Hill
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Ron G. Swan
In Memory of Paul Hillis
Hilda & Kevin Burns
In Memory of Hilda Hingst
Kim & Kevin Abney
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Alender
In Memory of Wayne Hobson
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Stephanie Drake
Ms. Kim Carpenter
In Memory of James R. Huffer
Mr. & Mrs. Benjamin Diener
Ms. Neda K. Duff
In Memory of Martha Patricia
Mercer Hutchens
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Robert Inderhees
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Osborn Sr.
In Memory of Albert T. ‘Bunny’
Jackson Jr.
In Memory of M. E. ‘Pete’ Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve W. Kidwell
Mrs. Billie Kingery
Mr. & Mrs. Randal Larimore
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mills
Minich - May Farms
Mrs. Carolyn Pearson
Ms. Bev Pfahler
B. L. & J. L. Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Jealea
Schafer & Family
Ms. Sue Schafer
Mr. Robert R. Scott
Ms. Elaine Smith
Ms. Jane Smith
Mr. Hobert Smyth
Ms. Louise F. Stack
Mr. & Mrs. Dave Stuckey
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Stucky
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy White
Mr. & Mrs. Doug Winger
Ms. Kathleen Wolf
Mrs. Mary Zinn
Ms. Marcia A. Campbell
In Memory of Hubert Johnson
In Memory of M. E. ‘Pete’ Jackson
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Vince & Dawn Seward
Mr. Don Beougher & Family
Mrs. Mary Blue
Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Brown
Burlington Kiwanis Club
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Bill, Pat, Jason, Lindsay &
Aspen Calhoun
Ms. Mary Beth Chester
Mark & Irma Cook
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Davis
Democrat Central Committee
Carroll County
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Fischbach
Flora Lions Club
Carol Flora
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Mr. & Mrs. James G. Gish
Ms. Kay Hall
Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Hicks
Terry & Joyce Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hunter
Jones Family Dentistry
In Memory of Joan, Kirk & Jane
Mr. David Johnson
In Memory of Lawrence Johnson &
David Mills
Mr. & Mrs. Larry K. Johnson
In Memory of Patricia F. Johnson
Johnson Mobile Home Parks
In Memory of Nasser Kashani
Mr. & Mrs. Ahmad Kashani
In Memory of Arnold ‘Tay’ Keck
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hingst
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Miles
In Memory of Don Kinder
Mrs. Nancy Fullerton
In Memory of Marshal Gerard
Vince & Dawn Seward
In Memory of Holly Kirkpatrick
Ms. Cora C. Schertz
In Memory of Dorothy Melloan
In Memory of Rosemary Paris
In Memory of Joseph K. Ransom
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright Ellis
Ms. Melissa Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grundmann
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ransom
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hoshaw
In Memory of Winifred Kitchell
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Ransom
In Memory of Mary Frances Parker
In Memory of Brian S. Melton
Mr. Steve Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Junior K. Melton
In Memory of John E. ‘Jack’ Knoll
Mr. & Mrs. Lester Bergum Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Johnson
In Memory of Steve Lechner
Ms. Johanna Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. John C. Lechner
Mr. Robert W. Lechner
In Memory of Nick Leffredo
In Memory of Mr. & Mrs. Rawl
In Memory of Paul Raver
Campbell Family Foundation
In Memory of Clara Parks
In Memory of Lillian Miller
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Reja-e Busailah
Community Women’s Guild
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Grundmann
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Corbin K. King
Ms. Marian F. Lane
Mr. & Mrs. Clem A. Reese
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Coulter
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin B. Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Trueblood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles T. Wilson
In Memory of William E. ‘Bill’
In Memory of Helen Pate
In Memory of Karen Reising
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Lambert
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene McGarvey
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Ousley
Tri Kappa Associate Chapter
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Carrol Renshaw
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Bill Pearson
In Memory of Steven Scott Miller
In Memory of George & Elizabeth
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bergstrom
In Memory of Marion Louise Peele
In Memory of Rebecca Long
Tri Kappa Associate Chapter
Mr. George A. Long
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Nance
Mrs. Carolyn Pearson
In Memory of J. Phillip Pennell
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Heaton
In Memory of Abby Kathryn Rethlake
Dan & Karen Bellus
Mr. & Mrs. Rod Erny
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Moody
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Rethlake
Dr. & Mrs. Mark Stanforth
In Memory of Robert G. Peterson
In Memory of Daniel Lushin
In Memory of John & Dorothea
Goodfellows, Inc.
Ms. Dorothea Irwin
In Memory of Brian Marley
In Memory of Lester & Louise Newby
Steve & Angie May
Dawn & Vince Seward
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Vince, Dawn, Owen & Jenna
In Memory of Gloria Richardson
Burlington Kiwanis Club
In Memory of Michael Ridenour
In Memory of Jim & Jerry
(Geraldine) Philapy
Carol & David Philapy Nisbet
Ms. E. Ann Kilcline
Judge & Mrs. Bill Menges Jr.
Mrs. Johanna Ridenour
In Memory of Donald Newman
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
In Memory of Jodi Pickart
Mr. & Mrs. Cartwright Ellis
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Doug North
Mr. Marlin B. Creasy Ph.D.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cripe
In Memory of Mary McCormick
In Memory of Wendell ‘Jay’ Orem
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Tom McCracken
In Memory of Raymond ‘Mick’
In Memory of James Ralph Martin
Mrs. Shirley Ashcraft
In Memory of Andy & Melissa
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rule
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hingst
In Memory of Charles ‘Chod’ Pierson
In Memory of Jean Taylor Rodgers
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
In Memory of Izak Poore
In Memory of Marjorie Salsberry
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Stegall
Dr. Wayne Salsbery
Mrs. Betty J. Ortman
In Memory of Linda Pursifull
In Memory of Judy & Dennis Schulte
In Memory of Helen M. McDonald
In Memory of Fred Osborn Jr.
Steven Johnson & Holiday
Dr. & Mrs. Greg D. Norman
Judge & Mrs. Stephen Jessup
In Memory of Marilyn McFadden
In Memory of Linda F. Pagel
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Heck
Mr. Don Pagel
Dr. & Mrs. Jack H. Dwyer
Ms. Ruth E. Dwyer &
Mr. Dean Spenner
Lauren & Mark Ladd
Mrs. Mary Jane Polsgrove
Marilyn Schulte & Scott Rice
In Memory of Charm Quick
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
Ms. Clara ‘Emmy’ Wilson
Memorials (continued)
In Memory of Greg Scofield
In Memory of David Strange
Clinton Central High School
Girls Track Team
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Ramona Skertich & Mark
Ms. Constance Pockevich
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robertson
Mrs. Denise Scofield
Mr. & Mrs. Connie Coleman
Mr. & Mrs. Roland Dunlop
Mrs. Odel A. Strange
In Memory of Virginia Severns
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Severns
Mr. E.P. Severns Jr.
Clinton Co. Civic Theatre
Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Egelhaaf
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Haan
In Memory of Phyllis E. Sharp
In Memory of Robert Thornburg
Isabelle & Sherry Hayes
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Plank
In Memory of Miriam Showalter
In Memory of Sharon Titus
Mr. Roger V. Willey
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brown
In Memory of Craig Shuck
In Memory of Sadie Townsend
Kim & Kevin Abney
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Davenport
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Hardie
Ms. Vonda S. Moore
Mrs. Magnolia Neely
Ms. Kylene M. Pulley
P.J. & Lyndsay Rocchio
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Smith
State Farm Insurance
Mr. & Mrs. Troy L. White
Mr. Timothy Decicco
In Memory of Helen Simmerman
In Memory of Walter & Lucille Uitts
Mr. & Mrs. Donald McCain
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
In Memory of Carl W. Sink
In Memory of Thomas Gerald
Mrs. J. Lois Sink*
Mr. Ronald L. Sink
In Memory of Dr. Frederick E.
Ms. Erin Wideman
In Memory of Jimmy Williams
In Memory of Nancy Swem
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Greg McQuinn
In Memory of Jerry ‘Mongo’
In Memory of Bill Trueblood
Mr. Steven N. Johnson
In Memory of Mary Trueblood
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jackson
In Memory of Dale Ullery
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Mr. & Mrs. Pat Underwood
In Memory of Donald B. Smith
In Memory of Helen Walls
Mrs. Donald (Jane) B. Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Ryan
In Memory of Norman Sorrell
In Memory of Bob Wathen
Mr. & Mrs. Jim R. Butcher
Ms. Jane Williams
In Memory of Bob Spencer
In Memory of Katheryn Weinberger
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Rayles
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Sparks
In Memory of Nancy Jane Stemler
In Memory of Winifred Whittaker
Isabelle & Sherry Hayes
Hilda & Kevin Burns
In Memory of Mimby Aerne
Ms. Joellen Striebel
In Memory of Linda L. Wilson
Mrs. Doris E. Chapman
LaCinda & Ben Chapman
In Memory of Ray Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Willard Wilson
In Memory of Robert & Myrtle
Mr. & Mrs. Dick Wingard
In Memory of Kathy Wood
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Hinders
In Memory of Paul Workman
Clint & Tia Federer & Sons,
Verliet Burrell, Sonny &
Sharon Gerber
Mrs. Carolyn Pearson
Ms. Joy L. Senasec
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Summers
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel D. White
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. White
Mr. & Mrs. Ron E. White
Mrs. Marolyn J. Workman
In Memory of Greg Zinn (cont.)
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Koehler
Mr. & Mrs. Greg M. Michael
Mr. & Mrs. David A. Packard
Mr. & Mrs. James Payne
Dr. & Mrs. William Record
Dottye Robeson
Mr. & Mrs. Lanny Seward
Vince & Dawn Seward &
Mr. & Mrs. Lonnie Spesard
Mr. & Mrs. Terry Voorhees
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Wagoner
Ms. Ellen M. Welsh
Sandra Welsh
Zinn Family Charitable
Foundation/Mr. & Mrs.
Dale Zinn
In Memory of Ralph E. Zinn
Mrs. Mary Zinn
In Memory of Julia Zurschmiede
Mr. & Mrs. Claude Caddell
Mrs. Nancy Fullerton
*Denotes Deceased
In Memory of J. Allen Wyrick
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brinson
Mrs. Carol Coleman*
Mr. & Mrs. Connie Coleman
In Memory of Greg Zinn
John & Linda Barry
Mr. & Mrs. Dick N. Bishop
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Brown
Mr. & Mrs. William Brutus
Mr. & Mrs. Milt Cole/Cole
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cripe
Ms. Susie Dyke
Friends at Fisher & Associates
Excel Tool & Engineering
Expression Silk Screen
Farm Credit Mid-America
3 Leg Table Co.
The Farmers Bank
Dr. Charles & Lovie Adams
Financial Builders Federal
Rotary Memorial Trust
Credit Union
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority
Bank of Berne
Altrusa International of
Farmers Bank & Trust
Merchant Corporation
Andersons, Inc.
Lions Club
Archer Weston Funeral Home
Banner Flower House
& Associates
Barrett Farms Express, Inc.
Beard Management Corp.
Becky Seamster Dance Studio
Gangwer-Paris Ins. Agency
Benchmark Mechanical, Inc.
Geetingsville Telephone Co.
Break Away Bicycle Club
Genda Funeral Home
Bruno’s Pizzeria
Genda Funeral Home-Reinke
Bucheri McCarty & Metz
Burkhardt’s Driver Education
Burlington Kiwanis Club
House Bakery
C.C. Skiles Electric, Inc.
Campbell Family Foundation
Cardwell Built Construction
Central Labor Council
Grace Memorial Church of
Howard/Tipton AFL-CIO
God in Christ
Chi Omega Alumnae
ey Acres
Chrysler Employees
Group Real Estate
The Chrysler Foundation
Chumming Club
Cis-Crop Insurance Specialists HI Tech Label, Inc.
Howard Co. Sheriff’s Dept.
City of First Community
Howard Co. UAW Cap Council
Federal Credit Union
IBPOEW Elks Operational
City of Kokomo
Fund No. 429
Clinton Central School Corp.
Colleges of Ind.
Clinton Co. Civic Theatre
Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Cole Hardwood/Mr. & Mrs.
Indiana Packers Corporation
Milt Cole
Indiana Philanthropy Alliance
Community First Bank of
Indiana University Foundation
Howard County
Community Shares of Greater Indiana University Kokomo
Innovative Orthodontics
Ivy Tech Community College
Community Women’s Guild
Cone Palace
Green Tractor
Cook McDoogal’s Irish Pub
V’s Main Street Grille
J & L Crum Farms
Mobile Home Parks
Crume-Evans Ins. Service
& Associates
Cyclone Grain/Sedalia Grain
Davison Farms
Dirt n Turf
Timothy R. Downey Insurance KHS Class of 1969
Corbin K. King, Attorney
Duke Energy
Kiwanis Club Foundation of
Encompass Credit Union
Eriks Chevrolet, Inc.
Koenig Equipment, Inc.
Kokomo Area Career Center
Kokomo Baseball
Kokomo Festivals
Kokomo Herald
Kokomo Howard Co. Public
Kokomo New Car Dealers Assoc.
Kokomo School Corporation
Kramer Lumber Co., Inc.
Dick Krieg Motors, Inc.
Lafayette Bank and Trust
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Major Saver Holdings, Inc.
Martin Brothers TV &
McClelland Family Foundation
H.E. McGonigal
Merrell Brothers
Michigantown High School
Michigantown Maramart
Michigantown Stone Co.
Mid America Beverage
Minich - May Farms
Monsanto Fund
Moore Title & Escrow, Inc.
Moore’s Pie Shop
Newell Gas and Appliances
NISOURCE Corp. Services
Dr. Gregory Norman
John Henry Owens Trust
Pickard Enterprises
PTI Machining, Inc.
Quality Plumbing & Heating
Realtors Assoc. of Central Ind.
Regions Insurance, Inc.
Ristow Farm Partners, LLC
Salin Bank & Trust Company
Second Baptist Church
Security Federal Savings Bank
Select Equipment Company
Sequel Motion
SERVPRO of Boone &
Clinton Counties
SIA Foundation, Inc.
Smith Financial
Smithville Charitable
Solidarity Federal Credit Union
Solutions Day Spa
Sound of Music
Speed Shop Motorsports
St. Joseph Hospital & Health
Stephan’s IGA Food Store
Stout & Son, Inc.
Strickler Jewelers, Inc.
Subaru of Indiana Automotive
Swine Health Services
Tipton County Foundation
Tri Green Tractor, LLC
Tri Kappa Associate Chapter
UAW Local 1302 - SBU Chrysler
UAW Local 685
United Way for Clinton Co.
United Way of Central Indiana
United Way of Greater Lafayette
& Tippecanoe Co.
United Way of Kennebec Valley
Wabash National Corporation
Waddell’s IGA
Wampler Services, Inc.
Wells Fargo Advisors
Wendy’s-Dave’s Way Restaurant
Wildcat AG Supply
The Wyman Group
YMCA of Kokomo
Dan Young GMC - Tipton
In Honor of John & Suzanne Allen
In Honor of Ralph Ray Coulter
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph R. Coulter
In Honor of Andrew J. Robertson
In Honor of Austin Elliott
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. J. Daniel Robertson
In Honor of Ty & Barbara Gable
In Honor of James Arbuckle
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rule
In Honor of Bill & Jean Beard
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Dr. Lawrence R. Phillips
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
In Honor of Tom & Jan Archibald
In Honor of Meridith Wagner,
De Etta Chezam, Lori Waite,
Ashley Shanks, Elsbeth Merk,
Jim Crowder, Terry Shees,
Debbie Young, Mary (Arbuckle)
Baker, Gil Hendrickson
Reja-e Busailah
Dirt n Turf
Mr. Andrew Cottrell
In Honor of Dr. Greg Norman
In Honor of Barbara Siegfried
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brinson
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Goff
Mr. & Mrs. D. Lynn Grider
In Honor of William R. & Isabelle
Hayes Sr.
Alisa J. Appleton
Denise D. Denham
Shannon Keyser
Hilda & Kevin Burns
In Honor of Cesar Terron
In Honor of Cecil & Hazel Roberts
In Honor of Peggy Hollingsworth
Vince & Dawn Seward
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
In Honor of Les Bergum
In Honor of Garnet Snyder
In Honor of Mike Stegall
In Honor of Richard & Virginia Rea
In Honor of Jack & Nancy Helton
In Honor of Jon Charles Smith
Dr. Eric Stark
Ms. Sherry L. Hayes
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Ms. Mary A. Lechner
In Honor of Dr. Herbert Miller
In Honor of Rex Gingerich
In Honor of Jean Beard
Hilda & Kevin Burns
In Honor of Vince Seward
Ms. Peggy A. Hollingsworth
Mr. & Mrs. Allan L. Roberts
Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bradshaw
In Honor of Andy & Melissa
David & Sara Pierce
Isaac & Holly Hook
In Honor of Ben, Nate & Josh
In Honor of Bob Brinson
In Honor of Keith & Phyllis Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn A. Crum
Vince & Dawn Seward
In Honor of Patricia Robertson
In Honor of Sam & Jane Zook
Mrs. Carol Coleman*
Mr. & Mrs. Van Taylor
In Honor of Marty Butler
In Honor of Mary Lechner
Ms. Barbara H. Youngflesh
Vince & Dawn Seward
In Honor of Kent Ryan
*Denotes Deceased
In Honor of Vicki Boles
Ms. E. Ann Kilcline
Dr. & Mrs. Matthew Waninger
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Make a Lasting Difference
Your gift to the Community Foundation can be
doubled through Lilly Endowment’s Giving Indiana
Funds for Tomorrow (GIFT) match initiative. We also offer a
variety of tax-deductible ways to give that are eligible for the
$1 Million for Howard County/$500,000 for
Carroll and Clinton Counties — For every $1
given to a community endowment unrestricted
fund, the match will be $1. Gifts to the Foundation’s other types of
funds will be matched $.50 for every $1 given.
When the challenge is successfully met, grant
dollars will be put to work in our communities.
Endowed Funds
The following is a listing of endowment funds that are administered by the Foundation. Any person is welcome to make
contributions to any of these funds. It should be pointed out that donors might create their own named fund with a gift of $12,500
or more. Donors can name their funds after themselves, their business, or a loved one as a memorial or tribute, or use some other
name that is meaningful to them.
Howard County
Community Endowment Funds
•Celebration Memorial Fund
•Community Endowment Fund
•Credit Bureau of Kokomo Fund
•First National Bank Community Endowment
•The Hunt Family Fund
•McIntyre Family Fund
•Miller Fund
•Earl W. Turner Memorial Fund
Donor-Advised Funds
•Dr. John A. & Joan E. Bowman Memorial Fund
•Central Labor Council Community Service
•Anne Darby McCann Symposium Club Fund
•Tim & Dana Davis Family Advised Fund
•The Ellis Family Endowment Fund
•Margaret Schwartz Fredrick Fund
•Ruth K. Fredrick Advised Fund
•Gingerich Family Advised Fund
•Healthier Community Endowment Fund
•The Hingst Family Fund
•Betsy & Robert Hoshaw Environmental Fund
•Robert L. Hutchins Memorial Endowment
•Kokomo Early Risers Rotary Club Fund
•Eugene & Nancy McGarvey Endowment Fund
•Stan Mohr Fund for Youth
•William M. Morgan Endowment Fund
•Rayl Family Fund in Memory of Richard L. ‘Dick’ Rayl
•Second Chance Endowment Fund
•The Severns Family Fund
•Michael L. Spear Fund in Memory of Amber Spear
•Joe & Katie Thatcher Endowment Fund
•Phillip and Dee Ann Weaver Endowment Fund
•J.D. and Lynn Young Endowment Fund
•Young Leaders Endowment Fund
Designated/Agency Funds
•Ann N. Adams Endowment (for First Evangelical
Presbyterian Church)
•Bette Bannon Endowment for Howard Co. Historical Society
•Bette Bannon Endowment for Kokomo Rescue Mission
•Weston and Marjorie Bassett Endowment Fund (for the
benefit of Grace United Methodist Church)
•William and Sharon Bassett Fund (benefits Bridges Outreach,
Kokomo Rescue Mission and Kokomo Urban Outreach)
•Bona Vista Endowment Fund
•Bridges Outreach Fund
•Camp Kesem Endowment Fund
•Carver Community Center Fund
•Central National Bank Symphony Fund
•Clinic of Hope Endowment Fund
•Beulah Marner Cobb Endowment (for the Howard County
Historical Society)
•Cole Hardwood Fund for Destination: Education IUK
•Community Assistance Foundation Fund
•Kenneth L. ‘Red’ Craig Fund (for Kokomo Education
Foundation General Scholarship Fund, Kokomo Rescue
Mission and Family Service Association)
•Credit Bureau-Kokomo for Destination: Education IUK
•Destination: Education IUK Endowment
•Eastern Howard Performing Arts Society Endowment
•Endowment for Visual Arts Fund (Kokomo Art Association)
•Family Service Association of Howard County
•First Congregational Christian Church Foundation Fund
•First Congregational Christian Church Life Endowment
•First Congregational Christian Church H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody
Maintenance Fund
•John Eugene Fredrick & Bessie Kitselman Fredrick Memorial
Fund (supports Bridges Outreach)
•Grace United Methodist Church Endowment
•Grace United Methodist Church Local Outreach Fund
•Grace United Methodist Church Outreach Ministry
•Greentown Historical Society Fund
•Greentown Public Library Fund
•Habitat for Humanity of the Kokomo Community Fund
•Haitian Environmental Support Program Fund
•Glen and Jeanne’ Harland Endowment (for Purdue
University-Kokomo Scholarships)
•Ruth S. Hotchkiss Memorial Fund (for the benefit of the
Howard County Historical Society)
•William S. & Susannah B. Hough Endowed KSS Chair Fund
•William S. & Susannah B. Hough IUK Scholarship Fund
•Howard Co. 4-H Scholarship Fund (Paul J. Raver memorial)
•Howard County Historical Society Fund
•Howard County Veterans Memorial Endowment
•John F. Hughes Memorial Fund (for the benefit of the
Hospice Center-Northfield Hospital, Northfield, MN)
•Maude Kelley Memorial Fund (benefits Community Howard
Regional Health System Foundation Scholarship Program)
•Kiwanis Club Foundation of Kokomo Fund
Designated Funds (continued)
•Joan Knolinski Scholarship Fund (for Kokomo Morning
Musicale Scholarships)
•Kokomo Civic Theatre Fund
•Kokomo-Howard County Public Library Fund
•Kokomo Humane Society Fund
•Kokomo Morning Musicale Fund (for scholarships)
•Kokomo New Car Dealers Association Fund (for Ivy Tech
Community College Auto Technology Scholarships)
•Kokomo Park Band Fund
•Kokomo Public Schools Education Endowment Fund
•Kokomo Public Schools Education Special Projects
Enrichment Fund
•Kokomo Rescue Mission Endowment Fund
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Davis Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Deluise Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Dunbar Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-General Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Healy Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Holman Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Kirkpatrick Fund
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Lewis Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Moore Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Showalter Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Swain Scholarship
•Kokomo School Education Foundation-Winslow Scholarship
•Kokomo Symphonic Society Fund
•Madge Morrison Long & Maxine Morrison Memorial Fund
for Howard County Historical Society
•Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Endowment
•Main Street Christian Church of Russiaville Endowment
•Norman & Wanda McVay Fund (for the benefit of
St. Luke’s United Methodist Church)
•Mike’s Italian Grill Endowment for Birthright, Inc.
•New London Cemetery Perpetual Endowment
•Durward & Rosemary Paris Fund for Grace United
Methodist Church
•Durward & Rosemary Paris Fund for Literacy Coalition
•Gene, Wilma, Heber & Blanche Parks Russiaville Town
Enhancement Fund
•H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody Fund (supports American Red Cross,
American Cancer Society, Community Foundation, Kokomo
Park Band and Marine Corps League)
•H. W. ‘Hod’ and Barbara Peabody Fund (to support
mission projects of the First Congregational Church)
•Pennfield Friends Housing Endowment Fund
•Ralph & Thelma Peters Memorial Book Fund (for the
benefit of the Eastern Elementary School Library)
•Project Access
•Redeemer Lutheran School Tuition Endowment Fund
•Robert & Daisy Rostron Sr. Fund for St. Andrew Episcopal
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America Fund
•Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Church Fund
•Samaritan Caregivers Endowment Fund
•Sesquicentennial Celebration Fund (Howard Co. Historical
•Evelyn Iliff Stanley Fund for the Literacy Coalition
•Taylor School Corporation Fernung Fund
•John Murray Thompson Fund for the Historical Society
•Sterling P. Tignor Fund (for the Kokomo Symphonic Society)
•Tribal Trails Girl Scouts Council Endowment
•United Way of Howard County Endowment
•Urban Enterprise Association Streetscape Maintenance Fund
•Wheelchairs for Kids Endowment Fund
•Young Men’s Christian Association of Kokomo
•R. Franklin Zehring Endowment Fund (Kokomo Rescue
Mission, Grace United Methodist Church, Grace Baptist
Church and United Methodist Church of Bennetts Switch)
Field of Interest Funds
•Gary F. Carmichael Family Fund (for youth enrichment)
•Children’s Fund
•Eva Cripe Endowment Fund (for medical treatment of
heart disease, leukemia or mental illness)
•Early Childhood Education Center Fund
•First Congregational Christian Church “Closet” Fund (for
students in Howard County middle schools)
•William S. and Susannah B. Hough Youth Fund
•Virginia M. McKay Fund (for “Magic Closet” at Kokomo
High School or Howard County schools)
•Senior Citizens’ Fund
•Thomas E. & Ruth Fredrick Sheridan Endowment (to
support areas of interest in child care, beautification, youth
and Destination: Education IUK)
•Society of Crippled Children and Adults of Howard County
Fund (for the physically and mentally handicapped)
•Women’s Fund
•Youth Council Fund
Operating Endowment Funds
•Bill and Marilyn Bersbach Operating Endowment
•Robert C. ‘Chuck’ Bucheri Operating Endowment
•Kevin and Hilda Burns Operating Endowment
•Credit Bureau of Kokomo Operating Fund
•Directors Fund
•First National Bank Operating Endowment
•Foundation Operating Fund
•Key Bank Operating Endowment
•Liberty Financial Group Operating Fund
•Betse Severns McCullough Memorial Fund
•Miles & Finch Operating Endowment Fund
•Herbert and Lillian Miller Fund
•NiSource Operating Endowment Fund
•Hod Peabody Operating Fund
•Rick and Diane Smith Operating Fund
•Syndicate Sales Operating Endowment
•Don L. Wilhelm Fund
•R. Franklin Zehring Operating Endowment
Scholarship Funds
•Adams Rotary Memorial Scholarship (nursing/ medical degrees)
•Carl Anderson Scholarship Fund (for education degrees)
•Kathie Beatty Memorial Scholarship Fund (for Western
High School graduates attending Purdue University)
•Alex and Kitty Bell Scholarship Fund (for Kokomo High
School graduates who participated in sports or cheerleading)
•Jenny Michelle Butler Memorial Scholarship (for graduates
who attend First Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
•Russena L. Comer Scholarship (for educational field degrees)
•Community Foundation Scholarship Fund (for finalists
in the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship program)
•M. Joyce Cook Memorial Scholarship Fund (for elementary
education, ministry, or mission field degrees)
•Richard Crosser Memorial Scholarship for Kokomo Schools
(degrees in architecture, building technology or business)
•Richard Crosser Memorial Scholarship for Taylor Schools
(degrees in architecture, building technology or business)
•Roy L. Crume Fund (Howard, Carroll, Cass, Clinton, Grant,
Miami and Tipton county high school graduates who are
attending a two-year trade or business school)
•Jesse W. Dunn Total Effort Scholarship (for Kokomo
High School graduates who participated in sports)
•Max M. Earl Memorial Scholarship (Howard Co. residents
who are attending Indiana University School of Medicine)
•Richard L. & Marion J. Eller Scholarship Endowment Fund
(for students from Clay, Ervin, and/or Howard Townships)
•Jean E. Farrar Fager Scholarship (Kokomo High School
graduates studying education)
•Winifred M. Farwick Scholarship (Western High School)
•Mary C. Fingleton Fund (for accounting degree majors)
•Rick Fingleton Scholarship Fund
•Betty E. Fowler Scholarship (for Maconaquah and
Northwestern high school studying fine arts/piano)
•John P. Fredrick Destination: Education Purdue University
at Kokomo
•Tony Gabriel Student Athlete Scholarship (for Taylor High
School students who participated in high school sports)
•Goodfellows Scholarship (for students who participate in
Destination: Education IUK)
•Hamilton-Middleton Scholarship Fund (Western High School
graduates studying business or history)
•W.G. Harter Memorial Scholarship (for Kokomo High
School graduates studying engineering and engineering
•C. V. Haworth Memorial Scholarship (for Kokomo High
School graduates attending Indiana University Kokomo
or Bloomington campus)
•Holtson Family Teacher’s Fund (non-traditional students)
•Gerald & Trudy Hood Memorial Scholarship (for
Northwestern High School graduates becoming a teacher)
•William S. & Susannah B. Hough Memorial Scholarship (for
Howard County high school graduates who will attend
Indiana University Kokomo, Purdue University Kokomo,
or Ivy Tech Community College in Kokomo)
•Betty Lou James Scholarship (Western High School
graduates who have studied family and consumer sciences)
•Melissa Anson Jarrell, DDS Fund
•Patricia F. Johnson Scholarship (Kokomo High School)
•Knolinski Family Scholarship Fund (for degree in
mathematics, accounting, science, and/or engineering)
•Kokomo Country Club Scholarship (Howard County students)
•Kokomo High School Spirit of 1961 Scholarship Fund
•Kokomo High School Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund
•Kokomo High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund
•Kokomo Woman’s Department Club Fund (for students
attending Ivy Tech Community College in Kokomo)
•Lechner Memorial Scholarship (Howard County graduates)
•Kathy A. Name Memorial Scholarship (for Howard
County high school graduates studying nursing)
•Stan Nicholson Memorial Scholarship (Eastern High School)
•John Henry Owens Scholarship Fund (degree related to retail
•Linda F. Pagel Scholarship (for Western and Tri-Central
high school graduates)
•Gene & Wilma Parks Scholarship (Kokomo High School)
•Gene & Wilma Parks Scholarship (Western High School)
•H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody BSA Scholarship
•John Pitzer Scholarship (for Kokomo High School graduates
attending Indiana University)
•Kathy Ann Pylat Scholarship (for Western High School
graduates attending a state-supported school in Indiana)
•R.A.C.I. Scholarship Fund
•Abby Kathryn Rethlake Memorial Scholarship (for students
studying cosmetology)
•Judy & Dennis Schulte Fund for Future Teachers* (Kokomo,
Northwestern & Western high school graduates)
•Shuckstrong Scholarship (Northwestern High School)
•Donald B. Smith Memorial/Central Bank Scholarship Fund
(Howard County high school graduates studying business)
•Mike Stegall CEO Fund
•Helen & Morris Stout Scholarship Fund (for Howard
County graduates for education beyond high school)
•Thacker Memorial Scholarship (Howard County graduates
attending Indiana University or Purdue University)
•Sadie A. Townsend Memorial Scholarship (for Kokomo
High School graduates)
•Tri Kappa Associate Chapter Memorial Scholarship Fund
(for educational scholarships)
•Turnaround Scholarship Fund (Howard County graduates)
•Western High School Class of 1962 Scholarship
•Western High School Class of 1963 Scholarship
•Western Women’s Scholarship (for Western High School
female graduates)
•Frederick E. Wideman, MD Taylor Student Athlete
Scholarship (for Taylor High School graduates who have
participated in high school sports)
•Wiese Oldsmobile GMC Truck Scholarship (for Howard
Co. high school graduates who will attend Purdue University)
•R. Franklin Zehring Scholarship (for Howard County high
school graduates who need financial assistance)
Non-Permanent Funds
•Celebrating Love Fund
•Community Values Fund
•Computer Literacy Fund
•Theodore Dabrowski Fund
•Greater Kokomo/Howard Co. Community Projects Fund
•Greentown Community Building Fund
•June Brown Hill PEO Nursing Scholarship
•Howard County Child Care Fund
•Paul Jones Fund
•Danny Keating, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Kokomo Community Health Care Fund
•The Millennium Fund
•William and Delores Oberndorfer Fund
•Russiaville Historical Society Special Projects Fund
•Tomorrow’s Hope
•Whorwell Musicianship Fund for Eastern High School
•World in Motion Fund
*Denotes a Legacy Fund
The Legacy Society
The Legacy Society is a very special honorary organization within the Foundation. It recognizes those forward
thinking individuals who have remembered a fund within the Foundation in their estate planning or gift planning.
A legacy gift can be made to one or more of the existing funds in the Foundation or can be used to establish a new
fund to support the charitable organization of the donor’s choice. There are several ways this can be done. Estate
planning vehicles include:
Beneficiary Designation of IRA & Qualified Retirement Plans Bequests in Wills
Charitable Gift Annuities
Charitable Remainder Trust
Charitable Lead Trust
Retained Life Estate
Life Insurance
You do not have to disclose the amount or nature of your gift to the Foundation to become a member of the Legacy
Society. You may also choose to be recognized anonymously.
By giving to the Community Foundation, you can be assured that your gift will exist as a permanent charitable
endowment, where only the income from the gift will be used for the purpose you intend.
To learn how you can support your favorite charity for generations to come, contact the Foundation office at
(765) 454-7298 or (800) 964-0508 or by e-mail at [email protected].
Current Legacy Society members have already taken steps to provide support to the community until the end of time,
and we certainly appreciate their level of commitment.
The Legacy Society Member Listing
Ann N. Adams*
Carol Lee Allen
Bette Bannon*
Leland & Bonnie Baxter
William J. & R. Jean Beard
Rita Beatty*
Robert* & Meg Bracken
M. Lucille Brown*
Terry & Amelda Callender
John Connelly*
Kenneth L. ‘Red’ Craig*
Thomas C. Crawford
Eva Cripe*
Elizabeth F. Demaree
Lois J. Dowden*
George & Betty Dunbar*
Joe Dunbar
Richard ‘Dick’* & Marion Eller
G. Richard Ellis*
Ruth Felix*
Richard Fingleton*
Glenn & Mary Fisher
Betty E. Fowler*
John Fredrick*
Richard Funkhouser
Carolyn Gilbert*
Rex & Kara Gingerich
Edith Gould*
Anna May Hamilton*
Ron & Liz Harper
Reynolds B. Hart*
Dr. Emita Hill
John & Hilda Hingst*
Rick & Darlene Homkes
Betsy & Bob Hoshaw
William & Sue Hough*
Matthew ‘Pete’ Jackson*
Grace Jay*
Carroll Johnson
Deborah Johnson*
Ruth Johnson
Joan B. Kellum
Patrick Kennedy
John C. Kuhns
Paul & Sue Manning
Marshall McCammack
Greg & Pam Michael
Lou Ann Mitchell
William & Doris Mohr*
James T. Nelson*
George & Mary Ogle*
Gene & Wilma Parks*
Phillip & Ruth Ann Pate
Hod* & Mary Ann Peabody
James & Sandra Pohlman
Bret & Michelle Rinehart
Martin & Jeanette Rinehart
LeRoy Robeson*
Winifred ‘Kitty’ Robinson*
Herbert & Marjorie Ruch*
Ruth Derrick Ruch*
Bob & Eleanor Ryan*
Orville Shultheis*
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Mike Spear
Helen Stout*
Mary Lou Stuart*
Jim & Barbara Swisshelm
Wendy Thompson
Gail Trammell
Gordon & Shirley Wagoner
Gail & Beatrice Weedman*
Phyllis Widener*
Imogene Winslow*
David & Elisabeth Wright
Robert & Carol Wright Sr.
R. Franklin Zehring*
Jeff & Paula Zollman
*Denotes Deceased
Carroll County
Field of Interest Funds
Community Endowment Funds
•Richard L. Funkhouser Fund (benefits Carroll Co. history)
•Carroll County Community Endowment Fund
•Directors’ Fund
•Alan & Linda Jackson Community Fund
Operating Endowment Funds
•Carroll County Community Foundation Operating
Donor-Advised Funds
•Burlington Kiwanis Fund
•Mid-North Indiana Executive Committee for Christ
•Brad & Mary Jo Watson Advised Fund
•Jerry Young Memorial Endowment Fund
Designated/Agency Funds
•Beta Alpha Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Fund (for the benefit
of the arts and education programs-Carroll Schools)
•Carroll County 4-H Fund
•Carroll County Community Center Fund
•Carroll County Wabash and Erie Canal Fund
•CDC Resources Fund for Children & Adults with Disabilities
•Delphi Preservation Society
•Flora-Monroe Township Public Library Endowment
•Flora United Methodist Church Fund*
•Reynolds B. Hart Endowment Fund (for ARC for Carroll Co.,
Sagamore Council BSA and Central Indiana Girl Scouts)
•Mildred L. Helvie Fund (benefits of Trinity Lutheran Church)
•M.E. ‘Pete’ & Joan Jackson Community Fund
•Pearl Kennedy Fund for the Camden-Jackson Public Library
•Lockport Church Endowment Fund
•Marshall & Patsy McCammack Fund for Care for the Poor
(Flora Presbyterian Church)
•John & Mary McCormick Fund for Carroll County
Community Center
•John & Mary McCormick Fund for St. Joseph Catholic
•Robert & Dorothy Mills Endowment Fund (for YMCA Camp
•Obear Fund In Memory of James O. & Emma Jackson Obear
(for YMCA Camp Tecumseh Camperships)
•John C. and Doris M. Peterson Fund for the Carroll County
Historical Society
•Richard ‘Dick’ & Gretchen Roach Fund (for Oak Grove
Christian Church)
•George A Schmidt NICHES Fund
•Helen R. Skinner Fund for the Delphi Public Library
•Katheryn Weinberger Fund to Combat Hunger (through
activities of the Flora Presbyterian Church)
•Katheryn Weinberger Library Fund (for the Camden-Jackson
Public Library)
•Don and Jean Willy Endowment Fund (for the benefit of
YMCA Camp Tecumseh)
•YMCA Camp Tecumseh Fund
•Ralph E. Zinn Memorial Fund (for the benefit of
programs of the Carroll County Community Center)
Scholarship Funds
•Todd Burman Memorial Scholarship (for graduates of
Delphi Community High School and Carroll High School)
•Community Foundation Scholarship Fund (for finalists
in the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship program)
•John & Kathie Connelly Scholarship Fund
•Fisher & Associates Accounting Scholarship Fund (Carroll
County graduates, including home-schooled students)
•Carolyn Gilbert Scholarship Fund (for Carroll High School)
•Indiana Packers Corporation Scholarship Fund (for
Carroll County high school graduates studying agriculture)
•Irving E. Manning Memorial Scholarship Fund (for
Carroll High School graduates)
•Robert and Joan Maxwell Scholarship Fund
•Joan McCain Scholarship Fund (for Delphi Community
High School graduates)
•John McCormick Agricultural Scholarship Fund (for Delphi
Community High School graduates)
•Lewis & Hazel Mullin Scholarship Fund (for graduates of
Delphi Community High School)
•Bill Pearson Scholarship Fund (Carroll County students
pursuing a degree in an agricultural field)
•Robeson/Barber Scholarship Fund For Teachers
•Robert Thornburg Scholarship Fund (Carroll High School)
Non-Permanent Funds
•Carroll County United Fund
•Steve & Angie May Advised Fund
•Dorothy Stark Scholarship Fund
*Legacy Fund
“Remember that the happiest
people are not those getting
more, but those giving more.”
— H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Clinton County
Community Endowment Funds
•William J. and R. Jean Beard Fund for Clinton County
•Bob and Meg Bracken Community Fund
•Clinton County Community Endowment Fund
•Directors’ Fund
•Vincent E. & Lois J. Dowden Unrestricted Fund
•Farmers Bank Community Fund
•First Merchants Foundation Community Fund
•First Merchants Foundation Fund in Recognition of
Dr. Frank Beardsley
•Robert E. and Martha Lucas Hall Family Endowment
•Herbert & Marjorie Ruch Endowment Fund for Clinton Co.
•Robert K. and Eleanor Ryan Community Fund
•Bob & Janet Thorley Community Fund
Donor-Advised Funds
•Jill Carroll Fund
•Clinton Central Education Foundation Advised Fund
•Hunter Family Advised Fund
•Greg & Karen Miller Advised Fund
•Ransom Family Advised Fund
Designated/Agency Funds
•William J. and R. Jean Beard Endowment Fund (YMCA)
•Boys and Girls Club Endowment Fund
•Ralph and Mary Butler Endowment Fund (for benefit of
St. Paul Cemetery and Forest United Methodist Church)
•Ralph and Mary Butler Endowment Fund II (for benefit
of Forest United Methodist Church)
•Camp Cullom Fund
•Meurice and Lurline Catron Fund (for benefit of St. VincentFrankfort Hospital Foundation)
•R. Maurice Clendenning and W. Forest Clendenning Fund
(for benefit of Mulberry Centennial Park)
•Clinton Central Education Foundation Children In Need
•Clinton Central School Corporation Facilities Fund (for
development and maintenance of new and existing facilities)
•Clinton Co. Abilities Services-Garald Gill Endowment Fund
•Clinton County 4-H Scholarship and Education Fund
•Clinton County Humane Society Fund
•Clinton County YMCA Endowment Fund
•COACH Kids Fund
•Walter V. Coapstick Fund (Geetingsville Presbyterian Church)
•Community Schools of Frankfort Education Foundation
Endowment Fund
•Sara J. Costlow Memorial Teachers’ Fund (for support of
teachers of “at risk” Frankfort elementary school students)
•Emma J. Dinwiddie Fund (for benefit of First Evangelical
Presbyterian Church of Frankfort)
•Ione Dinwiddie Nurses Fund (St. Vincent-Frankfort Hospital
Foundation for continuing education of nurses)
•First Christian Church of Frankfort Endowment Fund
•Frankfort Community Public Library Local History and
Genealogy Fund
•Frankfort Community Public Library Materials Fund
•Friends of the Frankfort Public Library
•Nancy N. Fullerton Fund for the Anna and Harlan Hubbard
School of Living (at Frankfort Community Public Library)
•Bill Goodwin Youth Fund (for memberships and/or
equipment for needy children at the Clinton County Boys
and Girls Club)
•George and Mary Ellen Hammersley Endowment Fund
(for benefit of Wesley Manor and First Christian Church)
•Franklin W. and Anna Mae Harper Memorial Fund (for
benefit of the Good Samaritan Fund at Wesley Manor)
•Bob & Phyllis Hawley Fund for Kirklin Christian Church
•Ralph C. and Hilda H. Hinshaw Fund (for benefit of
Frankfort Community Public Library)
•Jackson-Frazier Families Memorial Endowment Fund (for
benefit of Rainbow Haven)
•Carroll C. Johnson 4-H Fund
•Jesse & Martha Killmer Membership Fund (for the benefit
of First Evangelical Presbyterian Church)
•Bob & Jane Mohler Family Fund (for the benefit of the Public
School Foundation of Rossville Consolidated Schools)
•William M. and Doris Mohr Fund (Wesley Manor)
•Walter H. & Vera I. Moore Education Fund (for the benefit of
Rossville Consolidated Schools)
•Mulberry Community Library Endowment
•Mulberry High School Alumni Association Endowment Fund
(for benefit of Mulberry Community Library)
•George and Mary Ogle Fund (for benefit of Witham Hospital)
•On-Stage Foundation Fund - Red Barn Theatre Fund
•Keith and Mildred Otterman Fund (for benefit of St. VincentFrankfort Hospital Foundation)
•Paul & Mary Jane Phillippe Fund (for benefit of operation
of the Paul Phillippe Resource Center)
•Marie Rice Fund (for benefit of First Christian Church,
Michigantown, Indiana)
•Rossville Community Library Endowment Fund
•Rossville Education Foundation Endowment Fund
•Rossville Presbyterian Church Endowment Fund
•Herbert & Marjorie Ruch Fund (for benefit of Wesley Manor)
•Ruth Derrick Ruch Fund (for benefit of St. Matthew United
Methodist Church)
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund for the Frankfort Community
Public Library (for the children’s theater program)
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund for the Indiana University
Foundation (for benefit of English Dept.-Bloomington)
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund (for the United Way for
Clinton County)
•St. Matthew United Methodist Church Endowment Fund
•Mary Lou Stuart Fund for Riley Hospital
•Jerry ‘Mongo’ Thompson Fund (Clinton County Civic Theatre
and Frankfort Community Public Library)
•United Way for Clinton County Endowment Fund
•Helen G. Walls Fund (Clinton County Humane Society)
Field of Interest Funds
•Clinton County Education Fund
Operating Endowment Fund
•Citizens Savings Bank Operating Fund
•Clinton County Community Foundation Operating Fund
•Clinton County Hospital Memorial Fund
•Farmers Bank Operating Endowment Fund
•First Merchants Foundation Operating Endowment Fund
•Frankfort Development Corporation Operating Fund
•Robert and Eleanor Ryan Operating Endowment
Scholarship Funds
•A. J. Archibald Memorial Scholarship (for Clinton Central
High School graduates)
•Bailey Trucking Scholarship (Clinton County residents)
•Beta Tau Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Sorority Advised
Scholarship (for graduate degree in speech pathology)
•Robert Brinson Scholarship Fund (for Clinton Central High
School graduates)
•Jenny Butler Scholarship (for Clinton Central High School
graduates studying nursing, ministry, or Christian education)
•Clinton Central High School Vision Scholarship
•Clarence Cochran Agricultural Scholarship (for Clinton
Central and Clinton Prairie high school graduates
studying in the area of vocational education or agriculture)
•Community Foundation Scholarship Fund (for finalists
in the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship program)
•Vincent and Lois Dowden Scholarship (for Clinton Central
High School graduates)
Town of Rossville
Rossville Town Park
•Anna Fudge Field and Mary S. Field Endowment (for
graduates of Clinton County public high schools)
•Frankfort High School Scholarship Fund
•Louise & Robert Hedgcock History Essay Scholarship (for
Frankfort High School students)
•Vern & Lillian Kaspar Scholarship (for graduates of Clinton
Central, Clinton Prairie and Frankfort high schools
studying physics, engineering or mathematics)
•Michigantown High School Alumni Scholarship Fund
(for students in the Michigan/Warren Township areas)
•William & Doris Mohr Scholarship (for graduates of Clinton
County public high schools)
•Mulberry High School Alumni Association Scholarship
(for students in the Mulberry/Madison Township area)
•Wilbur T. Rule Team Player Scholarship (for Clinton Central
High School graduates who participated in sports)
•Robert K. Ryan Scholarship (for Frankfort High School
graduates - through Frankfort Education Foundation)
•Barbara K. Siegfried Scholarship (for Clinton Central High
School graduates)
•Strange Family Scholarship (for Clinton Central High
School graduates studying agriculture or information
•Phyllis M. Widener Music Scholarship (for Clinton County
high school students pursuing a career in music)
•J. Allen Wyrick Memorial Scholarship (for Clinton Central
High School graduates attending Purdue University)
Non Permanent Funds
•Clinton Central Education Foundation Fund
•Prairie Creek Walk Fund
•Greg A. Scofield Scholarship Fund
Salvation Army of Clinton County
Shelter Bedding
Grants - Howard County
Advised Funds
Donors may take an active role by making suggestions on which charitable causes to support.
Ruth K. Fredrick Advised Fund
•Kokomo Family YMCA, Youth Memberships, $1,000
Kokomo Early Risers Rotary Club Fund
•Kokomo Family YMCA, Capital Campaign, $3,000
Gingerich Family Advised Fund
•City of Kokomo, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Memorial
Project, $10,000
Anne Darby McCann Symposium Club Fund
•Kokomo-Howard County Public Library, $1,368
Hingst Family Fund
•BLUSH, $1,000
•Howard Co. Historical Society, Annual Campaign, $2,000
•IndianaFIRST, Kokomo FIRST Robotics Competition, $1,000
•Kokomo Symphonic Society, $1,000
•Lutheran Church Missouri Synod, Mission Advancement, $100,000
•Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, $13,000
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, Facility
Maintenance and Equipment Purchase, $10,000
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, Camp Cary
Swimming Pool Replacement, $24,000
•United Way of Howard County, $20,000
Robert L. Hutchins Memorial Endowment
•Kokomo Urban Outreach, $500
•Monastery of the Poor Clares, $300
•Salvation Army, $200
Eugene & Nancy McGarvey Endowment Fund
•CAM Drop-In Center, $500
•Indiana University Kokomo, $400
•Ivy Tech Community College, $400
•Kokomo Rescue Mission, $1,000
•Kokomo Urban Outreach, $1,000
William M. Morgan Endowment Fund
•Chapel Hill Christian Church, $10,000
•CAM Drop-In Center, $4,000
•Kokomo Family YMCA, Capital Campaign, $2,636
•Kokomo Humane Society, Capital Campaign, $2,636
Joe & Katie Thatcher Endowment Fund
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, $18,001
J.D. & Lynn Young Endowment Fund
•Kokomo Family YMCA, Capital Campaign, $2,500
•Kokomo Humane Society, Capital Campaign, $2,500
Paul Jones Fund
•Kokomo Humane Society, $1,000
•Kokomo Rescue Mission, Thanksgiving Dinners, $1,000
•Salvation Army, Thanksgiving Dinners, $1,000
Designated Funds
Grants from designated and agency funds benefit non-profit organizations as specified by the donors.
Ann N. Adams Endowment
•First Evangelical Presbyterian Church, $29,920
Camp Kesem Endowment Fund
•Camp Kesem, $216
William & Sharon Bassett Fund
•Bridges Outreach, $240
•Kokomo Rescue Mission, $240
•Kokomo Urban Outreach, $240
Carver Community Center Fund
•Carver Community Center, $240
Bona Vista Programs
•Bona Vista Endowment Fund, $228
•Wheelchairs for Kids Endowment Fund, $2,520
Bridges Outreach
•Bridges Outreach Fund, $376
•John Eugene Fredrick & Bessie Kitselman Fredrick Memorial
Fund, $1,008
Clinic of Hope Endowment Fund
•Clinic of Hope, $472
Community Assistance Foundation Fund
•Children’s Organ Transplant Association, $796
•IOPO Foundation, $796
Endowment for the Visual Arts Fund
•Kokomo Art Association, $536
Family Service Association
•Kenneth L. ‘Red’ Craig Fund, $300
Kokomo Civic Theatre Fund
•Kokomo Civic Theatre, $224
First Congregational Christian Church
•First Congregational Christian Church Found. Fund, $10,860
•First Congregational Christian Church H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody
Maintenance Fund, $3,304
•H.W. ‘Hod’ & Barbara Peabody Fund, $664
Kokomo Humane Society Fund
•Kokomo Humane Society, $212
Grace United Methodist Church
•Weston & Marjorie Bassett Endowment Fund, $6,916
•Grace United Methodist Church, $428
•Grace United Methodist Church Local Outreach Fund, $1,720
•Grace United Methodist Church Outreach Ministry, $692
•Durward & Rosemary Paris Endowment Fund, $240
•R. Franklin Zehring Endowment Fund, $456
Greentown Historical Society Fund
•Greentown Historical Society, $1,392
Greentown Public Library Fund
•Greentown Public Library, $1,292
Habitat for Humanity of the Kokomo Community Fund
•Habitat for Humanity of the Kokomo Community, $552
Haitian Environmental Support Program Fund
•Haitian Environmental Support Program, $300
Howard County 4-H Fund
•Howard County 4-H, $750
Howard County Historical Society
•Bette Bannon Fund for Howard Co. Historical Society, $2,080
•Beulah Marler Cobb Endowment Fund, $1,544
•Howard County Historical Society Fund, $6,916
•Ruth S. Hotchkiss Memorial Fund, $416
•Madge Morrison Long & Maxine Morrison Memorial Fund, $364
•Sesquicentennial Celebration Fund, $2,112
•John Murray Thompson Memorial Fund, $344
Howard County Veterans Memorial Endowment Fund
•Howard County Veterans Memorial Corporation, $5,564
John F. Hughes Memorial Fund
•Northfield Hospital & Skilled Nursing, $1,000
Indiana University Kokomo
•Credit Bureau-Destination: Education IUK, $5,448
•Destination: Education IUK, $5,792
•Destination: Education IUK Agency, $424
•Cole Hardwood Fund, Destination: Education IUK, $4,188
•William S. & Susannah B. Hough IUK Scholarship, $3,000
Maude Kelley Memorial Fund
•Community Howard Regional Health Sys. Foundation, $3,364
Kokomo Morning Musicale
•Joan Knolinski Scholarship Fund, $650
•Kokomo Morning Musicale Scholarship Fund, $912
Kokomo New Car Dealers Association Fund
•Ivy Tech Community College, $1,000
Kokomo Park Band Fund
•Kokomo Park Band, $1,064
•H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody Fund, $320
Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation Fund
•Kenneth L. ‘Red’ Craig Fund, $300
•William & Cora Davis Scholarship, $450
•Kay Deluise Scholarship, $350
•Joe Dunbar Scholarship, $1,000
•General Scholarship, $1,798
•Linda Healy Scholarship, $500
•Joan Holman Scholarship, $700
•Kokomo Public Schools Education Foundation, $2,452
•Kokomo Public Schools Education Special Projects
Enrichment, $3,844
•Frank Moore Scholarship, $400
•James Swain Scholarship, $350
•Imogene Winslow Scholarship, $8,000
Kokomo Rescue Mission
•Bette Bannon Fund for Kokomo Rescue Mission, $1,248
•Kenneth L. ‘Red’ Craig Fund, $300
•Kokomo Rescue Mission Endowment Fund, $296
•R. Franklin Zehring Endowment Fund, $2,280
Kokomo Symphonic Society
•Central National Bank of Howard County Endowment, $256
•William & Susannah Hough Endowed KSO Chair Fund, $408
•Kokomo Symphonic Society Fund, $540
•Sterling P. Tignor Fund, $476
Kokomo UEA Streetscape Maintenance Fund
•Urban Enterprise Zone, $868
Literacy Coalition
•Durward & Rosemary Paris Endowment Fund, $240
•Evelyn Iliff Stanley Fund for the Literacy Coalition, $676
Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer Endowment
•Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer, $3,720
Main Street Christian Church of Russiaville Fund
•Main Street Christian Church, $692
Designated Funds (continued)
Norman & Wanda McVay Endowment for St. Luke’s
United Methodist Church
•St. Luke’s United Methodist Church, $628
Mike’s Italian Grill Endowment Fund for Birthright
•Birthright of Kokomo, $696
New London Cemetery Perpetual Endowment
•New London Friends Church Cemetery, $1,532
H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody Fund
•American Cancer Society, $320
•American Red Cross, $320
•Marine Corps League, $320
Ralph & Thelma Peters Memorial Book Fund
•Eastern Howard School Corporation, $1,240
Robert & Daisy Rostron, Sr. Fund
•St. Andrew Episcopal Church, $344
Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America Fund
•Sagamore Council, BSA, $3,612
Samaritan Caregivers Endowment Fund
•Samaritan Caregivers, Inc., $696
Tribal Trails Girl Scout Council Endowment
•Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, $344
United Way of Howard County Endowment
•United Way of Howard County, Inc., $7,580
R. Franklin Zehring Endowment Fund
•Bennetts Switch United Methodist Church, $456
•Grace Baptist Church, $456
Redeemer Lutheran School Tuition Endowment Fund
•Redeemer Lutheran School, $916
Community Endowment Funds
No restrictions are placed on gifts to these funds, allowing the board of directors to address community needs.
Community Endowment Fund
Celebration Memorial Fund
Credit Bureau of Kokomo Advised Fund
First National Bank Community Endowment
The Hunt Family Fund
Earl W. Turner Memorial Fund
•City of Kokomo, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial,
•Family Service Association, Infant Mortality Reduction, $14,500
•Family Service Association, Legacy Drawing, $5,000
•Gilead House, Employability Program, $3,000
•Greater Kokomo Economic Development Alliance, Kokomo
Downtown Farmers Market - Little Sprouts, $2,000
•Habitat for Humanity, Computer and Printer, $1,110
•Habitat for Humanity, Legacy Drawing, $2,000
•Howard Co. Medical Society, Software and Office Equipment,
•Howard Co. Medical Society, Legacy Drawing, $3,000
Field of Interest Funds
Donors’ areas of interest are followed when grants are made.
Early Childhood Education Center Fund
•Indiana University Kokomo, Very Early Childhood Education
Center, $30,696.45
Eva Cripe Endowment Fund
•Mental Health America of Indiana, Van, $8,788
•Ivy Tech Community College, Doing the Dream 2015, $5,000
•Kokomo Art Association, Kokomo Art Camp, $500
•Kokomo Family YMCA, Capital Campaign, $100,000
•Kokomo Housing Authority, Summer Leadership Academy,
•Kokomo Humane Society, Capital Campaign, $100,000
•Kokomo Park Band, Summer Concerts, $3,800
•Kokomo Rescue Mission, Open Arms - Kitchen Replacement,
•Kokomo Symphonic Society, Summer Concert, $5,000
•Kokomo Urban Outreach, Breakthrough Program, $1,820
•Muscular Dystrophy Association, Summer Camp, $800
•Nickel Plate Trail, Trail Overlook, $1,500
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, Camp Buffalo
Mower Replacement, $5,000
•Samaritan Caregivers, Volunteer Recognition, $1,000
•Servants at Work, Wheelchair Ramps, $4,000
•Town of Russiaville, Jeff Stout Community Center
Beautification, $3,000
William S. & Susannah B. Hough Youth Fund
•Bridges Outreach , Moving Forward, $2,049
Society for Crippled Children and Adults of Howard
County Fund
•Bona Vista, Multi-Sensory Room, $9,982
•Mayor’s Advisory Council Scholarship Awards:
David Boger, $500
Jared Schrauben, $500
Dalton Name, $500
Jordan Tidwell, $500
Operating Funds
Gifts generate the revenue needed to sustain the operating expenses of the Foundation.
•Bill & Marilyn Bersbach Operating Endowment Fund, $632
•Robert C. ‘Chuck’ Bucheri Operating Endowment Fund, $432
•Kevin & Hilda Burns Operating Endowment, $684
•Credit Bureau Operating Endowment Fund, $13,968
•Directors’ Fund, $2,780
•First National Bank Operating Endowment Fund, $1,788
•Foundation Operating Endowment Fund, $22,404
•Key Bank Operating Endowment Fund, $968
•Liberty Financial Group Operating Endowment, $228
•Betse Severns McCullough Memorial Operating Fund, $1,020
•Miles & Finch Operating Endowment Fund, $330
•Dr. Herbert & Lillian Miller Operating Endowment, $432
•NiSource Operating Endowment Fund, $4,304
•Hod Peabody Operating Fund, $320
•Rick & Diane Smith Operating Endowment Fund, $964
•Syndicate Sales Operating Endowment, $228
•R. Franklin Zehring Operating Endowment Fund, $912
Scholarship Funds
Grants from scholarship funds benefit students in attaining their goal of higher education.
Adams Rotary Memorial Scholarship
•Kristin Antosik, $2,000
•Jennifer Brown, $2,000
•Abby Cline, $2,000
•Casey Connor, $3,000
•Amy Hudson, $2,000
•Holly Irwin, $3,000
•Ashleigh Ledford, $2,000
•Audrey Marrah, $3,000
•Casey Moore, $2,000
Max M. Earl Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Casey Connor, $600
Carl Anderson Scholarship Fund
•Cailyn Kessler, $1,000
Rick Fingleton Scholarship Fund
•Shelby Brown, $1,000
•Joel Van Auken, $1,000
Kathie Beatty Memorial Scholarship
•Hannah Randall, $1,000
Tony Gabriel Student Athlete Scholarship Fund
•Logan Barnes, $2,500
•Kalob Bitner, $2,500
•Haley Campbell, $2,500
•Nia Taper, $2,500
Alex & Kitty Bell Scholarship Fund
•Hannah Werner, $500
Jenny Michelle Butler Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Adam Lyons, $1,500
•Joel Van Auken, $1,500
Russena L. Comer Scholarship
•Logan Redman, $500
Community Foundation Scholars
(Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Finalists)
•Austin Elliott, $1,000
•Marie Holkenbrink, $1,000
•Joel Van Auken, $1,000
M. Joyce Cook Memorial Scholarship
•Leah Michel, $1,500
Roy L. Crume Scholarship
•Nickolas Banes, $2,000
•Andrew Burkett, $2,000
•Marie Garcia, $2,000
•Breann Morrow, $2,000
•Ivan Pozos, $2,000
•Dylan Bryant, $2,000
•Dustina Carson, $2,000
•Rachel Lloyd, $2,000
•Andrew Myers, $2,000
•Jenna Yeakley, $2,000
Richard L. & Marion J. Eller Scholarship Fund
•Megan Harshman, $1,150 •Alan Mast, $1,150
•Erica Plutat, $1,150
•Grace Winn, $1,150
Goodfellows Scholarship Fund
•Indiana University Kokomo, Scholarships for Destination:
Education, $4,000
Hamilton Middleton Scholarship
•Stephanie Atallah, $2,500
•Kody Augustine, $2,500
•Linda Terron Bobadilla, $2,500
Glen & Jeanne’ Harland Endowment Fund
•Purdue University-Kokomo for the Glen & Jeanne’ Harland
Scholarship, $3,000
W.G. Harter Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Kija Davis, $2,500
C. V. Haworth Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Benjamin Huff, $2,500
June Brown Hill PEO Nursing Scholarship
•Jennifer Brown, $1,000
Gerald & Trudy Hood Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Erica Plutat, $1,250
Jesse W. Dunn Total Effort Scholarship Fund
•Fletcher Miller, $500
Scholarship Funds (continued)
William S. & Susannah B. Hough Scholarship
•Courtney Cochran, $3,500 •Joshua Dugdale, $3,500
•Rachel Echelbarger, $3,500 •Shayla Elmore, $3,500
•Stephanie Helmer, $3,500 •Whitney Hicks, $3,500
•Benjamin Huff, $3,500
•Charlene Johnson, $3,500
•Dylan Orbaugh, $3,500
•Hannah Randall, $3,500
•Anthony Rentz, $3,500
•Kaylee Ridgeway, $3,500
•Cara Russell, $3,500
•Brandon Wysong, $3,500
•Sara Yeagley, $3,500
Howard-Tipton County Central Labor Council Scholarship
•Fletcher Miller, $500
•Raven Pugh, $500
Danny M. Keating, Sr. Memorial Scholarship
•Caleb Copp, $500
•Nia Taper, $500
Knolinski Family Scholarship Fund
•Marie Holkenbrink, $1,700
Kokomo Country Club Scholarship Fund
•AnneMarie Balsbaugh, $1,000
•Jeremy Breedlove, $1,000
•Erica Cline, $1,000
•Anicia Hogan, $1,000
•Jacob Hopkins, $1,000
•Garrett Miller, $1,000
•Payton Stroud, $1,000
•Katy Volikas, $1,000
•Madeline Williams, $1,000
Kokomo Early Risers Rotary Club Fund
•Alan Mast, $1,500
Kokomo High School “Spirit of 1961” Scholarship Fund
•Fletcher Miller, $1,500
Kokomo High School Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund
•Cameryn Dennis, $650
Kokomo High School Class of 1969 Scholarship Fund
•Julian Fort, $1,500
John Pitzer Scholarship Fund
•Jeremy Breedlove, $1,500
•Blake Brutus, $1,500
•Whitney Hicks, $1,500
•Ping Hu, $1,500
•Audriana Jones, $1,500
•Karen McIlrath, $1,500
•Minh Pham, $1,500
•Prajin Srivastav, $1,500
•Shelby Tickfer, $1,500
•Rebecca Wade, $1,500
•Robert Walker, $1,500
R.A.C.I. Scholarship Fund
•Caleb Copp, $500
Abby Kathryn Rethlake Memorial Scholarship
•Shawna Busch, $500
•Alissa Combs, $1,000
•Katherine Guntle, $1,000
•Alexis Johnson, $500
•Sara Leicht, $1,000
•Abbey Shepard, $500
Shuckstrong Scholarship
•Chaz Gabriel, $500
Donald B. Smith/Central Bank Memorial Community
Scholarship Fund
•Karen McIlrath, $1,000
Helen & Morris Stout Scholarship Fund
•Benjamin Akers, $2,000
•Chris Carter, $2,000
•Ryan Hartman, $2,000
•Brandon Hoeksema, $2,000
•Ryan Horner, $2,000
•Ronald Hurlocker, $2,000
•Adam Schaaf, $2,000
•David Schaaf, $2,000
•Jordan Shoemaker, $2,000 •Abram Stamper, $2,000
•Riley Vyain, $2,000
Sadie Townsend Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Abram Stamper, $1,250
Western High School Class of 1962
•Austin Elliott, $500
Western High School Class of 1963
•Cesar Terron, $500
Western Women’s Scholarship Fund
•Erin Weber, $4,600
Kokomo Women’s Department Club Fund
Scholarships for Ivy Tech Community College Students, $1,000
Frederick E. Wideman, M.D. Taylor Student Athlete
Scholarship Fund
•Haley Campbell, $1,100
Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Fund
•Joowon Lee, Indiana University Purdue UniversityIndianapolis, $38,624
•Graham Ortmann, Taylor University, $118,612
Wiese Oldsmobile GMC Truck Scholarship Fund
•Abby Cline, $1,000
•Erica Cline, $1,000
•Joel Mohring, $1,000
•Katelyn Singer, $1,000
Kathy A. Name Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Sydney Glassburn, $500
Linda F. Pagel Scholarship Fund
•Austin Elliott, $500
•Victoria Trujillo, $500
R. Franklin Zehring Scholarship Fund
•Kyle Condon, $1,150
•Jonathan Harbaugh, $1,150
•Garrett Hite, $1,150
•Marie Hunkeler, $1,150
H.W. ‘Hod’ Peabody BSA Scholarship
•Bransen Shidler, $2,000
Special Project Funds
Short-term programs or special projects.
William & Delores Oberndorfer Fund
•American Family Association of Indiana, $25
•Birthright of Kokomo, $500
•Christian Foundation for Children, $1,546
•Food for the Poor, $200
•Monastery of the Poor Clares, $500
•St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church, $250
•St. Judes Children’s Research Hospital, $25
•St. Vincent de Paul Store, $150.66
Russiaville Historical Society Special Projects Fund
•Russiaville Historical Society Restoration Project, $9,000
A bequest is one of the easiest gifts you can make to
significantly impact our work. Your estate planning
attorney can include a provision in your will that
leaves a lasting gift that will provide resources for
positive changes in your community through the
Community Foundation. Your bequest could be a
gift of specific assets (such as bonds or real estate),
a dollar amount ($1,000, $10,000 or $100,000) or a
percentage of your estate (3%, 10% or even 25%). A
bequest could also be made from the residue of your
estate or what is left after all gifts have been made
to your heirs.
A charitable bequest is an easy way for you to help
us connect people, resources and causes. Here are
some of the benefits of bequest giving:
 It costs you nothing today to make a bequest
 A bequest is free of federal estate tax
 Your bequest can be changed down the road
 You can still benefit your heirs with specific
 A bequest may produce estate tax savings
 You can leave a legacy through a bequest
During the next 50 years, there is a wonderful
philanthropic opportunity that will occur as
trillions of dollars are expected to transfer from one
generation to the next.
The current combined net worth of Howard,
Carroll and Clinton counties is estimated at
$5.8 billion. During the coming decade, $1.7 billion
is expected to transfer. Over the next 50 years, the
estimated transfer of wealth for our three counties
is $5.844 billion.
If every estate gave just 5% of this transfer of wealth
to the Community Foundation, we could grant an
additional $14.61 million each year, forever. A gift
to an unrestricted community endowment fund
during the match period would double grantmaking
Please contact us to request
sample language that your
attorney may use in drafting
a bequest. Sample bequest
language is also available on
our websites.
To learn more about the
benefits of bequest giving,
please contact us. Ask for
your FREE Will Kit!
Kokomo Symphonic Society
Tribute Band
Samaritan Caregivers
Grandparent Volunteers
Howard County Grants
Community endowment unrestricted
funds support the important works of
local nonprofits and address emerging and
changing needs of the community.
Donations to community endowment
unrestricted funds are eligible for the Lilly
Endowment GIFT match of $1 matched for
$1 given until March 31, 2016.
Kokomo Housing Authority
Summer Leadership Program
Bona Vista
Multi-Sensory Room
Kokomo Farmer’s Market
Little Sprouts
Kokomo Family YMCA
Kokomo Art Association
Summer Art Camp
Kokomo Park Band
Summer Concert Series
Kokomo Rescue Mission
Open Arms Shelter Kitchen
Kokomo Urban Outreach
Breakthrough Class
Mental Health Association
Transportation Van
Carroll County Grants
Advised Funds
Donors may take an active role by making suggestions on which charitable causes to support.
Jerry Young Memorial Endowment Fund
•Delphi Preservation Society, $3,000
Designated Funds
Grants from designated and agency funds benefit non-profit organizations as specified by the donors.
Beta Alpha Chapter of Psi Iota Xi Fund
•Psi Iota Xi Sorority Arts & Education, $2,416
Flora-Monroe Public Library Endowment Fund
•Flora-Monroe Public Library, $648
Camden-Jackson Public Library received the following
designated funds:
•Pearl Kennedy Fund for the Camden-Jackson Township
Public Library, $388
•Katheryn Weinberger Library Fund, $3,480
Reynolds B. Hart Endowment Fund
•ARC of Carroll County, $1,576
•Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, $788
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, $788
Carroll County 4-H Fund
•Carroll County 4-H, $296
Carroll County Community Center received grants from
three designated funds:
•Carroll County Community Center Fund, $976
•John & Mary McCormick Fund for Carroll Co. Community
Center, $268
•Ralph E. Zinn Memorial Fund, $2,964
Carroll County Wabash and Erie Canal Fund
•Carroll County Wabash and Erie Canal, $968
Carroll County United Fund
•ARC of Carroll County, $4,500
•Book Readers and Horn Blowers, $500
•Carroll Co. Cancer Association, $50
•Carroll Co. Community Center, $2,000
•Carroll Co. Council on Aging, $5,000
•Carroll Co. Food Pantry, $2,500
•Carroll Co. Special Olympics, $5,000
•Carroll Co. United Fund, $23,013.96
•Delphi Community Schools, $2,000
•Family Health Clinic of Carroll Co., $6,000
•Girl Scouts of Central Indiana, $750
•Junior Achievement of Carroll Co., $290
•Keepin’ It Real, Inc., $250
•Sagamore Council, Boy Scouts of America, $750
CDC Resources Fund for Children and Adults with Disabilities
•CDC Resources, $744
Mildred L. Helvie Fund
•Trinity Lutheran Church, $692
Lockport Church Endowment Fund
•Lockport Church, $768
John & Mary McCormick Fund for St. Joseph Catholic
•St. Joseph Catholic Church, $676
John C. & Doris M. Peterson Fund for the Carroll County
Historical Society
•Carroll County Historical Society, $780
Richard ‘Dick’ & Gretchen Roach Fund
•Oak Grove Christian Church, $308
George A. Schmidt NICHES Fund
•NICHES Land Trust, $504
Helen R. Skinner Fund
•Delphi Public Library, $696
Katheryn Weinberger Fund to Combat Hunger
•Flora Presbyterian Church, $1,724
YMCA Camp Tecumseh received grants from four
designated funds:
•Robert & Dorothy Mills Endowment Fund, $376
•Obear Fund in Memory of James O. & Emma Jackson
Obear, $540
•Don & Jean Willy Endowment Fund, $672
•YMCA Camp Tecumseh Fund, $1,468
Delphi Preservation Society Fund
•Delphi Preservation Society, $312
Community Endowment Funds
No restrictions are placed on gifts to these funds, allowing the board of directors to address community needs.
• Adams Mill, Inc., Marketing Material, $1,000
• Bauer Family Resources, Delphi Middle School Court
Program, $1,000
• Brady’s Hope, Drug Education and Awareness, $3,000
• Camden-Jackson Public Library, Bike Rack, $291.28
• Carroll Co. Community Center, Equipment, $1,071
• Carroll Co. Focus on the Future, Leadership Carroll Co., $1,000
• CDC Resources, Wellness Coordination, $3,500
• Delphi Preservation Society, Air Conditioning Unit, $2,582.50
• Delphi Public Library, Early Literacy Station II, $2,500
• Flora Youth Baseball, Baseball Diamond, $5,800
• Heartland Heritage, Inc., Monument Park, $1,600
Scholarship Funds
Grants from scholarship funds benefit students in attaining their goal of higher education.
Carroll County Community Endowment Fund
(Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Finalists)
•Whitley Lehr, $1,000
•Brett Miller, $1,000
•Bransen Shidler, $1,000
John McCormick Agricultural Scholarship Fund
•Delphi Community Schools, $400
John & Kathie Connelly Scholarship
•Jason Sterrett $12,500
Mid-North Indiana Executive Committee for Christ
Scholarship Fund
•Joanna Marshall, $1,000
•Breann Morrow, $1,000
•Amy Murphy, $1,000
Carolyn Gilbert Memorial Scholarship
•Taylor Miller, $1,000
Lewis & Hazel Mullin Scholarship Fund
•Delphi Community Schools, $500
Indiana Packers Corporation Scholarship Fund
•Karlee Sparks, $1,000
Bill Pearson Scholarship
•Karlee Sparks, $500
Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Fund
•Bryer Houston, Purdue University, $43,568
Dorothy Stark Fund
•Jacqueline Hensley, $1,000
Irving E. Manning Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Carroll School Education Foundation, for the Irving
E. Manning Memorial Scholarship, $4,000
Robert Thornburg Scholarship Fund
•Alexander Plank, $1,000
Robert & Joan Maxwell Scholarship Fund
•Whitley Lehr, $1,000
Operating Funds
Gifts generate the revenue needed to sustain the operating expenses of the Foundation.
•Carroll Co. Operating Endowment Fund, $6,760
“We are not yet what we shall be but we are growing towards it.”
— Martin Luther
Camden-Jackson Library
Bike Rack
Delphi Public Library
Early Literacy Station
Carroll County Grants
Community endowment unrestricted
funds support the important works of
local nonprofits and address emerging and
changing needs of the community.
Donations to community endowment
unrestricted funds are eligible for the Lilly
Endowment GIFT match of $1 matched for
$1 given until March 31, 2016.
Flora Youth Baseball
Dugouts and Foul Poles
Carroll County Focus on the Future
Leadership Carroll County
Adams Mill
Marketing Materials
Clinton County Grants
Advised Funds
Donors may take an active role by making suggestions on which charitable causes to support.
Hunter Family Advised Fund
•Clinton Co. Adult Literacy Program, Operating Support, $300
•Frankfort Community Public Library, Edge for Teens, $250
•Clinton Co. Boys & Girls Club, Annual Campaign, $750
•Humane Society of Clinton County, $250
•COACH Kids of Clinton Co. Inc., $1,000
•Community Schools of Frankfort, Backpack Buddies, $300
Clinton Central Education Foundation Advised Fund
•First Presbyterian Evangelical Church of Frankfort, Mission
•Ivy Tech-Frankfort, Donor Contributions for Ivy Tech
Program, $500
Frankfort Campus, $3,025
•Frankfort Community Public Library, Clinton Co. Reads, $250
•Frankfort Community Public Library, Little Mermaid, $200
Ransom Family Advised Fund
•Frankfort Fire Dept., Scholarships, $350
•Bible Holiness Church, Honoring Pastor Mark Mowery, $200
•Kirklin Recreation Board, Bleachers and Little League Field
•City of Frankfort/Frankfort Police Department, Safety
Repairs, $400
Awareness Materials, $307.50
•Salvation Army Service Unit of Clinton Co., $200
•Clinton Central Education Foundation, Teacher Grants, $200
Designated Funds
Grants from designated and agency funds benefit non-profit organizations as specified by the donors.
William J. & R. Jean Beard Endowment Fund
•YMCA of Clinton County, $16,772
Walter V. Coapstick Fund
•Geetingsville Presbyterian Church, $1,096
Ralph & Mary Butler Endowment Fund
•Forest United Methodist Church, $1,176
•St. Paul Cemetery, $1,176
Community Schools of Frankfort Education Foundation Fund
•Community Schools of Frankfort Education Foundation, $320
Ralph & Mary Butler Endowment Fund II
•Forest United Methodist Church, $3,128
R. Maurice Clendenning and W. Forest Clendenning Fund
•Mulberry Centennial Park, $380
Clinton Central School Corporation Facilities Fund
•Clinton Central School Corporation, $872
Clinton County 4-H Scholarship and Education Fund
•Clinton County 4-H, $400
Clinton County Abilities Services-Garald Gill Fund
•Clinton County Abilities Services, $876
Clinton County Boys & Girls Club
•Clinton County Boys & Girls Club Endowment Fund, $3,192
•Bill Goodwin Youth Fund, $524
Clinton County Contractual Public Library
•Mulberry Community Library Endowment Fund, $960
•Mulberry High School Alumni Association Fund, $684
Clinton County Family YMCA Endowment Fund
•Clinton County Family YMCA, $272
Clinton County Humane Society
•Clinton County Humane Society, $248
•Helen G. Walls Fund, $764
Sara J. Costlow Memorial Teachers’ Fund
•Community Schools of Frankfort, $908
First Christian Church of Frankfort
•First Christian Church of Frankfort Fund, $10,076
•George & Mary Ellen Hammersley Fund, $672
First Evangelical Presbyterian Church
•Emma J. Dinwiddie Fund, $1,572
•Jesse & Martha Killmer Membership Fund, $2,404
Frankfort Community Public Library
•Frankfort Community Public Library Local History and
Genealogy Fund, $256
•Frankfort Community Public Library Materials Fund, $460
•Friends of the Frankfort Public Library, $2,408
•Ralph C. & Hilda H. Hinshaw Fund, $1,280
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund for the Frankfort Community
Public Library, $1,932
Nancy N. Fullerton for the Anna and Harlan Hubbard School
of Living
•Friends of the Frankfort Library, $1,196
Bob & Phyllis Hawley Fund for Kirkland Christian Church
•Kirkland Christian Church, $524
Jackson-Frazier Families Memorial Endowment Fund
•Rainbow Haven, $644
Designated Funds (continued)
Carroll C. Johnson 4-H Fund
•Clinton Co. 4-H, $568
Walter H. & Vera I. Moore Education Fund
•Rossville School Corporation, $1,500
George & Mary Ogle Fund
•Witham Services Health Foundation, $7,232
On-Stage Foundation Fund
•On-Stage Foundation Red Barn Theatre, $288
Paul & Mary Jane Phillippe Fund
•Paul Phillippe Resource Center, $228
Public School Foundation of Rossville Schools
•Bob & Jane Mohler Family Fund, $544
•Public School Foundation of Rossville Schools Fund, $948
Marie Rice Fund
•First Christian Church of Michigantown, $228
Rossville Community Library Endowment Fund
•Clinton County Contractual Public Library for the Rossville
Library, $272
Rossville Presbyterian Church Fund
•Rossville Presbyterian Church, $696
Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund for Indiana University
•English Dept., Indiana University-Bloomington, $3,588
St. Matthew United Methodist Church
•Ruth Derrick Ruch Fund for St. Matthew United Methodist
Church, $4,600
•St. Matthew United Methodist Church Fund, $1,760
St. Vincent-Frankfort Hospital Foundation
•Meurice & Lurline Catron Fund, $42,088
•Ione Dinwiddie Nurses Fund, $1,660
•Keith & Mildred Otterman Fund, $216
Mary Lou Stuart Fund for Riley Hospital
•Riley Memorial Association for the benefit of the
James Whitcomb Riley Hospital for Children, $91,192
United Way for Clinton County
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Fund for the United Way, $2,668
•United Way for Clinton County Fund, $556
Wesley Manor
•George & Mary Ellen Hammersley Fund, $672
•Franklin W. & Anna Mae Harper Memorial Fund, $696
•William M. & Doris Mohr Fund, $13,168
•Herbert & Marjorie Ruch Fund, $1,232
Community Endowment Funds
No restrictions are placed on gifts to these funds, allowing the board of directors to address community needs.
William J. and R. Jean Beard Fund for Clinton County
Bob and Meg Bracken Community Fund
Clinton County Community Endowment Fund
Vincent E. & Lois J. Dowden Unrestricted Fund
First Merchants Foundation Community Fund
First Merchants Foundation Fund in Recognition of
Dr. Frank Beardsley
Robert E. and Martha Lucas Hall Family Endowment
Herbert & Marjorie Ruch Endowment Fund for Clinton Co.
Robert K. and Eleanor Ryan Community Fund
• Clinton Co. Boys & Girls Club, Bus Enhancement, $10,000
• Clinton Co. Economic Advancement Foundation, Infant
Mortality Prenatal Care, $2,000
• Clinton Co. Family YMCA, Pool Lights, $8,331
• Clinton Co. Foundation for Youth - Camp Cullom,
Commercial Floor Scrubber, $4,000
• Frankfort Baseball, Capital Improvements, $3,872
• Frankfort Swim Club, Event Starter & Deck Cabling, $2,700
• Friends of the Frankfort Library, Digital Piano and Bench,
• Girls on the Run of Hamilton County, Girls on the Run of
Central Indiana - Clinton Co., $3,500
• Ivy Tech Community College, Frankfort Campus, $240,000
• Kirklin Public Library, Summer Reading Program, $1,500
• Michigantown Lions Club, Building Repair, $15,000
• Open Door Health Clinic, Spot Vitals, $5,750
• Paul Phillippe Resource Center, Computer System, $5,000
• Rossville Area Lions Club, Ice Cream Trailer, $10,000
• Salvation Army, Shelter Bed Replacement, $1,100
• Servants at Work, Wheelchair Projects, $2,400
• Town of Rossville, Park Playground Structure, $15,000
Operating Funds
Gifts generate the revenue needed to sustain the operating expenses of the Foundation.
•Citizens Savings Bank Operating Endowment, $512
•Clinton County Hospital Memorial Fund, $6,180
•Community Foundation Operating Endowment Fund, $6,952
•Farmers Bank Operating Endowment Fund, $3,356
•First Merchants Foundation Operating Endowment, $712
•Frankfort Development Corp. Operating Endowment, $776
•Robert & Eleanor Ryan Operating Endowment, $1,408
Clinton County Grants
Scholarship Funds
Grants from scholarship funds benefit students in attaining their goal of higher education.
A. J. Archibald Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Wyatt Lucas, $1,000
Bailey Trucking Company Scholarship Fund
•Calin Cochran, $1,000
Robert L. Brinson Scholarship Fund
•Baylee Crum, $500
•Wyatt Lucas, $500
•Tyler McFauls, $500
•Rachel Stowers, $1,000
Jenny Butler Scholarship Fund
•Tiffany Bray, $1,000
•Kaitlyn Keeling, $1,000
Clinton Central High School Vision Scholarship Fund
•Lane McCoy, $800
•Tyler McFauls, $800
•Jeffery Scott, $800
•Tyler Willis, $800
Clinton County Community Foundation Scholars
(Lilly Endowment Community Scholars Finalists)
•Jennifer Erdman, $1,000
•Ryon Herin, $1,000
•Dillon Lawrence, $1,000
•Rachel Stowers, $1,000
Clarence Cochran Agricultural Scholarship Fund
•Tyler McFauls, $850
Vincent & Lois Dowden Scholarship Fund
•Sarah Jacoby, $1,000
Anna Fudge Field & Mary S. Field Endowment
•Nolan Leahy, $600
Louise & Robert A. Hedgcock History Essay Scholarship
•Alex Davis, $250
•Jacob Miller, $125
•Annaka Grismer, $375
William & Doris Mohr Scholarship Fund
(Renewable for four years at $5,000 a year)
•Emma Brown, $5,000
•Lucy Coons, $5,000
•Allison Emswiller, $5,000
•Erick Figueroa, $5,000
•Maricruz Garcia, $5,000
•Sarah Jacoby, $5,000
•Leilah Miller, $5,000
•Mason Thomas, $5,000
•Holly Ware, $5,000
Mulberry High School Alumni Association Scholarship
•Kelsey Dunham, $1,000
•Brianne Little, $1,000
•Ryan Walker, $1,000
Psi Iota Xi - Beta Tau Chapter Scholarship
•Tenley Adams, $1,000
Wilbur T. Rule Team Player Scholarship
•Adam Miller, $1,000
Robert K. Ryan Scholarship
•Frankfort Education Foundation, $400
Greg A. Scofield Scholarship Fund
•Baylee Crum, $500
•Elizabeth Griffy, $500
Barbara K. Siegfried Scholarship Fund
•Cole Simmons, $1,500
Phyllis M. Widener Music Scholarship Fund
•Isaac Denniston, $1,000
•Logan Harness, $1,000
•Chloe McLaughlin, $1,000
J. Allen Wyrick Memorial Scholarship Fund
•Wyatt Lucas, $1,000
Lilly Endowment Community Scholars
•Dalton Bush, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, $164,736
Michigantown High School Alumni Scholarship
•Sydney Unger, $1,000
Ivy Tech Community College
Frankfort Campus
Friends of the Frankfort Library
Digital Piano
Clinton County Grants
Community endowment unrestricted
funds support the important works of
local nonprofits and address emerging and
changing needs of the community.
Donations to community endowment
unrestricted funds are eligible for the Lilly
Endowment GIFT match of $1 matched for
$1 given until March 31, 2016.
Healthy Communities of Clinton County
Prenatal Care
Kirklin Public Library
Summer Reading Program
Girls on the Run of Central Indiana
Life Skills Program Expansion
Financial Report
Comparative Condensed Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2014, and December 31, 2013
Prepaid Insurance
Charitable Remainder Unitrust
Charitable Gift Annuity Assets
Program Related Investment in Real Estate
Fixed Assets
Less Accumulated Depreciation
Total Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses
Grants Payable
Charitable Gift Annuity Liability
Deferred Income
Funds Held for the Benefit of Others
Total Liabilities
Total Net Assets
Liabilities & Net Assets
Total Liabilities
and Net Assets
Comparative Condensed Statement of Activities
Revenues and Gains
Lilly Endowment-Gift VI
Rental Income
Gain(Loss)-Disposal of Assets
CRT/CGA-Change in Value
Return of Unused Grants
Interfund Grants
Administrative Fees
Investment Earnings
Investment Gains (Losses)
Total Revenues and Gains
Grants and Expenses
General and Administrative
Administrative Fees
Total Grants and Expenses
Change in Net Assets
Net Assets
Net Assets-Beginning of Year
Net Assets at End of Year
The 2014 Community Foundation financial records have been audited by: Bucheri, McCarty & Metz LLP - Certified
Public Accountants.
Howard County
Howard County
Lilly Endowment
Joowon Lee
Joowon is studying biology
at Indiana University Purdue
University Indianapolis. He
is a graduate of Western High
School and the son of Kuyul
and Sukhee Lee.
Carroll County
For the past 17 years, the
Community Foundation
has participated in the Lilly
Endowment Community
Scholarship Program.
The program was designed to
raise the level of educational
attainment in Indiana
and increase awareness of
the potential of Indiana’s
community foundations to
improve the quality of life of
the state’s residents.
Graham Ortmann
Graham is a graduate of
Northwestern High School
and the son of DelRoy and
Donna Ortmann. He is
studying finance at Taylor
Clinton County
With the 2014 awards,
the total number of Lilly
Endowment Community
Scholarships awarded to
Howard, Carroll and Clinton
county students is 103 with
an approximate value of $8.3
Bryer Houston
Dalton Bush
Bryer, a graduate of Delphi
Community High School, is
studying engineering at Purdue
University. He is the son of
Jarett and Jennifer Houston.
Dalton is a graduate of
Frankfort High School and
the son of Tamara Bishop and
the late David Bush. He is
studying software engineering
at Rose-Hulman Institute of
Howard County’s Foster Society
The Foster Society is named for David Foster, the first philanthropist in Howard County history. He donated
the land that would become the City of Kokomo. These donors in the Society made gifts in 2014 to support the
operating costs of the Community Foundation.
Conerstone - $10,000 or more
Foundation Stones - $500 - $999
Other Contributors - $50 - $199
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis
Betsy & Bob Hoshaw
Lilly Endowment, Inc.
Jim McIntyre
E.P. Severns Jr.
Smithville Charitable Foundation
Cartwright & Susan Ellis
Dr. & Mrs. Willis (Karen) Peelle
Kim & Kevin Abney
Melissa Ellis
The Hardie Group Real Estate Co.
Dr. & Mrs. David P. Jarrell
Joan E. Kellum
Mr. Mark & Dr. Lauren Ladd
Conrad & Jo Ella Maugans
Bill & Carolyn Stifle
Don & Anita TenBrook
Dr. & Mrs. Donald P. Zent
Beams - $2,500 - $4,999
Friends of the Foundation - $200 - $499
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Joe Dunbar
Brian & Michelle Hayes
Jane Williams
J. D. & Lynn Young
Carl & Rebecca Bergstrom
Nanette Bowling
Jim & Marvel Butcher
Kim & Vicki Caldwell
LaCinda & Ben Chapman
Kevin Comer
Crume-Evans Insurance Service
Steve Currens
Kirk & Wendy Daniels
Dirt n Turf
Marc & Tonya Goodier
Mayor & Mrs. Greg Goodnight
Glenn & Nancy Grundmann
Sherry L. Hayes
Bill & Barbara Lambert
Judge & Mrs. Bill Menges Jr.
Dr. Herbert Miller
Betty J. Ortman
Stan & Kathy Rebber
Tom & Kathy Rethlake
Don & Joni Sanders
Bill & Lyn Shirley
Mike & Linda Stegall
Wendy’s-Dave’s Way Restaurant Management
Jim & Karen Alender
Shirley Ashcraft
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Callane
Mike & Xenia Cord
Mr. & Mrs. James Gatman II
Teresa Gifford
Dr. Jeffrey Groothius
Rick & Darlene Homkes
Judge Lynn Murray
Helen Politz
Allan & Greta Roberts
Dick & Myra Sanburn
Nona M. Shearer
David C. Swinehart
Pat & Debbie Underwood
Jeff & Paula Zollman
Columns - $5,000 - $9,999
Pillars - $1,000 - $2,499
Cone Palace
Bucheri McCarty & Metz
Joyce Fortune
Rex & Kara Gingerich
Charles & Pat Hinders
Bob & Mary Hingst
David Johnson
Scott & Stephanie McClelland
Craig & Kristi Severns
Dr. Marilyn Skinner
Mrs. Donald B. Smith
Rick & Diane Smith
At an annual event, members of the Friends
of Carroll County were recognized for
their generosity and support of the Carroll
County Community Foundation.
Guest speaker Terri Johnson, associate
director of Giving Indiana Funds for
Tomorrow (GIFT), talked about how
a community’s citizens know what is
best for the area and what needs to be
accomplished. “Through love of their
community, donors recognize they can
make a difference,” she said.
Johnson also shared how Lilly Endowment
and the GIFT initiative have been
supporting community foundations in
Indiana for almost 25 years. In that time,
the number of community foundations has
grown to 94 and more than $915 million
in grants have been awarded through
community foundations in Indiana.
Carroll County Community Foundation
board member Al Jackson introduced a
match program offered to community
foundations through Lilly Endowment’s
GIFT VI initiative designed to build
endowment assets and increase
grantmaking capabilities. Donations to
unrestricted funds will be matched $1
for $1. Donations to the Community
Foundation’s other types of funds will be
matched $.50 for every $1 given.
Jackson encouraged guests to share this
match opportunity with friends and
neighbors. “We have to take advantage of
this match,” he said. “I’m excited about
this. A lot of people have giving hearts and
we need to let them know. Isn’t it great
that a $5,000 contribution could become
Sponsors - Friends of Carroll County
Fisher & Associates
Genda Funeral Home - Reinke Chapel
Lafayette Bank & Trust
Norman Eyecare
Obear, Overholser, Huffer & Rider
Salin Bank
Security Federal Savings Bank
Stephan’s IGA Food Store
Carroll County Friends
In 2014, a group of donors joined the “Friends of Carroll County,” which supports
the annual operating expenses of the Carroll County Community Foundation. We
express our deep appreciation to these public-spirited people and businesses for their
support of the work of the Carroll County Community Foundation.
Mark Abbott
Kim & Kevin Abney
The Andersons
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Atkinson
Al & Marti Auffart
Dr. Janet Ayres & Dr. Lynn Corson
David & Sandra Beale
Dick N. & Jane Bishop
Troy & Alice Bowers
Ann & Bob Brown
Hilda & Kevin Burns
Dan & Pat Casserly
Katrina & Alan Coghill
Eric, Michelle, Kaylyn & Korbin Cox
Abigail & Benjamin Diener
Neda K. Duff
Dr. Jordan & Deanna Dutter
Dr. Alvan & Arlene Eller
Larry & Alice Fellows
Derek & Jennifer Fisher
Kenneth & Erma Flora
Tom & Pat Flora
Tom & Susan Freeman
Kevin Giddens/Giddens Trucking
Drs. Chris & Sara Huffer
Indiana Packers Corporation
Rob & Carol Ives
Tom & Mary Ives
Alan & Linda Jackson
Larry & Kathi Johnson
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Jones
Bill & Jane Kearns
Dick Krieg Chevrolet-Buick-GMC
Susan Mann Hitchcock
Dr. Paul & Sue Manning
Bonnie Maxwell & Anita Werling
Joan Maxwell*
Steve, Angie, Drew & Adelle May
Gordon & Sandra McCain
Marshall & Patricia McCammack
Colby & Kari McIlrath
Dale & Renee McIlrath
Leonard & Karen Meador
David & Marilyn Minich
Dr. & Mrs. Greg Norman
Dean & Donna Overholser
Dave & Jan Packard
Carolyn Pearson
Jason & Michelle Pearson & Boys
PTI Machining, Inc.
Leo & Clara Rider
Bret & Michelle Rinehart
Martin & Jeanette Rinehart
Dick & Gretchen Roach
Carl & Dottye Robeson
Milt & Pat Rodgers
Dr. Wayne Salsbery
Hazel E. Schenck
Vince, Dawn, Owen & Jenna Seward
Larry & Joyce Skiles
Jack* & Jo Ann Smith
Garnet Snyder
Jerry & Karan Sparks
Lonnie & Jennifer Spesard
Trent & Stephanie Stephan
Mr. & Mrs. Van Taylor & Family
Bill & Susan Trueblood
Dr. Ryan Van Matre D.C.
Larry & Janice Waddell
Ken & Kathy Walton
Bob & Doris Walton
David & Lorraine Weckerly
Jim & Carolyn Williams
Dick & Evelyn Wingard
Fred & Linda Wise
Jeff & Arlene Wise
Jim & Bonnie Yost
Dale & Mary Ellen Zinn
Mary Evelyn Zinn
*Denotes Deceased
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