Chikaming Open Lands Spring 2013


Chikaming Open Lands Spring 2013
The Chikaming Legacy
Newsletter of Chikaming Open Lands
Spring 2013
Wild Turkey Conservation Easement: A Partnership to Protect 29 Acres in Sawyer
Ellen Carnahan and Bill Daniels have always been
engaged in the cause of land conservation, a
commitment that became more robust when they
purchased their large parcel of land in Sawyer
more than 12 years ago.
The property, which they have named Wild
Turkey after the family of birds that resides there,
is comprised of more than 29 acres of rich wooded
wetlands, prairie and a tributary of the Painterville
Drain Watershed, which meanders through
Warren Dunes and eventually empties into Lake
In February, Ellen and Bill donated a conservation
easement on the property to Chikaming Open
Lands. Wild Turkey is a fantastic addition to the
acreage Chikaming Open Lands protects,
consisting of prairie providing a natural
"greenway" for birds migrating along the Lake
Michigan shore, as well as the Painterville Drain
Watershed. Protecting this land in its natural state
helps ensure the quality and quantity of water
resources for the area.
Originally, the property had been an orchard and a
working farm and in fact, you can still see the old
foundations from the smoke house and silos on the
front of the property today. Ellen and Bill have
worked to preserve the historical structures on the
farm since they purchased the property in 2000.
Since then, they have worked to build their current
Japanese-style house, reshaped the pond on the
property and stocked it with fish. They also did
work to restore the prairie areas, putting in native
switchgrass. The result is a varied landscape,
including wooded areas, prairie, and the pond,
from which a great blue heron enjoys fishing as
much as Ellen and Bill do. (Continued on page 6)
Letter from the Executive Director
COL is dedicated to preserving
open space and the diverse,
natural character of southwest
Board of Directors
Steve Smith, President
George Lucas, V ice President
Clay Robinson, Treasurer
Ron Farina, Secretary
Ann Dudley Goldblatt
Don Hermann
Greg Kaiser
Paul Miller
Bill Racine
Jean Smith
Bob Tatina
Peter Van Nice
Chris Thompson
Executive Director
Jennifer Drackley
Outreach Coordinator
Johanna Humbert
Development Director
Susan LaCroix
Land Protection Specialist
Chikaming Open Lands
14913 Lakeside Road
Lakeside, MI 49116
[email protected]
Dear Members and Friends of Chikaming Open Lands,
Welcome to the Spring 2013 edition of The Chikaming Legacy. This issue's theme is
“partnership”. Throughout this newsletter we talk about our partnerships with our members
and the community that help us preserve and protect the beautiful Harbor Country spaces we
all enjoy.
The arrival of spring in southwest Michigan is accompanied by a symphony of peepers in a
Galien wetland; sighting a pair of blue birds looking for a nesting area along a grassland
buffer in New Buffalo, or hearing the primeval sounds of the pileated woodpecker along the
back dunes woodlands in Chikaming Township. The return of spring also provides
opportunities for getting outdoors and experiencing some of these wonderful creatures. And,
of course, it is time to renew your membership to Chikaming Open Lands.
Why be a member of Chikaming Open Lands?
To partner in the safeguarding of local water quality by helping us protect the streams,
wetlands and rivers that flow into Lake Michigan. To enjoy the outdoors by joining in
Chikaming Open Lands’ distinctive and interesting outings that take you to some very
special places. To expose your family to why it is so important to save the one-of-a-kind
spaces of southwest Michigan. Because saving land today protects it forever so future
generations can enjoy it. To be a part of leaving a land legacy for future generations.
We acquire preserves and open these special places for hiking, discovery and fun.
Many of our properties contain unique ecosystems and provide critical habitat for statethreatened plants and animals. I encourage you to visit one of our diverse preserves, like
Robinson Woods on East Road in Chikaming Township, which offers a great woodland
hike. Bring a picnic basket and enjoy the solitude of this 80-acre nature woodland landscape.
Southwest Michigan beaches attract tens of thousands of visitors in the summer months for
sunbathing, swimming and water sports. Chikaming Open Lands also provides recreational
access to inland woods, prairies and wetlands. Protection of these natural resources ensures
that the tourism industry and the local economy stay strong.
We appreciate your partnership in what we do. The next time that you hear the song of a
bird or view a stunning vista, you will know that your membership is helping to provide the
resources we need to preserve that land and provide good stewardship to this wonderful
place we call home.
Best regards,
Chris Thompson
Executive Director
COL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.
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The Conservation Circle
View of the Grand Beach Marsh in summer
Onward and Upward, in Partnership with YOU
Under every soaring tree you will find a strong network of roots,
providing support and sustenance to keep the tree healthy.
To grow the tree, you nurture the roots.
As we look to our future here at Chikaming Open Lands, one thing is clear. We
want to grow. Grow the amount of acreage we will protect in the coming years.
Grow our outreach efforts, so that more of our neighbors recognize what it is we do,
and how it benefits our entire community. Grow appreciation and understanding of
the special character of this corner of Michigan, and the value of conserving its
natural state.
Of course to do this, we must also grow financial support to the organization. To
that end, we are pleased to introduce The Conservation Circle. Members of The
Conservation Circle contribute unrestricted gifts of $1,000 or more annually to
COL. Giving at this level will provide us a solid base of support which will ground
our work now, and allow us to grow moving forward.
Members of the Conservation Circle will be recognized in a special honor roll
listing in COL publications, and will be invited to a memorable event each summer
in celebration of their support and the work their generosity has helped to fund.
We are thrilled to report that 100% of our Board has committed to participating at
the Conservation Circle level. Please consider following their lead and expressing
your commitment to preserving the natural beauty of southwest Michigan by
joining the Conservation Circle this year. Together, we can ensure that COL will
continue to grow and flourish.
Founding Members
David & Susan Eblen
Ron Farina
The Macdonald Flinn Family
Stan & Ann Dudley Goldblatt
Rob Gow & Chris Pfauser
Scott & Rosemary Gunnison
Don Hermann & Jon Janott
Greg & Vickie Kaiser
George Lucas
Scott & Laura Malkin
Paul & Michal Miller
Michael O’Halloran & Linda Puvogel
Barbara R. Parsons
Bill & Nancy Racine
Charles Rizzo
Clay & Barb Robinson
Paul S. Russell
Brenda Shapiro
Frank & Joanne Sims
Steve & Jean Smith
Bob Tatina & Nancy Baird
Chris Thompson
Peter & Jeanie Van Nice
Terry & Jan Walsh
(as of April 24, 2013)
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This year, we are partnering with our local
farmers, vintners, naturalists and of course,
you, our member s, to put together some
fantastic activities. Join us!
Spring Wildflower Walk Saturday, May 4, 1:00 p.m.
Put away your gloves, hats and scarves, and spend an afternoon in the spring air!
Join Love Creek naturalist Pat Underwood on a guided walk at Warren Dunes
State Park and Weko Beach, where you will take in a variety of beautiful spring
wildflowers in bloom. We will meet at Warren Dunes State Park.
Berrien County Agritour Saturday, June 22, 1:00 p.m.
Discover independent, sustainable agriculture in Berrien County
with a tour of Middlebrook Farm, raising lowline grass-fed Angus
beef; Granor Farm, growing organic fruits and vegetables; and
Old Shore Vineyards, producing limited production, premium
quality wines. Learn how these farmers produce top-quality food
and wine with an eye to saving the land that sustains all of us.
We’ll begin and end at Old Shore Vineyards in Buchanan, where
there will be an optional wine tasting after the tour. (Cost is $30
per person, or $100 for 4 people. Space is limited, so please
reserve early. Shuttle bus between tour stops provided.)
Lizards & Turtles & Snakes… Oh My! Saturday,
July 27, 10:30 a.m.
Jim and Carol McGrath of Nature Discovery bring a variety of
local reptile and amphibian species for a fun and educational
live presentation at the New Buffalo Performing Arts Center.
Learn about the snakes, frogs, turtles and salamanders that live
in our Michigan backyard. There will be an opportunity to
handle and feed the animals as well. It will be slithery, scaly
excitement for the whole family! (Members receive
complimentary admission for 2-4 individuals based on
membership level. Admission for non-members is $10/adult
and $5/child. Call our office to reserve your seat.)
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Nature Explorers! An Environmental Discovery Series,
August 1, 10, and 15, 10:00 a.m. to Noon
Join COL summer intern Ellie Burck, a high school student in Galien,
who will lead three educational sessions for kids aged 8-12. August 1,
kids learn how to make cordage, an ancient rope-making process, making
bracelets out of locally harvested plants. Participants will also take a hike
through COL’s beautiful Robinson Woods to learn about the unique ecosystem around them. August 10, explor e COL’s Wilson Woods thr ough
a creative process called Earth Art. Using the raw materials that the forest
provides, children can explore their artistic sides in nature. August 15,
kids will clean up the beach at Warren Dunes State Park, learn our interconnectedness with the world, and visit a local clay pit in a stream nearby.
Sign up for any one, two or all three sessions. (Registration required. $10
per session, per child; or $25 per child for all three sessions covers all
Marsh Meander in the Voyager Canoe Saturday, August 17,
10:00 a.m.
Meander through the channels of the Louis J. Sima Marsh and enjoy the natural
beauty of one of the richest habitats in the world. Love Creek naturalists Pat
Underwood and Kip Miller will steer us along the marsh, where we’ll point out
some of the improvements and restoration COL has made thanks to your
support! (This is a members-only event. This activity has limited spaces, so you
must reserve your spot early to participate.)
4th Annual Barn Benefit Saturday Evening, September 21
Save the date to join us for another fun and festive evening in support of
COL. This year, we will gather at the gorgeous Springwater Farm in Baroda.
Enjoy great company and fabulous local food and drink. Most important, you
will be supporting our mission to preserve the natural spaces of southwest
Michigan that we all love.
Autumn Color Walk Saturday, October 19, 1:00 p.m.
Take in the crisp autumn air and the explosion of fall colors on this hike
through Robinson Woods led by Love Creek Naturalist Pat Underwood.
Get in on the fun and join us for one of these activities! Watch our
website for the most up-to-date information.
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Land Protection
(continued from page 1)
When Steve Smith, Chikaming Open
Lands’ Board president, approached
them about partnering with COL to
place a conservation easement on the
property last year, it seemed like the
right choice for Ellen and Bill. By
preserving their land, they also made a
choice that will benefit the surrounding
the wooded area. Ellen enjoys
birdwatching, but they both like to
identify all of the various wildlife they
are able to see on their walks. Bill
fondly remembers stumbling upon the
path in their early days on the property.
“It was like finding the path to a secret
garden,” he says. They also enjoy
fishing the pond, and the pristine view
of the stars on a clear night.
Asked what he would tell other land
owners considering donating a
conservation easement, Bill says, “Just
do it. It is a public good… We want to
be community-minded in Harbor
Country, and donating the conservation
easement gave us a strong feeling of
allegiance to the area and a sense of
giving back.” Ellen adds, “This is such a
beautiful part of the country; we need to
protect [the land] we can now so people
can enjoy it well into the future.”
Ellen and Bill say they have had great
fun working the land, shaping the
property to fit their vision of a diverse,
beautiful and tranquil space to enjoy the
birds and other fauna that flourish there.
Both say that they are glad they
protected their property from
development and enjoy the feeling of
reassurance that when the property
eventually changes hands, it will attract
a conservation buyer who appreciates
and will work to preserve the land in
Ellen and Bill like to take Sunday
outings on the property with the family,
walking the footpath that goes through
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In keeping with their love of birdwatching, Ellen and Bill hope to put up
nesting boxes on the land this year to
attract more birds. But for the most part,
both say that they are very happy with
the property as it is now, and look
forward to many more years of peaceful
enjoyment of their land.
Restoration and Stewardship
Partners in Restoration
been working with Jim Hazelman, a
fish and wildlife biologist based at
the USFWS Michigan Private
Lands office in East Lansing, on
executing this project.
US Fish and Wildlife Service biologists Jim
Hazelman and Meredith Bryant
In partnership with the U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service (USFWS), Chikaming
Open Lands has begun restoration work
on 12.25 acres of woodlands, wetlands
and rolling hills in Galien Township.
This recently acquired property was
donated by Lloyd and Pat Burns and
has now been designated a preserve, the
eighth in COL’s charge.
The restoration project will convert a
10-acre crop field to native warm
season grasses and wildflowers and
improve 2.25 acres of wetland to slow
erosion and create wildlife habitat.
Last fall, COL was granted federal
assistance from the USFWS through its
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
to restore the Burns acreage to wetlands
and native prairie. Since then we have
Work began last fall, when COL
oversaw restoration of the wetland
areas, constructing two berms that
will reduce erosion by acting as
“speed bumps” to slow the stream
flow through the property. The
berms hold the water on the
property for longer periods of time,
creating wetland habitat. These
restoration efforts will eventually
support a blend of open water and
emergent vegetation that will
provide habitat for waterfowl and
other migratory birds.
Stewardship Days
Stewarding land creates a physical
connection between human and earth. This
Stewarding Season, we created workday
plans to help volunteers better connect with
the land and the work we do to preserve
it. The more we understand the Chikaming
Open Lands Preserves, the better connected
we feel with the land. We hope you will
join us for one of our stewardship days in
In what will be the native grassland
2013 not to only steward the preserves, but
area, herbicide was applied to the
to learn more about the ecological
former crop field to prepare the seed
uniqueness of each property.
bed for planting big bluestem, little
bluestem, indian grass, and 15
Join us for the next Stewardship Day!
varieties of wildflowers, which will
attract insects to feed the migratory
May 18: We will meet at Robinson
birds. The resulting grasslands will
Woods at 9:45 a.m., where we will build a
provide nesting habitat for grassland
split-rail fence around the new parking lot.
birds as well as migratory habitat
We plan to work until noon.
for various other birds throughout
the year.
Also mark your calendar for June 15, July
19, August 17, September 14, October 19
Through our partnership with
& November 16; pr ojects to be
USFWS, we should see an
determined! Stay tuned.
explosion of wildflowers come up
in the spring of 2014, as well as the
bluebirds, sparrows, bobolinks and
To join the stewardship mailing list, please
meadow larks that this new growth
e-mail [email protected]
will attract. Native prairies grasses
for more information about stewardship
are expected to be established
days and stewardship efforts on our
within a few years. We can’t wait to
see the transformation, and to share
it with all of you next year.
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Page 7
Membership News
Standing Committees
Executive Committee
Steve Smith, President
George Lucas, V ice President
Clay Robinson, Treasurer
Ron Farina, Secretary
With the arrival of spring, wildflowers emerge, birds migrate and frozen streams flow
again. Here at Chikaming Open Lands our pace quickens. We have featured articles
about “partnership” throughout this newsletter. Let’s not forget that YOU, our
members, are all vital partners in COL’s work of “Protecting the Land ~ Preserving
our Heritage”.
There is no question that members’ financial support is important to COL – as we’ve
expanded our activities and accelerated the pace of land protection, costs have risen.
Unrestricted giving is up 175% from 2008 to 2012 thanks to the growth and generosity
of our membership, and we are truly grateful for that support.
But your enthusiasm for our mission, your participation in our programs, and your
feedback on our work are also of tremendous value. We look forward to seeing you at
our outreach activities, and stewardship days. And remember, you are always welcome
in our downtown Lakeside office – drop by any time!
Soon we will mail our spring membership renewal letters. When you receive our
letter, please confirm your partnership with Chikaming Open Lands by renewing your
membership. If you prefer, you may return the enclosed envelope or even go online to
our website,, to make your spring donation!
Your commitment to conservation encourages us to continue “Protecting the Land ~
Preserving our Heritage”.
And all of our partners benefit from that!
Jean Smith,
Chair, Development Committee
Finance Committee
Clay Robinson, Chair
Rob Farina
Peter Van Nice
Land Protection Committee
George Lucas, Chair
Carl Anderson
Terry Hanover
Lauri Lindquist
Joe Margol
Lee Strohl
Peter Van Nice
Stewardship Committee
Bob Tatina, Chair
Nancy Baird
Jim Ball
Judith Brown
Beth Denton
Buffy Dunham
David Eblen
Peggy McGrath
Don Meckley
Sue Petterson
Casey Sullivan
Development Committee
Jean Smith, Chair
Ann Dudley Goldblatt
Rob Gow
Linda Puvogel
Clay Robinson
Benefit Committee
Jean Smith, Chair
Maureen Culp
Rob Gow
Vickie Kaiser
Michal Miller
Nancy Racine
Barb Robinson
Be sure to support our
organizational friends!
Love Creek Nature Center
Fernwood Botanical Garden and
Nature Preserve
Page 8
2012 Statements of Financial Position ~ by Fund
For the period January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
Public support and revenues:
Public support:
Financial Report
Dear members,
Gifts and other donations
Net assets released from restrictions
Total public support
I hope you received the letter we sent earlier this
spring laying out the story of Chikaming Open Lands’
financial history and how important all of our donors
are to our ongoing work.
I am pleased to report here that COL ended the 2012
fiscal year with an increase of $200,263 in net assets,
driven by restricted gifts and investment
growth. Preliminary audit revenues of $528,805
reflect the continued commitment of our membership
base, as well as our Pokagon Fund / Partners in
Conservation Program and investment growth in our
endowment. Expenses of $328,542 include acquiring
two preserves and one conservation easement, as well
as operating expenses.
Interest income
Rental income
Fundraising and special events
Realized losses – investments
Unrealized gains – investments
Total revenues
Total expenses
Clay Robinson, Treasurer
Changes in net assets
Copies of the audited Financial Statements prepared by
Hutter and Associates, P.C. are available for inspection at
our office in Lakeside during regular business hours, and
may also be found on our website.
Total public support and revenues
Management and general
Net assets, beginning of year
Net assets, end of year
On behalf of the COL Board of Directors, I want to
say that we always appreciate your participation in our
activities, and your continued support.
Respectfully submitted,
Chikaming Open Lands wishes to acknowledge the following individuals and organizations for their generous support and assistance. Gifts listed were
received January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012. Note that in the event of multiple gifts, they have been totaled within the unrestricted or restricted
sections. Please accept our sincere apologies for any unintentional errors or omissions and let us know by calling (269) 469-2330 or e-mailing us at
[email protected] so that we may correct future listings.
Restricted Gifts Received January 1, 2012 through December 31, 2012
Partners in Conservation Program
Gifts Restricted to
Land Protection Projects
Special thanks to the following donors,
whose contributions made the named
projects possible.
Carl & Shirley Anderson
Critter Haven Preserve
Lloyd & Pat Burns—12.25 acre preserve
Bill Daniels & Ellen Carnahan
Wild Turkey Conservation Easement
The Pokagon Fund matched gifts
to the PCP 2:1 during 2012. These
funds are restricted to land
protection projects in New Buffalo,
Chikaming and Three Oaks
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Anderson
Carolyn Andress
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Brown
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Coolidge
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fdn.
Mr. & Mrs. David Eblen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Farago
Ron Farina
Scott Gill & Bill Stegeman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Goldblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Gray
Scott & Rosemary Gunnison
Christopher Hehmeyer
Jon Janott & Don Hermann
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hughes
Ann Ingersoll
Mary Ann Johnson
Greg & Vickie Kaiser
George S. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Malkin
Project Partners
Laura Jane Musser Fund
Love Creek Nature Center / Berrien County Parks
Michigan Department of Natural Resources
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Mr. & Mrs. Martin J. Koldyke
Robert Parsons & Victoria Herget
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Nice
Andrew McGhee
Paul & Michal Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Richter
Clay & Barb Robinson
Dr. Paul Russell
Louis & Nellie Sieg Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sims
Steve & Jean Smith
Nancy Baird & Bob Tatina
Peter & Jeanie Van Nice
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wagner
J. A. Woollam Foundation
COL Fund at the
Berrien Community Foundation
Mary L. Dunbar
Mr. George S. Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Page 9
Annual Unrestricted Gifts Received January 1 through December 31, 2012
The listings below reflect the sum of all unrestricted giving during 2012 — spring campaign, year-end campaign, benefit, memorials and honoraria.
Please accept our sincere apologies for any unintentional errors or omissions and let us know by calling (269) 469-2330 or e-mailing us at
[email protected] so that we may correct future listings.
Anonymous (2)
Barbara R. Parsons
Earl & Brenda Shapiro Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Traisman
Joanna & Dan Valliere
Mrs. Janet Ytterberg
Mr. Paul Zeller & Mrs. Leslie Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Keiser
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Nice
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Anderson
Linda Anderson
Carolyn Andress
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Bloom
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Bogert
Harriet & David Butz
Denise Cameron
Mr. & Mrs. Amedo Cappola
Brenda & Dick Carlson
Andy & Peggy Cooper
Mr. & Mrs. Vaughn Culp
Peter & Megene Forker
H. James & Mary Alexis Fox
Dr. & Mrs. Louis Frank
Suzanne & Albert Friedman
Beth Denton & Bill Burck
Renee Hansen & Doreen Bartoni
Mr. & Mrs. Frederic Hickman
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Horning
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Howard, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Hughes
Mary Ann Johnson
Philip Kinsella
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Kochanny
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Koldyke
Nancy Kurshan & Steve Whitman
Cristy & Dave Laier
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lindeman
Ms. Gail Lowrie
Mr. James Ludwig
Mr. John Lundin
Richard & Georgia Lyman
Lynn & Eva Maddox
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Magnuson
Mr. & Mrs. John McCord
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen McCurdy
Mr. S. Warren Metcalf
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Miller
Cindy & Steve Mitchell
Robert B. Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. William Neill
Brian Ortiz & Keith Stolte
Mr. James D. Parsons
Eugene Pavalon
Mr. & Mrs. George Platz III
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Price
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Purdy
Jack Raba & Suzanne Muellman
Dr. Anita Levin & Mr. John Rafkin
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Richter
Cheryl Noel & Ravi Ricker
Nancy Baird & Robert Tatina
Lou & Marilyn Rose
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schamu
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Schwartz, Jr.
Steven K. Shevell &
Jeanne C. Marsh
Allen R. Smart & Brian Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Stahl III
Tim Sullivan & Mike Humphrey
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur M. Sussman
Chris Thompson
Ms. Eileen Thompson
Collette & Robert Kemper
Ms. Barbara Warren
Mrs. Patricia Werhane
Ms. Joyce White
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wolf
Mr. & Mrs. Cyrus Young
Cynthia & Alan Berkshire
Ms. Rosemary Flinn
Scott Gill & Bill Stegeman
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Goldblatt
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kaiser
Mr. & Mrs. John McKeague
Nancy & Walter Aque
Meredith & Eugene Clapp
Frank G. & Gertrude Dunlap Fdn.
Mr. & Mrs. David Eblen
Mr. Ronald Farina
Scott & Rosemary Gunnison
Dan & Sharon Hunter-Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kern
Mr. George S. Lucas
Ms. Louisa Rice Malkin
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Malkin
Mr. Andrew McGhee
Ms. Rose Parisi &
Mr. Donald Meckley
Mr. & Mrs. William Racine
Charles Rizzo
Clay & Barb Robinson
Dr. Paul Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Shortlidge
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sims
Richard & Nancy Spain
Jim and Martha Stevens-Gingrich
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Walsh
Anonymous (2)
Tremaine A. Atkinson
Jim Ball
Mr. and Mrs. Bossu
Greg Cameron & Greg Thompson
Sharon & Rick Ellingsen
Ms. Jayne Gibson
Mr. & Mrs. John Gibson
Mary L. & Steven R. Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jaffee
Mrs. Melvin Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Kahle
Richard B. Lazar &
Jessica E. Tampas
Ms. Elizabeth L. Malkin
Bob McDermott & Sarah Jaicks
Thomas McGanney
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meeks
Mr. & Mrs. Ulrich Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Michael W. Murray
Linda Puvogel & Michael O'Halloran
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Petterson
Rob Gow & Chris Pfauser
Ms. Kathy Richland Pick
Dr. & Mrs. Philip Radtke
Jill & Ron Rohde
Harold S. & Margo S. Russell
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rydholm
Louis & Nellie Sieg Fdn.
Stanley Tigerman &
Margaret McCurry
Page 10
Joanne & Brian Abele
Ms. Kathy Albert
Colleen & Dan Altman
Jon & Jody Altman
Anonymous (2)
Mr. & Mrs. David Axelrod
Ms. Freddie Badt
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Baker
Dr. & Mrs. David Baldwin
Ed Bancroft & Patricia Collins
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Benford
Ingrid Berman
Mr. George Bogert
Roger Boike & Tom Lohr
John Bokina
Mr. & Mrs. Renton K. Brodie
Dick & Jane Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Chapman
Mr. & Mrs. James Crimmins
Gale & Dana Crowne
Allison & Fred Daley
Ms. Bonnie Davis
Adrian DeMooy
Rosamonde H. Drabkin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Ellenbogen
Denise Fedewa & Angelo Varias
Mr. & Mrs. Marshall B. Front
Anthony & Jane Gargiulo
Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey G. Gilbert
Barbara K. Globensky
Mr. & Mrs. N.K. Gorawara
Jim & Georgiana Gormley
Ms. Kay Hartmann
Mr. Christopher Hehmeyer
Tom Hemingway & John Natsis
Mr. Robert Ingersoll
Victoria Jackson
Mr. Jonathan Janott &
Mr. Don Hermann
Candice & Eugene Johnston
Mr. & Mrs. John Keefe
Herbert Kirst & Peggy Hillman
Gerald & Beverly Kohn
Ms. Margaret Kohring
Mr. & Mrs. Sanfred Koltun
Lewis & Anne Kostiner
Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Larson
Frank Lentine & Rita Stols
Bernard Lindquist
Joe & Mary Margol
Mary McPherson &
John Gunner Gooch
Charlie Moore
Mr. David H. Morley
Richard Moticka
Jeffrey Ramsey & Tom Myers
Ms. Virginia Novak
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Osnos
Mr. Alan Palmer &
Mr. Bill Lindblom
Ms. Caro Parsons
Robert Parsons & Victoria Herget
Elise Paschen & Stuart Brainerd
Ms. Dottie Pattishall
Irwin & Andra S. Press
Frank Quinn & Craig Andree
Mr. & Mrs. David Ray
Mrs. Jo Anne Reid
Karen M. Ristau
Jeremy Rose
Ken & Jean Schiffer
Richard & Patricia Schnadig
Janet & Bob Schuttler
Mr. Ben Schwartz
Joe & Judy Scully
Rhonda Rochambeau &
Larry Shulman
The Sims Family
Douglas A. & Phyllis G. Smith
Ms. Christine Stevens
Ursula Storb & Terry Martin
Paul Caffrey & Jill Supera
Mark Kroll & David Aaker
Colleen & Michael Thomas
Frank & Jan Tomecek
Mr. John Trinta
Mr. & Mrs. Allen Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Wagner
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Waichler
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Wester
Lynn Taylor & Thomas White
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Wilcoxen
Mr. & Mrs. Peter C. Wind
Up to $124
Fakhruddin & Mary Adamji
Lloyd Anderson
Anonymous (4)
George & Katherine Ball
Ms. Jill Beach
Mr. & Mrs. Otto Becker
Glynis Benbow-Niemier &
Thomas Niemier
Kinsey & Corey Bevilacqua
Mike & Carol Bilder
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Bjorkman
Ms. Aileen Blackwell
Debra Betts Bork
Ms. Joan Brazas
Giovanna & Joseph Breu
Jean Brokish & Bernard Schmidt
Joan Buchele
Elia D. Buck
Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Burke, Jr.
Tom & Judi Burnison
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carr
Mr. Thomas D. Cavenagh
Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cherney
Chikaming Country Club
Ms. Janet Clark
Eleanor & Fred Coe
Mr. Daniel J. Coffey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conklin
J. E. Coogan
Mrs. Theodore S. Coxe
Bernie & Beth Dahl
Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Davies
James & Martha H. Davis
Jim & Pat Dayton
Tom & Monique Demery
David Derbyshire &
Ellen LaFountain
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desenberg
Phillip DeVore
Ms. Diane DeWitt
Rita M. Dickey
Ms. Maureen D. Donovan
Ms. Carolyn Dorgelo
Douglass Family
Norm & Jeanne Dudeck
Richard & Vicki DuFour
Mr. & Mrs. William S. Ellis
Carter & Susan Emerson
Mr.& Mrs. Timothy Falconio
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Faller
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Farnham
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Flinn
Thomas E. Flint
Mr. & Mrs.Craig Foster
David S. Foster
Mrs. Barbara Franzon
Becky Frederick & Edward Peterson
Harvey & Marjorie Freed
Sidney & Rod Funston
Ms. Paula T. Bartholome
Meredith George
Mrs. Betty Gibson
William Gibson & Stephen Jenkins
Anne Girton
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glaser
Mrs. Sara Goodman
Justice Robert E. & Marilyn Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Gottschall
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Grandle
Carol R. Grant
Mr. Charles Greenleaf
Mrs. Sandy Hagman
Lorraine & Terry Hanover
Jill & Merwin Haskel
Matthew Heaphy & Clare Robinson
Tracy Heilman & Michael Mulberry
Jane Heron
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Hillman
Prof. & Mrs. Joseph Hinsey
Ms. Jane Hoyer
David & Denise Hughes
Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hughes
Ms. Johanna Humbert
Michele Schiele &
Christopher Iannuccill
Ms. Deone Jackman
David Johnson
Joel & Laurie Kagann
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Kallberg
Joseph Kartiganer
Mr. Kregg Kiel
Mr. Frederick King
Margit Kir-Stimon &
Warren Sherman
Mr. & Mrs. Joel Klass
Daney & Lee Klingenstein
Michael Koch-Weser &
Kristin Vondruska
Gerald & Beverly Kohn
Michael Kozubek & Mary Swanton
Jason & Michelle Kropp
Mr. & Mrs. John Krsul
Ken & Karen Kuchar
Susan Morley LaCroix
Gary & Mary Lambert
Carolyn & Henry Lang
Mr. Henry Leland
John & Mary Lesch
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lighthall
Mr. & Mrs. Kent Lindquist
Mr. Bill Lucas
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Lynch
Jeff & Amy Mader
John & Ruth Magdzinski
Rev. & Mrs. Ronald Magnuson
Ms. Joan Mark
Jim Maslanka
Mr. & Mrs. Robin McBride
Peggy McGrath
John & Gwen McKee
Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Meckley
Mr. Paul L. Merideth
Betty & Peter Meyerink
Gunther Miksche & Suzette Steiger
Mr. Alfred Miller
Karen & Tom Tarpley
Patricia & Michael Moon
Donna Morgan
Robert Mueller
Carol & Steve Mullins
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Myers
Tom & Brooke Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. William Oostenbrug
Marcia L. Osborn
Claudia Parish & Dennis Snow
T. J. Passaro
(continued from previous page)
Mr. & Mrs. George Petraitis
Mr. & Mrs. James Pickford
Kristy & Stephen Pokorny
Bonnie & David Pollack
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Priest
Mr. & Mrs. John Rapp
Ms. Barbara G. Rau
The Reese-Clauson Family
Mary & Richard Reinthaler
Thomas M. Richardson
Mr. & Mrs. L. Vern Robinson
Mr. Harry B. Rosenberg
Philip & Janet Rotner
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Russell
Mary E. Keefe & Bob Scales
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald L. Schaffer
Philip Schatz & Bill Storey
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Schinderle
Ms. Jean W. Sharp
Mr. & Mrs. VanNess Simmons
Ms. Nancy Sheila Simonian
Mr. & Mrs. Morlen Sinoway
Mrs. Elaine Smith
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Lowell Smith
Mr.& Mrs. Reid Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Stern
Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Stevens
Mr. & Mrs. George Stevenson
Kathy & Tom Stillman
Ms. Marge Stock
Diana & Houston Stokes
Dr. & Mrs. Lee H. Strohl
Linda K. Strohl
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Stumpf
Mr. & Ms. Gene Svebakken
Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Swartz
Mrs. Thomas Tausche
Chris & Kendra Theriot
Elaine & Nick Thomopoulos
Daniel Toft
Mrs. Joan C. Tomlin
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Upton
Louise Valentin & Daniel Ventura
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Valliere
Estella Van Ginhoven
Mr. & Mrs. Errett Van Nice
Dr. & Mrs. Erik Van Rens
Donald Meyer & Tana Vaughan
Mr. & Mrs. James Veldman
Mrs. John Viskant
Dr. Kyle Vonk
Walt Wamsley
Jeannine & Richard Warner
Mrs. Philip White
Mrs. Alice Wilder
Eileen Willenborg & Jane Melnick
Rick & Arleen Willey
Tim Wixted & Ana Clelia Vincenti
Mr. Edward Wolfe
Mr.& Mrs. Harold Zeiger
Honoraria and Memorials
Chikaming Open Lands receives memorials directed by people who have lost loved ones, and
honoraria in recognition of special people and events. COL has benefited from creative members
who asked family or friends to send a donation in lieu of a wedding, birthday, or anniversary gift.
Giving in these ways is a lasting reminder of your thoughtfulness. The following memorials and
honoraria were received between 1/1/12 and 12/31/12.
In honor of…
Business Members
Dewey Cannon Trading Company
French Twist
Graham Services
Horizon Bank
Up to $249
Abonmarche Consultants, Inc.
Aidan’s Cottage
Carpet Cleaning Group
Charm Cottage
Dan Coffey Real Estate
Covenant Farms
French Twist
Lakewood Estates
Luisa’s Café
Hutter & Associates
Lakeside Antiques, LLC
Lovell & Whyte
Schwartz Law Office, PLC
Jeffrey Mader, DDS
Middlebrook Farm
Millie’s Antiques
Prism Science & Technology
Prudential Rubloff
Rabbit Run Inn
Sarett Nature Center
Season’s Harvest
Sweet William
Vail Realty
Viola Café
Woodstobe Trees
Barn Benefit Partners
Judith Racht & Irving Stenn
Judith Racht Gallery
New Buffalo Savings Bank
Michigan Street Catering
Greenbush Brewing
Old Shore Vineyards
The Acorn Theater
Bentwood Tavern
Bistro on the Boulevard
Blais Design
The Buck Burger & Brew
Café Gulistan
Chikaming Pro Shop
Drier’s Meat Market
Elm Street Bistro
French Twist
Floyd Gompf
Grand Mere Inn
Heath & Co.
Jim Ball Vineyards
Peg Kohring
Krasl Art Center
Luisa’s Café
Middlebrook Farm
Ann R. Miller
New Buffalo Arts Council
Red Arrow Roadhouse
Sakari Nail Spa
Sawyer Garden Center
Snite Museum of Art
South Bend Museum
Southwest MI Symphony
Bob Tatina
The Terrace Room
Three Oaks Inn
Vickers Theater
Whittaker House
WoodsToBe Trees
Dan Coffey from Anonymous and Mr. & Mrs. James A. Cherney
Emily & Drew Coolidge’s 15th Anniversary, from Steve & Jean Smith
Greg Kerrigan, from Charles Rizzo
Taylor Magdzinski, from John & Ruth Magdzinski
Ann McCabe & William Houston’s marriage, from H. James & Mary Alexis Fox
Michal Miller’s birthday, from Robin, Riley, Quinn & Reed Moticka
Rose Parisi & Don Meckley,from Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Meckley
Sue & Werner Petterson’s 50th Anniversary, from Robert Mueller and Mr. & Mrs. Gene Svebakken
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Sizer, from Mr. & Mrs. James Pickford
Bob Tatina’s Birthday, from Ms. Virginia Novak
Peter & Jeanie Van Nice, from Mr. & Mrs. Louis Desenberg and Jim & Martha Stevens-Gingrich
In memory of…
Edward Brown, from Jeff & Amy Mader
Luther H. Buchele, from Joan Buchele
Betty Derbyshire, from David Derbyshire & Ellen LaFountain
Judy DeVore, from Phillip DeVore
Don Flinn, from Kinsey & Corey Bevilacqua, Giovanna & Joseph Breu, Jean Brokish & Bernard Schmidt,
Elia D. Buck, Chikaming Country Club, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conklin, Mrs. Theodore S. Coxe,
Ms. Maureen D. Donovan, Rosamonde H. Drabkin, Mr. & Mrs. David Eblen, Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Faller,
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Flinn, Mr. & Mrs.Craig Foster, H. James & Mary Alexis Fox, Dr. & Mrs. Louis Frank,
Mrs. Barbara Franzon, Sidney & Rod Funston, Mrs. Betty Gibson, Anne Girton, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Glaser,
Mr. & Mrs. Stanford Goldblatt, Jill & Merwin Haskel, Prof. & Mrs. Joseph Hinsey,
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin B. Howard, Jr., Dr. & Mrs. Richard Hughes, Ms. Johanna Humbert, Mary Ann Johnson,
Candice & Eugene Johnston, Joseph Kartiganer, Daney & Lee Klingenstein, Ms. Margaret Kohring,
Susan Morley LaCroix, Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Lighthall, Ms. Gail Lowrie, Mr. John Lundin, Ms. Joan Mark,
Mr. & Mrs. John McCord, Thomas McGanney, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Meeks, Mr. S. Warren Metcalf,
Mr. Alfred Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Miller,Patricia & Michael Moon, Mr. & Mrs. William Oostenbrug,
Marcia L. Osborn, Mrs. Russell J. Parsons, Ms. Caro Parsons, T. J. Passaro, Kristy & Stephen Pokorny,
Dr. & Mrs. William K. Purdy, Mr. & Mrs. William Racine, Mr. & Mrs. John Rapp, Ms. Barbara G. Rau,
Mary & Richard Reinthaler, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Richter, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Rydholm,
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Schamu, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith, Mr. & Mrs. Walter P. Stern, Chris Thompson,
Frank & Jan Tomecek, Mrs. Joan C. Tomlin, Mr. & Mrs. Stephen E. Upton, Joanna & Dan Valliere,
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Valliere, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Van Nice, Dr. & Mrs. Erik Van Rens, Walt Wamsley,
Mrs. Patricia Werhane, Mrs. Philip White, Mr. Edward Wolfe
Harold Gibson, from Mr. & Mrs. Francis Scholer
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Goodman, from Mrs. Sara Goodman
Cathy Gunnison, from Scott & Rosemary Gunnison
Bev Hahn, from Debra Betts Bork
Richard & Patricia Humbert, from Joan Brazas, Maureen & Vaughn Culp, Bonnie Davis, Rich & Eileen
Kochanny, Peg Kohring, Paul & Michal Miller, Charlie Moore, Steve & Jean Smith, Chris Thompson
Dalia Jeziorski, from Joseph Jeziorski
Jean Lucas, from Bernard Lindquist
George A. Peapples, from Matthew Heaphy & Clare Robinson, and Mrs. Alice Wilder
Matthew Ross, from George S. Lucas
Scout, from Charlie Moore
Maureen Spillane & Jenny Espinoza, from Mr. & Mrs. George Petraitis
Anne & Bill Stevens, from Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Stevens
Beverly Werelius-Wamsley, from George S. Lucas
Quincy White, from Dr. & Mrs. Stan Showalter
Page 11
For more information, visit www.chikamingopen, or
contact us at (269) 469-2330, or [email protected]
Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake
More on this and many more great programs
offered by Chikaming Open Lands in 2013 inside
this issue of The Chikaming Legacy.
Don’t miss this exciting and educational program
on July 27! This is a great opportunity to get upclose and personal with the snakes, frogs, turtles
and salamanders native to this area.
Chikaming Open Lands
14913 Lakeside Road
Lakeside, MI 49116