mountain brook library foundation board
mountain brook library foundation board
Dear Friends, In 2014, Emmet O’Neal Library was selected as the number one city service in a survey of Mountain Brook residents, and it is not difficult to see why. Your Blue Ribbon Award-winning library, the highest level of excellence awarded by the Alabama Library Association, is constantly striving to support the informational and enrichment needs of the individuals and families of the City of Mountain Brook throughout the year with cutting edge services and regularly scheduled programs for all ages and interests. Dear Supporters off Emmet O’Neal Library, First, let me express my thanks for and excitement over Emmet O’Neal Library being the highest-rated city service in the 2014 survey of Mountain Brook residents. This library flourishes under your continued support, and we are proud to serve the individuals and families of Mountain Brook. We’ve launched an exciting new online resource for Mountain Brook residents! Flipster is a digital magazine service accessed via the Library’s website using your library card. View the magazine of your choice via your computer/ Android browser or download the Flipster app to your Apple device for on-the-go reading. There are over 60 titles to choose from, including Consumer Reports, Fortune, Money, Southern Living, and more. The Library’s new Makerspace is up and running and already gathering an enthusiastic following of library patrons eager to get started on their projects. From podcasts, to 3-D printing, to small-scale video production, our new Makerspace can do it all! We were delighted to get out and mingle with the community this summer! The weekly Urban Cookhouse Farmer’s Market provided children, teens, and adults in the community the opportunity to sign up for summer reading and library cards, as well as learn about the great programs and services here at the library, while we made new and stronger friendships with local families and businesses. We also loved being able to help out with the Crestline Rocks music festival, which brought a multitude of visitors to the Library and surrounding businesses. During any given week, Emmet O’Neal Library offers over 16 children, teen, and adult programs and hosts about 4,500 visitors. The children’s department is committed to enhancing early literacy skills for toddlers and preschoolers and keeping the tweens engaged and involved as well. A monthly all-ages program, Family Night, draws regular attendance of over 300 community members. Over 30 teens stay involved in our active Teen Advisory Board and our Teen Librarian encourages their leadership skills in developing and planning teen activities. The adults stay involved as well. The Library offers four book groups, a documentary film series, weekly brown bag lunch programs, a bi-monthly program on finance and investing, and a bi-monthly program called Standing Room Only aimed at the new adults and young parents in their 20s and 30s in the Mountain Brook community. Your Emmet O’Neal Library does not stop at traditional materials and methods to encourage literacy and learning either. Beyond EMMET O’NEAL LIBRARY BOARD internet access and business productivity Left: James Hard, Penny Page, Patrick Carlton and software, the Library offers technology classes, Max Pulliam. Not pictured: Caroline Darby one-on-one help sessions, circulating Nook e-readers, a great variety of online resources, and most recently, a cutting-edge Makerspace lab that enables community members to design, prototype, and create many different types of projects. The Library’s online presence is also popular. In addition to the almost 4,500 in-person visits, over 2,000 library visits are now virtual visits, through the Library’s website and social media outlets. Essential services and materials like these would not be possible without the generosity of many library supporters. The City of Mountain Brook is our largest supporter, and we extend warm thanks to the City Council, Mayor, City Manager, and other staff of the City of Mountain Brook. Other essential supporters include our community funding organizations: Mountain Brook Library Foundation, Friends of Emmet O’Neal Library, and Junior Women’s Committee of 100. Our gratitude also goes out to each of you who give so generously to us and these organizations.! Stephen W. Shaw Maxwell H. Pulliam Chair, Mountain Brook Library Foundation Chair, Emmet O’Neal Library Board MOUNTAIN BROOK LIBRARY FOUNDATION BOARD As you can see, there’s a lot going on here at Emmet O’Neal Library, and I hope you’ll consider joining the Friends or Young Friends of the Library and help us drive these innovations forward into the future. Keep Reading, Sue DeBrecht Library Director 1 Front: David E. Roth, V. Ellen Jackson, Lissa H. Tyson, Davis Goodson, R. William Pradat, Jr., Stephen W. Shaw. Back: LaVonda B. Keel, Emily M. Curran, Nancy Collat Goedecke, Shaun D. Gray. Not pictured: Caroline R. Darby, Lynn Lloyd, Beth R. McMillan, Craft O’Neal, Donald W. Patton, Ralph H. Yeilding. NEW AT THE LIBRARY: MAKERSPACE EMMET O’NEAL LIBRARY Snapshot Thanks to funding from Mountain Brook Library Foundation, Emmet O’Neal Library opened its Digital Makerspace this summer, the first of its kind in Alabama. What is a Makerspace? Makerspaces come in all shapes and sizes: they are simply spaces where people can gather to create, invent, and learn. They provide tools and equipment that users might not be able to afford, or have space for, on their own. The Library’s existing electronic classroom was renovated into just such a space and includes a 3-D printer, a 3-D scanner, a video green screen, two video rendering workstations, a laser cutter, and other digital tools. Who might use a Makerspace? You. Already, students, local business owners, and inquisitive community members have made use of the new space. Over the summer, the Library offered two maker camps for rising fourth through sixth graders. The campers used technology in the Makerspace to design their own 3-D projects and print them on the 3-D printer. These projects ranged from custom-designed iPhone cases to desktop sculptures of their names. Participants also created short videos, using the Makerspace’s green screen to insert themselves into custom backgrounds in order to take “virtual vacations.” The Makerspace has been met with great enthusiasm by the community, inspiring hobbyists, students, and teachers, as well as entrepreneurs. The future potential of the Makerspace is limited only by the imagination of those who use it. It will be exciting to see what they create next. To make a reservation to use the Makerspace, or for your personal tour, please call 445-1115. in 2013-2014 BOOKS, MEDIA AND SERVICES Items in collection 148,973 Items loaned 421,731 In-person visits 200,684 Information inquiries to staff 142,698 COMPUTERS & TECHNOLOGY Public access computers Computer uses Library website visits CHILDREN Programs for children Children’s program attendees Children’s Summer Reading participants TEENS Programs for teens Teen program attendees Teen Summer Reading participants ADULTS Programs for adults Adult program attendees Adult Summer Reading participants 40 113,032 103,667 487 25,226 2,046 43 2,483 91 136 3,742 198 2 MOVIE on the LAWN The school year opened at EOL with a Berenstain Bears Family Night in September. Mama, Papa, Sister, and Brother Bear showed up to share a light outdoor dinner with the kids and take pictures with them. Next, families used streamers, pipe cleaners, and other colorful accoutrements to decorate their bikes. After a brief bicycle safety lesson with Officer Fisher of the Mountain Brook Police, the cyclists were off ! They pedaled and scooted their way through an obstacle course to the popsicles waiting at the finish. KIDS’ TECHNOLOGY CHOPPED! EOL EDITION Upper elementary students are addicted to SNaP, the Thursday after-school program that offers crafts, video game tournaments, special guests, wild games, and more. One of the most popular SNaPs of the year was the Chopped! cooking competition, in which students worked in teams to try to make the best dish from a set list of ingredients. The winning team took home trophies for their delectable summer squash pasta. We remain on the cutting tti tn ngg eedge dgge off uusing dge s ng si n ttechnology echn ec hnollog hn o y aass aan n eeducational resource for kids. This year, we added a fullllll set off iPads P d to our storytime arsenal. They are loaded with the best in educational and book-related children’s apps, and a squishy case makes them drop-proof and easy to hold. Summer workshops offered the opportunity for upper elementary schoolers to engage their creativity in an exploration of the tools available in the brand-new Makerspace. To use our online resources from home or school, visit our website and navigate your way to interactive online books through Tumblebooks and Capstone Interactive, or check out an eee-book through our online catalog. Additionally, this school year we added a subscription to PebbleGo, a website that simplifies the research process for kids who have not yet learned how to type or skim for information. The Library is the place to go for the newest and best in technology for children. A NIGHT DARK and GRIM 3 The night of fairy tale fun returned, this time with even more characters, more stories, and more villains! The photo booth, face painting, games , and crafts showed up again. This year, patrons also climbed through a Wizard of Oz obstacle course, met Peter Pan and his shadow, tried not to wake the giant from Jack and the Beanstalk, and participated in a craft and a singalong on the lawn with the cast of Frozen. SUMMER READING: G: FIZZ! BOOM! READ!! From the JWC kickoff carnival to the Roger Day finale concert, summer reading diing ding ng was full of explosive fun. Kids from birth through sixth grade came around d for storytimes, science experiments, team games, contests, camps, and tons more. If the pictures aren’t conclusive evidence that the Library is an excitingg place, maybe this will prove it: our summer reading participants read over 1.5 million pages this summer. Wow! Thanks to the JWC of 100! The Junior Women’s Committee of 100 went above and beyond nd to t raise $40,000 for the Children’s Department this year. Thanks, JWC – we couldn’t do what we do without you! Left: Library Board member Judge James Hard, City Council member Amy Carter, President of JWC Lauren Burgess, Library Board Chairman Max Pulliam. 4 STANDING ROOM ONLY Standing Room Only proved to live up to its name! In November 2013, the Library kicked off SRO, an event series for emerging adults in their 20s and 30s, with a concert by acclaimed local musician Duquette Johnston. Johnston and his band entertained a crowd of nearly 200 people. A full house also attended “I ❤ the ‘90s” Trivia in January for a night of fierce, nostalgic competition. Prizes were awarded to the top three teams who answered questions about ‘90s pop culture and events. Cocktail enthusiast David Hornbuckle visited the Library in March to demonstrate the do’s and don’ts of making homemade bitters in our first mixology class. In May, the Library was turned into a dancehall for an after-hours dance party! Two DJs took the stage to play vinyl records while attendees danced the night away under the stars. The Library received another transformation in July when it was turned into a summer staple—a mini-golf course. Attendees played the literary-themed holes throughout the stacks and then gathered to play board and video games. This is just the beginning! There is much in store for the second year of SRO. Standing Room Only is sponsored by the Young Friends of the Emmet O’Neal Library, a subset of the Friends of the Library. WINE in the WILD Once again, the 24th Annual Western Supermarket Wine and Food Festival, at the Birmingham Zoo, was a night to remember. This September event, which benefits the Library, has continued to grow each year. One-night-only wine deals, raffle prizes, carousel rides, and exotic animals are just a few highlights of the evening. With more than 500 wines and 40 local food vendors, there is something for everyone. Thanks to the Festival and generosity of Western Supermarkets, funds are available to bring acclaimed authors to the Library for speaking engagements and book signings. Both the Wine and Food Festival and author events are experiences you don’t want to miss. 5 CHILDREN’S LIBRARY CARD In order to increase access to our collection, we now offer a children’s library card. Have you ever sent your kids to the library with their grandparents or babysitter and forgot to send your library card along? Now they can still check out books if they visit the front desk and get a library card specifically for children. The card is good only at Emmet O’Neal Library for three print items. And whenever you’re ready, you and your child can bring the card to the front desk and fill out the application to exchange it for a full-service Jefferson County Library Cooperative card. We don’t want anyone leaving the Library empty-handed! Flipster is a next-generation digital magazine solution that makes it easy for you to read your favorite magazines on your computer or mobile device. Emmet O’Neal Library is the first library in the nation to offer access to EBSCO’s new digital magazine platform. Mountain Brook residents have direct access through the Flipster link on our website to hundreds of issues of popular magazines. Visit our website, find Flipster, and log in with your library card. You can then click on a magazine to view it within your browser. This means you can access Flipster from any computer, laptop, or mobile device, as long as you are connected to the Internet. Some titles available include Southern Living, Time, Sports Illustrated, Car & Driver, Consumer Reports, People, Us, and Veranda. Not an iPad owner? Never fear, an Android app is coming soon! Miss Gunter Crommelin presents a donation of the proceeds of her Spirit Jersey sales to Library Board Chairman Max Pulliam. If you’ve seen the new Mountain Brook Spirit Jerseys around town, you have Mountain Brook High School student Miss Gunter Crommelin to thank for it! She is the designer and seller of the popular jerseys, with assistance from the Crestline Village location of The Pants Store, which also sold them. Miss Crommelin made the generous decision to donate the proceeds of her Spirit Jersey sales to Emmet O’Neal Library. We congratulate her on her efforts and thank her for her donation to the Library in memory of her sister, Sally Wade Crommelin, and grandmother, Mary Moren Crommelin. TEEN UPDATE From the latest databases for research projects to programs that offer our young people a safe and fun place to socialize and learn, the Library opens the doors to a world of resources and opportunities for the young adults of our community. The Teen Advisory Board is a great way for students to get directly involved in what happens at their local library. The Teen Advisory Board meets monthly to discuss what programs our teens want to experience at the Library, and our young people have come up with some fantastic ideas: Chopped—a cooking competition that pitted teams of teen chefs against one another, Parent-Teen Olympics—where you team up with your teenager to compete against other parents and teens in feats of skill and general silliness for the gold, and Teen Advisory Board lock-ins—where we spend the night playing games and watching movies, just to name a few. To more fully meet the needs of our students, our young adult librarian regularly visits Mountain Brook High School and Junior High to connect students with their very own library card. That little card gives them access to research resources, language learning tools, free digital magazines and music, downloadable e-books and audiobooks, and so much more. In addition, we have partnerships with the teachers and librarians at the schools, so we have the resources for our students’ school projects at the ready. Emmet O’Neal Library is a great place for students to study any time but especially so at exam time when we open our meeting room to accommodate the large number of students who are working diligently to excel in their schoolwork. Besides expansive study space, we provide our young people with snacks and drinks, so they have the fuel they need in order to perform well. If you have a student in need of research assistance, send them to the Library. We will connect them with all the tools they need. 6 Foundation Donors October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 SCHOLARS Donors who have generously given $5,000 or more Adams Family Advised Fund Friends of Emmet O’Neal Library Junior Womens Committee of 100 Heather & Phillip McWane Mr. & Mrs. Ruffner G. Page, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald W. Patton Dr. & Mrs. John W. Poynor RMA Family Fund Simon Fund Western Supermarkets PUBLISHERS Donors who have generously given $2,500 - $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Daniel H. Markstein, III Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton NOVELISTS Donors who have generously given $1,000 - $2,499 Abroms Charitable Foundation, Inc. Maggie & Will Brooke Mrs. Camille Butrus Chenoweth Memorial Foundation Miss Gunter Moren Crommelin Dr. & Mrs. A. Derrill Crowe Mr. & Mrs. George V. Daniels, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III Mrs. Ralph E. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Perry H. Keel Terri D. Lyon McWane Charitable Foundation Fairfax & Drayton Nabers, Jr. Craft O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pearce Susan & Dowd Ritter Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Mr. & Mrs. Joseph C. South, III Mr. & Mrs. Michael D. Thompson 7 Lissa & Marc Tyson Mr. & Mrs. N. Thomas Williams POETS Donors who have generously given $500 - $999 Dr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Amason, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Boulware, III Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Greg S. Curran Adelaide & Mel Davis Fund Mr. & Mrs. Hartwell Davis, Jr. Susan DeBrecht Mr. Douglas Dutton Maura & Will Goodwyn Mr. & Mrs. K. Wood Herren Hulsey Family Fund V. Ellen Jackson Mr. Joseph D. Jolly, Jr. Cathy & Tommy Luckie Mr. & Mrs. David Mason Maxwell H. Pulliam LLC Heather Minor Mr. & Mrs. Hugh J. Morgan, Jr. Frank & Ruthie Ozment Mr. & Mrs. William C. Patterson Mr. & Mrs. Edmund K. Seibels Mrs. Sara Sistrunk Herb & Ellie Sklenar Mr. & Mrs. Ingram D. Tynes Libba & Turner Williams PLAYWRIGHTS Donors who have generously given $250 - $499 Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Aland Cay Alby Bruce & Missy Barze, Jr. Brian & Wendy Barze Melissa & Sheldon Black Mrs. Mary M. Bledsoe Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Mr. & Mrs. John Brouillette Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Burks Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Cobb Mr. & Mrs. Russell M. Cunningham, III Mr. & Mrs. Tom Davis Dr. & Mrs. A. G. Diethelm Mr. & Mrs. William H. Dodson Mr. & Mrs. J. Robert Doody Patsy & Allen Dreher Dr. & Mrs. Frederick J. Elsas Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Eubanks Mr. & Mrs. Reuben C. Finney Mr. & Mrs. Clarke H. Gillespy Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. Goedecke Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie H. Harvey, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen, Jr. The John Lacey Family Mr. & Mrs. Donald Y. Menendez Mr. & Mrs. William F. Miller, Jr. Lee & Mac Moncus Katherine Blount Mr. & Mrs. Bert C. O’Neal Pelekis Foundation Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pogue Carol & Wilmer Poynor Mrs. Joyce Ratliff Margaret & Tom Ritchie Mr. & Mrs. W. T. Goodloe Rutland Mr. & Mrs. Stephen W. Shaw Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd C. Shelton Butch Smathers Mr. & Mrs. J. Elliotte Speake Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson Mr. & Mrs. Mark R. Tucker Lissa & Marc Tyson Dr. & Mrs. Phillip C. Watkins Angie S. Webb Foundation Donors October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 READERS Donors who have generously given $100 - $250 Susie & Joe Abbott Patricia G. Adams Scott & Beth Adams Mr. & Mrs. William B. Anthony Barbara & Leon Ashford Asmar, Schor & McKenna, PLLC Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Baldwin Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Barr Mr. and Mrs. Emmett David Bates, III Mr. and Mrs. Nelson S. Bean Janet & Cary Beck Dr. and Mrs. Austen L. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. Peyton D. Bibb Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Bissell Charles & Sally Bluhm Cathy & Steven Boone Mrs. Dan G. Bradley Dr. & Mrs. Merrill N. Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Tom Brinkley Lella & Frank Bromberg, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Charles Bugg Mrs. Emily Bynum Mr. Joe Calvin Cambridge Study Club Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Judge & Mrs. Jack D. Carl Karen & Phil Carroll Amy & Britton Carter Burton & Susan Chandler Mrs. Eleanor Cheatham Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Clark, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Tyler Clark Mr. & Mrs. Robert Clayton Dr. & Mrs. John G. Cocoris Mr. & Mrs. Charles A. Collat, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Merrill E. Compton, Jr. Paula C. Cosper Keith Covington Cowin Equipment Company, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Chandler Cox, Jr. Michael Cyr Stewart M. Dansby Mr. & Mrs. Richard T. Darden Mr. & Mrs. Sidney Davis Alan & Jill Deer Jim & Kathryn Delk Mr. & Mrs. James H. Denson The Dixon Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harold Doss Ms. L. Susan Doss Helen McTyeire Drennen Mr. & Mrs. Jack N. Dunn, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. George S. Eastwood, II Mr. Richard Einhorn Marylyn & Jim Eubank Betsy Faucette Rick & Terri Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Henry S. Fowlkes Elizabeth & Frank Fox Gaieties Club Mr. Sam Gaston Mr. & Mrs. James W. Gewin Maureen & John Gleysteen Mr. & Mrs. T. Michael Goodrich Mr. & Mrs. Anthony J. Graffeo Mr. & Mrs. Emris Graham, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Edward Grund Carmen Habeeb Mr. & Mrs. Victor H. Hanson, III Judge & Mrs. James Hard Penney & Roger Hartline Mr. & Mrs. Wyatt R. Haskell Mr. & Mrs. Timothy S. Healey Beth & Rich Henry Mrs. David Higgins Highland Book Club Highway Equipment Company, Inc. Kathy & Wayne Hoar Dr. & Mrs. Steven C. Hodges Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holcomb, III Heyward C. Hosch, III Nolan & Lyn Hudson David & Leslie McLeod Mr. & Mrs. Charles M. Miller Mrs. S. Roy Millhouse Dr. & Mrs. Gary Monheit Dr. & Mrs. Richard H. Monk, Jr. Barbara H. Moore Jamie Moore Mr. & Mrs. William C. Morris Carmen & Randall Morrow Mrs. Charlotte Murdock Mr. & Mrs. Don A. Newton The Nineteenth Century Club Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. Northen, III Marian & Albert Oberman Emily & George Omura Cleo O’Neal John Overton, III Mr. D. G. Pappas Sandy & Jerry Parker Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Parsons Mr. Robert S. Patterson Nicole Perri Dr. & Mrs. W. Banks Petrey Clarence N. Petty Mrs Marion T. Plylar Melinda & Bill Powers Pritchard Family Partnership Lucille Thompson Kathryn & Sam Tortorici Gerard & Kathleen Tracey Mr. & Mrs. James Tracy Dr. & Mrs. Jack Trigg Mr. & Mrs. William C. Tucker, Jr. Lois & Jim Turnipseed Mr. & Mrs. William P. Turnipseed Mr. & Mrs. Baynard S. Tynes, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Russell H. Vandevelde, III Net & Robin Wade Mr. & Mrs. James E. Wall Mrs. A. Brand Walton Mr. & Mrs. William Ward Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wedge Mr. & Mrs. Joe W. Welsh, III Williams Trew Sotheby’s International Realty Cindy & David T. Williams Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. S. Wilson, Jr. Lynn & Fritz Woehle Mr. & Mrs. Peter T. Worthen Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wren Mr. & Mrs. Jason T. Zinn “The very existence of libraries affords the best evidence that we may yet have hope for the future of man.” - T. S. Eliot Mr. Lark Ingram Mrs. Elbert S. Jemison, Jr. Edwin Johnson, Jr. John & Amy Johnstone Karen & Brian Judd Paula & Bob Kerr Rick & Pam Kilgore Mr. & Mrs. Solomon Kimerling Jane B. LaRose Dr. & Mrs. Joe B. LaRussa Dr. & Mrs. Marcus S. Lawrence Raymond & Dottie Lee Mr. & Mrs. William A. Legg, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Wiley K. Livingston Susan & Thomas Logan Jill & Bobbie Luckie Mrs. C. Caldwell Marks Mr. & Mrs. John Markus Caroline L. Marx Weesa Matthews Mr. & Mrs. John K. McCullough Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. McKinnon Courteney & Brother Pritchard Mr. & Mrs. William T. Ratliff, III Mr. & Mrs. James Kimble Ratliff, Jr. Susan & Vaughn Rives Scott & Leigh Anne Roach Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Robinson, Jr. Mrs. Anita Ronderos Michael & Tamara Sansbury Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler Nancy Sexton Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. Simmons, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William E. Smith, Jr. Virginia & David Smith Mr. & Mrs. Murray W. Smith Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith St. Andrew’s Society of the Middle South Irma St. John Mr. & Mrs. Edward Strong Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Sweeney, Jr. The Thompson Foundation 8 VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT Did you know? The Library’s Adult Department has a regular staff of volunteers including Alan Poole, Virginia Clark, and Rosalind Rust. Members of our Teen Advisory Board regularly volunteer for the department as well. On any given day volunteers are busy shelving books, searching for missing items, and generally helping maintain our collection. In 2014 alone, our volunteers logged over 300 hours in the Adult Department. We definitely couldn’t keep the Library working so smoothly without them! FRIENDS of the LIBRARY William Tynes, left, Tynes Award recipient Forsyth Donald with Library Director Sue DeBrecht. WILLIAM TYNES AWARD The Library Board, Foundation Board, and staff of Emmet O’Neal Library are grateful for the knowledge and expertise shared by this year’s William Tynes Award recipient, Mrs. Forsyth Donald. Named for William D. Tynes, Jr., The William Tynes Award is an honor bestowed upon an individual who, like Mr. Tynes himself, is recognized for meaningful and devoted service to The City of Mountain Brook and especially Emmet O’Neal Library. This year’s recipient served on the Board of Trustees of Emmet O’Neal Library from 1982 through 1992 and again from 1993 through 2001 in the capacity of Secretary, Vice-Chair, or member of the Board. In addition, she served as ViceChair of the Foundation Board for eight years. Congratulations, Mrs. Donald! 9 Mark your calendars! The annual Friends of the Library Book Sale Preview Party, one of the most anticipated events at the Library, will be here before you know it! Assure your invitation with a monetary donation to the Library of $25 or more. You will then be among a select group invited to attend the Preview Party, set for Thursday February 19th. You’ll get first pick of lovely first editions, coffee table books, and other treasures our Friends members have collected and organized from generous donations to the Library throughout the year. The public sale will begin Friday, February 20th and continue until Sunday, February 22nd at 5pm. We were so appreciative of the Friends generous donation of $35,000 from last year’s sale. The Library relies on the proceeds from the Book Sale each year to fund programs throughout the year for all ages and the sale wouldn’t be the success it is without YOU! To become a member of The Friends of the Emmet O’Neal Library or to volunteer with this worthwhile cause, please contact Friends President Shaun Gray. “The Friends thank you for your book donations throughout the year that make the book sale a successful event benefiting the Library.” - Shaun Gray, Friends President Honorariums October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 Donations were made to the Library in honor of the following individuals: MARY VIRGINIA ADAMS Cobby Witherington COACH CHRIS BOEHM Spartans 6th Grade Basketball Team SUSAN DEBRECHT Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MRS. JOHN HARRELL Mrs. Margaret Ragland MR. & MRS. JAMES G. ADAMS Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. THOMAS BOULWARE Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. PAUL DELL Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. DR. & MRS. REX HARRIS Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. KATRINA “MISS KAT” DEMEDICIS Heather Minor MRS. T. RANDY HARRISON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. ROBERT B. ALAND Mr. & Mrs. John H. Holcomb, III PHILIP BOYD Cobby Witherington MR. & MRS. WILLIAM H. BRANTLEY, III Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. DR. & MRS. CHARLES BUGG Irma St. John MR. & MRS. ROBERT BURTON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. ROBERT ALAND Robert Aland served as Treasurer of the Emmet O’Neal Library Board from 2006-2014. His dedication and service to the Library is appreciated, and his leadership will be missed. LARRY ALLDREDGE Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. MR. & MRS. JACK S. ALLISON Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. A. JACK ALLISON, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. THE ALVIS FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MR. & MRS. BERT AMASON Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams EDITH, GILBERT & EMMIE AMASON Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Amason, Jr. DR. & MRS. THOMAS G. AMASON, JR. Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. HENRY AVERYT Butch Smathers COACH BILL BARCLIFT The Strikers Soccer Team MR. & MRS. CHARLTON BARGERON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. COACH BUTCH BARRON Thunder Basketball (4th Grade) MR. & MRS. ROBERT BENTLEY Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. WIN BISHOP & FAMILY Butch Smathers DR. & MRS. D. ERSKINE CARMICHAEL Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Butch Smathers MRS. BARNETT DERAMUS Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. COACH BRAD DILLON Thunder Basketball 4th Grade MRS. JOSEPH M. DONALD, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Charlton Bargeron Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Alan & Jill Deer DR. & MRS. THOMAS T. DONALD Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MRS. SARAH CARNEY Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. JOHN DULIN Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams FRIENDS AT CHRISTMAS Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson BETSY & SARAH DUNN Caxton Club DR. & MRS. C. GLENN COBBS Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. THE WALTER DUNN FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MRS. THOMAS COLEMAN Highland Book Club MRS. WILLIAM EDMONDS Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. A. PHILIP COOK, JR. Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. ELIZABETH EDWARDS Serena Spencer MRS. BETH COREY Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MRS. RICHARD ELKUS Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. FRANCIS H. CROCKARD, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MRS. GEORGE B. ELLIOTT Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. CLAIBORNE CROMMELIN Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams MS. HARRIET CROMMELIN Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. DR. & MRS. HENRY CROMMELIN, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Irma St. John MRS. WARREN B. CROW, III Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. EMILY CURRAN Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bean MRS. CAROLINE DARBY Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bean Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MR. & MRS. DONALD DAWSON Butch Smathers DONALD G. DAWSON Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. STAN ERDREICH Mrs. Anita G. Ronderos MRS. JANIE EVANS Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MR. & MRS. GLENN FAIRCLOTH, AVERY & BECKETT Butch Smathers THE HARTLINE FAMILY Dr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Parker MR. & MRS. BLAINE HAWKINS Butch Smathers WILL & ASHLEY HIBBERTS Mr. & Mrs. James Tracy MR. & MRS. WILLIAM HINDS Irma St. John MRS. ROY HOFFMAN, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MS. CAROLYN HOLLIFIELD Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. ROBERT J. HORTON Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. ROBERT HOWARD Irma St. John MR. & MRS. KEN HUBBARD Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. MICHAEL HUDSON Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams DR. & MRS. LELAND HULL, JR. Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Irma St. John LAURA CHRISTIAN HYDINGER Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Renneker, III MRS. RUTH JETMUNDSEN Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MRS. CRAWFORD JOHNSON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. LEO M. KARPELES Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. CARTER KENNEDY Irma St. John DR. & MRS. JAMES FINNY Irma St. John ED KISSEL Mr. & Mrs. Joe Windsor MR. & MRS. DARRELL FITTS Butch Smathers JILL KOHLMANN Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. DR. & MRS. KEITH FLEISHER Mrs. Anita G. Ronderos MR. & MRS. DAVID LACAGNINA Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. CHRISTIAN & KAROLINE GILLESPY Mr. & Mrs. J. Sharp Gillespy, IV DR. & MRS. MARCUS LAWRENCE Butch Smathers THE GOODWYN FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MR. & MRS. ROLAND LEWIS Butch Smathers DAVID HALL Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. 10 Honorariums October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 MRS. BETTY LOEB Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. MS. LOUISE PLOTT Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams SUZANNE LUCAS Mrs. Margaret Ragland MR. TOMMY POE Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MRS. JACKIE MACCLARY Gaieties Club MRS. LARKIE POST Mr. Lark Ingram DRS. ANDY & APRIL MADDUX Mr. & Mrs. James Tracy EMORY, LARK SULLINS & ELLIOTT POST Mr. Lark Ingram THE MADDUX FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MRS. DAVID MARBURY Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. DR. & MRS. GEORGE W. MATTHEWS, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. KATHERINE MCTYIERE Helen McTyeire Drennen MR. HOBART MCWHORTER Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. LISA SMATHERS Butch Smathers HOLLEY WESLEY Springbrook Garden Club DR. & MRS. JOHN POYNOR Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Carol & Wilmer Poynor MR. & MRS. J. Z. SMATHERS Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. WILLIAM B. WHITE, III Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MRS. DONALD R. PRITCHARD Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MAX & TERESA PULLIAM Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Shaw ELIZABETH CHENEY SMITH Mr. & Mrs. Frederick W. Renneker, III MR. & MRS. JEFF WISE & FAMILY Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. LATHROP W. SMITH, JR. Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Irma St. John MR. & MRS. JOHN WITHERINGTON Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams MR. & MRS. BART STARR Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Balch, Jr. MR. & MRS. FRED RENNEKER, III Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. COACH JUSTIN STRONG Spartans 6th Grade Basketball Team MR. & MRS. WILLIAM RICHARDSON Irma St. John MR. & MRS. LEE J. STYSLINGER, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss MR. & MRS. THOMAS A. RITCHIE Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. CLINT THOMPSON Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams MRS. FRANCES ROBINSON Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. MANDEL SELBER, JR. Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. DR. & MRS. CHARLES SHARP Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen CHARLES SHARP Anne & Bob Waudby 11 DR. & MRS. THOMAS A. S. WILSON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald , Jr. MR. & MRS. JEFF STARLING Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams JOHNNA NOLES Joseph Spencer MR. & MRS. DON WILLIAMS Anne H. Hightower WYNN SMITH Linda & Sam Johnson MRS. WARREN J. ST. JOHN Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. CHARLES NICROSI Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. MR. & MRS. MICHAEL PIZITZ Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MRS. PETER G. SMITH Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. DR. & MRS. TERRELL SPENCER Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. DONALD NELSON Butch Smathers MR. & MRS. THOMAS M. PEARCE Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. JACK T. SMATHERS Butch Smathers MR. ROBERT SMITHWICK Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. FRED MURRAY Irma St. John CAM PARSONS Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. JOAN WEISBERG Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. MR.& MRS. WILMER POYNOR Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. WALTER F. MORRIS, SR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. DR. & MRS. MARTIN PALMER Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MRS. RICHARD SIMMONS, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. BENNET WATERS Mr. & Mrs. Michael Seth Adams LOUISE WELDEN Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Davis Mr. & Mrs. Albert F. Thomasson MR. & MRS. DARWIN METCALF Butch Smathers MAYOR TERRY ODEN Mary E. Boulware T. M. Boulware ROBERT SHEPHERD Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. CULLOM WALKER, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. RICHARD E. SIMMONS, III Mrs. Richard E. Simmons, Jr. MR. & MRS. HOBART A. MCWHORTER, JR. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. THE JIM NOLES FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III MR. & MRS. ROBERT W. SHEPHERD Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. JAMES THOMPSON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MRS. JACK O. TOMLINSON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. MR. & MRS. DON ED TUCKER Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. THE WALKER FAMILY Mr. & Mrs. James C. Gray, III Memorials October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 Donations were made to the Library in memory of the following individuals: KEITH ADKINSON St. Andrews Society of the Middle South WILSON ALLEN ANDERSON Becky & David Bates, Sr. MRS. ALYCE GARRABRANT ARD Helen McTyeire Drennen Lissa & Marc Tyson JANE GRAY ATKINSON Mr. & Mrs. Emmett David Bates BRUCE BACHMAN Susan & John Dulin LOUISE CARTER BAILEY Mr. & Mrs. James S. Andrews THOMAS DANIEL BALKOVETZ Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. Bugg Mr. & Mrs. Ruffner Page, Jr. Twisters Dance Club MARY PARKER BARZE Bruce & Missy Barze Brian & Wendy Barze JOE BEAN Cleo O’Neal CRAIG SHIPLEY BEATTY, JR. Mr. & Mrs. George Jones Lissa & Marc Tyson, Lissa Handley, Mary Harmon, Mae Rose & Paul Savant Society JACK BECKER Mrs. Betsy Marbury Mrs. Richard E. Simmons, Jr. MARGARET BENTON Village Garden Club WILLIAM INGRAM “BILL” BLACK Dr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinnon Mr. John Overton, III HARRIET DIANN BLAKELY Mr. & Mrs. Russell Alford Wallace Van & Joanne Wright Allen Nanette Bahlinger Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gene M. Cushman Mr. & Mrs. Charles Harold Doss Mr. & Mrs. Edmund C. Doss Marilyn C. Drennen Mrs. George B. Elliott Mrs. David Higgins, Jr. Mrs. Kathryn Jeffers Edwin Johnson, Jr. Jeanne Meigs Mrs. Joyce Ratliff Mrs. Elberta Reid Mr. & Mrs. Bayard Tynes, Jr. Joe & Bitsy Windsor Laura & Bill Wood KEVIN RICHARD BUTRUS Mrs. Camille Butrus SALLY DELK Jim & Kathryn Delk AXEL BOLVIG, JR. Mr. & Mrs. Russell A. Alford, Jr. Asmar, Schor & McKenna, PLLC Mr. & Mrs. Brian Barr Ruth K. Bolvig Dr. & Mrs. Merrill N. Bradley Bradley Arant Boult Cummings Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. David Clark Keith Covington Cowin Family Ms. L. Susan Doss Mr. & Mrs. D. Lawrence Faulkner Mr. Sam Gaston Mr. & Mrs. James Gewin Maura & Will Goodwyn Ms. Jamie Moore Mrs. Dorothy Pak Mr. Robert Patterson Ruth & Lyndon Pearson Ms. Joan Perkins Courteney & Brother Pritchard Mrs. Joyce Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. & Mrs. William J. Ward Lynn & Fritz Woehle DALE CARRUTHERS Highland Book Club Mr. & Mrs. Ruffner Page, Jr. Mrs. Joyce Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton GLENDA ALEXANDER PARKER DENDY Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen MILTON BOOTH Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen RICHARD ANDERSON BOWRON Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. S. Wilson EUGENIA GOODALL BRANNON Bookmarkers Club Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton HUGHES BRINKLEY Tom Davis J. KENNON BROMBERG, JR. Becky & David Bates, Sr. Helen McTyeire Drennen GAYLE & WILLIAM BROWN Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown G. B. BROWN Mr. Sam Gaston MARY VIRGINIA POUNDS BROWN Dr. Virginia V. Hamilton CHARLES H. “HOP” CHICHESTER, JR. The Monday Group VONCEIL FOSTER COLEMAN Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen JAMES EARL “JIM” CONAWAY Mrs. Susie Stockham JOSEPH HARRISON CONZELMAN, III Helen McTyeire Drennen Mr. & Mrs. Ruffner Page, Jr. DR. WILEY HOWARD COOPER, III Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Lissa & Marc Tyson, Lissa Handley, Mary Harmon, Mae Rose & Paul LUCILLE COX Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith WILMORE PEARSON “PETE” COX, JR. Richard Cox The Dixon Foundation Anne S. Heroy Laura Spencer Maxwell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lee Robinson Mr. & Mrs. William J. Rushton, III Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Schuler Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Amanda Underwood Edmund & Karen Wheelock Mr. and Mrs. N. Thomas Williams ROBERT CREVELING, JR. St. Andrews Society of the Middle South SALLY WADE CROMMELIN Gunter Moren Crommelin MARY MOREN CROMMELIN Gunter Moren Crommelin CATHERINE CAREY CROW Janet R. Hill DR. EDWARD BRYANT Mrs. Eleanor E. Cheatham JEAN SULLIVAN CURRY Cauldron Club ROBERT G. BURTON Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Doss Lissa & Marc Tyson, Lissa Handley, Mary Harmon, Mae Rose & Paul WILLIAM LLOYD DAUGHERTY Lissa & Marc Tyson DYLAN DAVID Hansell Boehme MARTIN DEVORE Mary Bledsoe Margie & Sid Davis MARY JANE TOY “PIDGIE” DISMUKES Becky & David Bates, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Thomas D. McKinnon J. R. “JACK” DRESHER Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen E. A. “LARRY” DRUMMOND Mr. & Mrs. John W. Lyon MARY PATY BARGERON ELMORE The Nineteenth Century Club DR. JOHN DURR ELMORE Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth Marbury Mr. & Mrs. William A. Pogue B. BELL JEFFERS FOWLKES Burgin & Henry Fowkles BARBARA FRANKE Brian & Wendy Barze PATRICK MASON FRITZE Lissa & Marc Tyson CARL GASTON Susan DeBrecht WHITNEY GENTRY Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. DANIEL EDWARD GLASS Dr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Davis GEOFFREY GLAUB Mr. & Mrs. Reese E. Mallette Mr. & Mrs. W.T. Goodloe Rutland JOHN HASH Mrs. Grace K. Finkel JIM HAYES Barbara & Leon Ashford CHARLES G. HAYNSWORTH St. Andrews Society of the Middle South Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Terry CHARLES MORELAND HEAD Helen McTyeire Drennen 12 Memorials October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 HOLMAN HEAD Cleo O’Neal David Thorpe DR. BASIL ISSAC HIRSCHOWITZ Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith MILTON WAYNE HODGES Mr. & Mrs. Russell Alford REBECCA KREUTZ Mr. & Mrs. Perry H. Keel BARBARA STRICKLAND LACEY Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler MRS. SYDNEY LAVENDER Mr. & Mrs. Fletcher Harvey BEDELL EVANS HOLDER Mr. & Mrs. William C. Morris, Sr. DR. THOMAS CLIFFORD LAWSON, JR. Carter & Janice Anthony Mrs. John Harrell Dr. Henry & Debbie Laws Binky Oswalt Dru & Harris Oswalt Bartley & Ernest Statham Dr. & Mrs. Charles Tyndal Lissa & Marc Tyson, Lissa Handley, Mary Harmon, Mae Rose & Paul Mrs. Claude C. White Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Windsor DAN E. HOLT Marylyn & Jim Eubank MCDOWELL LEE Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. JEANA PEELER HOSCH Heyward C. Hosch Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen Mr. & Mrs. Don Menendez WALTER PITTS LITTLE, JR. Lissa & Marc Tyson BETTY HODGES Mrs. James Wall LILLIE BYARS HOGUE Dr. & Mrs. Tom McKinnon FELIX TARRANT HOKE Jinksie & Denson Burnum Helen McTyeire Drennen Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler BETSEY HUGHES Caxton Club SUSAN BETTS BEVILL LIVINGSTON Marilyn C. Drennen Lochrane & Mell Smith JACK HURLEY Mrs. Heather Anthony MICHEL SUTTER LONG Lucia W. Chambers VIVIAN ANNE SHERRILL HUTTO Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Blakely Joe & Bitsy Windsor JOY MAGRUDER Cambridge Study Club DR. & MRS. JAMES L. JACKSON Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Shelton KARYL KESMODEL-RICE Mrs. Margaret S. Culp CHARLES CALDWELL MARKS Mr. & Mrs. Holman Head Mrs. Elbert Jemison, Jr. Elizabeth B. Marbury Mrs. Katherine M. McTyeire Dr. & Mrs. Alex M. Nading, Jr. Mrs. James Quarles Lissa & Marc Tyson Kitty S. Urquhart FAY DURHAM KIDD Becky & David Bates Sr. SALLY & HENRY MASON David Mason ANNE DICKSON KIDD Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler WILLIAM “BILL” ELLIOTT MATTHEWS, IV Becky & David Bates,Sr. Deanna & Tim Davis Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Lissa & Marc Tyson Louise Walton Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. S. Wilson DAVID E. JOHNSON Frances W. Johnson JAMES M. JOHNSTON Mr. & Mrs. James T. Wall BENJAMIN EDGAR KIDD Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler HELEN HAMILTON KINSEY Mr. & Mrs. George Jones NANCY KOCH Butch Smathers 13 ART MALONE Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen BARRY MCRAE Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen KATHERINE MEADOW MCTYEIRE Patricia G. Adams Ginny & Richard Anthony Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Nelson S. Bean Janet & Cary Beck Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bentley Mr. & Mrs. Harold Bissell Mrs. Mary M. Bledsoe Elna Brendel Mr. & Mrs. Frank H. Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Borden H. Burr, II Mr. & Mrs. Ehney A. Camp, III Una Coleman Beth & David Corey Katherine Meadow McTyeire 1920 – 2013 Katherine Meadow McTyeire’s many years of devoted service to Emmet O’Neal Library cannot be exaggerated. She served as the first Chair of The Board of Trustees of the Library, served on the fundraising committees which built the original building, including later additions, and served as a community leader and a member of Emmet O’Neal Library Board and Mountain Brook Library Foundation Board for 21 years. During that time, Mrs. McTyeire worked diligently on the Library’s behalf, sharing her knowledge and expertise with the Library Board, Foundation Board, and staff of Emmet O’Neal Library. Mrs. Katherine M. McTyeire passed away in 2013, but we will always have a deep, abiding gratitude and special appreciation of her dream; still alive today in the meaningful and devoted service the Library offers to the people of the City of Mountain Brook. Mr. & Mrs. Rob Couch Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Daniel Mr. & Mrs. Sid Davis Susan DeBrecht Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Felix M. Drennen, III Mrs. James Emack Mr. & Mrs. J. Ross Forman, III Mr. & Mrs. Hubert W. Goings, Jr. Carolyn & Stephen Greene Mr. & Mrs. Dan L. Hendley Mr. & Mrs. Rest B. Heppenstall Anne Seibels Heroy Mrs. S. Richardson Hill Mr. & Mrs. David W. Hobbs Mrs. Elbert Jemison, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen Mrs. Laide Karpeles Leland Keller Family Margaret C. Kidd Tish Long Mr. & Mrs. Thomas G. Luckie Cathy & Tommy Luckie Jill & Bob Luckie, III Mrs. Alice S. Marks Mr. & Mrs. John H. Martin Heather & Phillip McWane Mrs. S. Roy Millhouse Mr. & Mrs. Mark L. Myatt Mr. & Mrs. Phil H. Neal, Jr. Lee & Dean Nix Cleo O’Neal Mr. & Mrs. Ruffner Page, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Porter Mr. & Mrs. Fred Renneker, III Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler Mr. Robert E. Schuler Mr. & Mrs. Rudulph N. Scott Kay & Andrew Shackelford Mrs. Anne G. Sherrill Mr. & Mrs. Mell Gage Smith Dr. & Mrs. Roger Smith Mr. & Mrs. Phillip G. Stutts Genie & Mike Thompson Lucille R. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Bayard S. Tynes, Jr. Lissa & Marc Tyson Mr. & Mrs. N. Thomas Williams Dr. & Mrs. Thomas A. S. Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wren JERRY MIKLIC Mrs. Joyce Ratliff ANNE MORGAN Mr. & Mrs. Robert Baker Mrs. Frances Johnson Jim & Lee Leming Mr. Chad Leming HENRY NASH Lissa & Marc Tyson FRANCES NASH Lissa & Marc Tyson PHIL HUDSON NEAL Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Bean Memorials October 1, 2013 -September 30, 2014 MARK “NODDY” NELSON Mr. & Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. MARGARET SHEEHAN Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. JAMES NORTH Mrs. Eleanor E. Cheatham MR. & MRS. DAVID SHELTON Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Shelton JAMES T. WALL R. A. Alford, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Blakely Lella & Frank Bromberg CAMPER & LOUISE O’NEAL Dolly & Bert O’Neal JOHN RICHARD SHOEMAKER Anne & Bob Waudby DEWAYNE WASINGER Stoney Ridge Garden Club JEAN MCCALLEY BREWSTER WILSON Ginger Hollingsworth THOMAS MCCALLUM PEARCE Mrs. Mary Bledsoe Mr. & Mrs. Sid Davis Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Doss Mr. & Mrs. Charles K. Porter Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler Mr. & Mrs. N. Thomas Williams POLLY SHOULDERS Mr. & Mrs. William C. Morris, Sr. JOE W. WELSH, JR. Joseph Welsh, III PETE WILSON Dr. & Mrs. Thomas McKinnon HENRY SIMPSON Cleo O’Neal DR. DEWEY WHITE Jill & Bob Luckie, III Mrs. Donald H. Slappey, Sr. MARIA MURRAY WITT Mrs. Margaret White MARY ALLEN PERRY Mr. & Mrs. Charles R. Terry FLOY STONE PROCTOR Mr. & Mrs. James Andrews Helen McTyeire Drennen Williams Trew Sotheby’s International Realty Mr. & Mrs. Mell Gage Smith DR. O. ERLE RALLS Mr. & Mrs. George Jones ROY ROBERTSON, JR. St. Andrews Society of the Middle South BEVERLY DAWSON SMATHERS Gayle & Marcus Lawrence ELIZABETH TAYLOR SMITH The Nineteenth Century Club LETITIA ODEN SMITH Mr. & Mrs. John Martin NATALIE GORDEN SPERLING Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. BARBARA SPRADLING Mrs. Eleanor E. Cheatham MAILANDE SPRAYBERRY Butch Smathers MARY ANN STARKE Mary M. Bledsoe GLADYS RUSHING ROMAINE Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jetmundsen ELAINE STEELY Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. GORDON ROSEN Sue Ellen & Mike Lucas HERBERT STOCKHAM Mr. & Mrs. Frank Bromberg, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton DR. BARBARA JEAN ROY Judge & Mrs. James Hard JOHN RUSSELL Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. EUGENIA GRUBB SCHANBACHER Mr. Walter Starke MRS. OWEN SCOTT Cauldron Club JERE WHITE Mr. & Mrs. Russell R. Stutts, Jr. MATTHEW WIGINTON Heather Minor BERNARD SCHRODER WILKINSON Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. “A library is a good place to go when you feel unhappy, for there, in a book, you may find encouragement and comfort. A library is a good place to go when you feel bewildered, for there, in a book, you may have your question answered.” - E.B. White PEGGY STOCKHAM Bookmarkers Literary Club Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton MARK L. TALIAFERRO Mr. & Mrs. David Bates, III Mary Kay & John Klyce DR. ROBERT EDWARD TAYLOR St. Andrews Society of the Middle South H. KELLY SEIBELS Dr. & Mrs. Wiley K. Livingston The Monday Group Joyce A. Ratliff Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Rushton Mr. & Mrs. John H. Schuler Mr. & Mrs. James T. Wall BARBARA TOUGER The Happy Bookies EUGENIA WIMBERLY SMITH SELBY Dr. & Mrs. Henry Crommelin, Jr. Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. James J. Monaghan Cambridge Study Club JOE UNDERWOOD Mr. and Mrs. Harold B. Blach, Jr. ELIZABETH O’NEAL SHANNON The Nineteenth Century Club JOHN HORTER WILLIAMS St. Andrews Society of the Middle South PENNY TRAMMELL Cleo O’Neal ALLEN TUTWILER Mrs. Joseph M. Donald, Jr. ELIZABETH PETECH VOGTLE The Nineteenth Century Club JAMES WAITZMAN Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dreher Helen McTyeire Drennen Mrs. Margaret C. Kidd 14 CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS • December 9 – Elves and the Shoemaker by Atlantic Coast Theatre • December 10 – Trouble in Toyland by That Puppet Guy Lee Bryan • December 17 – Fancy Nancy Splendiferous Hairdo Hullabaloo • January 13 – At’s Magic with Magician Arthur Atsma • January 21 – Aarrgghh Mateys and Mermaids ADULT PROGRAMS • January Saturdays – Garden Lecture Series by June Mays • January 23 – Pine Hill Haints concert (Standing Room Only) • January 25 – Quilting Workshop and Book Signing with Joyce Cauthen • March 20 – Terrarium workshop with artist Little Forest (Standing Room Only) • February 19 – Book Sale Preview Party • February 20-22 – Friends Annual Book Sale Register for events online at