The $1.5 Million Mabee Challenge
The $1.5 Million Mabee Challenge
T H E SetonFund FA L L 2 0 0 2 Mabee Foundation $1.5 Million challenge The $1.5 Million Mabee Challenge — S E E S T O RY O N PA G E 3 — THE MISSION OF THE SETON FUND IS TO BE THE FUND DEVELOPMENT AND ENDOWMENT ARM OF THE DAUGHTERS OF C H A R I T Y H E A LT H C A R E M I N I S T RY O F C E N T R A L T E X A S . T H E S U P P O RT O F T H E S E T O N F U N D I S L I M I T E D T O T H E S E T O N HEALTHCARE NETWORK (WITH EXCEPTION OF THE CHILDREN’S HOSPITAL OF AUSTIN) AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS STAFFED O R S P O N S O R E D B Y T H E D A U G H T E R S O F C H A R I T Y O R W O R K I N G I N C O L L A B O R AT I V E S U P P O RT O F T H E D A U G H T E R S O F C H A R I T Y H E A LT H C A R E M I S S I O N . I T S E F F O RT S H A L L B E E X E R C I S E D W I T H W I S D O M A N D I N T E G R I T Y, G U I D E D B Y T H E VINCENTIAN SPIRIT OF RESPECT, BELIEF IN THE GOODNESS OF PEOPLE AND LOVE OF THE POOR. THE SETON FUND MAGAZINE L E T T E R F R O M T H E C H A I R M A N Centennial Campaign Takes a Major Step Forward T he Seton Fund is delighted to announce the J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa as a new partner in our Centennial Campaign. Their support of “bricks and mortar” projects has helped build schools, colleges and universities, museums and historical societies throughout the Southwest. Their generous $1.5 million challenge grant will enable Seton Medical Center to expand its capabilities and enhance the overall function and appearance of its facilities. To receive the funds, we must raise an additional $5.8 million by July 1, 2003, less than a year from now. Our partnership with the Mabee Foundation has energized our Centennial Campaign. We ask for your financial support and hope the Mabee Challenge will inspire others to invest in our mission to keep Central Texas citizens healthy and strong. The importance of quality healthcare and emergency medical services in our communities is evident more than ever before. SETON and the Daughters of Charity are pleased that the Centennial Campaign, including the Seton Medical Center expansion and renovation, is well on its way to help SETON prepare to meet the increasing demand for these services in Central Texas during the 21st century. Your and my support of the Daughters of Charity healthcare mission is critical to the well-being of our fellow citizens in the communities SETON serves. I hope you will join me in this challenge. Allan Shivers, Jr. 2 _ WFFIAN ALT L LL E R22 00 2 0002021 $5.8 Million to be raised Help The Seton Fund Meet the Mabee Challenge T he J.E. and L.E. Mabee Foundation of Tulsa, Oklahoma, has issued a generous $1.5 million challenge to support the expansion and renovation of Seton Medical Center. Fifteen million of the $51.8 million renovation and expansion project is to be raised from philanthropy and more than $7.6 million has been raised. In order to receive the Mabee Foundation challenge grant, The Seton Fund must raise the remaining $5.8 million by July 2003. “The Mabee stamp of approval is a high honor,” said Dr. Patricia Hayes, interim president and CEO of the SETON Healthcare Network. “It is a signif- icant vote of confidence in the talents of the SETON staff and the generosity of our donors. We greatly appreciate the generous gift from the Mabee Foundation and are confident that our supporters will help us meet the challenge.” The Mabee Foundation was established in 1948 to assist religious, charitable and educational organizations across the Southwestern United States, particularly in the area of capital improvements. To make a contribution, or for more information, contact The Seton Fund at (512) 324-1990 or by e-mail at [email protected], visit our web site at or mail us at 1201 W. 38th Street, Austin, TX 78705. Centennial Campaign Update The Seton Fund’s $25 million Centennial Campaign for SETON, celebrating the Daughters of Charity’s first 100 years of service to the Austin community, is off to a great start thanks to generous gifts from the Central Texas community. The Centennial Campaign Has Two Objectives: Providing $15 million of philanthropic support for the $51.8 million renovation and expansion of Seton Medical Center, including the expansion of the Emergency Care and Surgery centers, and building a $10 million endowment for the Seton Community Health Centers serving working poor families, launched by a $5 million challenge grant from Angela and Mort Topfer. to sustain operating needs at the clinics for years to come. Angela and Mort Topfer will match each cash gift to the clinic endowment dollar for dollar. Their $5 million challenge grant has helped The Seton Fund raise more than $2 million in cash gifts to date toward the $10 million goal. Your gifts to the Centennial Campaign will help SETON meet the increasing demand for services in Central Texas. For more information about how you can help, please contact The Seton Fund at (512) 3241990 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Seton Medical Center Expansion/Renovation and The Mabee Challenge Patient areas are currently under renovation with patient rooms on the cardiology floor already completed. The renovation continues with construction of a new employee parking garage between Lamar and Wabash, which opened in August. The parking garage immediately behind (south) of Seton Medical Center is available for patients and visitors. The expansion of the Emergency Care Center and the Surgery Center will begin later this year. The Mabee Foundation has made a $1.5 million challenge grant to The Seton Fund to help raise the remaining $5.8 million of the $15 million to be raised for this project. Seton Clinic Endowment and The Topfer Challenge Seton’s three community health centers provide primary healthcare and social services to low-income, working-poor children and adults. A strong endowment will help provide a stable, long-term source of funds Members of SETON’s leadership team, The Seton Fund Board, the Daughters of Charity, medical and clinical staff and PageSoutherlandPage Architects prepare to break ground on the next phase of Seton Medical Center’s expansion project. 3 _ FALL 2002 Seton Development Board Continues to Flourish After 25 Years It took a dream and 52 energetic and devoted women to create the Seton Development Board, the first non-political development board in Austin’s history. In 1977, the need for the Seton Development Board was first realized as a result of the dramatic growth and changing role of Seton Medical Center in the Central Texas community. People who needed complicated and sophisticated medical procedures had to travel to other cities to receive treatment. As CEO of Seton Medical Center, Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, D.C. had a vision. She was determined to make Seton a major medical center by bringing new services to Austin. Her plan was to establish a board of prominent women to sponsor an annual gala and to involve the women of a 10county region in fundraising for regional services, including the area’s first neonatal center. Seton Cove Events Celebrate and Inspire “I think the spirit of these women made a big difference in making Seton known in the Austin area,” said Sr. Mary Rose. “It’s through them and their friends that the Seton Development Board is successful and recognized as a special organization.” The Board’s first gala in 1978 brought comedian Bob Hope to Austin and netted $33,000 to benefit Seton’s new neonatal center. Today, founding and second-generation members continue to shine, raising more than $6.5 million since the Board’s inception in 1977. The Seton Development Board outreach groups in Giddings, Highland Lakes, Horseshoe Bay, Lago Vista, La Grange, Lakeway and Lexington help advocate and fundraise for Seton in their communities. Read about the Seton Development Board’s upcoming 25th Anniversary Gala on page 8. “ Sr. Mary Rose’s compassion, love and commitment were a driving force that really was the impetus of the Seton Development Board. Her inspiration and sincerity were contagious. She provided the essential leadership that we needed for success.” Hessie Owen, 25-year member, Seton Development Board SETON Auxiliaries Raise $728,000 SETON Auxiliary members display a check to The Seton Fund and Children’s Hospital Foundation totaling $728,000 from their Auxiliary projects. Pictured are (from left) Margaret Wendler, Seton Medical Center Auxiliary past president; Amelia Perez, Seton McCarthy Auxiliary past president; Pat Dawson, Brackenridge Hospital Auxiliary president; and Lisa Neely, Seton Northwest Hospital Auxiliary past president. Not pictured are: Andrea Wyatt, Seton Southwest Auxiliary president; Marsha Eubanks, Seton Highland Lakes Auxiliary president; Thelma Faglie, Seton Edgar B. Davis Auxiliary president; and Samia Joseph, Children’s Hospital of Austin Auxiliary past president. (From left) Ellie Schneider and Sr. Mary Rose McPhee shared details about their unique friendship at The Seton Cove’s Gift of Friendship Luncheon. The Seton Cove presented “The Gift of Friendship Luncheon” by Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, D.C., founder of the Seton Cove, and her longtime friend, Ellie Schneider. The two women discussed their sacred connection through the gift of friendship in front of a delighted audience, all of whom felt a renewed appreciation of their own friendships. Special thanks to our underwriters for their support and to Dianne and Gene Schoch for hosting this event in their lovely home. In continuation of its ongoing storytelling events, The Seton Cove also presented a unique evening with internationally known poet and author David Whyte, who discussed the powerful imagery of his poetry and his personal story. The Seton Cove offers study groups on Mr. Whyte’s book, The Heart Aroused, which explores the spiritual dimensions of the workplace. For more information about upcoming Seton Cove events or to request a catalog of events, call (512) 451-0272. In addition to helping support patients and staff throughout the SETON Healthcare Network, eight SETON Auxiliaries raised a collective $728,000 to support The Seton Fund and Children’s Hospital Foundation of Austin. Auxiliaries from Seton Medical Center, Seton Northwest Hospital, Seton Southwest Medical Center, Brackenridge Hospital, Seton Highland Lakes Hospital, Seton Edgar B. Davis Hospital, Seton McCarthy Community Health Center and Children’s Hospital of Austin raised funds for SETON through gift shops and special events such as art auctions and golf tournaments. These remarkable volunteers are an integral part of the SETON family and work tirelessly to support the Daughters’ healthcare ministry throughout Central Texas. Frances Elizabeth Quinn February 27, 1997 – January 25, 2002 The Elizabeth Ann Seton Board has created a permanent endowment in honor of Terry Quinn, immediate past president of the Elizabeth Ann Seton Board, in memory of her daughter Frances Elizabeth Quinn. The endowment will be used to support the healthcare needs of children treated at the Seton Community Health Centers. Contributions may be made to The Seton Fund. 4 _ FALL 2002 Elizabeth Ann Seton Board Gala Nets More Than Half a Million Dollars Austin’s own Asleep at the Wheel kept Western swing alive and kicking at the Eleventh Annual Elizabeth Ann Seton Board’s “Evening Under the Stars” at The Polo Club in Dripping Springs. The $523,000 raised will help the Seton Community Health Centers provide primary healthcare and social services to working-poor families. Special thanks to Diamond Star Sponsor AMD; Invitation Sponsor Atlantic Trust; Entertainment Sponsor Bank of America; Platinum Star Sponsors Austin Coca-Cola Bottling Company, Texas Monthly, and Angela and Mort Topfer; and Gold Star Sponsors Geoff and Susan Armstrong, Roe Sharon and Kyle Hughes (KCL Foundation), Emergency Services Partners LP, Donald D. Hammill Foundation, Barbara and Jim Matheney, John and Chris McHale/Tom and Deborah Green, The Menagerie, and Patient Accounting Service Center. (From left) Gala Co-chair Terri Von Dohlen, Board President Terry Quinn and Gala Co-chair Rona Baizer celebrate the success of the evening. Asleep at the Wheel bandleader Ray Benson visits with Gala sponsor Angela Topfer. Vickie Roan of The Menagerie fine jewelry store describes silent auction items to Elizabeth Ann Seton Board member Shelly Mabry Ellard and Donna Stockton Hicks. During the live auction, board member Susan Keene tempts guests with a beautiful set of earrings. Pictured standing (from left) are Rex White, Bryan Rubio and Susan Keene; seated (from left) are Kelly Topfer, Wendy and Alan Topfer and Moe Freid. (From left) Erika and Bryan Herndon and Board President Terry Quinn chat at a Gala pre-party at the beautiful home of Luci Baines Johnson and Ian Turpin. Luci Baines Johnson and Ian Turpin (right) welcome (from left) Gene Attal, Seton Fund president; Dr. Patricia Hayes, interim president and CEO of the SETON Healthcare Network; and Sr. Gertrude Levy, D.C. to the Gala pre-party. 5 _ FALL 2002 Tributes and Memorials May 1, 2001 through May 31, 2002 Tributes Jeff Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Edward C. Abbott Margarita Barboza Mr. Jose A. Barboza Sr. Beatrice Broussard, d.c. Mr. & Mrs. Walter Hoke Ms. Karen Kahan Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Resnik Seton Northwest Auxiliary Joseph Ekweariri CDEK Productions, Inc. Sr. Nannette Gentile, d.c. Ms. Karen Kahan Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Resnik Keith W. Gregory Mrs. Helen S. Gregory Micheal Hankamer Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Jarl Allan Henry Mr. & Mrs. Timothy A. Puzey Brason Jones Mr. & Mrs. Paul Meinke Thomas M. Keel Mr. & Mrs. Lynn F. Anderson Sr. Gertrude Levy, d.c. Ms. Diane W. Daniel Mrs. Frances D. Mertz Bishop John E. McCarthy Sr. Helen Brewer, d.c. Sr. Blanche McDonald, d.c. Mrs. Frances D. Mertz Sr. Mary Rose McPhee Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Lavidge Sr. Hannah O’Donoghue Mr. & Mrs. Greg Bennett Gary Piefer, m.d. Ms. Susan E. McClernon & Mr. Patrick Pfahl Graham Quinn Ms. Stacy W. Ehrlich Rick L. Resnik Hillel Foundation Vivian K. Smith Ms. Diana B. Phillips Patricia M. Speier Mr. & Mrs. Dan R. Bullock Third Coast Physicians Dr. & Mrs. Sam S. Roberts III Mort Topfer Jenkens & Gilchrist Sr. Jean Ann Wesselman, d.c. Ms. Anne K. McCulloch Clifton A. Wiles Mr. Quinton A. Wiles Memorials Mary Ann Marek Allen Mrs. Virginia Fry Mrs. Esther M. Munoz Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pace Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Pearl Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Wen C. Sundbeck Roland Anderson Mrs. Lois G. Moen Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pace Mr. & Mrs. Wen C. Sundbeck Ruby Andes Mrs. Beverly A. Massengale Thomas J. Archer Mrs. Mary R. Butler Lucille S. Avery Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Adams Mr. & Mrs. John M. Adkins Mr. & Mrs. Anton B. Allen Ms. Lucy G. Arnold Mr. & Mrs. Butch Bradley Mrs. Mary R. Butler Mr. Robert L. Ellett Mr. & Mrs. William F. Colfer Mr. & Mrs. George H. Covert Mrs. Gertrude M. Darnall Mr. & Mrs. Darin N. Digby Mr. & Mrs. David Digby Mr. David M. Digby II Mr. J. Chrys Dougherty Mrs. Susan Driver Mr. & Mrs. Gus K. Eifler Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Ellett J. C. Evans Construction Co. Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fleming, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Richard E. Helmer Mr. & Mrs. Frank N. Ikard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Greg A. Kozmetsky Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Manford, III Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Milne Dr. & Mrs. Roger D. Morefield Mrs. E. Gary Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Tom O. Murphey Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson, Jr. Old Settlers Association of Williamson Cty. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Page, Sr. Miss Josie Palmer Mrs. Elora W. Smith Mr. & Mrs. Roy M. Talley Mrs. Catherine N. Teten Mrs. Catherine H. Umstattd University of Texas Medical Branch Judge Mary Pearl Williams Mr. Malcom Wortham John Joseph Barry Ms. Margaret B. Barry Jeff Biegel Mr. & Mrs. Billy D. Farquhar Ms. Jo Carol Kennedy Dr. & Mrs. Douglas K. Obeck Geneva Eckstein Ms. Claire H. Howell Ed Edmondson Mrs. Della Needham Juanell Bingham Ms. Doris M. Lloyd Dr. & Mrs. Bob Schultz Leigh Ellis Mrs. Mary R. Butler Maxine Bland Mr. Richard Archer Mary Bourke Mrs. Wylie F. Creel Mrs. Freddie L. Fernbach Mrs. Ethel Fillmore Mrs. Virginia Fry Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Keel Mr. & Mrs. P. J. Schwenke Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Snook Sue Lebermann Bovay Ms. Margaret C. Berry Mr. & Mrs. Frank W. Denius Jaderlund Investments Mrs. Joy M. Scott Mr. & Mrs. Gary Valdez Micheal Branch Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Green Mrs. Beverly A. Massengale Mr. & Mrs. Pat Patton Joe Brazier Mr. & Mrs. Huey P. Prater Joe Brown Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Wales Ann Brucks Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Massengale Mary Burke Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Laura M. Burns Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Patterson Mike W. Butler Ms. Anne Allen Alpha Nu of Sigma Chi, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Kyle A. Baker Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. Brown Mrs. Ellen S. Carter Mr. & Mrs. Fred E. Davis Mr. & Mrs. John C. Donovan Mrs. Susan Driver Mrs. Margaret B. Duncan Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fleming, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Allen D. Golden Mr. & Mrs. Gordon M. Griffin, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Horn Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Kercheville Mr. & Mrs. Allan K. Longacre Mrs. Mary Jane Mallard Mr. & Mrs. George A. Meihaus, III Mrs. E. Gary Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Nelson, Jr. Dr. James A. Prentice & Dr. Linda G. Prentice Mrs. Linda F. Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Paul W. Sanders Mrs. Joy M. Scott Mrs. Louis F. Southerland Southwest Brick Institute Mrs. Catherine N. Teten Mrs. Catherine H. Umstattd Hollis Carnathan Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Carlisle, Jr. Mr. Ralph A. Jensen Mr. & Mrs. George Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Joe Thompson Jo Ann Miller Carpenter Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Jack Carroll Mrs. William H. Gosdin Vesta Cranor Mr. Bill S. Clark Nathan & Zachary Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Dale Breshears Mr. & Mrs. Mark Crawford Mr. & Mrs. Ted Crawford Ms. Shirley Davies Mr. & Mrs. Jack England Mr. & Mrs. Mehmet E. Erengil Mr. & Mrs. Russell Freeman Ms. Mary Margaret A. Gallaway Ms. Rachel J. Gee Mr. & Mrs. Dana Lovell Mr. & Mrs. John Lynch Ms. Laura L. Mangum Ms. Victoria K. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Ian R. McNab Mr. & Mrs. Mark Muth Mr. & Mrs. Bob Neilson Ms. Sandra R. Nicolas Mr. & Mrs. John L. Shive Mr. & Mrs. Darren Stefani Mr. & Mrs. Charles L. Warner Ms. Amy Van Wyngarden Rodney Demasters Meadowlakes Ladies Golf Association Ms. Doris M. Rudolph Ms. Majorie J. Shirley Vernon Dement Mr. & Mrs. Kerry G. Merritt Raymond A. Diemer Mr. & Mrs. Mark T. Ritter Martin Dies Mr. & Mrs. Kerry G. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Womack James W. Dunn Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Prentice Nathan Ebright Mr. & Mrs. T. Harry Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Balsters Mr. & Mrs. Joe L. Banda Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bradley Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hall Mr. & Mrs. F. C. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Darren S. Hodgson Mr. & Mrs. Mike Laosa Mr. & Mrs. Tom Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Denis A. Snyder Mr. & Mrs. Joe Straz V.F.W. Auxiliary Mrs. Jeff L. Wilson Harrell Lee Mr. & Mrs. Herman R. Lawyer Nell Pender Mr. & Mrs. Jay Meredith Hal Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Darwin E. Singleton, Jr. Elizabeth Legault Mr. & Mrs. Glen D. Peterson Billie B. Perkins Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Glick Ms. Mary M. Votaw Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Zamen J. P. Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. Donald Gall Doanld Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Etter Kathy Evans Mr. & Mrs. John T. Hutto Wynette Farley Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Sr. Philmena Feltz, d.c. Mrs. George E. O’Rear O. O. Fleshner Mr. & Mrs. John J. Hayes Evelyn Fischer Long Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Gordon S. Peterson Mr. Myrt Hargus Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth K. Wells Robert L. Lubin Dr. & Mrs. Christopher J. Wilson Jane Ann Petrosewicz Mrs. Della Needham William A. Lucas Ms. Patricia Ruff Texas Natural Resource Conservation Evelyn F. Pollard Highland Lakes Bank Beatrice Lucksinger Dr. & Mrs. John E. Sandner Irene Frasier Mr. & Mrs. Donald A. Etter R. A. Lucksinger Mrs. Catherine H. Umstattd Sue Ann Froehlich Mrs. Beatrice Wertheimer Marion Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Leatherman Ella D. General Mr. Robert D. Dilworth Joe P. Macken Mr. Fred Barkley Ms. Adele S. Evans Jesse George Mr. & Mrs. Tommy H. Atkins Mr. & Mrs. Earl H. Bescher Mr. & Mrs. Maynard E. Bothun Mr. & Mrs. Jay Breaux Mr. D. W. Calvert Mr. & Mrs. George L. Cullum Duke University Medical Center Ms. Barbara Fee Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Forney Mrs. Ann George Mr. & Mrs. Jim Gipson Mr. & Mrs. James C. Hardwick Houston Geological Society Ms. Lynna Hurst Mr. & Mrs. Vernon T. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Albert Kline Ms. Pat J. Korbus Mr. & Mrs. Manuel E. Lopez Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Masters Ms. Foncille McBride Mr. John M. Meiser & Ms. Suzanne Powers Mr. Gary L. Rosner Mr. Mike G. Rutherford Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sadlowski Ms. Karen L. Sartell Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. Saunders Ms. Debbie G. Sawyer Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Shower Mr. & Mrs. Carl W. Votti The Williams Companies, Inc. Williams Investor Relations Mr. Thomas J. Windberg Lucille Kieke Marsae Mrs. Florene K. McKenzie Mrs. Lois G. Moen Jean Echols Marsh Ms. Barbara B. Miller Loretta Marsh Mrs. Hallie H. Burns Joann Martin Ms. Berniece Burford Herbert Hall McAdams Mr. & Mrs. F. Walter Penn Dorothy McClillan Mr. & Mrs. Si Vance Francis O. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Wen C. Sundbeck Mac McDonald Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pace Anne Mees McGilvray Ms. Anne M. Steinocher Willie Mae McPhaul Mr. & Mrs. Kerry G. Merritt William Gooch Mrs. Virginia Fry Raul Medina George & Donaldson, L.L.P. William H. Gosdin Mrs. William H. Gosdin Joan Grass Mr. & Mrs. Harvey G. Uren Lynwood W. Mees Burnet Chamber of Commerce Ms. Dorothy James Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Johnson Ms. Ann Wise Jean Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Jack W. Delany Everett Meurer Mr. & Mrs. Tom Kouri Jacquilyn Griganavicius Mr. Joseph Griganavicius Mary Joseph Michalka Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Frank Guffin Dr. & Mrs. John Wilson John L. Miley Highland Lakes Bank William W. Gurley Mr. & Mrs. Weldon Friedrich Bobby Miller Ms. Sandra Mauldin Jack Hahn Ms. Esther L. Huff Melisa Miller U.S. Geological Survey George Hayes Ms. Dora J. Barton Mr. & Mrs. Gary Gumbert Alfred I. Moen Mrs. Lois G. Moen Annie Monroe Mr. & Mrs. Leroy E. Linn Dan Hayhurst Mr. & Mrs. Jim Berry Bonny Cove Homeowners’ Association Mr. & Mrs. Wayne A. Brascom Mr. & Mrs. T. A. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Drew Colvin Mr. Nick T. Encke Dr. & Mrs. Brad Hall Horseshoe Bay Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Latham Mr. & Mrs. Larry Lumpkin Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mikkelson Mr. & Mrs. Lowell E. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stromgren Ms. Renee Thomas Edna Moore Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Lipiec William A. Morris Mr. Charles C. Elam Jerry Morrison Ms. Julianne S. Acevedo Mrs. Henry Blott Mr. & Mrs. Gordon S. Butler Mr. & Mrs. David Collier Mr. C. A. Cook Mr. Lloyd H. Duty, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Dennis English Mr. & Mrs. Carl Givens Gold N Vision Mr. & Mrs. Doug Harris Mr. & Mrs. Jim D. Highsmith IEC Corporation Mr. & Mrs. David Kincannon Mr. Bryan A. Leonard Mr. & Mrs. Chris C. Mason Mrs. Beverly A. Massengale Ms. Katherine N. Moerbe Mr. & Mrs. Russell Overheu Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Schmidt Texas Department of Economic Development Ms. Juanice V. Thiele Mr. Tom Shipley & Ms. Christi Y. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Walls Mr. & Mrs. William K. Wittenbrook Mr. & Mrs. Richard Zuniga Boyce Hershman Mrs. Margaret J. Hershman Ms. Claire H. Howell Mrs. Mary Jane Mallard Linda Hodge Enforcement Head Quarters Support Ms. Donna Rodgers Bob Hudson Ms. Harriet G. Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Robertson Mr. & Mrs. William M. Wallace Tecwyn Lloyd Jones Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Adams Mary Ann Joseph Mr. Shelby L. Allen Mary R. Keller Mr. James Bickley Ms. Bette Williams, CPA Morris R. Kieke Mrs. Florene K. McKenzie Frances Marcyle Lee Mr. & Mrs. William R. Foley Mr. & Mrs. James K. Lee Janet S. Reifslager Mrs. Catherine N. Teten Edward V. Reilly Mrs. Dolores S. Reilly Marcy Riley Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Bradley, Jr. Croesus Capital Management LLC Mr. & Mrs. John E. Gangstad Hedgefund.Net Mr. & Mrs. Jon R. Loehman Leonard C. Roberts Revocable Trust Mr. & Mrs. Lester Tesch, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John J. Watras Mr. & Mrs. Brown Word Logan Robertson Mr. & Mrs. Chris Verosky Harold Rooney Mr. & Mrs. M. J. Lipiec Florine McCoy Pearce Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Ann Knotts Russell Mrs. Mary R. Butler Betty Pederson Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Garst, Jr. John Ruwwe Mr. & Mrs. Terrell Allen Eunice Kuban Ms. Sandra Mauldin Arthur Kuchenbacker Ms. Geneva Kuchenbacker Stephen C. Reid Mr. Michael Hankamer Mr. & Mrs. Alan W. Jarl Rosalie Orsatti Mrs. Beverly A. Massengale Ed Oakes Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Resnik Allan Kladstrup Mr. & Mrs. Allan P. Kladstrup Betty Rapp Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gordy George O’Rear Mrs. George E. O’Rear Nurse Alumnae Mrs. Norma Bruce Mrs. Pat Dooley Mrs. Virginia Fry Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Keel Mrs. Louise M. Leyden Mrs. Esther M. Munoz Mr. & Mrs. John H. Pace Mrs. Hallie J. Rovello Lawrence F. Kieke Mrs. Florene K. McKenzie Mrs. Lois G. Moen Frances Elizabeth Quinn Mr. & Mrs. William C. Archer Dr. & Mrs. Robert E. Askew, Sr. Ms. Anne L. Aynesworth Mr. & Mrs. David A. Baizer Mr. & Mrs. Alec F. Beck Dr. & Mrs. Richard A. Box Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Brady Mr. & Mrs. John S. Burns, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Duncan T. Butler, Jr. Dr. & Mrs. Robert L. Clement Mr. & Mrs. Brent Covert Mr. & Mrs. Coley Cowden Mr. & Mrs. Ben D. Crenshaw Mr. & Mrs. Dean Davis Mr. & Mrs. Mark A. Davis Mr. & Mrs. Casey L. Dobson Mr. & Ms. John Donovan Mr. & Mrs. Lee Doughtie Mr. & Mrs. William Eckert Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Ehrlich, Jr. Ms. Stacy W. Ehrlich Mr. & Mrs. Tom G. Ezell Mr. & Mrs. Laurens B. Fish, III Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fleming, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian F. Gaston Mr. & Mrs. Morris S. Gottesman Ms. Nancy N. Harper Mr. & Mrs. Reed Hawn Mr. & Mrs. Jason Heironimus Mr. & Mrs. Daniel W. Herd Mr. & Mrs. David Herndon Mr. & Mrs. David R. Hewlett Ms. Milly Holmes Mr. & Mrs. Joe E. Holt Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Kiser, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Winston Krause Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Kreisle Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Lewis Dr. & Mrs. William S. Livingston Dr. & Mrs. Craig H. Lubin Mr. & Mrs. Mike Maples Ms. Ann B. McIver Mr. & Mrs. Kerry G. Merritt Mr. & Mrs. Charles D. Nash, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Floyd R. Nation Ms. Mary E. Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Owen, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. William H. Page, Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Howard W. Parker Mr. & Mrs. William H. Pitts Mr. & Mrs. Mark Powell Dr. & Mrs. Jaime E. Ramirez Hillary Anderson & William Ramsdell, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. Dick Rathgeber Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Renneker Mr. & Mrs. Robert A. Rowland Ms. Angela R. Sandefer Mr. & Mrs. Tony Schell Mr. & Mrs. Bradley F. Schlosser Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Schwartz Mr. & Mrs. John C. Schweitzer Mr. & Mrs. Bryan D. Sehlke Mr. & Mrs. David W. Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Greg Talley Mr. & Mrs. Eric Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Timothy C. Taylor Mrs. Catherine N. Teten Mr. & Mrs. Tod N. Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Will R. Wilson, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy D. Windham Mr. & Mrs. Jack P. Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Womack Mr. & Mrs. Howard C. Yancy James M. Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Barney Best Construction Services, Inc. Ms. Marlynn G. Blondell Mr. & Mrs. K. E. Clonts Ms. Iris Dewald Mr. & Mrs. Ray Evans Mr. & Mrs. Gary Hammond Mr. & Mrs. Ray B. Helton Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kirkpatrick Ms. Cathi Long Ms. Marvel E. Love Mickan Family Ltd. Ms. Olga E. Miller Mr. & Mrs. David D. Reese Ms. Margot K. Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Duglis Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Stevenson Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Stremmel Sara Danis Nolan Mr. & Mrs. Forrest Walker Carl Kelley Mr. & Mrs. George C. Kimball Juanita Porter Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F. Cox Mr. & Mrs. Eugene H. Lovering Mr. & Mrs. John J. McKetta, Jr. 6 _ FALL 2002 Primo Scopel Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Jones Mike Scott Mr. & Mrs. Jack Alexander Mr. & Mrs. Jim G. Batson Mr. Vernon Boydston First Baptist Church-Tow Goodnews Sunday School Class Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Hicks Mr. & Mrs. Delton L. Robinson Ms. Geneva G. Summers Doris Ann Shumaker Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Massengale Frank M. Siler Mr. & Mrs. George S. Hinkle, III Leola Smith Ms. Berniece Burford John K. Somerville Mr. & Mrs. Harold Hans Mr. J. J. Lagowski Jim Stay Mrs. Beverly A. Massengale Irene E. Summers Bumgardner, Morrison & Company, L.L.P. Mr. & Mrs. David A. Gisler Ms. Addie P. Goldman Mrs. Eunice M. Irwin Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence W. Onken Mr. & Mrs. Jerry L. Pavlicek Dr. & Mrs. Paul E. Roeh County of Victoria Ms. Jean C. Woehl Walter Sykes Highland Lakes Bank Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Sykes Werner Tatsch Mr. & Mrs. Elmo A. Boehl Mr. & Mrs. Ron Cuddy Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Lundeen Ms. Myrtle Ragland Thomas Enich Thomas Men’s Down Town Sunday School Class Pat Tims Ms. Janice C. Beima Mr. & Mrs. Nealon Carter Mr. Gary Jon & Ms. Mary M. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Lester Fenter Mr. & Mrs. Edward R. Maunder Mr. & Mrs. Richard P. Oberhaus Mr. & Mrs. Jack E. Ragsdill Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Stripling Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Wedel Joe Tonahill Mr. & Mrs. Matthew F. Kreisle Gloria C. Torrence CDEK Productions, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Massengale Adele Travis Mr. Trent C. Stockton Paul W. Treptow, III Ms. Jacquelyn E. Treptow Rachel Treptow Ms. Jacquelyn E. Treptow Victor Utterback Mr. James R. Brown Mr. & Mrs. Harold S. Elliott Mr. & Mrs. Edwin L. Fisher Highland Lakes Flyer Club Mr. & Mrs. J. R. Holmes Ms. Dorothy H. Jarvis Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth G. Jones Kebrle Stained Glass Studio, Inc. Ms. Carolyn Mauzy Mr. Donald S. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Roy G. Pate Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Octavio Romero Mr. & Mrs. George F. Saunderson Mr. & Mrs. Edward M. Yturri William H. Van Horn Mr. Patrick Dunn Ms. Nancy C. Fly Mr. & Mrs. Gary R. Horn Ms. Beth E. Jones Ms. Lara Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Norris D. Young Helen E. Volk Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Resnik Dianne L. Walton Mr. & Mrs. Rick L. Resnik Dr. Patricia Hayes/ SETON Healthcare Network Joe Warren Mr. & Mrs. Joey C. Needham Pam Weisinger Mrs. Rosalie Scott Mildred G. Wendlandt Mr. & Mrs. Frank A. Newsom Seton School of Nursing Alumnae Mr. & Mrs. William K. Wittenbrook Edward Williams Mr. & Mrs. Bernie Sandberg Virginia Womack Mrs. Hallie H. Burns Mrs. Margaret B. Duncan Mrs. Leigh Ellis Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Fleming, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Horn Mr. & Mrs. Kerry G. Merritt While every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of these memorials and tributes, mistakes can occur. If a name has been omitted or printed incorrectly, please accept our sincere apologies. Contact The Seton Fund at (512) 324-1990 or email [email protected] with problems or concerns. Giving Creatively Donor Endowments Support SE TON Programs Rare Coins Add Up to Support Seton Community Health Centers Lavon and Verne Philips are delighted that their gift of a rare coin collection will serve uninsured working families at the Seton Community Health Centers. The Philips learned about the Centennial Campaign for SETON and were eager to make a gift to the clinics’ endowment – providing health care for working families without access to health insurance. By designating their gift to the clinics’ endowment, their donation will be matched dollar for dollar through a challenge grant from Austin philanthropists Angela and Mort Topfer. At the time they were considering their gift options to The Seton Fund, the Philips thought about disposing of a valuable collection of precious metal coins from around the world that were minted to commemorate significant events in history. The Philips greatly enjoyed collecting coins throughout the years and decided that it would be fitting to bring hope and health to others by donating their collection to the clinics’ endowment. With this gift, the Philips established the Loyce and Inez Phillips Memorial Endowment Fund to remember the loving care Lavon received from her parents – a reminder of the care that SETON provides for the families served by our community clinics. The Seton Fund stands ready to help you consider your options for giving. For more information about giving non-cash assets like stock, real estate or valuable personal property, please contact The Seton Fund at (512) 324-1990 or by e-mail at [email protected]. Celebrating the Liberty Bank Endowment in honor of Robin Ratliff Shivers and benefiting the Seton Community Health Center Endowment are (from left) David Taughinbaugh, president of Liberty Mortgage; Chip Bray, executive vice president of Liberty Bank; Dr. Patricia Hayes, interim president and CEO of the SETON Healthcare Network; Angela Topfer; Eddie Safady, president of Liberty Bank; Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, D.C.; Robin Shivers; and Sr. Gertrude Levy, D.C. The L. Little Family Endowment will support the Seton Community Health Centers to benefit the working poor in Central Texas. Pictured are the Little family (from left) Wesley, Anne, Jeanne, Lew and Elizabeth Little (front), and Sr. Gertrude Levy, D.C. Double Your Gift to SETON Your Special Occasions Deserve Your gift can go even further with a matching employer gift. Below are just a few of the Central Texas corporations that will match their employees’ gifts to SETON: 3M Abbott Labs Advanced Micro Devices AT&T Austin Coca-Cola Bank of America Bank One DELL Exxon IBM Mobil Oil Motorola SBC Communications State Farm Temple Inland Time Warner/Time Warner Cable Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Sprouts Catering Let Sprouts Catering customize your menus for SETON functions and outside events: f full-service catering for breakfast, lunch or dinner f wedding receptions f cocktail parties f religious functions f decorated cakes f china, linen and wait staff available To place your order today, contact: Phyllis Carlisle Phone: 512.324.2049 Fax: 512.324.2050 E-mail: [email protected] Contact your human resources department today to see if your firm has a matching gift support program. 7 _ FALL 2002 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Allan Shivers, Jr. Ben Vaughan, III Gene Attal CHAIRMAN VICE CHAIRMAN Seton Development Board Centennial Gala PRESIDENT Sr. Beatrice Broussard, D.C. Andrew C. Elliott, Jr. S E C R E TA RY TREASURER Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Seton Development Board & the 100th Anniversary of the Daughters of Charity in Central Texas Robert E. Askew, M.D. Charles J. Barnett Chris Butschek, M.D. Don Carlton Donna Carter Sr. Mary Anne Digenan, D.C. Sr. Pat Elder, D.C. JoLynn Free Pam Giblin Sandy Gottesman Beth Granger Gary Heerssen Dan Herd Lowell Lebermann Sr. Gertrude Levy, D.C. Joe R. Long Alex Massad Bishop John McCarthy Alan T. Moore, M.D. Timothy C. Taylor Mary Yancy LIFE TRUSTEES Mary Anderson Abell J. H. Calhoon, M.D. Carolyn Curtis Charmaine Denius Luci Baines Johnson Jack McCreary Sr. Mary Rose McPhee, D.C. Kerry Merrit Join Board President Elizabeth Nash (center), Gala Co-chairs Cathy Horn (left) and Melissa Jones, and the Centennial Committee of 100 for an unforgettable evening. Sunday, October 6, 2002 7 p.m. Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum Reservations required Please call The Seton Fund at (512) 324-1990 for more information. $1.5 Million Mabee Challenge — PA G E 3 — in this issue: Seton Development Board Celebrates 25th Anniversary — PA G E 4 — Design by fd2s / Elizabeth Ann Seton Board Gala — PA G E 5 — Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Austin Texas Permit No. 2525 The Seton Fund 1201 West 38th Street Austin TX 78705-1056 Address Service Requested The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul