Annual Report - Buckhead Christian Ministry


Annual Report - Buckhead Christian Ministry
FROM 2013:
• Our Emergency Assistance
Program impacted the
lives of 8,882 individuals in
3,447 households.
Dear Friends,
Since 1987, Buckhead Christian Ministry has been dedicated to breaking the cycle of
poverty in Atlanta, one person at a time, one family at time.
As you’ll see in this Annual Report, 2013 was a record year for BCM, thanks to our
incredible supporters. Our hearts are full as we reflect upon the past year of helping
neighbors in need through a wide range of programs.
The tremendous work on the part of our volunteers, staff and the amazing generosity
of our donors have already catapulted us to new levels of success in 2014. Thanks
to your commitment, we’re helping more of Atlanta’s working poor than ever before.
Together we stepped out in faith, uniting our resources to assist local families in crisis
and providing the tools for long-term financial stability.
We’re delighted to share Buckhead Christian Ministry’s latest Annual Report with
you and hope you’ll take a moment to learn more about our financials, our success
stories and our donors. In the spirit of transparency and accountability, we want you
to understand where your dollars go and how you are encouraging lasting change
right here in our community.
As always, we are deeply grateful for the commitment and enthusiasm of our
volunteers and donors. Together, we’re working to equip BCM clients with the tools
for long-term success. Please join us in this important mission to change lives!
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your ongoing commitment to
Buckhead Christian Ministry. We couldn’t do our good work in the community
without you!
Helen V. Cunningham
Beth Abernathy
Executive Director Board Chair
• We prevented
homelessness for 1,653
people by providing onetime financial assistance
with a rent/mortgage or
utility bill.
• Through the C. Spencer
Godfrey Food Pantry,
we provided 22,179
bags of groceries to
hungry families.
• More than 2,600 families
received $150,282 in
clothing from Buckhead
• Our New Worker Support
program helped 249
people re-enter the
workforce, providing
uniforms and covering
transportation costs until
they received their first
• Our annual Tee It Up
Golf Tournament raised
enough money to prevent
800 Atlantans from
becoming homeless.
• Nineteen families
graduated from The 70/30
Project, collectively retiring
over $70,000 in personal
debt and learning how to
manage their money.
• 1,018 children received toys
through our Joyous Toys
Store, and 32 families were
“adopted” for Christmas.
P R O G R A M S AT- A - G L A N C E
Emergency Financial Assistance
provides people in crisis with one-time
assistance paying rent, mortgage or utility bills.
New Worker Support helps people start
new jobs by purchasing uniforms and covering
transportation costs until they receive their first
pay check.
The C. Spencer Godfrey Food
Pantry distributes an average of 1,800 bags
of food to hungry families each month.
Buckhead THRIFTique provides free
and affordable clothing to the community and
opportunities to volunteer.
The 70/30 Project stabilizes working
families who are at high risk of homelessness.
This program is unique in Atlanta because
it combines financial assistance, education,
financial mentoring and personalized
case management.
The Money Management Course
teaches students everything from decision
making and goal setting to how to budget and
improve their credit. Over the span of 20 weeks,
students alternately attend classes and meet
one-on-one with financial coaches.
The Transitional Housing Program
Cumulative Giving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Annual Fund Leadership Giving . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Annual Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-13
Churches and Church Groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Tee It Up Golf Tournament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15
‘Tis the Season. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17
The Seeds of Change Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Staff and Board Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
assists homeless families transition to financial
stability by providing an apartment, money
management education and customized
support services.
Age: 46
Children: 2
Job: Substance abuse
“I’m so glad I reached
out to BCM for help.
They really care, and
go above and beyond to
help you as a person.”
Anita came to Buckhead Christian Ministry in December 2012,
after a car accident sent her into a financial tailspin. Anita was
several months behind on her mortgage payments, owed back
taxes and received frequent calls from bill collectors.
“I felt lost and like I was sinking in a hole,” she recalls. “BCM
helped me pay my bills, reduce my debt and taught me how
to create a budget. They helped me through a tough time and
taught me money management skills that helped me
feel empowered.”
BCM provided assistance that allowed Anita to pay for books
while attending college and guided her through the budgeting
process as she paid off her credit card debt. She recently
fulfilled her dream of finishing college and completed a degree
in sociology. Anita is now working full-time as a substance
abuse counselor, helping others get control over their own
lives. She is applying to graduate school and looks forward to a
brighter future for her family.
“I’m so glad I reached out to BCM for help,” she says. “They
really care, and go above and beyond to help you as a person.”
We appreciate the following donors who supported both special events and the general campaign during the 2013 fiscal year.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hoyt
Mr. and Mrs. C. Spencer Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Drake
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliffe
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Reichart
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clements
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Jaynes
Jennifer & David Kahn Family
Mr. and Mrs. David Oyler
The Snodgrass Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Westney, Jr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Abernathy
Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Bethel
Ms. Jamie Brownlee and
Mr. David Russell
Ms. Judith L. Burge
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Chasteen
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Coleman
Clark and Helen Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. David Corts
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Daniel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Easterlin
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Howell
Kathy David Public Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey
Lori and Ric Mayfield
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Neal
Ms. Linda Outlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Raeber
Mrs. Carole S. Seffrin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuford
Mr. and Mrs. K. Boynton Smith
Ms. Allison Sprinkle
Ms. Stacey Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ungashick
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Yates
$1,500 - $2,499
Mrs. Debbie Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Blount
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castellon
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Coleman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. G. Lee Cross III
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elrod, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley Hill, Jr.
Heather and Eric Larson
Ms. Rena Marroquin
Mrs. Inge Marshall
Belinda McCafferty
Diane and Matt Moffett
Glenda and Mark Moreland
Ms. Brenda Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin M. Withington
$1,000 - $1,499
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawrence Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. William Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bates, Jr.
Jocelyn and William Challas
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coleman
Ms. Janice G. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corley
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William deButts
Ms. Meryl Dilcher
Dr. and Mrs. Emmett Doerr
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Hayes III
Mr. and Mrs. John Irby
Ms. Jane Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Kaye
Ms. Gina Morris
Ms. Mary Nagode
Mr. and Mrs. Al NeSmith
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson
Mrs. Wendy Joy Persons
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Roberts
Mary and Daniel Schaefer
Ms. Cynthia Sech
Mr. and Mrs. Willingham Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest K. Speed
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Street
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wessels
Dr. and Mrs. W. Hamilton Williams III
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Dub H. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Barker, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beavor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Behr
Mrs. June Bishop
Nicole and Brad Buie
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Carter
Dyan and Douglas Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Wade K. Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dobbs
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fellows
Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. French
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grosvenor
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Herron
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hewes
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Joiner
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner G. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel
Ms. Katherine F. McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. Don Millen
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mullins
Ms. Laura Nunnally
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ostrowski
Mrs. Martha Peake
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peyton
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Rollins
Sara Lee King & Co., Inc.
Ms. Melba Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams
UP TO $500
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bottoms
Clare and Brad Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Creed
Ms. Barbara N. Croft
Mrs. Frances M. Dowling
Ms. Jane R. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Grimm
Mrs. Linda King
Mrs. Winifred Klein
Laura and Andy Lindeman
Mr. Wayne Neiswender
Ms. Janice Tucker
Ms. J. Suzanne Williams
Age: 53
Job: Food service
“If you’re struggling,
Buckhead Christian
Ministry can help keep a
roof over your head and can
provide food and clothing,
it’s a Godsend to have a
program like this when
you’re in trouble. I’m so
grateful for their help.”
When David, a proud military veteran,
lost his job as a cook at an Atlanta
hospital cafeteria last year, he could no
longer afford to pay his rent.
“I was facing homelessness,” he recalls.
“That was very scary for me.”
Fortunately, his apartment complex
referred him to Buckhead Christian
Ministry. BCM’s caring staff provided
emergency rent assistance and helped
David apply for jobs online. Thanks to
BCM’s support, David secured a fulltime position and got back on his feet
“I had never experienced unemployment
before,” he explains. “I’ve been
continuously employed for the past 27
years, ever since I got out of the Army.”
David recommends Buckhead Christian
Ministry to anyone going through a
crisis. He admits it was hard to swallow
his pride and accept help, but says the
assistance BCM provided has given him
a new lease on life.
Named for Proverbs 14:31, BCM’s
Honor Society recognizes those
who have honored God with
kindness to the poor by donating
$25,000 or more to the Annual
Fund in 2013.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Spencer Godfrey
The Waterfall Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Brown
Elizabeth Grisham Brown
Benevolent Fund
Sarah Spencer Godfrey
Charitable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Holmes
The Zeist Foundation, Inc.
Whoever oppresses
the poor shows
contempt for
their Maker,
but whoever is
kind to the needy
honors God.
Named for The Good Samaritan
in Luke 10, The Samaritan
Society honors those who have
cared for strangers by donating
$5,000 or more to the Annual
Fund in 2013.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dickens
John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland
Charitable Foundation
Hayes Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Holder, Jr.
Selby and Richard McRae
The Patterson Family Foundation
Anonymous (2)
Bennett Thrasher Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hoyt
The Sartain Lanier Family Foundation
Livingston Foundation, Inc.
The Stuart and Eulene
Murray Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliffe
The Estate of Dr. Stuart Schwarzschild
The Emily Winship Scott Foundation
The Estate of Mr. David M. Webb
Atlanta Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Beck
The Mary Allen Lindsey Branan
CLC Foundation Inc.
Mr. Quiency Dugger
Mary Ryan and Henry G. Kuhrt
Ms. Amber McElduff
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon J. Post
Realan Foundation
Royal Society of Rabbits
Mr. and Mrs. Drew Salapka
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Simms
TJX Foundation
Frances Wood Wilson Foundation
Named for Matthew 25:35-40,
The 25:35 Circle honors those
who have committed to care for
“the least of these” by donating
$2,500 or more to the Annual
Fund in 2013.
Named for Deuteronomy 15:11,
The 15:11 Circle honors those
who have opened their hand
to their neighbors in need by
donating $1,500 or more to the
Annual Fund in 2013.
Akers Foundation Inc.
A. Worley and Mary Lou Brown Fund
Buckhead Lions Club
Ms. Judith L. Burge
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Chasteen
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Coleman
Clark and Helen Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Drake
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Easterlin
Mr. Charles M. Fife
John and Mary Franklin
Foundation, Inc.
Georgia Center for Nonprofits
Hamilton Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Francis Head
Dr. Thomas High
M. C. Jackson, Sr., Family Foundation
Ruth R. Hoyt-Anne H.
Jolley Foundation
Thomas H. Lanier Family Foundation
Mr. Robert Owen
Ponder, Higgins, Jowers & Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pritchard
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Raeber
Mr. and Mrs. John Shepard
Ms. Allison Sprinkle
Patricia Bowman Terwilliger Family
Foundation Charitable Trust
Ms. Stacey Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ungashick
Mr. and Mrs. John Westney, Jr.
Kay and Bob Younglove
Mrs. Debbie Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ayres
Ms. Jamie Brownlee and
Mr. David Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clements
Mrs. Gretchen Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Davis
Mr. Tyler Edgarton
Dr. and Mrs. Burton Evans
The French Family Foundation
Susan and Brad Malemezian
Mr. James Morrison
Ms. Linda Outlaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuford
Mr. and Mrs. K. Boynton Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James Stratigos
The Tull Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. White
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin M. Withington
For I was hungry and you gave me
something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave
me something to drink, I was a stranger and
you invited me in.
Matthew 25:35
$1,000 - $1,499
Advocate Networks
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Austin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Barwick
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan M. Beard
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castellon
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. David Corts
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Daniel, Jr.
Ms. Susan K. Di Zerega
Dog Days Atlanta
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Easterling
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Elrod, Jr.
Dr. Raymond Faught
Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Hartley
The Hawkins Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Robert W. Hearn, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley Hill, Jr.
Mr. Henry Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Howell
The Iverson Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Kaye
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey
Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc.
Lori and Ric Mayfield
Belinda McCafferty
The McWhirter Family Foundation
Mr. Taft Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. John Peifer
Mrs. Carole S. Seffrin
Alex and Betty Smith Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Brenda Smith
Mr. James B. Voyles
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Waters
Dr. William G. Whitaker III
Ms. Ruth B. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Yellowlees
$500 - $999
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred G. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Howell E. Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter Allen
Ms. Anne Averett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bates, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Brown
Ms. Cynthia W. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. C. Merrell Calhoun
Mr. and Mrs. Bick Cardwell
Mr. Larry Carney
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Caswell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Christopher
Mrs. Aline C. Cofield
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Coleman, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Emmett Doerr
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C. Dorminy, Jr.
The Dudley-Litton Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Feldman
Mr. and Mrs. Roy L. Gordon
Mr. and Mrs. T. Kent Hammond
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Hayes III
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Henderson
Mrs. Mary E. N. Hollingsworth
Mr. and Mrs. John Kelleher IV
Keller Williams Realty
Kyle Construction, LLC
Landscape Management Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Larkins
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Lassiter III
Ms. Marian Macleod-Elliot
Ms. Rena Marroquin
Ms. Risa Matthew and
Mr. Graham Wilson
Mr. Curtis Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Moenter
Mrs. Ann Moore and Dr. Peter A. Pate
Ms. Joy S. Mott
Mrs. Anna Muir
Ms. Mary Nagode
National Charity League
Mr. Galen Oelkers
Melanie and Patrick Penna
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ponder
Mr. and Mrs. John Rice
Charles Schoen Family Charitable Fund
Ms. Judy Seaman
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando B. Sonza
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Van Horn
Ms. Charlotte Walbert
Mr. John P. Walsh
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Wiggins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilgus
Mr. and Mrs. Louie B. Wood
$250 - $499
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Abernathy
Mr. Andrew Allvine
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Austin
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Behr
Ms. Jan Bell
Ms. Celeste Boisclair
Ms. Norma Bradshaw
Mr. Edmund Byne
Mrs. Linda Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Wade K. Copeland
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Creed
Mr. Brad Crosby
Ms. Meryl Dilcher
Mrs. Barbara Dillingham
Ms. Danie Dinardo
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dobbs
Mrs. Frances M. Dowling
Ms. Susan Franck
Ms. Amy Grizzell
Ms. Sarah Gross
Mrs. Louise S. Gunn
Half Baked Casseroles LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus D. Harden
Ms. Dabney A. Hart
Mr. Adrian Holder
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Hollingsworth II
Ms. Sara Irby
Mr. and Mrs. Gene L. James
Mr. and Mrs. David Jensen
Mrs. Lee Johnson
Mrs. Margie Kane
Mrs. Martha N. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Lanford
Heather and Eric Larson
Laura and Andy Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Livingston
Mrs. Elise C. MacIntyre
Joan and Nick Mencher
Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Myers
Ms. Anne Ossewaarde
Ms. G. J. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Neal G. Patton
Peachtree Golf Club
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Peyton
Ms. Laura H. Randall
Sara Lee King & Co., Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Sech
Mr. and Mrs. John Shevlin
Ms. Jean Stanley
Ms. Harriett Swennes
Mr. and Mrs. Rocco Testani
Mr. and Mrs. George Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wessels
Westminster Girl Scouts - Troop 3400
Ms. J. Suzanne Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Williams
Ms. Sherry Windsor
Mr. Blanton Winship
$100 - $249
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Addison
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Akins
Ms. Anastasia G. Allain
Mr. and Mrs. Harris Allen
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Allen
Ms. Mary Alvarez
Amber Brown Insurance Agency, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Avery
Ms. Cheryl Bachelder
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Barker, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter Barratt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Battle, Jr.
Ms. Catherine Berger
Mrs. June Bishop
Mrs. Gwynn L. Blount
Ms. Dolores Borman
Mrs. Norma Box
Ms. Mary Brannon
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Gene B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Carmical
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Carter
Ms. Judith C. Clements
Mrs. Adele Cleveland
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Cole
Mr. R. Stan Conway, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce I. Crabtree III
Mr. David T. Crockett III
Dr. Barbara N. Croft
Dr. and Mrs. G. Lee Cross III
Mr. James Davis
Ms. Lynne Davis
Ms. Kathy Davison
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Daws
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. DeBorde
Mr. and Mrs. David DeShong
Mr. and Mrs. William Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Downey
Ms. Simone Dreifuss
Ms. Leslie Dunlap
Ms. Janice Dutton
Mr. and Mrs. Cole Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Egan, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. L. F. Elliott II
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Enright
Mr. Robert Eyster
F. O. D. H. Book Club
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feuer
Ms. Leslie Fiedler
Mr. Carson Flournoy
Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Folds
Ms. Shirley C. Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Edward R. French
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Friese
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Furth
Ms. Laura Kate Gamble
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Gambrell
The Garrett Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jack F. Gee
Rev. and Mrs. Bill Givens
Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Goode
Mr. and Mrs. Keith C. Groen
Mr. John Haber
Ms. Melanie Haley
Ms. Ruth Hamilton
Ms. Helen K. Hammonds
Mrs. Sharon L. Harle
Ms. Laura Haslam
Ms. Crystal Haywood
Mr. Randolph H. Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Clay Herron
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holder
Mr. and Mrs. David Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Tom D. Hufford
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes
Ms. Andreka N. Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Johansen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Joiner
Ms. Katharine Jones
Mr. Scott Joseph
Mr. William Kalil
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Kaplan
Karen and Jared Kee
Ms. Mary Kennedy and Rev. Andy Noel
Mr. Warren Kennett
Ms. Kay Kenney
Mrs. Patricia Kerr
Mrs. Linda King
Mrs. Winifred Klein
Ms. Celeste M. Kurtz
Ms. Mary M. Lane
Ms. Shauna Lawrence
Ms. Deborah Levine and
Dr. Brad Chaires
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred A. Lindseth
Ms. Megan A. Linger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lischer
Ms. Mary B. Lively
Mrs. Mary Ann Lyon
Mr. Daniel MacIntyre
Mr. James R. Magbee
Ms. Ashley Magness
Mrs. Anne Manley
Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas McKay
Mr. and Mrs. Don Millen
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Monroe
Mr. James Musselwhite
Mr. Wayne Neiswender
Ms. Bethany Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Paschall
Mr. Derry Patterson
Mrs. Martha Peake
Pinnacle Orthopaedics - Austell Division
Mr. and Mrs. James Proctor
Ms. Frances D. Pughsley
Quality Suites Buckhead Village
Mrs. Mary Anne Quin
Ms. Kathy S. Ray
Ms. Jean Redding
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Reinertsen
Ms. Ann Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Richardson
Mr. Vincent Rizzo
Mr. David Schick
Sheffield Inc d/b/a Buckhead Centre
Mrs, Rhon Sheffield
Mr. and Mrs. David Shuford
Mr. and Mrs. Dell B. Sikes
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Slater
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slater
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Smith, Jr.
Mr. David Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Willingham Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Smith
Southern Wireless Telecom, LLC
Ms. Stephanie Sparkmon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Spaugh
Mrs. Ann M. Speer
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Steely
Ms. Kathleen F. Stinnett
Mrs. Nancy Surbaugh
Mrs. Julian W. Swann
Ms. Margaret Swann
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Swilley, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. John Thornton, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Toon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Raul F. Trujillo
Ms. Janice Tucker
Mr. Michael Turnbull
Ms. Melba Turner
Valerie Primas Insurance Agency, Inc.
Mr. George Veneziale
Mr. Gudmund Vigtel
Mr. and Mrs. William Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Walsh
Ms. Laura S. Warren
Mr. William J. Waters, Jr.
Ms. Ellen M. Weatherly
Mr. R. L. Weathers
Ms. Amy Wheelus
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin T. White
Ms. Corrie White
Mr. and Mrs. John B. White
Mr. R. C. Whitis
Ms. Faye H. Whitworth
Dr. R. Mark Wilkiemeyer
Mrs. Josephine C. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Neal L. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Sam J. Williams III
Ms. Cheryl Womack
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Woodall
Mrs. Anneke Woodward
Up to $100
Ms. Anne Abplanalp
Mr. Cameron Adair
Mr. and Mrs. John Allen
Ms. Margaret S. Allen
Ms. Marjorie Anderson
Ms. Dell Andersson
Ms. Jan M. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Anthony
Ms. Patricia Artis
Mr. Torto Asamoah
Ms. Marion Bailey
Mr. Simon Bakaric
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bargeron
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M. Baskette
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Bazzel
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beavor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian D. Beem
Ms. Jayna Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bell
Ms. Cary Belle
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Blount
Mr. and Mrs. John Bond
Mr. John Bonner
Mrs. Linda Borchers
Joyce Bostick
Mrs. Jane Bostwick
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bottoms
Mrs. Barbara Boukater
Mr. Adam K. Bowen
Ms. Gail Brackett
Ms. Susan Brandon
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin Brantley
Mrs. Anne Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Brown
Mrs. Eunice C. Byrd
Callan Associates
Ms. Betty R. Camp
Ms. Brooke Campbell
Mrs. Lynnette Cannon
Carlton Woods Garden Club
Ms. Traci L. Carr
Ms. Rosalie N. Castleberry
Jocelyn and William Challas
Ms. Diane Christian
Ms. Phyllis M. Christian
Mr. Dennis Clark
Ms. Gena Coggins
Mr. Jeremy Cohen
Ms. Carol Colwell
Mrs. Dawn S. Connelly
Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Cook III
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Cross
Ms. Ann Cyphers
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Darby
Dr. and Mrs. Al Dasher
Miss M. V. Davis
Mr. Robert P. Davis
Kappy and William deButts
Age: 35
Children: 3
Job: Lead medical assistant
“I didn’t have short-term
disability at my job, so things
became really rough for my
family. We needed help.
Thank goodness for Buckhead
Christian Ministry.”
Kimberly fell on hard times when she was hospitalized and had to
undergo surgery due to a collapsed lung in 2013. Her medical condition
forced her to miss several months of work, plus her husband lost his
job, putting the family in a precarious financial position.
“I didn’t have short-term disability at my job, so things became really
rough for my family,” she recalls. “We needed help. Thank goodness for
Buckhead Christian Ministry.”
BCM helped Kimberly and her family with food, rent and utility bills.
Kimberly learned how to develop a payment plan with her landlord to
help her get caught up on her rent. Her family was “adopted” for the
holidays, which made a tremendous difference for her children. “BCM
truly blessed my family. They gave us a real Christmas,” she says.
Fortunately, Kimberly’s health is now stable, and she’s back to work as
a lead medical assistant at a busy health clinic in Atlanta. “I’m grateful
for everything my family and I have received from BCM,” she says.
“They really helped us in our time of need.”
Ms. Barbara R. Disney
Mr. Mark Dodson
Mr. and Mrs. Weston Edmunds
Mr. T. L. Faulk
Ms. Virginia Fick
Ms. Jane R. Fitzgerald
Ms. Audrey K. Florence
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gerland
Mr. and Mrs. George Gfroerer
Ms. Julia Gilbert
Mrs. Anne E. Godwin
Mr. and Mrs. Jack S. Goger
Mr. and Mrs. John Gornall
Grace Bridal Atelier, LLC
Ms. Mary Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Grimm
Ms. Mitzi Hagan
Mr. James Halter
Ms. Elizabeth Harmon
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Harris
Ms. Tina Harris
Ms. Mary Heisel
Ms. Jackie Hendrix
Ms. Regina R. Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Hewes
Ms. Anita Hinkel
Ms. Andrea Howells
Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes
Ms. Susan Hull
Ms. Juliann R. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Inman, Jr.
Iron Logic Consulting, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kaish
Mr. Nelson Karpeh
Kathy David Public Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde M. Kennedy III
Ms. Rosemary Kittrell
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Kreiner
Mr. Kurt Kronauge
Ms. Carol H. Lane
Ms. Jane Langley
Mr. and Mrs. Perry J. Le Blanc
Mrs. Julie Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Lightmas, Jr.
Ms. Patricia G. Lindholm
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Logue
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lounsbery
Ms. Jane S. Lynn
Ms. Penelope Malone
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Manley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mann
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner G. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Allen P. McDaniel
Ms. Alice McIntyre
Mrs. Helen McLeskey
Ms. Katherine F. McMaster
Ms. Jessica McMillen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Menendez
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Meyer
Diane and Matt Moffett
Ms. Krystal Montgomery
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce Morris
Ms. Tricia Mulcare
Ms. Gloria Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Turin A. Natonio
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Niles
Ms. Laura Nunnally
Oliver Friends
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Oneacre
Mrs. Judy M. Owings
Ms. Amy M. Panos
Ms. Penny Parker
Ms. Allison Pearce
Sheyna Perera
Ms. Ashley Perkins
Mr. B. A. Plant
Ms. Suzanne Poole
Mr. Prabha Pratyaksa
Mrs. Frances Pulliam
Dr. Charles Qualls
Ms. Carmelia Ragsdale
Ms. Corinna Ragsdale
Mrs. Leslie Rapley
Mr. and Mrs. Howard T. Ray
Ms. Lakesia Reese
Mr. William B. Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Robinson
Ms. Frances Root
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. William Sluben
Mr. and Mrs. Dextrel Smith
Mrs. Judy Smith
Ms. Sharon Smith
Mr. Bill Stacy
Ms. Linda Stone
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Sutterfield
Ms. Elaine M. Tarkenton
Ms. Janet Thomas
Ms. Joanie Thomas
Mrs. Michelle P. Thomas
Mrs. Eleanor Thompson
Mr. Donald S. Timmerman
Ms. Catherine Toole
Mr. and Mrs. Valentin Vulov
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Walker, Jr.
Mr. J. Henry Walker
Ms. Brenda Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Whitis
Miss Sharon Willis
Mrs. Mary Wilson
Ms. Judith D. Windham
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wood
Elizabeth and Scott Yates
Mr. Eric Zwygart
Brookhaven Baptist
Brookhaven Presbyterian
Buckhead Baptist
Buckhead Church
Cathedral of Christ the King
Christ Church Presbyterian
Covenant Presbyterian
Holy Spirit Catholic
Mount Paran Church of God
Northside Church
Northside Drive Baptist
Northwest Presbyterian
Peachtree Baptist
Agape Too Class at Wieuca Road Baptist
Peachtree Presbyterian
Philathea Sunday School Class at
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist
Peachtree Road United Methodist
Sardis United Methodist
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist
Skyland Church
St. Anne’s Episcopal
Celebration Class at Peachtree Presbyterian
Credence Sunday School Class at
Peachtree Presbyterian
Discovery Class at Peachtree Presbyterian
Gene and Martha Wilson Sunday School
Class at Peachtree Presbyterian
Heritage Sunday School Class at
Peachtree Presbyterian
Lydia Sunday School Class at
Peachtree Baptist
Mariners Sunday School Class at
Peachtree Presbyterian
Radiant Sunday School Class at
Second-Ponce de Leon Baptist
Ruth Class Adult 3 at Second-Ponce
de Leon Baptist
St. Dunstan’s Episcopal
Seekers Class at Peachtree Presbyterian
St. James United Methodist
Presbyterian Women of Northwest
St. Luke Lutheran
Trinity Presbyterian
Timothy Class at Peachtree Road
United Methodist
Westminster Presbyterian
St. Anne’s Guild at Cathedral of St. Philip
Wieuca Road Baptist
United Methodist Women of Sardis
United Methodist
The Cathedral of St. Philip
Anonymous (2)
The Snodgrass Foundation
State Bank & Trust Company
Habersham Properties
Private Bank of Buckhead
Shuford Partners
Dub Anderson
Walter Bridges
Mark Chandler
Blaine Clotfelter
Carl Drake
Jon Kaye
Sadler Norris
Boynton Smith
Brad Watkins
Robert Wright
Alliant Employee Benefits
Atlantic Capital Bank
Tom Bethel
Brand Properties
Cathedral of Christ the King
CB Richard Ellis
Madelon and James Cotton
Carl Drake
French Wolf & Farr Investment Advisors
Georgia Commerce Bank
Hodges Mace Benefits Group, Inc.
Molly and Barry Howell
John Hancock Investments
JP Morgan Asset Management
Jennifer & David Kahn Family
Liberty Mutual
Minnesota Life
N.A. Williams
Peachtree Road United
Methodist Church
Sadler Norris
Robert Wright
ZWJ Investment Counsel
Capital Cadillac, Buick, GMC
Alex Roush Architects
AutoNation Honda, Thornton Road
Dub Anderson Branding
Global Franchise Group
Lara and Sam Holmes
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Kathy David Public Relations
Kimmey, Murphy & Horsley, P.C.
Lee and Associates Commercial Real
Estate Services
Yancey and John McCollum
McGarrity Garcia Residential LLC
NAI Brannen Goddard
Raulet Property Partners
Smith Moore Leatherwood
Elizabeth and Boynton Smith
St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
St. James United Methodist Church
Tucker, Midis, Owen
W & M Holdings
Wynden Capital Management
Tom Adkin
Hunter Amos
Brandon Ansley
Tim Arnoult
Michael Arougheti
Peter Aucoin
Scott Blackard
Neel Bradham
Todd Brauer
John Butler
Mike Capogrossi
Tres Carpenter
Mark B. Chandler
Blaine Clotfelter
Josh Cobb
Tom Coleman
Marvin Cosgray
Marshall Evans
Dorsey Farr
Carlton Forrester
Richard French
Wes A. French
Bobby Gaston
Mark Gelsleichter
Ralson Goetz
Brian Goshen
Mike Gottfried
Tom Greene
Tom Greer
Paxton Griffin
Doug Grimm
Rodney Hall
Robert Harlin
Jeff Hederick
Joseph P. Hewes
Hunter Hill
Greg Hodges
Haynes Huffard
Joseph Jolly
David Kahn
Kauffman Tire
Jonathan S. Kaye
John Kibbe
Tim Kittredge
Charley Knight
Laurie Kruse
John H. Lapelle
Jay Laschinger
Brent Lesmeister
Jeff Levy
Budd Libby
Peter Mace
Billy Maner IV
Todd McGarrity
Bill McNeeley
John Mears
Bant Millichap
Bill Mulkeen
Wayne Neiswender
Edward M. Newsom
Scott Novellas
Neil Phillips
David Pittard
Lee Pritchard
Tripp Rackley
Paul Raulet
Tyler Reams
Ben Reed
Robert Reed
Dan Reeves
Greg Russell
Jim Shelden
Ben Sithens
Rick Skelley
Michael Smith
Blake Snyder
Michael Stimpert
Barth Sweeney
Kevin Tolbert
George Turner
Brandon Vaughn
James Waddell
Thomas F. Wamsley, Jr.
Mike Warren
Joe Wilen
Michael Woocher
James Worrell
Edwin Watts Golf Academy
H. Stockton-Lenox, Inc.
HAVEN/Valenza Restaurants
Miller Brothers Limited
Peachtree Golf Club
‘Tis the Season
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Abernathy†*
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Clements†
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Hoyt
Lori and Ric Mayfield†*
Mr. and Mrs. Kennard Neal†
Mr. and Mrs. David Ratcliffe
The Snodgrass Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Blair
Mr. and Mrs. W. Frank Blount
Ms. Jamie Brownlee and
Mr. David Russell†
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Culp†
Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Douglass†
Mr. and Mrs. Lige Gillis
Ms. B. Diane Jones
Jennifer & David Kahn Family†
Heather and Eric Larson
Mr. and Mrs. John W. McCollum
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Moreland
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morris
Carole and John Seffrin
Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Triesch III
Mr. and Mrs. John Westney, Jr.†
White Horse Advisors
Guy Williams
Mr. L. Brent Adams†
Mr. and Mrs. Tucker Alford
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lawrence Ashe
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Athaide
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ausband
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baltz
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Barge†
Mr. and Mrs. John Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. William Bassett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward E. Bates, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Beavor
Ms. Judith L. Burge
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cartledge
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Castellon
Mr. and Mrs. William Challas†
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Chasteen†
Ms. Janice G. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Corley
Mr. and Mrs. David Corts†
Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Stockton Croft
Dr. and Mrs. G. Lee Cross III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cumbie
Mr. and Mrs. Giovanni D’Amico
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Davis
Mr. and Mrs. William deButts
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Drake†
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Dunlap
Mr. and Mrs. Edward D. Easterlin†
Mr. and Mrs. David Edmiston
Mr. and Mrs. John Egan
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brad Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Franz
Mr. and Mrs. John Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fuqua
Mr. Spence Godfrey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. David Gracey
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Greene
Mr. and Mrs. David Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Guenther
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Hagood
Ms. Sally Jo Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hardy
Ms. Deborah Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. George Hauptfuhrer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Heekin
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hendrix
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley Hill, Jr.*
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Howell
Mr. and Mrs. John Irby
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Jaynes
Mr. and Mrs. Comer Jennings III
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Joiner
Ms. Jane Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Lansing Kimmey
Sara Lee King & Co., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kirbo
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kirby
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mabry
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Mackenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Neal MacLean
Ms. Rena Marroquin†*
Belinda McCafferty†
Dr. and Mrs. Pat McGill
Ms. Katherine F. McMaster
Mr. and Mrs. Don Millen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Mize
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Moffett*
Ms. Gina Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Morrisroe
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Moyers
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Al NeSmith
Mr. and Mrs. David Oyler
Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson
Mrs. Wendy Joy Persons
Mr. and Mrs. John Poindexter
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Polhemus
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Pritchard†
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Roberts†
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Rothschild†
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Ryder†
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Schoen
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Schwarzkopf
Ms. Cynthia Sech
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shuford†
Mr. and Mrs. W. Vernon Skiles III
Mr. and Mrs. Willingham Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Cal Smith†
Mr. and Mrs. Forrest K. Speed
Mr. and Mrs. John Spillman
Ms. Allison Sprinkle
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Street
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Tinkler
Ms. Stacey Turner
Mr. J. B. Vick
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Warren
Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Wasson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Waters†*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wessels
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Hamilton Williams III
Ms. Kim Withrow
Mr. and Mrs. Whit Yates†
Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Zuch
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Aabye
Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Achecar
Ms. Leah Aldridge
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Alford
Amber and Matt Alford
Mr. and Mrs. Dub H. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Austreng
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Ayres
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Balloon
Mr. and Mrs. Tom A. Bethel
Dr. and Mrs. William R. Blincoe
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bottoms
Mr. Robert Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Brown
Ms. Linda P. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buie
Ms. Laney Cahillane
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Carpenter
Mr. Dan Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Coleman, Jr.*
Ms. Gay Colyer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Creed
Dr. Barbara N. Croft
Ms. Cecelia Crofton
Mr. and Mrs. Milt Crouch
Clark and Helen Cunningham
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Cushman
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Daniel, Jr.
Ms. Meryl Dilcher
Mrs. Najah Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fellows
Ms. Jane R. Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Followill
Mr. and Mrs. David Foster
Mr. and Mrs. John Foxworth
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bryan Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. French
Mr. and Mrs. Kris Funkhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Gabriel
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gagnon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Gibson
Mr. Dan Green
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Griner
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grosvenor
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Hazlehurst
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Hoch
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hodges
Ms. Megan Holder
Dr. James P. Ingvoldstad
Ms. Carol Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Jordan
Kathy David Public Relations
Mr. Kevin Keough
Mrs. Linda King
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Krompegal
Mr. Michael Lappin and Mr. John West
Ms. Katrina Lidell
Laura and Andy Lindeman
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lortz
Ms. Maria Lubniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marino
Mrs. Inge Marshall
Mr. and Mrs. Gardiner G. Mason
Ms. Polly McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. Seth McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McWilliams
Ms. Molly Milano
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Todd Mitchem
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Modlin
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Modlin
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mutz
Ms. Mary Nagode
Ms. Kay Nastopoulos
Rev. and Mrs. Matthew Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Tripp O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ostrowski
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Payne
Ms. Kristine Pettoni
Mr. and Mrs. Neal J. Quirk
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Rhodes
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Rollins
Ms. Elizabeth Russell
Mr. and Mrs. Josh Schaefer
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Schipper
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schmitt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sheppard
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. Sjostrom
Ms. Donna Smith
Ms. Brenda Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Elton J. Spann
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stancil
Tower Beer and Wine
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Troutman
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ungashick
Mr. and Mrs. Raul Velarde
Ms. Nancy Walker
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wargo*
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Westney
Ms. Laura L. White
Ms. Lee D. Wilder
Ms. J. Suzanne Williams
Ms. Kathy Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Trey Wood
5 Seasons Brewing Co. –
Sandy Springs
Academy Ballroom Atlanta
Africa Horizons
American Spirit Whiskey
Anis Cafe and Bistro
Anne Irwin Fine Art
The Art Institute of Atlanta
Atlanta Ballet
The Atlanta Opera
Auction Horizons
Melissa Payne Baker
Barnsley Gardens Resort
Elizabeth Beck
Bella by Alethea
Big Peach Running Co.
BLT Steak Atlanta
Blue Moon Pizza of Buckhead
Clark Brown
Buckhead THRIFTique
Buckehead Christian Ministry
Volunteers & Staff
Buckhead Life Restaurant Group
Cameron Mitchell Restaurants
Linda P. Candler
Chateau Elan
The Childrens’ and Prep Shop
Cibo e Beve
Allison Cochran, CAbi Consultant
Ann Culley
Clark and Helen Cunningham
Helen and Ren Davis
Dog Days Atlanta
Edwin Watts Golf Academy
Farmer D Organics
The Farmhouse at Serenbe
Pat Fiorello
Fogo de Chao
Four Seasons Hotel
Maria Furth
Priscilla Glass
The Gallery at Brookwood
The General Muir
Grand Hyatt Atlanta
Emily Griffith
Guffey’s of Atlanta, Inc.
H. G. Robertson Fine Silver and Gifts
H. Stockton Atlanta
Haverty Hollow
Horseradish Grill
Hotel Equities
Huff Harrington Home
Shannon and Richard Jaynes
Jenny Lyon Studios
Johns Creek Wine & Crystal
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth Jones
Kathy David Public Relations
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S. Kaye
Michael Kelley
Lansdell Galleries
Liberty House Restaurant Corporation
Lighting Loft
Lucy’s Market
Jessie Modlin Photography
Anna Muir, Stella & Dot Senior Director
& Founding Leader
Nancy G’s
New York Butcher Shoppe
Nothing Bundt Cakes
Anne Lanier
Kara Pfau, Arbonne International
Area Manager
Portofino Bistro
Vanessa Quan*
The Ritz Carlton, Buckhead
Christy and Mark Roberts
Seasons 52
Seasons Sensations
Seraphim Skin Care
Signature Shop and Gallery
Carol Stokes
Sugarboo Designs
Susan Lee Accessories
Suzuki Teaching and
Education Program
Tango Rio
Tiffany & Co.
TLC Sitters of Atlanta, Inc.
Tonx Coffee
Dana and Bill Tucker
U. S. Kids Golf
Philip Verre, COO of
High Museum of Art
Walt Disney World Co.
Wheel Of Fortune
Charles M. Williams and
Robert Rose
Willow Green
Woo Skincare & Cosmetics
Zoo Atlanta
signifies members of the 'Tis the
Season Host Committee
* signifies members of the 'Tis the
Season Acquisitions Committee
Teresa Claugus
Sylvia Corts
Shirley Davis
Angie and William Hoyt†
Susan Pyeatt Kimmey†
Cecelia Ratcliffe
Susan Shanor
Beth Abernathy
Anita B. Adams
Linda Anthony
Jane Armstrong
Kathy B. Ashe
Debbie Austin
Janie Barker
Donna Barwick†
Dorothy Bassett
Gaylen Kemp Baxter
Ellen Beard
Kaki Behr
Jan Bilthouse
June Bishop
Ruthanna Bost
Lisa Brooks
Cindra Brown
Jamie Brownlee†
Shelby Bryant
Kristin Buhay
Nicole Buie
Judy Burge
Janice G. Carter
Jocelyn D. Challas
Dyan Chandler
Kelly Chasteen
Sidney Childress
Rebecca Clements†
Amanda Coleman
CeCe Coleman
Laurie Coleman†
Janice G. Cook
Bonnie Copeland
Carla Corley
Caroline Crawford
Lizzie Crawford
Anne Cross
Meredith Daniel
Kristin Davis
Meryl Dilcher
Elly Dobbs
Bridget Doerr
Elise Drake
Nan Easterlin
Lee Egan
Mary Elrod
Angela W. Evert
Pam Fellows
Honour N. Fleming
Libby Fozzard
Helen French
Nella Gatewood
Anne F. Gee
Judy Ginn
Mary Anne Godfrey
Ginger Greene
Jackie Greene
Karen Kelley Grosvenor
Susan Hawkins
Pamela Hayes
Caroline Haynes
Elsie Henderson
Marcy Herron†
Mary Kate Bridges Hewes
Lori Heys†
Melba Wynn Hill†
Becky Holliday
Lara Holmes
Sarah Huddleston
Abby Irby
Shannon G. Jaynes
Ginger Jeffries
Jane Jones
Vivian Jones
Jennifer Kahn
Carol W. Kelly
Mary Kay Kilgore
Sandy Linginfelter
Nancy MacDonald
Rena Marroquin†
Inge Marshall
Lisa Martinez
Susan G. Mason
Becky Matherne
Suzanne Masters
Jolie Maxwell
Lori D. Mayfield
Yancey McCollum
Peggy McCurry
Sally S. McDaniel
Joanna McDonald
Georgeann McGrew
Diane Moffett †
Wendy C. Moore
Glenda Moreland
Gina Morris
Laura Mullins
Diana M. Murphy
Joy Neal
Marian NeSmith†
Laura Nunnally
Bridget O’Donnell
Gail Ostermann
Julie Ostrowski
Linda Outlaw
Ansley Oyler
Victoria Palefsky
Carolyn Patterson†
Marianna Patterson
Nancy Patterson†
Katy Barksdale Pattillo
Martha Peake
Mrs. Wendy Joy Persons
Lawrie Peyton
Carol Raeber
Nancy Rafuse
Andrea Rimer
Christy Roberts†
Ashley and Bill Rogers
Cathy Rollins
Susan Roush
Mary L. Schaefer
Margot Shuford†
Lea Smith
Rene Smith
Mary Kelly Speed
Linda Stephens
Holly Street
Jylla Moore Tearte, PhD
Jennifer Diversi Thompson
Stacey M. Triesch
Melba Turner
Stacey Turner†
Ellen Ungashick
Paula Valentine
Jane C. von Seggern
Laura Schoen Warren†
Susan Warren
Barbara Waters†
Linda Wessels
Henny Whelchel
Diane Wilbanks
Betsy Williams
Marion H. Williams
Virginia S. Williams
Heather Wilson
Helen Wimberly
Angela Withington
Margie Wynne
Ann Brown
Joan J. Diversi
Frances M. Dowling
Holly Dwight
Debby Eidson
Susanne Fatigati
Betty Ann Hilsman
Joan Hodge
Lu Ann Hutto
Winifred Klein
Julie McCarty
Iris D. Murray
Cynthia Sech
Karen Summerour
Diana Tipton
Janice Tucker
Lucie Canfield, photographer
DSol Productions
Bita Honovar, photographer
Jessie Modlin Photography
Willow Green
signifies members of The Seeds of Change Host Committee
2014 STAFF
Helen Cunningham
Executive Director
Mary Alvarez
The 70/30 Project Program Manager
Tiffany Banks
Volunteer & Church Relations Manager
2014 BOARD
Beth Abernathy, Chair
Cathedral of Christ the King
William (Dub) Anderson
Joy Neal
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Donna Barwick
Mary Brannon
At-Large – Christ the King
Najah Douglass
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Development Manager
EA Program Coordinator
Carrie DuBose
EA Program Manager
Dudley Franklin
Development Director
Robyn Hazelrigs
Buckhead THRIFTique Manager
Craig Mullins
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
Jamie Brownlee, Governance Chair
Rebecca Clements
Charlotte D’Amico
At-Large – St. Anne’s Episcopal Church
William deButts, Investment Chair
At-Large – Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Peachtree Presbyterian Church
Julie Ostrowski
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Lee Pritchard, Past Chair
Northside Church,
A UM Congregation
John Shepard
Trinity Presbyterian Church
Margot Shuford, Development
Chair At-Large - St. Anne’s
Episcopal Church
Ralph Smalley
Sue E. Holec
Carl Drake
Business Manager
Peachtree Road United Methodist Church
Cathedral of St. Philip
Michelle Ramirez
Melba Wynn Hill
Brenda Smith
EA Senior Program Manager
Wieuca Road Baptist Church
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Brandi Underwood
Services Director
Angela Hoyt, Secretary
Northside Church, A UM Congregation
Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Eloise Williams
Rena Marroquin
Stacey Turner
Foundation 3 Program Manager
Covenant Presbyterian Church
Lori Mayfield, Treasurer
Rosie Stokes
Barbara Waters
Cathedral of St. Philip
Belinda McCafferty
Mark Wilbanks
Wieuca Road Baptist Church
Buckhead Christian Ministry
Atlanta, GA
Buckhead Thriftique
800 Miami Circle, Suite 160
Atlanta, GA 30324