The Eagle Express - Prairie Valley School Division
The Eagle Express - Prairie Valley School Division
Page 24 The Eagle Express 2016-2017 Student Calendar Student Days Month 0 August 21 19 Teaching and Student Days M O N T M A R T R E Staff Meeting & Teacher Prep (Non– Student Day) PLC /LIP & Prep (Non– Student Day) September Student Registration & Classes Begin Labor Day (No School) October Thanksgiving (No School) PVSD Institute Day (Non– Student Day) Tuesday August 30 Wednesday August 31 Monday October 10 Tuesday October 11 Friday November 11 Friday November 25 15 December **Last Day of Classes for Students School Break (No School) Christmas Vacation Wednesday December 21 Thursday December 22 to Wednesday January 4 January Classes Resume Staff Meeting/LIP/PLC & Teacher Prep (Non Student Day) First Day of Semester 2 Thursday January 5 Monday January 30 Tuesday January 31 Family Day (No School) Winter Break (No School) Classes Resume Monday February 20 Tuesday February 21 to Friday February 24 inclusive. Monday February 27 Parent– Student– Teacher Conferences (No School) Friday March 17 School Break (No School) Good Friday (No School) Easter Break Classes Resume Thursday April 13 Friday April 14 Monday April 17 to Friday April 21 inclusive Monday April 24 92 Days February 22 March 13 April 21 May School Break (No School) Victoria Day (No School) Friday May 19 Monday May 22 20 June National Aboriginal Day (Recognized Day, no Holiday) Last Day of Classes Staff Meeting/Year End Closure (Non Student Day) Wednesday June 21 Wednesday June 28 Thursday June 29 92 Days 184 Student Days (at 310 minutes each = 950.67 hours) 3 System Days (PD, Staff Mtg, PLC) 2 P/S/T Conferences 2 Teacher Prep Days 191 Total Days S C H O O L Principal’s Message IN THIS Thursday September 1 Monday September 5 November Remembrance Day (No School) Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences (No School) 15 The Eagle Express Date 20 17 + 1 June 2016 Volume 4, Issue 4 ISSUE Graduation Top 5 Memories Field Trips Track & Field Badminton Farm Safety Day Fort McMurray Fundraiser The final days of the 2015-2016 school year have arrived. Staff and students are finishing up with final exams and assignments in order to prepare for report cards. Overall we have had a very successful year at Montmartre School. When reviewing the results from the different assessments that we are required to administer there were some very positive outcomes. Included in this edition of the newspaper is a write up about the Learning Improvement plan and I invite you to look at the results paying particular attention to the results in the Number Strand assessment. When I first came to Montmartre school 3 years ago Math was an area of weakness and now we can celebrate the fact that the work that has been put into this area is paying off! I also must add that it is not only the work that staff and students that is paying off, it is the high rate of attendance that is also making a difference. Thank you to the parents that share in the belief that attendance counts; overall Montmartre School has a 94% attendance rate. As we close out the year I want to wish everyone a restful and enjoyable summer! I will miss the Montmartre School community but am also excited about the new adventure that awaits for me at Sedley School. I have told Mr. Pollard what a great place this is and he is anxious to begin working with you all. If you need to be in touch with the Principal during the summer holidays I invite you to send him an email at [email protected]. Yours in Education, Mrs. Blomquist Goodbye Mrs.Blomquist Montmartre School, staff, and community will be sad to see Mrs. Blomquist leave us at the end of this year. She will be moving to Sedley School in the fall. Mrs. Blomquist came to the school as Vice Principal in 2013. Since then she has become Principal and an SLC Adviser. We would like to thank Mrs. Blomquist for everything she has done over the past three years not only the school but for the students. Although we will be sad to see Mrs. Blomquist leave, we wish her well on this new adventure. The Eagle Express Page 2 Volume 4, Issue 4 Get To Know The Graduates, Continued Extra Curricular M i t c h e l l J e ff r e y S u m m e r s Senior Track We had a great year in track with approximately 50+ students participating. Our zone track meet held May 17th @ Douglas Park was a success as we had 30+ students move on to districts. Also at zones, Sam Chittenden was awarded Aggregate High point winner for pee-wee boys. The district track meet held May 27th @ Douglas Park brought some great competition. Montmartre School had many students place 3, 4, & 5th in their events. We were proud to send Dylan Florek to Provincials June 3 & 4th again held at Douglas Park to participate in Junior boys hurdles & high jump. Competition at the provincial level was exceptional, but the experience was unforgettable. Thanks to all the students who participated and worked hard to tone their skills & abilities, we hope to see you again next year. Mr. Tholl Mrs. Romanow EE: Who are your parents? MS: Sheri and Jeff Summers. EE: What is either your favorite thing/thing you will miss most about Montmartre School? MS: Chillin’ with the Squad drinking espresso. EE: What are your plans/ambitions after you graduate? MS: Business at the University of Regina. EE: What are your hobbies or job? MS: I play hockey and football. EE: Do you have any major pet peeves, if so, what are they? MS: When you try to erase something with a pencil, but the eraser is gone, just metal scraping on paper. EE: What is your favorite holiday? Why? MS: Christmas, best food all year. EE: What is your favorite movie? MS: The Godfather. EE: What’s one thing that makes you proud of yourself? MS: I can tie my shoes. EE: Best concert you’ve been to? MS: Woodstock 1969 with Austin Thomson. EE: What’s something on your bucket list? MS: Make the perfect grilled cheese. Jeremiah Johnstone Draper Participants: Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Grade 7 Brianna Wozniak Bradie Kress Ethan Stanjniak Breeann Kerbs Drew Englot Tenisha Dusyk William Chittenden Jaxon Klapak Ben Sebastian Natalie Hoffarth Jayd Chittenden Jaden Kotylak Alex Perras Carson Glover Adam Herold Caleb Bender Kennedy Marshall Paige Perras Evan Englot Mason Dusyk Jacob Sebastian Dylan Florek Jaden Nell Jaelynn Quam Muraya Tuckanow Alanna Kotylak Caylin Klapak Alyssa Pankratz Celeste Grey Kara Romanow Christine Kotylak Taryn Ripplinger Rhys Englot Luc Englot Carter Baran Mathew Summers Morgan Romanow Evan Sebastian Dylan Grey Jocelyn Mish Thalon Kress Mitch Summers Erin Herold Reagan Chittenden Bryant Gaetz Rachel Holzapfel Neve Stanjniak Emma Brenner Milan Mann Sam Chittenden Tamirat Englot Lily Kary Nolan Pankratz Ethan Lepine Caleb Hoffarth EE: Who are your parents? JD: Nelson and Anita Draper. EE: What is either your favorite thing/thing you will miss most about Montmartre School? JD: Favorite thing would most likely be band. EE: What are your plans/ambitions after you graduate? JD: Plans are to go to Eston College for Martyr’s Life. EE: What are your hobbies or job? JD: Playing video games. EE: What was your most embarrassing moment/most memorable moment at Montmartre School? JD: Laughing in History. EE: What is your favorite animal? JD: Wolf. EE: What is your favorite holiday? Why? JD: Christmas, it is when we celebrate Jesus’ birth. EE: If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Why? JD: New Zealand, because of the natural beauty found there, and kiwi birds. EE: Who is your hero? JD: King David, because he’s known as a man after God’s heart and did some pretty epic things in his life time. EE: Best concert you’ve been to? JD: Tim Neufield and the Glory Boys. Page 23 Page 22 The Eagle Express Get To Know The Graduates! Get to know the Graduates is featured in each issue, this month you will get to know a little more about Erin, Nahtanha, Mitchell and Jeremiah. Erin Rae Herold EE: Who are your parents? EH: Raelene and Russel Herold EE: What is either your favorite thing/thing you will miss most about Montmartre School? EH: I will miss the teachers and my friends. EE: What are your plans/ambitions after you graduate? EH: Go to the University of Regina for Business. EE: What are your hobbies or job? EH: Volleyball, basketball, track, SLC, Newspaper. EE: What is your favorite animal? EH: Elephant. EE: Do you have any major pet peeves, if so, what are they? EH: People with no common sense. EE: If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Why? EH: Europe, love the old buildings and major attractions. EE: What was your dream job when you were a kid? EH: Teacher. EE: Favorite quote/saying? EH: It’s hard to soar like an eagle if you’re working with turkeys. EE: What’s your favorite movie? EH: The Help or Age of Adaline. Volume 4, Issue 4 Page 3 Junior Track And Field Elementary track was a lot of fun this year. The big meet was held at Kemoca Park on Friday, June 10 th. It was a beautiful sunny day for the 240 athletes from six schools. It was Vibank’s first year participating. Other schools included Wolseley, Grenfell, Neudorf and Balcarres. Congratulations to Leah Miller who placed first in her age group. Jabarie Colvin and Maria Chittenden were second place finishers in their groups. We are grateful to the Plainsview Credit Union and the Montmartre Branch of TD Canada Trust who supplied lanyards. Thank you to all the athletes for their awesome attitudes and great effort on track day. We appreciated all of the parents who helped out with track prep, data entering, volunteering in the booth, at events and as group leaders. Finally, thank you to all of the Montmartre High School volunteers who helped out. The day was a million times more successful with you there. Mr. Froese, Mrs. Weichel, Mrs. Baumgartner Nahtanha Amber Lynne Pinay EE: Who are your parents? NP: Colinda Pinay and Mark Herbster. EE: What is either your favorite thing/thing you will miss most about Montmartre School? NP: I will miss my friends, the teachers and the classes. EE: What are your plans/ambitions after you graduate? NP: Attend the University of Regina for Social Work. EE: What are your hobbies or job? NP: SLC and Newspaper. EE: What is your favorite animal? NP: Sharks and buffalo. EE: If you could visit any country in the world, where would you go? Why? NP: Back to Europe, because there was so much that we didn’t see or experience. EE: What is your favorite movie? NP: Remember the Titans. EE: What was your dream job as a kid? NP: University professor. EE: What is your favorite holiday? Why? NP: Thanksgiving, fall, turkey and potatoes. EE: Best concert you’ve been to? NP: Rolling Stone opened by Three Days Grace. BR, L-R: Mrs. Weichel, Mr. Froese, Cassondra Dusyk, Sam Chittenden, Kaden Englot, Janelle Mish, Erika Warken, Jabarie Colvin, Tamirat Englot, Austin Weichel, Alysha Stoppler, Ms. Baumgartner. 3rd Row: Leah Miller, Jesse Pinay, Aiden Smith, Noel Englot, Nevaeh Ripplinger, Delaney Sebastian, Maria Chittenden, Emily Sebastian, Olivia Brenner, Shayne Procyk, Silkee Rider, Davis Wozniak. 2nd Row: Brent McNish, Brielle Warken, Logan Martel, McKayla Procyk, Elyisha Steele-Ackerman, Cruz Klapak, Bryce Pankratz, Cali Englot, Isac Haus, Peyton Arnott, Jonah Perras, Josh Sebastian. Front Row: Madison Storrey, Cadence Miller, Noah Englot, Julian Perras, Rhett Weichel, Sophie Lesiuk, Rory Saulteaux, Calleigh Eberle, Nevaeh Colvin. Missing: Rhys Englot (Coach), many other athletes. The Eagle Express Page 4 Senior Badminton The senior badminton team went to tournaments in Vibank and Montmartre during the season. Their season playoffs began at zones in Indian Head on Saturday, April 30. At zones, Carter Baran was in boys’ singles, Luc Englot and Adam Herold in boys’ doubles, Morgan and Kara Romanow in girls’ doubles, along with Rhys Englot and Jocelyn Mish. No one advanced to Districts. Participants: Grade 9's Evan Englot Adam Herold Mason Dusyk Carson Glover Grade 10’s Breanne Weisgerber Alanna Kotylak Kara Romanow Grade 11’s Morgan Romanow Luc Englot Carter Baran Rhys Englot Jocelyn Mish Coaches: Mr.Stevenson Mrs. Romanow Junior Badminton The Junior badminton team travelled to Kipling for zone playoffs. Adam and Evan made the playoff round and played very well but lost by two in their final games in boys singles. Tamirat and Victoria just missed the playoff round in mixed doubles as did Colin and Caleb in boys doubles. All teams played well and had a good showing. Good work this season to all and see you next year. BR, L-R: Mr. Tholl, Nolan Pankratz, Tamirat Englot, Ben Sebastian, Jaxon Klapak, Colin Swenson, Caleb Hoffarth, Adam Herold, Evan Englot, Sam Chittenden. FR, L-R: Natalie Hoffarth, Kennedy Marshall, Reannah Oberlander. Missing: Austin Weichel, Kaden Englot, Liam Hoffarth, Samuel Chittenden, Victoria Perras, William Chittenden, Drew Englot, Breeann Kerbs, Caleb Bender. Volume 4, Issue 4 PAGE 2 1 Page 20 The Eagle Express Volume 4, Issue 4 Farm Safety The grade 1 to 8 students went to a farm safety presentation in the library. The kids learned what to do and what not to do while working or playing on a farm. There were some very fun experiments that we got to do on roll cages and grain trucks. All of the students learned many useful tips for when they are on farms but had fun doing it C h i c k e n W i n g D i s s e c ti o n The Health 20 class has been learning about body systems. They have done a chicken wing dissection. And recently they completed fetal pig dissection as well. Drama Montmartre School’s Drama club was small but mighty this year. We had 10 students participating this year. The group performed at our annual Drama Dessert Theatre on May 12th. They were a great group to work with and they learned a lot about acting, we hope they will continue with Drama club in the future. Special thanks to Kim Bircher for helping with the Sound system, Lighting, and stage blocking! Mrs. Habeebkutty & Mrs. Blomquist Just Ask Videos Grade 8 & 9 health classes participated in the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region’s “Just Ask Mental Health Contest” to promote positive mental health. Two of the nine videos they created finished in the top five receiving an honorable mention, a $150 prize. All participants won a ticket to the Cineplex Odeon, as well as two participating students from our school won $25. The teachers are extremely proud of all the students for creating fabulous videos. We shared all the video entries from our school at a school assembly. The students that finished in top five are pictured with their teachers. Back Row: Mrs. Shauna Perras, Ms. Connie Baumgartner, Chloe Kotylak, Jaxon Klapak, Drew Englot, Natalie Hoffarth, Ms. Brittany Gabel. Front Row: Dawn Hastings, Paige Perras, Kennedy Marshall. Page 5 The play performed was: Smarty Pants By Bradley Hayward Dallas is a real smarty pants; she can read Hamlet in half an hour! She can’t wait to show off in her new Advanced Placement class. But there’s more Play -doh that Plato and more colouring than Van Gogh. What kind of advanced class is this? Will Dallas figure out Kindergarten High or she flunk? Who’s the real smarty pants? Participants: Erica Warken Jocelyn Bircher Nicole Hagen Danika Arnott Emily Sebastian Olivia Brenner Leah Miller Janelle Mish Emma Hanstock Charlie Sebastian The Eagle Express Page 6 Volume 4, Issue 4 Top 5 Me mories Montmartre School Learning Improvement Plan Results Each Homeroom Class has chosen five of their top memories of this school year. Kindergarten Mrs. Shevalier E d u c a t i o n 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. S t r a t e g i c P l a n s t a t e s : Reading (Grades 1 – 8) Actuals 2014 -2015 78 % Fall 2015 results 73 % Reading (Grades 6 – 10) 76 % 71% Math (Grades 3 – 9) 84 % 78% Targets 2015-2016 Actuals June 2016 81 % (based on F&P) 72 % (based on RAD) 84% (based on PVSD Number Strand Assessment) 78% (increase of 5%) 80% (increase of 9%) 89% (increase of 11%) Mrs. Michael We don’t really have just five memories we really liked all of these things. Minute to win it at assemblies Bingo night Our Field trip to the RCMP Heritage Centre Christmas Concert Skating and playing Broomball Going to the gym Learning to read and write Math class Terry Fox Run We had a great year in our room. Grade 2/3 S e c t o r By June 30, 2020, 80% of students will be reading at grade level or above in reading, writing and math. Everything Painting and Playing in the Castle. Getting Dinosaurs out of eggs. Free Play Santa and Mrs. Claus’ Workshop Grade 1/2 Page 19 Mrs. Tholl The Grade 2/3 have way more than just five favourite memories so here are some of their memories: Learning to handwrite Doing science experiments Halloween Parade Movie Night Being in class with Mrs. Tholl First Day of School Assemblies, especially Minute to Win it. Art Projects Bingo Spirit Days Skating Dear Time Meeting Different Teachers. Prairie Valley School Division local priorities include: Students will demonstrate skills, knowledge and competencies in Science and Treaty Essential Learnings. Students will demonstrate respect, responsibility and commitment to learning. Students will learn in a safe and inclusive environments. Students will have access to a variety of Curricular and Extra-Curricular programs. Actuals 20142015 67 % Targets 20152016 75 % Actuals June 2016 Treaty Essential Learnings (Grades 4, 7, and 10) Positive Relations at School 85 % 83 % 73% 88 % 90 % No Data available* Value School Outcomes 75 % 80 % No Data available* Make effort at School 80 % 85 % No Data available* Student Attendance 93 % 95 % 94% Grade 7 Life Science 86% The Tell Them From Me survey is only administered once per school year, generally in the fall, data will be available at that time. Year-end Progress Montmartre School is pleased to see that we are continuing to improve student learning. From the information that is provided to the teachers from the assessments we have been able to implement intervention programs which have helped students move towards meeting the expectations for their grade levels. Montmartre School is committed to “knowing every student by name and by need.” We are constantly reviewing the data and continuing to put efforts into improving student learning. Congratulations to the Students, Staff and Parents for leading each other through academics, values and a caring school. Page 18 The Eagle Express Page 7 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Aiden laughed until he cried! Xmas concert song and dance practice. Popsicle stick bridge building. Bus bumps on the field trip (Prince of Wales). Playing at Candy Cane Park! Grade 5/6 Mrs. Habeebkutty (Above) Moose Jaw Band Festival VMS Intermediate Band (Left) Super Bands and Laser Quest VMS Beginner Band 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Globe Theatre Ski trip to Asessippi Hockey Day – Pat’s Vs. Red Deer Rebels Swimming in PE Valentine’s Day Curling Party Grade 7 (Right) Celebrations Theatre VMS Senior Band Mr. Froese Grade 3/4 Band As the 2016 school year winds down, the VMS band students have been busy with Band Trips and the Spring Concert which was held in Montmartre on June 15 at 7:00 pm. We are saying fond farewell to Jeremiah Draper this year. The Senior band traveled to Winnipeg, Manitoba in February to participate in the Optimist International Band Festival. The members attended a great performance of Pretty Women at Celebrations Dinner Theatre and had a group supper at Olive Garden. The Intermediate band traveled to Moose Jaw to participate in the Moose Jaw Band Festival in May. They went for pizza at Houston Pizza and enjoyed the Chicago Tunnel Tour as well. The Beginners went to Super Bands in Regina Beach and ended off the day at Laser Quest with two exclusive games and a pizza party. Volume 4, Issue 4 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Field Trip Food Hamper School Dance Ski Trip Pizza Party Mrs. Weichel The Eagle Express Page 8 Grade 8 Mrs. McNish & Ms. Baumgartner Volume 4, Is- Page 17 Grade 9 The Grade 9 class went to Regina for a year end field trip on June 22. They went to the movie theatre to watch Finding Dory. They have recently been learning about common story elements and how heroes in stories tend to follow a similar course of action. Before the movie they went bowling. They day was lots of fun. Student Leadership Council 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Lauren’s blonde moments “Congratulations” – Kurtis Kurtis falling down from the basketball net The gator at the swimming pool on our field trip Squat challenges with Mrs. McNish Grade 9 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Miss Gabel Fighting about cards Mason Google translating French in the bathroom Mr. Tholl’s SMARTBoard Arguing about Mrs. McNish’s golf course stories Mason’s ring Grade 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mr. Tholl Jaden joining our class. Watching “The Hound of the Baskerville” at the Globe Theatre. Having Class Potlucks. Dylan’s Yearbook Picture. Reading “Of Mice and Men.” It’s hard to believe that the school year is done! The We Day committee raised money for local and global charities. They held a hat day, a crib tournament, and a rock, paper, scissors competition. Throughout the year we had several spirit days where we counted those dressed up. The grades 2/3, 5/6 and 12 are the winners, and received a prize. The standings are as follows: K – 78% Grade 5/6 – 77% Grade 9 – 70% Grade ½ - 81% Grade 7 – 76% Grade 10 – 79% Grade 2/3 – 85% Grade 8 – 67% Grade 11 – 64% Grade ¾ - 78% Grade 12 – 80% We could like to thank all the SLC members for a great year, and thank you to everyone who supported the SLC in any way throughout the year. This year, the SLC will be saying goodbye to four members of the Executive: Erin Herold (President), Nahtanha Herbster (Vice President), Kayla Little (Treasurer), and April Johnson (Secretary). Below are some of the Bulletin Boards that have been up throughout the year: The Eagle Express Page 16 Volume 4, Issue 4 Grade 7 & 8 Page 9 Grade 11 We had a lot of fun on our field trip to Regina on June 22nd and 23rd. When we first got there we went to the Lawson Aquatic Centre. We all had so much fun jumping off of the high platforms and diving boards and swimming in the pool. Everyone had a good time playing on the floating mats as well as riding on each other’s backs. Afterwards we went to Houston Pizza for supper and the pizza was delicious! Later on we went to the Science Centre to watch an interesting IMAX film. Once the movie was over we had lots of fun participating in science activities with our group leaders. We played with Ozobots, made different bridge designs, and experimented with chemicals. Then we got to explore the exhibits until midnight. The girls and the boys each got their own floor and we got to pick where we slept. The next morning we had a nutritious and energizing breakfast. Then we went to Laser Ques where they learned about light refraction. We all had so much fun making up our own usernames. Each grade 7 and 8 played two rounds, one with no teams, and one with two teams against each other. Later on, we all went to a huge park with large slides and a really big chair. On the way home we got DQ Blizzards. All of us had fun on the trip, even without our phones. We all agreed that this was one of the most fun field trips that we have gone on so far! 1. 2. 3. Mrs. Perras Blaming Jesse for everyone Grad decorating The potluck incident in which someone hit the ditch and got stuck in a snowbank and the group had to walk back to school in T-shirts over the lunch hour Lake Chapleau Study Swimming at the end of the year Drawing on the chalkboard in the precalc room 4. 5. 6. - Mrs. Weichel & Mrs. McNish & Ms. Baumgartner Grade 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Graduating Roasting April about her driving. Jokes in Calculus. Being the big kids. Mrs. Lang bringing us cookies. Picking our Pokémon Quote. Law 30 The Law 30 class went to Regina on June 6. They attended a tour of the Legislative Building where they learned about the history of the building and saw artwork completed by local artists to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Legislative Building. They also attended the RCMP Heritage Museum. Where we got to watch the Sergeant Major’s Parade. A retired RCMP officer (Dan Toppings) told us all about becoming an RCMP officer. Fort McMurray Fundraiser Mrs. Tholl’s class would like to thank everyone for their support of our fundraiser. We raised $460.60. The students felt it was important to help out people in need. The money is being donated to the Red Cross. Mr. Stevenson The Eagle Express Page 10 Grade 9 Career Fair The Grade 9 class attended the “Try a Career Day” in Balgonie this year. There were various trades there. Some highlights were the firetruck and static electricity station. Mission Zero had a booth there where they dropped tools on a safety helmet and compared safety glasses by shooting them with a nail gun. Heritage Fair This year our school participated in Heritage Fair. The students had a great time learning about many different areas of our Canadian and Saskatchewan heritage. The students who advanced to Regionals were: Emily Sebastian, Ethan Lepine, James Rissling and Zach Wozniak. All the projects were well done! Great job grades 5-8! Volume 4, Issue 4 Page 15 Grade 3/4 Royal Saskatchewan Museum & Science Centre We went to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and Science Centre. At the museum we got to throw atlatls and learn about hunting, First Nations, snakes and fossils. Then we went to Candy Cane Park for lunch and played for a bit then went to the Science Centre. We looked around for 10 minutes then went to the laser maze then went to a movie about space then we went home. -Delaney Sebastian What I liked about this field trip was we got to go to Candy Cane Park for lunch and to play I liked the rolling thing. I liked the mini golf course and at the museum I liked the snake bull and at the Science Centre I like the laser maze and the Test Your Throw. -Cruz Klapak When we went to the museum my favorite part was learning about the First Nation hunting and shooting atlatls. I also liked the snake exhibit. There was a reaction test and my best was 18! When we were at the Science Centre my favorite part was the laser mazes and trying to complete them. We also went to an Imax movie called Beautiful Planet in 3D. It was about space. For the last 15 minutes I played in the hockey section. -Davis Wozniak Page 14 The Eagle Express Volume 4, Page 11 G r a d u a ti o n A w a r d s Field Trips Award/Scholarship/Bursary Presenter Recipient Gerald Fisher Erin Herold Grades 1-3 RCMP Heritage Centre Knights of Columbus Academic Scholarship Lions Community Service Scholarship Legion Athletic Awards Tim Stoppler Kayla Little Harvey Laverdiere Dale Reed Henri Kohler Erin Herold April Johnson Janet Kotylak Janet Kotylak Erin Herold Taylor Ackerman Erin Herold The grade ½ and 2/3 classes went to the RCMP Heritage Centre. We learned how to stand at ease, stand at attention, answer orders properly, and march. If we didn’t do things right we had to do pushups. When you march you start with your left foot, and your arms must be straight. We marched to go see “Courage in Red”, a movie about what it is like at cadet training. The movie showed us what it is like at RCMP cadet training. It looked pretty cool; but very hard work. The training lasts for six months. Every RCMP officer is trained in Regina. Students learned cadets must be in good shape, learn to follow directions well and learn all the laws of the country. We also learned that the job can be dangerous. Next we went on an “I Spy” hunt in the museum. We saw a bombardier, Nero the horse, dog sleds, old cruisers and lots of guns. We got to try on the red tunics and Stetsons. Then we had lunch and watched the Sargent Major Parade. The cadets had to march and do roll call and some were in the marching band. One band member fell and broke his cymbal. He got right back up. Some things we noticed about the cadets: They always run from building to building. It is called “doubletime”. They have to listen to the boss and no smiling. They have different uniforms: Some had yellow stripes on their pants Some wore brown boots. They were very shiny. (It takes 40X to make them shiny.) Men have short hair and women have a short haircut or tight bun. The top officers wear white shirts. For important times they wear their red serge jackets. After the parade, we went back into the museum to cool off. It was an awesome experience!! - Grade 1-3 Achievement Award: Academics, Athletics and the Arts PVSD Leadership Award Student Success Award University of Regina SaskEnergy Scholarship University of Regina Honouring Our Future Entrance Bursary University of Regina Aboriginal Entrance Award University of Regina Centennial Merit Scholarship University of Regina Business Excellence Entrance Program Chittronics Bursary Independent Ag. Memorial Scholarship in Memory of Sharon Hewalo Sherwood Cooperative Award Access Communications Award South Country Equipment Agricultural Scholarship Audrey Perras Award Montmartre School Senior Level SLC Honor Roll Nahtanha Herbster & Austin Thomson Nahtanha Herbster April Johnson, Erin Herold, Kayla Little Erin Herold & Kayla Little Cory Chittenden Donnie Hewalo Reagan Chittenden Mitchell Summers Todd Douan Carla Dusyk Rob Chittenden Kayla Little Nahtanha Herbster Jamie Lafontaine Maria Kary Holly Budrow Jeremiah Draper Reagan Chittenden, Jeremiah Draper, Nahtanha Herbster, Erin Herold, April Johnson, Henri Kohler, Jamie Lafontaine, Kayla Little, Mitchell Summers English– April Johnson & Nahtanha Herbster Math & Physical Education– April Johnson Social Sciences & Sciences—Erin Herold Arts Education– Jeremiah Draper Practical & Applied Arts—Kayla Little Gold– Erin Herold Silver– April Johnson Bronze– Kayla Little All 14 Graduates Subject Awards Cheryl Blomquist Principal’s Medals for Academic Achievement Cheryl Blomquist Prairie Valley School Division Certificates Cheryl Blomquist Page 12 The Eagle Express Page 13 Volume 2, Issue 3 G r a d u a ti o n P i c t u r e s G r a d u a ti o n P i c t u r e s Graduate: Kimberly Kerbs Parents: Shawn & Sandy Kerbs Escort: Cohlton Carnochan Graduate: Tristin Hoffarth Parents: Ken & Michelle Hoffarth Escort: Maria Kary Graduate: Jeremiah Draper Parents: Nelson & Anita Draper Escort: Nahtanha Herbster Graduate: Reagan Chittenden Parents: Rob & Neysa Chittenden Escort: Landon Brennan Graduate: Erin Herold Parents: Russell & Raelene Herold Escort: Dylan Grey Graduate: Nahtanha Herbster Graduate: Taylor– Jean Ackerman Parents: Colinda Pinay & Mark Herbster Parent: Amy Ackerman Escort: Jeremiah Draper Grandmother: Escort: Nick Dahlamn Graduate: Kayla Little Parents: Dave & Holly Little Escort: Jamie Lafontaine Graduate: Jamie Lafontaine Parents: Kathleen Whitman & Roger Lafontaine Escort: Kayla Little Graduate: Bryant Gaetz Parents: Kevin & Val Gaetz Escort: Madison Englot Graduate: Mitchell Summers Parents: Sherri & Jeff Summers Escort: Jessica Runge Graduate: April Johnson Parents: Vaughn & Audrey Johnson Escort: Jordan Klapak Graduate: Austin Thomson Graduate: Henri Kohler Parent: Melissa Thomson Parents: Jean & Marina Kohler Grandmother: Patricia Thomson Escort: Caylin Klapak Escort: Muraya Tuckanow